#Buddie S7 spec
chaosandwolves · 3 months
I agree
Like Buck needs to have that
oh... OH
But as I've mentioned before
I think the first oh will be that he realizes that he can actually date men
I'm 100% convinced he's slept with men cause it's sex, they're hot, why not
But it never occurred to him that he could DATE them
So maybe he falls into bed with a guy or he crushes on one and one little offhand comment makes him spiral
Something like...
"Why don't you ask him on a date?"
And Buck is like...
Wait, I can do that?!!??!?
And then maybe he does and something is off (spoiler alert... Because it's not Eddie)
And then he thinks about it and thinks and then
capital OH
It's Eddie. It's been Eddie all along.
Yes sure he knows he's had a crush on Eddie in the beginning but who didn't? Even Hen said he was beautiful... But that wasn't romantic
Accept it was... It has been
He's been building that life he so desperately wants for years, with Eddie and Chris and it never ever occurred to him that it's a real possibility
And then he'll replay it all and he'll be like.... Wait... Does Eddie have feelings as well?
And then he'll realize the change that happened after the cemetery scene
And he'll be like...
Omg have I fucked up everything????
And then
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
smile at me like you smile at him
buck x eddie || rated: t || wc: 1.8k
Buck hadn’t planned on doing anything to show his displeasure at the sudden friendship between Eddie and Tommy, despite the fact that it sent hot, furious jealousy coursing through his veins. Really, he hadn’t. It’s just…well, he was just going for the ball during their basketball game…unfortunately Eddie happened to get pushed out of the way in order for Buck to get said ball.
Or, the one where Eddie gets hurt playing basketball. 7x04 Speculation/What If.
read on ao3
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I think it would be neat if they did a parallel to 7x05 where Buck & Tommy show up at this restaurant for a date & they're going in and they spot Eddie sat at a table. And of course they go over & Buck's all "Hey! Eddie :D We keep picking the same places for dates! Have you guys ordered yet? The pasta is supposed to be really good here-" etc etc and Eddie's sat there all shocked and shifty and then who comes back from the bathroom but Kim- who smiles and introduces herself and is super pleased to meet friends of Eddies'. But ofc Buck & Tommy are frozen like oh shit Eddie's on a date with another woman- another woman who looks like his dead wife!
(Bonus of now lets watch Buck "we're going to go pick up hot chicks!" Buckley fumble through that situation)
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exhuastedpigeon · 3 months
The dirty suits is giving me major 'we got in a fight in near the bushes and then somehow started making out and oh shit now we're getting nasty' energy. Featuring both of their shirts coming off and when they hear someone coming they panic, grab their stuff, and run, except Eddie's shirt is somehow missing (Bobby finds it the next day in a tree).
And then they have to go back to the wedding and they're filthy and Buck's dress shirt is ruined so he just wears his undershirt and Eddie's is just gone so he pretends he dressed this way on purpose.
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gibuckaroo · 3 months
if buck gives christopher dating advice and it somehow goes to chris asking, “well how do you know that it’s right, that they’re the one?” and buck thinks of how chris is impossibly too young to know and that buck’s not even sure because has he found the one? doesn’t everyone feel like the one at some point? don’t you hope that it’s right, that this person is it?
and that’s his first initial thought, to say that, at this point the important thing is to have fun, to enjoy it, to make sure that he’s nice, that he’s also being treated nicely. but somehow in that thought process wouldn’t the one also feel like that? that you’re having fun with them, that you’re enjoying, that you love them and they love you back.
does the one make you feel like they have your back and you have theirs? do they make laughter come to you like nature intended, how easy it is for smiles to come? does the one make you want to start over recipes just to perfect it and see the satisfaction on their faces? does the one make you all warm and glowy inside when they say something that makes you want to crawl back to a younger version of yourself and hug that kid? does the one make you want to be better without even saying anything, with just the intention of being yourself with them? does the one think you’re worth it? do you think there ever needs to be pretending with the one?
and he’s silent but there are thoughts in his head and all he can choke out is, “you’ll know” and chris is curious see and he wants to know so he asks “how did you know? how do they make you feel?” and it’s not like they’re talking about a specific person and it’s not like specific person may be eavesdropping but buck’s voice comes out very soft and quiet and just, he didn’t even know it five minutes earlier but somehow he’s certain, “like i have a home.”
and it’s chris smiling up at him and it’s the somebody outside his door and yeah buck has found the one
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laserpaper118 · 2 months
I love that we're all having
4416 theories about the sunset basketball scene
6128 theories about the gym conversation
2917 specs about the soot under Buck's eyes
5778 retrospective analyses about color theory
396 specs about the blue paper being Shannon's letter
And then "I love you to the core" fell out of the sky and we just
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eddiebuckley-diaz · 5 months
What if Eddie and Buck split up on the cruise accident…
Eddie goes to find Athena and Buck goes to find Bobby.
