tech-obssessed-shark · 3 months
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btw yesterday i got hugged for the first time in like a year or more so i was super !!!! about it lol
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elsa-fogen · 2 months
Good intentions | Hazbin AU (part 15)
start here - previous part (14) - next??
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NO WAY, NEW PART! IT HASN'T BEEN A MONTH EVEN! Sorry, it took even longer without any reasons
The trial is coming AHHHH are you excited, i am, because i still don't know myself what happened there, only outcome... sooo yeahhh i need to figure that out.
sssooo what are your thoughts??
AU Masterpost
next soon?
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sunrizef1 · 2 days
So High School
Pairing: Logan Sargeant x Reader
Warnings: None
Authors Note: This is what the poll was for lol
📍Miami, Florida
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liked by sabrinacarpenter gracieabrams and 2,998,771 others
yourusername Miami, you absolutely rocked tonight!!! Thank you so much, ILY 🤟 💜🖤
load comments…
user1 🤟
user5 queen
user6 💜🖤
user8 it was so fun 😭
user9 my fav
user10 I was in that crowd 🤭
user11 my favourite girl
user12 💜💜💜
user13 she's so pretty 😍
user14 Miami vibes
user15 y'all see that a couple of those f1 drivers were there
user16 which ones???
user15 uhh idk their names but it was the American one and his little friend
user17 Logan and Oscar?! 😭
user18 ahhhh she's so good 🥴
user19 I didn't get to go 😢
sabrinacarpenter it was so good!! 💜
yourusername thank you sab! 🫶
user20 I had so much fun
logansargeant added to their story
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It was so cool to meet you!
Sucked to miss you guys after the show
I'll have to keep up with y'alls races from now on
think we mightve left too soon 😅
we got out fast
Assumed you wouldn't want to talk after the show 😅
I would've stayed for y'all haha
I love f1, I was really excited when I got told you guys had tickets
damn now I feel bad 😬
Its fine, really!
Let me make it up to you
I'll get you paddock passes
For whatever weekend you're free
you don't have to 😅
I'll be okay
I'd love to talk to you again
take the invite
For me 😁
Fine 😙
I'll check my schedule and text you 😊
can't wait 🤙
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yourusername added to their story
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Where'd you gooooo
They're giving me team merch lol
Oscar wants to re-meet you
I'll be back in a sec
You better be 🙄
You're so dramatic 😒
Rude 😔
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📍London, United Kingdom
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liked by oscarpiastri logansargeant and 6,001,887 others
yourusername I ❤️ London
load comments…
user21 how was the race, queen?
yourusername it was great, double Williams points 🫶💙
user22 she's so cute
user24 logie bear???
user25 I know Williams blue converse when I see them
user26 the fit ate
user27 queen 👑
user28 the Aristotle quote lmao???
user29 you know I love a London boy
user30 I don't think that's Logan
user31 delusion manifests itself in a lot of different ways
user32 💙🩵💙
user33 I <3 Logan sargeant
user34 wait who is that
user35 Logan sargeant
user34 and who tf is that
user36 an f1 driver, he went to her concert and she went to his race this weekend
user34 yeahhh I still dk what f1 is but thanks anyway 🫶
user35 I love them so much
user36 Logan crumbs
user37 how did the only two Americans find each other in the very un-american environment lmao
user38 didn't expect to see Aristotle when I swiped
user39 Logan and Oscar liked
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🎵 so high school - Y/N L/N
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liked by logansargeant landonorris and 12,008,777 others
yourusername I feel so high school every time I look at you
load comments…
user41 I love them so much
user43 lowk Logan jumpscare at the end there
user44 who tf is that blond man
user44 awwww I love him
user45 songs so cute 😭
landonorris WAIT I KNOW HIM
liked by yourusername
user46 no ones ever had me… not like you 🥹🫶
user47 my favourite couple
alexalbon thats my teammate ☝️
yourusername hi Alex. How's lily 🫶
lilymhe im great! 😊 hi y/n, I miss you!
yourusername I miss u 2 lils 💙
user48 I need more Williams x y/n content
user49 royal couple
danielricciardo 🦅🦅🦅
liked by yourusername
logansargeant marry, kiss, kill?
yourusername all three
user52 I've been so used to the European-ness of formula 1 that this, v American, relationship is so jarring
user53 I want that hat
user54 the one post dedicated to her American boy, she wears a Canada hat 🤷‍♀️
oscarpiastri good 4 u
yourusername is this a reference 🤔
oscarpiastri lmao, yes
oscarpiastri genuinely congrats, though 🫶
yourusername thank you Oscar 🫶
user55 I love the drivers in the comments
logansargeant love you 💜😁
yourusername love you too lo 🩵😊
@casperlikej @evie-119
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mylancap1 · 8 months
2 episode lepas aku dah story pasal 2 figura yang selalu jadi bahan aku lenjan. 1st Shakira, 2nd Tasneem adik Shakira. Sekarang aku nak story 1 lagi figura yang jadi top material untuk aku fapping. Aku rasa 90% fappers tegar akan kenal dia. Fazrina ada pakej lengkap untuk dapat award di kalangan fappers. Dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki ada something yang ada kaitan dgn sexual based.
Aku follow Fazrina sama lama dengan aku follow Shakira & adik dia. Kebetulan aku suka EPL football dan Shakira & Fazrina pun obses dgn football jgk. Girls yang layan EPL memang aku letak dia top materials sikit dari yang lain.
Fazrina ni sangat attractive gila bagi fappers yang sukakan beauty & sexy with brain. Sapiosexual gitu. Faz memang termasuk dalam preference aku sebab dia budak cerdik, study medic sampai Russia. Lepas tu, unik lagi sebab dia based dekat Borneo. Geng sumandak. Big bonus kat situ. Tapi lebih utama aura sex dia mencecah maximum level. Macam aku cakap, hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki, perfecto. Apatah lagi, sapa yang ada chance tengok dia freehair masa mood notty dia datang. Cuma ni sangat jarang dia belanja. Dia so far maintain hijabista atau lagi tepat hijaboobs. Lol.
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1 anugerah besar yang ada pada Faz ni of course boobies dia. Bagi pencinta boobs, aku tak berbelah bagi akan rating full marks. Tak jumpa ruang weakness kat sini. Even dia pakai outfit paling sopan pun tetap tak boleh nak cover aset padu dia. Gedabak sial tetek Faz di sebalik baju kurung modern or blouse or dress yang dia pakai. Fuck. 1st impression aku dah buat aku khayal dengan dia.
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Pakai la casual or trendy or fancy, semua takkan menjatuhkan level & aura sexual Faz. Dengar macam exaggerate kan, tapi yeah fappers tegar boleh nilai sendiri. Bila dia dah tayang sideboobs, dick yang tegang dah start precum & kalau tak control dah boleh dapat 1st cumshot. Damnnn. Kalau Faz live, 5 minute dah tak boleh manage. Terus rasa nak terpancut dengar voice Faz yang sexy tu.
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Arghhhh, bila mood black & white Faz datang, lagi aku tak keruan. Lepas 4-5 round lenjan dia, dick aku boleh tegak balik untuk fapping round seterusnya. Dengan bibir yang bold color, ala ala gothic ahhhh sapa pun akan tewas dengan fazrina. Sideboobs dia fucking shit... tak ada perkataan aku boleh explain. Beyond perfect. Besar, solid, terpacak, shape dia damn nice.
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Paha dia yang gebu montok, lips yang terletak, body cutting dia ahhhh tak tahan aku tengok. Fazrina kalau make love takkan passive, sumpah. Dia akan starting her 1st move. Dia akan buat partner tak keruan. Masa partner tidur pun dia akan blowjob & deepthroat sampai partner terjaga dan lenjan dia balik. Kalau dia cowgirl on top partner, sapa yang tak tahan akan terpancut tak sampai 2 minutes. Faz akan ride sekuat-kuatnya sampai deep ke dalam, sambil rubbing her own clit. Moaning kuat & sexy gila. Dengan boobs yang bergoyang up & down. Visual yang memang menakjubkan. Boobs yang besar dan solid turun naik. Dengan nipples tajam mencanak. Fuck you Faz. Shittttt... sampai la dia tak boleh nak tahan, dia akan kejang dan rebah di pangkuan partner. Masa tu dia dah khayal & masuk ke dunia orgasm tanpa sempadan. Partner yang bijak akan terus cabut dick dan fingering Faz sampai sentuh gspot. Faz akan ressist dan tak suka tapi partner terus asak dan asak. Faz akan halang tapi akhirnya dia tewas. Faz dapat rasa pengalaman squirt, the ultimate orgasm. Ahhhhh...
Now, aku nak reveal. Ni la membuatkan Bakhtiar yang selama ni lenjan Shakira setiap hari cheating dan dirampas oleh Fazrina. Bakhtiar dah rasa Shakira best gila tapi Fazrina ada something to offer him. Dua-dua girls suka Messi. But Shakira ada sedikit kelemahan berbanding Faz. Apa lagi kalau bukan boobs. Amat-amat jarang Malaysian, to be exact Malay girls yang ada natural boobs yang dipunyai Fazrina. So yeahhh, bermula la affair episode. Bakhtiar lenjan Faz sepenuh nafsu. Libido yang tak bertepian dengan athletic body cukup untuk mereka berdua tenggelam dalam dunia sexual. Semua techniques dah cuba. From basic to extreme. Amateur to proffesional. Shakira memang dah advanced, dah notty habis. Tapi Faz ada level dia sendiri. Shakira cuma fantasy nak lenjan dick European macam Messi. But Faz... she's done with Russian guy. Selama ni dia tengok porn macam mana Marcus Dupree from Russia lenjan girl very hardcore. Dan Faz dah cuba.
Itu la yang dia apply masa layan Bakhtiar. Kalau European guys dia boleh layan, apa sangat Malay ni. So yeah, both dah buat semuanya. Dua-dua into kinky & hardcore stuff. Lagi sakit lagi extreme lagi best. From mish to anal. Every day. Kalau Bakhtiar terpaksa outstation terpaksa la Faz guna machine untuk puaskan her high libido. Masturbate berkali-kali sampai cum. Selalunya guna Hitachi magic wand.
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Arghhh, specky & not specky, semua nampakkan Faz too slutty. Ahhh bitch! Susah nak move on kalau dgn Faz. Seriously speaking.
