#A/b/o LOONA
seven-circlllxs · 7 months
Into the Pit {Muse Masterlist}
NOTE: Muses may use neopronouns, but writing partners may default to he/she/they/it terms if they find those easier to use!
NOTE 2: Muses are heavily influenced by headcanons, some of which are listed in their bios!
Alastor - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Asexual Aromantic
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Name: Alastor
Nicknames: Al, The Radio Demon, Bambi [Do not use this unless you want to endure bodily harm : ) ]
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 38 at death (Died 1933)
Birthday: September 19th (Virgo)
Height: 7'0"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Presents Male
Pronouns: He/Him, It/Its, Static/Staticself, Radio/Radioself, Deer/Deerself, Loa/Loaself, Veve/Veveself
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Occupation: Overlord of Hell, Charitable Patron of the Happy Hotel, Broadcaster
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Alastor has always been a bit of a mystery to the other Overlords in hell, and nearly every sinner has a story explaining his arrival and the source of his immense power.
Not one of them has come even halfway close to the truth.
When he was alive, he tried and failed several times to secure a job as a radio announcer in his home city of New Orleans. It was in the damp, boggy woods of the Louisiana bayou where Alastor first made a connection with his dark patron, a Loa draped and encumbered by rusting bloodied chains, whose empty eyes yearned for gore and carnage and fixed themselves, burning, onto the man’s very soul. Alastor summoned Bakulu with the fresh blood of a black rooster, and for his offering was rewarded with a position live on air. But of course, one measly offering would not be enough to satiate his dark patron, nor would it have been enough to fulfill Alastor’s own desires. He graduated to goat’s blood, and one by one, the hosts of the city’s most well-known radio shows began to disappear, leaving the publics’ ears eagerly tuned in to him.
And it still wasn’t enough. Bakulu, it seemed, was most pleased by larger offerings, and Alastor soon found himself quite comfortable with a hunter’s rifle pressed snug into his shoulder, a deer (or, preferably, a more bipedal target) caught between his crosshairs. His little hunts were quite the form of stress relief, and the earth drank his sacrifices greedily. It didn't hurt that cleaning the bodies and leaving the blood and bones afforded Alastor with top quality meat at the price of a box of bullets.
But humans are full of error. And errors leave humans prone to accidents. When Alastor was caught and killed by a hunter and his dogs, his own blood served as his final offering to the dark Loa. His spirit was entwined with some of Bakulu’s wretched power, allowing him to manifest in Hell absolutely alive with vodou magic. And gifting him with endless airways waiting to be bathed in the blood of his victims.
Currently, Alastor is amusing himself by keeping a watchful eye over the Princess of Hell's passion project, waiting for her well-intentioned attempt at rehabilitating sinners to implode on itself. His tendency to observe the struggles and failures of others as entertainment stems from his tendency to sensationalize reality, although in Hell, reality doesn't need too much embellishment to be engaging.
Andrealphus - Genderqueer (AMAB) - Homosexual Panromantic
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Name: Andrealphus
Nicknames: Andre, Alphie
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: A beauty never reveals her age, darling~. [About 40]
Birthday: January 29th (Aquarius)
Height: 10'0"
Gender: Genderqueer (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Bird/Birdself, Ice/Iceself
Sexuality: Homosexual Panromantic
Occupation: Grand Marquis of Envy
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Hatched and raised by a family with a very powerful standing within the hierarchy of the House Goetia, Andrealphus has always been an instigator. As a very young chick, he was inquisitive and observant, traits he has carried with him into adulthood. When his little sister Stella was hatched, Andrealphus was quickly forced into the role of the dutiful big brother, much to his annoyance. His sister wasn't his baby, she was his sister, it was dumb that he had to make sure she was alright all the time instead of having fun. It was then he began to orchestrate games that only he knew he was playing, games where the consequences left him out of trouble and left Stella looking like an overly rambunctious nuisance. Or at least, that was what was supposed to happen. Instead, his parents shamed him for not being able to "control his sister's fits," not as if they could either even if they'd tried.
When Andrealphus was about twelve years old, his ten-year-old baby sister was betrothed to King Paimon's owl son, Prince Stolas. Stella was not at all subtle about her resentment of the arrangement, but it left a bitter, seething feeling in Andrealphus' heart. Why was it that Stella kept getting things handed to her easily? He was the first-born heir to their Goetia lineage, he was the one with his name in grimoires, why did she get a shortcut to love when she didn't even want it? After Stella had finished angrily crumpling the photo of the owl prince up and abandoned it in the trash, Andrealphus took the token for his own. This "Stolas," he deserved better than a screeching loon like his sister. He deserved proper royalty. Someone who had a grand purpose, like.. Himself.
When not silently plotting to shift any given circumstance into his favor, Andrealphus enjoys spreading and sharing gossip about anyone and everyone. Secrets are a valuable currency, and Andre knows just how to entice someone into sharing what they've heard.
Arackniss - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Asexual Demiromantic
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Name: Arackniss
Nicknames: Nissy, Niss
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 45 at Death (Died 1952)
Birthday: December 31st (Capricorn)
Height: 3'8"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Presents Masculine
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Spider/Spiderself, Shot/Shotself
Sexuality: Asexual Demiromantic
Occupation: [Pending]
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
As the eldest son of a ruthless mafioso, Arackniss grew up with a lot of pressure saddled square across his shoulders. His father expected nothing less than devotion and perfection, and anything short of perfection received physical discipline at minimum. His quick wit, quicker trigger finger, and venomous tongue all formed out of a need to survive being berated, beaten, or otherwise eviscerated by his father or the men who worked for him. He became a caretaker to his younger twin siblings once they needed more mobile supervision, and resented the fact that he had been labeled as their de-facto caretaker when they weren't with their mom. Caretaking and child-raising was for the broads, and it didn't take a genius to understand what his father was implying by making him the babysitter.
When Arackniss died, it was in a shootout instigated by his little brother with a rival family. He died protecting his family, and that was what mattered. Not that he was 45 years old, not that he was days away from being the don's right hand, not that he had his purpose taken away by his goddamn brother!
He fell into Hell alone and spiteful, and once his father finally passed, he reunited with him, and committed the sinner's name of Henroin to his memory. That was who was in charge now, and Arackniss fell eagerly into line, into what he knew, into what kept him safe.
Not that he particularly likes being under his father's thumb again..
Asmodeus - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Omnisexual Demiromantic
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Name: Asmodeus
Nicknames: Oz, Ozzie, Dee, Big Daddy (from Fizzy usually)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 5,000+
Birthday: Technically doesn't have one; celebrates on February 14th
Height: 46'3" at his tallest, 8'-ish when in his civilian form and/or shrunken to fit into smaller spaces
Gender: Gender Apathetic (Intersex) - Presents Masc or Masc-Androgyne
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Lust/Lustself, Sin/Sinself
Sexuality: Omnisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Herald King of Lust, Club-Owner, Sex Toy Manufacturer/Designer
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
As one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Asmodeus has always been a very passionate and driven being, while also adding a certain amount of his own flair to each of his projects. Before being formally cast out from Heaven, he was sent by God to test Tobias' faith in Him. While on Earth, he grew smitten with Sarah, the intended bride of Tobias, and possessed her first seven husbands on their wedding nights to be intimate with her. He showered her in lust and want, before leaving her to rest and stopping her husbands' hearts (not intentionally, of course, but being possessed by an angel isn't the most stabilizing of experiences-), leaving their lifeless bodies to be discovered in the morning. He attempted to possess Tobias in the same way, but Tobias had been given the help of the Archangel Raphael, and finally, Asmodeus was cast out and into Hell, to join his fallen siblings.
Upon his arrival in Hell, Lucifer assigned him to the Fifth Lowest Ring, allowing him to craft it into whatever he wished it to be. Lust began as a simple den of consensual depravity, but, over time, Ozzie began to lean into Lucifer's "Seven Ring Circus" blueprint, what with Mammon being the Clown of Greed and Bee-lze acting as the Aerial and Animal acts both in one, and began to present himself as more of a sexual magician, for lack of a better term. He developed toys, founded clubs for his citizens to explore one another's forms, and began performing in his own lounge.
In the current day, Ozzie is a charismatic, charming Sin, who encourages the free exploration of lust between any and all consenting parties. He's not above a little scheming to make sure things play out the way he feels they are supposed to, and is fiercely protective of those he cares about.
Barbie Wire - Gender Apathetic (AFAB) - Demisexual Aromantic
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Name: Barbie Wire
Nicknames: Barb, BB
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 36 (Can match with any Blitzø)
Birthday: April 3rd (Aries)
Height: 5'10"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AFAB) - Presents Femme or Femme-Androgyne
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Imp/Impself, Cirque/Cirqueself
Sexuality: Demisexual Aromantic (to her knowledge)
Occupation: Drug-Runner, Contortionist
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Barbie Wire and her twin brother Blitzø were born into a traveling circus family ringmastered and run by their father, Cash Buckzo. Both implings were very close with their mother, Tilla, and Barbie in particular served as Tilla's shadow for the longest time. Her and her twin brother learned and performed under their father's less-than-watchful eye, and quickly became favorites of their audience with their synchronized trapeze routines and tandem juggling acts. The twins were soon joined by another impling, their new pseudo-sibling, Fizzarolli, and the three of them took alternating turns in Cash's temperamental, money-driven spotlight.
