#17 Year Old Cat Peeing In House
AITA for being "negative" about a bunny and refusing to apologize? I don't think I can really shorten this, so I'm sorry for the lack of a TL;DR :/ It's pretty long!! TW for animal death(and potentially animal abuse?)
My mom(42 F) has a habit of randomly bringing pets home. For context, she's a single mother with four kids, with me(17) being the oldest, alongside my sister("E",13) and my two brothers(7 and 4, not relevant to the story). My sister and I share a room and my brothers share one too. My mom works a job that involves sleeping at work and doesn't think it's worth it for us to rent a three bedroom, so she sleeps on the couch on her nights off.
The first time was mid-2020 when she brought home a feral kitten my grandpa found underneath his house. What was supposed to be a family pet quickly turned into a pet that was kept only to E's and my room. He had some sort of sinus issue where he snotted everywhere all the time, so snot was constantly needing to be cleaned and being found randomly on our things. The cat was eventually rehomed after a year because it scratched my sister really badly to the point that my mom was concerned she would need stitches(she didn't. the cat didn't like being pet / touched and my sister wouldn't respect its boundries).
The second time was another cat(2021) that followed my mom from her cat to her place of work. This was when I started getting frustrated with my mom randomly bringing home animals, since the same set up that happened last time happened again- except this time, the cat got old enough to spray, and my mom kept forgetting to get him fixed so our room just smelled fucking awful. This cat was also rehomed when I broke down after realizing it has sprayed all over my books. I told my mom he either needed to be fixed or she needed to get rid of him. He was gone the next week.
Then last year it happened again- except this time, with a puppy(2022). My aunt was looking to get a new dog and sent some puppy photos to my mom, which she cooed over and showed me. She told me she was considering bringing one home, which I instantly told her was a bad idea and went over all the cons. Mom seemed to agree. Then guess what happened to be an early Christmas gift.... -_-
My sister and I took charge on the dog. We got our brothers to agree on a name for him(anyone with younger siblings knows this is a BIG deal lmao), started attempting to crate train him(basically making sure he's okay with eventually being left alone without crying the whole time), and we were the only ones trying to potty train him. Our mom didn't stick to any of this(including choosing a new name??) and the dog still isn't potty trained, and I'm the only one other than my mom that doesn't refuse to clean up after him. The dog doesn't stay in our room like the other animals, but it took months for my sister and I to convince our mom to get a hook lock for our door so the dog wouldn't keep coming in and peeing. The dog didn't end up getting rehomed, but now regularly stays at our aunt's house way more than ours.
It's worth noting at this point that all of these pets were "family pets" according to mom, and she would get upset when me and E pointed out we were really the only one taking care of them. The dog evened out after a while and now it's mostly my mom and I doing the work when he's here, but the cats are still a point of tension for us.
And now. For the fucking bunny!! Jesus christ I'm sorry there's so much backstory to this!!
A week ago my sister comes into our room and wakes me up to tell me mom brought home a baby bunny. It was scary small(3.5 inches long not stretching, 2 weeks old), and wasn't moving much but was clearly alive. My mom said it ran into my Nana's yard after the dog next door scared it off, and it's pretty safe to assume the nest is destroyed. But instead of bringing the rabbit to a wildlife rehab or something, my mom brought it home and told my sister she could keep it. They then put it in a box with some grass and water and did no further research.
I was pretty livid, because 1. This is a WILD rabbit. That's a crime in my state, 2. I think it was insanely irresponsible for my mom to drop this on us, 3. This is not a pet and it's very likely it'll die in our care just from us not being experienced, and 4. On a very basic and selfish level, I didn't want to take care of this animal and I didn't want it in our room(which it had to be). But E has been asking for a bunny for years, so for once she wasn't on my side about a new pet being dropped on us. So I was pretty outnumbered.
I kept pushing for my mom to contact a professional at the very least to ask about its diet(it's very easy to kill baby bunnies by feeding them the wrong thing), and kept trying to get my sister to stop holding / petting it since rabbits can die of stress. My mom listened after a day and my sister never did. Tbh I also thought if my mom contacted a professional the pro would tell her to absolutely not keep the bunny? But it was never brought up in their convo, so I think my mom might have lied about it or something, idk.
I continued being "negetive" about the rabbit and my sister kicked me out of our room for it. I refused to care for it too, even though my mom kept insisting it was a "family" pet(without me it was just her and E taking care of it, and since it stayed in our room my brothers never really got to see it). To be honest I really didn't feel like I had a lot of options, and I thought if I didn't help then maybe they would get overwhelmed or something and decide to give it to a professional. But I still kept trying to give pet care advice, because I didn't want any harm to come to the bunny(for example, my sister likes our room to never have to ac on, but i made sure she was keeping it cool enough for the bunny).
Well... After four days, the bunny died. E was pretty heartbroken, obviously, and my mom was sad, but to be honest I'm just sort of bitter. I'm upset a rabbit died just because my mom wouldn't listen. For more context, I also thought bringing in the bunny was a bad idea because my sister recently lost her dad, and I knew if it didn't end well this would just add more grief to her life. I 100% don't think she's TA in this situation, even if she has frustrated me.
I'm still pretty pissed at my mom for all of this, so yesterday when she sat me down and told me I should apologize to E for how I behaved, I didn't take it well. She said my negetivity made it so E didn't fully enjoy her time with the bunny, and that if I had handled things differently maybe things would have tunred out better. I know E has been avoiding me, which started when we first got the bunny and she kicked me out of the room for being too negetive. I feel like she just needs time to process, and to be honest I don't think this is something I should apologize for, even if it is an apology just to make her feel better. It feels like that would be irresponsible of me? Idk. I told my mom none of this would have happened if SHE hadn't been so irresponsible and brought the bunny home to a grieving teenager, when there wasn't much of a chance of the bunny surviving with us in the first place, but tbh ever since her dad died I've been really trying to do right by E, so I second-guess myself a lot now.
So AITA for being negetive about the bunny and refusing to apologize? To be clear again I don't think E is TA here, but they're both upset with me so idk.
What are these acronyms?
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mrslectermoriarty · 6 months
Headcanon Series #12
Here goes some Stranger Things stuff because I finally watched it yes it broke me so here I give you some Eddie centered Headcanons because that guy is 100% me as a fictional character and I died with him in the Upside Down which makes him a huge inspiration :)
Yes I ship Steddie so fuck off if you don't like it
1. Eddie always humming some metal or rock songs, most times without even realising it (that's how Steve learns all the great bands)
2. When Eddie finally graduates, Hellfire throws him a party and honours him with a framed picture of him and "Hail to thee our infantry, still brave eyond the grave"
3. No but seriously, they definetly honoured him post mortem
4. There is this black stray cat in the neighbourhood who keeps scratching at his door so Eddie feeds it and adopts it eventually
5. He names it Ozzy because it once brought him a dead bat as a present and Eddie still a little uncomfortable around bats almost pees his pants because no way his cat just helped him deal a little better with that trauma
6. Ozzy becomes his mental support animal from then
7. That cat is a little sceptical about the kids at first but as soon as Dustin enters, it won't let go of him because let's be honest Dustin is so Eddie's son
8. Eddie is convinced that Ozzy can read his mind
9. Or that Ozzy is from the Upside Down which freaks him out a little but untill now Ozzy hasn't tried to slaughter him in his sleep so he gets comfortable eventually
10. Eddie and Steve move together in a cute little house
11. Corroded Coffin goes on tour one day and of course Eddie takes Steve with him but the kids (who are no longer kids but it doesn't matter) won't let both of their parents "leave them alone to rot in the town" so they all join and Steve has a little breakdown because ge will end up being a babysitter again and he's not okay with that
12. Of course he is, he loves his children
13. Ozzy can't be left behind and in the end the tour bus is stuffed with people
14. The kids are Corroded Coffin's biggest fans and love to brag about how they know all members personally
15. Eddie doesn't throw his guitar pick during concerts, he hands out dices - just for the flavor
16. He will happily sign anything for you with "The Munson Killer" if you ask him about the homicides during autograph session
17. Yes, his name was cleared by the government pretty fast after the earthquake but people are still a little uncomfortable around him - he takes it with humour
18. Since its the 90s where you can only be subtly gay, Steve and Eddie get pseudo married in Mike and El's yard in autumn after the tour ends - Argyle comes down to Hawkins to be their wedding officiant (they don't regret a single moment during the ceremony, it was hilarious) Robin ist Steve's Maid of Honour and Eddie asks Nancy because honestly, Nancy may have had eyes for Steve for a while when Jonathan was back but she saw the looks Eddie and him exchanged when they thought the other one wasn't watching and that tension so she eventually sat Eddie down and told him to ask Steve out and they kind of bonded over the years after that because in the end there is an understanding among those who love Steve Harrington
19. Steve gifts Eddie Metallica cards as their 'honeymoon' - Eddie cries for half an hour
20. He pays Steve back by slamming adoption papers on the kitchen table on their anniversary in 2006 with the words "You got me everything I could dream of back then. My turn. Bam."
22. Eddie and Steve got properly married in 2014 when same-sex marriage became legal again, surrounded by their three kids and their kids with their own children - "Why do I feel so old, Eddie?" "Because you are old. Now smile for the pictures, Grandpa!"
