#And easily one of my favorites!! 🤧
lindariellanthir · 11 months
Art by creepy9 on DeviantArt! ❤️
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lalachat · 7 months
"And there you were..."
Author's note: WITERLLY WHAT THE HECK GUYS!!! You have made my heart so full! Almost 100 notes in under 24 hours😭❤️ yall gon make me cry! I am truly and utterly grateful that y'all are liking it so far! I'm a little insecure with my writing, but it's only because i'm so new. I am open to any kind of advice you can give me or constructive criticism that will help make this fic better for you readers. With practice comes improvement!! Also, look i'm evolving with my tumbler knowledge and added dividers, a tag list, and a masterlist that i hope works! Look at me go😭🤧 ANYWHOOOO... are y'all ready for this one?? I fully planned on posting this next week but i'm too freaking excited! Eheheheh writing this had me giggling and kicking my feet! Enjoy my loves<3
Summary: You and Lucien decided to leave Rita's after discovering your mates kissing each other. With no reason to stay, Lucien offers you the comfort of his home and a glass of your favorite wine to help decompress the stress of both your mates. How could you say no?
This is for all my Lucien girlies❤️
Warnings: usage of profanity, sexual tension growing between Lucien and y/n, some fluff bc why not, sharing a bed, potential grammar and spelling issues
Word Count: around 3,350
Chapter 2: "Scream my name..."
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As you and Lucien walked out of Rita’s, neither of you had noticed two pairs of eyes lingering watching you both leave after they heard Rhys’ commotion questioning Mor into oblivion about what the hell was going on. Mor had almost smirked at the fact that all it took was for you and Lucien to leave together to make Az and Elain both glance at y’alls receding figures. If it weren't for Rhysand in her face, she well would have. Even as Rhys is trying to get her to talk, she could not wait to tell you the plan had worked! Even if it was just a glance, it was still something! Small progress is still progress, right? Oh, she wishes she could have Feyre paint their reactions to you two leaving because it was priceless. Maybe Mor would and give it to you for solstice? But for now, she has a very upset cousin to deal with.
You and Lucien stopped at a local market to grab snacks and your favorite wine for your impromptu evening at his apartment. As you walk out of the market towards his place, Lucien can’t help but to ask about Azriel. 
“So... The shadowsinger is your mate huh?” Lucien asks while tucking his hands in his front pockets glancing to your face as he asked you his question. 
“Yeah... When I first met Az, it was when Rhys had offered me a room to stay in for a night. Rhys and I had quite literally run into each other a moment prior. I was traveling through the night court and was so distracted by the beauty that I ended up running right into Rhysand. I had knocked his freshly bought paint that he was planning to give Feyre all over us. I felt so bad that I kept offering to pay him for the cost of the paint along with his clothes, but he kindly refused. I had no mental shields back then, so he easily saw I was a nomadic traveler that had no place to stay or wash up. He offered me a room in his home for a night and a training over mental shields as payment, and I kindly accepted. I hadn't had a nice place to stay in such a long time. But, little did I know it would not be my peace and that my mate lived in the home I was about to stay at.” you said as you walked in tandem with Lucien down the streets towards his apartment.  
“Always so generous that high lord. And, I assume you know who my mate is then?”  
“That he is. And yes, I do. If you don’t mind me asking, why doesn’t she want the bond?” 
“The same reason your mate doesn’t see yours... She’s too busy being enamored by him to try and pursue or explore things with me.” He finds a rock on the pavement to kick along as you two walk. Lucien kicks it towards you. 
“At least she knows you’re her mate.” you shrug, kick the rock back, and Lucien chuckles. 
“You have a point, and Azriel would know if you would just tell him.” 
“Yeah, but would it change anything between us? Probably not. It would most likely end up like you and Elain if I told him...” Lucien stops and goes silent for a moment. “No offense of course!” 
“None taken. How did we even end up in this mess? You and I both having mates who do not reciprocate any kind of feelings toward us because they like each other is almost ironic.” He laughs at this situation you are both in. 
“You know now that you're saying it out loud, it is quite ridiculous.” You giggle. For a moment you had completely forgotten about Azriel and Elain. Lucien once again, being so alluring that you forgotten what you had just seen at Rita’s.  
Lucien glances at you and finally takes in your appearance. Your cheeks start to turn rosy at the sight of his eyes trailing over your body. Your dress still leaving little imagination for Lucien. Your body grows hot from the sudden attention. 
“He’s absolutely dumb as rocks for not looking at you tonight, because you look ravishing.” and gives you a playful wink. 
“Lucien you're just saying that to make me feel better.” 
“Y/n I kid you not, I truly mean it. You are one of the most beautiful females I have ever seen!” 
“Thank you Lucien, that means so much more to me than you will ever know,” as you look into his eyes and smile at him. He stares at you, smiles and dips his head to say you're welcome before continuing. 
“Almost there, it is right around this corner.” 
“Perfect, because I am freezing and in dire of more alcohol. I am too sober for all this emotional shit,” you say as Lucien laughs at your comment and you both turn the corner. 
“And we're here! Home sweet home!” 
You walk into his apartment and your senses are engulfed by the smell of cinnamon sticks, crisp apples, cedarwood, and roasted chestnuts. It felt like home. Everything in his apartment felt so warm and welcoming. You sat down the groceries you had gotten on the center table near the living room couch, and slowly took in his décor. You were surprised everything looked so coordinated. His apartment was filled with warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows. It reminded you of your brief stay in the autumn court. You wondered if that’s why Lucien decorated it this way. Maybe he had found a sense of belonging in those colors. While you were taking in his apartment, you hadn’t noticed him grabbing you a change of clothes to wear along with a warm woolly blanket.  
“Here, these are for you to change into, and this is for you when you get cold later because I know you,” Lucien handed you the clothes and sat the blanket down on the couch. “The bathroom is through the hall on your left! Let me know if you need anything.” 
“Okay, thank you!” 
You started walking to the bathroom, the floor creaking beneath your feet as you opened the door. You stepped inside and quietly shut the door. You could hear Lucien in the kitchen popping the bottle of wine and pouring you both glasses, but what you forgot to realize is how you were going to take this dress off. After Mor’s last minute dress change, you had to call Nuala and Cerridwen to help you into it. You had not thought about how you were going to get it off. You slightly began to panic. “It’s okay... you can do this. It’s just a dress, can't be that hard right?” You tried to maneuver your arms into reaching the back of your dress but to no avail, Mor had to pick the most complicated thing you have ever seen. She was right though, this dress did look hot as fuck on you. You struggled a few times more before huffing and giving up. So, you had to do what you had to do...  
“LUCIEN, I NEED HELP!” You could practically hear him sprinting down the hall to get to you in the bathroom. Without thinking he pushes the door wide open. 
“WHAT IS IT? Are you alright?” His face scans you for any kind of injuries but finds none. The only thing he finds is you still in that damn dress that drove him crazy. “Why are you not in the clothes I gave you?” 
“First of all, I could have been indecent. Didn’t your mother ever teach you to knock! Secondly, you see, as a male you would not understand this predicament, but I cannot get my dress off by myself. I need help unfortunately... I swear this is all Mor’s fault!” 
Cauldron boil him... “So, you mean to tell me, you screamed my name to help you with your dress because you cannot do it yourself?” 
“Yes...” you can hear Lucien sigh. 
“There are much better ways to scream my name y/n and you know that but for the sake that you are quite literally stuck in that dress, I’ll help you. Turn around.” Your face turns hot at his comment, and you swat at his arm. 
“LUCIEN! This is not funny!” he can't help but chuckle at your flustered state. 
“Okay, okay, you being stuck in a dress is not funny. Got it! Now stop being stubborn and turn around so I can help.” 
“No, wait! You have to close your eyes!” 
“Y/n, how am I supposed to help you with your dress if I cannot see? Besides you act like I haven't seen you naked.” Again, your face betrays you as your cheeks turn bright red at the thought. You huff. 
“Fine, okay you can keep your eyes open but no funny business Mr. Vanserra. I am watching you!” Lucien chuckles at how flustered he had made you and he is living for it.  
You slowly turn your back to him and lock eyes with him through the bathroom mirror. Lucien takes the back of his knuckles and traces them delicately down the skin of your spine, almost like if you were made of glass and that you'd break at the slightest touch. His hand radiates so much warmth you must stop yourself from letting out a couple of sighs. The entire time he does this his eyes do not leave from yours through the mirror. His hand finally reaches the back of your dress, and he looks away to start undoing the claps. Thank the mother because his stare was driving you crazy. Each clasp he undoes, he makes sure to take his sweet time on. He doesn't miss the way your skin crawls with goosebumps at the slightest touch of his hands against your back. Gods, you had missed his fiery touch. It had felt like forever since he last touched you.
You slowly felt the dress getting heavier with each clasp undone. You could tell Lucien was near the end when your dress had almost slipped off your chest threatening to expose your naked breasts to him. Luckily, Lucien was too preoccupied to have noticed you trying to regather it back up for coverage. You couldn’t help but to selfishly think about turning around to look at him as your dress falls to the floor. Heat slowly began to warm your lower abdomen. You had to clench your thighs together in hope of Lucien not catching your growing scent of arousal. What would Lucien do to you if you did that? Would he pin you against the sink and truly make you scream his name? Gods you wished. Just then you caught a whiff of your scent. Damn your mind and body for betraying you! You were so worried about Lucien this whole time, when you should've been worrying about yourself. However, you decide that this is probably not the time to be thinking about such lewd things after what happened with Az.
As he was on the last clasp, Lucien couldn’t help catching your lingering scent in the air. You were going to be the death of him. He kisses the newly exposed skin of your back as his scent starts to slightly change and mix in with yours. Your head fell back as your eyes closed in anticipation. His eyes had wandered back to the mirror to see your eyes shut reeling in his touch as he peppered kisses up and down your spine. He marveled at this moment for a brief second before unclasping the last clasp of your dress. Your eyes met his as the last clasp was undone, and you let your dress pool to the floor as a test of restraint. For you or him, you didn’t know which. He held you gaze for a moment, never looking away from your eyes, before ghosting his lips on the nape of your neck. 
“All done...” he whispered as he slowly turned around, shut the door, and walked away back to the kitchen. Cruel wicked male.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and tried to recompose yourself. Gods would drinking more wine be safe anymore after what just happened? You sighed and you picked your dress up off the floor and folded it as nicely as you could. You grabbed the clothes Lucien had given you to change into and started putting them on. Immediately you are swallowed by the musk of Lucien's clothes. It is almost overwhelming if it weren’t for the fact that you loved the smell of the autumn court male.
You laughed at yourself in the mirror as you looked and saw his t hanging so loose on you, it was practically a dress. But let's be honest, you loved it. You slowly opened the bathroom door and made your way out with your former dress folded nicely in your hands. You sat your dress down on the table and turned towards Lucien with a smile. 
