#* ⠀ ── ⠀ jude ha ⠀ 、 ⠀ extras ⠀ !
darlingod · 3 months
Cardan in TWK, “As I said before, a lot can happen in a year and a day. Much has happened in half that time.”
One of the things that happened has gottttt to be him referring to falling in love with her
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rebouks · 2 months
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It's extra funny if u imagine the decosims are real n' the kids are just falling all over the place yeeting themselves into strangers 😂
Robin was somehow the only one who was semi-enjoying himself tbf.. lookit his lil smile n' shit just being a kid 🥺
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discountwives · 2 years
roommate charging me more for rent ugh. glad she caught me in a decent mood bc i wouldve been passive aggressive bc she hasnt fucking cleaned. like obviously now im pissed. shes like i dont want to do that and then you move out. like uhhh. id rather move out, pay the extra not to have you here tbh. i like her but i have my room and thats it. i cant even sit in the licing room bc its all her crap
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lcvekillr · 3 months
잔인하고 아름다워
love killa, love killa
* ⠀ ── ⠀ sour grapes ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ sour grapes ⠀ 、 ⠀ profile ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ sour grapes ⠀ 、 ⠀ visuals ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ sour grapes ⠀ 、 ⠀ edits ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ sour grapes ⠀ 、 ⠀ extras ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ heo eunbyul ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ heo eunbyul ⠀ 、 ⠀ profile ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ heo eunbyul ⠀ 、 ⠀ visuals ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ heo eunbyul ⠀ 、 ⠀ edits ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ heo eunbyul ⠀ 、 ⠀ extras ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ jude ha ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ jude ha ⠀ 、 ⠀ profile ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ jude ha ⠀ 、 ⠀ visuals ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ jude ha ⠀ 、 ⠀ studies ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ jude ha ⠀ 、 ⠀ edits ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ jude ha ⠀ 、 ⠀ writings ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ jude ha ⠀ 、 ⠀ extras ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ dimitri milkovich ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ dimitri milkovich ⠀ 、 ⠀ profile ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ dimitri milkovich ⠀ 、 ⠀ visuals ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ dimitri milkovich ⠀ 、 ⠀ studies ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ dimitri milkovich ⠀ 、 ⠀ edits ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ dimitri milkovich ⠀ 、 ⠀ writings ⠀ !
* ⠀ ── ⠀ dimitri milkovich ⠀ 、 ⠀ extras ⠀ !
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bahrtofane · 3 months
husband Jude headcannons
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jude just really really enjoys married life
Word count - 2.3K+
Watch it - i got carried away sorry guys, proposal lore?? insanely sappy, even by my standards
He's not a fan of you being known as his, rather he's your husband. Always correcting people during interviews and giving you the spotlight. Even when you shy away, not knowing where to look or what to say. He's always there, a gentle hand on your knee rubbing circles as he nods for you to continue. 
Every red carpet he wants to match, doesn’t care how big or small the event is. Gotta be a way you two look look a pair 
His fav is when you wear exactly the same thing so there’s no way to confuse anything for what it really is hehe 
Bouncing around while you get ready together, helping you get your shoes on while he tries his best to stand still while you fix his tie 
“Look okay?” he asks, head tilted 
You rub his arm, “you look great.” 
And he smiles wide, giving you pecks all over while you giggle, trying to shoo him away from you and closer to the door. your ride is waiting, but he doesn’t care. pouting for just one more kiss. please ? 
All his socials turn into your personal fan page, a big fat married in every bio, ring and all 
He has more posts about you then his actual job 
His teammates poke fun at it, “when are you gonna post us huh?”
He just rolls his eyes,”when I marry you i’ll think about it”
And that’s that
You're the first he runs to post a match, greeting you with the silly hand shake you perfected years ago. You think you could do it in your sleep at this rate. You came up with it ages ago when you kissed him after practice, playing with his fingers till he came up with the idea, and you with the actual hand shake. 
You're his biggest supporter, and him likewise. In every and anything you do, give him pompoms and he'd be your personal cheerleader at this point.
He just likes to have you at games. Waving obnoxiously while you tell him to pose. And he does, every time, sending hearts your way. He dedicates his goals your way. The kisses he would send the crowd in his youth now only go your way where you catch them like a teenager.
You see complications of it everywhere, he thinks it's endearing. He makes you watch them together on the living room tv while you grimace
“My face looks so weird there, oh my god.”
He flicks your arm, “you look great shush. Ha that was during el clasico, ah good times.” 
You roll your eyes but snuggle up against him anyway.
One of your favorite past times btw, nothing he loves better than a lazy morning in with you in his arms while he hits snooze on every alarm.
He tries to cook, with his stupid kiss the chef apron he got just for you. but he will need help, which you gladly give. You end up eating on the couch, covered in pillows watching cheesy shows. You've watched keeping up with the kardashians too many times to count and he still laughs out loud every time.
Jude is soft and sweet when he's not forced into a picture perfect smile and self 24/7. He's a silly guy, always trying to make you laugh. Teasing is his love language by the way.
But he's still sweet, leaving notes around your house for you to find when he has to leave for away games. Hearts and smiley faces littering every inch of the paper. Some frowny faces when he knows he'll miss you extra. 
He likes bringing you to family events and bragging about how cool you are, but everyone already loves you as is, he just likes to brag. Look at how cool the love of my life is everyone, I am sooo lucky you guys look look. 
Jobe has rolled his eyes far too many times, but he's happy to see his brother so happy. Plus you guys threw a fantastic wedding. A win is a win.
When you can't be there he facetimes you every second he possibly can. Blowing kisses when he has to go. 
“Judes been complaining all day I hope you know,” Aurélien pops his head into the screen. 
You snort, “ hello to you too Aurélien.”
He gives you a wave before ruffling the top of Judes hair as he pouts, fixing it just how he likes again, “they just don't get it,” he sighs dramatically.
You laugh, “sure baby, sure.”
You make sure to keep up with the match the best you can, texting him live reactions, even if you know he won't see them till later. He likes them all the same.
Your name on his phone is a simple "mine" with a bunch of heart emojis, the contact pic is one of the two of you together on vacation, smiling with your faces squished together while laying in the sand
It makes him smile every time. he thinks you’re the cutest
He's a big fan of nicknames, weather its a version of your first name, or just a good ole fashion baby. He rarely uses your actual name. He called you something so insane like pooki bear in public once and you have yet to let him live it down.
