#Anti grayza
rururi-chan · 2 months
It's not my real name but call me rururi pls i'm new to tumblr and i'd like to introduce myself
I was always browsing tumblr bc i wanted to make a blog sooooo badly anyways here's my intro
(Also i'm looking 4 moots)
Fandoms:pokemon, digimon, fairy tail, my hero academia, demon slayer, inuyasha
Otps:graylu(ofc) bixanna, lories, kacchako, dekulissa, midotsuyu, inonezu, tanaoi, inukik, inusan, kogkag, egoshipping, negaishipping, sorato, daikari.
Notps(if u like any of these i'd prefer of u not to interact):gruvia, nalu, natza, grayza, izuocha, bakudeku, kiribaku, zennezu, takari, daiyako, kenyako, inukag, kogaya, mirsan
Also shout out to @grayluforever i agree w u on so many things
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icedevilx766 · 2 years
I think we can all agree that gray has the best chemistry within the show
Gray and Erza? They make a perfect team
Gray and Lucy? They're so fun together and always in tune with each other
Gray and Natsu? Explosive but oh do they make one of the strongest most formidable duos in fairy tail
Gray and Mira? Literally siblings
Gray and juvia? Disgusting, horrendous, awful, heinous, foul and absolutely mortifying but not because of gray
These are just SOME examples of his chemistry as I said he works with everyone absolutely well
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darkcitrin · 1 year
I do not get it. (Also there is a contradiction... a hating achive in which hate is getting deleated? April,april?)
The former generation of anti gruvians had to correct and protect themselves from accusations which saw them only as "haters/ as unhappy people, as trolls who had nothing better to do, than to spread negativity". We had to explain the difference between our analysis and "hate speech" (which was going around back then as a global internet issue) which gave our remarks/posts an additional value than just hating the fav canon ship of fairytail/ of other shippers ("to attack their feelings/happiness"), which lead to our most hated discussion whether fantasy media is influencing the real world or not and whether it should therefore fallow its realistic standarts/rules. We were taken seriously even by some gruvia shippers because we were not just bashing a fictional concept but explaining Why! we as human beings with experiences or a healthy world view cannot tolerate the messages portrayed in "gruvia". Our legitimation was based on this.
I noticed that the internet world creates people who as long as they feel safe enough or who can claim a successful aganda ( which was successful in the past) want "to play activists" and that My "defense went through post" was recently getting attention again.
And I feel the urge to write this reminder / give the historial context which lead to this post back then it was important since anti gruvians were blocked and demonized by stigmas like " being an anti" "a hater", and therefore everything we wrote had not to be taken seriously or even worse there were blogs dedicated to "Warn against us" and "which highly recommanded others to blacklist us/ even suggesting to report certain blogs to tumblr to get them blocked for good", "calling all our content hate blogs/anti blogs/ship war blogs", also our main blogs. (There were even tutorials around showing step by step guides "how to do it")
I do not wish that my "defense went through post" will be used as false safety that actually hating and bashing gruvia (which is ok since it is an fictional construct without feelings as long as humans are not getting attacked) will be safe.
Always remember that what you publish will be an expression of your character, can be used against you or your ship community you love (grayza and graylu fandoms were attacked as penalty due to some shippers which were also outspoken antigruvians). And that it is also true that if you spend too much time on things you dislike without getting any empowerment through it/higher purpose/validation after irritation/ steam release, it can also affect you negatively, also which kind of language you are using frequently will shape your habbits, your self image and image in general.
In case, (which at this starting point cannot be known) this is just another attempt to let anti gruvians look like "haters", to creat an opportunity to discredit their content or former content... Don't.
Everyone is soley responsible for their own posts (content, language usage, additional value/spam) and this attempt would not be successful. The topics discussed here are bulletproof and their credibility would not change based on single outliners "using hate speech language".
