#9.0: Live
Slipknot - Before I Forget
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vs120shound · 5 months
No question that Turkey has dominated the onslaught of livestream feeds, mainly from Bigo Live!, that have been uploaded on to YouTube webpages. La.Nata, here, from Germany is one of the stars!
For January 2024
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ | Four-and-a-Half "Stars"
From vs120shound staff | ★★★★★ (3 total: L)
Of the 70 videos on the "Joe" webpage on YouTube, 3 of the 4 most popular posts feature La.Nata!
La.Nata: Piercing brown eyes adds to her smoking style and her alllure!
* - Note below
It's kind of exciting to assess all the possibilities before La.Nata as she has just begun her voyage through the Greater SF World Community scene! Beautiful girl but inconsistent on the smoking end, with some "spit out" exhales at the tail end of a would-be stream. And yet a fair share of some exhales with shape, body and power. She emerged at some point in the autumn ⏤ closer to December than to September. The "Joe" webpage's debut post between November 30 and December 31 showcased La.Nata. Her three videos have collected approximately 37,5000 views in total. Different kind of scale in response to videos posted on to YT as contrasted to/with Smoking Fetish Kingdom and tumblr!
… well, we are going to find out just how serious La.Nata is with her cigarette-smoking habit. She might have already retired or is in semi-retired status. And we'll see how much vanity is ingrained into her persona as well. La.Nata seeks the spotlight, or she does not. Cannot tell which at this point. And most of these BHYSWs (Beautiful Hot, Young Smoking Women) on YouTube are not responsible for posting their own videos on to YT, so she could be the most humble woman ever captured smoking on video! Or she might not be as well. She is simply gorgeous, an 8.5-9.0 on the traditional Bo Derek "1 to 10" scale. We'd love to see more YouTube/"Joe" posts of her in the future. Kind of doubt that she's a Cigarette Slut!
Previous Posts of La.Nata on YouTube!
From YT's "Joe" webpage in December 2023 (first installment of 3-part series) . . .
From YT's "Joe" webpage in December 2023 (second installment of 3-part series) . . .
From YT's "Joe" webpage, a YouTube Shorts clip in December 2022 . . .
Our Centerpiece video of La.Nata is No. 3 in the three-part series, the most recently released/published on YouTube!
*- Note: The Video of The Week series has been replaced by The Video of The Month series effective in late-December 2023!
REVISION/UPDATE: We were quite pleased with the content we brought to you in our 20 Video of The Week posts, 10 each for the Hall of Fame division and the Honorable Mention division. We were quite displeased with the difficulty of bringing them to you on a regular and timely basis. We failed at that. The series began on August 31, 2023, with the rollout of each on that day. Seventeen weeks later we had carried on with only 9 other installments of Hall of Fame and Honorable Mention division videos. That simply was not frequent enough ⏤ ostensibly we missed out on 7 series installments ⏤ and we had acknowledged the problem and discussed one-on-one and in small groups but to no avail. No solution until finally admitting our shortcoming and cutting the losses. But the series does not complete end; it morphs into Videos of The Month in which we will aim for two installments every 30-31 days depending. Might call them, hypothetically, "Video of The Month | Hall of Fame division A" or "Video of The Month | Honorable Mention division II." We'll sort it out. This is a much more manageable load with one (or two) a month in each division. Eight a month was viable for several weeks before it became too burdensome and we fell off the intended production pace, where we were stuck since late-October/early-November. We are comfortable in our decision. Not ideal to be in this spot ⏤ of our own making ⏤ and perhaps not an elegant solution. Yet the net result is the same (special memorable, quality content still being provided) but without the volume that we found unsustainable. Let's see how it unfolds. We are optimistic. -- the vs120shound network team of Staff and Administrators Saturday, December 30, 2023 ⏤ 10:57 p.m. EST
"Keep it in your pants!"
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earthmoonz · 21 days
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(transcript below):
(NEWSREADER): Residents in San Myshuno’s Spice District were left fearing for their lives today after local LGBTQ hotspot ‘The Old Salt Bar’ caught on fire in the early hours of this morning. 
