#Bruce McGuire
mariocki · 7 months
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Zone Troopers (1985)
"We will not help you kill your own kind."
"The Nazis ain't our kind, pal."
#zone troopers#american cinema#sci fi film#danny bilson#paul de meo#tim thomerson#timothy van patten#art lafleur#biff manard#william paulson#peter boom#max turilli#anita zagaria#peter hintz#bruce mcguire#john leamer#eugene brell#alviero martin#joshua mcdonald#richard band#unexpectedly good! i mean don't get me wrong‚ this is cheap sci fi trash‚ but what else would you expect from indie#horror maestro Charles Band? this was relatively early in his filmmaking career (pre Full Moon‚ and with Empire Pictures just a few years#old; this reunites a lot of the cast and crew of one of Empire's first hits‚ the immortally wonderful Trancers) but it shows the knack he#had for finding young wannabe writers and directors‚ giving them a shot (and a miniscule budget) and getting genuinely good work in return#less sci fi action oriented than that poster would have you believe‚ this is as much concerned with ww2 conflict and character building#but that's a canny move; this is the age of star wars after all‚ and trying to go up against that behemoth on a spectacle and fx front was#pure madness. instead this film tells a smaller story in a satisfactory way‚ with very much the feel of an old Twilight Zone or Outer#Limits script expanded to feature length. Trancers icon Thomerson gets to play a very slightly less grizzled version of his usual#terse and moody anti hero‚ Manard and Lafleur are great supports‚ and Hitler gets punched in the face. what more can you ask?#a silly but ultimately pretty fun time
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wine-porn · 1 year
Since 1962
My absolute FIRST exposure to Santa Barbara wines (and an urban winery before it was cool)–many, many years ago–and still a winner in every category. I revisit occasionally–just to make sure–and across their ridiculously inexpensive roster: never fails to please. Pale chalky transparency in the glass, a blackened ruby fading out to dusty red at the rim. Nose pitch-perfect California Pinot: ripe…
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A Good Woman (2004) Review
A Good Woman (2004) Review
In the 1930s, an American socialite Mrs Erlynne creates a scandal in the high society of the Amalfi Coast in Italy when she seems to be interested in the newly married Lord Windermere. But is everything as it first may seem? ⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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colleenmurphy · 5 months
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It's May, which means it's Jewish-American Heritage Month! Time for a Bonus Round!
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Polls start TOMORROW, MAY 2ND at NOON EST, for round one!
We have 22 contestants entering this bonus round. To qualify, they had to have competed in 2022 and/or 2023, losing in rounds two or three.
When voting, pick whichever character you like the most/whichever one feels more Jewish to you. The "Nice" in Nice Jewish Character Showdown is about the quality of the character, not their personality!
I'll be posting with "#njcs jewish-american heritage month" for this bonus round competition, feel free to track or block!
Competitor list below, matchups releasing tomorrow with the polls:
Data from Star Trek: TNG
Ferris Bueller
Fran Fine from The Nanny
Cristina Yang from Grey's Anatomy
Bucky Barnes
Truman Burbank from The Truman Show
Francine Frensky from Arthur
Lily Moscovitz from The Princess Diaries
Gordo from Lizzie McGuire
Willow Rosenberg
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Edna Mode
Clark Kent/Superman
Steven Universe
Bruce Wayve/Batman
Gretchen Wieners
Ron Stoppable
Werewolves... like, as a whole
The Scooby Gang
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nitrateglow · 8 months
Halloween 2023 marathon: 16-18
The Spiral Staircase (dir. Robert Siodmak, 1946)
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A murderer is slaying "imperfect" (ie disabled) women in a small Vermont town around the turn of the 20th century. Mute since she experienced a great trauma, Helen (Dorothy McGuire) is cautious, but she assumes she'll be safe within her employer's home. Working as a companion to the bedridden Mrs. Warren (Eleanor Barrymore), Helen has to deal with the older woman's moods. As the night wears on, Helen and Mrs. Warren begin to suspect the killer is in the house... but who is it? One of the servants? One of Mrs. Warren's bickering sons? Or someone from outside?
Another favorite of mine! I usually watch this twice a year because I love it so much. The Spiral Staircase is a perfectly crafted thriller with absolutely everything I could want: a sympathetic and smart protagonist, rich supporting characters, beautiful black and white cinematography that enhances the gothic atmosphere, slow-burn tension, and a climax that has me screaming at the TV for the characters to get the hell out of the house.
I really do love the supporting cast in this, especially Elsa Lanchester as the alcoholic maid and Eleanor Barrymore as the mysterious, hardnosed matriarch. But it's truly Dorothy McGuire's show all the way. Her face is so expressive, and like the best horror movie heroines, she is both vulnerable and resilient.
Another thing I love is how the film opens with Helen watching a silent film. It sets up the 1910s setting well, establishes Helen as a sensitive young woman (she's crying at the film), and it makes a subtle comment on Helen's trauma-induced muteness before we're made aware of it.
Not much else for me to say. I've gushed about this one before and it never gets old. It's probably my favorite horror movie of the 1940s, with only Cat People as competition.
The Sixth Sense (dir. M. Night Shyamalan, 1999)
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After being shot by an anguished ex-patient, child psychologist Dr. Crowe (Bruce Willis) yearns to redeem himself by helping another troubled child. Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) is a sensitive, awkward young boy who claims to see "dead people," much to the dismay of his mother Lynn (Toni Collette). Can Dr. Crowe help Cole?
*mild spoilers below, but not THE spoiler from the ending, though I expect everyone knows the twist by now*
This was my first time watching this film.
To rip the band-aid off: I liked The Sixth Sense but it also underwhelmed me. It seems like a solid supernatural drama/thriller with a really cool twist ending, but hardly a masterpiece for the ages on par with the best of Hitchcock, as I've seen some critics claim.
