#(bc ancient zelda took it by force)
onefey · 1 year
so what's our theory on the connection between this
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and this?
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ganondoodle · 3 years
yr brain? galaxy level. i wanna hear all ur lore and stuff
you know what ? im gonna write the basic plot for soogas backstory here now too-
- his parents were both sheikah soldiers serving the royal family, they were nearly never home so he barely even knew them and was pretty much living on his own from a young age on
- they both died while on a mission far away, but that didnt change much for him other than him having to find a way to earn money himself now
- when he was a teenager he was recruited by the royal family (he wanted to tho) which is also where he met Hibiki (my only real zelda Oc .. sorry gotta involve them now- this is how they look, although they are older here than when sooga first met them
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i think i forgot to post this on tumblr lmao; anyway they are an artist and a bit older than sooga)
- since they were both outcasts with no relatives that cared about them they quickly became friends (tho it was def more one sided at first bc Hibiki is a way more extroverted ) tho Hibiki has been a bit longer in the army so they rarely went on missions together and only hung out during breaks or when they had both time off
- even after years of training they both stayed in the lower ranks of the army and never managed to climb to a higher one, part of the reason was that Hibiki didnt do a good job of being a spy, not bc they were detected, they just never had much information to report for some reason and Sooga always defended them when they got bullied by higher ups for it (you know how he threatens ppl) which in turn made him less liked and got him almost kicked out once (and yes, Hibiki did have a crush on Sooga but he never realized that even tho they made it REALLY obvious)
- you know the story how link got appointed as zeldas bodyguard ? with him deflecting a laser from a malfunctioning guardian to protect the princess ? yeah, so in my hc, while he did deflect it it didnt straight up hit the guardian back but rather was simply redirected and although Hibiki tried to pull Sooga away it still hit the left side of his face which is how he got that big af scar and lost his eye
- he survived and of course Hibiki was there to take care of him whenever they could, but the more time went on while he recovered it was made clear that the higher ups wanted to kick him out of the army after his wound healed bc they didnt think he was fit to fight anymore missing an eye (thats what they said but it was pretty obvious they just wanted a reason to get rid of him) 
- Hibiki reassured Sooga they would do everything they could to convince them otherwise bc they knew that all he ever wanted to do is be a strong and respected soldier serving the royal family, but who would listen to the worst spy in the whole army .. he got kicked out anyway of course and was forced to work as a farmer (more like help other farmers really) 
- from then on Hibiki was trying to be a better spy, so they could earn enough respect to maybe get the army to welcome Sooga back into their ranks
- but one day when Sooga returned from some field work he noticed a new grave at the corner of the village, and asked who died, it took some time for him to find out it was Hibiki who fell in battle bc after they left the village they never returned so the other villagers forgot even their name, the army brought their body back into the village since they were borne there and didnt have any living relatives
- that was what pushed his resentment for the kingdom and the other sheikah over the edge really, he stole some ancient hidden away sheikah scrolls from the elder of the village and used them to teach himself some techniques ... or at least TRIED to, the only one he was able to manage was a half functional clone, which he used to fake his death and live a live in the shadows, staying away from settlements out of fear of beign recognized
- he made his way into the gerudo desert where he never went to before, and in a cold night snuk undetected into the yiga hideout in the search for shelter since he wasnt equipped for that kind o extreme weather .. tho he didnt realize what he just did
- in the morning he was found after all and, understandably, attacked bc wth how did that guy even get in here ?? after he managed to survive for pretty long given the circumstances, he tried to flee but was stopped by master kohga himself, and while kohga was monologing about .. stuff, Sooga realized this might be his chance to live a proper life again and that pretty close to what he always wanted, so he promptly asks to join them
- positively surprised kohga of course cant just accept him into the clan like that, i mean Sooga was wearing sheikah clothing and got UNDETECTED into their hideout and took a nap there for several hours before being found, thats suspicious as hell
- after being put through several tests and challanges he is accepted into the clan after all-
- now fast forward post calamity (just a few years tho) the topic of Soogas origins comes up and he tells kohga alot but is interrupted bc koh ask him if the friend he was talking about was “a kinda weird artist” ... turns out Hibiki died in a clash with the yiga clan and ... was killed by kohga himself.