"in a restaurant was crazy," you squint at him.
He only giggles, "but it was soo funny baby come on."
Speaking of restaurants, this guy loves a good date night 
Gigdy as he comes down the hall in his pjs, grinning while showing you the new reservations, it’s your fav place ! 
Every anniversary he somehow finds a way to outdo himself, don't ask, because in truth he doesn't even know how he pulls it off, but anything for you. Anything. 
Even if it means hunting down the stuffed animal you had as a kid and couldn't find after you lost it in your couch cushions. He finds it, after months and months of searching, making Jobe help him look, it comes in the mail and he has to get creative to get you out of the house and away from the mail the day it's supposed to come.
It gets neatly wrapped and placed on your shared bed the morning of, surrounded by a collection of other gifts, your favorite flowers, and a cheesy note that you always end up crying at. 
The look on your face makes it all worth it, when you tackle him in a bone crushing hug, tumbling into the covers in a tangle of legs while you laugh in between sniffles, he loves you. Oh how he loves you 
It's been a tradition to end the night with the very place he proposed, his home, now yours. 
He doesnt think he could forget it even if he tried. It was a whirlwind of a day. Picture this: 
He's lost all his black socks, his (and your) favorite body wash just spilled all over the shower, his hair looks awful ( he got a haircut that morning), his cologne isn't where he left it, and the private chef he hired isnt replying. All while you're not even awake yet. 
He calls his mom because what else are you supposed to do when you're set to propose and everything is going wrong. 
She only chuckles softly over the phone, “calm down jude, just breathe. You'll find your things, just take a breather and come back to things with a clear head okay?”
So he does. Sitting on his bed, towel still on, frowning. He chooses to instead pat himself dry, get dressed, and give himself a pep talk in the floor length mirror at the corner of his room. 
Turns out his mom was right, things fix themself for the most part, his socks are stuck at the bottom of the dryer, his hair isn't as bad as he thought, he finds a better cologne in his collection, and a perfect body cream. It's gonna be a good day. 
He finishes the last of the day of prep, getting fancy candles, a lighter, and greeting the decorator. Yes he hired a decorator. 
It's nothing over the top, just little changes to make his home look a little softer, changing out the curtains, placing lace table cloth with details in your favorite color. The main event is his second living room that gets covered in an arch of your favorite flowers, gentle curling to just kiss the top of the new antique chandelier that will be holding the fancy candles too. He hopes you like it. He really really hopes you like it.
He's had this planned for ages, since the moment he first met you he thinks. 
When you greet him with a silly good morning text he only grows oh so fond of you, excited to see you. He told you it was a fancy dinner at his place. A change of pace from the resurates. Both of you prefer a much more intimate night in then cameras shoved into your face while a hundred people all yell a hundred things while you're trying to chew your food. 
So you get ready, dress up and make it for dinner. When you see the familiar face of the chef, Karlos, you give him a wave and get seated. Noticing the new table cloth but you don't say anything. You don't want to be wrong so early into the night. 
Jude comes in, nervous as a school boy as he takes your hand for a quick peek, running around like a maniac back and forth. He looks nice, in a signature all black suit, and smelling amazing per usual. 
Dinner is amazing, full of your favorite courses and Jude is jittery in his seat. 
“You okay?”
He nods, a little too fast, “oh yeah. I am. Don't worry.”
You raise a brow but dont push, thanking Karlos for the amazing meal as he cleans up and heads out for the night. 
Jude gets up, telling you to stay put while he'll be righttt back. Don't worry, remember! 
He comes back, unable to meet your eyes while he gives you his hand. You take it, sliding out of your seat and following him down the hall. There's flower petals on the floor now, you look at him, but he looks anywhere but at you, chewing his cheek.
He leads you to the second living room, where the furniture has been cleared out. Replaced by a walkway of flowers and candles, leading up to where an arch of your favorite flowers hugs the curtain, new ones.
Gently pulled back to reveal the floor to ceiling windows that give way to his yard. And the most gorgeous sunset you have ever seen. A chandelier hangs above you, decorated with more flowers, and the most ornate candles and bulbs you have ever seen.
Your eyes begin to water before he even gets down on one knee, his lip wobbles, holding your hand the whole time as he confesses every little moment and reason for his love.
He loves you, he adores you. You're- youre everything. Truly and fully. You're the sunlight that kisses his skin, the stars he wishes to touch, to know, he yearns for you. Years to know you in your entirety, till he knows nothing else but you. For your name to only fully know his lips, for only he will fully know you. He sees no other, he knows no other. He wants- no needs, to give himself as he is. 
You see him, see him as more than just Jude Belingham. You see what others can not, will not. You see him, you know him. You know him better than he knows himself most days. You've seen all there is to see, all that makes him who he is. You know his stupid sandwich order at the place you hate but keep going to because you know how much he loves it.
You sit in freezing weather for the full game just to make sure you don't miss a second of him. The first to congratulate him, the first to mourn with him, the first to sooth his aches and pains. You're the face he looks for in a crowd, you're the first person he calls when anything happens. 
 And you love him with such ferocity it amazes him. 
You're full crying at this point, fat tears rolling down your cheeks till you can barely see him, and he finally gets down on one knee, fishing out a small velvet box from his inner pocket, opening it with shaky hands.
And he whispers, “will you marry me?”
You fall next to him, sobbing into his shoulder while you repeat yes over and over. He cries with you, till you're both laughing from pure joy. 
Who better to spend the rest of your life with then the man who loves you so?
Telling his family is the best part. You have them over for what was supposed to be a quick lunch, turned dinner, and you break the news at dessert, showing off your ring while they all gasp. 
They pile you into the biggest hug, smiles so wide they hurt and you laugh, you're going to get married! You think they just might be more excited than you are.
Wedding planning comes and goes both so fast and so slow. Youre so excited you can't wait, and yet every step of the way seems like it takes excruciatingly long.
Your wedding planner tries her best, bless her soul, but you want it to be completely and utterly perfect. Down to the types of chairs at the venue.
Jude lets you have your way for the most part, chiming in now and again, he trusts you fully. Knowing you're going to make it the best regardless. 
Leading up to the big day you think you just might pass out from stress and never be seen again, but the almost year of planning pays off, and you're married! 
The honeymoon is spent traveling all over while jude is wide-eyed, unable to believe he's married to you of all people. 
The press catches on soon after, even if your wedding was small and intimate. News comes out one way or another.
