#14 valen tans days
𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓸𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵
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♡ pairing: yoongi x reader (established relationship) ♡ rating: G ♡ genre: domestic fluff ♡ au: summer job ♡ tw: n/a ♡ wc: ~0.8k ♡ track: Miss Right ~ BTS: “I told you many qualifications about my Miss Right, but why you’re my Miss Right is… you are… just you.”
♡ summary: Yoongi specifically took this day off of work because he knew you needed to take a day off. So let him take care of you, goddammit.
♡ an: thanks to @daydreamer-writing for creating this prompt for me. i love you!! this is also going to be a kind of sequel to sugarplum sweetheart, but you don't need to have read that one first. 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
Yoongi woke up to an empty bed and the smell of coffee brewing from the kitchen. He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he blindly reached for his phone to check the time. He wasn't even fully awake and the sun hadn't even fully risen yet, and there were already at least two things wrong with the day: coffee was brewing, and the bed was empty.
Yoongi loved you. Yoongi loved you so much that sometimes he didn't know what to do with himself. He forever owed Jimin and his girlfriend for introducing the two of you. You fit together like puzzle pieces or movies and popcorn or a thousand other things he could compare you to.
Right now, however, he was comparing you to an alarm that he thought he turned off but it somehow was still ringing.
You worked as a daycare teacher throughout the year, but you picked up a second job during the summer to make some extra money in the flourishing tourist scene. The problem is that Yoongi would describe you as a workaholic who didn't stop until someone forced you to.
Sighing, tossed his phone to the side and sat up. Today was supposed to be your day off. Yoongi had taken this day off specifically to make sure that you didn't do anything too strenuous. You were right on the verge of working yourself to sickness, and he told you last night that you couldn't get out of bed until after he did.
He knew you felt guilty when you spent time resting, but that was why he was here.
Yoongi walked quietly to the kitchen and took a moment just to watch you. The coffee was done and you were sipping at it slowly while you were dancing around preparing breakfast. You looked like a mess, but you were a hot mess and you were all his.
You needed to go back to bed and get some more sleep.
He padded across the floor and draped himself across your back as you mixed the pancake batter. You let out a quiet giggle. "You're not usually up this early."
"And I told you not to be up this early and that I would take care of things today." He didn't have to be looking at you to know you were rolling your eyes.
"I'm fine, Yoonie," you insisted, trying to hide a sniff. "It's just breakfast."
It was Yoongi's turn to roll his eyes at you. He reached around you to gently pull the whisk from your hand. "And I will finish this while you go back to sleep."
You turned around in his arms and wrapped yours around his shoulders. Yoongi could so clearly see the dark circles beneath your eyes. You needed rest, why were you being so stubborn?
(If the tables were turned, you'd be thinking the same things about him. You had pulled Yoongi from his studio after not seeing him for four days straight, usually with Hobi or Namjoon for backup).
"Yoonie~~" you drew out, "I'm fine, I promise. I'm capable of making breakfast."
"That's not what I said." He kissed the tip of your nose. "Jagiya, this is your first day off in months. Please let me take care of you this time."
He wasn't playing fair. Yoongi knew how hard it was for you to accept help from others, but he also knew you had a hard time telling him no when he so gently begged.
You sighed and laid your head on his shoulders. "I'll go back to bed after breakfast." Yoongi let out a small chuckle. That was fair. The batter was already made, and he didn't want the coffee to go cold. Although, between the two of you, even if it did it wouldn't go to waste.
"Alright, but no more coffee for you."
"Fine." You made no effort to move, content to be leaning against your boyfriend, and said boyfriend normally wouldn't mind, but—
"Jagiya, I need to move so I can make you breakfast." You groaned, but let him go, going to sit down at the table. "I'll be fast, okay? And then I'll wrap myself around you like a koala and we'll take an amazing morning nap together." You let out a sound of agreement and rested your head on your arms.
Yoongi worked quickly, whipping up and cooking the pancakes, even adding some scrambled eggs and bacon. He wasn't going to just let you have some basic-ass breakfast, he was going to go all out for you. You more than deserved it.
Right as he started plating the food to deliver to you, he heard a small snore behind him. Yoongi turned, and you were fast asleep, hunched over on the table. He let out a breathy laugh and set the plate down on the counter.
He gently shook you just awake enough to help you walk back to the bedroom and climb into bed. Hurrying back to the kitchen, he wrapped everything up and stored it in the fridge. Breakfast for lunch sounded just as good.
Then Yoongi went back to join you in bed, wrapping himself around you like a koala, and decided he could use a nap today too.
thanks for reading!!
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erikimuram · 7 years
Tsa tsa tsa
Quedamos de vernos a las 4:00 de la tarde pero no tenía crédito para contestar que sí, estaba súper emocionada de verlo. Trate de disfrazar mis nervios jaja pero sentía como latía mi corazón parada, enfrente de las tres gracias, Comedie 16:00. Nada paraba los latidos de mi corazón que iban de minuto en minuto más rápidos, hasta que mi teléfono sonó. Era Sof. Me alivie muchísimo porque me ayudo a agarrar valor y quitarme los nervios. Estuve a dos de irme corriendo al tram para ir a la playa, pero agradezco más que nada no haber hecho eso. Mientras que mi corazón se iba desacelerado mientras hablaba con Sof, llegó. No se ni qué hice, pero se veía súper guapo. Traía una camisa de cuadritos azul con pantalones cafés, y unos zapatos de 'hipster' que le daban el mejor toque del mundo a su outfit. Tsa tsa tsa. Me puse roja, de eso es lo único que estoy segura. Y nos saludamos de una manera medio awkward después de eso. Yo traía una falda negra con una ombliguera de jeans. Abajo mi bra favorito, el de las flores rosas con azul. La falda: pésima opción para un día soleado con aire y probabilidad de lluvia en la tarde, de la que claramente no estaba consciente. Empezamos a caminar, hablando. Siempre se nos va la onda de que no tenemos una dirección hacia donde llegar porque nos metemos en la plática. Como por instinto caminamos al parque del Corum, pero cuando nos dimos cuenta, me preguntó a dónde quería ir. Le dije que me llevara a un lugar que le encantara de Montpellier, porque ahorita ya se que vive aquí desde los 14 años. La plática me encanta muchísimo cuando estamos juntos, parece que no pasa el tiempo y tampoco hay silencios incómodos. Me encanta. Hablamos de nuestras pasiones, me encantaría poder tener una