#Assassin's Creed III Liberation
baneshake · 2 years
BaneShake’s Charlie, on Indiana Jones games
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 11 months
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation Game Review
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For a DLC this game was pretty fun. It was certainly different to play as a female Assassin and not a male like in past games. I also liked that I could play different personas, that was really different, it certainly gave me different point of views especially of the times. While it did skip around a lot and some things didn’t have a whole lot of context, the plot was well done. The only issues I had was all the glitches. The Bayou especially when I was rowing, some of the parts would black out a moment and then go back to normal. The graphics aren’t as great either, but other than that, the game was good.
Stars: ★★★
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Good morning to lesbian Eivor appreciators, Syndicate fans with strong opinions on Roth's death scene, queer people who want only the best for James Kidd, transmasc folks with gender envy for Ezio, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Aveline shippers, fan artists who draw Kassandra as extremely buff, Templar haters who still like Shay, wlw who are looking respectfully at Amunet, people who want to shake Haytham Kenway until he fixes his priorities, and everyone who knows that Ziio deserved better.
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alastorqueen · 2 years
It was on this day November 13th, 15 years ago on wards, we were reliving memories from a group of extraordinary badasses through history, whose stories were quite impactful that we can say we have learned some lessons along the way. Throughout their journeys we...
Watched them as children:
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Rooted for them in their victories:
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Cried for them during their tragedies:
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Smiled with them in their happiness:
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And most of all, we learned from them that Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.
They work in the dark to serve the light.
They are Assassins.
Happy Anniversary Assassin’s Creed!
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**pictures and gif are not mine, they were found on google
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
I feel like they would be best friends
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gaymer-hag-stan · 7 months
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brunuhvielle · 1 year
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What if... Haytham had a daughter. Aveline.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
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felt like doing a redraw of an old connorline dood!
(commission info // kofi)
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tobythetrashytrash · 2 years
Hi, I made an Assassin's Creed Heardle!
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IN FACT, I made two different versions of it!
Version 1: Guess which Assassin's Creed GAME/ALBUM the song is from! (Easier imo)
Version 2: Guess the SONG TITLE! (More difficult)
I advice for you to please read the thread for additional information before jumping into it!
Game OST
Spinoffs ( I.e Liberation, Freedom Cry)
DLCs OST (I.e Jack the Ripper, Curse of the Pharaoh's)
Movie OST
Short-Film OST
Unreleased Tracks*
*I only included the official soundtracks that have been released by Ubisoft. As such, tracks from AC: Chronicles or from DLCs such as Odyssey's Fate of Atlantis are not included.
VERSION 1 is slightly different than your typical heardle given how is asks for you to input the GAME/ALBUM where the song played is from rather than the song title itself.
For example: If you hear Ezio's Family playing the correct answer is "Assassin's Creed II" NOT "Ezio's Family." Inputting the latter will count it as a fail.
VERSION 2 is your typical heardle format, so in the previous sample "Ezio's Family" is the correct choice.
I was originally going to hold off on making version 2, but I decided to go ahead with it already. I want to be able to only have to take care of one of them not both, but it all will depend on which one people prefer, even if it is too keep both active. If there's absolutely no interest, I will terminate the project.
I'll keep both up until the 10th of July. I will decide what to do from there then.
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wintersky1994 · 2 years
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My attempt at Six Fanarts. I wanted to do this for a long time. Boy Oh Boy I had a time with this one! Took me almost all month to finish but I finally did it!
Anthy Himemiya- Revolutionary Girl Utena🌹🤺✨🏰
Aveline De Grandpre- Assassin's Creed III: Liberation 🌂⚔💖
Princess Snow Kaguya- Sailor Moon 🌙💖
Shouko Komi- Komi Can't Communicate 🔇
Marie Antoinette- The Rose Of Versailles 🌹✨👑🏰⚔
Kaniehtiio- Assassins Creed III 🦅🏹 🗡
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AC15 - Assassin's Creed III & Liberation
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 11 months
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation part 20 FINAL
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Wow. That’s all I can say, also that I called it. I didn’t want to be right, but I was. I had to finally confront the “Company Man.” It was a wild ride of the confrontation and also broke my heart on how heartless it was. Then I had to go confront Agate and then it was the ending scene of the game. Or at least I thought it was because the credits rolled, but then I had to do another Citizen E quest where I learned the truth and got the real ending. Then that was it. Since I’ve already done all the rest of the side quests, I have nothing else to do, so this will be the final part. Here we go for the last time.
