#And basically she came to the town and there was like a pre wedding dinner
fandoms-spamdom · 2 months
Aight guys gonna sound crazy but I have a fragment of a memory
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
All I have to say is; I’m sorry.
Kudos to @soft-bois-make-me-simp for assisting with the idea. Don’t worry man, we can collab on another story!
Please listen to this while you read this!
There were only three times that Harvey would remember enjoying flowers. He usually wasn’t one for them, not because he was allergic or anything, he just didn’t find the reason to desire them.
Roses are red
The day he first knew he had feelings for you. He always said it was the best day of his life. He will never forget that day; the day you brought him wine on his birthday. You two had occasionally spoken from time to time, but it was really nothing super deep. You had opened up to him about a few things that you hadn’t told anyone else but not super personal. Mostly just little quirks you hated about yourself. He remembered blushing every time as everything you named seemed to be things he liked.
“So, how about a birthday dinner tonight Harv? I’m sure you can’t remember the last time you had a real meal.” You offered.
He was reluctant to answer at first, not wanting to be a bother, but he did hate his current diet and knew he needed to change it up a bit, even if his stomach might not agree with the sudden change from pre-packaged meals to home cooking.
“That...Sounds nice. Thank you.”
And boy was it nice. It was quite obvious you knew that he needed real food because you made more than enough for him just to make sure he had leftovers. He almost felt bad but you had insisted he needed it. You both knew it would be gone tomorrow. You secretly knew, he -- as a man -- had quite the appetite and had held back eating as much as he could with you around.
You left late that night, but left behind some flowers you had grown on the farm. They sat in a vase on the table, right next to his radio equipment.
“Feel free to get a hold of me if you need anything Harvey. Doctors deserve to be taken care of as well.”
Those words never left him. “Doctor’s deserve to be taken care of as well.” You cared about him and actually wanted to make sure he was doing okay. As suspected, you two grew closer after that. He started to become a lot more anxious but never made a move. 
What if you only wanted to be friends? That would be super awkward…
Violets are blue
The day you gave him the bouquet, he cried. Never had he felt so relieved and excited at the same time. You like him. No, you loved him. You. The precious farmer.
“A-are you sure? I’m so much older a-and there’s so many oth-”
“Harvey. I’ve made my choice.” You kissed his cheek. “I don’t want anyone else. They just aren’t my type.”
Fifty shades of red his face was. There was no denying that for sure. He was a tomato and a strawberry at the same time.
He’s never hugged you so tight either. Even when you brought the pendant to him (he was more gentle then). He just wished the flowers in the bouquet didn’t wilt. Joys of having live flowers though.
That and every month, you brought him a new bouquet. Not the exact same one, but you had started growing flowers specifically to make bouquets on your monthly anniversaries. 
My heart is dead 
The bouquets continued, even after marriage. Now, you just added an extra day and made sure the bouquets on your wedding anniversary were extra colorful. It was how you showed him how much you loved him.
He adored this. A lot. It always made his day, even if the day was actual garbage. Coming home to you was always enough to make him happy, but coming home to a bouquet on the table, dinner being cooked, and the sound of you humming...Oh it just made his heart melt. Even after almost five years of it.
They always reminded him of the wedding -- the last time he recalled loving flowers. You had made sure your bouquet was the brightest thing in existence, jokingly saying you wanted the attention to be on that instead of your face. He still scolds you for that. Playfully of course.
I'm such a fool
He couldn’t recall when things started to go downhill. Things had been okay for so long that he didn’t see it at first. He knew you were busy so he never thought much of it when you would come home late.
Until you started coming home drunk.
There were times he would wonder where you were or why you were drinking...But for a while, he didn’t think to ask who you were drinking with. When he found out you and Shane had been growing closer, he got jealous. He knew you wouldn’t leave him, but the anxiety started to build. You were starting to pass out drunk on the way home or you and Shane would fall asleep at the bar.
Of course, he had to confront you about it. Not in a mean way, at least he thought he didn’t.
“It’s not okay for you to be doing that? Do you know how bad that is for you and how bad of an influence he is?”
Wrong answer.
“You don’t even know him. You just cared about making ends meet and didn’t really listen to him.”
Why did I fall for you?
He was grateful you had started to listen to him after that. You came home at night sober, but you began to distance yourself. In fact, you had begun to hang out with everyone but him. You stopped making the bouquets. You stopped giving him gifts. It soon came to a point where he felt like you wanted nothing to do with him. He felt empty and felt he had to make it up to you.
He messed up right? He could fix this...He had to.
I gave it all for you
Dinner every night was a pain, but he did it. He always made sure yours was hot, even when you came home at 1 am. He would be there, taking it out of the microwave. Dishes were always done. The house was always clean and very tidy. Farm was always taken care of. He really worked his ass off to make sure you were happy.
But it wasn’t enough.
You kept pushing yourself further and further from him. It eventually got to the point where you slept on the couch just to avoid him.
It was when he found the letter on your nightstand that he knew there was no fixing this.
So, knowing he wasn’t welcome, he packed his stuff and went back to his apartment above the clinic. Maru, who Harvey had been talking to about everything when things started to go south, helped him get settled back into his old home. She was the one who held him when he cried that night and she was the one who made sure he ate something before bed. She even told him to let her know if she needed to work more at the clinic, not wanting him to be pushed too much.
He was appreciative, but knew his work would be the only thing that would take his mind off of you.
Love around my neck starting to feel like the noose
The words lingered in his head for days. Every sentence filled him with hurt. What had he done wrong? Was he really that boring and unattractive? Should he have just given up at the beginning? Did you ever really love him?
Why did this happen to him?
He lost weight from his loss of appetite. He knew it was unhealthy, especially when people began to notice, but he always said he had started to work a bit harder to get physically fit and the results were starting to show. He didn’t want anyone to know how hurt he really was. Maru knew, and if it weren’t for her, he wouldn’t have eaten.
He numbed himself to relationships of any kind. He once was very close with his patients, now he just saw them as his next visit. Even with Maru. He only saw her as an employee.
All of the lies starting to feel like the truth
He began to drink. He knew it would hurt him more, but his heart hurt all the time. He had no one to turn to when he really needed to talk, as everyone was asleep by then...But not you. You were always awake. He would hear you stumble out of the bar, laughing with at least one other person. You were drunk too, but you got to enjoy your time. He didn’t.
“Why me?”
At the end of the day, bitch, I'm not feeling you
After so long, he began to get used to the sound of you going home drunk. In fact, it worried him when you didn’t.
It started as just one night, no big deal. But then two...three...seven...twelve…
People began to look worried. No one had seen or heard from the town’s dear farmer in nearly two weeks.
The search parties started. Being himself, Harvey made sure to go. Yes, you hurt him, but by God what he would give for you to just run back into his arms and say how much you love him.
You playing with my heart, you made me look like a fool
He hated that he had been the one to find you. There was no doubt in his mind that you were gone; your skin a gray/blue color and flies around you. What killed you, he didn’t know. Only an autopsy would tell him.
At least until he further examined you.
A rather large wound on your abdomen. It was much too big to be treated on your own, but by the looks of it, you had tried to stitch it closed.
...You died because you refused to go to him for help and bled out...
This, a tragedy, it may end up on the news
The funeral was a sad one. It rained that day. Hard. Everyone in town was there too. Everyone. You had grown so close to everyone in your time away from Harvey. They all cared so much about you and our death hit hard.
It was also at the funeral where he realized how bad he had messed up. You hadn’t just been getting closer to Shane, you were getting closer to everyone. They all said a little bit of the stuff you did for them, mostly just helping out with tasks and small favors. You had started staying with Shane at the bar because he talked more when he was drunk and you had started getting drunk with him because it helped him open up. You were just trying to help him.
And Sam. You were helping him learn how to play cooler songs on the guitar and even showed him a couple cool tricks on the skateboard.
Abigail and Pierre had finally begun to form a bit of a stronger bond because you had been helping them talk through their differences.
You had been doing so much and he basically said you were cheating on him.
So, there he stood, watching the casket be lowered into the hole, and then buried. Many tears were shed. Many. Everyone knew the town wouldn’t be the same without you there. Especially Harvey.
At the end of the day, I don't wanna be with you
It rained today too.
“You still looked beautiful that day.” Harvey said softly, arranging the bouquet in his hand. All the flowers were brightly colored. Not as bright as you would have wished, but he was trying his best. “The flowers just enhanced your beauty.”
He stood in front of the tombstone, a large frown on his face. It had been even years since you had passed now, and he wasn’t doing any better. He still cried a lot, but now, it was more just a feeling. He couldn’t bring himself to get over you.
He slowly set the bouquet down against the silver tombstone, making sure you would be able to see it from the heavens.
“Happy Anniversary (y/n). I’m sorry I wasn’t a better husband to you and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to save you.” He slipped his glasses off his face and fell to his knees, letting the tears fall. “I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry I didn’t believe you! I’m sorry I let my feelings take over! I’m sorry I couldn’t trust you! I love you so much!”
Loud sobs left his mouth, his tears blending with the rain as they fell to the ground. His heart, for the millionth time, shattered before him.
“Harvey?” A soft voice asked.
The doctor wiped his eyes and turned his head slightly. At this point, everyone had seen him like this. He didn’t care anymore.
It was none other than Abigail behind him, an umbrella above her head and a spare one at her side.
“Hey, it’s okay. We all miss her.” She said and handed him her spare umbrella. “We’re all worried about you too. You aren’t the same.” She sat beside him. “We all arranged something to help you. Come to the saloon so we can tell you, please.”
