#And 50% Valorant
neirmetes · 1 year
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Another fanart for @crowboss-whore 's “Seer of Secrets”. More of design sketches than anything.
I gave Seer a gun!
With how often Seer mentions wanting to be long ranged, I have been itching to give them a sniper. I tried to make it similar to the wrist gun they already have, you can even see my references littered about.
Edit: Ok clearly I had this in my drafts a while before the latest chapter came out and I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO HIT SO CLOSE TO HOME FJDJJFJFB FUCK DUDE. OW!
(This is now so out of place with the tone of the chapter lmao)
I’ve had this idea for a bit now and while waiting for Chapter 12 to come out, I decided to design a rifle. It’s all non-canon of course since they don’t even have one (yet). This also gives me a base design for Seer. The outfit here is 100% negotiable in the future, but I like a cape/skirt idea a lot. Aaaaand I’m just now realizing I completely forgot about the hover boots lmao. I’ll come back to that when I feel up to drawing again
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ariacodfish · 4 months
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“I think we’re gonna have to kill this guy Steven” but my two highest kins are characters from different Minecraft rps that I hate.
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aste-ri-sm · 4 months
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|| Oh Elpis
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thedeepstate69 · 11 months
FadeShock hc’s cause I love them (also some FadeShockStorm)
They’re love language is napping. If anyone in the protocol is looking for Fade or Neon and they cant find either of them they’re usually away cuddling somewhere.
Neon likes to get up early to go running and Fades clings onto her for dear life because Neon's warm
It took them a while to get close physically (hand holding, cuddling, ect) since Neon was so afraid that she’d hurt Fade
Fade is fucking hopeless in the kitchen. Before the protocol she survived purely off of instant noodles, coffee, and whatever she could find at the nearest store.
Neon moves A LOT in her sleep so Fade usually wakes up to see her girlfriend half off the bed with a leg in Fades face.
Fade knows all the names of Neon’s teddys 
Fade tells Neon stories about the stray cats she befriended back in  Türkiye
Neon fell first but Fade fell harder
They take bubble baths together and one of them always ends up falling asleep
FadeShockStorm hcs:
Fade and Neon got together first but they both had a bit of a crush on Jett
Jett, at first, only thought she had a crush on Neon but Fade started subtly flirting and Jett just melted
Whenever they all share a bed Fade is in the middle, Jetts snuggled up to her and Neon is just sprawled across them
Neon and Jett call it their Fade sandwich 
Jett gets flustered super easily and Fade finds it hilarious
It was actually Fade that invited Jett into their relationship (after talking it through w/ Neon ofc)
Whenever one of them is on their period it’s just top tier pampering from the other two
If two of them are out on a mission the one left at base will send the other two some spicy pics and enjoy their reaction once they get back
Fade got so offended when Jett called her mirror a weirdo and Neon had to step in and be like but u r a weirdo babe??
I just think they all love each other
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hannah-heartstrings · 4 months
After saying that Lecrinn's fashion era would be the 50s my brain kept going and wanted to add her friends.
So from left to right, Lecrinn, Carwen, and Methredhel:
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I just see them when I look at these.
Like Lecrinn is cute and fun and needs clothes that don't hinder her movement. And I can totally see her red skirt turned into one of those dresses.
Based off one in game line (which is like half her dialogue), my version of Carwen is into glamor and Marilyn Monroe just fits her so well.
And Methredhel's more of a tomboy who I just don't see wearing skirts. I considered making her a greaser girl but their clothes look so tight I don't know how you move in them. Grace Kelly's modern swashbuckler looking fit though? 👌
And bonus Garrus with two of his friends, Marcus and Fairwyn:
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Garrus is a preppy farmboy, Marcus is pretending to be a cool badboy, and Fairwyn is a very professional woman.
@sylvienerevarine tagging you because you started it. XD
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idkmynameiskat · 1 year
Hinata cosplay at 50 followers on Kick!