Jude only responds with a picture of you two slow dancing among your family and friends, captioned, “all you need to know.” and he pins it to every social media page. 
What a man huh?
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lewisvinga · 2 months
extra reps | jude bellingham x fem! reader
summary; all fun and games being in real madrid until jude begins dating ancelotti’s daughter
fc; holly pedlar
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minkyungseokie @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03
note; requested ! i miss my bellingol 🕊️ requests are closed atm btw !!
masterlist !
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liked by judebellingham, yourbestfriend, and others !
yourusername: date night w boyf 🤍
tagged; judebellingham
judebellingham: love you🤍
yourusername: love youu🫶
yourbestfriend: 😍😍😍
yourbestfriend: oh, jude’s there too:///
yourusername: LMAOO
judebellingham: i’m her boyfriend 🙄 yourbestfriend
yourbestfriend: but at least her father doesn’t make training extra tough for me 😁 judebellingham
username: jude dating ancelotti’s daughter ALWAYS GETS ME😭😭😭
username: she’s everything and he’s just jude
mrancelotti: tell jude he has to do extra reps tomorrow for bringing you home late.
yourusername: aye aye 🫡 u hear that judebellingham ???
judebellingham: there was traffic sir but i will gladly do the extra reps!
vinijr: judebellingham LEWSERRRR
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by yourusername, camavinga, and others !
judebellingham: home 🌞
yourusername: wait i look kinda good there
judebellingham: u always look good
camavinga: simp. judebellingham
yourusername: 😍😍 liked by judebellingham !
yourusername: don’t let that smile fool you guys, father made him do another extra set of reps so i could go w him🤓🤓
judebellingham: i don’t know if i can do another leg day for the next 2 wks 😔
mrancelotti: he’s a good kid
vinijr: he looked like he was abt to burst into tears 😭 yourusername
aurelientchm: i think he did vinijr 🤣
judebellingham: stop exposing me before i expose you BOTH😒 vinijr aurelientchm
username: y/n is EVERYTHINGG
username: jude doing extra reps to win over ancelotti is CRAZY when he probably won him over already😭
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; papà n boyf🫶] [caption 2; the face of a man who won’t have to do anymore extra reps after getting through protective papà carlo🫡🫡]
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anadiasmount · 3 months
doing the calling my boyfriend ‘husband’ trend on jude while you do a grwm + diml !! just know he’d be so shy and giddy 😚😚
OHHH MY GOD!! YESS!! our hubby indeed 😣🤞🏻
your day had consisted of pure media filming, for your tiktok, instagram, youtube, and a small blog you had owned. you woke up early so film a get ready filming bits of you and your boyfriends private life, making breakfast, walking outside and working out together, cooking, and now doing a get ready.
you’d seen the popular trend circling around where you called your boyfriends husband on tiktok, especially that one video that made you physically wince and pained you with the one guy being passive aggressive and denying it. you with jude that wouldn’t be the case.
because any chance he got he would call you pet names and his girlfriend. ‘my girlfriend’, ‘my girl’, ‘my angel’, ‘my dearest girlfriend’, ‘my wifey’, all that. he often got teased at the internet, not afraid of hiding and showing his protectiveness of you, a hand on you at all times or letting them know you were his.
jude had left quickly to pick up some shoes he’d ordered, which gave you plenty of time to hide a extra camera and your phone to record his reaction to the prank. while you waited you showed of new sets of clothes that came in, along with other pr packages that were sent to you
jude hand returned when you were finishing your brows, handing you a blue gatorade and snacks to munch on as you filmed, greeting the camera and giving you a peck on your lips. “sorry guys, my handsome and lovely husband just brought me some goodies,” you apologized showing the treats and opening them.
even though you couldn’t see, you felt and sensed jude tensing and pausing what he was doing. “as you know and have seen, i will be launching new items soon on my blog! my husband jude has helped me organize this drop for months so i’m super excited for you all to see and buy!” you smiled blending out your baking powder underneath your eyes.
jude smiled inwards, looking at you who was distracted by perfecting your contour and blush. he asked himself if this was one of your pranks or if it just naturally fell from your lips, either way, he couldn't hide the adoration built in his chest at hearing you call him 'husband'.
he didn't understand why all of a sudden he felt nervous and unable to look you in the eyes, with shaky hands as he attempted to open his own snacks and bottled water. he felt a hot and loving sensation in his chest, having the urge now to be close to you.
you heard jude shuffle around, grabbing a random bean bag and sitting next to you where you were almost finished with your makeup. he complimented how you looked, asking questions about what you used and if you were close to finishing. you smirked knowing you had a small reaction out of him, jude was now all soft and charming.
hours later, you were editing all the content from your phone and camera onto your laptop, sitting on the kitchen island as jude was busy away cooking. you felt like continuing the prank so you grabbed your phone and did just that.
"welp, it's the end of the day! I'm very much tired but i made a lot of content for you guys so stay tuned! on the nights we're together my dearest husband cooks for us, and tonight he's making chicken with pasta," you say kinda loudly, walking over to judge and laying your head on his bicep.
jude cleared his throat, letting out a nervous chuckle and smiling shyly. he nervously stirred the cause, listening to you blabbering about your day and skincare products. "i have to pee, but i'll leave my husband to explain the recipe and what he's making," you say in a hurry, leaving jude with words in his mouth and the phone, as you ran off.
you watched from a corner a stuttering mess of jude as he went on and on listening to the ingredients and spices he mixed for dinner. grabbing your phone with his free hand showing the mess in the kitchen and the food that was almost ready to be done.
you acted like nothing happened, pecking jude's cheek when returning. "i have a question," he said curiously avoiding eye contact with you, leaning on the counter. you interlocked your hands resting them under your chin with innocent eyes. "is there a reason you've been calling me your husband today?"
"you don't like it?"
"no baby i do! but i was just wondering since you never call me that... you did it earlier today and i noticed it," he said, you tried not to laugh on the spot at his uneasy state. "am i your husband? need to know because i can't recall the day we got married," he joked.
"it's a tiny prank," you admit seeing jude roll his eyes and lean away from you. "of course it is," jude said seriously with a small frown on his face. you followed him apologizing over and over again with a laugh, jude feeling a small pang of sadness wave over him. "jude," you call out, trying to get his attention but he refused moving or backing away.
