#2. the fact that we can have outlaw threads ???? we are SO powerful
cybervigilante · 1 year
𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝚆𝙰𝚂 𝙸𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚈 𝚂𝙰𝙸𝙳 𝙰𝙱𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙱𝙸𝚁𝙳𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙰 𝙵𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁   ?     Koriand’r cannot call to mind the rest of this earth idiom,    focused plainly on the lulling drone of Jason’s voice and the peace she feels to have both him and Roy back within her fold.     it seems like this was to be the natural order of things for the former outlaws     ⸺     to appear on each other’s doorsteps at random and stay for varying periods of time,     sharing with each other what has happened since they’d seen each other last.
it’s not usually so bittersweet,     but Koriand’r,     present,     caring,     always seeking the best for those dearest to her,      had quietly asked Jason how therapy had been unravelling for him.   now she held his hand gripped tight in her warm palm,     heart at her throat to look upon him recounting his most recent session and suddenly looking so utterly lost.   
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❝     𝙼𝚈 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙿𝙸𝚂𝚃 𝚁𝙴𝙲𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙻𝚈 𝚃𝙾𝙻𝙳 𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚆𝙰𝚈 𝚃𝙾 𝙰𝙲𝙷𝙸𝙴𝚅𝙴 𝚃𝚁𝚄𝙴 𝙸𝙽𝙽𝙴𝚁 𝙿𝙴𝙰𝙲𝙴 𝙸𝚂 𝚃𝙾 𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚂𝙷 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝙸 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃.     𝙸 𝙳𝙾𝙽'𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙺 𝚂𝙷𝙴 𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝙼𝚈 𝙱𝚁𝚄𝚂𝙷 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷 𝚄𝙿𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝚄𝙶𝙶𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃, 𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚄𝙶𝙷.     ❞      @batagonist​ admits.   Koriand’r is heartbroken to note the unease that permeates his body,      prompting him to look more war-torn than usual.
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a quick tilt of her head towards Roy allows her to see the bevy of emotions heavy on his handsome face from where he sat folding Lian’s freshly washed clothes,   his hair pulled up on a half-knot to allow for more ventilation on his body in the San Francisco heat,       ❝     does she know  ?   about  ....   you know  ....  ?     ❞      ‘   your death,   that you died   ‘    goes unsaid as he gestures aimlessly,      speaking in the vague way he was prone to when the conversation touched upon something he was confused by,     uncertain of,      or uncomfortable about.    
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 ❝     that does not matter.    ❞      she deliberates imperiously almost as soon as Roy has finished speaking,      the melodic soothe of her gentle voice like the whisper of summer air through windchimes.      she releases his hand in favor of placing both her palms on either side of his face,     steadying him,     tethering their eyes together.      ❝     Jason.   ❞      the collection of syllables corresponding to his name roll from her tongue with languid elegance,      tone warbled and an octave higher,    inquisitive.     it seems almost deceptive that she could sound so sweet when the blade of her warmhearted bluntness,      the caring confrontationality she employed in situations where her beloveds grazed past what should be confronted head-on,     seemed intent to cut through the crust of the scab covering the wound of his death.     ❝    𝙳𝙾 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙱𝙴𝙻𝙸𝙴𝚅𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳 𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙱𝙴 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝙳   ?     ❞    
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
[moved over from a rage tweet thread, bare with me here] According to a leaked draft, Alito is writing a decision overturning Roe. v. Wade, clearing the way for states legislatures, elected by increasingly small minorities, to outlaw abortion. This decision will kill women. Full stop. The '6 week heartbeat bill' is actually neither. It's a functional all out ban of abortion. For one thing, the ban is NOT from 6 weeks from conception, but 6 weeks after your last period. The deadline is ~4 weeks pregnant, at most only 2 weeks late. You can't even get a pregnancy confirmed in time to schedule an abortion in Texas within that timeframe. For another, the fetal heart does not actually develop until about 20 weeks. Republicans just wanted to play on emotions of voters, not deal in actual facts So if there was something wrong, a fetal abnormality with the heart or the brain? You better hope you live somewhere with laws and doctors who will allow you to make your own decisions in that incredibly difficult time. The safest and least emotionally damaging course might not be available to you, even before this court decision, even if you live in a liberal state. However multiple states will use this decision to ban abortions even in these cases, and even to prevent medical deaths.
You can not discount just how vital abortion rights are to protecting the lives of pregnant patients. While abortion is incredibly safe, Women in America are 250% more likely to die in pregnancy now than when Roe was decided. Black Americans are further 250% more likely to die in pregnancy than White Americans. Pregnancy should be getting safer, not more dangerous, but the emphasis has been placed on fetal protection even over protection of the adult patient. Women have literally died because doctors are afraid to intervene during miscarriages.
We don't talk about how incredibly common miscarriages are, but ~30% of first time pregnancies end in miscarriage. Yet Women are imprisoned for miscarrying, both here & abroad. Republicans claim they're not criminalizing pregnant patients but invariably prosecute women for attempting their own abortions, or for misunderstood miscarriages. That does not even cover the pregnant people who will die trying to obtain abortions when they can't go to a doctor. After the abortion restrictions signed by Rick Perry, it was estimated that 100,000-240,000 women in Texas attempted to self induce by 2015. Do you understand how incredibly dangerous that is? Wealthy women could leave the state for care, but less lucky patients were calling clinics asking what cleaners they could survive drinking. It was heartbreaking & dangerous. & it shouldn't need to be said, but no person should be forced to gestate and birth a human being.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg said it best, "It is essential to woman’s equality with man that she be the decisionmaker, that her choice be controlling, questioning, If you impose restraints that impede her choice, you are disadvantaging her because of her sex.”
To deny a teenager, a mother who can't make ends meet, a medical patient, the ability to make this life altering decision, this life saving decision, between themselves and their doctor is not just amoral, it is cruel, it is heartless. To pretend it wasn't after meaningfully removing their ability to choose to parent though? It's a cruelty in the name of political gain that can not hide behind the religion they claim to speak in the name of.
Because it is, solely in the name of political power consolidation. Roe was decided 7-2 in 1973, with five Republican appointees joining the decision. Through the 60s abortion was seen as a fringe issue protestant voters were unconcerned with. Republicans needed something to replace racialized hate on the campaign trail, and manufactured outrage for their voters. As a governor Reagan loosened abortion restrictions in 1967, but he called for the appointment of anti-abortion judges in 1980 to run for president.
So what do we do? In 2022, 50 years later, how do we support the people in our country? We can get sad, but then we need to get mad. They need to taste the full fury of 160 million women rising together. Operating in both the short direct small scale & the large national stage.
For yourselves and your loved ones. Order emergency contraception, NOW. http://nurx.com is one place to get it. Keep some ella or equivalent on hand for you and the women you care for. (Plan B is less effective in women 160 lbs and over, so get ella). If you can, obtain abortion medications such as misoprostol. medication abortions are 95% effective when taken within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. The risks, including those attributable to ectopic pregnancy are less than 1%. States have been banning the mailing of these pills but not because it is unsafe, simply to force impoverished women to continue unwanted pregnancies. Don't wait until the zip code lottery to get worse, order these medications now. Go out and protest. #shoutyourabortion story. make the people in your life hear you. and VOTE please for all our sakes, vote. and convince them to as well. The midterm elections - but also your local state elections - have never mattered more.
If abortion is not effectively protected by our constitution, republican legislatures can ban abortion in your state and a republican congress could pass abortion restrictions nation wide. We need to speak up, we need to say no to online propaganda.
We need to elect sane people. Our lives depend on it.
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swan2swan · 3 years
So, where do we go from here? 
Camp Cretaceous Season 4 Prediction (LONG): 
As much as I’ve argued that we need to stay on Isla Nublar the whole time, turning right back around after that final sendoff would be too much of a forced “Return to Status Quo” for a story that has propelled itself forward so much. The kids did it. They won. They got off the island. I feel like we've explored almost everything we needed to (what's left? The bamboo forests? The gardens?), and though we never saw Triceratops or Stygimolochs or got chased by Gallimimus, we can't just go back after everything's increased. The only Big Challenge remaining on the island is the volcano, and that's six months out.
But the story’s nowhere near done, because we have four major plot threads that need to be addressed before the show ends:
1. Most immediately, we have the dinosaur in the closet. Is it a baby Scorpios? Blue? A Monolophosaurus? A Dilophosaurus? A baby Ouranosaurus? A baby Baryonyx? Jeanie? We don’t know, but odds are that it’s going to throw a wrench into the kids’ plans to return home. 
2. The state of Sammy's family and the ranch are still in flux; what will happen to them? Did they get all the money they needed from lawsuits? Does Mantah Corp have dirt on them? Are they going to try to interfere with Sammy because she Knows Too Much? They were set up as villains for a reason.
3. Darius and Kenji's strained relationship is a setup for future conflict.
4. We need to see Bumpy again. This isn't something that “needs” to come up, but the fact is that she's one of the main characters—bringing her back is essential to the story's quality, and we're not missing that thread. She either needs to get off the island, or we need to see that she lives afterwards.
Considering all of these things, I can rule out a lot of options: we're not getting chased right back by the Mosasaurus, and the creature in the ship isn't just going to wreck the engines and send them back. They're less than a hundred miles off of Costa Rica, so even if they're cruising at a cautious ten miles an hour, they should be able to see the shore within twenty-four hours, which means we're not going on an island-hopping adventure, either. You need dinosaurs, too, so nothing generic will happen.
Thus we can consider:
1: The kids are on the mainland of Costa Rica, and lost in the jungle or mountains. Just because they found their way back to mainland doesn't mean that they're going to find a port, and if their stowaway or the Mosasaurus causes problems, they can crash easily. If it's a Scorpios Rex baby, they'll have to hunt it and capture/kill it to finish their mission from this season. The problem with this option is that it just retreads the threat from the last season, which is boring; if it's a Monolophosaurus (or two), then it might not even impact things...so, I don't think the “kids in the jungle” plot is going to stick. I give this one a “D”.