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hakunafuckingmatata · 4 months
I’m not sure why people can’t just like what they like and leave others alone. Though I am a canon shipper I always encourage others to leave non can shippers alone. I hate with a passion when some pro shippers act like someone shipping something different it will affect canon. Like the story is the story and nothing anyone says will change it so why not allow folks who don’t have a canon ship enjoy fanfics, fan art, and anything else the fandom might produce. If someone wanna talk about Juvia couldn’t care less. I like her but I understand not everyone will. Not all characters are gonna be liked by everyone and that’s fine. I’m a huge Lucy fan and I use to actively defend but I stopped doing that a few years back too. I can’t force people to see things from my perspective and I wish others would see it like that when they are trashing people like you who aren’t a fan of Juvia. People need to learn that it’s okay for you to hate a character just as much as it is for them to love a character. Anyways I just wanted to say this from a pro side who doesn’t believe in beefing with antis especially those that just stay in their lanes and don’t bother us pros.
This is very great post.
You see how sensitive people are when you don't agree with them? Or when you don't like their favorite character they harrass you.
I just don't like characters like her. This is not something like my comfort character. But I think I can't have my own opinion in these times. Like I can't have my own right.
But this is how internet works. You can't escape when someone doesn't agree with you.
It's not my fault that some characters just annoys me. But this is really a reason to reply to me and saying I am sexist? Do I harrass people by saying I don't like FICTIONAL character?
Yes, I replied in very mean way. You know why? I am just tired of explaining and I knew that all the angry comments gonna flow to me. And from here I'm gonna ignore these people because I'm done. Because of that I feel like I can't like my favourites.
I never said that harrassing shippers of others ship is okay!! They only see what they want to see and I couldn't help that. I even pointed that this isn't okay.
This is my last post about this drama. I hope it ends soon, because I see no point over arguing about ships. Yet, people only see their truth.
My note to people: just stop, okay? This is really sad what others are doing.
Thank you for this post. I hope everyone will see it and understand finally.
And really don't reply to me how bad I am how I harrass people, because I know myself and I will not agree with that. There is no point in explaining when someone doesn't listen to what you're saying.
I get it. Half of them like GrayLu, half of them like Gruvia, even GrayZa. I am sure that in other fandoms, games, you have characters you don't like or you have characters you're uncomfortable to ship with even when author decides so. But this is not a reason to persuade everyone that your right is your right.
Ship whatever you want, please. Read fanfics, made edits with whoever you want and accept each other's decisions.
I'm really glad I'm not into fandoms so much, because I hate wars, arguing and explaining myself again and again.
I simply wanted to point that everything has bad and good side. Nothing is perfect. I really found this funny when ppl are arguing and fighting over something they cannot change.
If you wanna talk with me, just simply dm me and don't hide with anon when saying bad words to me.
So please stop this war already and simply enjoy a good series.
You all know how fans could be bad. Remember about thing that happened with Jujutsu Kaisen? This is not normal. So stop that.
I will be mean to someone who is mean to me and can't just simply talk without the harrasment.
So thank you again for this post. It made my hope for this fandom rise up. Although I don't think I will be including myself in it. I don't want fights when someone don't understand you.
And that is all. When you want to talk, dm me, I will reply.
Thanks for reading and maybe someday I will join this fandom again. For now I will simply enjoy this show by myself.
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gralunaisland · 2 years
you know pros are seething about graylu when they're 'best' arguements against it is that it would be 'boring'. The insecurity runs deeps because they know deep down lucy could've worked just as well with gray. Graylu intimidates them so much to the point where they NEED to prove that they mean nothing to each other and that gray is 'much closer' to other people. They've also stated that shipping the two together would be 'incest'.
Bad Arguments Against GraLu
Yeaaah, "boring" is a really bad argument when the counter argument is that gr///via is toxic. Do they really want to answer the question "would you rather have a vanilla romance, or would you rather have a toxic one?" with "I'd take toxic, unhealthy, and destructive any day of the week"??
I'm also wondering exactly what part about Gray's and Lucy's relationship or potential romance is particularly boring. Is it just because they're friends? Can friends-to-lovers never be interesting? Would we rather have abuser-and-victim-to-lovers with juvia? Apparently some people say yes.