Face 10/10
Sapa yang kenal aku akan tau aku bukan layan face at 1st. Tapi ada pengecualian pada girls tertentu. Faz ni termasuk kategori pengecualian ni. Too hard to resist. Tengok muka dia either make up or not, dia buat muka natural or notty... semuanya tunjukkan 1 benchmark. Very sexy & notty tahap paling maximum. Tasneem bagi aku lagi padu part muka tapi muka Faz ada ciri-ciri sexy yang different. So yeah. 10/10.
Boobs 10/10
Sapa yang boleh tahan layan boobs Faz? Aku terpaksa surrender part ni. Sumpah boobs dia antara yang perfect aku pernah tengok. Bukan busty yang terlalu over sampai nampak fake. Bukan kecik macam guli. Lebih dari average. Means sangat besar. Senang cakap naturally very busty. Besar, solid, perfect shape... tak confuse or dilemma... 10/10.
Butt 9/10
Satu weakness yang aku realize dekat sini. Faz sangat jarang belanja & show off her butt. Aku pernah nampak beberapa kali dia tayang bontot dia. Not bad. Tapi maybe aku rasa dia busy dengan her study. Kalau dia workout, pergi gym, buat squat... aku akan bagi full marks jgk. But macam korang kenal aku, sangat kedekut nak bagi rating dan aku kena jujur. Butt bukan keutamaan Faz. Bagi aku dah cukup padu, cuma ada beberapa aspects yang dia kalah berbanding girls lain yang padu dekat butt. So, 9/10 tu sangat fair. Kalau dia belanja lebih, boleh 9.5 aku rasa.
Body Cutting 10/10
Body cutting bukan melibatkan body je aku nilai. Tapi cara dia jalan, posture, etc. Aku ada sikit dilemma part ni. Nak bagi 9 or full marks. Tapi bila aku tengok balik, aku letak dia full marks. Sebab dia kategori yang tak skinny tapi tak chubby. Badan dia montok, best nak hug & foreplay. Pinggang dia fuhhhh sangat slim. Muka sampai tetek sangat terletak. Selalunya tetek besar akan buat simetri tu nampak senget sikit tapi not Faz. Boobs dia terletak dan tak saggy. Pinggang sangat slim dan bontot yeah tak lentik habis, tapi lebar & still boleh buat aku turn on.
Sexual Attractiveness 10/10
Okay, apa lagi nak explain part ni? Godaan perfect, dia tidur pun boleh buat aku turn on, belum lagi dia show off her body. Cara dia cakap memang confirm buat fappers tegang. Kalau dia dirty talk, memang macam dia dah foreplay. Macam dia boleh sentuh dick tanpa pegang apa-apa. Cukup dengan her voice only. Damn hot. Dia advanced, kinky. Suka explore. Sampai tahap layan make love dekat balcony etc.
Lesung pipit dekat muka dia. Arghhh ni bonus part sangat. Jarang la Malay girls ada combo package macam ni seriously. Dia tayang lesung pipit buatkan aku yang tak layan sangat face pun akan cumtribute. Nak lepaskan cumshot aku berkali-kali dekat muka dia sampai meleleh sperm.
Arghhh baby. Wanna you so bad Faz. Fuck me harder. Fuckkkk. Okay, aku dah cum. Frankly speaking, aku dah betul-betul cum. Sorry tak boleh manage. Damn.
So guys, dah sampai Part III.
Kita ada Shakira yang obses Messi, yang couple dengan Bakhtiar. Boobs kecik tapi kelebihan dia very notty & clingy. Aura sex tiptop. Pandai buat 1st move & menggoda partner. Suka explore new stuff. Suka strong animals macam horse. Turn on dengan athletic body. Dia adore dgn girls yang ada huge boobs. Teringin nak dapatkan boobs besar. Education dia okay, tapi tak la setinggi yang lain. Plus point, notty dia sampai tahap from hijabista ke freehair now.
Ada Tasneem, adik Shakira yang boobs kecik tapi aura sex above par. Muka memang speciality dia. Underrated sebab aku perasan bontot dia pun very nice. Dia dah kawin dengan her hubby, Amin yang nakal jgk. Got hitched kejap je terus preggy. Btw, dia lawyer. Kategori pandai.
Now, ada Fazrina. Full combo. Perfect package. From head to toe. Unique Sabahan. European taste. Size does matter. Tak suka dick yang kecik. Malay okay tapi kena open minded macam European. At last, dapat rampas Bakhtiar from Shakira.
Bakhtiar, model yang ada athletic body. Very high libido. Open minded. Boleh layan various girls. Means dia tau macam mana nak handle girls yang different sexual taste. Ada darkside.
Amin, Tasneem's hubby. VIP's son. Open minded. Boleh layan various girls jgk tapi terpaksa layan demand from family yang a bit conservative. Means kalau suka girls tu, cepat-cepat marry her. Ada darkside sebelum married. Now stop kejap. Cuma ada time triggered bila teringat his darkside.
So, apa yang korang expect?
Hmm what about lessy scene? Shakira + Faz? Walaupun memang conflict sebab macam cinta tiga segi tapi yeahhh, why not? Macam scene Kayden Kross, Manuel Ferrara's wife & Dana Vespoli, Manuel Ferrara's ex wife. Dua-dua ada conflict tapi damnnn, aku masih letakkan scene dorang top 1 kalau lessy scene. Too hot. Part Kayden Kross picit her sexy nipples sampai keluar milk dekat muka Dana Vespoli tu still aku tak boleh move on sampai sekarang. So, why not Shakira + Faz?
Or 3some? Shakira + Faz + Bakhtiar? Masa ni la masculinity Bakhtiar teruji. Sebab nak tengok macam mana dia handle 2 girls in conflict dalam situasi sexual. Banyak research cakap, kalau tengah marah or in conflict lepas tu make love, dia punya mood sangat lain. Boleh dapat top orgasm berkali-kali. Sebab tu, in Europe popular make up sex. So, Shakira + Faz + Bakhtiar?
Or hmm 3some jgk tapi Shakira + Tasneem + Bakhtiar or Shakira + Tasneem + Amin? Scene ni akan hot sebab including siblings. Kalau porn, aku memang susah move on kalau ada siblings yang dalam scene. Macam Ava Rose + Mia Rose beraksi serentak. Bila tau dia siblings, susah untuk aku explain. Dia ada mood yang different.
Atau boleh masukkan Tasneem + Faz + Bakhtiar/Amin? Maybe masa ni Faz nak rampas Amin pulak. Nak test Amin's energy. Atau Tasneem nak try Bakhtiar as a hotwife? Ahhh, very taboo but bila imagine, memang turn on sial. Both ada kekuatan tersendiri. Lelaki pulak tetap lelaki, so... nice jgk scene macam ni kan. Btw, jangan lupa siapa yang sapiosexual atau yg tertarik secara sexual dgn orang pandai boleh rasa aura dalam scene ni. Tasneem as a lawyer vs Faz as a doctor. Arghhh hot scene.
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Okay, damn... aku dah 2nd cum. Bersambung...
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lovisyandereblog · 2 months
noah with a sweet n loving darling, gives him hugs, kisses, gifts and affection but is absolutely RAMMING his ass during sexy time, like degrading, edging, torturing him until he's sobbing, begging for release. Either way, darling gives the best aftercare, switching back to their lovey-mode n taking care of him... idk its just a thought yknow?
From your sweetiepie 🍓anon ♡♡♡
🍓 anon….youve read my mind.
TW (rough) nsfw so mdni!! also dick = strap for my fellow dickless people !!!
Darling is an absolute sweetheart, everyone says so. With their respectful attitude, their always smiling face and their kindness that warms the hearts of many.
This aspect was one of the reasons Noah loved them so much, they were always so gentle…but boy was he mistaken as soon as they started getting more intimate.
The sound of their hand making contact with Noah’s soft pale skin, followed by his own loud cry just turned Darling on even more.
Noah’s entire body was covered in bruise marks, hickeys and bites; all from his precious darling~
They gripped his hair roughly, pulling him up so his back was against their chest; pounding much more harder than before making his whole body shake with each thrust, “You like that huh~? Dirty bitch…like it when I hit that ass of yours?” They asked, followed by another slap and whine.
Their words were so mean!! But it made Noah’s dick leak pre-cum more and more. Darling removed their hands from his hair, making him drop back on the bed—only for him to gag as they held his mouth open from the sides with both of their hands from the back (A/N i hope you guys are understanding what position im talking abt 😭)
He whined as he was pulled back up, his back arching as his tongue lolled out of his mouth; losing himself in the pleasure. Darling chuckled as his moans became louder and louder, “Youre like a dog in heat aren’t you baby~? Liked being fucked dumb by your owner~?” They spoke in a condescending tone, Noah could only respond with a whine, drool escaping his mouth and covering Darling’s fingers.
“Yeahhh..THRUST…Im your fucking owner…THRUST…dumb fucking mutt…” They spoke through gritted teeth, letting go of Noah’s mouth and gripping his hips to find a better angle: the one that makes him go crazy.
He fell on his hands, weakly trying to hold himself up but as soon as Darling hit that special spot of his—he went nuts.
“AHHHNNGH~!! YES YES YESS…OH F-FUCK…” Noah moaned so loudly that the neighbours would have definitely heard his slutty voice by now.
“Fuck baby…” They groaned as they reached one hand down and started rubbing Noah’s sensitive dick, his body jerked and he sobbed from the overwhelming amounts of pleasure, “AHH~ AHHHH~~~Y/NNNNN!!! T-TOO M..MUSH..TOO..NGHH~” He whined as they slapped his ass again, a beautiful red handprint forming where they had hit.
“You’re gonna fucking take it…take it you dumb fucking slut.” Their harsh words were accentuated by their even harsher thrusts, they leaned down so their mouth was right next to his ear as they increased how fast they were jerking him off.
Oh god he was going to fucking die…he couldn’t cum anymore!!
“Yeah? Youre just my little cumdump aren’t you baby~? A whore who just likes getting fucked over and over again to the point of breaking hmm~?” Darling whispered in his ear as Noah sobbed even more from their free hand playing with his sensitive nipples.
“Y-Y/NNN~ P-PLEASE…I C-CANT!! IM G-GONNA…AHHNGHH!!” Noah whined, making Darling chuckle as they straightened their back, bringing their hands to his hips again.
“My baby want’s to come~? Awee..how adorable~” Darling spoke in a fake sweet tone, as they slowed their thrusts before coming to a complete halt. Noah whimpered and looked back over his shoulder towards them, Darling just wanted to eat him up~
“W-why did you stop~?” Noah whined, trying to move himself back but Darling held his hips in place.