pasión como él. Que hasta cuando llueve se siente cómodo porque la tierra es su segundo hogar, jaja es un sirenito. Llegamos al arco del triunfo, y no puedo creer que no había conocido el fondo del parque. Había dos escaleras que te llevaban hasta arriba y había una vista de los puentes del acueducto y de la ciudad más increíble. Nos sentamos ahí, pasaron mil cosas. El señor que pedía firmas, y que pensé que estafaba y luego gracias a el me enteré de que firmamos una petición para que los ilegales no paguen impuestos. Me gusto muchísimo como se enojó cuando lo contaba. Imitó a los viejitos tocando saxofón. Yo sólo me reía y me reía más mientras más hablábamos. Antes de la cita Sof me dijo que tenía que reírme y sonreír mucho, aunque no me diera risa. En verdad se me hace cañón que con él no tengo que fingir ni una sonrisa ni una risa. Después de ver un robot que volaba hecha por "geeks", que me contará de que ahí por la noche se vuelve otro lugar, de hablar de nuestros profesores y chistes, me empezó a hacer efecto el hecho de haberme olvidado de checar el clima en la mañana. Fuimos alado del arco del triunfo. Se shockeo del hecho de que me pudiera subir sin sentir miedo, pero me encanta la adrenalina. Llego una señora a ofrecernos una religión y pensó que hablábamos inglés. Pero cuando les contestó en francés se le hizo increíble. D'acc. Me di cuenta que llevábamos 2 horas y no había intentado nada. Me contó de su abuelita y no supe como reaccionar. Creo que soy muy awkward para algunas situaciones, como las citas, por ejemplo. Después caminamos hacia el jardín botánico. Estábamos hablando en francés y yo no podía pronunciar un sonido. Mi profesor de francés me enseñó, y me hizo tirar mi chicle a media calle. Me dijo que iba a dejar mi marca en Montpellier. No entiendo en que instante pasó pero estábamos escribiendo con un lápiz nuestros nombres en la pared. Está cañón lo incómodo que es que te guste alguien, y no saber sí le gustas o no saber que hacer. Terminamos escribiendo nuestros nombres y nuestros chistes locales, posey. Acabamos tirados en el suelo, muriendo de risa de mil cosas que nos pasaban. Llego un homeless a ofrecernos una moneda. Me gusta mucho como entiende mi idea de hacer cosas sin pena, sin pensar en las reglas ni en la gente. Sólo hacerlo porque sí, y me sentía súper cómoda así. Escribí en su estuche, que muy casualmente, era el que tengo. Y el me escribió en mi cuaderno, su nombre, su nombre al revés, una carita, y un <3. Me empecé a morir de frío, y por el temblor de sus labios, supongo que él también. Me dijo que sí quería ir a su apartamento por una chamarra. Las niñas me habían hablado mil veces, borrachas en la playa, vomitando, swag. En el instante me quede muy en shock y obviamente pasaron mil cosas por mi mente. Pero confié ciegamente en que no iba a pasar nada y contesté sí como sí nada porque nada de esos "nadas" iba a pasar. En el tram azul había dos niñas de su escuela, y me volteaban a ver súper feo, pero me dijo que las ignorara porque eran tontas. Jaja. Llegamos a su apartamento y súper tierno, súper me volteó a ver como nervioso y me dijo que estaba hecho un desastre. Me dio muchísima risa la expresión que hizo, y aún más risa lo mucho que nos parecíamos en varios aspectos. De camino a su apartamento me puse un poquito nerviosa porque obvio yo no tenía la intención de que pasara nada, y confiaba en que él no tuviera la intención tampoco. Pero luego confío demasiado, según algunos. Llegamos y en efecto, estaba hecho un desmadre. Era como mi cuarto de México. Me ofreció algo de tomar: té helado o té helado? Y pues, no quise té helado. Estuvimos platicando de su traje de baño que parecía talla -3, me grabó haciendo una lagartija, que no fue exitoso. Y luego empezó a llover pero había sol. Juro que no entendía por qué me sentí tan perfecta en un momento perfecto. Estábamos viendo la lluvia, hablado de cómo él era un héroe por salvar la vida de un niñito. Y mi mamá una heroína por salvar a un niñito ahogado. La noticia de que ya no va a tener que hacer examen y le van a pagar 5 años en la universidad que el quería, es increíble. Me alegra muchísimo saber que va a ser exitoso y logró hacer lo que quiere. Me dijo que voy a ser una presidenta del mundo. Y que voy a ser súper exitosa. Los dos vamos a tener increíbles vidas. Fue cuando nos dimos cuenta de que nuestras vidas iban a ser increíbles por separado, ni siquiera es por querer una relación ni nada, pero iba a ser por separado. Dejó de llover, y salió el sol. Y literalmente se veía hermoso todo. Era el instante perfecto, y le siguió una mirada de muchísimos segundos, o no se sí fueron poquitos, no se nada. Me dijo que quería hacer algo pero que no lo iba a hacer porque era un error. Y obviamente sabía que ese error era algo que no era un error. Con los ojos tristes se metió a "lavar los platos" (que nunca podrían acabarse de lavar). Por instinto me metí, lo abracé, se volteo, me agarro, y me abrazó. Un abrazo de los que valen la pena agradecer, lleno de energías positivas y olor a una loción deliciosa. Y luego cometimos el famoso error de besarnos. El mejor error. Y sonó mi celular. Las niñas ya estaba en Subway, y no se en que momento dieron las 9:00. Decidimos que ya era hora de que me fuera. Me dió una chamarra gris, y le dije que se llevara una porque se iba a congelar. Su respuesta fue quitarse la camisa para ponerse una t-shirt abajo. Es muy sexy, y lo sabe. Y yo me veía el pelo, y trataba de hacer una conversación de las velas que estaban sobre una mesa. Le causo mucha gracia el hecho de que me pusiera tan awkward. En el tram de regreso me dijo que tenía algo que confesarme. Todo el día salía al tema su exnovia y cuando le pregunte por que habían acabado, cambió el tema. Pero el tram fue un buen momento para decírmelo. "When we first met, I had a girlfriend." Pum dolorsito en el pecho de culpa. "But I told her the next day, because I'm honest, and I want to be with you and I haven't kissed any other girl after you." Doble dolorsito en el pecho porque yo sí había besado a otro. La canción del tram diciendo Station Comedie fue una relajación perfecta para poder salirme del tram y hacer la cara que alivia esos dolorsitos. Fue una mezcla de culpa y le pedí perdón, pero me dijo que no fui yo y que no me debería de sentir culpable. Y es verdad, pero de todos modos me sentía un poco culpable. Nos salimos, le di su chamarra y nos besamos. Después me fui caminado a Subway. Caminaba y literalmente entendí la expresión "me siento en las nubes". Me percate del día tan increíble que había tenido y de que todo, absolutamente, fue perfecto. "Thursday I can't, I have to train. Tomorrow?". "Tomorrow's perfect". Otra vez me mandaste un texto y no podía contestarte. Ya tengo que ponerle crédito. Me marcaste para ver dónde y a qué hora. Otra vez, freaking awkwardness. Te conteste súper nerviosa y me reía, y neta estaba muy emocionada. Otra vez nos quedamos de ver en La Comedie terminando mis ensayos. Esta vez pensé en mi outfit y el aire, y me puse una falda pegadita. Llegue un poquito tarde porque tenía que imprimir el proyecto de arte. Llegue y ya estabas ahí, te ves muy bien con lentes de sol. Le das un aire a Ryan Goslin muy cañonamente. Nos saludamos de tres besos y otra vez caminamos como sí tuviéramos