#Application maintenance and support activities
techextensor · 7 months
In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on software applications to streamline their operations, engage with customers, and stay competitive in the market. However, the development of these applications is just the beginning of the journey. To ensure their long-term success and functionality, application maintenance and support services play a crucial role. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of application maintenance and support, its key benefits, and best practices for implementing these services effectively.
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wip · 7 months
Hello! Would you ever consider bringing back different post types, especially audio? I appreciate that audio posts now display the artist, song title, and album name, but unfortunately newer audio posts don’t play in Tumblr-based music players like egoisticalgoat.de or robinpx.github.io/boombox because they’re read as text posts. Thank you for reading!
Answer: Hey there, @stepintomusic!
Sadly, the answer here is no. We’ve been moving away from legacy post types and towards the Neue Post Format—a format that allows multiple types of media in the same post—for many years. The new features available in NPF basically guarantee that we won’t ever switch back to the legacy format.
(If you’re interested in peeking behind the scenes here, there are a few posts about NPF over at @engineering.)
Now, to get into the meat of the issue. While it would be amazing if we could support every third-party tool forever, the reality is that we can’t. We’re a surprisingly small team to begin with, and even if we weren’t, that support would come at a cost.
To start, there’s the development tax. Now, would it have been cool to ensure all third-party tools (and all custom themes) worked 100% perfectly with posts stored as NPF before releasing NPF to the public? Yeah, it would have been… for third-party tools and custom themes. For us, it would have meant delaying NPF (and all the features it brings with it) for months, possibly years. Imagine a 2023 where Tumblr still doesn’t have polls: that’s the alternate future we’re talking about here.
And then, there’s our maintenance tax. The engine that powers Tumblr themes is already incredibly complicated—complicated to the point that we’re already finding it difficult to maintain and add things like, as you mentioned, NPF audio metadata. If, every time we found some third-party tool that doesn’t play nice with the latest changes, we tried to make an affordance for it… the engine would just become even more complex. And it would do so quickly, and complex to the point of being impossible to keep up with as a maintainer.
There’s a great article here by a former Mozilla developer about the pitfalls of prioritizing a third-party ecosystem over your own software. Did you know that Firefox was essentially a single-threaded application until 2018? This meant it would still visually lock up when saving files to disk, or collecting crash data. Chrome launched in 2008 and was multiprocess from the start. But it took Firefox ten years to catch up because supporting all existing third-party add-ons was seen as necessary. (Spoiler alert: in the end, they had to drop support for those add-ons anyway.)
My own recommendation around third-party software like this is: get in contact with its developer! If something in their software isn’t working, there’s nobody more qualified to update it. (Or, if they’ve abandoned the project but had made it open-source, maybe someone else could step up to maintain it. Maybe you! You never know until you try.)
I talked about the maintenance tax from the first-party side, but let’s talk about it from the third-party side, too. As a theme author and add-on developer myself, I have long accepted that the cost of maintaining these things can never be zero. When your software interacts with an online service, and that online service is being actively maintained, your software also needs to be maintained.
I hope all this has been enlightening! Thanks for your question, and please, have a great day.
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feelinghaunted · 2 years
jobs masterlist.
because there can never really be enough masterlists regarding jobs for muses as far as i’m concerned. jobs on here will be separated by university / town / city / cruise / entertainment, as those tend to be the main roleplay settings i see. i’m gonna try to keep these more unique as opposed to popular ones like professor, barista and bartender - just because i feel like having unique jobs would be more useful. if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
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academic advisor. 
sponsored research development manager. 
security dispatcher. 
student services evaluator. 
vocational nurse. 
university outreach specialist. 
computational scientist. 
application developer. 
maintenance specialist. 
travel and expense associate. 
project management associate. 
marketing content writer. 
graduate assistant. 
security investigator. 
administrative assistant. 
research technician. 
information technology support specialist. 
undergraduate program administrator. 
nurse coordinator. 
bookstore clerk. 
convenience store clerk.
 data visualization analyst.
child and youth program lead.
veterinarian technician.
construction quality assurance analyst.
loan analyst.
art therapist.
distiller / brewmaster / winemaker.
fashion designer.
hotel manager.
apartment front-desk staff.
physical therapist.
dental assistant.
home health aid.
pet groomer.
remote worker (telemarketer).
tax consultant.
cybersecurity analyst.
patient service representative.
beach crew attendant.
leasing agent.
production associate.
facility maintenance technician.
rental sales agent.
flight attendant.
software engineer.
game developer.
delivery driver.
online dating ghostwriter.
bike courier.
ethical hacker.
robotics engineer.
mobile app developer.
catering attendant. 
prep cook.
banquet server.
marketing specialist.
daycare staff.
recreation manager.
brand manager.
casino dealer.
activity coordinator.
fitness instructor.
hr manager.
dive instructor.
electrical technician.
environmental officer.
make up artist.
a&r administrator.
fake food artist.
intimacy coordinator.
breakdown artist.
animal trainer.
pr manager.
booking agent.
video editor.
light technician.
audio engineer.
entertainment writer.
voice-over artist.
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equipe · 8 months
Notes de mise à jour
🌟 Nouveautés
Le badge Mécène Tumblr est à présent pris en charge dans la version 31.2 des applications iOS et Android (utilisateurs anglophones uniquement pour l'instant). Si votre compte est paramétré en anglais, vous pouvez d'ores et déjà le découvrir dans notre boutique sur le Web !
