#Berger cookies
jenjen4280 · 6 months
Just finished making Burger cookies for my Dad for Christmas using Mom-Mom’s recipe (his Mother, my grandmother). They are my favorite Christmas cookie. Dad loves them because they remind him of his Mother.
The Hot Wife was on hand for “quality control” (aka cookie thieving) and as my co-froster.
These are shortbread cookies with fudge frosting, close but not quite, Berger Cookies, a Baltimore favorite (yeah, we’re from Bawlmer, hon).
Supposedly Mom-Mom won the recipe off a woman who worked for the Berger bakery (I believe it - she was a card sharp!)
Here’s the recipe. To understand “cream for cake,” hit up this woman’s blog: https://whatsarahbakes.com/baking-secrets/mixing-methods/the-creaming-method/
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cry-4-judas · 7 months
I would pay money to see Paul Hollywood try a Berger cookie
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wizard-mp4 · 6 months
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The baltimore berger cookie
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jenniferpharrdavis · 7 months
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Copycat Berger Cookies These copycat cake-like Berger cookies are reminiscent of the classic from a Baltimore bakery, complete with a thick, rich chocolate icing. 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream, 1 cup confectioners' sugar sifted, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1.5 teaspoons vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar sifted, 1 large egg, 1/3 cup unsalted butter at room temperature, 1.5 cups semisweet chocolate chips, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, 1/2 cup white sugar, 1/3 cup whole milk, 2 tablespoons light corn syrup, 1.5 cups all-purpose flour, 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
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thenightling · 2 years
Sandman Easter Eggs
Real Easter Eggs in The Sandman Netflix series that have been noticed so far:
Warning there are spoilers in this list.
1.  The Key to Hell (a major plot point in The Sandman: Season of Mists) is a sigil in the binding circle that holds Morpheus.
2.    Gregory dying and little Goldie hatching may be foreshadowing for a certain comic storyline.
3.     The little flowers that sprouted up when Gregory was uncreated are very similar to the red flowers that formed from the dripping blood on Morpheus's hands when he had to euthanize his son in The Sandman: Brief Lives.
4.  (This was in the comics).  Judy's ex is Donna AKA Foxglove, a major character in The Sandman: A game of you.
5.  Gault's name might be an attempt to merge Brute and Glob's names together. The characters she replaced.   Obviously they wouldn't use Groot.
6.    The name of John Constantine's punk band is on a poster in episode 3. 7.   The mad Mod witch is also on a poster in episode 3.
8.   Mike Dringenberg is an artist for The Sandman comics.   You will see a sign behind the Corinthian when he talks to Nimrod, The Good Doctor, and Funland.  The sign reads "Mike's Drinks and Burgers."
9.    The carvings on the gates of horn tell the story of Morpheus and Alianora and how he got his helm.  They are exact replicas of the panels from The Sandman: Overture. There are two sets of gates in the Realm of Dreams (The gates were originally referenced in Homer's The Odyssey).  One set of gates made of horn, and one set of gates made of ivory.  The dreams that pass through the gates made of ivory are false and deceptive.  The dreams that pass through the gates made of horn are true, whether literally or metaphorically.  Morpheus prefers to use the horned gates so the ones you see him push open are the ones made of horn.
10.    When Morpheus leaves The Corinthian in the first episode he is fully clothed.  When he is summoned his clothing are gone and his helm is beaten up.  This is because the events of The Sandman: Overture have happened in what was for us just a few seconds.
11.   This is more trivia than anything.  Squatterbloat is now being used for his original purpose of gatekeeper and guide.  The guide in the comics was the rhyming demon, Etrigan.   Rhyming is a sign of status among some demons and they do it with pride.
