jaketeachesdeath · 7 months
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Getting friendly at last. I must note that appears to have been a rather large Snake afterall!
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byfaithmedia · 3 months
Find the Caiaphas Osuary, which mentions ‘Joseph son of Caiaphas.’ Inside the bone box was the sekeletal remains of a 50 year old male with the name Caiaphas, who was the high priest who interrogated Jesus before the Lord’s death and resurrection.
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mirthykayla · 1 year
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Phew... Uh.. #landscapeart vs #bookstagram Right? And... #fayekellerman #bonebox https://www.instagram.com/p/CmNBFHiDrCi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artworkmaestro · 2 years
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If we're supposed to decorate our home. We. Surely go for Suri Boxes. These Boxes are made from Bone-Resin art and brass inside. These don't only decorates our home but also stores our valueable things properly.💙✨🤗 . . For More Details, Inquries and Wholesale Order / Bulk Quantity Mail Us : [email protected] 📤📥 . Or WhatsApp Us At : +91 7452861066 📞☎️ . BESPOKE DESIGN / CUSTOM DESIGN FACILITY AVAILABLE 🔨👷‍♂️🛃 . . #suribox #suridecorativebox #suriboxes #suriboxset #minibox #miniboxes #bonebox #suriboxesarelove (at Sarai Tarin, Uttar Pradesh, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkIWjxnM1DM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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answrs · 1 year
"give me the first letter so I can guess the animal"
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fistfuloftarenths · 4 months
WIP Whenever
tagged by @my-favourite-zhent and using this as an excuse to inflict some badly written regency au rugan on everyone there is some implied attempt SA in here but nothing bad happens (i think this is the right way to warn people? let me know if not)
“Don’t think the lass wants to go with you, friend,” said the newcomer. A man’s voice, raspy and drawling.
The Honourable was startled, but recovered swiftly. “And who are you to interrupt?” he sniffed. “This doesn’t concern you.”
“I’m choosin’ to concern myself,” said the man in the darkness.
“By the gods,” said the Honourable. “It’s just a bit of fun! They run, we give chase, the thrill of the hunt, you know! Or perhaps you don’t.” For the unknown man’s accent was very far from the plummy vowels of the nobility. A northern accent, one of those dreadful manufacturing towns full of soot and machinery.
Something happened, too fast for her to make sense of it; a shadow detached itself from the hedge and loomed close; the scuffle of feet and the thump of flesh on flesh, and the Honourable let go of her and fell down, and did not move.
“That’s him sorted,” said her unknown helper with some satisfaction, and Tav tried to take a breath to thank him and fainted for the first time in her life.
She regained consciousness to find herself half-laying on a stone bench, the other man’s arms around her. She flinched away and he let her go.
“Easy, lass.”
“Oh,” said Tav, inadequately. “Oh.” 
“Giving you a bit of trouble, was he?”
Tav nodded before realising he couldn’t see her. “Yes,” she said, although that couldn’t begin to explain being trapped in a room with four or five noblemen between her and the door, their eyes bright with drink. “I wasn’t - I didn’t -”
“Course you weren’t.” 
“Is he - dead?” she whispered. They’d both hang if he was. Maybe she could leave the city tomorrow. Travel south down the coast and change her name -
“Gods, no. Rattled his bonebox is all, and he’ll have the very devil of a headache when he wakes up.”
“Who is he, then? He live here?” The man pointed at the house, his arm a deeper black against the shadows.
“A guest,” Tav said. “The Hon-honourable John P------.” An entirely inappropriate form of address, she thought bitterly. “The Earl of R—-’s second son.”
“I’ll be damned,” he said.
“Do you know him?”
“Only by name, but them rich tossers are all alike.” Which did not seem quite fair, but Tav was not inclined to argue the point. “We might move the body to be safe,” he added, reflectively. “Someone finds him sprawled out like that they’ll get the dogs out.”
Chased by dogs. Tav shuddered. She’d thought his hands on her would be the worst thing, not teeth closing in her flesh.
“I am very sorry, but I’m not sure I can stand up just yet,” she apologised.
“Aye, it takes you that way,” before adding in explanation, “went for a soldier. Seen all sorts. Seen grown men doing worse than you, lass, and I daresay there’s time afore someone comes looking for him.”