I think the most interesting relationships are when both sides are falling for each other over a period of time. This is of course subjective, but I personally hate romances where one side is already madly in love, because then from a story-telling perspective, only one person has to do any work (i.e. has to go through the emotional changes in order to accommodate the other), and it's really boring to me because it's basically half the action that could be happening (It's pretty hard to articulate this, so I hope it makes sense to y'all).
Plus, I personally don't find GraLu to be boring because of their immense chemistry with each other, and not just romantic chemistry! They're such close friends, and they're always 100% real with each other, which is absolute hilarious to watch.
Of course, how much a ship entertains someone is up to the individual since it can be pretty subjective. However, that just further proves that the boring argument is bad because maybe it's boring to them, but what about the rest of the sizeable GraLu fandom?
I concur that the ones who keep blasting GraLu are probably insecure, and I really like how you mentioned that they actually do know that Lucy would've worked well with Gray because I completely agree. As I've said in other posts, if the gr///vians were secure and confident in their ship, then they wouldn't care about other ships even if they clashed with theirs. However, Gray and Lucy have such fabulous chemistry that in order to make their gr///via ship seem valid and "the best", they have to tear down GraLu just so they can feel assured in their pairing.
It's pretty sad to see.
They're definitely way too intimidated by GraLu, but you know what, they're rightfully intimidated by it because it just is that awesome of a ship, and it's so much better than gr///via (I think it's safe to say GraLu is just objectively better than gr///via even if you only look at the healthiness of the ship for both parties).
And, my word, Pros, ok, the "inc*st" comments really need to stop.
At this point, they're just using revolting language to describe GraLu so that other people will have the same reaction to it. It's such a low blow and an underhanded tactic to make people associate GraLu with inc*st. Gray and Lucy are actually not related, and the discussion of "inc*st" should die as soon as it’s faced with that fact.
Just because people "act like siblings" (and who are they to decide just how siblings act? Siblings act differently for every family) doesn't mean they're related, and therefore that doesn’t mean that they can't have chemistry and date. Sure, some siblings act like best friends with each other, but if two people aren't related and act like that, then why can't they just be viewed as best friends? I believe Gray and Lucy act like best friends, and that's one of the biggest contributing factors to why I like to ship them; their relationship is so fun and honest.
I guess it's subjective as to whether people view two people as being more sibling-like or more best friend material, since for me, I view Gray and Erza being more sibling-like because of how much Erza beats Gray up and scares him (and I don't like the power imbalance that there would be if Grayza was a thing, since I believe romantic relationships should be on equal footing, while siblings don't necessarily have to be that way thanks to age hierarchy and how they grow up already having to look up to the oldest), but I'd never say that Grayza would be "inc*st" just because of my personal opinions on how they act. That would just be plain wrong and would be trying to demonize the Grayza shippers unjustly.
Anyway, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts, Anon! Loved reading them.
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grayluforever · 2 years
When Gray was a kid that was when Erza came to the Fairy Tail guild she was lonely and there comes Gray being all... Gray Like and saying things and stuff like that then one day he found Erza crying and then felt bad. That isn't a reason why you should ship them, I mean still it's not that good of a reason
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richtits0fshipping · 7 years
"Grayza Moment" in Ch. 463???
I have absolutely nothing against this ship, but can someone explain to me how the fuck this counts as a Grayza moment? I'm honestly baffled. Erza’s defending Natsu, against Gray, purely on her faith in him, without a modicum of an idea what Natsu’s plan is. If that’s not a clear-cut depiction of whose side she’s on idk wtf is. Erza states that she has the utmost confidence in Natsu, Gray gets pissed at her for it, and she meets his belligerence with a contentious glare and rebuttal. To this end, Lucy has to break them up, as the normally collected Erza’s willing to defend Natsu so tenaciously. If the notion that this is a Grayza moment predicated on some delusional “hostile chemistry,” you may, in fact, be an idiot. If we’re taking the subjective route, at best, you could say this seems like an instance of jealousy because Erza’s siding with Natsu over Gray. Ultimately, the manga detracts from that subjective interpretation as well. To this end, the following page explains that this argument was Gray’s way of voicing his own concern for Natsu.