Harvey looked to Abigail, and then back to the bouquet. You wouldn't want him to be sad. You hated seeing him cry. Maybe this was a sign from you.
“...O-okay...Thank you...Just, give me another moment. I-I’ll be there.” He mumbled, trying to hold back sobs.
Abigail nodded and stood, letting him have a moment while she told everyone what was going on. Harvey sat there a moment longer, wiping his eyes to rid them of the tears. He sniffed once more before saying the same thing he did every year. The poem you had written for him. Part of it at least. It was a reminder to the both of you that he knew he messed up.
“Roses are red...Violets are blue...My heart is...is dead...I...I’m such a fool…”
The tears came back.
“I’m such a fool.”
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fatefulfaerie · 4 years
New (Part 1/3)
Kind of wrote this one differently. Like literally. I wrote it out with a pencil and paper to try new things before typing it up and editing. Is it better or worse? I don’t know, maybe. The only noticeable drawback is that my hand gets tired. How writers did anything before keyboards is insane. Really strong hand muscles, I suppose. Gotta work on that.
One long scene in three parts. Post-BoTW but pre-BoTW 2. What I wouldn’t do for more information on that game. And yes I will write about Link and Zelda pining for each other and being awkward until the sequel comes out because that’s the kind of trash I am.
Zelda hugged her knees close as she watched him come around the corner. Out of earshot, she could only see him gesturing to one thing or another, presumably narrating every new addition to the house since he first bought it to his audience.
Only Riju sat next to her at the empty cooking pot, a fire ablaze underneath and a lush tree hanging above it.
“He seems really happy here,” Riju remarked, Zelda turning her head.
She nodded in reply.
“He likes having a home,” Zelda said. “A place to be grounded.”
“Frankly, Your Highness, I think it’s less the house and more the person living in it with him.”
Zelda blushed, averting her gaze.
“The others are too afraid to ask, but aren’t you two together? The way you look at each other alone…”
“No, we’re not together,” Zelda said as she looked to Riju.
“But you...you do realize you two are courting, right?”
“No, we’re not,” Zelda said with quick shakes of her head.
“As a matter of fact, in Gerudo culture, living together means you’re practically married.”
“Who’s married?” Link asked, approaching them.
Zelda’s face warmed greatly, her eyes widening and her nerves jumping all over the place.
She looked at him quickly. His hands were on his hips, staring down at her with that innocent smile of his, his blue eyes dancing with a genuine inquisition.
Zelda was at a loss for words.
“We were just talking about Hudson and Rhondson,” Riju chimed. “The wedding at Tarrey Town.”
“Ah, I see,” Link said, Zelda mouthing ‘thank you’ to Riju. “I’ve finished the tour of the outside if you’re ready to show them the thing.”
“Oh, right,” Zelda said.
Link offered his hand after she had already started to push herself to standing, making them both freeze.
“I can…” Zelda said quickly, sitting back down.
“No, I don’t have to…” Link retreated his hand.
“It’s fine,” Zelda said as she offered hers
Link chuckled nervously, taking it and pulling her to stand upright.
Riju, Yunobo, Teba, Sidon, and Kass were all watching them now, Link and Zelda walking to the house.
With no thought, they both tried to enter at the same time, stopping suddenly when their shoulders bumped into each other.
With another nervous exhalation, Link took a step back and offered his hands forward.
“Ladies first.”
“N-no,” Zelda remarked, just as nervously. “Go ahead, you were first.”
“It’s really no trouble--”
“Eh-Ahem,” they heard behind them, Link and Zelda looking to the purposeful noise.
Of course everyone but Riju was too polite to say anything, Riju standing there with crossed arms. Yunobo and Sidon in particular were trying to be nonchalant while Kass had this excited and dancing smile in the way his eyes curved. Teba was unamused.
“R-right,” Link stammered, Zelda relenting by entering the house and going up the stairs.
“Come on in.”
“This is basically it,” Zelda heard Link say as she looked at the hanging picture on the wall, the champions in their chaotic glory. “We added a cooking pot here but the dining table and the wall mounts actually came with the house. The weapons may look familiar.”
Zelda could hear the smile in his voice as she took the picture off the wall, running her thumbs across the frame.
“We use this area for storage but we’ve considered expanding it into another room.”
Zelda hugged the picture close as she came back down the stairs, hanging back adoring Link as he continued the tour.
“Up there is where Zelda sleeps--”
Zelda cleared her throat, Link looking to her and immediately knowing the error.
“W-we sleep,” Link corrected. “Zelda had me build me another bed because she didn’t like the idea of me keeping watch instead of sleeping. Sorry, that's kind of new.”
“New or not,” Sidon interjected. “This home is perfect. Well done, Link.”
Sidon had moved his arm to his signature stance, his teeth gleaming with a distinct sparkle.
Three sudden knocks at the door pulled everyone’s focus.
“That must be Purah,” Zelda said as she went to the door, picture in one hand and freedom in the other to turn the knob.
Anyone unknowing of the accident would have seen the cute six-year-old as an oddity. Yet Zelda only smiled.
“Check it!” The little girl exclaimed. “We’re here for dinner! If it weren’t for Symin, we would have been here on time.”
“That’s okay,” Zelda assured her. “We’re glad you could make it.”
Entering the house, Purah and Symin approached the group of guests, everyone kneeling the short-statured yet old and wise woman they’d only heard of.
Sidon was the first person that Purah shook hands with, Sidon placing a second hand on top of hers.
“You’ve grown so big,” she said. “Then again, I’ve likely gotten a bit smaller since I saw you last. How’s your father?”
“Fantastic,” Sidon replied earnestly. “Because of the heroism of both Link and the Princess, Zora’s Domain is truly flourishing.”
“Well, of course,” Purah said in reply. “Linky and his Princess can do anything.”
Link inhaled to correct her, on a couple things as a matter of fact, but she had already moved on to greet the other guests.
“Yunobo,” the Goron said. “Descendant of Daruk. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” Purah said with a nod, stepping to greet the next, her hand reaching to the Gerudo.
“I’m Riju,” she said, shaking her hand.
“Teba,” the Rito warrior said with a nod, Purah reaching the end of the line and approaching Kass.
“Wait, don’t tell me,” Purah said with a finger to her mouth. “You were so much smaller back then…”
“Kass!” She said excitedly, getting the name right with a smile.
“It’s so good to see all of you!” She said. “Sometimes when I’m cooped up in the lab I forget how much Hyrule has grown past it’s...well, past.”
“Speaking of which,” Link prompted. “Dinner will be ready in a bit, but Zelda has something she wants to show you.”
“Y-yes, yes I…”
She hugged the picture more as she thought about it, her fingers tensing around it until she sighed.
Zelda smiled.
“Thanks to Kass,” she started, stealing a glance at the happy Rito. “Link was given this picture, one that I had figured was ruined with the rest of them. I’m more than happy to share it with you all because, well...it’s of the champions.”
Zelda handed it to Sidon with a smile, stepping back as Sidon handed it to Riju and everyone crowded around her to get a chance to study it.
Everyone except for Purah and Kass, who hung back much like the Princess and her knight.
Sidon looked as if he had tears in his eyes but they all adorned an encroaching smile.
“This is amazing,” Sidon said, letting out a slight chuckle. “Not a formal portrait, just...the champions, with a little help from Daruk it seems.”
“He always liked the idea of us being united,” Zelda added. “Though I think he tried to bring us together a little early.”
“I think it’s cute,” Riju said. “Do you mind if I put it on the table?”
“Not at all,” Zelda said in reply.
“How did you get it so exact?” Yunobo asked.
“You mean as opposed to a painting?” Zelda tried to clarify.
“Yeah,” Yunobo said.
“It’s the Sheikah Slate, right?” Sidon asked rhetorically. “It produces true-to-life images using something called a camor.”
“A camera,” Zelda corrected. “It’s one of the many features of the Slate.”
“I wouldn’t mind trying it out,” Teba said.
“You should,” Zelda said. “It really is quite miraculous.”
A silence fell, the guests exchanging looks of uncertainty. Zelda questioned the awkwardness until Link said,
“Zelda, I think they want to take a picture.”
“If you don’t mind,” prompted Sidon.
“Not at all,” Zelda said, detaching the slate from where it hung on her hip.
“It’s probably best if we do it outside,” suggested Link, the guests following him to the front yard.
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catherineivers-blog · 6 years
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A ( semi-brief ) history of Catherine Ivers ⏤ basics, appearance, background, personality, headcanons, q & a. ( tw: references to homophobia, the death of a parent. )
FULL NAME:  Catherine Elaine Ivers (née Bell)
NICKNAME(S):  Cate, Cat
AGE:  40
DATE OF BIRTH:  April 29, 1978 
PLACE OF BIRTH:  Westbridge, Maine, USA
CURRENT RESIDENCE:  Westbridge, Maine, USA
ETHNICITY:  English, Scottish, Danish, Norweigan
RELIGION:  Agnostic; lapsed Catholic
EDUCATION:  Elementary Education at the University of Maine
OCCUPATION:  Teacher, Westbridge Public School
LANGUAGES:  English  (native), French  (proficient)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Married  (Farren Ivers)
GENDER IDENTITY:  Cisgender female; she/her pronouns
FAMILY:  Parents Joseph and Margaret Bell;  no siblings
FACE CLAIMS:  Sophia Lillis (past) / Amy Adams (present)
HEIGHT: 5'3"
SCARS:  Scar under her right knee; minor scars from childhood antics
DISTINGUISHING MARKS:  Freckles; small mole under her right eye
TATTOOS:  Small/color stemmed sunflower on her right ankle
PIERCINGS:  Double lobe on both sides; left nostril piercing (grown in)
Catherine came from humble beginnings, the only daughter of two blue-collar Mainers. Her father Joe managed a local hardware store and her mother stayed home until Catherine went to school, before finding work as a teller at Westbridge Bank & Trust. Their work schedules saw Catherine on her own from time to time, and left to her own devices, she got up to trouble with the neighborhood kids.
