#2 of them actuallt
stinkman007 · 1 year
guess who is going to comic con today as eric carr!!!
i am so exited bro my costume is so cool
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birchlogz · 2 years
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ahhhh gay ppl jumpscare 💥💥💥
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raidenloml · 3 months
hey guys i have so many oc ideas and i think you should start getting interested in their lore to force me to work on them more how cool would that be... (is so excited to work on the sillies but needs encouragement or will forget them entirely womp womp)
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divorcetual · 2 years
love drawing kiss hate drawing her locs
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epicdogymoment · 2 months
my three awful hijikatatoushirou sideblogs + one awful toshi sideblog.
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immamapletreekid · 5 months
going ham over aa rn
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simp4konig · 9 months
König jealous of your dog headcannons
Gender-neutral Reader
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Word count: Definitely more than 2😎 🗿Honest to God i have no idea whay the word count is 🤦🏼‍♀️These were mewnt to be short headcannons yet as PER USUAL i got carried away 🤡🤡not abt to copynpaste every single paragraph individually into a word counter
*Slow burn
*Established relationship with König
*⚠️Google Translate German!!⚠️ (sorry guys ...💔)
*Not requested 😋😋 just something that's been on my mind.
*Pls dont worru about rqs guys!!😨 Writing two of tjem atm but I jus wanted to post this first (so my profile isnt as barren as the Sahara desert🏜️while i work at a pace that is slower than that of a turtle 🐢)! :)
*Also how tf do people make their bullet points look so good??? is it a formatting thing or sum cuz im ACTUALLT crippled 😰😰
König really didn't want to be jealous of your dog. He didn't.
He hadn't anticipated he would ever feel that way, especially towards a dog, of all things.
Despite not being the type to be jealous — at least, not from his perspective; he was only looking out for his darling! — his eyes would narrow whenever a soldier would approach you, being far too handsy with a stranger. His partner. It made his blood boil.
Sure, König would always stare down whoever made the mistake of flirting with you or introducing themselves with playful banter while behind you. Clearing his throat, a tense hand was placed gently yet firmly on your shoulder.
"Hör auf, mit meinem Schatz zu reden, sonst breche ich dir das Genick."
Not understanding a word of what he said, they would cower in fear nonetheless, getting the message with how he'd had spat that sentence and the venom in his voice. Glancing at their wrist despite wearing no watch, they'd insist that they were running out of time and literally run away.
When you'd look up at him in confusion, König looked back down at you innocently, paraphrasing that he had simply said you were taken.
A facepalm from you. "God, König..." you'd groan, unable to stop the silly smirk from stretching itself on your face. "You nearly made that guy shit himself. Please don't do that again."
König would likewise always straighten himself to his full height and cast a menacing shadow at the dummkopf who dared speak poorly of you.
Once they'd mumble rushed apologies and speed-walk away, you'd see him glowing with an adoring expression in his eyes, a complete 180° to the death stare he shot at the recruit and the hand gesture he made at his throat seconds before.
König would always rest a large hand on your lower back to guide you in crowds, keeping you close beside him to further drive in the point that you were strictly off limits.
Really though, he wasn't jealous. Not in the slightest!
He rationalised his behaviour as looking out for you. In no way was he being overbearing or overly territorial; if anything, people were pushing your already established boundaries and he was reminding people of them! He wasn't jealous at all, no.
Behind closed doors, however, he'd be quieter than usual and have a vulnerable look in his eyes, desperate for your reassurance and to hear you say that you loved him.
Deep down, he was insecure.
That good-looking man didn't make you swoon, did he? Why were you laughing so hard at his joke? He wanted to have made you laugh like that. You still loved him, though, didn't you? You wouldn't want to be with anyone else, right? Right?
It wasn't that König didn't trust you. Although this Colonel looked fierce in front of his collegues and used his booming voice to command others with a harsh tone he found it difficult to project at a large crowd, he had always been sensitive in secret. Being bullied in childhood could certainly do that to a person.
You were the only one he trusted to see his insecurities, and would always shower him with love and affection in private, reassuring him that yes, he was still your sweet and handsome König, and yes, of course you still loved him — that guy that got a laugh out of you was only one out of pity, as he gave you the ick anyways.