"prank or no prank, i hope you still know your my hubby, that's what i have you saved on your contact handsome," you admit, seeing a glint of happiness reach his brown eyes again. "really?" you nod, "I'll show once you say bye."
he quickly said bye, kissing the camera on turning it off, grabbing you, and setting you on the marble counters. he kissed you deeply, blowing your breath away at his certain dominance, your heart warmed as he gently grabbed your left hand and placed the slightest kisses on your ring finger.
"i hope you know that one day i'll be your husband, and you will be my wife forever."
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digitaldiarystuff · 6 months
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summary: You and Jude go on a late night drive when he gives you a present and you freak out
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
genre: angst/ fluff
When Jude had to bail on your dinner date you were pretty bummed. You realized his schedule was hectic and you couldn’t meet everyday but tonight you put so much effort in your looks and felt sad. You didn’t even bother changing your dress and went straight to depression mode bringing out ice cream as dinner. You were halfway into the rom-com you were watching until your phone started buzzing.
“Hey baby.” you said a little sleepy.
“Hey love, are you at home?”
“Where else would I be Jude, of course I’m at home.” you sarcastically said.
“Okay then come out.”
“Are you here?” you exclaimed ecstatic about meeting your boyfriend. You missed him so much and desperately needed him to hold you.
“Yes Y/N just come out here.”
“But where are we going, all the restaurants are closed.” you said realizing it’s well past 2 a.m.
“Just come to me.” he said and hung up. Rude, you thought but the excitement to see him was too much that you grabbed your coat and skipped like a little girl to his car.
“I missed you so much.” you said as soon as you were seated and reached out to his side to hug him. He always brought comfort to you.
“Oh my god baby you look unreal.” he said as he’s eyeing you without shame. “And I’m here looking like a homeless man”
You chuckled “I don’t think homeless people wear Prada.”
“Some of them do, no seriously I saw one of them the other day full on rocking Givenchy.” he said and you felt all your stress lifting. Jude always made your mood go up immediately.
After that he reached for the back seat and grabbed some takeout.
“I know you skipped dinner so I brought you some.” he said and you smiled seeing how well he knew you.
“You’re the best.” you said as he started driving to a spot where you could overlook the city and eat in peace. Even though Jude’s career and his social life was a little much sometimes, these calm moments were your favorites. Just you two enjoying each other’s company with no distractions.
As soon as he pulled up, you grabbed the Chinese food from the packages and gave him his chopsticks. You ate and talked about your day and the things that bothered you since you were both drama queens. This was a fun conversation you had everyday, you told each other everyone who made you mad and gossiped about them.
“And then he said I should eat less because I gained 0.5% fat.”
“Oh no he didn’t.” you fake gasped and laughed. Jude was so extra sometimes.
You spoke for a few more minutes until you remembered something.
“Oh god, what am I even gonna get your mum for her birthday? What if I choose something hideous?” you panicked and Jude calmed you down saying how much his mum loves you and would love anything from you.
“But since we’re on the subject of presents.” he said and opened the console in front of you.
“I got you a little something.”
You noticed the blue bag immediately. It was Tiffany, and small. You felt your heart beating and started panicking. Your friends made some jokes about you being already married with Jude since your relationship was going on for 2 years and strong but you always avoided the subject. Coming from a broken household, with separated parents, you were always afraid of marriage from a young age. Jude knew that and respected your ideas though he always said he wanted to spend eternity with you.
But seeing a small box in a Tiffany bag has made you anxious, surely Jude wouldn’t propose to you right? You knew that but you couldn’t hide your horrified expression as his burrows furrowed.
“You don’t wanna open it?” he asked.
“Jude, what’s in the box?” you asked warily.
“Baby, open it and see.” he was confused about your reaction.
“Jude I need you to tell me what’s inside it. Please.” you begged getting more and more agitated.
“Y/N what’s going on? It’s just a gift, I saw it in the store and thought you’d love it.”
“What is it?”
“Y/N what are you so pressed about? This isn’t a complex situation, you grab the bag open it and thank me. Why are you acting weird love?”
When you said nothing, he snatched the bag from you and opened it himself.
“It’s just a fucking necklace, I’m not proposing to you.” he laughed a little trying to lighten the mood until he saw your face.
“Y/N I”
“I’m sorry Jude, I’m so sorry.” you started sobbing from guilt. You freaked out about nothing and have been rude to Jude. He immediately realized what’s going on and you could see his eyes fill with guilt as well.
“Baby, shh it’s okay. It’s not your fault I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
“No no it’s my fault, I freaked out on you. I’m sorry, I’m just a weirdo who doesn’t appreciate you enough.” he held you against his body and helped you calm down. After your sniffles stopped he leaned back and held your cheeks to make you look up at him.
“Y/N you don’t owe me any explanation, I love you with all your weirdness and flaws just like you love me. I want to spend my life with you, you’re it for me with or without a big commitment and ceremony. I want you next to me but would never push you, I’ll always be with you.”
You smiled at him and realized you’re the luckiest girlfriend ever.
“Thank you Jude, for everything and for the record I want to spend my life with you too.”
He kissed you with love and you happily reciprocated.
“I can’t believe you thought I’d propose like this. You really don’t even know me at all.” he said looking offended and you giggled.
“Now let’s see this necklace, do you want to put it on me?” you said and turned your back to him as he pulled it and clasped the back. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“But you do know me.”
“Of course I do.” he said and kissed your temple after seeing the pendant on your neck.
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morallyinept · 5 months
Adrift With You - A Frankie Morales Series
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Summary: Heading away on a work re-location, Frankie embarks on a flight, but unbeknownst to him, his life is about to change forever. For starters, he will need to fight for it; harder than he's ever fought for anything else before.
Marooned on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean, still recovering from an addiction, his chances of survival are bleak; but he’s not alone on the island, and soon he’s running towards a different kind of life - a life with fellow survivor, Jude, fighting right beside him every step of the way.
And if they can both survive the island together, they can survive anything, right?
Pairing: Frankie Morales x OFC Jude
Frankie is in his early 40's, around 42/43, Jude is in her late 30's, around 37/38. Jude has mid-length hair - other than that, I've tried to keep Jude as a blank canvas in terms of ethnicity/eye & hair colour. This is so you can imagine yourself as Jude, if you'd like to. If I miss anything, please kindly let me know. Images are for aesthetic purposes only, no direct reference to Jude.
Word Count: 120K - give or take... it's novel length. 👀
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I’m doing well, and then, you try to kill me.”