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fairy-serigala · 3 years
Wendy for the previous Gray + Dragon Slayer ask! (please and thank you)
of course!! apologies for this taking longer than the other two.
wendy is nowhere near as innocent as she seems. when she's with most people, she experiences a social pressure that tells her to stay quiet and polite and agreeable, but with gray? one of the people who actively encourages her to be herself? she's fucking feral.
you expect her to be one of the good ones that gray doesn't really need to worry about being a brat, but when she's in her element, she's up there with natsu and gajeel.
she's rambunctious and excitable and she has even less impulse control than sting.
it gets to the point sometimes where gray needs to actively hold her back whenever their team enters a room that they know is meant to be rigged with traps because she will go and look at the blinking light.
she's never actively malicious when she's like this, she's just having fun exploring and being a hatchling.
and when she gets excited, she'll wiggle about like a kitten and her eyes will go all big and goopy and she'll mrwls like a cat as she plays, and it's adorable.
we stan feral!wendy. -
that being said, wendy is the most cat-like out of the dragon slayers. she loves cuddling, obviously, but the times she's most likely to cuddle up with gray is when he needs it, himself.
if he's been injured and has to stay in the infirmary overnight? if he's suffering with nightmares? she'll go and curl up with him as a little teddy bear and purr them both to sleep.
and she's a very good teddy bear, too, she's a very clingy sleeper.
and, yes, she does the cat start-up noise whenever she's woken up or surprised. that's just a given, my dudes. -
so one of @jinx13gxa2 's headcanons is that the shoulder blades on a dragon slayer is THE most sensitive parts of their body, because that's where their wings would meet their bodies. so, that area is especially sensitive.
because of this, dragons tend to get cagey when that area is hurt (because it hurts like nobody's business) but getting pets there makes them melt into happy little blobs of purring dragon.
so when the dragon slayers get hurt in that area, gray is one of the only people they'll allow to get near because he is always safe and he always has the power to make it better.
because of this, wendy helped gray essentially become a medical professional, himself. so that if and when they get into situations where gray is the only one who can touch them, they can still be helped.
gray's very good at tending to them, he fosters kittens as a secondary source of income (because he loves cats), so he's very used to little wiggly creatures who need to be held still for their own good. at least the dragon slayers understand the concept of "hold still for a moment".
after this, gray and wendy make a brilliant medical team. since they can almost communicate telepathically, they're really, really good as an emergency medical team. (side note - i have a headcanon similar to this about natsu, so if anyone wants to hear about that you're welcome to remind me later.) -
since wendy is the sky dragon slayer and manipulates wind, she has a really good sense of balance, so unlike rogue, she took to ice skating really easily, and now its her favourite winter activity.
every year, there will be a guild-bonding winter activity camp sort of thing in which fairy tail, crime sorciere, lamia scale, blue pegasus, sabertooth, quatro cerberus and mermaid heel all have fun together for a week. and every year gray, wendy and chelia will put on a little performance and.... gah they're precious.
sometimes it's chelia and wendy performing as the sky sisters, whilst gray manipulates the ice to make their performances really cool to look at.
sometimes they do things as a trio, but they have so much fun planning it out in the weeks leading up to it. (you also cannot tell me that gray doesn't also have a massive soft spot for wendy's girlfriend - lyon actively complains that gray already has a wendy, and he doesn't need a second one, but does gray care? not at all! he's gonna let these kids be kids if it's the last thing he does.) -
going back to wendy's feral nature a bit, wendy was also one of the members of fairy tail, most actively supportive of gray finally shaking juvia off.
throughout that whole debacle, wendy would offer to poison juvia for him, whenever she pushed him too far.
or she'd step up to distract juvia if gray needed some space.