12.   The episode Imperfect Hosts is pun on the fact that Cain, Abel, Lucien (now Lucienne), Destiny, Even (who hasn't appeared in the show yet), Mad Mod Witch (who hasn't appeared in the show), and The Three Witches (Hecate, Fates, Furies) were all old horror hosts.  They hosted the DC Horror anthology comics similar to Tales from the Crypt.  Cain hosted The House of Mystery.  Abel hosted The House of Secrets.  Lucien hosted Tales of Ghost Castle. The Three Witches hosted The Witching Hour.  This pun existed in the comics as well. 13.  After Abel's second murder in the episode Imperfect Hosts, you will see Cain snag a cookie (biscuit).  This is a nod to the old House of Mystery comics where Cain had a sweet tooth.  In one issue Karen Berger (founder of Vertigo and the one who took a chance on the original Sandman comics) bribed Cain with cookies.
14.  Lyta is originally from a defunct continuity where she was Wonder Woman's daughter.  Her name was short for Hippolyta, named after Wonder Woman's mother.
15.   Jed was a character from the 1976 Sandman comics and now (in his dreams) wears the costume of that hero as a little call back to his origin.  Hector Hall served as that hero for a time but that was left out of the TV show.
16.   Hector is from a semi-defunct continuity where he was the grandson of Carter Hall (Hawkman).   Hector and Lyta have been used repeatedly in DC comics and in their most recent appearances in JSA (2008) they died and their souls were taken into The Dreaming by their son, Daniel.  This was Hector's second death because...  comic books.  He was revived after Sandman and then killed again.
17.   Jed has twelve inch action figures of both Wonder Woman and Batman.
18.   Morpheus's capture is in 1916 to overlap with the real world sleeping sickness that happened around that time.
19.   Death being given an apple by a friendly fruit vender is from the comic Death: The High cost of Living.
20.   Though not shown in the episode, the hunger Hob describes feeling but not being able to die from it- Morpheus experienced that in his captivity.  In the comics the first thing he did when he escaped was eat, before even conjuring clothing. He raided a dream buffet. 21.   The sigils in each Endless Gallery are supposed to be in age order.  A book (Destiny), an Ankh (Death), the helm (Dream), a blank space (formerly a sword for Destruction), A heart (Desire), a hooked ring (Despair), and a swirl of color for Delirium.   An illustration mistake put Death's ankh first in some of the early comics depicting Desire's gallery.  That mistake was deliberately inserted into the TV series as a homage to the original comics. 22.  Matthew The Raven was Matthew Cable (a character from Swamp Thing) when he was alive.  If you would like a version of his backstory, watch the canceled 2019 Swamp Thing Series.  Very different actor but that was the same character (originally).  When they found out Swamp Thing would not get a second season they tacked on a scene of Matthew being killed just in case The Sandman got adapted since Matthew the raven was made from Matthew’s ghost.      23.  Ric the Vic was an ally of John Constantine's in the comics. 24.    The Boogey Man and Family Man (mentioned by the serial killers) were villains from DC comics.    Family Man was actually the killer of John Constantine's father.   Both Family Man and Boogey Man died.  One in Swamp Thing, one in Hellblazer (John Constantine's comics).   25.   John Dee is the old Justice League villain, Doctor Destiny. It was probably wise not to use his alias as it would confuse new fans with Destiny of The Endless. 26.  Pandemonium (meaning "All the Demons”) is the capital city of Hell in John Milton's Paradise Lost. This is where the word comes from. In The Sandman Netflix series Pandemonium deliberately resembles The Vatican.  27.   Matthew comments on how cold Hell is.  Believe it or not the earliest depictions of Hell were of a very cold place because it was devoid of God's light, love, and warmth.   It was medieval art that popularized the idea of Hell being hot.   28.  The Wonder Woman 1984 movie borrows Morpheus's Dreamstone and reinvents it as a plot device with a different design. The actor who plays Abel is also in Wonder Woman 1984 as the man who wished for a cup of coffee.  I choose to pretend it was Abel in disguise.  29.   Many actors in The Sandman bonus episode Dream of a Thousand Cats and Calliope were in The Sandman Audio drama.   David Tennant (Loki in the audio drama), Michael Sheen (Lucifer), Arthur Darvill (Shakespeare), James McAvoy (Morpheus), and Neil Gaiman.
