#Aleytys Forrester
Art Credit to Paul Smith
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Uncanny X-men #196- What Was That?!!
CW: racial slurs
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Last Issue Recap: The Power Pack made a cameo and Wolverine did not disembowel a child. Callisto in the Morlocks did show up and they are as skrungly and terrible as ever. And then there was Secret Wars 2 which I have mentally blocked out of my brain because it's too pointless and annoying to take up important Nightcrawler Obsessing Space.
Anyway, HOLY HELL, how did this cover make it to print?! Its literally a woman in a gimp suit! Have I talked about Rachel's Mutant Hunter gimpsuit before? I feel like I have, but I would once again like to say, what the actual fuck.
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It's Chris Claremont so I expect to be using this a lot in the near future. Also, in this cover there are spikes around her crotch that form a thong/triangle shape (super umcomfy 😬) which (spoilers) are not there when she wears the suit in-issue. Which just makes this worse.
Gimpsuit aside I don't like this cover. The composition is meh, and its the same sort of misdirection we saw in the last issue. Is Rachel going to beat the shit out of the X-men and get stabbed by Wolverine? Of course she's not. The splash panel on the first page is pretty striking though.
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The title is uncreative, but I do adore when writers try to work their issue title into the first page's dialogue or onomatopoeia or something (Thor #366 is my absolute favorite example of this). This is a fantastic first page, not only does it immediately set up tension, mystery and stakes while quickly delivering exposition, but it cleverly uses the in-universe curtain behind Professor X as a tool for adding motion and energy, whilst directing the reader's eye around the page.
I half forgot that Professor X is actually a professor and that he didn't just make that title up to sound cool. Hell, since he has a PhD it should actually be Dr X but that sounds a little too much like a porn knockoff of Dr Strange for my and Marvel's liking. Jesus Christ I bet he's the sort of proff who never ever grades essays in time because he's too busy fucking off fighting Godlike entities in space. I'd give him a 2 on Rate My Professor so fast.
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Several students in this packed classroom are smoking. Oh 1985, how the times have changed!
As his students leave, Professor X laments that he cannot simply read their minds and figure out who's thought this was. Not because this would be highly unethical, but because his mind and body has been weakened ever since he got the shit kicked out of him by anti-mutant muggers a few issues back.
Meanwhile, Storm is home in Africa on her self discovery tour, where she is- shot in the head and left for dead by the racist poachers she'd fought before?!
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I know logically this is just a fakeout but I'll be damned if it isn't some good tension! Also; the racist poachers are a brother-sister pair named Andreas and Andrea. Their parents must have hated them even more than I do.
We immediately cut to Kitty talking about Ororo's letters at a team meeting just to hammer the stake further into my goddamn heart. The Gang has gathered in a deli to discuss Professor X's mystery, including Magneto (whose presence goes undiscussed, probably because it was explained in Secret Wars 2) and some blonde lady named Aleytys who I have no idea who she is. (Edit: I know who she is- Lee Forrester, Scott Summers ex-girlfriend who apparently hooked up with Magneto in New Mutants. What an absolute power move.) Something I haven't mentioned yet because it hasn't come up is that Chuck has been hiding his growing frailty and power loss from his friends and teammates for some reason I've forgotten but which is probably stupid. Also he can walk at this point in continuity but that's not important.
Rachel sees the Beyonder shows up for his editor mandated plot interruption for a few pages and I'm not going to discuss it because I Don't Care.
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My thoughts exactly Kitty.
Speaking of the best boy, he is off at his parish, talking to the priest about his crisis of faith.
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I cannot imagine what it must be like to go into confessional with a superhero he has heard some shit someone redraw this man in that one stock photo of the priest.
The monster Kurt is talking about his the Beyonder because goddamnit I guess I can't just ignore that motherfucker. TLDR, he was the ultra-powerful being who started the excuse plot for the original Secret Wars. In Secret Wars 2 he comes to Earth to learn the meaning of life or some bullshit and wanders around causing problems before turning himself into a baby (probably, idk I never finished it, Jim Shooter did that before so he'd probably do it again.) Kurt's faith has been completely destroyed by the Beyonder's sheer power which is like no being he's ever seen before- oh please.