One afternoon while you two were eating dinner, König had out of the blue been the one to suggest the idea of a pet; a strong, big, intimidating dog that would protect you while he himself couldn't.
In all actuality, he had been thinking this over since the day you two started dating.
After all, as much as he'd had liked to clone himself and have one part of him fighting when duty called while the other part stayed with you to protect you at home, obviously that wasn't achievable. That afternoon seemed most appropriate to bring it up, as he was assigned for a mission in two weeks' time and was already worried sick over you despite still yet to be around you at all times for twelve more days.
You laughed, surprised by his sudden suggestion. In a way, you had already had a guard dog all along, you told him, yet König shook his head vehemently, insistent. "Nein! Was ist, wenn du verletzt bist? What if you get hurt while I am away? I won't allow it!"
Shaking your head in defeat as an amused smile was tugging at your lips, you couldn't really blame your boyfriend for being so paranoid. In a sense, he was justified in thinking so, and you couldn't fault him, him being a soldier — a Colonel — and all.
König himself came to the conclusion that you should have a German-Shepherd — "A big, strong, and intelligent dog" — smiling proudly as he said so. Laughing at his need to prove himself to you and his evident enthusiasm that proved he was deadly serious, you shook your head again with a sincere smile on your face and gave his forehead a kiss. Really, his concern over you was endearing, and you loved him so much.
On the day before the mission of his, he surprised you by leading in a fully-grown German Shepherd into your shared home as he carried a large dufflebag over his shoulder. Although you had wanted to have a puppy, König insisted a trained canine used in the police force and military operations would keep you safe, and he was firm, not budging even when you mustered the best puppy-dog eyes you could. He knew best, and he needed to relieve the anxiety that plagued him when you weren't around immediately. Finally having use for the connections he had made in his position, he was able to bring home on of Kortac's own German-Shepherds.
Standing with a self-assured manner, the dog didn't hesistate in showering you with love once the lead came off, lapping and licking at your face in excitement at seeing his new owner's face.
You laughed out loud when you saw a tactical dog collar around his neck, the same khaki colour that matched König's cargo pants. Another piece of König to remind you of him.
Still standing, König watched with his arms crossed and a huge smile across his face as he saw how happy you were. He was beginning to breathe easy with the knowledge that nothing would come to harm you while he was away.
Tongue out while panting, the dog waited expectantly under you for an order.
You looked up at König, eyes sparkling in child-like excitement. "Can he do tricks?"
Smiling, König's eyes crinkled in his love for you. "Schatz, it can do more than just tricks. It can protect you. And it will."
You looked down at the giant yet sweet dog, and raised your voice slightly.
"Sit." He did so without hesitation.
"Handshake," you prompted, and he offered his paw to you obediently.
"Stay..." you began, a finger in front of his snout, "stay..."
"Good boy!" you squealed, and fed him a dog treat from the one of the XXL bags König had bought for the occasion, along with a mountain of dog toys, and even a bed.
"What are clever boy you are, aren't you? Yes you are! You are!"
König crouched, and pet the top of the dog's head a couple of times, his eyes on you. "What do you want to call it, meine Liebe?"
Pausing, all at once it occured to you. With joyful satisfaction, you exclaimed: "Prince!" You giggled, barely able to contain your happiness. "Our Prince to my sweet, handsome King," you cooed, not failing to notice the way König looked away, his cheeks under the eye holes of his hood reddening at your comment.
While away from you for weeks, even months at a time, he could rest easier knowing that you weren't all alone at home. Although he still worried for you excessively, biting his nails when in his room as he thought over how you could be doing and what you were doing at any given time, at least he wouldn't toss and turn at night thinking over what could happen to you. He'd smile in satisfaction, pleased that his presence would still linger even when he wasn't physically there, finding comfort in the fact that a part of him still remained with you when he was hundreds of miles away.
You, on the other hand, were so happy! Obviously you were overwhelmed with the responsibility — quite frankly, you had never had a dog before, much less one this big — so you struggled to take care of it in the beginning. Knowing what food to feed it, how to keep it entertained, going so often outside you'd flop on a chair in exhaustion was physically and mentally demanding, as you wanted your canine companion to love you unconditionally and not be a bad owner to it at all.
