#Asado Desert
rikaspotting · 11 months
Headcanons for Random Pokémon #3: Espathra:
Espathra are highly aggressive to others, including humans. They are territorial and will chase trespassers relentlessly.
One of the most dangerous Pokémon in Paldea. Their unpredictability makes them and their pre-evolution Flittle a poor choice for novice trainers.
Espathra can be needlessly cruel and take pleasure in mind-controlling others.
Female Espathra are much more aggressive and arrogant than males. The reasons are still unknown.
Male Espathra will dance and spar with other males using kicks to impress females.
If she isn't impressed, she will chase the males out of her territory.
If impressed, she begins to sway along with him.
In captivity, these Pokémon tend to be extremely narcissistic and tend to only care about their appearance.
If their trainer neglects to keep their feathery coats as glamorous as possible, they will not hesitate to kick.
Espathra can read people's emotions with ease and can manipulate them to get what it wants.
They were thought to be Pokémon only the royal could own back in ancient times. Espathra have not forgot about their status as a luxury Pokémon.
It is distantly related to Doduo and Dodrio due to both being mostly flightless.
Owners of Espathra tend to be seasoned trainers and of high status.
They can sleep with their eyes open.
The shedded feathers on Espathra tend to be used as material for high quality clothes and accessories.
Their feet are essentially immune to the arid heat of Asado desert due to protective scales.
Espathra are notoriously snobbish when it comes to food. Males who want to impress a female must also present her with the most perfect and tasty berries in Paldea.
They enjoy instigating conflict between people and wild pokemon by using their psychic powers to manipulate emotions.
It loves to create mirages for people stranded in the desert and find it very amusing when they realize that the watering hole or exit was an illusion.
Alfornada's symbol is an Espathra and considers them sacred.
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professor-mystic · 1 year
The majestic Asado desert. While it looks barren to the naked eye there is much life, beneath the surface life is brimming to the fullest. You just need to know where to look.
I've been studying the bug types of the Asado desert. From the Larvesta that call the hot sands home to the Rellor rolling a dung ball. This vast ecosystem is as vibrent and alive as any in the world. Now I just need to get some footage that doesn't include Tim's Ass-end.
He's always trying to "help" in any way he can.
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catupthetree23 · 2 years
Wtf man...
Nintendo/Game Freak, get it together.
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4ster-bl4ster · 1 month
I'm so happy!!
My friend Bea was looking for a shiny larvesta for ages and she finally found one!! His name is Fruity Pebble :)
Our clothes are covered in sand but we had a lot of fun.
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shinyquest206 · 1 year
Shiny Rellor for a friend!
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If you shorten pants, do you get a pan?
Youngster Beltran - Asado Desert, Paldea
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paldean-ranger-brandy · 10 months
Man, going between Long Boy Blind tusk and Asado Desert Father To All tusk is so interesting. There is a tendency among many pokemon to be a lot more aggressive and violent when they feel like they aren't well established. We see it a lot among prey pokemon who know they are the slowest in their herd, or rank lower. A gogoat that leads its herd is going to be leagues easier to deal with than a slow rapidash, for example. It's about having that confidence in yourself and your community to not feel the need to lash out.
The Asado Desert tusk had been establishing itself in the desert for...a long ass time before we tried introducing it to the phanpy herd. He's well established, has a home and a family and a purpose. This blind, weak-ass, long boy just got here, and would probably struggle with getting comfortable anywhere on account of having so many physical ailments working against him. Despite being WAY smaller and weaker, this great tusk is way more dangerous than the one in the desert.
It's nice to start to see some recognizable behaviour patterns from these guys. Makes me feel a little bit less like I'm running in place.
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I got very very sidetracked and went on a catching spree, probably catching about 20 pokemon in several areas. One of them was Ditto!!! Which I’m always happy to find
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iron treads is fucking terrifying
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dendrahrah · 1 year
[ ouch!! | accepting. ]
@voltagedoubler: 🚑 for kofu at surgingchef
The sun is setting low over the hills by the time Dendra thunders towards the Porto Marinada marketplace at breakneck speed, legs pumping as she leaves an actual dust cloud in her wake. Predictably, she doesn't look well--there are tears in the knees of her tracksuit, and her sleeves are rolled up, showing various bruises on her forearms. However, upon catching a glimpse of Kofu at the port's edge, Dendra skids to a halt, a tired smile on her sweaty expression as she takes in a gasp of precious air.
