#Aptitude Test For Placement
priyamalhotrapm · 3 months
Aptitude Test For Placement -Mercer | Mettl
The aptitude test for placement offered by Mercer | Mettl is a comprehensive evaluation tool designed to assess candidates' cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking capabilities. Tailored for various industries, it gauges aptitudes crucial for successful job performance, aiding recruiters in selecting top talent.
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learneasy89online · 1 year
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falloutuniverse · 3 months
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At age 16, every Vault 101 resident takes the Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test, or G.O.A.T., which helps determine job placement.
Questions will be posted on a weekly basis. Once the final poll is complete, Mr. Brotch will score our results and tell us our expected job placement!
Good luck, vault dwellers!
Question 1 (Poll Closed)
Question 2 (Poll Closed)
Question 3 (Poll Closed)
Question 4 (Poll Closed)
Question 5 (Poll Closed)
Question 6 (Poll Closed)
Question 7 (Poll Closed)
Question 8 (Poll Closed)
Question 9 (Poll Closed)
Question 10 (Poll Closed)
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doberbutts · 5 months
what do the "titles" in your bio mean? apologies if theyre something else
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SD: Service Dog - not a title, just a designation
Matterhorn: the breeder that produced her
Trial By Fire: what I named her, according to her breeder's litter theme
CGCA: the second level of the CGC, which is not included because it is implied that if she has her CGCA she already has her CGC. The Canine Good Citizen test has 3 levels of difficulty proving obedience and public/street skills in pet dogs.
CGCU: the third level of the CGC, it is not necessary to do the CGCA to get the U.
TKN: Trick Dog Novice, because she had her CGC at the time she performed 5 additional tricks and received this title
Other titles my collective dogs have had:
WAC: Working Aptitude Certificate, which comes from the Working Aptitude Test, which is a doberman-specific temperament test that the American Temperament Test Society based their ATTS on. There are 10 stations of increasing stresaful difficulty, and the dog must aggress an aggressive stranger who attempts to attack the owner. There are no bites in this test- the stranger stops about 10 feet away.
ATT: Adult Temperament Test, another doberman-specific temperament test, this time offered by the United Doberman Club. There are fewer stations, but still no bites. The aggressive stranger stops about 10 feet away and fires a gun.
PTT: Puppy Temperament Test, another doberman-specific temperament test, similar to the ATT but scaled down in difficulty due to age. No aggressive stranger- just friendly strangers, a dropped clipboard, and a crowd. In my opinion all puppies of all breeds should be capable of passing this no problem and if they can't there's a major temperament issue.
RN: Sushi does not have this yet but does have two of three legs towards it. Rally Novice, a basic obedience test in which there are scores and placements. She will get the title when she completes her third leg with a passing score if I ever have time and money and energy to enter again lmao
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jitendra030 · 6 months
Manipal University Online MCA
Conquering the Digital Frontier: Unraveling the Manipal University Online MCA Program
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In the whirlwind of the digital age, a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree has become the gold standard for aspiring IT professionals. If you crave the flexibility of online learning while seeking the prestige of a renowned university, Manipal University Online's MCA program might be your perfect launchpad. Let's delve into this innovative program, examining its curriculum, eligibility criteria, fees, and the key factors that make it stand out.
Unveiling the Course Structure:
Manipal University Online's MCA program spans across four semesters, meticulously crafted to equip you with cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on skills. Here's a glimpse into the core areas you'll conquer:
Foundational Semesters (Semesters 1 & 2): Laying the groundwork, you'll master programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. Data structures, algorithms, and operating systems will become your playground, while subjects like computer networks and web technologies open doors to the digital world's infrastructure.
Specialization Semesters (Semesters 3 & 4): This is where you carve your niche. Choose from specializations like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Software Development, or Cyber Security. Deepen your expertise in your chosen domain with advanced electives and capstone projects that put your skills to the test.
Eligibility Criteria: Unlocking the Gateway:
To embark on this journey, you must have:
A Bachelor's degree in any discipline with Mathematics or Statistics as a compulsory subject at the 10+2 level or at the graduation level.
Secured a valid score in national entrance exams like NIMCAT, MAT, or ATMA.
A passion for technology and a thirst for continuous learning.
Admission Criteria: Demystifying the Selection Process:
Once you meet the eligibility criteria, your merit score in the chosen entrance exam forms the basis for selection. Shortlisted candidates are then invited for an online interview where your communication skills, technical aptitude, and career aspirations are assessed.
Financial Considerations: Unmasking the Fees:
The program fee for the Manipal University Online MCA program is currently set at around INR 2.5 lakhs per semester. However, scholarships and financial aid options are available for deserving students, easing the financial burden and making the program accessible to a wider pool of talented individuals.
Beyond the Classroom: What Sets Manipal Online MCA Apart:
While a robust curriculum is crucial, Manipal University Online goes the extra mile to elevate your learning experience:
Renowned Faculty: Learn from industry experts and academic stalwarts who bring real-world experience and a passion for teaching to the virtual classroom.
Interactive Learning Platform: Engage in live online sessions, access comprehensive study materials, and collaborate with peers through a user-friendly learning management system.
Industry Connect: Gain an edge with industry internships and mentorship opportunities that bridge the gap between theory and practical application.
Placement Assistance: Leverage the university's strong industry network and dedicated placement cell to land your dream job in the booming IT sector.
Embarking on Your Digital Quest:
The Manipal University Online MCA program is not just a degree; it's a passport to a rewarding career in the ever-evolving IT landscape. If you're driven by ambition, possess a curious mind, and yearn to make your mark in the digital world, this program can be your stepping stone to success.
Spotlight on Specializations: Dive deeper into each specialization, highlighting the specific courses, industry trends, and career prospects.
Alumni Success Stories: Feature interviews with successful alumni who have carved their niche in the IT world after graduating from the program.
Comparison with other Online MCA Programs: Briefly compare Manipal's program with other online MCA offerings, highlighting its unique strengths and value proposition.
Student Testimonies: Include quotes from current or past students about their experiences with the program, its challenges, and its rewards.
Career Outlook: Discuss the job market for MCA graduates, highlighting growth trends, in-demand skills, and potential salary ranges.
Q&A Section: Address frequently asked questions about the program, admission process, and career opportunities.
For further information and updates ,please visit on:-
Top MCA colleges in india with low fees ,visit on :-
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hypnolurker · 1 year
Bovine 2099
Summer 2099, Bella was pacing around anxiously at home. Thousands of students just like her were doing the same, as they refreshed the screen of their holophones over and over awaiting results from the exams which they had recently completed. Any minute now they would receive not only their scores, but also the analysis from CAPA -- the Career Aptitude Placement Algorithm. This was the latest version of a very sophisticated machine learning algorithm trained on nearly a century of employment data to determine the role for which an applicant was most suited. Each student would receive a percentile score for a range of subjects indicating that they were a better fit for that type of work than that percentage of the population. This had been standard practice for decades and the accuracy of the algorithm was really quite astounding.
Bella was confident in her test results, she knew she had aced the physics and mathematics portions and was sure she would be a shoe in for a scientific research role. Well paid, respected and engaging work which would challenge her mind and allow her to continue her studies with a full ride to a specialized STEM university.
Then she saw it. It just popped up and with a wave of her finger it was open. The results left her speechless. Her 2nd and 3rd best matches were not a big surprise;
'#3 most suitable match: Financial Analyst, 96th percentile.'
'#2 most suitable match: Scientific Researcher, 98th percentile.'
Ordinarily a 98th percentile score would have easily topped the sheet, but the top spot was an even better match.
'#1 most suitable match: Milk Production/Cattle, 99.9th percentile. [Auto-Enrollment Threshold met]'
What the hell? Bella was familiar with the concept; in the modern day it was considered barbaric to consume milk from an animal. However, the consumption of milk had not decreased, it simply shifted sources. Almonds, coconuts and other non-dairy substitutes were still popular, but one of the best selling products was human breast milk. Typically it was a role associated with the mentally slow, ditzes and other stupid girls who flunked their exams might find that, because their aptitude for any serious career was so low, Cattle ended up at the top.
But Bella wasn't some brainless bimbo who had screwed herself into a life of pumping out milk like some cow! She was clever and driven. This didn't make sense. The Auto-Enrollment clause had been triggered too. Due to her incredibly high percentile, the analysis had disregarded her 2nd and 3rd choices and automatically placed her into the role of Cattle. This rarely happened, but she knew it would be practically impossible to reverse. She broke down in tears as she realized that her world had been turned upon its head.
