#BUT despite that i was so so so excited for episode 6 cuz it was when i first got a glimse into ww’s backstory and i love me some lore
minalots · 1 year
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I miss Stampede Saturday sm y’all it ain’t even funny at this point
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misarem · 1 month
umineko episode 2 impressions
......thoughts? im like 30 hours into this its kinda not impressions time anymore but idk.
This episode really was so much crazier than the last and while i thought the first was pretty well done, everything in this from the new twists and beatrices cruelty had me together in just the right way and it feels like the games really clicking for me now. feel like im getting a bit more into the mysteries too and im excited to keep going but i have to organize my thoughts first. obv spoilers
right off the bat i like the different approach in showing the two days, contextualizing them with moments between different parts of the family beforehand. i really liked the stuff with Jessica performing (love parts of vns like this, reminded me of ibuki mioda in sdr2) and i thought her thing with Kanon, while im not a huge fan of it, i find it more palatable with them being a lot closer in age than the other cousin maid pairing and i just think its sweet in general the way they care for each other despite getting shit from their respective families/groups. on the other hand, i had forgotten this in the first episode and i still like George but ok wow his relationship with Shannon is creepy. I can get over that kinda thing in a game when its addressed meaningfully but im wondering if its just gonna like be taken as a given like battler making advances to his cousins or if its gonna be addressed cuz like. i think they do have sort of a nice affection for each other and i want Shannon to be happy with a partner but i forgot shes like 6 or 7 years younger than him and him like half seriously ordering her as his servant to be with him is like yeesh dude. it does make an interesting contrast with George being the more mature cousin and playing along with their power dynamic just to make things smoother while Jessica is younger and more aspirational, wanting Kanon to be on the same level as her. well see what happens later on ig.
speaking of forgetting how bad some characters could be WOW this was a major chapter for Rosa. we immediately see how cruel she is to Maria and, ig fitting for episode 2, its almost like two sides to Rosa are established. but its so obvious the demure side of Rosa is influenced by the same upbringing that created her abusive side and as hard as it is to watch her hit maria its also just like so immediately painfully real how Rosa got to this point. not to get too personal and i think lots of people have this parental baggage nowadays but having spent years coping with verbal and emotional abuse from my own mother and having to face the harsh reality that shes not simply a shitty person and having to live with her own family and husband made her that way, and having to learn how to worry for and pity someone that you have, almost hard coded resentment for at this point. yea Rosa in this chapter just hits incredibly hard, and i gleamed from chapter 1 that a youngest child who isnt taken as seriously having abuse tendencies would be a lot to watch, i really had no idea how severe it would be. her ending with Maria this chapter was insane, just a perfect encapsulation of how bittersweet their feelings were, and the "only one mama/maria" line was a crazy moment of maturity for Maria too. im really wondering about her still cuz after the murders start its kinda easy to like write her off as a presence similar to the witches but she keeps showing different facets of herself in the briefest moments. i do think she and Battler will make it to the tenth twilight every episode tho no matter what happens to everyone else. also for Rosa, the tea party was just sick thats all ill say.
as for other predictions, just by pattern recognition the easiest guess for me is that one set of parents will be spared every first twilight just to see more of them during the 5th. so far it was George's parents (and natsuhi) surviving the first episode and Maria's parent surviving ep2, so im wondering if Battler and Jessica's parents will concurrently follow. also wondering if, following Natsuhi and Rosa, Kyrie and Eva will make it close to the end next. maybe one ep will be an inverse of the first and Eva survives along with Jessica's parents while Hideyoshi dies first. Eva and Hideyoshi seem to have a nice relationship and it would be interesting to see one without the other, and I can definitely see Eva going crazy without her husband. I mainly just hope Kyrie makes it far and gives us more insight and character cuz shes just so cool. Altho maybe she's just meant to die every time, imparting her wisdom on Battler who uses it to poetically avenge her. considering Battler himself has some Phoenix Wright dna in his writing, it wouldnt be surprising if Kyrie ended up being his Mia Fey (ig that kinda makes Maria like Pearl).
Other than that I'm not sure how things will shake out. for the murders themselves, while I dont have the other locked rooms figured out, the idea that someone took the chapel key and then placed it back into Maria's bag after resealing the envelope danced around in my mind before Battler and Beato even started arguing, since I thought if Rosa could do it and the means to make a wax seal were on the island, anyone could. I almost feel like I dont have enough info for the others but I could be seeing it wrong. Either way I love the argument style that Battler and Beato take up midway thru this chapter, with the red text rule constantly evolving as Battler and Beato take turns seizing it for their own advantage, and I cant wait for them to debate even more. Also. cannot stress this enough. absolutely next level voice acting from Sayaka Ohara. Every witch cackle and comeback and "USHIROMIYA BAAATTLEEEEEEER" is just unbelievable and i never ever get tired of hearing her line reads. Hell Ive gone to the log several times just to hear her again cuz I tend to have an itchy text advance finger. Just incredible.
Back to the story tho, I'm also kinda confused with the order of murders vs the order of twilights, with Nanjo and Kumasawa dying before George, Shannon and Gohda but having the 7th and 8th twilights, while the latter trio had 4, 5 and 6 (not in that order but you know). Wonder what the significance is and how itll come up, of course you can gouge a knee and leg of a dead body but it seems weird esp if the command "gouge the _ and kill" is meant to be taken literally in that order. i think that they werent marked as dead in the character page until their bodies were discovered too even tho their throats were cut on screen which is also kinda suspicious even tho I think Kanon and Jessica mightve been the same? Its actually hard to check that since my set up for Umineko Project on steam deck is kinda finnicky and the mouse doesnt always register like it should so i have a hard time clicking things. Still something to keep an eye on. Regardless i thought the death order was a lot more interesting with Rosa having to take the lead and the family and servants factioning off, even at the end where among the surviving family group, Rosa still found a way to make things hard for Battler and im wondering if smth like this would happen again like George taking Shannon and going against him or smth.
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before i wrap up heres how my tier list shifted. since more witches are being introduced ill find a bigger one next episode but not much has changed. i still like George but hes going down in the fucked up category. and Genji and Gohda didnt have a huge impression on me previously but they rlly grew on me with Genji showing his devotion and Gohda not being as much as an asshole and growing closer to Kanon and Shannon. I have a butler bias and a big dude bias so that along with how pathetic and desperate he comes off kinda pulled me to him more even tho hes a lot of side character comic relief. And Shannon was just really nice this episode.
Last thing is the ??? segment which is basically just the witches segment. I knew Bernkastel (and Erika Furudo) clearly had something to do with Rika Furude but after posting the first episode impressions I realized Lambdadelta resembles Satoko Hojo a bit, and with what I know watching sparse clips of the Higurashi series from 2020 that had a lot of time loop fuckery, and with Bern and Lambda having a rivalry and recent conflict, it makes me wonder if Higurashi and Umineko are connected that way. The thing is tho I havent seen Higurashi in full at all. I do wanna play it at some point after this but Umineko just appealed to me way more and I couldnt help myself. Still i think its interesting. I've already seen more abt Beato from the peek I took of episode 3 and i cant wait to not only jump in but to see how my opinions and predictions keep changing
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kalrein · 10 months
#01. pretty hot vampire brothers
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entry #1: diabolik lovers I, 27.07.23
well diabolik lovers is... very interesting.. the start was pretty alright yet messy. i first watched it when i was younger and I WAS FASCINATED. my thirst for vampires started with this and bram stoker's dracula like holy shit, they were so hot??!
the story starts with yui komori moving into the sakamaki household and thinking some dude (ayato sakamaki) was dead cuz ya know, no vitals and shit. and oh my gooodd???!! he was alive the whole time because plot twist he's a vampire. the whole family was summoned, yui found out they we're all vampires and being the christian she was she thought that crucifixes can kill vampires. but nope the typical cross, garlic and sunshine doesn't affect vampires in this universe. then later in the series we find out that she's a sacrificial bride for these brothers to suck on like leaches. (poor yui)
in the end, i don't know if she became a vampire or still remain a human being with her waking up after stabbing herself after getting possessed by ayato's, laito's and kanato's hot mom that is named cordelia.
the hot mom cordelia was having an affair with the sakamaki brother's uncle, richter. ehhh richter was okay, he was hot but like he didn't stick out to me. richter's brother and also the sakamaki brother's father, karlheinz is waaay more hotter, i know where the brothers got their looks from.
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entry #2: diabolik lovers II, 28.07.23
the introduction of 4 new vampires (actually 6) got me pretty excited but to only find out that it's just gonna be the same situation as the sakamaki brothers. im honestly not surprised..
though they address yui as eve and they gotta suck our poor mc's blood to be adam. at the start of the series, they got in a car accident but of course they're still alive. turns out the cause of this accident was because of the newly introduced mukami brothers, they also attend the same night school the gang is going to.
and oh my god they kidnapped yui. so like the sakamaki brothers thought she ran away and is going to come back to the house but lmao okay,, meanwhile the mukami brothers like their predecessor treat yui like shiiit!!! but like no matter what household she goes to she'll just suffer the same thing of getting uhh sucked by vampires.
oh yeah, the mukami brothers aren't actually brothers but they get along so much better than the sakamaki brothers who are ACTUALLY related to one another. also unlike the sakamaki brothers, they aren't born a vampire they were turned into one.
okay fast forward --- ayato goes to the mukami's household for yui, yui comes back to the sakamaki household but came back right away to the mukami household because oh nooo!!! they got attacked by wolves and ruki got the most damage to the point he's bedridden. ALSO THE INTERACTION BETWEEN ASUZA AND KANATO IS LITERALLY GOLD I COULD NOT GET IT OUT MY MIND!!!
and yay more new vampires and they want yui (not surprised) this time they're called the founders and uhh idk i didn't really watched their part but okay, new hot vampires
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entry #3: my honest reaction + conclusion
okay so reverse harem but the mc is submissive..? okay greaat.. i feel really bad and annoyed by yui by her actions. eh i get that she's getting sucked by vampires to the point of dying due to loss of blood, but like.. why does she feel like she's indebted to vampires by attending and caring for them? like girl, they kidnapped you and treat you like shit and literal livestock. but okay, she's the mc
well despite yui being like that, i look forward to the series. on season 2, the story was quite more intense and complex due to the introduction of new characters and the recent storyline, i think its dope.
this series isn't that much of a must watch but when i finished the series it made me wanna play the games.. curiosity hits hard. its a good show and recommendable if you want to watch vampire esque series like these.
also this series is really short, 12 episodes per seasons and each episode got like 14 minutes, you can finish this within a day or two if you got nothing good to do like me ueue
i got nothing more to say, and if you made it this far to read this little review -- thanks a looottt!!!! see you at the next review :D
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totaldramafan-lauri · 5 months
The year that kept on giving and giving.
While not everything was great, I can confidently say that this year was overall positive for me, and thank god, since the last few months of 2022 left me so depressed and exhausted that I was legit pessimistic about recovering from it.
And I did.
Despite some lingering feelings, I'm happy to say that I'm mostly over it. I've chosen not to dwell on it anymore, and I accepted that I can't influence the thoughts of other people I have no control over. All I can do is...improve.....and I have. I've improved a lot this year. Which....actually, that WAS my new year's resolution for 2023, wasn't it? Just to get better? In that regard....can I be proud of myself....? I know it isn't much, but...
I have a lot to thank for making this a good year for me. My interests were VERY kind to me, from Eurovision being great this year, Helluva Boss releasing a LOTTA episodes including three that I absolutely adored, getting to fight on Team Shiver in Splatoon 3 and winning, ushering in the Era Of Shiver, and finally.....CRK continuing to not only be my comfort game all year, but then not only topping itself, but BLOWING MY MIND with releasing Golden Cheese and me reacting SO STRONGLY to her that I'm STILL r-reeling from it....o/////o
Not only that, but....I'm still writing. I can be proud of that, too.
I know things will never quite be the same as they were, but....that's fine. I'm still in a pretty good place.
Three characters that made my life better in 2023 (if you're reading this, did you have any?):
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As for 2024....I have two goals for this year, but technically, one isn't all up to me right now, and it's more personal, so I'll save it for (hopefully) later when I'm ready to share.
And the other one is pretty simple, and that's just Finish The Damn Fic.
---You can stop reading here if you don't care about this topic---
Seriously, this thing has been an undertaking, and working on it DAILY since October has been both tiring and fun at the same time. At this point, even if no one reads it, it's gonna feel SO GOOD when it's all done. SOOOOO GOOD! >.< Like I said before: I don't think this'll be my fav fic I've written (Naivete is just so special to me), but it'll be the biggest project I've EVER put my name on. I don't wanna rush any part of it.......I wanna get it as good as I can.
Cuz....H-Her Radiance, she....d-deserves it....
Regarding the fic, for those who care, I have two bits of good news! One is that, according to the outline of the chapters I have yet to write and the number of scenes in each one.....I think- I THINK- I'm near the halfway point of the story. That, or I JUUUUUST reached it. I'm working on the longest chapter. Once I finish chapter 3, I have three more full chapters, and I think 4 and 5 are gonna be shorter chapters than 3, with 6 being definitely the shortest.