Tav managed, then, to loosen her hold on her lute. It seemed uninjured as she anxiously ran her hands over it, but she did not dare test the strings for fear of noise.
“What’s that then?” 
“My lute?”
“Thought it was a baby at first. You was holding it like one.”
“Oh - no - no - !” Somehow, she managed to laugh.
“That’s the spirit,” he encouraged. “Still, you might’ve dropped it. Would’ve been quicker on your feet.”
“I can’t,” said Tav, and patted the smooth wood. “It’s not paid off yet.”
“Makes sense, he said. “How much does one of them lutes go for?”
“Good ones? Pounds and pounds,” she replied. “This one is - it could be better - it’s not Italian - but it’s not bad. I had to get a loan.”
“Aye,” he said. “What’s your name, lass? Seems only proper to introduce ourselves. I’m Rugan.”
“Delighted to make your acquaintance, Rugan,” said Tav in her best cut-glass finishing school accent. He huffed laughter. “My name is Tav.”
“Never heard that one before.”
“No-one has. It’s short for Gustava, which is awful, and Swedish, and I can't - I refuse to be called Gussie.”
“By the gods,” he said, shaken - as well he might be - by the full glory of her name. “I shan’t say what I think of your parents for inflictin’ that on you, lass.”
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Ezra vibes — you’re right and you should say it ❤️
Also — tell me more 👀👀
Uhhhhhh I don't know what happened, but here's 600ish words of some real gen Ezra meta with a side of accidental girldad schmoop and a reader who's worked with Ezra before.
Bish I do not know what this is or if it is good but it is words and I will take it 😅
Ezra was not a man you would've ever considered frugal with his words. Point of fact the man carried on so effusively that you had, on more than one occasion, accused him of having lost the key, lock, and latch to his bonebox all together. With time, though, you grew accustomed to the easy chatter, mapping out the cadence and rhythm of his speech, the tone and temperature of his voice, and the meticulous navigation of his vocabulary.
Fringeling dialect was no small part of it - that odd colloquial snarl of Basic, Vayok, and Kevva-only-knew-what that had crossbred and rooted out there at the edge of the Black, a manner of speech that had by design or by chance grown thick and sharp and able to confuse and snare the unwary or dim-witted. But that wasn't the end of it.
Ezra was careful with his words. He rarely lied. Not that he never did, but he seemed to prefer a cautious navigation around the truth rather than an outright lie. On a good day he could talk even the dustiest old floater into pirouettes around a single point of avoidance with a pearl-bright smile and barely a pinprick of sweat on the laddered creases of his brow. On a bad day, well, those were the reasons he preferred such caution. The close scrape of honesty by virtue of a technicality had been his salvation more than once.
All this to say, he was not a man that gave his word lightly. If he gave it at all. Deals, bargains, and arrangements, sure. But oaths; well, those that held an ounce of air were scarce. Promises were a hard thing to keep in the Black, and the folk that drifted out in it long enough to survive it learned to dispense them prudently.
The girl, hard-eyed and unmoving as a gods-damned sand bear, had no mind for such prudence.
You're leaving, she said, arms folded tightly to her narrow chest, fingers digging into the grimy sleeves of her sweatshirt. A statement, not a question, a splinter of fear wedged deep through it.
Hear me out, little bird, Ezra said, his lone hand raised in placation. Two cycles. Three at the most. Long enough to arrive at our destination, make our trade safely, and return. The docking here's paid up for seven, and your room the same. We'll be back long before then, safe and sound and far, far richer than we left.
The girl's eyes landed on you, sharp and cold as stones. If even half of what Ezra said about their time down in the Green was true, you could hardly fault her for her mistrust. Ezra knew you, trusted you. She didn't.
You trust them?
Ezra looked to you, brows hiked high. The shadows under his eyes were lessening finally, but he still looked thinner and more haggard than the sly, round-cheeked man you last saw stepping onto the loading docks at Puggart Bench.
I do, he said, the words plain and unembellished.
The girl scowled, but the set of her shoulders relaxed an inch. You nearly smiled. Brevity was the clearest hallmark of sincerity with Ezra. You knew it; clearly the girl knew it, too.
Two days, Cee, he said again. This is the best price we're like to get on this haul without a corporate contact. Two days, and we come back rich.