This whole scene sort of pisses me off. First off, its more wanking off about the Beyonder and I really don't want to hear about this guy. Second, its another reason to leave Kurt out of this weeks plot and that pisses me off, give my boy more screentime! Third, this really doesn't feel justified by the Beyonder. Nightcrawler saw Dr Doom hand him his ass in Secret Wars, he knows he's not omnipotent. Nightcrawler having a breakdown is fine but there's way more interesting stuff for him to break down over.
Back on the main plot, a group of shadowy figures sneak into Professor X's office and plant a bomb under his desk! I see someone has been reading Hitchcock's quotes on suspense.
Rogue and Rachel are flying over Columbia U having a dramatic irony-laden conversation about how much less nasty this current timeline is than Rachel's home time whilst she mind-scans for the culprits. They don't find them, but they do find a mugging in progress and stop it.
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I'll tell you what else is a crime, that hairdo! Yeesh.
It turns out the civilian they saved is a anti-mutant jackass who was grafitti-ing the words "Muties die!" when he got jumped, because Marvel civilians are assholes. Kitty and Wolvie take a quick break from crimefighting and have an conversation that's too cute for me not to share.
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Kitty phases into a building because she sees a light on in a lab after hours. She finds some of her student acquaintances skulking about and, despite having doubts that any of them could be murderers, is immediately suspicious. I personally think the fact they ordered pizza with anchovies on it would be enough to peg them as supervillains on the spot, but Kitty is more of an optimist than me. The terrorists realize Kitty is a mutant and confront her about it.
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Kitty Pryde just said the N-word. This isn't ok. I don't know how the editors at Marvel ever thought it was ok, and it speaks volumes that they did. "Mutie" isn't a real swear. "N-----" is. That word is hateful and terrible and affects real people and it is not ok at all to equate it to a made-up slur. The X-men are supposed to be an allegory for suffering that empowers minority groups. This just hurts them more. Hell no to all of this.
I took a hot minute to absorb what I just fucking read and then moved on with the issue. The terrorist kids get the jump on Kitty and chloroform her before she can phase out, with intent to kill her. Meanwhile, Magneto, Professor X and Rachel Summers are in the Prof's office, discussing the case and the Beyonder's continued presence because he's been stalking them like a weirdo. Rachel tries to psychically link the three so they can sense the Beyonder like she can, but using her psi-powers sets off the bomb, which is actually not a bomb but a "psi-scream," a device that amplifies and reflects psychic energy back to its source. This is a massive plot-hole; how did they know Xavier was psychic?! As far as I'm aware its not common knowledge Professor X is a mutant at all, let alone what his powers are! And these are just normal Columbia U college students with no connection to any supervillains or secret organizations whatsoever, there's no way they'd have access to this info!
The bomb overloads Rachel and she accidentally destroys the office, sending out a shockwave of energy that sends Professor X and Maggie flying. Rogue has to catch them both which I find sort of curious because its always so inconsistent whether Magneto can fly or not (my personal headcanon is that his costume has metal soles and he levitates them). Rachel senses Kitty's distress through their psychic link and freaks out so bad she manifests her BDSM Mutant Hunter costume. She flies over to the lab, explodes the anti-mutant students and rescues Kitty in a very hetero way.
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Cannot imagine what goes on in Kitty Pryde's head. Must a beautiful and terrifying place to visit.
The guy in the pink jacket from before regains consciousness and tries to shoot Rachel, but its a bit like trying to stab a rhinoceros with a butter knife. She's about to kill him, when Magneto shows up to stop her from making the same mistakes he has.
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I don't know bout you but if Magneto in a suit told me to do anything I'd drop whatever I was doing immediately. I love reformed Magneto, such a richer and more interesting character than racist whiny asshole villain Magneto. I sure hope Marvel lets him continue to grow as a person and don't constantly regress his character for the stake of a stupid status quo! Haha. I hate the Endless Wheel of Comic Book Samsara.