However, it all quickly became routine to you: walking your guard dog as his ears were perked up in alertness, head darting around from side to side; playing with it in the park, and spoiling it with treats when you'd get home; and grooming his soft, dark fur and taking him to vet checkups almost made you wonder how you had managed to live this long without ever owning a pet.
Whenever you'd make yourself some food, you filled his bowl with dog food too. Whenever you had just stepped out of the shower, it would be your dog's turn to be cleaned in the bathtub. Whenever you would lazily lay on the sofa or sprawl yourself on the bed, your dog was cuddled up to you.
It was all fun and games, though, until he'd damn near suffocate you with his sheer mass and make you sneeze from the fur that tickled your nostrils, but you slowly grew used to it, using your German Shepherd as a weighted blanket and hugging it like it was your own child.
Somehow, this furry friend filled a void that König would leave behind, and you practically were both attached by the hip — well, by the ankle and hind leg, actually, but that's beside the point. You two were inseparable, and if König knew that then he'd be surely overjoyed.
When König finally had some precious minutes to himself, the first thing he'd do was call you, wanting to hear your voice and make sure you were alright. He'd nearly trip over his own two feet as he scrambled for his phone to dial your number, nearly knocking over a lamp and falling over some furniture in the process.
You'd pick up on the second ring and would nearly go deaf upon hearing the loud accented voice on the receiver. "Liebling! How are you, my sweet? I have been missing you!"
You two would exchange these sorts of questions and proclamations of love back and forth, so lovey-dovey that some of the more daring operators in König's faction made gagging noises on the other side of the door, while the more serious operators scolded them and reminded them that they were yet to feel the touch of another man/woman.
As König would listen to your ramblings about how happy you were and your lovely German Shepard, however, his ears perked up and he listened more closely.
"Prince is so lovely! He's my sweet baby and I love him so so so much! He's definitely my best friend right now, 100%. Everyone back home is getting pissy with me when I don't answer their calls because I spend more time with him than I do with them but can you really blame me when I have this beautiful prince? I mean, he's so sweet! Whenever I don't wake up at the same time in the morning he's jumping into bed and licking my face and oh my God I cannot cope with this cuteness! He's such a good boy! The very best boy! The best boy of all the boys!"
Meanwhile, König stood there, his mouth agape.
...What did you mean he was your sweet baby? Your beautiful prince? Your good boy?
Why would you call him the — not the best, but the very best — boy, the best of all boys? You couldn't have been serious.
It was just a dog. Why were you so attached to it?
It wasn't like König didn't grasp the concept of strong bonds between humans and animals — in fact, he had always been a strong believer of the "dogs being a man's best friend" common knowledge — but... this? You were coddling the thing, for God's sake! It was supposed to be fierce and threatening, not cute and cuddly. How was it supposed to protect you when all you'd do was hug it and give it compliments?
He felt his jaws tighten when you panned the camera down to show the dog peacefully laying beside you on the bed, you stroking his ears. On. The. Bed. On his and your bed. The bed the two of you would sleep on.
König couldn't believe this; he, a grown man, a disciplined soldier that moved up the ranks to be a Colonel, a 6'10 brutal killing machine who l... wanted you to be calling him those things, wanted you to run your fingers through his hair like that. Not some mutt. You were giving it star treatment and pampering it way too much than you should have.
He laughed at himself for thinking so irrationally and for being so immature. I mean, it was a dog. There was no competition to be won, nothing to prove — his rational thought repeated to him that you still loved him regardless — yet the ultimate prize would be you and your attention.
He chuckled disingenuously as you rambled on about something, and the smile under his hood didn't quite reach his eyes.
When he finally returned after grueling months away from you, those pale blue eyes still crinkled up in happiness whenever they saw you, still picked you up and spun you in the air as you'd shriek like a banshee while your legs kicked freely, still gave you a loving kiss on your lips before showering your face with wet kisses. He'd pull away, a boyish grin on his face, his face flushed, your eyes locked with his in an intimate moment...
...And then his mood would sour as your dog leaped up towards you, not wanting to be left out in the reunion.
