#((look who got off her ass))
duckytree · 8 months
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i am jealous of jaime lannister because i too want to be the most beautiful man in the world and having my slutty little waist grabbed by a woman who can snap me in half
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genderfluidgothwitch · 6 months
For those who are unsure of whether or not they really have the "sensitivity to cold" symptom of fibromyalgia, because you think that it's just you not being able to handle colder temperatures like other people, that's one way of putting it. The other way is, when it's winter and the temperatures start dropping, do you feel your pain more intensely? Do you feel like you have more problems with your joints? Is your partner always commenting how cold your fingers and toes are, but it somehow gets more frequent in winter? Those are other ways to consider being sensitive to the cold.
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b1uedcollar · 23 days
“seth, what IS cody’s faceclaim?”    i don’t know! the guy at the gas station holding three hot dogs and a bigassicecold diet coke.   just the ugliest pitch around. idk!
#and he’s staring at the candy aisle so long that a bystander makes a face because she thinks he’s gawking.#but he’s ACTUALLY looking at them sweedish fishies. that straight ASS candy that his grandfather loved.#and he misses him so he yanks them off the shelf.#yapping away with miss penny behind the counter the whole time he’s in line.#she’s got a new do. (lookin’ good!) and she’s telling him all about her grandson’s homerun from the weekend.#and twenty minutes later he hands the dogs to the homeless guy outside the door#(and his pal chico. even though that’s dawg on dawg crime in some parts.)#shakes his cup and takes a long sip. before yelling cross the way to that gal at the air pump#no way her daddy was around because she ain’t doing this shit right.#(and he knows he wasn’t because she’s someone he graduated with. divorced and back in town. the usual.)#and when he’s done making sure the rest of them tires got enough air#(and hearing the gunshots from his phone signaling the it’s me! text as she’s leaving the lot)#he gets back to his vehicle. tanking up and waving at sixty nine people who pass by.#he’s gotta drop off them green beans he got for maw. an exchange for them empty glasses clanging around on the floor#(he’s bottling up some blackberry wine for boss this weekend)#gonna make a stop at the cemetery to share that damn box of fishies with pop.#and then he’s got the audacity to straighten that no trespassing sign on the fence#before pulling into the long shell driveway to his “boat”house.#but anyway! yeah .. he ugly.#𝙲𝙾𝙳𝚈 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙿𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙴𝚁. 〈 🔩 〉 screwball.
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thedreadvampy · 9 months
like clockwork someone who's been openly a sex pest for decades gets named as a rapist and sexual predator and we all get to play the hit parade with such classics as:
oh my god oh my god did you know this industry full of rich people who are rewarded for exploitative and abusive behaviour...has an issue with rape and abuse??? CAN YOU BELIEVE THERE'S ABUSE IN THIS INDUSTRY???? (yeah man we know. we've known for quite a while actually. for longer than I've been alive for sure.)
oh my god I can't believe there are rapists among us (1 in 3 women have experienced rape, who do you think is doing it?)
but he seemed so nice! (not really tbh)
well I met him and he never raped me and like, I'm really hot so if he was really a rapist he would have (Jesus fuck get help)
is it really rape to fuck 16 year old girls when you're in your 30s? (yeah it is if you fucking rape them mate)
can't believe everyone knew but never said!!! (they literally did say and also hey imagine if you will what reasons there might be too not say anything, such as, say, it's not your story to tell and the victim had expressed a wish to not be at the centre of a whole shitstorm)
Real Victims wouldn't go to journalists they'd go to the cops!!! (hey guys I have some upsetting news about the experience of reporting rape to the cops)
This is a conspiracy to make this irrelevant celebrity look bad! (please touch grass)
it's all just a bit of fun innit (no)
and every time we all over again have to go to this place where rape is simultaneously a significant threat and common experience (agreed) but also everyone who's ever talked about being raped is lying, and nobody's ever done a rape even if there's 20 years of documented evidence and on camera confessions and also their whole public persona is 'cheeky sex pest' (fucking. what?)
and then that guy hopefully gets cancelled and people feel a bit more guilty about watching him. and then they'll go HOORAY THE EVIL IS DEFEATED WE HAVE GOT RID OF THAT GUY THAT DID THE RAPES. OUR WORK HERE IS DONE. COMEDY/FILM/MUSIC/TV IS FREE OF PREDATORS NOW
and then 6.5 seconds later allegations will come out about someone else and we will start the whole thing again from scratch OH MY GOD CAN YOU BELIEVE THERE'S ABUSE IN THIS INDUSTRY???
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courfeyracs-swordcane · 7 months
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@nosongunsung11’s Ambrose Finch-Fletcher diagnosed with Sells Bad Weed and Causes Problems as one of the top four guys who Absolutely Cannot Cope with mortality in this city
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beeapocalypse · 8 months
saw a post a while ago talking abt the for fun idea of samarie being related to caligura in some way (post was specifically abt her being his niece i think ?) and i didnt rlly think abt it much then but now its haunting me. could you imagine
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legend-had-it · 2 days
nami and zoro instantly clock eachother as gay when they meet in Orange Town and it takes luffy about a week to remember that romance and attraction exists then Also instantly clocks them
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hexados-on-a-string · 9 months
before i go back into hibernation again. spectra and gus' mechtanium surge designs >>>>>>>>>>> their new vestroia designs. i think they're just cooler and less messy and all over the place. i also appreciate that it does actually look like they're older which is neat. also i think gus looks kinda like a prince.