“You insatiable slut…can’t even go a second without a dick fucking inside of you huh~? Even after coming 6 times tonight~?” They smirked, watching Noah pout.
He couldn’t help but clench his hole at their demeaning words, why did it have to feel so good~?
“S-sorry..mmmshorryy~~ P-please…I need you~” Noah begged, knowing nothing turned darling on more than him begging.
And he was spot on as Darling’s grip became tighter, “You need me baby~? Need me to fuck you till you cum~? Start begging for it then…beg for me to fuck your slutty little ass till you come for me~” They demanded immediately, slapping his ass once more.
Darling held his slender waist and flipped him around on his back, so they could see every expression on his pretty face as he comes for them. Noah bites his lip anxiously, he always got nervous before begging…making Darling smirk more as they loved how shy he got.
“P-please…?” His voice was so timid, Darling just had to tease him more, “What was that baby…can’t hear you~?
Noah whined, grabbing onto their arm and making the biggest puppy eyes he could. He remained eye contact which was so hard for him but Darling love it as he begged:
“P-please Y/N!! Please fuck me…p-please fuck me till Im a shaking mess…your shaking mess!! Please…im your slut..im your dirty m-mutt…please!! Im all yours…Im your whore…i need you inside me— AAHHHNNG~!!!” His begging was cut short by Darling abruptly and harshly fucking into him, his back arched as he came on the spot—long white ropes of cum spurting out of his poor abused dick.
Darling fucked him through his orgasm, making sure he was nice and satisfied and stopped as he came down.
Then it was like a switch flipped.
Darling pulled out of him, making Noah whimper—his thighs were shaking as was his entire body from the mind breaking orgasm.
They quickly gathered Noah in their arms, cooing at him and giving him kisses all over the marks they had made.
“Oh baby…you were so good..so pretty for me yeah~?” They praised as Noah wrapped his arms around them, he always felt extra clingy after an orgasm.
They cuddle for a while before Darling laid him down and held a glass of water to his mouth, “Drink up angel…there’s a good boy~” Their praises a complete opposite of the degrading words a few seconds ago, and Noah absolutely loved it.
Noah looked at him with those adorable puppy eyes of his, “I..I l-love you~” He spoke hoarsely, his throat hurt from all that screaming.
“Shh baby…don’t speak yeah? I love you more…let me go get a warm wet cloth to clean you up hmm~?” Darling kissed his cheek, he didn’t want to let them go but he knew he had to.
Noah watched as they carefully cleaned his body, making sure to be gentle and considerate; they left kisses wherever they could reach, taking their time with him. His eyes watered from the overwhelming love, he felt his heart swell…he thought he didn’t deserve them.
After carefully making sure he was clean, they put the cloth in the dirty clothes hamper and went to cuddle him against them, their naked bodies providing the warmth they both needed.
Darling pulled the covers over both of their bodies and smiled at Noah, kissing his nose gently, “I love you Noah~”
He smiled as he whimpered back, “I love you…s-so much~”
BRO this was supposed to be a short one paragraph little thought and i wrote too much 🧍‍♀️ BUTT I HOPE THIS WAS WHAT YOU WERE HOPING FOR!! LOVE YOUUUU also Lovi writing twice in a day im kinda crazy (I will disappear for ten months) IM JOKINGH IO4EFRQU4F809
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missamyrisa2 · 2 months
can we pleeeeeaseeee talk about how hottttt thumb tickles are? Not tickling the thumbs, althoughhhh I have had ~thoughts~ about a veryyy fine tipped brush being used to explore and paint the lines on someone's thumb because there's a tonnnn of tinyyy ticklish area to explore there and also it gives new meaning to thumb war when you're in a specialized chair and apparatus to keep your hand in the thumbs up position which also makes it look like you're constantly giving approval to these tickles and ahhhh~!!!
I'm dying laughing at the thought of someone constantly giving a thumbs up to their being tickled to bitssss~
What was I talking about~~
Oooh yessss when someone has your sides held and they start grazing their thumbs over your inner sides, like thatttt tender sorta curve? It's just mmmhh ~ the way thumbs move is unlike the other fingers, sooo like kinda clumsy but cute and they cover so much area and it's like the other fingers are supporting by grasping around the back so their buddy can just go to down with those ticklyyy rubbiesss~!!
And it works in the underarms tooo~! Fingers braced around the backside of the armpits so the thumbiesss can go to work, drawing those stubby circles around and making you feeeel every bit of your sensitive spots in those cute underarms~~~ Oooh and the thumbly feet ticklesss!! Those fingers holding steady on the tops of your feet so lovelyyy thumblina can glideeee endlessly under the toessss under the toesss and cover allll that valley of sensitivity~~
Annnnnddd when someone is doing the scrunchy hand teaseeee y'know where their hands look like a tickle machine which has cornered you and it is taunting so meanlyyyy ~ or maybe that's just meee ~ butttt yeahhh when those fingers are wiggling and threatening tickles the thumbyyy is doing like this limited awkward follow along and it's just mmmmhhhh ~ especially if they have long nails because you knowww that extra slow grazing tickle of that thumbnail is going to be the icing on the giggle sundae which is youuuu you're the tickle desserts and you're gonna meltttttt~
Andddd annnnd andddd~!! The royal spot thumbbby rubby rubb~!! Whether it's the fingers grasping the royal rod while the thumb teasinglyyyy rubs under the tip riiiight on that most sensitive spot~ orrrr a finger stroking the regal lipssss or maybe dipping in to find that most sensitive tickle buttttonnn~ while the thumb and the girly pearl get nicelyyy acquainted with tickly ticklyyyy rubssss~
Sooo yeahhh~~~ 👍 ~<33
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ladylannisterxo · 2 years
Kiss Me Deadly
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Pairings; Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Words; 9.4k (wowza!)
Warnings; S M U T (18+ only), unhealthy coping mechanisms, protected and unprotected sex (yes there are two smut scenes!), semi-public sex, fingering, oral (f! and m!receiving), marking, light face slapping (only once, a blink and you'll miss it moment), teasing, praise kink, flirting, a single drug deal, smoking, angst, fluff, love confessions, angst with a happy ending, reader had a past relationship with Billy, reader is kind of mean (on occasion), somewhat follows canon storyline (yeahhh, I think that's everything lmao!)
Summary; On your good days, you can manage to navigate life without thinking of Billy at all. Sometimes he only springs up in your mind once or twice but it's never long enough to throw you off course. But on your bad days... well, that's what led you here into the arms of Eddie Munson, a boy you're determined not to like but one who is eager to burrow under your skin and never let you go.
A/N; Ahhhh I'm so excited about this one! I've been tossing this idea around in my head for about a week and I just HAD to write it - Eddie has taken over my entire life so here we are, with 9k words (my longest fic ever) of just Eddie goodness!
{ masterlist }
It started off simple enough and it’s not as if any of this was planned. No way. Eddie Munson, the local menace to society, was your dealer. That’s all, case closed. And it’s not as if you wanted to become a druggy overnight or anything, but after the events of Starcourt, you were beginning to feel less and less like yourself and more like an alien trapped inside of a body you no longer understood.
Starcourt had been… a disaster, and that’s putting it mildly. Sometimes in the deepest, darkest corners of your mind, you can still see the flashing lights of the fireworks and, always of course, the overwhelming guttural screams Billy had let out in his attempt to fight off the Mind Flayer. Billy was never supposed to be a part of this. Billy was never supposed to die. On your good days, you can manage to navigate life without thinking of Billy at all. Sometimes he only springs up in your mind once or twice but it’s never long enough to throw you off course. But, on your bad days… well, that’s what led you here.
After Starcourt had fallen, after all of the funerals, Hawkins did its best to return to a state of normalcy. How everyone around you was able to casually move on as if this wasn’t the biggest hit this town had ever taken was beyond you. It ended up being one big cover up: a mall fire. Something about a corroded gas line that ended up setting the place ablaze. How quaint. But if anyone in this town had half a mind to really think about it, how does a brand new shopping mall already have a corroded gas line? Short answer, it doesn’t. It wouldn’t.
It was after the cover up story and after everyone started to move on that you stopped feeling so sad all the time, stopped grieving so much. Instead, all of those emotions morphed into one that seemed to sit in the pit of your stomach day in and day out: anger. And not just any type of anger, the type that is white hot, unbridled rage. It’s all consuming and when you really start to feel it, it takes over every nerve ending in your body and makes your brain check out.
You needed to take the edge off, you needed to sleep without having an abundance of nightmares all the goddamn time. And that’s what brought you to Eddie Munson. You had heard from a friend of a friend of a friend that Eddie sold drugs on the side. You didn’t really know Eddie all that well, having never really spoken to him, but you knew of him. You knew he was repeating senior year for the third time which was absolutely baffling to say the least but you also knew that while he talked a lot of shit about parties, he was always at them. Every single one, or well, all of the ones you had been to anyway over the years. He would always operate as a wallflower, lurking in the shadows, selling his supply to the overeager teens of the town—really just being a productive member of society, no doubt. It was truly something, how the well to do teens of this town had branded Eddie the label “freak” and yet when they needed to get blitzed out of their minds, he was their guy! What a bunch of bullshit.
You had never partaken in the drug scene, never wanted to stray off course. You were a good student, more than good, if you were being totally honest. And it’s not as if your grades were slipping or anything, you just couldn’t focus anymore, your mind constantly drifting back to that night. You couldn’t take it anymore and that’s how you had originally found yourself staring down Eddie Munson as you engaged in your first ever drug deal. What a classy gal you are.
“I can give you a half ounce for uh… twenty. That work for you?”
You had no idea what you were doing and now it was blatantly obvious. You hadn’t expected him to go all business-like on you when he popped open the lid of the container he carried around with him. Your eyes dart around the wooded area, fingers drumming lightly on the picnic table.
“First time, huh?”
It’s not unkind, more curious. Your eyes flick up to find him already staring at you—big, brown eyes searching yours, seemingly trying to figure you out. Why you of all people would be contacting him for a shady drug deal. You start to feel small under his weighted stare, a feeling that automatically sparks the anger inside of you.
“Thought you were a drug dealer, not a narc,” you snap, “what’s it matter to you?”
His eyes blow wide for a brief moment and then an easy smile forms on his lips. He turns his attention back to the assortment of drugs in front of him and starts pulling your “order” together.
