#Bionicle Stars
bobthedoctor27 · 8 months
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Kopaka Phantoka STARs
I always loved the BIONICLE STARs line. The capacity to build canister sets in miniature scale is more appealing to me then the thought of chibis or brickheadz. Here we have Kopaka Phantoka in that minimized scale.
Able to adjust his wings and fire his Midak Skyblaster, I’m very happy with the end result. Some more silver needed to be added to balance the wings and the lightsaber bar in the mask proved too disproportionate for a figure of this scale. Regardless I think he looks great and I’m really glad I was able to achieve such an articulated result!
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sepublic · 4 months
Forever ago when you were talking about Gaardus you mentioned you made a custom head out of the Stars sets. Can you please share it? I am deadly curious since the Stars sets have like 3 pieces each.
Y’know what? I made a mock-up for an alternate Stars combiner, and with this ask, I finally decided to just buy all six Stars sets and make it a reality; So here it is!!!
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Consider this a different take on Gaardus, based on how he’s depicted in the story; He’s a carnivore and a hunter, meant to be a living weapon, and Pohatu suggested Gaardus must’ve blended in with actual Rahi during the evacuation to Spherus Magna. So I worked with that prompt to create something that actually looked bestial, and had a proper mouth… Alas, the mouth can’t move but there aren’t exactly a lot of pieces to work with here! Hence Gaardus’ hind feet being Glatorian hands.
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I had a lot of fun coming up with this design, first on paper and then applying it in-person, and changing it up as I experimented with the actual pieces in hand. I’m particularly happy with how I managed to upgrade the wings from my original draft, so now they’re actually big and prominent enough to fly with, as described in The Powers That Be. Speaking of…
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Here’s Gaardus next to a Mata build, my own take on Takanuva based on the pieces I had. So here’s a general idea for scale against Kopaka and Pohatu, and the wings are posable and big enough to go around two more figures, to reenact the scene where the trio are teleported to the Red Star.
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My main objective, other than the ones stated above, was just to make a combiner that actually felt like it was having fun and trying to be creative, rather than slapping limb pieces onto Tahu and calling it a day. Apologies if I’m bragging, but I’m quite chuffed with how Gaardus turned out, especially with the color scheme, since making him not a rainbow eyesore was also another goal of mine. I find it ironic how the official Gaardus combiner is just Tahu at its core, whereas my version uses only one piece for Gaardus’ upper jaw.
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Technically it’s two pieces if you include Gaardus’ sword, which I did add because of a brief mention in the story itself, though Gaardus’ legs are admittedly standard-length and not long as they’re described. His weapon being a ‘sword of fire’ also gave me an excuse to add another piece from Tahu, in a way that didn’t jeopardize the color scheme too jarringly. Keeping the colors I chose -gray, black, white, silver, and lime green- distributed evenly was another fun challenge.
Since this was supposed to be a Stars combiner, I made sure to include as many pieces as I could from every set. These are all my leftover pieces;
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Technically speaking, I should also have Tahu’s feet and Gresh’s ankles here, but unfortunately the seller forgot to include those pieces. Not that it matters, as I never expected to use those pieces due to the color scheme I’d already settled on, but still. I was also missing Takanuva’s ankles, but I had pieces to substitute on hand. My alt Gaardus build pulls primarily from Takanuva, Skrall, Rahkshi, and Gresh; Nektann is just gonna have to learn to live without feet, and Tahu is only missing his sword but still has the Golden Armor to compensate. This was honestly an incredibly fun challenge; Working within limitations really does breed creativity, huh? This must be what the official designers felt like making all of the other combiners for Bionicle.
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jaymilepland · 2 months
I think bionicle stars should've had 7 sets.
Tahu - Tahu nuva
Takanuva - Gun metal Takanuva with him bionicle the golden bionicle
Gresh - unchanged
Rahkshi - unchanged
Piraka - silver instead of blue
Skrall -entirely replaced with Tuyet (I like Tuyet, and dont like the rehash of agori skrall)
A canister sized Teridax set, with a black mask of life because that's fun
(Main thing I was talking about, I just wanted to think of an alternate 2010 bionicle aswell)
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herora-nuva · 2 years
Important Announcement!