(HANNAH): Shit…Lena have you seen this?
(LENA): Seen what?
(NEWSREADER): The proprietor of the building is out of the country, but it is thought that the manager of the establishment and tenant of the flat above it, may have been caught up in the blaze-
(HANNAH): Isn’t that your friend’s pl-
[Lena exits swiftly, almost slamming the door off its hinges](HANNAH): Hello?!
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milaisreading · 8 months
Crossdresser!Yn character profile
()-comments Yn makes.
Name is whatever urs is, Idk.
Height: 180 cm (5'10 inches approximately)
School: Hakuho High School
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan. But was raised in Kanagawa for the most part of her life
Date of birth, I made this one up😭: 24th December
Family composition: Biological father (deceased), biological mother (deceased), adoptive father, adoptive mother, 2 adoptive older brothers. (Tho, most of the times it feels like I am living with strangers).
Sleeping time: 9.0 hours
Favorite food: Chicken katsu (It reminds me of my mom! She made that a lot when she was alive) and mochi of any flavor
Favorite animal: Cat, dog, bunny, panda (They look very warm and cuddly ^_^)
Favorite subject: Biology (It was the easiest one to follow)
How you spend your holidays: sleeping, watching TV, or reading mangas (Mom forces me sometimes to talk to some relatives om the phone)
What would you do if you were given ¥100M: probably use one portion to buy the food she likes, the other portion she would give to people who need it (It's too much money for one person)
Age when started playing football: 7
Favorite player: Lionel Messi (He seems like a chill guy!)
Disliked food: Nato (It is too hard to open the package)
Favorite cartoon: Whatever is shown the most on the TV at the moment
Disliked subjects: Math and politics
Hobbies: eating, sleeping, reading mangas, playing football
Favorite manga(s): Demon Slayer (Mitsuri won my heart over ^_^)
Closest friends in Blue Lock: Barou Shouei, Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Gagamaru Gin (we are food buddies)
Complicated: Reo Mikage, Nagi Seishiro
Motto: It can get worse only if you let it happen (most of the time I let it happen)
What do you think ar eyour greatest strengths: Can distinguish 24 mochi flavors without tasting them, but only with her smell (Nagi wanted to con people with this to get more money for video games •_•')
What do you think are your biggest weaknesses: Tend to sometimes not read the room correctly
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meili-sheep · 4 months
So on my No Bad End fic I mentioned doing a Crepus approval scale because It was the closest to the Diluc Harem I'll be writing so as a reminder
The Kaeya Scale of Approval Thoma (9.9) Wriothesley (8.5) Xiao (8.4) Itto (6) Eula (5.6) Al Haitham (4) Kaveh (3.5) Albedo (3) Childe (2.6) Ayato (1) Donna (0.5) Zhongli (0)
And now introducing!!
Crepus Scale of Approval!
So starting right at the top, kind of surprise to Kaeya is Al Haitham (9.0). So yeah he's not really a romantic type up he's got a stable job, a house. Good things. But what Crepus likes Is Al Haitham's very "Take care of myself first" mind set. He really wants that to rub of more on Diluc, and he's hoping that together they'll balance each other out.
Right under him is actually Zhongli (8.0) Because like Al Haitham he seems to have a stable job and is well respected in his community. Defiantly gets dinged point for forgetting his wallet. But he's respectful and treats Diluc well. Now if Crepus learns he's an Archon he gets a little torn because suddenly he feels like he's much too old for Crepus's baby, but Diluc deserves the best and how better can you be than a literal god?
After that is a tie with Wriothesley and Ayato (7.5) Like those above them, Crepus like their stable and high ranking positions. They both get dinged though because Crepus would be worrying too much about Diluc feeling like he was fighting for social standing.
Under those two is Albedo (7.3) He's got a lot of going for him, being a knight and having Alice's backing behind him. He just gets knocked down a lot of points because he's a weirdo. And Crepus would constantly be asking Alice "Are you sure your nephew is ok?"