un destino fijado. Llegamos a un parque que daba a una iglesia increíble, y ninguno conocía ese parque. Hablamos de lo que hicimos el viernes en la noche, y viste mis fotos del fin en Nîmes-Avignon y luego llegaste a las fotos que baje de la pasarela. Me encanta que me digas que soy "so beautiful" con acento francés. Estuvimos hablando de tonterías, de cosas serias y de cosas bonitas por mucho tiempo. Y luego fuimos a tu apartamento. De camino íbamos los dos cantando, y otra vez irrealmente nos gusta la misma música. Bailamos sin que nos importara que nos voltearan a ver, y llegamos al apartamento. Subimos y cuando entré estaba más limpio. Te felicite como burla y acepté el té helado. Pusiste muchas canciones bonitas y raps profundos. Luego pusiste Los Claxons, está increíble que te acuerdas de todo lo que digo. Parados en la terraza, burlándonos de tu vecino sassy y de la vida. De lo estrictos que son tus papás, y de lo increíble que es México. Hable de México tan padre, que me dijiste que México es como un sueño. Luego te cante "All of Me" diciéndote que es mi otra pasión, y me hiciste sentir increíble cuando me dijiste que qué voy a hacer de presidenta del mundo sí tengo una voz increíble, si soy tan bonita y puedo ser famosa. Tierno, otra vez. De nuevo pasaron 3 horas de estar juntos y Sof ya me había marcado porque íbamos a Australian por Marmo. No se en que momento se pasa el tiempo cuando estamos juntos. Me convenciste a quedarme otro ratito y vimos friends, y hablamos de mis amigas, y tus amigos, y de todo. Otra vez no intentaste nada. Siento que eres secretamente tímido con eso del amor. No pasó nada de besos, pero muchas risas. Me hablo Sof y me di cuenta de que dieron las 8:00 y ya era tardísimo. Las niñas ya habían cambiado de restaurante y decidí que ya me tenía que ir. Nos fuimos juntos al tram, caminando y al final corriendo para alcanzarlo. Platique contigo del final de la otra vez porque me saqué mucho de onda por la noticia de tu exnovia. Pero me repetiste que no pasaba nada y que iba a terminar tarde o temprano. Nos calló el anuncio "Place de l'Europe". Nos bajamos del tram y te dije que te quedarás para no perder el tram a tu depa. Nos despedimos sin beso ni nada. Mientras caminaba a Australian Bar sentía tu mirada. Cuando me volteaba me guiñabas el ojo. Y seguía sintiendo tu mirada. Volví a voltear y te mande un beso, porque seguías ahí parado viéndome. Me gritaste tsa tsa tsa y me morí por un segundo. Te moviste de lugar para seguirme viendo, y me encantaste. Todas las veces que nos vemos es más que perfecto. Cuando llegue a la casa después de ir con las niñas, ya te quería volver a ver. Y llegando me llego tu mensaje de vernos el lunes y que la pásate bien. Me encanto y te respondí que soñarás con México, que es como un sueño. Y me dijiste que soñarías conmigo, con la canción "all of me" y dedicatoria "to my little cute singer".
0 notes
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂
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♡ pairing: jungkook x reader (soulmates) ♡ rating: G ♡ genre: drama, fluff, a touch of crack ♡ au: high school ♡ tw: n/a ♡ wc: ~1.3k ♡ track: Just One Day ~ BTS: “Just one day, if I can hold your hands. Just one day, if I can be with you. Just one day, if only we can be together…”
♡ summary: Jungkook has literally been counting down the days until he could meet his soulmate, but when the day comes he only has 24 hours to find you.
♡ an: @thebadassmotherofmyshotas, this one's for you bae. thank you for putting up with my constant nagging to read my shit lmao 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
Today was the day. Today was the day. Today, the magic tattooed timer on Jungkook's wrist would show that he had 24 hours remaining to find his soulmate. Today he would finally meet them.
"Jungkook-ah!" His mother called from down the hall. "It's time to leave for school!"
"Coming, eomma!" The teenager responded. He swung his backpack onto his shoulders and fussed with his hair for one more minute in the mirror, then rushed out of his room. "I'll be home late tonight," he told his mother, "today's the day!"
Mrs. Jeon smiled, knowing just how excited her son was to meet his soulmate. She recalled the same excitement back when she was a teenager and it came time to find her own soulmate. "Keep me updated on where you're at throughout the day," his mother said, "and make sure one of your friends is with you."
"Yoongi-hyung offered to drive me around today." Jungkook grabbed an apple and then hurried towards the front door. Slipping on his shoes, he waved goodbye. "I'll let you know when I find them!"
Jungkook's plan for the day was to spend a few hours at school—the timer would hit 24 hours during lunch—and if he didn't feel that pull that told him you were somewhere in the building, then he'd text Yoongi to meet him in the parking lot. The elder was the only graduated one in their friend group who was okay with Jungkook skipping school for this, and was subsequently the only one who offered to help.
The day seemed to pass excruciatingly slowly. Jungkook kept catching himself glaring at the clock on the wall, then down at the timer on his wrist. Every second was slower than the last. He was so caught up in trying to will time to move faster that he almost missed when the teacher excused them for lunch.
It was almost time.
He met Jimin and Taehyung at their usual spot, and let the two soulmates shove food into him, preparing him for the search that was about to go down. The two of them were lucky, having met each other when they first started school together a few years ago, and becoming inseparable since.
"We'll gather up your homework for you," Taehyung told him as Jungkook chowed down on a spoonful of rice.
"Don't worry about school, okay Kookie?" Jimin added, handing him a water bottle. "You just work on finding them."
"And driving Yoongi-hyung crazy," Tae threw in, getting a smile out of the youngest. There was a small vibration on Jungkook's wrist, and he looked down.
Jungkook quickly looked up, and started looking around. There was something inside him, like a small, thin string, pulling him in a specific direction. "I have to go!"
"Good luck bunny!"
Jungkook raced off, barely remembering to grab his backpack (only because it had his phone in it and he promised his mother he'd keep her updated). He ran a basic lap around the school, just checking to see if they were already there. It would save him time searching if they already were.
The invisible string inside him kept pulling him away from the school building. His soulmate wasn't a student at his school, so Jungkook sent the s.o.s. text to Yoongi and shot towards the parking lot. He got a response almost instantly:
already here, on the bike
Jungkook decided to leave out that detail when he texted his mother, along with the fact that he was leaving school in the middle of the day. His eomma didn't like when he rode on the back of Yoongi's motorcycle. It made sense why he brought it instead of his car though: it would be easier to weave around in traffic and make quick turns.
"Hi hyung!" Jungkook greeted, nearly barrelling into Yoongi as he leaned against the vehicle. His arms wrapped around the elder in a tight hug. "Thank you so much for doing this!"
