#(i also feel old using old slang phrases in my language bc of that generational gap that keeps going)
italoniponic · 11 months
I'm gonna be honest that I was imagining Riddle to be the SSR for Queendom of Roses (bc, c'mon, he's the Queen of Hearts) but, on a second thought! ch1 is a lot of "Mrs. Rosehearts this and that" and even in the manga, we didn't have a lot of Mrs. Spade so...
in short, Deuce was an unexpected but wonderful [pun intended] choice for the event and I only know Mrs. Spade for a couple of flashbacks and images but she's up there in the "good moms ranking"
or how we say in Brazil, like in 2014, "não conheço mas, já considero pacas"
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Hi! When you've got a chance could I please get a matchup for Attack on Titan and Harry Potter?
Name: Raven / adult / any pronouns / slight preference for men but any gender match is OK.
appearance: 5'1 / 155cm, curvy but somewhat slender (pear shaped), round cheeks w/ a dimple on right cheek, button nose, green eyes, long eyelashes, wavy ash brown hair (i either grow it out really long or cut it super short, i like to change it up. i also like to dye it often - currently bleached it and toning it white), 5 piercings in one ear, 4 + industrial in the other, navel piercing. my current picrew pfp was roughly accurate when my hair was short and my natural color!
Personality types: INTJ-A; 7w8; Ravenclaw (considered Slytherin but not very ambitious at all lmao); chaotic neutral; virgo sun, sagittarius moon, scorpio rising.
Love Languages: physical touch, quality time (least likey to use/enjoy acts of service).
Personality traits: introverted, extremely independent, confident, decisive, straightforward, optimistic, even-tempered, easygoing, good sense of humor, playful, mischievous, teasing, curious, intelligent, noncompetitive // arrogant, risk-taking, blunt, generally not facially expressive, distant, doesn't care for getting close to many people, nosey, rebellious.
Hobbies: baking, drawing/painting, video games.
Likes / Interests: cats, sweets, cool weather, thrill-seeking activities, lazy days, lattes, traveling, piercings and tattoos, having alone time.
Dislikes: pessimism, rigidity (in personality or environment), conformity, feeling restricted, possessiveness, having to be responsible for other people, useless authority figures, boredom.
Misc: the type that really takes a while to open up to someone; the type that has a cute face but does not often act sweet/soft; dresses more hipster/punk; clumsy; loves puns; a big foodie; accidentally misuses slang or phrases bc I can never remember how they go (e.g. "let's bust this popsicle stand" when it should be "blow this popsicle stand"); a bit of a troublemaker/rulebreaker, does not shy away from conflict (might purposefully start some); enjoys learning foreign languages; enjoys learning and practicing new skills and can pick them up fairly easily; prone to being a bit directionless in life but is go-with-the-flow enough that it typically isn't an issue; very prone to bad luck or unfortunate incidents but remains optimistic and tries to find the humor in most situations.
For Attack On Titan I match you with... Erwin Smith!
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Song: Dancing With Your Ghost - Sasha Alex Sloan
He loves you with his whole heart though he doesn't show it in public and you feel like he doesn't love you at all, but I swear on my entire family he does.
He and his friends can deal with your troublemaker personality- except Levi, he doesn't tolerate it at all!
Unlike you, he doesn't have a very good sense of humor. A lot of old dad jokes that you might hear from anybody anywhere. You, Hange and Miche tease him pretending he's funny when he's not.
INTJs and ENTJs have enough similarities to form a strong connection and enough differences to create that spark. Ultimately, they find each other fascinating yet comforting and they have the potential for an amazing relationship and they'll likely both feel a strong sense of attraction when they meet. Overall, Virgo and Libra are considered to be an OK match. They're different personality-wise, so they'll need to learn how to deal with each other's quirks early on. However, they're two of the most giving signs in the zodiac.
For Harry Potter I match you with... Remus Lupin!
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Song: Wolves - Marshmallo ft. Selena Gomez
He really appreciates your sense of humor. He's a type who doesn't care about getting closer to many people except you.
He fell for you when he asked Dumbledore for someone to help him for a lesson and he though you would be good for him and when he saw you being very patient and playful with the kids. Dumbledore also asked him to keep an eye on your clumsy and troublemaker ass though he knows you're a good girl around him.
You have secret lazy latte dates in his office on your days off having sweets too and cuddling close together. If you have any tattoos, he will trace them all with his finger.
INTJs bring a strong sense of logic and deep-thinking to a work environment, while INFJs offer an awareness of others and a passion for empathy. Both personalities are great at solving difficult problems and hold themselves accountable to achieving their goals. When it comes to Virgo and Pisces love compatibility, these two signs make a great couple. They usually enjoy a healthy relationship even though they are quite dissimilar from one another. Their dissimilarities, on the contrary, add to their relationship, creating an amazing balanced bond between them.
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