“So... how do I look?” and give him a twirl. Lucien looks at you and smiles. Gods, you looked even better in his clothes than in that dress but he wasn’t about to give in that easily. 
“Like a little boy.” Lucien said with a playful gleam in his eyes. 
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!” as you shake a finger at his face. He laughs. 
“Fine... You look like a very cute little boy!” he says grinning from ear to ear loving the effects his teasing was having on you tonight. You instead stick out your tongue and give him that all too well known finger gesture. He is practically hurled over in laughter, but you just huff and plop yourself on his couch.  
“Be useful and get this “cute little boy” more wine! I'm definitely too sober now.” He laughs again and it warms your chest. You cant help but to grin back.
“Are you sure you can drink wine? You look a little young to be drinking such adult drinks” as he grabs the wine glasses along with the bottle for refills later.  
“Okay, okay. Here’s your wine doll.” He hands you your glass with a smile, “You actually look even more beautiful now that you’re in my clothes.” As he sends you a wink before sipping some of his wine. 
“Thank you...” you smile as you take a sip from your own glass. 
“So, other than your mate being an enigma to you, what else has happened since I saw you last?” you both get comfy on the couch and sip on your wine. 
You had failed to realize how long you and Lucien were apart. You told him about your travels through all the different courts, and he told you about his part in the war along with how he became a part of the night court. You both sat there and exchanged every story you could possibly think of, trying to catch up on every moment you missed together. Soon the stories turn into giggling. Neither of you could hold it together as one of you would say something slurred and the other could cry out in laughter. It was the wine-speaking now, but neither of you had minded. You both had forgotten what it was like to be in each other's presence. It was nice to rekindle old flames with your friend, but you had to be careful. Recatching old feelings would not be good for you with this whole Azriel situation. You looked out the corner of your eye to see Lucien trying to fight off a yawn.  
“Oh, don't tell me my lil fox boy has grown tired of me?” as you slightly pinch his cheeks. He grins as he sees you also fighting off your own tiredness. 
“Mmmm seems like my yawns are contagious then, because I could’ve sworn I saw you do one just now.” he raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Okay, maybe I did. All this catching up and wine drinking has made me sleepy.” You decide to grab the blanket Lucien sat on the couch for you earlier this evening.  
“I don’t blame you... Now if you excuse me, I am going to go change into something more comfortable, these clothes are killing me, and then we will call it a night.” he says as he sticks a finger in his collared shirt to loosen the neck and walks off still in the clothes he wore at Rita’s. You chuckle at his figure walking down the hallway to what you would assume to be his room. You don’t know how long he was in there, but you couldn’t wait any longer. Your eyes were too heavy, and you were too drunk to stop your movements down the hallway towards where Lucien disappeared. You find the door he dipped into and see it is cracked a smidge. You decide to knock, unlike Lucien earlier.  
“Hey Lu? Can I come in?” No answer. “Lucien I’m really tired and I don’t know where you want me to sleep...” you slowly push the door open but put too much weight on it and tumble forward into his room. Unlike your knocking, Lucien heard you tumble and was at your side to catch you in a heartbeat. You let out a laugh. “Oh, I'm too drunk for this shit... I'm sorry, I only came here too-” you look up to see him in gray sweat pants, hair loose, and no shirt. Mother blessed this man too much! Oh fuck. Get me out of here.  
“Y/n, you were saying something?” He looks down at you with mischief in his eyes knowing you couldn’t keep yours off his bare chest and gray sweatpants. Your eyes blink rapidly, and you shake your head trying to get that image out your mind but its seared its way in.
“Oh yes. I was just- um, why did I- OH! Where do you want me to sleep? I’m like minutes away from passing out on the damn floor!” Lucien laughs. 
“You can sleep in here, and I can stay on the couch for tonight. Is that alright?” 
“This is your bed and home Lucien. I can't let you sleep on the couch as I take your bed... it just feels wrong. I'll take the couch and you can keep your bed for tonight.” you say as you turn around to head back into the living room before you feel Lucien's hand around your waist stopping you.  
“Y/n I swear to the mother, do not be stubborn and take the damn bed please. It’s too late for this, I promise you it’s okay! I insist.” 
“I guess old habits never die. Always trying to get me in your bed Lu.” you smirk as you crawl in and wrap up in his silk auburn sheets. You thought his house and clothes smelled nice, but his sheets, his sheets were heavenly. You almost fell asleep then and there because it was so calming. Lucien walks over to you and kisses you on the forehead. 
“Goodnight doll, I am truly sorry for your mates behavior tonight. Sleep well...” He turns around, turns out the lights, and is about to walk out the door but hesitates as he hears you say-- 
“Lucien wait-” 
“We’re both adults here, right?”  
“Well one of us looks like a little boy, but yes. Why?” Lucien replied. You rolled your eyes at his playful remark from earlier. 
“Adults can share a bed, and nothing has to happen.” 
“Y/n are you saying you want me to sleep next to you?” 
“Yes, I am. I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.” you sigh. 
“Always so persuasive... scoot over.” You open the sheets and scoot over in the bed to make room for Lucien. You feel the bed dip down as he crawls in. You both lay there for a moment reeling in that you two are sharing a bed again. The only difference is now the lingering heartbreak you both feel from your mates. You turn around to face Lucien and ask- 
“Can I lay on your chest?” He doesn’t verbally respond but wraps his hands around your waist and softly pulls you closer to him. You lay your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, and look up at his face. You tuck a couple of stray hairs that had fallen in his face and tuck them behind his ears and say, “Thank you for tonight, Lucien. Elain is so lucky to have you, she just doesn’t know it yet.” 
“Thank you doll, neither does Azriel. Now let's get some much needed rest. Goodnight,” said Lucien. 
“Goodnight Lu,” as you rest your hand on his bare chest next to your head and you feel Lucien's arms tighten around you. You can't help but to feel so at peace in his presence, and neither can he, as you both fell asleep holding each other all night.  
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If you’re interested in being on my taglist, please let me know!
@thelov3lybookworm @justdreamstars @character---obsessed @stained-glass-eyes0708 @acourtofbooksandshadows
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astrophileblogs07 · 2 years
Astro Observations pt.8
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🦋 Composite 8th and 12th house placements can indicate a hidden relationship or hidden aspects in a relationship. For eg-
Sun in 8th composite: relationship hidden from the world
Moon in 12th composite: hidden feelings
Mars in 12th composite: hidden s*xual relations/topic about the same.
Or if you do have this overlays in composite, things may not seem clear to the outer world and its hard for the people to really figure the relationship out. maybe only a selective few (eg. closest friends/family members) know about it.
🦋 Two people having Chiron in the same sign in their respective natal charts understand each other's struggles and wounds much easily. (really sweet to thing to share🤧❤)
🦋 Again, a similar effect is also seen in syanstry with people have Lilith in mutual houses. They understand and accept each other's deepest parts of the soul.
🦋 Water houses synastry and composite are not always bad as they are said to be. My favorite is the 12H one. Though it indicates lies and deceptions to keep the relationship going, but on the good side, it also indicates a psychic and intuitive love bond. (what an irony tho😬)
🦋 My opinion (may not be true always, karma matters) :
In context to my astro observation pt.1 Unless you have strong Saturn placement, a Saturn native can affect you- and it can go either ways -good or bad. For eg. if a person had Capricorn in their big 3, doing any harm to them will come back to you faster(as compared to any other zodiac) if you don't have Cap/Saturn in the big 3 but, it can be nullified a bit if you do. (yeah, but that does not mean you can get away with any bad karma you did, Saturn always returns karma.🔪)
🦋 Whilst on the topic of Saturn, Libras have very good friendships with Capricorns (and sometimes Aquarius too, since they're air and traditionally ruled by Saturn) since Saturn, ruling planet of Capricorn, is exalted in Libra.
This was my first time with Composite and Synastry posts, hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading 😊💗
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wasyago · 1 month
Hey I just came to my senses and Binged your Recks au Tag, and Boy do I wish I've been here from the Beginning. Curious if you're mostly keeping the Au based in season 8 or if you just take inspiration from the series as it comes.
Either Way, I've been in a long-time hermit-art slump and your stuff is Mad inspirational. Maybe it's Corny... I know I'm just a rando on the internet, but I hope you can understand how personal i mean this when I say your Recks Pearl has One. Of. The. Most. Appealing. Character. Designs. I have seen in Forever. Been months since I've reacted to a piece of art in the same way as seeing that one.
thank you so much for sharing your art
Also what kind of robot would Joel Be: closer to grian or pearl?
the au is mostly based on s8, but there are elements from previous and later seasons! plus it has its own "storyline" going so i pick and choose which elements to keep and which to pass.
and im so happy to know that you like pearl's design :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's one of my most favorites, both in form and function the design is so fun and unique! like, changing forms and transorming while still staying pretty much the same, her arms being able to switch positions in the shoulder joint, the three bends in the limbs, her being absolutely massive..... pearl is just so cool 🤧
for your joel question.... im not sure, again i haven't thought about his role yet, where he would be or with who if anyone... but, hmm. i might take some inspiration from his empires1 "lore" and his hc intros, by him having a lot of copies who are technically the same robot but also different somehow? in which case he would be more easily manufactured so uhhh... i guess somewhere in the middle between pearl and grian? maybe a more humanoid model? sorry i have no idea, i really need to sit down and draw to figure it out
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
We need chapter V from Rabbit hole..... NOW! Please don't make us wait too long, I love this story so much! It is my favorite 😭🤧🥺
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Authors note: It's a little bit short for my liking but the sixth chapter will be a bit longer for you, I promise ♥
⚠️Trigger warning!⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of torture, stabbing and blood. The plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Olivia ran outside, back into the cold and the heavy rain. She stroked her damp hair furiously, a raindrop of which had fallen directly on her neck and made her jump slightly as she whipped out her cell phone and pulled all the units she needed for saving you towards her position.
Her stare lingered for endless seconds on a number, her heart screaming to not call it. But your life surpassed all doubts and with trembling and soaked fingers, she pressed the green handset of her display. The heavy tones echoed in her head and before she could even think about what to say, the person on the other end accepted the call.
"Stabler?" his voice was firm and direct, almost tense despite the crackling of the line and his footsteps in the background, presumably currently working on a case himself.
She coughed heavily, choking on the cold air that filled her lungs even before she managed to speak. The swift wind caught her in a flash and made her shudder. Same way as the worried and loud voice in her ear after she did not reply. "Liv? Liv, are you okay?!"
When the cold finally cleared her senses and calmed her troubled thoughts, she answered briefly in a shaky voice. "I need your help, you have to come here immediately. Y/n is in danger."
Olivia did not even wait for an answer from Elliot but quickly gave him your home address and hung up. She could not hold any sensible conversation now, she was too worried about your condition. The only thing enveloping in her head was a cloud of dark thoughts.