Circus life served Barbie and her brothers well until Fizz's 18th birthday. That was when everything went to shit. Fizz had managed to secure a spot in Mammon's Big totally Non-Exploitative Clown Pageant Competition, which had brought the circus down into the Greed Ring for a limited performance after the contest. Barbie and Fizz had been paired off by Cash for a partner act after Blitzø routinely fumbled the clubs used for the juggling aerial act's rehearsal. There was no way they were going to allow Blitzø to juggle the clubs while on fire, as they were supposed to be. During Fizz's party, disaster struck.
Blitzø, as the circus would soon discover, had gone off to practice the routine on his own, complete with fire, desperate to prove to his father that he was worth being paid any attention to. And he'd dropped the clubs. Again.
Barbie was stranded in the tent with her mother as the fire consumed the entire circus grounds, up until her mother shoved her, choking, out of the blaze and into the open smoky air. There was only screams, only panic, only vibrant green flames that glittered with emerald violence.
After the fire, Barbie did the only thing she could think of to do; she ran. Her brother had killed their mom, had burned their family alive, had destroyed everything she loved, and so, she ran. She ran headfirst into addiction, into alcohol, desperate to spark any sort of joyful sensation, fuck, any sensation at all, and eventually found herself strung out on H-8. Blitzø re-entered her life by force after a near-fatal overdose, checking her into rehab while she was comatose and recovering in the hospital with a note simply saying Sorry. : (
A bitter, snippy, and guarded woman, Barbie Wire is not too keen on friends, and not too eager to reconnect with her remaining family. She misses Fizzarolli, but doesn't trust how close he is with not one but two of the Deadly Sins. He's doing well for himself, and that's what she cares about most.
Baxter - Transmasc (AFAB) - Asexual Demiromantic
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Name: Baxter
Nicknames: Bax, Baxxy
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 19 at Death (Died 1913)
Birthday: [to be updated]
Height: 4'2"
Gender: Transmasc (AFAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Lure/Lureself, Fish/Fishself
Sexuality: Demisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Aspiring mad inventor
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
[Bio Pending]
Boris - Genderqueer (AMAB) - Omnisexual Demiromantic
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Name: Boris
Nicknames: Bory, Ouro, Oura (pronounced Aura)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 32 at Death (Died 1978)
Birthday: [to be updated]
Height: 7'3"
Gender: Genderqueer (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Hiss/Hiss-self
Sexuality: Omnisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Sex Worker
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
[Bio Pending]
Charlie Morningstar - Genderflux (AFAB) - Sapphic Femmesexual
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Name: Charlotte Morningstar
Nicknames: Charlie, Lottie, Starshine
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 36
Birthday: June 27th (Cancer)
Height: 6'1"
Gender: Genderflux (AFAB) - Presents Femme or Femme-Androgyne
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Fall/Fallself, Sparkle/Sparkleself, Rain/Rainself
Sexuality: Sapphic Femmesexual
Occupation: Princess of Hell, Heiress of Sin, Owner/Operator of the Happy Hotel
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
As Princess of Hell and Heir to the Throne of Sin, Charlie Morningstar has always tried to see the good in every demon around her. She wants nothing more than to guarantee the safety and happiness of all of her people, stretching from Pride all the way down into Sloth. Her cheerful disposition and optimistic outlook on life is refreshing to some and incredibly annoying to others, and it is very hard for her to understand where that line gets crossed. She also struggles with non-verbal social cues, and can’t stand being talked down to.
Cherri Bomb - Demigirl (AFAB) - Polysexual Panromantic
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Name: Cherri Bomb
Nicknames: Cherri, Bomb-Pop
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 27 at Death (Died 1989)
Birthday: December 13th (Sagittarius)
Height: 5’8”
Gender: Demigirl (AFAB) - Presents Femme
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Fuse/Fuseself
Sexuality: Polysexual Panromantic
Occupation: Freelance Arsonist
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Cherri is one of Pentagram City's biggest and loudest party girls. Her high energy lifestyle and tendency to cause carnage got her entangled with Vox, who uses her destruction as a means to make her into a viral sensation. It was through her interactions with the TV Overlord that she met and befriended Angel Dust, and the two became all but glued at the hip to one another.
Despite her inclination towards random acts of pyrotechnic violence, Cherri does have a more calm and caring side to her. Her number one priority is making sure herself and those she calls her friends are safe and well taken care of, even if it means blowing up some of the Vees' public property as a distraction. While she has yet to actually check into the Happy Hotel, she is very supportive of Angel in his attempts to make it through yet another rehab program.
Cherri is a very physically affectionate person, and if she likes you, you'll know it. She tends to lean on people she likes, drapes her arms around people's shoulders, and shows other such displays of closeness when she's comfortable.
Collin - Transmasc (AFAB) - Bicurious Demiromantic Asexual
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Name: Collin
Nicknames: Collie, Collie-Flower
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 20
Birthday: April 19th (Aries-Taurus Cusp)
Height: 1'7"
Gender: Transmasc (AFAB) - Presents Masc
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Cherub/Cherubself
Sexuality: Bicurious Demiromantic Asexual
Occupation: Ex-C.H.E.R.U.B. Employee, Current Occupation Unknown
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Collin is a kind-hearted, generous, albeit timid cherub (ex-cherub now) who wants nothing more than to help souls in need. He is a very physically affectionate and nuzzly person, and struggles with a stutter when overwhelmed or nervous.
(More TBA on him, he’s not fully fleshed out but I’m very excited to get him solid!)
Emily - Agender (AFAB) - Asexual Omniromantic
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Name: Emily
Nicknames: Em, Emmy, E, Mimi
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: Physically 26, Actually 3,000+
Birthday: Technically doesn't have one; celebrates [pending]
Height: 6'1"
Gender: Agender (AFAB) - Presents Feminine
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, We/Us, Divine/Divineself, Joy/Joyself, Seraph/Seraphself
Sexuality: Asexual Omniromantic
Occupation: High Seraphim of Heaven
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
[Bio Pending]
Glam - Cisgender (AFAB) - Asexual Aromantic
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Name: Glam (Glamantha)
Nicknames: Glammy, Glimglam, Clam/Clammy (do NOT use this unless you're Glitz)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 22
Birthday: August 8th (Leo)
Height: 6'3"
Gender: Cisgender (AFAB) - Presents Femme
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Mirror/Mirrorself, Eel/Eelself
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic (unless established otherwise)
Occupation: Half of Mammon's New Brand Babies, Aerial Artist, Performer
[Headcanon Masterlist Pending]
Glamantha, or Glam as she prefers to be called, is a vicious competitive spirit and a cool, controlled, and clever woman. She is incredibly talented, and prides herself on being one of the best performers in Hell. Alongside of her sister Glitz, she constructs and performs acrobatic routines, clown tricks, and has a huge passion for aerial silks.
As a succubus hybrid, one would anticipate Glam to be hypersexual and desire as much intimacy as possible. One would be wrong. Glam is repulsed by the concept of physical intimacy between herself and other people, and only performs sexual acts in order to feed her succubus needs or to market herself and her sister as more stereotypical "Sexy Twins." To her knowledge, she is aromantic; when asked, she simply explains that nobody has ever had enough cash to love her right.
Glam is very outwardly collected, to balance out her sister's manic and hyperactive nature. She rarely smiles, and does not enjoy the sound of her own laughter. Her preferred emotions to display are apathy and judgement; being bitchy makes people more eager to try and please her.
Husk - Cisgender (AMAB) - Pansexual Aromantic
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Name: Husk
Nicknames: Husker, Husky, Spades, Aces
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 75 at Death (Died 1972)
Birthday: November 1st (Scorpio)
Height: 5'8"
Gender: Cisgender (AMAB) - Presents Masc
Pronouns: He/Him, Deal/Dealself, Bet/Betself
Sexuality: Pansexual Aromantic (to his knowledge)
Occupation: Bartender at the Happy Hotel
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Husk is a generally apathetic soul, having lost faith in the ability of any one person to be good after witnessing atrocities during war. Upon arriving in Hell, Husk eagerly resumed in his gambling habits, finding himself winning the only thing that wayward sinners had to bet; their souls. Husk took up residence in one of Hell's many casinos and quickly found himself in a position of massive power.
Power which got to his head and inflated his already top-heavy ego. His games became sloppier, and he slowly began to lose more and more of the accidental influence he had acquired. After years of losses and decline, he was befriended and trapped by Alastor, who won his soul in Husk's last gamble as an Overlord, and now serves him in a state of strange voodoo debt/friendship/whatever you want to call it.
Husk is naturally a very protective person, and often uses his few friendships to rationalize going through the motions of a day. He has always been more inclined to stay undetected; it's easier to swindle people out of their minds and money when you're keeping a low profile.
Husk has a passion for magic tricks, specifically card-based magic. He also has a soft spot for music, although he does not generally like to sing outside of his own room.
Loona - Ferusgender Azurgirl (AFAB) - Panflux Asexual Demiromantic
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Name: Loona
Nicknames: Loonie, Loonie-Toonie, Loony-Tune, LooLoo, Woona, Wooloo, Loon (Ask before using nicknames unless you want to be bitten OR are Blitzø)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 22
Birthday: August 12th (Leo)
Height: 7'2"
Gender: Ferusgender Azurgirl (AFAB) - Presents Femme
Pronouns: She/Her, Woof/Woofself, Wolf/Wolfself, Hound/Houndself, Bitch/Bitchself
Sexuality: Panflux Asexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Receptionist at I.M.P.