Later that same day, she received her first update pack. This would contain advice and first steps for her future life. Of course, instead of the textbook files and university pamphlets she had been expecting before this whole mess, what she got was an extremely demeaning and degrading video which walked her through the concept of Milk production as if she were a total moron. Complete with diagrams and lengthy explanations of basic biology and concepts like suction. Images were shown of some of the 'Cattle' girls at work and Bella was gobsmacked. They looked so utterly pathetic. Dopey grazing animals with little semblance of human intellect. Their bodies were swollen, especially their breasts which looked like they would make standing impossible with just their weight. The constant flow of white liquid pumped out of them and complete lack of any clothing didn't help. Would she really end up like that?
Though she did learn some things from the video. Apparently it would take around one year for her to go through the preparatory process before she would be carted off to one of these farms. One year was plenty of time to challenge this decision and make a case for herself. She immediately set about raising a formal complaint with the board that oversaw the placement algorithm. A machine could always make stupid mistakes, but surely once her case was looked over by a human they would see what a waste it was to turn a promising young mind like her into some perverse piece of livestock!
It would be several weeks before anyone got back to her about her case. In the meantime, she received a rather disconcerting package in the mail. It was very heavy, and contained around 20kg of 'feed'. This was something like what the Cattle on the farms would eat, the info pack which came with the package explained. It was similar to rolled oats, though it was apparently designed to increase fat build up and promote lactation. She could eat it as is, but it was best mixed with milk to form a sort of porridge.
Fuck that! Bella couldn't even touch the stuff, and she certainly wouldn't bring herself to drink milk at this point. The very idea started to disgust her, given her supposed fate. She stashed the package in a cupboard under the stairs and decided not to change her regular diet. She would soon have this case cleared up anyway, no point putting that messed up cocktail they called 'feed' into her body.
The next insult came around the same time she was finally progressing with her appeal case. She had been assigned a case assistant to help with her appeal and had scheduled to meet with him just after lunch that Monday. However, she received an unwanted appointment from her career service around the same time. It was an all-day session at the nearest medical and bovine processing facility. She wasn't exactly sure what they would be doing to her there, but she decided that she was not re-scheduling her other appointment. She simply wouldn't go to this facility. She wouldn't have them examine her like a piece of meat. Wouldn't have them do anything that would make her feel more insulted than they already had.
Then the appointment with her case assistant came and she didn't exactly hear what she wanted.
The assistant was a middle-aged man with stubble and glasses and generally had a tired look, as if he had been through all of this far too many times to count.
"So, have you looked over my case? How soon can I get my career switched over?" she inquired eagerly before he could even sit down.
"I have looked over your case, and firstly lets get your expectations in check here. 99.9th percentile doesn't come up often. Physically, you are basically a perfect fit for this position. Your compatibility with the technology that remolds the human body for milk production is perfect. Since this is the main component and no intellectual requirements exist, its basically the only qualifier. Compared to that, 98th percentile isn't so impressive. We will need to make a strong case here."
"Are you serious? But surely I can do more as a researcher than a brainless animal who lives to produce milk..." Bella argued.
"Well, the board won't necessarily see it that way. Milk is a staple food, so its production is critical to the functioning of society. There have been recent slumps in production and enrollment of women into the program as education standards improve, so they are quite intent on ensuring that as many suitable applicants get enrolled."
"Oh god. Please, I just want this nightmare to end as soon as possible. Even if its not guaranteed, can I plead my case with the board at least? If I'm going to be condemned to this, better to find out sooner rather than later."
"Again, that's not so easy. The board has a lot of cases on their hands. Typically it can take upwards of 6 months to get your case heard by the board, and its not unheard of for it to take a year or more."
"What! You've got to be kidding! But I will be...I'll be...livestock by then." she sobbed.
"Technically you are already considered livestock." he corrected her.
"Well...is there anything I can do? Anything to increase my chances and get my case seen sooner? Please, anything at all?" she begged.
"Yes. In fact I did want to talk to you about this. I understand that you had a conflicting appointment with the career service today?" he asked sternly.
"Um, yes...but I thought this was more important." she reasoned.
"You absolutely must take these things seriously and not miss such appointments." he raised his voice slightly. "The one thing that will harm your case the most is if you are seen by the board to be actively subverting your prescribed career. Yes, you are making an appeal. But you must continue to follow career service guidelines and processes to the letter until the verdict is reached. Just missing this one appointment will have seriously lowered your chances and set your case back."
"Oh fuck! I'm so sorry I didn't realize. I...I don't want to but, if it helps my appeal I suppose I will. I will follow the guidance." she promised.
"That's good to hear, but we are already underwater here. It will be hard to convince the board that you have actually been following all of the guidance. Just attending appointments isn't really enough at this point." he sighed.
"Uh...what can I do then?" she trembled.
"From now on, I want you to document and record everything you do for the career service. It can be on your holophone or some other device, but you must do so and send me the files so that I have a record which I can share with the board as evidence that you are following their process obediently."
Bella's heart sank. If she had to record everything, there was no way she could get away with skipping even the smallest steps. She supposed that was the point. At least it would help her build a strong case that she was a productive and cooperative member of society who was willing to do what was asked of her. Surely then they would see what a valuable and dedicated asset she could be for the scientific community.
"Okay. I will do it."
"You should reschedule the appointment at the bovine facility for as soon as possible. And make sure you are following any other instructions." he reminded her.
The rest of the meeting was fairly unproductive. Once the man had left, Bella did as she was advised. The appointment at the facility was scheduled for the next day. She was dreading it, but she had more to worry about.
The feed. It was still sitting below her stairs unopened. This was another instruction that she had blatantly disregarded. So, determined to set herself and her case on the right track, she pulled out a 2kg bag of feed and tore open the top. Honestly, it was hard to tell the difference between it and regular oats. She read the bag and began to understand just how screwed she was. Included in the box was a large scoop, the size of a typical mug. The bag instructed, in very clear terms which even a moron could understand, that she was to eat 3 meals of 3 scoops per day. This was much more than she was used to eating, but she carefully scooped it out and set her holophone to record as she got ready to eat. She gave a brief introduction for the recording.
"This is Bella...okay probably don't need to say that. Erm...date is August 16th and I am about to eat lunch...feed...whatever you call it. Bon Appetit I guess..." and with that she began to spoon the stuff down.
It wasn't unpleasant by any means. Quite bland and dry without milk, but she worked her way through it until she was left feeling full and lethargic. She groaned, turned off the recording and collapsed onto the couch for a nap.
Of course, after she awoke from her nap she realized that several hours had passed and since she started at lunch, she still had two meals to eat. She decided that she had recovered enough to eat her second meal, though since she had called her first one lunch she would be best off calling this 'breakfast'. She made a mental not to simply switch to numbers in future to avoid this mistake again.
By the evening she was still reeling from 'breakfast' but struggled to consume another meal. The recording ended up being an hour long but she managed it. Though she would have to do it all again, every day. There would be no room for her usual favorite food anymore. Just this requirement was keeping her full practically all the time and left her drained. Perhaps that was an intentional effect. Don't need your livestock to be full of energy, better to have them slow and stupid. She gulped at that thought as she drifted to sleep.
The next day was her appointment at the facility. Even though it was miles away, in the modern day public transport was fast, simple and free and she quickly made her way there in the morning. Once inside, she was greeted by several men in white lab-coats. She wasn't sure if they were doctors but they led her to a room where she was asked to strip naked. Bella was embarrassed but she knew that disobedience here could reflect poorly on her case. She slowly wiggled out of her clothes until she was covering her breasts with one hand and her crotch with the other, shifting awkwardly from one leg to the other and she blushed.
This didn't last long, as she was told quite firmly to raise her arms to her side and stand with her legs parted and facing forward. She swallowed, nervous, but slowly complied. She stood there, shaking and cheeks burning as one 'Doctor' felt her body up and down. He took her measurements, of course, but also seems to massage her breasts and make various comments of a sexual nature which didn't seem appropriate. Yet, Bella didn't dare question him openly. She couldn't let him report that she was somehow being disobedient.
Still naked, she watched him take out a clipboard and begin to ask her questions. He confirmed her age and basic details, but the questions soon devolved.
"Are you now, or have you been pregnant?"
He checked a box.
"How many sexual partners have you had?"
Bella turned away for a moment and hesitated, before squeaking out an answer. "None."
The man again scrawled something down, not looking up or reacting in any way.
"How often do you masturbate?"
Bella was visibly shocked. She stammered a bit, flustered.
"Answer the question please." he prompted her, still as cold and emotionless as ever.
"Ah...well..maybe once a week." she finally responded.
With that humiliating interrogation done, she was corralled into a different room. Walking through the facility still nude as she left her clothes behind, unsure if they would even give them back at this point. In the new room was what looked like a massage chair, a large flat space with an indentation for her head to rest comfortably as she laid down. This was a little different though, because where the torso was there was some kind of strange padding with a distinct pair of dips in it.