L'équipe des Labos s'apprête à expérimenter une nouvelle fonctionnalité intitulée "Collections" et elle a besoin de votre aide. Si vous avez envie de participer, veuillez consulter ce billet (en anglais).
Pour les utilisateurs de blogs multi-auteurs protégés par un mot de passe sur le Web, nous avons rétabli la pastille de notification qui s'appose au menu "Compte" lorsque de nouveaux billets ont été publiés par d'autres membres du blog.
La nouvelle interface de configuration des onglets du TdB est à présent disponible pour tous les utilisateurs. Nous travaillons toujours à la possibilité de pouvoir déterminer quel est l'onglet par défaut (à choisir entre "Abonnements" et "Pour vous"). Enfin, pour les utilisateurs ayant d'ores et déjà expérimenté l'activation de certains onglets tels que "Populaires" ou "Blogs notifiés", le paramétrage de ces onglets n'est désormais plus réalisable dans l'interface de configuration : rendez-vous à présent dans les Labos Tumblr pour les activer/désactiver.
Des améliorations ont été apportées sur les différents flux de contenus sur le Web, notamment le défilement perpétuel. Si vous aviez décidé de désactiver cette fonction sur le Web car vous trouviez qu'elle manquait de fluidité, redonnez-lui une chance ! En revanche, si vous aviez privilégié la pagination parce que vous la trouviez davantage à votre goût, c'est très bien ainsi… et ces améliorations vous seront également bénéfiques !
Nous travaillons en ce moment à l'amélioration des recherches sur Tumblr, et l'une de nos dernières expérimentations consiste à tenter de retrouver des billets en se basant sur la reconnaissance d'image. Alors, si vous effectuez une recherche et que cette dernière vous propose des images qui ne vous semblent pas en adéquation avec la thématique recherchée ou dont les textes/tags ne s'avèrent pas pertinents, nous vous invitons à le signaler à notre Support en leur précisant : le mot ou l'expression recherchée ainsi que des exemples de billets qui vous semblent inappropriés.
Dans l'éditeur de billets sur le Web, il est maintenant possible de convertir un bloc Lien directement en hypertexte en cliquant sur le menu ●●● du bloc généré lors du copier-coller du lien.
La longueur maximale du texte du bouton Question des blogs a été réduite et est à présent fixée à 26 caractères. Le message d'erreur affiché est désormais plus explicite lorsque cette limite est dépassée.
Les réactions/reblogs/coups de cœur issus de blogs dont vous avez bloqué l'auteur, ou dont l'auteur vous a bloqué, ne sont désormais plus affichés dans la section Notes des billets, et ce, pour tous les utilisateurs.
Les questions et contributions issues de blogs ayant bloqué le destinataire sont à présent filtrées.
🛠️ Correctifs
Correction de diverses anomalies pouvant provoquer, en de rares occasions, une absence trop précoce de propositions dans l'onglet "Pour vous".
Correction sur le Web d'un bug assez pénible qui pouvait désactiver les raccourcis clavier J et K lorsque le zoom du navigateur (ou de l'écran) n'était pas configuré sur un affichage à 100 %.
Le caractère Unicode "null" ne peut dorénavant plus être utilisé en tant que proposition d'un sondage. Nous travaillons également à la correction d'un bug provoqué par l'utilisation du "\" en tant que possibilité de réponse.
Correction d'un bug dans les onglets "Abonnements" et "Pour vous" qui pouvaient parfois nécessiter 10 secondes ou plus avant de charger les pages suivantes au fur et à mesure du défilement.
Correction dans l'éditeur de billets sur le Web de plusieurs anomalies qui pouvaient survenir lors d'un copier-coller ou de la sélection du texte.
Se connecter après avoir aimé un billet en étant déconnecté redirige désormais vers le billet lui-même au lieu de la section Explorer.
Lors de l'importation d'un média avec l'éditeur de billets sur le Web, le bouton "Publier" reste dorénavant désactivé tant que le média n'est pas complétement transféré.
Supprimer un reblog ou une réaction dans les notes d'un billet retire à présent bien l'activité associée dans la section Trafic.
Il n'est à présent plus possible de mentionner un blog que l'on a bloqué ou qui nous a bloqué. La plupart des situations étaient déjà gérées avant ce correctif, mais quelques rares cas passaient encore entre les mailles du filet et ont été résolus suite à vos signalements.
🚧 En cours
🌱 Prochainement
Une expérimentation permettant aux utilisateurs de réagir à des billets en utilisant l'un de leurs blogs supplémentaires (y compris les blogs multi-auteurs) sera bientôt proposée.
Vous rencontrez un problème ? Écrivez-nous (en anglais) et nous reviendrons vers vous aussi vite que possible !
Vous souhaitez nous faire part de vos commentaires ? Rendez-nous visite sur le blog Work in Progress et participez aux discussions de la Communauté !
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cheritzteam · 2 years
[The Ssum] The Ssum : Forbidden Lab Update (2/9 KST, v1.0.6)
Hello, dear lab participant.
You may now download the new version of <The Ssum : Forbidden Lab>.