What I liked: Haley Joel Osment and Toni Collette are phenomenal as the troubled son and mother. HJO is probably the most gifted kid actor I've ever seen: in every movie of his from the late 90s, early 2000s (and of course, in the Kingdom Hearts video game series as Sora), you forget you're watching an actor. And in this, he's doubly impressive because Cole is such a tormented character, dealing with powers an adult would be ill-equipped to handle. Collette is just as amazing-- a few of her scenes actually brought me to tears because she made Lynn's pain and helplessness so potent. While Bruce Willis is solid as Dr. Crowe, HJO and Collette stole the show.
The movie's melancholy atmosphere is wonderfully realized too. I think the best ghost stories are less about shocks than they are about sadness and grief. This is certainly a thoughtful movie in that regard.
What I didn't like: There are quite a few campy moments that took me out of the film, mainly involving the ghosts. Now, I ADORE camp when it suits the tone of the story. However, pairing campy, shrieking ghosts that seem like they belong in a 1990s Stephen King miniseries with a delicate exploration of grief and unfinished business isn't peanut butter and chocolate, it's peanut butter and dijon mustard.
I also found some of the directorial choices super on the nose, like the murderess at her victim's funeral wearing a bright red dress. That's a Debbie Jellinsky move, not something appropriate in your uber-serious dramatic movie.
Overall, it was a good film, but I guess I expected something with more psychological ambiguity like classics of supernatural horror cinema like The Innocents, The Haunting, Onibaba, or The Shining. Everything is pretty cut and dried in The Sixth Sense by comparison... but then again, I suppose that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's possible my expectations were too high. I could see myself watching this again and thinking better of it, like I did with Diabolique.
Frankenstein (dir. James Whale, 1931)
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Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive) ignores his fiancee, friends, and family so he can create a living being (Boris Karloff) from an assortment of corpses. It doesn't turn out well.
Frankenstein is incredibly dear to me. I discovered it early in my classic movie geekdom and it was the stepping stone to my becoming a horror movie fan. It's gothic, heartbreaking, funny, and beautiful. While there are slicker movies in the Universal Horror canon, this one is arguably the single most influential, tied with Dracula from the same year. It's definitely my favorite.
I'm not going to write as much about this one because I plan on doing a big post on it for my Wordpress blog come mid-October, so stay tuned!
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rappaccini · 4 months
smash 3 thoughts (glojay AND gwenjay 📈📈📈????)
oh man okay where do i start
with the obvious i guess
it's official. em jay having feelings for gwen is canon. it's no longer coding. it's no longer subtext. it's stated.
it only took ten years but we're finally here. and on valentine's day!
... and gwen's about to lose her world For Good. goddammit.
and depending on how gwen gets ousted from 65 it might even be em jay's big lesbian crush on her that drives her away. god. dammit.
well. one more issue to go. plus the giant size. we'll see.
anyway this is great.
the mary janes being loving and supportive of gwen. i have missed this SO much.
em jay's anger at gwen finally being confirmed to be partially based on her feelings not being returned. em jay's longstanding sapphic crush on gwen slowly turning toxic and consumptive the more she stews in it. em jay watching gwen and dazzler get close and getting jealous. i love it.
glory both demanding that gwen and em jay sort their shit out and getting to stand her ground about being mad that she's getting third wheeled. like YES. glory's whole hangup about getting together with em was anxiety that em's only using her as a placeholder for gwen so thank GOD we're calling that shit out. if we have to go the route of 'yes, em DOES have feelings for gwen that are interfering with her relationship with glory', glory can't just smile through it. LOVE that a writer both knows about glojay and cares about it. can't describe how much the gwenjay shippers who ignore glory piss me off.
it's a definite departure from mcguire glory's 'cracking jokes about em and betty fucking in the green room/chill about gwen and em having pda right in front of her' but if exclusivity IS going to be a part of the glojay dynamic, at least em's being called out
gwen chasing after em in a classic damsel in distress story that we finally get to admit is romantic and not just galpalling. love that.
em's feelings for gwen reawakening her symbiote. love that. perfect revival of how em got carnage'd in the mcguire run.
bruce banner's obsession with dazzler and em jay's with gwen being paralleled. hulk and carnage, both giant rage monsters triggered into rampages by unrequited feelings for someone. love it. what a great new take on the hulk.
the queer gwen fans won. if you like lesbian gwen, you won. if you like bi gwen, you won. if you like ace gwen, you won.
speaking of ace gwen, idk if gwen's obliviousness to em's feelings are indicative of her not reciprocating or of her being so repressed that she doesn't realize she does, but this is an interesting shift from the mcguire run-- where it definitely feels like gwen has caught on that em has feelings for her. still works i guess given that they couldn't say it and gwen spent basically a year bouncing from dimension to dimension.
i like that now that we're going there with gwenjay, they're not trying to make it a ~i was in love with you from the start~ thing like a lot of the shippers want. like, go read the latour run. gwen definitely wasn't. thank you for keeping continuity.
and thank you for not letting em off the hook for the years of shitty treatment she's been throwing at gwen. yes, she's pining but she's also been mean, demanding and unsympathetic towards gwen for ~4 publication years. if gwen instantly melted into em's arms and they were all flowers and sunshine about it, without acknowledging all the bad blood, the relationship would just have a toxic vibe and there'd be a real shitty double standard at play where male character's possessiveness of gwen is condemned while em's is rewarded. we don't need diet new 52 harley/ivy. new 52 harley/ivy is already exhausting enough.
.... that being said. in light of the gwiles-shaped axe about to drop on gwen's neck and the years of resistance to letting gwen be explicitly queer... it's still interesting that gwen is apart from the janes in terms of who gets to be queer on-page. glory and em are a couple. em gets to pine after gwen. gwen... doesn't respond. i have to wonder if the compromise that finally got onesided gwenjay over the hump into canon was: fine, em can have feelings for gwen, but gwen can't return them.
because the thing is, it's still not canon that gwen's queer. the subtext and coding's off the charts, and a girl being attracted to gwen is canon, but gwen still hasn't explicitly shown attraction to another woman or said "i'm ace."