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
Wanna put your friend in a lil terrarium just to see what wacky things she does stg 😂
i actually Cannot Stress the migraine she gives me every time we hang out. like without fail she'll always say or do something that ranges from mildly questionable or irritating but relatively Whatever to How Have You Survived This Long Without Burning Your House Down Boiling An Egg
#snap chats#and then there's her just forgetting things or being late despite the amount of times ill remind her#and i keep stressing to her i cannot stand it when people are late. and then she shows up to things an hour late anyway#or 'when shes late' by fifteen minutes because she didnt think to text me she's there. and im already stressed and annoyed I. UGH i swear.#LIKE. i have only really had two irl friends and both of them i lowkey had to parent in some way#at least my childhood bestie she's like. she's grown a lot and even if i havent spoken to her in a while im real proud of her right#THIS MOTHERFUCKER THO. OUUUUUGGGH.... youre not supposed to say anythin if you dont got nothin nice to say#which is contradictory to the main body text but point is let me Not be any more mean than how ive been already LMAO#even funnier about her looking at that comic is that LITERALLY masumi says he's talking to jo ☠️☠️☠️☠️#did i already say i have to remind her who jo is every three seconds#like the entirety of chap 2 when ichi's out of jail she was all 'why doesnt he just say who ACTUALLY killed the guy'#and then when we finally run into the fuckass who 'actually killed the guy' she's just 'wait who's that'#then i tell her and shes like 'oh my god he's so old now' IT'S BEEN 18 YEARS DUMBASS#ngl did wanna make a comic based off that LMAO BUT POINT IS she tests my patience every day and i think its good practice#if im going to work with people in the future like ohh.. my god....#she told me once she's never been on a date and its like. yeah i wonder why you can't even be assed to show up on time to hangouts ☠️#like ive never had friends so maybe im just insane.. im not insane for wanting people to be on time tho....#OK IM BEING TOO MEAN LET ME CAP IT THERE
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Thinks oh so hard abt the spiraling upwards clan founders, especially the birchclan founders. Silly lil kitties who's pasts are drenched in blood with the primary regret of not drawing it sooner
#rat rambles#oc posting#warriors posting#spiraling upwards#long story short they had a shitty awful terrible leader who sucked absolutely ass and they tore him to shreds#I mean that literally they pinned him onto the mountain side and slashed and mauled the shit out of him so hard that his lives evaporated#and several of the cats involved in that scene are sill alive and major parts of the story and I love them#oh also the cat that pinned him through a stab through the throat was his own daughter btw everyone hated his ass so much#and for good reason get his ass#alas in the main story I dont rly get to go too deep into how he harmed everyone involved mostly just three main ones#aka bristlestar because shes murtlepaw's ghost mom dawncrackle because hes also haunting murtle and gullspot because shes bristle's kit#so basically all the flashbacks we get involve those three in some form or another#honeystar was also there and involved but Im not currently planning on having her rly talk abt that#most of her more modern angst is the fact that she was forced into leadership against her will#and shes been alive long enough that shes been leading birchclan far longer than she ever lived in her old clan#but she did go through a lot of shit before birchclan was founded and it definitely shaped her a lot#she used to be a very determined and high spirited lil kitty cat who tried to be optimistic#but her family began to slowly be picked off one by one by both the old leader and the one whod later get evicerated#some of the older cats around her hoped it make her back down from her revelutionary ideas but she noticed that and it backfired on them#instead of being worn down to submission she became absolutely Furious and began to lash out more and become more demanding#it got to the point that she really only had two friends in the entire clan and one of them was her aunt whod later also die after coming#out abt having witnessed the leader killing his own kits#that was the final fucking straw for her and she was fully on board when bristle and dawn started looking for cats to join their rebellion#she did get rly frustrated with them as they waited patiently for the right moment but her remaining bestie kept her from going apeshit#so once the big fight finally broke out she was more than eager to join the hoard of cats chasing the bastard upwards#now unlike some of the other cats involved this legitimately actually made her feel a lot better for a while#for the first time in ages she finally felt like she could be optimistic abt smth again and was excited abt the idea of leaving this place#she had lost so much in this damn place since she was an apprentice and just wanted to finally be able to rest easy#but once they got to their new territory and set up camp things went south real fast as a flood fucked everything up#and after losing the only cat she had left in her life and losing her tail and being made deputy on top of that she deteriorated quickly
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hauntingblue · 3 months
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21st century "et tu, brute" moment