Google Play Store (Android) - link Apple App Store (iOS) - link
*It may take some time for the application to have its review complete and be available on the Apple App Store.
This update comes with server maintenance, so you may receive 20 Aurora Batteries as Study Support upon accessing the game.
Make sure you access the Lab by 8th of September, 8:59 P.M. (KST) to get your batteries!
The following is the details on the update we have received from the Lab.
To those who had to wait so long for their special ssum-one to talk to them… We fixed the app algorithms that transcend and connect space and time.
To those who were alarmed because their special ssum-one rushed with their progress… We advised him to take one step at a time in coordination with your daily pattern.
To those who had wrong constellations displayed for their birthdays… We made sure the right constellations will be displayed.
[Others] - We fixed the bugs and improved the planetary designs.
We appreciate your reports and activities you make as a part of the Lab.
Thank you.
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accepting donations on paypal
i hate to do this, but my mom really needs support with things like paying bills n maintenance on the house, and until i can either get back to school or someplace accepts my 1000th job application this is pretty much all i can do to help. we’re not gonna go hungry or homeless if i don’t get any donations, but it’d take a lot of pressure off my family to have some extra money to better handle things like getting the AC fixed or paying the taxes on my truck, so even just a few bucks and passing this on would be greatly appreciated you can send me money via the paypal account associated with [email protected], or donate through the following link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=F5USZMHHMDJ26&no_recurring=1&item_name=this+is+to+help+my+mother+pay+bills+until+i+can+either+go+back+to+school+or+finally+get+a+job¤cy_code=USD
EDIT (1/7/24)
okay so i prolly shoulda edited this BEFORE i saw like 8 people reblog it just now, but i’m currently no longer in active need of money. a little extra cash always helps to have, but i’m not in active need of financial help currently. not gonna bother to delete this post in case that changes in the future, just thought it’d be good to make that clear to anyone who’s rebloggin this
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apptechbuilders · 9 months
Mobile App Maintenance and Support: Ensuring a Seamless User Experience
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In today’s digital landscape, mobile applications have become an integral part of our lives. From social networking to e-commerce and productivity tools, mobile apps have transformed the way we communicate, work, and interact with the world. However, developing a successful mobile app is just the first step; to ensure its long-term success, regular maintenance and reliable support are crucial.
The Importance of Mobile App Maintenance
Mobile app maintenance refers to the process of updating, optimizing, and enhancing an application to meet changing user expectations, market trends, and technological advancements. It involves fixing bugs, addressing performance issues, and adding new features to keep the app relevant and engaging.
Regular maintenance is essential for several reasons:
1. Bug Fixes and Performance Optimization
No app is perfect, and bugs are an inevitable part of the development process. Regular maintenance allows developers to identify and fix these bugs promptly. This ensures that users have a smooth and seamless experience while using the app. Moreover, performance optimization helps in enhancing the app’s speed, responsiveness, and overall user satisfaction.
2. Compatibility with OS Updates
Operating system updates are released frequently, introducing new features and security patches. Mobile app maintenance ensures that your application remains compatible with the latest versions of operating systems, such as iOS and Android. Failure to update the app may lead to compatibility issues and a deteriorating user experience.
3. Security Enhancements
With the increasing number of cyber threats and data breaches, maintaining robust security measures is of paramount importance. Regular maintenance allows developers to identify vulnerabilities and apply necessary security patches, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or data leakage. This helps in building trust among users and safeguarding their sensitive information.
4. User Feedback and Feature Updates
Users provide valuable insights and feedback on the app’s performance, usability, and desired features. Mobile app maintenance enables developers to gather this feedback and make informed decisions regarding feature updates and improvements. By addressing user needs and expectations, you can enhance user engagement and increase user retention.
The Role of Mobile App Support
Mobile app support complements maintenance efforts by providing assistance and resolving user queries and concerns. Effective app support ensures a positive user experience and builds customer loyalty. Here are some key aspects of mobile app support:
1. Prompt Issue Resolution
Users may encounter technical issues, difficulties in navigating the app, or have questions about its functionality. A responsive support team can address these concerns promptly, providing solutions and guidance to users. This helps in reducing user frustration and ensures that they continue to use and recommend the app.
2. Help Desk and Documentation
A comprehensive help desk and well-documented resources, such as FAQs, tutorials, and user guides, can empower users to find answers to common questions on their own. This reduces the burden on the support team and enables users to troubleshoot minor issues independently, thereby improving their overall satisfaction with the app.
3. User Engagement and Feedback Management
App support channels provide an opportunity to engage with users, understand their needs, and gather feedback. Support agents can collect valuable insights about user preferences, pain points, and feature requests, which can inform future maintenance and development efforts. By actively listening to users and acting upon their feedback, you can foster a sense of community and loyalty among app users.
Mobile app maintenance and support are indispensable for ensuring the longevity and success of your application. Regular maintenance allows you to fix bugs, optimize performance, enhance security, and incorporate user feedback. Meanwhile, effective app support ensures prompt issue resolution, empowers users with self-help resources, and facilitates user engagement. By prioritizing these aspects, you can deliver a seamless user experience, build customer loyalty, and stay ahead in today’s competitive app market.
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folieadeuxserver · 7 months
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Folie à Deux has opened mod applications!
