#Bòrd na Gàidhlig
anarchotolkienist · 10 months
Bidh ceannard ùr aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig - bana-Èirisgeach a tha fuireachd ann an Leòdhas agus a tha dol a dh'fhuireachd ann an Leòdhas is i na ceannard. Samhla gu math dòchasach a tha sin, saoilidh mi. Tha e faireachdainn dhomhsa co-dhiù mar 's gu bheil beachdan dhaoine air atharrachadh a thaobh poileasaidh na Gàidhlig, mean air mhean - is gann gun tachair thu air daoine a tha taiceil dhan mhodal a th' againn an-dràsta, co-dhiù, agus tha mi an dòchas gum bi sin a' ciallachadh gum faigh sinn atharrachadh.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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April 30th 1891 saw the formation of An Comunn Gaidhealach  a vehicle for the preservation and development of the Gaelic language.
Founded in Oban, it has supported the teaching, learning and use of the Gaelic language and the study and cultivation of Gaelic literature, history, music and art for over 100 years.
Through the organisation and running of the Royal National Mòd and a network of provincial Mòds across Scotland, An Comunn Gaidhealach furthers the aims of supporting and developing all aspects of the Gaelic language, culture, history and heritage at local, national and international levels.
This years Royal National Mòd takes place in Perth will take place from 14-22 October 2022 and will be the first time the city has held the event since 2004..
The Mòd has been held most years in October since 1892. The only years in which the National Mòd was not held were the war years of 1914-1919 and 1939-1946. The “Royal” was not originally part of the name. 
It is still the practice of the St Columba’s Church to send a Concert Party to start off the fund-raising, as well as winning the premier Choir competition for the first three years, the church has also had many Mòd Gold Medallists over the years.
The international dimension to the Royal National Mòd continues to grow with the support of EventScotland while the leading Gaelic language promotion and development organisations in Scotland including Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Comunn na Gàidhlig, the Comhairle 
Pics include An Comunn’s first publication, 1893, the 2015 programme and the   An Comunn Gaidhealac offices in Inverness. 
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misneachdalba · 3 months
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Tha Misneachd air freagairt mhionaideach a sgrìobhadh air Bile nan Cànanan Albannach a tha ro Chomataidh Foghlam, Cloinne agus Dhaoine Òga Pàrlamaid na h-Alba an-dràsta.
Tha sinn a’ fàilteachadh na bile san fharsaingeachd agus a’ creidsinn gur e ceum cudromach air adhart a th’ innte a thaobh stiùireadh nas làidire bhon riaghaltas air ro-innleachd poileasaidh nàiseanta na Gàidhlig, a’ neartachadh foghlam Gàidhlig, agus a’ cruthachadh chothroman ùra gus ceann a’ mhaide a chumail ris an riaghaltas, Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus ri buidhnean poblach eile.
Aig an aon àm dh’fhaodadh a’ bhile a bhith na bu làidire ann an cuid a dh’àiteachan. Bidh tòrr an crochadh air mar a bhios an riaghaltas a’ cleachdadh nan cumhachdan ùra a tha anns an lagh a thaobh fo-reachdas, riaghailtean agus ro-innleachdan reachdail, agus dè an ìre maoineachaidh a bhios ri fhaighinn airson diofar raointean san àm ri teachd. Tha Misneachd ag iarraidh air an Riaghaltas barrachd soilleireachd a thoirt seachad cho luath ’s a ghabhas air na gnothaichean seo.
’S e a’ phàirt as ùire den bhile Earrann 4 a tha a’ dèiligeadh ri ‘sgìrean cànain sònraichte’, a’ coileanadh gealladh an riaghaltais gus ‘Gàidhealtachdan’ oifigeil aithneachadh. B’ urrainn dha na sgìrean seo a bhith air an sònrachadh ann an sgìrean far a bheil sgilean Gàidhlig aig co-dhiù 20% den t-sluagh, far a bheil foghlam Gàidhlig no gnìomhachd Ghàidhlig eile stèidhichte, no far a bheil ceangal eachdraidheil no cultarail ris a’ Ghàidhlig. Tha e coltach, mar eisimpleir, gum b’ urrainn an dà chuid na h-Eileanan Siar agus Glaschu an inbhe seo fhaighinn.
