#...dang i just realised i forgot to blur the shading like i wanted to. i don't think it actually matters though?
angsttronautart · 4 months
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they want your ketchup
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nananikki-hey · 7 years
I’m posting this one now cause I forgot how damn long it takes for me to write good stuff ;-; sorry for taking so long. The other one should be done soon-ish.
Also this turned kinda angsty in the beginning cause I was sad when I started this. Much better now though!
Movie Night
The quiet shuffle of slippers against the carpet is the only warning I get before the light is suddenly clicked on and I’m harshly blinded with a groan.
“up.” Sans says gently, but with an edge to his tone that lets me know he isn’t taking no for an answer this time.
Still, I pointedly ignore him, rolling over to stare blankly at the far wall but all the same highly alert of Sans in my peripheral vision. I didn’t want to deal with this, couldn’t deal with this, not today. I silently hoped he’d go away, but if there was anyone that could rival my stubbornness it was Sans.
He shuffles over, hands pushed deep into his coat revealing just how uncomfortable he was feeling with the situation, before he sits down heavily on the bed with his tailbone narrowly missing my knee.
“babe, please…” His voice is strained, he’d obviously had a rough day at work, and my depressed funk probably wasn’t helping any. Still, I didn’t move, didn’t even look at him. “you’ve barely been outta bed all week…you gotta get up, at least eat something? paps’ even wanted to make you special ‘get well’ oatmeal, and you know he doesn’t make that for just anybody. undyne says she wants to go out later too, apparently you haven’t been returning her texts…”
My eyes flicker over to my dead phone, where it had been sitting lifeless for a few days. It’d died after a solid day of Undyne’s constant messaging and I just hadn’t had the will power to reach over and put it on charge. I suddenly feel Sans gingerly tuck some hair out of my face and behind my ear before he runs his phalanges through the rest of it, getting snagged a few times and making me flinch.
“look at that…gotta brush that rat’s nest of yours…” he pauses to untangle his fingers when he gets stuck on a particularly bad knot. “knot that that’s any of my business…”
My lips quirk automatically at the pun, narrowing my eyes at the suddenly very smug looking skeleton.
Sans gives a wheezy, teasing chuckle as he stands, rocking on his heels. “oh would you look at that. you’re smilin’! heh, i think that’s a new record.” His smile stretches wider when I sit up with a sigh, smiling despite myself. “oh and she’s getting up, real miracle if i say so myself-“
I swat at him, unable to stop myself from giggling as he waggles his brow bones at me. “Argh, shut up….”
Sans’ grins softens and he pats my back, gently guiding me up onto my feet before leading me out of the room and downstairs. “atta girl…”
Once we’re downstairs I immediately sink into the couch while Sans shuffled off into the kitchen.
I sighed and let my head fall back against the couch, basking in the cool, fresh air with a sigh. It had been getting kind of stuffy in there, and I hadn’t really showered in a week. At that realisation I was suddenly able to smell just how musty I smelt and my face reflexively scrunched up in horror, but just as I was about to get up to have a shower Sans plopped down next to me with a sigh.
Sans set his feet up on the coffee table with a ‘clack’ as he handed me a bowl of warm, steaming oatmeal. I smiled down at it when a saw the small little dinosaurs in it before gingerly picking up a spoonful and blowing on it to cool it down, but as I went to take a bite my stomach churned uncomfortably and I hastily put the bowl down on the table with a frown.
“I’m sorry, I cant-“
“no, it’s okay. Sans cut me of quickly but gently. “i get it…it’s just one of them days. you don’t have to apologise, take you’re time. hell, just you coming down here is enough for me.”
He settled back into the couch and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, trying so hard to be casual about all this, before he hastily changed the topic. “so…you wanna watch a movie or somethin’? paps’ brought a whole bunch the other day, haven’t had a chance to check any out myself.”
As he spoke, Sans lifted his hand and used his magic to pull a bunch of DVDs from the TV stand and float them into my lap, chuckling and the look I sent him for not just letting me get them. I ended up chuckling myself once I saw some of the movies Papyrus had picked out, full of sudden glee.
There was The Incredibles, Moana, The Lion King (the boys were so going to cry at that one) Nightmare Before Christmas and Monsters Inc. Papyrus had definitely looked up what some of the more popular animated movies were.
“see one you like?” Sans looked at them over my shoulder, raising a brow bone at the last two movies.
I grinned, pulling Monsters Inc from the pile, handing it to Sans before putting the rest of the DVDs on the coffee table. He gave me a look when he saw the cover but sat back and used his magic to put the movie on anyway.
“Oh trust me, you’ll love it. I grew up with is movie as a kid, it was one of my favourites” I leaned into his side, snuggling into his plush jacket with a grin.
As soon as the opening credits started I was giggling madly, feeling incredibly giddy and nostalgic. I hadn’t seen this movie in years, and I was sure Sans was going to absolutely love it. Speaking of the skeleton, I could see him giving me a wide, curious grin out of the corner of my eye, which made me giggle harder.
Once the credits were over and he was paying attention I sat back and watched Sans with a smile, practically bouncing in my seat with excitement. Of course he had been a bit sceptical and uncomfortable at first, but as soon as the beginning monster had made an absolutely fool of himself and we were both roaring with laughter, I knew he was definitely going to love it.
By the time the movie was over, Sans had absolutely fallen in love with Boo and Sulley’s relationship, grinning so wide at their reunion that it was like his face was going to split in half.
Sans pulled me into his side as the credits rolled. “so you watched this as a kid, huh? is this why you were so chill with monsters?”
I shrugged and yawned loudly, ending credits starting to blur as I struggled to keep my eyes open. Sans was suddenly starting to feel a lot more comfy.
“Maybe…” I mumbled, snuggling into his side and pulling the blanket he had gotten me partway through the movie closer. “But hey, you’re were a pretty chill guy when we first met, that helped a lot to be honest…”
“heh…” I could see blue creeping up his cheekbones as he turned his face away in embarrassment, running a hand through my hair. “nah….if anyone was making a cool impression that night it was you. you tired?”
I shrugged in answer, not really wanting to get up off the couching, but also really wanting to just rest my eyes for a bit.
Sans grinned down at me before carefully adjusting our positions so we were laying down with me on top of him, both covered in the blanket “Want another movie?”
I nodded sluggishly and watched as he used his magic to change the movie over to Nightmare Before Christmas, giggling silently at the thought of him seeing the naked skeletons in the movie. I couldn’t wait to see him turn a pretty shade of blue…
I fell asleep before I could.
Dang it.
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