#...nor have i EVER rped on tumblr like this before
cinghialefedele · 2 years
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piltover-sharpshooter · 6 months
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NAME : Monkey (or Tick, even if I don't go by that anymore)
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : Discord. Tumblr IMs isn’t awful, but the design and ux of it make me want to vomit.
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : Main one is Caitlyn Kiramman. I also have a Sett blog that I’m barely on, and two guest muses Nova the Stellacorn and Alex the druid.
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : Around 9 ish years or roleplay experience. If we go back to fanfic writing, then around 12, and just writing I’d say like 20 because of all the extracurricular English I had to do.
BEST  EXPERIENCE : Frankly it was when I first came back to tumblr and everyone was on the Vampire AU craze. Met a lot of my current RP friends, there were many different people reaching out to others for interactions, and it made me think that RPing back here would work.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS : I don’t enjoy being hounded for replies. Anyone who has ever RPed with me has had to accept beforehand that I don’t have the time, and I enjoy small snippets. I understand if that is a dealbreaker for others, hence why I always point it out before starting, so bringing the subject up really annoys me.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : Hmm, I’d say Angst creates the best opportunities and I like torturing my girl, but frankly I seem to be leaning onto fluff more and more. It’s just nice to be nice I guess! And yes, I love smut, but we have to talk about it beforehand.PLOTS  OR  MEMES : Memes but with an asterisk. Meme asks help make little interactions, and they are sweet and to the point. However I do like plotting with people, and if we talk on discord I most certainly will throw you ideas from time to time, it’s just that since I don’t have that much free time, plotting puts a lot of commitment that I might not have time to follow, and I just don’t want to let my partners down.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES : Short replies. I can do long form, but I burn out quick. It mainly has to do with the fact that I don’t have the attention span nor the time. I also think that sometimes it’s important to go back to what you wrote and force myself to cut 30% of it, to see what is really important and what is extra, it’s a technique I learnt to cut off unnecessary things.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Around the afternoon, so 4 to 6 pm (GMT-3)
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) :HAHAHAHA, NO! Caitlyn is actually fun to write because she’s so different. I’m a bit messy, speak a very casual English, and I don’t consider myself smart, while Cait is organized, speaks with a refined tone and is quite smart. I’m also not as buff as Sett, nor as cute as Nova, nor as committed like Alex. I think it’s more fun that way, I get to get into the headspace of someone I’m wildly different and see if I can properly pretend to be them. I also really enjoy using all that British English I learnt way back , makes it fun.
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Tagged by: @ferinehuntress
Tagging: Whoever wants to!
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Wow... Tumblr
Ain’t been on here for a WHILE. But I finally finished watching Supernatural last night and I have been an emotional wreck since, and I thought about Tumblr because this is where I used to get all my gifs and such from. I may have to make my page dedicated to Supernatural again.
Anyway, my life the past four years.. I finally moved out of my mom’s house almost 3 years ago. I’ve been living on my own since 2020. 2020 was a difficult time for me like it was for many. I had everything lined up for my move and then Covid happened and things went downhill very quickly. I couldn’t pay any of my bills and almost got evicted and became homeless. If not for the graces and generosity of others I would be living on the streets. Not a great way to start a life on my own, 950 miles from anywhere familiar. I’ve gained and lost many friends over the past few years, and I will be turning 33 in March.
Not sure if anyone remembers me or if those who I followed religiously are still around or friends I made on here are still present. But damn.. I missed y’all.
I am in process of writing my own book series now and have a goal to at least finish the first book by the end of the year. It’s about a fictional famous musician named Cliff Drakonas and whose best friend’s FC is Jensen Ackles, and that was before I had planned to finish Supernatural.. I held it off for a long time and I must say I am pretty disappointed in Dean’s death. It was such an anti-climactic way for him to die after his life’s work. I am happy that most everybody made it to Heaven, and it’s implied Cas became Jack’s right hand, possibly even an Archangel. I don’t know what new fandoms are out there anymore as I don’t have access to cable anymore, nor do I have a lot of time to watch shows like I used to. I have a full-time job now that’s third shift and pays very well and has great job security with lots of OT when it’s needed. I have a cat who I come home to every day. I am also a godparent now. I am still single and living on my own, which is very difficult in today’s world, but I am proud of where I am in life now.
I haven’t RPed for a while either, but I am ready to get back into that on my RP site I co-own.
Now with Supernatural over, I really have no idea what show to watch next or what to do with my life anymore lol. Supernatural was such a special show to me as it was for all the fans and I don’t think anything will ever come close to it, nor will anything ever fill the void of it not being there anymore. For now, Dean, Sam, Cas, Crowley, and everyone else will live on in my RPs, my Discord username (Castiel#1628), and my heart, as I’m sure it will live on in many people’s hearts.
I am 100% emotionally compromised right now, over a show lol. Geeze... Cried like a little baby earlier today when Carry On was stuck in my head.
So SPN fam? What shows you watching now? How did you cope with the end of the show forever? Please share, because I am not doing so well coping with it right now lol
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caeloservare · 2 years
NAME: Herami. Sometimes I go by Kira. Ofc both are nicknames.
PRONOUNS: she/her
SINGLE / TAKEN: single af
001. I feel mentally very old sometimes. But also very odd, not really fitting in like most of groups of people around me. I guess it makes sense then, that I’m drawn to characters that more or less struggle with their own humanity and relationships.
002.  I don’t know. I spend too much time in my own head. Telling stories was always my way to at least keep it interesting, hence RPGs, fandoms, all that jazz. Still, I tend to think too much and not nearly enough where it’s actually needed. 
003. Uhh... My eyes are in hard to define color. So far no one managed to define it any way that would make sense as a color. It’s a mix of grays, greens and blues that can be best simplified as gray. I used to dislike it, now I find it a tad annoying but also love it.
001. I’ve roleplayed on tumblr since 2017. Had only one blog before this one though (Genji from Overwatch. I think I’ve locked out most of possible interactions, so idk if you’d be able to find it anymore, but it was @.metal-sparrow (added -archives to url once stopped using it). I have also blog for Qrow now, but I sadly have not enough time (or rather motivation) to get it going. I want to quite badly, but I can’t even catch up here nor get icons for him.
002. Used to plan far ahead what my muses would do depending on replies (old Game Master habits, I guess) and it was really exciting to see my plans thrown off with the reply and figure out new ways. It was upsetting when threads died though, so I just stopped doing that. 
003. My roleplay experience started looong ago on a roleplay summer camp. It was awesome. Then I didn’t want to stop, so despite I miss greatly sitting with people at the table with candles and music, I’ve started roleplaying online. Chats, forums, one-shots sessions at cons and now tumblr.
I guess I can sum it up as various flavours of disasters and I lean heavily to writing males. And, as I mentioned, I like my muses to be able to go on journey of self-discovery, of growth and searching their own peace and happiness. I really like to dig deep into the character and discover all the “why”s on who and how they are and act.
Also I love them flawed. All of them, no exception. Flaws are fun to play with, can make a good drama, angst, are a good gateway for growth and simply are just fun. On mentioned summer camp I RPed an analphabet warrior girl. Her tries to explain to the guards where she lived was funniest shit ever, because she couldn’t name the street nor the house number. Seriously, don’t be afraid of flaws! Do it! Make your characters flawed! This can be tons of fun! Look how stiff and petty Jimbo can be and tell me I’m wrong about it ;)
FLUFF: Yes. Only fluff would be boring, but it’s very important to get that sweet and silly ingredient into the writen topics balance. I’m gonna shove all the comfort themes here too, and let me tell you that can be best thing to read or write on some days.
SMUT: Nope. Not gonna happen. Can plot, but without much details. I suppose that for writing my limit is more or less when touching goes into taking clothes off. I do have some headcanons more or less in this topic, I don’t think I’ll have a chance to share, since memes are either not interesting to me or too far out of my comfort zone. 
ANGST: YESS! I love me some good angst. Ofc best combined with some comfort later, with attempts from muse to solve whatever was the issue and move on. Angst is perfect for cracking muse’s outerior and seeing what’s inside them, what they don’t want to show.
IN GENERAL: Relationships. The most interesting thing to write for me are relationships and not only romantic ones. Let the muses meet, run, clash, hurt, forgive and get to know each other better. Let them care for each other but also argue, get angry and lost on their way. It’s not the end goal, it’s the way towards it that matters.
Mix of both. Sometimes I have no idea how to respond to memes and usually I don’t have any plot ideas, unless I’d be given a starting point. I like memes, these are nice and fun. I like plotting, even if it doesn’t make it to be a thread, I’ll still consider it part of our muses history. So both. Mostly just random screaming random ideas, preferably both ways, because I tend to feel like I’m too much when I go off about some random scene I thought ;u;
 — TAGGED:  @virmireisms thanks <3
 — TAGGING: @storyspun @eiiskonigin @aettangr @h0ldit
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undeadorion-archive · 2 years
Who wants to hear a long story about how stupid assholes on the internet fucked my head up so hard I still causes me anxiety and trouble to this day? Jumping between in person and online, from way back in the days of LJ RP (before tumblr even existed) to just a few years ago. 
People whose names are replaced with initials are those who are either innocent, merely suspected of involvement, or just aren’t bad enough to warrant being named. Or their actions were just heinous towards me personally. It’s a complicated mess.
I’ve always loved to RP, especially my own characters. Heck, until about 2008, I almost exclusively RPed OCs. I’d dabbled in fandom RP but just couldn’t get into the groove of it. Most of this was done with a friend who I eventually was coerced into dating, who I also lived with, named Bianca. We started out with OCs only, and eventually she moved into fandom stuff on LJ. I followed but I assumed my lack of fun was from not fitting in with fandom RP but boy was I wrong. There was so much simmering behind the scenes that I wouldn’t find out until way, way, waaay later. 
Bianca and I were in a rough spot. I was living on my own for the first time, struggling to figure out how to keep bills paid. Bianca didn’t have a job due to disabilities. Before she even moved in we made a deal. I’d handle paying for everything if she managed daily chore stuff. Not major stuff, just like doing the dishes and going to the store that was only a few blocks away. Only she didn’t. And she claimed she couldn’t because of trauma from her abusive grandmother that she’d lived with. So I ended up doing everything. Which left me drained and stressed 24/7. She then accused me of being angry any time I showed frustration in even the smallest way. Meanwhile she stayed home and got to draw and RP all day long. 
I cannot vouch for the specifics of her disability. All she told me was it was a type of seizures, but she never had one while I was around. And she never wanted me to go with her to any appointments or help her with her with trying to get on SSI. Nor did I ever see a single sheet of paperwork. 
She’d started accusing me of stealing her money at some point. She would often ask her grandfather send money to my bank account (she didn’t have one for some reason), and she’d tell me it was for bills so I used to to pay our massively overdue bills. And not giving it all to her in cash. 
Eventually, I reached a breaking point. I couldn’t handle the stress anymore. So I sat down with her and just said we needed to find another solution, even if it meant moving in with my mother or something. Not even a finite thing just “I can’t keep doing this, let’s find a solution together.” And I may as well have screamed at her to get out for how she reacted. And she was gone the very next day, acting as if I’d kicked her out. A family of her friend somehow managed to get there the next day. They lived more than a 12 hour drive away, and had enough money to take her to Disneyland for her birthday. So I often suspect that she’d had a plan in place already just gave her an excuse, but I have nothing but my gut to backup that theory.