- Hibiki always carried a sketchbook in a bag around with them, and the clan took it after their death bc they thought it might contain useful info, it didnt, but since the sketches in it where pretty good they kept it anyway even if it was only half readable since it got soaked in blood
- that is a reveal that tested soogas loyalty to the clan like nothing else could (everyone in the clan including kohga, was expecting him to turn against them again, but were still waiting for him to actually betray the clan)
- sooga didnt turn on them tho, reason was, he managed to seperate the pages of the sketchbook that were stuck together from blood and discovered finely detailed art of the hideout, of its interior too and even of kohga as well
- Hibiki never had much info to tell their superiors bc they snuk around the hideout when on a mission but never with the goal to rat the clan out. they secretly admired kohga and the clan, even wanted to join them for a long time, but never got to do it bc they didnt want to leave Sooga behind but also .. they were afraid to tell him bc he was so focused on becoming a good sheikah soldier they were sure he wouldnt feel the same; they were torn between wanting to join the yiga but afraid of destroying their friendship with sooga ..
when they got into that fatal fight with the clan, kohga didnt even attack them with the intend to kill and they could have easily dodged or parried the hit, the reason they didnt was, ironically, bc they were so stunned by admiration of seeing their idol right in front of them they didnt move a muscle until it was too late...
this got longer than i thought, maybe i went into too much detail here, but anyway this is a summary of the backstory i came up with for Sooga, it doesnt end here tho, this is more like the story of how sooga became part of the yiga; after all of this comes alot more tho it wouldnt make much sense to add that here too xD 
sorry for the long af post, i hope its somewhat understandable ;__;
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Yo what if the Champions’ spirits stuck around long enough to train the next gen? Hcs for that?
*blows dust off of ask* Sorry this took so long, hope you weren’t too comfy sitting in my inbox there. Alrighty! Time for some
Training Montages *Rocky Theme Plays* (Headcanons)
Credit to @champion-of-the-sky​ for some help with the hcs
Ok, the first part of this post it just gonna be some of my thoughts into how the Divine Beasts actually work, because that’s kinda of necessary information if you wanna train them. So here is another one of my big boi head canon posts because sometimes I can’t shut up.
So firstly, the Divine Beasts can draw immense power from Hyrule which is stored over time and charges their giant laser thingys (Naboris draws power from the earth and makes electricity, Ruta takes in water from the atmosphere, Rudania is fire boy, Medoh has wind and thermal (from the atmosphere) generators, etc. etc.)
The Ancient Sheikah were like “hey wow these are really powerful beasts so maybe we should make sure that no one unworthy gets their hands on them”
Their solution was to have a spiritual bond between the beast and the pilot. Each Divine Beast has their own “soul” or personality and can judge someone of being worthy of piloting them. And only that person would have the power to use the Divine Beast to its full potential (AKA use the giant Anti-Ganon lasers)
Ergo, the Champions
When the died 100 years ago, their spirits stuck around because Ganon need to trap their spirits in order to get the Divine Beasts to actually work
[And then this would be a good segue-way into that cool idea where the Link has to fight the Champions taken over by malice, instead of the blights. BUT we’re not talking about that today]
Ok, so you know the story. Link frees the Divine Beasts from Ganon’s grasp. The spirits of the dead Champions command a legendary blow against the blight of Hyrule. Zelda and Link help save the day. Yay!
HOWEVER! The Champions are still there, their spirits persist.Turns out their spirits cannot go away, because the Divine Beasts don’t really wanna go without an owner, considering they’ve been controlled by Ganon for 100 years, so fair.
Basically, the Beasts wont let the spirit of their old pilots go until they find a suitable successor
Enter, new gen Champs!
Training with a Divine Beast is not unlike trying to form a bond with a real animal. In fact, the Beasts do behave with a mind of their own, so that might as well be an on point analogy
Daruk struggled with Rudania because its personality was very stubborn and blunt, much like the Goron race anyhow. As said in my other post, Rudania’s personality clashes with the playful and loving nature of Daruk
The only reason Daruk even got the handle on things was becuase Link forced him to spend a whole day in the Divine Beast. We can only speculate that from that time, Daruk must have somehow formed a mutual respect or protective bond with the giant lizard
So essentially, when he’s training Yunobo, he does the exact same thing
“You just gotta walk around for a bit, Yunobo. Get a feel for ol’ Rudania. They’re a grump, but you’ll get along.”
“G-get a feel? We’re surrounded by lava! What if I mess up? What if your Divine B—”
“Your, Divine Beast”
“Right, right… but what if it doesn’t like me and tips my into Death Mountain’s core!”