Which leads me to the other point: I'm coming up on a good stopping point for chapter 3. It isn't the ending I WANTED, but the chapter is just so big that I'm gonna have to stuff all my leftover ideas into chapter 4.
This means that, yes....in the next few days, you guys are getting the next chapters.
P-part of me is nervous about this, since....again, it isn't the ending I wanted....b-but I don't wanna wait to post until I finish the WHOLE NEW CHAPTER 4 I didn't plan for. I dunno how long that's gonna take, and....
Well, something I'm looking forward to is coming in a couple weeks, and I wanna enjoy that thing and give it my attention without stressing about the fic too much. I wanna post on AO3 sometime in January, then release the rest of the chapters as I finish them.
It's looking like 2024's gonna be starting out on a good note....I'm nervous, but excited at the same time.....>__<
I really hope that I'm ready for this.....
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whobobreviewsstuff · 2 years
Review: Breaking Bad Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot (Spoilers)
Hello again. I'm about to start my Breaking Bad rewatch and review every single episode of the series. So it's gonna be a wild ride. I plan on updating this project daily but there may be days when I'm not available to watch or review, so yeah. Let's begin!
S1E1: Pilot
Written by Vince Gilligan
Directed by Vince Gilligan
The groundbreaking series starts off with a bang. From that opening of Walter trying to handle the situation of having two people on the back of his RV and some other guy on the front, we see how this series hooks us so perfectly. You have no idea what the situation is but yet you wanna know what's happenning atm. It's so strong.
The episode estabilishes Walt's world so well. Having two jobs that unsatisfy him, unhappy marriage, a brother in law who is a successful DEA cop and belittles Walt's masculinity etc. These aspects make Walt's life such a tire and he questions what the hell he is doing with his life and he doesn't know how to stand up for himself. Despite having to see two students of his make fun of him for washing cars, he doesn't do jackshit about it. And then he faints and he learns he has lung cancer. It's such a turning point for Walter because he only has 1.5 years to live and suddenly everything clicks. He visits a drug dealer bust with his Hank and he sees his former student Jesse escape. I love that moment of Jesse just trying to wear his pants but then he falls from the root. The show does comedy so well when it's not serious. After witnessing all that, he goes to Jesse and become parthers with him to sell drugs. And nothing is same ever again.
The episode gives us a great introduction to the plot and it questions Walt's motives on this. We don't know why he suddenly wanted to be a drug dealer. It's all ambigious to us and I certainly didn't entirely get it when i first watched the show and up until the end, what I thought of Walter was wrong. But really the episode lays out exactly what it is. After Walt is diagnosed, he decides to grow a pair. Quits his lame job and tells his mean boss to screw himself. He beats up one of Walter Jr's bullies, teaching him a lesson and he manages to satisfy his wife at the end. It all sounds good right? That's what we thought at first but oh boy, we couldn't be more wrong.
Of course, the episode is great with moments like that but it manages to keep you on the edge of your seat with Walter defeating two drug dealers Jesse was associated with, pointing the gun in the air, expecting police to arrive cuz sirens. It's such an intense moment and you don't know how it's gonna go. Is the ep gonna end on a cliffhanger? No, it was all a false alarm and despite all that relief, the tension isn't over yet. Walt got away with his crime but he has two bodies lying down inside the RV and who knows what's he gonna do to them?
Normally many shows take a while to kick in but because Breaking Bad is such a great show, it already speeds you up to the story and it doesn't let you go at all. That's what a pilot should do. So this episode was a great start, it ages just as well as I remembered to be. It had moments I forgot but those moments enhances my already great experience with this show 6 years ago. I'm excited to see how this journey will go.
Grade: 10/10
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theninaproject · 2 years
(allusions to spoilers for s4 from the ep1-6 reviews below)
my last hope is that it wasnt until ep 7 of s3 that we got our twist that Robin is gay… and since Will’s wasnt treated like a twist (thankful for that) i think it is still…. Possible that there’s room for that this season. especially considering of the two of them, mike being gay would come as more of a ‘twist’ to the general audience (who isn’t used to picking up on the things that a lot of us have been, and therefore may also not be picking up on any subtext clues/coding this season).
so i’m conflicted n still not overly optimistic abt ep7 (mostly cuz i have learned from past experiences that it’s not wise to put all my hopes into one episode lol) cuz i originally felt like ep7, considering its title, would be almost entirely focused on El, Hawkins, and maybe Russia… but also if that is the ep containing the twist coming for El’s plot, I could see them maybe including a twist in Cali plot in that ep if there is one lol. that being said there are still the last two eps of the season that are extremely long and probably leave room for a lot still to happen, but we’ll see!
despite all that, i’m still generally looking forward to watching the season myself! hearing lots of good things about both sadie’s and millie’s performance so i’m excited for that.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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Minoriteam #1: “Operation Blackout” | November 6, 2005 – 11:45PM | S01E01
I saw exactly one episode of Minoriteam on TV. I thought to myself “never again!” Unfortunately I did not know that I would grow up and become an emotionally stunted/mentally ill man who dedicates his evenings to watching bad cartoons. Actually, nah, I knew.
From the twisted mind of Adam De La Peña, who is one of the most uniquely untalented creatives in the business. So much so that he occupies some weird space in my head as a guy that is important to hate. In fact, I will reel off his career, or at least what I know of it, without consulting wikipedia or IMDB or whatever. Adam De La Peña cut his teeth writing comedy on the Man Show or Jimmy Kimmel Live or some shit like that. Then he created I'm With Busey for Comedy Central, showcasing some of the most forced “reality-based” comedy I've ever seen in my life. In the first episode, Busey goads Adam into dressing like a woman with him, because he's so cRaZy!
Then he created a show called Code Monkeys that is almost like a parody of what stoners would like in 200-whatever. That may or may not have been before this. I don't know! I just remember seeing an episode where the characters are excited that it's 4-20, and the script came off like something I would have written in 7th grade, which I actually sorta did. I wrote a lot of stoner comedy as a child who not only didn't do pot was genuinely terrified of it.
Another thing I saw was a web cartoon that was like a fake entertainment news show. I don't remember what it was called, I just remembered it was sub-Critic webisode in regards to content, and that every little vignette ended with somebody being killed in a gristly way. Like, imagine you do a sketch comedy show and every sketch has the same exact punchline, but you're somehow a professional comedy writer who’s had a billion shows before that. The world truly isn't fair.
Another enduring memory was during, I'm guessing, 2006 comic-con Adult Swim had a couple panels that represented 3-4 shows on each panel. I remember Tim & Eric dressed like Hulks. I think this might be the panel where Dino Stamatopolis picked on Doc Hammer for having dyed hair. I also remember Adam De La Peña on one panel, and anytime he had a question he'd obnoxiously go “uuuuuhhh” and toss of some stupid answer in a faux/actually obnoxious manner. I don't know how to describe it but it was like how a kid would sorta imitate Beavis and Butt-head but kinda do a weird mash up of both voices cuz he's not allowed to actually watch Beavis and Butt-head so it’s based on other kids’ impressions of Beavis and Butt-head?. He unquestionably came off like a guy who has a shitty sense of humor that sucks and is completely arrogant despite being totally untalented. I know my own.
ASIDE: Are those videos ANYWHERE? I know some of that stuff was repurposed for DVD extras, but I think those videos were on Adult Swim's website on a weird section that nobody saw fit to rip before they got taken down. Can we get the lost media wiki on this? The Dino/Doc fight on the DVD is good, but it's missing the part where Seth Green acts pompous because somebody calls Robot Chicken claymation instead of stop-motion animation.
Then there's Minoriteam, a show that ironically resides in my blog header. Listen: I know that there's a lot of culture war bullshit about various shows being pulled from streaming sites, and this is famously one of the shows Adult Swim pulled for racist content. No matter what side you're on when it comes to this it's important to not lose site of two things: no corporation should be applauded for pulling episodes or series for racist content. They are doing it because they are scared of losing money. There's literally zero virtue in that whatsoever. Being scared of losing money is the way a lot of other racist shit happens, like slavery. Slavery and pulling racist shows are basically exactly the same thing.
The other thing to not lose sight of is that this show is unquestionably terrible and unfunny. You wanna be a free-speech warrior and do whatever the opposite of a virtue signal is by talking up how great Speedy Gonzales cartoons are or whatever? You know what? You are being protective of culture and I get it and I say go with god. But please, whatever you do, do NOT do that with this show. You’ll look stupid and discredit your cause. I promise.
Take the torrent that I downloaded this from. It's a torrent from 2009, a scant few year after this show ran it's course. The uploader called it Adult Swim's worst show, and uploaded it purely for archival reasons, citing that it was liable to fade into obscurity, not for reasons of sensitivity but for reasons of it sucking absolute shit (the site I got this from has a very “no one-season cartoon show left behind” mentality. You can get Capital Critters there if you play your cards right). No hint of 2020 discourse about racist jokes being literal violence. Nothing of the sort in 2009. A more recent torrent went up post Adult Swim's removal of the show from it's website, this time full DVDs (it came out in Australia, where racism is treated with more respect). Now people are debating the merits of this show as an important document. Nah man. It still sucks. Also, the DVD inexplicably has episodes 2-11 on the first disc, which I downloaded from my seedbox ASSUMING disc one would start with episode one. NOPE! Can't download disc two cuz of housemate bandwidth issues. So I had to watch a lowly TVRip for this.
Okay, listen: I've been having long days at work lately and I let my queue run out of posts, requiring me to write these up as quickly as possible the night they are “due”. This is the second of a one-two punch of covering not one but TWO first episodes for shows that quite frankly took a lot out of me to write about. Any first episode does this to me, because it requires me to sorta summarize the entire series in some way. If it weren't for a brief respite from Squidbillies, Lucy would've contributed to this being the third in a row. Please trust me when I tell you this: I watched this episode and it sucked and sucked so much that it barely even made enough sense for me to adequately rehash it for you. The show stars a group of superheros that are minorities and use their racial stereotypes to their advantage. They fight with an evil league of villains who are just racist supervillains, basically. In this episode they are trying to squash black-owned businesses. The Minoriteam stops them.
Everything about this show is remarkably awful. The joke-writing, the dialogue, the performances (that you, Dana Snyder?), the animation, the story: all of it is abysmal and amateurish. If this were 8 minutes shorter and pitched as a TV Funhouse sketch it would be rejected. But there's going to be twenty of these. Holy fucking shit. I was just angry at it the whole time for sucking so bad. The animation is intentionally limited, and meant to be a pastiche of the 1960s Marvel Supeheroes series. And you know what? That's all the context I'm willing to give you tonight. I'm going to watch a movie now. Fuck you.
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muthaz-rapapa · 3 years
Let’s talk TroPreCure! (^∀^ 🌺)
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i’m so stupidly proud of this dumb pun “tropurikyua~”, hahahahaha
Last post of the year and wow is there are lot to be excited for!
I even had to make a list for the stuff I want to talk about and I’m sure I already forgot one or two things but we’ll get to them as we continue to float~ along the wave to February 28th, mmkay? :)
Now for what has peaked my interest so far. And yes, we have to talk about the following first:
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1) HealPre the shortest Precure season??
Unless they plan for double features in February (which I doubt but you never know), HealPre is likely going to reach only 45 episodes long instead of the usual 48~50 before TroPre I’m using this shortening of the title for now so if there’s a better alternative, tell me and I’ll switch out begins its broadcast.
Understandable because the producers probably want to get back to their normal scheduling as soon as possible (toy sales, y’know) and I suspect pushing the start of the new season back by a month is the most they’re willing to compromise.
As for me, I’m quite happy about this since HealPre’s lost its hold on my attention a while ago so the sooner TroPre gets here, the better. Though the downside might be a scrambled climax and a rushed, underwhelming ending for HealPre (I dunno if it’s January’s titles that feel a bit messy or if the hiatus is still throwing me off) but whatever. We’ll refresh ourselves with the new blood Cures so it’s all good.
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2) Tropical movie announced for Autumn 2021, no All Stars??
First saw this mentioned on Youtube somewhere but it’s all over the fandom forums by now. I mean, HealPre’s movie is set for March, the usual time slot for All Stars release. If Toei intended for there to be an All Stars in 2021, there’s no way they would announce the seasonal movie before it so speculations of them skipping it this year are probably true.
To squeeze it somewhere between March and October-ish would force them to readjust their budgets as well and I don’t think even Toei wants to go through that extra hassle after all the trouble the pandemic’s caused for everyone already. It’s just easier to resume All Stars in 2022.
That, and I think Laura being a major character in TroPre despite not having a Cure title (yet) would make for an awkward situation when the three latest teams gather so perhaps that’s also one of the reasons. But I’ll get back to Laura in a bit.
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3) Cure Summer is a RAINBOW Cure
So god help me if I see anyone calling her a Pink Cure.
Yes, she’s the lead Cure for this season. NO, she is not a Pink Cure.
Look, even the official website has a rainbow overlay for her profile pic and text font while everyone else’s respective theme colors are a solid hue:
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Therefore, RAINBOW.