Buck and Bobby
Buck panicking in the water from all his unresolved trauma and Bobby helping him push through
Meanwhile Eddie and Athena
Escaping before Buck and Bobby do and both super worried for their partners, wanting nothing more than to go in after them, but have orders not to
Buck and Bobby escape first, both are freaking out, and Buck being Buck goes in after them and when they all make it to safety, Buck goes to Eddie and it’s Buck thinking he was going to lose one of his Diaz’s again.
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
Do you know that scene in books/movies/etc where character A is freaking out or having a panic attack or something and character B does that thing where they grab their face or jaw and sorta steer their attention back to them to redirect focus away from the thing causing their panic?
Yuh just saying I eat that shit up all the time
So if the writers maybe wanna write a scene where buck is freaking out mid rescue at maybe a young drowning victim or just the situation itself and they have Eddie do the jaw grab thing I’m just saying I wouldn’t be opposed to it🤷🏽‍♀️
Throw in some “look at me,focus on me” or a “you’re safe” and I’m actually gonna hyperventilate
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babybucks · 2 months
there's something about how eddie hanging out with tommy could be a parallel to how he chose to go with marjan during the 911 ls crossover...
like: they're in texas, buck keeps staring at marjan aka this super cool and famous firefighter, and eddie can't keep buck's attention off her long enough to pay attention to him. so the first chance he gets, he goes with marjan, even if it meant not partnering with buck.
i have my personal headcanons about that whole thing, so i always thought it was jealous!eddie scoping out the new object of buck's attention, with the bonus of buck not getting to spend time with that person. in the meantime, he gets into her instagram to see what the fuss is about and *subtly* drops that yeah me and buck are coparenting a child and he built my kid a skateboard actually. at the end of that trip, he's friendly to marjan and even asks her to follow buck back on ig (bc he doesn't think she'll be a threat anymore)
so maybe eddie notices that there was something between buck and tommy during the cruise rescue and decides to put a stop to it immediately by putting himself in the middle. and ofc buck gets bothered (and bewildered) that eddie's choosing not to spend time with him, choosing to spend time with this other person, even when buck was the one who thought that person was cool in the first place.
anw i have jealous!eddie on my bingo card so i'm def biased about how i want this episode to go
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Ok so here are my thoughts on the sneak peek or next week's episode:
Ignore the horrible quality screen-caps
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The vibes. They went to a cute Italian place which feels very homey - nothing like where buck has been on dates in the past (mainly coffee shops and bars). They split a pizza, and ordered a pitcher. Possibly beer since that's what they discussed, but honestly could also be ice tea. The napkins are used, which suggests that Tommy is either looking at a dessert menu, or the bill. If he's paying for them both, I could see Buck not knowing what to do with that.
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2. Tommy's face. When Buck says he's "not weirded out" Tommy gives him such a look. To me this means 'oh this man is freaking out'. I don't think Tommy realized that this was Buck's first date with a guy. Yet, Buck is smiling - so I don't think he's unhappy, just out of the comfort zone, which is to be expected. His little head shake when he admits that this is his first time seems almost embarrassed.
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3. This is from the next clip, when Eddie and Marisol show up. I've seen some people speculate about a double date, but this is unlikely to me because they are sitting at a 2 person table, and have already eaten, when Eddie and Marisol just arrived. It is unclear if this comes before or after the other wide shot, because there is more pizza, but less drink. Also, body language. Tommy is open and happy to see Eddie, but Buck looks like he wishes he could hide under the table. His face, his hands awkwardly on the table...
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4. In the clip from the call, the guy is choking buck. My screen-cap is horrible but its clear what is going on. My guess is that this is after the date, because Buck's shirt is open decently at the restaurant and it feels like the guy is latched on hard enough to bruise. Interesting choice to give Buck laryngeal trauma in the episode where he gets Italian - reminds me of Abby and the bread incident in S1.
My overall timeline for this ep goes like this:
Buck talks to Eddie about ankleggate and Eddie asks him if there's anything else and he says no
starts off great
This is my first date with a dude
this was great
Eddie shows up
You're a little tense
semi-awkward ending to the date
Crazy hand call
Station awkwardness/Buck feels like hes lying to Eddie
Existential crisis with Maddie/Hen
Henren baby drama and Eddie's relationship drama
Going to go talk to Eddie
Eddie says he and Marisol broke up
End of ep
Of course with multiple scenes of Hen and Eddie's lives.
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chaosandwolves · 2 months
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He doesn't want to hear from me right now...
