iskender-x · 2 months
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favourite creation
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sunlitmcgee · 5 months
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do you see this lady? I really hate this lady.
this lady has a spammy as fuck boss battle and the most annoying hunger mechanics in the entire game. the follower forms you can get are the only good part of her area. she is frustrating and is holding me up from getting past this part of the main quest so I can get to the rest of the story and beat it to unlock post game content that was added after I fell off of playing.
I do not like this lady. she is a bitch and I want her to fuck off
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theravequeen · 5 months
How much more parkner am I going to have to suffer
Just let me brothers be brothers please I'm dying over here
(not tagging this because I don't want to be crucified)
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onlinehorseproblems · 10 months
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Sometimes all you need is to share an orange with a good friend. :-)
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theeflowerofcarnage · 7 months
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not me feeling genuinly sad about the emperor :(((( i just keep reading his letter to ansur and thinking back to stelman's medical journal.......... like omfg he DID gaslight me i am in shock!!! this entire time n it was SO obvious
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skyistheground · 3 months
i have no words for my emotions except there are a lot of them and jaga is responsible
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nightfallsystem · 7 months
its october the 3rd you know what that means
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p*nycanon and cunchyroll pleas dont sue me but everyone look at this fucking clip
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mesaryth · 26 days
i hate having a job so bad why do we have to DO THIS
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aglaean · 1 month
“Princess!!” Ewan rushed up to her, holding out a drink. “I was cheering for you this whole time! I’m sure you’ll kick their butts next time!” He said with a confident smile, hoping to give her some spirit. “For now though, here! take this juice and relax!”
Oh! So, it had been none other than her dear ally who had been cheering so! In the furour of battle L'Arachel had been, to her own bitter disappointment, unable to locate the source of the sound. More pressing matters had engrossed her, such as ensuring her hair flew in the wind just so, that her ballad-worthy lines were primed at her lips, and oh, yes, that her lance landed when she tried to hit someone with it.
Though she had never been in any doubt that the jubilations were in her name, it heartened her all the more to know that it had been none other than he. What a marvel! She had never before known joy to come after the event. So oft it had a strange habit of dissapating once the moment had passed - a matter that would've been far more unfortunate if she wasn't always immured in some new delight!
And in the way of delight...! L'Arachel takes the proferred receptacle. An experimental sip, and ah! Why, this was simply delicious! She had never before this day sampled so sweet a juice - and now, on this day she had tasted of it twice! Perhaps she ought to submit her magnificence to such carousing more often.
'Ewan! Surely, the Gods themselves carried your voice to me over joust and duel! I thank you for aiding me in my emenance!' Smiling, she took another swig. So sweet! Why, she felt herself buoyed by a second wind! Springing to her feet, L'Arachel surrendered herself to those faculties that knew her before she knew herself: her instincts.
'In fact, I shall repay you tenfold with a cheer of my own - HURRAH! MAKE EXULTATION FOR EWAN, SWIFT-FOOTED AGENT OF NECTAR! AND MY CLOSE PERSONAL ALLY!' She adds the second part retroactively, it was important to make such connections clear!
Turning to where the dear mage should be, she smiles. 'How was that- Ah! Wherever did he go?'
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pissfaggit · 1 year
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posts this image again
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saltedsolenoid · 2 years
WHY do i have school tomorrow it's BANK HOLIDAY why school why why why why why why why why why why why why why AUGH AND I HAVE TO STUDY FOR: test
i despise school because it makes my knees hurt and it makes my brain cry
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why did the deltrune stream have to be NOW i have school tomorrow… i need to get sleep…
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dagdasgodslayer · 3 months
oh my god you can revisit the versions of tokyo with akira in them...
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aq2003 · 6 months
toby fox laced metal crusher from the undertale ost with crack cocaine
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kenneth-black · 19 days
I wanna talk about so many things.. i want to post and discuss about so many more but I don’t think my brain has successfully processed last week’s episode let alone todays and i just AHGHHHHH!!! 😫😫 I feel like i’d spontaneously combust when we actually get buddie canon 😭😭😭
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