You'd fail to notice his hands clenched into fists as your dog took the oh so comfortable spot on your lap, where he should have been laying, how below his mask a scowl was aimed at the dog you'd shower with kisses that should have been for him, how the dog would slobber your face and leave it dripping in drool, almost as if it was proving some point to him and being totally smug about it.
Of course, he didn't seem the least bit bothered to you — he wouldn't let his behaviour show. This was utter childishness, completely ridiculous, and absolutely absurd, yet somehow König couldn't control the jealousy that would stew inside of him hours after you'd fall asleep, glaring at the dog laying in between you when all he had wanted all day was to cuddle up to you and hold you close.
Somehow, his plan to keep you safe backfired, because the dog took his job as your body guard too seriously and would not let him be affectionate with you. He was beginning to despise the creature.
When you'd be walking the dog together and shower it with praise, König's hands clenched into tight fists. When you'd stroke the dog's head gently, running your fingers through his thick fur as his front paws were tucked neatly underneath him, König's nails dug into his biceps as he kept his arms firmly crossed, hating what he was seeing through his peripheral vision. When you'd glance at him as your dog was nestled between your legs, he'd turn his head, hiding the furrowed eyebrows and the clear pout on his face of an annoyed child, behaving like an annoyed child.
• In conclusion: give your König a hug. :( A kiss right on the lips and tell him that he's your sweet baby! Your beautiful prince! Your good boy! Your favourite person in the entire world and the best of the best!
• Reserve that precious spot on your lap *just* for him, and allow him to be putty in your hands!
• Run your fingers through his hair just like you would with your dog, and scratch that sensitive spot on his scalp with your fingernails!
• Don't make him regret ever getting the dog for you :'( As time goes on, it will eventually become the "father that didn't want the pet is now best friends with it and the pet is most affectionate with him" kind of dynamic.
• Just because muscular men and army-hardened soldiers like König were disciplined to be stoic and strong, sometimes they want nothing more than affection and words of affirmation from their lover from time to time. <3
So, you'd now lounge on the couch, content with your two guard dogs on either side of you; your Prince laying to your right, and your King in between your thighs, stroking the top of his head as his chest rose and fell at a steady rhythm.
Note: Gonna kms 🤡🔫 i have ro to go back to school tmr fucjing WHY i hate everyoje there 😭So yeah less frequent updates sorry guys 💔💔still going to be writing my long-ass fanfictions but itll take more time and ill probs have like 10 mentsl breakfowns daily 🤪 literallt cannot wait 🥰
My writing process is so incomprehensible tho 😭i jump from the first fic im writing to the second one im writing WAYY too often 🗿but ig its good because in a way im not TECHNICALLY procrastinating and beinf productive with 2 projects at once,, tho idk i guess tbats just a major cope if im beinf honest🤷🏼‍♀️
THANKS FOR 1000+ LIKES AND NEARLY 80 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕 LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF U AND WISH YOU NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS IN LIFE 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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fionacle · 2 days
hey all, tumblr’s report function isn’t working for me, i was hoping someone else might have better luck. the user is @/project-2025
here’s the links and explanations i was trying to submit, you can edit them if you want but just this is what i wanted staff to see, under cut so people wanting to see actual asexual stuff can ignore this:
They’re entering groups’ tags to scream about how they’re fake and just need to try doing it with men, being very vocal about hating these groups, and I heard if you reply to their posts they’ll dm you more hatred. I thought this would be better than reporting spam but they’re also tagging unrelated stuff like rwby and the mandalorian.
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I actuallt have been deemed "immoral" and "rude" and "a bitch" for not drawing trans scars super exaggerated. I was part of a furry group and we did art trades of eachothers characters, and I ultimately got kicked out because I didn't draw someones characters' trans scars "properly". Their reference sheet art style was very angular and cartoonish, very cool overall. But those big bold shapes don't translate to my own style (or my skill set) very well. So I drew them "normal". I tried explaining this, and saying that it's fine the way it is. I got called transphobic and a suppressor of expression for not drawing the scars thet way they wanted me to. They were good friends of mine.
Yes, people will be assholes to you if you don't draw things a certain way.
