#(justin mcelroy voice) it happened to me
cctinsleybaxter · 3 months
Few things more mortifying than someone 'complimenting' you on a physical feature of your human body they 'know most people don't find attractive'; either they're a self-absorbed weirdo who takes all their social cues from YA fantasy protagonists (bad) or it's deliberate negging in order to get close to you (worse)
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taakosleftshoe · 10 months
Nanofather Lore insanepost
Alright. We've seen my murderboard. It's incomprehensible. But for those who haven't, here it is:
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It includes... a lot of everything. I couldn't begin to describe the journey I went on putting this together. Without further ado:
The Nanofather, also known as "The Weaver," "Creaky Man," and sometimes "Geltfrimpen" or briefly as "wily weaver," "dirty jeremy," "muck dweller," and "crusty man," is a recurring ominous character which appears most frequently in the opening segments of The Adventure Zone: Steeplechase. He says a lot of weird shit. And after 33 episodes, I believe I have a pretty good understanding of this shit. Take a walk with me, through this 8-part dive into what the Nanofather's deal is.
I will warn you, this is... insanely long. Turn back now.
1. The Foretelling [moments leading up to the weaver]
Back in episode 18 of Ethersea, Justin mentioned how he's the last of them who has yet to DM. Then, later in the episode, Griffin loses his train of thought and Justin prompts him with "Spin the... spin the yarn" and the riffing leads Clint to say, "weave," and Justin says, "step up to the loom... let the weaving begin at the loom."
In the next episode, as the intro song fades out, Justin interjects in a high falsetto song, singing "Weave another tapestry! McElroy Family and me," and the bit goes on for a minute or so. Later, in Ethersea 24, when trying to convince Griffin to reconsider what happened in the narrative, Justin asks him to "Check your loom, weaver!"
When Justin finally makes his Steeplechase debut, he initially struggles with starting the story. So, Griffin jumps in with,
Griffin: "Can I do what you usually do to me?" Justin: "Please." Griffin: "And be like [singing dramatically] 'The yarn-spinner takes the loom in his hands and weaves a magical tale. Take the wizard by his hands as he flies you around on his rug made of wings and a angel’s hair.'"
Every subsequent episode has the same opening. The recurrence of these instances have culminated in the persona of "The Weaver."
2. The Stew [in which the nanofather discusses various culinary topics]
The Nanofather routinely brings up the food of his world, in some way. This starts as early as episode 3, in which he says, "Perhaps a few more moments before the stew is prepared."
Other segments include advice about nano-nutmeg [12], clarifications about cilantro (called corriander in the UK)[29], and directing the addressee to search for pepperoni and green pepper in "the pyre" [19].
The other three instances of mentions of food directly address Shookles the cat. First, "Shoockles, your master calls. Where's the scum canteen? Fetch it from the shoof... my thirst is unslakable" [7]. Then, in the very next episode, says, "Please... the pollen broth. My throat became so dry... Fetch me the pollen broth, Shoockles" [8]. And most recently, he speaks rather dramatically, saying, "I believe I went… as far as I could… I don’t know if… it was far enough… I’m terrified to push it further… I believe this is the limit… Yes… no, that’s true… It’s true… The greater danger is hesitation, yes… I will add one more half-teaspoon of cumin, Shookles. Thank you, Shookles, I… should listen to your culinary acumen more" [22]. This is assumedly in reference to something he is cooking, perhaps the stew mentioned in episode 3. Perhaps all of these ingredients are being used in the stew.
Either way, these interactions tell us that the Nanofather has an interest in cooking, and that Shookles acts as an assistant to him.
3. Direct Interactions [in-character conversations]
There are several instances where the Nanofather speaks with our player characters, or appears within their world.
This first happens in episode 20, when the crew enters the lair of Geltfrimpen and hears a voice familiar to the players coming from the dragon. He says, "Excuse me for this, but I have to keep up appearances." He continues to speak with the boys throughout the scene as they fight the animatronic. He says, "I’m having trouble staying here," and within the scene, Justin describes that, "The sound seems to be coming from like... the entirety of Geltfrimpen. It’s emanating from him, not localized to any one point in the dragon’s body." Beef asks the Weaver if he could come out of the dragon, to which he responds, "Would that I could." When Montrose begins refering to him as Geltfrimpen, he says, "I am not Geltfrimpen. I am here. But I am not Geltfrimpen." Emerich asks for his name, which is met with "Would that I know," but because Beef had called him creaky man earlier, the voice says "Creaky Man will suffice for now, I suppose. A good amount of christening."
He goes on to explain his situation at their behest:
"I will do my best to tell you what I know. It takes quite a bit for me to be as here as I am. But I will try. Part of me is in Geltfrimpen. But I am many places throughout the world. Part of me is here. Part of me is imprisoned here, I think. And through this act, I am no longer... trapped here, this part of me. I’m able to be more concentrated, if that—if that is the correct word, else... elsewhere... I will not be here long, and then I will vacate Geltfrimpen for good. And I will be a little bit more myself, elsewhere."
The implications within this one paragraph are that he does not have much of a physical form, and is potentially some sort of spirit, but he can manifest part of himself at will in some places. Montrose asks if he has a home base, but he says, "I’m... scattered. More accurately, I think... shattered."
He follows with even more interesting information,
"I’ve seen you elsewhere, I was... in one of the vans, as you made the thrilling escape. I was there. I called out, but it was so loud. I have watched you from the porch of Ustaben. In the... the whittling I sat, a rocking chair... I couldn’t summon up enough voice to reach you, but I called out. I called out to anyone who would listen, honestly. But you three are the first who seem to... be looking hard enough to hear."
There have been two heists with van escapes. The first is in episode 3, when Gravel pulled up in a stolen truck/van (it is important to note that they use them interchangably). The four of them were the only ones in the vehicle. However, this escape was not very thrilling, so we are going to refer to the Gutter City heist.
Sticky Finger(s) Paul Pantry asks the three of them to steal a truck called the Clean, and notes that it is made of Hardlight. When the time comes, Emerich has attuned with the hardlight Short Doug and drives in one of the trucks with him [9].
The second thing the Nanofather mentions is an obvious reference to the Ustaben attraction, Whittle Around. In the setup episode, Whittle Around is established as having a porch where "grandpa" sits and whittles wood-- grandpa, of course, being a hardlight construct who was initially Eustace but has since been replaced [0].
The combiantion of these two implies that the Nanofather exists for moments within, or as, these constructs. His spirit seems to be able to travel between them-- to what extent this is under his control remains questionable. Perhaps he is living within the park itself, haunting it. This is given further support at the end of episode 27, when an arcade machine in the back of Poppy's Place crackles with static and we hear the Nanofather say, "act... quickly." Emerich however is unable to make further contact, and this is the last time he seems to interact with them. Montrose says that they "have a ghost in the machine"[28].
4. The World He Inhabits [what we know about the environment, the character, and allusions to mechanisms of communication]
In his first appearance, the Nanofather says to the audience (which may be moreso to the players/player characters? uncertain), "welcome travelers," establishing that we are not from the same place he is.
The world he lives in is fleshed out through each episode. Highlights include "quite a long day tending to the muck fields" [5], "I've missed the meeting with the rust council"[13], and the afformentioned scum canteen. He also says, in episode 6, "I have a new tale for you. Of a muck-dweller turned hero to his- to his people… I seem to have lost it in the last rust storm." This sets him in a sort of wasteland. He also says, or rather, sings, "I'm a neutron guy, you're my nega-girl, I'll sweep you through the ash waste as we make our way through the,"[10] before he cuts himself off.