Swear. The word left the girl's mouth like a rifle shot. Swear you're coming back.
The lines of Ezra's face slackened, and there was a brief look of understanding in his eyes before an unusual warmth bloomed in its place. And then, slowly, he nodded.
On my life.
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havethetouch · 1 year
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Currently going through nanas things and found her pendulum which is fucking rad ngl. That goes straight into the bonebox.
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dazzling-sunshine-mel · 3 months
Tech Talk: A Day in My Digital-Centered Student Life
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In the fast-paced world we live in today, technology has become an essential part of our daily lives and has advanced in ways we never could have predicted. If we look around, there are smart devices, internet services, and software programs everywhere that make life easier because they are readily accessible wherever we go. The said technological advancements have kept me informed, connected, and well-organized every day. Come along with me as I walk you through a typical day in my life with my phone and laptop, highlighting how technology enhances my daily activities and experiences.
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My day begins with the gentle buzz of my phone's alarm clock, then, I instantly check my canvas app to see if there have been any updates on our class for the day. After that, I utilize my phone to awaken my system by browsing social media applications as I get up and have breakfast. I also use my phone or laptop to review readings and lectures on Canvas which could help me expand on what I already know to make sure I am prepared for the lectures that day.
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As I enter the school premises and attend the class, I instantly record the lecturer's voice using my voice recording app, which helps me remember things I missed taking notes on. Normally, I start writing my notes down on paper. However, when I get home, I convert them to a digital format using Google Docs, which offers a blank canvas that lets me write digital notes without worries because it automatically saves my work and lets me share it instantly with others so they can view or edit it alongside me.
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As the laboratory sessions of the day start, I frequently browse through apps like Bonebox and Immersify, which are available for free download on the App Store. It has enabled me to study dental anatomy and concepts in just a click. In addition, I also use search engines, like Google, to obtain digital photos that can help me with a variety of tasks, like making my own tooth and cavity preparation or drawing micrographs.
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When we are required to conduct in-depth research for scholarly publications, I make use of online resources like Google Scholar and digital libraries. This assists me in obtaining a variety of objective data that I need to support my research efforts or serve as a reference for my studies. Additionally, I use citation generators like Scribbr to assist me in giving credit where credit is due for the information I have found.
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After completing all of the tasks I was assigned for the day, I normally use my free time to browse social media while chatting with friends and family. In addition, I occasionally read digital books as a delightful escape from the rigors of my academic schedule.
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Before going to bed, I look over my schedule and to-do list, set goals, and prioritize my work for the next day. I also set my alarm for the next day. In addition, I normally set aside some time on hectic days like hell weeks to meditate, even for just five minutes, to help my mind be at ease and peaceful when I go to sleep.
Indeed, the ability to instantly access a wide range of platforms has made life easier with the help of advancing technology. As a student, it has enriched my understanding of a variety of subject matter and given me the necessary abilities for managing everyday tasks. The websites and programs that have been provided have been really helpful to me but there are still a lot of apps available that could be more helpful to you.
Please feel free to add any more queries or recommendations in the comment section below.
Thank you. Have a pleasant day!