Next up, Kaveh (6.0) Just barely hitting the pass in Crepus's book. He's saved by his pure passion and genuine expression. And I think he'd be the best at really showing Diluc how loved he is. So Crepus can't be too made at that.
Again, Barely passing to everyone's surprised Thoma (5.8). Yeah, he's got a stable job and is really nice and a house husband. But he's a just a housekeeper and defiantly couldn't afford to keep Diluc's lifestyle. And while he's nice, Crepus would worry that he's too passive and that he'd again act more like a servant than a partner.
So jumping right down is Xiao at a (3.8) Crepus would not be impressed, not even after learning he's a Yaksha because how is that going to support his son? He only gets points because ya he could protect Diluc
Itto (1) lives up to his "numero UNO" Because that's all he's getting from Crepus. Where Kaveh could win Crepus's over this his devotion, Crepus draws that line at gangs. At least an architect is a respectable job!
Eula (0.2) Hanging on by a thread. And honestly, it's only because Varka has faith in her. So that does mean something to Crepus. But her behavior would totally turn him cold.
Then with at the bottom Childe (0.1) No way in hell is a crazy harbinger like that going near Crepus's baby boy. But here is the thing. I think Childe would be the most likely to change his score once Crepus's See his devotion to his family. Because... Crepus would want that for Diluc. He wants Diluc to have a big happy family, He'd love going to visit Childe's family with Diluc. But... being Fatui is too much of a risk. Because while Crepus does think Childe is an honest man, he still can be used by other people, and thus they'd use Diluc so no way.
Honorable mention Donna forgetting a negative score Crepus would see her following Diluc around and just ask Varka to keep an eye out.
And for those wondering about the Varka scale for the No Bad End Varka. The answer is they are all zero. You express interest in Varka's godchild, his opinion of you jumps right into the trash.
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batch of recommended underrated slipknot songs 💕
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(also most of the live versions are good, mainly the ones in Subliminal Verses, Day Of The Gusano, and 9.0 Live. Really recommend them they’re fun to listen to)
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apocketfullofpoesis · 6 months
topic of rant: the unnecessary hatred that "toppers" get
don't even get me started on the whole stereotyped notion that people have towards students who are nailing it, esp in a brown household and society.
1. Do you understand what a 9 CGPA is? THAT TOO IN ESTEEMED GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITIES??? THAT TOO, THE MAIN CAMPUS??? no. You don't. you also don't know how a 9.0 is generalized in a middle class Indian household. it is excruciating that you keep running your arse against sand paper and when nobody takes interest in knowing how much you scored and you go and show them on your own, they be like "I knew you could do it" like?????? 😃 YOU DID NOT KNOW IT. WHILE I WAS STUDYING YOU KEPT COMPLAINING HOW I DONT HELP YOU WITH THE HOUSEHOLD CHORES AND JUST KEPT MYSELF BUSY WITH MY BOOKS. YOU DID NOT KNOW SHIT FAMILY. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU TOOK INTEREST IN MY ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DO YOU KNOW THE RESPECT IVE GAINED IN THE EYES OF THE BEST PROFESSORS AND HOW THE WORST ONES KEEP TARGETTING ME??? but you knew it.
2. I keep seeing these reels wherein the so called influencers act like "toppers" (BECAUSE THEY CAN ONLY ACT LIKE ONE) and do the stereotyped scene of how toppers lie about how they're studying. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE EVIL EYE THINGY? ITS BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE THESE INFLUENCERS WE DONT BOAST ABOUT OUR SCHEDULE BECAUSE IT SCARES US BECAUSE AT THE END OF THE DAY WE ARE INDIANS AND SOMEWHERE IN OUR HEARTS THESE KINDA SUPERSTITIONS ARE DEEPLY-ROOTED. Aur kahi toh tumlog "Nazar shit is real" kehke cool ban jate ho what happens to y'all while talking about this??? Fucking hypocrites.