You were trapped. Tortured by a beast.
The quiet sounds of sniffling, followed by sobs that were held back and muffled from tears, escaped your mouth. The soles of your worn and bloodstained boots nervously tapping the parquet floor, waiting for the promised help.
Fear, you had learned, often had positive side effects if you experienced it often enough- it sharpened your senses. Olivia always remarked that if your ex husband ever harmed you again, he would be a dead man. As she said those very last words, something inside you relaxed and you knew she was going to use all the artillery to get you out of there. At least that is what the choice of words and the tone of her deep and angry voice told you.
You just had to survive those few hours.
A cold but hard punch brought your starved and giving up body back to reality. Blood splattered across your face and neck region, while your clothes were completely stained in blood from hours and days prior. "Did you listen to me, bitch? I do not believe that secret cop talk so what the fuck did your boss mean by that?"
You were exhausted beyond repair and needed sleep. But most of all you needed the unconditional love of your family and the warm embrace and comforting words from Olivia. These thoughts gave you the strength to keep going.
You knew that if you were not already sitting on the floor, your last strength would have left you at the very moment. But you fought against the overwhelming tiredness and gathered all the strength you could find. A mischievous grin spread thoughtlessly across your torn and slightly bluish tainted lips.
"Olivia Benson is the best in her field and has taken down far worse psychopaths than you. She saw right through you the moment you opened the door," you stated between dry coughs that made your lungs ignite like fire. "Your lousy game is over, Henry."
"No. No," nervously, he paced around the room, biting his fingernails before turning his head slightly your way, stopping dead in his tracks. His expression changed into a cool and almost deadly one. Wild fantasies rattled in his head and he looked around. You watched every movement as he entered your open kitchen and rummaged wildly in every compartment; searching for something.
His movements stopped not a minute later, a devilish grin spread across his wet lips that he licked over previously. Fear rose up in you. Panic. You knew that look to well and it meant nothing good. Much worse would await you than what you have had to live through in his power up to now.
A silver, single-edged knife flashed in his hand. The steel blade was between 9 and 15cm long, tapered to a point; producing smooth cut surfaces.
Henry came closer before standing in front of you, not losing his sadistic grin. The man you once cherished as a friend and lover- you were so stupid and naive. "You know, babygirl. When my life goes down the drain, so does yours," he said quietly, looking at you with deep, clear eyes; they steadily darkened like the black of night.
You groaned from the oncoming pain. How were you supposed to respond if you did not have a chance to change anything about the outcome of this day? "Go to hell!"
His free hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing it while quickly lifting you to your feet. He drew the slightly rusted, jagged blade across your cheek in a straight cut. Blood spurted out immediately and you cried out in pain when his only answer was a cruel laugh.
Suddenly, the blade pierced your stomach. Then a second time. Your eyes opened wide, sucking in the air sharply. Your body was on fire. Aches and pains developing and chased through your body, that you never thought were possible.
There was no remorse or emotion on his face besides his smile, but his eyes radiated deep pleasure. The pain was indescribable, your screams died down to soft sobs. "Liv.." you breathed her name like it was the last thing escaping your lips forever.
"She will be late," he hissed happily, letting you fall back onto the floor.
Your blood dripped from the blade onto the already soiled ground. You looked back at his face one last time. It was darker and more terrifying than anything that existed before your head panted down to your stomach area. You saw a patch that was steadily expanding. First, it reminded you of an island on a map, then of a storm cloud spreading across your torn and soiled blouse.
"Farewell, sweetheart. It was fun playing with you," he said from the front door, where he was standing before he went through it and threw it close with a loud bang. He just left you laying in your own pool of blood.
You stared at your hands, located on the floor beside your body, fingers that had started to tremble uncontrollably as the cold and creeping fear seeped through you. Groaning, you lay on the ground and struggled to breathe as another wave of pain swept through you. Your body cramped up. You were too weak to cry and too exhausted to keep fighting and scream.
You saw as if through a pane wet with rain, behind which the world blurred for you. Everything seemed crooked or oddly bulging and got worse with each second passing. Like a psychedelic caricature that fitted perfectly with the devastated present you would have to live in forever from now on. Or die if your frail body could not handle the constant loss of blood and you would not survive.
You closed your eyes, unsure if you would ever wake up again. You breathed loudly, faster but significantly shallower. The spasms left your limbs and you began to feel oblivious to the outside world. Relief filled your body, the piercing pain slowly fading into the back.
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travelergarnett · 1 year
SAGAU!Frustrated reader x Genshin team
Writing this out of frustration because I kept lagging on the spiral abyss and I cuss out and yeet my phone on my bed because my Zhongli died 😭🤧 also I’m ganna put the team I was using earlier, really not sure how they all worked out well because I just yeet them in a team but ya know 😭
Spiral Abyss
Floor 10
Chamber 3
Your tempter is running thin, your brows knitted together and your jaw clenching, you were aggressively clicking your screen in hopes to switch characters to make a combo, but nope your ping is red as diluc’s hair and the amount of damage your team is getting while trying to survive the current floor. You managed to get pass the floors but when it’s about to go to the next floor your ping went to the oh so beautiful 999 out of frustration you began cussing and as if you were scolding them oh your poor team was getting nervous about it, until Zhongli died and soon enough you tried to get pass it using wanderer but he died midair too, because of the floating electro cicin mages and you range quit closing the app without your usual walk and sitting them down by the usual bench in sumeru before logging off. (Yeah I do that all the time since they deserved a nice rest)
When you range quit team POV (I’m ganna put my team ehe)
Zhongli he was trembling and hugging his knees while he is sitting by the anemo statue you left them in windrise, since his death on that floor made your range quit not to mention because he is your protector, the shield man the meteor man!! Who gets the job done but he was now questioning himself if he is worthy of such fine artifacts that you have given him, the artifacts that you worked hard on getting because the drops are sh*t, he was mostly gloomy
Wanderer (Seiki) the poor boy was standing there with a gloomy face since he felt like he disappointed you, you just got him to level 10 friendship too, he might start an argument with the former Geo archon tho blaming him on if he didn’t die their creator won’t have left upset, and there they are arguing-
Barbara she is crying while being comforted by kazuha and Hu Tao, well she was doing well as a healer on the 1st team and she was confused on why you suddenly left so she was praying and crying on the anemo statue
Hu Tao she was doing well on dealing great damage, so she knows she is doing well but she is starting to think on why you ranged quit, she did noticed that their movements are quite good and all but the mobs are getting stuck, not dying easily the health bar not moving and their damage numbers aren’t showing, “maybe there is something wrong with our creators connection? Don’t worry guys!! They will return!” She confidently said
Diluc, he being the first five star (yes bb diluc is my first five star uwu) he had experienced this quite a lot actually, also being the creator’s first triple crowned it won’t be a surprise on how he takes pride on such fact, “yes they will return soon, this happens a lot. Let’s not fret and wait for their return let us understand that they do not want to pour their anger to us so they left.” he tried to calm the others down
Kazuha and Xingqu were sitting next to Albedo who are just a little gloomy after all that but hearing diluc’s explanation they felt relieved knowing that they aren’t the ones to blame for you quitting out of nowhere. Zhongli and Wanderer stopped their bickering and just sat down waiting for your return hoping that once you return you’re calm and not be angry anymore, they all looked up the gloomy skies as they eagerly waited for your gentle sunny presence again.
“Hey Diluc”
“Yes Seiki?”
“I’m still the favorite” he smirks proudly
“Time for-“
“Bow your head-“
“This is order!”
From afar they can see a meteor crashing down and people screaming-
To be continued-
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the-possum-writes · 9 months
[Fionna and Cake Spoilers]
Look fam, Adventure time is my daily bread and butter, after catching up with 4 eps I have some... uh "opinions" on certain characters that I need to get out of my chest-
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I am so happy to see him again, and as much as I loved his adult Obsidian design I also have a liking to this one- he's so meaty I wanna brrrr those pecs and bite his arms. But also I feel so sad for him like, he's obviously distracting his grief for Jake by going from one adventure to another and, baby boy are you okay?? Lay on my shoulder and lets confront your feelings together 🥺
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Ahhh Huntress wizard was always my favorite background character and seeing NOT ONLY HER F&C COUNTER PART but he likes plants!? Sign me the fuc up, I adore Hunter, I would hike through thorny bushes and get bitten by mosquitos voluntarily if it means hanging out with this hunk as he talks non stop about different types of weeds and flowers 🥰
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Brah from the cool mask to the suit I am just sold so easily like, I vibe so much with his design and his role as our main antagonist. Like don't get me wrong I don't want him to replace Prismo and kill Fi's world but if he calls me up to go eat steak and drink tea I would answer in a heart beat. Gotta love a man who has his professional priorities in order. Also that bandaged look he had at the beginning was really cool too, with the multiple eyes and all.
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Oh, dear precious Simon you can't catch a break can you? Let's wrap you up in a blanket so you can talk to me about you ex, we'll get ya through this buddy 🥺
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I wasn't huge on Prismo as a character in AT but in F&C I can totally understand the need to create something original and for yourself rather than creating for the sake of others. I'd love to move in as a roomie and help him clean up a bit, I can't take him to AA meetings but I can bring them to him lol. Maybe creating sentient universes isn't a good idea but the Sims 4 is close enough.
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I can relate so much to Fi's daily life omg, I started watching Adventure Time when I was in middle school so seeing her now in a similar setting as my early adult life is so wild and comforting to me. She has a special place in my heart, oh and she caked up like damn, in the og series she didn't strike me as a teen but I can definitely see her now as a grown ass woman. And in shorts! I love wearing shorts, they're so comfy. I wanna hang at a sleep over with her, watching dumb action or scary movies, eat ice cream as we talk about our break ups ;w;
That's about it, thank you to my Ted talk. I'll try to finish my requests as soon as I can to open my inbox again cause damn, I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!!! 11!
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sweet-lover-girl · 2 years
Important: NO minors aloud on this blog first and foremost! I will block you if I feel you are a minor. You MUST BE 18+ to view my blog, do not lie about your age and PLEASE have your age in your bio. Ageless and/or blank users with be blocked, I do and will check. I DO NOT want any minors following me or liking anything I post/reblog.
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Currently in the process of redoing my whole pinned post as this one is very old 😅
Hi! You can call me Sweetie or Belle! And here’s a few things about me! (Formerly know as, Eden-Nox)
Favorite colors: Black, pink and purple🖤💖💜
Favorite animal(s): Fox, wolf, horse and dolphin🦊🐺🐎🐬
Summer, Fall, winter or Spring?: WINTER❄️
Favorite Disney Character: Raya from “Raya and The Last Dragon🐉
Bucket list?: Yes! I really want to go to Norway and Japan, I’m in love with the cultures.
Current obsession?: This is not a current obsession but women, I just love women.
