#*chef kiss
tanblaque · 1 year
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sh-0-w-1-sh · 18 days
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Roblox eating sound effect
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rotten-dan · 1 year
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very old sloppy comic i drew because I wanted to draw sibling hugs and it got out of hand ´ `) i like thinkin abt em...
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hakusins · 2 months
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tw // scars, blood, bruises, piercings, cigarettes, a bit of ooc?
man, i love whitney
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strawbellyx3 · 3 months
Their height difference..Sasuke slightly bowing down to reach for Sakura's hand..the way he so gently takes it and slowly lets go, lingering on her fingers for as long as possible before letting go...
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ooowyn · 1 year
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exy-shmexy · 11 months
HC that Kevin has a dedicated time slot to go to the swimming pool not only because it’s a great sport to strengthen his body muscles and to reduce the pain in his wrist but also because it’s the only time where his mind stays quiet and he gets to keep his thoughts quiet. He could do laps upon laps for over an hour and it will leave him both exhausted and stress free for a blissful moment before he has to get back to real life.
Matt noticing Kevin has been eerily quiet for a few days so he asks Kevin if he can come to the swimming pool with him because he knows Kevin will push himself too hard again and could accidentally get injured. Kevin is surprised by the question but he says yes. Cue Matt going with him and realizing swimming DOES feel great so he goes back with Kevin again the following week. While Neil has Kevin’s evenings, Matt suddenly finds himself having two hours at the pool with him on Thursdays and he loves it. They get to talk about random things in the car and the locker room, Matt gets outraged Kevin hasn’t seen a certain movie, Kevin is unimpressed by Matt’s breaststroke. Matt holds Kevin up to it so they hold mini swimming competitions. Funnily enough, that’s how they really start bonding and enjoying each other’s company.
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media-demon · 2 months
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Just a quick AdamsApple sketch ,,, I bet Lucifer is a boobs kinda guy, esp. with Adam's boobs
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mrsthunderkin · 6 months
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I was feeling a bit of Alaros today
And dabbling around with a different brush and a looser sketchy style.
Now if only I could be consistent with him SOB
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navajja · 1 year
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I wanna talk about Ty Lee/Suki so badly!! They ideas are definitely there but studying and work got me posting sketches only. They are girlfriends btw😌💕🌻
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It all comes down to this
Carmy and Syd have much more in common than their passion for food.
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They both grew up without one of their parent figures and regardless of the reason why that happened, the end result was the same for both: an absent parent and having to learn to live with that deep wound at a very young age. Pivotal.
Both had alcoholic parents (this is my educated guess about Mr. Adamu seeing as he drinks soda, the other option is that he doesn't drink alcohol because of religious reasons, which I don't think is the case). Only Emmanuel is a recovered alcoholic and Donna, well... she's Donna. Also pivotal.
The catch/difference is that these factors caused trauma in Carmy, however in Syd's case, since she was raised by a loving parent who has overcome his addiction (probably because of her) she didn't develop a trauma response like Carmy did. She did develop a G-Woman complex though, but that is something I will probably address in a later post because this one is about certain Sydcarmy parallelisms not solely about her.
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They both developed another trait (by compensation) they have in common: A need to take care of other people, thus they both work in the hospitality and service industry. And they both developed a coping mechanism: Creativity. Whether that is through drawings or through coming up with recipes. The culinary arts are all about creativity as well, but not just about that, also about service and about KEEPING THINGS UNDER CONTROL, which is also another thing they have in common, they both want that, chase that. But they act differently when they don't get it and act the same way when they lose it. Aka: Review 1x7.
Their paths meet in more ways than one.
They understand each other and speak the same language. And even though none is a master in communication skills, they can definitely manage to understand each other without using words. Even so, as their relationship evolves, that should change.
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Should be really interesting to see them both overcome their shadow aspects together, through working together and growing together, not just professionally.
If they didn't wanna do that, Braciole 1x8 would have ended differently.
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If they didn't wanna help each other, they wouldn't have said this, because we all know it wasn't easy for them to admit it:
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That's why, as I mentioned here and here, the show is about the FOUND FAMILY concept and about overcoming loneliness. No one achieves the level of growth the main characters have to achieve, alone.
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tiny-feisty-gay · 10 days
man we all know charlie had an emo phase but I really wanna explore the possibility she wasn't always the charlie we see now. she wasn't always gentle or kind or optimistic and all of those things are hard-won after battling the opposite. that maybe at some point, bitterness and anger and spite started eating her alive and she changed for herself first. that her kindness is selfish at its root, that her altruism is self-serving above all else, because if she kept on the same path, there might be nothing else left of her. and at some point it stopped being about her and started to be about others.
and as a bonus? this version of charlie would pair perfectly with a version of vaggie who wasn't always guilt-ridden, who truly believed in her cause. who was lethal and ruthless and loved what she did because she believed and ultimately it was what did her in. who had truly never hesitated before that child, because extermination wasn't just a necessity, it was a game. entertainment.
idk I just. I love their dynamic already so much but the contrast of charlie becoming optimistic for herself vs vaggie developing guilt and shame over others, and both of them finding the harmony between those extremes?
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yannaryartside · 8 months
SydCarmy vs Lucus
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This is a long one. Is about the series's themes on pursuing the arts, and the reasons that this ships work as symbolism for it.