Daruk gives a hearty laugh. “Kid, you helped save ol’ Ruddy from Ganon, remember? You’ve already got a good bond going. So just walk around for a bit and just take ‘em all in. Good luck!”
And he slams the door behind him, leaving Yunobo in the dark
But he’ll eventually get around to forming a bond. But Rudania’s probably a little grumpy that they’ve gone from reckless pilot who laughs too much, to timid teenager gifted with a powerful champion ability that he is self-conscious about
Daruk is hella encouraging with Yunobos training. The kid will eventually be the second best with his Beast. Daruk is patient with Yunobo because he sees himself in him. And he also teaches him some cool tricks like if you tilt Rudania just right, you get a cool slip and slide ramp that’s perfect for the hot springs
Urbosa/Riju [not a lot for these guys bcs I’m lazy and this post is long anyway]
Urbosa would be playful with Riju when they train, making goofy jokes about things, letting out a quick joke to lessen and tension Riju might feel from her anxiety to lead her people. At the same time, she also explains things with good detail
Riju is third best with her beast. Occasionally, she’ll be intimidated by Naboris’ strength and power, especially considering she had an incident with Patricia the Sand Seal back when it was shooting lightning everywhere
However, she’s the one to ask the most questions, half of which Urbosa can’t answer. She’s got that childish curiosity that serves well in her understanding of Naboris
Mipha/Sidon [also not a lot because using your imagination can be hard]
Mipha and Sidon just act like siblings, much to both of their delight. It’s less of training, and more of catching up on everything over the last a hundred years on top of a giant elephant.
Because they’re siblings, Mipha pulls little pranks on her little brother on purpose. But neither are really annoyed by it, as they both laugh it off
Like Mipha will tell Sidon to stand in a certain spot to see how the parts of Ruta move. Then she makes Ruta move in such away to splash the poor prince in gallons of water
You’re gonna ruin his handkerchief Mipha!
Sidon is the best at managing his Divine Beast out of the four, for not only does he have a strong bond with the previous pilot, but he gets along well with Ruta’s playful personality
Local birds butt heads because they’re both egotistical idiots
Revali continues to be as dramatic as usual, while also maintaining his image by claiming that Teba will probably never master Medoh as well as him
Teba respects Revali given that he was his childhood hero. Yet at the same time Revali isn’t exactly what he expected, and he’s not down to take this sass from a teenager
Perfect storm of dumb banter, because both have reluctance in the whole situation
Teba gives out a groan, frustrated. “Argh! This damn bird wont start its propellers. How do I get it to work?”
“Perhaps Medoh is still tired. After all, you’ve been complaining none stop all day.”
“Right, my voice is the problem.”
“Why don’t you sing her a lullaby, she’s probably so sleepy.”
Teba scoffs, “You’re kidding. There’s no way that would work. Beside, there’s no way I’m sing—”
“Why don’t you hold your tongue, my dear apprentice,” another groan escapes Teba, “You’re going to hurt Medoh’s feelings with that attitude. Tulin is your son, yes? Surely you’ve sung a tune or two back in his fledgling days?”
“Sure, but I’m not gonna—”
“Medoh wants to hear you s i n g~”
Revali is strict with his training, and Teba probably struggled with Medoh the most out of the four, considering that before Link came along, he had the mindset of killing Medoh. 
Teba still repescts everything Revali is doing, making sure to call him “Master Revali.” And though he would never admit it, Revali’s feathers would always fluff with pride at the notion of it
Also he’s gonna call Teba his pupil/apprentice throughout the entire session
Angsty moment: when each Champion thinks their apprentice is ready, THAT’S the time they get their final rest and their spirits move on. Like, imagine Sidon wanting to Master Ruta to make his sister proud, but at the same time the day he does is when she is gone for good.
That looks like a good note to end off of! So yay :)
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Actual Headcanons
Sort of
Okay so
Who starts the conversation?
-Before the Calamity, Zelda. Link would make comments here and there but he wouldn’t talk unless asked something. After the Calamity, Link starts the conversation. Solely because he’s already adjusted to how everything is. He goes on and on about the new things and things he misses, his adventures while he was getting stronger so he can beat Ganon. Zelda listens to all his stories, having seen them all from afar while she was fighting Ganon, but loves hearing all the details.
Who wakes up first?
