#Astromundi cluster
leavingautumn13 · 1 year
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the astromundi cluster certainly is a place [spelljammer scribble comic]
[Rahifa and Hrissock are npcs in a campaign i'm writing]
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patatedestenebres · 1 year
Astromundi cluster
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badragonplays · 1 year
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TSR DND Spelljammer supplement The Astromundi Cluster is it's own crystal sphere and is ancient beyond all reckoning. Due to it's immense age there are many mysteries to be solved and many more go missing every cycle. Are you brave enough?
(Module guide book)
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darleksaresupreme · 3 months
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Lugribossk, originally presented as the god of the Mindflayers of the Astromundi Cluster, but later retconned to actually be a proxy of Ilsensine in that Crystal Sphere
Commissions £35+postage
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chronivore · 2 years
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Spelljammer - Thoric
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masterlegendario · 3 years
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Far off the traveled paths of wildspace, a lone crystal sphere bobs in the phlogiston, waiting for unwary visitors greedy for adventure. This is the Astromundi Cluster, a setting easy to find...and nigh-impossible to escape. Unique among the spheres, Clusterspace holds no planets - only thousands of asteroids that wander in a seemingly endless realm. Here Arcane, neogi, illithids and humans have learned to coexist in a semblance of peace to ensure their survival. But the carefully-wrought balance of power may change at any time, and heroes have to choose their allies and enemies carefully. Within the Cluster, there are no such fine guarantees as honor or trust between friends and foes. The Astromundi Cluster accessory includes: A 32-page player's manual to the factions and features of Clusterspace. The Astrogator's Guide gives players all the information they need about the races and major asteroid clusters of the Shattered Sphere, life and culture in the Cluster, and new ship and weapon types. A 64-page DM guide, Adventures in the Shattered Sphere, which reveals to the DUNGEON MASTER the secrets of the Astromundi Cluster, from the magically powerful Antilan Empire to the behind-the-scenes plots of the Arcane. A 96-page DM book describing in full detail the most important asteroids and other features of the Cluster, its physical makeup and economy, and new magic and spells. Two full-size maps illustrating the planetary orbits of the Cluster's celestial bodies, and schematic layouts of a feared crystal citadel and important trading post. Twenty-four cards filled with ship blueprints, important faction illustrations and descriptions, orbital maps, and more. #oldschool #dnd #vintage #masterlegendario #spelljammer #advanceddungeonsanddragons #5ednd #rollplayer #rollplay #dungeonsanddragons #dungeonmaster #dungeonmasterlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CR372Q-rSrf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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whatisspelljamming · 6 years
Neogi - Pt. 1 (The Overview)
So you may have seen my banner. Those, my good friends, are the Neogi. They are, in simplest of terms: Space Assholes. Now you may find some information about them on the internet these days, you may find their 3rd edition, 4th edition or even 5th edition information, but really, the sheer amount of potential these guys had in 2nd edition and how little was defined is actually fascinating.
The full image is:
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      Source: Astromundi Cluster boxset
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      Source: 4th Edition D&D
So, where to start with these space spider/moray eel bastards? Guess I should go into their 2nd edition stats...which I’ll post at the end of this post. 
Neogi aren’t particularly fearsome themselves, oh no. In fact reading their damage, with their measly 1d3 dmg for their front legs (only 2 legs can attack) and despite their bite (1d6 dmg) being able to inject slowing venom into what they hit per bite, meaning they do indeed receive 3 attacks per turn, that was only 1/10th of their danger. Any Neogi worth their salt has their own Umber Hulk companion. Yes, an umber hulk. Now if you think you can board their ship and take them on in a 1v40+ fight then good luck. 
Neogi could cast spells, yes, but it was only in later Dragon magazine editions that Neogi were given their own spells (ranging from a variant of magic missile where they launch their venom to xenomorph chest bursting shenanigans) and magic items (an amulet that could be worn as a ring of protection +1 that also has hold person as a usable effect!!) and if you gave them such utility then you bet your ass you increase the XP given to your players if they manage to kill one of these Neogi.
So, quick overview of the Neogi ecology, they view everything from the point of ownership: They own everything, you are just property unclaimed by them. They are assholes from their feat of accidentally activating and inflicting the crystal spheres with the clockwork horrors to their own destructive reproductive means as a way of removing the old because who cares about the old let’s get more Neogis we’re the best. Granted something interesting I find about Spelljammer is just how many asexual species they explicitly had and continued to create. Neogi have no gender nor sex, nor any concept of it and think everything is its own unique species because of the vast levels of differentiation every species has. How did they reproduce? I’ll get into that in a bit. As a final note for the ecology, they had a hierarchy of titles like Captain Owner, servant slave and so forth. Only umber hulks seem to tickle their fancy as constant slaves, other slave races were disposable (unless you were a gnome or halfling, then you were dinner).