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dougielombax · 8 months
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Look. I’m not saying it’s real but the fact that the Solis Magna system just happens to resemble Nebula PK 329-02.2 is interesting to me.
Make of it what you will.
I don’t study or know anything about astronomy, admittedly.
I just stumbled across this fact thanks to some old BZPower posts.
(Somebody NEEDS to mention this on BioSector01 btw for the Solis Magna system article)
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legend-as-old-as-time · 6 months
The Red Star is terrifying as a concept not only because the kestora'a ability to repair most of their 'patients' has degraded to almost nothing.
It is also a threat. Not even death can save you from being forced to work - or from other kinds of suffering. It's so terrifying because this fear is so relatable in current times with powerful companies and CEOs exploiting their workers as much as possible.
Imagine the horrible certainty that you died, only to arrive back where you worked before and are expected to go to work again.
If you're unlucky, your death was painful and terrifying and you remember all of it. Or even if your conscious mind doesn't remember, your brain and body does. But you have no context for this dread.
Worse- if you remember the kestora restoring you back to life.
And then the Red Star's return teleport broke. Every being inside is now trapped, forever.
You cannot rest. You cannot rest. You're not allowed to rest because you were meant to work work work work- You can only hope that your spirit, soul, mind is out of reach of the Red Star as it red glare calls your body into his halls and under the hands of the kestora.
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tiredspacedragon · 2 days
I love Kanohi so much. I love the concept of a customizable face and thus identity, I love that each mask has its own powers that carry their own significance in addition to its shape, I love that each mask has multiple shapes to show the wearer's identity changing or speak to what aspect of themselves is most prominent.
Have some concepts:
A Matoran with a Great-shaped Kanohi who becomes a Toa. Their new identity is an extension of their old self. They become a Turaga and their Noble-shaped Kanohi is a symbol of how they were fundamentally changed by their time as a hero.
A Matoran with a Noble-shaped Kanohi who becomes a Toa. Their new identity is a departure from their old selves. They become a Turaga and their Noble-shaped Kanohi symbolizes that their trials are over and they have earned peace.
A Matoran who becomes a Toa and wears a different mask than they did as a Matoran. Their new identity is a dramatic break from their old self, one they either chose to take on to distance themselves from their past or to embody their vision of heroism, or one that was forced upon them and to which they must now adapt. They become a Turaga and their Noble-shaped Kanohi is yet another change. A new chapter.
A Matoran or other character whose powerless mask is broken or lost, so they receive a new one. The change has no effect on their abilities, but their new mask signifies their character growth. Though the mask grants them no powers now, the character's potential has changed, a new path and new role is open to them.
A character whose powered mask is broken or lost, so they receive a new one. Or perhaps they willingly trade their old Kanohi for another. Do they choose the same mask they had before, showing their conviction and stability in their identity? Do they choose a mask with a power they think will be more useful, showing practicality or responsibility, and determination to get the job done, including a willingness to sacrifice their identity? Do they choose a mask worn by someone they admire, honouring them by trying to emulate them, but risking subsuming their own unique traits? Or perhaps they choose a new mask whose powers are a better match for them or who they want to be, showing commitment to changing and embracing themselves?
A character who changes their armour and equipment, but keeps the same mask. They adapt to the needs of the situations, but refuse to lose themselves in it.
A character who could use a Great Kanohi, but opts for a Noble one instead, to cultivate the image of a sage. Maybe it's deserved. Maybe it isn't. Perhaps they even wear a Great Kanohi that is merely forged to look like a Noble one, to achieve the image without sacrificing the power.
Two characters whose mask powers work well in tandem, but one or both of them change masks and the new powers conflict or are no longer related at all, marking a breakdown in the characters' relationship.
Or the reverse, two characters whose mask powers don't pair well, but one or both change masks and now they do, signifying a growing bond.
Just to name a few.
I love how this one single aspect of character design can tell so much of their story at just a glance, and again that it's the face, the part we look to the most for expression and understanding.
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afanofmanyhats · 7 months
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ctrl-alt-tahu · 27 days
The Last Toa
I have a not-quite-100% finished thought rolling around my head about the legacy of the Toa Metru, and in attempt to get it complete, I'm trying to write it down.