Favorite band/artist?: They are called “Heilung” if you never heard of them PLEASE look them up, they are amazing! I also really love “Hozier” “NF” “cigarettes after sex” and “Kalandra”
Do you have piercings/tattoos?: Yes! I have two piercings on each ears, septum, nipples and bellybutton! And I plan to get a few more plus some tattoos.(no tattoos yet)
Sexuality?: Lesbian🧡💛🤍💖
420?: Yes, I usually write while I’m high so..🤧
Also! Please don’t be shy to talk to me!💖I’m friendly!(at least I think I so..)
Also also: I lose interest easily! So I’m sorry if I stop writing for a while..
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Okay, I’m slowly working my way through my masterlist to update it so you can find it on here instead of AO3!!!
Also please know, I’m slow when it comes to writing so if you ever send anything in to me, it may take me a minute to get it out, and for that I am sorry. Please have patience and know that I’m not ignoring you!
Abby Anderson
Fairy Tale Love
No need for Words.
Sugar and Spice 18+ (No sex but it gets a little spicy)
Head canon--Squirting Dildos 18+
Good Girl 18+
Bathroom Shenanigans 18+
Say Ahh... 18+
Long Night 18+
Tea Party
Rougher Days
I don’t want anyone but you
Feeling Sick
Take aim
Facing your fears in never easy Pumpkin. (No sex but gets a little spicy)
(If you want more Abby stuff, look under my ‘Abby Anderson Blurbs’ tag!)
I said I like to write, NEVER said I was good at it.
If you have any questions for me or about me just send it and I’ll answer to the best of my ability!
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P.s check out the tags for more stuff!
(Anything Eden is old, anything Sweetie is new! The ‘Mutuals🖤’ tag is also old, the new one is ‘Mooties💋’ but you can still go through my old stuff, this is just an FYI!)
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hyunfilms · 2 years
all for nothing | three.
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♡ series masterlist | spotify playlist
—summary: after experiencing heartbreak and betrayal, hyunjin has become incredibly closed off and reserved. he hated opening up to people, nor did he think the time or effort was worth it. but when hyunjin meets you, he finally realizes the importance of having someone by your side throughout all the ups and downs of life.
—pairing: hyunjin x f. reader
—genre: (18+) strangers to lovers, grad school au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 3.8k
—chapter warnings: cussing, hyunjin is incredibly mean to oc in this chapter but he does something that makes him realize how mean he actually was 🤧, oc is just kinda having a hard time adjusting and hyunjin is not making this better, jeongin is best boi!!, we do get to see another side of hyunjin though
—note: sorry for uploading a bit late this weekend, ended up being pretty busy. just wanted to give a big, big shoutout to my love @persphonesorchid​ for surprising me with beautiful banners for this fic! thank you babe, i appreciate you 🥺💞 
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"Where are you guys going?" Changbin asks, handing you an iced vanilla latte with a huge smile on his face. "Got this for you, by the way."
"Oh my god, you actually remembered. Thank you, you didn't have to." You laugh, remembering you told Changbin, Jeongin and Felix it was your favorite item in the café, but you hadn't had time to get it lately due to running to work in between classes.
"Actually, I'm the one who remembered. He just paid after losing rock, paper, scissors." Jeongin pushes his glasses up and sips his drink.
"Shut up, don't lie like that." Changbin says while Felix laughs.
"You actually did forget though."
"For one second, then it came to me. But you guys just beat me to it."
"Changbin." You pout. "I thought I was special." You tease, being that you had easily [and quickly] clicked with these three in such a short amount of time.
"You are." He copies your cute tone. "It was a moment of weakness, that's all."
"You're full of shit." Jeongin laughs loudly, making Changbin push him to the side. "Anyways, I'm here. See you guys later?" You all say your goodbye's and wave Jeongin off to class.
"I gotta head to the Hale Center." You poke your bottom lip out, staring at the building from a distance.
"You live there." Changbin laughs. "I don't ever see you come out of that building unless you're in the library."
"I know."
"I have to head to the Social Sciences building." Felix adds. "Changbin?"
"I'm gonna head over there and hang out in the Aloha Center, maybe work out until the next class." He nods towards the building.
"Must be nice." You and Felix say.
"Shoulda worked with your advisor to move your schedule around so you have more down time."
"Mhm, kiss ass." Felix jokes, making Changbin giggle that giggle of his.
"Catch you guys later? Text if you're gonna hang out in the library." Changbin calls out as he slowly starts to part from you and Felix as you approach the Aloha Center. You wave him off before kicking at the rocks below your feet.
"You okay?"
"Just tired." You look at Felix, but you can tell he senses otherwise. There's definitely more to it and it's true. To be honest, there's a ton of things running through your mind, school probably being the last bit of it. You'll say it time and time again; you trust your brother and you knew he had a handle on things. But, it didn't stop you from worrying. You hoped your parents were getting the rest they needed. The last thing you wanted was for anything to happen to them, to your brother. For someone who wasn't that far from family, you suddenly felt like you were on the opposite end of the world— being so locked in with your graduate program with no room to leave and be with your family for a quick minute.
Lost, alone.
You wondered when this feeling would end.
"Want me to walk you to class?"
"It's okay, the Social Sciences building is all the way over there. Plus, I don't wanna be a burden." He shakes his head.
"A burden? I wanna walk you to class. I don't mind."
"If you say so." You tease. "For the record, this was your idea. Don't use this against me later on."
"Never." He chuckles. On the way to the science building, you and Felix engage in small talk about how classes have been the past few days and how he's been trying to find hobbies to fill his down time with. You listen to his ideas, chiming in about how he should explore around town to see if there were any classes that fit what he's looking for.
"But does that sound weird? Like, wanting to rock climb or surf.. archery, even?"
"No, why would it sound weird, Felix? You'll be great at whatever you decide to pick up."
"You think so?" You smile at him, watching as he opens the door to the science building.
"Yeah, absolutely."
"Do you wanna head into town one day and look around with me?" He chuckles nervously and scratches at the back of his neck. "I-I mean, you would probably know more than I would."
"Yeah, I'm down. I'm not sure I'll be the best at finding the answers for you, but we can go through it together." You stop at the top of the staircase with Felix smiling brightly at you. Right across stands Hyunjin, the supply room door propped open as he unpacks a new shipment and helps stock the supply room. He glances over, unintentionally doing a double take when he sees you and your friend smiling [mostly blushing] at each other. He's not sure why it bothers him, maybe because it's you and you've been pushing his buttons every single time you meet. Or, it could be something else— he's not sure, and quite frankly, he doesn't wanna try to put his finger on it.
Did you always bat your eyelashes at every single guy to try and win them over?
Before he can break his stare, you look over and make eye contact. Your smile instantly dies because you suddenly feel awkward for whatever reason. But, Felix doesn't really catch on because by the time you can do or say anything, Hyunjin is looking away and silently continuing to stock the supplies in the room.
"Have you thought about the fair next week?" Felix diverts your attention back to him.
"O-oh shit, the fair. That's right." Felix chuckles with a small nod.
"Ah, I think it depends on my meetings with Hyunjin." You say without certainty. You know you two have to meet since you've gotten a few updates from Dr. Kreher and the help he's giving with the supplies you need. On top of that, you both definitely need to get started on the project if you want to finish in time. "If I have time afterwards, I will."
"It doesn't end until 11 PM anyway. I'll wait for you, if you want. Or, head over when you are." You give him a toothless smile. "I'm sure Jeongin and Changbin won't mind either."
"I'll keep you updated." You let out a breath. "Well, thanks for walking me to class. I hope I won't make you late."
"It's all good." He smiles. "Text you later?" You nod, slowly walking backwards towards the classroom until Felix heads down the steps and out of the science building. You take one more look at Hyunjin, seeing that he's still unpacking the box and stocking up the lab.
"Hey." You quickly make your way over to him. He glances over his shoulder to look at you, not saying a word when he continues to pack the supplies up on the shelf. "Can we meet later?"
"I guess."
"You guess?" He looks at you, brows furrowed.
"Sorry, did I need to spell it out?" You roll your eyes.
"8PM, library."
"Yup." You let out a sigh before turning on your heel and finally heading to class.
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You're incredibly exhausted at the end of the day from running around, your patience easily running thin. You're hoping Hyunjin can cooperate so that you two can agree and go your separate ways peacefully tonight. But, part of you already knows [and hasn't accepted, oddly] that he'll be the opposite. What you did to him, you had no idea. You didn't exactly ask to be partnered with him, nor did you intentionally mean to run into him that night at the library. If he was going to be so closed off, how would you two ever get this project together? It was the first project of the semester, by far one of the biggest already, and you weren't gonna let Hyunjin's attitude be the reason why you two failed the project.
Something's gotta give.
You have a few minutes before you head to the library, so you give yourself time to head to the café to grab something to eat. You suddenly think of Hyunjin, so you grab him one of the grab-n-go sandwiches on display. It's not that you were trying to buy his approval or shower him with food in hopes of him easing up— though, it'd be nice— but, you were genuinely worried about him since he had seemed so uncomfortably hungry during your last meeting. Besides, today's meeting was pretty last minute. You were trying to avoid the whole 'scheduling-last-minute' kinda thing, but tonight was necessary.
When you sit at your usual table, Hyunjin takes a couple of minutes before he arrives, doing the same thing as last time— silently dragging his chair out before setting his bag onto the surface of the table. This time though, he lets out a heavy sigh before grabbing his laptop and slouching in his chair.
"So, why are we meeting?"
"Because I got an update from Dr. Kreher on the supplies."
"You couldn't just text me about it?" You look at him with your brows furrowed.
"No. We need to at least discuss the general steps of our procedure and figure out how and when we're gonna get started on this. We need to get started soon if we wanna finish on time."
"Well, what did he say?"
"Supplies should get here early next week, he made sure to put in a request to expedite it." Silence. "After that, I think we can spend some hours in the lab working on it. I-Is that okay?"
"Mmkay, cool." You type away at your notes, taking a bite of your to-go dinner while you're at it. You glance over at the sandwich, slowly edging it towards him. He looks up from his laptop screen, confused as to what you're doing and why the sandwich is getting pushed to his area. "I got you this, by the way."
"For what?"
"I just thought you might be hungry." He pushes it back.
"Why are you doing that?"
"Doing what—" He shuts his laptop close and shoves it back into his backpack, which slightly catches you off guard.
"Look, I don't need your pity or anything like that, okay?"
"Woah, I just thought you could use it since our meeting was last minute. What the hell is your problem? I never did anything to you."
