#4 peat
rich-moneybags33 · 5 months
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atlantismoon · 3 months
boss going to visit the love sea crew is so cute✨🌊
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fortpeatdata · 10 months
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[230805] 4 amigos in Korat [instagram]
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guardioland · 20 days
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i fucking love you gaffer.
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bird-inacage · 2 years
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Love in the Air: Sky’s Friendship with Rain
Sky is proving himself to be the best bestie throughout episode 4. He doesn’t involve himself too much - just gently comforts and nudges if needed, but ultimately allows Rain to come to his own conclusions and take action himself. Even though I’m dying to see Sky’s relationship with Prapai, I do really appreciate the attention they’re taking to flesh out Sky’s character via his friendship with Rain.
I’m interested to see how the tables will turn when Sky’s storyline with Prapai unfolds, and how Rain will support him in return. Prapai does initially ask Rain for Sky’s number, so I wonder if Rain intentionally encourages this ship to sail or not. As much as Rain can be a bit slow on the uptake, he must have questions and will almost definitely catch Prapai showing up everywhere all of a sudden.
I do lowkey love the thought of Rain and Payu playing cupid/wingmen behind the scenes to get their respective best friends to couple up though. Even more amusing if we get them being protective and bickering over their BFFs like ‘if your best friend hurts my best friend, there will be hell to pay’.
I’m also really curious how much Sky has shared about his ex with Rain? So far, Sky seems like the type to brush off his own problems and put others first. When he admits to Rain in ep2 that the source of information was his ex, he quickly changes topic. After the one night stand with Prapai (which currently takes place off-screen around ep3), Sky doesn’t even mention what happened to him at the race after Rain left, and nonchalantly shrugs the focus of the conversation back to Rain, “I’m fine but you’re not.” Rain also later says to Sky, “Don’t you like Prapai? He’s a kind person” - so we get the sense that Rain supports the idea and doesn’t see any obvious reasons why Sky wouldn’t be. (Which only further suggests to me that Rain doesn’t know too much about what Sky potentially went through and therefore why Prapai’s eagerness concerns him).
Sky has been an absolute sweetheart, and I’m sure Rain will be heartbroken when he gets a better understanding of what Sky’s been dealing with on his own.
Fun fact: according to Me Mind Y’s relationship chart, they’ve also cast a young Sky, which suggests we’ll be getting some form of flashback into Sky’s backstory.
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negrowhat · 1 year
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prapaiwife · 2 years
Sitting here thinking about what sky told prapai "it's okay for me to fall deeply in love with u" like his ex which we will come to see is absolutely a horrible person who left a traumatic experience in sky's life and for that he's probably shut himself off romantically he won't even think for a second that someone genuinely likes let alone love him. Sky as see so far is very cut straight to the point person very no nonsense person he doesn't want his friends to have to worry about him or honestly see him at his lowest of lows the way prapai will later on cause thats very vulnerable for him to go there on the other hand he's very good with advice as he did to rain to help him see where he stands for feelings with payu but when it comes to him he shuts himself out for anyone to really help him the way he helped rain in that sense he doesn't even let himself think ahead that maybe just maybe it's okay for me to be happy again I can fall in love again and that's okay I don't have to be strong all the time and make it seem like everything is okay when it's not prapai I think in pursuing sky will show that he can wait will do anything for him to see your precious ur loved and appreciated yes ur not believing this now cause of what u went through but I will show u and tell u that like it's my duty lol
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alvane · 2 years
Someone I follow referred to Annie Proulx in the past tense and I had about seven heart attacks before her wiki page loaded
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relto · 3 months
ive mentioned the giant piles of sand where the new highway is going to be before, and naively i thought they were going to build it on top of the sand. so now i learned that all this sand is just for COMPRESSING THE GROUND. because its wetlands and therefore has a lot of give. they have to remove all that sand again before actually building the thing.
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philodendronleaves · 11 months
Cordyline fruticosa
The Cordyline fruticosa plants are most beautiful eye-catching evergreen perennial plants with broad leaves. Plant foliage varies in different colors such as red, pink, yellow, white & other streaks.
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Good Luck plant
These cordyline fruticosa plants are commonly called Hawaiian ti plant, good luck plant, ti plant, palm lily, cabbage palm, and miracle plant belonging to Asparagaceae. This plant is often believed to bring good luck to the home.
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Hawaiian ti plant
This cordyline plant variety prized & beloved especially for its colorful, long-lasting foliage with attractive stripes. The name Hawaiian ti plant name due to the reason that this croton plant believed to bring positiveness, creation, and blessing during those times in Hawaiian culture.
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Ti- plant Varieties
This croton plant variety range from about 100+ plants. Among those the most popular varieties such as Cordyline congesta, cordyline rumba, cordyline kiwi, black magic, australis purpurea, Lemon-lime, miss andrea, red Ruby, celestial queen, & Hybrid ti.