Tha Misneachd a’ cur fàilte air an inbhe ùir seo a tha a’ daingneachadh a’ phrionnsabail gu bheil feumalachdan sònraichte aig diofar sgìrean, fhad ’s a thathar ag aithneachadh gur e cànan nàiseanta a th’ anns a’ Ghàidhlig aig an aon àm.
’S e an duilgheadas a th’ ann leis an earrainn seo nach eil e soilleir dè bhios an inbhe seo a’ ciallachadh no dè seòrsa ghoireasan, structaran-taic agus guth coimhearsnachd a bhiodh ann, nam biodh sìon, aig ìre nas ionadail na ìre na sgìre chomhairle.
Tha Misneachd air dreachd leasachaidh a sgrìobhadh gu chur an àite Earrann 4 sa bhile, stèidhichte air siostam nan sgìrean planaidh cànain ann an Èirinn fo Achd na Gaeltacht 2012. Bhiodh seo a’ sònrachadh aonadan cruinn-eòlach ionadail, anns na h-Eileanan Siar co-dhiù, a bhiodh co-shìnte ri uàrdaichean taghaidh na comhairle, agus bhiodh plana cànain coimhearsnachd, co-dhiù aon oifigear leasachaidh làn-ùine, agus buidseat ionadail anns gach sgìre. Tha sinne a’ moladh buidseat de co-dhiù £150,000 sa bhliadhna do gach sgìre, no £2.7 millean sa bhliadhna do dh’Alba air fad.
“’S e suim mhòr a th’ ann an taca ri na tha ga chosg air leasachadh coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig an-dràsta, ach meadhanach beag an taca ri buidseat na Gàidhlig uile gu lèir, gun luaidh air an sporan phoblach san fharsaingeachd,” thuirt an Dr Christopher Lewin, ball de Mhisneachd agus neach-acadaimigeach a chuidich gus freagairt na buidhne a sgrìobhadh, agus a tha a’ fuireach ann an sgìre Gaeltacht ann an Èirinn an-dràsta.
“Tha sinn ag aithneachadh gu bheil staing eaconamach ann, ach tha cosg ann gun a bhith a’ toirt airgid a-steach dha na coimhearsnachdan seo, agus tha luchd na Gàidhlig airidh agus feumach air tòrr a bharrachd taic.”
Fo na molaidhean againn, bhiodh e cuideachd mar dhleastanas air comhairlean sgìrean a shònrachadh far a bheil 20% den t-sluagh a’ bruidhinn na cànain, seach a bhith roghainneil, mar a tha e sa bhile an-dràsta.
Tha freagairt iomlan Misneachd ri leughadh an seo: https://rb.gy/6sykqd, agus tha sinn a’ brosnachadh an t-sluaigh gus an uiread freagairtean a chur a-steach ron cheann-latha, 8mh Màrt.
Tha pàipear rannsachaidh leis an Dr Lewin mu leasachadh cànain sa choimhearsnachd ann an Èirinn agus ann an Alba ri leughadh anns an iris Scottish Affairs. Tha tionndadh saor an asgaidh ri leughadh an seo. “Cha bhi cothrom mar seo ann a-rithist fad ùine mhòir, ma bhios gu bràth,” a thuirt an Dr Lewin. “Feumar a’ bhile seo a neartachadh uiread ’s a ghabhas, agus ìmpidh a chur air an riaghaltas maoineachadh iomchaidh a chur seachad.”
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sgribhisg · 5 years
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gaidhlig-tv · 4 years
Bonn-a-sia dha na craoladairean - fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig mar roghainn
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Fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig, mar roghainn, air BBC Alba? Dh’fhaodadh e tachairt. Cha bu chòir dhuinn a bhith den bheachd gum biodh  e ro dhaor seirbheis fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh.  Tha gaidhlig.tv air prìsean agus fiosrachadh teicnigeach fhaighinn ceangailte ris a seo.  Ann an co-theacsa saoghal telebhisean, chan eil ann ach bonn-a-sia dha na craoladairean.  
