jeannepompadour · 3 months
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Gilbert Jackson Portrait of Sir Norton Knatchbull Bt., and his wife Mary Westrow, née Aldersey, 1629
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ltwilliammowett · 5 months
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Ah well, in today's 7 door a beauty with a gruesome story awaits you - The VOC ship Batavia
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The replica of the Batavia on the Markermeer during a filmshoot
More about her history here:
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dailysmilingnatsume · 4 months
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rogueddie · 2 years
for the prompt thing: 16 and 29 ?
16 ; Turning off all the lights to pretend they aren't home + 29 ; "That’s fake blood, right?"
"You sure those boots are a good idea?"
Eddie looks down at his Docs, frowning. "Uh... maybe? They're not that loud. It's fine, we're not in a rush."
"Not now we aren't," Steve mutters, shaking his head.
They eye the old abandoned Creel house, waiting for the dog walker to turn around the corner before approaching. It's eerie, quiet. The door creeks as they open it. The floorboards are loud, even when they move slow and careful.
"Was it this creepy last time?" Eddie whispers, careful to shut the door behind him quietly.
"Yeah," Steve hands Eddie a second flashlight, flicking his own on. It's very bright. "I think it's somehow worse now though."
Eddie sticks as close to Steve as he physically can as they make their way through the house. They move slowly, quietly. The shadows made by their flashlights keep making both of them flinch. But they get the answer they're looking for; no one is home, here or in the Upside Down.
"This is... good right?" Eddie whispers, after they finally stop in the last room. Their flashlights are still as bright and steady as they have been all night. "He's definitely gone, yeah?"
"Yeah. God, it just... doesn't feel real. We've been dealing with this shit so long. It just doesn't feel real, that it really is over."
Steve looks around, trying to comprehend the finality of it all.
"Uh, Steve?" Eddie interrupts his moment, frowning out the window. "I think these lights might be a bit too bright."
"What?" Steve goes over, looking out the window too. He immediately recognizes Jasons old goons. "Shit. Turn it off, quick!"
It's impossible to see without the flashlights- but Steve seems to know his way around, grabbing Eddies wrist and dragging him along, then down behind some piece of furniture.
They sit there for a long moment, straining their ears so they can hear the incoherent mumbles of whoever is hovering in the doorway. Steve had dropped Eddies wrist but, when they hear the door creek open, he reaches out again. Eddie wriggles a little so he lets go, instead grabbing his hand in his own.
"Oh, ew," Steve hisses. He holds his hand up into the tiny sliver of moonlight. Theres dried, almost gooey, red clumps on his fingers.
They both know what it is, but Eddie can feel that he's on the edge of freaking out- which is the last thing they need when they're hiding from whoever is scouring the house.
"That's fake blood, right?" Eddie whispers.
Steve quietly clears his throat, doing his best to wipe it off his hand on the wall beside him. "Yeah. Totally. Fake."
They don't check upstairs, but they don't leave for half an hour. Safe in their hiding spot up the stairs, Steve and Eddie keep holding hands the entire time, gripping tight.
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proartsblog · 10 months
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Equestrian monument of Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), 1620-1629 by italian sculptor Francesco Mochi (1580-1654). Piazza Cavalli, Piacenza
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peter paul rubens (flemish, 1577-1640), the fall of man (1628-29)
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 5 months
Year 1629
TW/CW: Death Mention
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Giacomo grew up looking quite a bit like his mother, Vincente wondered if that would change as he grew but it was nice to see Tala in him.
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Giulia still avoided the baby though she was more upset by her chores around the house. The boy not looking like Piero was helping her realize that Giacomo was not Piero in that he was his own little person and not new brother following her dead brother.
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Thomasin was delighted to meet her youngest grandchild, the way she phrased it though made Vincente wonder if there were more nieces and nephews he didn't know about. He did know that Frideswide was on the road for years but when he asked his mother she simply got angry and refused to elaborate. Still it was a clear confirmation of additional family members he didn't know about. He didn't know what to make of the information though and decided to keep it to himself.