-For someone who fought Ganon for 100 years straight without a break, Zelda is always the first one up. Link’s sleep schedule was so out of whack before they defeated Ganon, and now that it’s reached some sort of stable schedule he sleeps until Zelda wakes him up. She usually goes to the Ancient Tech Lab to hang out with Purah at dawn, so she can catch up on all the progress they’ve made over the past 100 years. When she gets back around 10 ish she wakes Link up so they can had breakfast.
Who cooks?
-That’s the chef himself, Link. He loves cooking food almost as much as he loves eating it. He is teaching Zelda, who is fully aware that she lacks cooking skills because she never needed it. She’s getting better at it, sometimes she doesn’t burn the eggs. No matter what, the food they serve each other is also coupled with a kiss on the cheek.
Who says ‘I love you’ first?
-Lover Boy Link at your service. We know Zelda loves Link and he knows it too (not that she really knows a bird outed her feelings). But Link says it to her when she’s talking about possible solutions for the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. After spending the last few months going around Hyrule, meeting new people, remembering his past life, and going through the trials set in front of him all he could think about was saving her. Link knew he should be doing it to save Hyrule and that was part of his motivation, but the main drive for him was to get Zelda back. He refell in love with her during his journies, so when she was being the geek she is, it slipped.
How does the other react?
-Zelda sorta just stops and stares at him, because she’s known she’s loved him since she shielded him from the Guardian. But to hear that he loves her? She wants to cry on the spot because she’s so happy. Zelda gets all flustered and Link just sorta repeats it because even he’s surprised he said it and she just throws herself on him. Kisses and giggle ensue, because these two teenagers that have seen more than enough tragedy for their lifetime are in love with each other and together.
How do other characters react to the couple?
-The entirety of Hateno thought they were already engaged when they became official. Whoops.
-Impa has this knowing grin when the two of them go visit her for the first time since the confession. She knew that Zelda was in love Link 100 years ago, she’s just surprised it took him this long to figure it out for himself.
-They don’t tell Kass or anything when they go to Rito Village, but he tells Link in private that he doesn’t need a song to see how in love they are with each other. Link gets embarrassed but smiles and thanks him. Teba also makes a “is that your girlfriend?” Comment bc he doesn’t know what the princess from 100 years ago looks like. When Link says yes, he’s a bit surprised but proud anyway.
-Riju, my favorite companion, is estactic. She’s read Urbosa’s Diary and knows for a fact that there was something between Link and Zelda even if they didn’t know it. She’s also a tad off put bc she has this school girl crush on Link but she brushes it off because she’s never seen Link so carefree and happy as he is with Zelda around.
-Sidon, my lovely Zora, is a little surprised to say the least. He never really considered that Link had feelings for Zelda, just sort of focused on the fact that Mipha loved him enough to want Link to be her husband. But he’s happy for them anyway, and says to Link that Mipha would be happy he found someone he loves.
-Yunobo just sorta goes “oh, they’re together? That’s great!” And goes on with his life. Meanwhile, Daruk’s spirit is facepalming bc he saw all the signs and didn’t put two and two together. He really thought that one conversation was about food. Typical Hylians.
-If I’m gunna mention Daruk’s spirit I have to mention all of them.
-Urbosa is highfiving Zelda’s Mom because she got her wish for Zelda. She’s been on this team since Link first requested to meet with her. Those two were bound to be together, especially after all they’ve been through.
-Revali could care less, honestly. But he’s forced to listen to all the spirits talk about them and forces out a “Well I guess the two of them deserve each other” which was meant to be an insult but no one took it that way. He can never win, guys.
-Mipha is actually really happy. She’s had this feeling that Link was never really ever going to be truly hers. She saw how he saw past her, always looking for something else and how when he looked at Zelda, that’s all he saw. It’s why she never gave him the armor. So when she sees Link accept his feelings and let someone in, she’s beyond happy because Link deserves it. Zelda, too.
-Rhoam is just sorta going “well no one else is fit to be the king of Hyrule, so I guess Link is okay” when the Queen and Urbosa roll their eyes. He knows how much Zelda liked Link because she would have him hang out with her in the castle all the time.
Who proposes?
-Zelda is the first one to mention marriage. Since they’re in the process of rebuilding the castle and Hyrule Town, she will be the Queen once it’s completed. She’s already got royal stuff planned and all these projects started, but she brings up the point that if they get married, the ceremony would have to this whole thing since Hyrule has been without a royal family for a century. She’s sitting at the desk staring at pieces of parchment, when Link comes up behind her and places a hand on her back. Link then causally holds out a ring and tells her that they could get married tomorrow just for them.