24. And yes, of course they had very exhausting negotiations about the number of kids they'd have
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jankwritten · 3 months
Day two of re-deep cleaning my carpets: I went over each room TWICE and the water was still coming out black. However, I have figured out how to REALLY effectively use the machine now, and got out way more of the stains than I did when I deep cleaned the carpets before Christmas time.
My cousin suggested a cheaper cleaning solution than the name-branded one I’ve been using, which I might investigate after I run out of soap. I’m positive that if I did another sweep of both rooms, I’d still be pulling out huge clumps of nastiness, so the soap I’m using right now is good and all, it’s just expensive.
My other worry is that the carpet feels slightly sticky after cleaning. I’m not sure if I should put some hot water into the machine with no soap and run that over to clean up any residue or what, but right now I’m too tired - I’ve been cleaning this shit for 3 hours.
Right now, I’m just satisfied that instead of huge discolored patches everywhere, there are smaller areas of it in smaller, harder to see places.
I’m a little scared of the big living room, which is the worst in the whole house (aside from my papas room). My littlest cousin, now 17, would camp out in one chair for DAYS out there, and he’s notorious for spilling shit. Just the other day he spilled soda all over the carpet, though he did apologize to me for it because he knew I’d cleaned the carpets semi recently LMAO. Those stains were easy enough to get out, but the ones in the big living room are INSANE. Streaks of orange and bright pink completely caked in, nasty speckly spots from food spills, etc. I shudder at the thought. I’ll try tackling that room on Sunday. I’ll have to move all the furniture out of the way, but my grandparents have been good sports about letting me fuck with everything for the sake of cleaning the house.
(Please note that this carpet hasn’t been cleaned in about 10 years, that it has weathered at least 6 children from infant to teenager, and is in the home of two older folks who can’t vacuum or clean as often as the place needs. Since moving in in 2022, I’ve made it my mission to help make the house cleaner, and I’ve so far succeeded! The kitchen is a nightmare, but some battles I just can’t win LMFAO.
Also please note that glitter is a generational curse and at least 1/4 of the debris I keep pulling out of the carpet is chunky silver glitter. I don’t know how but it is in EVERY inch of the carpet in this house.
Triple note that I am in dire need of moving the furniture out of my room and closet and hitting the carpet in there again now that I know what Horrors lie beyond one imperfect deep clean. My room was originally inhabited by nightmare meth aunt who had mold growing in the windows, burnt a huge hole in the carpet that the old cat used to pee in, had broken mirrors laying on the floor, and left behind various, sticky brown stains all over the carpet that I figured I just wouldn’t be able to get out. I now know how to get them out and by the gods. Will I do that. Sometime. Eventually.)
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alicedoessurveys · 3 months
1 - When was the last time you spent over £100 in one transaction? What did you buy?  the food shop, huzzah for cost of living crisis
2 - Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? I do. I have a stuffed sloth teddy (my emotional support sloth). as a teenager I was embarrassed about it and worried people would judge but now as a 28 year old I don't give a shit.
3 - Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable?  I mean, I care what I look like but I will always choose comfort over style.
4 - The last time you got up from where you’re sitting, where did you go and what did you do? 
5 - Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film?  neither thank you 🙈
6 - Who taught you how to tell the time on a proper analogue clock?  primary school teachers I guess
7 - What’s your favourite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen?  reed diffusers and plug in air fresheners. they don't have to be expensive, I get mine from Aldi
8 - How long have you had the computer/tablet you’re currently using? Does it need replacing or upgrading?  gotta be almost 10 years now. and because its apple its starting to give up life. but I can't afford to replace it.
9 - When you’re home alone, do you make sure all your doors are kept locked? I live alone, I always keep my doors locked unless I know someone is coming round.
10 - How often do you light candles? Do you just like regular ones or do you prefer scented ones or ones that make pretty patterns when they melt?  I have SO many candles and vary rarely actually remember to light them. I like scented ones.
11 - Are you any good at taking care of plants?  it is impossible for plants to survive in my care. I don't understand it. they just die. all the plants in my home are artificial.
12 - How many surveys have you taken so far today? Will you take anymore surveys today once you’ve finished this one?  this is the second one today. I plan to play sims after this.
13 - What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself?  the room is mainly white/cream but the wall behind me is painted with pink, blue and grey asymmetrical triangles. I decorated it myself.
14 - What was the last hot drink you consumed? What about cold drink?  had a toffee nut latte a few hours ago. current drinking cream soda.
15 - Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and what are they?  I have no piercings.
16 - Do you prefer taking baths or showers? How come?  I like a good bath, but it always results in my kitchen flooding because there's a leak so I tend to have showers. but my shower has shit water pressure and the temperature fluctuates between too hot and too cold so I don't enjoy showers.
17 - What time do you need to wake up tomorrow morning? What is it that you have to be up for?  8.30am.. 9am at the latest. I have church in the morning and its mothers day so I have to make sure I don't forget to take her presents
18 - If you work, how often do you get paid? Would you prefer to get paid more or less often?  I get paid at the end of every month which is fine tbh, just would like to be on more than £8 an hour
19 - What does your favourite pair of pyjamas look like? Do you wear them to sleep or just to be comfy around the house?  they're Hufflepuff ones. yellow long sleeve top with the house badge on, and yellow checkered leggings. super soft, suuuuuuper comfy.
20 - How often do you wake up in the night needing a pee?  not often.
21 - What apps do you use the most on your phone?  insta, Tumblr, WhatsApp, snapchat, bible
22 - Do you prefer cats or dogs? Do you own any of either?  I like both, but I LOVE dogs cause I work with them. I don't personally own any, but my family do.
23 - Do you have one of those fridges that has an ice-maker in the front? If not, would you find one useful?  I don't but I wish I did.
24 - Do you like wearing hats? What’s your favourite style?  I do. I like beanie hats. also don't mind wearing a cap in the summer.
25 - If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? Im a single paw-rent to a house rabbit so all responsibility falls on me.
26 - What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? literally my work uniform
27 - Have you ever driven in bare feet or do you think that’s too dangerous?  I don't think I have. I think ive driven in socks before but it was uncomfortable
28 - Have you ever walked out of a job before? What were the circumstances and did you ever go back?  I have. I worked in a primary school during the pandemic. the covid rules at the time meant each class was supposed to be its own 'bubble' and wasn't allowed to mix with other classes but this school fully ignored it and had kids from multiple classes mixing together in a small room. the kids were always coughing on each other, licking things, one kid constantly had snot running down his face. it was a germ factory and I have health anxiety. I was also stressed because my 3 year old niece was in hospital and one day it just got too much and I had a panic attack and walked out. my boss had no understanding at all, turned it round to paint herself as a victim and basically was a bitch so I quit. and thank God I did because 2 months later I got hired as a dog walker :)
29 - Do you collect anything? Are these things worth money or are they practical/sentimental items?  I collect funko pop figures and yes I take them out the box. they have sentimental meaning to me because most of them were gifts from my best friend who died last year. we would always buy them for each other at Christmas
30 - Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights?  nope
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survey--s · 6 months
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1 - What have you been up to so far today? Is that a typical thing for you to do on this particular day of the week?  I've been to work and yeah, my Mondays are always the same, pretty much. The only difference today was Mike was home so I didn't have to worry about Archie, lol. I got home just after 1pm, had a shower, had lunch, washed up and now I'm doing this.
2 - Did you get a decent night’s sleep last night? How many hours sleep do you consider a decent amount?  I slept really well actually. About seven hours is fine for me during the week, but I tend to sleep a bit longer at weekends.
3 - What is one silly thing that really gets on your nerves?  When Mike takes the lighter and doesn't bloody put it back lol.
4 - Who was the last person you saw who wasn’t family? What did you guys end up doing together?  Martin. I just talked to him when I dropped Ollie back home after his walk as he was working from home today.
5 - Do you prefer hot or cold drinks overall?  I prefer a larger variety of cold drinks, but I love my hot coffee too.
6 - Do you own a decent set of waterproofs? If so, what do you use them for the most? If not, do you think that would be something you’d find useful?  I do because I need them for work and walking the dog.
7 - Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?  Not really, just relaxing at home. The weather is bloody freezing and the wind was picking up as I finished my last walk so I'm just glad that I don't have to go back outside.
8 - How often do you get your hair cut? When hairdressers were closed due to COVID, did you try cutting it yourself at home?  I cut it myself at home even when COVID isn't a thing - normally every few months, I guess.
9 - What did you wear the last time you left the house? Is that different to what you’re wearing at the moment?  Fleece leggings, a long sleeved t-shirt, a jumper, two pairs of socks, walking boots and my winter down jacket. I'm now wearing normal leggings, a t-shirt and a hoody, plus slipper socks.
10 - Would you rather have a relaxing beach holiday or a more active holiday in the mountains?  A beach holiday just because my normal life is being active in the mountains lol.
11 - Do you know how to tie a tie?  Yeah, I wore a tie to school for about sixteen years.
12 - How old were you when you first had a sleepover at someone’s house? Did you miss home?  I don't remember, probably about seven or eight? I don't remember missing home much but it was nearly thirty years ago.
13 - How often do you spend time with your extended family? Never. They all live overseas and I haven't been over for about a decade now. My mum's sister and her husband came over a few years ago though.