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Cordyline congesta
This croton plant variety has attractive dark-colored foliage with smooth, glossy broad leaves. It is fast growing plant with a woody stem.
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The placement of ti -plant croton plant is believed to bring good luck, peace and positivity to home.
Cordyline Ti plants are pests & diseases resistant plants.
The most beautiful feature of this plant is the colorful foliage & air-purifier.
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Cordyline fruticosa-ti plant crotons
Blog Completed By: Santhionlineplants
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survivalove · 7 months
Air Temple Island, the Water Tribes & the Real Life Influences that bring them together
I was gonna screenshot a post I saw and add it to my post but I don’t feel like giving that individual attention (and the 300+ notes they got), so I just decided to make my own standalone post debunking this narrative that air temple island is this fully air nomad brothel (yes they said this) with ZERO water tribe motifs which katara is forced to live in until aang passed away.
frankly it just reminded me of how little people in this fandom actually bother to analyze the actual content, instead preferring to write entirely made up scenarios of katara being reduced to an air nomad incubator along with dozens other female acolytes (yes they also said this lmao. also them acting like both male AND female acolytes weren’t living on the whole other side of the island 😭)
when in truth, i’ve come to find a lot of elements of both water tribes as well as traditional inuit elements across air temple island:
1. the paifang
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a traditionally chinese element that for some reason is exclusively found in the northern water tribe (why do they have a gate inside a throne room, you ask? ask the white people that made this show). the one on the left is actually one of two aang BUILT, at the main entrance and another at the temple entrance. this is just one example of water tribe design on the island.
2. the bagua mosaic
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another structure is the bagua mosaic on the training grounds. bagua is a set of traditional chinese symbols of the cosmology, taoism. the bagua composes of 8 sets of broken or unbroken lines that represent yin and yang. where have we seen yin and yang in the original series? oh yeah, as tui and la of the water tribe! (because atla is a mess of asiatic and indigenous motifs joined together and spread out across each nation, mainly traditionally chinese elements at that.) aang building this right next to the air nomad training grounds is a symbol of the dual bending heritage their children will have.
3. gold and blue accents
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now, gold and blue are the main colors of the exterior structures but is also very strong inside the air temple itself. note, the massive air nomad symbol designed fully in blue in the center and the blue banners and rugs throughout the temple. this is no doubt, for me, a visual depiction of both katara and aang’s representative cultures, but of course this is not limited to color only.
4. cloud carvings
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now, this is a slight detour since clouds aren’t a significant part of either of their individual cultures (that we know) but i love the kataang monopoly they have on clouds as a couple so i’m talking about it. if you look at these images very closely what do you see? CLOUD CARVINGS!! specifically near the ceiling of the pavilion (left) and the arches and walls of the temple (right) just imagining aang painting and etching these very consistent swirls, like he’ll never be the selfish inconsiderate unromantic loser you people want him to be, but let’s get more into the southern water tribe style interior.
5. interior design
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so here is a southern water tribe white lotus outpost vs the air temple island main dining room. first thing, the seat cushions and rug! while we don’t see air nomad eating quarters we do get to see enough SWT customs both in atla and lok, to know this is how they traditionally eat compared to the north (limiting myself on pics cuz mobile).
another thing is the dining table itself. both have what i believe to be built in fire pits (i couldn’t actually tell for the air temple island one cuz of the quality but if you zoom in you can see the lines go in the table plus the hanging kettle on it makes it obvious to me idk). the southern water tribe one however is clear and likely a more traditional version of what aang and katara have.
thirdly, the exposed timber on the ceiling. i actually looked it up and found this is a common element of these two inuit structures: left is an aasiaat peat house and right is an igloolik turf house. all this for me to believe not only did aang build air temple island to be a haven for the TWO of them but also that katara herself had a lot of input on the interior than people care to notice lol.
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maybe instead of projecting these loser fantasies of katara being some unwilling air nomad baby making machine so you can feel better about your fantasies of katara living in a red palace with people that tried to wipe her out for a whole century, you all can go study the actual canon you were shown and the real life cultures the franchise takes from.
6. lastly, some of my own headcanons/stuff i want to see in the movie
the bathroom because I LIVE for a white marble tiled bathroom. i just know katara has to have a HUGE tub and they have one of those insane glass showers that can fit like 3 people, with cloud swirls everywhere because aang clearly got it like that
the KITCHEN, i imagine it being timber like the dining room and is probably on the other side behind the built-in shelf (get into the details like hello). in a perfect world, it would be open plan but hey
the bedroom, now we saw it in lok a bit but i wanna see it in the gaang movie too. i’m on pic limit but there’s a lot of artwork and flowers throughout the whole house which i give katara credit for because I can. like the desk, the bookshelf, that fancy looking vase thing? these two clearly have taste like don’t talk to me rn
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I also didn’t show the rooms and aang’s study but there’s a lot of blue decor in those places which makes me think katara decorated the whole house, even the acolytes’ hall has blue sitting cushions and columns which i think is such a nice detail.