Are you interested in shaping the future of an active, supportive, and accepting 18+ Hannibal and HEU creators' server? Looking for a tight-knit and welcoming community to call your own?
If so, this is for you! We're looking to expand our mod team. and currently have two roles open: Moderator (our higher commitment role) and Hall Monitor (our lower commitment role).
Here's a breakdown of what each role entails! This is also available on both our server and application form.
Hall Monitors are primarily focused on server interaction and are responsible for monitoring our channels and hosting creator hangouts and streams. They also contribute to server events, administrative efforts, etc.!
Moderators are responsible for server monitoring and hosting creator hangouts and streams just like hall monitors, but they also run our social media accounts (twitter, tumblr, and ao3), plan and host creator challenges, screen member and dead dove applications, perform server maintenance with our discord bots, and run projects like our fic club and creator spotlight.
If any of this sounds interesting to you, check out the information on our tumblr pages or carrd, hop into our discord server, and take a look at our mod application!
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ultimate-worldbuilding · 10 months
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Creating a Space Station
Name and Location:
Name of the space station
Orbital location (e.g., around a planet, moon, or in deep space)
Any unique features or characteristics of the location
Background and Purpose:
Brief history and reasons for the station's construction
Primary purpose or mission of the station (e.g., research, colonization, defense, trade, mining, etc.)
Key organizations or entities involved in its establishment
Design and Structure:
Overview of the station's architectural design and layout
Different modules or sections of the station (e.g., living quarters, research labs, docking bays, etc.)
Key engineering feats or technological advancements used in its construction
Size and Population:
Dimensions of the space station (length, width, height)
Estimated population and demographics (humans, aliens, robots, etc.)
Capacity for expansion and accommodating future growth
Systems and Resources:
Life support and Resource systems: Air generation and filtration, Water purification and recycling, Waste management, Artificial gravity, Temperature and air pressure control, Radiation protection, Fire suppression systems, Medical supplies and tools, Food production, Maintenance and Repair tools and facilities
Energy source and storage: Solar power, Nuclear fusion, Advanced batteries, Fusion reactors, Harvesting solar flares
Living Quarters and Facilities
Description of residential areas (individual quarters, communal spaces, recreational facilities)
Water block
Medical facilities and healthcare services available
Education and training facilities for residents and their families
Scientific Research and Laboratories
Different types of laboratories and equipment available depending on the stations’s mission
Astronomical observatories, Biological Laboratory, Climate and Environmental Studies, Planet observation and Research, Rock Analysis Facility
Transportation and Docking:
Docking bays for spacecraft and shuttle services
Transportation systems within the station (elevators, maglev trains, etc.)
Maintenance and repair facilities for visiting spacecraft
Security and Defense:
Security measures and protocols
Defense systems against potential threats: Shielding technology, Defensive satellites & space drones, Cloaking Technology, Countermeasures (flares, countershots, etc), Intruder Detection Systems, Surveillance and AI protection, Protection by AI or Hacker from outside hacks, Self-Repair System
Security personnel and their roles and ranks
Communication and Information Systems:
Communication technology used for inter-station and interstellar communication
Data storage and retrieval systems
Access to networks anddatabases
Trade and Economy:
Types of goods and resources traded on the station
Cargo of the space station
Economic systems
Currency used
Marketplaces within the station
Social and Cultural Aspects:
Societal norms and cultural diversity among the station's residents
Recreational and entertainment facilities (cinemas, sports arenas, etc.)
Events or celebrations unique to the station's culture
Governance and Administration:
Station hierarchy and governing bodies (administrators, council, etc.)
Laws and regulations specific to the station
Interactions with external governing entities (planetary governments, interstellar alliances, etc.)
Exploration and Discovery:
Expeditions or missions launched from the station
Discoveries made during exploration and sample gathering efforts
Spacecrafts and vehicles associated with the station's exploration activities
Environmental Considerations:
Measures taken to mitigate the effects of microgravity or radiation on residents' health
Environmental controls and simulations for recreating gravity and natural environments
Preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity on the station (if applicable)
Emergency Response and Crisis Management:
Protocols for handling emergencies (fires, system failures, medical emergencies, etc.)
Emergency evacuation plans and escape pods
Training programs for emergency response teams
Relations with Other Space Stations or Entities:
Collaborative projects or joint initiatives with other space stations
Trade agreements or diplomatic relations with neighboring stations or colonies
Conflict resolution mechanisms for inter-station disputes
Notable Individuals or Figures:
Prominent leaders from the station
Accomplishments and contributions of notable residents
Astronauts, scientists, or pioneers who have called the station home
Challenges and Risks:
Environmental and technological risks faced by the station
Political and social tensions within the station's community
External threats and conflicts affecting the station's stability
Future Expansion and Development:
Plans for future expansion and upgrades (where are they gonna get the resources for this?)
Integration of new technologies, scientific advancements into the station's infrastructure
Long-term goals for the station
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managedserversus · 10 months
Dedicated Server Hosting and Management Services: Power and Control for Your Business
In today’s digital landscape, businesses of all sizes rely heavily on their online presence. Whether you run a small e-commerce store or a large enterprise, having a robust and reliable website is crucial to attract customers, drive sales, and maintain a competitive edge. This is where dedicated server hosting and management services come into play.