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
WARNINGS/TRIGGERS: Survival/mentions & descriptions of a plane crash/death/drowning/starvation/dehydration/malnourishment/injury/sickness & illness/depression/PTSD/drug use/drug addiction/mentions of loss/sorrow/angst/brief mention of miscarriage/bleeding/blood loss/cheating spouse - I promise it's not all doom & gloom.
EXPLICIT: Unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/fingering/oral both M & F receiving/hand job/masturbation - all the good stuff.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't for you, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: This is a story I wrote a long time ago, and have re-edited for Frankie. It's a story I have poured a lot of love into, and probably one of my favourite things I've ever written. I really hope you enjoy Frankie & Jude's story. 🖤
Enjoy! 🖤
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Chapters including smut - 🌶️ Trigger Warnings will be highlighted red, if any.
CHAPTER 12 (Trigger Warning) 🌶️
CHAPTER 18 (Trigger Warning)
The Island
Mood board by the amazing @sawymredfox 🖤
Frankie & Jude as SIM's characters by the wonderful @sir-thisisadndserver 🖤
Adrift Clip by the awesome @survivingandenduring 🖤
Mood board by the lovely @undercoverpena 🖤
TAGGING ISSUE <- Read if you want to be tagged.
This will probably be around 30-40 chapters or so, maybe less depending how much I bulk them out. I'll add chapters as I upload. New chapters will be added on a Sunday starting mid January 2024 - Please ensure you're following me and switch on notifications so you don't miss out on this story.
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thebearer · 6 months
Anything with lip Gallagher and your four babies on Christmas morning pls I’m so soft thinking about them
lip has been chain smoking in the garage all night putting their toys together. he thought boy toys were hard to put together until he had amelia and had to put a dream house together.
at least he has cookies he gets to eat.
"leave one, lip." you whisper. "take a bite out of it so they know santa took a bite."
he's rolling his eyes, but does bc he'd rather die than have that christmas magic ruined like frank and monica did. when santa came, and it was rare, it was clear it was frank. he would give it to monica that she at least tried.
on christmas morning, lip's slept a total of three hours but he's woken up by excited screeches, jumping on the bed.
you and him are drinking coffee, letting jude pass out all the presents. he always grins when one extra is in your lap, one you didn't know about. you give him a look and he shrugs.
"we said no gifts, phillip."
"c'mon," lip snorts, shaking his head lightly. "just be polite and say thank you."
you give him a soft smile, opening whatever it is this year- a small necklace with four birth stones on it that has you emotional.
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meraki-sunset · 6 months
i have a question about hiveswap as im just getting into it, considering that the events of hiveswap and hauntswitch both take place in the late 1900s, whats the point exactly?
we already know whats going to happen and that all of the characters are doomed fail on their goals and then die no matter the outcome. the caste system is never abolished, HIC stays in power, both earth and Alterna get destroyed, and doc scratch continues his plan without a hitch
none of it seems to really matter or serve any purpose other than worldbuilding for 2 already doomed worlds (3 if you count the cherub portal implying a lost society of cherubs)
Well, it is. It is worldbuilding, that’s what precuels are. They add extra context to events you already know will happen, they add to how they happened, how we got there. That doesn’t make them pointless.
It may seem irrelevant at first glance, but Hiveswap actually has a very important role.
It sets the stage for the arrival of the players on both Alternia and Earth-A
The events of Hiveswap are happening with an equivalent distance in years between both Alternia and earth
Which means the Beta children are about to arrive in their meteors (1995 - 1996) a little after the time when Joey and Jude are having this adventure (1994), which means the Alpha trolls will get to Alternia soon too.
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Both timelines are mirrored in time, they both have the same exact amount of time before the end.
We know the Beta kids hadn’t arrived yet to earth during Hiveswap because it’s 1994, and that the Alpha trolls hadn’t arrived either because Trizza is the heiress, and there can only be one at a time, so Feferi isn't there yet.
This series of events are necessary for Doc scratch’s plan, otherwise he wouldn’t have intervened, giving Xefros a surveillance free communication channel, so Joey and him aren’t detected by the authorities.
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He needs them under the radar so they can (while trying to send Joey back home) connect people with each other, cause necessary problems, kick start important events.
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All which will set the stage for the 12 troll player’s arrival.
What do I think it’s the most important event Doc Scratch needs Joey and Xefros to make happen?
Trizza has to die. There can only be one heiress at a time, and if Feferi is about to arrive, then Trizza has to go.
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The events of Hiveswap/HauntSwitch will cause the death of the heiress, either fighting against the Condesce, at the hands of the revolted trolls Joey and Xefros will influence, crushed to death by Feferi’s own meteor, who knows. But if this is the "equivalent to 1994 on Alternia" and all that is happening it’s really happening as a mirrored version of Earth’s timeline, then the 12 trolls should be to arriving at different dates during the following year. Which means she doesn’t have much time left, as we know Feferi was the only heiress on Alternia during Homestuck. And we’re 13 years away from the end of the world. It needs to happen now.
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It's the same tactic Doc used with Rose, Vriska and Terezi
The only reason he ever “helps” anybody it's because he needs them to make things happen.
He needs Joey and Xefros alive, he needs the rebellion to go through (even if it fails, it'll fail in a way that it's usefull for him), he needs Trizza gone so Feferi can come to Alternia and so the final stage of this plan of millions of years connecting dots and manipulating people to create a hostile planet for the new players to grow stronger that their predecessors, can begin. The rise of the new players.
I personaly think Tyzias might be the one to intercept Karkat or at least be involved in it.
It could be her, Joey or maybe someone else, but whoever intercepts him will have to know about the signless and according to Tyzias’s password (69) she already knows about him and she knows his symbol, and seems to be a follower in the down low. Tyzias also must knows how the singless promised that there would be another troll like him, and according to Doc scratch's explanation:
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The followers of the summoner decreased enormously, but the Doc said himself that there were still some of them hidden and I think he was talking about Tyzias and her alies.
Sometimes we forget that there was intervention from the suferer's followers to ensure Karkat's survival
That’s why he has the sufferer’s symbol, someone who knew it gave it to him. And we know Tyzias knows.
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The ectobiologist and team leader also seems to always be the last one to turn 13, (as well as the last to wake up as their dream self) so Karkat should be the last one to arrive, ending that chain of events.