3. It is appreciable if you work hard on yourself and rise from say, a 4 gpa to an 8.5, in Desi terms, "zero se hero banna" BUT DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HERO BANE REHNA IS AN EMOTIONALLY DRAINING JOB?? NO.
4. "Are tum to B.A wale ho." NAHI, HM WO LOG H JINHONE APNI POTENTIAL KE HISAB SE APNE INTERESTS KO CONSIDER KARTE HUYE EK CAREER CHOOSE KIYA WHERE WE'RE NAILING IT. unlike you, jo drop leke kuch naa ukhaad paane ke baad bhi "at least I tried" bolke pvt colleges me admission leke ek 8 bhi nahi laa pate. unlike you, we don't regret our choice, unless it wasn't your choice iykyk.
5. "But nobody forced you to throw yourself into too much study." Sis, unlike you, we're actually trying to improve ourselves and manage to at least excel at one good thing. unlike you, we're actually doing something to make our lives better. unlike you, we don't whore around the campus and club during the entire semester only to cry during exams and give excuses based on baseless criticism of the "toppers" of whom we're just insecure and jealous because they're actually good.
6. It is exhausting. The entire process. Esp when you don't get appreciated enough. This feeling of insecurity and envy is everywhere among everyone we're surrounded with. People think we must be proud. But even if we are, is there something wrong with it? They are ready to criticize us the moment we suffer a minute downfall. Remember Shylock's monologue from The merchant of Venice? Replace the Jew and Christian words with topper and average/below average students. It's that deep. If mocking us behind our backs and bitching about us when some of us are really kind and try to mingle with you, help you out - gives you peace, so be it. But please do not stereotype our efforts like that. Do not spread anymore negative emotions towards us. It honestly doesn't help any better.
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tr4nquilized · 1 year
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slipknot - 9.0 live
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Acceptance of migrants, 2019.
by u/abu_doubleu
The Migrant Acceptance Index gauges people's acceptances of migrants based on three questions, where they are asked whether it is a good or bad thing to have...
Immigrants living in this country
An immigrant becoming your neighbor
An immigrant marrying one of your close relatives
The index is scored out of 9.0. The most accepting country, Canada, had 94%, 95%, and 91% of respondents say that the three situations were a good thing, all respectively.
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"ปราสาทสัจธรรม (The Sanctuary of Truth)" (1981-present) / "Grande Panorama de Lisboa" (c. 1700 - Gabriel del Barco)
ปราสาทสัจธรรม (THE SANCTUARY OF TRUTH): not entirely sure how to send this
but the entire structure- 'the sanctuary of truth' is an artistic masterpiece (@vedev)
GRANDE PANORAMA DE LISBOA: What fucks me up about this piece, you may ask? It is less about the painting and more about the context. In 1755, Lisbon was destroyed by an earthquake of estimated magnitude between 7.7 and 9.0. It is estimated at least 12 000 people died. This artwork is the most complete view of what Lisbon would have looked like before the earthquake. Some of the iconic buildings depicted in this piece still stand today, while some have been destroyed, their only proof of existence through pieces such as these. It's an incredible view into life in Lisbon 300 years ago. It just fucks me up to think about how everything gets destroyed in time, and at some point, only lives on through our art, or disappears altogether. (@thegirlsinthecity)
("ปราสาทสัจธรรม (The Sanctuary of Truth)" is a museum currently under construction located in Pattaya, Thailand. All the carved idols and the structure of the buildings are made of wood and it currently has an internal space of 2,115 m2, with the tallest part being over 100m. It was designed by Lek Viriyaphan to be a mix of a temple and a castle, based on Ayutthaya Hindu and Buddhist architecture.
"Grande Panorama de Lisboa" is a tile panel currently housed in the Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Lisbon. It is almost 23 m long and consists of a series of painted tiles from the year 1700, depicting 13km of the Lisbon shoreline before much of the city was destroyed by an earthquake. It was created by Gabriel del Barco.)