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A dedicated server is a powerful computer that is solely dedicated to hosting your website and applications. Unlike shared hosting, where multiple websites share the same server resources, a dedicated server provides exclusive access and resources to a single client. This level of control and performance makes dedicated server hosting the preferred choice for businesses with high traffic volumes, complex websites, and stringent security requirements.
The Advantages of Dedicated Server Hosting
1. Enhanced Performance: With a dedicated server, you don’t have to worry about competing for resources with other websites. Your server’s resources, including CPU, RAM, and storage, are dedicated solely to your business. This translates into faster loading times, smoother website performance, and a better user experience for your customers.
2. Scalability and Flexibility: Dedicated server hosting offers scalability options that can accommodate the growth of your business. As your website’s traffic and resource demands increase, you can easily upgrade your server’s hardware specifications to meet your evolving needs. This scalability ensures that your website can handle high traffic volumes and deliver a seamless experience to your visitors.
3. Enhanced Security: Security is a top concern for any online business. With a dedicated server, you have full control over your server’s security measures. You can implement customized firewall rules, install security software, and configure other security measures to protect your website and sensitive data. Dedicated server hosting also reduces the risk of security breaches caused by neighboring websites, as you are not sharing server resources with other unknown entities.
4. Complete Control: Dedicated server hosting gives you unparalleled control over your server environment. You have root access, allowing you to customize the server’s operating system, install any software or applications you require, and configure the server settings according to your specific needs. This level of control enables you to optimize your server for maximum performance and tailor it to your unique business requirements.
Managed Dedicated Server Hosting Services
While the advantages of dedicated server hosting are undeniable, managing a dedicated server can be a complex and time-consuming task. It requires technical expertise, constant monitoring, and regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and security.
Thankfully, many hosting providers offer managed dedicated server hosting services to relieve businesses of the burden of server management. With managed hosting, the hosting provider takes care of server setup, configuration, regular updates, security patches, backups, and 24/7 monitoring. This allows you to focus on your core business activities, knowing that your server is in capable hands.
Managed dedicated server hosting services provide numerous benefits:
1. Expert Support: Hosting providers offering managed services have experienced professionals who specialize in server management. They are available round the clock to address any issues, provide technical assistance, and ensure smooth server operations. This eliminates the need for an in-house IT team dedicated to server management.
2. Regular Updates and Maintenance: Managed hosting providers handle all the necessary updates and maintenance tasks for your server. This includes applying security patches, upgrading software, and optimizing server performance. By keeping your server up-to-date, they help mitigate potential vulnerabilities and ensure the smooth running of your website.
3. Monitoring and Security: Managed hosting providers employ robust monitoring systems to track your server’s performance, uptime, and security. They proactively detect and resolve any issues that may arise, ensuring that your website remains accessible and secure at all times. This continuous monitoring helps prevent downtime and safeguards your business reputation.
4. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Regular backups are crucial to safeguard your data and ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster. Managed hosting providers implement reliable backup solutions and disaster recovery plans to protect your valuable data. This means that even in the face of hardware failures or other unforeseen events, your data can be quickly restored, minimizing potential losses.
Dedicated server hosting and management services offer businesses the power and control they need to thrive in the digital world. The enhanced performance, scalability, security, and customization options provided by dedicated servers are unparalleled. For businesses looking to optimize their online presence and ensure a seamless user experience, dedicated server hosting is the way to go.
However, managing a dedicated server can be a daunting task. That’s where managed hosting services come in. By entrusting your server management to professionals, you can focus on growing your business while enjoying the benefits of a secure, high-performing, and fully optimized server environment.
Investing in dedicated server hosting and management services is an investment in your business’s online success and long-term growth. Take the leap and unlock the full potential of your website today!
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Multi-Fandom Postcard Exchange: Important Announcement
Hey there, everyone. It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to begin the process of closing the Multi-Fandom Postcard Exchange. The exchange will officially close on August 29th of next year (2024).
The primary reasons for this decision are a lack of funds and a lack of commitable time. The lack of funds in particular has made it impossible to keep up with annual increases in PO box pricing, ever-growing postage rates, and maintenance of required tech.
Please read on for further important information.
❤ Vex and Rebel
Sending Postcards
Current members are welcome and encouraged to continue sending postcards from now until July 1, 2024. This cut off date should allow mail from international members to reach us before our PO box closes at the end of August 2024.
Please remember to continue registering your received postcards!
Membership Management
Membership has been CLOSED and no new member applications will be accepted. Current members are still welcome to manage their membership through these forms:
Update Public & Private Information
Update Interest Profile
Update Gifting Information
Retire Membership
Fortune Friday
There will be one more members-only Fortune Friday event. It will occur on Friday, October 13, 2023.
Holiday Cheer
We are very sorry to announce that we will be unable to coordinate Holiday Cheer this year. We understand that Holiday Cheer has been a popular and appreciated event for the past three years and we apologize for any upset this change causes.
Additional Information
If you have any questions, the ask box is open.
Behind the Keep Reading cut below, you will find:
Any information we forgot to include when initially making this post. (Anything we missed will have its own separate post, but since this will be our Pinned post, we want it to be comprehensive.)
A more in-depth and personal explanation of our decision to close the Multi-Fandom Postcard Exchange, ways to keep in touch, and a thank you.