..... and now another of gwen's friends has turned into a supervillain after showing romantic interest in her that she doesn't appear to reciprocate. man what a depressing theme. i'm into it.
part of me hopes em will come back to earth like harry did. part of me's staring at the upcoming ~stuck in 616 for good~ ongoing thinking, oh she won't.
... did they finally let the gwenjay vibe become canon because they plan on never using em-65 or any of gwen's supporting cast again after giant-size?
i guess we'll see.
but hey, still a big win. we're another big step closer to canon queer gwen. that's bigger than any one ship.
i'm very curious to see how smash 4 and the giant-size handle this.
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edwardslostalchemy · 2 months
I recently discovered that there was a movie with the 3 spider men in it and I see this is a good trend/cross over given we have ITSV and ATSV. And now I am thinking of an AU for Izuku where he meets OFA users from the multiverse. And yes, I know that in ITSV and ATSV, they are not Peter Parker, but they all have similar stories; and in the Marvel movies, the 3 are Peter Parker, but have variations of the same story. I would love for this AU to have Izuku be the same Izuku across all universes. I understand the ideal version would be to have either the past successors be the OFA users as, you know, variations of what the movies have as Spiderman. Like Izuku being called his hero name like it would be One For All or something, and Kudou would use that alias, too; Yoichi would use it, Nana, Bruce, etc. just for consistency because I don't think they would pick the hero name Deku as that is specifically for Izuku, so I went with something that was more general. OR Izuku's friends are different OFA users and that would give us like Shouto, Tenya, Ochako, Sero, etc. But in the AU I am thinking about, OFA IS Izuku, just in different universes and at different stages in his life. Like the main character would be 16 year old Izuku with the responsibility of OFA, but then we get adult Izuku from another universe that is already super successful and at the top of his game; another of the Izuku's is like 21 and just started as an official pro hero, promoted from sidekick and he's still trying to adjust to the big boy position. Another one of him would be a little darker where maybe someone really close to him died and he wasn't able to save them so as a result he is angrier and a little cynical (yes this one is for you, Andrew Garfield Spiderman (and yes I know Toby McGuire Spiderman went through a lot of shit, too, but MJ still lives where as Gwen doesn't)). Another of the Izuku's is living a secret life of a vigilante with OFA as his quirk and he wears a more fitted mask and he's SUPER cautious, like out of all of them, he's the most alert and his reflexes are next level even for them. And then idk we get a random Shouto in the mix because Izuku transferred his quirk to him before dying in his arms and Shouto now has OFA so that's why he is in the mix of the OFA multiverse, so seeing all of the Izukus in one room just makes him want to throw up because hes definitely having a fever dream, he's supposed to be DEAD. It would be cool if one of the Izuku's had like purple or orange or blue hair just to change it up a bit for variation in color scheme. And then there's 16 year old Izukus that's in school, trying to just pass his exams but the multiverse opened up and now he has to work with all these versions of himself and Shouto, the OFA holders of their universes, and it's all like AFO's fault or something like that for disrupting the space-time continuum. I think this would be so much fun. When together, at some point, all Izukus cry together for something, it would be great.
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blairwaldcrf · 1 year
new tag game: list ten of your childhood ships
tagged by @strideofpride and @insistonyourcupofstars
in no order (but I did choose the least cringe of them tbf)
1. Zuko/Katara (atla)
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2. Jesse/Becky (full house)
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3. Kim/Shego (kim possible)
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4. Lizzie/Gordo (lizzie mcguire)
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5. Diana/Bruce (jlu)
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6. Keely/Phil (phil of the future)
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7. Tidus/Yuna (ffx)
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8. Joey/Mai (yugioh)
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9. Lex/Lana (smallville)
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10. beast boy/raven (teen titans)
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tagging: @nbshrubberry @freddieslater @takaraphoenix @chasecordelias @legendsofentity @missbrunettebarbie @laufire @furiousfinnstan @rachelblairy if you want!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
List of Jewish Characters for the Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo
I've gotten a few requests for a list of Jewish characters to help people brainstorm for the bingo -- just as a reminder, Jewish headcanons and fanons are totally allowed for the event, so if you don't KNOW whether your character is Jewish, it's totally fine to make them Jewish for your fanwork! :)
But, since people asked, here is a little starter-list of 225 fictional Jewish and Jew-ish characters (characters who are "nebulously Jewish," played by Jews, are Jewish in at least one variation of the character, only make sense if they're Jewish, etc.)
Feel free to add! This list is alphabetized by first name.