What I found out later is that she’d been telling people that I was abusive to her. She would tell people that I ate everything in the apartment leaving nothing for her, as well, giving me a nickname that involved the word “Gluttonous” because I was overweight. Many many years later people started to see through it, saying it was her typical pattern and she’d done the same to them. She’d latch on to someone and leech off of them and when they stopped feeding into her nonsense she’d insisted they mistreated her and demonize the hell out of them so her next victim wouldn’t question anything the last person said. 
Soon after I parted ways with Bianca, I encountered B. B and I worked together in a hellish call center. She gave he yet another entry into LJ RP with a group that hadn’t already heard hellish fabricated tales of what sort of person I was. And this time it seemed to go better.
I got used to the fandom thing and found characters I enjoyed playing. But it was a headache for all new reasons (petty drama unrelated to my other issues). Finally, I gave up on fandom stuff for a bit and went back to an OC. And I thought I’d settled into a game pretty well, along with B and a few other mutual friends. 
That’s where I met Dal. The first person to really fuck me up in this tale. Dal was one of the people in charge of the game, and was the first mod to not completely ignore me. Heck, we seemed to click and RPed a lot together, our characters developing a sort of sibling dynamic. I was always low key worried about him, though. He said he had cancer, and that it had wrecked his hearing but he had a cochlear implant. But also claimed the implant had basically a headphone jack to plug directly into stuff music players hence why he was able to send me so much music. 
Some drama happened and the game split. Dal, me, and 2 others tried setting up our own game. But then somehow it felt like me and Dal versus the other two. I asked if the four of us should have a discussion together, cause I didn’t know what was happening. He said he’d handle it, and suddenly one of the other two started attacking me with vague accusations of talking behind their back. They both left the game and Dal and I tried to keep building it. But then one day he just wasn’t online. And the next day. And the next week. I feared the worst, and had no idea how to even find out the truth. I didn’t even know any of Dal’s other friends. Until after about 6 months I did some poking around and ended up messaging one person I’d seen Dal interacting with. Who just told me everything was fine and wouldn’t elaborate.
Years and years later, I found out the truth. It’s just a thing Dal did. He’d set up new identities, find new victims to isolate and torment. Feed them heaps of bullshit, usually around made up health issues. Then ghost them to start all over again with a new name. And I’d been his victim for those few months. I’d even managed to talk to one of the other two involved way after the fact. They wouldn’t tell me exactly what had been said that day, but I got enough to know that Dal told them absolute lies about me to get them to lash out. 
Dal was just the initial blow to my trust, though. It got so much worse than just one asshole.
Not long after, I joined the game I would be in for the longest stretch of time. Overall, I had great memories there and even still have a scant few friends from those days. But signing up there was the start of what would become a nightmare. B was there with me. And that’s where I met A, O, and T, along with their extended friend group. 
This was the group that told me I was “too eager” and wanted to be involved “too much.” Any time an event asked for volunteers, I’d volunteer. I was never picked, though. And just that act of being willing to be involved in almost anything was mocked. It didn’t matter how much I actually did. 
I always felt weirdly snubbed by A and O, but I tried to ignore it assuming it was my anxiety. But I’d learned later I should have trusted my gut. 
One thing to know for later is that any chance I got, I’d dress as my character (Crawford). Without being fully aware of it at the time, it was my first explorations of being trans. But I’d equated the way I felt to the character rather than the gender, though I only did it 2 or 3 times between conventions and halloween. A, O, and others treated me like I was super weird for it, too. In that judging looks and not wanting to be around me but not actually saying anything directly about it sort of way. 
This is because A and O lived in my same apartment complex--some time before I’d moved in with B after her previous roommate suddenly left. We were neighbors and hung out frequently. Or rather A and O hung out with B. I was just there. And they ignored me both in person and in game. But I just kept right on going. 
T got involved in person later, but she’d been in the game with us. She often came to visit from out of town and eventually wanted to move to the area. B and I had been looking for a 3rd roommate, so we made a deal. We’d cover her rent and I’d help her cover her necessary expenses so long as she was working on getting a job. Don’t ever do this, especially with someone you barely know moving out on their own for the first time. It became habit to ask how her job search went when I got home from work. Not even asking for details, and only once per day. Then out of the blue she blew up at me for “harping” on her about it. Meanwhile I was helping her pay for everything. Eventually it was discovered she wasn’t actually doing much to look for a job at all. But in the end she did find employment. Eventually.
Somewhere in this whole mess, I was still trying to make everyone like me. And I went out of my way one year to make every single person in the group a custom decorated cake for their birthday. Usually on some sort of fandom theme, and always 100% from scratch. And every time I did this, T would point out there was a cake mix in the back of the pantry and asked why I didn’t just use that. A lot of reasons: it wasn’t the right flavor, I wasn’t using box mix, and it had been in the apartment longer than I had been (it was left behind by a former roommate). For some reason she thought I was being wasteful in not using it.
Then T said she’d make my cake for my birthday. I saw her come home with the ingredients and everything. Then when she served it, she pointed asked me, in front of everyone, how it was. It was bland box cake mix made by someone who could barely scramble eggs let alone bake a cake, but I said it was good to be nice. And with all the smugness possible, she informed me it was the stale box mix from the back of the pantry. I just put my cake down and went into my room. Leaving my own birthday party. 
After all my efforts to make the group happy, it felt like a massive betrayal.
A and O’s other roommate told me later that it a cruel thing to do. She said the three of them would do something to make up for it, but nothing happened. 
Meanwhile game stuff was slowly falling apart. A was a mod, along with with a mutual friend of ours by this point. And all A did was complain that people kept asking her things while the friend was stuck doing all the work. 
Among all these people was E, who was one of the only decent people in the group. They were a college student who often crashed at our apartment to get away from campus on the weekends. Then on one long holiday I started to notice that E wasn’t bathing at all. I tried to casually remind them that the main shower was available and they seemed uncomfortable with that. So I offered mine (I had the master bedroom), and they weren’t comfortable with that either. Eventually I tried to say it was fine by going into the main bathroom and it was like stepping into Silent Hill. 
Having my own bathroom I never had occasion to even look in the main one, which always had the door shut. B and T not only didn’t clean it but did god knows what to encourage the growth of mold. The walls and ceiling were absolutely covered in black splotches. I thought I was going to be sick. Both B and T tried to pull the “I didn’t know!” excuse about needing to keep a bathroom aired out and clean. I made them scrub it all, like I was their goddamn parent and they were teenagers not two grown ass adults. And they whined the whole time like teenagers because they discovered normal bathroom cleaner wasn’t enough to fully remove it. I ended up buying them the right stuff, iirc, because neither of them had enough awareness to go to the store and look for a cleaner with big bold letters that said it killed mold.
After that, I had to get out. Our lease would be up soon and I wasn’t going to be responsible for their damages. I gave them something like a 2 month warning that I would be leaving. I spent several weeks slowly packing up my stuff and taking over the dining room for that whole time. I talked about it frequently. Then the night before the actual move, when I was talking to B about what to expect, T looked at me suddenly shocked and asked what they were going to do about rent. As if I’d just told her in that moment I was going to move. 
I cut ties with T, A, and O. And for a brief time with B. B and I ended up roommates again, but that’s a whole other story for another time. I eventually left the game because most of my actual friends had left or lost interest and most people at that point just ignored me. I tried to come back, but to no avail.
Having been in one game for so long, I felt weirdly lost. But then everything came together when I thought I’d found a new perfect game. The setting was amazing and some friends from the years-long game where there, too! I joined up and had a blast terrorizing people with a unrepentantly evil vampire. I met one of my absolute best friends of my entire life in that game. Who much, much, much later led to me meeting a second lifetime best friend. 
Only once I was IN the game, I discovered something....it had been founded by none other than Bianca. She was long gone, but some of her closest friends were still in there. At this point I still didn’t know that she’d been spreading rumors about me, let alone to what extent. I discovered this by someone being super eager to greet me into the game...before blocking me without warning when they found out who I was. 
It became a read headache because Bianca’s minions wouldn’t let other players so much as mention me or my characters around them or their characters. But he’d already become a game-wide threat that most everyone knew about. The mods had to get involved because a player wouldn’t let my character use the medical facilities because the player claimed their character was in charge of them. The mods had to inform them that their character didn’t own a predefined game setting open to all players.  
This was also when someone anonymously posted that they hated my writing style because not everything was full essay style sentences. I intentionally use sentence fragments and repetition in my writing. It’s a pretty common thing to do, and they hated it so much they wanted me to write like them. I found out later that it was likely one of the primary people I RPed with which seriously undermined my confidence. 
Eventually the tensions in the game and the stress of real life got to be too much and I left, thinking it would be temporary until I got things sorted. When I tried to rejoin a few months later I was informed I was banned because of Bianca’s minions reporting I was a bad person to the mods, but no one would tell me that. It was just a vague claim that I made people “some players” uncomfortable, without any specifics.
That’s when a years-long saga involving an entirely different group in person and online happened, this time on Tumblr. And still with ties to the old nonsense because one of the people involved was someone I’d met sort of because they were mutual friends with Bianca. I ended up repeating the same mistakes as I did with Bianca and T combined, in letting someone move in with me, offering to pay for everything while they got on their feed, coerced into a relationship, blamed for everything, and just kicked aside. And again I was accused of kicking someone out...after they were the ones to dump me and declared they were moving out before I’d fully processed what had happened? I still don’t understand what happened there. All while online drama had happened with the RP and I was called a bully for trying to stop someone who was trampling all over everyone’s fun by being mean on purpose and ignoring boundaries.
I was also manipulated by that mutual friend I mentioned, only to be treated like garbage. But those are all stories I’ve shared before. 
In among that, however, was what made me leave DW (shifted over from LJ) RP for Tumblr. I made the mistake of ignoring major red flags with Carley. She latched on to me pretty hard because I played the things she liked. But she quickly isolated me from my other online friends by occupying every possible moment of my time. She’d bombard me with messages and would demand I respond to her RP stuff immediately. Even when I was trying to work, which she didn’t think counted because I was a freelancer at the time. Carley expected all of her RP ideas to taken as a whole with no changes. If I suggested even the slightest tweak on an idea she’d say “nevermind” and throw the whole thing out and come up with a new one. And if I presented literally anything, she’d dismiss it and replace it with her own thing. Which was sometimes my idea with minor things changed. 
When anything went wrong in character, even when it was a thing that was planned to go wrong, she would blame my character and by extension me. Like she wanted an scenario where something happened that left my character feeling down so her character could comfort him. Only once I set up the scene it was his and my fault, and her character saying “well, you’re not considering MY feelings.” It was emotional whiplash, and any time I tried to explain that it wasn’t sitting right with me she acted like I was confusing IC and OOC.
This was the first time I recognized abuse in the moment. Because if that I wanted an outside opinion. So I talked to the above mentioned partner and one of her friends about it. The friend essentially mocked me and said abuse couldn’t happen like that. It was online and we weren’t in a relationship so it couldn’t be mental or emotional abuse. Which felt like a slap in the face. 
That’s when I befriended Kat and R. R and I were both caught in Carley’s nonsense, and Kat was a mutual friend of ours. It was together that we managed to get away from her before she imploded her own reputation in a very public way that would take way too long to explain. I tried one last time to explain to Carley what my problem was. And as if she was following the emotional abusers handbook she responded as though she had no idea what I was talking about and implied it was all just my perception. 