All Catherine ever wanted was to be accepted. It was an easy feat in her house as an only child, but even then, she always felt as if she wasn’t enough for her parents. She also feared that she might become someone they didn’t like, cast aside and left without a family. Her father’s dogmatic approach to social issues established a rigid of idea of who she couldn’t be: a strong-willed woman with any inclinations toward another woman. And so she buried her forming identity deep down, surely never to be found, and covered it up with anger, lashing out at the children that accepted her for who she appeared to be, but who she feared would also discard her at the first signs of her differences.
Determined to get out of Westbridge and find a place to exist without fear, Catherine managed to secure herself a spot in the Early Education program at the University of Maine. She was the first person in her family to attend post-secondary school, and shouldered the extra debt to live on-campus for the freedom that came with living away from home. Summers were spent back in Westbridge, working at the store her father managed, and she counted down the days until she could flee the oppressive environment of her house and return to campus.
Following graduation, Catherine went on to pass the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) to qualify for her state Teaching Certification. At 24, she secured a job teaching first grade at an elementary school in Portland, Maine. She taught there for seven years before returning home to Westbridge. 
Catherine’s father suffered a fatal heart attack when she was 31, which brought her back to her hometown to be with her mother. She helped Marge plan the funeral, clean up the house, and put her life back together. Everything seemed to fall into place while Catherine was there: Westbridge Public School was looking to fill an educator position for their second grade class, and she managed to reconnect with childhood friends ⏤ notably Farren, who regularly brought food by the Bell house and made time to help Catherine through all of the confusing emotions that emerged in the wake of her loss.
The death of her father and the summer that stretched between her arrival back home and the beginning of the school year gave Catherine time to introduce the new version of herself to her old friends. She returned to Westbridge with a different outlook and in search of a different life. Gone was the bully in her, replaced by a more mild-mannered and open-hearted person, unafraid to reconcile the child she was when she left Westbridge and the person she had become since. 
After just over three years of dating, Catherine and Farren were engaged to be married. The brunette helmed the wedding planning, and they married in a rustic, outdoor ceremony in the fall. They’ve been married for five years, and while past conversations about starting a family have been generally positive, there’s always been hesitation from her wife, which has consistently pushed back implementing any sort of plan.
Positive traits: adaptable, adventurous, calm, conciliatory, confident, principled, responsible, romantic, scrupulous.
Negative traits: absentminded, contradictory, complacent, fanciful, indecisive, meddlesome, regretful, secretive, self-righteous.
In the weeks that followed Ben’s disappearance, Catherine wondered what might have happened if she had caught up to him. Wracked with guilt, she became obsessed with pondering the what ifs and could have beens, but never disclosed her interaction with Ben. She has never told anyone ⏤ not the police, her parents, her friends, her wife ⏤ about what happened in the woods the day that little Ben vanished. After Wakefield confessed to the kidnapping and murder of Ben, she figured it was all over and put it all behind her, determined that she would never have to debate the merits of confessing to having chased the boy shortly before he disappeared forever.
Over the years Catherine has established her own routines with the aim of keeping herself on task. Her morning routine helps her prepare for the day, and her evening routine helps her decompress. Skipping over things sets her a bit off-kilter, but she does her best to adapt to whatever comes her way. 
Catherine is a devout practitioner of yoga and pilates, as well as meditation. She has built twenty into her morning routine for brief meditation, stretching and light yoga to start her day off right. The practice helps her center herself before a day of inevitable chaos in her classroom, and she credits her daily sessions to maintaining her flexibility and agility, and fostering calmness.
Catherine longs to start a family with Farren. She’s known for years that she wants to be a mother ⏤ no matter the means, be it IVF or adoption ⏤ and she’s committed herself to the idea. It’s something she’s struggled to discuss with her wife because, while she understands the trepidation that looms over the prospect of bringing a child into their lives, she’s nervous to broach the topic for fear of coming across as pushy. Even if she fears that her time to become a mother is running out.
What has your muse been up to in the last year?  Every year, from late August to late June, the bulk of Catherine’s time is spent in her classroom at Westbridge Public School. When she isn’t teaching, she’s organizing and decorating the room, grading work or lesson planning. She prefers to do the grading and planning at home, but sometimes stays after class to do it at her desk just in case any parents drop by during pick-up. As a teacher, Catherine has summers off, leaving her with plenty of time for pet projects. She spent last summer working on the house she shares with her wife, planning and carrying out little renovation and redecorating projects: repainting the garage door and one of the spare rooms, finding new pieces of art and furniture to repurpose, reorganizing the kitchen, digging up the garden to remove dead plants and plant new perennials, and so on. Catherine aims to get Farren out town once a year for a change of scenery and to recharge her batteries, and so she arranged a one-week retreat in Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, Canada for them. They stayed in a quaint bed and breakfast, went hiking, and spent time together checking out the local shops and sights. It was a blissful reprieve from the day-to-day in the Ivers household, managing competing schedules and squeezing small, intimate moments out of exhaustion.
What was the last thing your muse said to Ben? “If you tell anyone, I’ll kill you!” ⏤ Seven words have never haunted Catherine as much as this string of them has. Ben had spotted her kissing another girl that fateful day; she knew his penchant for tattling would surely result in the news making its way to the rest of the friend group and, inevitably, to his parents. Fearing the worst, fearing that it would get back to her own parents, she chased after Ben in the woods, screaming after him. A tree root in her path tripped her up, giving the child time to advance in the woods, and she gave up on the pursuit when she noticed the gash in her leg ( which would leave a faint scar as a reminder of the last moments she shared with the missing, presumed dead child ). She explained away the injury as the result of typical horseplay and her parents were none the wiser. It wasn’t until their landline rang later that evening, as they sat around the dinner table, and her mother’s nervous voice echoed through the house that she knew something was wrong. Catherine has never told anyone about what happened. She feared the repercussions that she was certain would come with admitting to having chased after Ben ⏤ and for the reason she’d chased after him. As the weeks wore on, she felt more comfortable in the lie. Time turned months to years, and when William Wakefield admitted to Ben’s disappearance, she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. There didn’t seem to be any reason to come forward with the information after so long, and with the case all but permanently closed, and so she held it inside, pushing the darkness down into the recesses of her mind, never to be disclosed to anyone.
Based on what you know of the other characters, who in the group of friends do you believe your muse got along with? Who do you think they may have clashed with? Despite the difference in age, Catherine took to Henry. She liked his tenacity, and although she couldn’t relate to his status, they shared their respective childhood anger and angst without judgment. Rounding out their little ragtag trio of bullies was Elliot, who never spoke in detail about his homelife or what inspired his outbursts, but found understanding in the others. The rest of the group was at their mercy. While Elliot’s craft was in condescension, cutting people down with words sharper than knives, and Henry ran his own crafty game of manipulation backed up by his money, Catherine used a combination of verbal and physical assaults, her words blunt compared to the older Nolan’s but her hands just as sharp as she channeled her childish anger into picking fights with other kids on the playground and on the street in the sleepy town.  The Demure was on the receiving end of the brunt of Catherine’s teasing, as was Sylvia, who was an easy target for her bookish intelligence. Finn and Ben were targeted for their age and spineless willingness to go along with schemes. Charlie was a leader in his own right, always conjuring their next adventure, which won some respect from Catherine, but his mysterious nature gave her reason to pick and prod at his life. Even Noah wasn’t free from her taunting. The Facade wasn’t free from her little reign of terror, but she backed off considerably after Ben disappeared. In her youth, Catherine ran straight for confrontation, but as an adult, she tends to stray from it, instead trying to focus her energy on diffusing tense situations, especially in the classroom. Her time away from Westbridge gave her considerable catching up to do with her childhood friends when she returned. She’s tried her best to mend fences over the years, but the most recent development in Ben’s case will inevitably bring up old memories that have the potential to destroy any progress she’s made.
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adauntlessangel · 7 years
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
How long will they last? - Fantasy; Forever. Reality; Well, Emilia wants forever. Bryce seems reluctant but hopefully he will come around. 
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Emilia fell after a few months. But then she stopped when New Years Eve hit and she questioned everything. It took Bryce for them to break-up to realize that holy shit, this girl was the definition of perfect…what have I done? For him to realize. So, it took them both about a year. 