In promotional material and merchandising, they’re probably going to advertise her primarily with pink bah and at worst, she might occasionally be labeled as a White Cure with multiple subcolors (her outfit is not pink-dominant) but definitely NOT. PINK.
...also, this goes without saying but f***yea, we finally got a lead Cure practically and unabashedly wearing the LGBTQ flag and you cannot tell me otherwise, Toei!
Own up to it! Declare Manatsu/Cure Summer as the Precure queer icon!
I’m not gonna stop yellin’ until you do! 😠
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4) Laura = obvious midseason Cure is obvious
First of all, Laura is a babe. I already love her the best and she’s not even Precure yet. <3
Anyways, the set-up is pretty much in the description. Important main character who’s not a mascot, stated to have a self-confident personality and just speaks her mind (oooh, I like~ :D), magical/foreign being from another world looking for Precure to save her home, possesses her own special item(s), has aspirations to become the next Queen (so she’s a princess-candidate or something to that effect, I suppose).
We’ve seen various combinations of these traits in past midseason (and a few starter) Cures so nobody should be surprised when we all guessed that one of the Cures would be a real live mermaid.
The only question is why not just make Laura a Cure from the get-go if she’s introduced to us at the beginning (like Hime or Lala) and having a team of five with no unnecessary extra add-ons later on (like Smile).
Well, there’s a simple answer for that: formula.
Toei is afraid that if they don’t spit out some new animation sequence at the halfway and third quarter points of the show, the kids will lose interest and abandon the series altogether. Which means failed toy sales. Oh nooo... [/sarcasm]
And this way they can also have Laura available in the Cure lineup for the next All Stars in 2022 instead of making her sit the fight out if we were going to have one in 2021. I’m convinced that’s gotta be one of the reasons. *shrug*
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But ok, whatever. Her debut is gonna be later, that’s all. She’s a delayed Cure.  Midseason Cure, same difference.
Moving along to the more important stuff now like what’s her Cure name gonna be, y/y?
Well, knowing Toei, a translation of the term “mermaid” into another language is the most predictable route even though we already have a Cure Mermaid. Not like that ever stopped them from repeating words before (ex. Cure Happy vs Cure Felice). Though if they do go down that road, I hope they opt for the Spanish/Italian “sirena” and not the French “sirène” because the latter sounds too close to how Cure Selene is pronounced in Japanese. And, putting it nicely, we all know Japanese pronunciation of foreign words is as off kilter as can be.
Hell, even the the Portuguese “sereia” sounds aesthetic as hell so it’d be nice if they can just remember there are other languages that exist out there besides Japanese, English and French when making the final decision at the writing table! *stomps foot* >:/
Alternatively, “nereid” or “naiad” are good choices too but they remind me too much of Greek myths and Laura’s from the Grand Ocean which covers more than just a couple of seas (Greece is surrounded by three, btw) so...
I dunno. But whatever it’s gonna be, she’s definitely got a strong association with water and her powers will probably be based on that.
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As for theme color, since there’s noticeably no blue or green Cure in the starter lineup, it’s likely she will take up that spot when she debuts around ep 20.
Pink is also open since Cure Summer, again, is technically not a Pink Cure and Laura’s hair and tail fin are hot and light pink respectively but looking at Laura’s design and concept, does anyone seriously believe that?
Her upper torso consists of aquamarine while the body of her tail is definitely some shade of cyan, implying they’re aiming for somewhere around the middle of green and blue on the lighter spectrum.
And yea, I’m aware that green and blue are considered exchangeable in some perspectives with how close some of their shades are to each other but officially, I think Laura’s gonna be grouped with the Green Cures.
Cuz of the hair. If Laura’s gonna keep it the same or a similar shade after transforming, that is. The Blues have always had cool-colored hair so putting Laura in with them might disrupt that harmony whereas if you put her with the few Greens there are (including Parfait), she’d fit right in.
I mean, we’ll see but that makes the most sense, doesn’t it?
On another note, I just want to say that I love how they added frills to her arms instead of letting her elbows go bare naked. It definitely makes her look more like a genuine mermaid than if she didn’t have them (remember, half fish doesn’t mean half the body :P).
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5) Magical Items
Frankly, I’m tired of seeing the transformation device being a compact again even though one of the main motifs is make-up this season. But at least, as far as Precure compacts goes, the Tropical one is my favorite cuz of how cute and delightfully colorful its toy version looks! So I guess I’m okay with it.
The Heart Rouge Rod, though? ...I dunno. I think it would’ve been fine without that...straw (?) jutting out at the top. It looks weird, doesn’t it look weird? :S
As for the collectible clip-ons, I can live without those for the rest of my life. Yeesh.
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Laura’s items, the Aqua Pot and the Ocean Prism Mirror.
Again with the portable, travel-size housing. *sigh* 😩
Alright, I can let this year slide cuz Laura (I’m so soft for her, omg) probably won’t be getting legs for 20 weeks so she’s got to move about on land somehow. But unless they’re really thinking about turning this idea of carrying your apartment around in your bag/pocket/purse into a reality (cuz that would be effin’ awesome), please be more creative with your toys.
On the other hand, I’m much more interested in the Ocean Prism Mirror but from what Kusyami (the Precure merchandise reviews I follow on Youtube) said in his latest vid, this is the ED dance item so don’t know if it’ll actually have an relevance to the story or not. But I did hear him mention it having something to do with the Queen as well and since Laura wishes to become Queen, maybe it’ll be important after all? Maybe it’s her transformation device?
That’d be super cool. Let’s continue the trend of the midseason Cure having a different transformation item than the starters. Honestly, we should alternate every other year or two but we’ve gone three seasons with all of them using the same henshin gimmicks up till HealPre and I just want a break from that.
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6) Fin sleeves??
These look so impractical for combat so maybe it’s exclusive to group attacks.
And/or a sort of precursor to the super forms?
*GASP* Does that mean they all eventually turn into mermaids? 🤩
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7) Yui finally became Precure!! 😭
lol, it’s all crack from this point on so don’t take it too seriously but man, after Yuni’s deceptive braids, I thought I wasn’t gonna see anything that reminded me of Yui for a while and lo behold, Sango.
kehehehehehe xD;
Though Yui might be closer to Minori in terms of personal interests (fairytales and storybooks).
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8) Akira, the actual Onee-chan version
I didn’t think this when I first saw her but once I read “Onee-san” in her profile, there’s no saving you now. Sorry, Asuka. 😅
Also, damn, do her sandals make her feet look big! Compare them to the heels she wears as Flamingo. Are they even the same?! lololol
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9) ...this sounds awfully familiar...
Tokimeku Tokonatsu! [Exciting/Thrilling Everlasting Summer!] Cure Summer! Kirameku Hoseki! [Sparkling Jewel!] Cure Coral!  Hirameku Fuurutsu! [Flashing Fruit!] Cure Papaya!
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Japanese reiteration:
Mallow/Mao: Pink no tokimeki! Lillie: Blue no kirameki! Lana/Suiren: Yellow no kagayaki!
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Care to explain yourselves, punks?! 
୧(ʘ ∀ ʘ ╬)
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purplecraze · 3 years
(So, a few more days until the Joestar Inherited Soul event. I’m rly sad I can’t buy tickets for it, what with credit card and Europe not being included in the countries list for some reason, despite 2/5 taking place in italy.
but I do wanna go over a few hopes and expectations. Some of these are more realistic than one another, but bare with me ranting:
1. Stone Ocean anime. probably what we’re all expecting. it’s an event with the anime voice actors, so most likely it’s anime related. and the title is ‘inherited soul’. Jolyne is the daughter of the most well known Jojo, and she is the last of the Joestar bloodline. so her being the one to inherit them is pretty damn logical??
(someone needs to inherit the Joestar soul a green man who doesn’t even likes the Joestars and draws manga: move along, bitches)
I’m not as attached to the 6 cast as I am to my mafia boys, but I do am excited to see a Jojo on seasonal schedule for the first time. time to agonize for what’s gonna happen next every week (cuz I rly don’t like reading manga) Though Jojo seems to me like something where so much stuff happens that it’s difficult to follow weekly? well, one way to find out. I just wanna see Anasui e^e
2. Purple Haze Feedback. I’m going to scream so loud if they will. and I sorta kinda have hopes that they will?? But it wouldn’t be the main event. not on this scale.
3. Part 9 announcements? though that would be kinda weird with all the anime staff there.
4. Steel Ball Run. but I honestly think this is very VERY unlikely. it’s impossible to just go over to part 7, without explaining the reset of the universe in part 6. so that’s just not going to be it.
5. Musicals. not gonna lie, I would commit felony for a part 5 musical. but same with part 9, would be weird if the anime cast was there
6. something completely new? a movie with all of them in it? Which wouldn’t be too surprising, actually. since something similar has happened for Eyes of Heaven. It could be that they’ll make an Eyes of Heaven movie, but that wouldn’t quite work without the remaining 3 parts animated (maybe some day)
7. another game. since eyes of heaven is already 6 years old, it could be. but just as with PHF, it looks to be a too big event for only that.
8. Golden Wind original series about the boys in the mafia before Giorno joined :))) this is just me wishful thinking
9. all of the above :)))
10. Kishibe Rohan 52 episode series anime
probably the last one, huh? yup, probably the last one....)
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years
Quit Playin
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Yahya Abdul-Mateen II x Reader
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Smut that makes you go huh?
This is my submission to @sonofnjobu WIP Fic Fest.  It’s been sitting in my drafts for a little over a minute and I just hope it comes across as entertaining for you!  Its setup is Yahya having the game from his Black Mirror episode and the things that occur because of it.
"It's not like that, i swear!"  Yahya exclaims with a laugh he tries but cannot mask..
"Then what is it like!”  You screech at him, wiping your face of the stray tear you hate.  You aren’t gonna cry about this shit, you swear.  But stress makes you teary regardless.  “Cuz it seems like you don’t wanna be bothered with a damn thing about me!”
Yahya stares at you for a beat, leaning against the countertop in his relaxed olive green collared shirt tucked into his dark khaki slacks.  With his little TWA, he looks like a vintage ad for Fridgaire appliances, square in the middle of a Sears Roebuck catalogue.
“I don’t NOT want you…”  He says slowly with too much emphasis on the ‘not’.  This revs you up more.
“And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?  You out here doing shoots and shit all day everyday, no you’re back it’s like you on a whole other planet!  Is it Nicole Beharie?  Cuz I don’t blame you, I would even go after that but fucking tell me!”
Yahya purses his lips together, silently cupping his hands in front of them.  He stands up straight and meanders over to you, kissing the top of your forehead.
Your palms smack his biceps, pushing him back off of you.  “You not about to distract me, I’m serious!”
Yahya scoffs, rubbing his tender arms.  “I see, ok!  What else are you planning on doing to me to get my attention?”
You let out an exasperated yell.  “Oh, nigga if you only knew what the fuck was going on in my head, you wouldn’t be tempting me.”
Yayha claps his hands twice, firmly planting his feet where he stands and bends over so his torso is almost parallel to the ground, facing you with his arms behind his back.  
“Go ahead.”
You put your hands on your hips, pacing the floor.  “Don’t fuck with me right now.”
“You have my full and undivided attention.  And a face free for you to smack, and you talking yourself down?  That’s disappointing, I gotta say.”
“But to what extent do I gotta go to get you here?  How long have I asked you for this time?  And now I’m angry, so this time is fucking worthless to me. I wanna chill with you, see shit, do new shit, not sit and the house and argue over you and your video games!  Fucking hate whoever let you take that from the set.”
Yahya straightens up again, giving his lower back a little rub.  “You wanna play me?”
You turn on him quicker than a blink.  “You know I don’t give a damn about video games!  If I wanted to play a game, I’d say ‘Yah, lemme play real quick.  They got 2 player?’  But I haven’t!  You know why?  Cuz they dumb, repetitive and too complicated for me to find time learning worth it!”
Yayha walks down to the living room, like you haven’t said anything, toward the TV cabinet.  “Oh, I see the problem.”
Walking over to the plush sectional, you plop down feeling imminent defeat.  “You’re not listening to me at all, I can’t understand you.”
Yahya pulls out a small box, closing the cabinet and turning on the TV.  “You just have to see me play, one time.”
He sits next to you, pulling out two clear dots from their container.  “Here.”  
He holds one in each of his hands out in front of him, eyes wide in expectation of you.  If he was wearing black glasses and a trench coat, you’d think he was practicing for a Matrix reboot.  You stare from his long hands to him, and back again, feeling yourself begin to soften.  Maybe you could try bonding his way, just this one time.
You snatch one out his hands.  “Gimme this shit.  You stick em on your forehead or what?”
Yahya chuckles as you gets his pair out and puts them on.  “You know I don’t have a damn dot on my forehead when I do this.  Put it on the side of your face, in line with your eye kind of.”
Once you have the dot placed he takes his controller and pushes a few buttons to navigate to the Start screen.
“Now when I hit Start, we bout to be in the game for real.”  Yahya looks over at you all wide eyed like he’s teaching a toddler how to hold their breath underwater.