“It doesn’t,” he responds after a moment, “just making sure you’re, ya know, good.”
“I’m fine.”
He smiles again. “Sure.”
And then he’s holding his hand out, eyes focused intently on you, waiting. Right. He’s not going to give you the goods without getting his payment first. Smart. Still baffling how he’s repeating senior year for the third time but common sense and book sense are two entirely different things. You rifle around in your bag for a moment before pulling out a crisp twenty dollar bill and placing it into his awaiting hand. He places your payment into his container and then drops what you came here for directly in front of you on your Chemistry textbook.
“Thanks,” you mumble, pulling yourself to your feet and shoving your “order” into the bottom of your bag.
“My pleasure.” He grins. Why does he keep smiling? “So, hey, random question, but do you play D&D?”
Your hands still as you turn back to face him. “Huh?”
“D&D? You know, Dungeons & Dragons.”
“I know what it is.”
“Right. So, I’m asking, do you play?”
What the fuck? You squint your eyes at him because surely, he’s fucking with you. This was just supposed to be a drug deal, where you exchange payment for goods and then carry on with your fucked up life. But here he is, Eddie fucking Munson, staring back at you with another one of his stupid smiles with, what appears to be, the patience of a fucking saint.
“I- I don’t- What?” Smooth.
He shakes his head with a chuckle, his brown waves bouncing slightly. “Look, you just, you seem like you could use a break and for me, well, D&D has always provided a stellar means of escapism.”
“I don’t know how to play,” you say flatly, willing the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
“I could teach you,” he offers in return, “I’ve been told I’m quite good.”
You arch an eyebrow. “Uh huh and why would you want to be oh so kind and teach me the ways of D&D?”
“Like I said, you look like you could use a break.” He smiles again, you narrow your eyes. “And, yeah okay, we could use another player.”
You scoff but in spite of yourself, a hint of a smile finds its way onto your face. This is the most normal conversation you’ve had in months and it feels… good. So good. You’re not sure how to explain it but for all of Eddie’s wild antics and boisterous personality, he makes you feel calm, grounded.
“Okay, sure, why the fuck not?” You nod. “And you can… teach me? That’s not going to be difficult?”
“Not at all.” He shakes his head. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s not going to be an overnight thing but I’m the Dungeon Master so if anyone can truly teach you, it’ll be me.”
He winks and you’re biting back a grin. This is so not how you thought this day was going to go.
“I’m sorry,” you laugh; can’t help it. “Dungeon Master?”
“Yeah, it’s the game organizer,” he explains confidently, “the one who creates the campaign and the… what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Nothing! It’s just,” you pause, tilting your head to the side, granting him a sly smile, “I mean, you realize how it sounds, right? Dungeon Master?” He raises his eyebrows, waiting for you to let him in on the joke. “Come on, Dungeon Master! It makes you sound like a sex fiend!”
He snorts. Dropping his head, his chin rests against his chest as a laugh ripples through his entire body. Then he’s covering his face with his hands and he almost looks… embarrassed? No way, Eddie doesn’t get embarrassed. Does he? But his laughter subsides and he meets your gaze again, a shimmer still present in his eyes and a forever smile on his face.
“Sex fiend, huh?” He winks. “Not the worst thing I’ve ever been called.”
“Okay and we’re done here.”
He laughs again and you’re pretty sure that he’s just laughing at you at this point. His eyes remain focused on you as you finish packing up your things and sling your bag over your shoulder.
“So, let me know if you ever need to take the edge off again,” he says simply, gathering his own things, “and I’m free tomorrow for D&D if you’re still… interested?”
You give him a thumbs up because that’s apparently something that you do now and instead of waiting for a response or, God forbid, another awkward moment, you start walking back towards campus. You can feel his eyes on you, burning right through to your soul but you don’t dare turn around because if you have to see him smile at you one more time, you might shatter into a million pieces.
That was three months ago and your “not so relationship” relationship with Eddie became surprisingly easy after that. He continued to hook you up with weed whenever things became a little too difficult to manage; you never took anything stronger, you didn’t trust yourself enough to give up complete control. He also kept his word and taught you the ins and outs of D&D. You’re no expert but you’re decent enough to keep up with the longtime players of the Hellfire Club, a club which you now find yourself a part of. You have the shirt and everything.
And Eddie was easy, uncomplicated. You liked Eddie. You liked Eddie a lot. You found out he played guitar in a band; a band which you still haven’t seen play yet but you keep telling him you’ll come to a gig one day. He’s also surprisingly funny, always doing the absolute most to make you laugh, and he’s smart too, smarter than he gives himself credit for. He just lacks… dedication? Determination? Confidence? All of the above.
Oh and then there’s the sex. That came later, about a month after the initial drug deal. Sex with Eddie was also another thing you did not plan for but it came so naturally. But there were rules… or well, you had rules and Eddie abided by them. He had to or else he wouldn’t be getting his dick wet. And they weren’t unreasonable, not to you anyway, and there were only three.
Rule Number One: No one could know. And it’s not because you were embarrassed about being seen with him, that didn’t matter to you. You spoke to him when you passed him in the halls, you sat with him at lunch, you wore the fucking Hellfire Club shirt that let everyone else know who you spent your time with. That’s not what this rule is for. You didn’t want anyone to know that you were fucking Eddie, rather regularly, because you didn’t want anyone to slap a label onto your relationship. Because it’s not a relationship, not at all. It’s just two people engaging in casual consensual sex because it feels good and it helps take the edge off. It means nothing and you can stop at any time. Besides, if you were being completely honest with yourself… you wanted one thing that was just yours, a thing you could keep away from the prying eyes of Hawkins because if no one knew about it, it could never be ruined.
Rule Number Two: No kissing. This also includes no marking, which is a sub point to Rule Number One because a mark would alert everyone to something happening. You were fine with fucking Eddie; you were good with blowing him and having him finger you and eat you out at the same time. These were all things that you were perfectly content with. Because it’s meaningless but kissing? No way. Kissing is intimate, kissing is a risk, kissing opens the door to feelings and… no, fuck that. Eddie had thought this rule was a bit too much so to compromise, you allow him to kiss any part of your body, just not your lips. Halfway happy.
And then there’s the final rule. Rule Number Three: No talking. Now, this seems a little excessive, you’re aware of that. But this doesn’t include shooting the breeze or talking about D&D or music or whatever. This is specifically for those deeper topics like why sometimes you need to buy weed from him every day of the week or why it looks like you didn’t sleep well the night before or what exactly happened at Starcourt that fateful July night. No, there is no room for that type of talk because all it does is piss you off. The one thing you found that you liked the most about Eddie is that he doesn’t pry and maybe it’s because he really doesn’t give a shit one way or the other but you both learned the hard way what happens when he asks if you’re feeling okay. You had snapped at him hard one afternoon after a routine hookup and he recoiled from you like he had been burned. Now this rule exists and everyone is much happier for it. Right? Right.
The school day had been dragging and it was only noon. You sometimes prefer to spend your lunch period in the library studying or getting caught up on work but Hellfire Club is meeting later this evening and Eddie likes to brief everyone ahead of time. So, here you are, sitting alone at a lunch table waiting for everyone else as you go ahead and complete your Physics homework. You’re currently trying to figure out how the back of the textbook is claiming the problem you’re working on should result in an entirely different answer then the one you’re getting when you feel a presence behind you. You see a Newsweek magazine drift down in front of your field of vision and his mouth is right at your ear.
“The devil has come to America,” he says ominously.
He drops himself down on the bench next to you, straddling the seat and facing you. He brings the magazine up in front of his face and scans the article dramatically. You drop your pencil with a sigh and grant him your undivided attention because surely, this is going to be good.
“Dungeons & Dragons. At first regarded as a harmless game of make believe now has both parents and psychologists concerned.” He reads off in an overly exaggerated tone. “Studies have linked violent behavior to the game saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even… murder!”
He slaps the magazine down on the table with a flourish, granting you a manic grin. You breathe a laugh, pulling the magazine closer to scan the rest of the article.
“Sodomy, huh?” You inquire, eyes trained on the magazine.
Eddie barks a laugh. “Apparently.”
“Hm. Interesting.”
You can feel his eyes on you as he leans in closer, trying to gauge even the subtlest of actions.
“I’m sorry, am I learning something about you right now?”
“What do you mean?” You ask innocently, dropping your voice to a whisper. “Sodomy includes oral and let’s be honest, we are no stranger to that.”
“Sure but it also includes anal so again, am I learning something about you right now?”
“I dunno.” You shrug and it’s not an answer but he’ll figure it out later… one day… eventually. “But I’m pretty sure the devil has been here the whole time and even if he is just now making his way to America, riding in on the back of a fantasy game just seems illogical. But hey, what do I know?”
He rests his head in the palm of his hand, listening to you run off at the mouth over something as inconsequential as a bullshit article about the dangers of D&D. He feels a warmth bloom in his chest but he ignores it, he always ignores it—he has to. Instead, he opts to stare at you with a whimsical smile etched on his face. His eyes travel down to your notebook full of equations he can’t make heads or tails of.
“What are you working on?”
“Physics,” you reply easily, picking up your pencil and resuming your work.
“I didn’t know you were taking Physics,” he mumbles, leaning in closer to watch you work.
“Yep, AP.”
“Oh, little miss advanced placement, huh?” He purrs, breath tickling your ear. “Too bad this isn’t multiple choice. You could pick D, all of the above for everything.”
You snort. “Mmm, is that what you do? Pick D on all of your quizzes and tests?”
“Well actually,” he states, taking on an overly posh accent, “I’ll have you know that the general rule of thumb is that if you don’t know something, always pick C. Which… now that I’m thinking about it, that’s probably where I keep going wrong.”
“Oh that’s where you keep going wrong,” you say, dropping your pencil and turning to him with a smile. “And here I thought it was because you didn’t study and didn’t try.”
Eddie scans your face as a mischievous glint forms in his eyes. “So D then, all of the above.”
You shake your head with an eye roll. “You’re insufferable.”
You turn back to your work and a companionable silence falls over the two of you. He watches you for a few moments more before pulling out a pen and doodling in the margins of your notebook. You let him, finding the notion that you’ll eventually be turning this work in and your teacher will also have to gaze at these doodles endlessly entertaining.
“You have really pretty handwriting,” he murmurs offhandedly after a moment.