2:  The kids run into a patrol vessel before landing. Isla Nublar is under quarantine. While they're on the boat, their rescuers/captors unleash the creature (which could be Scorpios!), and now there's a tight opening adventure on the boat. Thrilling, but not much of a big season if it's just a navy vessel...which leads me to:
3:  This is the only way I think we go back to Nublar, and that is if they meet up with a patrol boat, and then the creature in the hold (a small Scorpios???) rampages through the ship. They put it down, but the noise attracts the Mosasaurus, which wrecks the boat and puts them right back on Nublar—separated and with a bunch of adults alongside them. With a cast of much-more-plot-vulnerable adults to care about now (perhaps including Roxie, who joined the crew?), the stakes are higher and the kids are guides—maybe even separated at different points on the island. Not a big fan of this idea, though—again, it's retreading, and the number of excuses for “military-trained adults can't radio for help” is slim. So, I give it an “F”. But let's refine it a little further:
4: The kids get picked up by a patrol boat that is actually working for Mantah Corp—and they discover the dinosaur that has snuck aboard. Seeing an opportunity, Mantah Corp excitedly takes the kids to their secret base...on Isla Sorna. Though the dinosaurs on the island are mostly extinct and sick from disease, the abandoned island was perfect for a field laboratory. Specimens to study, buildings that already existed, a quarantine keeping prying eyes away...there's a whole organization here now. The kids escape from captivity (as they do) and find themselves wandering around a new island with new dangers: all around them are long-decayed skeletons of dinosaurs from the past, and hunting them are bizarre creations from Mantah Corp's labs. It's an island of ghosts now, and the kids need to escape...and perhaps, when they do, they find that they only have enough fuel to make it to one place: and it's the place they never thought they'd return to.
This plot covers pretty much every base—the stowaway, Mantah Corp, the relationships, and a chance to return to Bumpy—and gives them a proper, probable reason to go to Isla Sorna that isn't “Fate decided that it would be fun if they went to a different island”. I give this one “B-to-A” probability.
There is one other major option:
Three. Year. Timeskip.
There are only two things holding me back from leaning into this: one is that it would deny us the sight of the kids reuniting with their families. We need that. We need some sort of triumphant return home. The other, simpler, more obvious problem is the monster in the hold; that kind of cliffhanger seems like it should come up. Obviously both of these problems can be solved via flashbacks, or a prologue, but...the need for new models and such would be an issue, because “budget” has always been a thing.
The other major problem, obviously, is the fact that the kids would need a reason to come back together. Maybe they all gather together for an anniversary and a dinosaur attacks them; maybe they're all being interviewed; but a far more interesting, compelling, and obvious motivation would be this:
Bumpy is alive and in danger.
Thus, all six kids (well...at least two would be adults now...) go running off to find and rescue Bumpy. They're bold and independent, rebellious and reckless: they each go to save their dinosaur friend, and they end up running into each other and ultimately facing Mantah Corp, who is one of the major power players in the prelude to Dominion.
This one has the ultimate story potential, in my opinon. You have Kenji and Darius meeting again with death glares because they left on poor terms. Ben has adjusted. Yaz and Sammy have had three years of yearning, notes, and problems (or maybe Sammy vanished...). And Brooklynn has had to forge a completely new life for herself, because she can't deal with internet fame anymore—everyone asking her about the island wherever she goes was just too much.
It directly sets the stage for Dominion, allowing glimpses of the world as it will be in the movie. Maybe the kids set more dinosaurs loose from Mantah Corp's (land-based in this one) laboratories as they free Bumpy. Maybe they become renegades and outlaws—forced to live in the wilds of California, Nevada, or Mexico. They're no longer looking for rescue, but for refuge. Maybe Claire has a sanctuary, a real one, that they have to get to. This would make it a full-scale adventure in a world filled with dinosaurs. Whatever they brought back with them is out there, too...and perhaps an old, scarred nemesis they never thought they would see again.
The biggest drawback to this is that the show hasn’t been running long enough for kids who started it to connect with the grown-up forms of the characters, but also...at the same time...it could work? I dunno, I give it “B” probability, A+ potential. 
Other thoughts that could work in any of these:
Roxie is working for Mantah Corp. She's unemployed, combat ready, and bitter at InGen...also, she'd look great in a uniform.
Brand is involved in any mainland shenanigans.
Dodgson. Dodgson. Can we get Dodgson here?
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potteresque-ire · 3 years
Hi :) Are you following the zheng shuang scandal? Would you say that her career is pretty much over now? The rate the news has been unfolding is so crazy to me. It’s only been 3-4 days. Was wondering if the gov would handle her matters personally.
Hello Anon! Yes, I’ve followed the news about the actress, primarily because it offers insight on how the current administration deals with stars exhibiting what it deems as “immoral” behaviour. As of today (2021/01/26), it’s difficult to imagine her career will survive at all. While she isn’t the first to be categorised as a “bad-history entertainer” (劣迹藝人), she’s the first to be explicitly banned by the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA; 國家廣播電視總局), the department that controls—and censors—content of all radio, television, satellite, and Internet broadcasts in the country. Before, the NRTA didn’t publicise the names of the entertainers the government no longer wishes to see, which allows a possibility for reversal in a few year’s time if the “bad-history” wasn’t too damaging, and production companies are willing to take a risk and produce shows with the entertainers that may be difficult to pass the censorship board. But with such a high profile announcement, the government’s stance is unlikely to turn around in a foreseeable future.
Hmm. Let’s backpedal a little to get everyone on track. Before, I’ve shared some info re: the censoring of books, of audiovisual media. What if the government decides to “cancel” an entertainer instead? How does it do it? What are the standards?
The actress’s downfall is a (sad) example.
I shall skip names, the gossipy elements. Whether she made mistakes or not, no one deserves having their private matters exposed and sensationalised like this; no one should have to undergo such a humiliating, public trial. Essentially, the heart of the story goes as follows: the actress, a romantic-lead type who has been popular for several years, secretly got married. On 2021/01/18, her estranged husband claimed on Weibo that the couple had two children using US-based surrogate mothers, and the actress had abandoned the children in the US under his care. Meanwhile, his friend provided an audio from approximately the 7th month of the surrogate pregnancies, at which time the marriage was already falling apart. In the audio, the actress expressed dismay that abortion was no longer possible; her family talked about abandoning the newborns at the hospital or giving them up for adoption.
The next day (2021/01/19), the actress responded. She didn’t deny the existence of her surrogate children and claimed that she had been extorted. More importantly, she said the following: 
“身為藝人我深知我國疫情的防控與重視。** 在中國國土之上我沒有違背國家的指示,在境外我也更是尊重一切的法律法規。”
“Being an artist, I deeply understand the attention my country (China) has placed on controlling the epidemic. On China’s soil, I didn’t do anything that violates the directives by the government. Outside the country, I’ve been even more respectful of all laws and regulations.”
This apparently hit a nerve of the administration. On the same day (2021/01/19), the Communist Party’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission (CPLAC; 中央政法委) — one of the most powerful commissions that oversees the entire legal enforcement system of the government —  published an opinion piece , in which it said:
But the response of (name of the actress) insists that she didn’t violate any laws, doesn’t show a hint of remorse, regret…
要知道,在我国代孕行为是被明确禁止的。… 作为中国公民,因为代孕在中国被禁止,就钻法律空子就跑去美国,这绝不是遵纪守法。…
It should be known, that in our country, surrogacy is explicitly prohibited … as a PRC (People’s Republic of China) citizen, to use a legislative loophole and go to the US due to the ban of surrogacy in China is absolutely not obeying the law…
It should be known, that hype devoid of significance will not bring in traffic (click rates). The charisma of public figures comes from their noble professionalism, good social image, high quality works in character and content, and not from “personalities” rooting in craziness, petulance, mischief, the selling of one’s lack-of-love and misfortunes. As a public figure, to wildly roam at the edge of the law, to place such wrong and chaotic world views, values and life perspectives in the public eye, to cause harm to the morals of society — that is definitely not innocence!
Things to note here:
1) The CPLAC reacting within a day of the actress’s statement ~  unlikely enough time for teasing out / verifying the facts or truth of the matter.
2) The implication that Chinese citizens must follow Chinese laws, even when they’re overseas. (What about, for example, same-sex marriages?)
3) These words that, IMO, bordered on insult: “craziness, petulance, mischief, the selling of one’s lack-of-love and misfortunes”.
The actress’s career was hanging by a thread with this opinion piece. State-controlled agencies chimed in, many of which echoing CPLAC’s stance that surrogacy is explicitly prohibited in China. By night time of 2021/01/19, rumours abounded that multiple media companies had already listed the actress as a “bad-history entertainer” and would be shelving all her works and cancelling all her scheduled appearances. Prada terminated her endorsement.
The final drop of the hammer happened a day later, in the evening of 2021/01/20. The NRTA issued a statement that explicitly named the actress and contained the following lines:
Surrogacy isn’t a private matter. It doesn’t agree with the law, violates the civility of socialism…
Artists who work in TV and web audiovisual productions, especially famous entertainers, have significant social influence and demonstrative roles as public figures. They should be conscious about the self-discipline required for their industry, be strict in their behaviour and personal virtues, speak of great kindness and defend civility.
Policies regarding the management of the industry is clear and strict. The public does not want, does not accept, does not allow those with scandals and poor history pollute the civility, the good order and customs of our society.
We will not supply opportunities and platforms for those with scandals and poor history to sound their opinions, to show their faces. Just as before, we are determined to provide audiovisual content that is healthy above all.
And just like this, less than 72 hours after the estranged husband posted on his Weibo, the actress’s career is over. The NRTA, which has The Say on who and what get exposure time on screen, has spoken. The actress had no way of self-defence. Her 11 million followers on Weibo didn’t get to decide whether she’d stay or she’d go.