“...nigga just push the damn button.  I don’t get why you makin such a hu-”
You don’t get to finish you sentence before your mind begins to be sucked into a vortex that leaves you catatonic, body falling limply backward against the couch alongside of Yahya’s.
Before you know it, your eyes become accustomed to your surroundings.  Looking around, you see many trees, vibrantly green and full of cherry blossoms blowing in the wind.  The nearby waterfall fills your ears as your mind races to make sense of things.
“What th-”
“Hey!  Whatchu think?!”  A voice behind you yells.  Your head whips around to see a woman in a blonde wig and an outfit that looked cute but avant garde enough to make you question your safety regarding their mental state.  
You swallow hard.  “I-I don’t know, I’m just tryna find my man.”
She huffs, working her hands in a circle creating a ball of energy before squatting in a fighting stance.  “You’re the only man I see around here.”
You scoff.  “I am NOT a man, girl, get your eyes corrected.”  You go to do a hair flip for emphasis and find none on your shoulder.  You feel the top of your head, expecting to find your wig gone, but you feel neither cap nor curl, only some bone straight short cut you have never had.  When your hand shoots to your mouth in shock, the color makes you snatch it back again as it was not your shade of skin.  Your hand looked meaty and was wrapped in tape.  Your eyes travel to look down at your biceps, hulking and veiny.  Strips of cloth hang of your broad shoulders and where titties once were, are now ample pectorals.
“Wh-what the fuck??  Who am I??”
The woman in front of you laughs.  “You should see what you look like right now.  Scared of your own body...when you should be scared of me.”
Without warning, she sails her energy orb at you, making you put your hands up without thinking.  The force of her blow pushes you back making your feet slide against the rocky walkway you stand on.  Your eyes slowly open as your heart pounds from the excitement.
The woman laughs, placing her hand on her hip in casual amazement.  “Huh!  I thought you didn’t pay attention when I played this game.”
You furrow your brow in confusion.  “Wait…”
She nods, holding her arms out in a flourish.  “Isn’t this cool!?  We in the game baby!  You see why I can’t stay out of it?”  
She smiles widely, running towards you, quicker than humanly possible and takes your hand.  “We can walk around and everything.  Check this water out.  It’s wet AND cold.”  She dips down to wave her fingers in the nearby resevoir.
You still standby in amazement, slowly becoming accustomed to the situation.  “Yahya?”
She looks back at you giving a nod that despite the racial and gendered differences, really reminded you of him.  “It’s me baby. Come feel this water, ain’t it nice?”
You put your hands up.  “No way.  This is some Harry Potter/Neo bullshit that my Christian ass ain’t here for.  Put me back in real life right now!”
Yahya’s character stands up, wiping their hands off on their costume before popping their knuckles.  “What if this was my plan all along?  Get you in here, and just...stay?  Forever?”
You tighten your jaw, balling up your fists.  “No way in hell would you do that.”
Yahya looks at you stone faced and still.  “Well…”
“YAHYA!”  You shout at him, losing every ounce of patience.
Finally they laugh, holding their stomach for emphasis.  Another Yahya-ism.  “I’m playing babe, you cute when you mad but it’s ridiculous as a dude.  We not stuck here forever, I promise.  You just gotta say the magic words and we out.  Simple.”
You nod fiercely.  “Ok, and?  What are they?”
Biting their lip, Yahya says, “I’ll tell you...but you gotta fight me for it.”
“Pssh, boy come on and quit playing I’m ready to be done and here you go.  I ain’t fighting.”
“You sure?”  They shrug, walking towards you to poke your arm.  “I mean, you could probably beat me easily.  You a big strong dude. I’m the female here, so you got advantage.”
You swipe at them.  “I’m not falling for that.  You know how to play this game, that’s the problem!”
They reach out to ruffle up your hair.  “You beat my ass mashing buttons before, just do that.”
You whip your head back, stepping away with your hands up defensively.  “Aight, I’m sick of you pissing me off lately anyway.  Come on with it, BITCH.”
The venom in your curse makes Yahya character smile as their hands swirl in a creating an energy orb.  You run up on them, sailing through the air with a kick that travels their torso to their face, causing them to stumble.  
You feel pretty good until you hear that damn laugh.  
“Go off, baby!  That was cute!”  Yahya bites their lip,  stomping the ground that loosens a rock in the pavement right under your feet, knocking you off balance.  As you fall through the air, Yahya, sends fists and feet under your back 3, 4, 5, and 6 times until you fall down, clutching your back in pain.  
“Fuck!  What the hell you do all that for?  I knew your bitch ass wouldn’t fight fair.”  You curse as the pain begins to subside.
Yahya walks over shaking their head as the blonde hair falls on their face.  “It doesn’t last, the pain.  I could literally break all your shit, and never have to worry cuz it mends in like three seconds.”  They hold their hand out to you to help you up.  “You oughta feel fine now.  I’ll leave you be if you done though, my bad.”
You sit up and take a deep breath.  Just like he said, you feel brand new before you even exhale.  You look up at them in their outfit: waist snatched, thighs strong and wrapped in elaborate garters, titties sitting high in their corset leather one piece.  
“So now you kicking my ass, and you pick a character finer than me?”
They chuckle, squatting over you.  “No way in hell do any fake shit come close to you baby.  For all it’s worth, I’m glad I got you here to experience this with me.  Complaining be damned.”
Having caught your breath, you feel this pull inside of you that brings your heart to a racing pace.  A tug from within you never felt before but it made you ravenous for mischief.  As you grabbed their hand, you in turn flipped into a somersault carrying them through the air onto the stone path beneath you both.  Yahya gasps, having the wind knocked out of them but you don’t ease up.  Before Yahya could get to standing, you straddle them using your newly acquired man weight to pin them down and send a fury of fists into their face.  You feel like you’re watching a movie instead of experiencing it firsthand, but the comical pace of blows as Yahya’s character head bops back and forth like a speed bag made this whole experience worth it.  That is until a pair of knees hit your back.
As you fly forward, you land face first and before their strong thighs come around your waist and an arm around your neck.
You feel your consciousness beginning to fade.  “Yah….”  
They breathe heavy in your ear.  “Say Uncle.”
You raise your hand off the ground but it feels like a 100 lb weight.  “I can’t-”
“Nah actually, say Daddy.”  Even as a woman, his chuckle rang true, making you livid.  You gather as much strength as you can muster to bring yourself to all fours, in a kind of parasitic piggyback ride.  Their grip tightens as you move, but suddenly a force fills you.  You grip the ground underneath you, clawing your nails into the stone as the energy boils. 
“Come on, say-”  Before Yahya could answer your back arches as a howl comes from deep within and your eyesight turns white.  You hear a wretched thud behind you and use it to follow your prey.  Yahya’s character sits limply against a boulder as you bound toward them lifting their head to make room for your hand against their throat.   They feel weightless in your hand as you raise them up higher and higher as their feet hovers above the ground.  Yahya’s character opens their eyes and you step closer to them, nose to nose as you grip their neck.
“How’s that feel now, Daddy?”  You say, hearing yourself with a manly tone of voice sent shivers down your spine as you held control.  Your muscles flex under your authoritative hold, arousing your interest at its highest point since you got in the game
Yahya’s hands grip your bicep as they wrap their legs around your waist tightly.  “It feels...alright,”  he chokes out with a small grin.
You snort as you study the face of his character: cheekbones riper than autumn apples, flush from the fight.  They keep licking their lips and stroking your bicep before you notice the slow grind against your pelvis.
Yahya continues.  “You wanna beat me up some more?”  
Your grip weakens when a new sensation crops up between you two.  It’s not like anything you’ve known before.  Your mind kept getting distracted from the task at hand.
“Is the fight...over?  Did you hit pause or- something?”  You stutter as your hips move before your can think about it, making a gasp slip from your mouth.  The soft warmth that rubbed against your groin was so tempting.
Your hand comes off their neck and rests against the rock you had Yahya’s character pinned against.
“It ain’t over until we say it is.”  The character’s voice is raspier, breathy.  You run your nose and lips across their clavicle.  Their hand reaches for the sash keeping your pants up.  
You wince as the fabric feels tighter in front.  “I don’t feel so good.  It’s like I’m cramping up or something.”
Yahya’s character bites their lip, shaking their head.  “You ok, that’s just how it is for guys.  Getting hard is fucking torture til you find something to do with it.”
As their hand reaches for it, you feel a sharp shock to your nerve endings, making you seize up and grip their thighs hard.
“Ohhh shit, why’d you do that?”  You wail.
Their grip tightens as their hand runs the length of your shaft.  “It’s ok, I swear it’s gonna feel nice.”
“It’s not that, I just...I don’t wanna wait no more.”  You growl primitively as you find the garments between their legs and rip it apart, exposing herself to you.
“Fuck, babe, slow down!”  Yahya’s character exclaims, grabbing onto your shoulder in surprise.  
The whole lead up is a blur.  You couldn’t think about what you were doing as a guy figure about to manhandle a woman who also happens to be your boyfriend because nothing would satisfy you more than diving into that pussy at that moment.  You pull you character’s dick out with ease, lining up your head to their opening.  
“Shit, Yahya.  You better breathe bitch.”  You scoff holding onto your member to ready yourself.  Yahya’s characters breathing and moans in anticipation stoked your fire, making you way less patient for foreplay.  Soon as you felt wetness, X marked the spot.  
When you began to enter them, you swore your mind just went to another dimension besides the one you currently were in.  You felt like you just flew into the center of a hot honey butter roll on Thanksgiving night while sopping up the leftover gravy.  The warmth around you followed by the heartbeat of the pussy around your dick sent your knees to buckle.
“Fuuuck.”  Yahya’s character exclaims as you push into them every inch you can must before hitting a barrier, making Yahya’s character tense up.
“It’s ok, go ahead.”  He reassures you, kissing your neck and jaw while rubbing your back.  
You needed no other encouragement as you pulled your hips back and began to swim.  The sounds of you churning them out became your applause, goading you.
“You feel...like a fucking payday...a day early…”  You gasp as your senses reach their peak.  It felt so good, but you still didn’t feel peace.  If anything, the more you stroked, the more erratic you became.  You searched the rock for a grippable surface and when none was found you turned to their character instead.  You wrapped your arms around their back, putting them into a bear hug as you bounced them off your thighs, gaining deeper access.  
Yahya’s character is a blubbering mess, beggin you to go harder, deeper, faster, and that was a challenge you refused to back away from.  You wanted them to feel you entirely, smacking their ass when they got too quiet, pulling their hair when they seemed too tired, picking up the pace when they were becoming too dominant.  Nothing was going to keep you from waxing the whole level with their ass.
As any superhero, you began to grow weary.  The ferocity that consumed you began to falter as a wave of pressure built in you, making you nervous.
“Yah, I’m feeling something different.”  You moan as your stomach tightens up, feeling a throbbing pressure.
Character hair in disarray, Yahya pushes it back, speaking between gasps.  “You about to cum, babe?”
You shake your head.  “I don’t know, I don’t usually feel like this when I do.”
“It’s different as a guy....don’t fight it.  That will hurt, promise you.”
You nod as you close your eyes, feeling them tighten around you even more.
“You feel so good in me baby, let me have all of you.   I want it all baby, fill my pussy up baby.”  Yahya kept giving you erotic Hallmark message to let you know just how they needed it.  The pressure became overwhelming and like a lightning striking a tree, the roll of thunder barreling from your balls up your shaft and out left you stiff as a board.  Your toes curled as you felt yourself being pumped dry as Yahya’s character squealed in satisfaction, hugging you tightly.  You felt yourself move, but no more than a snail’s pace, out of fear you may fall over from weakness.  Your sensitivity heightened you didn’t dare try to continue, opting to pull out once you felt yourself finish, putting Yahya’s character down before falling to your knees.  Yahya’s character laid out right next to you, smiling joyfully.
“And THAT’s why I can’t get enough of this game.  You experience shit you can’t in the real world.  I never thought I’d get you to do that.”
You huff looking over at them.  “That was so damn different...YOu never let me lead like that before...And you were so….vocal.”
They shrug.  “I can’t help it when I’m like this.  Female orgasms are damn drugs.  My whole body lights up, and I don’t feel like vampire just took my soul after.  Without a doubt good shit.”
You put your stuff back in your pants in awe of what just happened.  “And I never knew I could take over you like that.  Like...I was you just now.  And you were me.”
Yahya smirks.  “Exit game,” disappearing.
You look around in a panic.  “Uh, EXIT GAME!”
Your body lurches forward as you catch your breath, feeling Yahya rubbing you back.
“You alright?  It’s over I promise.”  He says with concern.  “I didn’t mean to shake you up like that.”
You feel relief hearing his real voice turning to give him a big hug, almost knocking him backwards.
Yahya’s laughs muffle into your shoulder.  “Damn baby.  Some of the game ain’t left you.”
You lean back and peer into his face.  “I don’t want that part to leave me just yet.”
Yahya blinks in amazement as he grips your waist.  “That didn’t turn you off from me?  With the characters and me being a girl in there and-”
You shake your head.  “It just showed me how much I can do to you and how good you can make me feel in a way I could’ve never asked you to show me.”