Kat, R and I got along for a while. And Kat’s in person friend E joined us for RP shenanigans. We had fun for a while. R eventually drifted away. She ended up sort of using me for something unrelated before ghosting me, but it was minor and might just be a product of not being online so much. 
E was pretty okay, but always overshadowed by Kat who was one of those people that demanded to be the center of attention always and never gave anything in return. She insisted I was her best friend. Frequently....in private. But publicly (we used a social media site called Plurk that’s popular with that particular RP crowd) she practically treated me like a stranger. She basically ignored me in her public conversations while lavishing attention on someone who was known for having a lot of money. 
And again, I repeated my mistakes. I kept thinking if I was just a better friend, then I’d earn that attention in return! I’d draw stuff for her, I’d jump on which ever new character she wanted to RP as. I’d push my interests aside in order to conform to what was needed in the moment. I was so busy trying to make HER happy that it took a while before I realized she wasn’t even doing the bare minimum one would expect from a friend, let alone what you’d expect from someone who frequently called you their best friend. 
It was stuff like the moment she’d need my attention she’d pester me until I responded and gave her what she needed. But any time I needed a friend to talk to about literally anything, she couldn’t be bothered. At first I chalked it up to her being busy, but that can only go so far. One time I expressed this frustration to her. One example I used was that she was always publicly congratulating the rich friend on every little possible thing and she couldn’t even be bothered to say anything on my birthday (not even asking her to remember it, cause I sure can’t remember anyone’s birthdays). So the next day she found some minor accomplishment to publicly congratulate me for and never did it ever again. 
She also smoked a lot of weed. Which I don’t judge anyone for, I just asked that she respect the fact that I didn’t like weed myself and would prefer to not be involved in any stoner-specific shenanigans. And for the most part she did respect my request. But we’ll get back to that.
Eventually, after tumblr, I found my way back to DW. But a lot had changed and it wasn’t really the scene I knew. Tumblr kids had invaded and sanded off all the rough edges to make it all soft and cuddly. Character tension used to be the favored thing to RP, which I live for. Fighting, arguing, anything to build off of. Only now it was cool to demonize even the slightest negative interaction. 
I didn’t realize just how bad it had gotten until I joined what looked like a delightful psychological horror setting. I was like “heck yeah, fuck my character up.” Since I’d been RPing as Thor on tumblr, I decided to bring him in, thinking he’d contrast well with a character Kat had...only she never once RPed with me there. 
Only...things got weird. Fast. I THOUGHT I was having a grand old time, but I was so wrapped up in plotting my own stuff I didn’t realize I was taking the setting more seriously than other people. There was a semi-mindcontrol event going on where during the day characters had a strong urge to play hero against mobs of people threatening player characters and at night they had a strong urge to attend what was basically a rave with body-altering drinks. Though I handwaved a lot of it, Thor spent two solid weeks barely sleeping. As if he’d resist an urge to fight or party. Especially when he was coming off the end of Ragnarok and ignoring all those weird emotions. After the two weeks were over he crashed, hard. Cause one of the side effects of giving in was exhaustion. Plus I had life stuff to do so I just said he was out for a while. 
Only other players started treating it strangely. Jokes made out of character were taken as 100% serious. Then the Captain America character treated him like a child for what the player assumed to be flat out not bathing, when he’d practically been in a coma for several days and woke up exhausted and depressed. 
This was all with a side of a lot of people demanding to play things with their personal versions of Thor that they’d imagined, ignoring all of the stuff I’d already built up. It was the complicated thing of being overwhelmed with attention for once, but it was all for my character and they didn’t actually care about me as the player. Not in a “what about me” sort of way, but more about what I had planned, what I wanted to do, and my own perceptions of the character. A lot of people (like the Cap) treated him like an idiot, based on things that the character hadn’t been there for in canon, or flat out hadn’t happened. I expressed this frustration and got mocked for it. Quite a bit.
Out of spite, I dusted off Crawford for the first time since that game I’d been in for several years. And no one outside of my immediate friends wanted to RP with him. Because by now OCs were sneered at in DW. They were seen as “lesser” compared to fandom characters, all because of a few bad apples doing weird shit with OCs in the past. And this became part of my frustration that I voiced. Pointing out that people would dog pile on one of my characters and completely ignore the other. 
And then I made one fatal mistake. I’d tagged a random person with Crawford. A simple response to a public post. 
What I hadn’t known was that the character was played by someone named Red. Red had been in the years long game with me, but I didn’t really talk to them. They were friends with the A and O crew, but they didn’t interact with me much. They were just a name I vaguely recognized and had zero idea they held such a strong resentment for me. Red responded to everyone else but me, and shortly after, an anonymous post appeared. 
DW works differently than Tumblr. Instead of sending anon directly, most of it goes into a separate community. These are cesspools where everyone is anon and they use it to attack people, then they blame you for looking at it. It’s heinous. I’d peek in once in a while but generally left it alone. Only a friend told me to be careful because I’d been mentioned. 
Like a fool, I looked. And it was people tearing me and Crawford to pieces. A few people tried to get them to say what the exact and currently problem was (Despite being a cesspool there were rules about what you could drag into that space). They were mostly vague, or brought up super old stuff. They cited stuff like the fact that Crawford has a tragic backstory, responds to most things with anger, and wears a lot as legit reasons to hate on him that hard. They accused me of “soulbonding” with my own OC....an OC that was the very manifestation of my own gender issues at the time I created him. But they wouldn’t give any details on my alleged soulbonding. Just stated it as fact. 
That’s when I took a closer look at the players in the game. When I joined a new game, I looked for specific names (Bianca, Carley, etc), so no one had stood out at the time. And that’s when I realized A was there. 
My theory is that the soulbonding accusation was the result of those weird looks I got from A and her friends when I dressed as Crawford. That she and Red had warped those times into something else entirely. 
There was a lot more to it than that and it went on for hours. I felt utterly broken. I’d been struggling to make friends already so I didn’t have many people to turn to. Kat tried to talk to me and I didn’t know how to articulate what I was dealing with. I’d just said something vague about being upset. 
Already super raw from everything, her response was like grinding sand into an open wound. She said something along the lines of “I’d suggest you smoke some weed but you don’t do that!” and laughed about it. It was just a minor little comment. The tiniest betrayal of my boundaries that I would have otherwise brushed off. But it was the fact that for once I’d genuinely needed her, and she treated it like joke. I at least had my wits about me enough to calm down first.
I didn’t talk to her about it until the next day. I didn’t even say what I was upset about, just that I’d been in a bad spot and she hurt me. She of course pulled the “Well I didn’t MEAN to” tactic. That’s when I realized she wasn’t actually my friend and I’d been used the whole time. 
In dropping myself from the game we’d been in, I also removed a LOT of people from Plurk. Some of them were expected cause we didn’t talk. Others were out of paranoia because I no longer knew who I could trust. And like Tumblr, Plurk doesn’t inform anyone when you unfriend them. One of the people I removed was E, because she was so close with Kat I didn’t know whos side she’d be on. Within the hour, E realized I’d removed her and started screaming at me. Somehow thinking I secretly accused her of being involved in the anon comments being made about me. 
I just left after that. Completely.
I’ve tried to go back in some ways, but it’s just not the same. I’ve tried setting up RP stuff with friends, but all that old paranoia comes back. Heck, I have trouble even talking about my OCs anymore because of it all. 
I keep thinking it’s all over, too. That I’m finally rid of it and everyone has moved on. But its spread outside of LJ. I randomly find I’ve been blocked by someone on twitter. And 9 times out of 10 they’re either knew Bianca or the other person I dated. Or in some cases, both. And it’s not just random people. It’s people with influence in industries I want to be a part of, like Iron Spike. 
I guess this is all to say I want to work past this and share about my characters more. But there’s so much baggage and I’m sick of acting like it’s not there. And on the surface it may not seem like a lot. But your trust is seriously destroyed when you don’t even know who exactly was involved or what others have been told about you. Or when you’ve been used by just so many people who pretended to be your friend. 
To this day, anyone who calls me their best friend in private immediately puts me on high alert. But thanks to Jo and HZZ I know that not everyone is like that, and what good friends are supposed to be like. 
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beforenothing · 4 years
The Mun
The Mun is 21+ and most muses are adults unless told otherwise. 
I don’t have anything that needs to be tagged other then NSFW. This regards pictures only, mostly related to smut. If you reblog a lot of shipy pictures and don’t tag it appropriately, I’ll have to unfollow you. I live in a small house, eyes can be on my screen at any given time. Otherwise, I wouldn’t care as much. 
This blog will have mature content. If it’s related to pictures, like blood. I will tag it (tw: blood) and any darker themed rps will likely fall under readmore. If something does need tagging, please let me know and I’ll do my best to tag it.
Mutuals & Non-Mutuals may message me using the IM system anytime for ooc chat, plot, thread discussion, character and headcanon questions. Don’t be shy, I’m really nice and would love to chat! Chances are I’m more afraid to talk to you then you are to talk to me. With respect, I wish you to reply to any messages I send you at your convenience with reminders a day or two later in case they have been forgotten. In return, I wish for the same respect. Whether we’re active on the dash or not.
Regarding personals, I don’t mind you liking my threads/openers/OOC/IC response or dash commentary but do not reblog them if it is not for the purpose of rping or the rp is not with you. Unless told otherwise, otherwise I’m going to block you.
I’m not the greatest when it comes to socializing. Regarding irl there isn’t much for me to say but I do enjoy people coming to talk to me about characters, threads and anything. If we’ve talked/rped for a while, you can ask for my discord but threads will remain on tumblr.
All Icons/gifs are made by me. Unless reblogged or mentioned otherwise. #icons
I’m Canon and OC friendly.
Please have a bio and rules page available. It’s much easier to get to know you and your character that way. Otherwise I’m unlikely to follow you.
I will not follow personals nor will I roleplay with them. However, personals can send in asks directed at both mun and muse if you like.
Just because I don’t follow you, doesn’t mean I won’t RP with you. I have my reasons for this and in no way reflects poorly on you as a role player. I’d like to rp with everyone but I’d like to keep my dash manageable.
If we’re mutuals, I want to roleplay with you but it’s okay if you don’t want to rp with me. You can tell me no just as I have the right to tell you no.
If you’re a person of the same muse or face claim as me, I’m still willing to rp with you. I’m also willing to roleplay with more than one person of the same character, just sorry in advance if I get you guys mixed up lol. Muns of the same character can yield different results. If you see me rping with a muse you have, I’ll still rp with you too!
I’m AU/Crossover/Multi-verse friendly.
I like plotting beforehand but random rps are okay too. Check the muse pages for Verses and wishlists!
I tend to do paragraph rps but I’ll do one-liners and all that. I also use icons from time to time, you never have to match my length or use icons if you don’t want to. As long as you give me something to work with, it’s all good.
Any RP blog can reply to my OPENers, Joke RPs, IC or Dash Commentaries unless it’s stated otherwise (like it’s mentioned mutuals only). If you see an opener you like and it already has notes on it, you can still reply to it or make a new thread and @ myname in it. With or without my permission.
I’m okay with violent rps, simply be realistic. (Talking to me first is preferable.) If you put my muses life in danger, expect them to fight back.If you ever send me an ask or vice versa and wish to turn that ask into a thread. By all means do so, with or without my permission. All I ask is that use the @ myname so I can see it.
If I’ve not liked a thread or responded to it in a few days at first, please let me know, I might have missed it.