It seems to be a world where things are rough-- he says, "to make it 37 years is quite a blessing"[13]. That implies his age is 37, or that he has survived 37 years in the conditions that he is in. Additionally, he says, "you will find it in the pyre"[19], a pyre being defined as "a combustible heap for burning a dead body as a funeral rite," implying that they either have to make their own fires or 'bury' their dead.
Notably, there seems to be a recurring theme surrounding weather and time.
"It's gotten so quiet, lately... in the nights... and in the mornings... and the cyber night, the time between the night and the mornings..."[14] "It seems the storms have come early this evening"[4] "The last rust storm"[6]
This implies that time is somewhat technologically controlled, and weather is on a cycle. The building of Steeplechase, or what we are to assume is, is like holographically augmented[31], and so are the inside skies of the park. It is plausible to say the environment wherever the Nanofather is could also be simulated.
5. Wall Breaks [speaking to the players]
These indicate communication from the nanofather directly to the players. They imply to us more about the world, but more importantly, the means of communication and lore surrounding it.
In episode 9, we open the episode hearing a different voice. They say, "Hello? …Hello, spirits?" and begin to knock. "Nanofather says the spirits can hear you through the wall. Spirits… are you there?" But they are interupted by a familiar voice-- "Kavecca!," the nanofather says. "Just another of his stories, I suppose," Kavecca amends. "Kavecca, away from that! You dabble with powers you do not understand!" This raises a lot of questions from the players, about who Kavecca is, why there is another person speaking to them, and what the fuck the 'nanofather' means. What interests me is the referral to their audience as "spirits"-- and what implications does that have? Are they between the world the players inhabit and Steeplechase? Are the players spirits? Also factoring in Blades in the Dark, which has ghosts in it, which have been altered into hardlight for Steeplechase-- maybe the hardlight kept some of that original intent. Maybe that's how the nanofather is able to inhabit hardlight.
In the following episode, we find the nanofather singing a song. What follows is pretty strange.
ohh… I’m a neutron guy… and you’re my nega-girl… I’ll sweep you through the ash waste as we make our way through the…. [click] …do you hear me, Travis? Travis: What? I’m sorry… I didn’t realize I’d left the horn on. Travis: Are you speaking, are you- talking to me? Fare thee well. [10]
First, in "I didn't realize I'd left the horn on," a horn is primarily UK slang for telephone. That could be interpretted here as a literal telephone or whatever line of communication they seem to share. Next-- he directly addresses Travis. This is the first conversation the players have with this character, and so far the only. But it isn't the only time he addresses them:
Clinton? Travis? Gribby? My three… my three favourite micro-nephews. Here to visit me. What a wonderful treat this is… Come. Let me see if I can’t find you a new tale… Griffin: Gribby! Gribby can only say his own name. Justin: Oh? Griffin: Yeah, that’s sort of his thing. Justin: Do you… how do you… I’m surprised you have insight into these three new characters… already. Travis: I’m trying harder and harder to just pretend like we are not on the call when he records that part. Griffin: It’s the only way to not be... ensorcelled by the tapestry he weaves. Clint: Not me. Not me. Did you say Clinton? Clinton… Travis: It sounded like Clinton. Clint: I wonder who that is. Justin: Clinton, Travis and Gribby are apparently, I’ve just found this out with you guys, is— did he say— Griffin: The micro nephews. [15]
This is interesting because Travis is the only one whose name is not altered, and he was specifically addressed before. What we also glean from this is that the nanofather views them as micronephews, so he has an alleged relation to them. Previously, he has called them children but it wasn't apparent until now that he was addressing them specifically.
In the intro with Kavecca, it is important to note that they are the first person to call the weaver "the nanofather." We know from his time as Geltfrimpen that the nanofather has no proper name. Nanofather is more likely to be a title, or rather, a signifier of Kavecca's relationship to him, such as being his child or grandchild. This would put Kavecca on the same family tree as Clinton, Travis, and Gribby, if they really are his "micronephews."
6. Descent Into Weirdness [tonally different moments and their implications]
Everything The Nanofather says is weird, but these are the moments that absolutely baffle me, or upon which he is commenting on the story somehow.
The first time he seems to comment on the events of Steeplechase is in Episode 16, in response to a plot twist at the end of the previous episode (in which the Barrister arrived to kick Emerich's ass but they got him stuck in a machine). He says, "Oh, that’s not right… [rustling paper] …Oh, but this doesn’t make any sense, it was… The story wasn’t like this …. Or… I-Is it changing?" He then follows this in the next episode by... just... breathe-whistling menacingly? Note that this episode takes place when they are travelling between layers, on the start of their Ephemera quest.
Episode 18 starts with, "Oh… Oh, they haven’t… even begun to fathom it… But you…. You swore, we both swore? You know they’re not ready!" I wonder who the "you"/"we" is in this. Is it us as the audience, the players, or perhaps Kavecca? Eighteen is the beginning of the time they spend in Ephemera, and at the beginning of the episode Krystal has an encounter with someone in the Gallspire. This adds on to the commentary in 16 and implies that there is something bigger at play...
Episode 20 presents us with a poem of sorts:
Ever faster, ever closer, ever never slowing down… Ever nearer, ever clearer, ever nipping at the gown... Ever spinning, ever grinning, ever hearing what they please. Ever growing, ever knowing, that they are the disease…
There is no direct indication of what this is talking about, but I think it's about Dentonic. They never slow down, they don't know when to stop dreaming! They will warp whatever they must to fit their narrative and they don't care what the casualties are.
When the Weaver makes his entrance into the world of Steeplechase, at the end of 20 and speaking through Geltfrimpen, these occurences get more frequent:
"Oh, I… I’m mostly… mostly… with them now… [chuckles] ah… ah… smaller than I… assumed…" [21] "Mostly… echoes… yet to be… I’m sorry, I know that doesn’t… answer your question…" [23] "Yes… yes, I was surprised too, Shookles. What? Oh… Oh, they didn’t hear…"[25]
25 ends with Gravel being arrested for Sticky Finger Paul Pantry's murder. 26 opens with, "…yes, but I’d assumed it was… consigned to legend! I never would’ve expected- i guess… my understanding is not… what I’d thought it was. Terrifying, in a way, but also… quite wonderful." I can't even begin to parse what he's talking about.
Then of course, there is 27: "No, no, not to the boat... Only one... one node per layer... I tried to maintain hopping... but it’s too taxing... too many...noises..." What fucking boat? And he tries to hop between layers- maybe the nodes are in the things he is inhabiting. Geltfrimpen, the arcade box, hard doug, eustace... The arcade machine and Geltfrimpen aren't made of hardlight, and these are the methods through which he has actually been able to speak (he could only see through hardlight)... maybe these are the "nodes?" I wonder what the noises refer to.
When things start looking down for the crew as they try to piece together what the fuck is happening, The Nanofather opens episode 28 with, "I’m not sure yet… I’m hopeful… Ah, Shookles… optimistic…or perhaps… perhaps optimism is just the last refuge of those… with nothing left to lose..." The Nanofather is referring to himself in this line, and the fact that he considers himself to have "nothing left to lose" implies that he has a strong connection to the events in Steeplechase, particularly to the crew-- which makes sense given their previous interactions. But what is at stake for him is unclear.
In episode 30 he says, "The thought had crossed my mind… But it can’t be long now…" I must say this is particularly ominous because I have no idea what the "thought" is or what he is waiting for. His salvation?
Finally, we have episode 31. His last appearance.
"It feels… like something… has frayed…"
In this episode, Kenchal Denton speaks to the crew a lot about cutting loose ends. And then he drops them out of a hovercraft into a desert that seems to be entirely disconnected from the electrical grid Steeplechase is on. And we don't hear from The Nanofather again.