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boneworks-cheats-jp · 2 years
Boneworks % unlock in Sandbox :: BONEWORKS General Discussions
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 To reclaim an item and consequently unlock it for Sandbox maps , you must place the item in a Reclamation Bin , destroying the item and allowing you to spawn it with a Utility Gun in Free Play and Sandbox. Some items have multiple opportunities for reclamation - this guide will touch on each. Items that cannot be held are reclaimable in the form of Gachapons - small capsules with their contents displayed via hologram. Gachapons are usually reserved for vehicles, NPCs and items too large to carry. Some articles are not complete or require clarification - they will be marked accordingly. Easy reclaimables are findable without detours or difficulty. Medium reclaimables require deviation and detours. Hard reclaimables require lots of attempts or dev tools to acquire. Duck Season. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Take one, complete the puzzle, and progress to the Reclamation exhibit to reclaim it. Universal Conquest Wiki. Locate the Bonebox in the Reclamation Exhibit. Breaking it will reveal the Redacted Module, which you can then throw in the nearby Bin. In the final wind of the hallway before the Puzzle Room, look for discreet writing on the wall. A section of the wall is hinged and will swing to reveal a hidden Archival Room. In this area, a Bonebox can be found which drops the module. On the second floor of Tower, look for a room containing the Wasp. The Module is located in this room. Progress through the loop three times see level page for more information. On your forth time, a Bonebox will spawn in the center of the chamber, which yields the module. Handgun Range. Similarly, a sledgehammer can be found propped against the Destructibls exhibit. Take it and progress to the Reclamation exhibit to reclaim it. Mining Pickaxe. At the beginning of the level, enter the alleyway full of yellow pipes. Climb these pipes to the top of the building. Note that the rebar struct near the top will clip in and out of existence at near random, but looking away from it tends to help, as does slow motion. Once you make it to the top of the building to the right of the entrance, you should find a Bonebox that contains the pickaxe. Progress to the large square room with the bottomless pit. There is a loft hidden in the corner adjacent to the exit and entrance - follow the sound of a Crablet. A rope is the only method of accessing the loft - be careful when jumping, as failure means death in the pit. Once you reach the top, be aware of the crablet which guards a Bonebox containing the bat. Progress to the Knife Shop, and look above the entrance door. A Bonebox should be suspended on plank scaffolding. Destroy the box and it will yield the club. When first beginning the game, make sure you archive all three anomalies. Then, in the Museum, progress to the Anomaly Exhibit and round the corner. If it worked, you should be able to see faint writing on the wall that designates an Archival area. Push on the walls until you find a hidden door which leads to a secret archival room. The Viking Shield is located here. The Baton is a random drop from Monomat gifts. The Sewers is the best choice, as its Monomat is at the start of the level and features two giftbox options. Simply reload the level if neither box yields a baton until it does. It may take a long time as the baton is fairly rare. Museum , Sewers. Alternatively, a frying pan is located in the first of the Sewers offices the one containing a pistol left by Lava Gang. Trash Can Lid. There is a plethora of trash cans in Streets - however, a cluster of them are located near to the Reclamation Bin. Soup Can. Hover Junkers. As you leave the shipping crate, notice the Stapler on a nearby rock along with a clip and a notepad. Progress to the end of the level see level page for more , and bring a Yellow Key to unlock the Reclamation Bin. The Runoff Monomat sells this for Progress through the level until you reach the arrow pointing to a Storage Container , which activates a yellow spotlight when you come near. This contains the MP5K. Locate the storage room right after you get off the trolley. It is found in a storage container nearby. Once you find the Green Key and enter the room, remove the Key and locate the nearby second door that requires it. This leads to a small wire alley area with a container holding this item. Progress to the area with the massive "Down with Monogon" sign. To the left, there is a dark alley. Climb over the huge fence and locate the storage container. Progress into the beginning of the warehouse and look for stairs to the left of the entrance. Take these and go through the unstable plank walkway in the rafters. A storage container is located at the end. Progress to the hallway before the Rave Room. Smash the glass wall to your right and drop onto the platform below, which is where the storage container is located. Progress through the level and unlock the Purple Key room see level page for more. A bonebox contains the Gachapon. Locate the melon packaging room, adjacent to a grouping of neon purple lights. The bonebox will yield the Gachapon. In the starting cell, look up and notice the well-like hole in the ceiling. After unlocking your cell door, drag a table into your cell and stand on it in