Abbi Abrams (Broad City) Abby Stevenson (The Baby-Sitters' Club) Adam Birkholtz (Check Please!) Adam Sackler (Girls) Alec Hardison (Leverage, Leverage: Redemption) Alex Kerkovitch (Happy Endings) Alexis Rose (Schitt's Creek) Amy Green (FRIENDS) Amy Matthews (Boy Meets World) Angela Wexler (The Westing Game) Angelica Pickles (Rugrats) Ann Perkins (Parks & Recreation) Anna Stevenson (The Baby-Sitters' Club) Annie Edison (Community) April O'Neill (Rise of the TMNT) Arnie Roth (Marvel) Arnold Perlstein (The Magic School Bus) Aunt Gayle (Bob's Burgers) Bail Organa (Star Wars) Barney Guttman (Dead End Paranormal Park) Ben Geller-Willick (FRIENDS) Ben Grimm | The Thing (Fantastic Four) Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Star Wars) Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek) Bernie Rosenthal (Marvel) Billy Kaplan | Wicca (MCU, X-Men) Breha Organa (Star Wars)
Bruce Wayne | Batman (DCU) Carl Foutley (As Told By Ginger) Cassie Howard (Euphoria HBO) Cassie Lang (MCU) Catherine Frensky (Arthur) Charles Deetz (Beetlejuice) Charlotte York Goldenblatt (Sex and the City) Cher Horowitz (Clueless) Chuckie Finster (Rugrats) Cindy Hayes (Orange is the New Black) Cole Tillerman (Central Park) Cory Matthews (Boy Meets World) Craig Manning (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy) Cyrus Goodman (Andi Mack) Darcy Lewis (MCU) David "Gordo" Gordon (Lizzie McGuire) David Rose (Schitt's Creek) Desi Harperin (Girls) Dil Pickles (Rugrats) Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) Dodie Bishop (As Told By Ginger) Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) Edward Teach | Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) Elaine Benes (Seinfeld) Elijah Krantz (Girls)
Emily Deetz (Beetlejuice) Emma Geller-Green (FRIENDS) Eric Matthews (Boy Meets World) Erik Lehnsherr | Magneto (X-Men) Felicity Smoak (Arrow) Finn (Star Wars) Ford Pines (Gravity Falls) Fox Mulder (The X-Files) Fran Fine (The Nanny) Fran Parker (Girls) Francine Frensky (Arthur) Frankie Landau-Banks (The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks) Gene Belcher (Bob's Burgers) George Costanza (Seinfeld) Gert Yorkes (Marvel Runaways) Ginger Foutley (As Told By Ginger) Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) Grace Adler (Will & Grace) Grace Windkloppel Wexler (The Westing Game) Greg Universe (Steven Universe) Gretchen Weiners (Mean Girls) Hal Jordan | Green Lantern (DCU) Han Solo (Star Wars) Hannah Horvath (Girls) Harley Quinn (DCU)
Harold Berman (Hey Arnold!) Harold Hooper (Sesame Street) Helen (Central Park) Holly Wheeler (Stranger Things) Howard Wolowitz (The Big Bang Theory) Ilana Wexler (Broad City) Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb) Jack Geller (FRIENDS) Jack Zimmermann (Check Please!) Jake Berenson (Animorphs) Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) Jake Wexler (The Westing Game) James "Bucky" Barnes | Winter Soldier (MCU) James Tiberius Kirk (Star Trek) Jane Foster | The Mighty Thor (MCU) Jane Kerkovitch-Williams (Happy Endings) Jane Smith (Mr. & Mrs. Smith) Janet Perlstein (The Magic School Bus) Janice Littman nee Hosenstein (FRIENDS) Jean-Ralphio Saperstein (Parks & Recreation) Jerry Seinfeld (Seinfeld) Jessi Glaser (Big Mouth) Jill Green (FRIENDS) Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters: Answer the Call) Jimmy Brooks (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Jobal Naberrie (Star Wars)
Johnny Rose (Schitt's Creek) Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things) Josh Lucas (Clueless) Josh Lyman (The West Wing) Joshua Matthews (Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World) Joyce Byers (Stranger Things) Jude Lizowski (6teen) Judy Geller (FRIENDS)
Kady Orloff-Diaz (The Magicians) Karen Wheeler (Stranger Things) Kate Bishop | Hawkeye (MCU) Kate Kane | Batwoman (DCU) Kaydel Ko Connix (Star Wars) Kelsey Pokoly (Craig of the Creek) Kes Dameron (Star Wars) Kimi Finster (Rugrats) Kit Snicket (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Kitty Pryde (X-Men) Klaus Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Krusty the Clown (The Simpsons) Kyle Broflovski (South Park) Leah Birch (Big Mouth) Leia Organa (Star Wars) Lemony Snicket (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Lenny Briscoe (Law & Order) Lenny Bruce (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Leo Markus (Will & Grace) Leonard Green (FRIENDS) Lexi Howard (Euphoria HBO) Libby Stein-Torres (The Ghost and Molly McGee) Liberty Van Zandt (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Lilly Moscovitz (The Princess Diaries) Linda Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Lorna Dane | Polaris (X-Men) Louis Stevens (Even Stevens) Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice) Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) Macie Lightfoot (As Told By Ginger) Marc Spector | Moon Knight (MCU) Margaret Simon (Are You There God? It's Me Margaret) Max Blum (Happy Endings) Michael Moscovitz (The Princess Diaries) Michelle "MJ" Jones (MCU) Midge Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things) Min Green (Why We Broke Up) Missy Foreman-Greenwald (Big Mouth) Moira Rose (Schitt's Creek) Molly Tillerman (Central Park) Mona Lisa Saperstein (Parks & Recreation) Monica Geller (FRIENDS)
Moose Pearson (Pepper Ann) Morgan Matthews (Boy Meets World) Mort the Mortician (Bob's Burgers) Morticia Addams (The Addams Family) Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus) Nadia Diamondstein (The View from Saturday) Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things) Natasha Romanov | Black Widow (MCU) Nick Birch (Big Mouth) Owen Tillerman (Central Park) Padmé Amidala Naberrie (Star Wars) Paige Hunter (Central Park) Paris Geller (Gilmore Girls) Penny Hartz (Happy Endings) Pepper Ann Pearson (Pepper Ann) Peter Parker | Spider-Man (All variants) Pietro Maximoff | Quicksilver (MCU, X-Men) Poe Dameron (Star Wars) Pugsley Addams (The Addams Family) Rachel Berenson (Animorphs) Rachel Berry (Glee) Rachel Green (FRIENDS) Rachel Menken (Mad Men) Ray Ploshansky (Girls) Rebecca Rubin (American Girl)
Ren Stevens (Even Stevens) Riley Matthews (Girl Meets World) Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible) Rose Krensky (American Girl) Ross Geller (FRIENDS) Roza Wasserstein (The Diviners) Ruth bat Seraph | Sabra (MCU) Ruwee Naberrie (Star Wars) Ryoo Naberrie (Star Wars) Sam Manson (Danny Phantom) Sam Windkloppel Westing (The Westing Game) Schmidt (New Girl) Scott Lang | Ant-Man (MCU) Sebastien LeLivre | Booker (The Old Guard) Sergei "Sam Lloyd" Lubovitch (The Diviners) Seth Cohen (The OC) Shara Bey (Star Wars) Shirley Cohen (A League of Their Own) Shoshannah Shapiro (Girls) Sola Naberrie (Star Wars) Spock (Star Trek) Stan Pines (Gravity Falls) Stanley Uris (IT, IT: Chapter Two) Steven Universe (Steven Universe) Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
T.K. Strand (9-1-1) Ted Moseby (How I Met Your Mother) Ted Wheeler (Stranger Things) The Children (How I Met Your Mother) The Goldbergs (The Goldbergs) Tina Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Tina Cohen-Chang (Glee) Tish Katsufrakis (The Weekenders)
Toby Isaacs (Degrassi: The Next Generation) Toby Ziegler (The West Wing) Tommy Pickles (Rugrats) Tommy Shepherd | Speed (MCU, X-Men) Tsabin | Sabé (Star Wars) Turtle Wexler (The Westing Game) Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo) Violet Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Wanda Maximoff | Scarlet Witch (MCU, X-Men) Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family) Will Byers (Stranger Things) Willow Rosenberg (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) Yelena Belova | Black Widow (MCU) Yitzhak (The Old Guard) Zed Necrodopoulous (Disney Channel ZOMBIES) Zevon Necrodopoulous (Disney Channel ZOMBIES) Ziva David (NCIS) Zoey Necrodopoulous (Disney Channel ZOMBIES)
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2023 Reads
A new year means a new book list! I don't think I can top my 2022 count, but that's okay! I'm not totally sure what my reading goals this year will actually be, but I guess I'll sort it out on the way! XD For future reads, here's my 2024 list!