I'm the one who did this to him...
It was an accident... He knows you didn't do it on purpose....
Evan... You didn't, did you?
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This was a stupid move of you, Buck. As if anyone could ever replace you.
I'm not mad at you. Maybe a little pissed that you could even think, I'd want to replace you.
But next time, talk to me and don't do this thing where you pull back and spiral all on your own and make assumptions about whether I want you in my life or not and where you think it's for the better when you suffer in silence.
You know what happened last time you did this.
Talk to me. That's what we do. We talk to each other, understood?
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Eddie, I think... I think I might be bi.
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
what happens when eddie puts his hand on buck's shoulder and makes him look in his eyes and says "hey, i love you, okay?" what then
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No but its literally so in character for Buck to be jealous about Eddie & Tommy being friends! Buck's insecurities/abandonment issues come up when new people step in & leave him feeling like he's being replaced/left behind. We saw it when Eddie was first introduced- because he saw this new guy who was seemingly better at everything- his fear of losing his place on the team/his new family made him react. Same with the Lone Star crossover- it takes him time to feel comfortable around new people when he doesn't know where they stand in shifting the firefam dynamics. It's very Buck & it'll be cool to see that brought up & talked about!
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 5 months
several sentences sunday
tagged by @try-set-me-on-fire @daffi-990 @wikiangela @wildlife4life @jeeyuns @disasterbuckdiaz @devirnis
thanks my loves <3
s7 spec fic has been steadily evolving and is kind of turned into an angst fest even in the aftermath of the disaster whoops
Buck is–he looks so tired.
His head rests against the window, eyes vacantly looking at the darkness passing them by. His body is both loose and taut. Legs spread wide so that he takes up every inch of available space. Torse slumped against the seat. Shoulders hunched. Hands clenched into fists in his lap.
It’s not an unfamiliar sight.
Eddie has seen Buck like this before, more times than he’d like. And as always, he’s not sure how to break Buck out of it or if he even should.
Throughout the years he has certainly made attempts and occasionally succeeded when Buck is like this. Moments where Buck has become so lost in his own head, his entire being battered and bruised from a hard day, a hard loss, a hard truth. Moments where Eddie took Buck’s bruises into his own hands, not trying to erase them exactly but help carry them, make his skin stained with that hurt too so Buck isn’t alone.
This feels different though.
Things have felt different for a while honestly and it’s never been more apparent than now.
Eddie can practically see the divide between them, wide and gaping and rumbling, the entirety of it writhing and screaming so loud you can’t hear it, so full of things they have both tossed into its depths, feeding it so that it grows bigger.
So many moments and fears and people placed in between them, a choreographed dance that he and Buck have perfected ever since–well, ever since words thrown out in a graveyard that felt more like knives in Eddie’s chest.
Maybe he shouldn’t place the blame solely on that day, solely on Buck, but it’s hard not to, especially when it took him nearly dying again to be brought into Buck’s arms, a place he has craved for himself with painful restraint for longer than he is probably aware or will ever acknowledge.
tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @diazass @chronicowboy @gayedmundodiaz @spagheddiediaz @911onabc @bvckandeddie @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @folk-fae @lemonzestywrites @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @bigfootsmom @honestlydarkprincess @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @transboybuckley @rewritetheending @athenagranted @malewifediaz @callmenewbie @shitouttabuck @hoodie-buck @butchdiaz @bucks118 @sibylsleaves @messyhairdiaz and anyone else who wants to share!
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gibuckaroo · 2 months
“you know it’s like that thing when you meet somebody and you just… click. you know what i mean?”
and it’s just the past almost six years of their lives together flashing for buck. that first moment he tried to reject the idea of eddie diaz being in the 118 and that whole day of just not letting him in, but it’s hard when it’s just so natural, when it’s just so easy, when it just clicks, you know?
he thinks of the past years and how easy it’s been with eddie, with christopher, with him being with them or so he thinks. because their lives are forever intertwined, or at least he likes it to be. because it’s just ! so easy ! for them he doesn’t need to try hard, for him eddie doesn’t need to pretend. they can rest, they can breathe, they can just be.
everything was like puzzle pieces slotting together like figuring out the last clue in a mystery like finally getting to rest in a couch too small to house your frame but is more comfortable than any bed you’ve ever had.
and just—does eddie feel this kind of ease with tommy, too?
“i do. i really do.”
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daniwib · 2 months
When Buck and Eddie see Chimney running away before his wedding to Maddie, they decide to take matters into their own hands and save the day. That’s what brothers are for, after all.
OR: How Buck and Eddie’s suits get ruined before the Madney wedding.
Read on Ao3 here.
I adore comments, they make me want to write even more! Reblogs are awesome too.
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