He licks his lips nodding slowly.  “No limits to that.”
You smile, fitting yourself over his lap.  “So we can fall off a mountain while I fuck falling to the ground?  Or fuck you thru a glass window and roll you over in the shards and-”
Yahya quirks an eyebrow up.  “I’m returning that thing tomorrow!”
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gontagokuhara · 4 years
what are ur current thoughts on the cm main cast? i know you only give hot takes so i’m curious
ok so i have not actually watched all of criminal minds. ive attempted to watch it all the way through a good few times (at least 6) but somewhere around the middle i always drop off and then inevitably start AGAIN from the beginning. i've gotten as far as season seven before which is...not very far. so ive gotten to the rossi/prentiss era of the show, and i think i got to the point where prentiss left the bau. so i'll just talk abt the cast up until then!
also i'll preface this with acab blah blah copaganda bad blah blah fuck the feds. i know guys. let me have my one legally allotted cop show
gideon: i. love gideon. he's not the stereotypical hardass unfeeling leader character that rossi (at least in the beginning) fell into. he's very emotional, very empathetic, and while he can be genuinely pretty frightening when confronting the criminals in the show, the care he has for his team and his capacity for kindness and compassion for victims....a bitch has cried before! he really grew into his own over the tenure of the show, and while i was sad that he left, i think it tied well back into who his character was and a natural progression for him following his trauma from the job. also i love mandy patinkin's performance in general, i love him voice and the way he can go from soft and intense. jason gideon if ur reading this im in the market for a father
hotch: i've always liked hotch, but he REALLY grew into his own over the series. his care for his team is really something, but WOW the storyline with his ex wife and jack? and the episodes about haley's death? WOW. i absolutely cried like a baby during their last phonecall and. god. i know vaguely that his actor had some issues on set lmao but i really like what of hotch's character i've seen and. yeah.
elle: she was very much the token girl on the team which was disappointing. i really liked her, especially during the beginnings of season one, and i think the episode on the train was really, really good -- her dynamic with the team here was really interesting (especially with spencer) and it's one of my favorite episodes. i think her experience with ptsd is believable especially after her injury in the season 1 finale, but i feel like the booting her from the team for being the trigger-happy high strung woman character was. not great. good on her for killing that bastard tho, even if acab and she avoided legal ramifications when irl thats. not great. 
prentiss: i LOVE her!!!! she's so fun and goofy but also good at her job and very relatable. i love her journey to prove herself to the team, and the close bonds she makes with everyone, and it really helps make the team feel like a family (aha me? liking found family dynamics? damn thats crazy). i just found out that she was written as a lesbian but CBS fucking nixed it for some reason, so truly homophobia never sleeps and forevermore prentiss will be a whole ass dyke in my heart. i love her!!!
rossi: i was never SUPER hurr durr rossi bad cuz he's not gideon, but he was written purposefully as an asshole in his beginnings, so i didn't like him that much. i felt like the episode that developed him into a "good guy" was cheesy but good, and while he's nowhere near my favorite member of the team, i do like him!
derek: I FUCKING LOVE DEREK MORGAN!!!!! i love his dynamics with the entire team, especially spencer, emily, and penelope. his writing left a lot to be desired in season one, but he DRASTICALLY improved thereafter and he's in my top 3 in the show. his particular character (lbr trauma) building episode absolutely gutted me, and i just. absolutely adore adore adore him. king of the lesbians, bisexy icon, respecter of women, derek morgan please embrace me in your arms and let me kiss u on the lips
jj: i luv jj!!! i love her dynamic as media liaison and how she interacts with the whole team, but how she's also very capable in the field! her storyline with her boyfriend/husband is very sweet, litcherally straight rights. i know she gets her character dev after where i stopped watching, so im excited to learn more abt her!!!
penelope: i love penelope so FUCKING much guys!!! she's a perfect balance between comic relief and emotional beats, and there's nothing i dislike about her. she's fucking hilarious, i love her confidence (but also how she's allowed to feel insecure) , and her dynamic with derek is the best in the show, full stop. but i also adore her dynamics with the female members of the team, and her play flirting to straight-faced hotch is unendingly funny. god. the episode(s) where she's dealing with getting shot? the way derek will do anything to protect her? and penelope in turn wants to protect him? GOD. she's also human, and kind, and caring, and fuck i love her so much.
spencer: to NO ONES surprise spencer is my favorite.  i definitely have a highkey crush on matthew gray gubler and i think his performance as spencer is just. phenomenal. spencer is funny, he’s kind, he’s so fucking smart, and he’s really truly capable despite all the obstacles his life has thrown at him. the tobias hankel episode is one of my favorites of the series, and the resulting trauma that spencer goes through just. wow. and his longstanding fears of being afraid of what’s inside his own head, of what people think of him because he’s so different, of how there are in fact very few degrees of separation mentally between him and some of their past unsubs? GOD!!!!! his character is incredible, i adore him to pieces, and i love his dynamics with the rest of the team, specifically jj, hotch, penelope, and morgan (especially morgan!!!!!). um spencer reid literally kiss me on the lips challenge sir i am in love with you. also bisexy trans and autistic rights babey!!!!!
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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(grabs the speaker hanging above) Attention everyone! This your conductor/reviewer speaking, for today’s review, we’ll be goin’ for a ride from Point A to Point B and as we journey in this state of the art revolutionary industrialistic mechanism, we’ll be seeing some oh so interesting sights along the way such as an adorable shipping moment, a view from our own Milky Way galaxy and a new superhero in combat! So please fasten your seatbelts, sit back, relax and do enjoy the ride, All aboard! (pulls the trains caboose and it sounds):
*Startrain-Ms.Bustiers class is taking a field trip to London, WHOA! London!? Damn! Wish my field trips were fun! They’re taking the Startrain! (not the villain) You know, that fancy modern looking bullet train that goes from the city of love to the Queen in seconds from “Bakerix”!? Yeah, that Startrain! Foreshadowing! Unfortunately, poor Marinette can’t go cuz if she does, Hawk Moth will have an advantage on akumatizing someone and they’ll be no Ladybug there to purify the akuma. On occasion, this is one of those eps where she acts responsible and not impulsive (depending on the writer), but Master Fu allows her to go cuz she needs a break! She works harder than anyone in Paris, France! She deserves a vacation! But! she’s still responsible, so Fu gives her the horse miraculous (power of teleportation) in case there’s any danger. Smart! As for Adrien, he sneaks off to his field trip cuz Gabe barely lets him go anywhere. Hey! Let the kid go eat a crumpet! Besides, it’s not the first time he’s run off to go do something against his fathers wishes. Nice guys can rebel! Elsewhere, Sabrina’s father, Lieutenant Roger, is bald-I mean! Running late on getting his daughter onboard cuz he’s too distracted by his code of honor on the force to focus which has the akuma go after him. Oh great! We’re gonna have Robocop again, okay, let’s see how this-wait what!? He calmed down? Oh cool. Sorry little akuma, run along! Nice try there Hawk Moth. Looks like Rogers hair isn’t the only thing receding over here! (Badum-tish🥁).
The class genius, Max Kanté, is excited cuz his mother, Dr.Claudie Kanté, is the conductor for the Startrain. Hey! Look at that! We’re expanding even more on Marinettes classmates and their families! Yea! We need to know more about these kids. As cool as it is to operate a train, Dr.Kantés real dream is to be an astronaut! She had to put that aside to support her son, but now that he’s all grown up and is a genius who can pretty much take care of himself, she’s free to follow her true passion. All she needs to do now is just wait for her results in her e-mail if she passed her exam to go into space. So she waits.......and waits......and waits.......and waits.......and waits.......and-Hey! Let’s see what’s goin’ in the train!
The Startrains futuristically fun! Service droids roaming around asking the passengers for drinks and automatically handing it to them! Are these things real! I’d love for them to be real! Chloe was in First Class (why bother, it’s still a cool train?) while the other kids were just being kids playing video games, drawing, browsing on their iPhones, yawning!? Oops! That’s Marinette. She’s exhausted from her earlier crime fighting and is just taking a nap. Good-night girl! Alya asks Adrien to switch seats with her to be with her boyfriend, Nino (😉), and he says yes. Here’s the part where everyone goes, “Awwwww”. I’ve seen fan art of this particular moment, the moment that’s so precious and so soft, there’s a word for it. Sleep Cute! The ✨Adrienette Sleep Cute!✨It’s now canon! Awwwwwww. The girl squad and everyone else think it’s the cutest thing in the world and they just-(record scratch) Wait! What’s Lila doing there!? Hey! Lila! No! Bad Lila! SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING! Alya! Thank God! Thank you girl! The leader of the squad saved the moment! Take that! Lila! The people may believe every word you say, but when it comes to the girl squads Adrienette ship, don’t.rock.the.boat!*snap**snap* Mmmhmm.
Wait! We’re not on a boat! We’re on a train! Lol! Forgot where I was for a moment there! Dr.Kanté grows impatient with her e-mail wait and thinks she probably failed her exam and that’s when the akuma comes (was it just fluttering around aimlessly?) in making her into Startrain. She’s a sci fi looking villainess who’s right arm is attached to the “dead mans switch” (or else it’s a dead stop) and makes the whole train, containing its passenger, her own rocket ship! Going all Magic Schhol Bus on them. 10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2.....1! BLAST OFF! 💥🚀💥And we have lift off! It’s a space case adventure and I had no idea how this was gonna go! Our heroes were in space with zero gravity! Where no one can hear them scream! Don! Don! Don!
Hmmmm, so another parent from Marinettes classmates has been akumatized and Ladybug and Cat Noir need extra help......I think we all know who that is. Ladies and gentleman, the holder of the horse miraculous, Max Kanté! A.k.a. Pegasus! (trumpets sound). Well, we all knew from “Party Crasher” anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . His Kwamie is a British accented uppity pony like being named Kaalki, the miraculous: a pair of glasses, the weapon: two horse shoes and it’s power:(we already know) teleportation by saying, “Voyage” that opens up a huge portal to wherever they want.
(grabs the speaker hanging above) Thank you for riding the Startrain, please unbuckle your seatbelts, take your belongings and exit in an orderly fashion as we come to our destination. We apologize for the inconvenience of our unexpected space odyssey as that was not planned in our schedule, but we thank you for staying calm throughout the journey. Have a nice day! It’s interesting how Marinette managed to get the highest score in “Ladybug” for her quiz (really? Even more so than Max!?) despite having to juggle her school work along with her superhero duties and social life and yet she felt drowsy here after another unseen supervillain fight. Well, since this ep took place before “Ladybug” she must’ve handled it better later. As for Adrien, let us count the ways he’s rebelled against Gabe: 1. Ditching his bodyguard to sneak off to the movies (“The Puppeteer”), 2. Running away to go to school (“Origins Part:1-2”), 3. Running away to blow off some steam (“A Christmas Special”), 4. Stealing the miraculous book (“The Collector”), 5. Sneaking off to see his moms movie (“Gorizilla”), 6. Lying about going to fencing practice to instead go on a date with Kagami (“Frozer”), 7. Having a party with Gabe gone (“Party Crasher”) and 8. Ditching fencing practice again with Kagami to hang out with their friends (“Desperada”). It’s all very reasonable cuz he has an overprotective (evil) father, lives in a mansion full of mostly stone cold people and is VERY lonely and miserable! Who wouldn’t wanna get away from all that!? Lieutenant Roger is blind to his daughters slavitude towards Chloe and just thinks she’s “serving and protecting” by being a “good friend”. Ironic that he’s a cop and doesn’t notice the injustice in this. Whomp! Whomp! Whomp! A little thing we learned about the akumas, Hawk Moth can’t control ‘em if they’re a distance away! Like space! He also reluctantly had to see his plan fail cuz Adrien was on the Startrain in space and was forced to let the good guys win for his sons sake. Was this the first time it happened? Cuz I think so. No Queen Bee in this ep cuz Chloe dear, you’re retired! I’m sensing her distraught over this is the reason for her third akumatization in the finale *cough*BattleoftheMiraculousPart2:MiracleQueen*cough* Yeah, wait for it. Another thing is Alya has a second blog for astronomy, so she’s not limited to her Ladyblog. That’s good! Give her a new hobby so she won’t look one-dimensional. So this was the space episode and sadly, there were no space related power-ups :P. Damn it! I wanted to see Ladybug and Cat Noir in space outfits! We see a member of Maxes family and we find out he has a mother who operates the Startrain, but really wants to be an astronaut. Hey, we’ve all been there. Stuck at a dead end job you had to take to support a family instead of following your dreams on what you really wanted to do. I can relate! I wanted to be a writer! I love books and reading, so I wanted to create some myself. Unfortunately, I wasn’t motivated much and didn’t get any support, so now I’m just a medical assistant to put bread on the table. That’s it! The closest I get to my writing career is writing in these reviews on my blog! It’s fine, just cuz I can’t do my real passion, doesn’t mean I have to stop. Right? Least Claudies dream came true. Congratulations girl! Boldly go where (no) man has gone before! (salutes). What everyone was really talking about was the Sleep Cute Adrienette moment :). When Marinette fell asleep on Adrien, he allowed it and even fell asleep as well. Wether you see it as either him being a gentlemen and not disturbing her or him just subconsciously being in love with her is up to you (I’m mixed on both, but mostly on the former). Lila was almost a c*ckblocker in that moment, but thanks to Shipper On Deck Alya, it was thwarted! Yea-ah! Really Lila, another “illness” you have? First it was tinnitus and arthritis (“Chameleon”), then it was “a lying problem” (“Ladybug”) and now you’re saying “motion sickness”! It’s amazing she’s able to walk! Isn’t anyone concerned!? Well, people almost saw her ruin the Adrienette moment which would make everyone start being suspicious of Lila as they all vouched for Marinette (“Ladybug”). Max is Pegasus! And his transformation had a techno beat! Cool! However, his powers were the same as Bunnyx. Teleportation! Why is that!? Viperion has a similar power to Bunnyx too, time travel! Why are all three of these the same!? I prefer each miraculous power to be individually different to stand out! This better not happen again with the other miraculouses! The miraculous for the horse miraculous was a pair of glasses.........glasses?........and it went to Max......how convenient 😒. As someone who’s born in the Year of the Horse, this was most disappointing. Guess I’m just like Kaalki who has high expectations and wants to be representative of my Chinese sign with “grace, beauty, nobility and freedom”.