How was their first kiss? - First kiss? It held a lot of innocence to it, purely because Emilia is a delicate flower and was being exposed to, at the time, a dangerous thorn. It was summer, around their third date (three dates, right? Who would have thought Bryce could hold out. But he did) but maybe after was the wrong word. It was during their third date. There was  movie festival going on in the city. Tents, fairylights, popcorn, basically a glamping/movie crossover event. It features quite a few old films that Bryce enjoyed and Emilia was always eager to experience new things. Plus, she found it beyond adorable how Bryce’s eyes seemed to just light up the second he mentioned the event. So, the two of them had gone. What no one had planned on was for it to rain! In the middle of ‘An American In Paris’ it literally started to downpour. Emilia was squealing and giggling with laughter as Bryce took his jacket off and the two of them took cover beneath a large willow tree. Fairylight were glittering all around them and the raindrops were added a diamond affect. They were surrounded by low lighting and they were breathing a bit too fast for their health considering they had fleed from the scene. They both had water droplets running down their face, and Bryce wrapped his blazer around her shoulders. It may have been hot but the sudden rain had the brunette shivering. That and she had been wearing a summer dress, who wouldn’t be chilled? Given that fact the two of them were lost in one anothers gaze, something out of an old film enough in itself. Bryce’s fingers had caressed the fullness of Emilia’s cheeks, in something of a weak attempt to dry her off. Though their wet clothes and ruined movie date were forgotten as he leaned in to kiss her. (May I add in after this date Emilia had caught a cold and soon enough gave it to Bryce because well, that is the definition of their relationship. They’re toxic for one another…but in a beautiful way.) Maybe it was the fact she’d been freezing or the way his mouth had tasted…whatever the reason was, the second Bryce’s lips came into contact with Emilia’s, she warmed. Everywhere. After a few gentle pecks, Bryce had pulled back only to say “Well aren’t we cliche…” Which Emilia responded but laughing softly and whispering “Shut up.” As she kissed him again, and this time she didn’t stop. The taste of Bryce on her lips had been mixed with the taste of rainwater and salt (popcorn) and ever since that evening, whenever it rained…Emilia always felt happy. 
Who proposed? - Bryce did. That’s a whole story to be hashed out though. 
Who is the best man/men? - I want to say Will but I have a feeling it’s his friend Leighton who had helped Bryce get Emilia back when they’d split up. 
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Okay, it’s MAN OF HONOR and it was Will. (Emilia isn’t good with having lady friends)
Who did the most planning? - Emilia did but she let Bryce hone in on a few details. Like the ceremony and the reception. Plus their honeymoon, lord knows he wanted to get in on that!
Who stressed the most? - Emilia did. But not really over the wedding, she was stressed because…well she had gotten cold feet. Not from the fact she didn’t want to marry Bryce. Everyone knows she did. She always had. She had been afraid she would have her dream wedding, dream dress, dream everything….and only to walk down to no one at the end of the aisle. She would be completely terrified at the last minute Bryce would bolt. We’ll find out later why she felt comforted the night before the wedding. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. 10000+ This is Bryce and Emilia we’re talking about…the bigger the better. Plus, Bryce’s parents probably paid for the most of it. 
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Emilia’s ex-best friend Lindsey was absolutely NOT invited!
Who is on top? - Emilia. Bryce has this certain infatuation with watching this hazel eyed goddess ride him. Maybe it’s something in the way she looks down at him that holds more than just the lust she feels with him buried to the hilt inside of her. Or maybe it’s because he has a thing for putting her pleasure first subconsciously since he had hurt her so badly in the past and he just doesn’t realize. Who knows? 
Who is the one to instigate things? - Lol. Bryce. He’s like a puppy when it comes to sex, no joke. Granted a very charming puppy who lures this beautiful girl into bed everytime but regardless, it’s Bryce. Unless Emilia is feeling really in the mood (which happens when she watches her man in action with work. Something about him and a tie…who knows why but it makes her blood warm..)
How healthy is their sex life? - Let’s just put it this way, their neighbors probably hated them. Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Haha. Remember that tie I mentioned earlier? Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Depends on the day but I want to say all night? Bryce is competitive and he’s an over achiever. He likes to get things done, perfectly…and lets just say when he has a goal or mission in mind, nothing stops him. 
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Absolutely. Granted, Bryce goes a bit overboard with Emilia because he loves watching that back arch and her eyes to roll right back into her head. That along with the way she basically whimpers his name with need, it feeds him on a level only she can reach. 
How rough are they in bed? -  Not sure if  they could make Dwayne blush unless it’s make-up sex after a bit fight. But, they surprise me a lot. Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -  So much! One time Bryce was cuddling her and started blowing raspberries on her tummy, which of course they seemed to head south if you catch my drift, but these two are snuggle buddies!No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Maybe 1…[Emilia wants at least 3/]
How many children will they adopt? - 0.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Emilia. 
Who is the stricter parent? - Emilia, because Bryce is unsure sometimes and looks to her for the guidance. He never wanted children but Emilia does. 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - I feel like it is probably an even amount of both. Emilia might be stricter but since Bryce knows how bad things can get when you misbehave (with Emilia involved) he probably interferences a lot. 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Emilia, she cuts the crust off their sandwiches. :D
Who is the more loved parent? - Bryce. Literally, Bryce is. Their children love Bryce so much it’s almost comedic. I think they get it from Emilia, who would have thought the boy who deserved no love, would be loved this much? 
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Both. Emilia is dragged as Bryce goes (he loves the center of attention and how jealous Emilia gets because all of the PTA moms think Bryce is hot but he only has eyes for Emilia and she literally gets so jealous that when a bake sale comes into town she OD’s so much it’s not even funny)
Who cried the most at graduation? - Emilia did, blubbered like a baby. 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Bryce! He’ll cover their kids asses so much it’s not even funny. It’ll piss Emilia off because she’s going to throw out that whole ‘how will they learn’ spiel but yeah haha. 
Who does the most cooking? - It’s kind of on and off, they eat out a lot. Bryce works late sometimes and Emilia too. It’s kind of a rare occasion(pre-children) that they get a chance to cook. 
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Bryce because he is a grown ass manchild. 
Who does the grocery shopping? - They both do? Bryce finds it amusing by how happy Emilia gets by going to the grocery store. He thinks it’s ridiculous something so stupid makes her happy but hey, he loves her and he can’t help but chuckle when she ooh’s over new cereal. 
How often do they bake desserts? - They both have a sweet tooth, so, often?
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat. All the way. Steak, everything haha. 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Surprise? Bryce. He had a knack for surprising her more times than not. Maybe not for an anniversary but just in general. 
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Bryce? Honestly like I said they both like to eat out. 
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Sadly, Emilia. Simply because she’ll be distracted trying to study and attempt a homecooked meal. 
Who cleans the room? - Emilia. 
Who is really against chores? - Bryce because he is a spoiled manchild but Emilia makes him. 
Who cleans up after the pets? - They both do, but I don’t think they want animals?
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Bryce. that’s how he would show off that he ‘cleaned’.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Emilia because she wants to offer good impressions for both herself and Bryce. It’s not your casual BBQ buddies that come over. They’re CEO’s and entrepreneurs. 
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Lol. Emilia. But then they argue over who actually gets it because it’s Bryce’s couch.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - I feel like they both do. Emilia and Bryce have a soft spot for shower sex...so. 
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - I want to say again, they both would? Emilia doesn’t like being home alone at night and Bryce is trying to show how manly he is by walking their dog. 
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Lol. Often. Emilia goes overboard. She loves the holidays, and Bryce probably won’t ever admit it, but with Emilia? I think he loves it too. 
What are their goals for the relationship? - I know Emilia wants them to live happily ever after, married with babies. I feel like Bryce wants to be with her forever...just not with the title? It’s complicated. 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Bryce, and Emilia would let him. He deserves it. 
Who plays the most pranks? - ... This is an ongoing thing so I do not know. 
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
What’s your favourite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Is there a bus stop near your house? There’s one at the end of my block. And a train station a few blocks away too. Do you prefer red wine or white wine? Red. What’s the last airport you were at? Why were you there? Midway, to pick up Sarah when she came here for my birthday.