Your heart twists in your chest and you hate it. You don’t hate it because he said it, you hate it because you actually don’t hate it. Not even a little bit.
“I need something from you,” you blurt out, trying desperately to skip over how his stupid compliment made you feel.
“Alright,” he nods, still drawing his doodles, “is this a weed kind of something or… another kind of something?”
“I dunno,” you breathe, “skip fourth and find out.”
Eddie’s eyes snap up to meet yours and he can instantly tell from your weighted stare and shallow breathing that this isn’t the “weed kind of something”. He smirks.
“How am I supposed to graduate if I keep skipping all my classes?” He’s messing with you, he likes to do that from time to time. He doesn’t really care though, he’ll skip every class if you ask him to. “Where do you want to meet? The woods—”
“—Your van. Parking lot. Fourth period.” You lean in a little closer, breath fanning over his face. “I’ll make it worth your while.”
His eyes flick down to your lips and then back up. He doesn’t go for it, he knows better. Going against your rules always ends up with him getting burned. He lets out a shaky breath and opens his mouth to respond when Gareth drops his bag down on the table with a loud thump. You and Eddie immediately spring apart as the others file in to sit with you. You bite your lip, turning back to your work and he knows the rest of this conversation will have to wait until he gets you alone during fourth period.
The remainder of lunch passes by fairly quickly. Eddie briefs everyone on what to expect at Hellfire later and you admittedly only focus a little bit as you really are trying to get this Physics work out of the way. Especially since Hellfire always runs longer than planned, especially because you’ll be skipping fourth period. You squeeze your thighs together in anticipation.
Third period English feels like it lasts an eternity and while normally you’re invested in the novel of the week, you can’t help but find yourself staring at the clock, willing the minutes to tick by quicker than they are. When the bell sounds, you’re immediately out of your seat and booking it to the exit that leads to the parking lot. You hope Eddie is already there waiting, you don’t like arriving before he does. It offers too much risk for someone to see you lingering around his van.
You slow your pace when you finally get outside, trying to act casual as you meander slyly on over to where his van is parked. You spin in a slow circle to see if anyone is paying any attention to you and once you deem yourself completely anonymous, you thump your fist against the back door of his van: two steady knocks, a beat, and then four more in quick succession. You came up with the secret knock after the one time he took his precious time in letting you in and someone almost saw you. Just another sub point to Rule Number One, that’s all.
One of the doors opens just wide enough for you to squeeze through and then he’s reaching out a hand to pull you up and inside. Once the door is shut and locked and you do a quick perimeter check to definitely make sure no one is getting nosy, your hands immediately fly to the buckle of his belt, unbuckling it and whipping the belt through the loops of his jeans so fast, it makes a cracking sound in the stillness of the van.
“Someone’s eager,” he laughs, “not that I’m complaining but I’d be interested to know what it was I said at lunch to warrant you being all over me like this.”
“So I can do it again, obviously.”
“Shut up,” you huff with an eye roll, “take your clothes off.”
He does, starting with his shirt. He pulls it up and over his head, exposing the inky black of his tattoos against his pale skin to you. When he catches you staring, he smirks and then he’s kicking off his Reeboks and sliding himself out of his jeans and boxers in one swift motion. He’s on full display and you’re still very much clothed. His cock stands at full attention, red and leaking, ready to be touched and sucked and fucked.
“Good thing I’m not self-conscious,” he admits, eyeing your still fully clothed form.
“I want you to do it,” you state matter-of-factly and then, “please.”
He walks on his knees over to you; it’s awkward but no one here is laughing. It’s all heated stares and crackling sexual tension. His hands run softly up your stomach to cup your breasts and then back down around your waist to squeeze the swell of your ass. The action pushes you flush up against his warm skin and his nose bumps against your own. He’s too close so you turn your head before he gets the wrong idea and he latches his lips onto the juncture between your neck and shoulder and suckles at your skin.
You moan softly at the sensation, hands resting on his biceps. “No marks,” you warn.
Eddie lets go with a sigh and then his fingers are teasing the hem of your shirt before he rips it up and over your head in one swift motion. His hand splays against your back in search of the clasp to your bra and you breathe a soft laugh after a moment of intense fumbling.
“Front clasp, Eds.”
He looks down and finds the damn thing sitting pretty between the swell of your breasts and his breath hitches. “Even better,” he groans.
He pops the clasp open and pulls the bra off your shoulders and down your arms, flinging it to the discarded pile of clothes already accumulating. His attention is back on your breasts in an instant, cupping them in his hands and teasing your nipples between his fingers until they’re hardened peaks. You drop your head back with a sigh and he licks a stripe from the base of your neck up to your jaw. It sends a shiver cascading down your spine.
“Can you help me out with your shoes at least?”
You drop rather awkwardly down onto your ass and pull at the laces of your Converse, tugging them both off and tossing them over to where his Reeboks lay. You lean back, keeping yourself propped up on your elbows and he takes the initiative to unfasten the button of your jeans and pull them and your panties down and off your legs.
Your hand reaches out on instinct, teasing your fingers along his shaft. He twitches at your touch. Eddie leans over you then, hovering just a breath away from you and before you can turn your head away from him again, he presses a delicate kiss to your cheek and then moves his lips to your jaw and then further down your neck. He stops for a moment at your breasts, lavishing them with his hands and tongue, taking each nipple into his mouth and drawing out the most wanton moans from you. As sinful as you sound, it’s like heaven to him. He trails wet kisses down your belly and then he’s finally, finally where you want him most.
His breath is hot against your pussy and his nose brushes ever so lightly against your clit. You bite down on your lip, keeping yourself still as you wait for him to make his fucking move. You’re just about to chastise him, tell him to take a goddamn picture, it’ll last longer, when he flattens his tongue against your entrance and licks all the way up to your clit.
“Oh,” you breathe, letting your arms buckle out from underneath you to lay flat on your back.
After fucking in his van started becoming a regular occurrence, Eddie took it upon himself to make it a bit more comfortable for the two of you. There are now a couple of blankets for you to lay on and a few pillows because why not? The more comfy it is, the better. He likes to refer to his ride now as the “Shaggin’ Wagon” as a joke which he finds hilarious. You didn’t at first but each time he uses the term, he waggles his eyebrows and gives you a mischievous grin and you can’t help but laugh with him. Eddie is a total loser sometimes but you like it.
His tongue circles around your clit for a moment, loving the whiny sounds you grace him with. Then he’s latching on with his lips and sucking fervently against the sensitive bundle of nerves and your back arches at the feeling. Your hands immediately fly to twist your fingers in his hair but also to keep his him right fucking there. A single finger prods at your entrance and in one fluid motion, he’s buried knuckle deep inside of you, the cool metal of his rings flush against your ass.
“Fuck, Eds,” you moan, “right there.”
His finger slips in and out of you at a steady pace, lips still stimulating your clit. Your fingers twist tighter in his hair, impending orgasm right on the horizon. He slips his digit from you, wraps both hands around your thighs, and buries his face completely in your cunt, his tongue pushing inside to get you just where you so desperately want to be. You roll your hips, feeling his tongue push in deeper, and then with an elongated moan, you’re cumming on his tongue and he’s lapping at your dripping pussy, taking everything you give him.
With a shuddering gasp, you push at his head to keep him from overstimulating you because this is far from over. His mouth is slick with your arousal and he wipes his fingers across his mouth, gathering up your wetness and licking them clean.
“Have I ever told you how fucking good you taste?” He asks, finger in his mouth and mirth ever present in his eyes.
“Today? No.”
“Well let me remind you,” he whispers, crawling back up your body and bumping his nose against yours. “You taste so goddamn divine, sweetheart, it’s too bad you can’t taste it for yourself.”
“Don’t start, Eddie,” you caution.
“Okay, okay,” he relents, “do you want to keep going?”
You spread your legs wider around him, reaching down to take his cock in hand. Hips rolling forward, you brush the tip of his cock against your entrance.
“What do you think?”
“Fuck,” he breathes, “okay, let me get a condom.”
Eddie pulls away from you then, fumbling for his discarded jeans. He reaches into his back pocket for his wallet and then he’s pulling a foil packet from its confines. Tearing it open with expert precision, he rolls the condom onto his length and then he’s back, hovering over you once again. He grasps one of your legs, hand gripping the underside of your knee, and pushes it up towards your face, effectively spreading you open for him. He lines himself up at your entrance, teasing his cock through your folds a few times.
“Ready?” He asks, voice like gravel.
“Yes,” you whisper, anticipation like ice water in your veins.
He slips into you, torturously slow, inch by aching inch. Your hands run up his torso, landing on his chest and digging your nails into his supple skin. He hisses at the contact, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth and then he’s bottomed out, hips flush against your own.
“Don’t hold back,” you tell him, “give me everything you got.”
“I always do.”
Then he’s gingerly pulling back out and his eyes flit to yours—the last possible second for either of you to put a stop to this dancing between the two of you—and then he’s snapping his hips and setting a brutal, mind-numbing pace. You moan like a whore, you always do when Eddie fucks you. Your nails rake down his chest leaving scratches behind in their wake; Eddie doesn’t mind, he never has. He doesn’t care if you mark him, he likes the reminder that he fucked you so hard and so good that your first instinct was to scratch his skin all to hell.
“This is what you wanted,” he grunts, “what you needed, isn’t it?”
You nod, biting down sharply on your bottom lip. He hikes the leg he’s holding higher, changing the angle and you wrap your other leg around his waist, keeping him close to fuck you faster, harder, deeper.
“Nuh uh,” he reprimands, slapping his hand lightly against your cheek and then pulling your lip from between your teeth, “you know I like it when you tell me how good this feels for you.”
You scoff. “God, you love to be praised, don’t you? Have to be told just how much of a good boy you are.”
The muscle in his jaw ticks as he grinds his teeth and you match his steely glare with one of your own. And then he’s smiling one of those wicked smiles he usually reserves for D&D when he surprises everyone with a hellacious plot twist. He shifts his position, pulling himself onto his knees and then he’s grabbing both of your legs and pushing them as far forward as he can, practically bending you in half. Your feet brush against the roof of the van and with one last smug grin, he resumes fucking you with such ferocity that it punches the air from your lungs.
“Oh fuck! Eddie- I- oh my God.”
Your breathless, brain completely frazzled and you can feel him everywhere, like he’s digging himself a permanent home underneath your skin. Your hands grapple against his chest, searching for purchase as his hips snap against yours brutally. He’s still got that wicked gleam in his eye and you know he’s got you right where he wants you. The head of his cock slams against your sweet spot over and over again and it has you screaming as pleasure courses through your body.