This is a brutal punishment but for what, exactly? Some netizens have whispered while the others shout their condemnations ~ but I thought…. surrogacy isn’t illegal?
And they’re correct: surrogacy isn’t explicitly outlawed in China, despite what CPLAC and other state agencies has claimed. In 2001, the Ministry of Health banned medical institutions and health care workers from "practicing any form of surrogate technology". However, no laws have ever passed that prohibit individuals from commissioning or providing surrogacy services—especially when the services are overseas.
The actress, therefore, wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t do anything that violates the directives by the government on China’s soil. Her “crime” of using surrogate mothers was, at worst, a legally grey area. For years, China has had a booming, semi-underground surrogacy market, their client base including older parents who wish to have another child after the country relaxed its birth limit (the so-called “one-child policy”) in 2015, infertile couples, and to a lesser extent, the LGBT+ community. Blued, China’s most popular gay social networking/dating app, has offered overseas surrogate services for several years that connect their clients with US-based surrogates. It pulled the services after the actress’s incident.
But all that doesn’t matter. People in China understands this: the law book is there, but those in power at the moment always have the final word ~ and that word doesn’t have to match the legal codes, or the previous final words of their predecessors. As for the moral outcry re: the actress having wished to abort / give up her unborn children, it’s worth mentioning abortion has long been used to to enforce the country’s decades-long birth limit policies, and forced, violent late-term abortions were not unheard of. Many people in China are also aware of that.
But again, it doesn’t matter.
I’ve described the government’s reactions in detail because they put in words the expectations it has of its entertainers. Entertainers in China are expected to not only obey the laws, but also have proper world views, (moral) values and life perspectives (collectively called 三觀, literally, “three views”) as defined by the government. The state has also made clear that such expectations grow with the fame of the entertainers.
Entertainers at the top of the c-ent industry, especially the idol types with many young fans, are therefore expected to get things right. These opinion pieces are reminders that the administration keeps a close eye on them, can “cancel” them with a few words if they fail.
The term for “canceling” an entertainer is 封殺 (literally, “seal and kill”).
The actress isn’t the first to be “cancelled” by the government. The first time the NRTA issued a directive regarding “poor-history entertainers” (劣迹藝人) was in 2014, which essentially called for shutting out any entertainer with a history of bad behaviours. It demanded all production companies, TV stations, online media companies and theatres to stop producing / broadcasting audiovisual content with these people, citing that TV and film media should be used for “spreading the progressive culture of socialism and promoting socialist core values” (”传播社会主义先进文化、弘扬社会主义核心价值观”). As these entertainers will no longer be exposed to an audience, these directives effectively kill the career of most who are affected.
What makes up the “poor-history” of “poor-history entertainers” then?
- The 2014 edition named drug use and prostitution (including hiring a prostitute) specifically.
- The 2018 edition, an announcement made by a top NRTA official, stated that audiovisual programmes should adhere to the “Four Never-Use” guidelines when inviting guests for their shows. Those guidelines were vague but for the last line: “In addition, the NRTA explicitly requests that programmes should not use entertainers with tattoos; (those associated with) hip-hop culture, sub-cultures (non-mainstream cultures), decadent cultures.” (”另外,总局明确要求节目中纹身艺人、嘻哈文化、亚文化(非主流文化)、丧文化(颓废文化)不用。”)
Some may be asking: wait … hip-hop?
It was believed that hip-hop artists were targeted due to a scandal at the time, in which (another) well-known actress had an extra-marital affair with a rapper. Analysis of the rapper’s lyrics found sexism and suggestions of drug use (the rapper later apologised and claimed his “core values” had been distorted due to influence from “black music”.) 
As this guideline hasn’t been retracted under any formal capacity, it can still be used to axe any show, shut out any entertainer.
If you’re wondering about SDOC, for example, this again illustrates the need for some … mind-reading skills to navigate life in China. A good way to achieve that without superpowers is to have the right connections to higher-ups, who can offer hints on what can get away at the moment and what cannot (this is true not only for c-ent, but for most business practices in the country; building 關係 guanxi— literally, “relationship”— is a must for those who wants a  piece of the Chinese market).
- In 2020, NRTA expanded the “no exposure” rule to live-stream shows on the internet as well as on- and offline charity events, where previously “cancelled” artists had started to find jobs in to make a living. While that notice didn’t further elaborate on what makes “bad history”, the accompanying article in People’s Daily (The State-controlled Newspaper) went into more details. In addition to drug use and prostitution specified in 2014, the article named tax evasion; lying about education levels; *suspected* (涉嫌) extramarital affairs, domestic violence and inappropriate speech.
It’s worth emphasising that many of these activities are not illegal. “Suspected” also means these activities do not have to have happened ~ it’s the impression that they’ve happened that counts. Hence, back to the actress who had surrogate children, not only did it not matter whether surrogacy is actually illegal, it didn’t matter whether the leaked audio was real or taken out of context, or that the babies didn’t end up being aborted / adopted. The article once again stresses that private matters are no longer private for entertainers who are in the public eye as social influencers, and these directives on “poor-history entertainers” — colloquially called “封殺令”, with 封殺 meaning the “seal-and-kill” and 令 meaning command (as in Chen Qing Ling 陳情令) — are there to set the standards, the bottom-line for c-ent. It did call for more specifics in future directives: more guidance on what makes “bad history”, the ways these entertainers can redeem themselves. As of today, however, such specifics have not been provided. As a result, to avoid crossing the NRTA, the media has ended up “overachieving” in certain cases, wiping out the screen time of entertainers who only have a remote chance of being viewed as having “bad history” to play it safe. Last October, for example, a young singer was briefly edited out of all his recorded shows because his parents (not him) was revealed to be deadbeats owing millions in debt.
And so, without a known way out yet, “bad-history” entertainers such as the actress will likely remain “sealed and killed” for a long time. Entertainers recently caught with extramarital affairs ~ a relatively minor “offence” ~ have been missing on screen for 2-3 years, and the heavy-handed treatment by the government this time is likely to put a pause on any companies considering using these people again. Even if they’re finally allowed some degree of comeback, their career prime will be over and and their NRTA “sentence” will likely follow them everywhere they go, which makes their getting face time in any high-profile (high-investment) projects unlikely. Those who must work to make their ends meet will probably end up like so many entertainers who never made it big, or are at the very tail end of their career ~ drifting from city to city singing in local clubs, getting paid poorly and harassed by rude customers...
** A side note: In case anyone wonders why she brought up COVID, it’s a similar idea as Gg apologising for “佔用了一些社會公共資源” “occupying social resources” in his first team post after 227 (2020/03/01). For an authoritarian regime that has placed the most attention on maintaining social stability (ie. quelling dissent), disrupting the government’s narrative re: current events and potentially reversing the overall tone the administration is trying to reach in public discourse can be a greater offence than any actual “wrongdoing”. 227, as an incident, was guilty of that.
(And I’m bringing this up because I find this relevant to the safety asks I have in my inbox. Arguments among fans do not themselves render Gg and Dd unsafe, but can become a significant issue if they “occupy social resources”, disrupt the government’s narratives and/or its political machinery in some ways. IMO, 227 took a dangerous turn not because the fans were arguing over a piece of fanfic, but because a group of fans took over the reporting machinery intended to rat out dissidents. It was a mistake that I hope no fans ~ regardless of who they support ~ will repeat again.)
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
The Silmarillion as a TV/Netflix Show (Part 5)
Season 5 centres on Túrin, Tuor, and Dior - and, later, Elwing and Eärendil. The last two seasons have looked hopeful for a while but ended on tragic notes (the Bragollach and the Nirnaeth); this season is going to flip things by being almost unremittingly tragic but ending on a hopeful note.
There are a few key things to do here:
1) Draw out parallels and common threads between our main characters. At first I wanted to shift the timeline a little and have key events in Túrin and Tuor’s lives happening at the same time: Túrin as outlaw, Tuor as thrall and then outlaw; Túrin in Nargothrond, Tuor in Gondolin; Túrin and Finduilas, Tuor and Idril. But it felt like there were too many big events happening simultaneously, and it was hard to fit them all in. Still, the parallels between the cousins are present.
Dior needs more characterization in order to be able to hold his own, narratively speaking; we have very little on him in canon.
2) The Fëanorians will be very important in the last few episodes of the season, so they need to be worked into the storyline of at least some of the earlier episodes to keep them in view. I’m going to go with them being based on Amon Ereb for this period; it fits some of Tolkien’s versions, and having them in Ossiriand at the same time as Beren and Lúthien and Dior would feel like a massive Chekhov’s Gun that is never fired.
So, with that in mind:
Episode 1: Túrin is going to take centre stage here, with the episode covering everything from his departure from Hithlum up to the death of Saeros and Túrin’s departure from Doriath. (And the episode will start with the Words of Húrin and Morgoth.) There will also be a few scenes from Tuor’s and Dior’s childhoods, which were comparatively more stable. Since Beren and Lúthien had such a large part in the last season it will be nice to see their experiences of parenthood. Lúthien, never having met mortal children, will be shocked at how fast Dior grows up. (He definitely ages on a Mannish scale - he’s married at 22, a king at 27, and dead at 30.)
Near the beginning, the episode will also include a scene where the Fëanorians attempt to invade Doriath and are turned back by the Girdle of Melian. It doesn’t function as a direct, physical barrier; it causes confusion and disorientation and strange visions and a loss of sense of direction, and you look around and find you’ve ended up outside Doriath again. This eerie, hallucinatory quality fits Melian’s background as a Maia of Lórien, Master of Dreams. (And hey, if you can work some subtle prophetic/ominous foreshadowing into the visions, all the better!) The purpose of the scene is to show that the Fëanorian’s aren’t idle; they do want pursue the Silmaril, but for the moment it is beyond their reach. The brothers will have varying levels of enthusiasm about the plan, with Celegorm and Curufin being the ringleaders.