Sequence 9
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It was finally time, so I went to the main house and started the next mission. Aveline walked into the house in her Lady persona to find Madeleine playing the piano. Madeleine just asked her how her trip was and Aveline wasn’t having it. She told her to just quit the maternal act and told her she new her identity as the Company Man.
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Madeleine didn’t event try to hide it and said she shouldn’t be angry. She knew all along what Aveline was doing. Climbing out the window to the rooftops, pretending to be the dainty daughter to her father, blending in with the slaves. She couldn’t hide her true self from her.
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She went on to say that she allowed Aveline to do all these things and kept her alive because she needed her and still needed her. Madeleine then pulled out a gun and told her to sit but Aveline instead ran off.
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Aveline couldn’t get very far as there were soldiers outside and they aimed guns at her. Madeleine came out and had them stand down and told Aveline that it was too late to run, her men will kill her and then what would happen to the Brotherhood? She even knew about that? Bitch!
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Madeleine said that they were already working together. They freed slaves together, and yet Aveline said that she kept them enslaved under her own terms out of sight. But Madeleine blamed de Ferrer for deviating from her peaceful colony but Aveline took care of that for her and she was grateful...Hold on. The “Company Man” was behind the whole enslaved colony in Chichen Itza, that meant that Madeleine had been saving slaves and sending them there to be “free” but instead she was having them work to find the artifact. Double Bitch!
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Aveline said she didn’t believe her that she was on the right side so Madeleine switched tactics. She said she loved her as her own daughter since she couldn’t have children herself and brought joy to her life. Aveline said that she lied to her for her whole life and Madeleine said she was sorry, yet it was necessary.
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Madeleine said that she was in the right in this and Aveline had to see her in the light of truth since she knew how it was for women having to pretend obedience to men who deny them the right to their own abilities. Was she really that strange to her? She needed Aveline to use her talents as an Assassin to get rid of the terrorist elements in her organization.
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Aveline was still not convinced as she thought she was trying to use her as a tool to manipulate. Madeleine said that she understood she was frustrated and brought up Agate. Yet Aveline said she had disobeyed him and he would have let de Ferrer live. Madeline said that their aims matched so they should continue to work together and finish what she started. It was then that Aveline gave in and lowered her parasol and the mission ended. (S9/M1: Abandoning Pretense - complete)
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The loading screen had me changing back into the Assassin persona and going to the Bayou. The Animus Memory Notes said Aveline found herself confused and alone after her confrontation with Madeleine. So she goes back to the bayou to meet with Agate to test her faith to the Brotherhood.
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Aveline was back in the Bayou and automatically went to Agate who was sulking at his hideout. She told him that she found out the identity of the Company Man and it wasn’t Vasquez like she had thought originally. Agate then said that she had ignored his warning and now she sees her error. Wow, what a mentor, he blames her for her mistake, where is the mentoring? She also told him that it was both of their responsibility to know.
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Aveline then revealed that Agate had brought her into the Brotherhood when she was a child and made her an assassin and pretended to protect him to root out the enemy, but the real enemy had been her stepmother the whole time. She was right, why didn’t he know, look into it to keep her safe? 
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But instead of consoling her and working with her to come up with a plan to take her down, he instead began attacking her. My new mission objective was to kill Agate. I didn’t even get any hits in before he threw a smoke bomb and Aveline started to hallucinate. 
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I went up the hideout and had to fight the enemies I had killed before. So I had to re-kill d’Abbadie and Mackandal along with their guards.
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Then I had to find Agate again as the poison started to clear. I couldn’t see him as I continued up, but I could hear him. He said that he should never had intervened that day when sailors attacked me. He thought she had the spirit of a warrior like her mother, but instead she was like her father the wary, pale slave master. Rude!