The conversation between Magneto and Rachel is honestly really beautiful. Two people who've never interacted before, but understand each other's pain better than anyone else can. Its a fantastic scene only slightly marred by the final panels being of the Beyonder observing the scene and giving some pointless, longwinded commentary. Its too long for me to screenshot and post here so I super recommend you check this out for yourself!
On the plus side, next issue is Dr Doom!
Final Thoughts: This issue had some really high highs and some really low lows. I'm honestly super shocked the panel of Kitty Pryde saying the N-word isn't more infamous than it is, because holy fuck that was awful.
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Professor Toad meeting Forrester
Lee: Hey Magnus
Toad: Who the fuck is this?
Erik: this is Aleytys Forrester
Lee: Hello.
Toad: That doesn't answer the question!
Logan: She's Mags girlfriend.
Toad: What the fuck?
Logan: yes and she's human.
Toad: What the fuck!?!
Pietro: apparently this makes her number 6.
Toad: What the fuck!?!
Pietro: Number 5 was the Wasp.
Erik: why does everyone react that way...
Toad: Humans......an avenger. What the fuck!?!?
Erik: Great you broke Toad.
Erik: Well the
Much like Toad, I'm amazed by the number of girlfriends that Magneto has had, although I won't deny the guy is a silver fox.
(But only Charles has his heart.)
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x-mencomics · 1 year
The Uncanny X-Men #144 - Even in Death...
Jock Forrester (I’m assuming the father of Lee Forrester from last ish) has been diagnosed with cancer and has been living in a swamp. Behind Jock is a weird looking creature with large red eyes. We learn this creature is a biologist formerly known as Ted Sallis, but he has been transformed into this red-eyed monster, and is now called the Man-Thing. Man-Thing is an empath, responding to emotional states of beings near him. Negative emotions cause pain to the Man-Thing, so he seeks to end those emotions, even if it means destroying the person feeling them...
Jock is upset and missing his wife, Mary. He loads a revolver and points it at his own head. As he does this, a strange smoke starts swirling on the ground, and a voice issues from that smoke, urging Jock to pull the trigger. Jock begins to maybe apologize to Lee (who is confirmed to be Jock’s daughter! - called it!) out loud, but - BLAM! He pulls the trigger, and falls down dead.
The swirling smoke takes a human-ish form and it’s revealed to be a demon named D’Spayre. Man-Thing senses D’Spayre and tries to fight him, but D’Spayre quickly uses his powers to cause Man-Thing to explode into flames. Next, D’Spayre takes the form of Jock Forrester...
And now back to the ship that Scott Summers boarded last ish. Scott has officially joined Aleytys’s (aka Lee’s) crew. But Scott is missing his family, the X-Men. Lee feels attracted to Scott and senses that he is in pain...
At Xavier’s mansion, the X-Men are working hard to make repairs after the battle between Kitty and the demon (see issue #143). The Professor asks Angel for money to help with the repairs, and Angel is happy to help. Wolverine and Nightcrawler give Kitty a hard time about the damage to the mansion, and she hurries outside to get away from the team. Nightcrawler teleports near her to apologize.
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Lee’s crew decides to go to a bar. Scott plays pool with other crew members before Lee asks him to come with her to visit her father. When they arrive at Lee’s father’s house, Jock Forrester greets them but immediately transforms into D’Spayre. D’Spayre brags that he helped Jock kill himself, and then reality warps and D’Spayre transforms the house into a mile high tower that radiates a negative aura. A blinding light flashes from D’Spayre’s body and Scott is taken back to a memory from his childhood.
Scott is in a small plane with his father, Christopher Summers, his mother, Ann, and his brother, Alex. The plane is crashing. Ann gets Scott and Alex into parachutes, and the boys jump out of the plane JUST BEFORE IT EXPLODES! And then Scott is experiencing a different reality. He is now inside the headquarters of Larry Trask and Sentinels have killed all the original X-Men except Havok. The Sentinels look like the new X-Men team. Scott wonders what is happening to him and if he is insane. The new X-Men-looking Sentinels almost kill him. But then Scott is somewhere else. In a church. And Jean is there too. And suddenly they’re walking down the aisle to get married. Jean lifts Scott’s visor and his optic blast hits Jean so hard she flies across the room. Suddenly, Scott is back at the tower, and D’Spayre is pleased with how confused and scared Scott is. Scott runs away, falling out a window and onto the ground outside the tower. 
