#(idk if they have proper shipnames)
dkettchen · 22 days
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storfulsten · 6 months
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rius-cave · 2 months
Random stuff but like TY tyyyy for bringing the name Holydust to my attention cause ive lowkey been shippng n loving their friendship so for them to not only have a proper shipname but someone this passionate bout them is just (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
I need Adam/Angel Dust to be an actual tag on ao3 :))
I honestly don't think I came up with the name first, or maybe I did? Idk I haven't seen anyone else use it before me, but in any case YOU'RE WELCOME!!! I love them sm. whispers there might be something holydust related coming up soon ehehe
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prisonguards · 1 year
Shipping ask Treebark & (idk the shipname ) Magical Mountain duo?
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1- hmmm. I could not tell u exactly cause I watched Rens pov after I was deeply into fandom stuff already so probably just.. the fandom?
2- LOYALTY AND DEVOTION AND SACRIFICE AND FORCED KILLING… also jesus fuck. the post/drawing abt how Martyn doesnt know how to mourn Ren right cause hes never had to before? unmatched. good lord. anything revolving around Martyns feelings about Rens absence in limlife. BRUH… unguided hand like…. Martyns insane for that one fr
3- shrruug I dunno? theyre not the main characters of 3rd Life but theyre like… the good guys of it. like Scar atleast is always the villain to me. even tho treebark can have this over exaggerated villain kinda feel I wanna take that as like.. just cause the story is ‘meant’ to be scarians pov so theyre scarians antagonists yaknow?
Magical Mountain
my god I looked back through my messages to see when I went crazy abt them and it was like… DL ep one when I started watching Joel proper? I was like “woah this dynamics so antagonistic but they allies in LL?” and then I watched all of Joels LL in one afternoon and immediately got Magical Mountain And Smallidarity pilled at the same time
2- ANGST!!!! the incompleteness and emptiness and inability to stay together through cruel circumstance and all the try try try again despite that… theyres a mess and Id love to see them ally again, esp now that Scars actually a very imposing presence
3- again, theyre important to eachother and people neglect that EVEN WORSE for Magical Mountain since their alliance is so rocky, buy thats never been THEIR choice. theyre always trying, its just fate gets in the way.
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feketeribizli · 4 years
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bitches will either stab you to death when you give them water or gently say thank you and fall in love with you immediately
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tuiyla · 2 years
Damn watching Big Brother made me realize just how good of a friendship duo Quinn and Artie are. They’re so much fun together, Kevin and Dianna are wonderful and sound great on their duets, too. It’s one of the few (”straight”) m/f friendships that had screentime, even if just in one episode, and didn’t turn romantic which I love because Glee desperately needed more friendship stuff. It’s such a shame they then brought in Joe to be there for Quinn’s recovery plot and dicthed Artie. And for what? An incredibly boring romance plot that added nothing to either the overall story or Quinn’s character.
It’s just... why not keep Quartie. Whyyy. First off, their shipname is great. And second, when Artie has positive relationships with women, platonic or not, it makes me realize that he’s actually a cool character? Whenever I ranked ND he was always low if not for any other reason then some of his more questionable moments, but more than that I just never grew to care for him. I don’t get quite as pissed off as with some others I talk a lot more about but all in all he was done almost as dirty as Tina. Sure, he sang more, but Artie was pushed aside and not given proper storylines a lot, too.
Here we had a golden opportunity to not just use Quinn’s accident as pure shock value that was then discarded by the end of the season, but to actually explore interesting themes and dynamics. Even just the fact that Quinn and Artie now have this huge thing in common is a really good starting off point, because they’re an unlikely duo but get along so well and have a great time. And Artie is so willing to help Quinn adjust and introduce her to this whole new world, basically, and only wants the best for her by getting her to accept that she might not walk again. She might recover because Glee decided she could lift Santana come Nationals, yeah, but she might not have. And it’s a really interesting conflict to have Quinn at first be content and positive but then lash out when everyone keeps telling her that she’s in denial.
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And their friendship shouldn’t last only as long as Quinn’s paralysis, either. Because they might grow closer only because of the similar situations but they can then remain friends as we see how well they get along. Quinn is effectively out of the show post season 3 anyway but still. The only interaction of theirs I can recall form later seasons is the “drawing your boobs” thing which, yikes, this is exactly why I couldn’t get invested in Artie on first watch.
Idk I just think Quartie are great and an underrated duo who deserved so much more in canon but frankly also deserve more from the fandom. They became one of my favourite friendships even after just one episode, imagine how great they could have been if they weren’t just a one off.
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vnights · 3 years
I know they haven't interacted, but since you brought up Vincent from mythologyvincent, what about Mahogany? Can be either alone or as a poly-relationship with both her and Vincent. (I mainly asked this because i wanted to be a part of the ask thing, but didn't know anyone else to ask about! ;o;)
Ship time!
Opinions on the ship itself: I guess another for @mythologyvincent and I ?? HUUHHHHHH.... bigge stronge womene,,,, Yes I can see them working well together?? Maybe?? I really don’t know her character that much, and it’s a real shame !! I don’t,, IMAGINE they’d be terrible?? I’m sorry I can’t give a proper opinion idk how she is nearly at All :( THEY DO SEEM CUTE THO, NOT,, GONNA LIE. However, POLY Mikey isn’t something I’ve ever considered ??? That’s neat, I could super get behind that?? (This is mainly gonna focus on Maho tho, as Vincent already got an ask woops)
Would I consider shipping it, myself?: Perhaps?? Knowing me and what a freak of nature I am, MOST LIKELY !