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if you guys have any air temple island headcanons of your own please reply with some i’m feening lol
big shoutout to this user:
atla-annotated (their page is so great and filled with a lot of incredible information if you guys like this sort of stuff)
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heavenly-fag · 2 months
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24-hour minizine (8 pages) about DIY propagation from leaf and stem cuttings (free to copy and distribute!! pls just take my name out if you change any content)
EDIT: thank you for all the love! check out @contentsunderpressurezine (instagram) for more of our stuff!
pdf download for print and read friendly versions on this ko-fi I just set up! pay what you wish, free to print and distribute
plaintext under the cut:
So You Want to Make Some Plants Into Even More Plants?
A Quick + Dirty Guide to Propagation from An Amateur Who Likes Watching Roots Grow. (by Fran Tirpak)
propagation - n.
"multiplication or increase, as by natural reproduction."
1. Prepare!
Important: Sterilize your shears w/ rubbing alcohol.
Wear gloves -- some plants can irritate your skin when cut.
Gather supplies: shears, gloves, soil medium, pot, glass jar.
Optional: plant food, rooting hormone, cinnamon, tealight.
^ we'll talk about these all more later on.
2. Take your cutting!
Succulents -- just pop off a leaf!
Vining plants (Pothos, Monstera), cut below one of the root nodes.
Woody stems (fiddle leaf, rubber plant) -- cut with 1-3 leaves at the top
3. Root your cutting!
(Optional) Dip the cut end in rooting hormone. For a homemade method, dip in cinnamon, then seal with melted wax from an unscented tea candle.
Place the cutting in a glass of warm water in indirect sunlight.
Succulent owners: simply place your leaves flat on damp potting soil.
4. Plant the cutting
(the scariest part)
Once the cutting has roots (~3-4 weeks later) time to put it in soil.
Depending on your plant, your soil needs will change.
When in doubt: good drainage, airy & loose, added nutrients.
For tropicals: 1/2 peat moss or coco coir, 1/4 perlite or pumice, 15% orchid bark, 10% compost/organics (i.e. worm husks).
(For succulents, just watch 'em sprout!)
* Potting Tips
Experiment with lighting and humidity levels.
Try out LECA or a mix to slowly introduce your plant to solid ground.
LECA: Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate. Balls of clay used in hydroponic gardening - popular with Monsteras
Some tropical plants also have no prob being in water full-time!
5. Now you have a friend!
Pro tips: You can take props from anywhere (as long as you're responsible -- and sneaky).
There's no one way to care for a plant. Do your research, go with your gut, & have fun!
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fortpeatdata · 1 year
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[230126] 4 amigos on MeMindY's twitter
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fortpeat · 3 months
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OH LORDDD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Come now Peat you have to know the fandom is crazy for your pretty legs and this was pretty inevitable. Also if this was what just 4 stills did to Fortpeat fandom then I can't imagine what the series are gonna do 🤣🤣 it's gonna be thirsting 24/7 ... 🤭
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celebelei · 9 months
BL in its All of the Cameos Era
These are all from currently airing or just concluded shows.
1. Kiseki: Dear to Me
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The masters of cameos, Wayne Song and Huang Chun Chih.
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Aaron Lai and Hank Wang.
(Funnily enough, both pairs also showed up in Plus & Minus a while back.)
2. Jun & Jun
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Tutor and Yim.
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Cheon Seungho and Han Sejin from Mr. Heart.
3. Love Class 2
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Kim Taehwan and Han Hyunjun, the mains from the first season.
4. Minato's Laundromat Season 2
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Takeda Kouhei, who played Nozue in Old Fashion Cupcake.
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Takamatsu Aloha, who played Ren in Tokyo in April Is...
5. Why R U?
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Max and Nat.
6. Wedding Plan
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Fort and Peat as Prapai and Sky...
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...and Boss and Noeul as Payu and Rain, both of our weather boy pairs from Love in the Air.
(Sorry for the possibly sloppy screencaps, I just threw this together.)
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crow-caller · 1 month
Top 5 bodies of water
Rocky bottom mid size rivers in the of the summer (I'm just posting the river I grew up in)
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2. Quarries (marble quarry... my beautiful love)
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3. Underground rivers (possibly the sickest thing ever is when there's secret big water underground.)
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4. Blue holes (very big hole)
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5. The noble peat bog (I don't want to be there but I want her to live forever)
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