"Lay down here, on your stomach. Make sure your breasts rest in the indents."
Bella knew it. She complied, feeling her breasts sink in to the foam like material where the indentations were. She was feeling a little less self conscious with her breasts and pussy no longer on display. Yet, at the same time she was nervous. What exactly was this?
In a few seconds she got her answer as a sudden humming filled her chest with vibrations. It was quite intense, as she felt a strong sensation of pleasure penetrating deep into her chest. She moaned slightly as she was caught of guard by it.
"You will have your breasts conditioned for 4 hours, as this is your first session. There will be breaks at predetermined times for feeding and water. Masturbation is permitted." he declared.
Bella was confused and humiliated. She had to stay here for 4 hours? Her only stops would be for eating more of that feed? But it was those last words that stunned her most. Masturbation was permitted? What the fuck? Did he actually expect her to touch herself right here, with him watching? Even if the peculiar massage was oddly pleasurable and the tingling in her chest made the idea seem tempting, she would never do something like that! This disgusting pervert.
But he said it so calmly. So matter-of-factly. The other women who went through this process...did some of them actually do that? Was she lying on some machine that these future cattle were rubbing their slick slits on as they moaned and squirmed and came like bitches in heat? Graphic images rushed into her mind and she choked up a bit. Disgusting. Yet she couldn't do anything about it. She just had to lay here for 4 hours whilst her breasts were 'conditioned'.
Eventually she worked up the courage to ask what this 'conditioning' was exactly.
"We are conditioning the tissue in your breasts to ensure optimal remodeling. Once complete you will receive an injection in each breast of the remodeling agent. This is a slow process and we will be doing this on a regular basis until you are ready to become a permanent resident of the facility." he explained.
"So I will have to come back here again?" she asked in horror.
"Yes, these appointments will happen twice a month until you are ready."
"And what the hell is this remodeling agent?"
"Its designed to promote the growth of breast tissue, encourage lactation and to enlarge the ducts through which the lactate will flow. As a side effect you may also notice increased sensitivity." he commented, as if this whole situation was perfectly normal.
Bella was shaking, and not just from the machine. She would really have to go through this again? Plus her breasts would swell. Lactation? Increased sensitivity? She didn't want any of this, but there was no choice but to obey for the time being. Her case would progress eventually. Hopefully she wouldn't go through too much of this.
Feeding was awkward. They had mixed the feed with milk, likely human and Bella wanted to reject it. However she decided that it was smartest to simply comply and eat it without putting up any struggle. When the massaging was finally over, she was mortified to discover a small, damp patch where her crotch had been as she got up. Yes, it was pleasurable, but she couldn't believe she had actually gotten wet because of it. The 'Doctor' glanced at it but didn't make any comment as he pulled out a small syringe of purple liquid and promptly pressed the point to her still tender nipple.
"Ouch!" she yelped as it pierced her. She watched in horror as the purple liquid emptied out of the syringe and into her vulnerable breast. The same thing happened to her other nipple before she felt the Doctor give her breasts a final groping.
"Is this necessary?" she said, his hands still squeezing her chest as if she was an object.
"Yes, we need to ensure the dissemination of the remodeling agent." he said. "Masturbation is permitted." he added, as Bella simply gasped and turned away.
Eventually her aching breasts were released and she was led to a final room where her clothes were returned and she had a brief chat with the doctor about her next appointment and general progress.
At some point, the topic of diet came up.
"Have you been eating your feed as instructed?" he asked.
Bella's heart raced as she lied "Yes, three meals a day." Of course she had only done this since yesterday, even though she received the package weeks ago at this point.
"Hmm, odd. I would expect faster growth. I will make a note to increase your feed in future then."
Bella tried to hide her disbelief. It was hard enough to get through what she already had. She certainly didn't need more!
She was sent home, chest still tingling and crotch just a little damp as she tried to feel relief. Her session was over. The humiliation was done...for now. She would need to return before the month was done for a second appointment. But at least for now all she had to worry about was eating the ridiculous feed.
The next couple of weeks were manageable for Bella. Even though it felt like her life was slowly and steadily combusting before her eyes, she was managing. She did mental exercises and read physics papers in between her meals to keep her mind active. Annoyingly she was feeling sluggish more and more. This kept her from doing quite as much as she wanted but it was hardly the most concerning side effect.
As she had been on the feed diet for a few days she started to notice that she was very calm after each meal. Docile even. She lost focus and motivation and tended to simply laze around or take a nap. Though, there was something else that was hard to ignore. A sort of...tingling or buzz that accompanied it. It turned into a distinct heat as she kept on her diet. Until she knew for certain that the meals were also making her horny.
This, combined with the sensitivity in her chest which hadn't gone away since her first treatment, meant that she found herself struggling to keep her hands away from her chest. She would often lazily fondle her chest, kneading and groping herself as she groaned and writhed. It wasn't normal. It wasn't the behaviour of a scientific mind. Yet, in those muddled moments where her head was fuzzy and her worries suppressed it seemed so easy to do.
This continued until her next appointment at the facility. It was much the same, though the massage was 6 hours instead of 4 and the wet spot left at the end was much clearer. Though, in the closing interview they dropped a bombshell on Bella.
"What do you mean I must get pregnant?" she cried aloud as she struggled to believe what she was hearing.
"Impregnation is key to ensuring lactation. You need to complete the pregnancy before your planned entrance into the facility, which gives you at most two months for the insemination."
"I-insemination! What the hell?"
"We can inseminate you here at the facility, though most subjects prefer to do it themselves."
There was no way in hell she was getting 'inseminated' here at the facility. And yet, she had to do so somehow, or at the very least be seen to be trying. Otherwise her case would suffer.
There was someone she thought of that could help. Her high-school crush, Simon. They never dated, Bella had always been too focused on her studies, but she always thought he was attractive. He had given her a few glances too but she never really responded. It would be awkward now but if her choice was a high school hunk or whatever they would do at this creepy facility then it was a pretty easy one to make.
She messaged Simon and met up with him for a coffee a few days later. She was never a very forward person, and lets be honest this wasn't exactly like a first date here. Its not like she could do him once and get it over with either, she would need him to have sex with her often to make it seems like she was genuinely trying to get pregnant. Would he even agree to it?
The coffee shop date was a mess. They made small talk for a while until the conversation dried up. Bella realized she couldn't possibly say what she wanted straight to his face. Every time she thought of broaching the subject her throat became dry and she turned beet red. So she excused herself, went to the bathroom for a long time, and returned looking like she had seen a ghost.
"Something wrong?" Simon asked, concerned.
"Uh, well...check your holophone." she said.
She couldn't look him in the eye as he pulled out his holophone and began to read the message she had just sent from the bathroom.
"I want you to have raw sex with me on a daily basis!" he spat out his coffee and said the line aloud.
"Not so loud!" she snapped, glancing around to see if anyone had noticed.
"Is this...is this for real? Is it a prank?" he asked, incredulous.
"No its real. Its...well its complicated. I just didn't know how to say it, so I sent the text."
"I don't believe you." he blurted out. "This is some weird joke."
"Its completely real, I promise. Please, you are the only one I can ask to do this..."
"Prove it." he demanded.
"Huh? How?" she was confused.
"Suck my cock right here. Under the tablecloth. Then I'll believe you."
It was an outrageous demand. Someone would surely notice. Plus, its not like sucking his cock would actually have any chance of impregnating her so it didn't even count towards helping her case, excepting the fact that it might convince Simon.
"F-fine." Bella blushed and she discretely slid under the tablecloth and knelt at his crotch.
Simon could hardly believe it as he felt her digits fiddling with his zipper. It didn't take long for her to extract his cock which was rapidly swelling as the situation gave him a throbbing hard-on. Below the table, Bella was fumbling anxiously with the hot shaft. It was dark and she had never done this before, so the size and smell surprised her quite a bit. It was undeniably arousing, but she also felt very apprehensive. It was so big, she wasn't sure how much she could swallow. Nonetheless, she parted her lips and delicately pressed them to the twitching tip as she slid her throat over the veiny cock gradually. It was salty and she felt its warmth flooding her mouth, and she squirmed on the spot as humiliation and arousal formed a cocktail which numbed her mind and helped her ease herself further forward.
Simon rested his hand on her head and slowly guided her as she began a tentative motion of bobbing up and down. She could barely get her head halfway down his shaft but he still seemed to be enjoying himself, as she felt him throbbing and thrusting slightly forward with each stroke. As his hand gripped her hair and controlled her head, she couldn't help but feel this was less of her giving a blowjob and more him using her throat to masturbate. But it was easier that way. Besides, she was enjoying herself. The rush of being in public, under the table, moments away from being caught was strangely intoxicating. It made her even more horny and eager as she coughed and spluttered on his cock. She was starting to gag and drool continuously, but Simon wasn't quite done.