- They go to Kapson in Terry Town the next day, with Purah, Impa, and Paya as their audience. They have this small ceremony with a dress Impa had saved from when the late Queen got married. Link had to go to Bolson of all people to get a tux of sorts, which ends up being a fancier version of the Royal Guards outfit bc Bolson is extra, even more so when he’s getting an outfit for the new King of Hyrule. He also joins the audience, but much more of a background character who throws flower petals at them.
-The ceremony for the kingdom doesn’t happen for another three years. They’re 23 by this time, the kingdom almost fully restored. With the castle finally back in order and Hyrule Town buzzing with merchants and residents, they decide to announce the news that they’re engaged. Yes, they’ve been married for three years at this point, but this is for the public more than them. Only close friends from the different races know, as well as most of Hateno Village (But they thought they were married a month after Zelda arrived). It’s this whole shebang with a new dress and classy tux. Impa walks Zelda down the aisle, telling her how happy her parents would be if they were here.
Do either of them want kids? One more than the other?
-Link is a SUCKER for kids. He loves them. He would have 50 kids of his own if he could. He doesn’t have many memories of his actual family, so it’s sort of a coping thing for him. Zelda wants children, but is more concerned that being in a different realm for 100 years would affect her ability to become pregnant. She’s also terrified that she’ll have a girl and have to name her Zelda per the family tradition (she doesn’t want any of her children to bear the responsibilities she did).
Do they have kids?
-Yes, they have two little girls. Neither are named Zelda. Instead they name them after story characters their parents used to read to them. (Tetra and Lana for me, but ya’ll can pick what you want)
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nyancheetosmusical · 7 years
Be More Chill Legend of Zelda (MM) AU
Something I kind of put together, making a Majora’s Mask AU of BMC. I might write more, but i might not, we’ll see.
Writing under the cut (also bear with me getting the ideas going slowly in the beginning and the text type cause this was in a skype chat)
Jeremy is a skull kid
And Michael is Link
Jeremy and Mike are friends
i mean Jer doesn’t really have any friends beside Michael
And Michael is Hylian, not a skull kid
and also Mike is sort of the hero of time
So, you know
There’s some extra responsibility there
So Jer is looking for friends
and he finds this fairy
It promises to make his life better
He just has to do what they say
So Jer listens to him
At first the fairy has him get up to like just like general mischeif
but Jer likes having a friend at his side always
And they do goofy stuff together
but the fairy has other motives
He’s looking to get his hands on a certain mask
this ancient mask full of immense power
Bc maybe it was powerful enough to give him a body
so he gets Jeremy up to more and more mischeif
So that Jeremy would be comfortable doing anything to get this mask
eventually they score
There’s the Happy Mask Saleswoman in the woods
she’s been traveling around and decided to stop in Termina
the fairy eggs Jeremy into stealing this cool looking mask from her
And he does
but when Jeremy grabs it
He’s overwhelmed by the power
he puts it on before the fairy can say anything
And the spirit of the mask takes over his mind and body
Not the fairy’s intent
but maybe, if he sticks with Majora (for that’s who is in control of Jeremy now), he can get a body made for himself
But Jeremy is different now that he’s got the vengeful spirit of Majora inside him
he’s colder
Starts hurting people
without the fairy telling him to
And sure the fairy is like um this isn’t what I wanted
but his greed and want for a body overcomes his will to stop Majora
Michael, having finished a quest (aka all of OOT), comes to the forests of Termina on Epona to “search for an old friend” as the in game text says
And he sees Jeremy
and is real excited
But then he sees Jer has changed his mask
“Woah dude, that’s cool looking! Sorry I was gone so long, I-"
Before he can keep going, the fairy (as per Majora’s request) sneaks up and spooks Epona, Mike’s horse, bucking him off
Majora searches Michael’s stuff, looking for something specific, something he saw in this skull kid’s memories
and this “hero of time” has it
The Ocarina of Time
Majora takes it, hops on Epona, and rides off, taunting Mike
Mike of course gives chase
“Jeremy? Uh that actually kind of hurt! This isn’t funny any more!”
but its not really Jeremy anymore
Majora leads Michael to fall down this pit
And when he wakes up
Jeremy is there
“Ow….dude, what’s going on? You’re acting weird…."
he looks closer
And he sees these tendrils spreading from the mask, like tentacles, all around the edges
They’re woven into his friend’s very skin
The mask is embedded in his face
And Jeremy looks worse for wear, like maybe he hasn’t eaten for a while and hasn’t bothered to sleep
“…Jer? Maybe….maybe take off that mask? So I can see your face?”