Tha eòlaichean ag radh gun cosgadh e eadar £25,000-£30,000 gus na prìomh ghoireasan teicnigeach fhaighinn agus an cur an-sàs gus seirbheis fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig mar roghainn a bhith againn air BBC Alba.    Chan eil sin daor ann an co-theacsa telebhisein.  Chosg am BBC, mar eisimpleir,  £12 millean an-uiridh air tagsaidhean, a rèir an Guardian.
A bharrachd air na goireasan teicnigeach  – agus cò aig a tha fios nach eil iad aig a’ BhBC mar-thà? -  bhiodh feum air taic airson luchd-obrach ùra gus na fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig a chruthachadh. Cò rachadh an aghaidh obraichean ùra? Nam biodh, can, dithis ùr ag obair air na fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig sa chiad dol a-mach, dheanadh e deagh thoiseach-toiseachaidh.    Dh’fhaodadh sinn cur ris a seo, beag air bheag, a h-uile bliadhna.  
Tha airgead ann.  Ged a tha na milleanan aig MG ALBA a h-uile bliadhna, ma tha sinn airson an sporan aca-san a dhìon, carson nach teid sinn gu Riaghaltas na h-Alba neo Riaghaltas Bhreatainn?  Mar eisimpleir, ann an 2014, thug Ministear na Gàidhlig an Alba, Alasdair Allan,  £2.1 millean a bharrachd do MG ALBA.  Air an aon bhliadhna, thug am BP a bh’ ann Danny Alexander £1 millean a bharrachd do MG ALBA.  Tha cothrom eile ann cuideachd: am BBC fhèin. Tha am BBC a’ faighinn £3.7 billean – billean! – tro chìs an ‘licence fee’.  Cha d’ chuir na Tòraidhean às dheth fhathast.  Nach fhaodadh am BBC fhèin beagan a chosg air fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig? Nam biodh Stiùiriche BhBC Scotland, Coinneach MacGuaire, deònach taic a chur ris an iomairt againn, chuidicheadh sin gu mòr.  Leis nach eil fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig cosgail - agus leis nach eil iad trom air bandwidth nas motha -  chan eil leisgeul ann tuilleadh.
Dè mu dheidhinn £100k bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba gus taic a chur ri fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig air BBC Alba?   Toiseach-toiseachaidh math a bhiodh ann, as dèidh dhuinn cur às do na fo-thiotalan Beurla loisgte, rud a dh’fheumas tachairt sa bhad.
Gabhaidh seo dèanamh. Chan eil a dhìth ach taic poilitigeach agus spionnadh bho na craoladairean fhèin.
Lisa Storey
Airgead ceangailte ri craoladh agus BBC Alba
BBC: annual budget  = £3.7 billion (licence fee) + £1.7 billion bho aiteachan eile - source:  http://www.theiet.org/forums/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=220&threadid=56261
BBC: taxi bill 2014 = £12 million  - source: The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/feb/20/bbc-spent-34m-on-taxi-fares-in-past-three-years
BBC: current annual spend on BBC Alba = £8 million - source: làrach-lìn a’ BhBC  
Scottish Government: announcement 2014  - Alasdair Allan, Minister for Gaelic 16/04/2014   £2.1million extra -  fios-naidheachd MG ALBA.