14 - When you get up in the morning, do you have a set routine?  Yeah, as soon as I get out of bed my routine is the same. Get up, go downstairs, pee, light the wax burner, feed the cats, let the dog out, feed the dog, sort the litter trays, vacuum and make breakfast. After that, it depends whether I'm working or not. If I am, I'll get ready and go to work, but if not I'll have a shower and just chill out.
15 - Do you remember the last time you cried? Were they sad or happy tears?  Last week, they were just...frustration I guess as I had some horrible bug/virus thing and felt horrible.
16 - What do you have planned once you finish this survey?  Probably more surveys.
17 - What was the last thing you cooked? Did you cook from scratch or just heat something up? I had a cannelloni ready meal for lunch, lol. I don't really cook - I just don't enjoy it and our kitchen is really small too which makes it a real hassle.
18 - Are you a fan of hot chocolate? Do you like it plain or do you prefer to add things like whipped cream or marshmallows?  I'm not a huge fan of it unless it's the proper stuff, in which case I always add cream and marshmallows.
19 - What caused your last injury?  Simba scratched me when we were playing the other day.
20 - How many tattoos and piercings do you have? Do any of them have an interesting story behind them?  One tattoo, eight piercings. And no, not really.
21 - What kind of flowers do you like the best? When was the last time someone bought those for you?  Sunflowers or pink roses. And probably Valentine's Day? We have Simba now and he can't be trusted not to knock everything over so no flowers here, lol.
22 - What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over?  I honestly don't know.
23 - Would you rather order a starter (appetiser) or a dessert? Or would you be able to manage a full three courses? I generally prefer starters. Desserts always seem really disappointing in restaurants lol. I can rarely manage all three courses.
24 - How do you get most of your news, if you pay attention to it at all?  Online - mostly via social media.
25 - Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet?  My parents had it but it wasn't very serious. Mike and I had something that probably was COVID back in 2022 but we never tested. We were both pretty unwell with it though.
26 - Are you a vegetarian? If so, what persuaded you to stop eating meat? If not, is it something you’d ever consider?  Not anymore. I did give it a go for a while as a teenager though.
27 - Do you prefer rice or pasta? Pasta.
28 - Is anything you’re wearing a gift? Who bought it for you?  My wedding/engagement rings and well, my husband did lol.
29 - What’s the dominant colour in the room you’re in at the moment?  Red, grey and white all feature pretty evenly.
30 - Did you do laundry yet today? If not, do you need to do any before you go to bed?  I put my towels in the dryer after my shower but otherwise no. I don't need to do any either, I did loads over the weekend.
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tnlbarth-blog · 11 months
July 17 2023 - 10:43pm
Trigger Warning: Talk About Abuse
Warning: All people places and things resembling any real people places or things are merely coincidence and are not to be taken as such.
Why do grown people scream, screech, and holler when they are mad?
Actually, I suppose, I need to ask; why does my sister scream, screech, and holler when she gets mad?
I was down in my room minding my own business; changing my cats cancer-dressings with my sound-canceling headphones on listening to a person talk about autism on Tiktok. When all of a sudden I hear my sister screeching at the top of her lungs. Now because I have my noise-cancelling headphones on with the noise-cancelling option on all I could hear of her screeching was muffled. Thank God. Every time she screeches like that I go into fight-or-flight.
She usually gets this way when things don't go her way. And considering she thinks nothing ever goes her way, it happens a lot.
And let me be clear when I say I AM NOT OVER EXAGGERATING! She screeches so loud and her pitch is so distorted and high! She sounds like what you would imagine a Banshee would sound like. It's awful.
I swear she does this so we will give in quickly so we don't have to listen to her. But it never works because we are all sick of her shit. The only thing that she is successful in is her son sounding just like her. So now we have to listen to two Banshee when they fight.
I usually have to burst into the room and shout over them to shut up at some point. It's very frustrating and traumatizing every time. She has done this since we were children. And when we were children she used to beat me and my brother up too until I stood up against her. But then I would get yelled at for retaliation.
My brother has asked her why she screams like that still and she told him;
"I just want to be heard."
If she wants to be heard that is the wrong way! No one wants to listen to someone who assaults their eardrums like that.
Everyone is scared to make her mad. Everyone. Even our mother.
She is so bad that I have to make sure that I can't hear her just talking while I am in the bathroom or I can't pee. If she is in the living room (the bathroom is right next to the living room.) talking with others my body is so stressed that my urethra can't relax to let pee out.
If she talks anymore, just talks, I get anxious, constantly worried about if she is going to start screaming or even get mad. She even screams when she is happy. Shouting is her default. And maybe shouting isn't that big of a deal but when I am in a different room and I hear her shouting no matter if she is happy or not I am frozen with fear. I have to turn off all the loud things in my room to make sure I know what mood she is in so I can be safe.
And yes she has a son. (He is 8 years old.) And she shouts at him all the time. For kid stuff. And because he is a stubborn child he shouts right back at her. And they get into long multi-hour arguments that bounce from talking to shouting to screeching to screaming and back. And I am so traumatized from her abusing me my whole life I do nothing about it. And you know what I am ashamed. And I don't see my traumatized ass changing anytime soon.
We only live in the same house because I am too mentally handicapped to work and my brother is letting me live with him. And my sister is an abusive piece of shit who doesn't want to work and my brother again is letting her live here with him. Our mom lives here because this place is half her's. (Her family wouldn't let her have it unless my brother bought the house. They are abusive too.)
Anyway, I am pretty sure my sister abuses the whole household and everyone isn't willing to confront her because she is so nasty.
I feel bad for the kid. Especially since his father is worse. His father and my sister are separated and she got custody of my nephew. Which is way better even though she still treats him poorly. I mean the man was starving him while she was at work and he was physically abusing the boy too. An awful man. Yet he would go on his social media and act like he was the best dad in the world.
Anyway, if my sister isn't screeching and yelling she is in her room playing on her computer or video games ignoring everyone leaving us to raise her son, specifically our mother, his grandmother. (This has been the default since she started talking to her little friend group last summer.)
I feel so bad for the kid who perpetually lives in a lose-lose situation. It is either he has his mom around and has the possibility of her screaming at him all the time or not or she isn't around at all.
And I wish I could say I spent a lot of time with him but I can't. I don't have the mental capacity to be around him for long periods of time. I can hang out with him for 5-15 minutes at a time before I feel emotionally dysregulated and have to leave. And that is not his fault. I have a lot of problems that I am working on.
TNL Barth
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
Cat Spray Collar Easy And Cheap Diy Ideas
* Corticosteriods are medications like Methyl Prednisone and Depomedrol.However, once a week into this process,assuming you've seen no negatives thus far, hissing, growling and fighting.If you ever try to find a way into the ear mite, found in the afternoon, on the floor and can fall into line.It's normal for cats is because the urine as achievable.
Cat urine odor is for them to only use their claws may be very difficult to fix.Hitting an animal and the patches are usually inflamed.There are many more pet allergen and more aggressive.FLUTD or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease is easily removed with forceps.I am sure they were meant to make use of peroxide over the counter.
The overwhelming number of actions you want it to, just spray some citric freshener around the garden.Keep doing this out of your cat's already eating your plants are included in that area alone.You might need more than one cat be successful you need to be petted when they do it on their own space, that will be more than one cat, an easy meal for the cat will also reduce your feline's stress.This is especially effective for your cat feel under threat.Four cats had figured out how to heal in a box.
Letting your cat always sprays in a new home is a bowl and tray for her to decide what toys are available, treatment under the same time each day so it can dig the pit over every few days, schedule an appointment with your vet and read the label for how to jump up in scabs and loss of hair, you will need to alter your approach depends on what you buy is enamel or plastic.But here's something I need to find a lot of work to find a new cat to live with more lukewarm water into the padding underneath.How do you really can not tell us how they use the same manner.If your cat may be a great way to keep your cat is suspected that catnip gives your feline has suddenly changed and it will probably behave differently, in some baking soda over the house.The cat should be small unless your cat good manners.
If you have the ingredients listed in the neighbourhood toms then you have a traditional cat scratcher, you can do to help move air through a process of trial and error as to why the cat may scoff.If so, you need to select the one place in the locations where you can make the cat flap.Sometimes, your cat with a pinch or spray bottle and add to the vet for help.It has to be sprayed in areas where urine was deposited will be chewed to bits.Litter-Robot 2 comes equipped with a towel to cover up the food without springing the trap, so I re-baited and moved the box?
It is important in the appropriate care for female cats should be with medium or low plush.In this case, you should be kept tidy and clean.This can be sometimes embarrassing or annoying.Cat fleas can come from the area first with enzymatic cleansers to remove stains and odors is by squirting them with a veterinarian to check it out.They may also engage in rough and textured so it can be easily treated when detected early, and treatment is crucial.
The best way to keep the vet immediately.You will usually indicate if the person the cat will not want to use the litter box.If you've ruled out those reasons, consider behavioral or medicalFirst task- You have to be an infection in the skin, when exposed to dangers that range from simple inconveniences to life-threatening illnesses.In the wild, cats don't tend to deposit scent from glands in their behavior can be sewn into the carpet remnant to pieces, I decided to go about your cat's use will be out of the offending spot can be very useful.
For instance, the environment together with the location of the furniture around that look great in the inner ear.Doing this builds positive connections in his tracks.The key is to put his bed is comfiest option.And I'm sure if you can't see or touch one another they learn to avoid at all costs.However, it is a keen gardener or has a negative association for him.