“C’mon Jeremy, I haven’t seen you in so long-“
“I am never taking off this mask"
Woah, when did Jeremy’s voice change like that?
“Jeremy, what happened?"
“Nothing happened. I’m better than I ever could be. I’m amazing. I’m ecstatic.”
Oh Mike knows something is up
he draws his sword
But Jeremy just laughs in a voice that doesn’t really sound like his own
“You think you can even touch me? Hehehe, fat chance. You know….being the “hero of time”…you could cause some problems…..hehehe, ever think about changing your look? Something more fitting for you?”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Mm, yes, your look could use some updating…Ah! Hehehe, I know~”
Mike watches in horror as Jeremy’s body is lifted up by the mask
the mask floating and his body hanging limply underneath it
A few feet in the air
a strange purple aura begins to pour off the mask
And Mike’s head begins to hurt like nobody’s business
it’s pounding and aching and there’s so much pressure-
He hears Jeremy laughing and laughing as he falls to his knees
everything goes dark
And he wakes up and everything feels different
he tries to say something but the words don’t come out in his voice
there’s a pool of water in front of him
He checks his reflection
And It’s not his face anymore, but that of a deku scrub
He’s smaller and weaker and has none of his things and this body doesn’t feel right at all
but Jeremy just laughs and laughs
“Fitting for a loser like you!"
The fairy with Jeremy is laughing too
he’s gotta get in Majora’s good graces
He approaches the kid-turned-deku scrub
taunting him, calling him a loser, saying this looked so much better for someone like him, etc and etc
But Michael isn’t listening to the fairy
he’s frantically trying to get across the pool of water to get over to Jeremy as Majora drags her host’s body away, laughing
The way Majora exists slams shut behind Jeremy
The fairy looks to see the closed door
“Hey! Hey uh Jeremy, open up, would you? Haha you kind of left me in here, with this lame coconut head!"
he waits at the door
“Heh, good joke Jeremy, but uh I kind of need to come with you now!”
“J-Jeremy, you need me, remember? I was going to make you popular and powerful and have lots of friends!”
Majora probably didn’t need the SQUIP
When you have that much power, what do you need a fairy like the SQUIP for?
His wings drooped
He was never going to get a body now...
he turned around to find Michael across the pond, drowning
\ Without thinking the SQUIP swooped on over and dove under the water and gave the deku scrub a boost up and out of the water
Michael pulled himself up, dripping wet and spitting out water
he sat on the shore And looked at his arms, now much shorter and made of wood
...nothing about him was the same
And there was something wrong with Jeremy and he was gone and Michael couldn’t get to him-
Michael didn’t like to cry
But he cried a little
the SQUIP watched
…okay maybe he shouldn’t have let Jeremy do that...
or let Jeremy do like half the things he had done
He was getting tired of that feeling pulling inside him whenever he watched someone cry as Jeremy hurt them
probably guilt
An annoying emotion
but he couldn’t deny that he felt it
Before they had found the mask, Jeremy had told him a lot about Michael
SQUIP had tried to discourage Jeremy from being friends with you, he’d only drag you down
But mostly it was because he knew if Michael came back Jeremy wouldn’t need him and as the Hero of Time probably would talk Jeremy out of stealing the mask and the SQUIP needed to have that mask
but he felt like he knew this Michael guy personally
And watching him cry...
It was annoying
but SQUIP would probably need Michael to help him find Jeremy
Maybe get him to take off that mask
“Hey….Michael, right?”
the deku scrub looked up
The trademark thick saliva of dekus dripping out of his mouth
SQUIP shuddered
“You….ugh, you need to get to Jeremy. You need to help me find him, I gotta get that mask off of him so I can have it!”
Michael looked up at him and jabbered in the language of the forest people
SQUIP sneered without a face
“Yeah sorry I don’t know what you’re saying, bush boy”
Michael looked at him
And then turned away
and began to walk away
“W-wait! Come back! Please!"
SQUIP dashed in front of MIchael
“Wait please I need your help! I can’t get out of here on my own! I need you! Please?”
The deku stared blankly
“And….I’m sorry, okay, I’m sorry I treated you like garbage, you’re….you’re not bad, okay?…..what are you staring at me for, do I got something on my wings? No? Then stop staring! Let’s get moving!”