So, the Toa Metru are the final stop in a line of Toa going back to the foundation of Metru Nui, right? They were made Toa by Lhikan, the last of the Toa Mangai, and as his heirs and mentees, they are the last Toa of Metru Nui.
Indeed, the GSR generally, they come awfully close to being the last Toa--period. Not the last Toa in existence, obviously, but the Mata/Nuva, Takanuva, and the Inika/Mahri are all Toa in some other special way: Artahka originals, the Mask of Light, and intervention by the Red Star. None of them represent the passage of energy from Toa to Stone to Matoran: that lineage, which I assume goes back all the way to the earliest days of the GSR.
I think Krakua is the only real monkey-wrench in the idea that the Metru were the last Toa made in the conventional way. I'm pretty sure he's the only non-Inika example we know of in canon definitely after the Cataclysm.
There's something wistfully sad about the Metru being the Last Toa Ever™ and yielding their own Toa power to revive the Matoran, with no new Toa to follow them. When the Toa Mata arrive on Mata Nui, it becomes something like an Arthurian return, but it's also a supplanting: "the line of Dume and Lhikan and those even before them has failed" and a better thing takes their place.
Some basic Googling/BioSector01ing seems to suggest that there's not a lot of canonical detail in HOW Krakua becomes a Toa--so even if we accept that he's a fairly recent Toa, we can allow ourselves some speculation that he ALSO might not have been an old-school Toa-Stone-made Toa.
Why does any of this matter--other than poignancy, which is a consideration of its own? Well, I was thinking about Matoro (as one does) and the unique way in which he could carry on the legacy of the Toa Metru: he's the one Matoran (and thus the one transformed Toa) who knows their tale before the reveal at the end of MoL. Alone of the amnesiac Matoran, he has knowledge--though not memory--of Metru Nui, and while he kept the Turagas' secrets, he can't have helped being shaped by them in the 1000 years of doing so.
Destiny is the will of Mata Nui (well, destiny is a thorny subject, but let's call it that here). The Toa Mata, Takanuva, Krakua--what if they were all attempts in some way or other to supply the "needed" Toa to save the Great Spirit? But, though he is dying, the Great Spirit doesn't want any of these: he doesn't want to saved by Artahka's demiurgic Toa, or the Avokhii-wearing saviour, or any of the washed-up leftovers (Lesovikk, "the forty living Toa," the Hagah): instead, when the Red Star intervenes--the Red Star that echoes his will in a way the Order of Mata Nui can never hope to--he chooses one of them, and he chooses the one of their number who is the truest heir of the Toa Metru--his Toa.
Destiny is a big theme of the Metru in a way that was never true of the Mata (unity is their theme), and this really comes to the fore with the dancing back and forth between who was destined: them or the Mask Matoran. Destiny also comes up big with Matoro--and perhaps their destinies are the same.
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danejudidench · 5 months
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New shirt/sticker on my store! Also cosplay masks and other things
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bobthedoctor27 · 8 months
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Onua Mistika STARs
I always loved the BIONICLE STARs line. Here we have Onua Mistika in that minimized scale.
Able to adjust his wing tips and fire his Nynrah Ghostblaster, I’m very happy with the end result. I’ve often been criticised for simple builds, especially when it comes to my STARs creations. This is my attempt to use alternate parts and the broader style of Av-Matoran/Agori torso on one of my creations.
It seems my collection of Adaptive Onua custom figures is growing!
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jdrider02 · 9 months
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Been farming Nero Fest for the past few hours
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jaller-nuva · 28 days
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downtofragglerock · 9 months
My biggest problem with the Red Star reveal actually isn’t the “oh it makes death meaningless” bit, but rather how greg made the requirements for getting revived on it so inanely pedantic. It’s like “Oh, Sidorak got crushed by Keetongu so badly that he couldn’t be revived” or “Oh, the Toa Mangai got killed by Eliminator, who I just retconned to be able to kill people so hard that they can’t be revived” or “Oh the Makuta were made from antidermis so they can’t be revived” or “Oops, this character died outside the giant robot so they’re out of range of being revived”. 
Like seriously greg, you already opened the “characters can get brought back from the dead” floodgate, now you’re just being an “um actually” guy
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redstarforge · 1 month
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tenosit · 9 months
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2001-style Gaardus
I tried my best using only real pieces so you can make this one at home! don't
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