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Loona was born to a mother who did not want her and an absent father. Instead of taking the effort to drop her off at the pound in the Pride Ring, Loona's mother left her unwanted pup in a dumpster and simply walked away, reasoning that there were plenty of hungry wrath-coons who would take care of her. She was instead rescued by a strange imp who heard her whimpering and resolved to take her in and at least give her a bath. Loona served as his daughter until she reached the age of 4 and ran away as a form of rebellion after a heated argument over why he'd taken her favorite toy from her. Back on the street, Loona was caught by Hound-Patrol officers and registered into the Hellhound Shelter System.
Loona remained in the Shelter System until the age of 17, just barely 18, passed from home to home, the memories of her caretaker fading at the edges into a hazy reddish blur. Had she ever had a real home? Had she ever been more than just a glorified pet? Maybe the Shelter staff were right about her, maybe she was too violent, too aggressive. Maybe she'd just be a washed up nobody until she died.
Until she was found, finally, by a face she thought she'd imagined. Blitzø, now armed with the proper adoption papers, brought Loona back home with him a few months before her 18th birthday, and has continued to live with Blitzø in a sort of strange father-daughter-but-also-roommates setup. Her surly attitude and harsh exterior keep her safe from strangers, but those who truly know her understand that she is a very passionate and caring individual, if she deems you worth caring about.
Lucifer Morningstar - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Omnisexual Omniromantic
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Name: Lucifer Morningstar
Nicknames: Luci, Lu-Lu, Starfire, Duckie (by romantic partners only)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: Physically 40, Actually 5,000+
Birthday: Technically doesn't have one; celebrates on September 29th
Height: 5'2”
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Sin/Sinself, Damned/Damnedself
Sexuality: Omnisexual Omniromantic
Occupation: Herald King of Pride/Ringmaster of Hell
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Lucifer is, at his core, nothing if but a dramatic bitch. Having been God's favorite, and being subsequently cast out of Heaven for voicing his opinions and quote unquote stubborn beliefs, he knows the power of words and the power of self-image. Luckily for him, he is a wonderful wordsmith and stands firm to his image as the Herald King of Pride and the Grand Ringmaster of all of Hell, presenting and projecting himself as a cocky, confident leader with a taste for dad jokes.
As a father, Lucifer has tried his best to support his daughter, Charlie, and often fears that he's raising his princess wrong due to who raised him. He is a devoted husband to his lovely Lilith, although the two are in a mutually agreed upon open polyamorous relationship; as long as they tell one another who they are seeing, they may find joy in the company of whoever else they wish.
As a sibling figure to the other Sins, Lucifer has the perilous position of balancing the Sins' viewpoints into some semblance of a functional system. He loves them all as family, even if they get on his nerves sometimes when they make stupid decisions, like copying his amusement park in a ring where he could never take proper legal action, Mammon.
Lute - Agender (Female Presenting) - Asexual Aromantic
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Name: Lute
Nicknames: Lieutenant
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: Technically Ageless, Presents Early Thirties
Birthday: Technically doesn't have one; does not celebrate
Height: 7'2"
Gender: Agender (Female Presenting)
Pronouns: She/Her, Arch/Archself, It/Its
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Occupation: Head Exorcist/Exterminator of Heaven, Assistant to Adam
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Lute is Heaven's champion of holy retribution, and serves God and Adam with a twisted righteousness. She has been Adam's second hand ever since Adam was made a higher divine power in Heaven, and was initially crafted with the purpose of serving him in whatever means he chose. However, her true talent became clear when she was first assigned as a soldier to expel sinners from passing through the Gates. When Heaven received news that Hell was facing overpopulation crisis, Lute was among the first to volunteer herself as an Exorcist; an angel who would go down into the sinful abyss and cull as many sinners as was possible in a day.
Since establishing the yearly Extermination Day, Lute has climbed through Heaven's ranks and settled comfortably into the position of Holy Lieutenant.
Moxxie - Cisgender (AMAB) - Bisexual Polycurious Panromantic
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Name: Moxxie Knolastname
Nicknames: Moxx, Ox, Moxmox
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 31
Birthday: May 20th (Taurus-Gemini Cusp)
Height: 4'11"
Gender: Cisgender (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, Imp/Impself
Sexuality: Bisexual Polycurious Panomantic
Occupation: Hitman/Assassin for I.M.P.
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Moxxie is, first and foremost, a lover. Not to say that he can't also be a fighter, he can, and often is. Born into a powerful crime family in the Greed Ring's cleverly named Notamafiatown, Moxxie Knolastname was poised from birth to succeed his father, Crimson Knolastname, and take over as the don of the Knolastname crime empire. Unfortunately for Crimson, Moxxie's mother provided him with nothing but gentle kindness, and attempted to show the young imp the value of empathy.
When Moxxie's mother disappeared, Crimson blamed it on Moxxie for being too soft and unable to hold his own well enough. This pushed Moxxie even further from his father and created a void in Moxxie's life of stable, reliable female figures. During a trip to the Wrath Ring, meant to show the now teenaged Moxxie how to extort property out of what his father called "back-assward horse-fuckers," Moxxie encountered a strong, stunning imp who could very easily turn his little twiggy body into an accordion if she chose. She introduced herself as Mildred, and Moxxie felt his blood turn to butterflies just hearing her voice. He made sure to memorize the address of the farm they'd stopped at before they were chased off the property by Millie's siblings, and the two began a relationship as secret pen pals.
A few weeks before Moxxie was promoted into Crimson's second-in-command, his father discovered his stash of mushy love letters while snooping around his belongings for any stray money. Moxxie was forbidden from contacting Millie, and Moxxie was made to watch in frozen horror as his father tossed each letter one by one into the fireplace. Alone and distraught, Moxxie found himself once again without any sort of figure to give him unconditional safety and love. This led him into a fast, lustful, and passionately sloppy relationship with Chaz, a loan-shark demon who was technically one of his subordinates. The relationship between the two lasted until Chaz abandoned Moxxie to be caught by the police.
Once he escaped from prison with the help of his cell-mate, Blitz, Moxxie retreated to the Wrath Ring and sought shelter at Millie's address. Her parents nearly shot him on sight, but Millie managed to talk her father down and herded the bedraggled ex-mafioso into the safety of her arms. The two migrated to Imp City in the Pride Ring once Moxxie was mentally stable enough for a change in scenery, and the two were married not soon after.
Travis - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Pansexual Demiromantic
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Name: Travis
Nicknames: Trav, Travvy, Schnukums (from Angel Dust only)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 32 at Death (Died 1940's)
Birthday: [to be updated]
Height: 5'10"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Screech/Screechself
Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Valet for the Vees (usually Valentino), Guest Writer and Director for Porn Studios
[Bio Pending]
Vox - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Omnisexual Demiromantic
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Name: Vox
Nicknames: V, Ox Cord (like aux cord)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 41 at Death (Died 1956)
Birthday: October 1st (Libra)
Height: 7'0"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Presents Masc
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Tech/Techself, Screen/Screenself, Control/Controlself, Glitch/Glitchself
Sexuality: Omnisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Overlord of Hell, Owner of Voxtagram, Producer of Technology
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Vox was born in 1915 to a freshly married (and subsequently freshly widowed) mother just as the first World War was gaining momentum. He never met his father, but from the way his mother spoke of him, he idolized him in concept. As a young boy, he was fascinated by the concept of telegrams from an early age, and frequently practiced writing messages in Morse code. This fascination fed into a growing passion for technological advancements, which followed him into Hell after his death.
Vox is a naturally innovative mind, and desires to keep himself five steps ahead of all other advancements in technology. He kept close watch over the development and explosion of the Internet, and brought his own bastardized version of wireless networking into Hell, using his Vi-Fi networks and tracking cookies to log every sinner's data, using that information to catapult himself into Overlord status.
His endless drive and single-minded determination soon garnered the attention of Valentino, an intensely powerful young Overlord who struck a bargain with him to help keep track of Val's employees under the guise of specialty tech. In return, Val and Vox would share their Overlord status and influence with one another. Eventually, they encountered and all but assimilated Velvette into their empire, and the Vees have governed vast swaths of the Pride Ring ever since, with VoxTek's reach only growing by the day.
Zestial Morde - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Demisexual Demiromantic
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Name: Zestial Morde
Nicknames: Zes
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 37 at death (Died 1613)
Birthday: November 13th (Scorpio)
Height: 11'4"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Presents Masc
Pronouns: We/Us, He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Acid/Acidself
Sexuality: Demisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Elder Overlord of Hell; Member of Lucifer's Council
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
[Bio Pending]
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writteninsunshine · 2 years
It’s Never A Dream - One-Sided Blitzo/Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Loona - SFWish
Title: It’s Never A Dream
Author: Keith
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Setting: Blitzo and Loona’s Apartment
Pairing: Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Loona
Characters: Blitzo, Fizzarolli, Loona
Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Family
Rating: T
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 667
Type Of Work: One-Shot
Status: Complete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, Dubcon Kisses, Unwanted Kisses, One-Sided Blitzo/Fizzarolli, Unrequited Love, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, More Comfort Than I Thought Would Happen, Stolas Mention, A/B/O Dynamics, Omegaverse
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Summary: Blitzo never stood a chance whenever he had dreams about his past.
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a writing Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD If you want it, please contact me on Tumblr/Twitter!