This is a blog about Team Fortress 2. No offense but I have no idea who you are and literally do not care. Like what am I supposed to say to this? Sorry that happened to you but also your experience is so far from universal it barely feels relevant?
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and now my Real secret weapon. if you had to pick your top 3 favorite riptide episodes what would they be
FUCK fuc fuc fuck fuck ok. SHIT ok SO. This is an impossibly hard question but i will DO IT.
I think bc there is no way i can do them in a specific order, i will classify my 3 favourite TYPES of riptide episode. Angsty story holy shit episodes. Teehee haha feelgood episodes. And secret third type.
Examples of Angsty Story Holy Shit episodes wait omg that spells ASHS like u fr omg ...
Examples of ash episodes that i rlly like include: 97/98 duo (even tho 97 is mostly teehee haha feelgood it feels like it fits w 98 too well in the same way 52 fits with 53), 114/115, 81/82 duo YES THEYRE ALL DUOS ITS BC THEY FEEL LIKE TWO PARTERS OKAY LIKE THE ASH EPISODES HAPPEN AFTER EACH OTHER, 52/53 duo bc YES 53 is the Big Scary Episode BUT 52 LEADS UP TO IT PERFECTLY ESPECIALLYYYY W THE FUCKING MEAT ROOM AND THE SANDS OF TIME AND ye andddd all of the dunjon or dungon or dunjun or HOWEVER ITS spellt. When gilly was in the pearl in dugon. Omg dugon,...
Examples of Teehee Haha Feelgood episodes that i rlly like include: 113, 105, 99, 91/93 (we dont talk abt 92.), 70-74 is all tbh rlly fuckin good AND YES 74 WAS TEEHEE HAHA FEELGOOD IT WAS ONLY THE END THAT WAS EURGH OK. 45 i think was the one with a certain song in it that just made it feel so. Good. And 11. 11 was rlly good.
Andddd examples of Secret Third Types i rlly like: 110, 106, 61/62 ermmm tbh there arent a lotta third types. WELP
Anyways so this means rn my top 3 is 115, 114, 113, 110, 106, 105, 99, 98, 97, 93, 91, 82, 81, gilly orb time, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 62, 61, 53, 52, 45, and 11
Which is too many for a top 3.
Id say i COULD maybe categorise these into which i like more than the others but NOT a full list. Like a tier list almost except its just. S tier. S+ tier. S++ tier. Nothing bad here at all.
115, 113, 110, 105, 98, 81, gilly orb time, and. God a LOT of boat episodes. are i think the top episodes for me. Boat episodes deserve their own lisr actually fuck u i love boat episodes.
The rest dont actuallt need sorting rn bc u only want the best of the best.
115, 113, 110, 105, 98, 81 and gilly orb time are non boat episodes (shut up 113 and 98 and 81 dont count for these. 113s the only rlly boatish boat episode of these and its DIFFERENT SHES DIFFERENT OK)
83-86 and 91/93 are some of my favourite boat episodes id say. It isssss kinda hard to remember the events of specific ones soooo ill just categorise em as 2 episodes. 83-86 was a very long episode. 91/93 was a boat episode w a commercial break inbetween.
Ok now is. Time to choose. I thinkk id pick. One Angsty episode. One Feelgood episode. And one. Boat episode. The secret third option was boat all along, as all things are.
98 is probably my favourite angst episode. Its just soooo. Living forever in my mind. It is everything ive ever wanted forever and swagever and always and ever. I love 98.
105 has a certain Feel to it. Idk what the council was on that episode but it was like. Idk it felt so Alive and GOOD man. Real what the scallop vibes WAIT. 113s a feelgood episode. AND it was literal what rhe scallop vibes. Fuck it 113 gets lumped in with 105 fuck u and fuck ur train
I just. Love 91 and 93. Like all of these just feel like so. Alive. They feel like the crew, and wait. Wait.
All of these.
With the exception of 105.
Which still has the right vibes.
All of these r boat episodes.
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hugs2doie · 7 months
hiii i js wanna say that i love ur work a lot like reading some of them got me giggling n all they js make my day a lot better yk & ur literally my fav user on here so tysm 💗💗 i hope youre having a good day/night !!