HM Treasury: announcement 2014 - “Additional £1 million for MG ALBA announced by Government” HM Treasury press release, 19 August 2014  - Treasury, Danny Alexander  https://www.gov.uk/government/news/additional-1-million-for-mg-alba-announced-by-government
Fiosrachaidh-ionmhais eile:
Bòrd na Gàidhlig budget  2015-2016  = £5.27 million  - source: làrach-lìn Bhòrd na Gàidhlig
Scottish Govt budget 2015-16 (dreach) = £28 billion  - source: http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0046/00462296.pdf
Gnothaichean teicnigeach - fo-thiotalan Gàidhlig mar roghainn air BBC Alba
Fiosrachadh a fhuair sinn: earrann (Beurla):  “comprehensive caption and subtitling transmision system compatible with BBC Alba includes multiple language support (if necessary), core processing platforms,  dedicated input and output devices, open subtitles/closed caption option, remote viewing,  ‘Hot standby’ and ‘duplicate  chain’ redundancy strategies supported ability to implement and control the transmission, transcoding and monitoring of subtitles and graphics in a simple, cost effective and flexible way. Advanced encoding, streaming and distribution techniques allowing broadcaster, playout center, channel owner and post production facility to check, monitor log and review multi channel, multi language subtitle content. Ranging from simple single language display to multi user, multi channel, multi format and multiple language systems with integration to master control room monitor walls the range meets all requirements.”  (circa £19k basic + VAT + taic = eadar £25k-£30k).   Bandwidth air Freeview? Tha dòighean timcheall air a sin agus bidh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh againn air a sin fhathast. 14/05/2015
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Fiosrachadh a bharrachd 15/03/2016
A thaobh chosgaisean eile ceangailte ri fo-thiotalan falaichte, tha e cudromach dearbhadh a dhèanamh nach fheum fo-thiotalan falaichte a bhith a’ tighinn tron phutan dearg: sin aon dòigh, ach tha dòighean eile cuideachd. Thàinig seo bho A516digital gu gaidhlig.tv air 15/03/2016:
“There are unlikely to be any problems adding optional subtitles on cable and satellite, S4C manages this already, with options for Welsh and English using the same infrastructure used for delivering subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing.
Red Button functionality is not necessarily required - subtitles can be switched on and off via either a dedicated subtitle button on the remote or via the set-top-box settings, where subtitle language can be set when there are multiple options.
Regards a516digital” (15/03/2016 – post-dealain gu L. Storey)
Agus... litir gu MG ALBA agus BBC Scotland, 2015
Bha an ‘MG ALBA Experiment’ le Beurla cearr.
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rather-impertinent · 5 years
thank you to my main G 5eva @tiffanyachings for tagging me x
RULES: answer the questions and tag 9 people you’d like to know better!
FAVOURITE COLOUR: red or yellow
TOP 3 FAVOURITE SHIPS: Dwight x Caroline from Poldark, Anne x Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables, Jack x Rebbeca from This Is Us
LIPSTICK OR CHAPSTICK/LIPBALM: lipbalm!! I wear that fucker every day gotta keep those lips soft n luscious ladies amarite. I do like wearing lipstick when the occassion calls for it tho!
LAST SONG LISTENED TO: ‘Down To The Bottom’ by Dorothy. Their music fuckin SLAPS and this song or ‘Raise Hell’ should be the Poldark 5 promo song cos they’re both epic as fuck and might actually make me excited to watch it lmfao
LAST MOVIE WATCHED: I watched Legally Blonde the other day, it never gets old or any less motivating.
CURRENTLY READING:  Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s National Gaelic Language Plan 2012 - 2017. Absolutely riveting read. Doesn’t make me want to individually pull my eyelashes out at all.
I tag u frens @hopefulfridays @chocksawaychaps @arlome @carolightworld @oetravia @emilypenserfranglais @moviestorian @nokalover @wildandwhirlingwords xo
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abhayhatia · 3 years
Hands Up For Trad | Tional Gaelic Music Weekend launches online! Join the virtual cèilidh!
Hands Up For Trad | Tional Gaelic Music Weekend launches online! Join the virtual cèilidh!
Hands Up For Trad announce Tional, the first Gaelic Music Festival weekend, featuring a whole host of stars from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th September 2020, broadcasting online with funding support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s COVID-19 Support Fund. In the latest of a series of highly successful digital events and broadcasts during Lockdown, from Tinto Music School to Stonehaven Folk Festival and…
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uacboo · 7 years
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Gaelic is set to be better represented on the popular reference website Wikipedia thanks to a new role based at the National Library of Scotland. Dr Susan Ross has been appointed as the world’s first Gaelic Wikipedian, a year-long post that will see her working with the Gaelic community across Scotland to improve the content on Uicipeid, the Scottish Gaelic Wikipedia. Over the coming 12 months, Dr Ross will also be offering training and “edit-a-thons” with Gaelic speakers and groups across the country in a bid to broaden the website’s content. Uicipeid has formed a part of the main Wikipedia encyclopedia since 2004. There are currently more than 14,000 pages of information in Gaelic on the site.