Welp, my husband found me a prompt, and here we are! I really wanted to write something for this, and I was hit with the urge so I went ahead and did it. I managed to sit down and do this in one sitting, and I’m proud of getting it all ready pretty quickly. I have other fics to finish/edit, but I’m being a little bit slow on them. I hope y’all are looking forward to it! I’m so surprised that I’m getting any interaction at all, I’m used to writing for small ships/fandoms.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Prepare for some pain, I think.
Helluva Boss Fic Masterlist
It’s Never A Dream
It didn’t even occur to him that anything was wrong here, that things weren’t what they were really meant to be.
Basking in the glory that was a teenaged Fizzarolli, happy and bouncy and playful, Blitzo was happy to laugh and smile with him. Even if f he didn’t recognize their surroundings, it didn’t matter, because they were together again, they were close, they didn’t have the vitriolic poison between them. 
They walked the streets of some old town that hadn’t updated itself for the century, hand in hand as Fizz told him jokes that even he thought were corny. A giggle left the other Alpha, who grinned at him in a way that really showed off that mouth that he was so in love with. Something about it was so perfect, so ripe with a feeling deep within Blitzo’s gut that he couldn’t help himself.
He stopped them, tugging Fizzarolli back by his wrist, then his arm as he pulled him in for a hug. It quickly turned desperate, and he gripped the other clown in a frenzied embrace, trying to stop what he knew was inevitable, now. There was no denying it anymore.
“Blitzo…? You uh, you okay?” Fizzarolli sounded so genuinely confused, but Blitzo didn’t have any words, no answer coming to mind. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t, Blitzo knew less than Fizzarolli did, at this point. He lurched forward suddenly, crashing their lips together without a single thought in his head other than need.
What he hadn’t quite expected was to suddenly be shoved back hard to the ground, Fizz wiping at his mouth with a cold glare. Abruptly, the landscape swirled and distorted around them, and Blitzo seemed to age like he was in a high school to now montage, sitting there on his ass with his knees tented and spread, arms behind him. His tail snapped as Fizzarolli changed with him, becoming the slutty (but not hot!), half-robotic sellout he was, now.
“What the fuck are you doing, Blitz?” Fizzarolli laughed cruelly, a sneer on his lips as he mocked his ex-best friend, “Everyone left you. Even the people who loved you couldn’t wait to get away from you. Can you not see how you’re the problem?”
“Shut the fuck up. You don’t know shit!” But Blitz’s voice quivered and Fizz seemed to take that as an admittance of defeat.
“Ah, so you do know that you’re a failure! You hurt everyone in your life when they don’t compare to your picture-perfect expectations!” The other imp laughed again, deep and guttural as his voice warped into some disfigured, too breathy bubbly of words, like talking underwater, “Nobody loves you, nobody will ever love you because you can’t stand being confi–”
Shooting up on the couch, Blitzo let out a loud, broken shriek only for it to turn to a groan of pain when his head connected with Loona’s with a loud crack.
“Satan’s tits, Blitz!” Loona howled, reeling back with her hand on her snout, the eye closest to the injury closed tightly. Blitz was busy rubbing his own forehead, glancing up at her with tears still in his eyes, “What the fuck!?”
“...S-Sorry, Loony.” He murmured, voice quiet and cracking in the middle. The Hellhound’s tail tucked a little, her ears tipped back, and she shook her head.
“You were crying in your sleep again.” She offered softly, almost somber, and he hated it. He hated that she saw him like this, he hated that he was a goddamn mess lately, and he hated that he wanted to lash out, to make her leave. He didn’t want to prove that nightmare bastard right.
Nobody will ever love you because you can’t stand being what? Confident? Configured? Confi-gruent? He couldn’t put his finger on the word that he must have meant, and he hated that he’d cut it off there.
Loona sighed when he didn’t respond, setting a bottle of water and a box of tissues on the floor next to the couch. Pulling the blanket she’d brought out of his room off the back of the couch, she moved to tuck the imp into ‘bed,’ hoping to help soothe him. Much as she didn’t like his overwhelming attention most times, she did care for him.
“Do you want to watch TV or something?” She asked, trying on her usual voice. Blitz, thoroughly swaddled into the soft blanket off of his bed, just nodded wordlessly, scooting into a sitting position with his knees up. He looked rather like an odd caterpillar scooching around like that, and she smirked as she grabbed the remote and turned on some mind-numbing gossip show. 
She had to change the channel when something about Stolas came on and he flinched so hard she felt it beside her. Scooting over again and leaning into her, Blitz stopped her on a channel with old kids’ shows on it. Closing his eyes as he listened to the basic, easy puzzles on screen, he felt vaguely safe hiding in a show he watched as a kid, even if more memories of Fizzarolli filled his mind. It didn’t take long for him to fall back asleep, and she was glad to hold him through some easier dreams.
Despite this, when he woke up, he was resolute. He wouldn’t push Loona away, he needed her, and he hoped that she would need him, too.
AN: My husband saw this prompt and sent it to me, and I absolutely had to do something with it with these two. I couldn’t help myself, I hope you guys enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing this.
Prompt: “Everyone left you. Even the people who loved you couldn’t wait to get away from you. Can you not see how you’re the problem?”
“Shut the fuck up. You don’t know shit.” - From @prompts-in-a-barrel
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campbell-rose · 11 months
Helluva Rewrite (s1e8)
Okay, so I'm insane and got this sudden urge to rewrite Helluva Boss and redesign the cast. I ended up with a full rewrite of episode eight and the design of a brand new character and thought I might as well post it rather than leave it to rot on a word doc lol. Okay, context before hand. Beelzebub is no longer a hellhound fox sparkledog thing. I’ve split the character into Beelzebub, the ruler of Gluttony, and Cerberus who takes the role as Vortex’s gf without fucking over the worldbuilding. Loona is now an actual teenager, only 17 and was adopted by Blitzo very recently in this retelling so she’s still wary of him a bit. I think that’s it, so here is my reworking! 
Loona is terrified. She shows up to the party and is visibly shaken, but immediately brightens up when Vortex calls out to her. 
When Vortex introduces Loona, he notices she’s uncomfortable from the attention and apologizes, then offers to get her a drink to help her relax. 
The second Loona is alone, she has the confrontation with that poodle bitch. Changes in order: 
The Poodle approaches Loona rather than Loona butting into a conversation. She goes “O-M-G. Loona?” and when Loona turns around, she starts getting really mean. 
The Poodle and Loona grew up in the same pound but the poodle left first (incorporate somehow into the conversation) 
Okay, the Poodle is like “Wow, you must’ve finally gotten too old to stay in the pound, you know, since you were such a lunatic nobody wanted you! Can’t relate lol.” 
Loona gets aggro at the lunatic comment, and the Poodle whips out her phone like “woah, careful you’re looking like Lunatic Loona again!” 
‘Lunatic Loona’ comes from Loona getting aggressive at an adoption fair and biting people. She was branded as aggressive and hard to work with and it followed her. The Poodle has a picture of Loona looking rabid. 
Loona is visibly upset then masks it with anger. (Lots of hounds are gathering to watch b/c they are getting loud) she makes a rebuttal like “I’m surprised someone wanted you considering you’re such a massive bitch!” *in this rewrite, it is established that bitch is a cruel term used against hellhounds 
Vortex swoops in the second Poodle squares up (bc she squares up in this after being called a bitch) and calms it down. 
Loona is visibly upset and fidgety. She looks in her drink and notices a fly drowning in the liquid. A couple scenes to show hellhounds she tries to interact with are wary of her and are pointing and whispering about her being crazy. 
Now, enter Beelzebub. Note: Beelzebub will be a bee demon and no longer Votex’s gf, rather that will fall onto a new character! Beelzebub does her song with her pet, Cerberus acting as her hypeman! 
Loona is more in awe during the song than anything else, and starts to seem to be enjoying herself. She dances with Vortex and thinks for a moment he’s flirting with her 
When the song ends, Cerberus rushes Vortex, spins him around and squeals about the song and the party. She notices Loona and basically has the same dialogue Bee had in the episode. When Vortex says this is my girlfriend, Loona is visibly stunned. She repeats the word and Cerberus nods and covers Vortex in kisses. *in this rewrite, it wasn’t mentioned during Vortex and Loona’s first meeting that he had a gf. While this takes away from Vortex being a more aware character, this is a change for the sake of better drama imo 
Loona is mortified and feels like a moron for flirting with a guy with a gf, and her night has already been shitty and embarrassing enough. She goes outside and texts/calls Blitzo. 
While waiting on the curb for Blitzo, a hellhound approaches her. He’ll be the stand in for the guy that’s like ‘oh no, the hottie is leaving?’. He comes up and goes “Loona?” and she’s immediately on edge and snaps at him. Then she recognizes that he is another hound she knew from the pound. They talk 
She apologizes for being on edge, she’s just had a shitty night. He knows, he saw, Poodle got adopted by a Greed demon and was spoiled rotten ever since 
He compliments her and says she looks nice. He’s never seen her look anything other than miserable or angry. She says he seems adjusted enough. He says he didn’t get adopted, he aged out, so he kind of had to learn how to adjust or die in the fighting pits *expanded on later*
Another pause. He says he’s sorry for how he treated her back then, he was miserable and angry and he took it out on her. Loona shakes her head and replies that she was hardly better, then softly adds that she still isn’t. He points out that they’ve managed to have a conversation for a minute without someone getting bitten, so that’s got to count as an improvement. 