Explanation of Circumstances
The decision to close the MFPE came down to two things: money and time.
Since opening in August 2020, we have spent $1,260.09 in postage, $582 in PO box fees, and $180.31 on certain miscellaneous gifts to our members. That last number does NOT include the cost of things won from our Prize Vault, the cost of items distributed during our Member Appreciation Giveaway, or other gifts that were never itemized. In other words, far more has been spent than the $2,022.40 outlined above.
As of October 6, 2023, the MFPE has received $757.53 in donations, and we have been grateful for every penny. But the MFPE was never meant to run off of donations.
Why? Well, Vex (that's me) had a secure, stable, well-paying job for over a decade and expected to stay at said job until retirement. I definitely did not expect to become increasingly unable to work due to traumatic stress. In fact, when my therapist suggested I take a long break from work, I laughed and said it would be impossible. (Ha ha ha.) So instead of applying for the short- and long-term disability benefits I had access to at the time, I kept going and going until I suddenly reached my breaking point and quit my job in a fit of desperate frustration.
That is the simplified version of the story. The tl;dr version would be: I used to make money and now I don't.
But even if it were possible to fund the MFPE purely through donations, Rebel and I are still unable to commit the time.
Keep in Touch
If you would like to keep in touch, I am currently more active on Dreamwidth than anywhere else. A majority of posts are friends-only, but feel free to subscribe and request access (drop a comment saying you're from the MFPE!).
Other places you can find me are listed on my Fandom vCard.
Thank You
To our members, volunteers, and supporters: thank you for all of your kindness, interest, passion, and cheerleading throughout the years. It has meant more to me than I could possibly express and you have my endless gratitude.
Spread joy. Be kind to each other. Every small action has the potential to save someone's life.
❤ Vex
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A clinical decision support system for Earth-independent medical operations
Deep space exploration requires a paradigm shift in astronaut medical support toward Earth-independent medical operations. Currently, astronauts rely on real-time communication with ground-based medical providers. However, as the distance from Earth increases, so do communication delays and disruptions. Deep space exploration crews will need to autonomously detect, diagnose, treat, and prevent medical conditions.
One potential solution is to augment the long duration exploration crew's knowledge, skills, and abilities with a digital clinical decision support system, or CDSS. The Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) element of NASA's Human Research Program is investigating the feasibility and value of advanced capabilities to promote and enhance EIMO.
The ExMC research team has produced a CDSS concept in which medical data would be continuously gathered, through both passive and active monitoring, and delivers real-time guidance. This helps improve patient outcomes and reduce the workload of health maintenance. The work is published in the journal npj Microgravity.
The assistive technology of ExMC's envisioned CDSS stands to significantly enhance a crew's medical capability. Private applications for this approach are currently being considered by commercial space flight programs, a timely example of how ARC Space Biosciences research benefits the entire space sector.
IMAGE....Current paradigm for astronaut health care in space. a At the NASA International Space Station (ISS) mission control center (MCC) in Houston, TX, the Flight Surgeon (FS) has a dedicated console position labeled SURGEON. Sitting to his left is the biomedical engineer (BME) flight controller. There is often a second medical doctor on console during safety critical operations. Source. JSC2012-E054285 (25 May 2012), Photo credit: NASA. b The FS is supported by numerous personnel assigned to provide backup depending on the medical issue. These support personnel include physicians (with an array of subspecialty expertise), nurses, and engineers (responsible for addressing life support capabilities). The FS communicates directly to a crew medical officer (CMO) onboard the ISS. Credit: npj Microgravity (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41526-023-00284-1
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Frontend Frameworks for Web Development
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Frontend Frameworks for Web Development, creating captivating and user-friendly websites and web applications is essential for businesses to thrive. With the increasing demand for dynamic and interactive web experiences, frontend development has become more crucial than ever.
To meet these demands efficiently, developers rely on frontend frameworks, which streamline the development process and enhance productivity.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of frontend frameworks for web development, covering everything from key factors to consider when choosing a framework to the top options available in India.
Overview of Frontend Frameworks for Web Development
Frontend frameworks are collections of pre-written code, libraries, and tools that expedite the process of building user interfaces for websites and web applications.
These frameworks provide developers with a structured approach to frontend development, offering ready-made components, templates, and utilities to streamline common tasks.
By leveraging frontend frameworks, developers can achieve consistency, maintainability, and scalability in their projects while focusing more on functionality and user experience.
These frameworks often follow the principles of modularization and component-based architecture, facilitating code reuse and making development more efficient.
Key Factors to Consider in a Frontend Frameworks for Web Development
When choosing a frontend framework for web development, several key factors should be considered:
Community Support: Opt for frameworks with active and robust communities. A strong community ensures ongoing support, frequent updates, and a wealth of resources such as documentation, tutorials, and plugins.
Performance: Evaluate the performance metrics of the framework, including page load times, rendering speed, and resource utilization. A lightweight and efficient framework can significantly impact the user experience.
Flexibility and Customization: Assess the framework's flexibility in accommodating project requirements and its customization options. Look for frameworks that allow developers to tailor components and styles to suit specific design needs.
Learning Curve: Consider the learning curve associated with the framework, especially if you're working with a team of developers with varying skill levels. Choose a framework that aligns with your team's expertise and resources.