7. Ties to Clint McElroy. [the ways in which this comes back to him.]
[post-discussion following the moment in episode 10 when the nanofather asks, "do you hear me Travis?"] Travis: Is that guy my real dad? Justin: You wish Griffin: Legally, you have to tell Travis, if the muckdweller is his real dad Justin: Not the muck dweller. The nanofather. Please- Travis: Oh, it's right there in the name! I should have seen it a mile away it's so obvious now!
Now, this may be a stretch. And it started out to me as a joke, but guys. The further I get the further I am convinced. The Nanofather is connected to, if not is, Clint McElroy the Planeswalking Janitor.
Evidence A: He calls them "children" when he goes to tell them stories. Counterpoint: Clint can't be his own son. Counter-counterpoint: Clint's full name, according to Griffin on an episode of Wonderful, is Clinton Emil McElroy Jr. Meaning, he has a father named Clint.
Evidence B: When the Nanofather refers to Travis, Clinton, and Gribby, Justin later describes them as "these new characters," in the same way he insists that Clint McElroy his father and Clint McElroy the Planeswalking Janitor are separate things [Spiritbreakers Live in San Jose].
Evidence C: The Nanofather hops between layers, in a similar way to how Clint hops between planes. And the Nanofather seems to be fractured, scattered, not his whole self. He is powerful but weak. He is able to speak to players, characters, and potentially the audience? It transcends the boundaries between the two worlds...
Evidence D: Justin is a big fan of the TAZiverse. He has shown this multiple times but the ones I remember most are of course, when he introduces "Taako from Television" in Ephemera (and other Balance things, implies it was a legend passed down, etc), and when Griffin introduced that he would be playing Indrid in Dust 2. Like of fuckin course he'd be excited to bring things together more in small ways.
Evidence E: There has been increased Clint McElroy the Planeswalking Janitor activity, the most since before Ethersea. In April, Justin played the character Clint McElroy the Planeswalking Janitor in a liveshow in San Jose (I was there hi!!!), which had initially been planned for November but was rescheduled. Both of these, though, fall under the time in which Steeplechase was active, so he was thinking about this character during that time. Additionally, the merch of the month for August is a sticker of Planeswalking Janitor Clint McElroy. And he was mentioned in Steeplechase Episode 26, when there was debate over whether something was said by Emerich or his player.
Travis: I think that was Dad. Justin: Oh. Well, I mean... yeah, I guess dad could be in it too, Trav. Is that what you’re saying? Travis: No, I’m just saying, I think Dad was making the observation— Clint: Oh my God! Is this an appearance by Clint McElroy, the planes-walking janitor? Griffin: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Clint: Okay— Travis: No, no, not yet. Justin: No, we can’t, we can’t. Travis: Don’t force it, don’t force it.
Evidence F: I didn't expect to find this one. Honestly I think it shows that I have gone too far as a person. But... guys this one drives me crazy. So. We meet Shoockles in Episode 4, when The Nanofather introduces him as "Cat bart... he's my cat. Bart Shoockles." And guys I was like haha that's funny there is no way this is related... But then I was on Clint's Instagram trying to figure out if maybe he had a cat, since I know Justin has one. And I came across a photo he took of a white dog, which I wasn't sure was his until I got confirmation from an old post on one of the boys' Instagrams. But... in the caption of the post with his dog, he calls him Homer. Clint McElroy has a dog named Homer. Let me just, direct you to the Simpsons family tree:
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Finally, Evidence G: Justin would go really far for a bit. He likes to have fun and get silly with his family and he knows Clint would get a huge laugh out of this. And he would also do anything to get a good age joke on his dad.
8. Conclusion [how it all comes together]
The moment you've been waiting for. What does it all mean?
The Nanofather seems to play no real importance to the main plot in Steeplechase at this point, but he has huge potential to. More importantly, looking at the Nanofather gives us some insight into the state of the park and where the player characters find themselves. He works as both a narrative framing device and as a part of the story. He talks to the players, the characters, and the audience, truly bringing a special flavor to Steeplechase.
With everything we've seen and heard, there is sufficient evidence to say that the Nanofather lives within the walls of the park, travelling using its energy grid. He has only been able to manifest to the characters through the electronics and hardlight creations. When they arrived in Kidadelphia in episode 32, it was apparent they were not connected to the same electrical grid, and there was no hardlight. The fact that he was completely silent in both 32 and 33 supports this theory, because there would be no way for him to communicate with them. Either that or they were too late and he died.
He has found himself in a wasteland, with weather and times that are controlled electronically. He is scattered, does not have a name-- a shell of who he once was. If the Carmine Denton Nanofather theory were correct, this would be a beautiful picture: the guy who created a way for others to escape is trapped in the destruction that his creation wrought... Regardless, I am concerned for his wellbeing since it seemed like he was in a hurry.
The interactions between the Nanofather and the heist crew imply that there could be a larger plot with him, but I don't know how close that is to happening. The Nanofather is one complicated guy, and if they want to save him I... guess they'll have to never know when to stop dreaming.
Thank you for coming along with me on this long and gruesome ride. I started this way back after episode 30 aired, I think. It's been simmering for a month, my own personal stew of sorts... For those of you who have helped contribute to my madness, thank you, and to those who have watched in horror, I'm sorry. It's been a real one.
And now, to send you off, I present to you this excerpt from Episode 10:
Justin: Our friend and employee Jupiter is kind enough to help pull together recaps of this dumb stuff, but Jupiter, showing a lot of wisdom here, does not track the story of the nanofather […] Travis: I think they realize it's been so clear cut at this point that any child could keep track of all the nanofather/muckdweller lore.
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feekins · 10 months
here are my thoughts and things and whatever translation weirdness I find as I re-read ch 5 of Trigun Maximum vol 6!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
I remember this chapter gets Heavy, so let's start with something silly - here after the title page:
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
it's not a translation thing, but I had to include a comparison so you can see that it's not, like...weirdness involving image compression or quality or whatever - it rly does say BUNCH GRASS SALOON there, and that just. tickles me. so much. it's so cute! and exotic-sounding, I'd imagine, if you live where anything that's everything that's publically accessible is desert.
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
now, getting into the 'meat' of this chapter, we have minor wording differences between translations for this all-important line. both make sense, but given the theme of this chapter (titled "Colorless Expression" in both translations), the Overhaul's wording choice is more fitting. das nuance, babey =u=
oh, another tiny thing that tickles me: when that kid tackles Vash, the Overhaul translates the name of the kid's 'attack' as "Flying Mid-air Crab Pinch" whereas Dark Horse calls it "Flying Volley Crab Pinch" - both very cute!
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
reading the Dark Horse translation, this bit of conversation always confused me - and it's moments like this where the Overhaul's is just. SO helpful. domfock has spoken on some of the translation choices that're made to clarify who's talking, and it looks like the above is one case of that. this happens a couple more times throughout the chapter, and I appreciate each and every one 💕
...oh. that church scene. haha. hellooooo, teenage me's religious trauma;;;;;;,
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FIRST: this bounty hunter's name is Justin, so in my head, he is forever voiced by Justin McElroy goofing around 🤣
SECOND: timeline stuff!!! we now know that this chapter takes place 10 years after Lost July (which happened in the year 0104), making the "current" date sometime in the year 0114 - 1 year after we see Meryl in Trigun Maximum vol 1 (on her birthday in February 0113), and 4 years after Jeneora Rock (which happened in October 0110)!