Blitzo pulls in, making both of them jump. He asks Loona if she’s alright and if she wants to leave now and to hop in. The hellhound she was talking too is sad at that and says that she should stay because the party just started. Loona stands between them for a moment before suggesting to Blitzo that he come into the party with her. Blitzo says no because he’s had a really shit night and can’t do partying right now. Enter the imp from before. Scene is generally the same, except Blitzo recognizes the other imp and calls them by name so they aren’t some unnamed nobody. 
The scene of Blitzo doing a kegstand is the same, but Cerberus and Vortex are watching with Loona as well. Beelzebub (again, a separate character from the dog thing in the show and Cerberus) offers her challenge *Cerberus brings in the booze rather than Tex to indicate servitude 
Beelzebub is now a bit less of a nice girl. She doesn’t stop halfway through the contest and stare at Blitzo all concerned. Once he beats her she gets super pumped and takes him off on her shoulders. The next few scenes are Blitzo doing shit (chugging drinks, breaking the disco ball, busting some of the honey tubes in the background, causing general choas and constantly drinking) all the while being egged on by Beelzebub. 
Loona finds a small group of friends to talk to along with that other hellhound she first talked to. Then Cerberus asks if she can talk to her in private. In this Cerberus says what Bee originally said in the episode, minus seeing auras. She says that Beelzebub can sense when people are wrecked and can’t help herself. She makes people and demons indulge in their misery and sins until they can’t move, and feeds off of their energy. Blizto is basically a buffet. Loona is a little defensive, but doesn’t insult Cerberus or upset her. 
Loona finds Blitzo in the middle of yet another drinking contest, currently chugging before throwing up into his cup and saying he hasn’t lost yet and is about to drink the puke. Loona pulls him away and notes that he’s a fucking mess and that what he’s doing isn’t okay. Beelzebub mentions that she’s being a party pooper, but Loona is too concerned with Blitzo to care 
They leave the party. Loona waves at the hellhound boy she talked to, and is shown pocketing a number written on a napkin. 
I’m keeping the vomit joke and taking out the moments of Loona calling Blitzo dad, as in this she has only been with him for a short while and doesn’t really know him like that. 
Since this episode would be before season two, this is the first indication of Loona’s past, talking about the pound and shit, and also showcases her being more sensitive and capable of having fun and interacting with people other than her dad and her coworkers. I’m no Shakespeare but I tried my best with what Viv and team laid out including the terrible whiplash humor (i'm talking about you dildo scene)
Now, art!
This is my rework of Loona, i wanted her to be more of an edgy emo girl since that's been Viv style for decades
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And this is what i came up for Cerberus! I'm struggling with colors, so I might color them and post it later if i feel like it. Cerberus will either be colored like one of Viv's drawings of JayJay or like Queen Bee when she has the superior color pallet with yellows and oranges.
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Debating if hellhounds should wear clothes in this rework because i'm doubling down on them being essentially pets and sentient dogs
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Welcome to Is Your Blorbo a Bottom?
This is a polling blog to vote if you favorite characters are a bottom, top, or switch!
Submission rule
- please only characters 18+
- please give me characters name and what they are from
- only one character per ask (you can submit as many as you want just separate them into their own asks)
- check under the cut for any characters already submitted
Please submit all your favorite characters!
Characters submitted in alphabetical order (by first name)
Anakin Skywalker- Star Wars
Astarion- Baldur’s Gate 3
Blitzø- Helluva Boss
Bucky Barnes- the MCU
Castiel- Supernatural
Chris Redfield- Resident Evil
Cole- Lego Ninjago
Crowley- good omens
Dean Winchester- supernatural
Death- Discworld
Double Trouble- She-Ra
Eleanor Shellstrop- The Good Place
Gale Dekarios - Baldur's Gate 3
Gallagher - Honkai Star Rail
Greg House- House MD
Hawks from My Hero Academia
Isami Ao- Bang Brave Bang Bravern
Jace Beleren- Magic the Gathering
Janus Sanders- Sanders Sides
Jolyne Cujoh- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Kazi- The Dragon Prince
Keiji Shinogi- Your Turn to Die
Keith Kogane- Voltron
Lammio- the Unknown Soldier
Laois- dungeon meshi
Leonard Church- Red vs Blue
Leone Abbacchio - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Loona- Helluva Boss
Lucien La'chance- Oblivion
Lucifer- Hazbin Hotel
macaque- lego monkie kid
maglor- the silmarillion
Merlin- BBC Merlin
Miles Edgeworth- Ace Attorney
Needles- The Magnus Protocol
Nori Doorman- Murder Drones
Oko- Magic the Gathering
Optimus Prime- Transformers: Prime
PIXAL- Lego Ninjago
Prince Sidon from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Quentin Coldwater- The Magicians
Reiner Braun- attack on titan
Rei Suwa- Buddy Daddies
Rikiel- jojos bizarre adventure
ryomen sukuna- jujutsu kaisen
Sampo Koski - Honkai Star Rail
Senshi- Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi
Seth Gordon- All For The Game
Shin Tsukimi- Your Turn to Die
Stolas - Helluva Boss
The Lamb - Cult of the Lamb
The tenth Doctor - Doctor Who
Tomura Shigaraki - My Hero Academia
Vash the Stampede- Trigun
Virgil Sanders- Sanders Sides
Vox- Hazbin hotel
Will Halstead- Chicago Med
William Birkin- Resident evil 2
Wolf on the Cookie Crisp Cereal Box
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ssaakuraaa · 2 years
stray kids reaction !
stray kids reaction to seeing your ex in public
a/n : i have returned lovies !! i watched the black phone & now i’m obsessed😭 i’ve been rly obsessed w/ the actor who plays bruce (tristan pravong)- also thinking abt adding more groups 2 this blog !! lemme know :))
songs to listened to / listen to these songs while reading : moon - dosii,, moon - gidle,, moonlight - neonpunch,, oxygen - twice,, pado - bibi,, pale blue dot - loona,, palette - iu
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— C H A N :
puts his arms around your shoulders as you walk past
kisses your head, cheeks, etc to let them know that you’re his
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— M I N H O :
protection mode : activated
keeps you close as possible
arm around your waist as you walk past them
won’t hesitate to give you a couple of kisses in front of them
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— C H A N G B I N :
gives them dirty looks
wants them to know you’re his, so he leaves a few kisses on your head, cheeks & maybe your neck
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— H Y U N J I N :
kinda pouty
watches them as you guys walk past
relaxed when he noticed that they didn’t see you
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— J I S U N G :
confidently walks past them with his arm around you
still kinda nervous, he just doesn’t show it or tell you
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— F E L I X :
makes eye contact with them
holding your hand
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— S E U N G M I N :
holds your hand
doesn’t even really notice💀
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— J E O N G I N :
making sure they know that you’re much happier now
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enjoy a adorable cat <33
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jackie0lantern · 11 months
Hey hey! I’m a 16 y/o who’s writing smut out of spite!
Who I write for!
Aged up!Miles
Miguel O’Hara
Peter b Parker
 Benjamin Reilly (I mean if you into that.)
Rio and Jeffery (I feel like these guys would probably be a package deal.)
Who I won’t-
Gwen (fucking hate Gwen.)
Mayday. That’s a baby ya weirdos.
Hazbin hotel/helluva-
Angel dust
Charlie/vagi again with the package deals
Sally may
Who I won’t-
Beelzebub (idk why but nah. No hate!!)
Who I won’t-
Varg. (full hate for this dude.)
Norm spellmen
Jake and his wife package deal.
Aged up!neteyam
Aged up!loak
Aged up!rotxo
And anybody after that.
Who I won’t write for-
Tuk. Leave her along 
Tmnt 2014-2026
(That’s it for now my request are open!)
Key emojis.
Platonic- 💛
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countycashew54 · 2 days
The Moments We Missed
A/N: Second ever fic, please lemme know if you love it or if you absolutely hate it! All feed back is good feedback! This is essentially another "cast watch the show" fic because there aren't enough in the hellaverse! Focus is on Stolitz, but will shift to others depending on the episode! If you guys like it I will get to work on the next chapter ASAP! Enjoy!
The last thing Blitz remembered was falling asleep on his couch with a bottle of beelzejuice and imphub to keep him company. Waking up to a room full of everyone he’s ever met, plus a royal chicken wasn’t what he expected to say the least. 
“Blitzy! Oh darling, are you alright?” Stolas and Octavia were kneeling next to him with the rest of IMP alongside them.
“Ugh yeah I’m fine Stolas. Now where in satan’s taint am I and why the fuck am I here with them?” He gathered his surroundings as Stolas lifted him off the ground and into his arms, gesturing to Verosika and Fizzarolli.
“As if I would choose to be near you, Blitzoo. None of us know how we got here, we were starting to think you were up to something considering how long it took you to pull your limp dick self off the pavement,” Verosika was sneering at him, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus behind her. 
“Oh Yeah! Yeah, that makes perfect sense! I would definitely drug myself and all of you just to lock us into,,, wait what the fuck is this? A fucking theatre? ‘Someone making us watch their kinky home movies? I’m not saying no..”
“Well it wouldn’t be so far off for you to meddle and fuck with other people’s lives, now would it BlitzO?” Fizzarolli was chiming in now, glaring into Blitz’s face. 
“Enough! B, we ain’t got a clue where we are or what happened, but this won’t help. Hate each other all you want once we get outta here yeah?” Millie and Moxxie had stepped in between the group. Loona and Octavia standing off beside Blitz and Stolas, who had slowly started to tighten his hold onto the imp. 