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Vincente did decide to spend more time with his oldest as she wasn't adjusting well to the changes in the house. He couldn't understand it, Giulia was so against the baby but Osana was smitten. He had expected it to be the other way around but it wasn't. Giulia was happier when conversations were about anything except Giacomo.
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Tala was having difficulties bonding with Giacomo. She loved her son but ever since she gave birth she had been feeling off, more despondent and she couldn't place it. She did her best to support her son but couldn't help but feel relieved when Osana wanted to play with him instead. Tala monitored them of course but it was a chore. She felt terrible for it, her entire pregnancy she had been over the moon and elated to have a baby but now it was a struggle to get up and it wasn't him, Giacomo was a delightful sunny child but she just felt disconnected.
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Guglielma came over to visit for a while when Adrian dropped her off on his travels away from San Sequoia. She wanted to get some time away from her siblings now that she was getting older and more so she was considering running away after hearing her father mention her marriage in passing. Nothing concrete yet especially since Emma was bound to marry first being older but she wanted no part of it. That said, she was a great help with the kids and connecting with family was a pleasant experience for them all especially during the grief that came with Cecily's passing in July.
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With Vincente spending more time with Giulia, Tala decided to spend her time with Osana so she wasn't left out. While their cousin was there for the two weeks, clearly the adults they already knew were of no interest to them but with her gone it was back to normal with a little boost to Tala from the break.
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With Francesco becoming a toddler it was clear that he was his mother's son. Francisco was delighted though. As far as he was concerned, his son was a miracle child. While he hoped that he and Karmine could one day give him a sibling, Francisco was content if they only had the one.
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While her husband and son went out together, Karmine approached Ramon and admitted that she still had no idea who was the father of her child. Ramon blew up at her telling her to just let the issue drop then, there was no point in souring their relationships with his brother and potentially Francesco's. The uncertainty would simply be their secret. Karmine felt a weight lift off her knowing that Ramon knew their secret but his words, his plan made that weight worthless as the secret pulled her down as well.
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Meals in Tartosa had mostly been restricted to bread and cheese for the most part in an effort to make their food last longer by the start of winter. The family would take out their more delicious and scarce foods once a week for a meal and once the leftovers were gone it was back to bread a cheese.
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Tala had confided in her mother about her troubles following the birth of her son. Doli was able to tell her that it was common to feel off after having a baby for a few weeks and it was normal to not immediately connect with the baby, he was essentially a stranger after all even if he did come from her. Her mother's words made her feel less guilty about not being over the moon happy with Giacomo and like her mother said when she thought of her son as someone she had to get to know rather than thinking there had to be some magical connection she just wasn't getting, it did get easier to deal with. She gained confidence in being a mother since she already had to get to know kids when she married into the family. The only difference was this was was much younger. Still, Tala couldn't shake the feeling that something more was happening.
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The end of the year brought with it a light shower that lasted for around an hour. The rain was needed but the ground was too cold for much growing. Osana asked why the grown-ups weren't happy with the rain but all she got was redirected to some other activity.
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73suggestions · 1 year
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Still Life with Two Lemons, a Facon de Venise Glass, Roemer, Knife and Olives on a Table by Pieter Claesz (c. 1629)
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jesuslivingworld · 2 years
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awgeotto · 2 years
New Rocky and carti
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rudysassafras · 2 years
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Interesting.. in the vein of lonesome, fearsome, wearisome, worrisome, etc.
Milton used this to describe how Christ: “Forsook the courts of everlasting day, and chose with us a darksome house of mortal clay”
(The human body)
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arch-necromancer · 14 days
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jawhip5 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🟡3 For $20 McCall’s Printed Patterns Vintage 1951 Bed Covering Set.
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levgr · 7 months
Code : 1629 Category : Business , Company
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gen5holiday · 1 year
New Carti x Uzi snippet
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thrifty-lovely · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tupperware 8 Cup Mix-n-Store VINTAGE 2 Liter Measuring Bowl No Lid..
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