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SILLY THING: the label on the bottle reads "RED ROCK" - which also happens to be an irl soda company. it was founded in Atlanta a year before Coca-Cola was. also they make yummy grape soda =u=
SAD THING: I didn't get the significance of this part when I first read it as a teenager. I wasn't raised around alcohol - I thought this bit was just Vash being A Silly Lil Guy. reading this as an Adult who only very very very very very rarely chooses to consume An Alcohol, partially bc I know way too many ppl who struggle with substance abuse/addiction (ALCOHOL IS A DRUG)...Vash. 🥺
it goes right along with the "Colorless Expression" thing...
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*wounded animal sounds*
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something about we the readers knowing Vash's power is what did The Thing but that Knives is what triggered itgxxjgxjgjxg
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...oh, Overhaul. I hurt. using "people" thereby implying these townspeople don't even see Vash as a person... (you also gotta wonder - how many of these people were just in that church?) 🥲
then, there's an interesting difference in wording between the two translations after Milly asks Vash (in both translations) "How can you keep smiling like that?"
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"look" VS "do" - it all comes down to nuance.
all Vash is trying to do is keep going... 😭
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this post. just...all of this.
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 31: when all you have is a hammer
[turns twitch upside down and shakes it] where show
"you know the feywild nature of fearne" "DO I?!"
"shady ass"
"I FUCKING KNEW IT sorry that was liam"
you have a crown, you put it on
fond memories of keyleth trying to Hold Person artagan and matt just busting out laughing
"is it ticking" it's a pipe bomb!
I have processed none of this
"it isn't easy" taliesin
there is so much talking over each other tonight
taliesin you KNOW residuum is weird
you've heard of lucky charms get ready for dark charms
okay I'm back now. ish.
[justin mcelroy voice] don't drill a hole in your head
vaseline on the camera lens
the attention deficit is real
"things have been going so fast and furious" travis: [squint]
"good bit"
knowledge on a biscuit
"I love your new etsy shop!" "GOTTA START SOMEWHERE" too real, dial it back
THANK you imogen
"I wanna hit a parent! I don't have issues, fuck you"
"my parents are great"
the entire table just DIED
oh OW
"we love you, and if we never see you again, fair play" hahahaha bioparent feels ACTIVATE if you need me I'll be in the floor
liam if you mention the raven I'm gonna scream
none of us are over keyleth but liam o'brien is especially never over keyleth
matt as keyleth >
'this side of the fam' matthew I swear to god
"and hits it with a hammer"
liam is aiming directly for me
An Alone Place
excellent segue sam, A+
(I almost definitely spelled that wrong)
reminder that laura recorded grog's belch in lovm
I keep just picturing Beidou Genshinimpact but as a faun for Birdie. no I don't know where this comes from. pretty sure it's not the name.
GOD I want the orym shirt so bad
tr avis
Just Cirque Things
'a bit'
tell the whole story delilah
oh NO
"fcg murdered their family" theorists how we feeling
four points of WHAT
When Internalizing Backfires
the angry eyebrows were foreshadowing
laudna :(
"that sounds like a japanese horror movie"
everybody's heart just STOPPED
(it's me, my heart stopped)
"all love is taken away" delilah and sylas are just gonna fuck me up forever huh
"I will behead you"
I knew fcg was gonna ruin me eventually and HERE WE ARE
fjsdlkf he had a fucking PANIC ATTACK
oh right ashton threatened to headsmash anyone that made fcg feel bad
travis is dead, we lost travis
oh for -
what's their mother's name
"I'm not an attacky thing, I'm a healy thing"
dad has HAD IT
lore meteor shower
30 was the end of shadycreek, bc 26 was molly
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jovishark · 2 years
sorry to bother if you dont want to answer thats totally fine, but i havent listened to mbmbam in a while, whats been happening with travis saying "huh" ?
[disclaimer: this is not what i would put in a review but im saying this here bc its not intended for them to see. yes i know the mcelroys are all real people and i know their podcast is twelve fuckin years old and i know they all try really hard. but here goes]
well. basically travis is the one who picks the questions and everything so he sees them days in advance of recording. any time (since around the 400s) griffin or justin finishes reading a question or a statement or a press release travis immediately goes HUH. like hes considering it. but he never gives the message any room to Breathe so you know hes not really, hes just making a noise to let them know hes still in the room or that he has an opinion. he instantly sets the stage as 'HEY its me and im here, and i think im very funny'
and its not even just that its like. he doesnt give them any room to talk anymore. and when they do he interrupts them either to steal their joke or "posit" his own and Griffin Himself has pointed it out multiple times that travis needs to let them talk and contribute and travis goes riiiiight rightrightrightright BUT let me just- like no. dude come on. its making it hard to listen to but Also it sounds more and more like griffin is just so tired and mumbly because hes just waiting to get interrupted
and i used to really like travis!! in the Thank Travis For Travis days yes i thought he was really funny because sure his joke was that he was self centered but it was because he actually had something to say. his advice was tempered and sometimes informative and sometimes a fun joke but it was BALANCED with griffin doing a funny voice or justin pointing out some down to earth stuff. now its like. hes doing the same joke about being the greatest, but worse, since he steps on both of them to make it? he butts in with a joke thats not funny and expects them to pick up the pieces
literally in like. episode 605 or 604 he brings up "i am the Quintessential Millennial Dad [Cis Straight Man Edition] because i listen to matchbox twenty while i mow the lawn" and griffin and justin just. sat there. and eventually moved on while travis kept saying oh, i thought that was gonna be- that was a bit, because see, you guys are also millennial dads who- no? okay, i just thought- oh, okay AND it was incredibly weird and dumb and awkward. travis is getting really performative and not in a fancy takes flight way, but in a way that like. you scroll past on twitter. in a way that you roll your eyes at and hope it stops soon. but for some reason hes decided that not only will he make the podcast all about him but he will do it using buzzwords that most people on tumblr would blacklist And he will do it in direct defiance of both griffin and justin asking him to please not
when jesse thorn made that ad that says 'mbmbam is good now, i promise' i think he spoke too soon. justin and griffin arent without fault but at least them reading press releases and other peoples articles to me is a pleasant audio experience. travis just tramples bits and makes the same bad noise and only picks questions hes interested in because he thinks he can worm a story out of them when really all hes doing is making me buy youtube music
tl;dr he interrupts so much and so badly it makes me visibly uncomfortable
EDIT: i will add to this that i KNOW travis has adhd and impulse control. i know this because he brings it up constantly as an excuse for acting like this. he says its a thing hes had since childhood but it only manifested on mbmbam 400 episodes in, so? i dont know man. im not going to get into anybodys mental illness but yes im aware of this as a thing and id like to say its an explanation but not an excuse for ruining a podcast you and your brothers spent a decade on
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themightynein · 5 years
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@kalasie had a galaxy brain moment when we realized that the mcelboys will probably do voices for the animated series
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terezis · 3 years
okay so last night i had the. WILDEST dream about taz & i NEED to tell SOMEBODY about it so here u go enjoy: so in the dream it was my bday & to celebrate i treated myself to go to some big fancy theatre where i knew some taz event was happening. so there i was in the crowd all excited for the taz stuff to start & an announcer comes out & introduces taako in the flesh to come out onstage! but no one appears for several minutes & everyone gets all concerned like where taako what happened to him? & so was i until i realized - oh shit! IM taako! like literally i WAS the man the myth the legend himself taako from tv. not like i was always taako & then just realized it but more like in that exact moment i suddenly transformed (transmutated if u will) INTO taako. & in my mind i could hear the voice of who else but justin mcelroy talking to me & advising me on shit like "ok u gotta get up onstage now my man cmon we gotta get going u can do this lets go!" & so i stepped out onto stage to raucous applause in the form of taako in the flesh. for the rest of the dream i had to entertain the masses which was really difficult bc while i WAS taako, tbh it was more like my body was inhabiting his soul? & i had to get into this very specific mindset, like i almost had to astral project my consciousness while simultaneously being conscious enough to keep my body awake, in order for me to stay standing but also speak AS taako. & i specifically remember at one point somebody in the crowd asks taako "wheres lup?" & like i think my astral-projecting-mental-state slipped for a second so i was back to myself when i got asked that & i instinctively said "who?" & just EVERYONE in the whole place lost their SHIT like it was a fucking riot, & in my mind the voice of justin mcelroy goes "fuck." & i had to go & shimmy my way up onto the ceiling to hang down from the chandelier & shout at the top of my lungs "I WAS JOKING LUP'S FINE SHE'S ON VACAY IN ENCINO NOW STOP UR YAMMERING" & things finally went to normal. at the end of the dream for some reason somebody dared taako to eat his hat & voice-justin just said "FUCK YES we can eat our hat dont even TRY" so i started munching, & just as i about finished chomping up the brim, thats when i woke up. im so sorry about this sudden, weird, super-long, out of nowhere ask, but i feel like for some reason u'd appreciate knowing that this dream happened to me
holy shit
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
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I posted 4,044 times in 2021
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#bc this is literally my most popular art and i cant stop thinking about an edited version i made to make the lich look like a worm on a
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we trending my dudes
715 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 19:57:01 GMT
i've always liked the hc that no one knows barry's lactose intolerant until a few cycles in bc it's just so fucking stupid. like why would he need to hide this??? taako and lup are literally the assigned chefs of the mission n he's just like :) they dont need to know this very important thing about my diet.