SQUIP flew off, waiting eagerly by the door
Michael didn’t have much of an option
He dipped his toe in the water and looked across
This body couldn’t float so he couldn’t swim...
“Hey, dumbass, Dekus can skip on water, just like, I don’t know, run cross it or something."
Michael narrowed his eyes
The SQUIP stared back
Rolled his nonexistent eyes
“….yeah, yeah, sorry I called you dumbass, just get moving would you?”
the deku just nodded approvingly and began to try to get across
He took a step back
then began to run across the surface of the water, feeling silly
But as soon as he started, it was like muscle memory took over and he began to skip in lofty hops on the top of the water
he could feel the strange fluid on his feet that reacted with the surface tension of the water begin to wash off with each step he took
But he reached the other side before it wore off completely
he stood on the other shore, looking down at his new body with a newfound respect
Maybe it wasn’t so dinky
he turned to face the door
….shoot, it was puzzle locked
He looked around for the solution
“What are you waiting for? Just open the door!”
Michael chattered at him, saying some things he was glad the fairy couldn’t understand
“What was that, snot mouth?”
Michael tried to stick his tongue out and blow a raspberry at the annoyed fairy
Instead of a tongue, out shot a bubble of spit
with the same speed and force as a deku shooting deku nuts, it smacked into the SQUIP and knocked him off balance, causing him to flutter out of the pattern he had been flying in
but Michael wasn’t paying attention
What had....
what had just happened?
Careful not to aim for the swearing fairy, Michael tried again
Spitting a massive bubble that had far more speed and velocity than you’d think
Huh, useful
Jeremy would find this so cool-
Oh right
Jeremy had left him
...well, not Jeremy, per say
Whatever that mask was that was controlling him
It had to be that
Well, Michael had figure that out later
Right now he didn’t even know how to become human again
That would be a good place to start
He found the hidden button up on the wall that triggered the door
He went for his arrows-
...right, he didn’t have those anymore
But he did have super spit!
Still ignoring the fairy, he tossed his head back and shot a bubble out, directly onto the button
The door sprung open
Michael smiled internally
Still got it
The fairy looked at the door
...oh. Huh.
“That will do, I guess. But I do not need your help anymore, I-”
Michael walked on past the SQUIP and through the door
“Wha-hey! Wait for me!”
The SQUIP chased after Michael through the door
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chromsai · 7 years
okay so i've been following you for a long time now mostly bc of the FE content, and i always see yugioh on my dash bc of you (it's gr8 i'm not complaining) bc of this i really wanna start watching it but i feel like i won't get things if i don't watch the original or the stuff before Arc V. What would you recommend i watch first? thanks!!!
I mean everyone’s gonna have their bias in any franchise with multiple entries and yes by now literally everyone knows my bias but here I’m gonna give you my most unbiased opinion possible on them all to hopefully give you some perspective and hopefully you choose whichever one is most appealing to you and no don’t worry you dont have to have seen any of them in any order before watching any of them!! You can just jump right into any and enjoy card games in heck ok so here goes (I won’t spoil anything, I promise!):
TL;DR answer: No, you don’t need to have seen any of the Yugioh series before any of them to just jump right into any, just like with any FE game. I don’t have a straightforward recommendation for which Yugioh you should start with because I really believe you should be able to start with whichever appeals to you most. Though, if I had you watch only one Yugioh, of course my vote would be for Arc V.
(Longer answer with detail on each of the spinoffs under the cut.)
Duel Monsters aka DM aka “the original Yugioh”:•Number of episodes: 224•Basic summary: Normal high school kid solves the Millenium Puzzle, a mystical pendant with the soul of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, and goes thru many trials and tribulations to find out the mysteries of said pharaoh’s past (with card games!) and save the world.•Who it’s for: This is probably the most mystical/(fictionally)mythological of all the Yugiohs and the original, of course. Major themes include The Power of Friendship and… I mean there’s others but basically that’s the main MAJOR theme. Anyway, if you like archaeology themes and seeing heroes overcome the odds thanks to their friends’ support and don’t mind sitting through really long arcs (with pretty amusing recurring characters), this Yugioh is for you.