If I’m rping with you and haven’t replied in a while, remind me. I might have forgotten/lost the thread. If said it’s in drafts, then I’ll get to it. Sometimes I have a hard time, other times because of life I don’t have time too. I like putting 100% into my threads and would rather not half-ass it because I’m tired. I’m also always willing to do more than one thread with you but I can be slow at replying.
If you ever want to drop a thread with me, you can let me know and we can plot out something new when you’re ready. If you don’t want something new, that’s cool too. Rping is made to be fun and if a thread no longer fun then why stress?
My thread tracker can be found on the front page.
I like shipbuilding. I would much rather our characters interact and be friends before starting a ship. I feel slow burns give more content to rp and chemistry is important. I don’t want it to be all fluff either, people disagree and fight but this should never turn into an abusive thing. (Unless we want it that way.)
My level of comfort really varies when it comes to shipping characters. The muns will have had to be in communication for a bit and rules discussed beforehand if we really want to dive into it but in general, while shipping is fun it’s not something I outwardly seek.
I have no problem with your muse expressing romantic feelings towards mine but if I’ve not discussed this, i’m going to turn it down but unrequited love is a thing.
I’m multi-verse / multi-ship. I reserve the right to stop our ship just like you have the right to tell me the same. Things happen, muses don’t work out. It’s cool to stop or try and work it out. I don’t want this to be a stressful thing and would rather the muns remain friends but if that can’t work out. it’s cool too.
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hotheadhero · 5 years
[ My man, my first FE crush. FE11 was my first game, and I think he and Lorenz (as well as Caeda, Merric, Michalis, Minerva, Athena, and the rest of the FE11 cast) were singlehandedly responsible for making me fall in love with Fire Emblem in the first place. I would’ve RPed him a long time ago, but when I first came to Tumblr, he was taken–so I went for the next best thing. XD ]
Rumorstold that to face General Camus in battle was to face a demon on the warpath.
Certainlythere was some element of truth to them, Camus supposed, as he wiped his bladeclean on the unbloodied hem of his latest victim’s tunic. He had earned hisplace as a highly skilled warrior (the best, they said); and yet, rumors had away of inflating themselves into something much worse. He only buried hisweapons in the hearts of traitors or decided enemies; he was not some wantondemon to kill the women or unarmed, nor the ones who surrendered without afight. Yet when he dismounted his horse and strode inside the castle, everyoneparted before him like pebbles before a storm, as if fearing that to cast somuch as a glance his way was to be murdered on the spot.
Butthey were not his target today, these frightened innocents of Archanea. He hadbut one purpose here. Only one would fall upon his blade today.
Itwas no easy task to find the throne room, for the holy palace was much moreconvoluted than the humbler one he knew in Grust. He frightened a few servantsin the midst of some pillaging as he searched, and they scattered like flies atthe sight of him, tall and imposing in his order’s ebon-gold, his hand everresting on the hilt of his wicked sword. He did not bother to pick up thescraps they left behind, except to return the valuable ones beyond the reach oflooters. Any moment he delayed was another moment the king could use to makehis escape. There would be plenty of time to clean up when both city and palacewere safely occupied.
Atlast he found the royal throne, but when he shoved the heavy gilded door aside,he found the king of Archanea himself waiting there. Seated—two glasses of wineat his side, even; as if he had been waiting for Camus to arrive. Therealization rattled him more than he cared to admit, for he had expected toface a coward not unlike (Naga take him) his king Ludwik; but Camus shook thedire thoughts from his mind lest they tarnish his resolve.
JeanIvan did not wait for the general to come near him before speaking. “I commendyou and yours for your conduct while sacking my palace. Bloodless, whenpossible—Athena would approve.”
Camusknew not how the king could obtain such knowledge without leaving this room.The plan had been discussed with and executed by his Sable Knights alone, andthis place had no windows facing the battlefield. But it was not a soldier’splace to question, only to obey his orders. Still, as he drew his sword, hereplied: “What distinguishes a soldier from a barbarian is his ability tostrike surgically. With precision. I have been tasked with bringing Archaneaunder Dolhrian rule. I need not paint the hills with blood as well.”
“Wellsaid, General Camus of Grust. But of course you would know, you who hail from akingdom polluted by them.”
(Fromthe midst of the throne room, Camus’s brows clenched—the only sign that LordArchanea’s comment had hit home.)
“Iwould toast you myself in Athena’s place, but I suspect you are not here forbanter.” He raised the filled glass anyway; but when Camus still advanced, hesighed and set it down. “I had hoped to share my last drink with one known asthe ablest man alive. But alas, I see it is not to be.”
“Forgiveme, Lord Archanea. You know well why I cannot accept that offer.”
“Sobe it.” Archanea’s king rose then, his ermine cloak falling softly around his feet.Though his body was no longer so built,the confidence in his bearing recalled the proud warrior he’donce been. The glintof the sword at his hip was unmistakable. He grasped thehilt of it, and Camus’s fingers tightened around his own. “I have been waitingfor this battle for a long time. May the bards sing of our fight today.”
(Indeed,they would sing for years to come.But would they record the epic tale of a knight unseating an unjust king—or thepitiable fugue of a coward-king deposing an emperor with pawns? And what wouldhis honor mean if he used it to defend an unjust cause? He banished the thoughtas quickly as it came. A knight’s blade was only as strong as his will; hecould not afford to falter against a clearly seasoned foe. And besides, it was not just his king he sought to protect but also the people behind him—)
Aflash of steel; Camus reacted instinctively with his own. Their blades collidedwith the horrible screech of metal on metal. Broke away, clashed again; eachman testing the other’s strength. Camus was impressed that one as old as JeanIvan could fight with the strength and agility of one ten years his junior,despite all the rumors to the contrary. A valiant ploy—but one destined tofail, for this was one fight Camus could not afford to lose.
Thelonger they fought, the more apparent it was how unused Jean Ivan was to thisexertion. He pressed his advantage, launched into arcing slashes, battering himdown with sheer strength. The king’s eyes widened as he staggered back onestep. Two. He pressed his advantage.
Suddenly,the king swung. Camus leaped back, narrowly avoided getting cleaved in two fromthe unexpected horizontal swipe. He swore under his breath and charged back in;the king, sensing an opportunity, also charged, flinging his sword left andright to keep the general from getting close. Their blades clashed, rebounded,clashed again. Jean Ivan was visibly tiring now, but he defiantly gathered hisstrength one more time and lunged.
Butthe attack was messy. Camus neatly sidestepped the man and, as he passed by,brought his sword down on the man’s wrist. His blade caught on bone for thebriefest of moments; and then the king was howling, clutching the stump of hiswrist, his hand still clutching his blade half a meter away.
Thegeneral lost no time in advancing on his fallen adversary and seizing his hair.
“For the motherland.”
Adecisive strike through the neck, and King Archanea was no more. And yet, as hegathered up the head to present as proof of his victory, Camus could not helpbut imagine the dead king’s voice whispering, “May the gods protect you,Nyna…”
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ihavenoside · 5 years
Rules for mobile users.
Because I thought I’d done this months ago, under readmore is just my rules that I have on my blog so mobile users have access to them too since tumblr is dumb. Mad respect for anyone stuck on mobile and actively uses it as there rp source because I sure as hell can’t lol.
The mun
The mun and muse are both 21+.
I don’t have anything that needs to be tagged other then NSFW. This regards pictures only, mostly related to smut. If you reblog a lot of shipy pictures and don’t tag it appropriately, I’ll have to unfollow you. I live in a small house, eyes can be on my screen at any given time. Otherwise, I wouldn’t care as much.
Considering the theme of this game, if it’s expected, I’m not likely to tag it. HOWEVER. If it’s related to pictures, like blood. I will tag it (tw: blood) and any darker themed rps will likely fall under readmore. If something does need tagging, please let me know and I’ll do my best to tag it.
Mutuals & Non-Mutuals may message me using the IM system anytime for ooc chat, plot, thread discussion, character and headcanon questions. Don’t be shy, I’m really nice and would love to chat! Chances are I’m more afraid to talk to you then you are to talk to me. With respect, I wish you to reply to any messages I send you at your convenience with reminders a day or two later in case they have been forgotten. In return, I wish for the same respect. Whether we’re active on the dash or not.
Regarding personals, I don’t mind you liking my threads/openers/OOC/IC response or dash commentary but do not reblog them if it is not for the purpose of rping or the rp is not with you. Unless told otherwise, otherwise I’m going to soft block you.
I’m not the greatest when it comes to socializing. Regarding irl there isn’t much for me to say but I do enjoy people coming to talk to me about characters, threads and anything. If we’ve talked/rped for a while, you can ask for my discord but threads will remain on tumblr.
I’m Canon and OC friendly.
Please have a bio and rules page available. It’s much easier to get to know you and your character that way.
I will not follow personals nor will I roleplay with them. There is only one person exempt from this rule. However, personals can send in asks directed at both mun and muse if they like.
Just because I don’t follow you, doesn’t mean I won’t RP with you. I have my reasons for this and in no way reflects poorly on you as a role player. I’d like to rp with everyone but I’d like to keep my dash manageable.
If we’re mutuals, I want to roleplay with you but it’s okay if you don’t want to rp with me. You can tell me no just as I have the right to tell you no.
If you’re a person of the same muse or face claim as me, I’m still willing to rp with you. I’m also willing to roleplay with more than one person of the same character, just sorry in advance if I get you guys mixed up lol. Muns of the same character can yield different results. If you see me rping with a muse you have, I’ll still rp with you too!
I’m AU/Crossover/Multi-verse friendly.
I like plotting beforehand but random rps are okay too. I have wishlists Here and Here full of idea’s that I’d love to play out. Most idea’s can be interchangeable with muses and oc’s but should be discussed.
I tend to do paragraph rps but I’ll do one-liners and all that. I also use icons from time to time, you never have to match my length or use icons if you don’t want to. As long as you give me something to work with, it’s all good.
Any RP blog can reply to my OPENers, Joke RPs, IC or Dash Commentaries unless it’s stated otherwise (like its mentioned mutuals only). If you see an opener you like and it already has notes on it, you can still reply to it or make a new thread and @ myname in it. With or without my permission.
I’m okay with violent rps, simply be realistic. (Talking to me first is preferable.) If you put my muses life in danger, expect them to fight back.
If you ever send me an ask or vice versa and wish to turn that ask into a thread. By all means do so, with or without my permission. All I ask is that use the @ myname so I can see it.
If I’ve not liked a thread or responded to it in a few days at first, please let me know, I might have missed it.
If I’m rping with you and haven’t replied in a while, remind me. I might have forgotten/lost the thread. If said it’s in drafts, then I’ll get to it. Sometimes I have a hard time, other times because of life I don’t have time too. I like putting 100% into my threads and would rather not half-ass it because I’m tired. I’m also always willing to do more than one thread with you but I can be slow at replying.
If you ever want to drop a thread with me, you can let me know and we can plot out something new when you’re ready. If you don’t want something new, that’s cool too. Rping is made to be fun and if a thread no longer fun then why stress?
My thread tracker can be found in my navigation page. I will do my best to keep it up to date. If you see our thread is missing, let me know, please. If you’ve not responded in 3 months, the thread will be archived but it doesn’t mean you can’t respond to it a year later.
I like shipbuilding. I would much rather our characters interact and be friends before starting a ship. I feel slow burns give more content to rp and chemistry is important. I don’t want it to be all fluff either, people disagree and fight but this should never turn into an abusive thing. (Unless we want it that way.)