And yet, there is something much more sinister about the Neogis other than the fact that they’re hellbent on enslaving galaxiies. Their venom is what causes mind control, or at least that’s what the AD&D monster manual says it does. This venom, when injected enough, ranges from being able to break someone’s spirit by making them attached to the Neogi to making Umber Hulks unflappably loyal to their master, all the way to being the methods of their reproduction thanks to their now dead god of creation  Ka'jk'zxl. To me that venom is just, the connotation behind it and purposefully envenoming people with such a substance is far more evil and cruel than their almost comedic goals.
No really, the Neogi gods killed  Ka'jk'zxl by injecting it with their venom that was laced with the vices of Neogi culture: friendship, love, compassion, companionship and sharing (I am not kidding if only I were kidding). What I find fun about Spelljammer’s identity is that it flipflops between really interesting, thought provoking concepts to whacky, seemingly improvised creative mishmashes (Which was an actual problem that TSR faced because of insane deadlines and their own cruel Neogi master who ousted Gary Gygax and drove the company into the dirt financially). 
So why the Neogi as a first analysis? Because they were meant to be one of the big bad doods of Spelljammer, but I feel like they were overshadowed by the Illithid, Beholders, Stellar Dragons, Radiant Dragons, Elminster visiting Ed Greenwood by jumping through an asteroid portal to get German beer (this is cannon!!!) and eventually, and strangely, strangely contested by another alien race who have a similar goal of galactic conquest but are “neutral”, the K’r’r’r (try pronouncing that right the first time you read that). 
Next time I talk about Neogi I’ll break out my old Dragon magazine and go into more detail about their society, their religion and maybe even their outer planar cousins, the Tso. Also if you are wondering if there is such a thing as good Neogi, the answer is yes- the Reavers. The Neogi who realize just how screwed up and stupid Neogi society is, and say sod it. These Neogi are usually older, and may be selected to become Great Old Masters (which is the codeword for breeding sow ).
Neogi stats under cut:
Intelligence:High (13-14)
Alignment:Lawful Evil 
No. Appearing:1-8
Armor Class:3
Hit Dice: 5 (d8)
THAC0: 15
No. of Attacks:3
Special Attacks:Slowing poison
Special Defenses:Possible magic
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size:S (3’ high)
Morale:Steady (12) 
The neogi appear as a cross between a wolf spider and a moray eel. The short, furry, eight-limbed body is topped by a lithe, bare, fleshy neck with a serpentine head, its mouth filled with needle-sharp teeth. The ends of its limbs are tipped with small claws. The fur of the neogi is a light tan, but dyed a variety of colors to signify power, rank, accomplishments, and warnings to other neogi. The older a neogi grows, the more colorful its hide becomes.
The neogi are ruthless slayers and plunderers, and think nothing of eating their enemies, servants, or fallen comrades. They are a hateful, xenophobic race.
Neogi can communicate in their own language and in Common. Many speak 1-4 other languages to help facilitate their slaves taking orders correctly.
Combat: The neogi have a number of defenses, the first, and most obvious being their enslavement of umber hulks. Each neogi has a personal umber hulk slave who is a combination bodyguard, manservant, and useful set of hands. Second, the bite of the neogi is poisonous. Those bitten and failing a saving throw vs. poison are affected as by a slow spell for 1d8 rounds. Multiple bites will extend this period by an additional 1d8 rounds per bite. Lastly, 1 in 10 neogi has some magical ability, equal to human spell use of levels 1-8.
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rpgcovers · 7 years
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AD&D: The Astromundi Cluster (boxed set) ~ TSR (1993)
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
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spelljammer npcs for this campaign i'm writing [individual portraits under the cut]
(and by spelljammer i mean 80s spelljammer put in a blender with two campaigns worth of lore, not the 5e book. sorry, i haven't read it)
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badragonplays · 1 year
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TSR DND Spelljammer supplement The Astromundi Cluster is it's own crystal sphere and is ancient beyond all reckoning. Due to it's immense age there are many mysteries to be solved and many more go missing every cycle. Are you brave enough?
(adventure cover)
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badragonplays · 1 year
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TSR DND Spelljammer supplement The Astromundi Cluster is it's own crystal sphere and is ancient beyond all reckoning. Due to it's immense age there are many mysteries to be solved and many more go missing every cycle. Are you brave enough? (Crystal Sphere and ship guide)
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chronivore · 2 years
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Spelljammer - Calidian
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chronivore · 2 years
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Antilans - Spelljammer
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chronivore · 2 years
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Spelljammer - Varan
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