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dramastream · 1 year
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Poster for  "THE DAYS", dir. Nakata Hideo & Nishiura Masaki
At 2:46 p.m. on 11 March, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake with a maximum seismic intensity of 7 (recorded at Kurihara-cho, Miyagi prefecture) struck approximately 130 kilometers off the Sanriku coast. One hour after this earthquake shook the islands of Japan, a 15-meter-tall tsunami swallowed up the Fukushima nuclear power plant in an instant. But that was only the start of the nightmare. With its cooling function lost, the power plant fell into a dangerous and uncontrollable state.
Over the course of eight episodes, this multi-layered drama faithfully captures a disastrous incident from three different perspectives based on careful research. "What happened there on that day?" This story seeks to answer this question based on the true events of seven intense days from the perspectives of government, corporate organizations, and the people on site risking their lives. This series is developed and produced by Jun Masumoto, who crafted massive hits such as the "Code Blue" series while also delivering powerful social drama series such as "Shiroi Kyoto" series and "Hadashi no Gen." The two directors of this series are Masaki Nishiura, who has worked alongside Masumoto for many years as the director of the "Code Blue" series, and Hideo Nakata of the "Ring" series.
The Netflix Series starts streaming in 2023. Only on Netflix
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Slipknot - Eyeless
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jknighttoku10 · 4 months
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HUMAN NAME: Zack Torres.
Other names: Green boy (Hate’s that name), The dark avenger, King of the beasts, Animal, destroyer, protector, Child of the monster. Death, Monster king, The lethal protector. L.P. Hatchling.
Code name: Zaxis-man or GOJIRA CONVOY.
Real name: Lexa Zaxis.
Alignment: Maximal (good, anti hero)
Full robot mode hight: 40 m.
Human size height: 7 feet 6 inches (229 cm)
Human form height: 5'9” (1.75 m)
Alt modes: transmetal 2Gojisauras, human, turbo semi Truck, flight mode/jet.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 8.0
Firepower: 10.0
Skill: 9.0
Weapons (both cybertronian/full robot and hi-q/human size and beast mode ) : Combat Swords, shield gun, morph gun, combat claws/bone claws, teeth and tail, main sword the Primal Rage, shoulder cannons, arm sword and sawblade, chains(they work like spawn’s, venom’s and ghost riders) , cannons from trailer drone.
Powers and Abilities(both cybertronian/full robot and hi-q/human size and beast mode ): Atomic breath, spiral heat ray, radiation heat ray, durability,prehensile tail, tail spikes, anti-flash protective membrane for swimming, symbiosis, nuclear pulse, durability(not that strong against certain weapons), intelligence (he holds it back sometimes because of his anger and doubt), Amphibiousness, Physical abilities, Plasma Cutter(spiked tail attack), copy ability/power configuration.(on weapons and vehicles only)
Likes: His team/family, meeting new people, being called by his real name and/or human name by his friends, 80’s and 90’s music, Hanging with others, exploring places that are new to him, relaxing, and swimming in the ocean. Seeing others happy and safe (that includes the people of the planet he protects) Food, reading, tinkering with his stuff(weapons, computers and gadgets), Learning new things.Kirby. Dislikes: Seeing those he knows or who are innocent and can’t defend themselves get harmed or worse, psychos, greedy and corrupt people and soldiers, those who talk bad about him and his friends and family. power hungry villains, poachers, the Predacons, some members of his team pickering and arguing, being lied to and secrets being kept from him and people trying to kill him and his friends and family. Those who use those he knows as bait.
Personality: Lexamus is a bot who has problems but tries not to let them get to him. He cares for his team even if they occasionally drive him crazy. Knows how to have fun(sometimes). He stands up for others who can’t stand up for themselves. He is still an anti hero. But all of that he struggles as a person always scared to let others new to Him in and is bad at talking to people sometimes, but he loves to try new things even its unknown to Him and his anger doubt and past will sometimes get the best of him when it comes to himself and/or others around Him.(if they get hurt our worse he will get really mad and show how angry He just like the doom slayer) He is learning to improve His skills on science and combat even tracking from those He meet, but some people See Him as a dark hero, a monstrous brute full of rage when fighting but on the inside, He is A person who’s strong enough to be gentle in his own way. And he prefers not to join parties (sometimes) he just likes to run around and leap and explore the jungle, cities and look at the night skies. Reading, tinkering.