My level of comfort really varies when it comes to shipping characters. The muns will have had to be in communication for a bit and rules discussed beforehand if we really want to dive into it but in general, while shipping is fun it’s not something I outwardly seek.
I have no problem with your muse expressing romantic feelings towards mine but if I’ve not discussed this, i’m going to turn it down but unrequited love is a thing.
I’m multi-verse / multi-ship. I reserve the right to stop our ship just like you have the right to tell me the same. Things happen, muses don’t work out. It’s cool to stop or try and work it out. I don’t want this to be a stressful thing and would rather the muns remain friends but if that can’t work out. it’s cool too.
I’m pretty open to the idea of shipping him with anyone he has chemistry with but Hank and other Connors. I would also prefer the RK Series to see each other as siblings but it’s not a requirement.
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mewgagotoku · 6 years
Tags/Verses Masterpost!
Figured I should probably make one of these to keep track.
Yakuza-series independent RP blog; open and welcoming to AU, multi-fandom and OCs.  Expect canon-typical violence and dark metaphor; NSFW/explicit content will always be tagged. [THIS POST IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, EXPECT UPDATES ~ posting it now before it gets any longer...]
Robz, 21+; RPed for a long damn time; friendly, but shy.  I write, draw and sing - or at least make motions to that effect. 日本語で書いてことできるんだけど恥ずかしいから英語のほうがいいんです。よろしくお願いします。Interests include: music, video games, horror.  Ask for my Discord ID, and lets plot shenanigans!
Tumblr media
[Majima Goro] [Goromi] 真島吾朗 ~ The Mad Dog of Shimano/The Lord of the Night; Sharp as a blade and stabby to boot, Majima is a yakuza through and through - unpredictable, violent and just a bit smarter than he lets on.
[Makimura Makoto] マキムラマコト ~ Not All Who Wander Are Lost; A young woman caught up in a world of darkness she could never hope to fully understand.  Makoto is determined and independent, and perhaps just a little reckless. (Somewhat canon-divergent after Yakuza 0 - rather than returning to Hogushi Kaikan, Makoto instead begins working with charities focused on helping human trafficking victims and other vulnerable members of society. She won’t sit around and wait for a hero any longer, instead, she wants to become her own.)
[Oda Jun] 尾田純 ~ Tachibana Real Estate’s Lap Dog; Unrepentant and proud, Oda knows his place in the world because he carved it for himself.  He won’t let anybody stand in his way.
[Dojima Daigo] - Testing~
[Hana] 菊川花~ Sky Finance’s Backbone; Hana sometimes wonders why she bothers coming to work in the morning, but it’s a good job she always does.
[Akamine Tenji]  赤嶺典二「天使」~ OC; a host originally from Gifu who has no idea what he’s about to get himself into. Polite, gregarious and kind, his sweetness hides an ambition for greatness that he will pursue to the end of the earth. (FC: Mizushima Hiro) Tenji now has his own blog over at @hachidorinoko​​ with both Yakuza and Persona 5 verses!
[Hayashi Bara] 林薔薇 ~ OC; daughter of Hayashi Hiroshi, Bara is something of a tearaway punk trying to find her place in the world. Rude and obnoxious, she is in truth as vulnerable as she appears, though she’ll go to any lengths to hide that. (FC: Tsuchiya Anna) Bara now has her own blog over at @splinteredthorn !
[Futaba Sakura] 佐倉双葉 ~ Persona 5. Not active on this blog, but she has her own sub-blog at @hikikohacker
Hit me up, who knows what’s next.........
Setting these up as I go along, so forgive me if they’re a bit lax...
DBAA ~ Don’t Be An Asshole; plain and simple!
No minors, please; I keep my NSFW stuff tagged, so it can be avoided if you’d rather not read it, but I will not generally place it under cuts and nor do I wish to feel as if I should.  Absolutely no smut with minors, no exceptions.
We don’t have to be mutuals to interact! We don’t even have to be from the same series/universe/whatever.  If you wanna RP, just hit me up and we’ll figure something out!
If you’re not sure about something, ASK ME! I don’t bite, and I certainly don’t want to cause confusion or frustration with anything I’ve written.  You can message me through tumblr, or ask for my Discord so we can talk things through.
I WRITE A LOT -- I like big paragraphs and I cannot lie... don’t feel like you have to keep up with me! I’d prefer a reply which is short and to the point than to feel like you’re stressing over matching my waffle.
I may unfollow RP blogs which post a lot of OOC/irrelevant content. This doesn’t mean I don’t like you or don’t want to RP with you, it just clogs up my dash and I don’t really like it. Drop me a message if you have any questions, but I can guarantee it’s nothing against you personally! Your blog, your rules -- you do you!
VERSES (in no particular order)
ALLEGORY (verse) - Oda/Tachibana; set shortly before and during Yakuza 0 (iloveoda-san)
[Colder Heavens] - In which the heating in the penthouse gives up the ghost during a snowfall. [NSFW]
[Bad Dog] - Unaware of his surroundings, Oda disrupts a very important meeting. [NSFW]
[Lacryma Christi] [2] - Oda unwittingly catches Tachibana in a vulnerable moment.
[imagining noises] [2] -~ During Tachibana’s forced exile, Oda finds himself alone and invisible.
DOG TEETH  (verse)  Kiryu/Majima; various. (fourthchairman)
[uroboros] [2] (the snake which bites its own tail) - Majima has been trying to wrench Kiryu and Makoto apart for too long - Kiryu has finally had enough. [NSFW]
[Love on the Brain] [2] ~ Majima/Kiryu - Absence makes the heart grow fonder... and more obscene. [NSFW] 
[All I Want Is You] [2] - WHOOPS. Majima makes the kind of mistake he can’t just sweep under the rug.
[Road Trip] [2] - Following on from All I Want Is You, Kiryu and Majima take a road trip down toward Okinawa... [NSFW]
A PALACE FROM RUIN (verse) - Nishikiyama and Makoto; post Yakuza 0 (iheartkiryu)
[Blossoms] [2] - Looking for flowers to brighten up her apartment, Makoto runs into an acquaintance, and finds an unexpected new friend.
[Debts Unpaid] [2] - Hunting after the one-eyed man whose name she knows not, Makoto falls afoul of the Shimano Family who don’t take kindly to curiosity.
[Hare Among Foxes] [2] - Determined to save other vulnerable girls from her own cruel fate, Makoto sets out to take on the underworld.  Caught in a little white lie, she runs into an unexpected obstacle.
[Confessions] - Nishikiyama meets with Majima on Makoto’s behalf to arrange a meeting between the two of them.
[Antidote to Heartache] - Deciding to get out of the city for a bit, Makoto and Nishikiyama take a drive out to Sunshine Orphanage.
AFTER THE RAIN (verse) - Majima/Nishikiyama; Post Yakuza 1 AU. (fishikiyama)
[IDGAF] (In Despair, Grief, And Fury) - Six months in hospital have changed more than just Nishiki’s appearance.   Still hurting from being left behind, Majima rises to the occasion.
[序盤] (joban; opener e,g in Shogi or Go) - Fortunately for Nishiki, banging a shogi board is complicated. [NSFW]
POETRY AND DEATH (verse) - Oda and Tachibana; set during the two years before Y0 (iloveoda-san)
[Poetry and Death] [2] - After a fight with a rival gang, Tachibana is shot, and Oda must fight to keep him alive.
[Marble] [2] ~ An intimate, drunken decision. [NSFW]
[Let it Burn] ~ Oda finds himself trapped inside a residential building when the Cornflowers decide to pre-rempt some revenge against his crew.
YOU KNOW BETTER (verse) Majima/Makoto; Post Yakuza 0 (italian-love-cake)
[Switches Never Flicked] - Majima and Makoto ~ A fire on Pink Street lands Makoto in unknown peril.
[Don’t Feed It, It Will Come Back] - Majima/Makoto ~ Despite his better judgement, Majima can’t bear to leave Makoto alone.
[Tastes Like Chicken] - Majima/Makoto ~ Majima meets Makoto after work to take her on a date.
WHISKY AND GIN (verse) - Majima/Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Pushing Buttons] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Eatin’ some sushi, downin’ some drinks, smashin’ some faces... the usual. [NSFW content]
[Soaked] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Majima and Nishitani raid a group of loan sharks who have been preying on hostesses. Guns are dangerous. [NSFW content] [tw: drugs]
[Penance] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Alternate ending for Soaked. The tongues of dead men sing songs. [NSFW content] [tw: drugs]
[Smokin’] [2] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Where’ve you been all my life? Or at least for the last week. [NSFW]
[Foam Party!!!] ~ Majima/Nishitani - Do not leave Majima unattended anywhere ever, under any circumstances.
[Promises] - Majima/Nishitani ~ What’s that?! A wedding proposal?! [NSFW content]
[Boa Constrictor] - Goromi/Nishitani ~ Be careful what you wish for... [NSFW]
[MyMail] - After a New Years Day spent winding one another up via text, Majima comes home to find Nishitani has made some very particular plans for their time... [NSFW]
[Amour] - Nishitani has commissioned a very special gift for Majima. Would be a shame not to make use of it. [NSFW content]
[Puppy Love] - It’s Valentines Day, and the only logical gift for the man who has everything is... a puppy??
[Til Death Do Us Part] - Nishitani gets some bad news from the hospital. They’ve clawed their way through everything so far, but could this finally tear them apart?
JUNIPER AND VANILLA (verse) - Majima/Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Anniversary of a Dead Man] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Nishitani struggles with a debt he can’t ever repay.
[Guilty Party] - Majima/Nishitani ~ When Nishitani calls him away from work, Majima understands that this is more than just a social call. [tw: suicide mentions]
[Demon Days] - Majima/Nishitani ~ After Nishitani’s death, he’s the last person Majima expects to bump into. [tw: suicide mentions]
[Modern Leper] - Some twenty-five or thirty years after Nishitani’s death, Majima wakes in the night to the unmistakable feeling that he and Saejima aren’t alone. [tw: suicide mentions]
SHE’S A MYSTERY (verse) - Majima and Owl Eyes O’Malley; various (rileysroleplayreservoir)
[睡蓮花] [2] (suirenka; water lily) - Majima and Owl Eyes O’Malley; set somewhere between 1995-2005.
[危険な水] (kikenna mizu; dangerous water) - Majima and Owl Eyes O’Malley; While searching for a golden macguffin - in this case, a watch - Majima find some interesting flotsam around the concrete edges of Tokyo Bay,
[Angry Birds] - Swooping in to pull Riley out of a fight he believes she can’t handle, Majima learns a thing or two.
[Hungry Eyes] - Fortunately for the Majima family, Riley is on hand to feed their boss before he eats them.
[Hellooo Nurse] - Halloween costume shopping.
[Smores] - Settin’ fires and eatin’ candy.
[Shoulder Rubs] - “My back’s always kinky, how about yours?”
[Petals] - Riley runs into a rather concussed Goromi. Like always, trouble sticks to the two of them like a magnet.
[Bellyaching and Babysitting] - With a broken wrist, Majima is more snappy than ever.
[Call of the Cicada] - When a former detective goes feral, somehow it falls to Majima and Riley to figure out what the hell went wrong.
[One Thought Too Many] - Too much to drink and too much to say about it.
UNCLE STABBY (verse) ~ Majima and Haruka; various (0tometal)
[Pumpkins] - Two kids (one significantly older) carving pumpkins for Halloween while Kiryu is away.