He kept her there for a while, the taste, scent and warmth of his cock flooding her senses until she stopped hearing the soft chatter of other diners and the occasional patter of footsteps as people passed by, unaware of the lewd display beneath the table. Eventually she felt his thrusting stop and a sudden burst of warmth trickled down her throat. The salty taste was stronger and the thick substance clung to the sides of her throat just a little as she struggled to swallow it all down. She had to swallow, not only because he was holding her head down here, but because she couldn't be seen emerging from below the table covered in cum. 'I dropped my fork' wouldn't work as an excuse if she was painted white with strands of cum like a scene from a porno. So she did her best and thankfully managed to swallow every last drop before she finally could free her throat from his still twitching cock.
"So..." she said as she climbed back up from under the table, blushing and wiping her mouth, "do you believe me now?"
"Uh, yeah." he said, his expression one of amazement and blatant satisfaction.
"Can we...start today?" Bella asked shyly.
"Uh...give me like an hour to recover." he responded.
"Yeah, I didn't mean here!" she responded, "Lets head home, get something to eat and then...uh, well you get it."
And with that their bargain was struck. From that day onwards Simon came over every day. Bella would schedule her meals so that she had just finished eating by the time he arrived. If she was going to be soft, weak and horny it might as well be when she was being bred. Of course, Simon noticed immediately that she was wet and eager.
The first time he came back, she was shy. She waited for him to make the moves, to unbuckle her trousers and pull them down as she laid back and enjoyed his attention. Then she had a startling realization and debated with herself for a moment as she struggled to convince herself. Finally she knew that she needed to do it and she interrupted Simon.
"W-wait...I need to...record this." she blurted out, deep red as she knew she needed to document this. It was ridiculous, but she had to be able to prove she had been actively breeding or her case was as good as closed.
"For real?"
"You kinky little bitch, I'm on board". He responded, excited.
She tried to argue as she finished setting up the holophone recording, but she didn't have long to speak before she was interrupted herself. This interruption, though, was from Simon's cock forcing its way inside her trembling pussy. He took her virginity with a quick thrust, and she could only squeal and thrash as she felt it. At first it was painful, but the arousal and the lubrication quickly transformed the pain into pleasure. She heard herself moaning and begging. More. Harder. She sounded like such an eager little slut. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her as he pounded her. Every thrust was like a shockwave, sending erotic heat pulsing through her whole body. Was this what sex was like? How could she have never tried it? Though perhaps the side-effects of the feed were making her enjoy it a bit more now than she would have otherwise.
When she felt like he was about to cum she clung on tight with her legs. "Please....inside...I need it...inside me." she begged.
She didn't care about the holophone recording anymore, her head was swimming and she knew she had to have his cum inside her. For her case. For...her case...she kept telling herself those words as she felt the hot spurt of cum coating her insides. All thoughts faded into pleasure as she writhed and grunted around his hard cock like a pathetic animal. Maybe that was exactly what she would soon become.
This became routine. Eating and fucking and eating and fucking. She felt her body changing. She was gaining weight, that was for sure. Though not in the normal way. No, for Bella, most of the weight she gained went to her chest. Her breasts grew several sizes in a matter of weeks, and its not like she started out with a flat chest either. Much of the rest went to her butt and her waist in general. She wasn't sure if she should be pleased that she was plumping out in such a way that only served to enhance her natural curves. It wasn't exactly befitting for her desired career as a scientist. She felt more and more like some twisted sex doll. With over-inflated tits and an ass that begged to be squeezed and slapped. Simon, at least, didn't seem to mind her changes. He made ample use of her new curves, as handles and playtoys whilst he pumped her full of his cum day after day.
The other side effects continued also. She had kept receiving packages of feed, and the amounts and portions steadily increased each time. Just when she got used to eating the recommended amount of feed, she would find herself having to up her intake. This accelerated all of the effects, it seemed. The period of arousal and difficulty focusing grew longer and longer after each meal. Near the start she would be able to study or at least read something within an hour of eating, but within two months she was practically a sex-obsessed zombie for around 3 hours after each meal. That really didn't leave her much time to pretend she was living a normal life and preparing for future studies. Though it did give her much more time to fuck Simon, who took it as a challenge to improve his sexual stamina. Even still, she often found herself masturbating with a pussy full of fresh cum as she awaited the next round.
Her breast massage treatments also got longer. 8 hours, then 10. By the end of the two month period she was getting a twelve hour session. Which was really more like two 6 hour sessions with injections after each to help speed along her breast development. They were really growing now, with the facility giving her a new set of bras each time she visited, as her old ones became unwearable in no time at all. The extra weight on her chest only made it harder to exercise, to the point that her only workout was the constant raw sex she was having with Simon.
It was during the last treatment of that second month that she did something that she previously thought impossible. As she was lying on the machine, her over-sized breasts now incredibly sensitive to even the slightest touch, being massaged with an intense amount of force, she felt that familiar urge. She had felt it every single time, but these last few times it was more dire. She was used to having sex after every meal now, so it was worst right after the feeding break. She was so horny at that point, but Simon couldn't accompany her to the session. Still, her slit leaked profusely as she sweated and moaned like a whore. She barely noticed the Doctor watching her, though his words did slip into her mind.
"Masturbation is permitted."
With that intrusive thought floating around her head, practically taunting her, and the incessant throbbing heat in her drooling pussy, Bella could not help herself. She let her hand slide down to her crotch and began to rub and groan even deeper and the pleasure intensified.
She must have orgasmed at least 10 times over the course of the treatment. She got up slowly and her crotch was sticky and her hands a slick mess. Her juices pooled and dribbled over the edge of the machine as she tried not to look the Doctor in the eyes for the embarrassment. Though he still didn't react.
It was after the treatment though, as was usually the case, that Bella got another shock. She was ushered into another room, still naked, and the Doctor not took out a small, smooth metal rod. He sat her down and ordered her to spread her legs. She complied, used to following whatever humiliating commands she was given at this point. Then, he pushed the metal rod inside her slowly and deliberately. Once it was fully inserted, she felt it vibrate somewhat. It wasn't the most powerful vibrator, but with her slit still trembling and sensitive from hours of masturbation and a stream of orgasms, it didn't take much to bring her over the edge. She whimpered and squirmed as the Doctor chastised her and told her to hold still.
The emotionless Doctor watched her clench around the rod, gushing and groaning as she came around the cold medical implement. Finally it was removed and a red light at the end flashed.
"Looks like you are not pregnant" he announced.
"That was....a pregnancy test?" Bella said, breathless.
"Yes, and since it is negative and we are at the end of the two month period for insemination, we will now be forced to commence the forced breeding program."
Bella's heart sank. "Forced breeding program?"
Before it had time to sink in, she was being led into another room. She was quickly grabbed and pushed down to a small harness on the ground where her arms, neck and knees were locked into a position with her knees and tits pressed to the floor, legs spread and ass raised. She could no longer move as thick shackles restrained her completely. All she could do was squirm and beg the Doctor for an explanation.
"You see, since we are running out of time we will need to resort to fairly drastic measures. You will be restrained and inseminated here until we get a positive pregnancy result. We have specialists who will be performing the procedure round the clock, don't worry. You will be released in short order once we have confirmed success."
Bella begged and thrashed but it didn't help. The Doctor simply left. But she wasn't left alone for long, as shortly afterwards another man entered. She had been strapped down facing away from her door, which was horrible on two accounts. Firstly that she couldn't see the person walking in, only hear the door swinging open and their footsteps approach. Secondly, because it meant that the first sight greeting anyone who entered the room would be her fat butt and still dripping pussy as she trembled and begged them not to do anything to her.
Of course, these pleas were meaningless. In no time at all she felt the familiar sensation of a hot, hard cock sliding inside her pussy as some stranger began to fuck her as she was bound and helpless. He pounded her relentlessly and with ease, her pussy still sensitive and slick making it so convenient for him. It felt like ages passed before he finally emptied his balls into her quivering cunt, and she had experienced a humiliating orgasm at his hands in the process.
But that wasn't the end of it. After this man left, she had only a brief reprieve before another man entered the room and subsequently entered her. He used and abused her exposed slit like his personal fleshlight and left a warm, sticky helping of his own cum leaking out of her.
On and on it went. The men would arrive at random times. Occasionally people came to bring her food or water, but mostly they raped and bred her like a stupid animal. They fucked her while she was eating and laughed as she continued to choke down her food. At this point, her whole body was so warped that she craved the feed. She was used to massive portions of it, so going too long without it made her feel like she was so painfully hungry.