Episode 2: Heavily focuses on Túrin’s time as an outlaw, from his first meeting with the bandits through to Dor-Cúarthol, the fall of Amon Rudh, and the death of Beleg. This is a lot of material - joining the bandits, becoming their leader, the first meeting with Beleg, finding Mîm and Amon Rudh, Dór-Cuarthol, and the fall of Amon Rudh and the death of Beleg. There may be a need to streamline it, with Beleg only finding the outlaws once they are at Amon Rudh, and staying with them then.
There’s a lot of good characters here, and a lot of good personality confllicts - it’s practically a short movie in itself. Particular care needs to be taken with Mîm, who cannot be allowed to become a caricature.
This episode introduces Anglachel, so it would be good to have a short Gondolin scene with Maeglin (bearer of Anguirel) to establish the symmetry. And also to keep Gondolin in the viewers’ minds. A short scene in Nargothrond showing their reaction to Dór-Cúarthol (positive: it is or was their realm, and he’s doing more to defend it that they are) will set up later events,
Episode 3: The focus splits between Túrin in Nargothrond - particularly his relationships with Gwindor and Finduilas, and his growing prominence, with him becoming de-facto in charge at the end of the episode - and Tuor as a thrall and later outlaw. Tuor’s personality really comes to the fore here: he’s patient, and steady, and kind. He puts up with considerable abuse an a thrall, escapes when there’s an opportune moment, and can’t be effectively pursued because he’s made friends with all of his captor’s hounds. (I especially like that last fact.) The episode ends with him leaving Dor-lómin by the Gate of the Noldor.
This is also a good time to build up the romance between Dior and Nimloth. Nimloth must be Laiquendi, as those are the only other people Beren and Lúthien would meet in Ossiriand; I rather like the idea of them being childhood friends, to offset some of the more love-at-first-sight romances. Dior is now in his late teens and - this is important - very, very good-looking, even by elf standards. He’s also very interested in his Doriathrin heritage, and asking his parents a lot of questions about his grandparents; that sets up his determination to be Eluchíl later on.
Episode 4: Tuor’s meeting with Ulmo and his coming to Gondolin, the Fall of Nargothond, and Túrin in Dórlomin. The fall of Nargothrond and deaths of Gwindor and Finduilas form a nice counterpoint/contrast with Tuor’s meetings with Voronwë and Idril and his arrival at Gondolin. Túrin’s impulsive actions in Dor-lómin contrast with Tuor’s approach in the prior episode as well.
Episode 5: Focus is on Túrin’s story. Journey of Morwen and Nienor to Nargothrond and its consequences, and Túrin in Brethil, through to his slaying of Glaurung and his and Nienor’s deaths.
For extra bonus irony points, parallel the wedding of Túrin and Níniel with the weddings of Idril and Tuor and of Dior and Nimloth.
Episode 6: Wanderings of Húrin through to the Sack of Doriath and Beren and Dior’s fight with the dwarf-army. (Dior isn’t mentioned as being part of this fight in the Silm, but it’s an excellent moment to include him here.) The Fëanorians reenter the scene, attempting to intercept the dwarf army carrying the Silmaril, but arriving too late. This is the best chance they’ve had st recovering a Silmaril yet - they’re not going to ignore it.
The line “while Lúthien held the Silmaril no elf would dare assail her” is typically read as it just being something no one would consider on a moral level - and that’s a valid reading - but I like the idea that the Fëanorians aren’t going after her because they’re freaking terrified of her. This is the woman who defeated Morgoth single-handedly! Holding one of the most powerful artifacts ever created! Who knows what she could do! (The Fëanorians absolutely make concessions to practicality when it comes to the Oath - otherwise they would have attacked Angband sometime in the 400 years of the Siege, or after the Nirnaeth as a way to die pursuing their oath in a decent way rather than slaughtering kin. It’s only the final attack by Maedhros and Maglor after the War of Wrath that they attempt in the face of impossibility, and by that time I think suicide-by-Valarin-army makes up a solid portion of their motivation.)
Episode 7: The refounding of Doriath, the Second Kinslaying, and the capture and treachery of Maeglin. Broad theme of the episode being Bad Elvish Behaviour all round, with elves doing Morgoth’s work either directly (Maeglin) or on their own initiative (the Fëanorians).
My idea on the refounding of Doriath, and on Dior’s title of Eluchíl (Thingol’s Heir) is that this quickly and breifly becomes the core of Elvendom in Beleriand. Dior, as Lúthuen’s son and Melian’s grandson, likely has some degree of ‘magical’ power beyond what is usual for elves. Not enough to reestablish the Girdle of Melian, but enough to provide some general deterrance against evil forces. Doriath is also, for the first time, open to all the other free peoples of Beleriand, and is the only true realm remaining aside from secret and mysterious Gondolin. Not only do the Doriathrin Sindar and some of the Laiquendi and the northern grey-elves unite around Doriath, various Noldor, remants of lost realms and destroyed armies, join them. Dior is becoming in truth what Thingol claimed to be: King of Beleriand. All the more so when the Silmaril comes to him and Doriath blossoms like a memory of Valinor in the Ages of the Trees.
And this would fit with why the Fëanorians would regard Dior as ‘proud’, this would offend them more than anything, because what he’s achieving is exactly Fëanor once boasted that he would achieve, long ago in Tirion. This would fit with the sheer visciousness of the Second Kinslaying, with the abandonment of Dior’s young sons in the forest. Celegorm’s people aren’t even thinking in terms of hostages; they just want to destroy Dior’s entire family line, because his existence, his kingship, what he’s achieved are such an affront.
But Elwing escapes, and the Silmaril is still out of their hands.
(The attack is at Yule, whuch sets up a strong and deliberate parallel - Morgoth’s earlier attacks on the Lamps and the Trees were also at times of festival/celebration, so the Fëanorians’ actions are being deliberately equated with his.)
Episode 8: The Fall of Gondolin. This is your absolutely epic big battle scene. Balrogs! Dragons! Eagles! Maeglin acting like a cackling B-movie villain! (I have not read The Fall of Gondolin, but I’ve hear that Idril swordfights Maeglin in it, and this absolutely needs to happen.) Ecthelion kills a Gothmog! Glorfindel kills a balrog! It’s tragic, but it’s also extremely exciting television (unlike the kinslaying the previous week, which was mostly just really depressing and horrific.)
The episode ends with the survivors of Gondolin making their way to Sirion, where the survivors of Doriath have already settled. I think that the survivors of Nargothrond should also be there, to keep things simple and allow for some extra drama.
Episode 9: This one starts with a timeskip, so we can have adult Eärendil and Elwing. The episode is a quieter one, mainky setup for later events: the departure of Tuor and Idril, the marriage of Eärendil and Elwing, the birth of the twins, and Eärendil’s departure to seek the aid of the Valar. The voyage of Eärendil is dramatic and can take up some of the episode.
Episode 10: The Third Kinslaying, the destruction of the Fëanorian base on Amon Ereb, the voyage of Eärendil and Elwing to Valinor, and the Valar’s decision to go to war. The nain reason I wanted the Nargothrondim in Sirion is so that we can get Celebrimbor fighting against the Fëanorian forces here, because that just increases the level of emotional drama. The whole thing’s a traumatic mess. Fëanoruan solidiers throwing down their swords and surrendering. Fëanorian soldiers switching sides to defend the people of Sirion. It’s hard to overstate how teagic this is - here is almost the last remnant of elves in Beleriand, and they are being destroyed not by Morgoth (from whom they would be protected by Ulmo’s waters), but by their own people.
But at the end of the episode, Valinor is marshalling for war, and things are finally. finally, looking like they could get better.
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Thoughts on House of X #3
Ah, back to HoX in what feels like the first time in forever.
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Death and Memory:
As we might expect for an issue that concerns itself entirely with a special forces mission, the issue starts with an exploration of the psychology of the participants - starting with Scott himself, although the idea of a mission leader who has to overcome his fears and doubts for a higher purpose isn’t particularly novel for the genre. 
Throughout HoX/PoX, there’s a significant part of the fandom that has focused on question of consent - which is something we’ll definitely get into in this and future posts - but it’s noticeable that this discussion doesn’t include this segment, where Scott is very careful to describe the mission as done by “people who accept the mission for what it is” who “understand the stakes and the risk.”
I like how the responses from Cyclops’ superiors not only emphasize the themes of the series but also the character of the speakers: Xavier’s response is (a bit too?) intimate, talking about Scott’s thoughts with the first-hand knowledge of a lifelong mentor who is also a telepath, emphasizing the concept of “family” which we’ll see bandied about through House of X #6, and most crucially promising him that “you’re not going to die. I won’t allow it.” As we learn later, Xavier is being quite literal.
By contrast, Magneto’s speech is all high politics, emphasizing the righteousness of the mission, the Achillean route to immortality “by their mighty works,” and the role that national myth plays in turning real people into icons that live on after their death. We’ll see quite a few Krakoan Founding Fathers as the series goes on, from the Five to the Quiet Council. Given the existential nature of the threat that Cyclops’ team are facing down, it’s not surprising that they’re treated with a bit of Nathan Hale hero-worship. 
So let’s talk about the team composition. As people have noted, while some of them make a lot of sense (you need psychics, you need teleporters, you need sneakers and fighters), others are a bit odd. Archangel’s an odd inclusion, given the restrictions the mission will place on flying, although to be honest we don’t know what his or Husk’s role was supposed to be, because they never get to do anything. 
Focusing more on the broader parameters of the mission: Cyclops is quite up-front about Mother Mold as the proximate danger and Nimrod as the ultimate danger, as well as the no “taking Krakoan fauna with us.” I would agree that Mystique’s body language and dialogue wrt to maybe breaking that rule are quite suspicious here, but if there is any significance to this plot thread, it’ll have to wait for Powers of X #6 and/or Dawn of X.