barry, facing the apocalypse every year: this is fine
barry, at the idea of telling someone he needs specific lactose free food: this is the worst thing that could ever happen to me
728 notes • Posted 2021-12-03 19:06:22 GMT
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I love this <3
769 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 19:20:00 GMT
[Audio ID: Audio from episode 576 of My Brother, My Brother, and Me.
Griffin: I wish I could shut out the demons in my head for a minute and think about shit like... bad car names. 
Travis: Sometimes they just come to you unbidden. You don’t have to think about them, it’s just how your brain works.
Griffin: Yeah, you definitely have a- like a diseased system-
Travis, starting to laugh: Yeah, it’s called ADD!
Griffin laughs.
880 notes • Posted 2021-09-09 01:23:49 GMT
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a youtube comment reply section from a day ago, ft. a conversation between coloredgalaxies and Justin McElroy.
coloredgalaxies says "who is this man and why is taako voicing him" with 14 likes.
Justin McElroy says "im right here" with 13 likes.
coloredgalaxies "@/Justin McElroy omg it's the guy that taako voices hello sir big fan" with 2 likes.
Justin McElroy says "I also uploaded berries and cream" with 13 likes.
End ID]
1131 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 01:34:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mcnuggyy · 3 years
I don't understand how, besides being a character named after Tacos who really wants to make a Taco (which Justin admitted was racially insensitive on his part), and that being kind of a gag, how exactly is Taako racially coded at all? It kind of seems like it's all just based on his name being a joke by a white creator who wasn't thinking of the racial implications. I just don't understand why he can't really be any race anyone wants him to be (including latine btw) 1/2
2/2 The blue thing I get, btw, and I'm definitely not suggesting that as an alternative, or that we should whitewash a latine character for the sake of it-- I just don't think the McElroys have ever said he's latine. And I think judging people for being uncomfortable with their version of Taako being a representation of latine characters by assuming they have ill intent when they draw a non-latine coded Taako is maybe wrong.
Hey! So I actually kinda talked about this before, but I had a REALLY BIG thought about this in the morning actually, so hopefully I can shed a bit of light on this. (I am ignoring that canonically Taako is a Sun Elf for this)
Okay so, overall because of the McElroy's decision to keep the podcast as “race neutral” as possible, purposely living things up to interpretation, (except for the few canon characters of color (which is like 3 lmao)) This means that any slight deviation from this “neutrality” has very serious implications when it happens. It is NO coincidence that both Jewish people and Latine people have found themselves heavily relating to Taako, hc him as Jewish and/or Latine, etc. It would be foolish to think of this as simply coincidence when the text itself kind of gives us reason to. And in this “race neutral” world, that little bit is all you need. 
(i may be reaching a bit but again, i want to emphasize how BECAUSE, this world is MEANT to exist in a “race free” world, LMAO whatever the hell that means, any bit of reference to culture or ethnicity is a very big deal)
Taako says stuff in Yiddish, and one of his big character arcs, is looking for the lost connection of his sister (whether he realizes it or not) and reconnecting with those lost bonds through tex-mex food. He navigates the world through food, that’s kind of his thing. Which to me is a VERY first generation, second generation, child of mexican immigrants, etc. narrative to me. Like that is1000% a Tejano/Chicano narrative to have. Having a nickname/name like Taako, Lup, Tostada, etc. IS SOMETHING we MEXICANS DO TOO LIKE A LOT, I have cousins who are nicknamed Brownie, Dulce, Coco, Guayaba, and Manzanita, and other people have name’s like Concha, which is both shell and a type of bread that looks like a shell, like honestly whether Justin realizes it or not, SILLY NICKNAMES LIKE THIS ARE KIND OF A CULTURAL THING.... White people have nicknames sometimes sure, but for us, it is like a right of passage, it is a big part of who you are, and you can even end up with many different nicknames, some are just PLAIN MEAN, like Chachalaco (someone who never shuts up), Gordita, or mine being Guero (white boyyyy) Like I RELATE TO THEIR NAMES, and that might not make sense to you, but as someone who literally has oc’s named after Mexican food from when I was a kid (Takito, Flor, and Churro) ... well.... sorry but that’s Latine culture babeyyyy
(also own personal hc but like... i can totally picture these little Latine kid’s fucking choosing their own name’s / nickname’s cause that’s like exactly what me and my siblings were like as kid’s smh) 
( also Lup.... Lupita... Lupe.... Guadalupe.. Lupes.... Maria Guadalupe.... smhhh
it’s literally the most common name, it’s SO funny to me, that ALONE is enough in my opinion LMAO, you can’t name a character a common short hand for a name like Guadalupe and NOT expect me to gravitate towards her smh 
-respectfully, a fellow Guadalupe) 
I get what the brothers were trying to do by letting fans hc and come up with their own designs and stuff, but when it comes to race and ethnicity it can become kind of an issue... And as I said in the beginning, because they tried to keep the world as “blank” as possible (which often times really just means white lets be honest here) that means any small instance of a character breaking this neutrality, becomes very difficult to ignore. And I really think, ignoring how many Jewish and Latine fans relate to Taako and Lup, seems like a disservice .... there is clearly something going on here, and I don’t think we should ignore it.
At the end of the day, it is what it is, and there isn’t much else besides this, and Taako canonically being a Sun Elf, and his relationship to food, that to me feels very cultural and important, especially when it comes to trying to reconnect with something you lost (whether it’s family, or traditions), it’s all very metaphorical, but I think it does have some very strong references there that I and many others see themselves in. 
(and ofc Latin America is very diverse so there’s that too) 
Also I think it’s important to acknowledge that my biggest issue with blue Taako has always been the way the issue went about and what occurred. White peoples opinions on the matter were prioritized, and instead of LISTENING to poc, the McElroy’s let their white guilt take the lead... I would just like for them to have some creatives of color on their team at this point, is that too much to ask?