“I agree,” Stolas spoke up, “Sire, you’ve previously attempted to force your way through the walls without any give, but could we possibly portal through? My magic is dampened here, I can feel it.”
“Mine is too, but let me try Birdy” Ozzie held out a hand for a moment, when nothing happened he began to hold out a second, slowly pulling them apart to create- sparkles?
“Wow that was anticlimactic as fuck” 
“Shut it Mutt, at least he’s trying to help! Unlike some of you!” 
Their yelling was cut off and the little lighting they had in the room disappeared, and the wall with a screen came to life. They all turned.
Text appeared on screen, Moxxie reading it outloud:
“SIT. YOU’VE BEEN GATHERED TO WATCH THE FUTURE LIVES OF TWO INDIVIDUALS. THE ACTIONS TAKEN AFTER WATCHING THESE KEY MOMENTS IN THEIR FUTURES WILL CHANGE THE ENTIRETY OF HELL AS WE KNOW IT- wait who is running this? And how do we know the clips following are true? And if they are true how did they get them in the first pl-”
“Moxxie shut the fuck up.”
“Blitzy I think it would be best if you get your little imp friends and your hellhound to have a seat, in fact all of us should at least see what these videos have to offer. Especially considering we have no way to escape through the use of King Asmodeus’ and my own powers”
“Fine, guys, let's get this over with. We have too many clients to keep standing here doing dick. I wonder who’s so important to Hell’s future they gotta grab us outta our fucking lives for it.”
The groups all took their seats, watching as the screen changed to a new set of text, “I’M GLAD YOU ASKED. THE STARS OF THIS FEATURE HAPPEN TO BE IN THIS ROOM.”
“Wait WHAT? Who’s lives are we watching? This is an invasion of privacy and completely unprofessional to be doing with our boss, much less a king and prince of hell-”
“Moxx stop kissing ass I wanna see what’s so important”
“Come on hun it’ll be alright, besides who says it involves us specifically huh? Let’s just see”
Verosika leaned over, “You need to get a hold of yourselves, if it’s gonna be about anyone it’s gonna be someone that can change major shit in hell. Probably Asmodeus and Princey here.”
“Oh shit feathers what’d you do?” Blitz and the rest of the room was looking to him now, 
“I-I-I have no-o clue! I would never do anything to harm hell! I’m a prince!” Stolas’s breathing was picking up, his thoughts were racing, he was hyperventilating.
Stolas didn’t know what to do, but the next thing he knew there was a tightening on his hand and around his leg. When he looked down Blitz had wrapped his tail around his thigh and was holding his hand in both of his, yelling at him to breathe, to snap out of it. Octavia was holding his other hand telling him it’ll be okay. As he looked into her eyes he reminded himself that he is the parent, he’s supposed to remain sane for her, be calm for her.
As he calmed himself he reminded everyone, “I don’t know what they’re speaking of, but I know that the only way we find out is to watch. If it holds any truth I will learn from the future and fix my mistakes.” He squeezed Blitz’s hand and gave him a small smile, which was returned briefly before the imp looked away and lessened his hold on him. Via slowly let go as well, nervously plucking at her headfeathers.
“Aw fuck me! What did I do- Shit what can I do? I’m just an imp! I couldn’t fuck up Hell!”
Fizz and Verosika were thrilled with the news, the clown cackling, “AHA if an imp could it would be you wouldn’t it BLITZO!” 
With that, the text disappeared and a female voice took over.
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YAAAY NEW TAG GAME!! I was tagged by @octopus-fem for the "song for every url letter" game, this is gonna be a long one with 22 letters though 😅 I'm gonna put this below the cut so I don't take over everyone's dash
M - Money Power Glory by Lana Del Rey
A- Agitate by Reol
D - Danqing by Yaorenmao
E - Eve, Psyche & Bluebeard's Wife by Le Sserafim
M - Mago by Gfriend
O - Oblivion by Grimes
I - Iron by Woodkid
S - Se mettre sur son trente-et-un, Genshin Impact OST
E - Everything Matters by Aurora
L - Love Dive by Ive
L - LVLY by Kep1er
E - ETA by NewJeans
C - Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine
R - Ryoshima Coast, Ōkami OST
A - Aria by Susumu Hirasawa
B - Butterfly by Loona
A - Antichlorobenzene by Garuna
L - Love is Onomatopoeia by Pinocchiop
E - Ensemble Orléans by Joruzin
T - Tokio Funka (ver Evo+) by Takamatt
T - The Poem For Everyone's Souls, Persona 4 OST
A - Any Angle by Noa
Whew! I never realized how few of the songs I like start with an E...
I'm tagging @thetrueism, @covetouscreaturee, @pixshi, @radlymona, @womenshallrise, @fureiya, and @bicuriousmuppet for this game + anyone who wants to join! (if you want of course)
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Rewriting helluva boss episodes: ALL PARTS
Season one remains unchanged.
The Circus:
The concept of this episode works. However having Stolas and Blitzo know each other from childhood doesn’t make sense for their relationship. Also, Stella’s character is weakened as a villain here.
The episode starts in the same way- introducing young stolas- minus Stella’s introduction. We then cut to Blitzo preparing for a show. We get to see some brief interactions, and then he goes on. Blitzo doesn’t meet Stolas, and he only makes a quick cameo at the actual show. Fizz and Blitzo have there interaction as is, but instead of leaving to meet stolas the scene just cuts back to him. Stolas has another interaction with his father. He is then introduced to Stella. They quickly become friendly, if not awkward with one another. They’re both enjoying their time till it’s revealed they are arranged to get married. They react on different levels of shock. This scene cuts, and directly transition into Stella and Stolas, the night they meets Blitzø. Stolas and Stella are shown to have a cold relationship, but with an element of care still existing. They’re unhappy, but not miserable. Moxie and Blitzo show up to the party, ready to fill an assassination job (assuming Millie hasn’t joined imp yet). While sneaking through a window, Stolas catches Blitz’s eye. Moxie then explains how Stolas is the current holder of the Grimoire. This prompts an idea from Blitz. Moxie is sent off to compete the job on his own. From this point on the episode is the same. Blitz still makes the deal with Stolas, and the gilded cage scene is unchanged.
Seeing stars:
This completely ignores the events at Ozzie’s, making the continuity really off. It makes the story messy. Also, having three separate plots is completely unnecessary.
The episode opens the same, with young Octavia. We then cut to IMP preparing for a job. Ocativa steals the grimoire, without IMP noticing. As there about to leave, Moxxie notices the grimoire is gone. Blitz calls Stolas thinking he broke the contract, due to Ozzie’s. Stolas realizes Octavia took it and left to the human realm. He promises to give the grimoire back, only if IMP helps find Octavia. Stolas arrives, and there’s a tense tone between him and Blitzo. He’s only there because he has to be. Stolas sends Moxie and Millie off to complete the job, and they disappear into b plot land. Loona then decides to come, after sympathizing with Octavia. The Brandon Rogers scene remains close to normal. Stolas and Blitzo still have a strong tension between them. When they are put in the van, they have a moment that reconciles this and indirectly address their issues. We then cut to Moxxie and Millie on there way to the job. Nothing significant happens, but their song can go here if necessary. We then cut back to Stolas and Blitzo. Stolas gives his pep talk to Blitzo, which makes them warm up to each other further. Stolas laughs at Blitzos jokes, which makes both of them happy. Blitzos flashback and the fight scene stays as is. Blitzo then points out the fact that in the chaos Loona disappeared, and no further effort was made to find Octavia. They begin to panic, and run off to find them. It cuts to Loona finding Octavia. The scene between the two girls proceeds as normal, with Blitzo and Stolas running in at the end. If time allows for it, this’ll be a cut to M&M. They’re in the middle of the job, which leads to a mini fight scene. The ending is the same.
Exes and O’s:
Personally, I’d just cut this episode. But if a Moxxie backstory is necessary to the story, this is a way to work it in.
IMP revisits an old villain from any past epsiode. While mid-battle a comment triggers Moxxie into a PTSD attack. This cuts into a flashback, similar to the one in episode. Not only does this explain his family life, it shows how Moxie met Blitzo and Millie. Blitzo mets Moxie after he runs away from home, rather then in prison. This episode has a B plot of Blitzo tracking down Chaz, after learning he’s the ex of both moxie and Millie. When Blitzo does find Chaz, he gives it a second thought due to Stolas.
Western Energy:
Yet again, having three plots run alongside each other is unnecessary. The tone is also off. The two main villains of the show seem like completely jokes in this episode.
The episode opens the same. Stella is more logical with her actions, making more rational sense when discussing her plan. The kidnapping and phone call are the same. We stay with Moxie and Millie rather then following Blitzo. They have a quick interaction in the car, which leads into the gas station scene. They’re roles are swapped- Moxie does the talking, Millie does the fighting. This cuts into a more intense version of the Striker song. He interacts with Stolas, in a more threatening way. This makes Stolas realize he’s actually in danger. We see the Stella scene as is. This brings us to the Blitzo waiting room scene. After this, is the fight scene. The lead up to this is almost the same, with less humor. The fight isn’t split between the two plots, only focusing on Striker. When the hospital scene begins, there’s a quick gag explaining what happened with Blitz and Loona. The ending is the same from this point forth.
This is all at no hate to the show!! I have nothing but respect and appreciation for most to the Helluva team.