Back story: Back on cybertron Lexa and his twin brother were trained by the mighty Grimlock before and then Dai-atlas one of the great swordsmen of crystal city at a young age but then. The cruel Elitist Sentinel prime ordered His scientist to force Lexa and His brother and other children to be a part of the power master program to beat the Decepticons. The experiment worked but Lexa struggles to take the lives of those who weren't a part of the war even questions His commanders orders but he suffered hard abuse from him and forced to take lives of any age made Lexa sick to his stomach. but after Sentinel prime’s death and after they left to Earth Lexa Took the form of earth’s most powerful creature GODZILLA form before he saw humans where no better than the Decepticons and corrupt Autobots he served under after seeing the wars, pollution and abuse on the planet. he and his team let their anger out on the humans to respect their new home but then was chosen by Optimus primal’s energon matrix to become Lexamus-prime and put his selfish rage and anger aside to protect the humans he hates from the true enemy The Predacons lead by the current leader of the Predacons and Decepticons. Megatron Zero. but he still struggles with his anger and past and doubts.
Teammates/Family: Groundspike/Luke(best friend and advisor) , Aliza/nora, Zontrax/kenny (adopted son), Red-dog/Johnny, Straxes/Wu, Leonix/Mike, Zora/Mei, Amelia-q, T-AI, Quickswitch/Jeff , Blaze Saber/Joey ,Blue, Delta, charlie,Echo(the zilla sisters). Huaman (human sister).
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newlabdakos · 8 months
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Woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
(temporal range: 0.40-0.0037 mio. years ago)
[text from the Wikipedia article, see also link above]
The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is an extinct species of mammoth that lived during the Pleistocene until its extinction in the Holocene epoch. It was one of the last in a line of mammoth species, beginning with the African Mammuthus subplanifrons in the early Pliocene. The woolly mammoth began to diverge from the steppe mammoth about 800,000 years ago in East Asia. Its closest extant relative is the Asian elephant. The Columbian mammoth (Mammuthus columbi) lived alongside the woolly mammoth in North America, and DNA studies show that the two hybridised with each other.
The appearance and behaviour of this species are among the best studied of any prehistoric animal because of the discovery of frozen carcasses in Siberia and North America, as well as skeletons, teeth, stomach contents, dung, and depiction from life in prehistoric cave paintings. Mammoth remains had long been known in Asia before they became known to Europeans in the 17th century. The origin of these remains was long a matter of debate, and often explained as being remains of legendary creatures. The mammoth was identified as an extinct species of elephant by Georges Cuvier in 1796.
The woolly mammoth was roughly the same size as modern African elephants. Males reached shoulder heights between 2.67 and 3.49 m (8.8 and 11.5 ft) and weighed up to 8.2 metric tons (9.0 short tons). Females reached 2.6–2.9 m (8.5–9.5 ft) in shoulder heights and weighed up to 4 metric tons (4.4 short tons). A newborn calf weighed about 90 kg (200 lb). The woolly mammoth was well adapted to the cold environment during the last ice age. It was covered in fur, with an outer covering of long guard hairs and a shorter undercoat. The colour of the coat varied from dark to light. The ears and tail were short to minimise frostbite and heat loss. It had long, curved tusks and four molars, which were replaced six times during the lifetime of an individual. Its behaviour was similar to that of modern elephants, and it used its tusks and trunk for manipulating objects, fighting, and foraging. The diet of the woolly mammoth was mainly grasses and sedges. Individuals could probably reach the age of 60. Its habitat was the mammoth steppe, which stretched across northern Eurasia and North America.