"Yeah, yeah, get off me kid," Yoongi grumbled, even though he did briefly return the hug. "Do you know where we're going?" he asked as he passed Jungkook a second helmet.
"Umm..." Jungkook looked out, away from the school, and gestured broadly. "That way?"
"Specific." Yoongi climbed onto the bike, Jungkook following suit, and the elder started it up. The bike roared to life, and Yoongi looked over his shoulder before donning his own helmet. "Just point in the direction you want me to go in, okay?" Jungkook nodded. Yoongi slipped the helmet onto his head, and the two took off.
Jungkook tried his best to guide Yoongi, but he barely understood where he was being pulled. It took a few hours, but they had driven around nearly every part of the city, and still Jungkook felt no closer to his soulmate. Eventually, Yoongi pulled over and parked outside a convenience store. "Dinner. Come on."
Though he was grateful that Yoongi was paying for food (that he dearly needed) he was getting discouraged. Time was ticking, and they hadn't gotten any closer. The whole city had a vague not here feeling, but he wasn't sure if Yoongi would be willing to venture outside it. He glanced down at the timer on his wrist again.
His mother had given him a curfew; Jungkook needed to be home no later than midnight, regardless of soulmate status. That only gave him another four hours tonight.
Dinner was a quiet affair; Yoongi wasn't usually one for talking, and Jungkook wasn't feeling very chatty himself. It was in the middle of a bite of ramyeon that he felt a stronger pull, one that was clear.
"Hyung! I know where we need to go!"
Yoongi groaned. "Can't I finish my food first?"
"Okay, okay, let's go." The two left the store and quickly jumped back on the bike, Jungkook directing Yoongi where to go. After a few minutes and several turns here and there, and Yoongi pulled up in front of an arcade. "They're in here? You're sure?"
"I'm sure, hyung," Jungkook said. He'd never been more sure of something in his life. "I'll be right back." He jogged up to the doors and entered, instantly surrounded by neon lights and video game sounds. This was the kind of place he and Jimin and Taehyung would spend their time at after a well-taken exam.
A group of laughter caught his attention, and he looked over. A group of people had surrounded a dancing game, and two girls were currently going at it in a tense, yet amicable, competition. He wandered over to join the onlookers. The string had pulled him in this direction but wasn't sure who in this group was his soulmate.
One of the girls was doing considerably well, and Jungkook couldn't hold back a comment. "Damn, you're good."
The girl whipped around to look at him, game forgotten. Jungkook felt frozen in place and felt another vibration on his wrist. "What did you just say?" A smile pulled at her lips, and she had a hopeful gleam in her eye. Jungkook didn't answer immediately, instead glancing down at his wrist. The timer had stopped counting down.
"Y/N!!" The other girl whined, trying to shake her friend's shoulder to gain her attention, but it was firmly locked on Jungkook. He looked back at you.
"Um, I said 'damn, you're good'?" Your smile grew wide, but Jungkook couldn't understand why. "Why do you ask?"
You held up your wrist in response. There, in the same magic ink he had on his wrist, were the words he had said scrawled across yours. It only took him a moment to make the connection. Jungkook's lips turned up (in what Tae would call his bunny smile). "It's you."
"It's me," you said, giggling just a bit.
"Oh my god," your friend interjected again, "is this your soulmate??" You both nodded, not looking away from each other.
"I'm Y/N."
"Jungkook. I have to get home soon, but can I have your number?" He eagerly held his phone out for you to take, excited that his efforts from the day hadn't gone to waste.
"Do you wanna meet here tomorrow for a dance competition?" you asked him, a gleam of mischief in your eyes. It was Jungkook's turn to laugh.
"Oh, you're on."
tagging: @daydreamer-writing
thanks for reading!!
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𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓷
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♡ pairing: jimin x reader (established relationship) ♡ rating: PG ♡ genre: fluff ♡ au: diner ♡ tw: very light swearing, some suggestive themes towards the end ♡ wc: ~1.1k ♡ track: Willow ~ Taylor Swift: “Wait for the signal and I’ll meet you after dark. Show me the places where the others gave you scars. Now this is an open-shut case, I guess I should’ve known from the look on your face, every bait-and-switch was a work of art.”
♡ summary: You texted your boyfriend in the middle of your workday, telling him it was going to be an emergency date kind of night. Jimin easily agreed.
♡ an: i created this one for myself with one of those online randomizers, and i love it. it may or may not be based on my actual life and dates with my actual husband (who, alas, is not park jimin). happy (late) valentines day everyone!! 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
"I'll meet you there, order my usual for me?" Jimin asked you over the phone. Technically, you were both supposed to be off of work at the same time, but while you had left on time tonight, he needed to stay after for a few more minutes.
"No problem, babe," you answered. "Love you!"
"Love you too! See you soon!" The call ended and you tossed your phone onto the passenger seat of your car.
You had texted him earlier telling him that work today was already going down the drain and you were going to need an emergency date tonight. Jimin responded quickly enough, agreeing with you and making fast plans to meet up at your usual date spot.
The diner was small, but their burgers were delicious. You had found it one night while walking around downtown and decided to take a chance on it. You dragged your loving boyfriend there the next night and you both agreed to make the diner your new take me out now place.
The food was good, the price was decent, and it didn't require much planning to go out there. Other dates you and Jimin had were more planned affairs, with reservations and fancier clothes that were usually on the floor by the end of the night.
Burgers were fast and easy and comforting.
You ended up parking a block away due to the limited parking space near the diner. You didn't really want to walk, your feet hurt from all the running you had already done around the office today. Sighing, you kept a firm hand on your shoulder bag and forced yourself to trudge through the pain.
One of the workers greeted you with a smile as you walked in. You and Jimin had been here enough that most of the employees were on a first-name basis with you two, and knew at least Jimin's order. When you originally found the place, you both explored the menu to see what you liked the most. Jimin quickly found his preferred meal, but you had a few you rotated between.
"Hard day at the office?" Minsu, the cashier working tonight, asked as you approached the counter.
"Is it that obvious?" you responded. She gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Is Jimin coming?"
"Yeah, he'll be here in a few minutes." Minsu nodded and keyed in his usual. "I'd like a mushroom swiss burger tonight, please, with bacon." You reached into your bag to pull out your card.
"Wow, you really had a bad day today." She swiped your card. "You only add bacon when you want to treat yourself. I'll have the guys throw in some extra fries for you, too."
"Minsu, you are a saint, thank you." She handed you your drinks and you went to place your bag down at your usual booth. A moment after, another worker, Eunjung came and dropped off a platter of french fries for you. You thanked him and began digging into the plate of carbs and starches.
You were tired, and hungry, and very much wanted Jimin to just arrive already. You had only gotten off the phone with him a little bit ago, and he was probably on his way to you right now, but you missed him.