I think I am very much aloud to remain bitter and upset about this... I don’t want white people getting offended on my behalf over something that isn’t actually offensive, and would actually be pretty awesome representation in my opinion. But again, white voices, feelings, and opinions have been prioritized, and I just have to accept that lmao. 
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22drunkb · 3 years
Please tell me about the Tim Curry phenomenon?
Hoist on my own petard! Okay.
So just in case what I said was unclear, when I said “Tim Curry as a phenomenon” I didn’t mean that there was some Thing That Happened, like [rummages in ancient tumblr lore] mishapocalypse or something. I just mean what Tim Curry has come to signify in popular culture for certain kinds and generations of people. I would not consider myself a Tim Curry expert, I don’t know a ton about his life and filmography, but I do experience him as that kind of icon or signifier, so all I’m going to be talking about is that (and for this reason I have determined I am not going to look anything up). (@tafadhali​ I’m going to need to you let me know how I did when this is all over.) So:
Tim Curry is an actor. He is probably best known for The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Clue, Muppet Treasure Island, Home Alone 2, the 90s miniseries of It, and maybe now that one clip of him that circulates online from time to time where he’s yelling about going to space and trying not to laugh. The key facts are:
Tim Curry has incredible presence and charisma. He is not an actor who “disappears into the role.” He is a very skilled performer--it’s not like he plays the same thing in every role, and if somebody else could do what he does, many more people would be doing it--but he’s the kind of actor who gets used as a shorthand to describe characters, or other actors. “A Tim Curry type.” He works in Muppet Treasure Island because he’s in no way naturalistic, and so he can play off puppets no problem. We could comparatively describe this as The Jack Black Factor.
Tim Curry has a very distinctive voice (speaking and singing) and way of delivering lines, such that his accent comes off as almost put-on or parodic without ever quite going over the top. (This is true when he’s actually putting on an accent and when he’s not.) His delivery has unusual emphases that make the lines stick with you. These qualities are equally suited to comedy and creepiness, and he reasonably often does both at the same time. So he easily becomes a kind of factory for references, a meme factory before we called things memes. We could comparatively describe this as The Christopher Walken Factor.
Tim Curry has been in a lot of movies. These movies’ quality ranges from “hilariously bad” to “not good by mainstream standards, but objectively incredible at being the kind of movie it is” to “beloved hit, but nobody would call it High Cinema.” (If Tim Curry has also been in prestige films recognized as such,* I do not disrespect them or him, but I don’t know about it! And that’s part of the Tim Curry phenomenon!) I have not come up with a comparison for this--it’s less a distinctive thing than something that becomes important in combination with the first two.
Tim Curry always does an incredible job in these movies, whatever their quality. And he always seems to be having a great time doing it. One of the top YouTube comments on that clip I linked reads, “A reviewer once said about Tim Curry: ‘For every 1-star movie he's been in, he's the reason that movie got that star.’” He delivers a specific feeling of intense talent being directed, with great pleasure, to a purpose that is, on some level, inexplicable. (No one else would say this line this way! Why is he doing that! Because he’s Tim Curry, and that’s good enough, dammit!) This creates a sensation that somehow combines “admiration” and “this is hilarious,” but in a different way than you might admire a great stand-up set. It’s on purpose without feeling deliberate. It’s cheese being executed at the level of high art. It’s ridiculous and it’s fantastic. IT’S CAMP, BABY. Put that together with the ability to walk a knife-edge between hilarious clown and scary villain (he played Pennywise, hello), in the context of what the film industry outside of Very Special Episode morality tales has been for most of his career, and you have a recipe for a queer culture icon. I give you Frank-N-Furter.
So Tim Curry at this point means a certain quality or texture of zaniness--but one that’s not maniacal or exactly cartoonish, just like, orthogonal to what’s expected or normal. You get Tim Curry for a role when you want things to feel a little too much but in the best way; when you want to sit right on the line between “this character is out of sync with reality” and “telling the audience this is a heightened reality.” This is assuming you’re a good filmmaker who knows what you’re doing. He is the best thing in some bad movies because he reliably creates this delightful sensation even when the movie doesn’t have a clear purpose for it; he can make objectively bad material fun to watch because the things that made the writing dumb or the costuming bad are campy and fun in his hands. This is kind of what I meant by an inexplicable purpose: it doesn’t need to make sense to work. This is also what I mean about being on the line between “is the character acting nuts or is this the kind of world the movie is setting up”--when it’s not what the movie is trying to do, but the movie is failing at what it is trying to do, Tim Curry suddenly makes that fun to watch because whatever he’s doing is both of quality and basically ineffable.
So this is why we live in a world where, say, Justin McElroy can build a whole bit on MBMaM around just repeatedly spitting out the words “CHEESE! PIZZA!” in a Tim Curry voice, or Tim Curry appears on The Simpsons. At this point Tim Curry is not just a man or an actor, he’s a mood. And because that mood is hard to describe, we mostly only invoke it by referring to him. But it’s a wonderful thing that has a lot of room in it to be enjoyed in different ways, whether it’s about queerness or comedy or surrealism or performance craft that isn’t smothered by the uptight standards of “naturalism” or “realism” or “subtlety.” And Clue is one of the best venues for it because it is a good movie made by people who did know what they were doing, and what they were doing was aimed exactly at creating the Tim Curry Experience: it’s clever and artful at being campy and cheesy, and its darkness and funniness are wrapped together in so many layers you can’t separate them.
Evidence of Tim Curry’s skill as a performer: look at him Not Being Tim Curry on SNL here with Eddie Murphy, maybe the one time I can think of that he’s in the “straight man” role. (An FYI more than a warning: The sketch is poking at racism--I think it holds up really well, but it’s deliberately pushing ~the line.)
__________________________________ *I know a lot of Film People etc. now consider Clue a genuine genius classic--for good reason! it’s incredible!--but it wasn’t received that way, and to the extent that it has gained this recognition it’s by that rubric of “succeeds at what it’s trying to do, which is more important than whether what it’s trying to do is be Citizen Kane Paddington 2.”
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Trollstopia season 3 thoughts.
First off, LOVED THE TECHNO FOCUS💙💚🤩😋😍!!!!! Seriously my cheeks hurt from smiling so much the more in the spotlight they became🥰! They need it more often, they’re the best😄! THEY HAVE FUNNEL CAKE😆! Have to admit the outer appearance of their glob seemed unappealing, but I love them so much my curiosity for knowing them more would be more overpowering. Also Poppy’s tongue refusing to let it in, is 100% my sister’s tongue with pills😂!
Piñata battle obviously reminds one of robot battles, only you get to eat what’s left😄. Sound way better if you ask me.
Sky’s tutorial work week for R&B made sense. How can you know you’re suited for a job or around, if you don’t practice and get the hang of it? Although way too close a deadline.
So Justin McElroy voiced a disguntle weed, makes sense.
OH MAN! My OC Dub Skull would’ve LOVED that extreme sleepover! Staying in a place they say is haunted and using a hologram to scare his friends? That is sooo up his alley! Hide and Shriek is sooo is favorite game now! It screams Dub Skull (pun entirely intended)! Makes me wish even more for him to be canon! AND THEY SAID OC-TROLL-BER! THATS WHAT I CALLED IT FOR HIM🤩💚🖤!!!!!!
Val is finding out more and more ways to touch my heart😍!
Major, obvious Star Wars reference again. Makes me laugh every time😋!
Okay the thing with Gust is, when someone says nothing will ever happen for them. Usually it has too eventually.
I just love seeing DJ associate with the techno trolls. I can appreciate the Daft Punk helmet similarities. Interesting to know techno trolls have by somehow, been associated with fire. Okay but seriously if Synth gets any cuter, I’m going to die.