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rhis is soso cutw bye likw i actuallt lovw u?? I MAKE UR DAY???2???? IM UR FAVW USER?’al^+92$^+]= 🙁🙁🙁🙁
rhank u rhank u thakk u for ur sweet words baby im 💔💔
and dont thank me !!!! i should bw thanking u instead for liking mt work ans givinf me support i literallt lovw u pookster ૮ ◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა
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asexualbookbird · 5 months
2, 9 & 25 :)
2. Did you reread anything? What?
YES! Middlegame, Name of the Wind, The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, all for book club but all still great! I actuallt enjoyed angry planet more the second time around and ended up reading more of the series this year :D
9. Did you get into any new genres?
Ah. No ;; I stayed in my comfort zone, and when I did go out of that zone I did not have a great time (Whalefall, Fourth Wing) I have been enjoying scifi more lately though which is fun. I'm getting more of a feel for the scifi I like, though I can't yet put that into words.
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
It'd be very nice if I can finally get through the stack of books I want to read before donating lol I didn't read ANYTHING from that stack this year (though I did donate a lot just because I was ready to part with them and realised I wasn't ever going to read them. They did not spark joy.)
end of the year book asks
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend and AO3 may be back up but that doesn't mean I'm done bitching. On my mind is Buck, and specifically has Buck had a arc/storyline that was actuallt complete since S3?? Like we got Abby leaving, Buck dealing with it and Maddie returning in S2, and his recovery/lawsuit arc in S3 with final closure in the whole Abby thing in the finale. But what has happened since then?? Sure we learned about his shitty parents at the start but thst didn't really get a resolution, just some
some vague promises about therapy and then nothing (compare to Eddie's parents where we got that convo with his Dad in S5 and see them in a better place in S6). Then there's the whole sort of dating thing which leads to his relationship with the reporter and continues to drag through S5 and just kind of ends because it has to, not because of any personal development. I guess we can throw the conflict with Chim in S5 which *checks notes* we never see resolved on screen and the cheating business which *checks notes* was never really addressed and mostly cut from 5b since it was so deservedly hated. And now we have S6 and the sperm donor nonsense which, as discussed, has no satisfying ending in sight (someone tell KR that learning a lesson for the 45th time Isn't growth, applying a lesson is). So has Buck has anything completed for 2.5 seasons?? As badly told as it was for parts, even Madney had a conclusion to their conflict. Why is this hard?
Hello friend! I was hoping to get to this yesterday but I wasn’t at home and ended up being out until late. But I am HERE for this salt and had a little chuckle reading this when it came in because you’re SO RIGHT! Season 3 kinda closed things out for Buck and he’s just been spinning his wheels ever since, especially because completely aside from his own stuff, he’s not allowed to be as involved in other character’s storylines either. Someone mentioned awhile ago (probably @outrunningthedark, hey *waves*) that because Buck is the only one without a family of his own outside of Maddie (which JLH seems to be on limited filming duty and that time is being used (ish) for Buckley-Han family stuff), all his “personal” stories are ending up being with random and mostly unimportant side characters. We know (and love) the main, immediate  Grant, Wilson, and Diaz families and as recurring characters, it’s exciting when we get to see them! Maddie’s storyline with Doug heavily involved both Chim and Buck, and everything since has been mostly about her and Chim and every once in awhile we get a little bit of the Lee family. Buck’s season 1 storyline was tied with Abby so that made sense and season 2 was tied in with Maddie and Eddie’s, and season 3 gave us a lot of Buck/Bobby stuff on top of his time being mostly wrapped up in the Diaz family, and then closing out with Abby. 