Who do you live with? My boyfriend and my father and Satan aka my grandmother. Do you read reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like? I don’t. Have you recently broken up with a significant other or even just a friend? Nope. What’s the weather like today? Is it nice enough to go outside? It’s cold. Do you know anyone who’s had a baby recently? My best friend’s sister. She named her baby Hannah after me! Just kidding but a girl can dream. Have you used a pen or pencil today? What did you write down? Yes. What does your last text message say and who is it from? I don’t feel like typing it because it requires so much context. Can you count how many times you’ve seen your favourite film? Nope. I’ve seen it A LOT. When was the last time you ate marshmallows? Recently, in hot chocolate. Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them? Nope. How old will you be in the year 2030? 40/41. Does your skin bruise easily? Do you have any bruises right now? What from? Yeah. What was the last thing you spent $150 or more on? Christmas presents. Do you prefer yes or no questions or more open-ended questions? In surveys, open-ended. What brand of toilet paper do you usually buy? The store brand. If I knocked on your door right now, would you be acceptable dressed? I’m not at my house. Why did you leave your last job? I was only hired for the season. What colour were the last socks you wore? I’m currently wearing Bob Belcher socks which are black with white heels and toes and have Bob’s face on them. Are you studying currently? What level of education and what do you study? No thank fucking god. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying? I have, on total and complete accident. I was in the bathroom and my friend at the time was at the table and she had the check and I was under the impression we agreed she was going to pay but her dumb ass thought I was going to pay. So when I came out of the bathroom, she was outside, so I figured she took care of it, so I walked out to meet her and we were like almost to the car when I was like “so how much was it?” and she was like “i don’t know, I didn’t look because I thought you were paying.” So I went back in and told the waitress what happened and she was cool about it and I paid. What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? There was probably something since then, but Kristen Wigg and Steve Carell’s skit at the Golden Globes. What’s your favourite scent of air freshener? Ehh, just a fresh scent is fine. How many weddings have you ever been to? Hmm. 3? I’ve been in all of them too. No wait! That’s a lie, I forgot about my cousin’s wedding a couple years ago. I was merely a guest at that one. Do you know anyone named Nora? I used to. My Aunt’s husband’s mother was named Nora, but she passed away a while ago. Are your hands and feet in good condition or could you do with a mani-pedi? My hands and feet are SO DRY. I might treat myself to a mani-pedi this Saturday. When was the last time you played a board game? What did you play? Yikes, it’s been a while since I’ve played with an actual board. I played Cards Against Humanity online the other night with Ellen and Kayla if that counts. How old were you when you first became sexually active? 20. Have you ever been to a festival for beer or other type of alcohol? Yeah, I’ve been to an OktoberFest before. Do you own a record player and/or vinyls? There is one in our attic, but it’s my fathers. I have no real interest in it on my own. When was the last time you went out for drinks? I don’t really go out just for drinks. I’m usually getting dinner too. Have you ever been to a strip club? Nope. I’d love to go to one to be honest. Do you know anyone with a ‘virtue name’? I had to look these up. I know a Faith, a couple Graces, and a Joy. I used to know a Verity but only online. Would you ever wear real authentic leather? Eh. Have you taken out the trash today? Nope. How often do you wear make-up? Rarely. I plan on wearing some this weekend for our shop’s holiday dinner. What’s your opinion on The Simpsons? I don’t hate it but I’ve never really gotten super into it. Do you prefer horizontal or vertical stripes? Both are nice. Do you know anyone who has been through a divorce? A few people, yeah. If you had the money, would you take taxis everywhere instead of driving? No. I hate taxis and uber and lyft. Have you ever done a juice cleanse? No, because they’re all giant scams. Do you have any friends who you can’t decide if they’re attractive or not? I am friends with someone I was friends with in gradeschool on Facebook and she always posts really unflattering pictures of her face but every once in a while there will be a really pretty one so I’m like what is the truth? Is the inside of your fridge clean right now or does it need a clean out? Ugh we need to clean all of them out. The fridge in our kitchen gets filled up because my grandmother saves EVERYTHING she doesn’t eat. The mini fridge Mark and I have in the basement has been ignored because we have a full size one now, which can stand to be wiped down. That mini fridge is so gross we are afraid to open it haha. When was the last time you washed the dishes? Mark is usually the one who does the dishes. Are there any magazines that you read on a regular basis? There aren’t. Do you have to pay for parking in most places in the town/city you live in? Yeah, it’s so stupid because it’s not like there are free buses and trains and shit so whatever you do you have to pay to go places. Unless you are crafty and can find free spots. What’s the first thing you tend to do when you have a headache? Take something. Tell me about your responsibilities at work. I open doors with magic. Can you hear lots of traffic from your house? Does it bother you? There’s an expressway and train track basically in our backyard. I don’t really notice it inside the house, except for if the windows are open, but even then it doesn’t bother me. You become used to it really easily. The trains you can hear and feel on the inside of the house every once in a while, but not enough to disturb anything we are doing. Have you ever had proper Canadian poutine with the squeaky cheese? No, poutine does NOT appeal to me at all because I do not like gravy. Do your parents know how to operate smartphones and/or computers? My dad is pretty good with his phone and computer. How old are your parents, anyway? My father is 67 in April. Are you allergic to anything? What do you have to do to prevent them? Nope. What song is stuck in your head at the moment? There isn’t one. What’s your boss’ first name? Do you call him/her by that name? His first name is Anthony. Everyone calls him Tony. When was the last time you wore a uniform of any kind? What colour was it? It’s been AGES. Did you complete a survey before taking this one? Will you take one after? I did and maybe if I find one I like. Have you ever lost enough weight to drop a dress size? Hah. What’s your favourite kind of bread? Garlic. When was the last time you got pizza? What toppings did you get? It was fairly recently. There was definitely pepperoni on it. Do you own Monopoly? Is it the original or a special version? Yup. I have a Nightmare Before Christmas version I have literally never played haha. I think I have an original version too. What was the last thing you said out loud? ”Okay” You have to choose one: cats or dogs? Cats. How do you travel to and from work? My car that’s probably going to explode any day now. Do you primarily use cash or card for your purchases? Why? My credit or debit card. Because its SO convenient. Have you ever been to a stadium concert? Yeah, I’ve seen a few bands in stadium concerts. I saw Red Hot Chili Peppers with my sister like 10 years ago. And when I was younger I vaguely remember seeing the Counting Crows (hi @tapiooocasurveys) with my sister and father at a stadium. And Bob Dylan too. I feel there’s probably another one I’m forgetting. OH! Blink-182 when I was a pre-teen.
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weedwaiter45-blog · 5 years
Ask Me Anything: Q&A
Ask Me Anything: Q&A - Bikinis & Passports
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Well, that escalated quickly! A good 10 hours ago, we were at the airport waiting to board to New York City with a 1.5 hour delay. So I decided to use the question tool on Instagram Stories for the first time and posted a “ ask me anything” call to action. Little did I know there was lots of things you were burning to know… I received so many questions from you (so many good ones, also!), that answering all of them in my stories would be borderline spam. Hence, I decided to make use of the 9-hour flight and jot them down in one big Q&A blogpost. That way, the answers won’t disappear after 24 hours and you may get to know me a little better.
How did you meet your boyfriend? 12 years ago in school. He was attending the HAK and I was in the Gymnasium next door. I was the new girl from California and he wrote me on Uboot (which was before Myspace in the good old days).
Favorite boutique in Vienna? Amicis, Duft & Kultur, Lederleitner Home + Inked.
How do you manage to deal with your travels, relationship and household all at the same time? My boyfriend also works and travels a lot, so there is a mutual understanding there. We have our wonderful Anita who helps with the household once per week and I think that if you love what you do, it always helps and seems only have as bad!
What is your favorite city to travel to? So difficult! I love the L.A. lifestyle and it feels like home, but NYC is pure magic. In Europe, I love Rome and Paris but would not want to live there!
In which city could you imagine living? Mike and I always wanted to go to college in Munich, and it is still a city I love! But nothing beats Vienna in terms of quality of life!
Do you think that there is still a chance to make it big in this Instagram fashion business now? Yes! Quality always wins! If you create unique, creative content, it will pay off sooner or later!
What is your favorite running interval training? 20 minutes of running sprints on the treadmill, alternating between 1 minute at 14km/h and 2 minutes at 8.5km/h. Such a torch and super effective!
What do you eat on the flight back home when you can’t prep your meals? I usually wash the containers I came with and stock up at a health food store with things like pre-made quinoa salads or hard-boiled eggs. If this is not an option, apples, nuts, raw bars and lots of water!
Why do you never take pictures with your boyfriend? I do – I just don’t post them <3
Where are you heading? New York City for 4 days to see the Weeknd, Dua Lipa and Migos at a festival on Randall Island.
What are you especially thankful for in life? 1000% for my family! It is an absolute privilege to grow up with and surrounded by so much love and support at home.
What are your dream destinations? Where do you really want to go? Bali is at the very top of that list, followed by South Africa, Fiji and Vietnam!
Favorite brunch spots in Vienna? Vienna is a great place to have breakfast or brunch, my favorites are The Guesthouse (serving breakfast until 11pm), Motto am Fluss, Salonplafond, Ulrich and/or Erich and the acai bowls at Superfood Deli.
What are your favorite trends of the season? I am loving satin (midi) skirts, wrap skirts, lots of white, linen-inspired fabrics, loose fitted pants and timeless sandals (like the Hermes Oran sandals or Nu Pieds by Saint Laurent)
Do you still have fitness “goals” (ie. More workouts, more yoga,…)? Not really. I am super happy with my 3-4 workouts per week at the moment and the flow I am in. However, I do want to incorporate more yoga and regular runs again.
Favorite book? Can’t decide (forever a fan of Harry Potter, To Kill A Mockingbird and The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants).
What products do you use for your hair? Currently shampoo & conditioner by Playe + the Moroccan hair oil. But I also love Kerastase, The OUAI and Aveda.
Why do you never show your boyfriend? No reason in particular! Despite loving social media, I (we) think it is important to keep certain things private – he is one of them!
Does your assistant only work for you or The Daily Dose also? What does she do? She only works for me and her tasks always vary. She does a lot of organizational stuff (book keeping, post office,…) but is also in contact with clients or does research for new posts.
Were you always organizes or did you have to learn to be? I feel like social media can be misleading. While a lot of travel definitely requires a lot of organization, my life is far from organized. If you see a clean corner of my apartment on Instagram, chances are the other side of the room looks like a bomb exploded… just sayin’
Are you in Vienna at the end of August, beginning of September? We are going to Tuscany with the entire family and I couldn’t be more excited!
How long have you and your boyfriend been a couple? It will be 12 years in September!
Why the “new girl from Cali”? Did you live there? Why did you move to Austria? I lived in Southern California from age 10 to (almost) 16 because my dad worked there. And we also moved to Austria for the same reason.
Which district in Vienna would you recommend for living? Many! Every district has beautiful corners and some that are not so hot! My favorites are 4, 5, 6 and 7. The Servietenviertel in the 9th district is beautiful, the outer 19th and 18th… like I said, so many!
When will the home-workout videos by your personal trainer be available for purchase? Soon! The video team is currently working on the last rounds of edits!
Coolest places for girls week out in Vienna? Lunch, dinner? I would make sure to have lunch at Mochi, sundowner drinks at Tel Aviv Beach or the 25 hours rooftop bar, an afternoon glass of rosé at Naschmarkt, dinner at Motto in the 5th district, brunch at The Guesthouse Vienna or Motto am Fluss and if you like people watching, have some bubbles and small bites at Schwarzes Kameel in the first district or drinks at the Fabios bar. Classic cocktail bar: Roberto’s or Kleinod.