When thinking about the reasons Marcus and Sydney were not going to work out (as far as we can see), I read a comment saying: "they are not on the same level" and the more I thought about it, I realized it not only meant they are not equal in culinary expertise, but they also have different ways to "live" their path in the culinary arts, almost opposite philosophies about it. And all of it is explained in their conversations with their (possible) romantic interest. 
When you enter a path in the arts, any part, at some point, you will have to make decisions about how you are going to transit this path because there are very different ways to live a creative life, to make money out of it, and how feel fulfilled about it. Many people will enter their path with an idea of what success looks like, probably modeled after an artist that you admired, the desire for your art to be recognized as good, or as "the best," or even to disrupt what came before you. Shortly, art philosophy is how you value your path in the arts: What makes it good art? What point of your career is gonna bring you satisfaction? What guides you to it?
They both want to be "the best," their definition of it equals stars, reviews, magazine interviews, and restaurant numbers. The creative impulse is only as valuable as is booming, and a chef is only as good as the size of their kitchen.
They both want exterior recognition and aspire to a big audience, and their satisfaction in their craft depends on that; what makes their unbearable jobs worth it somehow is if "people loved the food." They both have wounds and bonds formed around food and love making people happy with the food, but they have selected a perspective of what "the best" is and is an ambition they run almost blindly to. You can think the burger place on your block has the best food in the world. There are cooks utterly content with that, but the Michelling stars are telling otherwise.
Of course, this is the most tangible way to measure success in arts, the singer with the most loved songs, the book with the most readers. Quality is supposed to be evident by popularity, and they want it, decorated with the prize of succeding in such a competitive industry. They have tried to win the culinary rat race and have regrets about it.
Carmy (motivated by the rejection and abandonment from his brother) worked his ass to unhealthy levels to climb the culinary ladder, living to best everybody around him and run the best restaurant on the planet (which, if we believe his monologue, only took two fucking years). Sydney is presented to us as somebody with equal creative powers, intelligence, and instincts as Carmy, which is particularly obvious in their brainstorming sessions. But she hasn't been offered the same opportunities. Her previous bosses described her as "incredibly talented, impatient, and green." and one friend told her as "always trying to be the best." There is much to say about how her impatience may sabotage her ambitions. Still, it may be because she fears getting stuck, labeled, or never recognized by her talents.
These two have 3 things they prioritize in their art paths:
Creative expression+people love the food
Exterior recognition based on the industry standards (stars and big kitchens)
A rat race (sense of urgency) and your ability to play on it.
What makes your food the "best" is comparing it to everyone else and "winning" in a particular category. 
Not to mention, they are both deeply aware of the logistics and money sides of the restaurant life. It is not like they don't value inspiration, but their ambition is the defining force behind said inspiration. 
Luca was introduced to us as someone who was "trying to keep up with Carmy, who was much better than him," the same way the audience feels Marcus is someone trying to impress and keep up with Syd. Luca knows the culinary world, has traveled, and has a privileged position making high-end desserts (possibly in a place with stars). He is the Carmy to Marcus's Sydney. 
Btw, there are some crazy parallels here too:
Marcus and Sydney have a wound/fear related to their mothers.
Luca and Carmy have strained relationships with their siblings (Luca has a sister he cannot find).
Both Carmy and Sydney got into cooking because of early childhood passion
Marcus and Luca got into it by "chance," discovering a passion that they never expected to love this much or be good at.
Mentor x student relationship.
Back to Marcus and Lucas's perspective of art. Notice how Carmy was trapped in a sense of urgency environment, with many people working for him, in NYC, a chaotic city; while Luca seems to work entirely by himself, in a pretty chill environment, in a rather peaceful city. Luca and Marcus thrive on this environment, which is about thought and delicacy, unlike the "efficient, fast run kitchen" Carmy and Sydney established.
Marcus had no philosophy about his craft because he was barely starting. Still, he adopts Luca's philosophy, which has 3 parts:
You may never be the best. Some artists have to let go of the idea of being "the best." There is a lot to say about this. But I want to express this using an example of the craft that I aspire to get into: writing. A friend once told me that some books are not meant to reach millions because they have a very specific audience, and what makes them good is how "memorable they are." More of it, some artists are never recognized in their times. The industry may not be made for them, or it may be just luck. Limiting the value of art by the industry standard is depriving the world of art that needs to be more exploratory, spontaneous, or just free. 
Since industry validation may not be available to you, instead of "being the best" against others, you can decide, "My only competition is me from yesterday." This perspective is super important because it gives you something to aspire to, ensures your creative growth, and allows reinvention.
It is not about skill but being open to the world, yourself, and other people. It is not about fancy techniques or recognition but about being inspired. 
To Luca and now Marcus, the creative process is as good as is honest, and a chef is as good as the effort he puts into it. The "self-exploration" and the recognition of the people surrounding him allowed Marcus to create his desserts: The Copenhagen sundae, for his ultimate school (and Luca), "Mum's" honey bun, Sidney's donut (the first one in believing in him and when he recognized his dreams), and "The Michael" the one that put him to make bread, and the tribute that needs to be made.
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ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
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if i can't hold you like a lover i won't hold you at all (x)
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nerdalmighty · 2 years
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You broke his legs...
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