"I can take care of myself. You don't have to do all that shit." He scoffs, continuing to pack up his things. "This is such a waste of time—"
"Yeah, you're right." You cut him off, feeling angry and hurt that he had the audacity to go off on you like that when you were just genuinely trying to be nice. Scratch that, you were just genuinely trying. "This is a waste of time." He watches as you pack up and stand, hurriedly throwing your strap over your shoulder. "I'll just text you updates. From now on, I can work on my own part and you can work on yours. That way, we don't have to waste each other's time and be in each other's hair." You tossed the sandwich over to him. "Keep it. It was never out of pity or anything like that. I'm sorry for whatever I did that made you feel a certain way towards me, but not everyone who tries to reach out to you has negative intentions, Hyunjin." You say before walking out of the library. To be honest, Hyunjin doesn't even know how to react right now. Usually, people knew how to leave him alone. Usually, people didn't care much for him. You, though? He doesn't understand why you try and why you would be concerned for him.
I'll never understand it, he thinks.
But, it does make him feel bad that he used his awfully terrible defense mechanism against your genuine gesture. Yeah, maybe he should've known better. How was he supposed to know, though? No one has genuinely paid attention to him these last couple of years. He had been minding his business, doing all of this shit on his own. He's protective of his time, protective of who he gives effort to— he's protecting himself, afraid to feel hurt or be hurt again.
"Fuck." He mutters to himself, unaware that he was even able to feel this way towards someone, a stranger technically, after being numb for so long.
You, on the other hand, walk out of the library with hot, angry tears streaming down your face. You aren't sure if it's Hyunjin alone, or if it's Hyunjin being the cherry on top to everything that has been going on lately. It was fucking upsetting. Made you livid, made you close to despising him. And frankly, you try not to head down that path. It's something you feel like you can't ever come back from. Therefore, you try as best as possible to work it out and avoid it.
Hyunjin, though.
At this point, you're positive it's not possible between you two and you're not even sure why. You haven't done shit to him, but that wasn't your fault.
You were over it. You didn't have time for shit like this at this point in your life.
As you finally created enough distance between you and the library, you called Jeongin to see if the him and the boys were still hanging out at the Aloha Center. You figured they weren't, but all you needed was company, any kind of company, even if that meant hearing Jeongin's voice through the phone.
"Y/N!" He picks up the phone in typical Jeongin style. "What's up?"
"Hey, are you still at the Aloha Center?"
"No, we left awhile ago. Sorry, we didn't think you'd make it since you were with Hyunjin." He says, apologetically. "Are you okay?"
"Um, yeah. Perfectly fine." You lie, even though it's pretty obvious with the way your voice trembles a bit. "Just been a rough day. Wanted to see you guys for a little if you were still around."
"I'm sorry. Do you wanna meet up somewhere? I'm just at my apartment with my roommates."
"No, it's okay." You quickly wipe the tear that fell down your cheek. "Seriously. I'm just gonna head home and get comfy."
"You should. It's been a long day. Treat yourself, yeah?"
"I will."
"Are you positive you don't wanna meet up? Or, I can drop by. I don't mind."
"No, Jeongin. It's fine. Thank you, anyway." You quietly sniffle. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, but I'll wait until you get into the car and are about to drive off." He says right before he laughs with his roommates in the background, making you feel bad that you're holding him up. "Should I ask how your meeting with Hyunjin went?"
"Probably not." You give off a tiny, pathetic chuckle.
"Mm. I'm sorry Y/N."
"It's alright, I'll figure this out." You let out a sigh. "How are you and Yeonjun doing with your project?"
"We're starting next week, but I don't think our project is as complex as yours and Hyunjin's, so it won't take much time or effort." He chuckles.
"Still, that's good." You finally get to your car and shut the door, letting out another breath before you settle into your seat. "Alright, I'm in my car."
"Okay. Are you sure you're good?" No, you think. I wish I could go home.
"Yeah. Thank you."
"I got you." He laughs a bit. "Text me when you get settled, alright?"
"I will."
"Drive safely." And with that, you hang up the call and start the car to get yourself home in radio silence.
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Hyunjin packs up his things and slowly heads out of the library, greeting the front desk lady with a small, toothless smile as he walks out of the main doors. The night is perfect; not too cold, not too hot. There's a breeze that's picking up and Hyunjin enjoys the way it hits his skin so refreshingly. After what happened with you, he felt incredibly bad, but he wasn't sure how he could apologize. He wasn't used to doing these kind of things— not anymore at least.
When he meets the center portion of campus, he's hoping he'll see you lingering around somehow. But, part of him knows he left a little too late, and maybe he left a little too late on purpose because he wasn't sure how to apologize to you. He looks at the sandwich in his hands and swallows the lump in his throat, letting out a sigh as he grips onto his bag strap and heads towards the Hale Center lot.
Maybe the next time he sees you, he'll muster up enough courage to apologize. It'll give him some time to formulate the right words. At least right now, he doesn't want to do anything else to hurt your feelings. After all, you were partners and he needed a good grade just as much as you did. He had to make it work.
"Hyunjin." He steps out of his car when he parks it in the alleyway, immediately greeting Mrs. Shao. She was in her late-60's, having to run the grocery store underneath his studio by herself after her husband had passed a couple of years ago. Hyunjin offers to help whenever he has down time because it's the least he can do. She offered him the space for cheap and always checks up on him.
"Mrs. Shao." He greets her warmly. "What're you doing, the store is closed?"
"I'm just cleaning up a little while I can." She chuckles.
"Do you need some help? Why didn't you text me?" He locks his car and heads towards the back door of the grocery store where she stands with the dustpan and broom.
"No, no. I'm alright dear, I'm almost done. I know you've had a long day. You work so hard at school." She smiles.
"You sure?"
"Yes. Just go upstairs and get some rest, okay?" She looks down at the sandwich in his hands. "Oh, I'm glad you have some food with you. You worry me sometimes."
"I'm fine. I can wait for you, Mrs. Shao." He chuckles, stepping into the backroom with her. "Please let me know when you need help next time, okay? I don't want you doing this by yourself at night time."
"Nonsense. I'm a strong woman."
"Yes, indeed you are. But still, I just want to make sure." He agrees, sitting on the chair at the register, pulling back the plastic wrap from his sandwich. It's quiet for a bit as Hyunjin watches Mrs. Shao clean up in the back, a comforting silence he can always rely on. But, it isn't long before she breaks the silence again, walking towards him after she empties her dustpan in the trash.
"How has school been?"
"Off to a pretty fast start."
"You're already working with your teacher, right?" He nods.
"Yup, schedule is packed. I just got assigned my first project of the semester."
"Already? Wow. How is that going?" He sighs and looks at her, making her chuckle. "Trouble already?"
"No, no." He shakes his head. "I, uh.. no, it's nothing."
"What is it?"
"My partner? I might have, um, hurt her feelings? I was pretty tough on her today. She gave me this sandwich and I told her she didn't need to pity me." She laughs.
"Hyunjinnie. What did I tell you about that shell of yours?"
"No, I know. But." He shakes his head. "Actually, no. I don't know. I don't even know her like that, so I don't even know why I feel bad. I just don't understand why she wants to be friends so badly, we're just partners. Am I wrong for feeling that way?"
"Hyunjinnie." She says softly, hand placed on his arm. "I know you've been through a lot, but you don't need to shut every single person out. I know you're strong and you're always going to be strong. But, it'd be nice to have people you can lean on, people who can help push you when days get tough. Life is tough, it's not easy. And as much as we like to think that we can do everything alone, it's almost impossible."
"But look at you, Mrs. Shao." He responds gently. "You're strong."
"I am, because of you. Because of this store, because of the people I work with, the people I meet and have made friends with." She gives him another soft smile. "Think about it. She's sweet for trying. She might not be out to get you or ridicule you like you think she is."
"Mm, yeah." Is all he says before taking the last bite of his sandwich and chucking the paper into the trash can. "I guess." She chuckles again and ruffles his hair.
"Never gonna be easy with you, huh?" She teases as she sets the broom and dustpan aside. "Come on, let's go upstairs." He smiles and grabs his things, shutting off the lights as they head towards the back and lock the doors. They climb up the stairs that leads to her studio and his, doors in front of each other. She lives in the back studio, while Hyunjin lives on the front end, with a view that overlooks part of Lā'ie and Temple Beach. "Are you busy this weekend?" She turns to him as he unlocks his door.
"I don't think so. Need help?" She nods.
"If you're able to."
"Of course." She smiles and squeezes his forearm.
"Thank you, Hyunjinnie. I appreciate it. You sleep well, okay?"
"You too, Mrs. Shao. Goodnight." He says before entering his studio and gently shutting the door. He tosses his keys off to the side, only turning on the kitchen light as he steps out of his shoes. He takes off his jacket and hangs it up before looking over at the blank canvas that sat on his easel at the corner of his living room area.
He hasn't had the urge to paint anything in a long, long time.
He lost his touch, his creative spark.
He's not sure what else can bring it back.
But the only thing he can do is let out a hefty sigh when he looks at it because he doesn't really wanna try to figure it out or try to get it back, whatever.
He heads straight to his room to get ready for bed, washing up in his bathroom and tossing his clothes into the hamper before getting into his pajamas. He lays there, unable to fall asleep right away. It's been this way for lord knows how long, but at this point, it does't really bother Hyunjin. It hasn't felt odd, it hasn't been anything new. It's part of his routine and something he's sadly gotten used to.
He lets the blankets drape over his legs, the street lights illuminating corners of his room as he scrolls through his phone. He suddenly thinks about you, remembering the words you said before you rushed out of the library with that look on your face.
I'm sorry for whatever I did that made you feel a certain way towards me, but not everyone who tries to reach out to you has negative intentions, Hyunjin.
He shakes off the feeling, not really wanting to think about it at this time of night. He'll worry about it when he sees you again, maybe he'll do better about what he says, how he approaches you.
You just had to be partners.
He had to make it work.
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♡ taglist: @lotus-dly​ @hyunk1ss @sstarryoong​ @laylasbunbunny​ @azeret98​ @peterballardsgf​ @taeriffic​ @nattisbored​ @lovingeaglepeanut​ [bold = couldn’t tag!]
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pragmatic-optimist · 8 months
Betty is so special and important to me!! She's one of my most favorite characters ever and I love how 13 years after the series finale, she hasn't been forgotten about. 🥺🥹😭🤧💗💓💞
OMG! It makes my heart so happy to hear that you are also an Ugly Betty fan! What are some of your favorite episodes/moments? 👀
I adore Betty Suarez & Co. I do a series rewatch every year, it’s my favorite comfort show. It was canceled prematurely, and I'm still waiting for my Ugly Betty reunion movie.
I've been a huge fan of America Ferrera since "Real Women Have Curves," but Betty Suarez is my ultimate favorite of her roles. Like you, Betty is just so special to me. I'm always telling people to watch the show (many mutuals on Tumblr will attest to this 😂). I talk about the show so much you'd think it was still airing. I started a new job five months ago, and just last week, I was having lunch with one of my new colleagues, and she saw my Ugly Betty Pop figure on my desk (I commissioned it, and it's one of the best gifts I've ever given myself tbh). When she saw it, we spent half of our lunch discussing our favorite scenes. Ugly Betty is essentially my friendship litmus test lol.