order to reach the first bar. After making it to the top, you can find a Bonebox containing the Gachapon nearby. At the very end of the level, enter the lift that takes you to Time Tower. However, notice the adjacent building and jump onto it when the timing is right. A Bonebox is located on the building's roof which contains the Gachapon. In the very beginning of the level, notice the brick building to the left of your spawn point. Climb onto the roof and break the Bonebox located there. Progress to the train station. At the end of the tracks opposite the instance warp, look up to the ceiling-wall edge. A Bonebox is located there, suspended by wooden scaffolding. Shooting it down is the simplest way to retrieve it. High up on the grooves of the wall, the Bonebox can be found. This is one of the few items that requires devtools to reach - either gravity cups or the Nimbus Gun will do. Enter the suspended garden exhibit in the middle of the level and look up. The Bonebox is snapped to the top of the exhibit - shoot it down to retrieve the Gachapon. Complete the floating cube puzzle in the raffle square. Grab and move the reachable cubes in order to rotate the center cube until it drops the Bonebox. Progress to the point where Ford encounters the Void Figure. Then, drop into the garbage chasm to the left. Look for a cluster of crates and destroy them - hidden inside is a Bonebox containing the Gachapon. This will cause a Bonebox to drop from the ceiling in front of the Gravity Room. Requires door trick, see above. In the Reclamation Bin Exhibit, a grand total of seven Apollos can be purchased for 25 apiece. David's Baseball. The prize box behind the counter in the Gift Shop has a small chance of dropping the baseball. You will most likely need to reload the level dozens of times. This also requires the door trick see above. Progress to the Crablet Storage Area in the second half of the level and look for a Bonebox with the Gachapon. Progress into the SLZ offices the key is located in a Bonebox on the ceiling of the adjacent corridor. Take the crown from the giant Apollo statue's head. Headset Dark. There are a few headsets on display in the Gift Shop, including a dark one requires door trick, see above. Headset Light. There are a few headsets on display in the Gift Shop, including a light one requires door trick, see above. In the second station down the subway tunnel titled Myth Transport go onto the tracks and walk down them. There is a small, dark doorway which leads to a maintenance closet containing the Gachapon in a Bonebox. Progress to the playground and locate the Monkey on the carousel - note that he cannot be holstered. Progress to the Neon Melon room - look for the Gachapon hidden amongst boxes on the right-hand shelf. Concrete Barrier. Progress to the Reclamation Bin at the end of the level. Continue past it and find the building at the end - the Gachapon's Bonebox is located on the second floor requires elaboration. Progress to the second warehouse and arrive on the ceiling. Progress to the right of the stairwell, and descend the ladder. In the stables, you will find a Bonebox containing the gachapon. Hexagonal Container. Red Gym Block A. The gachapon is one of the items in the Reclamation Exhibit - simply drop it in the adjacent Bin. Grey Gym Block B. Progress to the "Down with Monogon" area, and look in the milk crates for the gachapon. Blue Gym Block C. Yellow Gym Block D. White Gym Block E. On the first floor, look for the Projectile Physics hologram near a save spot. An adjacent milk crate holds the Gachapon. Orange Gym Trapezoid A. In the employee Playground just before the SLZ offices, look behind the actual orange gym trapezoid. Yellow Gym Trapezoid B. Blue Gym Trapezoid C. After opening the gate in the first terminal, progress to the gift shop and look in the garbage can for the gachapon. Grey Gym Trapezoid D. Gym Disc A. Red Gym Disc B. Gym Cone A. Gym Cone B. In the Time Trial, make your way to the roof of the first building. The gachapon is located in a milk crate. Yellow Gym Cube. White 1M Gym Cube. Complete the puzzle and grab the ceiling framework, then locate a milkcrate and climb towards it. Alternatively, complete the loop until the Dev Manipulator spawns, then use that to make things quick. Orange 2M Gym Cube. Progress through the Void and respawn in the ceiling rooms. Locate a yellow climbable pipe that will lead you to a milk crate containing the gachapon. Blue 3M Gym Cube. Locate the large horizontal blue pipe and walk across it to the end, where you will find a Bonebox contaning the gachapon. Small White Gym Cylinder. Gym Half-Cylinder A. Gym Half-Cylinder B. Handgun Range, In a milk crate on a shelf above the exit door in the room with the storage container that has the Katar in it. Large Gym Cylinder B. Progress to the end of the labyrinth, in the room with a platform and hexagonal containers. A milk crate on top of this structure contains the gachapon. Blue Gym Octagon. When you land in the trench leading to the instance warp, instead explore the opposite direction. A Bonebox containing the gachapon can be found at the end of the trench. Gym Beam. Continue climbing the pipes from Gym D20 until you reach the next room. Climb the pipes up to the ductwork above the ammo dispenser and it's in a milk crate at the end. Progress to the room that contains the Purple Key - it will have a yellow door and key as well. The Bonebox is