Four Treasures of the Sky - Jenny Tinghui Zhang
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass+
The Bear and the Nightengale - of the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
The Secrets We Keep - Mia Hayes
Indian Nations of Wisconsin: Histories of Endurance and Renewal - Patty Loew+
The First Sister - Linden A. Lewis^
The House of the Seven Gables - Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian - Sherman Alexie
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury~
Fin Mac Cool - Morgan Llewlyn^
How Long 'til Black Future Month by N. K. Jemisin
Lavinia - Ursula K Le Guin^
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin*
Black Cowboys of the Old West: True, Sensational, and Littke-Known Stories form History - Tricia Martineau Wagner+
The Mysteries of Thorn Manor - Margaret Roberson%
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space - Amanda Leduc+
Her Majesty's Royal Coven - Juno Dawson^
She Who Became the Sun~ - Shelley Parker-Chan*
The Witch King - H.E. Edgmon^
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree*
Mistress of the Art of Death - Ariana Franklin^
The Adventures of Amina El-Serafi - S.A. Chakraborty
Humankind: A Hopeful History - Rutger Bregman+
The Folk Keeper - Frannie Billingsly*%
Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens - (Suzy) Eddie Izzard+
Juniper & Thorn - Ava Reid
Upright Women Wanted - Sarah Gailey%
I Await the Devil's Coming - Mary MacLane+
Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut~
Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights - Molly Smith & Juno Mac+
The Woman in White - Wilke Collins^
King of Battle and Blood - Scarlett St. Clair
Sarah - J.T. LeRoy^
The City Beautiful - Aden Polydoros^
Freshwater - Akwaeke Emezi
Always the Almost - Edward Underhill
All Systems Red - Martha Wells%
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
Nevada - Imogen Binnie
A Dowry of Blood - S. T. Gibson
The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli
The Second Rebel - Linden A Lewis
Get a Life Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert
The Hero and the Crown* - Robin McKinley
What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing - Bruce D Perry & Oprah Winfrey+^
Can't Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorne
The Eye of the Heron - Ursula K Leguin
Artificial Condition -Martha Wells%
The Kraken's Sacrifice - Katee Robert%
Crown Duel - Sherwood Smith*
Rogue Protocol - Martha Wells%
Remarkably Bright Creatures - Shelby Van Pelt
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self Involved Parents - Lindsay C Gibson+
Wildcat: The Untold Story of Pearl Hart, the Wild West's Most Notorious Woman Bandit - John Boessenecker+
The History of Wales - History Nerds+%
Ander & Santi Were Here - Jonny Garza Villa
The Glass Castle - Jeanette Walls^
Rosemary and Rue - Seanan McGuire^
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez
Irish Fairy and Folk Tails - Various+
The Dead and the Dark - Courtney Gould
Haunted Wisconsin - Michael Norman and Beth Scott+
The Other Black Girl - Zakiya Dalila Harris
The Ruins - Scott Smith
He Who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker-Chan
Fledgling - Octavia Butler
Vampire Forensics: Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend - Mark Collins Jenkins+
The Vampyre - John Polidori%
This is Halloween - James A Moore
Sorrowland - Rivers Soloman
The Lamb will Slaughter the Lion - Margaret Killjoy%
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Love Her or Lose Her - Tessa Bailey^
One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston*
The Last Hero - Linden A. Lewis
Lovelight Farms - B. K. Borison
Reindeer Falls Collection: Volume One - Jana Aston
Currently reading: One Last Stop (Audiobook to help me sleep XD)
Nonfiction is annotated by + A Re-read is annotated by * A book completed from the list below is annotated by ^ A Read with Empty will be annotated by ~ A Novella %
My current, loose and not that interesting goal for this year is to really work on the books I have current access to right now... at the start of this year. Because it's a lot XD This means books currently favorite in Scribd, on my StoryGraph 'to read' pile, or a book I currently own on my shelves. Main goal is at least one of these a month.
For my own personal reference, I'm putting a list of such books below to hold myself accountable.