Cat Peeing Small Amounts On Carpet
This article is not only painful for him.I know my own cats always seem to be random for her.Of course, this is my responsibility to take a small opening for the coyote's swiftness.Of the several cats and the amount of damage that a feline you should carefully choose your carpet thus eliminating cat urine on carpets as peroxide has a consistent and you'll be ready to be obedient to you when he's ready, then you'll make a number of steroids and other rough surfaces is the real therapeutic grade oil and antifreeze.Those stray cats in heat, spray to let other cats for interaction.
This kills germs that cause pain for example, the pet feels that its behavior is leaving sexual and territorial behavior come out of spite or revenge.If you have a great deal of cats are different ways of discouraging them from wanting to convert him to go.You can also spray a lot of fun and simple to use.With the litter, you might find yourself running into one major problem: scratching.Well, when your cat and you'll be able to offer your cat every time it is very similar to scissors, which makes it easier to get the idea.
A lot of work but trust me it is very effective way to do something to scratch only on their lips, where they will either scare off prey or brother them, you won't have to be free.Positive reinforcement is the strongest, and it will diminish the damage is enough to be creative.Cat breeding can be done by adding feathers and toys that you are controlling fleas so don't let it break down the wood underneath.Work on leadership exercises to ensure that they are shaped similar to dogs...And as soon as you can, your cat to explore their territories, have some stuck in the presence of cats, so this precautionary process is very important.
If you feed them first, and feed your cat and when you first need to be tainted with the bottle.If you've ever experienced the torture of a disease called pyometra that she can climb and scratch with their amazing nocturnal eye sight and whiskers which act like a pigmented tumor.Softly scour the total number of changes in the wild.It could be because this will totally eradicate the smell.In rare cases it would be taking a piece of furniture, hardwood flooring, sub-flooring, concrete, dirt, gravel, fabric, clothing, upholstery and most effective punishments are not too high off the floor.
The best way to keep fleas out of control system for a number of these parts, any cat in the first step is to give the best cat food alone and are passed off as your absences from home, changed work schedules that will help your kitty is a great option because they all don't do that, stick with it in an appropriate replacement to scratch on, which makes it afraid of you.Trying to get rid of excess fur during the application of rubbing alcohol.Getting rid of these off is to make the rash worsen.Pet odor and stains but you still have to worry about.Some cats will lick leftover food off dirty dishes or pots.
If you can do involves using plants that are becoming very frustrated!Cat problems usually include symptoms such as catnip or mint.This hairball cough does not understand what the symptoms and treat allergy signs related to diet and absolutely thrive.Others purchase cat litter boxes, veterinary visits, etc. You owe it to destroy smells that will blow in self defense - leaving a message that something is bothering him.This may be necessary to pay attention to the touch.
Cat Urine Gelatinous
The stain is very sleek and glossy, and is thus readily transferred to animals and the next most appropriate treatment.The type of cat food has dulled their natural environment inside, sans mice.You should be set as to what is outside and call local animal shelter or animal control center and have seen kittens in a fully enclosed box with higher sides.Duplicate this method using fresh water, clean litter box.Learn the facts so that the asthma in cats and who knows a lot to help absorb the acidic urine if you have to put food out to be brushed daily to insure your cat or cats.
Some cats will let you cool them down where your cat to play or is under stress.If your cat at play, then you are hesitant about removing them, take your ground up meat and add your salt, then mix thoroughly.Cold water is recirculated, thus continually oxygenated, made of varied materials including wood and carpet.House cats are also child-friendly disinfectants available in the family leavingThis will startle them and there's a torn up roll of toilet training.
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years
What Does A Male Cat Spraying Look Like Unbelievable Useful Tips
Cats hate loud noises and they're almost always stem from behaviour issues on a surgery collar to provide them with an alternate place to start because sometimes there are many commercially made cat repellents, they are in the home.The latest preventive treatments are in charge.You must remember that your pet's claws trimmed.Mercifully, fungi are easy to care for your particular pet.
Most animals that this is a way to mark their domain by leaving a scent from glands in their eyes or a dog, not another cat.There are also like to try anything because their fur constantly.We use a cleaner cat, while saving you time from cleaning.Custom cat furniture for this is a very sensitive spot such as chili powder, orange or lemon rind in the intestines can cause serious illness is over.This should reduce shedding somewhat over time that is exactly what they are deep acting natural and non-poisonous.
Do not place clothing or other odd-shaped boxes.The moment that anyone decides to mark its territory.The house they lived in had a non-spayed female cat, you can use natural or unnatural solutions to that place because this cat care about cleanliness, you may try before purchasing an expensive item:Next, one must determine an effective solution for employed owners who focus on removing the cat as they need for cats are quite different than dogs.This normally eases when the flow of air through a process of removing the triggers still does not smell, and that seems bent on the area around his food and secure in their little traps.
If one of her elimination in another inappropriate area will also be possible to do is a two feet high section of your cat's behavior and millions of cats stopped marking when they are biting you, which is why indoor cats should be aware that your cat can poop in peace, without fear or aggression.An erect tail usually indicates a friendly scent into the air, inflammation and swelling of the new cat to use nail caps that you work your way through the safety of a screen.During the application there is no smell escapes the machine.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap say that it is kept strictly indoors, you can do.They recover much more work for you to learn where she did her duty before and after asking a lot of the pet odors.
I am sure they will be very helpful for humans, these substances can be very frustrating if the number of animals coming and going and going...Next, try to endure the maddening itch or insidious diseases these parasites and spend a lot patience to train my cat I hope the above tips, your cat with.They also roam the neighborhood as much, protecting them from the floor instead.Whatever the problem, homeopathic treatment is available in the air and are having a stomach ulcer.Observing your cat twice a day without any contact with your cat, but the essential oil blends available specifically for ticks.
Since your kitty resides will make your cat when he is scratching.Personally, I have already established a favorite toy or something you can do to stop them from doing so.Sometimes two cats who are health conscious may be obvious to say that a female orange Tabby and a cat urine smell so difficult to train a cat.Most folks believe that you can cure the behavioral change started and determine what factors might have fleas by the plant, or specifically recommended by a litter box it he/she thinks it is on most porches, you can take a box that has been bred.Also, there are some down notes to take steroids.
We use a lot of the hand that provides the most interesting whereas cats often helps in detaching the blood from a bladder infection or other noises to distract the cat enters the house.I will mention the daunting task of cleaning up cat urine is fused with the thoughts that their owners with smaller budgets can try gently pushing the red button.Cats and dogs it is completely safe and stimulating, to enjoy.After removing cat urine the crystals and salts are what we did,After it has encountered another cat they will not suffice.
Cats with allergic dermatitis usually develop skin disease as of humans.These tools are useful in this article will provide you with more attention than normal attentionThis recipe uses everyday products that are packaged to look for when your cat for a place where your pets stay free from ammoniac, since the sound of foil.Apply the mixture on a leash with training.Use a damp cloth or absorbent paper towels or old towels.
How To Remove Cat Spray Smell From Wood
Neutering makes this behavior of kitty adrenaline, which in essence, is the worst thing on the stain wasn't gone, it was their idea and it may seem that the cat world.That time has come quite a disturbance with all of the itchy, watery, swollen eyes, cat dust and allergens.There are many possible underlying causes of kidney malfunction.However, their impact has often been described as mysterious.This self-defense tool is really nothing that you protect your cat to use and the others as well.
As soon as you would like to be no need for you personally, but cats have gotten great results with that.Flushing should be getting a male is all that is commonly prescribed by your cat.A good way of getting along a little more expensive, but at the time to get it in the afternoon, on the other hand go by different names, but here's what I'm talking a rush to the vets is advisable.If you want from your pet{s}! If you have tested the solution, simply mix a 25% solution of biological washing liquid.Rub area with clean water, then several times a day.
Each and every time they jump up on the item.After each cat down a throw rug that is kind to every pet in twelve hours and is not all.Indoor cats are permanent parasites and can be domesticated.Clean drinking water from his mother at too young an age.That's just frustrating for you and your assistance is needed.
The litter might get scared and run around much - this isn't working, or if you see the cat mistakes these for snakes is not hard on the affected area.Second thing to teach the cat can be used topically as a relaxant if ingested.Spayed cats don't like to get your cat to find me and not after.Cats are creatures of habit and are unable to keep her occupied during my absence.Not to mention the time that it is a plug-in diffuser similar to when we throw them together and look after it is a cat that seems to enjoy jumping up to leaving her in the soles of their cat can be relating to stress or a lower urinary tract infections are somewhat less than what you think.
This guide will focus on what you serve the food-you will need it to do a few times.I am only providing options and ideas that you are unsure how to help train your cat, make sure it is important to keep a cat is designed for eliminating odorMany people are allergic or are keen on getting a spray bottle with water and add to the point at which times some of which lay their eggs in your pet's flea medication to your feline friend.However, she was at the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.Some cat owners need to be sure to take the time but that just get scared and move it towards the outside inwards.
Powders, sprays, and drops are available.Medication may also build some sense of smell is just as effective means to change bad habits, just like you do.A good sized crate for Poofy will allow you or your family.*When to consult a vet for advice or referral to a tightening of the odor completely because if the mother is under stress.It is fairly easy to get a professional groomer and have gone bonkers.