Between both your work schedules and your school schedule, you didn't see much of each other even though you lived together. It had been a while since you'd actually spent time together, and part of you thought that might've been part of the reason why you requested this emergency date.
You needed him, and you knew he needed you.
(Part of you also wondered when he was going to pop the question, but that was a daydream for another day when you weren't so tired).
"Hey, beautiful," a familiar voice said, drawing you from your thoughts. You looked up into the sweet eye-smile of your loving boyfriend. His eyes left yours to glance down at the table. His smile quickly turned into a pout. "You ate all the fries."
"Nuh-uh! I left you some!"
"You left me five!"
"That's some!" Jimin rolled his eyes at your antics and sat down on the opposite side of the booth from you. The burgers arrived a moment later, each being placed in front of you.
"More fries, please, Eunjung," Jimin asked the waiter, who nodded and headed back to the kitchen. Your boyfriend sipped his drink, then smiled at you again. "Alright, tell me about this shitty day you had. I assume it started with Jiyeong?"
"Everything starts with fucking Jiyeong!" You burst into your story, food nearly forgotten, as you told Jimin about the office drama. He listened intently, as he always did, as he took bites of his burger and snacked on the second round of fries.
He was nearly finished with his food by the time you were finished, and you swapped roles as he took his turn telling you about his day and you finally ate. You listened just as closely as he had to you, along with being grateful to get some actual nutrients into your body.
You both fell into comfortable silence when Jimin finished with his tale, each of you finishing the last few bites. You felt significantly better than you had before you'd arrived, and you wondered how much of your frustration was fueled by hunger. "Dessert for our troubles?" Jimin asked you playfully.
"Depends," you answered, returning his look, "do we have to share it?"
"No, I am definitely getting my own after what you did to the fries."
"I left you some!"
"You left me five!"
"That's some!!" You both dissolved into fits of giggles, all of the earlier tension from the day having completely melted away. After a moment, you caught your breath and simply looked at him. "I love you."
Jimin smiled brightly, his eyes turning into the crescents you loved so much. "I love you too, beautiful. Come on." He stood up and offered a hand to help you, which you graciously took. "Let's pick up something on the way home, and then cuddle and watch a movie together, yeah? Finish this emergency date off with something comfortable?"
You walked hand in hand out of the diner, waving goodbye to Minsu and the others. "We could do that," you said. "Or, you could pound into me for three hours." Jimin laughed at that.
"Is that so?"
"You did promise me last week that you would."
Jimin met your eyes with a mischievous gleam in his, and a wicked smirk set upon his lips. "Well then, beautiful, I suggest we get home rather quickly."
tagging: @daydreamer-writing
thanks for reading!!
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𝓶𝔂 𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭
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♡ pairing: namjoon x reader (soulmates) ♡ rating: G ♡ genre: fluff ♡ au: coffee shop ♡ tw: n/a ♡ wc: ~1.0k ♡ track: Love Maze ~ BTS: “Let them be them, let us be us. Love is a maze, damn, but you is amaze.”
♡ summary: You had waited years to find your soulmate, and the universe gave you the perfect one.
♡ an: this one goes out to @mintsugarmy! here's your green namjoon, love. i really liked writing this one. enjoy!! 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
There was no better feeling in the world than finding your soulmate. To find that hand that fit perfectly in yours in a way that instantly filled you with warmth and butterflies and made something inside you just click into place... it was all you wanted.
Finding your soulmate was based on such a small thing, too: hand-holding. The older you got, the more emotionally mature you became, the easier it was to tell if you had found your soulmate. Little children were so full of joy and unrelenting feelings (not to mention they were so playful) that holding hands with someone didn't result in that kind of found connection. Teenagers who were hopelessly romantic would either try to hold hands with everyone they came in contact with or avoid it altogether in an attempt to wait and make sure the first hand they held would be their one and only.
You fell more into the first category than the second as a teenager. You let your hands brush up against others as you walked past them in the hall at school or down the sidewalk, hoping to feel that tingle your parents had described to you. Eventually, as you graduated and entered university, you became a bit more careful and restrained, but that didn't stop your heart from dreaming. You wanted that accidental meet-cute so badly. There were countless scenarios you imagined yourself in.
Maybe you would trip going down the staircase and a fast hand would reach out to catch yours and keep you from falling. You could bump into someone on the street and drop whatever you were carrying, then you both reach to pick up the same thing. You would even take going to the club and being asked to dance by a random stranger only to discover that they were your soulmate.
Your roommate often disregarded your daydreams. She had given up on the whole soulmate concept. Apparently, she had fallen in love with a boy when she was in high school, but she was so worried that he wouldn't be her soulmate that even though they dated she never held his hand. He'd had enough one day and touched her hand, and when they both didn't feel that rush, he broke up with her on the spot. You felt bad for her but tried not to let her story get you down.
You hurried to the local cafe on campus for your usual pre-art class drink, your paint-stained clothes currently hidden beneath a large green sweater. You painted celestial things, the stars and constellations and planets that didn't exist, things that cosmic energy practically radiated out of. You only hoped your soulmate would like the stars as much as you did. You wanted your first date to be stargazing.
The cafe was nearly empty when you walked in. "Iced mocha frappucino, triple shot, please," you told the barista. You paid the worker and then stepped off to the side to wait for the drink. You heard the bell above the door tinkle as another person walked in, but you didn't look up. You were looking through pictures on your phone, searching for inspiration for your next project. You became so engrossed in your search that you nearly missed your order being called. Without looking up, you made your way back to the counter and reached out to take it.
Something warm surrounded your hand, instead of your hand circling around the cup. Your heart nearly stopped as you looked up and saw another hand holding yours, also reaching for your coffee. Usually, you would have been upset that this stranger was trying to steal your drink, but not this time.
This time, your whole body tingled and filled with the most comfortable warmth. You took a breath and it was as if this was the first time you had ever properly breathed. Something inside you went click and you felt complete. You looked up to see the face this hand belonged to.
He was already looking at you, with a wide smile that showed off his dimples. His brown eyes sparkled like the stars you loved, as they took you in, and you easily smiled in return. "I'm Namjoon," was all he said to you, his voice deep and gentle and soothing. You could listen to him forever and it wouldn't be enough.
"Y/N," you responded, amazement and awe filling your voice. "Is this your drink?"
Before he could answer, the barista set a second coffee down on the counter, right next to the first. "Here you are, sir, iced mocha frappucino, triple shot."
Namjoon let out a small laugh. "You have good taste in coffee," he said as he used his free hand to pick up his cup. "Are you busy?" The hope in his voice was undisguised. Maybe he had been waiting just as much as you had been to find your soulmate.
Oh. Your soulmate. This gentle giant was your soulmate. The universe had chosen well for you, and you knew your next art project was going to be painting this man as the angel the cosmos had so clearly created him to be.
You moved the hand he held just slightly to entwine your fingers together. "I've got to get to class, but I'm free tonight?"
