huzurkosems-blog · 2 months
Dik başlıyım çünkü eğilince tacım düşüyor 😍👸💙
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Duermes, respiras lento, tus sueños te alejan de la realidad. Un poco de felicidad antes de la luz de un cruel despertar.
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liamnews · 2 months
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liampaynehq: “Any room to love you, any room to hold you” 💧🖤
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dreamings-free · 2 months
by Andre Paine | February 27th 2024
Universal Music Publishing Group songs are now being removed from TikTok.
As previously reported, the publisher’s controlled compositions were always set to join the removal of recordings of Universal Music Group by the end of February.
The major has been embroiled in a war of words with TikTok, as they failed to reach a new licensing agreement.
-> full report on musicweek.com
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bespectacledcorvus · 2 months
So, the 9 weeks are almost over, and honestly, it all went significantly better than expected. Sure, I was socially drained on many days, but only rarely to a degree which made socializing not a viable option. Spending 9 weeks (or 7, to be more accurate) with guys and girls you didn't know at first seemed like a daunting task for me, and yet I've managed to fit in somehow - at least for the most part. I know I'm funny, but also shy, so, I thought I'd have way more social headaches here. Visiting my girlfriend and best friend during that time for two weeks, from mid to end March (I miss her), surely helped in taking a breather from everything, even though the classes continued online during that period. I even start to find myself already missing these campus weeks - next monday it's back to work. The time here was surprisingly fun, something different for once, soon it'll be just... regular life again, in a city where I don't know anyone close enough to consider them a friend. It's sad that most people here will fail to keep in contact with each other, seeing as they're all from different corners of the country, and I'll probably be no exception to that rule. Well, the least I can do is try.
The exams have been over since yesterday, and we already got some scores back today - absolutely nailed politics, history and economic law, fluked maths of course, so far so good.
I also miss my best friend, but I'm going to see her soon in two weeks for an extended period of time.
Funnily, the one problem bugging me the most was the lack of privacy here, and - following from that - the lack of sexual relief. I have a somewhat healthy libido, not very strong the majority of time but it's definitely there, but not touching myself for several weeks has now dialed this up to the max.
Time to cook myself some dinner and to calm down.
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ohrenoir · 2 months
The Coverups + Courtney Love I The Garage 27.02.24
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 3 months
Dark Moon | Chapter List
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⤷ Subtitle | Devoured by you
⤷ Pairing | Yandere Jimin x Reader
⤷ Genre | Yandere!AU, Dark Romance!AU, Gangster!AU, Smut (dubcon, noncon), Angst, Kidnapping, Violence, Obsession
➢ Ratings | +18 / M (Mature)
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | This work originated in Italian, so I apologize for any errors you will find, I am not a native english speaker 🥺❤
Also it is the spin-off of Happy Ending, the story can be read even without knowing HE, but if you are interested in reading it you can find it here ❤
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➢ For Italian tumblr readers, if you are interested in reading this story, please know that it is already on Wattpad in Italian: DARK MOON ITALIAN VERSION
Taglist is open!
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Chapter One | 12.02.24
Chapter Two | 16.02.24
Chapter Three | 20.02.24
Chapter Four | 27.02.24
Chapter Five | 04.03.24
Chapter Six | 10.03.24
Chapter Seven | 14.03.24
Chapter Eight | 18.03.24
Chapter Nine | 22.03.24
Chapter Ten | 26.03.24
Chapter Eleven | 01.04.24
Chapter Twelve | 06.04.24
Chapter Thirteen | 10.04.24
Chapter Fourteen | 15.04.24
Chapter Fifteen - The End | 21.04.24 NEW!
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© | I do not allow republication or editing of this story by third parties, all rights belong to me, anyone guilty of the crime of plagiarism will be reported and blocked. The same goes for the smartasses who will take pieces of my story without my explicit consent.
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jonasiegenthaler · 2 months
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njd@sjs | 27.02.24
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blmpff · 2 months
Wandee Goodday Q10
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sungsetport · 2 months
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— ★ o salário é mínimo, o esforço também.