Edit: Now the end of 2023, and here's a breakdown of my goal to read books I already had access to at the start of 2023:
I didn't read one a month per se, but I got more than 12 done, so I call this a win. These books are:
-Can't Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorn -The City Beautiful - Aden Polydoros -Finn Mac Cool - Morgan Llewlyn -The First Sister by Linden A Lewis (proceeded by the other two in the series) -Get a Life, Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert -The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls -Haunted Wisconsin - Michael Norman & Beth Scott -Her Majesty's Royal Coven - Juno Dawson -I Await the Devil's Coming - Mary McClane -The Kraken's Sacrifice - Katee Robert -Lavinia - Ursula K Le Guin -Love Her or Lose Her - Tessa Bailey -Mistress of the Art of Death - Ariana Franklin -Nevada - Imogen Binnie -The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli -Rosemary and Rue - Seanan McGuire -The Ruins - Scott Smith -The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller -Sarah - J.T. LeRoy -Vampire Forensics - Mark Collins Jenkins -What Happened to You? - Oprah Winfrey -The Witch King - H. E. Edgmon -The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
The books I did not get around to reading from this list are as follows: Black Water Sister by Zen Cho; Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye (o); The Book of M by Peng Shepard (o); Charity and Sylvia by Rachel Hope Cleves (o); The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (a); The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey (s); Fallen by Lauren Kate (o); Fanny Hill by John Cleland (o); Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender (s); The Glass Woman by Caroline Lea (s); The Great Hunger by Cecil Woodham-Smith (o); Helping Her Get Free by Susan Brewster (o); The Impossible Girl by Lydia Kang (s); Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (o); The Merry Spinster by Daniel Lavery (o); On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (o); The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang (s); Radiance by Grace Draven (a); Watching the Tree by Adeline Yen Mah (o); The Willows by Algernon Blackwood (s); Wings of Fire (o); Witches Steeped in Gold by Clannon Smart (o); The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid (s)
23/46 Whoa! That's exactly 50% of the books I had on my list! That's pretty cool! All in all, I consider this 2023 goal successfully done!
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the-forest-library · 2 years
July 2022 Reads
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Acts of Violet - Margarita Montimore
A Lady’s Guide to Fortune Hunting - Sophie Irwin
Husband Material - Alexis Hall
An Ocean of Minutes - Thea Lim
Mr. Malcom’s List - Suzanne Allain
The Charmed List - Julie Abe
A Thousand Miles - Bridget Morrissey
Nora Goes Off Script - Annabel Monaghan
How to Fake It in Hollywood - Ava Wilder
Float Plan - Trish Doller
Maybe in Another Life - Taylor Jenkins Reid
I Kissed Shara Wheeler - Casey McQuiston
Katzenjammer - Francesca Zappia
Wolf Star - Tanith Lee
Skyhunter - Marie Lu
The Dragon on Ynys - Minerva Cerridwen
A Mirror Mended - Alex E. Harrow
Across the Green Grass Fields - Seanan McGuire
This Woven Kingdom - Tahereh Mafi
Managing Expectations - Minnie Driver
The Storyteller - Dave Grohl
Miss Memory Lane - Colton Haynes
Love That Story - Johnathan Van Ness
Radical Love - Zachary Levi
The Office BFFs - Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey
Amazing Facts about Baby Animals - Maja Safstrom
The Illustrated Compendium of Amazing Animal Facts - Maja Safstrom
Animals of a Bygone Era - Maja Safstrom
Dancing at the Pity Party - Tyler Feder
King-Cat Comics and Stories #77 - John Porcellino
The New Yorker Book of Literary Cartoons - Robert Mankoff
What My Bones Know - Stephanie Foo
Between Two Kingdoms - Suleika Jaouad
What Happened to You? - Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey
Think Again - Adam M. Grant
Four Thousand Weeks - Oliver Burkeman
Tired as F*ck - Caroline Dooner
Craftfulness - Rosemary Davidson
The Mind-Body Stress Reset - Rebekkah LaDyne
The More or Less Definitive Guide to Self Care - Anna Borges
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents - Lindsay C. Gibson
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
We seem to be in a golden era of health and trauma memoirs, and I am so grateful. What My Bones Know is an absolutely stunning story or resilience and healing that gave me so much hope. This one immediately goes to the top of my 2022 reads and is an all-time favorite memoir. 
Goodreads Goal: 233/250 
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads | 
2022 Reads
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sayorseee · 2 years
Rating Zombies 3 Songs!
Alien Invasion: 8/10
Dancing, visuals, vocals. Amazing beautiful song. Very different from everything else in the movie though and the opening song should set you up for the rest of the musical! But the dancing! The vocals!! My goodness.
Also Addison really CARRIED the vocals on this one.
Points off for sing-talking, leave that to Broadway.
Ain’t No Doubt About It: 10/10
Amazing I only come back for the zeddison content and it did not disappoint. The singing? Phenomenal. The chemistry? EXTRAORDINARY. The dancing? Oooooooh boy was it good. That one bit with the aliens? Amazing they should’ve sung more! And that last move from the original zeddison track!!
Come On Out: 3/10
It only gets points because I’ve never felt so much bisexual panic watching the wolves dance until this number. Also I usually hate the wolves’ voices but they sounded pretty good in it! And did I mention the dancing?
Exceptional Zed: 10/10
The lyrics? The dancing? The vocals!! Zoey’s verse! Addison’s bars! The DANCING!! My favorite Zed song EVER!! The Zoey bars?? Addison singing “Zed I believe in you” is giving very “We Got This” and I love it. If it were to get points off, it’d be for the overuse of sing-talking. But this song is so good I can ignore it.
Plus, this is what? The first time we see the Seabrook adults participate in a song? If you watch the video, I’m all the big group dances they’re all in the back just dancing and Vivian and it rocks. Honestly everyone in the cast who isn’t Meg and Milo, or professional dancers, are just vibing in the back. Love it.
Exceptional Zed (Reprise): 1000/10
The lyrics and passion. This feels like the song that wraps up the entire zombies franchise with a neat little bow! Like it takes everything we’ve learned in all three movies, shows how Bruce all grown and changed and learned to live and live together. Exceptional.