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"Hola, Mr. Kofu...!" the instructor wheezes, planting hands on her knees and swaying a little in the spring breeze. "Wow, what a day--class went late and then the cab missed my spot and so I had to run--like really run--all the way here for this week's grocery shopping! Whew! Kofu, please tell me the market isn't closed yet I literally sprinted across the desert to get here and maybe even hitched a ride on an...energetic Iron Treads along the way. Are they still open? Are there any...deals...tonight?"
Dendra's talking at a million words a minute but slowly running out of steam, swaying dangerously in front of the Gym Leader again. Her empty water bottle bangs hollowly against her thigh, telling a story all in itself. Despite all of her remaining spirit, the battle instructor is badly dehydrated and totally gassed.
"Gotta...get to the market, I'll be seeing you...!" Dendra mumbles, nearly falling over as she tries to lurch past Kofu towards the colorful shopping tents.
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inaris-pokemon-world · 2 months
On this day of fools, you find yourself wandering not the familiar trails of the Glimwood Tangle, but the arid dunes of Paldea’s Asado Desert. As you crest a particularly high dune, you spot a flash of white in the distance.
Curious, you approach. As you get closer, the flash of white from before slowly reveals itself as three Pokémon. The larger two have the little one’s paws in their own, and are swinging the tiny fluffball up and down gently. The little one squeals in delight, a flash of pink waving as the bow on their tail swings.
Suddenly, the larger Pokémon notice your presence. They stare at you intensely, as though determining if you’re a threat. The little one doesn’t seen to even notice they’ve stopped swinging.
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[Matcha(?) and Inari(?) are open for questions.]
Welcome to my April Fools event! From now until the end of this week, you can ask questions to this alternate universe where Matcha is Inari’s parent! Have fun!
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triniteevee · 1 year
Order Up
(grusha x reader drabble)
The barista at the café outside Grusha’s gym is a jerk.
tagging @nyxcerulean <3 thanks so much for suggesting our best snow man
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Look, normally, Grusha would keep a level head, but today, his morning alarm didn’t go off on time, his Cetoddle decided on an impromptu game of hide-and-seek, and some punk who had already won his badge a year earlier demanded a rematch because she felt like battling. So sue him if he felt like being a little snippy with this barista who got his order wrong.
“I ordered an iced coffee.”
The barista just stares at him impassively. “Dude, it’s sub-zero out here.”
He repeats himself, “I ordered an iced coffee.”
Your tone is drier than the Asado Desert. “Sir, you’re holding up the line.”
Grusha looks around the café, and sure enough, the two of you are the only people here.
“I ordered an iced coffee.”
“The Hot Chocolate is our specialty.”
He’s a bit impressed at how little a person can care.
“I ordered an iced coffee.”
“A real crowd pleaser. S’why we have ten branches nationwide.”
Clearly, it’s not for their charming baristas.
“I ordered an iced coffee.”
“Can’t understand why we’d open in the middle of nowhere though.”
And he can’t understand why they’d send you of all people.
“I ordered an iced coffee.”
“The clientele so far is kinda shit.”
He nearly crushes the cup in his hand.
“What did you just—?!”
He gets no response from you, but he sees your mouth quirk up.
He quickly does some deep breaths. “I ordered an—“
“I’m on break.”
He stares at you in disbelief, as you take off your apron, and disappear to the backroom.
Five minutes pass, and he’s still standing in the middle of an empty café like an idiot. Deep down, he knows it’s not for his pursuit of iced coffee anymore. Admitting defeat, he takes his still steaming cup of hot chocolate back to the gym.
When the dryness in his mouth gets the better of him, he presses his lips to the cup, and lets the mixture of dark chocolate and soft cream whip run down his throat.
It tasted amazing.
Well, he supposes he won’t mind if you get his order wrong again tomorrow.
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pokemonshelterstories · 8 months
i'm going to bury you in the asado desert for the orthworm to feast upon
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chocochococoffee · 5 months
pokemon sv au where all is the same but arven needs to use a cane because mabosstiff wasnt the only one who ended up damaged after the area zero visit
i like to think he ended up with a leg that ended up broken and splintered PLUS badly recovered due to him not going to therapy because mabosstiff is way more important than himself
... yeah blindness is more angsty but i like the idea of seeing arven move slowly and having to depend more on you and his pokemon, especially in zones like asado desert or where Big Klawf was
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4ster-bl4ster · 1 month
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I'm just doing some ecological surveying near the Asado Desert on top of the collonade and I turn around and it's just staring at me!!!
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I’ve got twenty years of studies at the academy under my belt!
Luis the Student - Asado Desert , Paldea
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