Poppy counter manipulating trolls’ big hearts, was actually very impressive. Even working on Branch.
I guess I can’t use the name BeeTrollven for OC ideas. Although I guess the name idea made it pretty likely DreamWorks was gonna do something with it. Acting anti-classical to test classicalness, pretty impressive.
I’m not a big fan of wormhole episodes though😅. They’re just not the kind of crazy out there I like. I can never show that episode to my mom! NEVER!
I love how Poppy, Val, and Holly’s friendship is coming along😋! Also just getting Branch to say Fabryinth, I adore and would totally do too. I did wonder why they didn’t start using sound to get around. Trial by fire I guess, of course even BFFs can still have fights. What is it with Branch and death vents? While still not much Broppy, I still love that encouragement Branch gave Poppy😊!
I still SUPER miss Barb at this point! Next season please! Or will we have to wait for Holiday in Harmony to see her again? If she’s in it. SHE’D BETTER BE IN IT!
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plasticbattleaxe · 5 years
thoughts on the amnesty finale
! warning big spoilers !
that intro went HARD AS SHIT GRIFFIN
like the atmostphere of the amnesty theme in a minor key getting progressivly more alien? the corrupted, creepy wrongness of the voice editing? so well executed
the foreshadowing of beacon getting closer to his final purpose being able to pop the bubbles and stuff? excellent
on the subject of beacon what a little shit i love him “Wayynnnne Newwwton” what a perfect representation of the ‘little shit’ friend
travis roll over a 5 challenge
the worldbuilding!!!!! that scifi setting of a cyber punk future slowly rotting... 
griffin really has a habit of turning his “fantasy” stories scifi right at the end though huh
the organic matter pods were such a good visual, almost matrix-esque, and imagining Jane forming in one of those things and then disolving?  jesus christ dude
its so wild to think that griffin has just been sitting on this backstory for so long and how much stuff actually played into it like remember that line from the tree arc where Indrid says to duck “all those futures changed when you saved that goat man” like holy shit what would have happened if duck hadnt saved billy
billy???????? BILLY!!!!!!!!
 god not focus on duck but damn what a fucking badass - beacon carving his way through the room just absolutely WRECKING all of those tanks is so cool he has come so far from duck “im just a regular guy’ newton  
thacker connecting with the hive mind and essentially telling a millions of year old entity to essentially get fucked is so him excellent job clint
beacon achieving his purpose made me so irrationally bittersweet like on one hand im like “fuckin superb you funky little sword” and on the other “no sir dont take him away thats my emotional support bastard”
billy using slang and talking as though hes a modern day teenager was buckwild like has he just been chilling with jake and pidgeon while we werent looking 
griffin you also have a thing for “characters making a huge decision right at the finale” huh
thacker essentially having psychic skype session with mama is so funny imagine being mama and being woken in the middle of the night cause this asshole you have a psychic link with keeps asking you to bring him gorp
the quell personified and seeking out thacker is such a rewarding redemption arc. good for her 
aubrey willing to stay with dani no matter where she goes :’)
“hi honey-” “OH MY GOD”
aubrey running across a feild with flowers spreading behind her is some ghibli movie shit and i really cannot wait to see art of it
aubrey in cannon carrying around a hiking bags worth of shampoo to keep her hair red? thats bisexual energy
i love the aubrey dani interactions theyre always so genuinly sweet and endearing - dani saying “im hungry” and aubrey immediately just  “ight ima make a tree i guess”
griffin hesitiating when he describes dani kissing aubrey to make it less wieird was also very good like theres an audible second of silence before he says “on the cheek”
“this is only the beginining” travis this was the third time i cried this episode 
the music!!!!!!!!!!! was so good!!!!!!!!!!! here!!!!!!!!!!
duck going to help the forrest fires in brazil was so cool cause its true to character but also true to justins values :)
“honey-” HONEY?
okay i literally did a double take here because (im guessing griffin also thought this) that Juno and Duck would end up together. I’m totally on board with minerva it was just really out of the blue 
justins monolgue here was so good it was really heart wrenching and a beautiful conclusion to ducks arc
Griffin throwing in some subtle sternclay. like. we see you dude.
amnesty lodge sunset reprise is officially my new favourite song from the entire TAZ ost INCLUDING BALANCE 
Mama finally being able to pursue her art in proper now that she has a chance to follow her own dreams instead of keeping the world safe
Barclay not being afraid of who will recognise him
Jake, keith and hollis kicking it again :)
kirby maintaining neds legacy at the crytonomica
ned :(
oh fuck ned :(
at this point i was sobbing because this was all so bittersweet like Neds legacy, the gang seeing eachother again, the gentle music. it was like you were in that moment with them
my favourite moment in this whole season was the last visual. mama standing on the deck in the cool night air, the sun setting behind her as she walks down to meet her friends and see the future she worked so hard for - all the while the gentle strum of the guitar plays in the background? beautiful. so fuckign beautiful 
im so thankful for the mcelroys giving us this treasure of a story and im so glad i got to see it unfold 
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ducknewton · 3 years
the past few days, i've had justin mcelroy saying "let us in please, please let us in? i didn't know it was legal to keep us out!" in taako's voice stuck in my head, but i cannot for the life of me place it.
does anybody happen to know when he said that (if at all? am i imagining this?)
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nochiquinn · 2 years
lovm watch party 2: I said I wasn’t gonna do this but nobody told me it was live commentary. yes I am commenting on the commentary.
oh, liam got her
"putting laura bailey on the spot" is my favorite content
"depsite his cold exterior....he's cold all the way through"
"if you have light-up crystals, you use them"
"this is our whole relationship, right here" "now give me your money"
pickle 🖤
"don't wake the dead >:("
it's fun to say!!
changes my twitter name to "illegal immoral and fattening"
"how long have they been there and why haven't they clean"
my roommate that I finally bullied into watching dubbed grog "a big dumb puppy" immediately
update: still hate it
liam: everybody shut up my wife's on screen
none of us are over keyleth but liam o'brien is definitely not over keyleth
"don't go outside!" "that's where the bad is!"
wait no changes my twitter name to ghost skritches
nobody called out the table, I'm sad
"he pooped in a jar?!" "it's. it's complicated."
"I'm just gonna drink now."
"it wasn't THAT hard"
"somehow didn't put it a blindspot pun"
"I wanna make people cry"
so he's who I have to go after for emotional damages
oh daughter of the sea was SO GOOD
mala: moral of this story: shoot your shot
I would buy a metapigeon
"we can't joke about things here"
okay I know I said trigun but those are trigun as hell
"that's stupid and wouldn't work!" "I know! they don't!"
mala: there are too many bisexuals here, that's their problem
she didn't want to be a Big Titty Anime Girl
the fact that there are just wires going into their ears and I can't see the earpiece is bothering me for some reason
oh no undercut vax
"he's on time-out"
simon gets belts and a chain
[edna mode voice] NO BELTS
"that's my prom photo"
"we can sense each other like bats"
"you poopin?"
"we are used to screaming alone in a small room. also we record things."
"she will never move on from trinket" ask sam
"force matt to do all kinds of horrible things he doesn't wanna do" that's it that's the game
sunjin as the fandom and also liam
"why not both"
The Adventure Begins
"you gonna have fun byeeee"
their legs are made of fingers
changes twitter name to /pizza
"I'm the adult, none of you are old enough to drive" taliesin
"they're just doing what mama asked!!"
"whoops, saved us again"
"give her five seconds to think about something and it'll all go to hell" relateable
guiding arrow up the butt
JUST noticed vex pulling percy after her. this is my fifth time watching it.
"I can't believe you killed the horses!" "they had to go!"