located across from where the Purple Key is. Blue Gym Torus. Gym Arch. The gachapon is located in a milk-crate in the stacked shipping container with the Super Zombish. Use the axe to foddy yourself up. Shallow Gym Ramp. After shooting the targets and having the bridge fall, look to the left wall requires clarification. Gym Tall Ramp. After the "Filter Master" room, before jumping down, go through the door to the right of the Save Point, and it will be in one of the blue garbage bins on the shelves. Blue Gym Ball. Giant Soccer Ball. After shooting the targets and having the bridge fall, look for a Bonebox at the bottom of a pile of crates near the left wall. Gym Dice D4. Gym D6 Dice. Gym D8 Dice. After escaping the Time Trial, climb the support beam at the end of the first room. Look for white pipes - it will be at the top of these. Gym D10 Dice. Gym D12 Dice. Gym D20 Dice. Handgun Range, From the room with the Katar storage container, climb the pipes down and over the green lava until you get to the shelf with the milk crate in it. One can be found leaning against a stack of crates in the first warehouse's right courtyard, and another can be found against the fence to the left of the second warehouse. Horror Axe. In the Melon Belly room near the end of the level, look in the middle of the floor requires elaboration. Chef Knife. Bastard Sword. On the distant roof, look for a bonebox supported by planks. It may take a while. Shoot it down and try not to get skewered when it falls! Purchasable at the Big Prize Monomat for Multiple Gravity Cores can be found in the final encounter against the System Clock. Grab one with the Gravity Staff and move it into the Reclamation Bin. Gravity Welder. Hover Junkers Sandbox. In the barbed wire 'island' you first come across, the Gravity Welder is located on a small wooden podium. For reclamation, see the level page. Collect all Dragonballs and the Yellow Key and progress to the end of the level. The Wasp's Gachapon is located next to the Reclamation Bin. Near the end portal, make your way to the catwalk above. The gachapon is located on the crates with the pallet jack. At the very beginning of the level, one is next to the Monomat. Take it all the way to the Bin at the end of the level. Night Vision Goggles.
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jaketeachesdeath · 29 days
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Whilst on holiday Al got hold of our 3rd #bonebox an Iguana and an antiqued Bison/Buffalo tooth were the contents this time.
Very cool indeed!
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byfaithmedia · 7 months
The Bible says, Caiaphas, the high priest of the Second Temple in Jesus’ day, condemned the Lord Jesus and his bone box, called an ossuary was discovered in Israel which confirms an important biblical event. 
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vulpes-vulturius · 4 years
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This months, October 2020, Bonebox brought in one of the tiniest little dudes I’ve seen: the Ham.ster! The first complete rodent in my collection. Not used to just how delicate their bones are, terrified of breaking the little thing tbh!
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artworkmaestro · 2 years
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Introducing You To Our Bone Art Made Jewellery Box Set / Multipurpose Box Set. There Outstanding Designs Always Wins Everyone's Heart 💙✨🤗 . . For Wholesale Order / Bulk Quantity Mail Us : [email protected] 📤📥 . Or WhatsApp Us At : +91 7452861066 📞☎️ . BESPOKE DESIGN / CUSTOM DESIGN FACILITY AVAILABLE 🔨👷‍♂️🛃 . . #bonebox #box #indianmade #boxesofindia #boneboxes #boxset #boxes #jewellerybox #jewelbox #usefulbox (at Sarai Tarin, Uttar Pradesh, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkGbQqeMdOc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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answrs · 2 years
so fuck it, we're doing this on tunglr. paypal or cashapp (latter preferred), 65$ shipped or best offer. continental us only. (shipping will probably be 5-10 bucks which is factored into price)
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Skulls Unlimited B-Grade domestic c.at skull with species ID tag (double sided info, includes attaching cord) and Bonebox exclusive infographic card. has all teeth, top right canine is broken but otherwise really nice quality. very minor chipping on back upper right molar, not noticeable unless closely examined.
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davaosales · 4 years
Memorial cemetery Available for installment or cash. 18lots prime Package price: 2,439,260 spot cash : 2,228,924 Installment in 60 months straight monthly 40,650 per month 18lots SP Package price: 2,084,330 spot cash : 1,909,489 Installment in 60 months straight monthly 34,740 per month. Limited slots available hurry call to reserve now at Smart:09078666039 Globe:09369067982 And look for Rochany Dalisay Site viewing must be scheduled ahead of time God bless and be safe brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.#vailable cemetery lot, atneed or investment.#Niches, #mausoleum, #boneremains, #internment #readytouse #Bonebox or #Bonenitch #Cemeterylot #Memorial (at Magtuod, Maa, Davao City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCgz6g5hpJd/?igshid=y6enw0crpiv1
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