Betty is my favorite fictional character of all time, no contest. But I also want to shout out the ensemble because WOW. The entire cast was incredible and hilarious. The show was a true dramedy; I was often in tears, either from laughter or an emotional storyline. Judith Light AND Vanessa Williams? ICONS. Michael Urie and Becki Newton? What a DYNAMIC DUO. Ana Ortiz and Mark Indelicato? PERFECTION. Eric Mabius? The TALENT. Daniel could have easily been such a vacuous character, but Eric gave him a depth that surprised me. Plus, his chemistry with America?? EPIC. I loved Betty and Daniel so much (shout out to the bridge scene in 1x13!).
I often wonder how unhinged I would have been if Tumblr had existed when the show was airing. My enthusiasm over your ask indicates that I would have been absolutely bonkers and loved every minute of it. 😆
If you're interested, this is my favorite Detty fanvid edit and my favorite Detty article. I loved their friendship through season 3 and didn't ship them romantically until about season 4. While watching the ATX reunion panel in 2016, I realized that Eric was also Team Detty, and I so wish we could have seen what happened next!
Anywho, I've rambled enough lol. Thank you so much for giving me a reason to shout about my all-time favorite character/show!! 😁💜
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
Who’s Who~
TW && CW: one of the images uses the word slut && some are slightly suggestive
I hate the name for this but I couldn't think of anything else-
This became longer then I wanted it to T-T
I kept getting these on my Pinterest and Instagram so I thought it would be funny to just do this for my muses!
Doing this as a little fun post while I work on profiles and other bigger posts!
Do what you want with this post lmao, you can reblog or use it for something in our rp or if it gives you an rp idea~ I hope you guys enjoy it 🥰
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Picture 1:
Jooheon [giving]
He will definitely tease in public
Say good girl/boy/nickanme
Will say "be a good girl/boy/nickname for me and ...."
Deinitely lots of compliments!
Is protective
Will degrade if their partner likes it
Will whisper shit to you to make you squirm in public~ Does the chin lift thing like in movies!~ 🥰
Leo [giving && receiving]
Literally does everything
He doesn't mind degrading
He prefers to be degraded~
Loves to make his partner squirm and would be a massive tease if they try to do it to him
DOES THE CHIN LIFT THING! Your knees will go weak when he does it~
Very very very protective
If he's annoyed with you he will kiss you to shut up
Or if you're rambling
Just massive MWAH
Ace [receiving]
Will go weak and turn into putty in your hands if you do any of these
Say you're mine to this man and he will get heart eyes
He will melt if you're over protective too 🤧
Man just likes feeling like he's actually wanted and loved
Will blush if you tilt his chin up, obiedent bunny, will listen to whatever you say
Doesn't mind being degraded but does prefer it being mixed with praise Is a little shit so he might end up teasing back to push your buttons
Dionysus [giving]
Is over protective as hell
The type to have his arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist and death glare anyone who looks in your general direction
Will give you non stop compliments without even being prompted
"You look so pretty~", "Baby your outfit looks amazing.", "I'm so lucky to have you <3"
He will degrade if angered or annoyed
He does not tolerate brats~
Will tease the living shit out of you in public, will whisper nasty shit in your ear too!
Apollo [receiving]
Tilt his chin in public? Will melt on the spot
Tease him in public? He will become bratty as shit
Whisper anything in his ear? He'll do it ten times worse to you~
Be protective? He will get smug
There is no winning with Apollo 😭
Set [giving && receiving]
Any type of praise will make this man obedient as hell, he'll deny liking the praise though
He's the degrader and loves to be degraded
He's hella protective of the people he loves
Will bite whoever's hand he has to get them away from his love
Can get irritated and jealous kind of easily
Tilt his chin, you'll get two reactions; blushy Set or teasing little shit Set
He compliments in strange ways but I promise, it's a compliment Say dirty shit into his ear and he will melt on the spot and instantly take you away to do them
Ares [giving]
Over protective as shit
Will become a whole bull if you even smile at his beloved
Compliments are basically his love language
"My pretty baby~", "My beautiful prince~", "My little warrior <3"
Has to be in a mood to whisper stuff into your ear
But when he does...you're done for.
Will kiss you to get you to shut the hell up 🥰
Cupid [giving && receiving]
Biggest little shit ever-
Acts like a whole angel *whispers* he's not
He will do everything to make up squirm
Will send you dirty text, whisper shit into your ear, touch you
He's not super protective but will look at whoever is talking with you and just go 'pathetic' before walking away with you
Super bubbly is actually super scary
Loves being degraded and doesn't mind giving degradation
Will compliment you to no end~
Picture 2:
Emilia [giving]
She loves giving neck kisses, it's hr favorite place to kiss
Back hugs are a must, she will bury her face into your neck and just giggle happily
She says 'how cute' a lot especially when she's amused
Will kiss you when overly excited, which is rare so treasure it
Will say things like "my pretty boy/girl/nickname" to get you all flustered
Has a thing for deep voices~ 🥰
Ace [giving]
Loves loves loves giving neck kisses
If you kiss his neck he will squeal and run away his neck is hella sensetive
Back hugs~ He loves giving back hugs~ 🥰
Deep voice = melting
He will yell, tackle you and kiss you if he's excited
I think he would be a fast texter and answers quick
He also has his bratty moments where he goes make me 😤
Will steal all your hoodies, you may not get them back-
He will whine and tell you to leave and then whine more and tell you to come right back
Jay [giving && receiving]
Loves neck kisses will get shy if given to her
Will challenge anything you throw at her she will not back down either
If she’s amused she’ll go all ‘how cute~’ or ‘aren’t ya just so cute~’
She likes being given back hugs If she back hugs you expect to have to carry her around, she will not let go
Will excitedly kiss you but loves to be excitedly kissed
Will straight up tell you if she likes your music taste or if she thinks it’s shit
You will never have hoodies, she takes them all
Will leave you notes around the house, either just random I love yous or things to remember
Will tell you to leave and whine if you actually leave 🤧
Anubis [receiving]
Anubis is a good baby pup 🥺
He loves being given neck kisses along with back hugs he just melts
If he's in a bit of a huffy mood he'll get a tiny bit bratty but can instantly be put back in place with a look
Hearing things like "my pretty boy" or "my baby" makes him have heart eyes
As quiet as Anubis is having being excited over something will always amuse him
Kiss him with that excitment and he'll melt so hard and his tail will just wag so happily
Apollo [giving && receiving]
Apollo is the one who will throw himself at you with up most excitement
He will get annoyed if you do it to him
Excited kisses all the way 🥰
He has his good days with replies, answers super fast one minute then goes dead silent the next
He will leave notes around more so stupid things like 'Hey, you left your sock in the dryer. Get it before I stop talking to you.'
He LOVES deep voices
Just melts
He loves giving neck kisses, just a small peck here or a long one there
Will compliment your music taste if he likes it
Makes you playlist after playlist and will cry if you make him one
You shall have no more hoodies ever
You bought a new one? No you didn't.
If you are being hot he will shamlessly stare
Likes degradation mixed with praise
Is a brat and will tell you to leave him alone but whine the second after you actually do
Artemis [receiving]
As aloof and straight faced Art is I can see her more with a bubbly gf
One who'll get all excited over everything and just happily hug her
Back hugs secretly make her melt
Neck kisses too
If you tell her to leave you alone and take it back she will still walk away-
She will get so happy if you take any of her clothes
Like walk around in her shirt? Heart eyes right away-
Set [giving and receiving]
He is baby™️
Will excitedly kiss and hug you
If he's happy, he will scream in your face and run circles around you
Might also go into Jackal form
He also likes the same back but lowkey...he will not say anything about it but secretly enjoys being wanted
My pretty boy = 🫠
Will tell you to fuck off, if you leave he will crawl into your lap
Praise mixed with degradation makes for a happy Set
Only if it's in the correct atmosphere though
Will give you all his hoodies and smile when he sees you in them
*chin tilt* how cute~ *mischivious smile*
When brat will challenge everything you say
Has a sort of deep voice, love love loves deep voices~
Hel [giving]
She will hang off your neck, give you a billion kisses, and just stick to your side
Writes you cute notes to start your day off
Replies pretty fast
Will look at you, gaping and go "that was hot" at anything that is slightly hot
Gives the best back hugs~
Hecate [receiving]
My shy baby 🤧
She's too shy and scared to start anything so she prefers it done to her
She'll be so happy and with back hugs and neck kisses
Will wear your hoodies and just cuddle in them
Is not very bratty but will huff at you and challenge if she feels things are being unfair
Hades [giving && receiving]
Loves giving back hugs
Will dig his face into the crook of your neck and just plant a soft kiss on your neck
Will say things like "my pretty boy/girl/nickname" or "my good boy/girl/nickname"
He loves the return of being given back hugs and neck kisses
If you give him excited kisses you will see him smile
Like real smile
You brat him, he will not give in
"Make me" "Fuck off!" = a cold stare
Eros [giving && receiving]
Gives and loves excited kisses
"LOOK LOOK AT THIS!" *squeals and kisses happily*
He will steal your hoodies and hide away with it
Gives his hoodies away willingly and happy to see you in them
He loves receiving back hugs makes him go all 🥰
Likes getting cute little notes
Caves when you're a brat, likes to spoil
"MY PRETTY BOY/GIRL/NICKNAME!" *hug and twirl*
Cupid [giving]
This man is sassy as shit
But he is also jumpy and bubbly as hell
He's all about nicknames too
"My pretty little sugarcube~" "My lovely darlin'~" "Oh love bug! 🥰"
Excited kisses all the way
Like launches at you and kisses you
Will lead to making out-
"That was hot 🤤"
Take all your hoodies, ALL of them, every LAST ONE
Back hugs you and never lets go
Kisses your neck till you're a puddle on the ground 🥰
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Picture 1:
Emilia [giving]
Emilia is mommy-
You say something bratty she will stare you down
"Wanna say that again, sugar?"
Finds your brattyness amusing, will grin and snort
Jooheon [giving]
All the stops
When he's daddy he's daddy
*looks you over* "You want to say that again, baby?" *dares you to say that shit again*
Muttering when he's asking for an answer? "Speak up now or I'm walking away"
Want something from him? "Say please, I won't give it to you without the please."
Say some out of pocket shit? *tilts your chin up* "Mhm? Want to say that again dear, I didn't quite hear you?"