“Goddamn, sweetheart,” he laughs, shoving two of his fingers into your mouth, “you really gotta shut the fuck up. Don’t want people to hear what a whore you’re being for the freak, do you?”
You moan around his fingers, sucking on them in the same way you'd suck his cock and the mental image has him groaning as his eyes flutter closed. Victory swims through your veins at being able to unravel him so quickly. You slap his hand away, his eyes reopening to gaze back down at you. The wicked, smug gleam is gone and all that’s left is pure desire. The way Eddie looks at you sometimes stills your heart in your chest because why would he want to? You’re an absolute fucking mess most days. You haven’t been something worth wanting in a long time… but here he is, looking at you as if you hung the fucking moon.
You grin, shoving those thoughts from your mind. “Thought that’s what you wanted. Thought you wanted to hear me scream for you as you pummeled my cunt with your huge cock.”
Eddie lets go of your legs, allowing you to wrap them around his waist and then he’s covering you with his body, one hand pressed to the floor and the other tangled in your hair. His nose brushes against your cheek, breath hot against your ear.
“You say such nice things to me, sweetheart, and nice girls get what they want,” he whispers against your heated skin, “so why don’t you be a good girl and cum for me, yeah?”
You whimper in response, his hips rocking into you at such a steady pace that it makes you want to burst. Your orgasm bubbles up inside of you, twisting tightly in your belly and you roll your hips against him, meeting him thrust for thrust, letting him take you higher and higher and higher until it feels like you’re floating above your body.
“Come on, Eds, make me cum.”
He untangles his fingers from your hair and brings them down to rub quick and firm circles onto your clit and with one last loud and elongated moan, you’re cumming on his cock.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmurs, fucking you through your high and chasing his own release. “Shit, you’re so good for me, you know that?”
He buries his head in the crook of your neck and you rake your nails down his back, keeping his body flush against your own. He thrusts one, two, three more times and with a choked moan, he finds his own release. The two of you remain in this position for a few moments, catching your breath and relishing in the post-orgasmic bliss hanging in the air. Gently, Eddie pulls himself up and out of you and then he removes the condom, tying it off and tossing it toward the back door to be disposed of later. He lays down next to you, head propped up in his hand while the other rests on your stomach.
“What are you thinking about?” He inquiries softly.
You shake your head, eyes trained on the roof.
“Hey,” he whispers, fingers dancing along your skin, “are you feeling okay?”
With a huff, you sit up and immediately grab for your clothes, pulling them back on as quickly as possible. Eddie sits up as well, eyeing you warily as he reaches for his own clothes. He’s not entirely sure what it is he’s done but he’s positive he’s gone against one of your rules. It’s not as if he meant to, he was simply concerned and like hell is he going to believe that being concerned for the wellbeing of someone else, someone as special as you, is going to be considered a character flaw.
“Can you stop for a second?” He asks gently.
You’ve already managed to pull all of your clothes back on. Pushing your hair wildly out of your face, you begin the task of lacing your Converse back up so you can get the hell out of here. It feels like you’re suffocating, like the fucking van is on fire.
“I don’t know why you keep doing this,” you mumble.
“Doing what?” He slips his shirt back on and then he’s leaning back against the side of the van, trying to keep as much space between him and you as he possibly can.
“Ruining things,” you snap, “you always fucking do this, Eddie!”
“Don’t call me that!”
His eyes grow wide at the seething tone of your voice. You’ve finally slipped on your Converse and you snap your head over to stare him down. If he could get further from you, he would. The anger is rolling off of you in waves and it’s unbelievably stifling in this confined space. How did everyone go so wrong so fast?
“I have three rules, Eddie, and you agreed to those three rules, did you not?” You don’t wait for him to respond. “So I don’t understand why the fuck you keep going against them and why the fuck you’re always so goddamned surprised when it pisses me off!”
“Jesus Christ, is this all because I asked if you were okay?!”
“I don’t want you to ask me if I’m okay! I don’t need you to ask me! I am fine! I have been fine this whole time and I will continue to be fine. Okay?”
He shifts his eyes away from you, staring out the front windshield, muscle in his jaw jumping with tension. “That was a convincing lie the first few times you said it but it sounds a lot like bullshit now.”
“You don’t fucking know me,” you hiss.
“How can I? You won’t let me!” He turns his eyes back on you and he looks wounded, like you’ve ripped his heart out and crushed it right in front of him. “Your rules are bullshit! And the only reason they even exist is because you’re too afraid to let someone, let me, know you!”
You scoff, a bitter sound that runs over his skin like sandpaper. “We’re done.”
You shove the back door open and step out into the parking lot, inhaling copious amounts of fresh air to help settle your nerves. Eddie’s presence looms behind you like a shadow, like he’s the predator and you’re the prey. You start walking back to campus, refusing to look back his way. All you want is to go grab your things from your locker and get the fuck out of here, forget that you ever wasted a single goddamn second on Eddie Munson. The van door slams loudly.
“Are you still coming to Hellfire tonight?”
The question catches you off guard, stops you right in your tracks. Is he fucking serious? You slowly turn back to find him leaning against the side of his van, lighting a cigarette. Seemingly not a care in the world.
“Are you… still coming… to Hellfire… tonight?”
He enunciates his question like a fucking asshole and it makes your blood boil. He’s not even looking at you, too preoccupied with his stupid cigarette. Coward.
“That’s what you’re concerned with?”
“Well,” he begins, taking a long drag of his cigarette, “since I’m not allowed to ask you about anything else, I figured falling back on D&D would be a safe option.”
You want to scream but it comes out as a humorless laugh. “Yeah, Eddie, I’ll still be there. Just because I’m no longer fucking you doesn’t mean I’m gonna fuck your campaign.”
“Jesus Christ,” he scoffs, tossing his cigarette to the ground and jumping into the driver’s seat of his van.
He doesn’t pay you a second glance as he peels out of the parking lot, leaving you behind in a cloud of dust. The wind gets knocked out of you fairly quickly after that and you’re not sure what exactly it is you’re feeling. It’s definitely not anger although you’re used to anger, you prefer anger. No, what you’re feeling is an emotion you haven’t felt in a very long time. Pain. It scorches through your veins like fire and you want to dig your nails into your skin and rip it out over how badly it burns.
But you can’t be feeling pain or sadness. Not about this. Not about Eddie. You haven’t felt pain like this since Billy died and you went numb fairly fast after his funeral because you cried so much. You weren’t sure if you’d ever be capable of feeling that level of pain again. But it’s not like Eddie died or anything; you’ll see him later and he’ll remind you all over again just how annoying he is when he cracks his jokes or captivates you with his enticing storytelling or looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
You sigh. Fuck.
The next few hours slip by in a blur and before you know it, you’re back at campus, halfway through another round of Eddie’s campaign. He barely glanced up at you when you had walked in, choosing to focus on getting everything set up. He didn’t even speak to you. It didn’t feel right; you usually showed up early anyway and you and Eddie would shoot the breeze and tease each other and laugh until everyone else arrived. But not tonight; instead, it was like a vice had twisted itself around the room and sucked all the air from it.
For as much as he ignored you when you first arrived, once the game got going, it was as if he had never been bothered about anything ever in his life. He was the same Eddie that he’s always been—eyes alight as he waits for the perfect opportunity to spring the next great plot twist on the group, a dazzling smile etched onto his face because he’s right where he needs to be, in his element. It makes your stomach twist and your brain go fuzzy. You want the game to be over.
And then it is and everyone’s clearing out in high spirits because tonight was a good run. Then it’s just you and Eddie left in the room and that vice from earlier is circling the room again.
“You were good tonight,” he says offhandedly, not looking at you, “you barely need help anymore.”
“Thanks,” you say, “I had a good teacher.”
An awkward silence falls over the room and you’re not sure what to do. Should you leave? Should you stay and help clean up? Should you say something? Should he be the one to say something? You remember all too well what long silences with Billy meant and usually you only needed to give him some time and he’d come around but Eddie isn’t Billy and you’re not really sure where to go from here. It frustrates you to no end and you want to cry but you also don’t because God forbid Eddie see you cry. The thought is unbearable. When you look back at Eddie, he’s already looking at you and his expression is unreadable.
“I’d ask if you’re feeling alright but,” he stops, sighs, “I really don’t want to fight with you again.”
“No, it’s- it’s okay. You were right.”
He nods. “I’m really not trying to be an asshole here but right about what exactly?”
“Everything,” you say, voice catching, “I’m not fine, Eddie. I haven’t been fine in a long time.”
He crosses the room in three long strides and suddenly you’re enveloped in a hug and it feels warm and nice and like home that a sob immediately erupts from you and then you’re clutching onto him like he’s the only thing keeping your feet on the ground.
“Shh shh shh,” he whispers against your hair, kissing your temple, “don’t cry, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry I screamed at you today,” you cry, pulling back to look at him, “that wasn’t cool.”
Eddie chuckles, looking at you like you could never do any wrong and you hate it. Hate that he’s so understanding, hate that he just gets it, hate that he’ll never ask you to be anything other than what you are. But what you hate most is that you don’t hate it, not even a little bit, not even at all.
“Come here, let’s sit down,” he says, pulling you over to the table and then you’re both perched on the side of it, turned towards each other, knees brushing and hands interwoven together.
“Look,” he says softly, “I shouldn’t have come at you like I did today—”
“No, Eddie, you—”
“No, listen, okay?” He searches your eyes, waiting to see if you’ll cut him off again. “Your rules are kinda intense sometimes… but I get it. What you went through, what you lost, I- I can’t even begin to imagine what it has been like for you. The pain I know that you felt, the pain I know you still feel. Sweetheart, I know it sometimes looks like I’m not paying attention but I am and I see the look in your eyes, you know what I’m talking about, when you disappear inside your own head.”
You nod, nibbling on your bottom lip. “It’s usually about that night, the night that Billy died. I think about it more often than I’d like, going over what happened and all of the ‘what ifs’. It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” he implores, “you loved him. I know that you did and I know that a part of you still does. There’s a part of you that always will and I never want to be the one to take that away from you. But I think that you’re scared—scared to let someone in, scared to love again, scared that you’ll end up losing it all again. And I- I really need you to know that I care about you so much, sweetheart, I mean, I- I’m so fucking in love with you and I think what scares you the most is the fact that you might love me too.”