[Bonito] - Majima and Haruka ~ If uncle Majima knew anything about cooking, he’d be dangerous.  He’s dangerous enough anyway.
[Jingle Bells] - Majima enlists Haruka’s help to decorate an enormous Christmas Tree at Kamurocho Hills
[Games Night] - Looking after Haruka for a night, Majima can’t seem to understand the appeal of Katamari Damacy when he can’t find the button to punch the King of all Cosmos in his huge grey face.
[Only Revolutions] - TBA
THE TRUE FOURTH CHAIRMAN (verse) ~ 2018; AU in which Kiryu retains the mantle of the Fourth Chairman (fourthchairman)
[In Clover] - Kiryu/Tenji; Fourth Chairman AU ~ When Tenji is at the very end of his luck, a chance meeting with the Tojo Clan’s legendary Fourth Chairman stands to change his life forever.
[The Jealous Boy] - Kiryu/Tenji ~ Try as he might, Tenji just can’t help being jealous of the men to whom Kiryu so generously gifts his time.
NO MAN IS AN ISLAND (verse) ~ Majima and Saejima (eighteencounts)
[Never Forgotten] - (post-Y4) The two blood brothers try to find footing with one another after twenty-five years apart.
[It Ain't on the Surface] - Majima/Saejima - Majima plans a date night at the top of Kamurocho Hills.
[Garnet] - When Majima is jumped and badly injured, there’s only one safe place he can go.
WALK TALL (verse) ~ Majima/Nishitani (trans) (dreamoffuchsia)
[Secret] - Nishitani has a secret that Majima is about to find out... will it change them forever? [NSFW content]
[Yes Sir] - Hard at work in the Majima Family offices... or not. [NSFW]
[Shameless] - Majima brings Nishitani and Saejima together in the bedroom. Best. Birthday. Ever. [NSFW]
TWO WRONGS MAKE A FIGHT (verse) - Majima/Kiryu; so many years unrequited, and Majima can’t take a minute longer. (fourthchairman)
[Drunk In Love] - Majima slips a little something into Kiryu’s drink to finally take what he’s wanted all these years... [NSFW] [tw: dub con]
[The Abduction] - Kiryu’s revenge. [NSFW] [tw:dub con]
SHE BRINGS THE MORNING SUN (verse) - Majima and Yuki (vineqar)
[Dondondondondonki] [2] - Majima and Yuki; Yakuza 0.  Something very strange is going on in Club Sunshine, and it’s up to the dynamic duo to resolve it before opening - or tear each other apart in the process.
[Lose the Light] - Majima and Yuki; Yakuza 0 ~ Though seemingly unrelated, when Youda goes missing, Majima finds the weight of the world closing in around him.
[Sotenbori’s Finest Fashions] - Majima and Yuki; Yakuza 0 ~ tba
SNAKE’S NEST (verse) - Goromi and Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Rattlesnake] - Goromi/Nishitani - Goromi is an A-List Queen strutting her stuff in the underground of Sotenbori.  Is the Viper Vixen about to meet her match? [NSFW content]
[Cobra Queen] - Goromi/Nishitani - TBA [NSFW content]
FRIENDS WITH FINANCIAL BENEFITS (verse) - Majima and Akiyama; post Yakuza 4 (criminaldelights)
[Ninety-Nine Bottles of Gold Label] Majima and Akiyama ~ Drunk as a skunk, having lost his wallet somewhere along the way, Majima hopes to get a bit of help from a friend with a bit more liquid capital.
[Bad Parenting] - Majima finds an abandoned puppy and tries to give it to Hana to look after.
[爆発] (bakuhatsu; explosion) - Majima and Akiyama; While Majima is showing Akiyama around Kamurocho Hills, an explosion threatens both of their lives.
[Mad Dog Allergy] - Majima and Akiyama
[Clingy] - Majima/Akiyama ~ Majima doesn't want Akiyama to go.
[NSFW-ish] - Majima/Akiyama
[Fugitive Motel] - Majima/Akiyama [NSFW]
[Endangered Mousse] - Majima and Akiyama
THERE IN A HEARTBEAT (verse) - Makoto and Majima; post Yakuza 0 (criminaldelights)
[Laurel Wreath] Majima/Makoto ~ Almost a year after the events surrounding the Empty Lot, Majima sets out to find Makoto and see her one last time.
[Lady and the Tramp] - Makoto/Majima ~ Majima attempts to buy Makoto a puppy to keep her company. Trouble is, they're all too cute...
[Linked] - Makoto/Majima - Majima's last day in Sotenbori with Makoto.
??? (verse) - Majima and Saejima; various. (criminaldelights)
[Lord of the Cats] - Saejima smuggles a kitten into a restaurant.
[Absolution] - Guilt, blame and forgiveness cannot be extricated from one another.
[Mad Pup and Bear Cub] (pre Y0 verse) Majima makes an important confession.. and then tries to act like he didn't.
PLAY NICE (verse) - Goromi and Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Well-Mannered] - Nishitani has been visiting Goromi for a while now at Sagawa’s request.  Despite their initial nerves around one another, the two are beginning to form a connection.
NOTICE ME, SENSEI (verse) - Majima and Saejima; Elementary School Teacher AU
[Dirty Deeds] - TBA
[City Lights] ~ Kiryu and Makoto; post Yakuza 0.
[大理石龍] [2] (dairisekiryuu; marble dragon) ~ Kiryu/Makoto.  An intimate moment. [NSFW]
[弱虫毛虫] [2] (yowamushi kemushi; cowardly caterpillar) - Nishikiyama and Majima; Yakuza Kiwami ~ In the process of recruiting, Majima falls afoul of the Nishikiyama family.
[What if...?] [2] ~ Tachibana and Makoto;  Post Yakuza 0 AU ~ What if things had turned out differently...? [here be spoilers]
[Takoyaki] [2] ~ Majima and Makoto; Yakuza 0 ~ During Makoto’s stay in Odyssey’s warehouse..
[Billion Yen Opportunity] [2] ~ Majima and Ammy Highwind; Yakuza 0 ~ A real estate agent approaches Majima while the world falls to pieces around him.  She seeks only one thing... [here be spoilers]
[King Among Fools] - Majima and Tamaki [Ouran HC]; Yakuza Kiwami ~ Majima is out to stir some trouble, and rescues a young host with such conviction, he doesn’t need rescue at all.
[石橋の仕掛け] [2] (Ishibashi no shikake; Ishibashi’s Gambit) - Majima and Tamotsu ~ Majima is given the task of delivering some documents to an unknown contact - it becomes quickly apparent that there is more to this than meets the eye.
[Beat It] [2] - Tachibana and Oda; pre Yakuza 0 AU ~ There is not a more feared officer on the beat than Tachibana...
[Skymail] [2] - drunk texts(?) from yakooziez
[Stray] - Majima/Makoto; post Yakuza 0 ~ Handing out leaflets for an animal shelter in Kamurocho, Makoto catches sight of the man she’s been searching for all this time.
[Silver and Gold] - Majima/Kiryu; Yakuza 0 ~ A Masquerade ball at The Grand
[Little Lost Rabbit] - Tachibana and Makoto, pre Yakuza 0; 6-year-old Makoto learns to deal (or not deal) with some school bullies.
[Rude Awakening] - Majima and Nishikiyama; After the supposed suicide of an important businessman, Majima grabs Nishiki to find his missing daughter, Aiko.
[Night and Day] - Makoto and Majima; Yakuza 0 ~ Whilst hiding out in a warehouse in Sotenbori, Makoto and Majima’s hiding place is stumbled upon by some unwelcome visitors.
[Vogue] - Makoto and Majima; post-Yakuza 0 ~ The girls head to an onsen to relax and find some time to chat and be themselves.
[Thorns] - Hayashi and Nishitani; Dead Souls ~ Realising her father is trapped inside the quarantine zone, Bara will stop at nothing to get inside and try to save him.
[Ten by Ten] Majima and Kiryu; Kiwami ~ Majima is far too proud of his increasingly honed ability to goad Kiryu into a fight, no matter the cost to his bones.
[Wake] Majima and Daigo ~ Attending a funeral for Mosugi of Yokohama’s Yamanobu Family, Majima uncovers hints of a plot.
[Secure] Makoto and Kiryu ~ TBA
[Emergency Contact] Majima and Tamotsu - TBA
[おしりかじり虫] (oshirikajiri mushi; bottom-biting bug) - In which Majiima is definitely not jealous of Daigo’s new friend.
[Break a Leg] - Majima and Shinada ~ Majima is tasked with keeping an eye on an injured Shinada while he recovers.
[Favours] - Majima/Daigo ~ A stolen kiss to save the chairman from a terribly dull fate.
[Asphyxiating Artist] - Majima and Tamotsu ~ Majima finds a rather handsome sketch of himself on the floor after a meeting. Somebody’s in trouble...
[Delayed Reaction] - Majima and Tamotsu ~ When a street fight goes wrong, Majima ends up more injured than he would care to admit.
[Last Wishes] Majima/Akiyama ~ Majima knows he hasn’t much longer left to live, but he has an important message to pass on, and Akiyama is the only person he can trust to do so.
[With All Your Faults And All] Majima and Makoto ~ Odyssey’s warehouse, an open door where secrets hinge.
[裏玉ご注意ほう!] (uratama gochuuihou; watch out for balls) Majima and Nishida - The tragic demise of one very greedy raccoon.
[How To Train A Hostess] - Majima and Sagawa ~ TBA
[Short Leash] - Majima and Nishida ~ TBA
[Clever Girl] - TBA
[iloveoda-san] Tachibana Tetsu @iloveoda-san
[majimaoneeyedfool] Majima Goro @majimaoneeyedfool
[fishikiyama] Nishikiyama Akira @fishikiyama
[fourthchairman] Kiryu Kazuma @fourthchairman
[iheartkiryu] Nishikiyama Akira @iheartkiryu
[vineqar] Yuki (Hostess) @vineqar
[yakuzaoflove] [kingofkamuro] Tamotsu Shimizu/Mamoru Azumi @kingofkamuro
[ammy-highwind] Ammy Highwind @ammy-highwind
[justsomedaddythings] Suoh Tamaki @justsomedaddythings
[rileysroleplayreservoir] Riley “Owl Eyes” O’Malley @rileysroleplayreservoir
[italian-love-cake] Makimura Makoto @italian-love-cake
[mmajimagoro] Majima Goro @mmajimagoro
[0tometal] Sawamura Haruka @0tometal
[dreamoffuchsia] Nishitani Homare @dreamoffuchsia
[snxkehips] Majima Goroko (genderswap) @snxkehips
[eighteencounts] Saejima Taiga @eighteencounts
[draconic-fury] Kiryu Kazuma @draconic-fury
[okunokanosei] / [criminaldelights] Akiyama Shun @criminaldelights
[criminaldelights] Majima Goro
[brassbounded] Dojima Daigo @brassbounded
[dxjima] [dojima-ryuu] Dojima Daigo @dxjima
[shofukucho] Makimura Makoto @shofukucho
[nishidawho] Nishida @nishidawho
[sagawawho] Sagawa Tsukasa @sagawawho
[open rp] (archive)
[wishlist] - a list of scenarios and AUs that I would love to RP in!