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 1 year
Reasons why Loona does care about Blitz as a dad:
Pilot episode:
Blitz mentions that I.M.P are a family and that family doesn’t get left behind (pretty sure he stole that from Lilo and Stitch, but okay Blitz, you do you 😆)
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Loona ALMOST called Blitz “dad” (as if THIS indication wasn’t big enough! If you didn’t care or respect your guardian why would call them dad?)
Loona, despite disobeying Blitz’s orders instantly but decided to trust him and wait, until Millie overruled her. She does have at least some respect for him.
* Not to mention that she refers to him as “Blitz” not “Blitzo” (despite announcing that the ‘o’ is silent every time he introduces himself)
1x07 - Part 1 (Blitz’s POV)
• Whilst it’s not exactly familial Loona had left a letter for Blitz — platonically calling him 'B' — saying that she’d be out late and not to wait up for her
1x08 - Part 2 (Loona’s POV):
• Loona's first instinct was to call Blitz (when she had the options of calling anyone else other than her adoptive father) 🥹
• Loona practically begged Blitz - unnaturally acting more like a daughter wanting to go to a concert, I might add, to go with the hellhound she was crushing on - to go give the party another shot
* To me Blitz’s presence gave Loona the fortification (pun intended) to give the event another shot — almost like a metaphorical hand holding thing for emotional support — either that or she changed her mind because of the hellhound, but I’d like to think it was because of the former)
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• Loona encourages Blitz to a drinking game - as the supportive daughter she is - and yells out "YEAH THAT'S MY DAD!"
• Loona berates Vortex & Bee saying that they didn't know her adoptive father as she did
* I mean when you love someone in general, — especially when you live with them whether it’s family or romantically involved — it’s hard not know all the good and the bad — so to me this tells me that Loona does actually care about her dad and isn’t afraid to tell other people aggressively to butt out especially when it comes to family business
• Loona tended to Blitz and his drunkenness — as one would like an actual daughter — despite being annoyed with his impulsivity and it’s consequences behind it
• Loona directly calls Blitz “Dad” whilst he was in a blitzed — I’m sorry I just had to use this opportunity — state before telling him to go “the fuck to sleep” 😂
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• Loona showed both times— one witnessed by Vortex & Bee and another directly to Blitz — that she knew her father better than anyone else
* If you honestly have no interest in being a family member to someone you wouldn’t even say something like that or even ask in for concern , knowing full well they do “do you need to puke” and then chuckle softly with a “yeah you do”
• Loona even looked after Blitz by getting him some water and even talking to him kindly rather than be aggressive which soon ended when pulled she told him “to go the fuck to sleep” (😆)
Loona was actually shocked (at first at the “tough love” THEN she worried about Blitz replacing her as a daughter— you could literally see and feel the hurt on her face when he said that he actually might replace her — than a employee (because, hey, you can replace a receptionist, but ya can’t replace your daughter)
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• Also, might I point out, that you can’t get upset if you don’t care about someone. (Sarcasm) How fun is miscommunication 👍🏻😃
* Something that Blitz definitely seems to have a common pattern with both Stolas and Loona — the two people he deeply cares about but won’t say it directly to them — in regards of not communicating properly. Coincidence? I think not 😏)
Loona has the “Sleep Pillz” app on her phone, theoretically, for Blitz and track (?) his sleeping schedule (if it’s out of whack or something)
* Again why would she have this app if she genuinely didn’t CARE about her adoptive father? 🥹
(Or who knows maybe it’s the other way around 😂)
When Loona told Octavia to cut her dad some slack and that “dads fuck up all the time, but it doesn’t mean they don’t care”
* Whilst, yes, she was referring to Stolas a little bit, she was also referring (discreetly because it wasn’t about her, it was about Octavia) to Blitz since she looked at the I.M.P logo on her lighter; which NOT only has his image on it. But, it also was referring to his business which is associated with him since he’s, y’know, the founder of the whole thing; talk about a double whammy!
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After Blitz tried to hug Loona — after hitting him with the grimoire in the face — she gave him a slight daughterly smile (after returning to her — calling her his “sweet, baby girl” — and that he never wanted to replace her ever again)
* Then she smiled AGAIN when Blitz answered her her question whilst filming the fireworks - really this was such a wholesome “Stolitz family” episode. I LOVE it!
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• Blitz rejected to come help Stolas and had prioritised his daughter to take Loona to the hospital for her shot (which, if she wasn’t so scared at the time, would have probably secretly appreciated it)
• Loona was comfortable enough to be scared in front of Blitz — normally you would want to become vulnerable in front of someone you know you can trust and care about — when it came to getting her hellbies shot, which earned her a soft paternalistic reaction
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• NA
• NA
• Ironically, both Blitz and Loona as teenagers, had the same taste in spiky chokers
Although, Loona was already wearing hers by the time Blitz (as an adult) came to adopt her; so couldn’t possibly inherit the accessory from his adolescent days
* Even when reassuring Fizz of his talents, Blitz had given him a similar expression as Loona had with Octavia in 2x02 “Seeing Stars”
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Talk about sheer coincidences!
2x12 (Finale):
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findroleplay · 11 months
hello! 19, any pronouns, looking for 18+ kpop discord roleplay partners. preferred long term & people that also want to be friends. >_<
i love to roleplay with txt, zb1, nct, loona, le sserafim, and many other groups.
i’m okay with ocs and tend to prefer using them as building a universe is part of the fun! we can make a plot or au together, but some of my favourites are college, idolverse, a/b/o, fantasy and many more!
i write literate, usually 2-3 paragraphs. i can match your style.
please interact with this post and i’ll reach out to you.
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hyjcvnt · 7 months
- will mostly write idol x reader
- i won't write male!reader (i'm just not comfortable with it)
- requests and asks are always open!
- please do not yell at me if it takes me a while to get to a request i am trying my best <3
- i am not obligated to answer an ask if it makes me uncomfortable!
who i write for (in more detail)
- dreamcatcher (ot7)
- loona (ot12)
- le sserafim (ot5; no eunchae nsfw)
- aespa (ot4)
- ive (ot6; no leeseo nsfw)
- red velvet (ot5)
- twice (ot9)
- clc (ot7)
- chungha
- alexa
- taeyeon
- sunmi
what's okay to request:
these apply to both longer written works like imagines, headcanons and smaus, and smaller works like drabbles or thoughts about an idea <3
- fluff of all descriptions
- light angst
- hurt/comfort
- suggestive content (if the idol is not a minor)
- idol x reader
- idol x idol x reader
- idol x idol (not a preference, but i'll still do it)
- toys
- overstimulation
- edging
- choking
- slight bdsm; blindfolding, bondage, domsub dynamics, spanking, maybe more if i can think of them
- semi-public play
- cunnilingus
- corruption
- both monogamy and polyamory
- g!p (although i can't promise it'll be good)
- food play
- literally anything else i think (unless otherwise specified)
what's not okay to request:
things i'm simply not comfortable with writing - sorry!
- death of any kind
- male!idol/male!reader
- sado-masochist dynamics
- fluid play (maybe piss kink but nothing else)
- noncon/cnc
- a/b/o (i literally know nothing about this)
- knife play/literally any type of lethal weaponry
- mommy/daddy kink
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mrkspo · 4 months
são oito da manhã e eu tô sem nada pra fazer então vou fazer uma lista de alguns dos melhores álbuns de ggs do kpop 🤷🏻‍♀️
• Pink Tape - f(x) quem nunca ouviu esse álbum OUÇA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL, ele é praticamente uma bíblia de como fazer um ótimo álbum de kpop, simplesmente icônico desde músicas ao conceito, ele é um daqueles álbuns que vc vai ouvir e vai parar em outro lugar, um outro universo, um universo mais divertido e colorido, Step andou para que ETA podesse correr. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Signal, Pretty Girl girl e Shadow
• The Perfect Red Velvet (Repackage) - Red Velvet preciso dizer mais alguma coisa? é o red velvet, apenas isso. esse álbum é a representação perfeita de como fazer um álbum de r&b e ainda colocar diferentes detalhes e estilos. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Perfect 10, Moonlight Melody e Look
• REBOOT - Wonder Girls quer voltar pro passado que você não viveu? ouça o reboot, sério, não tenho nem mais oq falar só sei que esse álbum é maravilhoso dms e é uma ótima experiência. recomendação de músicas do álbum: I Feel You, Rewind e OPPA
• Mix&Match - LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE se você vive numa pedra — ou só n gosta de gg — vc provavelmente nunca ouviu a preciosidade que esse álbum é, ele é tipo uma pérola, n sei explicar mas é como eu vejo esse álbum, uma pérola. ele te leva pro mundo do oec, do loona, te deixa numa realidade totalmente paralela ali e vc fica fascinado. esse álbum é a perfeita representação do dreampop, é isso, nós amamos dreampop. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Uncover, Sweet Crazy Love e LOONATIC
• <ↀ> - TripleS LOVElution bem recente comparado aos outros álbuns da lista, o TripleS é particularmente um grupo bem recente, mas mesmo com uma discografia pequena elas já tem músicas de muita boa qualidade e eu diria que o som delas lembra até um pouco o loona (detalhe: elas são produzidas pelo mesmo produtor do loona, ent eu vejo similaridades). é um álbum pra vc se jogar, tem músicas pra vc dançar q nem louca (tipo Girls' Capitalism, e eu amo o clipe dessa música) e tbm pra vc dar uma relaxada (com Seoul Sonyo Sound). é um álbum que já está no meu coração e um grupo que já estou de olho tem tempo. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Seoul Sonyo Sound, Speed Love e Black Soul Dress
é isso amores, um xero 😘
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jhjluvs · 7 months
guidelines !