Incidentally, I don’t buy at all arguments from some elements of the fandom that the X-Men are being mind-controlled or are pod people - we see Archangel and Husk disagreeing with Monet, Cyclops clashing with Mystique...and between Wolverine and Marvel Girl. Prefiguring her role in establishing the Second Law of Krakoa, Jean Grey argues for sparing the “human crew” as non-combatants (”they’re not soldiers in the war...they’re just scientists”), whereas Logan argues that the Orchis crew are constructing “machines to exterminate a species,” making them war criminals as well as military personnel. 
Incidentally, I really like the Krakoan flower on the Blue Area of the Moon being used to boost the X-Men’s space capabilities. It’s a lovely sci-fi touch, and one that shows Krakoa as both innovative and outward-facing but also expansionist if not outright colonialist. 
Machines Infographic:
It’s really hard to discuss Sentinels without thinking about Hickman’s other infographics about ascending hierarchies of machine intelligences.
It’s highly significant that the Alpha Sentinels are set aside from those above them as non-sentient and non-replicating...hence why they are referred to as “drones,” which suggests an insect metaphor. (Incidentally, the original Alpha sentinels seemed to have some awareness, so there’s clearly some retconning going on.)
the Master Mold is replicating, adaptive, and self-aware, all higher functions that we associate with...well, human beings (and maybe AIs?). And yet the Master Mold is clearly lesser than the Mother Mold, because it “is incpabale of improving beyond its ultimate Sentinel state” - in other words, because it lacks the full range of cognition and imagination.
Mother Molds can not only produce Master Molds, but it can also produce Nano-Sentinels who have no limits to their abilities - it’s all very similar to how Hickman conceptualizes Omega mutants vs. the rank-and-file.
While much of HoX/PoX have focused on the threat that Nimrod poses, I’m surprised we haven’t seen as much discussion about what the way that Hickman describes the Omega Sentinels tells us about Karima Shapandar’s role. 
Most importantly, however, we get an info-dump about what Moira learned in her 9th Life (which also shows how Moira continues to exert influence on the plot from behind the scenes): it turns out that “while emergent A.Is are unavoidable, an anti-mutant Nimrod is not.” We don’t know why that’s the case, and I’m really curious whether part of the plan has something to do with creating a mutant or mutant-friendly emergent A.I, possibly through the Cerebro database. 
It’s particularly ominous that we haven’t seen any follow-up on what the “incomplete” Nimrod origin files might mean - did the X-Men miss a backup or a failsafe? Did they get the ordering of Mother Mold and Nimrod wrong? Or is it just a dropped plot thread?
One thing that I like is that Sleeping Giant, Moira’s new plan, involves essentially an Orchis protocol for the Orchis protocol, looking for humans reaching “technological thresholds” at the same time that Orchis is looking for mutants reaching their own thresholds. 
Project Achilles Infographic:
I’m not surprised that much of the fandom have focused on the nature of the Krakoan legal system, but I am surprised we’ve seen so little focus on the “Project Achilles” legal system. 
To begin with, it’s not a good sign that someone who committed crimes in New York City is being tried in a super-max prison somewhere in the snowy mountains. Even more troubling is the discussion of “extra-constitutional requirements” of running this prison.
Finally, while it might be a bit pedantic, there’s osmething really really weird about the Department of State, the branch of government that’s supposed to be involved with foreign policy and diplomacy, running a domestic federal prison. The Federal Bureau of Prisons is a real thing, and there’s a good reason that it falls under the Department of Justice. Again, all this should be troubling.
 A Fair Trial?
Things don’t get much better when we get inside the courthouse, where we see an armed judge chatting with an armed and armored Attorney General, whereas the defense is a clearly intimidated civilian. 
The facade of justice begins to slip even more when the judge says “we’re charging your client” (judges don’t charge defendants, prosecutors do), and then brings up a “twelve-strike rule” that seems to follow the logic of “felony murder” in that the “intent” of the accused no longer matters.
For his part, Sabertooth is clearly enjoying playing the role of the outlaw, establishing his position that as far as he’s concerned, his physical strength places him above judgement or punishment. Something to keep in mind when we get to the question of assessing Krakoan law. 
With her scent if not her reputation greatly preceeding her, Emma Frost arrives on the scene in a characteristic burst of high style and ominous undertones. The Cuckoos’ casual anti-human bigotry, equating humans with “monkeys...using tools...playing at civilization” suggests a poisonous reflection of the old Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon analogy. On the other hand, the White Queen and her “daughters” struggling with the new paradigm of mutant names > human names suggests that building a new, separate, mutant culture is more of a struggle than Magneto would like to admit.
As someone who’s very much interested in the nation-building side of the House of X story, the idea that the nascent nation-state of Krakoa would have negotiated for extra-territoriality is quite fascinating. At one and the same time, we’re shown the need for it - everyone from the judge to the prosecutor to the bailiffs are instantly drawing guns on un-armed defendant counsel and making it very clear that the judge had concluded that “that...thing is a killer” before the trial started - but we can’t ignore the long history of extra-territoriality as an expression of imperialism, either. 
Then again, I wonder how much of the reaction of Western readers is due to the fact that we’re not used to seeing the U.S on the receiving end of demands for extra-territoriality. I wonder how people from countries that were formally colonized or made to sign “unequal” treaties feel about this storyline? 
In the face of knee-jerk violent responses, Emma gets very personal about her diplomacy. She doesn’t use mind control to get her way, because the State Department has already given her all the leverage she needs by granting diplomatic immunity to “all Krakoans on United States soil.” That being said, as much as Emma is here to make a political point that “mutants won’t be judged in human courts,” she isn’t afraid to push back on Tolliver by threatening to make very clear how little the gun matters in “equalizing power dynamics.”
Omega Cycle Infographic:
This infographic is something of a sleeper - I haven’t seen much if any discussion with regards to Karima Shapandar’s role in either X^1 or X^2 timelines. However, it establishes quite clearly that the process of creating Omega Sentinels is a horrific violation of consent, where a person’s “host systems and organs” are replaced well before the “human host becomes aware of the combine consciousness.” Note the explicit comparison to “recovering from trauma.”
I’ve seen it asserted repeatedly that  Karima Shapandar sided with Orchis (or later on with the Man-Machine Ascendancy) because she was excluded from Krakoa, without much evidence cited. This infographic suggests another reason - by proceeding from Union to Adaptation, Karima’s consciousness may have been altered, changing her allegiances along the way. 
There are also implications for Ascension in the X^3 timeline - is “integration of host and machine” a process of cultural exchange and preservation or a hostile process of “infection”?
Crossing the Heller-Faust Line:
Before the action kicks off, we get an interesting thesis: “self-preservation is entirely rational...it’s the panic it produces where errors get introduced.” Throughout the next two issues, we see both sides acting in the name of self-preservation, but also constantly making decisions that ratchet up the body-count.
The initial context has a lot to do with Hickman’s fixation on the mechanical singularity and trans-humanism: continuing her X^2 interest in preserving humanity-qua-humanity, Omega Sentinel’s fear is that an out-of-control Mother Mold will result in the grey goo scenario, if the Sentinels’ drive to wipe out mutants leads them to wipe out humans as the source of mutation. It’s certainly easier than fighting the sun.
Indeed, throughout the next two issues, we will see humans wrestle with their fears of their own mechanical creations: Sol’s Forge is set up with failsafes to jettison Mother Mold into the sun, Dr. Gregor doesn’t initially want to wake up Mother Mold until the A.I has passed a test for sociopathy. We’ve seen what it looks like when A.Is fail this test, and it’s not pretty.
 At this point, the X-Men arrive and what proceeds is a back-and-forth volley of both sides trying and failing to outflank the other. Both Krakoa and Orchis were “expecting to be fully online before we got their attention” and find themselves thrown into a fight before they were fully ready, and their improvizations make things more violent: first up, Orchis calls in the “drones from Mercury” (again with the terra-forming) who will kill Marvel Girl, all in the name of “a little fight for the survival of their people.”
Next, Kurt teleports onto the station to double-check their information and runs into Omega Sentinel - at this point, both sides are willing to talk, Omega Sentinel recognizes her opponent as a person and seeks to understand the X-Men’s psychology.
By contrast, Gregor and Erasmus under-estimate their foe with “a linear plan for a non-linear foe,” allowing the mutants to bypass the hanger bottleneck. Erasmus responds with the assymetric response of a suicide bomb, but I think there’s a fundamental ambiguity as to whether he’s doing this in the name of “whatever it takes to build a better world” or whether he’s doing it in the name of “don’t let them win.”
And so the X-Men lose their ride home, in what turns out to be only the first of many fake-outs.
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sayrvne · 5 years
alright, so some of you who follow me on twitter might have seen the mess i’ve landed in to do with the recent announcement of pokemon sword and shield and the crossover with scottish twitter that people are using as jokes.
i figure with how much the internet loves pokemon and is entertained by scottish twitter, i may as well try and spread the word here too, as the memes will no doubt make their way here, if they haven’t already.
basically, as a scottish person, a majority of the jokes are pretty distasteful. some scots are fine with them, whereas others, like myself, are not comfortable with them for reasons i’ll elaborate on under the cut. if you’ve got 5 minutes it would mean the world to me if you gave this a read, and in the future were mindful of who is at the end of the punchline. if you can spread the word on here and on twitter i would be very thankful, and if you have already, thank you so much for even just sparing the time to read my thoughts.
i’m more than happy to discuss this civilly, or if you have any questions i’m more than happy to answer.