30.   Arthur Darvill has played three DC characters so far.  Shakespeare (Sandman audio drama), Richard Madoc (Sandman Netflix series), and Rip Hunter (Legends of Tomorrow).
31.   Mark Hamill has played The Joker (Batman animated series, animated movies and video games), Trickster (The Flash 1990s series and Justice League: Action), and Swamp Thing (Justice League Action) and now Mervyn Pumpkinhead (Sandman).    Mark Hamill has also voiced Marvel characters like Hobgoblin (90s Spiderman animated series), and ironically he was Nightmare in Ultimate Spiderman (Animated series). Nightmare (ruler of the Dream Dimension) is pretty much Marvel’s equivalent of Dream if he had never had his “time out” bubble.   Though Nightmare was created first he went under drastic revisions to make him more and more like Dream.  In fact in the 2019 Deadpool: Annual 1, when Deadpool landed in Nightmare’s throne room he quips “Is Neil Gaiman going to sue us for this?” Bonus:   32.  Cain and his house of Mystery appeared in the animated series Justice League: Action for the episode Trick or threat. 33.  The grimoire used to summon and trap Morpheus was used in the Justice League: Action episode Supernatural adventures in Babysitting (though they used the wrong pronunciation.  It’s Mawd-lin Grimoire, not Magda-lin Grimoire) even though it’s spent Magdalene Grimoire. 34.    Death has an animated short called DC Showcase: Death. It is a bonus feature on the blu ray for the animated movie Wonder Woman: Bloodlines. 35.  Morpheus’s helm appears as an Easter Egg in a Smallvile tie-in comic. 36.  The storyline of the Lucifer TV show where Lucifer quits ruling Hell, goes to Earth, is followed by his loyal demon, Mazikeen, opens Lux, and takes up piano and singing is from The Sandman: Season of Mists.   37.  The plot of Dead Boy Detectives is also from The Sandman: Season of Mists.  
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tadpal · 2 months
Nine People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
thank you to @fakrichie for the tag!!
3 ships: not hugely a shipping person anymore but i guess spirk will always be dear to me, if emma x knightley can be counted a ship then them, and annemax from black sails. really everything that goes on in black sails drives me crazy, but annemax is a special thing to me
first ship: who's to say really, maybe emma knightley (aged seven) but there was probably something before that too?
last song: chloë by father john misty! one of my favourites of all time, i love it's jaunt. could be emma if she didn't have the people who love her..
currently reading: on a pause or lull, going to start up with flowers in the attic when it arrives, paused foundation by issac asimov (wrong mood for rn), and rereading ways of seeing by berger. I'd like to get a copy of rosencrantz and guildenstern + the lion in the winter, bc it's been ages since I've read a play and i do enjoy it massively
last movie: i am right now watching gentlemen prefer blondes, but the last finished movie was the awful truth starring, i forget her name but she's very good, and cary grant
currently craving: ice cream so badly, a ben and jerrys cookie dough + a reeces peanut butter cup, followed up by a lovely fresh salad (beef tomatoes and shallots with sea salt white vinegar and good olive oil, and then a second more leafy salad with good crunch and a mustard italian dressing) but im just speaking from hunger
tagging: @courtjester42069 @mhaccunoval @silvermagpies @guy-girlfriend @jaybirdsdelight @breadboylovin @legglessdraws @pizza-hats-of-the-world-1882 @crepuscularqueens but np!!
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jetlagupdates · 9 months
Ben retweeted jltg fits!
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[ID: A quote-retweet by jltg fits @/jetlagfits. The original tweet by jltg fits reads "not sure this is it but ben may be wearing this for day 1 of s7: 1980s batik airbrush floral hawaiian shirt by krash ($50). Attached is a photo of said shirt.