what content i post: mostly smut scenarios, one-shots, fics, occasional socmed aus or fake texts posts.
byf/dni: treasure or suju fans, transphobes, lesbiphobes, racists, other generally hateful ppl dnfi i don’t want u on my blog. minors dni as well (interactions with fluff posts are ok tho just be aware most of my posts are nsfw & not for u!!). also i’m sometimes sex repulsed bc of my asexuality so i may take a break from writing smut/nsfw if it starts to make me uncomfy. i struggle with some mental health issues too so pls be patient with me :3
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tropes/kinks i will write: gn or f!/m!reader, fluff, sub! or dom!reader, chubby reader, titfucking, poly, watersports/omorashi/piss lol, choking, somno, bdsm, mommy/daddy kinks (incl. mdlg/ddlg), fauxcest & stepcest, cnc & dubcon, (light) fearplay/painplay, g!p idol, wlw/mlm, spit, degradation, praise, dumbification, biting, oral, (light) impact play.
kinks/tropes/etc i won’t write: non-con/r*pe, scat, feet, primal play, knotting / a/b/o, vore, skinny reader, vomit, eating disorders, self harm/suicide/death/body horror, actual incest or pedophilia.
feel free to send me an ask if there’s smth not listed here u want me to write just send me and ask n i’ll be happy to consider it :3
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groups i write for: boynextdoor (no woonhak), got7, sserafim (no eunchae), loona, nct (all units except wish), riize ot7, txt, zb1 legal line (no yujin).
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
happy holidays! i was wondering if i could get a stardew valley match up when you get the chance☆
basic info: I'm female but go by any pronouns, Bisexual w/ preference for woman and go by Loona/looney.
Personality: my MBTI is INTP, i'm a fairly chill, sweet person and get along with plenty of friend groups, i tend to use humor to warm up to people a lot, in a friend group i'm usually the "aunt friend", i'm not chaotic but i can be a little reckless when hanging out with people i know well lmao.
looks: i'm 5'1" with slight muscular body, round face, short wavy black hair with bangs, occasionally i'll wear a bindi when i remember (Hindu practise) and i LOVE lash extensions, i dress in a very 90's-2000's casual way (low rise flared/bootcut jeans, zip-ups, yoga pants, hoop earrings)
Hobbies: i like things like gaming, knitting+crochet, sparring, drawing/oil painting, i nap a lot, and listening to music, i'll listen to anything i'm not picky but my top favs rn are City pop, R&B, game OST's and some metal
Love language: quality time for sure, i have listening to people talk like a podcast lmao, things like going out, sharing earbuds for music, baking together or just watching trash t.v, just be near me lol
hopes that's enough info, make sure to take your time. i've done matchups before so i know the pressure it builds up. stay safe <3
Thanks for the well wishes <3
== Stardew Valley==>
I match you up with…
The INSTANT you walk into town, Abigail clocks you as the coolest person she’s ever met. The fashion? The chillness? The first time she speaks to you she’s already stumbling over words in an effort to impress you. 
So you challenge her to spar, and when you inevitably take her down, she’s even more smitten. 
Despite her initial starstuck attitude, you and Abigail do make fast friends, and fast lovers. 
She’s definitely perfect if you value quality time. Whether it’s journeying through the mines, watching the rain, or just sharing the same space silently, she’s always willing to stick by your side. 
You two also spend days on end beating games together, and can often be found at the saloon, hanging over eachother’s shoulders as you attempt to beat one anothers’ high score. 
Y’all also share the same music tastes, so if you ever find yourself in need of a good song to listen to, she’ll absolutely tell you her favorites. 
She also invites you to any concerts she holds with Seb and Sam, and will relentlessly wink at you in the audience, and shout you out on stage. Hey everyone, that’s HER S/O!
She’s also a fan of your artistic pursuits. If you ever make her clothes or anything of the sort she’ll parade it around town. 
She may or may not boast to Leah that her S/O makes THE BEST art.
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ssaakuraaa · 2 years
s t r a y k i d s R e a c t i o n
stray kids reaction to u wearing their hoodie
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C H A N ::
u curled up in bed, drowning in the hoodie ur bf wore yesterday. a sigh escaped from ur lips, why were u feeling so sad? lately, the sheets of ur shared bed were left cold only w/ the lingering feeling of his warm presence. u closed ur eyes, trying to sleep despite the tears that were trying to spill from ur tired eyes. u heard the door open & slowly sat up. u saw him finally home. “hoodie stealer.” he whispered motioning u to take it off. “no!” u refused & moved further away from him. “why not? y/n, ur adorable but i need to wash it.” “no..” he sat down next to u & took ur hand in his. “y/n.” chan tried to make u look at him but u couldn’t. “the hoodies smell like u..” u pouted “ur never home & i miss u what am i supposed to do?” he felt his heart break. he threw his arms around u & u loved being in his embrace. u needed this, u needed him. “i’m so sorry. i promise u won’t need my hoodies from now on. i’ll be here.”
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M I N H O ::
“my dear minho, what do u think about this?” u showed him the outfit u prepared for ur evening date. a simple dress with comfortable heels. u thought it was perfect, but ur bf thought otherwise. “u can’t go out like that.” he stated. this was the third outfit he refused & u were getting annoyed. “don’t look at me like that. it’s not my fault ur too beautiful. everyone would look at u.” u blushed at his sweet compliment. “fine!” after 5 minutes u opened the bathroom door showing him ur final masterpiece. his hoodie, only his hoodie. a smirk grew on his lips. “y/n, if u don’t change rn, i don’t think we’ll make it to the restaurant.” u avoided his gaze but took small steps towards him, feeling his stare on ur exposed legs. sitting on his lap, his hands rested on ur hips. “u know what? i like this way more than going to a restaurant.”
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C H A N G B I N ::
y/n!” changbin yelled,surprised to see u in his room after he came back from practice. “oh my god, you’re wearing my hoodie.” he spread a smile on his lips. u wanted to get up but he just ran to u, laying himself on u & trapping u under him. “i can’t breathe!” he didn’t move an inch. he just laughed & hugged u even closer. “binnie.” “no. deal with it, u have to cuddle me now ur too cute. who gave u the right to be cuter than me.” he placed his face in ur neck & sighed. u hugged him back, ur fingers brushing thru his hair. “i luv when u wear my clothes.” he whispered “and why is that.” u asked. “it reminds me that ur mine.”
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H Y U N J I N ::
hyunjin came back from dance practice only to see u lounging on the couch wearing his fav hoodie. he was exhausted & wasn’t in the mood for anything cheesy but maybe the view of u in his clothes made him softer than he thought. so, he just stared at u lovingly with his beautiful eyes as he leaned on the door frame & his heart melted when u cuddled into the couch & the hoodie. “why are u staring at me like that hyunjin?” u asked when u caught him staring. he smiled softly at u as he mumbled “u just look so good in my clothes.” by that compliment, u were blushing like crazy as u tried to hide ur face with the hoodie.
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J I S U N G ::
u arrived at the dorms before the boys could come back from the studio. ur shirt was soaking wet, u didn’t expect it to rain. but now u had to borrow something from ur bf. u put on one of his hoodies. u were also hungry so u decided to make a snack. as u were, u didn’t even notice jisung sitting on one of the stools, watching u lovingly, a smile slowing blooming on his lips. u turned around so u could place the food on the counter but u almost had a heart attack. (loona-) “ji, don’t scare me like that!” “sorry babe. i didn’t want to disturb u. u looked so cute! how about u just wear my hoodies all the time?”
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F E L I X ::
“YAAAAAH!” felix raged, making u squeal. “FELIX NO!” “Y/N, THIS IS THE THIRD HOODIE U STOLE FROM ME THIS WEEK.” “IM NOT GIVING THEM BACK.” u started running around the dorm, felix chasing after u. u tried to trick him into going into his room & closing the door, but he was faster than u thought & got in before u could close it. & this is how u got trapped in a room, by ur angry bf, alone w/ no one who can help u escape. “u can forgot it lix. ur never going to see them again.” ur breathing was heavy from running sm. “okay fine. what do u want in return?” he closed the distance between u 2, throwing his arms around ur body. “cuddles?” “deal.”
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S E U N G M I N ::
u literally thought ur bf was in breakable. “please?” “no.” “pretty please?” “no.” “pleaseeeeeeeeeee?” “y/n, u have hoodies too!” “but they don’t smell like u.” a sigh escaped from his lips. he wasn’t expecting that & the fact that u looked so cute. ur lips moved into a pout as u played w/ ur fingers. “fine, u can stop pouting now!” he mumbled & u raised ur head only to be greeted by his hoodie flying in ur face. “u better give me cuddles after this.”
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J E O N G I N ::
“WHOAAAA?!?!?!” u jumped when u heard ur bf enter the room & u were just confused. he looked happy & suffering at the same time. “jeonginie, are u ok?” u said, standing up from the couch so u could approach him. “WHY DO U LOOK SO CUTE?!?!?!” he yelled, which took u by surprise. “DONT U DARE APPROACH ME, WOMAN. NOT UNTIL U STOP BEING SO CUTE.” “i don’t think i can-?” “I DONT CARE WHAT U DO, U HAVE TO GEFJTSBJDJDVGAHJVB-“
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