#Avocado Tree
tellioari · 2 months
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Avocado woodset!
As we go through and rework a bunch of previous features from the dye mod, we decided to make Avocado a larger tree with it's own woodset!
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urbansoulfarmer · 1 month
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Growing avocados from seeds. Kitchen window view.
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froggybangbang · 5 months
Plantblr i need your help.
I... don't think my snake plant is doing well, but I'm not sure what else to do.
So I have 2 snake plants. One has 3 shoots, lives attop my bookshelf, and i a happy camper. The other one has struggled every day of its life. I removed it from the top shelf because it wasn't doing well, brought it down (i have a light that comes on and off for intervals of 1 hour every few hours between 8am and 5pm so they don't get stressed by too much light but also get light. Although i did that for my africain violet and she is no longer with us, so... that system may not be working). And then, because that's also where the stupid AC unit goes in the summer, i bought a heating mat to keep it warmer. Worked for a while, but now it is starting to look sad again. One of the main... leaf (?) Is even dying. I try to water them only when the soil is completely dry to prevent root rot, which means i water the one on a heating mat more often, but soil isn't kept wet.
My pretties:
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There's also this guy. Used to have 5 leaves.
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Down to 1 but he has vabies coming up. (Avocado) he's at the bottom of the bookshelf, and gets some of the light (plus whenever i remember to open the curtains). I tried snipping the tip to make more branches, as everyone says to do, but you can see uow that worked out in the dead branch there... also only water when dry. "Repotted" (same pot, different dirt type; the old one was hydrophobic) in July and at first i thought he just didn't like the new dirt (which i asked for dirst for avocado trees to my flower shop), needed to adjust to it, but... it's January now.
I know it's not much to go on, but help is welcome. 🌵
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thistransient · 8 months
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how it started, how it's going
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nopizzaaftermidnight · 9 months
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4 f**king years old avocado tree from seed!
I still remember when I started reading a blog on Pinterest where she explained the germination process using a damp cloth and putting it in a Ziploc bag. She emphasized the key was to setup reminders, letting the cloth dry would stop the germination process.
I was able to germinate and root 3 out of 4 pits. I started growing all 3, but gifted 2 of them. 🥑
I also didn't cut the top when it was growing. I let it grow, give it support for it to grow straight and feed him properly. I also add coffee grounds in the soil mix.
Now, he is taller than me! 😂
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julochka365 · 11 months
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30/6.2023 - mazikeen, step away from the giant avocado tree!
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foxyphobic · 1 year
hi y’all again, I’m blessing you all with some content <3 It would mean the world of you watch it and consider subscribing <3
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gugiskitchen-blog · 1 year
Discovering the Beauty and Benefits of the Avocado Tree
Avocado trees are relatively easy to grow, making them a popular choice for gardeners and farmers alike. They prefer warm, humid climates and are well-draining. Avocado trees also require protection from strong winds and are susceptible to frost, so it is important to be mindful of the climate in your area before planting an avocado tree. Avocado trees can grow up to 30 feet tall and produce…
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jyae · 2 years
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Avocado 🥑
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urbansoulfarmer · 8 months
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Avocados from my tree!
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wifeposts · 2 years
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these are the days
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jadehazyskye · 3 days
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My avocado tree took a tumble and its pot broke. I repotted it but it is wanting to lean over (I think because this pot is shallower but it is all I had). Putting some shibari skills to use to help keep it in the right position.
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carepose · 3 days
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vavuska · 1 month
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Growing an avocado seed called 'Pedrito'
30th January 2024: after being cleaned and peeled, the avocado pit has been anchored with three toothpicks in a jar filled with water. The jar has been placed under a table lamp and the water has been changed once a week. Sugar in water has been used to increase its shelf-life and growth.
19th March 2024: Pedrito shows first sign of life: has grown roots!
22 April 2024: a stem sprout can be seen on Pedrito's "head".
6 May 2024: Pedrito's roots are thicker and the stem starts to grow leaves.
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zombiechoir · 2 months
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My baby went from 👆🏻this to this👆🏻, within 2 months💖
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