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razberryyum · 5 years
A Gintama episode a day keeps the ending away…Episode 141
Episode Title: Butting Into A Fight Is Dangerous
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MY 19 FAVORITE MOMENTS IN EPISODE 141 (manga chaps 214, 215 and 216):
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1) How can I ever hate anyone who resembles Kagura in so many ways and is this adorable???
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2) Even though I knew right away that couldn’t be Kamui, the brutality of Hosen’s attack was pretty shocking. That poor prostitute. He really is a total asshole.
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3) I can never NOT snicker when this moment comes up.
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4) Hosen was definitely a big, scary mofo, but I think I should’ve actually been more impressed by Kamui, who was holding his own against that monster despite being like half his build. The fact that Hosen didn’t break his bones on contact is really a testament to how strong Kamui is.
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5) Love my crazy Yatos.
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6) Tsukky looked so sweet and almost child-like in this moment. 
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7) Kamui-chan!!!! Ack! SO CUTE!!!
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8) I felt bad for baldy. Must’ve really sucked being killed by his own captain just cuz he was trying to prevent Hosen from murdering him.
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9) I can’t help but wonder sometimes why Abuto and Unkyou didn’t at least try to just yell STOP instead of actually using themselves to stop them. Kudos to Abuto for not even batting an eye even though he just had his arm ripped off.
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10) I still want a spin-off with these three bouncy amigos.
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11) Kagura still looking adorable even with blood trickling down her face. I love that she was just slightly ashamed of the fact that she got hit by Tsukky’s kunai as well.
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12) I really just love this because Gintoki looks like himself except with huge boobs.
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13) Actually, this was kinda a sexy moment: Tsukky lighting Gin-chan’s “boob”. 
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14) I will always love that goofy grin. 
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15) Kamui kicking his feet like a little boy just makes me want to hug him. Looking back now, it’s actually a little heart-breaking that he has such childish tendencies since he obviously never got to enjoy a normal childhood. It’s obviously a case of arrested development.
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16) Kagura’s Yato-sense going off.
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17) I get a tingle down my spine from excitement every single time I see this moment because it marks the beginning of a truly epic fight between two monsters and Shinpachi. Really one of the best fights in Gintama.
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18) I was so proud of Kagura!
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19) Our Queen. I worship.
Gintoki x Tsukuyo: she so easily gave up her pipe to him, like she was ready to hand him a token of her love. The fact that he even asked for it was kind of curious as well. Oh yeah, I am totally sure now at that at least at THAT point in time, Sorachi-sama was absolutely trying to set Tsukky up as THE ONE for Gintoki. 
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Abuto x Kamui: I got a tinge of couplehood from them right from the start.
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Tsukuyo x Hinowa: her devotion to Hinowa can absolutely be seen as sisterly love or friendship only, but I’m ok with other interpretations as well. 
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stusbunker · 5 years
Known: Bring Him Home
A DARK Supernatural Fan-fiction
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Featuring: Demon!Dean, Demon!Reader, Female Vessel OC, Sam Winchester, Crowley, Castiel, Dean x Female Vessel OC
Summary: This is the first two and a half episodes of season 10. I didn’t rehash what the canon gave us, but let you in on where our reader moved through those events in order to be exactly where she is needed to be.
Warnings: Typical angst, show level violence, demonic phone calls aka blood, the ritual of purified blood aka needles, non-consensual touching, and the rest is too spoilery. Have fun kids! xoxo
Series Masterlist
September 22, 2014
Glendive, MT
         The stolen SUV stilled with the crunching of gravel, a roadside bar had caught your eye and on the whim that you hadn’t been followed, you pulled over. It was dark and dingy, something you had become intimately used to. The stale beer soaked into the ragged carpeting, a smell you would always associate with that summer, with the countless nights and bar fights the demon that Dean had become had waved off or fucked away. There was a payphone in the hallway between the bathrooms and somehow you were silently hoping he had kept the same number. The coins clunked into place, long and lean in the polished slot. The ancient deep tone of the ring peeled across the ether and then an alias and a generic voicemail continued the one-sided conversation.
You inhaled and replied chunkily, “Sam, it’s me. Or us, well not Dean, but CC. CC and I, both fine, by the way. If you’re free…we should talk.”
CC watched her hang up the heavy black phone with a satisfying clink. Her warped image looking back at her through the matte reflection of the disused amenity. She had been hiding out, she knew it and the demon at the wheel had quietly left her to it. Well, she didn’t know what Chloe did, she couldn’t, but the months trying to break through to the real Dean or subdue the demon had been exhausting for them both. Sam’s voice had stirred CC from her subterranean, dulled complacency. This wasn’t just about saving her own skin; it never had been. It was about those boys, those pig-headed jackasses that deserved better than what they had been dealt. Or scammed into. And minimizing Dean’s threat was just a finger in the dam.
She shuffled through the demon’s recent memories, stretching against the mental atrophy. She felt her leaving Dean and Crowley with some strippers, glancing thrice over her shoulder before ditching through the employee exit and into a bouncer’s ride. She hadn’t driven far, but in an odd spiral, fanning out to shake anyone tailing her. She seemed to be in the clear, CC watched her buy one drink at a time watching the door to the side hallway like a dog waiting for her human to return from war. The phone never rang.
Sam couldn’t remember the last time he had gone over 100, especially in something other than the Impala. He bit his tongue as the rickety bumper brushed the pavement after a railroad crossing. Cursing, he thanked his paranoia and hadn’t risked the bullseye that any of the vintage cars from the Bunker would have been, for any demon in his path. All those sonsofbitches that had been laying low or living on radio silence since Crowley had taken his brother from his bed. Cowards, the whole damn species. He cased the parking lot before heading into the side entrance, the bar like any other, navigable and unimpressive. There was still a dusting of sulfur on the earpiece of the payphone and not another clue in sight.
He slammed the phone back into place, loud enough to get a begrudging ‘hey’ from the bartender. Who recoiled as Sam spun to glare at her, he gathered himself carefully before ordering food and prodding for the direction CC’s demon may have headed. A half hour later Sam stared past his second beer, unsure if he wanted to crash or get back to the Bunker when a drunk at the bar got his attention, whining about his cheating wife.
September 24, 2014
Another crappy motel
         Crowley hadn’t missed how Dean intentionally never mentioned the dove’s sudden and unforeseen disappearance. Crowley was certain Dean hadn’t killed her himself, fairly certain as he didn’t seem to have lost any of the pent-up energy. Especially after the second mess in Wisconsin, when Crowley had been overly disclosing about the Abaddon supporters that Dean stopped listening. With his close watch, Dean couldn’t have done anything to her too terrible.
It still felt a bit, unceremonious, to be skipping town without her. He had grown accustomed to her banter and she had helped keep him infinitely more contained than the Mark could. Without her to help Dean take his edge off, in any number of ways, Crowley pondered what wouldn’t set him off. Ever the businessman, he secured his asset, sliding into the backseat of the car beside Dean as another minion drove them to the next neon plastered cesspool. A jolt of excitement struck a nerve within the King; now it was time for a real howl.
October 6, 2014
You both surfaced in the days following the strip club and the subsequent unanswered phone call. You tried to ignore CC’s intrusiveness, as the memories of the summer months were sorted and filed under constant static in the back of your mind. She was still a hunter, and to her Dean was a target, despite his meatsuit and the taste of him coating every recollection. You left her to her schemes, while mindlessly driving through the mountains and enjoying the scenery you could only imagine in Hell. It was as close to therapeutic something like you could muster and it only made you frustrated with the path you had taken.
          The distance did wonders for your ability to forget the severity of his actions. Your struggling masochistic side had taken you down a steep path that fell away into the oblivion of guilt. Was it all your fault? If you hadn’t taken over CC’s body could she have stopped Dean before he let Crowley swindle him into taking on the Mark convincing him to kill Abaddon for him? If you hadn’t distracted Dean from Sam and the Angel problems, would he have ended up on the wrong end of Metatron’s blade? If you hadn’t needed him would he be better off? Had your selfish, imbalanced, twisted nature damned him? You reasoned against yourself on and off as the scenery flitted past, the lush greens soaking in their final triumphs before the autumnal cascade of color. Everything felt impossibly perfect and you worked your jaw against the need for destruction, because at least you could do that properly. You took the winding roads at whatever pace your foot found, letting the pine and the thin air fill your lungs as CC chanted at you to turn around. To go back. To demon up and bring him to justice or the end of an exorcism.
“Fuck off.”
You felt her roll her eyes at you and you stared into the rearview mirror, challenging while unimpressed. You headed back north, slowly trudging out of the pity party. You slipped around an Oldsmobile going ten under, clipping their sideview mirror off with a semi-pleasing thunk. This is what you did now: wallow in self-doubt and cost geezers their pension checks in repair bills. You slammed the gas and drove toward the only thing that made your heart race like it would stop at any moment. Back to the only being that made you feel death had been worth it.
They were gone. Not a lackey or a forwarding address in sight. You knew what to do, but it made CC nauseous as the intent sparked. It was your turn to roll your eyes. Carefully you moved to the back office and found a particularly sweaty thick necked manager to toss into a bathroom. His beady eyes bulged as best they could against his caterpillar inspired brows once you drew the knife. The generic brown towels quickly plugged the sink to allow his blood to fill the basin.  Once you felt enough of the ruby liquid had pooled below, you spoke into the depths.
“Crowley, you sonofabitch, where did you go?”
The blonde left the hotel with tears welling in her eyes, she didn’t even look at you as you blatantly watched from the fender of the latest car you had lifted. You swung your arms widely and entered without warning. He smelled of an ocean of booze, musty sheets and sulfur-tinged sweat. Once he could focus on your face an overplayed laugh erupted shallowly from his chest.
“Well shit, Crowley had that revolving door installed after all. Welcome back, uh, whoever you are. Perfect timing, cuz that one just got all sentimental and I had to let her down easy.”
“Except you didn’t.”
“Of course not, what do I look like?”
“Three sheets to the wind and still wearing your boots, must have been some night.”
Dean cocked his head, kicking his legs over the side of the bed. He tried to stand but thought better of it. You paced, picking up some of his clothes that had been left to clutter the floor. He sipped some water from the nightstand. You couldn’t remember a time he had ever drank water in his life, apparently CC could, but that had been because he had been refused a beer from his dad. Good, little shit deserves some purifying forces in his system.
Your hand brushed over the bag beside his new duffel, which had quietly been awaiting your return. You glanced over your shoulder at Dean who just waved off your touched expression. He didn’t ask where you’d been, and you didn’t offer. Slowly you helped him get naked and into the shower. He was too drunk to even try and put on the charms, but he shoved you a bit to make himself feel better about it. It was all too much: walking into the tangle of his exposed nerves, the thoughtfulness and the swift return to degradation. You needed some air, so you walked back into the night to allow him to sober up, however briefly. When you returned, he was gone, but the bags stayed behind.
October 14, 2014
The bar with the tiniest umbrellas
          The kiss-asses in suits loomed like Agent Smith wannabes, one was barely free from the Axe-body spray of his vessel’s frat boy days. You didn’t care for business and you certainly didn’t want them looking down their noses at you and how your presence was wasting “valuable” time. Instead of engaging them in soul conversion percentages, you ordered another drink and one for Crowley, for whenever he decided to show. Mending bridges was unbearably necessary now that Sam was back in the picture. You felt the mortal coil tightening around your insides, be it from CC’s impatience or the inevitability of being what you were: a demon in love with a hunter. Self-preservation was making you even more cagey than before you had ditched the dynamic duo.
          Crowley strolled in with the sound of welcome bells, a far off look in his eyes, the First Blade tight in his grasp. Heckle and Jeckle started off right away, but he ignored their pleas and took the seat next to you. “Somebody came crawling back with her tail between her legs.”