The woolly mammoth coexisted with early humans, who used its bones and tusks for making art, tools, and dwellings, and hunted the species for food. The population of woolly mammoths declined at the end of the Pleistocene, disappearing throughout most of its mainland range, although isolated populations survived on St. Paul Island until 5,600 years ago, on Wrangel Island until 4,000 years ago, and possibly (based on ancient eDNA) in the Yukon up to 5,700 years ago and on the Taymyr Peninsula up to 3,900 years ago. After its extinction, humans continued using its ivory as a raw material, a tradition that continues today. With a genome project for the mammoth completed in 2015, it has been proposed the species could be revived through various means, but none of the methods proposed are yet feasible.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Jan. 1 (UPI) -- A powerful 7.5-magnitude earthquake rocked western Japan on Monday, likely killing two people, as tsunami warnings issued earlier in the day were downgraded to advisories.
The earthquake struck about 26 miles northeast of Anamizu in Ishikawa prefecture, along the Noto Peninsula.
Authorities initially warned that tsunami waves could be as high as 10 feet along the Sea of Japan coast but the Japan Meteorological Agency later downgraded all of the tsunami warnings to advisories.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters emergency personnel are working to assess damage from the earthquake so far.
"In response to the M7 earthquake at Noto region in Ishikawa prefecture, we have immediately set up the Prime Minister's Office of Response, Disaster Counter Measure HQ," he wrote on X.
"Putting human lives as a priority, we are making every effort to assess damages -- putting forth all efforts in disaster response. For those in affected areas, please pay close attention to the latest information and place personal safety as your priority."
The quake shook buildings in central Tokyo, while local police on the peninsula reported two people were found showing no vital signs. The central government also confirmed six separate incidences of residents trapped alive in under collapsed houses in the area.
The earliest waves measured about four feet along the Noto Peninsula and around Ishikawa and Niigata. Some have been identified as far north of the Hokkaido Prefecture.
It marked the first time Japan has issued a major tsunami warning since 2011, when a 9.0-magnitude quake struck Tohoku, causing catastrophic damage from deadly tsunami waves.
Officials suspended bullet train service while Japan Airlines and Nippon Airways canceled all fights in the western region. Western Japan hospitals reported power outages but there were no confirmed numbers of possible injuries from the earthquake so far.
Strong aftershocks, ranging from 4.0 to 5.0 magnitude came in a rapid-fire succession of 21 incidents in central Japan, according to the JMA. The country's nuclear authority said there was "no risk of radioactivity leaking from nuclear power plants" in the affected areas.
Japan sits in the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, where many tectonic plates meet, causing a constant threat of earthquakes that has led it to develop one of the world's most sophisticated tsunami warning systems.
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voidrobert · 6 months
ᴡᴏᴍᴇɴ'ꜱ ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇ ꜰʀᴇqᴜᴇɴᴄɪᴇꜱ
Humanity is tormented by amnesia. Women as well as men have forgotten what power they have within themselves. The Matrix scrupulously hides this from being restored to the public consciousness. We are mostly made of water, water in crystalline form. Water receives signals from the environment, vibrations, frequencies and takes the shape and form of the given frequencies forming our cells and brain waves.
Here are the frequencies that will help you cover the deficit of divine femininity. 🩸Estrogen production - 1351 Hz with Phi - 1.618033 Hz 🩸Venus orbit - 221.23 Hz [femininity] 🩸Venus (Aphrodite) - 3.84 Hz [liver, pancreas, emotional, appetite/digestion] 🩸Venus (Freyja) - 7.69 Hz [shoulders, strength of arms, expansion, teaching] 🩸Sedative effect - 2.5 Hz [production of endogenous opiates] 🩸Means for balance - 9.0 Hz [relationships/sexuality] 🩸Physical energy/will to live - 8.0 Hz [more Lymphocytes, DNA repair] 🩸Synodic moon (very important for women) - 210.42 Hz [regulation of menstruation, stimulates sexual energy, supports erotic communication] 🩸creator: Robert Void
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