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cleavetheclover · 1 year
Valorant Agents Music Taste & Playing Instruments
Brim canonically plays bass, as alleged in Breach’s voice mail
Brims main music taste is in classic rock but can also play upright bass for some jazz standards, used to play casually at like weddings and stuff
Brim is secretly a jazz nerd and absolutely will infodump about pre-1950s big band if asked
Breach plays drums since he lacks the fine dexterity for most string instruments, but is learning to play trumpet
Chamber plays solo classical piano and only solo classical piano. Likes Beethoven and Debussy, thinks Strauss is overrated
Kayo downloaded the entire Garage Band instrument library into his memory, plays drum sounds and calls it beatboxing
Kayo knows enough physical drums to play “badum-tsss” every time he makes a joke
Viper listens to heavy metal, dislikes pop-punk. She can play electric guitar but chooses not to
Phoenix played trumpet in 5th grade band, then became a theater kid so now he knows the soundtracks to like every musical ever. Hamilton is his favorite because it contains rap, dislikes sad musicals and will cry when watching them
Phoenix can improv rap like no one else’s business
Reyna’s acoustic guitar is better than sex. Self taught/a natural. Has never played it in front of other Agents
Cypher used to do karaoke with his wife Nora, but hasn’t sang since she passed away. A shame, since his voice is excellent
Jett listens to Kpop, has been indoctrinating Phoenix. She doesn’t play an instrument but has been recasting the choreography to work with her knives, wind powers, and various other weapons in the Amory
Killjoy listens to German House
Astra listens to contemporary classical and tribal/folk music from all cultures, is fascinated by work songs
Harbor listens to movie soundtracks. Thinks Hans zimmer is excellent but doesn’t listen to his tracks as standalone objects because he finds them to be so focused on ambience that they become monotonous.
Harbor sings sea shanties on the helicopter and the duelists (sans Reyna) join, much to Chamber’s chagrin
Fade listens to alt rock. Likes Tricky, Massive Attack, Rage Against the Machine, and Radiohead
Fade’s guilty pleasure is listening stalking everyone’s Spotify profiles and secretly listening to the things they do. Now she has a healthy dose of grunge (from Viper) and some dubstep (from Killjoy)
Raze listens to Brazilian music, mostly Carnival and axé, and enjoys anything else loud
Omen wants to play an instrument, but doesn’t know which one. Cypher recommended the cello
Sage listens to cpop and meditative music, two opposite sides of the spectrum. She has been teaching herself the harp
Sova listens to EDM, otherwise generally prefers silence. He hasn’t found a genre he likes yet
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phatcatphergus · 2 months
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Thanks Siri
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a4g · 1 year
hold on i wanna talk about spokishere a little more
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janhooks · 2 years
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I hate these people so fucking much (the people who love the term milf and go on about how it's soooo not objectifying or demeaning at all) I don't think that people would be so passionate in defending a term objectifying young women but there's this idea that women who are "past their prime" should be so fucking GRATEFUL! that somebody still wants to fuck them
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splodey-goat · 1 year
Every movement, artistic, philosophical, architextural, political, that has had any version of "new" or "modern" or any other indicator of current time is one of my least favorite things. I don't usually get heated about esoteric concepts like that but it's terrible you have to have known at the time it couldn't possibly STAY modern why did you NAME IT that
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ariacodfish · 4 months
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Didn’t anticipate I would actually finish this.
Anyways this context is that my two highest kins are characters from Minecraft roleplays that I hate.
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syxnewt · 4 days
why is the world's prettiest knife 50 dollars
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lagfestival · 1 month
... would anyone wanna watch my partner stream valorant.? he's trying to get to affiliate atm
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ocombatenterondonia · 2 months
Vídeo: Juscelino Amaral louva o valor de ex-presidentes e estimula narração da história dos próximos 50 anos
Dos 50 anos da Seccional da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil em Rondônia, o advogado Juscelino Amaral ali trabalhou 15 anos. Casado, 62 anos, pai de quatro filhos, ele entrou como secretário-geral administrativo em 1985, no mandato do ex-presidente Heitor Lopes Magalhães. Juscelino é sócio de um recorde que ele próprio investigou ao conseguir formar a árvore genealógica completa da família do pai,…
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glassrunner · 2 years
3rd ace ever... Apparently if you have Phoenix on your team he’ll say “OOOO ASTRA WITH THE GALAXY BRAIN!” after. :D
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