Being kept here, motionless and with so much food only served to speed along her growth as she felt like she was watching her chest balloon in real time. She wasn't even counting the times she was fucked. But she did count the number of times the Doctor returned with the pregnancy test. She didn't know if it was the same doctor each time, nor even if the doctors happened to be some of the men fucking her. In fact, she couldn't tell how many men were fucking her either. Were they taking it in turns or was it actually a different man each time? She wasn't sure if either way was better really. It was all the same from her perspective. Being fucked and stuffed with cum. Feeling it dribbled down her leg and pool between her knees. Hoping, despite how absolutely sick the idea was, that this one would get her pregnant. Because that was the only way she would be freed from this cruel and unusual punishment.
Finally, after 7 pregnancy tests, she received the good news.
"Positive! Congratulations." the Doctor announced.
Bella had little energy to celebrate. All she did was let out a soft sigh as she was freed from her restraints and finally led back to her clothes. It took her a while to stand up properly and even longer to get dressed. She could barely walk and her pussy was aching, but she somehow stumbled back onto the thankfully very accessible public transport and made it home.
Simon had been texting her frantically on her holophone, wondering where she was and when he could have raw sex with her. Of course, at this point there was no need. She was pregnant now, with someone else' baby. Its not like she needed him to keep fucking her.
And yet, within a few days, she had not only recovered from her traumatic experience at the facility, but she was actually craving sex more than ever. She begged Simon to come back and he gave in, he too had grown used to constant sex and wasn't ready to just give up his own personal cum dump.
"You know," he mused as he was balls deep in the wet, weak and glassy eyed Bella. "I used to think it was such a shame that such a cute chick was this stuck up nerd who never gave it up."
Bella simply moaned and squirmed in response, this was not a time at which she was lucid enough to make conversation, merely fuck like a beast.
"But now I get to fuck you daily. And we are even filming it. I never knew you were such a massive slut!"
Bella continued to groan.
"What do you do with the videos? Do you masturbate to them? Post them online?"
"Nnnnnnoooo." Bella said mid-moan.
"You should. Tell you what, when we finish lets upload all of them to a porn site and then we can watch one together and I'll rub your greedy slit to it, sound good?"
Of course, Bella could barely think right now. She moaned in agreement, as the idea did sound good to her in such a brainless state. It sounded hot and naughty. She was such a massive slut.
It still sounded good when she was watching him upload them. Sure, someone might recognize her, but at this point she had cut off all contact with her old friends. Her body was a dead giveaway that she was not the same person they knew. She looked like a caricature, with breasts that defied logic and made it hard to walk. Maybe that would be the reason she wouldn't get recognized if they uploaded the videos.
"There. Done. We are gonna be stars!" he joked, as he loaded up one of the videos from a month ago. The holophone projected a 3D image of the scene in incredible definition over their heads as he began to fondle her chest with one hand and slipped his other to her crotch.
"Wow, your tits sure got bigger since then!" he commented as he dug his digits inside her and felt her clench and writhe around him. "Oh, you like that huh?" he asked, pressing and rubbing harder now.
The idea made Bella squirm. She hated herself now, her soft and docile demeanor, her vapid stare, her body which barely even belonged in porn anymore it was that ridiculous. And yet she couldn't hide her arousal. Had the feed and the treatments and everything going on fucked with her head so much that she actually enjoyed this? Her mind was clearing up just enough to realize how truly screwed she was. She looked like a joke, even if her case was successful no one in the scientific community would ever possibly take her seriously. She wasn't even sure if she could go back to a normal diet. Being horny and stupid so much of the time would make it difficult to do even a menial job, let alone something demanding. The more she thought about it, the more she didn't want to.
"I want to eat something." she declared.
"Jeez, you're always hungry. You're kind of a cow, you know?"
Bella shot him an angry look.
"Okay, okay. You want that stuff you always eat right? The...feed?" he asked.
"Yeah...just bring a whole bag." she said, ready to drown her thoughts in food. Quite literally.
And as she was eating and watching herself get fucked with Simon's finger on her clit, something new happened. Just as she felt her orgasm approach, there was a new tingling in her chest. Like a pressure building. More and more it consumed her until she was shaking and finally it burst free. A stream of white liquid sprayed from both nipples as if from an eruption. She groaned and came as the pleasure washed over her. It was her first time feeling this sensation and she couldn't believe how strong it had been. The delight of squirting milk from her chest, it was sort of like having a mini-orgasm in each breast.
After this, she continued to descend into depravity. Every time she felt her head clearing, she began to fret and fear. Her normal life had slipped so far away. She was so hopelessly lost. But just a few mouthfuls of feed and her mind was pleasantly numb and her crotch pleasantly warm. She felt herself slipping. She was rarely fully functioning, and even then she noticed distinctly that she was dimmer than she had been. Even if she somehow weened herself off this stuff now, it would probably do lasting damage to her brain. Yet she just continued shoveling it down to cope.
Lactation became more frequent, especially during the treatments. They added an hour of suction pumps which would draw milk from her nipples into a container and subsequently test the quantity and quality.
"50ml, not much at all. Though the quality is 100%, I guess this is why you were in such a high percentile!" was the Doctor's comment after her first session being pumped.
Though the amount quickly skyrocketed. She went from lactating for a few minutes to spending the entire hour being pumped and drain like a dairy cow within the space of another couple of months. The size of her chest near doubling seemed to help matters. In no time at all she was producing full canisters of milk of top quality, to the astonishment of the Doctors.
By now Bella was at the point where she no longer stood up and walked but instead crawled along the floor, dragging her tits along with her wherever she went. Though thankfully the facility agreed to pick her up from her home and drive her straight there and back instead of forcing her onto public transport in such a pathetic state. She knew it would not be long until they didn't bother taking her home and simply accepted her into the facility as a permanent resident. A full-time milkable, breedable piece of livestock.
Finally, progress had been made with her case. She was 6 months in and thought she was completely abandoned, when her case worker visited and let her know that she would have a hearing with members of the board to plead her case the next week. Of course, she had no idea how that would work, being that she couldn't stand for the size of her inhumanly massive chest. But her case worker assured her that everything would be fine. He guided her through the process over the next few days so that she would understand what to do and how to present herself.
Firstly they would go over the evidence, including a selection of the videos she had taken to prove she was following the careers service instruction and complying. Then they would ask her some questions, both about herself and potentially some tricky technical stuff, then they would deliberate in front of her and come to a verdict.
Bella was just clever enough to understand at this point that she had little hope. She hadn't done anything mentally strenuous in months and wasn't sure when she would even find the time to practice between all the eating and fucking she was doing. Not to mention milking her swollen tits, which had now become a daily chore as she needed to empty gallons of milk from them daily just to avoid building up too much milk. Her best hope was that they saw the state she was in and took pity on her.
However, as she crawled before the board on that fateful day, she saw o pity in their eyes. Nor respect. It was clear in an instant that they saw her as livestock. Tits bigger than her head trailing milk along the floor as she tried her best to stifle moans. It must have seemed a bit like a joke to them, the idea that she was their prospective scientific research candidate. If asked whether she was more suited to being a literal cow or a scientific researcher, Bella had no doubt that any person seeing her now would respond emphatically that she was clearly a vapid cow.
She struggled through the videos of her feeding, realizing just how hungry it made her. But she couldn't eat in front of them as that would only guarantee she failed the trial. Next she blushed and squirmed as they all watched the 3d hologram videos of her and Simon having raw sex. They had selected several of the most recent ones for some reason. She wasn't sure why, but she knew that in these she looked the least human. Glassy eyed and grunting like a beast. Actually dribbling milk down her chest and rutting in heat. How could they see her as an intelligent person after watching countless hours of that!
Then, the videos stopped and she was questioned. Each board member asking a few in turn.
"Why do you want to be a scientific researcher?"
"Why do you think you are more suited to research than milk production?"
"How have you spent your free time since the end of your examinations?"
Those were the easy ones, but Bella could barely stammer out answers as she felt her tender breasts pressing into the ground and driving her crazy. She was hungry, wet and she needed to be milked. How on earth was she supposed to give coherent answers in this state? Of course, she tried her best. Then they moved onto technical questions.
"What is the difference between centripetal acceleration and centrifugal force?"
"What is the derivative of xlog(x)?"
And so on. Every time, Bella strained to think. She had known these thing...once. That was long ago. Now the only mathematics she did was counting her feed portions, and honestly Simon had started doing that for her as she struggled to concentrate. The only physics concepts she was familiar with were gravity (her breasts were very familiar at this point) and fluid dynamics (as her drooling pussy could attest).