I would say that Buck Begins wasn’t so much the start of a new arc as it was informing everything that came before as the audience and Buck reconcile everything we knew before against this new information together. Which was great! But then it didn’t go anywhere. Buck starts the season with talking about how he hides his true feelings from others and doesn’t want to do that anymore and then proceeds to spend the next every episode after that still hiding his feelings from others, only now the audience is included in that. Since the show decided our characters almost never need to have deep and important conversations with each other, we have had basically zero insight into what Buck is *actually* feeling and thinking most of the time. And when he does talk with others it sometimes feels so incongruous with what we know about Buck that we’re left wondering if those conversations are truly what he’s feeling or if he’s masking. Or if it’s yet another instance of KR not understanding the character and writing shit just to write shit. *side eyes every interaction with or about tay kay and L*
“Then there's the whole sort of dating thing which leads to his relationship with the reporter and continues to drag through S5 and just kind of ends because it has to, not because of any personal development.” Catch me getting irritated all over again that we suffered for SO LONG through that whole tay kay mess, and Buck looking miserable and the cast specifically saying that it was on purpose that we were seeing his face looking Like That, only for it to amount to nothing in the end but tay kay being the same awful person she has always been but the show tried to pretend for a hot minute that she wasn’t so KR could wedge her into everything, and Buck being miserable and only stepping away when someone else he loved got hurt, again, by her actions. We didn’t get to see ANYONE in the firefam talk to him about how unhappy he was with her (but thank goodness we had time to lecture him on how he sucks at being a bf at Christmastime instead of anyone saying “dude, are you okay? this all sounds like red flags.” 🙄🙄🙄) or her Buck get to tell her or anyone else that he was unhappy and wasn’t getting the support he needed from the relationship. Which is entirely possible to do without outright calling her a bitch (which actually Eddie and Bobby both deserved to do, though Athena would say it for Bobby because he wouldn’t do it himself, and honestly Chim (and Maddie) and Hen too after the Jonah thing), because we saw it happen with the Eddie/Ana breakup! Eddie got to tell Buck that he was unhappy but didn’t know how to get out, and then he was allowed to go home and make the choice that he was not happy and it wasn’t fair to either of them for him to keep acting like he was. It didn’t outright villainize Ana (though again, tay kay deserved to be villainized at least a little because she was awful and also far more interesting as an awful person the firefam banded together to hate), but the show was just as clear in SHOWING us that no matter what Eddie said at any point in time, she wasn’t good for him OR Chris or what either of them needed. We SAW the same for BT on multiple counts, even when she was “trying” it wasn’t anything that was actually helpful for Buck which she would know if she knew even the slightest thing about him, and even HEARD it in how Buck (bless Oliver) never said “I love you/her” without looking like he smelled something awful and having to stop partway through before forcing the words out. But when it came down to it, we got an amicable breakup after Chim and Hen nearly died, Buck faced an inquiry at work, and the investigation and department were likely deeply compromised because of her lack of ethics. 
A Buck/Maddie/Chim conflict arc could have been REALLY good specifically because we KNOW they all love each other, and more than that, they all UNDERSTAND why the others took the actions they did. But it doesn’t mean those actions didn’t hurt! And we got resolution (ish) for Maddie and Chim during Boston (which just kinda got tossed out the next ep with them breaking up and getting back together off screen with very little discussion between them directly or between them and any other characters), and Buck and Maddie did have a good conversation when she got back. But. I haaaaaate that we got nothing about Buck and Chim not really being okay, but making sure they didn’t drag Maddie into it and trying to not let it affect work, but everyone can kinda tell. We could have had some good Buck/Bobby and Chim/Bobby content out of that, and an on-screen resolution of them talking to each other finally and getting back to being brothers who tease each other out of love. Or that after the initial “thank god you’re safe and home and I missed you” wore off, we didn’t get Buck and Maddie talking to others about the little strain still there and how to deal with it because Buck DOES understand and he LOVES his sister but she still left, and his relationship with Chim was fractured when they were both just blindly groping trying to help in the best ways they knew how and not being able to. He missed out on as much time watching Jee grow as Maddie did, and UNDERSTANDING, and knowing it’s not personal or anything to do with you doesn’t make it not hurt. Especially for someone like Buck who feels so deeply and was/is constantly punished for having emotions by people like his parents and his gf so he tries SO HARD to not tell anyone when he’s hurting because he doesn’t think he deserves to, and god forbid someone think he’s making something about himself. Like, this could have been some good drama because like the lawsuit, no one is the villain, no one is fully in the right or fully in the wrong, and no one is to blame it’s just a shitty situation that wasn’t handled perfectly by anyone because they’re all just human and make mistakes. Add Eddie having a breakdown in the background of all of this that Buck feels coming but isn’t prepared for because he’s trying to handle everything and manage his gf, and of COURSE Eddie would talk to him, wouldn’t he? Only to get slapped with Eddie quitting and then Maddie and Chim coming back, and everything at work being out of sync like....the POTENTIAL for a firefam focused season that was deliciously dramatic while being grounded and real and emotionally cathartic was RIGHT THERE and I can’t believe the show was like, “instead of dealing with all this stuff we ourselves put in motion, how about we focus on some random side characters, tell you in interviews that stuff got resolved because I don’t want to think about it anymore, and sprinkle in an OC and some cheating while sidelining the characters this show is supposed to be about and that we keep promoting in the synopsis to trick people into watching but it’s only going to be 2 minutes crammed into the end of an episode because I’d rather spend 10 minutes showing you the set up for an emergency”. ANYWAY.