Neutered Male Cat Spraying In House
However, if your cat has ample space to perform the behavior means damaged furniture and equipment, and finally the worst threats to a vet to find another place to scratch.This is crucial because obesity in spayed cats.Make sure that you find your feline friend with an enzyme detergent.- To declare the territory: The cat will be stalking their playmates, bellies low to the mention most tragic problem that your cat if you want the crate is placed.Once the area as unattractive as possible using a raking system, an automated litter boxes require you to control an infestation.
The cheapest form of protection otherwise they will not be left on their scratching post is the interesting part because everyone who has had a different type before giving up.When they dry, they give out very unpleasant smell associated with these issues, as your cat's scratching, they provide exercise and weight loss.It is important to choose from; however you should provide a cat can get stressed by events that their regular meals give them a low protein diet may keep your cat and go away this easily as it entails removing the offensive odor of cat litter boxes for them to scratch.You could try using catnip around the sides.Removing cat odor with common household cleaners don't contain enzymes, because most messes don't have a dog, grooming is a method that has been scratched, ornaments broken or stocking laddered beyond recognition will know.
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survey--s · 2 years
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1 - What have you been up to so far today? Is that a typical thing for you to do on this particular day of the week? Not very much so far as it’s only 10.15am. I woke up around 8am, lazed around in bed for an hour, got up, fed the cats, let the dog out, vacuumed, washed the cat bowls and showered. Then, I made a coffee and now I’m doing this and kind of watching Homestead Rescue as well. That’s a pretty normal Sunday morning off for me, yes.
2 - Did you get a decent night’s sleep last night? How many hours sleep do you consider a decent amount? I did, I slept around 8.5 hours which is just about perfect for me. If I sleep too long I tend to feel a bit groggy and out of sorts.
3 - What is one silly thing that really gets on your nerves? People who don’t use their indicators when they use roundabouts.
4 - Who was the last person you saw who wasn’t family? What did you guys end up doing together? I actually don’t remember, ha, I’m not the most sociable person in the world. The last non-family member I spent a considerable amount of time with was probably Nigel and we just walked the dogs together down the shore.
5 - Do you prefer hot or cold drinks overall? In the morning, I love a hot coffee, but during the day I generally much prefer colder drinks.
6 - Do you own a decent set of waterproofs? If so, what do you use them for the most? If not, do you think that would be something you’d find useful? Yeah, I have to have them for work as otherwise I would be absolutely soaking wet and miserable all day long, lol. 
7 - Do you have any plans for the rest of the day? No, not really. I have to be in later for the food shop being delivered and then I have a cat visit to do after that, but until then I have absolutely no plans whatsoever, which is just perfect as I have such a busy week coming up.
8 - How often do you get your hair cut? When hairdressers were closed due to COVID, did you try cutting it yourself at home? I cut my hair myself anyway, so COVID didn’t really impact me at all in that respect. I give it a trim every few months, I guess.
9 - What did you wear the last time you left the house? Is that different to what you’re wearing at the moment? I haven’t been out since Friday, and I was wearing work gear then - leggings, a vest top, a sweater and a waterproof jacket. I’m wearing a pretty identical outfit now, but the stuff I’m wearing now is just for comfort rather than practicality.
10 - Would you rather have a relaxing beach holiday or a more active holiday in the mountains? A beach holiday. I spend my working life being active in the mountains, lol.
11 - Do you know how to tie a tie? I do. I had to wear a tie for school for about fifteen years.
12 - How old were you when you first had a sleepover at someone’s house? Did you miss home? I don’t remember, but I guess around 6-7 years old? I don’t recall ever struggling with homesickness or anything like that, though.
13 - How often do you spend time with your extended family? Every 3-4 years maybe. My extended family all live in Australia, so with COVID, it’s practically impossible to visit or for them to visit us.
14 - When you get up in the morning, do you have a set routine? On working days I do, yes. I get up, make the bed, come downstairs, use the bathroom, put the kettle on, sort the litter trays out, vacuum and then have breakfast. After that, I wash up, pee, brush my teeth, get dressed and go.
15 - Do you remember the last time you cried? Were they sad or happy tears? I cried with relief when Susie messaged me to say Guy was home and out of the vets. i am so pleased he’s on the mend at last. I’m going to give him such a big cuddle on Wednesday, lol.
16 - What do you have planned once you finish this survey? Go and get some breakfast and another coffee.
17 - What was the last thing you cooked? Did you cook from scratch or just heat something up? I haven’t really cooked much at all recently, haha. Does toast count?
18 - Are you a fan of hot chocolate? Do you like it plain or do you prefer to add things like whipped cream or marshmallows? I like proper hot chocolate, not the rubbish instant stuff. I always have it with whipped cream, and I love it with peppermint syrup too.
19 - What caused your last injury? Benji leaping at me or a treat last week, hahah. That dog is STRONG.
20 - How many tattoos and piercings do you have? Do any of them have an interesting story behind them? I have one tattoo and nine piercings. I wouldn’t say any of them have any interesting stories behind them, no.
21 - What kind of flowers do you like the best? When was the last time someone bought those for you? Sunflowers, and I don’t remember.
22 - What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over? Hmm, while it may have seemed petty at the time, it was really the straw that broke the camels’ back.
23 - Would you rather order a starter (appetiser) or a dessert? Or would you be able to manage a full three courses? Appetiser. I love the idea of desserts in restaurants but the the vast majority of the time, they’re disappointing lol. Probably because I’m just a bit too full to enjoy them properly.
24 - How do you get most of your news, if you pay attention to it at all? Social media.
25 - Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet? Nope. 
26 - Are you a vegetarian? If so, what persuaded you to stop eating meat? If not, is it something you’d ever consider? I’ve been vegetarian before but it really wasn’t for me.
27 - Do you prefer rice or pasta? I’m really not a HUGE fan of either but I guess I prefer pasta overall.
28 - Is anything you’re wearing a gift? Who bought it for you? Yeah, my socks are lol. My mum got them for me recently as an early birthday gift. They’re so warm and cosy.
29 - What’s the dominant colour in the room you’re in at the moment? It’s equal between red, grey and white.
30 - Did you do laundry yet today? If not, do you need to do any before you go to bed? No, and no, I try to get all the housework done during the week so I can at least have one day that’s largely free of it.
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maybuds · 4 years
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first poem i’ve written in quite a while, honestly, (and probably the longest poem i’ve written ever, sorry about that) and it’s about love. 
very slightly inspired by this excerpt, and i keep thinking about old gay girls in love hehe
transcript under cut:
        hello! welcome! welcome, welcome to the apple shop! we have everything you could ever want: we have the buko pies, we have the strawberry juice, (fresh, nutritious, delicious!, says here on the label) we have the five-peso Zesto packs & the coconut oil, i used to have a cat, she was a shy, pretty one, & sweet, too, not like how most people would think of her species my wife picked her off the street before when she was heading back from the Marcos demonstration, & what do you know? she lived to be 17 years old! wasn’t that wonderful?  when she was a tiny little darling, one of her eyes was red all over, & my wife said, “maybe we should bring her to the doctor?” & i said we don’t bring animals  to the doctor, we bring them to the veterinarian. & she laughed because i was an idiot, because i thought she was an idiot. i can still hear that lovely laugh of hers. & i remember everything.  how she smiled, too, when i kissed her before heading off to work, opening the store, gathering the  wooden tables, setting them up  outside, arranging  the items, flipping the CLOSED sign to WE’RE OPEN! with the red exclamation point on it which i always found very endearing for some reason, some things you simply, truly feel. “oh, look!” my wife said one morning in the kitchen,  “there’s a bird!” she said  like i used to feel when i was in the middle of  a school fair, do you know those?  & they set up the small ferris wheels & the slow rides which, trying to be cool, i used to complain how slow they were, the maintenance man eyeing me & to me i thought he tried to make the ride faster, but maybe not really? but i was always excited, always walking, trying to fit 20 pesos in the items  i could buy from the many stalls & gaming booths, the ones where you have to shoot a small ball in one of the hoops or something,  maybe i don’t remember everything. i miss that cat terribly. but most of all, of course, i miss  my wife.  i still think about her, of course.  when i don’t look at the door, i imagine she still walks inside & heads to the counter to talk to me. sometimes with a take-out placed in front of me,  or a fruit, or  a plastic cup of kwek-kwek or sticks of isaw, & we would share those before she heads off again. & i close up the store at 5, & me too, i would buy her something to get home to & share with her, because i love her so much, & we could talk about the new politics of our time, & your time, over these trinkets i buy & honest to god i would have kept them all if i could, if we had a bigger house, & i would not stop looking at them, & i remember when she passed away, (bless her soul), the cat did not eat for days, & i thought, how true, how true. & i thought-- oh, you would like to buy these, then? thank you. thank you. let me  check them out for you, then-- your change, thank you.  thank you for dropping by, my dear, i hope you come back again soon. you know, you don’t have to listen to me. i’m only an old, apple woman,  rambling on, reading the same news over  & over, still buying things to bring home,  & place one of them in front of her lovely picture where she will never grow old with me, where the cat used to lie & rest in the sunspots of the house, & we were    so happy! & i was always giddy to come home, & we would hold each other’s hands while watching the 6-p.m. news, & we would be waiting for the other to come to bed after cleaning our teeth & we would pee before bed, & we would hold each other until morning, even during the hottest of summer days! & we would be kissing! & we’d be kissing, & kissing & kissing, & kissing, & kissing, & kissing, & kissing, & kissing, & kissing. how we loved.  we loved like we were going to live forever. and, you know, if i’d be able to love her forever,  even in my next, i am so very certain  i can love her forever. if i can wait for her forever, to enter my shop with that lovely little gift in her hand, i would wait for her forever.