Outside is none other than the Man-Thing! Man-Thing enters the tower, and Scott follows. And now it’s Man-Thing and Cyclops fighting D’Spayre together. They’re able to defeat the demon (at least for now - D’Spayre does say that he is immortal, and this is X-Men, so... you know...). The tower is a huge blaze of fire now, and Cyclops and Lee escape in Jock’s boat that is docked nearby. After the flames are extinguished, the Man-Thing reappears, and walks deeper into the swamp. In the shadows, there is laughter...
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marvelstars · 3 years
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X-men #16 "Betrayal in the Bermuda Triangle" part 1
Writer: Gischler
Art: Molina
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marveldailyart · 3 years
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The humanization of Magneto continues, as he apologizes to Aleytys Forrester—a human—for hitting her. I mean, maybe don’t hit people in the first place?! But still, baby steps. #marvel #newmutants https://instagr.am/p/COtQqNsh1ni/
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yetanothercomicbook · 5 years
Shadows on the Soul!
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Questprobe #4 [Marvel Fanfare #33]
Rogue and Magneto battle... the Chief Examiner. Plus some convoluted sci-fi stuff. 
As well as seeing the X-Men in action, we learn a little more about Durgan and what’s being going on with the Chief Examiner and the Natter Egg. Should anyone care....
The early scenes show the X-Men and Aleytys Forrester relaxing on Magneto’s mysterious hidden island, and making plans to leave the place for good. Then we get to see them all in battle briefly.
Lee Forrester doesn’t appear again for 8 years. 
Eventually, it falls to Magneto and Rogue to carry most of the story. The Rogue sequences are the best and most entertaining.
The battles in the QUESTPROBE series lacked real drama. We always assumed the Chief Examiner was benevolent, and we always knew the Analyser was harmless and that the heroes had to pass through it at the end. So, there was never any danger/threat. As much as they resisted, and fought back, we always knew the heroes would end up going though the Analyzer and that nothing bad would happen to them. Not much drama inherent in that set-up. This story, at least, throws something new in the mix by revealing that the Chief Examiner has been temporarily corrupted. It’s not much, but it’s something.
The Chief Examiner doesn’t appear again for 6 years.
The Marvel Chronology Project: This story takes place after NEW MUTANTS #35 and UNCANNY X-MEN #201. 
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mistyknighting · 9 years
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One Marvel Woman: Thirty Faces
023. Aleytys “Lee” Forrester 
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Scott sporting a Phoenix Tshirt while on a date with Lee Forrester. 😳
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Art Credit to Paul Smith
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marvelstars · 3 years
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X-men #18 "Betrayal in the Bermuda Triangle" part 4
Writer: Gischler
Art: Molina
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marvelstars · 3 years
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Magneto: Freedom, Ms. Forrester? There are more people starving today than there are those who can truly call themselves free. I offer peace and a good life... or a switf and terrible death. The choice is theirs. For myself I am tired of seeing things as they are and asking why, of dreaming things that never were and asking why not. I have the power to make my dreams a reality and that I shall do.
Uncanny X-men(1963) #150
Writer: Chris Claremont
Art by Dave Cockrum
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marvelstars · 3 years
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Magneto:The nations of the world spend over a trillion dollars a year on armaments. I intend to deny them that indulgence. The money and energy devoted now to war will be turned instead to the eradication of huger, disease, poverty. I offer a golden age, the like of which humanity has never imagined.
Scott: With mutants ruling the earth and You ruling the mutants.
Magneto: YES, is that such a terrible thing to contemplate?
Aleystys: What about freedom?
Uncanny X-men(1963) #150
writer: Chris Claremont
Art by Dave Cockrum
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marvelstars · 3 years
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X-men #16 "Betrayal in the Bermuda Triangle" part 4
Writer: Gischler
Art: Molina
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marvelstars · 3 years
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X-men #16 "Betrayal in the Bermuda Triangle" part 2
Writer: Gischler
Art: Molina
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