So it may seem that this unrest originated with the recent announcement of Pokemon Sword and Shield, with the new region being based around the UK, but this isn't the first instance. In my case, this has been a big pet peeve that's built up over many things - the impressions of Merida when Brave came out. The sudden takeoff of Limmy's skits. And most recently, That Scene from Wreck-It-Ralph 2, which was arguably the worst. I've said this before and I'll say it again - that the punchline for a lot of these jokes is not what's being said, but rather "haha funny Scots person talks in a thick dialect that we cant understand!!!!" And if you don't understand why that's upsetting after reading this thread, I really don't know what to say to you. You may be sitting here, thinking to yourself - "it's just a joke? Why are they so mad about it?" Well, that's why I've decided to write this. There's more to the Scots language and dialect than meets the eye. I'll start by speaking from my own childhood. Children are punished for speaking Scots. We are led to believe by teachers, peers, and sometimes even our own family, that our accent and words are something to be ashamed of. That we're supposed to be embarrassed of the way we speak in a dialect that comes naturally to us. Children are mocked by classmates and threatened with detention and punishment exercises by the teachers. Personally, it worked on me - I lost my accent. I get people asking where I'm from while I'm standing at my front door. When I tell them I've lived in Edinburgh all my life, they don't believe me. It makes me feel like I don't belong. These past couple years I've been trying to reintroduce myself to the accent, but there was a lot of undoing that needs a lot more work and time. Rewind back to the 80s. You may have heard of "The Belt". It was a method of punishment used to discipline kids, it's quite a simple concept - they got beaten with a leather belt in front of the class. The belt was a fairly common punishment for "not speaking properly" in class. Rewind further back to the 18th century. The Highland Clearances. The British Empire displaced and slaughtered thousands of Scots in an attempt to wipe out the clans still living in the Highlands and Islands, while the forces were weakened due to the recent loss of a war against The British Empire. Our houses were burned to the ground and families were left with nothing. Instead, the land where we had lived was to be repurposed for sheep farming. We had a whole language - Scots Gaelic - that is now widely considered a dead language from the great loss of speakers and records, and the mistreatment of survivors that tried to keep it alive. Not only was our language put under fire, but bagpipe music and tartan were also outlawed. I could go into more detail talking about the classist elements surrounding the dialect but I feel like I would be here all day, so that's a story for another day, or if you really want to talk about it, my DMs are open. I've heard similar anecdotes from Irish and Welsh friends, but I do not feel like it's my place to speak on their behalf. The removal of Celtic culture was not limited to Scotland's Highland Clearances, Wales and Ireland also fell victim to very similar tirades by the Empire. My issue does not lie in the fact that people are making jokes. If you are a Scot, and you aren't offended by this, power to you. Lavish in the spotlight, have fun, but please be aware that your experiences are not universal. If you are not a Scot, please be aware that you do not, under any circumstances, get to tell someone that what they feel is wrong or invalid. I don't care if your grandad is Scottish or if you have a Scottish friend who says its okay. If you do not live here and have not experienced the things I and many others have, you do not get to tell us how we can and cannot react to things. It does not matter if you're not intending to offend - as a content creator, you should know that everyone who views your work is going to have a different interpretation of it. It is on your back to listen to these criticisms and take them into consideration, regardless of if the purpose was to offend or not, the bottom line is that It Did. There are a lot of good jokes I've seen going round - Pokemon Leave and Remain, Gregg's Pokecentre - these are funny because the punchline isn't the way an entire nation of people speak. One last thing while I'm here - Scotland as a nation is not perfect. I never once claimed that it was. We were involved in the British Empire's colonisation and slavery, that's something we'll carry with our history til the end of time. If you've read this far, I just want to take a moment to say thank you for hearing me out. If I can spread word of Scottish history that's not commonly known to even just a handful of people then this will be worthwhile. Thank you for your time.
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seasaltmemories · 6 years
To Live As Free Men and Women
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Over and over again I hear the conflict of echoes summarized as “shifting from relying on gods to relying on humanity’s own accomplishments.”  And on the surface that makes perfect sense.  All the endgame quotes are about refusing to bow down to Duma and wanting to fight for their world.  
However this reading has always not sat well with me because of two things.  First this celebration of humanity’s individual strength is not brought up until the last moments of Act 5.  To call it the main theme when so much of the earlier conflict was about class feel disingenuous.  Second, this reading tends to pit Alm and Celica as opposites where Alm shows Celica the light.  Aside from disliking the convenient dismissive treatment of the female protagonist, my obvious bias aside, it just isn’t good storytelling to have one of your leads solely exist to be wrong.  Not to mention the game is going for a sort of dualism between the two of them, so to paint Celica’s route as just one mistake is short-sighted.
So the question remains, what is the main theme of Echoes?  Does it have a theme?  Regardless of your thoughts on the game, it still sends a message, every piece of art does, even if it is as banal as “good will always triumph,” that is still a theme.  So to examine echoes, thoroughly we have to find a thread that manages to link the entire game together.
The best place to start is obviously the beginning.  After the opening video.  We are given a little exposition dump about the state of Valentia.  Two countries and two gods, one emphasizing war and the other emphasizing peace.  Makes sense, it is pretty obvious which one we’re supposed to root for and what country we’ll be following.  Cue the prologue where after everyone was so excited to meet the knight in the woods, he turns out to be totally willing to murder children.  It would be so easy to write Slayde off as a bad apple but the narrative makes no attempts to try and act as if anything about him is non-standard.  If anything the start of Act 1 goes out of its way to detail just how rotten Zofia is.  It’s fitting that Alm joins a rebellion first and foremost, and it is not until Act 3 Rigel really becomes an antagonist.  And much of Act 1 is targeting Zofia’s own corruption, its bandits and power-hungry nobles.  Despite being massive problems, Alm rushes headlong into them, wanting nothing more than to protect people.
Act 2 starts similarly, Celica learning of just how horrible the pirates are, and how they have been allowed practically free reign of the seas.  She has even fewer reasons to get involved, considering her party is literally five people, but she can’t secure safe passage otherwise so let’s do this.  If it takes fighting necrodragons then she will fight necrodragons.
Despite both of their reckless behavior, they accomplish real change and make things for the better.  And so after growing up into the people they are today, Alm and Celica in an obviously heartwarming manner.  Except quickly things tilt sideways.  
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Celica’s hypocritical behavior has been long-pointed out, wishing him to avoid bloodshed after just killing a pirate king, but things still stay civil until this moment.
“Alm: Nrgh… If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear I was speaking to a blue blood. My station doesn’t matter, Celica. I’m here because I was called. I have a duty to perform, and I’ll perform it. No more, and no less.
Celica: Oh, Alm…
Alm: Do you think I WANTED this fight? This all started because Lima IV went and angered the empire. If you wish to point fingers, point them at the ruler who failed his people. It’s his fault we’re in this mess.”
Alm points to Lima and the system that failed Zofia, and while he is not wrong, as the Zofian heir, Celica is just as much a part of that system.  And to have someone so important to her throw the failings of the state at her feet, when all her life she has simply tried to survive, feels like the worse betrayal.  And when Alm still expects her to hold responsibility for all those mistakes (even if he doesn’t directly ask it of her) she explodes.  Now obviously Alm didn’t know how his words would impact her, and Celica was the first to go on the offensive, but often this discussion gets characterized as just being about violence, when that discussion is just a footnote to the real conflict.
Starting with Alm, Act 3 opens with Alm finally meeting Berkut face to face, someone who represents all of Rigel’s teachings about power and strength.  While a fearsome opponent, he has an utter meltdown after Alm’s army beats him.  As they go on their way to face Desaix, even Clive starts to fail Alm by doubting him and questioning if it is worth it to try and save Delthea, and depending on how well you play the next few levels, he really might fail Alm such as when/if Mathilda dies and he blames Alm for her death.  While he still will eventually come around to believe in Alm once again, we see that even after retaking Zofia, the old order is still not completely gone.
Celica meanwhile has to confront another outlaw king, but this time Greith is more personal, aside from people in her army having been directly harmed by him, there’s this lingering thread of Greith only having been able to grow so powerful because of Lima’s negligence.  In-universe there is no reason she has to go and stop him, it is a significant detour from her pilgrimage, still she refuses to enable this injustice.  Greith warns her that there will always be another one like him, and when they arrive at the temple, Mila is gone and unable to fix everything like she wanted to do.  So Celica does what she has been running away from her entire life, she reveals her status as the lost princess and promises to protect Zofia and Mila.
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However while this is a good choice both for her development and from a logical standpoint, we start to see that even it is not without consequences in the Act 4.  Determined to save Mila, Celica eventually comes into contact with Jedah, who says as long as she gives up her soul to Duma, he will return Mila.  Now while Celica is often lambasted for this choice, let’s look at how she sees this and why she doesn’t immediately distrust him.
While we have seen Jedah be a creep all game, this is the first time Celica has seen him, and while he is othered and marked evil with a lot of traits, such as his blue skin, how stupid would it be if in real life you refused to work with people because “they looked evil” not to mention he is the leader of a similar faith, it would be like if a protestant Christian talked with the Pope.  Jedah is a scumbag but Celica has no reason in her eyes to immediately distrust him/assume he is lying.
And having traced Celica’s actions up until now, how she hates the suffering of others and will do anything in her power to fix things, why would she not consider herself a worthy exchange for Zofia’s restoration?  With Conrad’s reappearance, there’s even another heir ready to take over.  All her life she’s been confronted with her father’s failure, and what kind of ruler would she be if she followed in his footsteps?  
Still despite this mindset, she does not go to Duma Tower to die.  She plans to see Mila and rescue her first and foremost.  But when it looks as if Mila is completely gone and impossible to recover, she decides she will at least try and protect those she loves.
Before we can look at how that decision go, we need to return back to Alm.  In Act 4, we learn that Rigel is pretty much as corrupt as Zofia.  People like Nuibaba and Jerome manipulate good people like Zeke and Tatiana purely for their own selfish gain.  Throughout all this Alm is treated as if he is already King of Zofia, which Alm never really confronts and very obviously chafes at the thought.  He stands poised to become a living legend, when horror of all horror he ends up being the one to kill his own father.  
While Rigel welcomes him with open arms as there prince, Alm finds no joy in the title and learns that all his hard work was just to fulfill Rudolf’s plans.  And the closer he gets to the climax the more and more trauma he suffers,  having to kill his only remaining family left, Berkut having gone mad from his failure to live up to Rigel’s ideals of power over everything.  In the end it culminates in Alm having to even kill the woman he loves.