In what job/profession do you see yourself at age 40? Content creation, for sure! That could be social media, strategic input or photography – but definitely something creative and preferably still in self-employment!
Have you been to Budapest? What languages do you speak? Yes, I have been to Budapest twice (beautiful city, very similar to Vienna in many ways). I speak fluent German and English, plus a few bits and pieces of French.
Where do you see yourself in 10/15 years? With a family, still working (yay for working moms, we can really do it all) side-by-side with my best friend, living in an apartment that we own and I spent all my free-time remodeling to our likes, traveling a lot and learning to speak a different language fluently.
Do you ever regret having started with Social Media? No! I think if you practice a healthy relationship with/on social media, it is a beautiful source of inspiration and communication. Plus, I have my career to thank for it!
Which boutiques can you recommend in Munich? Unfortunately, Munich is not my hometown, so not really any – except I always stop by Theresa when I am in town!
Favorite flowers? I love flowers in general, but peonies, hydrangeas and wild garden roses are definitely at the top of the list.
All time favorite spots in Vienna? Fabios has the best Italian food and great service, The Guesthouse is my favorite hotel (and love their brunch), Mochi is a must, Motto am Fluss has a great breakfast, Neni at Naschmarkt and Roberto’s is a cool bar. But there are so many more!
How tall are you? 172cm
Favorite restaurant in Vienna? Fabios! Never fails!!
Daily make-up essentials? A tinted moisturizer or bb cream with SPF, mascara and bronzer and some sort of an eyebrow product (or even better freshly tinted brows!)
Where do you find interior inspiration? Good question! Probably the most via Pinterest and travels. I am such a sucker for stylish hotels and always find so much inspiration when traveling. I also pick hotels based on their interiors and style a lot of the time. Also, a cool boutique in NYC (think: the Apartment by The Line), stylish café in LA or a pretty restaurant in Paris can be a source of inspiration!
Books that have helped me develop as a person? Wow, such a good but tough question. I am not sure if any single book has had a particular impact, but I do think that The Circle (social media control/obsession) was a good read even though I didn’t like the end and earlier this year I read Magic Cleaning by Marie Kondo and am determined to clean out our apartment (and life) in a major way! Also, I am currently reading The Marshmallow Test and if it comes close to the reviews, I am sure it will help me develop as well!
Do you want to get married? Yes! But let’s not forget that a wedding/marriage comes in all shapes and sizes.
Is there a discount code as part of your Pandora collaboration? I am currently not actively collaborating with Pandora. All the jewellery I wear from them is just because I love it. So unfortunately: no.
Where did you get your jade roller? Is it also available in the US? I ordered mine via Cult Beauty and paid around 17€ for it. And yes, they are also available in the US – try amazon!
Are you originally from California? Nope, born in Stuttgart, Germany!
Do you want to get married and have kids? Yes and yes.
Are there rules you eat by? There are a few basics that I keep in mind when it comes to nutrition. I try not to snack, instead have 3 full meals per day with 4-5 hours between each meal. I try to have protein with every meal, eat tons of vegetables and usually don’t have anything raw (uncooked) at night because it is hard for the body to digest. I eat carbs mostly for breakfast and lunch, rarely at night.
What sign are you? Aquarius
Favorite districts in Vienna? 1st, 4th and 5th, 6th, 7th and corners of the 3rd.
What is your best tip for a long and healthy relationship? Funny enough, I have been working on a post about this exact question for over a week now. It will probably be live on Sunday of this week and will include not 1 but 10 tips! However, my no.1 tip is probably brutal honesty and the ability to fight or disagree (in a healthy, respectful manner).
What made you happy today? A text message from my mom the first thing in the morning, wishing us safe travels. Mom’s are the best, right?
What’s your favorite color, and also color combination (especially for outfits)? I am not sure I have a favorite color. Even though I wear almost every color, none of them are particularly “my favorite”. I love a neutral color palette and also think they are the easiest to work with in terms of outfits. White, beige, gray, black… and in my world, leopard is also considered a neutral!
What are your plans for the next years? Both for work and private! I have never been someone to plan ahead too much. I just try to stay open for every opportunity that comes along. For work, we have a few exciting things in the making for The Daily Dose, which we are not ready to talk about just yet, and privately I still have a few destinations on my travel bucket list before I start thinking about family (and stuff).
What is your favorite athletic brand? Definitely Lululemon. The quality is amazing and the cuts usually very flattering. A new brand I am loving is aimn, Puma has recently made some really cool stuff and of course the regulars like Adidas and Nike. I also wrote a blogpost about my favorite workout wear here.
What is your favorite spot for hot days in Vienna? In all honesty: our terrace. Such a lame answer and not very helpful to you guys. But the outside space is the reason we fell in love with our current apartment. Nothing makes me happier than a BBQ with friends on a hot day. In terms of spaces that are open to the public, I think Tel Aviv Beach is great for drinks or Pratersauna for good music and an occasional dip in the pool!
outfit details: ZARA sweats (aka my travel pants), Anine Bing shirt, Chloé beltbag, Hermes sandals
Favorite brand for dresses? Overall, I think Self-Portrait. I think the price-point is more than fair, the styles beautiful and the quality good. Lately, though, I have really been loving Ganni (especially dresses and skirts) and of course, Zimmermann makes beautiful dresses as well!
Favorite podcasts? I don’t listen to a lot of podcasts, but The Goop is my favorite that I have come across so far. Even though I find myself drawn to topics around health, fitness and food, I thought the recent one called “who are you in a crisis?” with the spiritual legend Marianne Williamson was extremely powerful!
What are you reading right now or have read recently that you’d recommend? I am going through a phase where I prefer guides/studies to novels. Magic Cleaning by Marie Kondo was one of those and currently I am reading The Marshmallow Test about the ability of self-control and how it goes hand-in-hand with a successful, fulfilled life!
What are your favorite skincare products at the moment? My routine is simple: micellar water to cleanse, a hydrating or calming serum + moisturizer. Currently, I love the micellar water by La Roche-Posay or Caudalie, the Bobbi Brown remedies (80 + 86), Dior Capture Youth serums (Redness Relief + Plump Filler), the Charlotte Tilbury Miracle Cream and Crème de la Mer moisturizer.
Favorite dinner spots in Vienna? Depends entirely on the mood/occasion. But Fabios or Mochi is where we always have our date nights.
What motivates you and how do you find motivation? My biggest motivation in life is spending my time doing things I love. Having turned my hobby into a job is the biggest blessing and is pure motivation itself. Even though it also includes tasks that I really have to force myself to do (accounting, for example). The procrastinator that I am, deadlines have always been one source of motivation for me. Also, purposefully slowing down can be really motivating. To me, slower/calmer phases are always a good source of inspiration because I am not constantly chasing a to-do list but have time to let my thoughts wander and creativity spark.
How do you edit your photos on Instagram? I usually only use the app VSCO cam (filters A4 or C8) and all the tools within the apps to adjust brightness, saturation, grain,… it always depends on the original photo. For some effects I like Afterlight and if I need to make a pimple disappear, Facetune is the app.
What do you think about fasting in-flight? Probably not a whole lot. I am the type of person who likes to use food to pass time and I am a boredom snacker. My in-flight meals and snacks are ways to make the flight go by faster. Even though I love the idea of intermediate fasting and practice it at home sometimes, I think a plane filled with strangers and the occasional crying baby is not the place to be hungry. Of course, it totally depends on the length of the flight. For anything longer than 2 hours I have snacks, for flights over 5 hours I bring full meals!
How do you edit your photos for your feed but also your stories? Again, VSCO cam (filters A4 or C8) but for the stories I also sometimes use an app called “unfold” to create those collages or frames.
Favorite perfume? Even though I am currently not using it, I would have to say Chance Eau Vive by Chanel.
Favorite mascara? “lash expert twist brush”The by terry .
What should everyone have in their closet? A really good pair of jeans (no holes), a simple black and/or white round-neck t-shirt and a pair of black heels that you can walk in all evening!
What do you NOT like to eat? I will definitely get hate for this, but: gummy bears! Not even as a kid did I like the artificial color, flavor or consistency. I just don’t understand the point. Also, any intestines.
Do you have tips for long-distance flights? Yes, I do! Lots and lots of water (no alcohol or coffee), healthy food and snacks, no make-up + lots of hydrating products. Read some of my tips HERE or be sure to check out this article on The Daily Dose.
Do you ever have days that you are simply lazy? I think it depends on your definition of lazy. In the classic sense of staying in bed all day: no, not unless I am sick. But in the sense of no work: of course! For example when I am home with my parents. But that may include a morning workout, long walk, cooking together or taking the oldtimers out for a ride I guess the word would not necessarily be lazy but rather relaxing or offline.
How did you and Katharina become friends/business partners? Like ya’ll by each other 24/7! We met when she moved into my old apartment. We instantly hit it off, founded The Daily Dose 6 months later and have been inseparable ever since!
Which lipstick is your favorite? I actually have two: the “rich nude” art stick by Bobbi Brown and the “Nude York City Style” 002 by Catrice.
Which good vintage stores do you know in Vienna? Unfortunately I am not a big vintage shopper. The only one I know is Burggasse 24.
How can I love myself without makeup? I think the key is feeling comfortable in your own skin. So focus on good skincare and drink lots of water. Also, I feel so much more confident without make-up if I have my eyebrows and lashes tinted. Try working your way towards less make-up with more natural-looking products like a tinted moisturizer or bb cream.