I’m Finally Me: 8/10
It was giving early 2000s female protagonists climax song (“What Dreams Are Made Of” from the Lizzie McGuire movie especially). It was amazing, as a song. The visuals were alright. I loved the cheering but all the cuts and angles made it hard to appreciate the routine fully.
Someday: 7/10
The supporting cast has alright vocals…sorry it had to be said. But the emotion was there and I have cried every time I watched the scene. Wouldn’t really wanna listen outside if the movie though. But it’s someday! It’s the song of zombies.
Nothing But Love: 9/10
While cheesy, it felt like a proper goodbye Byron everyone. It didn’t do much in terms of a closing song, but it made me cry for two hours because it really signaled that everything is over. Also, vocals. Amazing vocals, alright dancing.
Overall soundtrack thoughts:
Not enough of the rest of the cast in this movie. I mean I do only watch for the zeddison content, but I missed the Bucky songs and the wolf songs (even though they aren’t great singers and only alright dancers — the three lead wolves at least). And I wish we got more alien songs, because their one part in ‘Ain’t No Doubt About It’ was amazing.
Side note Meg Donnelly CARRIED this soundtrack, with Milo right at her side (but Meg?? Ok voice!)
But for what it was, it was great! Better than Z1, pretty much equally rated as Z2…though personally I will listen to this one more than the Z2 soundtrack.
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singeratlarge · 1 year
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ALBUM OF THE WEEK: SAN FRANCISCO SUSPENSION BRITCHES https://johnnyjblairsingeratlarge.bandcamp.com/album/san-francisco-suspension-britches-audio-diary-entries-1990-95  —An “audio diary” of recordings, demos, and rehearsals mainly from San Francisco locales (including the hallowed Tom Mallon Studios)—a collection of high-energy originals + fun covers of songs by Bruce Cockburn, Donovan, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, + a “Dirty Harry” remake of Scott McKenzie’s “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair).” I was blessed by a fabulous cache of musicians, many of whom joined me on Bay Area stages as The Rover Boys, performing daring and entertaining shows in a “revolving door” of  bike messengers + musicians from the L.A. metal band Soldier, and the (now legendary) confessional power pop band Flying Color. Remarkable artist and singer-songwriter Michael Miller (ex of Exit Records) contributed guitar and poster art. Bassist Adam Savetsky (of The McGuires) and rock-steady drummer Bennett Green anchored the rotation. The “male model” on the cover art (seen on the album cover link) was drawn by the great artist Joe Sloan, frontman for the band Spot 1019. I’m grateful to have worked with these talents. Give a listen:
#SanFrancisco #BayArea #BruceCockburn #Donovan #BobDylan #NeilYoung #ScottMcKenzie #FascistArchitecture #TomMallon #NewWave #rootsrock #flowerpower #IggyPop #RoverBoys #MillionDollarQuartet #SunRecords #Soldier #FlyingColor #ChrisvonSneidern #JohnStuart #MichaelMillerCrusade #AdamSavetsky #McGuires #BennettGreen #JoeSloan #Spot1019 #JonnyV #JohnPhillips #train #JohnnyJBlair 
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claudia1829things · 2 years
"A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" (1958) Review
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"A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" (1958) Review There have been many versions about the April 1912 sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic. Many versions. And I have personally seen at least five of them. One of them happened to be the 1958 movie, "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER".
Directed by Roy Ward Baker, "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" is based upon historian Walter Lord's 1955 book about the historical sinking. Since the 1958 movie was based upon a historical book instead of a novel, Baker, producer William MacQuitty and screenwriter Eric Ambler approached the film's plot in a semi-documentary style. Even the movie's leading character turned out to be the Titanic's Second Officer, Charles Lightoller, who was portrayed by actor Kenneth More. The movie also featured other historical figures such as J. Bruce Ismay, Thomas Andrews, Captain Edward J. Smith and Margaret "Molly" Brown. Due to this semi-documentary approach, "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" is regarded as the best movie about the Titanic. I cannot deny that there is a great deal to admire about "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER". Not only do I feel it is an excellent movie, I could see that Roy Ward Baker did his best to re-create that last night aboard the Titanic. He and Ambler gave the audience glimpses into the lives of the ship's crew and passengers. The movie also went into great detail of their efforts to remain alive following the ship's brief collision with an iceberg. Some of my favorite scenes include the Irish steerage passengers' efforts to reach the life boats on the upper decks, the wireless operators' (David McCullum and Kenneth Griffin) efforts to summon other ships to rescue the passengers and crew, and passenger Molly Brown (Tucker McGuire)'s conflict with the sole crewman in her lifeboat. But my favorite scene has to be that moment when the Titanic's stern rose high before the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean. For a film shot in black and white during the late 1950s, I must admit that "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" looked very handsome. Legendary cinematographer Geoffrey Unsworth's phtography struck me as sharp and very elegant. I do not know if Yvonne Caffin's costume designs for the movie's 1912 setting was completely accurate, but they certainly did add to the movie's late Edwardian atmosphere. Especially those costumes for the first-class passengers. I do have to give kudos to the special effects team led by Bill Warrington. He and his team did a superb job in re-creating the ocean liner's historic sinking. I am even more impressed that their work still manages to hold up after fifty-four years. The cast of "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" was led by Kenneth More, who portrayed Second Officer Lightoller with his usual energetic charm. More was ably supported by the likes of Laurence Naismith as Captain Smith, Michael Goodliffe's poignant portrayal of ship designer Thomas Andrews, Frank Lawton as J. Bruce Ismay, George Rose as the inebriated survivor Charles Joughin and Tucker McGuire's colorful portrayal of American socialite Molly Brown. The movie also featured future "AVENGERS" and Bond veteran Honor Blackman; David McCullum of "THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E." and "N.C.I.S." fame; and Bernard Fox, who will also appear in James Cameron's 1997 movie about the Titanic sinking. Even Sean Connery made an uncredited appearance in the film, but I never did spot him. But despite the numerous good performances, I honestly have to say that I found nothing exceptional about any of them. Like many others, I used to believe that "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" was the best