She broke down. She couldn't do it any longer. Thinking. Speaking. It was just so much work. She wanted to eat and fuck and be milked! Why was she being made to do anything besides that? It wasn't fair. Her cries turned to Moos as she felt the last semblance of hope for ever becoming a normal person, let alone a scientific researcher, slip away. She reached down to her crotch and began to rub herself as she heaved her breasts up and down and squeezed long, deliberate spurts of milk out of them.
The board didn't take any time at all to reach their decision.
"Cattle, by unanimous vote. Application to switch careers is rejected."
With that, she was taken directly to the facility as she was deemed ready for permanent status as livestock. She was placed into a fenced off paddock with a dozen other brainless cows and milked all hours of the day.
Many were amazed, both at how fast she had transformed and how vast and high quality her milk was. But what else can you expect from a 99.9th percentile dairy cow?
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abybweisse · 1 year
Using F. O. L. Orphanage for blood and souls
I'm not saying they are using these children for soul transplants, but here's how it could go down, if that's what's up.
The children who arrive to the orphanage are blood typed and sorted into classes based solely on that.
The little aptitude tests they take help determine how naturally similar in personality they are to their corresponding lords.
The classes reinforce what's expected of them. How the children respond to the limitations of their classes also informs the staff (or the person who selects them for placement outside the orphanage) about their true personalities.
While they are at the orphanage, each child must allow blood to be taken, or perhaps it's taken from them while they sleep/while they are "knocked out" (like what happened to our earl at Sphere Music Hall). If blood is taken from them while they are awake/alert, then the excuse given to them would probably tout the potential health benefits of bloodletting. If a child refuses or is terrified of the needles (or other equipment), then that child might get drugged/"knocked out" for the blood collection.
Meanwhile, each child is observed for their abilities/skills, personalities (including quirks), and how they behave. Those who are deemed to be the most like their respective lords gets sent to Undertaker, who makes the final assessments (or perhaps the corresponding lord makes that final decision), and then Undertaker attempts to transplant the souls.
This would essentially kill the child that's being used as a "soul donor". To "remedy" this, Undertaker might turn those now deceased children into Bizarre Dolls. But they probably won't be as advanced as the lords were, and he probably doesn't seek out new souls for them. If he did, this process would not end. [Then again, we don't know his ultimate goals, after the lords of the stars have been fully "revived" by replacement souls. Perhaps he would like to do this to/for as many Bizarre Dolls as he can (once he's successful at the procedure), because something must still be different about a person with someone else's soul, and it would piss off the reaper organization... and he likely enjoys that fact. But these kids would need blood in their bodies, and "Sirius" or "Pomeranian" kids sent out are probably drained before their souls are removed for transplant, so it's highly doubtful Undertaker would even make them Advanced Bizarre Dolls, let alone try to fully "revive" them with new souls. More on that farther down.]
Now let's look at the two Pomeranian class children we know about, so far. Snake and Finny overhear those two women mention how someone from the advanced (must be Pomeranian) class was sent out for placement. He must be very like either real Ciel or our earl. He probably isn't the first one to be sent out from that class, either. I expect he will turn out to not be quite the right match for real Ciel. If real Ciel or Undertaker determines this even before the soul transplant is performed, then the poor kid would probably be drained of his "Sirius" blood (for real Ciel) and quite possibly not even turned into a Bizarre Doll. If Undertaker performs the transplant procedure, and it somehow fails, then the soul is either shoved back into the child (probably not too successfully, either) or goes free (or escapes!). The poor kid was probably drained of his blood beforehand anyway, so either way, the child is dead. Undertaker might turn him into a Bizarre Doll or not. Shoving his soul back into his bloodless body might be like automatically making a Most Advanced Bizarre Doll. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wouldn't expect him to live long, and neither would Undertaker. They aren't going to replenish the blood they drained from him, because it's for real Ciel. So *sigh* yeah. Dead kid. Probably left for dead.
As I said, I'd expect that attempt to ultimately fail. So, F. O. L. Orphanage would be given the order to send another child from Pomeranian class. The only "Pomeranian" we've truly met is the one Doll speaks with in ch194, Nick. Recall that at Heathfield Manor, the race of the maid didn't matter to Baron Heathfield because he was only interested in the shape of their soul, to revive his dead wife. It's probably the same idea here: race, skin color, ethnicity, etc. don't matter. And Nick's dislike of not having more playtime outside is very much in keeping with our earl's personality! Considering how much real Ciel used to actually play outside, this would also fit with him. I expect F. O. L. Orphanage to make the decision to send him to Undertaker, and it might actually be Doll who doesn't want him to go. Her mood becomes ever so slightly different (maybe sad?) when she's listening and talking to him, and I wonder if it's because she already knows what happens to children sent to Undertaker... and she sees how much he's like "Lord Ciel", and perhaps even more like "Smile".
Here's to hoping, if the head matron or orphanage manager chooses Nick (or even another "Pomeranian") to send out, that Doll can't handle it anymore and asks Snake and Finny to help her stop it. She's very serious about how the orphanage caters to the Pomeranian class and follows the orders of the orphanage's leaders (real Ciel, Undertaker, and whoever does the day-to-day overseeing of the facility). Ch195 shows us that. However, given her background at the circus and hating how they kidnapped children for "Father", plus wishing to protect the "brothers and sisters" supposedly left behind at the workhouse (she might have later found out they were gone), this might prove to be too much... even for the soulless Advanced Bizarre Doll she presumably is.
If/when Finny and Snake stop the orphanage (with or without Doll's and/or someone else's help), this could be what causes the final push for Undertaker to attempt the soul transplant procedure with our earl's soul into real Ciel's body... once our earl confronts Undertaker and real Ciel again. If Undertaker attempts this sort of thing, it would make his parallel to Dr. Andonuts (white-haired Mother game series character who creates Fascinating Chimera and keeps people -- including sets of twins -- in tanks of green fluid) and Josef Mengele (Nazi physician and medical researcher known as the "Angel of Death", who specialized in transplants and other experiments between twins) that much stronger....
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subir-astrologer · 10 days
In olden days and also now who do not go for aptitude test for their child to find which is the best field for their child that he / she can pursue for their future study that will give them good success, is by studying the nature of the child, likings, understanding easily for a particular subject, reasonings, logic, talents.
Not every child will have the same abilities and so we see engineers, doctors, lawyers, businessman, artist, actors etc etc. in our society.
It is because not all have the same kind of abilities to understand the subject as their brain is not is not designed to understand another subject easily.
This is the reason we pay money to a cobbler to repair our shoe and a native being so literate still cannot repair his shoe.
Our mastery on a subject is due to our aptitude and inclination for that subject which our brain feels easy to understand.
This brain set up is due to the placement of the planets in our horoscope and so certain combination will only produce doctors and certain other will producer lawyer and so on.
This is the same way that for a person to understand astrology also need good placement and the combination of the planet that signify to understand well, and also can be an astrologer if needed.
So, its YES, a good astrological placement of planet is needed in a horoscope of the native just to understand astrology.
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You know how a lot of employment positions force you to take 'aptitude' tests for placement? DC needs to make that but with basic comic lore for all of their comic writers before they are allowed to even allowed to submit a draft. We'll be generous and say they must pass with an 80%.
Bonus. The editors need to pass with a 100%.
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vikiblog77 · 5 months
Unveiling the Microscopic World: Exploring B.Sc Medical Microbiology in Dehradun
Microbiology, the study of microscopic organisms, is a field that holds the key to solving mysteries at the cellular level. The pursuit of knowledge in this domain becomes all the more captivating in the picturesque city of Dehradun, which is well-known for its educational institutions. This article explores the field of B.Sc. Medical Microbiology, highlighting the offerings of the top colleges in Dehradun and providing information on the course details, eligibility requirements, and the invaluable contributions of the college forum.
B.Sc Medical Microbiology: A Glimpse into the Microbial World:
Understanding Microorganisms: The B.Sc Medical Microbiology program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. It forms the foundation for exploring their roles in health, disease, and the environment.
Clinical Applications: Medical Microbiology goes beyond laboratory studies; it extends into clinical applications, involving the identification, prevention, and control of infectious diseases. Students delve into the practical aspects of diagnostic procedures and microbiological techniques.
Immunology and Public Health: The curriculum often includes in-depth modules on immunology, emphasizing the body's defense mechanisms against pathogens. Additionally, students gain insights into public health aspects, learning how microbiology plays a pivotal role in disease prevention and control.
Eligibility Criteria for B.Sc Medical Microbiology:
To embark on the journey of unraveling the microbial world through B.Sc Medical Microbiology in Dehradun, prospective students must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualifications: Typically, candidates should have completed their 10+2 education in the science stream with a focus on biology. Meeting specific percentage requirements in relevant subjects is often a prerequisite.