Do you have a monthly shopping budget or is it different every month? It varies every month. I never go shopping just for the sake of it, but when I see something I love, I usually splurge right away (if it is not crazy expensive).
Which yoga/pilates clothes can you recommend? Also Lululemon or Hey Honey!
What are your L.A. must-sees? Hike up Runyon Canyon early in the morning, have breakfast or lunch at the Malibu Farm and go to El Matador State Beach after, Abbot Kinney Road in Venice Beach, Griffith Observatory, Rodeo Dr. (obviously), Universal Studios, Melrose Drive and an In ‘n Out Burger, of course!
Do you miss you cappuccino now and then? Never! If I would miss it, I would totally just have it! Occasionally, I feel like an almond milk flat white, but on the daily I absolutely love my black Americano and much prefer it to a cappuccino!
Would you ever show your kids on Instagram? Probably in some way yes. But haven’t put much thought into it yet since kids are nowhere near on the horizon!
Do you use self tanner? If so, which one can you recommend? The only self tanner I use is L’eau Tan by Chanel. It is super subtle and actually smells good. But not really a self tanner in the traditional sense! I have also tried Tan Luxe twice and was pretty happy with the results.
If you had to choose just 1 beauty product – which one would it be? It is a close call between a tinted moisturizer with SPF and a highlighting bronzer. I am obsessed with a natural glow. However, I would have to get my brows and lashes tinted weekly – no can do without eyebrows!
One word to describe yourself? So basic, but “happy”. I think it is in my nature to be happy and easy-going 90% of the time!
The Standard
If you have ever found yourself researching hotels for New York City, chances are pretty high that you have come across, or heard of The Standard High Line Hotel.
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Travel Tip: 11 Howard, Soho New York City Hotel
As much as I love the excitement of exploring and getting to know a new city, there is something extra special about returning to a place.
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Beyond Coachella
Just like every year, Coachella is taking over April and everyone’s Instagram feeds as we are currently between weekend 1 and 2 of the über-famous festival in the California desert.
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Where To Stay in Vancouver?
After sharing some of my favorite things to do, eat and see in Vancouver, I also wanted to share a full hotel review of the Fairmont Pacific Rim with you.
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Hotel Zoo
Berlin and I didn’t always have the best relationship. It took me a while to fall for the city and all it has to offer (especially when it comes to food).
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Source: http://www.bikinisandpassports.com/ask-me-anything-qa/
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allsystemsarenotgo · 6 years
I don't want to fall to pieces. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want a conversation. I just want to cry in front of you
- Avril Lavigne
For a long time, I have kept a special ‘friends list’ of close friends that I feel aren’t judgemental. I have used this privacy setting to give my raw emotions a place to slip out, to allow the pressure to vent off in an almost controlled manner. There are a select few people whom I’ve given access to my private journal/blog that I use to keep my dark thoughts contained.
I feel like it is time for me to finally speak out about the things that go on in my life. I have held some of them in for 8, 9, 10, even 11 years. I am tired of being a 2 faced person wearing a mask to always look happy.
In Part 1, I talked about how being around happy faces makes me happy.
In stark contrast, there are alot of things that make me not happy. Talking about all of them in one chapter would be impossible, but I can start off with the ugly.
Growing up in a town of 300-400 people total and only 72 kids per grade in MS/HS, everybody knew everybody. I was not athletic, so I was more or less an outcast. I focused on academia and trade skills in the FFA/Ag Shop.
I was also very vocally pro-abstinence, against alcohol and drugs, and less vocally pro-choice, which means I was somewhat infamous. Country schools = lots of sex, drugs, and alcohol. I knew kids that came to school drunk and stoned. I didn't have many friends.
With that preface complete, I had three moments of ugly in high school. I can only legally write about two (still waiting on a statue of limitations to expire). Both involved females.
I had taken a liking to a girl and she sat behind me in Spanish class. The teacher never had a problem with me turning around and talking to the girl or sitting in the cubby next to her (I sat in the front chair nearest the podium against the cubbies). She and I would mind our classwork while the teachef dealt with the heathens on the other side of the room. I took a VERY strong liking to the girl, and having never had a real GF before (unless you count one in intermediate school) I had no idea how to act.
When she shot me down, it threw me through an emotional disaster. So the last 1/3 of sophomore year, I was an emotional wreck not knowing how to handle getting shot down.
The summer between Soph and Junior year, I helped my best friend rebuild his boat and some other stuff.
His neighbor was a cute cowgirl, she had been going to another school district but was changing to mine. So I got to knowing her somewhat well.
During the beginning of Junior year, I sat with her at lunch. I gained a weighted attraction to her, but she was all over a few other of the cowboy types. My perseverance to getting what I wanted began to show, and I took advantage of so many opportunities to be in her company that she finally had to shoot me down. (She says that my lack of logical intelligence is now a family lore). Word traveled so quickly that the next day, hoards of people we're ridiculing me for being such an asshole, among other colorful words and adjectives. This is what hurt more than the being shot down itself- I was already infamous with no friends, and now I had people left right and center heckling me.
At this point I had nobody to eat lunch with because of the wierd lunch scheduling my school used. So I just continued to eat lunch at her table, as far away as possible. When I got done eating, I would just put my head down and arms crossed, in embarrassment more than anything.
Senior year rolls around. 2 weeks before the start of school, I nearly break my neck in an inner tube accident at the lake.
So I'm starting school basically not able to turn my neck or even look up or down (basically, fused neck). First day of classes, 3rd period Pre-Calculus. I find me a seat.....and in walks the young cowgirl. Her and I had not talked since what had become a nuclear fallout.
To my astonishment and horror, she takes the seat directly behind me.
At this stage it's quickly determined that I'm a math genius and she's...not. TLDR; her and I apologize to each other after I use the excuse of not being able to turn my head as the reason why I was ignoring her pokes and prods for help.
I ended up tutoring her through 3/4 of the class materials and we've been friends ever since. She actually included me in some of her pre-wedding schenanigans because she felt bad for shutting me down so abrasively and also because her mum and I got along really well. She's the only non-family wedding I've been to, and only wedding as a young adult.
But I unknowingly fought depression and autism all through high school, progressively getting worse. I had several nights in Sophmore, Junior, and Senior years that I wanted to kill myself, many nights spent with a blade. Most people don't believe me when I tell them I spent time with blades, but I did.
College was a tough transition for me. Going from a town of 300-400 and a school of 72 per grade to a large public University, where my dorm was bigger than my entire MS/HS complex, was nothing short of a culture shock.
My living arrangement was three private bedrooms sharing a common living room and bathroom. My dorm mates and I would play Rock band in the living room, have other mates over, ect. Seeing as I'd never had a game console other than N64 or a flat panel TV, my roommate's setup was a welcome break for me from....things.
I was terribly ill-prepared for college. Despite passing pre-calculus in high school, I couldn't even pass the mathematical entry exams for the college, and had to start at the very bottom with college algebra, which was difficult for me. I felt like I wasn't smart anymore.
My depression finally made it's first radical appearance when I mentally collapsed in the dorm one weekend and literally became a recluse. Nobody heard from or saw me for a full week. I went to most of my classes, but came and left while my dormmates were in their classes, so they never saw me. I didn't go to our usually-organized group dinners at the campus cafe.
Finally after 4 or 5 days of this, the peer counselor for our area of the hall decided enough was enough and used her master key to get into my private suite room when I didn't answer her knock.
She forced me into mandatory counseling the next day with the on campus counselors.
I failed freshman year badly. My parents sold the house in the country and moved to the metro area so I could commute from home.
These were the darkest days.
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faunceblaze · 7 years
JMT 2017: Part I - Trip Prep
This is the first of three  two installments recounting our trip to hike the John Muir Trail, a long-distance trail through the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range (you can find part II here). The trail extends 210.4 miles from Mount Whitney (the highest point in the contiguous United States) to Happy Isles in Yosemite Valley. With the additional approach hike to Mount Whitney, we hiked around 240 - 250 miles. This first post will provide some background information and our preparation for the trip, the second post will cover our day-to-day experiences on the trail, and the third post will have some post-hike thoughts and data.
Typically, most people hike the JMT southbound (SOBO) from Yosemite NP to Mount Whitney. Hiking SOBO is generally seen as an “easier” hike due to: starting at a lower elevation allowing one to slowly acclimate to the increasing elevation as you head south, having more resupply points in the north allowing for a lighter pack to start, and generally an “easier” trail condition allowing for one to build conditioning as you head south. 
Well, after our AT adventure, we are pretty much “NOBO 4 LYFE!” (AKA crazy) and decided to take the unconventional northbound (NOBO) route. Hiking the JMT requires permits (something that is uncommon on the east cost), and getting permits for a NOBO hike is much easier than a SOBO hike. Due to the increasing crowds of hikers wanting to hike the JMT, Yosemite NP has implemented lottery style permitting system along with a daily quota that makes it tough to get a permit. As a result, we decided to start at the Cottonwood Pass Trail Head that is about 30+ miles south of Mount Whitney (what’s an extra 30 miles, right?!). We were easily able to reserve a permit for this trail head for our planned dates back in February, and it even includes a permit to summit Mount Whitney (the official terminus of the JMT). Now the planning begins...