"Can I walk you?" You nodded enthusiastically. Namjoon offered to carry your bag for you so you could keep holding hands and carry your coffee. The walk wasn't too long, but you talked about the classes you were both taking and what books he liked to read and what you liked to paint.
When Namjoon dropped you off at class, you didn't want to let his hand go, but you knew this wouldn't be the end. He gave you his number, then asked the question you had always been dreaming of with that same wide, dimpled smile from earlier.
"Would you like to go stargazing with me?"
tagging: @daydreamer-writing
thanks for reading!!
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𝓰𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮
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♡ pairing: hobi x reader (shy crushes) ♡ rating: G ♡ genre: fluff ♡ au: coffee shop ♡ tw: n/a ♡ wc: ~1.0k ♡ track: Glitch ~ Taylor Swift: “We were supposed to be just friends. You don’t live in my part of town, but maybe I’ll see you out some weekend, depending on what kind of mood I’m in, and what’s in my system… I think there’s been a glitch…”
♡ summary: Hobi sits at the same place in the coffee shop every day. You sit exactly four chairs away from him. Jimin decides that's too many chairs.
♡ an: this one belongs to anon #1, thank you so much for participating darling! i hope you like it!! 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
Hobi liked silently watching you sketch. Not in a creepy way, in a "wow you look so pretty when you're focused on your work" sort of way. See, you and Hobi both frequented the same coffee shop on the same days, both doing your own work.
You people-watched and waited for inspiration to hit, slowly sipping at your coffee. As soon as that inspiration came, you opened your sketchbook and started going at it. Hobi, himself, often worked on choreography formations and did research on previous and upcoming competitors, things he should have been doing in the dance studio with Jimin.
Jimin worked at the coffee shop you and Hobi went to, and he had about had it with you two. You both came in every day, ordered your drinks, and then sat down facing each other basically two tables away. Jimin would work throughout the day and watch Hobi watch you, only to go back to work right as you look up at him.
It was like watching a pendulum slowly swing back and forth. This would go on for hours each day, and it was driving Jimin crazy. He didn't know you very well, but he knew Hobi, and he knew his hyung was more extroverted and personable than this.
He also knew that when Hobi wasn't thinking about dance, he was thinking about you.
There were three tables—the ones you both worked on and one in between you—and four chairs keeping the two of you apart, and Jimin had decided that was four chairs too many.
You two needed to fucking meet already.
Hobi looked up as Jimin approached him and pulled one of his earbuds out. "Hey, you on your break already?"
"Nope!" Jimine popped the 'p'. "I need you to move to that table," he pointed to the one in front of his hyung.
Hobi cocked an eyebrow. "Um...why?"
Jimin only held up a hand. "Please do not question the workers, sir, I just need you to move."
"O...kay..." Hobi was weirded out by Jimin's behavior, but picked up his laptop and coffee and moved to the new table, sitting so he was still facing you (and trying to not think about how much closer he was).
"Thanks hyung!" Jimin smiled, then went back behind the counter. He waited a few minutes for Hobi to put his earbud in and get focused on his work again, before heading over to you.
"Pardon me, miss," he smiled sweetly, trying not to startle you too much. You looked up at him in confusion but not annoyance. "I've noticed you're often in here sketching, and we've gotten some complaints lately that this particular table is rather wobbly."
"Oh, really?" You asked, giving the actually-stable table a little shake to test it. "I haven't noticed anything."
"I would hate for your drawings to be affected by something so trivial," Jimin continued anyway, "so I've arranged for someone to come take a look at it. In the meantime, would you be so kind as to move to that table?" He pointed at the one Hobi had just moved to.
"But... there's already someone there," you softly protested.
Jimin brushed it off with a shake of his head. "He'll be fine, he's a friend of mine and another regular here, you won't disturb him at all."
You glanced between the two men, hoping your face wasn't turning too red. "Um, okay then," you agreed.
"Thank you so much, miss." Jimin smiled and offered to help carry your coffee to the new table while you gathered your sketchbook and the few pencils you used.
Jimin left the two of you to go back behind the counter again, watching and waiting to see what would happen. If you two didn't talk naturally, he'd just flat-out introduce you.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, where you couldn't look at Hobi for more than a few seconds and wide-eyed Hobi didn't dare look away from his computer screen, Jimin sighed and went to work remaking the drinks you had ordered.
Both you and Hobi were startled when Jimin approached you again at your shared table, placing down fresh coffees and a piece of cake with two forks for you to share.
"Jimin, what are you—"
"I didn't order—"
"Hobi-hyung, this is Y/N, she likes drawing. Y/N, this is Hoseok, but everyone calls him Hobi, he likes dancing. Please, for the love of god, talk to each other." Jimin walked away, leaving you both shocked.
After a moment, your eyes met Hobi's. You took a sip of your new drink, trying to work up the nerve to say something.
"Hi," Hobi squeaked out.
Another moment of silence.
"What, uh, what are you drawing? If you don't mind me asking."
"Oh, um, I'm studying fashion, specifically costume design." You turned your sketchbook so he could see the design you were working on. It wasn't more than some faint lines and vague shapes right now, which was why you were okay showing it.
"That's so cool!"
"You, um, dance?"
Hobi nodded. He already had an old video of one of his team's performances up, so he turned his laptop around so you could both watch. He silently offered you an earbud (after subtly making sure it was clean) and you smiled as you took it.
"Which one are you?" You asked as you watched. Hobi pointed at the screen, then pointed to another dancer.
"That one is Jimin, the worker here. He's my co-captain." Hobi was also making a mental note to put Jimin through one hell of a workout when they met later for practice.
You watched the rest of the performance in silence, caught up in the movements. It was amazing. You returned the earbud once the video ended.
"Do you wanna meet up for coffee tomorrow?" You asked him before you could back put.
Hobi smiled widely. "Yeah, I would really like that."
Jimin watched all this go down from behind the counter with a satisfied smile on his face. "I love my job."
tagging: @daydreamer-writing
thanks for reading!!
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𝓪 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓼
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♡ pairing: jin x reader (crushes) ♡ rating: G ♡ genre: fluff, crack ♡ au: summer job ♡ tw: n/a ♡ wc: ~1.3k ♡ track: Six Feet Under the Stars ~ All Time Low: “Meet me on Thames Street, I’ll take you out though I’m hardly worth your time. In the cold you look so fierce but I’m warm enough because this tension’s like a fire. We’ll head to South Broadway in a matter of minutes and like a bad movie, I’ll drop a line and fall in the grave I’ve been digging myself, but there’s room for two six feet under the stars.”
♡ summary: Jungkook and Taehyung accidentally-on-purpose spill one of Jin's secrets. Luckily, it's a secret you had, too.
♡ an: this is for @mirahuyooo my beloved darling moodboard maker (she made all the banners you're going to be seeing). i told her i would post hers first so here it is!! enjoy!! 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
You lifted the box up to the shelf, only slightly struggling with it. Mr. Yun had graciously given you and your other coworker, Jin, the night off to celebrate the Summer Festival, so the sooner you got your work done the sooner you could leave.