[ooc] (archive)
[inbox call]
[art] (archive)
[my art] (archive)
[meme] (archive)
[ask] (archive)
[nsfw] [bdsm] ~ filter these tags if you’d rather not see it! All explicit content should be tagged under this; please let me know if I’ve missed anything.
Trigger warnings: [tw: death] [tw: knifeplay] [tw: dub con] [tw: drugs] [tw: suicide mention]
Asks are always open!! Drop me a line with a question, a message, a plot, a prompt, a starter -- everything is welcome!
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cxgan · 6 years
Nicotine anon here - what got you into kink? I'm curious!!
Buckle up this is quite the story. I’m actually going to put this under a read more because it got much longer than I originally intended for it to be. 
So up until about 3 months ago (long story) roleplaying was my primary form of writing. I’d been rping for roughly…. 14 years. Well I have a penchant for rping like, what is known as #dirtybadwrong because I enjoy the darker side of life. 
Well once upon a time (when I was like, 16) I created this roleplay on tumblr that was basically Marvel’s Sky High only it was set in college and blah blah blah. I had an unrealistic amount of characters because I had no self control and too much muse and one of those characters had a mAGICAL DADDY KINK out of no where. Honestly I have no idea where it came from. I was like, 17 years old and my muse was like ‘it’d be hot for my partner to call me daddy’ and I was like ‘ok thats weird but w/e I’ll roll with it’ and that’s all it ever was was just like, a daddy kink. I mean, I feel like I always had a daddy kink personally I just never knew it was called a daddy kink nor did I ever think of calling my partner daddy because I was a fucking infant. But like, when I was 12-13 years old my biggest celebrity crushes were JDM, Patrick Dempsey, Alan Rickman and Hugh Laurie. I mean…. that should be evidence enough. (Also sidenote: I’ve been obsessed with JDM for almost 12 years someone needs to like, call the cops on me or something.) 
FAST FORWARD to when I was 18, I created this modern day The Hobbit mafia roleplay (hence my nickname Bilbro Swaggins) and it was literally like, my child. I spent two months making bios and creating characters and setting the plot and figuring everything out and when it finally opened I was fucking elated. Well, my main writing partner at the time and I picked up these two characters who could not have been more polar opposite to each other and decided to figure out how they could end up together.
LONG LONG story short and to save you the grief of having to listen to me for ten years and to save you from having to read about all of the #dirtybadwrong I wrote about (if you’re honestly that curious I will gladly tell you some other time probably under a read more because it’s that bad), the two characters basically wound up in like a stockholm syndrome-type relationship that was…. god awfully unhealthy. It was so unhealthy. It was literally like to this day one of the most unhealthy relationships I have ever rped. But we fucking ate that shit up. 
NOW you’re probably thinking at this point in the story, ‘Kaden, I asked you about how you got into kink. I don’t care about your past rp experiences.’ but just…. bear with me here. Amidst this horrible unhealthy relationship we were rping one of the biggest parts of said relationship was that it somehow turned into a kink dynamic. Specifically a DD/lb (Daddy Dom/little boy) one. And now, if you don’t know what that is it’s basically like a daddy kink on crack. I’m not going to go into the logistics of all of the different types of DD/lb/lg relationships because there are honestly so many different types it’s alarming BUT in our case the little boy was basically regressed to a much younger age mentally and the Daddy Dom took care of him. I mean that’s the most basic way to put it without telling you about all of the nasty, horrible, wrong, immoral details. 
Let’s just say that the other people in the roleplay hated our ship so much that they literally stole all of my characters and my plot and created different blogs just so they could get away from us. Lmao. It was that legit. 
BUT I had been doing some RESEARCH (ah yes the biggest excuse for the Writer) because I wanted to learn more about this DD/lb dynamic thing and while I was roleplaying a very unhealthy relationship at the time I also started to learn about the more… healthy ways to go about the kink. And it was fuckin’ interesting. Suddenly I was immersed in knowledge of what kink was and how to go about it and how there were so many fucking different kinks out there. 
So after the mafia roleplay went sour my main writing partner and I created a kink roleplay! I had no idea what I was doing but I was determined to like, do it correctly. So I did a bunch of research on the kink community and opened this roleplay that was so contrast to your every day Master/slave tumblr rp that just went about it in the worst kinds of ways. I was like NO I’M DOING THIS IN A HEALTHY WAY I’M DOING IT RIGHT I’M MAKING SURE THIS IS BY THE BOOK CORRECT so I had to do a lot of research on the kink community and what dynamics, scenes, aftercare, negotiations, etc was really about. And I just became enraptured by it all. It was fascinating to me that these relationships and dynamics - while doing some of the most fucked up shit you could ever imagine - were some of the healthiest relationships I had ever seen. 
I picked up characters that had kinks that would later become some of my biggest kinks to date and I feel like that was like, dipping my toes in the metaphorical waters of what kink was. 
I’m sure it’s another story for another time but basically then in my personal life I toyed with different roles and was in a few relationships that explored kink WAYYY before I actually finally nutted up and joined my own kink community. 
But I gotta hand it to my rp characters, man. If not for them being into some fucked up shit and forcing me to research it I probably would have never wound up where I am today.
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daemon-knight · 6 years
Allen’s Rambling: Amazing Person Award
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛
So... I got this message from Aster awhile ago, and after (more or less) surviving the blunt of some scheduling issues at work I finally have some time to do this little chain letter. Of course, me being me, I figured instead of sending these out to people I’d make a Rambling out of it. Consider this a promo in a way, I feel it’s better to publicly let these people know how I feel than just send a chain letter. 
Now, I didn’t have eight people to tag since... well, I’m a picky little bastard and all when it comes to who I write with, but yeah, let’s get started Allen’s Amazing Person Award/People Your Should Follow List... thing.
So I gotta’ start with the one that gave me the message in the first place, Aster. I have a lot of fun RPing with them. I’ll be honest, I was raising my eye at first when I first followed them since Alien OC blogs were real big at the time, but I’m impressed by not only how faithful they’ve stayed with their world and characters, but make them so enjoyable to both write with and read. I’m honestly surprised by the amount of thought Aster puts into developing Syn’s world, background, powers, and character development. I have no idea how they do it. I’m attempting to do world-building stuff in two stories I’m writing and it’s a pain for me to think up certain things. Aster has a talent for that sort of thing that I don’t possess. 
And Syn’s a fun character to both interact with and read. We decided to make them rivals as a pre-established relationship thing and I’m so glad we did. It’s not everyday your greatest rival/crush is an alien from a far off galaxy. And they play a decent Reimu too. While I personally doubt I’ll go back to the Touhou RPC for personal reasons, I wouldn’t mind being Sanae back just to interact with Aster’s Reimu.
Oh, but fair warning before following Aster, they like spinach as a pizza topping. Yes, that is disgusting, but if you can get over their OBVIOUSLY INCORRECT preference of pizza toppings, then give this guy a follow.
If you were to ask me which my favorite character relationship between all the people Claudia has interacted with was, I’d say Rei’s Nero without a second thought. I love the fact that Claudia actually has a mortal enemy she hates and I’m so thankful to Rei for giving me the dynamic of demon knight and holy woman I’ve wanted. Real talk, I love writing conflict and dramatic encounters, and Nero guarantees that. Claudia might hate Nero with a blinding passion, but I love it when these two cross each other. It really let’s me play up the demon part of Claudia’s moniker. Nero’s probably the only person Claudia will cuss out without a second thought and I can’t get enough of it. Maybe Allen’s a masochist or something?
Also, out of curiosity, I did try my hand at Corruption of Champions a few months back to see what it was about and get an idea of the world Nero came from, and... Lord... 
Oh Dear Lord...
Tumblr media
Oh Dear Lord Almighty in Heaven Above, that is a GAME right there. 
Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea, that’s a +18 game if I’ve ever played one. How the hell Nero kept her virginity in that world I’ll never know, nor do I want to. Yeah, Rei wasn’t kidding when they said that was a NSFW game. That... that was a new experience right there. I’ve been tempted to give Fallen London a peek too, but... C of C has kind of made me wary now. Rei, how you finished that game I will never know...
I honestly wish I knew Vick in real life, I really do. I think we could drink cola together in a soda bar somewhere on the countryside and probably have heavy discussions about writing and whatnot. While I’m not as vocal as they is, we do share a lot of opinions in terms of how RPing is done on tumblr. One of these days I’m gonna’ have to really pick their brain about a few things in terms of RPing and writing just to see how our thoughts align and differ. 
And Hanako, man. Vick put in research I wish I put into my Japanese-esque characters back when I was RPing them. Seriously, this guy makes me wish I kept Amber as Kohaku and just bucked up and did my research on Japanese stuff. Honestly makes me want to redo my old Rambling on ethnicity. Admittedly, I know Vick more from my interactions with my delinquent character than Clauds here, but I recommend them all the same.
You’d think given my hate-boner for OP characters and general bitching about power levels I’d hate writing with a character that was essential a universe-destroying witch. Well... I don’t blame you all for thinking such, but Jeanne is probably the one exception I’ll make, and maybe the only one too. I can’t really explain it myself, I just like how entertaining she is as a character. The charisma, the arrogance, it’s all good stuff to me. Taking an ‘all powerful airhead’ approach to an intimidating character isn’t knew, but it really works for Jeanne. 
Admittedly, I haven’t RPed enough with Jeanne-mun for any real plot or conflict to happen, but I’m looking forward to plotting something. Maybe bringing back Titty War for real this time? Who knows, only time will tell.
Man, Chaser, it was a blast from the goddamn past seeing you on my dash again. When Aster gave that promo and I saw you’re blog I HAD to see how things were going. Haven’t seen you since I left the Falcon Knights blog. 
Ah, but old partners aside, Chaser is probably one of the few people to actually intimidate me as a writer. Okay, intimidate isn’t the right word. Chaser makes me... question how I portray my characters, as since how seriously I take them. I make it no secret that I don’t tend to take my own (RP) characters too seriously. This is usually because I save the seriousness for when I do actual story-writing, and to keep myself from getting obsessively attach to my characters. 
And... well, Allen is a shounen-obsessed action whore, so... y’know.
But anyway, with Chaser and reading some of their stuff for Yoshi, I... feel like I disrespecting their approach with my own. The thought put into Yoshi and all Chaser’s characters is something I can really feel the heart in, as dark as some of those developments get sometimes. Back when I was still active on the Falcon Knight blog I felt so bad for how serious Yoshi took her relationship with FK while the two members she was closest to didn’t act the same way. It was in character, but it honestly torn me up on the inside a little.
My misgivings aside, Chaser’s a great RPer and recommend all you guys follow them.
I... honestly have nothing in depth to say about Imu-mun. While I’m personally not familiar with Legend of Mana, seeing Imu’s character makes me wanna’ try the game out somehow. 
I think Imu and Claudia have a good dynamic, both warriors of high skill, both favoring a spear, both lesbians. I think Imu’s more abrasive and blunt nature would balance out Claudia’s friendly and polite nature... when she’s not in Demon Knight Mode anyway. And... y’know, another lesbian spear warrior is always welcomed. Allen’s also a yuri fanboy trash after all.
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Anyone willing to do this shit with me is a person that needs to be cherished, loved, and followed. That is all.
And last, but definitely not least, Glyph. Like with Chaser, I feel a bit intimidated by Glyph the same way I do with Chaser... well there’s a bit of a difference. While the heart behind Chaser’s writing intimidates me, the power behind Glyph way of writing Anima honestly makes me hesitate to plot with, despite having a whole AU based around their relationship of knight and empress...