“Where is he?”
“With his brother, no thanks to you.”
“Is he--? Is everyone alright?”
Crowley raised his eyebrows and clenched his jaw, turning to play with the many pokey things in his ornate beverage. “I thought we had ironed out the kinks, once you left it was just the King and his trusty Knight. But he is no longer the brave little soldier daddy shaped him into, now he is a loose canon and, God willing, Sam is the only one who can sort that clusterfuck.”
“If he doesn’t kill him first,” you hissed into your shot glass.
“If you’re so worried about Moose, why don’t you scurry along. They’ll be home before you can find another payphone.”
You side-eyed the pair trying to interject, they each took a step back as you pushed out the stool and stood up. There was a lot you could have said in that moment, but none of it could fix what Dean had broken, especially not what was left of Crowley’s heart. Yours was all you could divine and that only left you chasing your tail. Crowley needed to move on, and Hell needed to be run, whether it by force or commerce. When the unique tingling started in your gut you smiled in gentle gratitude, his hand came up and you were gone before you even heard the snap.
‘Soul Survivor’
The Bunker’s dungeon
“Well, aint that the whore calling the kettle black,” Dean raised his eyebrows, accenting his demon pitch eyes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sam huffed.
“You gonna tell him, or show him,” Dean stared you down until a goosebump-inducing sneer spread across his features. “Miss Collins is not home right now, can rando demon bitch take a message?”
You tried not to flinch, but the insult stacked on top of the unceremonious reveal left you feeling exposed, dirty even. “Yeah, yeah, big deal, jackass,” you snipped, jutting your chin at Dean’s restrained form. “I’d worry about my own self if I was you.”
“No, CC wouldn’t let that happen, not after all those months,” Sam gaped, he was a better liar than you thought. “She wouldn’t let something like you back in unless you forced her.” Maybe he wasn’t completely acting.
Dean started laughing. “You guys wanna take a minute? I mean it’s always a treat watching the grown ups fight, but—”
“You, shut up,” Sam growled at Dean. “And you,” he hissed over his shoulder, “stop talking, you make me sick.”
“Don’t get all self-righteous on me Sam, I mean, all of us here have fucked a demon. Or two,” you left off on a sigh. The younger Winchester recoiled; mouth pinched as if you had slapped him across the face.
“She’s got you there, don’t she?” Dean smirked now. You had grown to hate what he had become, even if he was backing you up.
“Are you working for Crowley?! Have you been--” Sam grabbed the bottle of Holy Water in his good hand, pointing the opening at you while he focused his tunnel vision.
“Not a Crowley stooge,” you held up your hands in surrender, trying not to roll your eyes as Sam’s authoritative side took over.  “I don’t have any ulterior motives, I’m not Ruby. I didn’t have an endgame.”
“Just stop bringing her up! This isn’t about who fucked whom, this is about getting my brother back. Is Chloe even alive in there?” Sam’s voice leveled, how he remained focused at all, stumped you.
You nodded. “She’s fine and she is very proud of you right now, if you must know,” you lied to continue the dramatics, ensuring Dean’s over confidence before the plan could continue.
“Awww, wittle Sammy has a cheerleader,” Dean sing-songed.
“Shut up.” Sam snapped. He started sorting through the bags of blood, grabbing a syringe before turning to you. “Are you going to help? Or do I have to exorcise you for good this time?” He spun towards Dean and squared his shoulders. “Buckle up.”
“Sammy, you know I hate shots.”
“I hate demons,” Sam said sadly before tossing holy water in Dean’s face, the demonic grunt escaping his lips as Sam sunk the needle in his brother’s arm. Dose one had been administered. “Look, we got a whole bunch more of these to go. You could make it a lot easier on yourself.”
Sam paused, the olive branch dangling between them. Then Dean shifted, the evil within him fighting the purified blood, impossible bestial cries rang from his body. You swallowed, dumbfounded and truly terrified of him for the first time since the farmhouse. Thankfully, he was restrained. You watched Sam take in Dean’s torment while you waited for the next move.
It had been hours, Sam sometimes insisting on going in alone, sometimes not bothering to even acknowledge you were tagging along. You couldn’t remember the last time you were this tired: thoughts muted, eyes floating in their sockets, fuzzy limbs kind of tired. But you didn’t dare risk sleep to leave Dean truly alone with Sam, especially an injured Sam. It was during a solo dosage when you started another pot of coffee and turned to head back toward the library when a massive hand clamped down over your mouth. Instinct kicked in and you pushed back with every physical or psychic force you could muster.
Instantly you were free, a large crash and strangled moan cut off behind you. Sam dragged himself off the floor with fire in his eyes.
“He’s out,” he whispered, pulling himself to his feet. You took him in, pale and gawky, CC’s alarm threading through your veins with every heartbeat.
“Do you have your knife?”
Sam sniffed and nodded, chewing on the thought of stabbing his brother. You silently worked out the flanking of searching the Bunker, letting Sam take the lead. CC started to buckle in, her thoughts louder than they had been in months. You reached out with your senses, trying to feel him, but what warding there was against you was enough to dull his resonance. You unsheathed CC’s knife and started moving five paces behind Sam. He grabbed the spare keys from a drawer when an unmistakable voice rattled through the halls.
“Come on, Sammy! Don’t you want to hang out with your big brother? Bring the bitch along, hell we can share her.”
Your insides froze with the menace in his voice. Then you were kicked out of the driver’s seat with a speed and finality you couldn’t comprehend.
CC had let this go on long enough; she shook out her hands and settled back into control over her body like an alumni walking the well-worn halls of their education, both foreign and familiar with an undercurrent buzzing beneath the surface. She spun her blade and tossed it to the opposite hand, a once flawless motion was now almost too easy. She snorted back a giggle at the feeling of being real and present once more, like a chest full of fresh air and warm laundry all in one go. Then reality pressed in and she leaped into action.
The instant the emergency lights flared overhead; CC bolted back the way you came knowing that Dean knew where the breakers were. Sam followed none the wiser as Dean continued to mock praise him. One second, he was an arm’s length behind her and the next he was gone. Quietly, she back tracked as Sam slammed the door to the Electrical room and locked it.
“Are you serious?!” CC gaped at Sam as he stood listening through the door, knife at the ready but still so optimistic.
“… I know you’re still in there somewhere. Just let me finish the treatments. Dean?”
The first chunk of the door flew at Sam’s face, sending him on his heels and into CC’s bubble.
“You act like I want to be cured! Personally, I like the disease.” Dean’s eyes glinted through the holes he had pounded through the door. Gaps between the boards like a toothpick prison crumbling with each swing.
“I don’t want to have to use this blade on you!” Sam was desperate, begging and it hurt CC to witness it. He was the little brother again and though she hadn’t known him as a child, she knew the real Dean would never be able to dismiss his brother’s pleas. She pulled Sam away from the line of fire, readying her own knife and bracing herself for his inevitable escape. “No, what are you doing?! You can’t use that on him!”
“Shut up, Tweedle Dumb, just let a girl work.”
She cocked her head and locked eyes on the thing bursting from the door: show time.
“Well, well, well, look who wants to play hero.” Dean swung again, punctuating his taunts with his hammer. “It’s my lucky day. I’ve been blessed, because there is just enough demon in me to kill your meatsuit, finally free you up to be all you. Can. Be. Then, I’m gonna kill my brother and you’re gonna watch.”
CC felt Sam dive behind her as Dean stepped through the remnants of the door. He glanced impatiently as she mirrored his movements, shielding Sam without giving Dean a path. “You know what, asshole? You can take your threats and shove ‘em. You wanna dance? Let’s dance, just me and whatever you are anymore.”
Sam raced back to the dungeon, searching for anything that could give them the upper hand. Sam didn’t want to risk them killing each other in his absence, but he hoped their slightly even footing would buy him the time he needed.
“Hiya, Chloe, nice to see you again. She smoke out? Couldn’t handle Sam’s bitch face?”
“Nope, got her packed away for safe keepin’, too bad you can’t say the same.” CC shifted her weight, swiping widely and slicing the edge of his shirt. Dean caught her by the wrist, twisting her knife hand above their heads.
“You’re missing my point. This? Lean, mean Dean? Here to stay, Sweetheart.” She glanced up at his grip on her and her weapon and without flinching she kicked out his knee, throwing them both against the wall she broke out of his grasp, the hammer thudded to the floor. He grasped her hair in one deft fist fall, before kneeing her in the kidney. She buckled, falling against him. Dean stepped back and kicked her once in the side until she fell, curling in on herself. Carefully he kneeled at her side, with the hand still in her hair he lifted her ear to his lips and whispered, “stay down or I’ll put you down.”
CC thrashed against him, hurling herself against him as hard as she could. She managed to rock him onto his ass, but he took her roots with him, pulling with all of his might. She screamed as he groaned in satisfaction. She jabbed him in the ribs with the handle of her blade, when he spun them both. His thick thighs pinned her beneath him, as she tried to flip him off of her chest. Dean rolled his hips, his cock rutting against her tits as he held her wrists, twisting them down. She caved on the edge of a fracture, moving the joints with his control, unwilling to risk that sort of handicap. With her knife lost in the tussle, Dean inhaled deeply and grinned down at CC in sickening triumph.
CC swallowed as she felt the rigidness in his jeans, he leaned in, crushing her with his weight, her breath pushed from her lungs like the final tuft of bubble wrap. He watched her struggle; her eyes bulged, and color left her face. Dean rocked into her soft breasts, relishing in the lethargic shift of her weight beneath him. Finally, the creak and crunch of her bones rippled from the force of his increased strength. As the light faded from her eyes an acidic cascade fell over his head and back. He howled, digging his heels into her ribcage, which granted reprieve from the pressure on her chest.
“Let her go!”
Another barrage of holy water hit Dean and he fell to the side of CC’s body, boots kicking wildly as he tried to stand. He screamed and lunged for the hammer. Sam held his knife up, terrified at what he had to do.
“Well look who decided to join us. Ready to play, Sammy?”
Sam stepped forward, trying not to be distracted with the way Chloe’s body remained unnaturally still. Dean looked him dead in the eyes and jumped forward, psyching Sam a little and then swung, landing the hammer in the plaster just behind where Sam’s face had been. The Kurdish blade kissed Dean’s throat, but he knew he hadn’t lost.
“Well, look at you. Do it,” Dean taunted. He watched Sam’s surprise melt into submission. As Sam dropped the blade and Dean let his eyes flood black, three things happened: Dean stepped toward Sam in certain victory, Chloe gasped to life in their periphery, a startling golden glow radiating over her chest and neck and Castiel’s arms caged Dean in place, the power of his stolen grace containing the demon.
“It’s over. Dean, it’s over.”
Next Chapter: The Ending You Expected
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sebeth · 5 years
Young Justice: Torch Song
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 The return of Young Justice begins with the release of the first two issues of the prequel comic.
Let’s begin…
My boy Conner is on the cover.  Along with Miss Martian.  Can we please end this unhealthy relationship?  Both Conner and Megan need to expand their circle of friends and, more importantly, romantic partners. Preferably in a non-obsessive capacity.
The issues are titled “Torch Songs”. That doesn’t sound promising for the duo’s continued relationship.
The Watchtower, Team Year 6: August 8.
Miss Martian, Beast Boy, and a non-paralyzed Batgirl are at the Watchtower.
Superboy arrives. Megan appears excited until Superboy states “Huh. Didn’t know you’d be on this mission.”
Yeah, I’d say the reunion from last season’s finale didn’t last long.
Batgirl begins the mission briefing: Psimon has returned to the United States. Batgirl, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Beast Boy are team Alpha.
Megan confidently states she can handle Psimon.
Conner questions: “How?! By putting him in another coma?!”
“No! I wouldn’t do that!”
“Meaning you wouldn’t do that again.”
“No…you’re right…I won’t do that…again.”
While the duo bicker, Babs ask Gar: “What’s up with them? I know things were bad after their breakup, but I thought they were friends again.”
“They were. They got along great on Mars. I even thought they were heading towards couplehood again.”
“Well, something’s changed because they don’t look like a couple now.”
If I had to guess, I would say once the adrenaline wore down, Conner realized he still couldn’t trust Megan.  Not only was Megan destroying the minds of villains she attempted to alter Conner’s free will and memories.  That doesn’t even include Megan’s season 1 molding and manipulation of Conner to fit into her fantasy life.
Very unhealthy relationship.
Shouldn’t Babs have a stronger reaction to the “you wouldn’t do that again” line?  Megan escaped any consequences of her mind-destroying spree.
Were the Justice League even aware of Megan’s actions?  I can’t believe they were or Batman would have evicted her from the team. DC has established Batman’s feelings on tampering with a person’s mind.  It would also cause great concern for J’onn J’onzz. Megan’s actions would not only violate J’onn’s personal and cultural ethics on the use of telepathy but it would also reinforce the initial misgivings he had of bringing a White Martian to Earth.
What about the Young Justice members – even the founders? Megan was warned about the misuse of her telepathic abilities in an early season one episode.  Even if the team overlooked Megan’s excessive use of her telepathic powers on villains, an assault on her fellow teammate would surely provoke a response.