Mr. Yun was a kind old man with a small business that he hired extra help for over the summer. This was your fourth year working for him, and third year working with Jin. It was a great way to make some extra money while you weren't in school. And the year Jin came around just made the whole experience better.
Jin was so much fun to work with. He was only a couple years older than you, and he was constantly cracking the worst jokes that always made you laugh, no matter how hard you tried not to. You still remembered the one he told you after he introduced himself.
"Do you know what color hamburgers are?" he asked you, barely holding back laughter with the slyest shit-eating grin you'd ever seen.
"Um, brown, mostly?" you answered, very unsure where this question was about to lead.
"No," he squeaked out, "they're burger-ndy!" Jin bust into laughter at the joke, but it took you a moment to connect the dots before the most unattractive snort escaped you. It was such a stupid joke, it shouldn't have made you laugh, but in trying to hold the laugh back you did that.
You had instantly thought that Jin was attractive, but shoved that thought down as soon as it had arrived. First, you were both here to work, and second, with a face like that he was probably already taken. Still, you had wanted to make a good impression, not… that.
But over the years, despite your attempts to squash any and all romantic feelings you had for him, they had only grown as you got to know him better, as you met his friends, as you hung out with him outside of work. Eventually you learned he wasn't taken, but you still didn't let yourself hope. There was no way he liked you back.
"You got that?" his voice shook you from your thoughts, and you looked over to see Jin (with his now light pink hair that you adored a little too much) gesturing towards the box.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," you responded as you pushed it into place. "Just trying to get finished so I can get ready for tonight."
"I'm glad you're excited," Jin smiled. "I used my undeniable charm to convince Mr. Yun to let us go tonight." That got an eye roll from you.
"Sure, Jan." That was something you had picked up from Jungkook, the youngest member of their friend group who had the most sibling-like sibling relationship with Jin. The kid was a brat, but he was an adorable one, and he was always sweet to you.
Jin groaned. "Don't encourage the brat by repeating the things he says."
"But Jungkook is funny."
The gasp he let out was overdramatic on purpose, and you giggled. You thoroughly enjoyed teasing him about his jokes (really, Jungkook was just a bad influence on you). "Brats, the both of you!" He turned away, but you caught the hint of a smile on his face. "That's it, I'm telling Mr. Yun you offered to stay here by yourself tonight!"
"No no no no!!" You reached out for his hand to keep him from getting too far away. "No, Jin, don't, I'm sorry! You're way funnier than Jungkook!"
"You promise?"
"Yes! Please, I really wanna go tonight." You added a pout, something you learned from Jimin. Jin rolled his eyes, but acquiesced.
"You really picked up all the worst habits from my friends." He exhaled. "Come on, I'm nearly done with my section, and it looks like you are too."
You dropped his hand and the two of you returned to working in comfortable silence. After a few more minutes of work, you were both finished and you began locking up. Jin waited for you just outside the front, and you heard the tell-tale laughter of two trouble-makers.
You glanced over your shoulder to see Jungkook and Taehyung bounding towards you two. "Hey guys," you greeted in return as you finished.
"Noona, are you excited for your date with Jin-hyung tonight?" Jungkook asked, a mischievous smile lighting his face. You nearly dropped the store keys, looking between the giddy maknae and Jin's own shocked face.
"Um… what?"
"Yeah, Noona," Taehyung added with a matching smile, "you're ready to go, right?"
"Jin, what are they talking about?" you whisper-yelled to him, very confused.
He gave you a very pretty but very unconvincing smile. "Nothing, just ignore them, they're just being brats." Jin turned back to the boys with a look that said they were going to get killed later.
Jungkook wasn't phased and leveled the elder with a look of his own. "Hyung, have you seriously not asked her yet?"
Jin sighed. "I was getting there until you two terrors showed up!"
You looked between the three bickering friends and took a tentative step back. Jungkook mentioned the word date and both he and Taehyung seemed very insistent that Jin was supposed to ask you on one. But Jin didn't like you like that.
"Hey, Jin?" You finally spoke up, catching all of their attention. "I know we were all planning on hanging out tonight but were you going for something different?"
"It's now or never, hyung," Taehyung smiled, patting Jin's shoulder.
"Fighting!" Jungkook added.
"Would you two get out of here?" Jin lightly pushed them away, and they easily went, offering you a small goodbye and a promise to see you later at the festival.
Once they were both far enough away, Jin smiled at you softly, his face red. "I'm so sorry about them, I don't know what possessed them to do that." You simply nodded and waited for him to continue, to answer your question.
There was a long moment of silence where you two just looked at each other. You wondered what he was thinking about as he met your eyes. Was he thinking about how to let you down easy?
Maybe you shouldn't have asked him if he wanted more for tonight. Maybe you can hang out with Jungkook and Taehyung tonight instead of Jin.
"Do you like raisins?" Jin asked over what was going to be your poor attempt to backtrack. The question came out of nowhere, and honestly, the past ten minutes were giving you whiplash.
"Raisins, you know, the little dried-up grapes. Do you like them?"
Slowly, you shook your head. There was a small niggling feeling in the back of your mind that said this was some kind of set-up for another one of his jokes, but you weren't sure where it was going.
"Okay, so, how would you feel about a date?"
Jin had that smile on his face, the one where he was waiting for you to get the joke, but there was also a hopeful gleam in his eyes like this was more than just a joke.
You took a deep breath, trying to quell the laughter from the pun. "Jin, is this seriously how you're asking me out?"
"Did you really expect anything different from me?"
You let out a small giggle at the ridiculousness of the whole thing. "That's a bad joke," you managed.
"But the date will be amazing, I can promise you that." He added a wink that had you blushing as hard as he was. "I'll meet you later tonight?"
You nodded quickly. "Yeah, I'd really love that." You looked away and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. Jin waved goodbye with one last smile and ran off to catch up with the younger boys. You started on your way home to get ready for the date you never thought you'd get.
tagging: @daydreamer-writing
thanks for reading!!
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𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀
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♡ pairing: hobi x reader (best friends/idiots to lovers) ♡ rating: G ♡ genre: fluff, crack ♡ au: diner ♡ tw: n/a ♡ wc: ~0.7k ♡ track: Cruel Summer ~ Taylor Swift: “And I snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate, and I scream, ‘For whatever it’s worth, I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?’”
♡ summary: It was tradition that each weekend during the summer you and Hobi would go get milkshakes from the local diner to organize your schedules for the upcoming week. It was not tradition for you to kiss him (but you really really wanted it to be).
♡ an: this is such a stupid story XD special thanks to a friend of mine on discord for filling this one out for me lmao here's to you Tempt!! hope you guys enjoy! also happy late birthday to our dear j-hope (and me, we're birthday twins)!!! 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
"You two want the usual?" Seohyeon asked with a smile as you and your best friend, Hobi, walked into the diner. It was your weekly meet-up to synchronize your schedules in your matching bullet journals.