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The only thing that keeps this story from becoming the tragedy we first saw at the beginning of the game is the fact Mila takes pity on them and decides to release Falchion for Alm.  So to act as if the events of Echoes were purely fueled by human ingenuity is disingenuous.
So what was the point of this little recap?  Well when you look closely you see it is not just Duma and Mila who failed them, but the entire way their world was structured, the sins of their fathers who created/maintained a world where the weakest were always exploited the most.  A world where they were denied happiness and set up to fail.  Celica has her entire life defined by being a part of this system, less an individual person and more a title.  What use was she as an individual, if she didn’t give her all for a country her blood had left down?  And Alm was denied a family, and forced to kill them simply because of Rudolf’s plan, even if it was for the greater good.  The world Duma and Mila set-up centuries ago is not the type of world these people need anymore.  Killing them is not enough, they have to change the entire structure of society as they know it. It’s why they get rid of Rigel and Zofia in the end to create the One United Kingdom, because only then can they start fresh, free from the influences of before.
Now some might say, why explain make such a big deal over such a minor detail?  Gods, society, what’s the difference?  But like I said earlier a theme needs to encapsulate the entire work, not just the climax.  And society’s failing manifest in multiple ways in Echoes, from classism, to tragedy of Sonya’s family, to Valber’s loss.  From start to finish Echoes never lets you forget what a broken world Valentia is.  And to fix it you can’t just take Alm’s impulsive idealism or Celica’s country-bound devotion.  Sometimes you need both, and to attack the problem at the source of its roots.
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nightwingism · 7 years
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New Comic Book Day!
October 11, 2017
Trying something new here, and i’m gonna start reviewing comics that I pick up at my local comic store, which may or not be Nightwing related. I figured this is something different, gives me something to do, and I just think it’d be fun. But enough about the why, let’s get into the comics!
Spoiler Alert
1. Action Comics #989
Part three of the Oz Effect! I figure this is gonna be weird starting a review right in the middle of so many comics, but recapping is a real thing. Anyways, this comic kept the action flowing, not so much of a one-on-one dialogue anymore, and we get to see Jor-El in action! The ending was a giant cliff-hanger and I can’t tell if they are supposed to be the LoSH or not. But this interaction between Jor-El and Jon, heck even with Lois are remarkable, and is something I never knew I wanted to see in a comic until now. Though, thus far this story-arc has been very dialogue heavy, and not very action packed. This biggest reveal isn't even the fact that Oz was Jor-El, but the fact that Oz wasn’t Ozymandias, which in retrospect was a little far-fetched and too on the nose. Anyways, I’m excited for the next issue, and excited for the ramifications of this story.
2. Wonder Woman #32
Part two of the Children of the Gods! The previous issue was mainly from Hercules point of view, serving as the primary narrator of the story, and of his death. This time around, Wonder Woman was front and center. I wasn’t expecting too much from his comic to be honest, ever since Rucka left my excitement has dwindled. But Robinson isn’t a bad writer, and I trust the guy to do these comics well. Jason was revealed at the end of the issue, which i was actually very surprised of, and I thought he was gonna be saved till later. But he’s here, very cut like David’s Michelangelo’s. I’m curious to see how his story unfolds, and what kind of role he’ll play in the future of Wonder Woman comics, if he survives this story that is.
3. Mister Miracle #3
This was probably my most excited new comic that came out this week. If you do not know, I love Tom King’s writing. It’s a slow burn type of writing that excels in large overarching stories, like a novel. The way this story is unfolding is getting me excited. Because you KNOW there is something more going on in the story than what is stated. The way it started, how quickly things went downhill, the way the characters talk to each other. Conspiracy theory is that whatever pills he took is actually making him hallucinate this whole thing. But I feel like that is too simple of an answer, and I feel like King will play into the Jesus = Mister Miracle symbolism, with Highfather = God and Darkseid = the Devil. The way Kirby intended it. I’ve also really enjoy the flow of the comic, with the action sequences and the more down-time. In this kind of comic, it’s strange, which plays perfectly with the outlandish nature of the Fourth World. I’m really excited for the next issue, and the rest of the series.
4. Detective Comics #966
Part two of A Lonely Place of Living! I honestly did not see this comic unraveling the way it did, and I’m actually really excited for it. It’s a mix of the Geoff Johns “Titans of Tomorrow” storyline with a Back to the Future kind of vibe. The reveal of “Who the hell is Conner” was so heartbreaking. I’ve wrote a dream pitch for how I’d bring Conner, and the rest of the Young Justice team, back into the mainstay DC Universe, and thus far, it can still go through. Future Tim plays into Present Tim’s thoughts, and addresses them how Tim would probably address himself. I love when time paradoxes play out in the “I know what you’re thinking, because I thought the same things when I was you listening to me.” way. It gives the audience the idea that time is a fixed predetermined path that can’t be wavered from. But we all know that not to be true. We know Present Tim will somehow find a way to beat himself, even though Past-Future Tim couldn’t beat Future Tim. That didn’t make sense. Oh well. I’ve enjoyed this story, and series really so far, and I’m glad Tynion is on this series, being the 90s fan he is, bringing in all those fascinating characters back into the fold, arguably the best time to be a Batman Fan.
5. Red Hood and the Outlaws #15
Part two of Bizarro Reborn! So I haven’t actually read the first part of this comic, with the last RHatO comic I read, besides the annual, was issue 11. So I’m behind. But I can extrapolate the idea that Bizarro came back due to Lex Luther, granting him super intelligence, much to the dismay of his teammates. But it seems to be a temporary thing. I don’t know why the Belfry team thought it was some kind of an attack, or why they are fighting Red Hood at all, but they are. I would have thought Bruce would have told everyone that Jason was on their side. But I just remembered that Jason has to work outside the family on a normal basis, to “infiltrate the bad guys” for Bruce. I think Jason is the last member of Batman Inc, which is very ironic. Artemis is in the story, still great chemistry with the team, and I still really like the idea of this Dark Trinity, it’s execution has been so awesome since day one, and I can’t believe I’m actually excited for the next issue.
6. Batgirls and the Birds of Prey #15
Part one of Manslaughter! Finally a comic that is just beginning it’s story arc. Whew. The Benson sisters have been doing a great job in this comic thus far, giving us great characterization for the main three, and most of their guest stars. This story serves as a “gathering of the troops” setup. We address the problem, identify it, and then gather some people to counter it. The problem is that there is some disease that can potentially kill all the men, which is something, as a man myself, find hilarious and fitting for this comic. Every character has their own reason for trying to fight the disease, with Dinah having Ollie, Babs having her Dad, Helena with Dick, Selina with Bruce, Harley with the Joker (so she can kill him herself), and Poison Ivy just because she wanted to (basically), the rest of the Gotham squad, which includes Batwoman, Spoiler, Orphan and Gotham Girl (whom I’m glad is getting screen time), and last but not least Wonder Woman herself. I think this story is going to be a fun girl-power story, and I’m curious to see who is behind this dastardly attack, and what their motive is.
7. Dark Knights: Metal #3
If Mister Miracle was my most excited story, this is my second. Metal and all of it’s tie ins have been such a treat. It’s a Batman centric story, without shoving in a Bat-God into our face. The threats are on the planetary level, and it’s gonna take everyone to save the world, even bringing in people who haven't been seen in comics in ages. Dick, Clark and Damian have a moment together, that is very in character for everyone, something I respect Snyder for doing so far. The subtly in this comic is mind boggling , how many hints were left behind in Snyder’s past comics, and just in the series alone. I don’t really care too much about the other Batmen though, and am only really curious about what the heck The Batman Who Laughs deal is. Snyder and Capullo are literal Rock-stars in this series, and I’m cheering for an encore -- which may come when this is all over.
8. The Amazing Spider-Man #789
The Fall of Parker! Spinning out from Marvel Legacy and Secret Empire is a more status quo Spider-Man, but with a twist. People love Spider-Man, as much as New Yorkers can, but hate Peter Parker. It’s an interesting twist on such a simple and main staple in the Spider-Man mythos. I’ve always been a fan of the “Down on his luck, penny to his name” Parker, who was street level but with the drive and passion for the big league. With the previous run, I felt like it was just Ironman with a Spider-Man costume on, but now this is some good old fashion comics. I like his relationship with Bobbi, and I think the two are cute together, but I hope Harry and MJ make their return to the supporting cast. The art is also phenomenal, but what can you expect when Stuart Immonen is providing. Even though there wasn’t much of a villain, or a story being told. It kind of seemed like a one-shot to me, with dangling threads that can be picked up later.
9. Daredevil #27
Part two of the Land of the Blind! Not get caught up with Marvel Legacy, Charles Soule continues his fantastic run of Daredevil. Last we saw, Matt was tracking down his once partner, once blinded and once friend, Blindspot. It was all a trap! This story serves as a “secret origins” of Blindspot, as we see his transition from the farm lifestyle in China, to moving to the city, to the United States. This story takes place over days, weeks, and we can see the passage of time from the look on Matt’s face, and his ever growing beard. I really like this twist, and that it was Charles himself to do the twist, and I’m very curious to know if this was his plan all along, or if it was just something he came up with in recent times. Whatever it is, the main thing I can say about this comic is that I love that the red costume is back, and the fact that Ron Garney is providing art. His style compliments the story of daredevil so well, I’d love to see him do a Nightwing book. I’m hoping that Charles continues this fantastic run when he makes the transition to the Legacy side of Marvel.
10.  Runaways #2
When they announced that they were making a show about the runaways, I was very curious on many things. One of the things though, was not who the hell are the runaways. I actually read the original series, and I was up to the moon when they announced that this series was coming back. The story, thus far, has been very dialogue heavy, with action sequences being either in flashbacks or just not present. I don’t mind it too much, since they really have to explain a lot to all the new readers who are jumping on due to the announcement of the show, I just hope it picks up soon with the action, and it seems it will with the glowy cat eyes following Molly. And I was a little curious on why we didn’t get a shot of Molly’s grandma, maybe there is something up with that too. Whatever the case is, I’m enjoying this series so far, and hope the next issue fills the action void that I crave.