#NOTA: finalmente posso dizer que eu fiz com o @minkisaur me assistindo PESSOALMENTE. ando sumido por aqui e de tudo por conta da correria, mas estou voltando e logo com novidades.
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huzurkosems-blog · 2 months
Durduk yere kendimi çok hüzünlü ve kırgın hissediyorum kimbilir hangi birikmiş duyguların ruhuma yansıması....
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pozartaa · 2 months
27.02.24 UTRZYMANIE WAG1 dzień 362. Limit +/- 2100 kc@l.
Wybrane posiłki.
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Hej dziś dzień w domu i nic ciekawego. Strasznie nie chciało mi się ćwiczyć... Ale się zmotywowałam - to tylko 20 min na macie, kobieto - spinaj dupsko! Wczoraj sobie odpuściłam, więc dziś już nie wypadało. Byłam też na krótkim spacerze. Pokręciłam pokestopami, przejęłam parę aren.
Gdybym dziś miała więcej czasu to spacer byłby dłuższy (może jutro - nadal wolne). Pogoda piękna - czuć wiosnę w powietrzu, choć w cieniu jeszcze bywa zdradliwe. Ale musiałam wracać do domu żeby zdążyć pofarbować włosy henną (a to prawie dwie godziny w turbanie na głowie) i ogarnąć kilka rzeczy przed wieczorem, bo jednak idę dziś grać w Magic The Gathering (MTG) z moim S. .
Próbuje swoich sił, choć czuje się strasznym noobem. Podejrzewam, że raczej nie będzie nikogo bardziej zielonego ode mnie i dostanę straszne bęcki 😝. Cieszę się za to że to coś co ja i "małż" robimy razem, choć mam wrażenie że jestem strasznie głupia. S. mi ciągle powtarza, że to nie ma nic wspólnego z inteligencja - tylko wszystkiego da się nauczyć. Ja mu trochę wierzę 😉 i nie skreślam siebie tak zupełnie.
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Ale co wam powiem, to wam powiem - Radzi się by ćwiczyć umysł łamigłówkami i krzyżówkami... Nauczcie się grać w MTG! Po jednej partii, człowiek czuje się jakby wziął udział w "Jeden z Dziesięciu" a stawką w teleturnieju było twoje życie. Literalnie - pocisz się jak świnia od myślenia!
(A jak mi poszło napiszę w jutrzejszym poście. Dzisiejszy wstawiam przed wyjściem na granie 😉)
A tak poza tym muszę wymyślić jakiś "gar obiadowy" na parę dni. Chyba będzie chilli...
Kurde, potrzebuje jakiegoś nowego "gara" bo teraz wymiennie mam 4 rodzaje "garów obiadowych" - chilli, kurczak z mango, kurczak z curry i ananasem, fasolka po bretońsku i latem jeszcze dochodzi leczo (teraz papryka za droga). Chyba nic więcej nie przychodzi mi do głowy. Dziś za to walę głównie na gotowcach 😁. Na obiad lasagne ze szpinakiem (Biedra) i surówka z marchewki i kalarepy. Na kolację szczawiowa (Lewiatan) dodałam sobie dwa jajca.
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A na koniec trochę kotospamu. Dziś Svenson pozuje w kokardzie.
Dobrej nocy wam życzę!
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liamnews · 2 months
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Liam via Instagram Story - 27/02
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// 27.02.24 // Madrid, ES //
© _marinabenitez_
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royal-hair · 1 month
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British royal ladies at the thanksgiving service for King Constantine of Greece at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle - 27.02.24
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criedhearts · 2 months
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○⠀27.02.24 — Hadestown, Lyric Theatre, London.
‟⠀Some flowers bloom
Where the green grass grows
Our praise is not for them
But the ones who bloom
In the bitter snow⠀„
‟⠀We raise our cups
To them
We raise 'em high
And drink 'em dry
To Orpheus
And all of us⠀. . . ⠀„
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