Entrance Examinations: Some colleges in Dehradun may require students to appear for entrance examinations to assess their aptitude for the program. These tests aim to ensure that candidates possess the foundational knowledge needed for successful engagement with the curriculum.
Course Description and Specializations: The three-year, six-semester B.Sc. Medical Microbiology program covers a wide range of topics, such as Microbial Physiology, Virology, Mycology, Immunology, and Medical Parasitology. Internships, fieldwork, and practical sessions are essential components that give students practical experience in laboratory techniques and diagnostic procedures.
The Best B.Sc Medical Microbiology Colleges in Dehradun:
Dehradun stands proud as a hub for quality education, and the best B.Sc Medical Microbiology colleges in the city contribute significantly to this reputation. The college forum serves as a valuable resource for aspiring students, offering insights into the top institutions, their faculty, infrastructure, and placement opportunities. Through the forum, students can make informed decisions about their educational journey, ensuring they enroll in institutions that align with their academic and career goals.
Starting a B.Sc. Medical Microbiology Course in Dehradun is not only a quest for knowledge but also an investigation of the invisible world that has a significant impact on human health. The requirements for eligibility, the specifics of the courses, and the abundance of information offered by the college forum are important factors that direct prospective students to the top B.Sc. Medical Microbiology programs in Dehradun. As the microscopic world reveals itself, students are furnished with the abilities and information necessary to make a significant contribution to the field of medical microbiology.
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ahelpfulpeach · 1 year
one thing I find really annoying about career placement/aptitude tests is they always put being 'logical' or 'using facts and data' and being 'sensitive and compassionate' or 'caring about people's feelings' on a binary scale and like???? they're kinda useless without the other??? going based on feelings without any acknowledgement of the facts is just being a reactionary, and interpreting data without considering the human elements of how those numbers got that way leads to faulty conclusions.
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whiteheadottesen · 2 years
Sap Warehouse Administration Training Jenrac Applied Sciences, London, Uk
Intelogik supplies SAP WM Online & Classroom Training course by excellent experienced IT professionals. Our coach has good coaching experience in order that very best quality output will be delivered. All our school is devoted so that we will complete your course as per the schedule given. sap wm training london present lessons by way of AB Initio on-line through the use of world class interactive system. We market your profile in USA, UK SINGAPORE, INDIA, and SOUTH AFRICA. We trouble shoot your issues both theoretically & practically through the Online & Classroom Training ,even after the course completion. After completion of your AB initio training we'll allow you to to clear your interviews. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be in a position to find and suppose about shows you’ll love and possibly download. Its versatile configure as per country specific requirements of Reporting, Tax and Depreciation. SAP Trainers at Wizcore have more than 12 years of SAP expertise on a mean and we undergo with a different kind of SAP training all the time to maintain us up to date. Shipboard & MarineShipboard & Marine Explore asset tags for use in marine operating situations exposed to saltwater spray. On-Demand Laser System for UID Labels Explore options to picture your own asset tags onsite with a marking laser cart.
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Configure the master data settings (G/L accounts, customer and vendor accounts) of FA with SAP S/4HANA. He is huge in knowledge and he understands the need on every one on the course and he addresses every candidates want adequately with good industrial examples.He has a great presentation ability and explains each topics very well. Gateway work processes which enable communication between applications, corresponding to between SAP R/3 and SAP R/2. Uplatzprovides this end-to-end coaching on SAP WM module covering all configurations and implementation steps on WM software.
Lesson 02 - The Interface Between Inventory Administration & Warehouse Administration
Our professional SAP WM consultants are at all times there that will help you within the higher studying of SAP WM course parts and improvement of real time project works. Because, one can experience an innovative and interactive learning environment to proliferate your career growth. After the completion of every course, they may conduct mock tests in order to gauge your ability sets.
This module provides instruments & processes to maintain stock at optimum level. The SAP Controlling Module has the aptitude of assembly all the accounting and financial needs of an organisation. Supply Chain Academy supplies provide chain training for international firms. They current Introduction to Warehousing – Operations Management, a quick video tutorial. The tutorial explores the consequences of warehouse operations administration on company value.
Sap Erp Fundamentals
The Warehouse management is integrated with Material Management , , modules. The base doc for the material motion will be generated both in the MM or SD or QM modules. For all the Goods receipts from the vendors and other vegetation, the bottom doc will be generated in MM module. ForGoods concern for either to manufacturing or to other plants, the base document might be generated in MM module. SAP WM course covers all elements of warehouse administration and will present you expertise to turn into a successful warehouse supervisor with full command over SAP WM module. We stay on the forefront of the expertise and produce our real-world SAP experience to your business.
EWM presents you flexible, automated assist for processing varied goods motion and managing inventory in your warehouse.
"SAP Training Academy " has offered individual & corporate coaching to the client with a superior learning and placement experience. [newline]We leverage skilled technical coaching with our Award-wining courses instructor to provide a consistently superior degree of training.
Max of the scholars will get glad with our training in case you are not then we provide specialised training in return.
While that is meant to be an introductory course, participants should have a fundamental understanding of enterprise concepts, a working data of spreadsheets, and mastery of provide chain logistics.
CESA packages are designed to give you first hand expertise on business standard tools and platforms and give you an edge in your profession.
Candidates have to be equipped with thorough knowledge in stock supply and the general configuration of SAP processes. He/ she must be equipped with the data of physical stock and different components of inventory administration system as well. Erations and duties, together with goods receipt, goods concern, and warehouse movements. This SAP WM certification training course will help you to turn into an authorized skilled by overlaying all of the necessities of the course requirements through real-life initiatives. Get the cutting-edge SAP WM on-line coaching course from certified SAP WM mentors. SAP Warehouse Management is a vital SAP module that provides warehouse management performance. If you are interested in running a high-tech, high-quality training and consulting enterprise. Carry out real-time analytics on massive quantities of constantly altering data. Identify duties which might be suitable for automation with software program robots. Improve an organization's processes and uncover opportunities for optimizing workflow and lowering costs. Configure SAP FI and CO modules to manage the financial transactions within a company. These updates trigger demand considering many complex variables, such as the supply schedule of raw materials and productions cycles, to forecast the appropriate quantity of product mix. It is configured in the SAP SCM system and is integrated with the ECC – SAP R/3 system. The SAP Human Capital Management module manages human assets more efficiently. HCM offers the Human Resource department with solutions which are complete, engaging and versatile. HCM module helps organisation in talent acquisition, convey into line worker goals with business goals, figuring out and developing worker abilities, and measuring and rewarding worker performances. HCM automates all of the core HR processes, resulting in increased effectivity and value reductions for an organization in the area of human useful resource administration. We perceive that folks in the IT sector must maintain their abilities abreast with the industry. Besides, we have thought-about the requirements of reporting analysts and database administrators whereas crafting these modules. You can equip your self with the newest information relevant in the industry. Besides, the SAP new dimensional modules are suitable for any professional engaged on information and reviews. BW Consultants, too, can yield large benefits on completing these courses.
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brandstorywrites · 2 years
PINNACLE Placement Program | Placement Preparation | PrepBytes
PINNACLE Placement Program
This programme is designed to cover all topics required for clearing the Technical tests and interview process followed by Samsung, Oracle, Comviva, Sap Labs. Focus on DS, OS, DBMS, Coding, and Aptitude.
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If you want to get placed in companies like Samsung, Oracle, SAP you are at the right place.Getting placed in companies require you to have good grasp on DS, OS, DBMS, C/Java along with decent coding skills. Through Pinnacle placement program you will master concepts of OS, DS, DBMS , C/JAVA and will also develop good codings skills and aptitude required for these companies.
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schooluniguide1 · 13 hours
Newcastle School for Boys Overview
Newcastle School for Boys is an independent school for boys aged 2 to 18. Located at 30 West Avenue, Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the North East region, the school operates under the Newcastle upon Tyne local authority. The school has a total enrollment of 371 pupils and offers a variety of academic and extracurricular activities, including sports, clubs, and societies such as fencing, code club, golf, choir, African drumming, book club, rugby, football, cricket, hockey, table tennis, badminton, tennis, squash, athletics, swimming, and golf.
Exam Preparation
11 Plus Exam
Students take the 11 Plus Exam for admission to Grammar Schools and some Independent schools. The exam is typically taken in the last year of primary school and determines placement in Year 7 (the first year of secondary school). The target school will invite pupils to sit for the entrance test, which assesses numerical, verbal, and non-verbal skills. Foreign students can take their exams at certain British Council offices.
Most schools will organize the 11 Plus Exam in September 2024. Parents and students should visit the target school website to register for the exam.