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Wait, calm down folks, Allen ain’t gonna’ bitch about power levels here, honest!
Jokes aside though, I specifically mean Anima’s position of power compared to Claudia’s intimidates me. Glyph’s writing aside, my intimidation here is for more mechanical reasons that just Allen being a shy guy. I researched a good deal about knights a few years ago, but I didn’t get much information on their direct interaction with royalty like Anima, so keeping Clauds in character around her is a bit of a challenge. Now I can obviously just do the research now, but... well, work’s been sucking my life away at the moment and poking as Aster, Rei, and Imu-mun with Claudia’s big spear is a bit easier than poking Glyph. 
Anyway, I enjoy reading a lot of what Anima does, and seeing someone competently write someone of power always interests and impresses me. Go give this one a follow!
I know I’m technically missing one more person, but again, I’m picky with who I interact with, so... I’m a little high and dry in that regard. And... I have to admit, calling you all by your mun names feels really weird. Like, now I know why we use to call people [Muse]-mun a few years back. This feels like I’m being way too casually, and I’m the guy that’s purposely using Allen as an alias.
Anyway, give these lovely people a follow and tell ‘em Allen X sent ya’!
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kusunokihime-a · 7 years
[ Send 💞 to ask Mun their Shipping Properties! They will answer all below ][ @master-and-student || @littlelilypetal (since you sent in a few lol) ][ Accepting ]
What’s your OTP for your Muse?:
     Well, my first ship with Ryū started about five years ago with some friends, where I wrote her with Itachi. I RPed…a LOT with those two friends, so we had a LOT of time to build the ship. Those RPs are actually where the twins came from! So that pairing is very dear to me. Of course, any muse is different, so that ship is something I see separately from anything that happens here. But it’s still something that brings me a lot of happiness to remember, because it was so much fun time spent with my friends n_n
     I’m lucky enough to have a few ships on here, and I honestly adore all of them. So I really can’t pick a favorite, tbh. Even a few of my background characters have a ship or two, which is super neat!
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?:
     Just about anything? My only stipulations are that there can’t be adult x minor ships, and no incest ships. And of course, no smutting with minors. Other than that, I can’t think of anything that I’d exclude!
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?:
     …I’m not really sure I can put my foot down in any way except for adult x minor. Because like…there’s also some squeamish factor where like…as SOON as a character turns 18, yes they’re legal, but it can still be a bit predatory if someone leaps at the chance the moment they are. Because one day ago, they weren’t. So it sorta depends on the dynamic? I dunno if that makes sense ^^;
Are you selective when shipping?:
     Beyond my basic rules, not really? In the end, it’s 100% up to my muses what they feel works, and what doesn’t. If they don’t see your muse in that light, I’m sorry, but I won’t force a ship. It has to work organically. Sure there’s situations like arranged marriage AUs, but that doesn’t mean my character will have feelings for yours. So, in short, I am - or rather, my muses are!
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?:
     …that’s a good question? Tbh I haven’t really RPed nsfw here until VERY recently. I used to RP it with a friend outside Tumblr, but that was literally years ago. I’m majorly out of practice, and tbh I’m not sure I’m very good at it because I’m very ace and sometimes I get squeamish xD But I think once there’s like…foreplay? I’d like to see things under a cut. Because I know there are people who don’t like to see that on their dashes. I’d always rather be safer than sorry when it comes to putting stuff under cuts.
Who are other Muses you ship your Muse with?:
     Oh gosh, let’s see…for Ryū, there’s sort of a ship with @hirasenshi​‘s Rin, in an AU; there’s @rxvensden​ with Sebby; @despairinghxpe​‘s Itachi; @ofascxnsionss​‘s Shieru; and @scxrlctiisms​‘s Nagisa. I also ship Reika (Ryū’s mom) with scxrlctiisms’ Aki, and Fu with Hotaka. Fu also has a ship with @himahimesun​‘s Himawari! Neither Mikoto II nor Reika II have any active ships yet.
     And with my other blogs, I have ships going with Mey, lol -with both Shisui and Kakashi :3
Does one have to ask to ship with you?:
     …I guess? I mean sometimes it just HAPPENS in the RP, but usually muns kinda look at each like, “Do you ship this thing…?” and the other goes “OH YES I thought you’d never ask” lolol. So I mean it can build up, but I think usually it’s a good idea to double check with each other ooc to make sure it’s okay!
How often do you like to ship?:
     Tbh? Any time! As long as things are organic and not forced, I’m down any time! And if we don’t have anything yet, you’re more than welcome to ask :3 I won’t bite! Of course I can’t guarantee my muses will play along, but you’re always welcome to ask n_n
Are you multiship?:
     Yes! Each ship has its own verse…unless muns agree for some tug-of-war, huehue~
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?:
     …somewhere in the middle? Like…I don’t want to be obnoxious xD I ADORE my ships, but I also realize that they can get kinda…overdone? Like if my partner is sick of my rambling about them they just gotta tell me to shut up lol - I don’t want to push something to the point where things get ruined because it’s being talked about too much, know’m’sayin’?
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?:
     …I don’t wanna pick favorites, man! I love all my ships! Besides, I don’t want anyone to feel crummy if I say one over the other - that’s not nice. I love each of them for their own reasons - there’s really not any I prefer over another~
Finally, how does one ship with you?:
     Just…write with me? Like we can discuss things ooc early on if you’d like, but in the end it’s also gotta come down to chemistry. If my muse and I agree to it, then it’s all good! But like I said, in the end, it’s up to my muses. Whatever they’re comfortable with, be it planned out early on, or built up far down the road.
     One quick thing I will note? I’ve written a really long fanfic for Ryū’s backstory, all the way into a long epilogue arc, which was started like…five or six years ago. I wrote it as close to canon as I could, which meant she bumped into canon muses through that. OBVIOUSLY, my own fic writing DOES NOT carry over to other mun’s muses. BUT. It does kinda sorta mean I already know some canon muses Ryū would be down to ship with, IF IT EVER CAME UP. So there are some muses we both know she’d already generally get along with. Given, another mun’s interpretation of those characters might change things, but it does give me an idea as to what I myself could see working right out the gate.
     Jus’sayin’ ;3c
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thenexusofsouls · 4 years
Alright time for Micheal! ⏰ 🚹 (Alright I kinda laughed at this one for him, since you know)🐜 🎁 🍟 💅 Also does it ever bother you when people ask lots of questions? Just don't want to come off as rude with how many I ask or overwhelm you 😄
(You are never bothering me with a lot of questions. I love these things! And it’s especially important for the muses on this blog because, with the exception of Nat in a couple threads with one friend off Tumblr, and Nat and Clint as guest muses in a couple threads on Tumblr, and Veridian in a couple threads off tumblr, I have never rped these muses before and certainly not in great detail. So all of these are fairly new to me and making them my own by fleshing them out and becoming comfortable with them is a lot easier when answering questions like these about them, whether IC or OOC. So thank you for sending these all in!
⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time?
Uhm….. depends. Michael is an ancient being, so his concept of time is definitely different than a human being’s would be with a lifespan of only 100 years max. Also, the goal of most humans is to live long and be happy, and much of what they do is geared towards that. But Michael is immortal (not invincible… he can die, but as long as he continues living he could potentially live forever), and happiness is irrelevant to him. Sure, he’d like to be happy, but that is of little consequence when one is taking orders from God. His purpose is to follow those orders and to be a general in God’s army. That’s all. So he doesn’t have a lot of personal goals or a sense of urgency with regard to time beyond completing his Father’s tasks. Now… if he is given a time-sensitive order, then he will very much be pressing to complete it as fast as he can, but again he doesn’t decide where the urgency lies, God does.
🚹 - How would your muse react to losing their father? How would they cope?
I mean… maybe God in Christian mythology can’t be killed or destroyed, but an angel can still “lose” him. Lucifer, for example, lost his connection to God and the light and warmth of the heavens when he fell from grace. In writing my own fantasy angels not based on Christianity, I still describe the “Fall” as being as devastating emotionally as it is physically.
There’s a closeness with God or whatever fantasy god that an angel is serving that they feel in the heavens and under their employ that is lost when they fall. That feeling of immense distance geographically from their deity causes intense sadness, the physical cold and disorienting sensation of changes in their five senses once they land on earth is frightening, and the loss of the love, warmth, and light of the heavens is demoralizing. It is a lot like grieving a dead loved one or mourning a catastrophic change in lifestyle.
When Michael fell to earth, he fell to a place where it was nighttime, so it was dark, raining, so he got soaked pretty fast, and cold, as indicated by the way he shivered and pulled his clothes tighter around himself. 
🐜 - How does your muse feel about animal lives? Do they treat them the same way they’d treat a person, or do they feel they’re inferior?
So… animals, insects, any other lives besides humans are seen as inferior to humans. Important humans are seen as superior to less important humans (or example, a human he has been charged with protecting would take precedence over others). And the collective, greater good is most important over all… animals, humans, and angels included. In other words, Michael would kill a few to save many, he would sacrifice animals to save humans, and he would make those very difficult decisions on who lives and who dies based on the potential outcome. Whichever path would lead to the least catastrophe, the least loss of life, the least skewing of the balance over to evil… that is what he will do, as dictated by the will of God. Unless he goes rogue, however, heh, in which case he would decide for himself, but he would still follow the collective good model of doing what is best overall and not necessarily what is best for a few individuals.
🎁 - Does your muse celebrate their birthday? If yes, how do they celebrate? If no, why not?
No... because... I don't even think he knows when his birthday is? XD I mean he knows the general year in which he was created but... it’s not really something that he pays attention to in any big way.
🍟 - How does your muse feel about their body? Would they change it if they could?
I mean... I think he prefers to have wings, heh. I dunno Legion was weird in that the angels had these cuffs around their necks like slaves and for some reason Michael had to cut off his wings to sever his subservience to God. I don’t... really... get why that was necessary? Later on when Garbiel comments on how his wings “would have helped you now,” because without them Michael was mortal, Michael responds, “To not feel their burden is a dream.” I really hated that because that is so foreign to just about every concept of any angel anywhere that I have ever seen, heh. Wings aren’t a burden, nor are they a sign of subservience. They’re biological appendages, and usually deeply loved ones. That’s how I write my angels, as loving their wings. If they are injured or lost, it’s an emotional event. So to have Michael discount them so easily was weird for me, and likely something that I would change from the cannot when I write him.
But that little weirdo thing aside... I think he sees his body as a tool, a means to an end. He likes that’ sit’s strong and capable because that's often what he needs it to be. He’s a soldier, so he needs to be strong, fast, able to fight and stay standing for a long time. As long as his body helps him be that and do that, he’s happy with it. I feel like, after falling and becoming mortal (that’s something else I would change, the whole becoming mortal thing, but anyway), he might have been a little annoyed at the weaknesses of a mortal body, essentially lowered stamina, more easily injured, going into shock, more pain, things like that.
💅 - How does your muse feel about gender roles? Do they conform to them, or do they play by their own rules?
Yeah I think Michael conforms to a typical cis-male role, even though he was not “born” in the traditional sense of the word. He recognizes the genders of other angels and of humans. For example, in Legion he puts teenage Audrey in charge of delivering Charlie’s baby, even though there were several other men around. She even comments on it by saying, “Just because I’m a girl does not mean I know how to do this.” So I think Michael not only recognizes genders, but might have some stereotypical ideas about them and the roles that people of certain genders could take.
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