anarchotolkienist · 3 hours
I find Arab nationalists talking about the ill treatment of Mizrahi Jews in Israel especially interesting. Like why do you think there are no Jews (with a small handful of exceptions) left in the Arab states? What movement drove them out?
If you say "Zionist deception" I don't really know how to respond, but this is the only thing I've seen. Yes, it was those scheming Jews fault that our pseudo-fascist nationalist movement whicj gave exile and collaborated with SS veterans was viewed as anti-Semitic by Jews who lived there. Definitely.
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anarchotolkienist · 7 hours
Air an là seo.
Tha fiosrachadh mun bhlàr aig Calum Ruadh, a bhuin ris an sgìre, anns a' chlàradh seo. Gu truagh tha a' mhòr-chuid sa Bheurla, ach gabhaidh e corra rann às an òran 'Beinn Lì' a chaidh a dhèanamh air an là.
Is e an-diugh an 140mh ceann-là de Bhlàr a' Chumhaing, no Battle of the Braes sa chànain eile, ann an sgìre a' Bhràighe san Eilean Sgitheanach. B' ann eadar poilis Ghlaschu agus croitearan is cotairean an eilein a bha am blàr seo, is na Gàidheil a' strì son còirichean talmhainn a chaidh a ghoid orra leis na h-uachdarain mhòra - gu sònraichte cead-ionaltraidh Bheinn Lì a bh' aca air chleachdadh cho fada is a bha Gàidheil san eilean - fhaighinn air ais. Bha an gall mòr seo air an robh 'Sherriff Ivory' ann an Port Rìgh os cionn poileas Gallta a bha feuchainn ri croitearan a dhliùilt aontachadh air cìsean gun chead-ionaltraidh fhaighinn an greim sa Bhaile Mheadhanach, ach chruinnich muinntir na sgìre aig a' Chumhang - 'dorast' na sgìre mar gum biodh - gus blàr is amhreit a chumail riutha, le badain is maide is clachan. Fhuair na croitearan saorsa, is phiobraich am blàr soirbheachail seo Gàidheil eile, air Gàidhealtachd is air fhògradh, gus ceartas a sheasamh ann an 'cogadh nan Croitearan'. Is iad as adhbhar a fhuair sinn Achd na Croitearachd, a chuir crìoch air linn nam fuadaichean, agus is iad as adhbhar a mhair a' Ghàidhlig idir beò dar linn fhèin. Cuireamaid clach air an càrn, is sìos leis a' phoileas, cho fìor an-diugh is a bha e nan là-san.
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[Dealbh: an càrn-cuimhne faisg air Camas Dìonabhaig san Eilean Sgìtheanach, air an urrainnear na leanas a leughadh: Faisg air a' Chàrn seo, air an 9mh là deug den Ghiblean 1882, chrìochnaich an cath a chuir muinntir a' Bhràighe air sgàth tuath na Gàidhealtachd]
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anarchotolkienist · 19 hours
who would you rather marry: tall blonde with double ds and long hair who believes the war in the Vendée (you can look this up on wiki) was majorly justified and should've gone on forever OR short mousy brunette with b cups and short hair who believes the Vendéen genocide was a crime against humanity?
While I disagree with both of these people, I think that leftists who seemingly get off on the mass violence they will impose on reactionary elements are generally repulsive and usually tend to eventually include me in the list of reactionary elements to be purged, so I suspect the second person, who might have a "lib" take here but probably some root for their politics in the sacredness of life and therefore is more likely to be a tolerable person, so I guess gun to my head I marry that person. Also why have you found a way to ask my opinion on french revolutionary violence that somehow manages to be weird about hypothetical women?
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anarchotolkienist · 5 days
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Holy shit this guy is like the social science version of that guy who invented leaded gasoline and cfcs
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anarchotolkienist · 7 days
its so disturbing how many people get appendectomies when there's no evidence that it even helps with appendicitis :/ hm? oh? no i know about that but it wasn't double blind so it doesn't count. you know. one of those double blind appendectomy studies where we give people with appendicitis a placebo appendectomy and the doctors doing it also don't know if they've actually removed the appendix or not at the end of the procedure. yeah nobody's done one of those so the evidence doesn't count and if looks like there's just no evidence for appendectomies :/ and some of the people getting them might be autistic so idk if they can really consent to having their body permanently altered... but of course you can't talk about any of this because of Woke nowadays...
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anarchotolkienist · 8 days
Is coma leamsa fuck mu dheidhinn "exploring new writing, performance, song, and contemporary approaches to Gaelic arts", san fharsaingeachd ach gu seachd àraid is e air a shanasachadh agus le fiosrachadh sa Bheurla a-mhàin. Cho sgìth de "choimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu"
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anarchotolkienist · 8 days
Not a lot to say about the Cass Report other than how utterly bleak it is that any politician would take it seriously - but then, that is the state of things in Britain right now.
In particular it seems especially ludicrous that the report throws out basically all existing scientific evidence regarding trans healthcare on the basis that the studies weren't double-blind, as though it would be either ethical or possible to perform a double-blind test on HRT or GRS. There also haven't been double-blind studies on heart transplants, for similarly obvious reasons!