11 Plus Exam Subjects
Standard 11 Plus exams typically assess four subjects:
11 Plus Maths
11 Plus English
11 Plus Verbal Reasoning
11 Plus Non-Verbal Reasoning
The subjects covered in the 11 Plus exam depend on the school and region. Schools can integrate their test content with any of the papers. The exams cover all Key Stage 2 objectives, including Year 6 content for English and Maths, and assess cognitive abilities rather than learned knowledge. The 11 Plus exams are paper-based, with questions in multiple-choice and standard formats, and answers are often computer-marked. GL Assessment is the primary exam board for UK grammar school entrance exams, with other boards including CSSE, SET, and recently, CEM (which shifted to online exams in 2022).
11 Plus Mock Exams
Students should practice 11 Plus mock exams before the assessment to identify weak areas and revise important concepts. Participating in mock exams helps students experience real exam conditions with time constraints, and the results help both students and parents identify weaknesses ahead of the actual test. This practice offers an accurate assessment of the student's progress in specific areas and can significantly boost confidence. Students can also attempt online mock exams if they cannot take physical ones.
11 Plus Exam Interviews
Schools invite pupils who are successful in the 11 Plus test for an interview session. During this session, subject specialists assess pupils' aptitude and potential in Maths and English in more detail. School representatives also introduce pupils to classroom lessons and offer tours of the school. If it is not possible to welcome pupils onto the school site at this point, some schools will implement a remote interview plan.
11 Plus Exam Results
The specific dates for the release of 11 Plus results differ among schools, typically available from mid-October to the end of October. Some schools may require a second stage entrance exam, and children who pass the first 11 Plus test receive an invitation to participate in the second stage assessment.
Extracurricular Activities
Newcastle School for Boys offers diverse extracurricular activities to ensure the holistic development of students. The school provides numerous clubs and societies spanning various areas such as sports, academics, culture, and beyond.
School Report
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is appointed by the Department for Education to inspect association independent schools in England. ISI is approved by the Department for Education to inspect British schools overseas and by the Home Office to inspect private further education colleges and language schools.
Visit SchoolUniGuide to Search, Compare, and Get Unbiased Recommendations and choose the Best School for your child
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ies10 · 5 days
APS College of Engineering: Comprehensive Overview
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Located in Bangalore, Karnataka, APS College of Engineering is one of the most reputed institutes in the field of technical education. Known for its commitment to quality education and holistic development, the college has carved a niche for itself in the competitive landscape of technical institutions. In this blog, we explore various aspects of APS College of Engineering and elaborate on why it is an excellent choice for aspiring engineers.
History and Heritage:
Established in 1997, APS College of Engineering runs under the aegis of APS Educational Trust. Established with a vision of promoting quality education, the trust has earned a strong reputation in the state of Karnataka over the years. Over the years, APS College of Engineering has grown significantly and expanded its infrastructure and academic services to meet the changing needs of the engineering sector.
Academic Programs:
APS College of Engineering offers a diverse range of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. The college is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) and is recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). The most important Bachelor's degree programs are:
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Computer Science and Engineering
B.E. in Electrical and Communication Engineering
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D. in Information Science and Engineering
For postgraduate students, the college offers Master of Technology (M.Tech) programs in various specializations as well as MBA programs tailored to the needs of students interested in pursuing management education.
Faculty and Teaching Methods: 
The faculty of APS College of Engineering comprises highly qualified and experienced professionals who are committed to imparting quality education. The teaching methodology focuses on combining theoretical knowledge with practical application. The college uses modern teaching materials like multimedia tools and promotes interactive learning through workshops, seminars, and guest lectures.
Infrastructure and Facilities:
The college has a vast campus equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. The serene environment promotes learning and personal growth.
Labs are equipped with the latest technology and equipment to enable students to gain practical experience in their fields. This practical experience is crucial to develop technical competencies.
The Central Library houses an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources. This is an invaluable resource for students and faculty and supports research and academic activities.
APS College of Engineering provides comfortable hostels for boys and girls. The hostels are equipped with modern facilities and ensure a safe and homely environment for students from different parts of the country.
Placement and Career Development:
APS College of Engineering's Placement Centre plays a vital role in the career development of students. The position actively collaborates with leading companies to facilitate the placement of students on campus. Regular training like soft skills training, mock interviews, aptitude tests, etc. are conducted to prepare students for the recruitment process.
Over the years, the college has boasted of a high placement rate with many students gaining placement in reputed companies. Companies from various sectors like IT, manufacturing, consulting, etc. visit the campus for recruitment drives.
Research and Development:
APS College of Engineering emphasizes research and innovation. The college encourages faculty and students to participate in research activities and provides them with the necessary support and resources. Collaborative research projects with industries and academic institutions are also encouraged to foster a culture of innovation and knowledge creation.
Extra-curricular Activities:
The college believes in the holistic development of its students and offers a wealth of extra-curricular activities. Various clubs and organizations like cultural clubs, technical clubs, sports clubs, etc. provide opportunities for students to pursue their interests and showcase their talents.
Technical Festivals:
Technical festivals and competitions are held regularly to provide students with a platform to apply their technical knowledge and creativity. These events not only promote learning but also instill a spirit of teamwork and innovation.
Cultural Events:
Cultural events and festivals are celebrated with fervor and reflect the vibrant campus life. These events provide a break from academic rigor and promote cultural diversity and harmony among students.
Alumni Network:
The alumni network of APS College of Engineering is strong and active. Alumni play a vital role in mentoring current students, providing industry insights, and facilitating networking opportunities. The college regularly organizes alumni gatherings and events to strengthen this bond and leverage the collective experience of its alumni.
Community Involvement and Social Responsibility:
APS College of Engineering is committed to social responsibility and community engagement. Various community service programs and social initiatives are undertaken to contribute to the welfare of society. Students are encouraged to participate in these activities, which develop a sense of social responsibility and ethical values.
APS College of Engineering stands out as a premier educational institute that imparts quality technical education and all-round development. With robust academic programs, state-of-the-art infrastructure, dedicated faculty, and strong industry connectivity, the college offers aspiring engineers an excellent platform to build their careers. Emphasis on research, extracurricular activities, and social responsibility further enriches the student experience, making APS College of Engineering the preferred choice for engineering education in Bangalore.
Whether you are an aspiring student, a parent, or an education enthusiast, APS College of Engineering not only focuses on academic excellence but also ensures a nurturing environment that prepares students to become well-rounded professionals ready to face global challenges.
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advanto-software · 6 days
Which is the best Software training institute in Pune?
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For an excellent reason, Advanto Software is considered by many as one of Pune's best suppliers of software training and placement services
Following are the Courses Offered:
Full Stack Java Development
Python Programming
Data Science & Analytics
Software Testing
Web Development
Experienced Trainers:
Being an institute it has qualified staff who are experienced and qualified trainers who are professionals involved in practice. They give a practical attachment to enable the students to realize not only book knowledge but also the actual knowledge applicable to the market.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:
Studying at Advanto Software is a great opportunity to receive a quality education at a highly equipped facility with modern IT infrastructure, comfortable classrooms, and operational work sheds at a well-equipped lab along with access to sophisticated software tools and technology.
Placement Assistance:
One of the most significant advantages of training with Advanto Software is its robust placement assistance program. The institute offers a specialized placement call that sets forward great effort to connect students with renowned companies.
100% placement call till you get placed
Resume Building Workshops
Mock Interviews
Free aptitude Soft Skills session
Aptitude Test Preparation
Strong Industry Connections Advanto Software has good contact with several other IT companies across the region. They ensure their students secure great placements. This is because many companies prefer candidates who have passed through the Advanto program due to the richness of skills and thorough training that the candidates undergo. Real-World Projects and Internships:
To overcome this, Advanto Software also has added the aspects of the student's internship and projects as part of their curriculum. It is a highly beneficial approach when it comes to the oriented training of the students to prepare them for the real-life situations that they are going to face in their workplace.
Positive Student Feedback:
The institute has received great comments from the former students, who have acquired quality jobs after training. In the testimonials, the satisfaction of the school environment and the efficiency of the training programs and placement support are mentioned.
Flexible Learning Options:
Based on the various needs of the student community, Advanto Software has provided classes both on weekdays and weekends to cater to the needs of new candidates as well as working employees who aim to get a job with the knowledge and skills.
Location Advantage:
Advanto Software is based in Pune, a significant center for software development and IT, and it offers students lots of networking possibilities and exposure to the growing technology sector.
Advanto Software is one of the best software Training institutes in Pune that provides quality education to their learners along with having a commendable placement rate for their learners. These general courses, skilled educators, and strong relationships with different industries guarantee the best preparation that students can get for the required job openings of the occupation market.
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