The quote-retweet reads "in s7e1, ben IS wearing that shirt, and his mum’s buff. crucially, he is also wearing a berger cookies hat ($15) to celebrate the “original baltimore classic” of “soft, cake-like cookie that is covered with delicious fudge icing”". Attached is a picture of Ben from the episode and a photo of the hat. It's retweeted by ben doyle. End ID]
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junkyardromeo · 7 months
my #1 beef with u is why do u keep saying shit abt meryland n lacrosse i have lived next 2 n occasionally in maryland all my life n the only ppl i knew who plyd lacrosse wrrr rich fuck heads tht i would srap w. like why dont ulike marylanf :((( relax rip open a crab have a berger cookie … lacrosse isnkt a maryland tjing really
i think its bc this guy i went to middle school with was from maryland n he had like a maryland flag sweatshirt n he played lacrosse n was obsessed w lacrosse so its just an association
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Jury Duty episode 1.03 "Foreperson"
This is the funniest thing I’ve seen on tv in a really long time. I’m so happy for Ronald- literally no one else in the world has had this experience and he was such a champ. I was pulled in by the premise- a guy reports for jury duty and essentially walks into The Truman Show. Ronald Gladden was appointed to a jury that was sequestered for 17 days, without access to his phone, and without knowing that the case is fabricated and everyone he interacts with the entire time is an actor. It actually sounds crazy to describe, and I initially started it with morbid curiosity because I didn’t see how this could possibly be an okay thing to do to someone.
But Jury Duty is somehow an incredibly wholesome, heartwarming, and hysterical piece of work. I can’t get over how much they lucked out with Ronald- he was so genuine and present and really did his best with all these bizarre situations. Just down for anything. This could definitely have gone another way with a different type of person, but the acting feat involved with the rest of the cast staying in character for days on end is also almost shocking.
Ronald’s laid back and willing attitude put my concerns for his wellbeing to bed pretty much immediately, but this episode is where I got fully invested. Ronald had just been appointed foreperson of the jury, which seems to just mean that he has to handle it when everyone else does weird stuff during the case.
To start with, Todd is wearing his chants (chair pants) to court today. No description can do them justice, you gotta see them, but they’re basically crutches with kneepads on top that attach around his waist so he can lean back into them and sit. He’s really proud of his invention, but he makes a scene everywhere they go because “the only part that is slightly inconvenient about these is interacting with other chairs while you’re wearing them”. When attempting to walk through the metal detector at the courthouse, the security guard just says “no”, and Todd then spends several minutes removing them inside the courtroom at the judge’s request. This all sounds too silly to believe, but I think David Brown’s performance is so realistic. And what would it take for you to start wondering if everyone and everything around you is fake?
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Susan Berger, Ronald Gladden, Mekki Leeper, Ross Kimball, and Edy Modica in Jury Duty. Image courtesy of IMDb.
Todd is embarrassed after having to take off his chants in front of everybody, which makes Ronald feel bad- and admit that he may have given Todd the inspiration for chants when he showed him A Bug’s Life over the weekend. He thought that Todd might appreciate the nice tale “about the bug who’s making these inventions. He’s trying to introduce technology into their lives. That’s exactly what Todd is trying to do. You know, that’s what he’s passionate about. And I think it’s really cool. So I showed him that movie to kind of let him know that, you know, those people tend to be misunderstood in society, just like it’s portrayed in the movie. You know, he’s kind of an outcast. And all he’s trying to do is just help in his own way.”
This is both the funniest and sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s such a funny, silly thing that it’s amazing it wasn’t scripted. Ronald just decided to show this guy A Bug’s Life over the weekend. And David Brown hung out with him and watched it, in character.
Barbara, meanwhile, can’t stay awake during the depositions. Ronald taps her several times to wake her up, but the judge finally adjourns for a coffee break, telling Ronald to keep his jury in line. He understandingly pleads with Barbara to stay awake, and she reassures him that she just ate a cookie that has “sativa and Dexedrine in it”. Ronald was asked to keep her awake, not monitor her drug use, so he just laughs and says “as long as you don’t fall asleep”.