You breathe a shaky sigh, a single tear falling from your eye which he brushes away instantly with a touch so gentle, it has you coming apart at the seams.
“I’m a mess, Eddie,” you say like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
And to your surprise, he laughs, a full laugh that takes over his entire body. He stretches his arms out wide before you. “And what do you think I am? Perfectly put together?”
In spite of yourself, you smile; the kind of smile that lights up your whole face and makes his body grow warm at the sight.
“There she is,” he whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“I do… love you, that is,” you whisper, trepidation flooding your body. “And I still get scared sometimes but I- I want to try to not be… with you, if you’re… okay with that?”
“More than.” He smiles. “Let’s be scared together, yeah?”
“And no more rules.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Are you sure you want that?”
“Yes,” you state resolutely, “I want to talk about anything and everything, I think it might help. And I want people to know about us, I don’t want to hide you away like some shameful secret cause I’m not ashamed. I want everyone to know that I’m yours and you’re mine and… and I want you to kiss me. All the time. Every chance you get.”
Eddie doesn’t waste a second. He immediately cups your face in his hands and brings his lips to yours and it’s everything you imagined it would be. He tastes like cigarettes and Mountain Dew and it’s gross but it’s him so you love it. You tease your tongue along his bottom lip and he eagerly opens his mouth for you to slip your tongue inside, kissing him deeper.
Your hands slip under the hem of his Hellfire shirt and you run your fingers along his bare torso, his abdomen tightening at your feather light touch. He chuckles lightly against your lips and lo and behold, Eddie’s ticklish and it makes you feel giddy that you’ve discovered something brand new about him.
You pull back suddenly, eyes blown wide and lips swollen. “I want you, all of you. The right way.”
His gaze darts around the room before landing back on you. “Here?”
“Are you expecting anyone?”
“Then yeah, Eds, right here.”
He pulls himself back up to stand between your open legs and caresses his fingers up your thighs before making quick work of pulling your Hellfire shirt up and over your head. His eyes land on the front clasp of your bra and he eagerly unfastens it and pulls it from your body.
“Look at you,” you tease, pecking your lips against his jaw, “finding the clasp the first time around.”
“Your turn,” you say and then you’re just as eagerly ripping his shirt up and over his head, exposing his ink splattered porcelain skin to you. “I just want to put my mouth everywhere.”
“What’s stopping you?”
You purse your lips in contemplation, tilting your head to look over towards his “throne”; the seat that is his and his alone, where he sits before you all like a king and commands the room. It sends a thrill straight to your core.
“Go have a seat,” you whisper, pushing him towards the chair. “But take your pants off first.”
He does, stripping himself of his Reeboks, jeans, and boxers and then he’s dropped himself down in this “throne”, manspreading for your pleasure. He looks like art come to life, bathed in the soft white glow of the overhead light, alabaster skin on complete display for your eyes and your eyes alone. You bite your lip and then slip off your Converse and shimmy your own jeans and panties down your legs. You cross over to him, hips swaying seductively, eagerly soaking up the look of absolute want that he sends you. Then you drop to your knees before him, eyes aligned with his hardened cock.
“Oh,” he breathes, “so this is what we’re doing.”
“No, this is what we’re starting with. Only fair after the two mind blowing orgasms you gave me earlier.”
“I aim to please, sweetheart.”
“And please you do,” you say sweetly, batting your eyes up at him, “now, let me take care of you.”
Before he has a chance to respond, you grasp his cock and lick a firm stripe from the base to the tip. He groans low in his throat, head dropping back against the chair and eyes screwing shut.
“Oh fuck me,” he whispers, “that’s good.”
You swirl your tongue around the head, lapping at the precum pooling and then you’re taking him fully into your mouth, sliding all the way down until your nose brushes against his pubic hair. You take a minute to adjust to the feeling of him in your throat and his thighs are tense underneath your fingertips. You hum once and his entire body spasms.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chants, “you’re so goddamn good to me.”
You hum again in appreciation and he groans. You glide slowly back up, tongue flat against the underside of his cock and then you flick your eyes up to meet his. Eddie’s staring back at you, mouth slightly agape, and eyes full of lust. No, not lust… this is love. Pure and true adoration. You grasp the base of his cock and begin bobbing your head at a steady pace, eyes remaining fixated on him. You may have admitted that you love him but it doesn’t mean you still can’t thoroughly enjoy just how quickly he falls apart for you.
There is spit dribbling from your lips and his fingers are tangled in your hair, keeping you somewhat in place as he shifts his hips to fuck your mouth. You hum around him again, letting the vibration course throughout his body and then he’s pulling you off his cock with a gasp.
“Okay, okay,” he grunts, breath shuddering, “I don’t want to cum yet so…”
“Got it.” You bite back a smile and then pull yourself up to straddle his lap. “Is this okay?”
“No, I want to feel you,” you blurt and then softer, eyes locking with his, “make me yours, Eds.”
“Shit,” he murmurs, pushing your hair back out of your face, “alright, sweetheart.”
You smile, melding your lips with his once more. Lining him up at your entrance, you bring yourself down, taking his cock fully in one fluid motion. You both moan into the kiss. One of his arms wraps around your waist while the other splays fingers across your upper back, pulling you flush against him. Your hands are resting atop his shoulders, using them as leverage to lift yourself up and drop back down, setting a steady pace.
“Fuck, you feel amazing,” he mumbles against your skin, lips trailing down your neck to your chest.
He tweaks your nipples between his fingers before he pulls one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened peak. Your nails dig harshly into his shoulders, his name tumbling from your lips like a prayer. You throw your head back, a loud moan escaping your lips as you bounce fervently on his cock, bringing yourself closer and closer to your impending orgasm.
Eddie pulls off your nipple with a soft groan, hand coming up to brush against your cheek and tilt your head back down to meet his gaze. “I’m so close, sweetheart, tell me you are too.”
You nod, brushing his damp hair out of his face and resting your forehead against his. “Kiss me when you cum, Eds, please.”
“Fuck,” he groans, a choked sound that gets lodged in his throat. “Anything for you.”
You roll your hips faster, taking him deeper and you’re alternating between moaning like an absolute whore and chanting his name like it’s the only word you remember. His eyes remain locked on your face, letting you take control as you bring the two of you to release.
“Eddie, I’m gonna cum,” you whimper, “kiss me, please kiss me.”
He surges forward, capturing your lips with his own and you’re teetering on the precipice. With one last hard thrust of his hips, you’re freefalling straight into the waves of bliss and Eddie cums shortly after with a groan so broken and loud, his warmth spreading through you. You continue to roll your hips, working you both through your high and then you’re opening your eyes to find him already gazing at you longingly.
You remain like that for a moment, basking in each other’s presence and then you’re both erupting into a fit of giggles because this feels right. You don’t feel like you need to hide from him anymore, like you could stay here in this moment with him forever and everything would be okay.
“I love you, Eddie,” you say so matter-of-factly that it makes your heart soar.
He blinks, a trademark Eddie smile pulling at his lips. The kind of smile that lights up a room and makes your heart skip a beat and breath stutter in your chest.
“I love you too. God, I love you so much, sweetheart.”
He kisses you again… and again… and again. You’re not sure what tomorrow holds or the day after that or the day after that and you definitely don’t know when the world is going to implode on itself again but at this moment, you’re not particularly concerned. Because you have Eddie and he has you and you’re not afraid anymore.
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bluejay-flies · 11 days
Ahhhh nostalgia
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oh yeahhh I remember that pfp! I still love it lol, one of my favorite drawings of mew I’ve done ^^
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fatuismooches · 6 months
PART 3 TO THE DOTTORE FIC WAS ABSOLUTELY LOVELY AND YOU RELEASED IT SO FAST I WASNT EXPECTING IT SO SOON!!! gosh the pacing of it was so well, and I absolutely adore how you write fragile!reader and Zandik. AND THE NUDITY SCENEEEE!! >w< it was so so soft I absolutely adored it words cannot describe how much I was smiling during it. AND THE LITTLE ZANDY SNEAK WITH HIM BEING ALLOWED TO SEE ALL THE PREPERATIONS COLUMBINA IS DOING FOR FRAGILE!READER AND THEIR OUTFIT <33 AHHHHH!!!! Also the book scene as well 😭 SOB!! poor reader getting exposed out of nowhere because Zandik was “curious”… AND THE WEDDING SMOOCHES OH MY GOSH!!! I wasn’t expecting to read them getting married in this fic but im overjoyed to see you write it!!! their ceremony being private and the clumsy dancing after they’ve been officially married made me giggle and kick my feet in the air!!! honestly the marriage reminded me of an old ask I sent MONTHS ago!! fragile!reader and dottore having a private ceremony and how Dottore would most likely keep his ring in his box, but fragile!reader enjoys wearing it everyday as it’s a sign that Zandik truly does love them for who they are, and they’re bonded for eternity. :((( I would absolutely LOVE to see what type of rings you had in mind for them and what kind of suit you portrayed Zandik wearing!! I love these two so much that im honestly scared for the fourth and final part. :( my heart is not ready for angst…I loved all the hurt and comfort in this fic it’s literally my favorite thing!! and to say I will reread this AT LEAST 5 times, (just like I have with the first and second part) is an understatement. I always appreciate seeing you also mention me in your notes it’s so cute mwa mwa!! <33 make sure to rest sweetheart alright? currently dying because of midterms but I know part 3 will get me through it. AND BEFORE I EVEN FORGET THE MENTION OF BATHING TOGETHER ADJNDJAIJSJDK!!!! still one of my favorite ideas EVER im so happy to see it being dropped for a second in the fic it made me blush <33
But I truly hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and week and happy December cutie!!! Christmas will be here soon and I honestly can’t wait to bake. always imagining m fragile!reader because of my condition >_< im very delusional for him I think of him every second, minute, hour, day, every week!!! not a day goes by where I don’t think of him AT LEAST ONCE! but ANYWAYS!!! I give you loads and loads of cuddles and chu chus <33 I love you so much I just wanna hug you so tightly and swell up your cheeks because of how many chus I gave you!!