Of course this all means that, by the time the end of the world happens, and asuming they’re all still alive, all Hiveswap trolls would be adults carrying duties off planet and would die the day of the apocalypse during the Vast Glub along with all troll Civilization.
The same would happen to Joey and Jude, assuming Joey is successful and returns to Earth. They would die on the 13th of April 2009 with the rest of humanity, not knowing they had a part in it or that their lost brother was the detonator of the end of the world.
It’s tragic in the end, but it’s necessary. Someone has to play that role.
They are the stagehands who prepared the stage for the first act of the play they were never meant to see.
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And who knows, it may not be the end of them, maybe we’re too quick to assume they didn’t get saved somehow. By some random paradoxical event or deus ex machine that teleported them away from danger. We’ll have to wait and see how it plays out.
It's been a while since i wrote an analysis, i really missed that ^u^
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lucy90712 · 13 days
Not enough- Jude Bellingham
Dating a footballer is fun until he becomes incredibly successful and all of a sudden there are rumours left and right of him dating someone that isn't you. That's what my life is like Jude and I got together 3 years ago now when we were 17 and have been together since but we never made our relationship public because until the summer we were still long distance and didn't want the extra pressure. Having our relationship private has been so nice as it has meant when we do see each other we get to just enjoy being together but it also means we have to deal with rumours of who Jude might be dating. Those rumours never really got to me while Jude was at dortmund but since he's moved to Madrid things have just got so much more intense it seems that every few weeks there is a million new articles and tweets. 
Having to read all of this and seeing how pretty all the girls has really started to get to me. All the girls Jude is rumoured to be with are either models or just incredibly pretty which makes me feel awful about myself. All these girls have made a name for themselves in some way yet here I am with my job in a cafe while I try and find a job in the area that I studied. Jude likes to tell me that he doesn't care what I do for a living or how much I make but I can't help but feel guilty when I can't contribute much to the house or get him expensive things like he does for me. I'm also definitely no model I'm definitely not as pretty or as skinny as a model which I used to be ok with but now I don't feel so confident in myself. The other wags are also so pretty I definitely don't fit in with them either which makes me feel even worse about myself. 
Jude doesn't seem to have any clue that this is all going on he wakes up goes to training then hangs out with the boys leaving me until late at night so he doesn't see all the rumours or how they affect me. He's not here for the time I spend scrolling through social media or looking in the mirror judging everything about myself. Even when Jude is home he always seems to have something else on his mind so he never really gives me compliments anymore. I'd like to think that he still loves me but at this point I'm really not sure I mean he's young and he's attractive why would he want to be tied down with someone like me he can do so much better. I simply don't think I'm enough for him. 
A few days ago Jude went out to celebrate a big win for the team while I stayed at home but the next morning all I could see was rumours that Jude was flirting with multiple girls all night letting them dance with him and since I haven't really spoken to him. I spent all of last night laying awake thinking about everything and I decided that I just think I need to break up with Jude so then he's free to do all the things everyone thinks he's doing anyway. It's hard to decide to end a relationship especially one that has been going on for so long and one you are so fond of but I don't see any other way forward. This is why I've been so distant with Jude because in my head if I didn't talk to him that would make all of this easier. 
As always Jude left for training just as I got up for work but by the time I got back he was home which only happened the first few weeks I arrived so it was strange to see him here. Like always I headed upstairs to shower and change and when I came back out the bathroom Jude was sat on the bed waiting for me. I still didn't say anything to him because I'm trying to stay strong until I find the right time to tell Jude how I feel. 
"Babe are you ok you've barely spoken to me the last few days" he said 
"Yeah I'm fine just been busy had a lot on my mind that's all" I replied 
"Please don't lie to me I know there's something more going on I see the way you look all the time I just couldn't figure out what was wrong and now I give up so please tell me what's going on" he begged 
"I didn't want to say this yet because I'm still figuring things out but I think we should break up I just can't do this anymore" I said 
"Please no baby no I can't live without you whatever I've done I can fix it and I'm sorry just please don't break up with me" he said 
"It's nothing you've done it's just me" I said 
"Then what is it please tell me if you really want to do this at least tell me why" he said 
"I'm just not good enough for you every day there is new rumours of you being with someone else and all of them are prettier and have more going for them than I do and you deserve to be with one of them or to just be free to do what you want" I explained 
"But I want you that's what I want I don't want any of these girls nor is there anything going on with any other girl incase that's what you're thinking I like that you live a more normal life you keep me grounded and I think you are the prettiest girl in the world" Jude replied 
"Then why are you never home and why do you never compliment me anymore?" I asked 
"I-I'm sorry babe you're right I haven't been home much but I will change that I will come home after training and I will invite you to more things and believe me I could sit here for hours and compliment you and I'll do that if I need to" he said 
Jude did exactly what he said he started listing all the things he loves about me while giving me kisses. It felt so good to have his attention again it felt like we were back to how we were before I came to Madrid. After he complimented every single part of me he asked if I'd like to go out on a date like a proper date outside where people could see us and I didn't hesitate to say yes. Even if people see us who cares it's about time that we went public with our relationship then the rumours can be true for once. We have talked about going public a few times but now feels like the right time just so we can stop the media getting too far out of control 
I got all dressed up in a pretty dress and my makeup and hair all done for once I actually felt really pretty. When Jude walked in he had a white shirt and some black trousers on which he looked so good in. He stopped as soon as he saw me and I think his jaw actually hit the floor which made me blush and that was before he started complimenting me. The entire drive Jude didn't stop telling me how beautiful I looked which honestly made me feel so good about myself. 
At the restaurant there was people taking pictures of us walking in which Jude tried to protect me from a bit but we wanted to be seen together. It was weird being in front of so many cameras as I've spent years trying to avoid all of this but now I'm happily letting them all take pictures and stare at me trying to work out who I am so they can get their exclusive headline. The people in the restaurant were lovely though they showed us to our table then left us alone as much as possible which was nice as we were able to have a proper date night together. As we finished dessert Jude showed me all the pictures all over Instagram and Twitter then he showed me a post he had drafted to tell everyone about our relationship and put an end to everything. He had a beautiful caption written which nearly made me cry and all the pictures he had I hadn't seen before as they were ones he took secretly but they were all so cute. He let me click post so that it was my decision to go public then he took my phone and turned it off so we could enjoy the rest of our evening together without having to see what everyone has to say.