gray would always caution her to stop, because this was his problem, but wendy always insisted on helping. gray helps with her and the other dragon slayers' problems, so why shouldn't they do the same for him?
and it's for this reason that wendy was the wing-bearer at grayza's wedding :3
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fairytailconfess · 7 years
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Chapter 507 explains why some people think Nat//za and Gray//za are like sibling relationships, especially when Erza say she loves them both      -- submitted by anonymous
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jerza · 7 years
one thing that confuses me outta all of this is why natza and grayza shippers are celebrating??
like. jellal and erza’s feelings are canon. jellal got pardoned for his sins. there is nothing stopping them from being together now and they absolutely will be. the reason jerza shippers are pissed is because we didn’t get to see it happen.
so?? what are they celebrating about?? are they literally happy just because we’re not?? talk about being shitty lmao
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kikopjuu-blog · 7 years
Yo there was no open ending for gruvia..
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swagilicious-girl · 4 years
Some Hardcore Juvia fans hypocrisy
They go around bashing or hating on any non-Gruvia pairing, or Gray paired up with any woman (from a brotp or OTP perspective) but go around shamelessly liking or reblogging Juvia paired up with Natsu or other crack pairings.  I recently saw a Juvia stan user bash Graylu but was shipping Navia. Fuck outta here hypocrite.
Atleast Gray has interractions with the women that he is paired up with unlike Juvia paired up with Natsu who have yet to interract at all lol for example. 
Sad double standards in this fandom. For the Juvia fans who are loyal to Gruvia, and like seeing Gray also paired up with other girls as brotp or otp or whatever, I salute you as you atleast be honest and respectful of other opinions preferences. For the harcore Juvia stans I mentioned above, yall are cancelled in my books, a pure disgrace to Juvia.
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gralunaisland · 2 years
Hello, I read about your opinion on Gruvia and Graylu... I was wondering what are your thoughts on Grayza? During Fairy Tail's first arcs, in my opinion at least, the creator seemed to hint at it.
Thank you for asking! I’m glad you did.
To be honest, and I hope I don’t offend you or anyone here, but I really don’t like the idea of Grayza. It’s not nearly as visceral as my hatred for gr////via, but I just don’t like it.
I know it might be unfair to say I just see them as a BROTP, because that’s what lots of Pro gr///vians love to shove into the face of GraLu shippers to invalidate us, but I guess that’s just my view of them.
I definitely think Mashima hinted at a lil childhood crush between them, at least on Gray’s part, considering how he acted when she was crying by the river as kids. I guess there was also that (filler?) episode where juvia (barf) stalked Gray and Erza on a mission, and Gray pondered how pretty the redhead is when she’s sleeping.
But anyway, I really see them as close as siblings and nothing more. I wouldn’t like their dynamic as a couple, considering Erza is (usually) very mature and almost stoic, and Gray is decidedly not so much, and the fact that she beats him up along with Natsu. Idk it seems a bit too abusive for them to be in a relationship, (I don’t mean actually abusive, like toxic and dangerously unhealthy *cough* juvia *cough*; it’s that the power dynamic just isn’t equal enough for me to be very comfy with it), and as siblings, the beating Gray up makes more sense. (I have a couple of brothers, I’ve got some experience in roughhousing haha).
I personally ship Jellal and Erza together, and you already know my opinion on Gray and Lucy. I wouldn’t say that fact is an actual reason why I can’t ship any of them with other people; I just find these four characters fit best in these ships for me. While I do sort of ship NaLu still, though GraLu is OTP supreme for me, I don’t ship Gray with anyone else.
I definitely won’t tell anyone they shouldn’t ship Grayza though. If it makes you happy, go for it! I’m all for healthy ships, and the two of them rely on and trust each other immensely so I can totally see the appeal.
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grayluforever · 2 years
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pamayapaya · 5 years
I would question why it is that Erza has so many people in love with her but tbh I’m in love with her too so who am I to judge
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Natsu: The stars are really beautiful tonight.
Gray: Hm, you know what else is really beautiful?
Both at the same time: Erza *sigh*
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