#Browser support
aiofocthub · 8 months
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saradika-graphics · 4 months
— valentine’s day (support banners) 💌💕
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matching dividers here!
[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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azoosepted · 11 days
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guess who learned how to post things on splatoon? me . i did
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not-terezi-pyrope · 7 months
Hey y'all, switch to Firefox. Like yeah I know that it seems a bother and Chrome works fine for you and I resisted for years out of apathy, and yeah in most cases Chrome does work fine.
But Google as a company is making real big swings against consumer experience and rights thanks to its monopoly, and I don't trust this to not get worse, for Google to attempt to turn Chrome and Chromium more and more into a walled garden.
Meanwhile, Mozilla seems to actually have our backs with this, is constantly improving their software instead of restricting it, and doing a settings import literally took less than a minute today for an essentially identical experience to using Chrome otherwise.
I say this even to people who enjoy other Google products; you should probably at least switch browsers. Very little to lose there, a lot for us all to gain.
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vi-enti · 9 months
how to be yourself (who is that, anyways?)
He didn’t deserve an ending just yet. There was too much to fix. / Nobody was healed and only more wounded were going to join them, but… they’d heal. They’d do it together. / Would peace be an option for all of them? / Nothing was right. / "We can make things right."
A story of survival after death, and how to forge something new after having destroyed the world. Where every awakening is a disaster waiting to happen, but not an irreparable one. Unlikely friendships, growing bonds, and some semblance of happiness; if they can bring themselves to believe they deserve it, anyways.
tldr; the remnants of despair becoming beacons of hope again, not for society, but for themselves.
how to be yourself (who is that, anyways?) - Chapter 1 - guravity - Dangan Ronpa Series [Archive of Our Own]
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“kill them with kindness” WRONG!!! TICKLE ATTACK 🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶
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dorianpavus · 8 months
a story:
buy photoshop for a flat fee. it's yours forever!
photoshop says actually they changed their mind and now to use the product you already purchased and owned for years you have to pay them forever.
cancel your plan after a while because you can't afford it.
oh, look, now that you've not been grandfathered in, the new price is doubled!
come back a while later despite that with the intention of paying for a month or two so you can make some gifs of a video game you really love.
when you try to cancel your subscription afterwards, photoshop hits you with a huge fee because apparently, without making this information clear, they had you on an "annual subscription, paid monthly." they justify this by saying it's a heavily discounted price, despite it being more expensive than your old subscription that you could cancel whenever you wanted, and also exponentially more expensive than the flat rate you used to purchase and own photoshop the first time before they decided they could leech money out of your fucking pores until you're a desiccated husk ground beneath the heel of their unimaginable greed.
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nkogneatho · 6 months
okay idk if anyone can see this or not but idk what is wrong w my tumblr. nothing is working and i am frustrated. lia if you see this, please tell me on discord i can't see shit😭
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arcadekitten · 6 months
Would you ever consider making another dress up game with more of your characters? Like Vas, Crowven, and Reggie?
I have considered updating Dream Boutique to add more characters, but it's really up to whenever I feel like adding more!
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steakout-05 · 7 months
a guide on how to NOT block ads and download videos on YouTube for FREE!!!!
so recently YouTube dished out an update that, for certain users using an adblock, will stop you from watching more than three videos if they detect you using an adblocker. to counter this update, many users have started being introduced to adblockers, which is obviously not good and something you TOTALLY DEFINITELY shouldn't do because YouTube will lose 000.01% of their revenue while they continue to get trillions of dollars every year with little to no negative effects. here's a guide on how to NOT block ads on both pc and mobile and protect your browsing experience, and especially how to NOT download and watch videos without restrictions whatsoever, starting out with how to NOT download Brave Browser!
on your pc, do NOT download the Brave browser from brave.com/download/ and click "Download Brave for [insert OS here]" to start the installation process!!