Poor Arsenal suffered a PTSD flashback and Dick kicked him off the team.  How does Megan keep escaping from the consequences of her actions?
The Alpha team arrives in Hollywood at a classic film festival.  Megan has shape-changed into a human appearance, Babs is in civilian clothes, and Conner, true to form, is having nothing to do with subterfuge and is rocking the “Superboy” shirt. Gar has turned into a mouse and is hiding in one of Megan’s pockets.
Megan and Gar sneak into a panel that showcases an actress that appeared on the “Hello, Megan” show.
Conner has snuck into the auditorium and encourages Megan to ask a question: “M’gann, you’re the bravest woman I know. Are you really afraid to ask a question?”
Please, Greg Weisman, do not continue this relationship. It’s all I ask.
Megan asks about Marie Logan.  Gar admits Marie was his mother.
Megan thanks Conner for the encouragement: “Happy to help. I mean, ‘cuz…we’re still teammates. Just teammates.”
Babs, the only one actually working on the case, encounters Psimon. The other three Young Justice members are chatting with the actress when Psimon attacks.
Psimon projects the team – minus Babs – into the “Hello, Megan” show.  Starring Miss Martian as Megan.
Gar freaks out: “Oh my god! We’re trapped inside Hello, Megan!”
Conner disagrees: “No. We’re trapped inside M’Gann’s mind.”
Conner and Gar struggle while trapped inside Megan’s mind.
Babs doesn’t believe Psimon has the ability to trap Megan.
Psimon gloats: “All I did was guide her to a pocket of emotional safety hidden deep within her psyche. Now, Little Miss Powerful’s own insecurities keep her trapped there.”
Psimon then attacks Babs.
Gar realizes Megan needs Conner’s forgiveness to break free from the “Hello Megan” fantasy life.
Conner confides to Gar: “She tried to psychically mess with my memories…”
“Oh my god, Conner, that’s horrible!”
“Don’t overreact, when I caught her, she backed off immediately. She had the power to force things. She didn’t.”
“That doesn’t make it okay.”
Yeah, Conner, do no try to justify abuse!  I’ve known too many abused men and women and heard way too many variations of this type of justification.
Conner continues: “I know. That’s why we broke up. But c’mon, that was months ago. We’ve been through a whole alien invasion since then. She took full responsibility and apologized.”
“And you forgave her?”
“More or less. You know what? Fine. I’ll tell her I forgive her right now.”
“Conner, you don’t have to forgive her. But if you do, you have to mean it or…”
“Or she’ll know I’m faking ‘cuz she’s psychic.”
“She doesn’t have to be psychic. You two were together for five years. Long enough for her to know when you’re sincere.”
“So can you really forgive her or not?”
Megan sings a song lamenting her woes over her former relationship.
Conner confronts Megan: “I need to talk to my best friend. I need to tell her that I don’t know where were going or what’s going to happen but that I forgive her for anything and everything. And no matter where we go or what we do or who were with, I will always love her.”
“Really, that is, if she can forgive me.”
“We got so close on Mars, it scared me, and I pulled away. I’m sorry for that.”
The trio is freed from Megan’s fantasy life. Psimon has escaped.
Megan thanks Conner: “We’d have been stuck in that fantasy forever if not for you.”
“Hey, we’re a team, aren’t we?”
The issue ends with “Never the end”.
First, Conner’s apology/confession/forgiveness made me throw up in my mouth.  
If the genders were reversed, and the abuse was physical and not psychic, no one would support this pairing. See Hank Pym, who slapped Jan in the midst of a psychotic breakdown, and has never been forgiven by the fans or the comic book creators.
Megan attempted to forcibly alter Conner’s mind out of pure self-interest, convenience, and cowardness, and’s it just hand-waved away.
“Bravest woman I know”. Please, Megan has consistently shown an avoidance to truth and accountability for her own actions.
Second, the “that I don’t know where were going or what’s going to happen but that I forgive her for anything and everything. And no matter where we go or what we do or who were with” along with the “never the end” tagline.  Please do not give us another season of “will Conner and Megan get back together or not?” Season two was more than sufficient for that storyline.
I can accept this ending if the “forgiveness” allows for a clean break, settles accounts between the two, and allows Conner and Megan operate as functional teammates with no sniping and longing looks between the two.
If the first two issues are setting up a full reconciliation between the duo, I will not be happy. I might be over sensitive to abuse justifications as I’ve sadly known so many victims of abuse but the Conner-Megan sends the wrong message to abuse victims.
Third, Conner – you’re absolute, for real, soulmate is on your team.  And it’s not Megan. His name is Tim Drake – he’s the slender boy in red. Check it out – expand your horizons.  TimKon for life!
The cartoon debuts tomorrow. It will be interesting to see the time gap between the comic and the cartoon. So excited despite my mixed feelings over the prequel comic.
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magicplanetanime · 5 years
Let’s Watch HeartCatch Pretty Cure! Episode 6
I have had a VERY LONG and quite frustrating week, so as it rolls over into Saturday nothing gives me greater joy than being able to get back into the Precure groove. Let’s get started
Episode 6 Scoop! The Precures identities are revealed!?
Before we even get to the theme tune (what Nihon TV helpfully labels as the “Intro” segment of a Precure episode) we’re immediately reintroduced to an old character and introduced to a new one in a very short span of time. On the reintroduction front we have the androgynous school council president, who we learn here is also a martial artist.
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Is there anything our boy can’t do?
More pertinently we’re introduced to Tada Kanae, a photographer and, as Erika puts it, “scoop-lover”, which is certainly....a turn of phrase.
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After the OP, there’s a bit of in-class discussion about the Precures, the series’ first acknowledgement that yes, other people do remember that they exist. But mostly, we see what exactly Erika means by her oddly old-fashioned phrasing. Apparently the case is that this Tada girl likes to take pictures of people and....well, just kind of stick them up on a board for the world to see. I was sort of expecting the series to take a “school newspaper” angle here especially given the mention of Scoops (tm).
She also seems to enjoy taking pictures of people in embarrassing situations, which Erika (understandably) objects to.
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This segues into Tada promising to get shots of the Precures, which Tsubomi hilariously responds to with a loud “EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?”, proving that regardless of whether or not they’re fictional, middle schoolers cannot keep secrets. (If you’re wondering how she plays this off, it’s by claiming to be really excited about the pictures. Yeah.)
Our girls regroup, and soon spot Tada asking around about the Precures. To the photographer girl’s frustration, all she gets is people (more specifically: characters-of-the-week from some previous episodes) saying that they dreamed about them or that they’ve heard rumors, something that she can’t exactly snap photos of.
I must say, even in the episode’s first third it’s pretty obvious that the moral is going to be about Tada’s habit of taking pictures of people screwing up. Which, while certainly not a bad message in the social media era (and that was surely a consideration, this show isn’t that old mind you) just seems a little....thin? Compared to the near-universal themes of the past couple episodes.
Another thing I’m noticing is at least in this earlier part of the episode the animation is rather janky, there’s some oddly-composed shots and lots of popsicle stick walk cycles.
Neither of these things are dealbreakers by any means but one does get the impression that this is a bit of a lower-rung episode of this series.
Well, I say that, but Tada, following a lead, soon makes her way to the botanical gardens. The ones that Tsubomi’s grandma, the former Cure Flower and--shudder--Coupe are based in. She spots the fairies not long after entering and then....this happens.
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Yeah, remember this guy? Cuz I kinda completely forgot about him myself. This is by my count his first appearance in four episodes, and he shows up here only to briefly distract Tada long enough for the fairies to escape. They dive in Coupe’s fur, and granny successfully feigns ignorance, which gets her to leave. Flower then openly speculates about the state of her heart flower, setting up the second half of the episode.
Cut back to the Desert Apostle lair and we have Sasorina vowing that she will succeed where her two comrades failed and yadda yadda you know the drill by now.
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We then get a midcard, with this comment from Nihon.TV, which I think is a Final Fantasy reference if my memory (memery?) is serving me correctly this chilly spring morning.
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Anyway, we cut back to Tsubomi, who notices Tada walking over to Erika’s place and briefly assumes that she’s found out that they’re Precures. The truth is both more mundane and a good deal more Kids Show, though not quite in a bad way.
You see, it turns out that Tada is actually going to Erika’s house to seek the advice of an expert photographer, a man internationally renowned for his work, a man with blue hair!
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Also he’s Erika’s dad, and boy, over the course of this sequence do you REALLY get a sense of where Erika gets a lot of her own personality quirks from, because this guy is a lot.
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No really like a lot a lot.
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No Tendou Maya?
In any case he talks with Tada about photography and ends up kind of accidentally insulting her photographs while trying to impart what is at its core a reasonable lesson (that photos should make both the viewer and the subject happy), and she leaves rather unhappy. We get this weirdly deep observation from Tsubomi
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Honestly who isn’t these days, kid?
Tsubomi and Erika resolve to go cheer her up, but, before they can....well, six episodes in you can probably take a reasonable guess as to what happens.
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Well ok, then Sasorina turns her into a Desertrian. This one camera themed and honestly, for just basically being a bunch of square shapes, this thing looks pretty goddamn creepy. Also it petrifies people by taking pictures of them, which is also kinda creepy.
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I have somehow not mentioned it yet, but I do wanna point out that the choice of font that Nihon.TV gave to the Desertrians is pretty cool. No idea what it is, but it conveys the rambly aggressive nature of the creatures quite well.
The fight scene here deserves a breakdown, since it’s easily the highest point of the episode. Pretty early on, Marine gets petrified.
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Somewhat hilariously, the action then almost completely stops so the fairies can whip out a new toy. It’s not exactly graceful and it really could’ve been integrated into the flow here a bit better, but, on the other hand I do feel that complaining about product placement in Precure is like complaining about it in Transformers.
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Yes, a heart seed, those things they’ve been collecting from the people they’ve helped. They use a red one here, which I am pointing out but I probably didn’t really need to.
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I would have a bigger problem with this powerup were it not for the fact that Blossom just randomly gaining Flash levels of super-speed is pretty goddamn cool. Look! She even gets a new tint to her outfit! I think the only way to improve that would be if they’d actually fully redesigned her costume for the powerup, but at that point you’re probably in prohibitively time-consuming territory.
I also want to make a nod to Sasorina’s absolutely great facial expressions throughout this fight.
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In any case this all leads up to what is maybe my favorite thing that’s happened in the show so far. Observe.
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What could I possibly say about this to make it any funnier than it already is? Butt Punch. She used her butt, but it was a punch. Why did she do that? Who knows! Butt Punch. You use your butt, but it’s a punch. I can’t compete with that.
Anyway before long the whole flower crucifixion thing happens again and I am seriously never going to get over how weird this piece of imagery is.
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And Sasorina buzzes off, and the fansubbers translate whatever she says upon leaving....liberally, we’ll say.
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The episode more or less ends here. There’s a bit of an epilogue where Tada, after being awoken by Tsubomi on the hillside, concludes that her photos really *do* need “more love”. As a thank you to Tsubomi, Tada gives her some photos of the class president, who it is at this point evident that she’s crushing on.
The episode ends with her resolving to continue her hunt for precure pics, and Erika teasing Tsubomi about the pictures she got.
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I have to be honest, I am a bit mixed on this one. Tada has the core of a good character but I don’t quite care about her yet as much as I do the rest of the main cast (since I have a hunch she’ll be returning, though I’m not 100% sure). There’s also this episode’s moral which is just kind of....weird, I guess I’d say?
It’s not like photo privacy and consent aren’t real issues in the modern age--they definitely are--but it’s sort of a strange thing for a kids’ show to try to tackle, as it’s a pretty complex issue. And the conclusion reached, that Tada’s photos just need to be taken “with love”, is sort of a strange one in that it does not really say anything concrete. Maybe there’s a cultural barrier here or maybe I’m just misinterpreting the whole thing, but it struck kind of an odd chord. Between that and the janky animation in places this is low on my rankings of episodes of this show so far.
That said, the episode does definitely have its strong points too. Building up some continuity by bringing in old characters--even if only for a little bit--is a really good call (and it’s honestly something that the currently-airing Star Twinkle Precure should perhaps be doing a little more of, much as I do love that show also). And despite its abruptness I did end up liking the powerup that Blossom got here, and I really cannot ovestate how absolutely hilarious Butt Punch is. Juvenile, sure, it’s a kids’ show, but it’s also very basic, elemental comedy. You use your butt, but it’s a punch. Amazing.
I’m also quite curious about the fellow with the black hair and glasses. My guess at this point is, some connection to the student council president maybe? Who knows. I’d also love to see Tada developed a bit more as a character, as I said earlier, she’s got the core of a fun character in her, it just needs a bit more work.
So overall, while I did not like this episode as much as some prior ones, I did still quite like it. I find it hard to ever walk away from a Precure episode with negative feelings.
I’m gonna make this a one-episode post. I hope to get back more into the swing of things this coming week since I’ll have more time than this past week (which was incredibly busy and awful and involved a failed job interview and bluerrrrghhh but that’s not why you’re reading this blog). Until next time!
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