Leo [giving && receiving]
He will do all and be stern about it
But if you do it to him he'll be a little shit
Tell him to say please, he'll scoff at you and take what he wants
Tell him to speak up, he will stay quiet
Tell him to repeat himself, he'll laugh at you
Ace [receiving]
Ace is for the most part obedient
You give him a look and he'll stand straight and do what you ask
Butttt he has his moments-
There will be times he's impatient or whiney and will not listen to you
Sometimes he just wants to be a little shit
If you tell him to speak up or repeat himself he will scream or huff and look away from you
Start anything with "Mhm?" in a challenging tone and he'll mock you-
Jay [giving && receiving]
You test her patience and she'll glare you down
Grab your chin and force you to look at her
"Repeat yourself."
"Not giving it to you unless you say please."
"Say that shit again."
"Mhm?" *rolls her eyes*
Receiving it is different, she will challenge you until she stands down
Dionysus [giving]
Brat tamer™️
Will not accept a single ounce of brattyness
Will hold your chin/hold you down and make you listen to what he has to say
Does not hesitate to give a punishment if you misbehave enough
Anubis [receiving]
Will become shy as shit
Like will look at you with big eyes for whatever else you have to say or tell him to do
Whole face red
Hold his chin and he's putty in your hands
Apollo [giving]
Apollo will keep bratting
Not till you put him in his place/give him a punishment
He does not listen on first command
"Wanna say that again?" "Speak up" "Say please" = a straight laugh to the face
Artemis [giving]
Another mommy who hides that she is mommy-
Will look you in the eyes
Stare you down
And your knees will buckle and you'll become a puddle
No room for a brat
That is all~
Set [receiving]
You do anything and he'll laugh
Can not take you seriously
At first at least~
Once he finds out he'll get praised though...he'll listen right away~
Baby loves the praise 🥰
Hades [giving]
Daddy. I mean- Daddy. I mean-
He expects to be listened to
So if he tells you to speak up, do it.
That's all you need to really know 🥰
Ares [giving]
Another brat tamer~
Holds your face and will not let go till you listen to him
Won't hesitate to punish you in public
Cupid [giving]
He's a little shit
He's the bottom and the brat but will do it to you and will not allow anyone to do it to him
If you do it to him he'll laugh at you and walk away
He'll grab your collar and say something with the biggest shit eating grin
Picture 2:
Jooheon [giving]
Once you're dating this man he's all for you
Just you
Will call when doing things cause he wants to hear you speak
Kisses all the time
Says I love you a lot and means it every time
"My precious~" "My baby~"
Will look at you go "why are you so cute/pretty/handsome" and pout
You're all his 🥰
Diego [receiving]
Most definitely will love if you call him just to hear his voice
Wants all the cuddles
Kiss Kiss
Will blush and die if you call him cute, hides it well though
Leo [giving && receiving]
Loves both~
Will call you just cause he feels lonely and wants to hear you
Will melt if you say that to him
Loves physical touch so he will want to cuddle a lot
Says I love you not so often but does mean it and his heart just melts when he hears it
Ace [giving && receiving]
Bubbly baby~
Will call you at any time of the day just to hear your voice
Happy if you want to talk to him at all and ever
"Why are you so cute?" *cups your face and gives you a trillion kisses*
Melts when cuddled, loves cuddles
Dionysus [receiving]
Loves bubbly cute babes
Chuckles/giggles when you call him yours
Say you wanna hear his voice and he'll have heart eyes
Will gladly give you any cuddles you want
Anubis [receiving]
I said this before but he is baby
Shy adorable baby
You tell him you want to hear his voice he will cry in emotional way not sad way
He secretly loves cuddles
The minute you call him yours you have his heart
I love yous in a quiet dark room at night cuddling together EEKKK
Apollo [giving && receiving]
"My precious teddy bear~" will shower you in compliments
He will keep you on the phone just to listen to you talk
"Why are you so cute?" = Happy little sunshine~
Cuddles galore
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Had to cut down a few cause it was getting wayyy too long but if does well enough I might do another one 🥰
possible new residents: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟💙 && ⚡💖 && 👻💜] @faywithlove @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤] @darkmoonsiblings​  @clubwnderland @supernaturalcb @domxbot @ocmyths @fantasyaespa [💚🐈 && 💎☀️] @thepatchedpaw​ @redlight-cb @dawnswonderland-entertainment @k-pop-shelter @fantasy-teez @bluerosemafiacb [🔪❣️]  @beastfights-starting @divineblood-cb @cave-of-celestials @urtwice @welcometosector1​​ @9ateez-multiau-bot @wolfpackcb @mxthxbot @lunaaofthemoon​ @littleboywooyoungie @musiclovermino  [🎶💛]  @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡] @reve-rv @k-half-blood @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @kquestrian​ @minsena-oc​ @kingtaythecute​ ​@kardpackcb​ @redlights-speakeasy​ @3rachabot​ @kingdom-of-dicentra​ @starhunters-reign​ @glamrockpop-cb @dreampodcast @beaconhillsxbot [DM + / -]
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not-goldy · 11 months
Re: My last post on nwkm
I can understand why you'd feel embarrassed when your SO gets all super Park Jimin on you in front of friends and family.
Sometimes it's just cringe watching them go out of their shelves and out of their comfort zone to do things that doesn't come so natural to them. I'd cover my eyes and wouldn't want to see that too cos
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No one does the cringe expression more than Jungkook so here's another. dealers choice😌
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Aaahhh and my personal favorite
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The second hand embarrassment chileee😩😩😩
But hey sometimes it's cute watching them try as JM would say. So cute it makes you wanna uWu
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But what i think it all comes down to is the fact that not many people are comfortable allowing themselves to be vulnerable around their partners much less family and friends or even the whole world as is in Jikook's case.
When your partner flirts with you and you feel all that love and sexiness, attention and attraction in your core you involuntarily let down your guard around them, you lose focus and control and in that moment you are at their mercy, wrapped up in their world- that can be difficult to let yourself acknowledge or even to let others see. And that feeling you get is not embarrassment per se, it could be vulnerability.
You could be embarrassed bcos you feeling vulnerable in that moment and that's perfectly fine 😃
Ahhh that reminds me of moments where Kook is just staring at JM doing whatever and my man would be smiling to himself pupil dilating and shit. It's him touching his ear or scratching his ear absent-mindedly in that moment that does it for me🤧
I love seeing those two be vulnerable with eachother. Especially when it's involuntary. And while Kook tend to shy away from the camera in such moments, Park Jimin's reactions are priceless as well😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I mean he's always caught off guard and sometimes needs a minute to recompose himself. Can someone link that video of him forgetting where he was going after kissing Jk on the neck at - stop I'll find it myself and watch it back to back with vengeance 🤣
Not trying to shade other ships but the fact that this intensity, tenaion and vulnerability is missing even in their most so called "hottest" moments lends no credibility and believability to their ship. Whatsoever.
How TH and JK can independently be two of the most hottest men on the surface of the planet but their "hottest" moments together is colder than the frosts of hell just bebaffles me.
And it's crazy cos Tae does the least in Taejin and all that comes out of them is tension and chemistry so thick you can fillet it with a butter knife
Maybe their shippers should stop editing and faking their moments cos all that is setting up too high expectations they usually don't live up to.
Okay this is actually longer than I intended it to be🥴
So bottom line, there's good embarrassment and there's cringe embarrassment 😬
Sometimes we feel both- other times it's just the one.
Anyone can flirt with anyone but that doesn't mean everyone is capable of making you feel vulnerable- if they do its a sign you lack emotional boundaries which also means you might be susceptible to forming attachments with people easily.
Give me a min I will link the nwkm post im commenting on HERE shortly
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stephanie-artdesign · 8 months
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El Sireno Leedo (Siren/Merman Leedo) ✨ Drawing time: 13.5 hours 💙
I knew I'd love La Dolce Vita album but truly Oneus exceeded my expectations (yet again haha) and it's easily one of my most favorites of their mini albums now. And yes, I was especially excited for their first official song with a complete spanish version song, Baila Conmigo. I cannot express enough how proud of them I am 🤧✨ I can tell they worked hard to carefully practice their pronunciation and really they did a beautiful job singing in Spanish 💙🥹
Also, the obvious beautiful visuaaals y'all, I know I'm not the only one obssessed with the Leedo in sea of gold dust haha ✨✨ I didn't want to do too many details on this, knowing I may start to get too obssessed trying to make it perfect so I forced myself to not spend too many hours on this one.
Also, this was also a small painting I wanted to do to take a break from my more detailed MerSan which I plan on finishing soon ✨ So keep an eye out for that one too 💕
Please do not repost, edit, crop, use or sell my artworks! If you'd like to support me, please consider reblogging my posts instead 💙💚💙 Thank you ✨
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mandalhoerian · 3 months
bruh my comment was too long to post under the new chapter so i’m sending an ask. saw the ao3 notif and scheduled to read it this fine evening, good thing i was like “lemme scroll on tumblr and see what’s up” because SJFKDJLXBZB the face i made when i saw i was tagged and followed BY YOU? also ma’am 🤚🏻wdym nobody comments like i do. like what do you mean. i have a concerning relationship with receiving praise so i advise you to stfu (affectionately).
my poor girl vera can’t catch a break, loss after loss after loss in such a short period. i just want to give her lots and lots of hugs (consensually). on another note i love that she clocked ada’s intentions right away bc capcom wtf is that writing. one person taking down a whole organization is like sending only one person to save president’s kidnapped daughter (laugh track). let me tell you i have been waiting for this 🤌🏻 vera and ada interacting 🤌🏻 leon being there all charming and naive and trusting people easily 🤌🏻 shai you just get the dynamics of all the characters *so right* 🤌🏻
sorry for the excessive amount of parentheses and emojis let me just find another obnoxiously annoying emoji to spam about the intimacy between leon and vera. 🤧 it’s this one but i’m wiping my snot away from crying about it. the small touches between the two are so tender in this fucked up world 🤧 vera’s hand on his forearm… leon collecting her in his arms, comforting her 🤧 his arm on her shoulder 🤧 i could cry and get a headache from thinking about them. i’m so serious.
(gnawing at the bars of my enclosure) JILL VALENTINE MENTION???? VERA KNOWS HER? WHAT IS THE LORE? I NEED TO KNOW.
how does one end a delirious comment. uhhh. so yeah. i love nttd and vera so much and i’m so happy that it’s back babyyyy.
Ofc I followed!!!! I don't remember why I didn't in the first place like but like ???? ur making it sound like I'm some big shot but like pls im a loser who's writing oc fanfiction on the internet and is so lucky and grateful to get people invested in it!!!!! AND YES nobody comments like you do! You're the dream of a fanfiction author ON GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH
ramble below to keep your dashboards clean:
I think we talked about this over on ao3 but honestly re2r's ada just doesn't make sense to me. The FBI cover is logical (when you first think about it), but the way she's immediately pulling a gun on Annette the minute they see her and DECLARING her intentions isn't. She then proceeds to reveal her target is Annette, and then her going with the FBI thing becomes less logical, bc why would Annette hand over the G-Virus sample to the feds, either? It's entirely a shock factor thing revolved around Leon, she's only fooling him -- or maybe, she's fooled Ben like this, too, and was forced to stick to her cover when shit went down, we don't know 😭 why did they do my girl ada like that... (ngl re4r ada supremacy. period.)