Barbara doesn’t fall asleep. Suddenly, she is very invested in the case, gasping and reacting to every twist in the testimony. Afterwards, Ronald gushes about how proud he is of her, innocently saying she must have taken a new interest in the case.
This stand-up behavior from Ronald continues throughout the case, even as the situations get weirder and weirder. The concept of Jury Duty seems like it’s opening new doors in comedy, but I can’t imagine this ever being replicated. It was a really involved, risky experiment that managed to turn out perfectly. Please watch it and tell me your favorite part.
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freifraufischer · 2 years
Why I don’t think it’s possible for us to know who “should” have won medals in 1988 more than 30 years later...
(for @oneflexedfoot)
One of the things people will always tell you about 1980s gymnastics is that it was corrupt and the East Germans were overscored (perhaps combined with a tale of a ‘stolen’ bronze team medal from the 1988 Olympics).  This isn’t going to go into the Olympic controversy directly but explain why you shouldn’t try and sit back with a modern eye and think you can figure out who should have won.  
As gymnastics fans we all know the code of points changes from quad to quad.  In 1988 you could do a Yuchenko Full and a Yurchenko Tuck to win a gold medal at the Olympics.  The next year you needed different vaults to do the same thing at the World Championship.  In 2008 you could have 5 tumbling lines in your floor routine.  The next year you could do no more than 4 across the diagonal.  When you are judging past gymnastics you need to be aware of the code of points the routines were operating under so you don’t look at someone from the 1996 repeating a skill and thinking they’re doing something wrong when it was perfectly acceptable under that code of points.
One of the elements of the 1988 Code of Points was that it explicitly encouraged originality and it did this by giving bonus for the introduction of new skills and for performing skills (and connections) from a list of “rare skills” published by the WTC and sent to the national federations.  Smart construction in 1988 would not use a cookie cutter routine.  You’d never get “the Russian compulsory bars” routine we have now.  You’d never get the same-y-ness of elite bars in general among top bars workers of the time because to maximize your routine construction you couldn’t do the same thing as someone else.  
And the problem we have now is that these rare skill lists have not survived because they weren’t published in the code of points.  They were ephemera paper that has been lost.  
So why does this matter particularly to looking at East German routines.  Well ... the code of points was written by an East German.  This was Ellen Berger’s world and her countrywomen were code hacking it as far as they could.  
I want you to start the video at the top of this post at Timestamp 18.28.  This is the East German Team Optionals from 1987 Worlds.  I’m starting you after the first gymnast who had a fall and whose score was dropped.  I want you to look at their mounts, at their releases, at their routine construction.  Each routine is using unusual and rare connections and skills.  And each is different from each other.  
Uneven Bars was what the East Germans were famous for but their beam and floor routines contained the same characteristics.  They were squeezing every tenth out of the code of points they could.  Meanwhile there are examples from 1988 where American gymnasts routines included some chunks of the compulsory routine.  Not enough to cause a deduction but certainly enough not to impress judges who are operating in a code of points that values mastery and originality.
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A Long December
This piece was originally written about my character, Deanna Berger, from my novels The Transition Piece, and its sequel, Hard Science and Modern Art. (There might be some minor spoilers for blog readers who haven’t read these books.) And it’s also about a few songs that aren’t really about Christmas/the holiday season, and holiday stress, and the ever-changing nature of life…the waves of positive and negative…of good and bad…of regret and gratitude. But re-reading this piece this year hit me differently, because...well...this has been a tough year. And this HAS been a long December. Hell, it's been a long 3-6 years; let's be real.
I know, right? Can’t we just do Holly Jolly Christmas things? You’re a self-professed sap, Jen. Your December is packed full of romantic sentimentality. You make up hopeful fictional love stories and even when it’s not Christmas, you’re kind of annoyingly preachy about peace on Earth and goodwill toward men (and WOMEN TOO dammit!). So like…do we need to be all deep and philosophical and arguably dark right now?