11. Defenders #6
Part One of Kingpins of New York! Technically this is part of Marvel Legacy, but it’s weird since Matt is still wearing his black suit, when he has already switched to the red one in his main series, which takes place before Daredevil legacy does. But this issue itself is really just the end of the previous arc, so it doesn’t really seem like the beginning of a new arc. I enjoyed the court scene, and the banter between Daredevil and Luke Cage, especially Luke’s comment that “he knows a thing or two about the law” to DD. I hope he reveals his identity to the team again soon, as I think it gives the team a much more grounded approach. Less flashy superheroes, and more of just street vigilantes. Men and women. I don’t really know why Black Cat is so heavily featured, when I feel like she doesn’t serve too much to the story, but she’s there. I just think BMB likes writing her ever since his Superior Spider-Man run. But that can be brushed aside with his characterization of the main team, something I look at with these team books. I like the idea of the Kingpin being a “Defenders” bad guy, with the addition to Spider-Man of course. Maybe in season 2 of the Defenders? Anyone? Anyone?
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financevisionary · 7 years
15 Things You Should Never Skimp On
We all would like to save anywhere possible, however there are times when it's really in our benefit to invest a bit a lot more as well as appreciate any better top quality. From commode paper to cooking area blades as well as many other items in between, here's a take a look at 15 factors I'll never ever stint - which you should not, either.
1. Toilet Paper
My hubby teases me since I'm determined about having a restroom stocked with high-quality bathroom tissue (really, it really feels like paradise's clouds kissing my bottom), as well as it deserves every added penny that I invest. The choice here, naturally, is shower room tissue that's one step above sandpaper. That inevitably leaves me feeling oddly breached. No, thanks. I even go one step further and also generate reinforcements through wet wipes as a completing touch, a child's got ta really feel fresh, after all.
I do, nonetheless, consistently utilize coupons for these investments, and also I try to sync them with available rebates from applications like Ibotta to cut the expense further.
2. Bed Sheets
I'm not claiming you should carnage your budget plan by lining your bed mattress with one of the most luxurious 95,000 thread matter Egyptian-cotton sheets, but you could strike a respectable happy medium by shopping wisely. (Personally, I think the extremely inexpensive T-shirt sheets are soft as well as comfy, but I likewise find them very frustrating to fold up because they don't hold their form.) In lieu of those, I wait for more costs sheet readies to take place sale - Macy's frequently has spectacular offers on bedding - or I comb sites like Overstock.com and the clearance area of popular purveyors of high quality residence items, like West Elm as well as Dog crate and Barrel. IKEA sheets aren't half bad either - as well as they're extremely easy on the wallet.
3. Fresh Meats
I didn't know there was a difference in the quality of meat from supermarket to supermarket up until I started purchasing myself - as well as boy, is there a difference. I bought hamburger from a low-end supermarket near my apartment in Manhattan when I was in a pinch one evening, as well as when I readied it, the finished product was an unusual red color. That certainly increased my brow, and it really did not taste all that wonderful, either. Chicken, pork, as well as seafood items are additionally susceptible to top quality issues. These uncooked healthy proteins might look penalty in the packaging, however you'll usually view as well as taste the distinction when they're prepared. I dislike to state it, but both Walmart as well as Target are infamous for appealing top quality meat, but supplying varieties which usually disappoint assumptions. Due to this, I now make a different quit at Wegman's - a specialized supermarket in my location - to acquire my meats. I pay more at the register, sure. But I don't mind given that I'm getting my cash's worth.
4. Household Cleaners
I have actually bought national name brand name upkeep products like Windex and also 409, and I've bought the bargain brands with a generic name. My main judgment is that the previous do better in both their cleansing ability convenience of use. Common home window cleaner particularly is an inconvenience to me, as I have actually discovered it leaves streaks throughout the glass. Seriously, you have one work, confidential blue fluid - to eliminate streaks! Therefore, I need to make use of twice as long as I do the name brand name to complete the job. To cut costs here, I await BOGO sales on my favored items, and set them with promo codes that I've clipped from circulars and also online.
5. Dish washer Cleaning agent and Meal Laundering Liquid
The very same point that occurs with deal brand name home cleaners occurs with economical dishwashing machine detergent as well as meal cleaning fluid: I wind up making use of two times as much to do the exact same quantity of works, because the top quality of the product is inferior to more expensive brands. Depend on me, the battle in this case is not worth the savings. Thus, adhere to the soaps you acknowledge. They're family staples for a reason: they work.
6. Prophylactics and also Personal Treatment Products
I do not have to go right into as well much information below, and I'm probably not enabled to, either. All I'll claim is that my wellness (as well as your own) is much also vital to endanger by purchasing discount individual treatment items. That does not indicate you need to get the gold standard items, but you should release your purse and also purchase checked as well as shown brands that give you peace of thoughts, together with a gratifying experience.
7. Tiny Kitchen Home appliances and also Utensils
You know just what actually makes my head really want to spontaneously pop off my neck? When, in the center of readying a dish, my could opener dismantles itself or my microplane breaks in half. It is just one of those 'count backwards from 10' situations. Like, code red-level rage, people. I get close to breaking into flames when my hand mixer or mixer begins smoking simply because silly me is utilizing it on the 'routine' setting. Come on, male - appliances are expected to be difficult as well as sturdy! These circumstances are exactly why I prevent cheap variations of these items - Hamilton Beach is officially outlawed from my property, yeah, I said it - since if I really did not, the air rescue would need to fly my rage-ravaged body to the nearby psychological facility, stat!
8. Dog Food
Considering the debate that in some cases borders dog food - here's lookin' at you, menadione and ethoxyquin - as well as erratic pet-food recalls (which most likely occur much more usually than you assume), it is necessary to me to feed far better meals to my pet dog. My furbaby is my buddy as well as finest friend, and there's no price that I would not pay to ensure that he's obtaining the very best top quality food I could offer. Savings are much as well as few between on premium pet food, however that requires a discount coupon when the genuine takeaway is the pure delight I obtain from my (healthy) pup?
9. Candles
Cheap candle lights appear innocuous sufficient, but several of them may consist of cancer-causing exhausts. Got your interest? Great, because candles made just before 2003 (not likely that you still have any though) might have been made with lead wicks, which launch five times the quantity of lead taken into consideration dangerous for children.
The likelier offenders, however, are your beloved aromatherapy paraffin candle lights that Environment-friendly America states belongs to 'readying a healthy and balanced beverage of fresh squeezed lemon and also bring in a try of gas' when burned. Doesn't that sound wonderful? Rather, look for candle lights made with 100 % beeswax or vegetable-based waxes and cotton-core wicks.
10. Laundry Detergent
I never ever acquire Trend due to the fact that it's way also abundant for my blood, specifically when the lower-priced-but-still-quality Purex brand functions merely. I'll never ever reduce my requirements to a truly bargain fluid, however. Frequently the toughness and upkeep power of these brands is doing not have compared to their national equivalents. As well as you could ignore no-name powders entirely. I have actually encountered troubles with the full combination of the powder into the water, which costs me even more money over time because I have to wash the tons at the very least when more to eliminate the undissolved powder stains.
11. Garbage Bags
All you'll have to make the button from an inexpensive, lightweight trash bag to a heftier brand is for all-time low of the previous to crack open when you're lugging it from your fourth-floor home to the street. If you've been lucky sufficient to prevent this catastrophe hence far, congrats, if you wish to proceed to play your cards with these disasters-waiting-to-happen - well, I told ya so.
12. Deodorant
Is your deodorant combating your perspiration, or simply covering it up? A fast smell left and also right will let you understand just what's up, and also your underarms are entitled to much better compared to that pietistic dollar-store chalk that leaves stains around your garments. Invest a couple more dollars to acquire the excellent stuff that'll leave you feeling fresh - and keep your buddies from fleeing.
13. Cheese
Good cheese can cost a quite cent. Even middling - like Kraft or Cracker Barrel brands - could wound your grocery-shopping budget. Sadly, those are the costs you have to pay if you really want cheese that's palatable by itself as well as chefs effectively in your dishes. Beginning cutting corners by getting exactly what I like to call 'government cheese' and also you'll rue the day - and possibly destroy your cravings. Much of that low-price slop teems with oil that changes into a goopy, gross mess when you try to prepare with it. Save dinner by spending a little a lot more in the dairy aisle.
14. Cookware
Sure, excellent cookware is pricey, yet you really have just two selections: You could hand over the dough for the trusted brand name that's populared to stand the test of time, or you can chance with discount rate cookware that usually won't comply with through when you're cooking, and also needs changing commonly. It'll just take a couple circumstances of making clambered eggs or pancakes that permanently fasten themselves to your frying pan to see which is the any better option.
15. Kitchen Knives
Dull knives aren't just a nuisance - they're downright risky. When your cheap knives shed their ability to cut as well as dice cleanly, you have a considerably higher risk of slicing off your fingertips - as opposed to the celery-tips. The monotony makes the knives unstable when put on leading of the items you mean to reduce, which can cause them to slide suddenly. Bringinged this possible threat then, it's far more affordable to shell out the large dollars for a top-notch set of knives, than spending the cash you conserved on the cheap knives on a fun-filled mid-day in the emergency situation space. You've been warned.
What do you never ever cut corners on? Kindly share in comments!
This short article is from Mikey Rox of Wise Bread, an award-winning personal finance as well as credit card comparison site. Learn more fantastic articles from Wise Bread:
5 Factors You Ought to Never ever Attempt to Save On
Quality Over Price: 15 Things to Spend More On
6 Factors That Look like Splurges Yet Are Actually Savvy Buys
5 Scientific Needs to Ditch the Deluxe Brands
23 Money-Saving Items Every person Should Own
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