But either way, un-truths she would throw as a bone to a "civilian" like Leon would of course be caught by Vera, nugget by nugget, while still making her think "mayhaps the FBI is misinformed????" -- I didn't want to ruin that fine line by Ada going on about Annette making the virus and her being the most dangerous of all "g-virus g-virus g-virus" or whatever because 1) WHY WOULD A SPY DO THAT???? 2) it would surely make Vera go "yeah NOPE" 💀💀
it's so much fun for them to try sussing each other out, Light and L mind games over there while Leon is happily frolicking. not one thought behind those eyes 😭
ALSO LIKE YES THE TOUCHES!!!!!! It's Leon initiating all of them for me 👹👹👹 physical touch taking over when words can't. my favorite thing of all UGGHHHHHHHH THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME IN MY MISERY
ALSO totally not going "actually 🤓☝" as I'm saying this because it's been HALF A WHOLE YEAR + the fic is over 100K words -- Vera knows Jill from post!mansion incident - pre!outbreak, in that ephemeral "investigation" phase of Jill's. I do mention it in the fic that Vera supplies information to Jill (as around that time she's trying to get rid of the weight of all she knows and trying to pass on the "hero's job" to someone else) and they exchange their findings while trying to be careful not to get caught by ppl Umbrella put on Jill's tail. I think I wrote it in passing that Vera was disguised as a secretary and sat back-to-back with Jill on a booth in one of those occasions? She's loosely connected to re3r by having a brief appearance in carlos' police station section in my head, entrusting Jill to him and all and promising to meet up with them in the station once she talks to her dad about it ☹
"delirious comment" WDYM ITS MY LIFEBLOOD THANK YOU 😭
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villainsblog97 · 2 years
Xdinary Heroes as your Boyfriend
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Hello everyone I am back from the dead with my current addiction! Xdinary Heroes! If you haven't yet check out their newest come back Test Me and their debut single Happy Death Day, please enjoy the new content! 😁
Disclaimer: none of the gifs are mine, credit to all original owners!
Gunil 🥁
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Gunil is the leader of a new group
Meaning he's got priorities
You are one...
You're his queen
And he'll make sure you are happy always
You two will definitely have cute moments in the practice room
He'll teach you how to play the drums
He'll also tap little beats against your arms or legs with his fingers when he's holding you
Like the beats always in his head
The members love teasing their hyung
He'll never get alone time with you
But you two are seriously like so cute
And you love his laugh
It's so goofy and adorable
It's what makes him Gunil
He'll ask you about all the stages
"Jagiya did you see me?"
"Your man is so cool right" 😌
That exact emoji
Jungsu 🎹
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Jungsu is already the sweetest
Change my mind
So he's gonna make sure you're treated so well
Jagiya is his favorite nickname for you
He's so sweet
He can get embarrassed easily
Like if one of the members tease him about you
But this boy looks like a romantic!
He'll play you beautiful melodies on the piano
May even show you how to play some
He will also make sure you're watching all the stages
"Pay attention to me okay"
And his part in Test Me is your favorite
He will definitely sing to you when you're feeling down
Those beautiful vocals
You'll instantly feel better
He loves holding you and singing to you
Kay bye... 🤧
Gaon 🎸
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Gaon is such a sunshine
Like he's silly
And he's never afraid to show it!
You two are the cutest things together!
He loves playing the guitar for you
And of course teaching you
Guiding your fingers over the strings
Okay Gaon is a hugger
I said what I said
He's gonna hug you evey chance he gets
And kiss your cheeks
And quick little pecks on the lips
He's clingy
But it's adorable
He won't be too much into PDA
He likes to be kind of private with you
But he holds your hand when you want him to
But if another guy is looking you
He suddenly knows very much about PDA
He's gonna let them know you're his
O.de 🎹
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Seungmin is kind of chaotic
But he means so well
He's gonna love you like there's no tomorrow
He is definitely the kind of boyfriend to give you gifts
Like all the time
He also like fancy dates
Like the kind you get dressed up for
He's also gonna make sure you pay attention to him
I get the feeling he'd get jealous easily
Not like crazy jealous
Like Gaon
He just wants people to know what belongs to him
He's kind of intimidating
So he's gonna give those glares to guys who stare at you
But when it's just you two
He's just a squish
He definitely loves laying his head on your lap
And holding you in his arms as he plays the piano
Jun Han 🎸
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This shy little baby!
Can he actually even talk to girls!?
Well for this scenario he can!
Okay okay
So he's shy
So he's not like quite sure how to be around you
Everything makes him nervous
He didn't even ask you out
Gaon or Jooyeon probably just yelled
But he loves you
Now that you're his
He wants to make sure you know how much he loves you
He's the kind to ask you if he could hold your hand
Or hug you
When you first kissed him
You thought he was sick
His face was so hot he was sweating
But after that he got a little more confident in himself
All the other members hype him up everytime they see you two together
It's so cute how embarrassed he gets
Jooyeon 🎸
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My Rockstar 😍
Okay Jooyeon is pure chaos
Like pure chaos
You're in for one hell of a ride
But this boy is gonna treat you like a princess
Like he loves you so much sometimes it hurts
Everytime he sees you
He's grabbing his chest like he just had a heart attack
"How is this beautiful human being all mine?"
(Oof 🤧)
Now Jooyeon is definitely not afraid of PDA
Like he craves your touch
Definitely a cuddler
You in his arms is his favorite thing
(I have to say it)
He loves when you run your fingers through his hair
You love it too
He definitely loves giving you kisses
On the cheek
(Kay I'm done hurting myself)
That's it! Hope everyone enjoys! Stan Xdinary Heroes and stream Test Me! 😁
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
Happy sleepover saturday Aims! What are some of your fave fics that your moots have written and why?? I need some recs lol
ooo !!! happy sleepover saturday nonnie <33 EEE im so excited for this hehe
sorry this took so long !! here are a few of my fave fics by some of my moots <33 all of my moots are seriously so talented 🤧 if i could fit every single one on here i could !!! love all of you sm <3
please respect the rules of their blogs before reading and interacting with their fics <333
first convention by @sweetkoshi - akaashi x reader
this one is so much fun to read lol. kat's characterization for akaashi is spot on and i love the idea of him wandering around a convention. also all the descriptions in this fic are so good it feels like you're really there walking around the con hehe she’s an amazing writer! also PLEASE check out her nanami fics.. lowkey debated tagging them all but omg they’re all so good.
you'll never be rid of me by @myheroesaretired - ex! gojo x reader.
PLS okay so this one had my heart racing lowkey lol. i just love the idea of ex!gojo coming to save the day. i'll eat it up every time especially if dear nesi is writing it!! all her fics feel like a lil movie playing in my head. i literally go through her masterlist all the time bc i love the way she writes !’
we’re gonna be the talk of the town by @mattsunkawa - suna x reader: royalAU
okay so !! echo is a fantastic writer and her royal AUs are always so amazing. the descriptions in this piece are all so beautiful. honestly all of her writing is!! everything she writes will easily captivate your attention and have you wanting more. you’ll never be disappointed reading echos fics and she’ll have you falling in love with anyone she writes for (even when it’s her beautiful angsty ones).
vows - kuroo x reader by @hyeque
SCREAMS. okay so risu always writes so so well!! i love reading anything she writes, she's amazing fr. but this one left especially such a lasting impression on me lol. its so raw and beautiful and i just love rereading it hehe. marrying tetsu is literally the dream <3 and the way risu writes him ??! even better !!! please check out all her fics, you’ll fall in love with each one.
okay, bambi by @jeankirsteinsgirl - jean x reader
holy. moly. this story has me in a chokehold fr. aims writes so beautifully and i hang on to every word she writes. im in awe of how well she captures each and every scene. i connect to this story so so much. i’ve never felt so heard and understood in my life lol. seriously my favorite series ever. i’ve reread it like 5 times and i’ll still go back and read it. it’s such a place of comfort and feels so safe even though it deals with darker content. like it literally changed my life lol. i can literally go on and on forever but i highly suggest this series, even if you aren’t in the aot fandom.
ferris wheel first kiss by @writingbymoonlight - kuroo x reader
EEEE okay so i literally adore this fic with my whole heart LOL. it's just so so precious. going on a date with kuroo at the amusement park?? yup sign me up!! such a lovely fluffy lil fic that makes you feel all warm<3 luna is the queen when it comes to slice of life !! she’s such a spectacular writer! also check out her suna fic omg !! i almost tagged that one but i had to go with our bby kuroo <3
daydream in blue by @ohtokki - semi x reader
eee !! this one is so fun and amazing lol making semi semi feel pretty?? SIGN ME UP. laura really has a way with words and captures every moment so well!! i honestly have reread this a few times just because of how much i love it. & all the details that go into it OMGGG <3 everything she writes will have you simping for character you didn’t know you needed to be simping for !!
daydreaming by @epkatn - hinata x reader
i looove this fic sm !! everything K writes has such a nice flow and the level of detail that goes into it is so so beautiful. this fic especially was so cute n fun to read. i’ve def reread this one a few times hehe all of her works are so spectacular and she really is an amazing writer <3
flicker by @kurootosis - kuroo x reader
okay so to this day, this fic is one of my fave kuroo fics ever lol. the way lem writes, especially kuroo, feels so real and authentic. this fic had me at the edge of my seat the whole time i was reading it. so many emotions and the pay off was so worth it OMG. i’ve reread this one a few times and im gonna go back to reread it again (also bc i don’t think i reblogged it from her new blog </3)
when you get jealous by @meloomi - sakusa x reader
okay!! so this fic had me falling in love with omi lol. the way that mizu writes her man is SO SO GOOD. you can feel the love she has for him pour into every word fr. this fic was just so cute and i loved rereading it hehe mizu is very talented and i always get excited when she posts!
blanket burrito by @cup-of-fluff - bokuto x reader
please !! this fic had me fall in love with bokuto all over again pls. i literally love him and when i first read this i had to wrap myself up in a blanket too. (was bummed that bokuto himself didn’t do it for me but whateves </3) hehe luna is so so talented and i love reading her works !!!
morning glory by @lunaevangeline - atsumu x reader
aaa this one was literally so fun and cute to read. domestic atsumu >>> !!! luna has sm amazing fics it was hard to pick just one but tbh i think this one was one of the first i’ve read from her so it feels fitting hehe. she is such a wonderful writer!!!
i hope it’s okay i tagged you guys <3 i love reading all your works!! i love all my dear moots and if i didn’t get a chance to put you on this post, i’m sending you extra smooches because you are all so talented and i cherish y’all sm <33
come to the sleepover!!
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