“someone tell KR that learning a lesson for the 45th time Isn't growth, applying a lesson is” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 He’s been going in circles since s4 started but he’s not GETTING anywhere, even when he actually gets to talk to someone about something, it either never gets mentioned again after the episode (the couch stuff with Eddie/Bobby, the happiness talk with Hen), or like the talk with Hen about being a donor, it happens and then gets treated as a joke and he doesn’t think about a single thing she said until, apparently, if the interviews still ring true and they don’t go a different direction (please GOD go a different direction and wrap this TF up!), it’s too late and there is already a baby he helped make on the way. I’m actually not going to talk about that arc because this is already so long, and also I can’t think too hard about it without being filled with incandescent fury. NGL I laughed at the Instagram post about Buck needing to not be in danger, and all the comments about how it’s actually better for the plot when he is, and how the show needs new writers so he can have good scenes again. Fingers crossed after all the criticism across the board OG received (not about arcs like s5 which can be brushed off as fans just being difficult or not liking an arc but it’s over now so why change anything/blamed on fandom for being hateful because they hate women (🙄🙄🙄), but “boring” isn’t something this show shouldn’t ever be and THAT might draw some attention), Timmy can find it in his schedule to let LS’s co-showrunner do their job for a minute and check in on his OG show. Knowing that Brad is back even though he’s never done a mid-season premier episode (and the flack the show got for not having him do the s6 opening and how awful and boring it was) does give me a little sliver of hope but we’ll see.
Thanks for giving me some delicious salt to work with, I was clearly able to make a whole meal out of it! Next week gives us LS though so hopefully we’ll have some fun to talk about soon! Cheers friend and I hope you enjoy the winding rabbit trail of a salt mine I made here. 🤣
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7swordsmen · 1 year
no show too cringe lin! I literally watched Naruto because of you. so, tell me more about this gay not gay spy x family.. like they're actually spies or whatever?
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! okay so. theyre two guys, blonde one is kazuki black haired one is rei, and yeah theyre assassins 🎉🎉 and they live together etc
THERE ARE ONLY TWO EPISODES OUT SO FAR BUT YEAH THEYVE MET THE KID and although i havent watched spy x family, a big difference between them so far is kazuki and rei? have NO idea what theyre doing its so funny. rei isnt even trying and they both think leaving a 4 y/o home alone is fine if you give the kid a bunch of snacks
but yeah it has family feels and humour and not gay gayness AND the action scenes are actuallt really entertaining. if yoy would like to watcy the 2 episodes together that would be crazy... maybe...
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mayz1er · 2 years
HI MAY MAYZIER i am CHATTING with you!!! how is it going.... i have been thibking of reposting some of my poems from instagram 2 here... i have had a good day :] how was ur day!!!! actuallt i have a question what type of dessert do u like best :0
HIIII REN ZRENIA!!!! IM SO GLAD!!!! its been going good but i havent drawn in a while and like i have literally forgotten how to so im trying to do warm ip sketches. i whd LOVE that todaybi was just thinking abt u and ur poetry readings on twt i miss them’! my day was good i have no classes tmrw which i luv and it was oddly sunny 2day. my favourite dessert are BROWNIES!!! i love brownies so much whats urs!!!!!! how was ur day!!!!!! xx
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