See, I love December. It’s full of memories about when I met J. It’s the month our son was born in. Those are unquestioningly the two best things that have ever happened to me, the two biggest pieces of my soul, the two most important people in my life, who both came to me in December. But I know not everyone loves it, and even in my own spectacular Decembers, there have been some shitty parts. I like to focus on the positives in life, because that’s how I operate the best and healthiest. But I haven’t forgotten about the problems. And I know for many people (sometimes my own self included), December can be hard. (It was hard this year).
We’ve all lost someone we miss and think about them in December because of holidays centered around people we love, or sometimes actual grief anniversaries, and shortening winter days, and the year coming to an end. Many people (myself included) have strained or difficult or even abusive or non-existent relationships with their families. Being around them out of obligation causes a lot of stress; nearly inevitable hostile confrontation causes stress; feeling judged or ignored or lonely causes sadness…and ramps up anxiety.
Deanna’s December is hard. She’s had some unequivocally good things happen for her in December. But she’s also had some terrible things happen to her. And she definitely feels that holiday strain, dealing with her family. For Deanna, it’s decidedly NOT The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.
She normally focused on what she’d lost in December, and I know there are many people who do this. And she felt extra obligation to spend time with her parents, who were not the most supportive people to her, even through the hardest parts of her life (which happened in December). So even the parts of her life that were good and that she was immensely grateful for felt overshadowed by sadness and anxiety and doubt. She felt weighed down by feelings of inadequacy and regret. I’ve been there. I know a lot of people have been there and ARE there, right now. I know a lot of people who get down every year in December. I had a friend of mine tell me once that her father, for every year of his life that she could remember, cried each New Year’s Eve. And he had a great life, and he was normally a cheerful, grateful, positive and optimistic man. December just has that effect on a lot of people. It makes people think about endings and mortality, because it’s the end of the year, and we remember people we once spent holidays with that are no longer there, or relationships that are difficult that we wish were loving and full of ease and contentment instead. Social obligation forces these things into the light in December. And that’s not even mentioning financial and diet/health pressures and management. (Oh just eat the fudge…the cookies…have another helping of the…it’s CHRISTMAS…Oh we have to get a gift for the teacher/mailman/your Aunt Barbara/but so-and-so is a vegan and this other person has a peanut allergy and we have to accommodate all of that into the holiday meals and we can’t leave out X if we got a gift for Y and…)
Deanna spent a lot of Decembers feeling alone and hardening herself to all of the emotional up and down and the connections…the obligatory ones that wore her down and the real ones she lost and feared losing. But when she met Jake…and later…even more so…when she met Bobby…her outlook on December brightened up.
This has been one of my favorite songs since the first time I heard it. It’s kinda like me. It’s melancholy and sentimental and full of nostalgia and memory and wistful lyricism (that’s what Counting Crows are all about…it’s why I love them and have since I was in high school). But as gray and somber as it is, it’s also stubbornly optimistic. And I think that’s not only me, that’s Deanna too. That’s how that particular one of my characters is like me. She’s been through some shit. She remembers all of it. But ‘there’s reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last.’ This is one of her favorite songs too. And the connections she’s made give her that hope that things will always improve…the gray won’t last forever…December may be long, but it always rolls around to January. Deanna knows endings lead to new beginnings. So do I.
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bound4travel81 · 1 year
Lexington Market, established in 1782, is the country's oldest public market and home to some regional treats. A new building opened early this year across the street from the original and has a large variety of vendors and food. Be sure to stop at Berger's on the lower level for their famous cookies.