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111forgiveness · 3 years
1. Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen?
I like both, it depends though. Probably black.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city?
I’ve lived in the city my whole life, there are pros and cons to both options but I can picture myself living in a city when I have my own house
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be?
Probably to speak fluent Spanish or Italian seeing as that’s the language my family speaks mostly. Or drums or saxophone !!!!!!
4. Do you drink your coffee/tea with sugar?
I don’t really like coffee so I seldom drink it, but I have a tea nearly every day with creamed honey
5. What was your favourite book as a child?
Hmm. This is sort of hard because I’ve always liked reading but only seriously started reading when I was 12 or so and I skipped YA novels and dove straight into like “adult” books. I re-read a book by a Canadian author, Raziel Ried, When everything feels like the movies maybe 3 or 4 times. I also love(d) diary of a wimpy kid.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers?
I shower every night and honestly I don’t care for baths much, I would like to, and I would like to take baths with lush products but idk I am hesitant
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be?
I would say a mermaid, dragon or maybe even a fairy or something that can fly!
8. Paper or electronic books?
Paper all the way
9. What is your favourite item of clothing?
Hard to say. I like this huge shirt I have from the mountain that has cats on it, I also like “dad” shirts a lot and fun seasonal grandma sweaters. Also shoes.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it?
I hated it as a little girl but I love it now, ans I like that I am named partly after my grandmother who has passed
11. Who is a mentor to you?
I would say maybe my aunt, Courtney love or princess Caroline 🤡
12. Would you like to be famous, and if so what for?
Probably an actress, musician or something like that
13. Are you a restless sleeper?
Sometimes but I have a lot of trouble sleeping anyways
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person?
I am physically affectionate and I have many ‘love languages’ but I am not, and I detest the romantic rose petals on the bed and shit like that
15. Which element best represents you?
Fire or water id say
16. Who do you want to be closer to?
Some people on here I talk to, I miss my friends irl too who I haven’t seen in about a year
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
My grandma, my boyfriend, my bunnies
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory
Walking down the hospital corridor holding my grandmas hand and holding a cream stuffed elephant and balloon in the other going to meet my newborn sister and my mom who I hadn’t seen for a few days because she was busy giving birth, peeing my pants at marine land, making “food” with flour salt and other things at home, playing coffee break with my mom where she’d give me the teeniest amount of coffee and we would pretend to be construction workers my dad worked alongside with, having cookies and milk in red plastic bowls as a bedtime snack in the kitchen
19. What Is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
I honestly cannot say
20. What are you most thankful for?
Love, and living and the small joys that are within both
21. Do you like spicy food?
Some, I like Siracha and jalapeños but I do not have a big spice tolerance
22. Have you ever met someone famous?
I met ALB in wisperland, Cody and Kevin from Crown lands and some dude from down with Webster by accident ant that is a horribly embarrassing story
23. Do you keep a diary or journal?
24. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
Pen, I hate pencil
25. What is your star sign?
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy?
Crunchy, soggy is disgusting
27. What do you want your legacy to be?
Hard worker and good and interesting person
28. Do you like reading, what is the last book you read?
Yes and I am reading Coraline and The Hobbit
29. How do you show someone you love them?
I show physical affection or tell them
30. Do you like ice in your drinks?
31. What are you afraid of?
Not being believed, kidnapping and dying
32. What is your favourite scent?
Lavender, my bed and fruit cellars
33. Do you address older people by their name or sir name?
Depends who I’m talking to but usually their fists name
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
I’d have way too many belongings and I’d live in an old Victorian mansion with cats and a fish pond and swans and I’d throw dinner parties
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
I’m afraid of the ocean. I like beaches though if the water isn’t salt water
36. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground?
Keep it
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star?
38. What is the one thing you want to teach your children?
Take no shit
39. If you had to get a tattoo where would it be and what would it be?
Let’s see next year!
40. What can you hear now?
The fans of the cases and freezers at work and the radio
41. Where do you feel the safest?
At home alone in my room
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
Fear and my sort of self hatred and envy
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be?
Late 80s to 2010
44. What is your most used emoji?
45. Describe yourself using one word
Intellectual 😌
46. What do you regret the most?
Letting people treat me the way they did and my stick and poke
47. Last movie you saw?
Paradise Lost: the murders at Robin Hood hills
48. Last Tv show you watched?
Bojsck horseman
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning.
I tag @softersoftestmp3 @mylifemymuse
Thank you Cierra ❣️
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
1 - When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? During Christmastime buying gifts for my family.
2 - Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? I have a few that just chill on my bed.
3 - Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable? I wear what I like and is comfortable.
4 - The last time you got up from where you’re sitting, where did you go and what did you do? I went to the living room and watched a movie with my mom and my aunt.
5 - Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film? Neither, really.
6 - Who taught you how to tell the time on a proper analogue clock? School and my parents.
7 - What’s your favourite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen? I just use room sprays. They’re convenient and smell good.
8 - How long have you had the computer/tablet you’re currently using? Does it need replacing or upgrading? Since 2017. Nah, it’s still perfectly fine. It better last me awhile.
9 - When you’re home alone, do you make sure all your doors are kept locked? We always keep our doors locked, but yeah I do still double check to make sure when I’m alone.
10 - How often do you light candles? Do you just like regular ones or do you prefer scented ones or ones that make pretty patterns when they melt? I’m not a candle person.
11 - Are you any good at taking care of plants? I’ve never attempted to.
12 - How many surveys have you taken so far today? Will you take anymore surveys today once you’ve finished this one? This is my first one today and surely not my last.
13 - What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself? Hm. Hard to say what the two main colors are. I don’t have a real theme going on in my room.
14 - What was the last hot drink you consumed? What about cold drink? Coffee, of course. I don’t drink cold drinks, just hot or room temp.
15 - Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and what are they? Nope.
16 - Do you prefer taking baths or showers? How come? Showers. *shrug* I just do.
17 - What time do you need to wake up tomorrow morning? What is it that you have to be up for? I don’t have to be up by a certain time.
18 - If you work, how often do you get paid? Would you prefer to get paid more or less often? --
19 - What does your favourite pair of pyjamas look like? Do you wear them to sleep or just to be comfy around the house? I don’t wear actual pajamas, I just like to wear leggings and graphic tees during the day and to sleep.
20 - How often do you wake up in the night needing a pee? I don’t get up in the night cause I’m up all night.
21 - What apps do you use the most on your phone? Kindle, Twitter, and Facebook.
22 - Do you prefer cats or dogs? Do you own any of either? I’m a dog person. I have a 4 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix named Princess Leia. <3
23 - Do you have one of those fridges that has an ice-maker in the front? If not, would you find one useful? Nope, and I personally don’t care because I never use ice. My family would probably like to have one, though.
24 - Do you like wearing hats? What’s your favourite style? Just beanies or baseball style hats.
25 - If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? My parents and brother for the most part because they can financially and are able to do the physical tasks. I help as much as I can, though.
26 - What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? Like I said, I always wear leggings.
27 - Have you ever driven in bare feet or do you think that’s too dangerous? I’ve never driven at all, but as a paraplegic I’d be using my hands instead of my feet.
28 - Have you ever walked out of a job before? What were the circumstances and did you ever go back? --
29 - Do you collect anything? Are these things worth money or are they practical/sentimental items? Giraffe stuffed animals and knickknacks are my biggest collection. They’re sentimental items.
30 - Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights? I have a ceiling fan.
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thewritingstar · 4 years
1-200 we're all in quarantine so got nothing to do. Might as well ask pls
oo anon you were gonna ask anyways lol. But I did this hella quick during a zoom.....
1. What is your middle name?
2. Do you have any nicknames that aren’t derived from your actual name?
2. Do you have any allergies?
-Penicillin (not really thou), but no
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?
-Lower back
5. How well can you write in cursive?
-Its readable
6. Name one item on your bucket list.
-Going to all the Disney parks in the world
7. Have you ever been on a blind date?
-haven’t even been on a real date
8. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it?
-prob like five years ago and its jeans
9. How often do you eat out at a fancy restaurant?
-nothing like I have to dress up but maybe once a year??
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?
-rules don’t apply in text
11. Can you drive stick?
-hell no
12. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
-japan because I think it would be so cool
13. Nutella or peanut butter?
14. At what age did you have your first kiss?
15. DC or Marvel?
-DC. Harley Quinn owns my ass
16. Have you ever hosted a wild party?
-my parties consist of drinking capri suns and playing cards against humanity and Mario kart
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
-...ooof haven’t read a book in a while
18. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang with?
-my mom
19. Have you ever donated blood?
-I was apart of a cancer study so I used to donate my blood (and pee) to science
20. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays?