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I continued on and had to kill de Ferrer, Vasquez and George Davidson and his guards again. By the time I was done, the poison had worn off and I had to now go kill Agate.
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Aveline tried to reason with Agate asking him to work with her and asked him what the shards of the Chichen Itza disk did. But he just told her that he wanted nothing to do with it. The knowledge will destroy them all. Yet Aveline said that without it they will continue to stumble blindly. Yet Agate didn’t want anything to do with it.
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I reached the top of the tree and finally confronted Agate. Aveline had him by knife point and asked him to stand down, she didn’t want to kill him. That the Agate who trained her was a man of truth and courage and she knew he was in there somewhere. Yet he just said that he should have just stayed with her mother, that she should have been his daughter and not this twisted monster.
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Aveline didn’t want to hear anymore no doubt hurt. She told him to run and never to return but Agate wasn’t having that. He didn’t want to live with the dishonor and live a coward’s slow pointless death. So he just allowed himself to fall backward. Aveline tried to stop him and only managed to grab his necklace while Agate fell to his death. (S9/M2: Confronting Agate - complete)
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Poor Aveline is now alone with no one to turn to and as the Animus Memory Notes said, that Agate was a failure as an Assassin and so she returns back to Madeleine to embrace her stepmother’s cause.
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Aveline returns to Madeliene in the church where she was now dressed in a Templar garb. She told her that she did what she wanted and Agate was now dead. She then gave her the Prophecy Disc.
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Madeleine then inducted Aveline into the Templar Order, reciting their pledge and Aveline agreed to it. Noo! Why!? Madeleine then welcomed her into the order and said that together they will usher in the dawn of a New World. Everything will find their proper place. The credits then started to roll and I thought that was it, that Aveline had turned to a Templar.
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But then the credits stopped and I was taken to a broken world that looked like the church or the mansion. My objective was to Assassinate Citizen E so there was a hidden truth in the last scene. I had to go through obstacles in mid air to reach a bigger platform where I found Citizen E and killed him. (S9/M3: Reconciliation - complete) It then showed the real ending.
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It was just after Aveline gave Madeleine the Prophecy Disc. She put it on the pedestal and tried to get it to work, but it just glowed and said gibberish. Angry, Madeleine broke the disc into two pieces again because she didn’t understand it. She refused to believe that all her life’s work had been for nothing, she had all the pieces, she was certain. But then came to the realization that there was one left and looked to Aveline...who began her attack.
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I then had to fight the Templar guards around and Madeleine. It took some doing since when I beat one group more would come. But I was finally able to corner Madeleine and beat her.
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Aveline then revealed that she saw right through Madeleine. It wasn’t de Ferrer that was behind the slave camp in Chichen Itza, it had been her idea. Madeleine tried to deny it but Aveline wasn’t hearing it.
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Aveline didn’t want her to call her daughter, as she had never been her daughter. Only two people could do so and she banished one and killed the other. She knew that the tonic Madeleine made for her father was foxglove, a poison and it killed him. Probably because he would never love her like he did Aveline’s mother.
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As for Jeanne, Madeleine had convinced her to flee New Orleans and leave her daughter behind and kept her enslaved at the camp even though she was supposed to be free.
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And not, she was trying to tie Aveline to that same fate of slavery under the guise of making the world better. No. She said she will not serve her and used her hidden blade to finally end the Templar Captain, Madeleine’s life.
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Aveline then went up to the altar and put the disc back together, and this time, added her necklace to the center. It was then that the disc was able to work. 3 glowing figures showed up and began to speak. They said that Eve was the one that will lead us through the war of generations, that there will be great sacrifice and sorrow to end the enslavement of the human race and asked if they will join us.
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The disc shut off and Gerald came up behind her. She just nodded to him and said it was done. Then the real credits rolled and that was it. (S9/M4: Erudito - complete)
Wow. That was a lot to unpack and I feel nothing but sorry for Aveline because she has no one in her corner. Her father was dead, her mother estranged, her mentor had deserted her and was now dead and her stepmother had been using her the entire time. At least she still has Gerald. While that was the best outcome in the game, taking out the Templar Captain, but for Aveline was the worse. Well, that is the end of the game. I already did all the side quests and collectibles so that’s it for this game. Thanks for following along, those that do. Until the next game. Happy Gaming!