Compatibility and Browser Support: Ensure that the framework is compatible with a wide range of browsers and devices, particularly if your target audience includes users with diverse preferences and devices.
Updates and Maintenance: Check the framework's update frequency and long-term maintenance plans. Regular updates and proactive maintenance are essential for addressing security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues.
7 Best  Frontend Frameworks for Web Development in India
Now, let's explore some of the top  Frontend Frameworks for Web Development widely used by developers in India:
React.js: Developed by Facebook, React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It emphasizes component-based architecture and virtual DOM for efficient rendering. React's ecosystem includes tools like React Router for routing and Redux for state management.
Angular: Backed by Google, Angular is a comprehensive frontend framework for building robust web applications. It provides features such as two-way data binding, dependency injection, and modular development. Angular offers a full-fledged ecosystem with Angular CLI for project scaffolding and Angular Material for UI components.
Vue.js: Vue.js is an advanced JavaScript framework known for its simplicity and flexibility. It allows developers to incrementally adopt its features and integrate it into existing projects easily. Vue.js offers reactive data binding, virtual DOM, and a rich ecosystem of plugins and components.
Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework for building responsive and mobile-first websites. It provides a grid system, pre-styled components, and responsive utilities, allowing developers to create sleek and consistent designs quickly. Bootstrap is highly customizable and offers extensive documentation and community support.
Svelte: Svelte is a relatively new frontend framework that focuses on compiling components at build time rather than runtime. This approach results in highly optimized and lightweight web applications. Svelte's simplicity and performance make it an attractive choice for developers seeking efficiency and speed.
Tailwind CSS: Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of low-level utility classes for building custom designs. It offers a highly customizable and expressive approach to styling, enabling developers to create unique and responsive interfaces without writing custom CSS. Tailwind CSS is gaining popularity for its developer-friendly workflow and rapid prototyping capabilities.
Foundation: Foundation is a responsive front-end framework developed by ZURB, known for its modular and customizable nature. It offers a comprehensive set of CSS and JavaScript components, as well as a robust grid system and a variety of UI elements. Foundation is well-suited for building modern and accessible web projects.
Conclusion for Web Development
Choosing the right  Frontend Frameworks for Web Development is crucial to the success of your website development. Consider factors such as community support, performance, flexibility, and compatibility when evaluating different frameworks. Each framework has its strengths and weaknesses, so assess your project requirements and development preferences carefully before making a decision.
Whether you opt for React.js, Angular, Vue.js, or any other frontend framework, prioritize learning and mastering the chosen tool to maximize its potential and deliver exceptional web experiences. Keep abreast of new developments, best practices, and emerging trends in frontend development to stay ahead in this ever-evolving field.
FAQs for Web Development
Q: Which frontend framework is best for beginners?
A: Vue.js and React.js are often recommended for beginners due to their relatively gentle learning curves and extensive documentation.
Q: How do I choose between Angular and React for my project?
A: Consider factors such as project requirements, team expertise, and ecosystem preferences. Angular offers a comprehensive solution with built-in features, while React provides more flexibility and a vibrant ecosystem.
Q: Are frontend frameworks necessary for web development?
A: While not strictly necessary, frontend frameworks greatly simplify and expedite the web development process, especially for complex and dynamic projects. They provide structure, consistency, and efficiency, ultimately enhancing productivity and user experience.
Q: Can I use multiple frontend frameworks in the same project?
A: While technically possible, using multiple frontend frameworks in the same project can lead to complexity, conflicts, and maintenance challenges. It's generally advisable to stick to a single framework to maintain code consistency and streamline development.
More Details
Website: https://censoware.com/
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mercyjuliet1512 · 2 months
Navigating the Testing Landscape: Choosing Between Automation Testing and Selenium Testing
Introduction: Testing is a crucial aspect of software development, ensuring that applications meet quality standards and perform as expected. Among the myriad testing approaches available, automation testing and Selenium testing stand out as popular choices. In this article, we'll delve into the considerations and nuances of each approach to help you make informed decisions for your testing endeavors.
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Unpacking Automation Testing:
Automation testing streamlines the testing process by utilizing specialized tools to execute test cases and compare actual outcomes with expected results automatically. This approach offers notable advantages:
Enhanced Efficiency: Automation testing significantly reduces the time and effort required for repetitive testing tasks, allowing teams to focus on higher-value activities.
Consistency and Reliability: Automated tests ensure consistent and reliable results across multiple test runs, minimizing the risk of human errors.
Reusability and Scalability: Test scripts developed for automation can be reused across different iterations of the software, promoting scalability and reducing maintenance efforts.
However, automation testing also presents challenges:
Initial Investment: Setting up automation testing frameworks and developing test scripts requires an upfront investment of time and resources.
Maintenance Overhead: Automated test scripts need regular maintenance to adapt to changes in the application under test, which can increase workload and complexity.
Scope Limitations: Not all testing scenarios are suitable for automation, particularly those involving complex user interactions or visual validations.
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Exploring Selenium Testing:
Selenium is a widely-used open-source tool for automating web browsers, offering a range of benefits:
Cross-Browser Compatibility: Selenium allows testers to execute tests across various browsers, ensuring consistent behavior and compatibility across different environments.