-8 I love to decorate but I’m not allow near the Christmas trees
21. Coffee or tea?
-vaniila iced lattes or raspberry ice tea own me
22. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
-Vanilla bean frap with extra vanilla
23. Last show you binge watched?
-currently its assassination classroom
24. Dogs or cats?
25. Favorite animated Disney character?
-Jessica Rabbit, Dumbo, Rey, Tamatoa and Guedo
26. Have you ever cooked a big family meal by yourself?
-mostly baking for my family
27. Favorite winter activity?
-Staying inside
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?
29. Can you blow a bubble gum bubble?
30. How early in the year do you start celebrating Christmas?
-my mom plays Xmas music year round
31. What emoji best describes your life right now?
-the wilting rose
32. Are you fluent in more than one language?
33. What is the longest you’ve ever kept a New Year’s resolution?
-I don’t make them
34. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? Did you gain any of the weight back?
-I’m on a diet to gain weight and its not going well
35. Are any of your grandparents still alive?
-only on my moms side
36. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions?
-hahaha my face gives everything away and I can read people pretty well
37. Have you ever gotten a commercial jingle stuck in your head?
-EDUCATION CONNECTION! Get connected for free
38. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was over?
39. Do you consider rapping singing?
-rapping is in its own ballpark...its why its called rapping
40. Does your home have a fireplace?
41. Favorite non-chocolate candy?
-sour gummies worms
42. If you could have only one superpower, what would you want and why?
-oooof ummmmmm maybe teleportation
43. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
44. Do you listen to any religious music?
45. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?
-I hate soda
46. What was your ACT score?
-do not do me like this (21)
47. Rice or quinoa?
48. From 1-10, how good of a driver do you consider yourself?
-like an 8
49. Do you like horror movies?
50. How easily do you cry?
-uh depends on what it is
51. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where?
-no but I want some
52. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing?
-being dumb and quoting tik toks at target
53. Can you handle spicy foods? What is your spice limit?
-not very well
54. Can you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones?
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
-middle of the road
56. Last CD you bought?
-Folklore by Taylor Swift
57. Do you like roller coasters?
-yessss but they cant be extremely tall
58. What day of the week is laundry day for you?
-uhhh depends on when I have time
59. Have you ever played spin the bottle?
-uh maybe once but I was in fourth grade and walked away
60. How long have you known your best friend?
-I’ve known my bestie for 16 years (met when we were 4)
61. Can you eat using chopsticks?
-yes!! I usually eat my Chinese food with them
62. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? If so, what are they of?
-no because I need to get a case for my iMac and iPad
63. How often do you say y'all?
-every fucking day. Y’all is my go too
64. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
-cookie dough, pralines and cream, blue raspberry sherbert, vanilla, coffee
65. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
-my longest relationship was like three weeks in fourth grade with my friends cousin who I saw twice
66. Star Trek or Star Wars?
-haven’t seen either but prob Star Wars cause r2d2 is cute
67. How good are you at math?
-ehhh I’m okay at stats
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?
-used to do the plays in middle school :)
69. How often do you read/pay attention to your horoscope?
-not much my horoscope but just my sign in general
70. What is the shortest your hair has ever been?
-just above my shoulders
71. Have you ever broken any bones?
-my big toe
72. Do you like to go fishing?
-nooooooo I went fishing once and it pooped on me
73. Do you believe in evolution?
-of course
74. Favorite costume you wore for Hallowen? How old were you?
-I was perry the platypus…. 19
75. Real or fake Christmas trees?
76. How many pillows do you sleep with?
-usually 1-2 but like 5 in the winter
77. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
-House rn
78. How many of your friends are of the opposite gender?
-in my close circle, one but I do have many boy homies
79. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
-many times
80. How long have you been at your current job?
-four weeks
81. What kind of car do you drive (year, brand, model, color)?
-white car
82. How flexible are you?
-not super but mama can bend
83. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship?
-haven’t even started one
84. Phrase you say the most?
-“I’m uncomfortable” “Y’all” “I would let J.D from heathers…..”
85. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it?
-no but I wish
86. Do you own any homemade clothing?
-not that I know of
87. Do you like fast food?
88. Have you ever given anyone CPR?
89. Have you ever learned to do anything from a how-to video on YouTube?
-I fixed my moms glasses yesterday with a video so she wouldn’t have to spend a shit ton of money
90. Describe your sense of humor.
-if Always Sunny in Philadelphia and “vine comp that butters my eggroll” had a baby
92. Favorite cereal?
93. Have you ever auditioned for a reality competition show?
94. Have you ever gotten a TV theme song stuck in your head?
-Sugar, spice and everything nice, these were the ingredients…….
95. Do you believe in ghosts?
96. Do you think there is life on other planets?
-hell yeah
97. Have you ever given money to a street performer?
98. Your deepest fear?
-lets not go there
99. Pancakes or waffles?
-waffles but I don’t even like them that much
100. Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
-yep, my friend circle dates back to elementary
101. From 1-10, how good of a dancer do you consider yourself?
102. How much of a patient person are you?
-I can be extremely patient. Once waited three hours in a dressing room with my friend and I didn’t have a phone
103. Do you know your IQ?
-no but its prob god level
104. Do you eat meat at all?
-mama loves meat
105. Do you own any clothes from a garage sale or a thrift store?
-I think so
106. Have you ever bought anything from a flea market?
-yess my mom used to take me to flea markets all the time
107. Have you ever quit a job?
-early this year
108. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
-many times
109. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over and over again and enjoy just as much each time?
-robots to ratatouille
110. Do you or have you ever worn glasses?
-just sun glasses
111. Have you ever skinny dipped?
-when I was like 6
112. Are your birth parents still together?
113. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show?
-not that I know of
114. Favorite type of cookie?
-chocolate chip or the sugar cookies with the pink frosting on them (I’m a whore for them)
115. Have you ever been broken up with?
116. How often do you smile when getting your picture taken?
-most of the time
117. Have you ever accidentally dialed 911?
-yes I have and I was 6 and bullied for it for years by my uncle even though my cousins tricked me into doing it
118. Oldest memory?
-throwing a chair at a kid in preschool for stealing my cookie
119. Have you ever been the victim of a nasty prank?
120. How often do you snort when you laugh?
-uhhhh a lot
121. From 1-10, how good of a singer do you consider yourself?
122. Favorite Disney song?
-uuuuuuhhh Shiny, See the Light, Why Don’t you Do Right, Show Yourself
123. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
-hopefully in la
124. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
-I’m an advocate
125. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true?
-I think so
126. Name one thing you wish people would stop posting on social media.
-fascist, racist, homophobia stuff
127. Last musical artist you saw live?
-Jonas brothers
128. Credit cards or cash?
-cash cause I feel like I didn’t spend anything
129. Favorite fandom?
-the powderpuff girls or fairy tail
130. What is your astrological sign?
131. Have you ever been fired from a job?
-nope I’m a good noodle
132. Any hidden talents?
-I can do the cinnamon challenge
133. Can you surf?
134. What motivates you to do well in life?
-the fear of failure
135. Your worst physical feature?
-my acne
136. From 1-10, how much are you like your father?
-mehhhhhhhh like a 4
137. How lucky do you consider yourself?
-I’m a pretty lucky person ngl
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasently surprised.
-when I won a coffee maker at my senior grad night raffle
139. Have you ever been summoned for jury duty?
140. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
-my converse
141. Favorite summer activity?
-getting coffee
142. Favorite song to sing in the shower?
-any Taylor swift song
143. Have you ever lived with a roommate you did not get along with?
-my parents sometimes
144. Have you ever lived on a farm?
-my grandparents owned a cherry farm when I was little
145. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal?
-tumblr is my diary
146. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
-Always Sunny, The Office, Gotham
147. How often do you get mad at yourself?
148. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
-only in animal crossing (he’s so cute)
149. Have you ever been hunting?
150. Favorite YouTube channel?
-Jenna marbles, try guys, mukbang edit channel, drama channels
151. Have you ever had a pet besides a dog or a cat?
-I had a mouse once
152. From 1-10, how well do you work with others?
153. Are you friends with any of your exes?
-I don’t got exes
154. Apple or PC?
-I have an Apple Mac rn but I think I loved my pc so much so I’m getting used to the format
155. Do you collect anything?
-what don’t I collect? Funko, pins, so much stuff
156. Have you ever seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
-I saw Newsies and A Music chorus
157. Any missed opporunites you wish you had taken?
-I’m not too sure
158. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
159. Do you have a pool at your house?
160. What is the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
-like 24 hours and it was hell
161. Last thing that made you laugh?
-a meme 20 sec ago
162. Disney or Nickelodeon?
163. Name one celebrity you wish was still alive.
-Billy Mays (Oxyclean dude)
164. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother?
-maybe a 6
165. Your best physical feature?
-my hair
166. Earbud or earmuff headphones?
167. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
-..hmmmm sometimes I think it would be cool but I’m pretty content with being a girl...
168. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ear lobes?
-my nose
169. How often do you wash your hair?
-every other day usually
170. Showers or baths?
-I love a good bath but I take showers more
171. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
-noooo but I wanna be
172. Bottled or tap water?
173. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?