"the vampiric energy is why we get such beautiful sunsets in whitestone"
just ten minutes of "oh noooo"
"she accidentally killed a lot of people"
laura validating my dissertation on the twins' codependency
"give matt a list of names and this is what happens"
"he needs a warm cup of cocoa and a blanket - " "AND HIS PARENTS"
"that's when we knew matt wasn't fucking around"
oh I did not catch the nails
"what do they see in each other" "she's hot" "he's hot"
"your brother's an idiot and everybody else is just goofing off"
take a nap and make a watch, maybe you'll feel better
catching the uwus
that was a hell of an analogy
I want this gifset. I'm not gonna make it but I want it
"I don't wanna murder on live television!"
flashbacks to travis and his zappy swatter
oh this is so weird without the music. like good, but weird
I love him calling out different people working on these shots
"girl u ok"
grog for scale
that is a sexy wagon tho
oh no bottom left I hate it
mala: instituting a 4 legs maximum
justin mcelroy talking about when they got to write for marvel: feels increasingly like a prank
"we should always talk about darin de paul" correct
we lost laura, laura has left the chat
laura beating taliesin up live on the internet
"were they body wind chimes?" "I mean not yet"
"we hired a real bird, he was excellent"
if they don't stop saying "zaddy" I'mma mcfuckin lose it for entirely unrelated reasons
"we get to keep light"
"I want this in my house"
"no one like a sober barbarian"
"this is what shooting in brooklyn is like"
"this is a beautiful show" smash cut to spitting blood
so much bass in one room
"sound design 10/10 but please stop"
dfslkd I also did not catch Reggie
Pocket Sausage
I Fell Out Of The Window
so much celery
oh THAT'S rahlia. mystery solved
"where's percy" doing hot girl shit
"percy's having therapy" that is NOT therapy taliesin
"and then they burn with the house"
tallyessen jaffie
liam and laura what are you doing back there
taliesin trying desperately to get out of the accent
"percy just coming out" that ship has sailed
"I had a dream I was from california"
give us the lore taliesin
"draw me a bear riding a horse drinking beer in flowing water"
Speaking Of Nipples
"am I a bossy person" "I'm not answering that while I'm in arm's reach"
"thanks mica. ...what are you doing after this?"
"couch bros" [pours one out for Chaos Couch]
conceal don't feel
"I can fix him"
"percy at his core is still in his pajamas with his buttflap hanging out"
"how much of that is matt just torturing you"
"it was just never-ending stupid"
door episode dvd extra
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wolffyluna · 3 years
Fandom Meme: The Magnus Archives?
The first character I first fell in love with: Sasha. Which, uh. Turned out a way, I guess? ^^; I just liked the fact that she was so reasonable, without being Captain Chipper like Tim was.  The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I did not immediately parse Gerry Keay’s existance, but it didn’t take him long afterwards to become [Justin McElroy voice] MY BOY. I love this tragic goth weirdo. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: This one is awkward, because I tend to at least like most characters. And also, from my understanding of the TMA fandom, literally every character has an enthusiastic fandom and an enthusiastic hatedom.
But, with those caveats in mind: Peter Lukas. Of all the antagonists of TMA, I find him the most ~banal. He’s not a bad antagonist? I just don’t find him as interesting as other antagonists, like Elias or Simon. But this is partially because I find the Lonely really banal in general. IMO the example of the Lonely in action that I most like is s4!Martin.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Because I like most characters, and most characters have a hatedom, this answer changes depending on how many hornets I want to throw in the metaphorical room.
Medium hornets: Jonathan Sims
Many hornets: Daisy Tonner
A confusing number of hornets, and this is also a weird hill to to choose to die on: Tom Haan, but like, as a concept, not as the way he was actually executed.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Basira is great! (As a character, not necessarily as a person, but you know.) Great character, love her. However, some things she said in late s5 did nearly make me go “AAAAAARGHHH” out loud. (You can probably make a good guess which thing it was ^^;) The character I would totally smooch: Sasha! I like her, and also she is human and probably does not want to eat me. The character I’d want to be like: ...Gertrude? I mean, at the very least she made sensible decisions with the information she had...? Though if I am allowed to pick a statement giver, the tax assessor was a pretty good dude. The character I’d slap: *that conversation in late s5 is happening*
*a portal mysteriously opens*
*several characters are taken out at once by someone running at them, while screaming, and holding out a clipboard*
A pairing that I love: Gerry/Michael Shelley! (I also like Gerry/Distortion, but IMO Gerry/Shelley is better.) A pairing that I despise: I don’t really do NoTPs? So, like, the closest I get is with LonelyEyes, where I am like “But Jon and Martin are like, right there, for you two to menace!” 
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solarpire · 4 years
I'm going to stream a game on friday!
But I cant decide which game I want to play. So here's a list! Please reblog or reply to this post with which game(s) you'd be interested in seeing :3
Soma - under water story driven horror game, played a little a year ago and it looked super cool. It has a mode where you cant die which is great for me because I love horror but I am a MASSIVE wimp (cw: https://www.doesthedogdie.com/media/17000 )
We went back - puzzle driven horror game in space, takes place in one hallway that loops endlessly. Really cool concept, and I always love a good space game (cw: from what I could gather from the trailer, there is light scopophobia, some violence, and body horror for the monster, but I could not find a full content warning list)
Sherlock holmes: crimes and punishments - choice based mystery game. I dont know like. Anything about it but justin mcelroy rated it 8/10 (cw: from what I saw in the trailer there is light gore, murder, bruising, alcohol, and some guns, but I could not find a full content warning list)
Portal 2 - science puzzles and bastard little robots. I have memorized almost every puzzle and every time I play through I see if I can do it faster than the last time (cw: characters being rude to the main character, calling her fat, teasing her for being adopted/parents not loving her, saying shes smart for someone with brain damage, called a monster, called stupid. Most of these things do not actually apply to her and are just lightly joked about, but still happen frequently)
Portal stories mel - harder puzzles and GAY little robots. Very entertaining, and I dont think I've gotten all the trophies yet (cw: risk of electrocution, very vague spider imagery(made up of shadows and machinery, no actual spiders), character clearly trying to deceive the main character for a while in the beginning )
Tacoma - story driven spaceship game. It's mostly you just figuring out what happened on the spaceship tacoma. Has cute gays and sign language and a really cool game mechanic to see the history of the ship. I absolutely need to replay it at some point (cw: panic attacks, brief sexual content(no sex scenes) ai manipulation)
Gravitas - kinda like portal, but very short and much more comedic. It's cute and I wouldn't mind playing it again (cw: I think theres one joke about penguins dying)
Smile for me - comedy/slight horror puzzle game. You have to go around the habitat and find a way to make everyone happy again. This game is adorable and funny and creepy and I love it to death. If I play this one I get to do fun voices for all the characters. Also dr habit is prebby 😳 (cw: dental trauma, brief parental abuse heavily implied, occasional photorealistic bodyparts(not gore), light body horror, drug use, smoking and drinking, a clown. No jumpscares, but some scenes that make you think there will be. Woozy effect on camera commonly used)
Close to the sun - story driven horror puzzle game. Takes place on a giant ocean ship where you explore the work of nikola tesla while you search for your sister. The aesthetic is like a steampunk/great gatsby mix. It's on the shorter side, but it's a lot of fun and very nice to look at (cw:heavy gore and violence from both monsters and humans, panic attacks, chase scenes, a character is burned alive, one jumpscare, decomposing and mutilated bodies, major character death)
Please let me know what you would like to see!! I havent decided on a time to start yet, but it will be between 5:00pm - 3:00am CST!
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