movie about the Titanic. After this latest viewing, I do not believe I can maintain that opinion any longer. In fact, I am beginning to suspect there may not be any "ultimate" Titanic film. And "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" is not perfect, as far as I am concerned. Many have applauded the filmmakers for eschewing any fictional melodrama or using the sinking as a backdrop for a fictional story. Personally, I could not care less if a Titanic movie is simply a fictional melodrama or a semi-documentary film. All I require is a first-rate movie that will maintain my interest. "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" began with a montage of newsreel clips featuring the Titanic's christening in Belfast. One, the ship was never christened. And two, I could see that the newsreel footage used in the movie dated from the 1930s. The movie tried its best to allow the audience to identify with some of its characters. But due to "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" being a docudrama, I feel that it failed to give an in-depth study of its more prominent characters . . . making it difficult for me to identify with any of them. I realize that "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" was a British production, but I was amazed at the low number of American passengers featured in the cast. The 1953 film, "TITANIC" suffered from a similar malady - the only British characters I could recall were members of the crew. I do remember at least three Americans in the 1958 movie - Molly Brown; Benjamin Guggenheim, portrayed by Harold Goldblatt and a third passenger, whose name escapes me. I was satisfied with McGuire's performance as Molly Brown and the nameless actor who portrayed the third American passenger. But Goldblatt portrayed Guggenheim as a member of the British upper class in both attitude and accent. It almost seemed as if the filmmakers wanted Guggenheim to be viewed as a British gentleman, instead of an American one. Walter Lord's book made it clear that one of the last songs performed by Titanic's band was NOT "Nearer My God to Thee". Yet, the filmmakers chose to perpetrate this myth in the movie by having the remaining passengers and crew sing the song en masse before the ship began to sink in earnest. This pious attitude continued in a scene aboard the R.M.S. Carpathia, in which the survivors listened to a religious sermon. Instead of projecting an air of melancholy or despair, the survivors, thanks to Ward Baker, seemed to project an air of the British stiff upper lip cliche. I feel that a melancholic air among the survivors would have made the scene seem more human. I cannot deny that "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" is a first-rate look at the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic. More importantly, the movie and especially the visual effects still hold up very well after half-a-century. But the movie possesses flaws that make it difficult for me to regard it as the best Titanic movie ever made. Perhaps . . . there is no best Titanic movie. Just bad or well-made ones.
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byrdys · 1 year
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Now Playing: Sheela Na Gig by Pj Harvey
[cis female and she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [SIOBHAN BYRD]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [JESSICA CHASTAIN]. You must be the [FORTY] year old [MATHEMATICS TEACER IN AURORA HIGH SCHOOL]. Word is you’re [HELPFUL] but can also be a bit [ALOOF] and your favorite song is [SHEELA NA GIG BY PJ HARVEY]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
Name: Siobhan Byrd (Nee Valdes, Byrd is her maiden name)
Birthplace: Derry, Maine
Nicknames: Shiv (She hates it)
Age: Forty
Star sign: Capricorn “Practical, Patient, Begrudging, Ambitious”
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: High school Maths teacher
father: Callum Byrd (Scottish Immigrant from Glasgow)
mother: Maureen Byrd (Nee McGuire, 1/2 Irish, 1/2 Scottish)
siblings: Bruce, Callum Jr, Patrick (All older brothers)
Spouses: Cristian Valdes (Ex Husband)
Children: Victor Valdes
Tw: Death of a family member, post-partum depression
Siobhan was born in Maine, the only daughter of Callum Byrd a Glasgow native, and his wife Maureen. The youngest of 4 children, Siobhan was raised alongside her brothers by the docks. The family owned a bait an tackle shops, passed from their grandfather McGuire to their mother, and ran by their parents collectively. When the children weren’t scrounging up worms from the grass or fishing for crab shells for the lucky bait box, they were out in their Grandfathers boat. The Danu was a small but hearty little boat that often took on more water than she did passengers, but Siobhan loved it never the less. 
She and her grandfather were close and for a long time, her life was a simple one. She had no real desire to leave Maine. Until she did. One by one, her brothers had begun to leave. They married, or attended University. One even went to live in Scotland. Soon, only Siobhan was left. When her Grandfather eventually died after a short but traumatic illness, Siobhan decided to follow in her siblings footsteps. She moved to New York to attended teaching college, she lived in the city for years, before deciding to leave and travel.
​It was on these travels that she met Cristian. For Siobahn, it was love at first sight. She adored him and the first few months they spent together, seeing the world and falling asleep under the stars as a tangle of tangible limbs, was everything to her. She was so happy. Until she wasn’t
Siobhan had no desire to be mother, she had never wanted children. Yet for Cris, she was willing to try, she loved him after all and perhaps that would be enough. Then they moved and then the small town life Siobhan had grown up living, became claustrophobic and terrible. She had become too used to big city living, to money and wealth and Cris being hers and hers alone.
Perhaps that made her selfish. Perhaps it made her a terrible person to look at her own baby and feel nothing but contempt. Yet she did, she was sad and irritble and hated living where she was. She and Cris would fight and she would disappear for most of the night, leaving him alone with the child. Victor wasn’t yet a year old when she asked Cris for a divorce. It broke her heart to leave the man she had loved to much, but she could not be a part of this family any longer. Motherhood had not agreed with her. For a considerable sum of money, Siobhan agreed to relinquish all rights and custody of Victor to his father. Siobhan did not say goodbye to her ex-husband when the boxes were packed, nor did she hold her son one last time.
Siobhan travelled for a while, settling long enough to teach and make a little bit more money, though the majority of what she used game from her divorce settlement. It has only been in the past few months that she has noticed it has started to run out. So, using what little fortune she had left, Siobhan hastily bought a house back in Aurora Bay without telling anyone and now, she has returned without either her ex husband or their son knowing about it. 
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