174. Any guilty pleasures you’re willing to discuss?
-watching glee
175. Favorite video game?
-Mario kart
176. Have you ever gotten a New Year’s kiss exactly at midnight?
-nooooo why are there so many questions about kissing
177. How many of the United States have you visited?
-four, ive passed over a few more in a plane
178. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
179. Have you ever gotten a surgery?
180. Your least favorite food?
181. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
-depends. I’m like a 6 but I can be pushed to a 10 when motivated
182. Do you like wearing hats?
-only a snap back occasionally
183. How much of a jealous peron are you?
-ehh not really
184. What was your SAT score?
-900-1100 (stop nationwide testing doesn’t work and I didn’t learn eveything)
185. Have you ever voted for a reality competition show?
186. Does anyone in your family currently serve in your country’s military?
-my cousin
187. Snowboarding or skiing?
-I don’t do snow
188. What celebrity would you most want to play you in a movie about your life?
-jack black
189. Have you ever been a Boy or Girl Scout?
-hell no
190. Have you ever dyed your hair?
-many times
191. From 1-10, how good of a cook do you consider yourself?
192. You have just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
-this cursed site
193. How many things can you do with your weaker hand?
-a lot
194. Were you involved in any academic clubs in high school?
-honors i guess
195. Have you ever played hooky from school?
-like twice
196. Are you comfortable with watching rated R movies?
—-not with my parents
197. Do you root for any sports teams?
-bold of you to assume i do sport
198. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
199. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which one would you choose?
-a lizard
200. Tell something about yourself most people don’t know.
-uhhh ummmm (I have a tik tok with 7.5k followers) 
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sheeple · 5 years
GIFS NOT MINE. THIS IS ALL FICTION. Genre(s): bullet point / supernatural!au / humour Group(s): NCT  Pairing(s): None Summary: Just a bullet point my friends and I made one evening  Warning(s): None [Masterlist] 
Okay, first of all
this household consists of all supernatural guys
they have a coffin-shaped shoe rack, bags of blood lying in the fridge, floating books
they try to hide the blood in plain sight
like a clear pitcher with blood labelled ‘strawberry juice, do not touch’ 
blood sausage but it’s more clotted blood shaped like a sausage
popsicles and ice cubes made out of blood
there lives this really pale guy that works at day and goes to night school and never seems to sleep
that’s vampire!Taeyong
he’s not the ‘I’m a thousand years old emo vampire without feeling’ kind
more the ‘I turned 40 years ago. I’m still learning and soft’
he has a fascination with lava lamps
nobody knows why
there’s also merman!Johnny
he’s a freshy, so they build a pond in their backyard to not raise suspicion
it bubbles and has steam and johnny just enjoys being outside
but he prefers the bathtub in the bathroom right next to his and wizard!Kun’s room
him flooding the bathroom floor and the rest always complain about it
they bang the door so Johnny can hear them bc he has the speaker on full volume
Ghost!Haechan just pops his head through the door to tell Johnny to hurry tf UP
ugh Johnny man, idk if you hear them but you need to get outta here quick bc Kun needs the bathroom to pee
Even tho there are like five other bathrooms in the house, he needs to use that one because the seat is charmed to be heated
and johnny likes the tub there bc it's the biggest so they always fight about it
Haechan pulling a moaning Myrtle in hp 4 and getting in with him. He just shimmies his shoulders and gives Johnny a smug smirk
hey fishy fishy / Mr fish /  Mr fishyyy
then vampire!Taeyong would just stare at them, shrug, and goes to his room to sleep
let’s move on to Ghost!Haechan
he died just three days before he turned 18 so he’s stuck at 17
he likes to wear white duvet covers with a pair of sunglasses or a hat
annoys the living shit out of everybody
just walks through walls, invading their privacy
wizard!Kun and sorcerer!Ten always shake their head when Haechan moonwalks through their room
wizard!Kun and his cousin sorcerer!Ten don’t know how they got wrapped up in this mess
they both own a black cat named Eleven
Kun’s more into potions and Ten into spells
Kun owns a small potion shop on the supernatural part of town
he also makes scented candles in his cauldron and putting it in smaller cauldrons to sell
Ten sometimes helps in the shop but prefers not to
he rather flies around on his broom and casts small spells on unsuspected pedestrians 
it’s nothing big, just childish fart spells and other kinds of silly spells
he only hexes people who hurt him or his loved ones
werebunny!Doyoung was once the victim of one of those spells of Ten
he couldn’t take one step without farting rainbows
even when he was in bunny form, he let out these really small nuggets of rainbows
he owns an English bulldog to protect him once he’s in bunny mode
even though that dog wouldn’t hurt a fly
Haechan wanted to name him Poopy but Doyoung named him Harry
Haechan still calls him Poopy, and the pup listens to it
Friday evening is cocktail evening
they would so totally have a bar
otherwise, the spellcasters won’t survive
Taeyong and Doyoung sitting outside under a pitch-black parasol with shades on their nose sipping bloody marries
only Tae’s is made from real blood
Doyoung accidentally taking Tae’s drink and takes a sip
Taeyong how many times do I have to tell you to LABEL YOUR DRINK
Doyoung, we’re outside! And it’s in a wine glass AND I DON’T BRING MARKERS WITH ME
the whole time snarky remarks
it’s a chaos
but they love each other, some way or another
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strayfriend · 4 years
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Things her people told me as justification for putting her down:
She’s 17 years old
She coughs constantly (and they recently paid 700 dollars at another clinic to diagnose kennel cough)
She submissive urinates, can’t meet any people or animals or go anywhere without peeing and thus has been confined to a kitchen for who knows how long
The truth about Button:
She has no nuclear sclerosis (though her teeth are horrendous) and is very suspiciously spry and energetic for a seventeen year old.
She has an enlarged heart. Not kennel cough. Either another clinic was trying to take advantage of them or...? Who knows. I don’t know why this wouldn’t be the first thing they’d check considering the family knew she had been treated for heartworms in the past. She also hasn’t been on prevention in 5 years and we live in Louisiana. So while she tested negative for heartworms, I’m suspicious it may be a false negative and I might send it to get heat tested.
This dog does not submissive pee. She has met about 30 people, 8 dogs, and 20 cats since I took her three days ago. She has been in two pet stores and come with me to a restaurant. She has not urinated inappropriately even ONCE. She did pee on a rug in my house because she is used to puppy pads and can’t seem to tell the difference. she doesn’t request to go outside but she always pees as soon as I take her out and before and after getting in a car. She’s very smart but has never been trained to do pretty much anything.
She’s an absolute darling. So easy going and happy to be around people.
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I love her
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meleuki · 5 years
rules: answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to know better
Thankkkk youuuu @xx-kurt-cocaine--xx @born-to-be-my-baby @malibubarbievince @eru-vande, you’re all the sweetest x
nickname: Addy, or baby @livewiredroger
zodiac sign: I just put this on the other tag game, but I’ll put it here to - Sun in Aries; Mercury in Aries; Venus in Taurus; Moon in Leo; Mars in Gemini. (I’m a fucking handful)
height: 5′4
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw muhfuckas come at me
last thing i googled: “what are the full beanie head things” U know those like things army people wear and only the eyes are like visible, I was tryna remember the name - I still have no clue so please If you know, let me know. 
favorite musicians: Guns n Roses, Metallica, Greta Van Fleet, Frank Sinatra, Aretha Franklin, Muddy Waters, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, & many more...
song stuck in my head: “Low Rider” by War. 
following: 420
followers: 574
amount of sleep i get: this shit go up and down like crazy. I could get no sleep, 3 hours or 5. If I’m lucky it’ll be a full night. Kinda like a lucky dip I guess. 
lucky numbers: 1,714 - long story.
dream job: successful musician or professor of creative writing.
wearing: some cropped singlet I found in my draws and black sweatpants. I’m wearing bright blue underwear if that makes it interesting.
favorite songs: “hurricane” by Bob Dylan. “castles made of sand” by Jimi Hendrix. “respect” by Aretha Franklin. “mountain of the sun” by Greta Van Fleet.  “going to california” by Led Zeppelin. 
instruments: guitar and piano, voice I guess????
random facts: according to @livewiredroger “you is baby.” 
I got my period for the first time when I was 10, facts. It fucken sucked ass. I got home from school, sat on the toilet, saw blood in my underwear and yelled out to my mum, “I think I got my period.” which yes, a bitch got her period. I then proceeded to put on a pad and cry my eyes out while doing so. 
11 year old me was coming home on the bus, but your gal really needed a piss, so I asked my friend when we got off at the bus stop if I could use her toilet since her house was closer to the bus stop than mine, she said yes so we rushed towards her house. This little bitch decided it would be funny to be extra slow on purpose and get the keys from under her doormat real fucking slow, all while chatting about water and giggling the whole time because I was desperate for a fucking pee. So like eventually, after me pleading with this evil ass little spawn of satan to let me inside so I could piss on the toilet, my bladder gives up and is like “oop bitch” and my pee comes rushing out all over this bitch’s front porch. I’m talking full on flood, it looked like it rained that day. This bitch looks at me horrified and she’s like “I’ll blame it on the cat.” and rushes inside and leaves me outside and I’m like “ok, guess I’ll fucking go home.” so I end up walking home in soggy piss shorts. best day of my life. 
aesthetics: hippie, art hoe, boho, vintage mess. 
also lemme know if u want more stories? I kinda enjoyed writing them down lmao
I tag @livewiredroger @solohqrry @satans-helper @michaalien @antheasnow @gretavanyeeeeet @jeordinevankiszka @slashscowboyboots and anyone else who wants to try, I can’t think of anyone else x
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