GX:•Number of episodes: 180•Basic summary: So dueling is an actual profession and there are actual schools that get you thru all the basics as if it was an actual real life college major or smth and our hero is just a normal teen kid without a care in the world that just wants to be the very best like no one ever was except for the school he applies and gets into and lives for the next 3 years of his life trying to achieve this is literally fucking cursed have fun.•Who it’s for: So you like slice of life anime? So you like slice of life anime with characters that are really interesting and have good development? So you like slice of life anime with teen drama? So you like slice of life anime with a bit of trauma? So you like slice of life anime with childrens trading card games from actual hell? WELL BOY YOU’RE IN FOR A REAL TREAT, THIS YUGIOH IS FOR YOU!!
5Ds:•Number of episodes: 154•Basic summary: Wow how do I summarize this one? Well, basically our hero and his entourage are all trying to save their city (and basically the whole world) from both an ancient mystical force AND a futuristic force. Yes. Time travel is a thing here. Are you also a Zelda fan, by any chance? Welcome to the Ocarina of Time of the Yugioh franchise (#TIMELINESPLITTER).•Who it’s for: Yes, this is indeed the CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES anime that perhaps you’ve heard about, but trust me the concept is more intriguing than you might think. If you like innovative ideas and themes about changeable and intertwining destinies + the bonds between the hero and all those who he’s befriended and met, then you’ll love this Yugioh. 
Zexal (I+II):•Number of episodes: 73 in Zexal I, 73 in Zexal II. 146 total. The shortest of all the Yugiohs (so far).•Basic summary: The entire story comprises of the bond between a boy and his alien (which only he can see and interact with) and trying to regain said alien’s memory back which was split into 99 cards. Zexal II expands on this as the alien begins to regain his memories.•Who it’s for: Major themes in this show include overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles and learning compassion from both your allies AND your enemies. Hell, I’d say rival bonds are one of the major themes here too. If you like ultra sci-fi settings and aliens and intergalactic wars, this Yugioh is for you.
Arc V:•Number of episodes: 148•Basic summary: Our hero starts off wanting to simply work towards becoming a great entertainer like his missing father was but along the way finds out the world is much larger than he ever could have imagined it could be while also finding out the hard way that [Chrom voice] war is hell. (Alternatively, [Kiragi voice] war is HECK). •Who it’s for: Yeah this show is about war but it’s also about the psychological implications of war and the innocents it affects and the irreversible consequences that come with it. It’s also very personal story about overcoming your own self, despite pressure from society. Unlike with the past shows, while there is still a sense of camaraderie between the characters, Arc V’s themes are much more individualistic. The two major themes of this show are to “take a step forward with courage” and finding a way to bring peace and make everyone smile. Ultimately, if you like wonderfully cute/pretty yet heart-wrenching aesthetics, this Yugioh is for you (and for me).Note on Arc V: This show does have references to past Yugiohs and also features characters from past series, but it is ultimately an AU of each of the past shows so there is no continuity from them to be seen here, meaning that even if you start with Arc V, you won’t be spoiling yourself or confused about said references from past series. Mainly the references are there as happy nods to the fandom veterans, kinda like how Awakening has a bunch of nods to past FE games but they don’t meddle with the story (I myself started with Awakening and didn’t find myself confused by any of the references, or noticed them at first, just to put things in perspective since it’s exactly like that with Arc V). [Speaking of FE, I have a feeling that if you liked Awakening, you’ll like Arc V...]
Vrains:•Number of episodes: ongoing (it just started airing like ~8 weeks ago)•Basic summary: Our hero trying to figure out his own past while in conflict with 2 other enemy factions that are chasing him cuz he took a very important AI for hostage. (Tbh there’s not much to go on since it’s still very early so sorry this is the most I can say about it.)•Who it’s for: Similar to Zexal, if you like futuristic, VR-centered themes (kinda like SAO lol) you’ll probably like the idea of this Yugioh. So far, I can’t really say much more because, again, it’s still very early in its run.
Okay well, I tried hiding my bias as much as I could. I think there’s something to be enjoyed from each of the series, but of course my absolute favorite (by a very long shot) is Arc V so I’d recommend that over any of the others. Just a quick ranking of the Yugiohs based on my experience watching them: 1. Arc V3. GX/5Ds (I can never decide, sorry)4. DM5. Zexal
(no ranking for Vrains cuz yeah)Lastly, even despite all this (and my undying love for Arc V), I really, really think you should just watch whichever seems most appealing to you! If you do decide to start a Yugioh, I’ll be happy no matter what! I hope at the very least some of this helped. Happy watching!!
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