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anarchotolkienist · 9 days
D&D themed tex mex restaurant where you can order thac0s
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anarchotolkienist · 10 days
Do I think that I would be able to do better than Lenin in his situation, i.e. head of the Bolshevik party in 1917? No, I don't, because I happen to believe that creating a new state while smashing the old runs on its own logic that leads straightway to Hell. The Party élite is separated from the working class, a host of violent structures separates the leaders and the masses, and since you the educated and philosophically ontologically correct scientific elite is in charge of the Revolution happening as it should, any time a worker or a peasant - or one of their organisations - stands up to you, they are opposing the Revolution itself, indeed the very progression of History, and they must be crushed by any means necessary. It does not matter if Lenin or Trotsky or Stalin - or indeed Makhno or Kropotkin, or the blessed St. Mother Maria Skobstkova or any other human being, myself definitely included - is put there. The very existence of the position has already doomed the Revolution. "You or me wouldn't do any better" is a fucking shit defense of Lenin.
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anarchotolkienist · 10 days
WHY do people keep creating IWW networks or offshoots in places that already have their own established syndicalist or anarcho-syndicalist unions? Why is there an IWW in Greece, when Rocinante exists? Why in Poland, when Inicjatywa Pracownicza already exists and does inspiring work? Why in France, when there already are two fucking CNTs there? Did we need s third competing organisation, tripling the amount of boring admin that needs to be done without actually improving our ability to act? Why the fuck? Stop it.
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anarchotolkienist · 13 days
person with a deep academic knowledge of a subject, but they seem to hate and resent that fact.
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anarchotolkienist · 14 days
I did not fully realise until I read Holub's work on Nietzsche just how literally Slave morality is meant. I think I always interpreted it as A morality that enslaves us or makes us slaves, but Nietzsche definitely meant it as the morality developed by slaves, a morality that condemns the slavers and upholds the righteousness of the slaves.
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anarchotolkienist · 15 days
i do think it is funny that games workshop invented a setting where fascism is objectively true and then keep acting surprised when nazis love their game
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anarchotolkienist · 16 days
People on here who insist on playing D&D are seriously trying to tell meaningful stories about life and death and love in a universe where the divine spark of life itself cares about the market value of jewels. Sad!
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anarchotolkienist · 16 days
Specifically it goes back to Nietzsches Genealogy of Morals and The Antichrist, where he identifies Christianity as fundamentally a Jewish religion who grew out of the priestly caste rule (rule by the weak) and the resentment felt by the Jews at their domination by other peoples, especially the exile in Babylon and slavery in Egypt. Thus Judaism (and through Judaism, Christianity) exalts the weak and debases the strong, it is a true slave morality (quite literally, the morality of slaves, rather than the morality of slave owners, as he would prefer), and it was in its changed form as Christianity that Judaism would dominate and defeat the Aryan, dharmic morality (and, his pagan followers would add, religion) of the European aristocracy that he so adored.
For every claim about Pagan survivals in European / North American folk traditions and holidays, it's important to remember that there are at least three layers of cruft on top:
Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Protestants trying to discredit Catholicism by claiming that it was secretly Pagan
Nineteenth-century Romanticists and Nationalists trying to construct an "authentic" volkisch identity by connecting everything to a remote pre-Christian (pre-Jewish) antiquity, and
Contemporary Neopagans and New Agers who want to maintain these traditions.
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anarchotolkienist · 16 days
God I have such incredibly low esteem for Nietzsche. I don't want to be a superior individual, an aristocrat, even if we do like his radical apologists and pretend that he didn't mean this in racial terms, and I don't want to know or associate with people who find that vision appealing or descriptive of themselves .
Also he really did not like Jews and Judaism at all, and I'm tired of Leftists playing pretend that he did. The Nazis who claim him had the most correct reading of his work.
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anarchotolkienist · 17 days
1 - what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
24 - what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
1) If I can pick only three moments and be a bit indulgent (it's under a readmore, it's that indulgent) in talking about them, I'd probably do it chronologically and say that
a) reading and having Tolkien read to me as a small child deeply affected my future development and sensibilities in more ways than I can count. It is deeply intertwined, to the degree where I don't think it could be unwound if you tried, with my aesthetic sensibilities, with a sense of justice, and with a fairly basic longing for something else, something greater or more whole than the world presented by modernity.
b) At the age of fifteen I picked up David Graeber's book The Democracy Project, his account of the movement of the squares, on a whim. I read it enraptured, and found the word "anarchism" for the first time, and I found out that there are other people who thought like me, who also were socialists but rejected the political party and the state. There was a movement there, a history, and there were others like me. A few months later I joined the anarcho-syndicalist youth federation in the city near my village, and I have never looked back in the ten years that have gone past since I first read that book.
Lastly, c) I first accepted Holy Communion a year or so ago, after having seriously attended church almost every week for eight months or so. In the bread and the wine I had an extremely intense spiritual experience, a meeting with God as I see it, and felt a very strong sense of connection with Creation and my fellow creatures all around me, and I fell to my knees at the pews - from then onwards I have described and viewed myself as a Christian, which is now a very important part of my intellectual and emotional life. It is rooted not in any argument or engagement, but in that experience of meeting God incarnate in bread and wine.
24) Why, avoiding the sin of pride, of course! In a more serious response (that I hate giving, I don't like enumerating things I like about myself, it feels somewhat gauche), I'm proud of my ability to act as an organisational and social engine, coming up with and driving new ideas in action, and making sure they keep happening until they have a life of their own, where they no longer need me. This has been incredibly helpful both for Gaelic and anarchist things in and around Glasgow.
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