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miracleshealthcare · 10 months
4 Reasons Why You Need Full Body Check Ups Regularly - Miracles Healthcare
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Regular full body health check-ups are essential for maintaining good health and preventing potential medical issues. Here are four reasons why you need to get full body check-ups regularly:
Early Detection and Prevention: Regular full-body check-ups can help detect potential health problems at an early stage, even before symptoms appear. Many serious illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, may not show obvious symptoms in their initial stages. Early detection allows for prompt intervention and treatment, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes and reducing the risk of complications.
Personalized Health Assessment: Full-body check-ups provide a comprehensive overview of your health status. Miracles Healthcare professionals can assess your risk factors, lifestyle habits, and medical history to create a personalized health plan. This plan may include recommendations for diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes that can help you maintain or improve your well-being.
Peace of Mind: Regular check-ups offer peace of mind by confirming that you are in good health or addressing any concerns. Knowing that you are actively monitoring your health can reduce anxiety and stress related to potential health issues. It also empowers you to take control of your health and make informed decisions about your lifestyle.
Cost-Efficient in the Long Run: While full-body check-ups may involve some upfront costs, they can save you money in the long run. By identifying health issues early, you can avoid more expensive and intensive treatments that may be necessary if a condition worsens over time. Preventive care is generally more cost-effective than treating advanced diseases.
Remember, the frequency of full-body check-ups may vary based on factors such as age, family history, and existing health conditions. Online Consult with specialist doctors at Miracles Healthcare to determine the appropriate schedule for your check-ups. Regular check-ups, in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, can significantly contribute to your overall well-being and longevity.
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ya-zz · 1 month
Ramattra Drabble
“Where are you going?” His sudden question catches you off guard.
“I have to go to work. I got called in.”
“But you have not slept.” He states.
You shrug, pulling on your shoes. “It’s nothing new.”
“That is not healthy. Have you had breakfast?”
A shake of your head causes the omnic to stand up.
“I can’t. I have to catch this bus otherwise I’m late.” You pull on your coat, throwing your bag over your shoulder.
Ramattra approaches you, leaning down and pressing his faceplate against your forehead. “Be safe. I will cook for you when you return.”
“I’ll text you when I’m on my way home, whenever that is. I love you.”
He hums as he watches you rush out of the apartment. There was concern running through his wires at how exhausted you look.
“And I you…”
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soft-girl-musings · 1 month
ah yes i knew i was overdue for the next round of my favorite game: is this allergies, COVID, or something i picked up from the work children
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badxwolf · 1 month
This is a long shot but I’m trying to find a Doctor Who book that I had as a kid and I don’t remember anything about it except the Rose Tyler page. It’s not the Encyclopedia but it might be the Character Encyclopedia? I’m pretty sure it was just NuWho with Nine, Ten and Eleven.
I managed to find a picture of the page on Google but the website didn’t say where it was from and I have no idea how to find it. If anyone recognizes it and can help me find the book I’d be very grateful!
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thinking about possibly putting the whump on hold; if I do, knowing me, I'll likely never return to it, but I do have an exam to study for that I'm just not studying for, so I don't know. Maybe I need to just set a timer at the start of the day and write for that long... I should be able to write a chapter in an hour, and that's a generous allotment. But I've been taking way longer than that in putting it off. I need to pass this exam - it's more important than writing, but right now... I don't know. With a current average of 47% I get mildly suicidal if I think about the class at the moment. I'm scared of placement. I don't see myself living that long. I don't even know why, because I'm not seriously suicidal. I don't understand.
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mitamicah · 9 months
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raytorosaurus · 11 months
i want to go somewheeerrrreeeeeeee.
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icepixie · 4 months
I would like to take a vacation from my body, please.
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pepsi-maxwell · 4 months
may be back btw how we doing
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lupsbro · 5 months
welp i am crying
thanks taz balance episode 69
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nessa007 · 8 months
i can feel my depression creeping back up on me
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tianshiisdead · 5 months
u may ask me ‘why do you never draw japan if japan is ur favourite’ well the answer to that is that i also hate him and throw him against the wall daily. do i love him more than i hate him? who knows.
But, I do think it’s a little sad i never get around to Japanposting. i have a lot of thoughts, a lot of fascination, some of it a little morbid. Japan lies at the center of my historical interests and yet never quite within them: colonialism in Northeast Asia and postcolonial modernity. Even when outside of the room and not in the conversation, its presence is always looming just beyond the margins, always heavy, and usually bitter. I’m fascinated with what colonialism did to East Asia, and what colonialism did to Japan, the metropole. I’m fascinated by the rocky road to modernity and the ways nonwestern imperialism dresses itself in the language of liberation. I’m fascinated, if equally disgusted, by the gendering of nations and ethnicities in the eyes of both its self and other, the national-relations-as-romance depictions in then-popular propaganda films, in the blurry margins of intra-regional popular culture movements in wartime, and the cultures that emerge from surviving under a colonization that must have felt as though it would never end.
And when I think about it and consider painting, it leaves me a little wistful but also a little lost on how to approach art of Keekoo. I study this history’s shadow, I build my thoughts through a series of absences, I view it by viewing what it has done and the things it’s created - and destroyed. But… I am interested! I have a lot of strong feelings about this character. His contradictions are fascinating to me, even a little intimate. I worry I build him too much from my own viewpoint, poisoned by my family’s history as colonized, I worry that when I carve out what I think he should be I can’t help but focus too much on the shadows created rather than the object itself creating them.
But angst aside I do want to come up with a painting focusing on Kiku and Japan itself and not just having him ominously off screen somewhere LOL
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meteormemoirs · 5 months
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Everybody over 30’s favorite game: is this arthritis or did I really hurt something?
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spacelesscowboy · 11 days
sometimes i'm like i don't have adhd and then the Executive Dysfunction literally starts driving me crazy
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yall i might have like bone cancer or something
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isopode · 6 months
anyone who doesnt get recurrent utis i want u to take a minute to thank the universe. cranberry juice tastes godawful & antibiotics r expensive as hell
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