Favorite thing about it: Uuhhhhh,,, getting to learn about one another ? There’s CERTAINLY a whole lot to go through, and as more and more info is spilled, that lil’ bond of theirs could grow??
Least favorite thing about it: Uuuhhhhhhh Iiii dont really have an opinion on this one ???
How do I feel about their shipname?: THEY DO NOT HAVE ONE ; ;
1 out of 10, how would I rate it?: Just imagining them side by side ?? Uuhhhh automatic 4.5, they have potential for GREAT THINGS 😔👌 (also your ask is appreciated nonny!!)
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0zrockbitway · 6 years
I have no proper shipname for the two boys being bfs so i just kinda call them the greek gays and thats what im going to keep on calling them for ten years
IDK EITHER just,,,,,waits for someone to pick a name cuz idk if its going to be by greek names or something like herudeno or aritet or????
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pannacottawarrior · 4 years
aight i think imma just block anything that has PP x CG Pearl in the tags or post itself because hyjukiluhouikyjhtfyjuki
#Personal#as much as i don't mind other people shipping it like Pearlr*se; it's getting kinda hard to enjoy seeing it when a lot of the people are#either saying 'Sp*nearl is dead!! yay!!!!!!' along with it and/or saying how incredibly romantic it was#ngl it was cute! and i enjoyed their emotional little talk in the shell thing (don't drag me i'm not that smart so idk the difference#between a clam or an oyster and can't be bothered to check yjuykiulkuyhgrdthfjhgyhf)#but holding hands and having emotional talks in one day isn't romantic; i can do that with my IRL friends#i'm curious on how their future development will go but please stop acting like it can only be interpreted as romantic e-e'''#and stop dragging in the other ship into this too; it's nice and cute to see people enjoying and going crazy over the new ship#because like i said; ngl they were cute together! and i know a lot of people wanted them to interact for a long long time now#but it's really telling when someone yells about a ship being dead just because one other person interacts with the one person#that's part of another ship just once and going 'LMAOO SP*NEARL'S DEAD MAKE WAY FOR PE*RLFRIENDS'#while tagging it in the Sp*nearl tag;;;;;;;;; for whatever reason;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;#just rubs me off the wrong way; especially since some of us still ship it despite it being 'dead' in canon#(even though tbh at this point; i don't really see PP x CG Pearl as anything more than friends which really doesn't kill any potentiality of#any other ship with them for me since obviously you can have multiple friends that you're close to and it'd be fine)#tl;dr: please if you're going to reblog anything shippy with PP and CG Pearl then please tag it or at least tell me about it e-e'''#so far i haven't seen a proper shipname for these two (hence why it'd be nice if you guys could tell me about it before you reblog ship#content) but idk been seeing 'Pe*rlfriends' and 'W*ink Pearl' as shipnames for these two; same with 'V*lleyPearl'
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storfulsten · 3 years
(sorry if someone already asked you this) when did you get to know bombeep and started liking it? and what made you like it out of all the fnf ships?
ok this ended up waaay ramblier than intended sorry, hopefully stuff got somewhat answered anyways lol
well my very first post about fnf on here was about asking if it would be weird to ship the two of them together, and that was on march 12, so at least since then. didn't know if other people shipped it then or not (people did but I didn't look hard enough tbh), so a couple days later I just decided to not care and made up the shipname and just went with it lol. and the fact that other people started using bombeep to refer to the ship aswell still blows my mind honestly ha
as for why this ship specifically caught my attention, idk probably bc whitty was the first proper non-meme new character new songs and story mod I saw a letsplay of, and his aesthetic and voice and songs were so good so I just grew really fond of him really fast. and ofc bf is the main protagonist character who's always there singing with dope-ass blue hair so he was already my fav before that. and sometimes in the past I've had the dumb habit of pairing up my favs in whatever fandom even if it makes no sense, and I guess it kinda ended up happening here too. though with the story stuff and them actually talking it's not completely out of thin air in this case at least lol and speaking of story and stuff, whitty was one of the first non-evil people bf had a proper shown conversation with (as far as the order I watched stuff in goes at least lol), so idk that's pretty dope. even if bf was kinda being a bit of a dick on purpose causing poor whitty to kinda loose it, not the most ideal of meet-cutes but still lol
but yeah I only got around to watch them letsplays and stuff presumably on like march 11 or so, so I was kinda really late on the fnf train overall. though at the same time if I'd gotten on earlier, maybe this ship would not have ended up my thing. so honestly I'm glad I got on when I did, it's weird to even think about shipping things differently at this point. I mean can you even imagine me shipping bf with pico? nothing wrong with the ship ofc but given how much I personally do NOT like it it's such a weird thought geez. and whitty? probably shipped with hex or something. perfectly valid pretty cute ship but personally naaah idk shipping is so effin weird man lol
but yeah in conclusion: it's all 8bitryan's fault lol
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