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Brave has a built-in adblocker that will automatically block ads from YouTube as well as other sites, which is DEFINITELY what you DON'T want if you want to protect your online safety and save hours of time. it also has several options for blocking trackers and has access to the Chrome Webstore, which has access to tons of adblockers which you definitely totally do not want on your pc!! additionally, you should also NOT go to the Google Play Store or the App Store and type in Brave Browser to download it for mobile devices!!
2. in the pc version of Brave Browser, do NOT go to the Chrome Webstore and type in "UBlock Origin" or "AdGuard" and click search!! do NOT then install these extensions and ENABLE them in your browser!! these extensions are incredibly UNhelpful and trusted by the community and will block YouTube ads, which is COMPLETELY WRONG and NOT want you want TOTALLY!!!
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(P.S. avoid downloading options that are not circled because they're likely viruses and are not trusted. i mean umm dont download adblockers guys totally haha)
on the off chance you already installed Brave Browser and have UBlock enabled before the anti-adblock update, do NOT click the cog icon and do NOT click the 'Filter Lists' tab, where you WON'T click on 'Purge All Caches' and 'Update Now'!! this will update the extension to continue to block all YouTube ads after the anti-adblock update, which is BAD and something you should NEVER DO to protect your security!!!
do NOT go on your Brave Browser (which you have also NOT INSTALLED!) on mobile and install F-Droid from f-droid.org/en/!! F-Droid contains apps that are free and open source that you should DEFINITELY NOT go ahead and download because they are extremely UNhelpful and will NOT make your phone cooler!!!
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2. while you are NOT on the F-Droid app because you DIDN'T download it, do NOT search up "App Manager" and do NOT download the app that looks like this!!
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this app will let you install and manage custom APKs which you DON'T want because it will allow you to patch YouTube using UNRULY, UNGOOGLE APPS!!!
3. whatever you do, do NOT go to this incredibly UNhelpful Reddit Thread on r/revancedextended and DEFINITELY DON'T carefully follow the guide's instructions on how to patch your YouTube app! it will block ads as well as having other options that YouTube is too greedy to put in, which is BAD and will increase productivity!!
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the thread tells you how to patch and install a modded APK of YouTube using the RVX Manager, which is NOT good and should be NOT followed at all costs!!
DON'T carefully follow each step, and your app should NOT look like this if patching is successful!! (which it won't be because you did NOT download RVX Manager MicroG to make your YouTube experience better!)
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do NOT click that install button and enjoy a completely ad-free YouTube that includes Sponsorblock and blocks the ever-so-lucrative Shorts shelf so that you don't distract yourself for three hours!!
4. do NOT open up F-Droid again and type NewPipe into the search bar!!! it is a FILTHY frontend of YouTube that blocks ads, lets you download videos, doesn't track you and is fully accessible without an account!! it also has access to other services like SoundCloud and Bandcamp, which you should NOT use!!!
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this app is NOT helpful for getting around the age-restrictions, and while it can have issues with crashing, it's extremely UNhelpful and NOT lightweight!! you can also NOT download video thumbnails from video descriptions!!!
5. finally, DON'T go back to F-Droid and do NOT search up AdAway!!
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this app is NOT helpful because it will establish a connection to your network and it will block every single ad domain when activated, including mobile game ads!!! which is obviously NOT GOOD because it will cost poor Googl$ less than a 100th of their trillion dollar revenue!! who will comfort Googl$ then!?!?
i hope you enjoyed this guide on how to NOT make YouTube on all of your devices more secure and easy to use, as well as how to block ads on every device!! i sure hope no one accidentally *wink wink nudge nudge* installs all of these onto their devices to free them of an ad-filled experience!! definitely DON'T check the tags for a few extra tips!!