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Part of the Network’s “New Year New Movies” Programming Event Filmed on Location in Greece
STUDIO CITY, CA – January 17, 2022 – Alison Sweeney (“Chronicle Mysteries,” ”Hannah Swenson Mysteries”), Victor Webster (“Workin’ Moms,” “A Christmas Cookie Catastrophe”), Lacey Chabert (“Party of Five,” “Haul out the Holly”) and Autumn Reeser (“Entourage,” “The O.C.”) return in “The Wedding Veil Journey,” a new, original movie premiering January 21, 2023 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel, as part of the network’s “New Year, New Movies” programming event. Jane Asher (Death at a Funeral, I Give It a Year) also stars. The movie was filmed partly on location in Greece.
In the third movie of the sequel trilogy, Tracy (Sweeney) is now head of the auction house, and Nick’s (Webster) restaurant is doing so well that he’s looking at expanding. Their success leaves the couple so little time together, they have yet to decide where to take their long overdue honeymoon, but finally settle on Greece. When a travel delay leaves them without a hotel room, they end up staying on a beautiful, secluded island at a fledgling inn run by capable local Tessa (Katerina Geronikolou, Moonstruck) and her well-meaning, if bungling brother Xander (Alexander Nicolaou, “Casualty”). When Nick discovers that Xander is filling in as chef, despite his cooking being unpalatable, he cannot help but to lend a hand in the kitchen. Tracy meanwhile meets Leo (newcomer Ché Grant), a charming boy from a nearby boarding school, whose artistic talents are only rivaled by his knack for getting into trouble. Tracy cannot shake the feeling that Leo needs her help but finds her interventions unwelcomed by the school’s headmaster (Andreas Karras, Crooked House). Soon Tracy encounters a mystery when elegant Lady Dalton (Asher) and her grandson Colin (Nicholas Banks, Kingsman: The Secret Service) check in. Inexplicably, the veil – which Tracy had brought along to give to Nick’s sister – keeps winding up in Colin’s room. With sparks flying between Colin and Tessa, even skeptical Tracy may finally have to admit there’s something to the veil’s legend. As they spend time on the island, Tracy and Nick may also find that, though their honeymoon isn’t exactly what they had pictured, it might just be exactly what they need.
“The Wedding Veil” is from Front Street Pictures Productions. Beth Grossbard, Lisa Demberg, Lacey Chabert and Alison Sweeney are executive producers. Harvey Kahn, Juliet Smith and Phillip Roth are co-executive producers. Allen Lewis and Maria Komninos are supervising producers, and Sepideh Merchant, James Jope and Valerie Biggin are associate producers. Charles Cooper is producer. Ron Oliver directed from a script by Karen Berger, inspired by the book There Goes the Bride by Lori Wilde and based on characters created by Judith Berg & Sandra Berg.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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My allergies just started kicking off. My eyes got really itchy. Very uncomfortable. I really just want to close my eyes.
Me and James didn't sleep great last night. Poor James had a terrible super stomach. I was just really tired. But I tried to shake it off.
I liked my outfit a lot today James said it made me look like I was excited for my first day of kindergarten. Which I thought was hilarious.
We left here and went to get O'Malley. We had some confusion about which corner we were on but we found them fast enough. They had oatmeal with them that smelled really nice.
We went to work with a stop at McDonald's. I enjoyed our conversations in the car. O'Malley said James ordered at the drive through so well. And they didn't know the shopping center was up there so they were excited to know about that. Glad we could show them.
James wanted to sit down in the car for a minute so they gave me their keys. I got a little frustrated when they wanted to leave their bike on the car rack and not bring it inside. And I'm like. James you have already had a bike stolen in this neighborhood bring it in. And eventually they did but I was not happy that it had to be a conversation. It's not safe to leave it out there.
Me and O'Malley didn't have to work until 915. So we ate breakfast and gossiped in the back until we found something useful to do.
I would work on my crochet though. And had fun doing that throughout the day. I would make 7 squares today! I'm very proud of the progress. I would do a lot of it when I was watching the desk for James. But I felt really good about the work.
While we were waiting for the day to start I went to walk the tour route. Found the machine shop making a funny noise. Went to find Stanley in the garment loft. Helped moved the two sewing machines that are going on loan to another musuem. And then rearranged the corner so it looked nice still. I enjoyed being helpful.