You smiled at the waitress. "Yes please!" She nodded and yelled your usual order back into the kitchen. You and Hobi took your seats in your usual booth, three back from the entrance, Hobi sitting across from you. This had been your Saturday afternoon since your parents were first fine letting you go out on your own.
Hobi had been your best friend since before you could remember. Your parents were friends with his parents, and you lived across the street from each other. You had spent countless playdates and after-school study sessions together. Hobi was even your first date when a bunch of losers made fun of you a few years ago.
You had a giant fucking crush on him and somehow this guy was clueless.
Seohyeon dropped off your large plate of fries that you share together and one strawberry milkshake for Hobi and one vanilla milkshake for you. Hobi took out his journal and pencil case while you shook the ketchup bottle and poured out the condiment.
"You've got your dance competition next weekend, right?" you asked him, pulling your own journal and pens out.
"Yeah, on Sunday," Hobi responded, munching on a fry. "So most of this week is all rehearsal." You nodded, making a note on your page. "Don't you have that volunteer trip middle of next week?"
"Wednesday," you confirmed. You took a sip of your milkshake, relishing in the cold flavor and letting it distract you from your feelings. (It didn't. You just watched him take a large sip from his strawberry milkshake and it made you really want to share it with him.)
Suddenly, an incredibly stupid but slightly genius idea. "Wanna hear something crazy?" You asked Hobi, choosing to doodle sunflowers around the edge of your journal instead of looking at him.
"Jin asked me this week when you and I were gonna go on a date." You felt your face heat up promptly at the lie. You put extra care into the flower doodle.
"Oh, Jin asked you that?" He didn't sound the least bit surprised.
Why didn't he sound the least bit surprised?
"Uh, yeah," you forced out a laugh and brushed your hair behind your ear. "Crazy, right?"
"Yeah," Hobi laughed with you. "Just as crazy as Namjoon asking me the same thing!"
Your smile dropped. "Wait, really?" Your eyes went wide at the thought. Did Hobi know you were lying? Was he just playing along? Or did Namjoon actually suggest that you two officially date?
"Yeah," Hobi said. He had a look in his eyes, despite his smile he was being serious right now. "I told him that I was down, I was just waiting for you."
You couldn't believe what he just told you. You could only stare at him, jaw dropped. I was just waiting for you. The words echoed around your head as you tried to figure out what to do.
After an indeterminate amount of time (you weren't sure) Hobi finally broke the silence between you two. "I can wait longer," he offered quietly, "or, if you don't want—"
"I've been in love with you for years." You blurted it out like the words were on fire and you needed to get them off of you. "I just didn't think—"
"I didn't think—"
"You liked me back." You and Hobi said simultaneously. You covered your face in an attempt to hide the redness.
"Oh my god, we could've been properly dating this entire time," you said into your palms. Hobi laughed.
"And our friends knew the entire time." You peeked through your fingers to see him shaking his head, a bright smile on his face. Well, if you were going to start actually dating, you should tell him the truth.
"Actually..." you removed your hands from your face to take a deep breath. "Jin never said anything to me. I just made it up on the spot." You tried smiling, but it came out more like a grimace.
Hobi bit his lip, trying to hold laughter back. "Namjoon never talked to me either."
For the millionth time during this conversation, your eyes went wide. Then you and your best friend-now-boyfriend burst into laughter.
tagging: @daydreamer-writing
thanks for reading!!
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Sorry everyone, there's not gonna be a valen-tan tonight 😣😣
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I know I'm a day behind but I want jimin's valen-tan to go up on valentines day and hobi's second valen-tan to go up on his (and my) birthday
Will it be the end of the world if I reorder the drabbles to make this possible
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I have valen-tans to finish posting and an eot chapter to get up. But my brain can't do both for whatever godforsaken reason. So
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Hey besties~~
How do we feel about me dropping the rest of the valen-tans stories today? 🤔
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Valen-tans shall continue today!
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I'm so behind on valen-tans, I swear I'm working on them 😭
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i know i'm super behind on valen-tans (we had an impromptu visit to my family and it super messed up a lot of scheduling things)
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Happy Valen-tans Days
To celebrate the days leading up to Valentine's day, I am going to write and post 14 drabbles all based around love, and you (yes, you 😘) get to create the prompts I use. Here's how it'll work:
Send me one thing from each of the following lists (kinda like drawing random slips of paper from a hat). They're coded*, so I'll know what to write, but the story you end up getting is a surprise!
Choose a color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink) 🌈
Choose a wishing method (11:11, eyelash, wishbone, birthday candles, dandelions, shooting star) 🌠
Choose a decade (20s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, 2010s) 🕰
Choose a day of the week 📅 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
Choose a month of the year 🗓 (April, September, November)
Choose a number 1-3 🔢
Choose a letter of the alphabet 🔠
You can decide if you want to send in a specific member or not, but I will only be accepting 2 of each member, as there's only 14 days leading up to Valentine's Day. All stories will also be SFW (at most they'll have suggestive themes, but absolutely no smut).
*please note that just because you chose a specific month or decade, does not mean the story will take place during that specific month or decade; again, these are codes that I will use to write the story*
Feb. 1 - Jin (prompt created by @mirahuyooo)
♡ pink, dandelions, 2000s, Wednesday, November, 1, M
Feb. 2 - Yoongi (prompt created by @daydreamer-writing)
♡ blue, eyelash, 2000s, Sunday, December, 2, Y
Feb. 3 - Hobi (prompt created by anon #1)
♡ blue, dandelion, 2010s, Thursday, April, 3, G
Feb. 4 - Namjoon (prompt created by @mintsugarmy)
♡ green, shooting stars, 2010s, Thursday, January, 2, M
Feb. 5 - Jimin (prompt created by @idreaminmono)
♡ red, dandelions, 80s, Friday, July, 3, Q
Feb. 6 - Taehyung (prompt created by @myplaceforstories)
♡ green, shooting stars, 20s, Thursday, April, 2, S
Feb. 7 - Jungkook (prompt created by @thebadassmotherofmyshotas)
♡ green, shooting stars, 90s, Wednesday, October, 2, J
Feb. 8 - Jin (prompt created by @alpacaparkaseok)
♡ yellow, 11:11, 20s, Tuesday, September, 1, S
Feb. 9 - Taehyung (prompt created by @ratherbefangirling)
♡ purple, eyelash, 50s, Friday, February, 1, I
Feb. 10 - Hobi
♡ ....
Feb. 11 - Yoongi (prompt created by anon #2)
♡ purple, 11:11, 90s, Saturday, November, 1, R
Feb. 12 - Namjoon (prompt created by anon #3)
♡ yellow, 11:11, 90s, Friday, April, 1, J
Feb. 13 - Jungkook
♡ ....
Feb. 14 - Jimin (prompt created by me and a randomizer)
♡ orange, eyelash, 60s, Tuesday, September, 3, T
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