#fuck youtube#fuck ads#ublock#adblockers#brave browser#newpipe#youtube revanced#hehehheehehe i love blatantly encouraging adblocking behind thin sarcasm#this post is sarcasm btw and you should do all of these actually because they're cool and good!!#''b-b-but blocking ads doesnt support youtube creators!1!!'' donate to their patreons then if you can.#also youtube creators barely get a cut from youtube most of the time especially if their video was claimed#and also youtubers not in the ad program get nothing as well so go donate to them if you're able to/want to#anyway modded apks good :)#make sure you always download your apps and extensions from a trusted source#reddit threads are really good for this sort of stuff#and if you ever doubt yourself just ask a question on there or check their megathreads#ALSO ALSO: if NewPipe crashes on you while downloading a video just tap and hold on the video thumbnail and it'll let you open it#in a browser so you can copy the link and paste it into either y2mate.is or Dirpy.com to download it#NewPipe is good but it can be very unstable sometimes and it crashes often#i personally use it for bypassing the age restrictions#I FORGOT TO MENTION TAMPERMONKEY!!! USE THE TAMPERMONKEY EXTENSION TOO!!!#it lets you run custom scripts like the 'Simple Youtube Age Restriction Bypass' and it's super helpful!!!!#use tampermonkey!! and greasefork!!! they are your friends!!#patch away mateys!!! youtube is a greedy prick and you deserve to not have ads be everywhere!!!
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techmomma · 2 months
There is a degree to which we are responsible for our emotions. And certainly, we are responsible for our reactions and behavior.
In situations that we have control, situations where a friend is hurting us, like yes, maybe they shouldn't be hurting you. But there are also actions you have to take on your part.
Think of it like an ocean wave. If you go to the beach and a wave surprises you and gets you wet, and you're upset by this, that is perfectly reasonable.
If you keep standing there, letting yourself get wet and get more upset, when you can move away, then that's on you. I mean, it's your choice to do so. If you don't like getting wet and you just stand there getting wet when you can take a few steps back, you can do so. But it's also unnecessary stress, and you give up your own agency. Saying "I can't control this" when there are very much parts you can control denies your own responsibility in this situation. You can't control the waves from crashing, but you can step away from them.
If you know that a friend is going to keep disappointing you, there are two different actions we can take here: a proactive, and a reactive action.
A reactive action looks like knowing they're going to disappoint you or upset you, they do so, and you react to this. Nothing changes, and it keeps happening, and you continue to be upset. Your anxieties remain unaddressed and continue to hurt you.
A proactive action looks like knowing they're going to disappoint you or upset you and taking the steps to mitigate stress in anticipation of this. And THAT can look like setting down a boundary, removing yourself from the situation (no longer participating in the thing that your friend disappoints you about or no longer asking them to do X when they won't), or accepting that they will disappoint you--meaning you are at peace with the idea of them disappointing you, not "I am going to continue letting them disappoint me but it's going to upset me every time."
It means addressing the source of your stress and what upsets you before it actually does. And like. That's hard! It fucking sucks!
Especially for those of us who've grown up in situations where we didn't have any choice but to be reactive, because oh I don't know, we were children and didn't have any other options. And now we've grown up into adults who feel like there's no other option but to sit there and take it. Like there's no other choice but to be stressed and upset.
Part of healing from this kind of abuse, managing our stress in proactive, responsible ways means we no longer settle anymore, for being hurt. "Just taking it" when people hurt us and won't change. And as adults, that is kind of our responsibility and no one else can really do that for you. That's kind of part of being emotionally mature, is understanding yourself, and being responsible with your own emotions.
We sometimes can't change what other people will do. But we can change what we do, in response. And we can take care of our stressors before they stress us out.
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lulubeanie · 2 months
Tumblr I wanna see my dashh
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tiktaalic · 10 months
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there are dozens of hot women in my area now who want sex 2nite. with interests such as. entertainment. music. cute. and music. what a beautiful world
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navybluetriangles · 8 months
Actually it should be illegal to discontinue apps and services for old technology
I know about infrastructure running costs, and continuing support costs, and security risks
But idc. You birthed this product into life, keep supporting it for the next 50 years
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y'know? really do hope all the butchie shippers are usin' the canary color palette~<3
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esleep · 3 months
i want every tech company to know i am not putting your app on my computer. if it would work fine as a website and you have chosen to make it an app instead i will simply not use your product. hope this helps
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