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judes-hoe · 13 days
So for dad!jude where he has a toddler daughter who is obsessed with him. She doesn’t like it when others get his attention instead of her and gets upset including you. I can’t think of plot but please write something long not just a blurb. Thank you xx
Gonna make it long😊
You and Jude always found it hilarious. Your 4 year old daughter always jealous when people wanna be near Jude and take away his attention from her. Even with you, when Jude comes back from training and his attention is on you first and now her. She’ll stand and pout and start complaining until Jude picks her up. You could say she’s a daddy’s girl always wanting to be held by him. When the Madrid team had a little after party, after the parade so all the teammates families could come, she got extra jealous. When Jude was talking to cama and touch he had her in his arms holding her. She was giving cama and touch death glares. When they noticed they laughed at her possessiveness over her dad. “Ok ok you can have your daddy back.” Touch said to her before leaving with cama. Your daughter smiled at that happy her dad’s attention is back to her. Even though she was glaring at them like she was gonna kill them, she loves her uncles. It’s even funny when you both go to England to visit his family. Jude and jobe will be playing fifa or something and you daughter is glaring at jobe for stealing her daddy. Or whenever jobe gets close to Jude while Jude is holder her. Shell push him away and say “my daddy go away.” To which Jude says “that’s not nice baby we don’t push people.” And she apologizes before tucking her head in his neck embarrassed at being scolded by her dad so then jobe laughs at then which earns him a slap on the head by you. Then he shuts up and stays quiet. “Sometimes I feel like you’re my own child” you tell him laughing.
Please request🫶🏻 inbox is open always even if it’s just to chat
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aechii · 11 months
getting into a argument w jude before a big match and him thinking you two aren’t on good terms but before the game starts he spots you in his jersey in the crowd and has that extra boost of confidence to do well bc he considers u a good luck charm
₍⁠₍ DRiViNG FORCE ₎⁠₎
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A/N ?! nothing much to say, other than, expect ALOT of jude works this next week heheh 🤭
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in retrospect, jude's frustration was justified. blinded and consumed by workload- both her own and favours [y/n] had hesitantly agreed to take on- which had ultimately caused her deathly amounts of stress, she had missed jude’s past 5 games. it was something both her and him found distasteful, and after a long conversation, they had come to the (forced) agreement that she would show up to his next one, no questions asked.
so, of course, when she had informed him that she was due in for an extra day of work, unprecedented, jude’s uplifted mood and focused mindset merged into a catastrophic ensemble as annoyance and disappointment took over. and as she rushed around the kitchen to gather her things, jude remained stagnant and stood by the table as he watched her, frowning. 
“you’re really not coming?” jude questioned indignantly. it came out harsher than he intended, but with all due candor, he didn’t have the heart to care. 
[y/n] hurriedly leaned over the counter to grab her keys, but her boyfriend beat her to it, swiping it into his hands before shoving them into his pocket. 
“what the hell, jude?” 
“are you not listening to me? i asked you a question.”
jude’s stubbornness triggered [y/n] as she threw her arms up in the air. 
“what does it look like?” she retorted, annoyed, “i’m sorry but i really have to go.”
she attempted to reach for her keys, but was stopped by jude. his face turned frigid and a tide of disbelief succumbed him, “are you being serious right now? [y/n]- you haven’t been to any of my games for weeks!”
she checked the time, getting more desperate as she noticed it was 5 minutes past the time she was supposed to leave the house.
“jude, i’m sorry, okay? but i'm going to be late, we can talk about this later.”
he didn’t move, but rather stayed rooted in his spot, arms crossed as he glared at the girl before him. he was swallowed by fury, his mind trailing off on its own, and his mouth just let angered words tumble out.
“you’re so selfish. fucking go then.” his hand digs through his pocket, hurling the keys on the table before shoving his way back to the living room. 
[y/n] stood there, stilled with bewilderment as she attempted to process jude’s outburst. she understood that he had been m.i.a for the past few weeks, and hadn’t shown her face in support of jude. so much so, that fans started speculating that they had broken up, forcing them to reach dire needs of posting travel photos to compensate for her absence. 
but he needn’t call her that. they had talked about it many a time that [y/n] wasn’t ready to give up her job any time soon, and jude, albeit reluctantly, agreed for her to continue going. she knew it would be hard for him to understand as her work involved shifts and being called in spontaneously to fill in missing staff. 
[y/n] faded out of her shock, scoffing as her frustration lead her conscience, “if you want to be like that, then be like that jude,” she shouted to him, snatching her last belonging off of the table and heading to the door. 
she would've cared if she wasn't so pissed at jude, but she instead slammed the door behind her after jude slipped in his last attack. 
"i'll just find somebody else to wear my shirt then!"
jude could already feel how skewed his mind was the second his cleats sunk into the grass. he felt guilty, in all rights, for what he had said, but he truly was upset for the lack of [y/n]'s support. he realised that his game had dipped just bit, whether they lose or win, and consequently, his name was losing its shine on the scoresheet. 
everyone knew he performed better when she was there. gio had called her his 'good luck charm' to which jude replied with a sound of agreement because he thought so too. jude always had the urge to impress her even more, as if she wasn't vehemently aware of his talent, and it had him dominating the attacking line.
he could excuse 2 games maximum of no show, but now that this was turning into her 6th disappearance, he was getting fed up. 
"you look like there's a stick up your ass, what's wrong?" 
gio had commenced a side step circle around jude, in an attempt to dizzy the boy. it evokes a light look of judgment instead, but jude said nothing. 
"[y/n] isn't coming today… again."
his friend's face turns sympathetic and he stops his ministrations, walking up to him, "man, really?"
jude nodded, "yeah. and even if there was a slight chance she could, i've fucked that up too."
gio rolled his eyes, exhaling melodramatically, "what now?"
"i said that if she doesn't come then i'll just find someone else to wear my shirt." shame riddled his being, and his words progressively depleted in volume as gio looked punched by shock. 
"jude, what the fuck?" he tsked, "and how did she react to that? pissed? because it's very much deserved. matter of fact, i would've broken up with you."
jude's face turned hard, yet he felt his heart drop at the possibility. what he'd said was absolute shit, and it had given his girlfriend options, one of which was to leave him.
over his dead, fucking body.
"don't say that and no, we didn't break up. she just slammed the door and left."