This trip required quite a bit more logistical planning than our AT journey. On the AT we had an open ended schedule, so it really didn’t matter where we were in 2, 3, or 6 weeks. The JMT required actual planning to make sure we could finish on time, but also to figure out our food resupply situation. After studying our trusty guide book, I came up with a sample itinerary that had us completing the trip in 18 days: 2 days to approach Mount Whitney, and 16 days to hike the JMT. Starting in the south meant we had to carry a significant number of days of food with us before we could reach our first resupply point. There are only a few resupply points on the JMT (unless you want to spend a day hiking out to a trail head along with a potentially long hitchhike), and each had their pros and cons. We knew from our experience on the AT that there is a certain amount of “town inertia” that is difficult to overcome when you go in for a resupply. The pull of all those burgers, beers, and beds can make it difficult to leave. For that reason, we chose a resupply point (Red’s Meadow) that was basically on the trail (0.3 miles off trail to a general store) and forced ourselves to not linger too much while there. As a result of that decision we needed about 14 days worth of food to get there (yikes!). We each had a large bear canister (they’re required along most of the JMT), and we could only fit 8 days of food in each of them - and that was working on a calorie deficit too. It looked like we were going to need some help.
The next logistical move ended up killing two birds with one stone. First, how are we going to get to the trail head? We needed to start and end in San Francisco, because we were also attending a wedding there at the end of the trip (all the more reason why we needed to schedule it just right). Getting from San Fran down to the closest town, Lone Pine, is a pretty long trip. A whole day of public transit, or if only we could rope someone else into this party... That’s where our backpacking buddy from the AT, Indie, stepped up. She was able and willing to come out to San Francisco, drive us out to the trail head, and join us at the beginning of our trip in summiting Mount Whitney! She came out with her boyfriend and they also graciously agreed to help carry a few days of food for us during the beginning (thanks Indie and PP!). Win, win, win! 11 days worth of food. 3 more to go. 
As I mentioned above, we were tagging this hike on to a trip to San Francisco for a wedding. Our best friend, Kelly, was getting married over Labor Day Weekend. Kelly, her fiancé, and a few of their friends planned on taking a long weekend trip to the Rae Lakes area of the JMT. We were able to work it out to where we would meet them on the JMT on day 5 and hike a few days with them and enjoy some of the beautiful alpine lakes!. They also graciously agreed to pack in a few days of food for us, which now got us to our magic number of 14 days of food (thanks Drewbot for carrying all the food in!). Thankfully, due to the popularity of the region, there were some bear boxes around the Rae Lakes region that allowed us to store this extra food each night, so we didn’t have to worry about having room in our bear canisters. 
The last hurdle was planning out how we would get back to the San Francisco when we finished our hike. Although we had a sample itinerary, one thing I know from experience is that they are most often subject to change. We decided to go with good old fashioned public transportation on this one. There are buses that you can catch in Yosemite Valley that take you out to the nearby town of Merced. From there you can catch the Amtrak train up to the bay area, and finally hop on the San Francisco BART to get into the city. Practically a rehashing of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles to get back. 
Now we have the logistics set. We have our permit, our sample itinerary, transportation to the trail head, food resupply planned, and transportation back to civilization. Next up is the packing.
We’re not the minimalist of backpackers, but I also think we have a pretty good system for our needs that balances weight, durability, and comfort. Below is what we packed (the clothing list is just for me, not everything was in my backpack):
Backpack: Gregory Z55
Sleeping Bag: EMS Mountain Light 20 - Long
Sleeping Pad: Exped SynMat UL 7
Sleeping Pillow (they’re amazing!): Exped Air Pillow
Tent: MSR Hubba Hubba NX
Bear Canister: BearVault BV500 
Clothing (including what I was wearing):
Quick Dry T-Shirt
Shorts (with liner)
Sun Shirt: REI Co-op Sahara Tech
Hiking Socks: Wright Socks - 2 pair
Compression Socks: Sockwell 
Rain Jacket: Marmot PreCip
Mid-weight Wool Layer
Smartwool Beanie
Wool boxer-shorts
Baseball Cap
Shoes: Brooks Ghosts
Stove: MSR MicroRocket
Fuel Canister: 8 oz.
Pot: MSR Titan Kettle 
Cleaning Rag 
Bladder: Platypus 2L Big-Zip
Filter: Sawyer Squeeze (in-line with bladder)
Clean Bottles: Platy 1 L
Guidebook: JMT Pocket Atlas
Journal pages + Pen
Multi-tool: Leatherman Squirt PS4
First-aid kit (ibuprofen, band-aids, pepto, antibiotic ointment, tweezers, nail clippers, needle, thread)
Trowel: Deuce of Spades
Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, wet wipes
I think that about covers most everything. There may be a few other small incidental items I forgot to mention in the Misc. or First-Aid categories. 
Our food was pretty much the same the entire trip (and not all that exciting). We supplemented a few different dinners (Mountain House or instant potatoes) on a few of the days that our friends carried in food, but otherwise this is pretty much what we ate the entire time: 
Oatmeal - packaged at home with nuts, flax, and brown sugar.
Tuna packets, peanut butter
Ramen (Sapporo Ramen is the best!)
Protein powder
Clif Bars, Snickers (a few per day)
I think that about wraps up our pre-trip planning. Next up will be a (big) post covering our the actual hiking!
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shwagginonyou · 7 years
Sat 4 Feb 17
sigh finally stopped procrastinating to write on this journal again. literally so much as happened in the past 4 days which is why i was so reluctant to go through everything LOL. i think quick summaries of each day will have to do
wed- not too much happened actually. a whole lot of last minute prepping for our two observed lessons on thurs and fri. dr. conte and mrs. conte arrived in velden on wed afternoon and after a random phone call from them, we ended up having dinner with them that evening at rocket cafe again LOL. conveniently the lounge beneath their “motel” and the only restaurant open in our area anyway. it was really nice getting to know them better and tell them that we’re actually surviving quite well here and it has been a fantastic experience so far. 
thurs- day 1 of observations! the conte’s got to meet mr. brightman and ana. they came with the coordinator from the international school in trieste, and she was honestly so nice, i can imagine how awesome it would’ve been to stay at trieste as well. but honestly, i don’t think i would’ve changed anything for how it is now haha. the lesson went well thank JESUS! we had a little chat afterwards, and it was so encouraging and much needed to hear some positive reinforcement from a really funny old man. i know that sometimes i can get a little prideful of my accomplishments, but i think i really needed that boost of knowing that my efforts here, even with the limited music class exposure, has been well appreciated and that my studies at tcnj have allowed me to pursue greater excellence even out of college. anyway, after school, we went out with our co-ops (mine being julie of course LOL am i even doing music), the conte’s, james and ana, to the rocket bistro (third time’s the charm), and just had a really wonderful night to share about this whole experience and our gratitude towards each other. AND MY CAKE! haha one day early celebration
fri- day 2 of observations. after making sure that we are capable as teachers, the conte’s left us after lunch. haha me and jess had so much fun with them but at the same time, it was EXHAUSTING hosting them around like our grandparents. because they’re legit like 75+ years old LOL. but yeah, i think they really enjoyed their first time here so that’s all we could’ve asked for haha. oh yea it was also my birthday yesterday lol. after school, we went to our exciting first ever ISC curling tournament with other school staffs in velden. it was definitely.... interesting to say the least. now that i think about, we did a lot of interesting things for the first time yesterday haha. so we went with julie and after about an hour, she could not handle anymore of the swinging ice sticks back and forth the rink and seeing who can hit it closest to a black puck. she graciously invited us over to her place in klagenfurt so that we could go out for dinner. we got to see her lovely apartment and her cat!!! everything was super nice and cute. we walked around the downtown area of klagenfurt for the first time, got coffee and shopped a little, and then we met julie’s boyfriend and her boyfriend’s friend for dinner in a super hipster mexican restaurant/bar. we actually had a really really nice time, at least i did. oh yeah, most of the night prior to eating the meal at 10:30pm, i was feeling pretty woozy from pre-gaming on an empty stomach LOL. long story short, we got there at 8:30 and didn’t get our food until an hour and a half later. by the time we left, the next train back to velden was at 11:40, so we used the time to hit up another bar, which was PACKED lemme tell you. prob equivalent to a really stuffy college frat party in a little basement haha. but everyone there was SO OLD! last fun event of the night, we got on the wrong train to villach (we meant the direction of villach but the train dude actually meant the town itself....) so we had to take a taxi in the direction BACK to klagenfurt to get to our apartment. a 38 euro taxi ride later, we finally made it back safely by 12:30am. all in all, a very exciting way to spend my 21st! :D
and then today was a whole other adventure for the books. basically mr. brightman put out a notice to the parents that we (me and jess) have two free weekends while we’re still here in austria and that they could feel free to take us around and do fun carinthian things with the americans to make us feel more welcome. it just so ended up that emma and louisa’s parents (since louisa is in jess’s class) took that offer to a whole new level. we went to a heinrich harrer, a famous austria explorer, museum in the “heart of carinthia” which was pretty cool. we drove around in their new electric car tesla which was pretty cool. and we also had THE BEST THREE HOUR CARINTHIAN MEAL OF OUR LIVES which my body will never forget..... i can’t explain all the amazing things we ate and i really don’t have the energy for it.. so i won’t but believe when i say, we are forever indebted to the wonderful things our mouths experienced during those 3 hours. there was also a super cute border collie in the restaurant who would actually play fetch with us, in the restaurant, that served amazing food, and another birthday cake for me with super cool sparkly fire candles!!! 
and ya! we got back around 5pm, got some groceries, and then collapsed from the craziest past few days ever lol. maybe more tomorrow... for now. just thankful and trying to soak in all that we’ve been able to see and taste and experience here in this wonderful little country <3 
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