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Ratonhnhaké:ton: What do I even say to a Templar relative?
Aveline: May the Father of Understanding guide you... away from me.
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cowboysanddragons23 · 2 years
In a similar vein, Agaté is a dark parallel to Achilles Davenport:
-Both are men from African origin who served as the mentors of their respective branches of the Brotherhood (which have been nigh exterminated due to the Templars' actions), serving as the more cynical and world weary tutors for their more idealistic disciples, whom they try to reign in their brashness. Both also lost their love interests due to tragedy (in Agaté's case is more metaphorical due to his commitment to the Assassins).
-Achilles started out as a bitter, cynical and sour man who refused to see anyone, believing himself a failure until he met Connor. Connor's idealism rubbed off on him to the point Achilles warmed up to him, even seeing him as a surrogate son and finally accepting that while the past can't be changed, he can help to build a better future, eventually dying peacefully.
-Agaté started out as a warm and welcoming man towards Aveline, even seeing her as the daughter he couldn't have with Jeanne, until Aveline disobeys his orders. From now there, he begins resenting Aveline and succumbing to paranoia and self-doubt, revealing himself as a man who was obsessed with recreating the past and when given a chance to right his wrong, he chose to kill himself in order to avoid the consequences of his actions.
-Agaté represents what Achilles could have become if he never met Connor.
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warrenwoodhouse · 7 months
Templars - Assassin’s Creed III Guide - Game Guides - Warren Guides
Grand Masters
Haytham Kenway | location: Fort George, West District, New York add | memory: Sequence 11, Memory 2: Lee’s Last Stand
George Washington “King Washington” | location: add | memory: Sequence - The Tyranny of King Washington- The Tyranny of King Washington, Memory NUM: add | DLC: The Tyranny of King Washington
Warren Vidic “Dr. Vidic” | location: Abstergo Industries, Vaticano District, Rome, Italy | memory: Sequence Present, Present - Abstergo
2nd in Command
Charles Lee | location: add | memory: Sequence 12, Memory 2: Chasing Lee
3rd in Command
Nicholas Biddle | location: add | memory: add
George Davidson “Officer Davidson” | location: Star Fort, New York | memory: Sequence 8, Memory 1: A Different View; Sequence 8, Memory 2: Connor’s Way | DLC: Assassin’s Creed: Liberation: A Different View
Benjamin Church’s Decoy | location: Smith and Company Brewery, East District, New York | memory: Sequence 9, Memory 3: The Foam and the Flames
Benjamin Church | location: Caribbean Sea, West Indies | memory: Sequence 9, Memory 4: A Bitter End
Thomas Hickey | location: The Gallows, City Hall, East District, New York | memory: Sequence 8, Memory 3: Public Execution
John Pitcairn | location: Moulton’s Hill, Charlestown, Boston  | memory: Sequence 7, Memory 4: Battle of Bunker Hill
Daniel Cross | location: Abstergo Industries, Vaticano District, Rome, Italy | memory: Sequence Present, Present - Abstergo
William Johnson | location: Johnson Hall, John’s Town, Frontier | memory: Sequence 6, Memory 4: Hostile Negotiations
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
On the 30th of October, ten years ago, Assassin's Creed III: Liberation was released in North America for the PlayStation Vita.
It takes place alongside the events of Assassin's Creed III.
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The plot is set within a fictional history of real-world events and follows the millennia-old struggle between the Assassins, who fight to preserve peace and free will, and the Templars, who desire peace through control. The game is set in late 18th-century French Louisiana, from 1765 to 1777, and focuses on the life of French Assassin Aveline de Grandpré, the series' first female protagonist, as she fights the Templars' attempts to gain control of New Orleans following the end of the French and Indian War. The game takes place within an open world and is presented from the third-person perspective with a primary focus on using Aveline's combat, stealth, and parkour abilities to complete missions and explore the environment.
Liberation received mixed reviews from critics, who praised its setting and protagonist, but disliked the narrative's execution and certain aspects of the gameplay, while feeling that the title was limited by its status as a spin-off.
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