And then we went to check out the machine shop and I ended up chatting with a guest in there who was visiting from Australia! He's on a cross America trip and I was so glad he was there and enjoying it.
Me and O'Malley had one tour today with a 8th grade writing class. And they were so well behaved. Honestly I had a blast with them. I got to really get into the storytelling. They took a million notes. The only issue I had was me and O'Malley didn't communicate our timing of the galleries and my garment loft ran over a few minutes and they had been a gallery behind me so we ran into each other and everyone was a little confused. But I finished up my last gallery and got them to lunch on time.
I ran back into the nice boy from Australia and O'Malley joined us to talk and we had some big laughs about America and we told him he should try berger cookies while he's in Baltimore. But we warned him to only eat one because his teeth will rot out. I hope he kept having fun on his trip. He ended up having a lovely talk with James and that was very sweet.
Me and O'Malley went and had lunch before we went up to the maintenance offices to go built boxes for outreaches. Which I always enjoy because it's just. A hand task that it monotonous but short lived. And Stanley and Phil had a TV up there and we watched an old episode of Medium (a show I loved when I was a kid) and we had some great conversations. I got to show Stanley my finished blanket. It was a fun hour.
Then I was down to the front desk to give James a lunch break. And then they had two meetings. I brought my crochet and my drink but I forgot my snack. Thankfully O'Malley would come down and let me run back to get my snack and things were great then.
I only had one group come in during my time at the desk. They were really nice. And I answered the phone a few times. James overheard me on the phone calls and said I did great. And I made the over head announcements. I watched a show on my phone while I crocheted and it was a good way to spend the day.
James came down to use their computer for a second meeting. So we got to sit together while they did their meeting and I crocheted and once the museum was closed for the day I went to the back office to cut Tshirt for rags. The maintenance guys had turned off the lights early which made our last couple guests laugh. But we all got where we needed to go.
At 330 we went back to the desk to wait for James to be done for the day. And once they were we drove O'Malley to their other job at the rock climbing gym. I'm glad we were able to help them out when they were having car troubles.
Me and James went to the grocery store went and got a few things. We forgot the list we had written at the museum. But we got a few things we thought we needed. And then we went home.
I ate the Doritos we got in the car. And when we got home James made us burritos. And while they were doing that I did some work in the other room.
I sat down and made the ring display idea I had and it's not perfect but I am so thrilled with how it looks. I can see all my rings now and I think it looks awesome. I'm really proud.
James was all stressed but dinner was good. And I hung out in the couch with them. I love my James so much.
I went on a search for my missing silk pants. Took all the pajamas out of the drawer but they were not there. I folded everything and then went to fold the blankets in the other drawer and found my pants in there???? Why were they with the blankets??? I was super excited to find them again though.
I did some more crochet. Did today's loom knitting. Had a little milkshake. Watched a video. And now I am in bed waiting for James to finish their dnd game. I am probably going to go take a shower. Tomorrow I have to work on my poster and examples for this weekend. I hope I have all the energy I need to make this happen.
I feel a lot happier today. I hope I keep feeling good. And I hope you feel good too. Sleep well everyone. Take care of yourself!!
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cattlegoth · 2 years
I don't have money for gifts so instead I'm going to make a bunch of nice treats for my partners and I already know that for Iris I'm going to make her some homemade Berger cookies because we're both from the Baltimore area and talk about missing those cookies so much.
This is a Berger cookie if you've never seen one it's like a shortbread covered in a soft ganache and is one of the greatest cookies you'll ever eat.
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thenightling · 1 year
Trivia:  When Karen Berger (later the head of Vertigo) became editor of The House of Mystery horror anthology comics she was depicted bribing Cain (the host) with cookies.
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 Cain's sweet tooth would be a constant through the comics and even The Sandman Netflix series.  In episode 2, Imperfect hosts, you will see him snatch a cookie (biscuit) right after Abel's second death (in the show).
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