"as if that makes anything any better, jude," gio retorted, arms crossed. he knew jude was quite an amateur when it came to gripping the reins of his feelings, but more times than not, it seemed like it was vice versa. 
marco noticed them slacking off, running up to them before they were being forced into a couple more training drills. jude knew that his playing headspace had to be on, but his conscience dallied between that and pondering over his fallout with [y/n] and he gave up, knowing that he was going to have another off-game. 
by half time, jude wanted out. they were 2-0 down, and marco was completely livid. his coach had watched them with complete confusion, trying to find the break in the circuit. if he had, and noticed that it was, in fact, jude himself, it was as if he was sworn to secrecy because most players but him were subbed out. 
jude had spaced out during the locker room talk, and his legs were on autopilot as they walked back into the field. his eyes were trained on the mass of black and yellow, in an attempt for a last string of hope, before he's interrupted by gio's voice. 
"jude, look!"
he pointed to the vip box, and jude squinted before his eyes set upon the undeniable stature of his girlfriend, dressed in his shirt. 
"no way."
his mind failed at formulating words, and the second they made eye contact, jude smiled and blew her a kiss. she didn't catch it, but rather gave him a humorous look that said, 'impress me'. 
gio watched the whole ordeal with a grin, hooking his arm around the boy before whispering in his ear, "fix the game, loverboy!"
jude snickers back, feeling his limbs light with exhilaration, "bet."
and the second he scored, he ran up to the stands, hands structured in his girlfriend's initial before making a heart. 
the smile she gave her would remain in his memories forever.
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bahrtofane · 3 months
jude is on to you
you think youre so slick whispering and giggling with his mom at dinner and having a hand shake with his dad and watching all of jobes stupid shows with him
no no, jude sees right through you. youre trying to one up him this anniversary and he will not have it
you can not. will not. wont. win
no can do!
not when hes won twice in a row. he has a reputation to maintain for crying out loud. have you no sympathy. no compassion??
every year he spends months if not the full year planning and detailing his gift(s) to you. you end up crying always. mumbling thanks while you turn his shirt into a sopping wet mess. hes learned to plan for this, extra shirt on hand
but it seems like this year, you have it out for him. fully intending on outdoing his efforts
he sees you hunched over your laptop most days, scurrying off to talk on the phone and shooing him away when he gets close enough to make out words. what in the world are you planing.
he finds out soon enough. ushering into his living room while you smile so wide it hurts. greeted by all his friends who clap his back and beam. and from the centre comes zidane
you got him zidane. what. what. what
when the little dinner party winds down and people begin to leave he quietly pulls you away from the main camaraderie
"how in the world did you actually do that." he mutters, pressing kisses onto your skin
you giggle, "i wont tell you my secret. your gonna copy me!"
he rolls his eyes, chasing you down the halls while you hurl teases his way.
you won this year for sure
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formulalfc · 5 months
trent alexander arnold blurbs masterlist
quickie with trent in the supply closet 18+
trent teasing you when you're out 18+
trent teasing you at home 18+
you and trent slow dancing to lover
trent comes home after the game 18+
trent and you trending on twitter
trent being extra clingy when you come home from a trip
trent being all protective and jealous
reassuring trent that you love him no matter what the media says
trent with his baby girl
trent thinking about starting a family with you
trent being nervous for your first date
trent taking you away for a relaxing weekend
trent taking care of you when you're sick
sex tape with trent 18+
trent cooking dinner for you
you and trent holding hands on ur way home
teasing trent when his ass is trending on twitter 18+
trent reading your favourite book
you and trent are worried about jude's new girlfriend
shopping with trent
jude interrupts date night
you and trent at winter wonderland
pregnancy sex w trent 18+
shy first kiss with trent
trents daughter will be a liverpool fan
trent quite likes watching you work out 18+
threesomes with trent and dom 18+
trent looks after you when your ill
trent laughing at your baby being milk drunk
trent finding you learning how to do your daughters hair
threesomes with jude and trent 18+
trent an domi hard launching your relationship
your first christmas with trent
you fly to liverpool to watch trent play
you give birth to your baby boy
trent and your baby boy getting ready for your birthday
trent cleans you up after you get hit by a bike
trent being obsessed with you
trent's sex playlist 18+
trent and his sweater paws
the evolution of your relationship with trent
making trent dance with you at a family event
trent surprising you with cornrows
trent buying you jewellery
face sitting with trent and domi 18+
trent's reaction to your choking kink 18+
making trent flustered
waking up with trent
trent's lock screen helps get rid of girls on a night out
making trent show you how he would react to a girl approaching him in the club
you and trent hide your relationship from your dad (klopp)
trent being horny for you while he's away 18+
using your dildo while trent is at training 18+
taking trent to sephora
going to see trent after he get's injured
you and trent try sex chocolate 18+
you and trent reveal your relationship a bit sooner than you hoped you would
trent using the captain's armband on you during sex 18+
your long distance relationship is harder than it seems
a condom falls out of his pocket in front of your family
you and trent at the ballan d'or
trent has missed you while you're away at uni
you and trent at milan fashion week
you guys make a tiktok that's on the sexier side 18+
you and trent make a cute tik tok together
you call football the wrong thing and trent is not happy with you
you and trent are private about your relationship but your loved ones love posting pics and videos of you both
celebratory sex after trent wins the league 18+
you and trent watch saltburn together
the little things trent buys you because he knows you don't like the expensive stuff
looking after trent when he's sick
you tell you situationship trent that you're pregnant
surprising trent and your family and friends that you're pregnant
telling trent and your son that you're pregnant with a baby girl
trent's obsessed with you calling him your husband
you and trent have a date night at home
comforting trent after you find out klopp is leaving
you cut your hair to surprise trent
calling trent daddy for the first time 18+
trent asks you to be his valentine
trent loves taking pictures of you
you get trent some coupons for valentines day
trent's brother loves having you as his big sis
trent loves slapping your ass 18+
neck kisses with trent
you're quite shy around trent's friends but he appreciates you trying for him
trent fingering you for the first time and leaving you an absolute mess
trent and jude helping you relax after a long day
trent making sure you have everything you need while you're on your period
trent organises an at-home spa day for you after a stressful week
sitting with trent's brothers in the stands at his game
trent fucking you with his chain on 18+
trent's back gets you all flustered 18+
you're sick so trent takes your daughter to an interview with him
telling trent how much you miss him over facetime
trent loves all your curves
celebrating that cup win with trent and trying to make him feel better for missing out
putting your head on trent's tummy
comforting trent after a loss
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