Dr Ross, a contributor to Uicipeid since 2010, began learning Gaelic as a teenager and has gained a doctorate in Gaelic Studies. She said: “Contributing to Gaelic Wikipedia builds a 21st century information source where knowledge, in Gaelic, about both the Gaelic world and the wider world, can be stored and shared. “It is a great opportunity for Gaelic speakers to exercise reading and writing skills in a creative, informal, collaborative environment and I’m excited about the possibilities to get more people involved.’ It is hoped the move will help to promote the NLS’ extensive Gaelic resources, which are widely available online.
The Wikipedian initiative is a partnership between the NLS and Wikimedia UK, the charity that supports and promotes the free online encyclopaedia. The work will be finincially supported by grants from Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the agency responsible for promoting Gaelic language throughout Scotland and internationally, and Wikimedia UK.
Source: scotsman.com Kudos to all those involved with this partnership!
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scottishdreams · 5 years
Glasgow > | MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards 2018 2nd Dec 2018 in Perth
...the Year Award Sponsored by Musicians’ Union – Drygate Brewery, GlasgowServices to Gaelic sponsored by Bòrd na Gàidhlig – RunrigThe Hamish Henderson Services to Traditional Music Award sponsored... https://ift.tt/2PgBJn5
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anarchotolkienist · 1 year
Fucking kill me, Bòrd na Gàidhlig is opposed to establishing recognised Gàidhealtachd because "Gaelic belongs to all of Scotland", so they prefer a system whereby somehow "every child in Scotland will get the opportunity to encounter Gaelic", i.e., once again, "go fuck yourself, Gaelic-speaking islanders - we've got one million people who can count to three, or sing Brochan Lom, hence we're happy". I hate everything
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Community #Gaelic Funding from Bòrd na #Gàidhlig
Community #Gaelic Funding from Bòrd na #Gàidhlig
Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd is now open. It is Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s community Gaelic funding scheme that supports community initiatives across Scotland that encourage and increase the learning and use of Gaelic.
Further information and application forms are now available via the Bòrd na Gàidhlig website or by calling 01463 225454, or sending an email to [email protected].
The closing date…
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sgribhisg · 5 years
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This may be a stupid question, but I am wondering with all this talk about getting Scottish Gaelic added to DuoLingo, why hasn’t Bòrd na Gàidhlig set about creating an app specifically for learning Scottish Gaelic in a fun, and engaging way?  An app which can be released worldwide on Android and iOS suitable for mobile phones, tablets, and the web?  Make it free for those downloading from Scotland, and charge a small/minimum subscription for anyone outwith to continue to fund updates, if needs be.  Alternatively, it could be funded with advertising from Scottish producers. It would be nice if it wasn’t a translation based app, but an audio-visual immersion experience, so that anyone wishing to learn Scottish Gaelic would not need to know English first.  Topics on the environment, history, and culture (old and new) of the Gaels and Scotland could be explored at the more advanced levels.  The structure of the language is such that it does not necessarily fit into a pre-set mould for learning, so why not create something unique?  Why invest in another printed dictionary - which will probably cost the purchaser dearly - but not engage with popular technology?
It just seems like a missed opportunity.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
I know there are other fundraisers going all the time, and that we are all poor, but this is a rare opportunity for non-Gaelic speakers to do something really useful for the languge. Inbhir Nis is the most Gaelic -speaking city in mainland UK, where lots of native speakers move for employment. However, there is no place for the languge, no physical area where Gaelic has the upper hand over English. The Culturlann model, which has been extremely important in the stunning revival of Irish in the occupied six counties of Ireland , would go a long way towards adressing it, and would give Gaels in the city a vital resource for the future of the languge. They cannot get this funding from Community Land Scotland (who do not want to support a 'non-universal' resource, i.e. if you don't speak English, you don't get anything) or from Bòrd na Gàidhlig (who are unwilling to support such a long-term project), so it's depending on fundraising. If you've seen my incessant posting and want to help, here's your opportunity.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
Dè cho truagh 's a tha e airson stàit na Gàidhlig nach eil cathraichean Bòrd na Gàidhlig fileanta sa Ghàidhlig?
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sgribhisg · 6 years
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sgribhisg · 4 years
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