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ౨ৎ
AHHHHH 🎐 ANON IM SCREAMING TOO!!! YOU'RE TOO NICE!! I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!! please, my weekend literally consisted of two things, writing that fic, and finishing a project for college, i kept alternating between the two 😭 I WAS JUST SO EXCITED I HAD TO! AND OF COURSE!! Bb Zandy gets all the privileges (he gets the last cookie in the jar too, much to the other clones' dismay) 😌
AND YEAHHH the book idea just came to me one day. i just thought it'd be not only cute but funny, since i also love thinking about the playful banter you two have 🥺 HEHE I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE WEDDING SCENE TOO!! I JUST HAD TO WRITE IT SINCE I FEEL IT NEEDS TO BE INCLUDED IN THEIR LIVES!! and yeah i was thinking about your asks too, because i like to go back and reread the asks on your tag 😭💗 Dottore keeps his ring in his box so when he's stressed he can just pop it open and admire it, thinking about you if you're not around, and put it away again now that he's had some time to slack off thinking about you. You though? Oh boy everyone has every detail of your ring memorized by how much you've gushed about it (poor random Fatui agents)
AND I'm not gonna lie i didn't really picture the rings or outfits inside my head. 😭 but i did look up some rings rn to see if i could find anything that's cute!! (i think. I'm not very good at fashion/aesthetics and this stuff 😭) but i think these first three for reader are pretty!! i feel like they're pretty elegant but not too much at the same time! Dottore's as i said would be much simpler, i can't find a good picture but i feel like the last one would be similar, thin with fewer jewels though. But ngl, i always love this interpretation of the ring Dottore would give you!! It's so pretty and to think he'd make the ring yourself is so!! AND I WOULD GIVE YOU OUTFITS BUT IM SORRY IM SO BAD AT THEM. Honestly though. I'd probably imagine him in like, the classic black and white suit. Maybe with some pieces of blue here and there. There's a fanart i'd show you too but the comments are EXTREMELY down bad so yeah,,
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🎐 ANON DON'T WORRY 😭 THERE WILL BE ANGST BUT HOPEFULLY THE FIFTH PART WILL MAKE IT BETTER!! AND OMG OVER 5 TIMES??? I'M HONOREDDD 🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗 MAKE SURE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TOO OKAY?? i know midterms are the worse but you got this!! And omg have fun baking!! I wish i could taste your sweets, they must be delicious!! AND I LOVE YOU MORE!! mwah mwah!!
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rosacarolina · 1 year
Hello there! I’m a POC who recently found your blog and I’m. So happy!! The amount of cottagecore blogs that are racist and terfy is just terrifying, and I’m so happy to see someone stand up against it 💜
ahhhh anon im so happy to hear that!!! and yeahhh its so wierd being like nice tree picture i hope the person who posted it doesnt want me dead for some reason.
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okmedina · 1 month
hi I'm medi
I take art requests, just ask!! I love HERBERT POCKET AHHHHHH YEAHHH AHHHH .. and Deltarune side characters like Father Alvin and the BOOM family. Into fnaf as well!!
Proshippers/NSFW blogs and people do not interact. if I think you're weird I may block
AAND this is my mascot polly. Or persona whichever
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beautifulbrainrot · 10 months
s1 baby spence 🥺 ,, ahh ,, i always feel like... he was the type to cum untouched like all the time 🥺 ,, even just holding hands and the poor thing would start freaking out 😭💌
baby boy is so sensitive ahhhh…
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itadori-yujiii · 7 months
memories- hannah bang streetlight by changbin hug me by i.n fire in the rain burn the house down carried home take me home hold on-just search up httyd after this tourner dans le vide-indilla sped up vers. blossom-enhypen
+ some more memories by han hold on by seungmin
can you see that im slowly putting you in kpop
hehe you already did my princess and hopefully this will be a nice present for when you wake up <3
memories, hannah bang - voice is very very soothing and relaxing, got chills, hear an accent
streetlight, changbin - this is a mooood, woah the metaphors, is this like toxic masculinity?, i dont think im supposed to be relating--, totally saving that
hug me, i.n - WEIRUFBUDFIBRFRIDBU THATS SO DUCKING CUTEEEEE. whys that so adorable and wholesome and just UGH. would you hug me? yes sir!
fire in the rain - giving riptide vance joy vibes, awwwwww this is so cuteeee, im saving this too. im gonna listen to this until i am sick of it. aylin your taste is beyond amazing
burn the house down - AJR!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THE TUNE IS SO CATCHYY AHHH THE TWINNSS OML I LOVE THEMM. way up way up we gooo, been up and down that road mmmm i love this sm ty so much aylin im saving this rn
carried home -  this is so calming i swear. was this in httyd ? i feel like it was. so freaking relaxing. 
tourners dans le vide (sped up) - (i coincidently found one with the thumbnail as mikasa) oooooh spooky like a dark carousel i dunno how to explain it. i am only judging by the voice. OHHHH I HEARD THIS IN EDITS YEAHHH. SO COOOOOOOLLLL. I LOVE THISS THE VIBE AHHHH AYLIN YOURE TASTE 🫶🫶🫶
miserable, han - his voice is cute. the vibe is very nice. okay this does NOT sound like a healthy relationship 😅. oooooh his rapping is so good. i really like this. i would listen to this in happy rainy days. 
hold on, seungmin - 3 seconds in and i've fallen in love with the tune alone, awww "you came to me like a gift, you brought joy to meaningless days" byjcrewjybrc, wait. is he talking about a pet or a furry. im so confused. is he dating a furry???, STOPP "when the remaining ashes are blown away, i will call your name once again" brb im sobbing and screaming curled up in my bed, STOPP THIS SO SAD BUT SO HOPEFUL AT THE SAME TIME AND THE TUNE AHHHH, new favorite
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missamyrisa2 · 2 months
Miss amy would you ever hand out spankings :3
Yeaaaa~ buttttt they're going to be sooooo ticklyyy~ in particular~~ I'm going to be handing down some spankssss when I have you over my lap and I start using this stiff lil feather between your tushy cheeks and every time you clench or squeeze it's spankety spankety spanketyyyyy~!! Oooh it's just sooo ticklyy huhhh~ you gotta relax darling relaxxxx ~ it's just a feather going upppp up that lil royal crevice and if youuuuu clench oooh ah ah ahhhh~ I said unclench those cheeks darling~~ you know what that meanssss oooh I thinkkkk mmh five palmyyyy kissesss on eachhh of your tush tush cheeks ~ yesss that'll do ittt ~ now now nowww don't fret just take your medicine cutie pieee and we'll get riiight back to the feather ~ mmhmm there's oneee and twoooo spanksss and oooh sooo dramatic ~ come on now, buck up and take it like a good one ~ and mmhmm three and fouuuur and my my my myyyyyyy you are getting so pink down here~ sooo naughtyyy ~
Whyyy, I dooo believe we need mmmh something exxxxtra for such a naughty cutieee ~ yesss mmhmm yes we doooo ~ nowww hold still, this miiiight tickle a little ~ we're gonna take ms duster and fluttter flusterrr your naughty wicked bootyyy mmhmmm ~ she'll get you niiice and fixed up oh yess she will ~ now don't squirmmm don't fidget you just take your pinkyyy ticklessss like I know you cannnn ~ ooh yesss oh my god is right you are sooo badddd ~ let it alll outttt ~ mmhmm bounce that wickedness outttt ~ there's still one more spankyyyy waiting for youuu so save your strengthhhh ~ mmmh and it's gonna be a big oneee believe you meeeee~ tsk tsk tsk look at thattt still clenching huh? Well no matter ~ here it comesssss ~ awww it doesn't tingle that bad does ittt? Yeahhh it doesss mmmh? Well let's see how your tush curves do with a little blush shall weee?
Oh don't worry ~~ my feather will be right back to test your clenchies again buttttt first you neeeed to be blushed right under the cheekies because you are just soooo cheekyyy~ yesss fitting punishment for a naughty lil cutieee~ and let's just seee how pink we can get you down hereeee ~ mmmhmmm how does it feel? It tickles! Well I never would have guessed ~ ooh tell me how you really feel~ mmhmm nooo you're gonna stay right here on my lappy lap and we'll get you alll the spanks and tickles you need ~ this is good for you darling, this is where you belong ~ mmhmm mhmmm~ and now that you're sooo pinkened up we can try again ~ nowww, from the topppp~ and don't you dare clench those cheeekiessss or you knowww what I'll have to do to youuu~<3
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cee-grice · 5 months
Heyy Cee happy New Years' Eve!! 🥳
To end off the year, what are the top five influences for your book and how have they shaped you as a person? 🤩
happy New Year's Eve to you too, Tate<33
omg....ok I'm gonna expose myself for you all now so play nice pls thank u
the biggest influence for this story would have to be D&D. I had really gotten into playing it last summer, which was when I started thinking about this story, so you can really feel the influence in some parts haha (especially the magic system lol...). this whole story began with me creating an encounter featuring Endra, actually (with a stat block and everything lol), and I got so obsessed with the idea that I. made a whole story about it LOL. I would say D&D has... introduced me to a bunch of cool people, and everyone you meet, I think, shapes you a little as a person, so there's that haha. but also it made me think more about expansive worldbuilding, and thus appreciate it more as well. IDK I feel like it just made me love fantasy in general all the more:D
the second influence would have to beeee minecraft/dreamSMP. both, really, in their own ways. minecraft more on the lore aspect and magic system, weirdly enough??, and dsmp in the, hm, complexity of character relationships, I'd say? nothing specific, but more so the vibe. and my story is all about complex character relationships, so!! I also wrote quite a few fanfics for it, and that really helped with my confidence in writing, I'd say. I hadn't before had such a supportive audience, and they're very much to blame for my decision to actually take this Seriously haha. by that alone I'd say this shaped me most as a person/writer :v
thennn third influence, my jobs?? it just so happened that I was surrounded by pathology when I began this story, and I just sort of? gravitated to it as a central story point?? kinda wild, now that I think about it lmao. but yeah, idk, I feel like this job that I have made me mature a little more x)
ahmm fourth influence, maybe arcane? more of a subconscious one, though, as only when a friend pointed out some similarities did I go 'oh yeahhh' lmao. I did very much enjoy arcane, and although I watched it a good while before I'd started this story, some stuff must have stuck with me subconsciously haha
as for the fifth one...also more of a subconscious one, but Mo Dao Zu Shi. starting a story with necromancy is just an S tier story hook, in my opinion, so I did kinda yoink the idea from here haha, although, again, I hadn't done so intentionally lol. I also really liked the dual timelines and definitely wanted to write something with such a structure. this story sort of introduced me to modern Chinese fantasy, and I really gotta read more of it ahhhh, but yeah, always nice to broaden your literary horizons:D
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