Versatility and Flexibility: Supporting multiple programming languages, Selenium provides flexibility for testers to choose their preferred language for test automation.
Integration Capabilities: Selenium seamlessly integrates with other testing frameworks and tools, enabling teams to extend its functionality and integrate it into existing workflows.
Despite its advantages, Selenium testing also presents challenges:
Limited Support for Non-Web Applications: Selenium is primarily designed for web application testing and may not be suitable for other types of applications, such as desktop or mobile apps.
Complex Setup and Configuration: Setting up Selenium testing environments and configuring test scripts can be complex, especially for teams without prior experience.
Dynamic Element Identification: Selenium may encounter challenges in identifying dynamic elements on web pages, requiring testers to employ advanced techniques for effective element identification.
Making Informed Decisions:
When choosing between automation testing and Selenium testing, it's essential to consider factors such as project requirements, team expertise, and application characteristics. Both approaches offer unique advantages and challenges, and the optimal choice depends on your specific needs and constraints. By carefully evaluating your options and leveraging the right tools and techniques, you can streamline your testing efforts and ensure the quality and reliability of your software products.
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classicquid · 3 months
Short Term Cash Loans: The Best Cash Support
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Have you been already exhausted coping lot loan formalities for availing the money in United Kingdom? Don’t worry! Here you are advised to apply for short term cash loans is the best one solution helping you solving miscellaneous financial needs such as paying for medical bills, electricity bills, grocery store bills, child’s school or tuition fees, repairing of car and so forth.
Despite your bad credit history, you can always obtain cash support with short term cash loans. Many lenders are willing to give you the money without requiring credit verification. You therefore have bad credit factors, such as bankruptcy, insolvency, foreclosure, arrears, late payments, CCJs, and so on.
There are short term loans UK direct lender that range in size from £100 to £1,000. The incredible thing is that you may take advantage of the loan mentioned here without having to worry about having to pledge assets as security. This makes it possible for tenants and non-homeowners alike to benefit greatly from the loan. With this money in your possession, you can promptly and simply handle unforeseen expenses. This must be returned within two to four weeks.
Remember that you must meet certain requirements, like being at least eighteen years old, a resident of the United Kingdom, working a regular job that pays at least £1000, and having an open bank account. You can apply for a short term loans UK direct lender as soon as feasible, 24/7. To get your application verified, you must fill out the online form and submit it. On the day of application, the loan is approved and deposited into your account.
Why Apply for a Loan Without Security?
There are many causes for which a person could require a short term loans UK. This kind of loan is helpful for debt consolidation or for funding large expenditures.
The following are a few typical explanations for requesting a short term loan:
Combining debt with high interest rates
Unexpected maintenance or crises
Settling medical debt
Paying for required house repairs
Taking out a short term loans UK for expensive items like electronics or trips can sound alluring. It is not advised to do this. Debt that is not needed might put a strain on your budget and harm your financial stability.
It is usually advisable to save money in advance if you wish to purchase expensive goods or activities. It is advised to use short term loans UK for emergencies. Or other inescapable financial requirements, such as loans for debt consolidation.
Typically, you have to check a few boxes in order to be eligible for a short term loans direct lenders. For example, you require a consistent source of income, ideally from a job. You must provide proof of your address and that your income exceeds your expenses, or that you can afford to take out a loan and repay the balance over time in equal installments. You must have a bank account that you may use to make payments on your personal loan when you apply online.
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cheritzteam · 2 years
[The Ssum] The Ssum : Forbidden Lab Update + Special Compensation and Guide (24/8), v1.0.3)
Hello, dear lab participant.
You may now download the new version of <The Ssum : Forbidden Lab>.
Google Play Store (Android) - link
Apple App Store (iOS) - link
*It may take some time for the application to have its review complete and be available on the Apple App Store.
This update comes with server maintenance, so you may receive 5 Aurora Batteries as Study Support upon accessing the game.
Make sure you access the Lab by 30th of August, 8:59 P.M. (KST) to get your batteries!
[Special Compensation for Study Support]
To all lab participants who have waited at least 20 hours on the 4th day:
We will specially provide 80 Aurora Batteries.
To lab participants with Rainbow/Aurora PIU-PIU:
*Addition* We will provide 1 ticket for the Time Machine and 300 Aurora Batteries.
You can make up for the gameplay you have missed with the items we will provide you, so please take your time to check the guide(click).
We are unable to recover the chats you miss by failing to follow the guide, so please make sure you check the guide.
Please check your Study Support if you happen to be one of the lab participants to receive compensation!
And the following is the details on the update we have received from the Lab.
To those who have been stabbing on the Moon Bunny… Now you can move the Moon Bunny just by pressing.
To those that received over 1000 supports… The number of supports will be displayed by two decimal places if there are at least 1000 supports.
To those that could not see their own comments made on the Bamboo Forest of Troubles… Now the comments will be displayed correctly.
To those who had no idea where to tap upon signing up to the app… We added a feather to show where to sign.
To those who have seen the end of the Shelter’s Refrigerator… Now you will get to see only what you can see.
[Others] - Renewal on planet designs and bug fixes - Bug that causes speedy level-up for some lab participants has been fixed. - Push notification has been fixed.
We apologize for those of you who had to wait due to the recent bug, and we appreciate your reports and activities you make as a part of the Lab.
Thank you.
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