#and still WHAT ARE THOSE GIANT BLACK THINGS!!!#TELLING HIYORI TO PLAY THAT SONG ON HIS FUNERAL. HE KNEW. i was just kidding my ass!!!#TOKI AGAINST KAIDO???? FUCK OFF!!!! kaido wanted to fight momo i guess??? thank god he left#WHAT IS TOKI DOING??? SHINOBU??? WHAT IS HER PURPOSE!! SHE CAME LOOKING FOR LUFFY??? HE KNOWS BC OF LAUGHTALE AND HE KNOWS HE WOULD DIE#why is she running from the past??? omg toki.... chills..... full body chills...#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 975#at first i thought oh we know this whatever.... but damn. godamn#back to the present.... i am not ready#nvm. denjiro jesus...... ITS THE FUCKING GUY??? THE BKUE HAIRED GUY??? KYOSHIRO???? THATS FUCKED UP. WELL AT LEAST HE IS AGAINST OROCHI#that was good. and he still is ushumitzu kozo.... my guess is he took care of hiyori but MAYBE DON'T GIVE HER THAT JOB IDK#he got so angry he changed faces. iconic#this traitor reveal is so cool.... being an actor SO GOOD you are willing to die... damn. he be waking up real early to be a hater#luffy's one sleeve off kimono with the armor looks so good.... style king....#episode 976#kanjuro..... i got spoiled bit choosong to reveal that in a boat in the middle of the sea when he has devil fruit powers... well....#KIKU!!! EXECUTE HIM!!! SLAY!! HIS ASS!!!#kinemon omg.... well deserved. goodbye 👋🏻#OH NO!!! WHO IS THAT???? HE DREW HIMSELF???? NOW HE KNOWS HOW!!!#THE SUNNY!!!!! THEY UNDERRATED FRANKY'S CARPENTRY SKILLS!!!#LAWW!!!!!!!!!! OH WHAT A FIT!!!! KID TOO?????? OH HIS SHIP SLAYS!!! NOW GO SAVE MOMO!! SOMEONE!!!#luffy has a cape..... hell yes.....#omg....... finally................#episode 977#i am so hyped.... now i need to go back to work ajdjakks
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pastel-rights · 5 months
get this man AWAY from me.
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#( he disgusts me. )#( i need him GONE. )#( if you love me. you'll support me in hating this straight white alpha male lookin' ass who is a walking red flag. )#( he probably spews misinformation. he'd follow Nick Adams religiously. No no. he IS the Nick Adams of the HSR universe actually. )#( he probably got pissed off at the fact the green M&M changed her boots from some casual wear shoes. )#( he would call me slurs. he'd push traditional gender roles on me with a smile on his face knowing I hate it. )#( he'd watch Andrew Tate just to piss everyone off. He doesn't actually believe in it but he lives and breathes to be an ASSHOLE. )#( everyday i become a little less phobic of jing yuan. long gone are the days of me hating on the general who buries himself and his emotio#in his work that he never ACTUALLY gets done and writing letters capable of making god cry and scream and sob. now I hate on the#manifestation of the white alpha males who act like the world revolves around them and everyone around them are like chess pieces on their#personal chess boards. GOD.)#( he feels like he'd be homophobic too. homophobic yet he's already killed every homophobe in a 20 mile radius. he's a trans rights#activist but somehow he also bullies the closest trans people in his area. he's an asshole without purpose and I need him GONE. )#( and AND you know WHAT? i'm RIGHT. just LOOK at him. he has a whole ass book on how to piss everyone off and 300 of those pages are#dedicated to just me specifically. )#( i'm five seconds away from shoving my foot up his ass. )#( I need this man GONE. Asta. I need him to disAPPPEAR. )#( this is all /lh and /j btw I'm just violently hating on him rn /lh )
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widevibratobitch · 6 months
#vent post vent post lalalala#i wanted to post some pictures from my weekend trip with my friends before its too late but then i saw my fucking face and now i wanna kms#like oh my god. oh my god this is really truly the face im stuck with forever and ever and ever till the day im fuckin rotting in the groun#incredible how unfair life can be lmao (<- girl who is having such incredibly superficial stupid fucking problems but is otherwise#quite privileged but of course that will never be fucking enough for her because she's soooooo fckn stupid and selfish and annoyinggg lol)#i dont know why im so obsessed with it now#like i genuinely remember KNOWING that im kinda ugly (and fat) in high school and being like 'so what lol idc'#so WHY is it such an issue now?????#idk. i just kinda wish i was dead every time i look at my face and realise there's nothing i can do to change it#i can dress in ways that will cover my ugly ass shapeless body. maybe i can even go back to my ed properly this time#and lose some weight. for a time. before i gain back twice as much and the circle begins anew lol#but my face is not gonna change no matter what i do lmao unless i fucking scrape it off with a grater or smash my head into pieces#and like. even if i do get that rhinoplasty (its not gonna change my faceshape anyway. nothing i can do to fix THAT fuckin atrocity)#every time ill look in the mirror i will only be reminded that its fake. and that my natural face was disgusting enough it had to be cut up#to be fixed somewhat.#i just wish i had ONE. just ONE nice thing about my body. literally just one its not even funny lol#and its so fucked up when you look at my mom who was so insanely fucking beautiful when she was my age. like. i cant blame her#cause how could she have known that the genes she'll pass on will not result in anything good lol but also i feel like such a failure#like its not really my fault i got the genes i got. but yknow.#anyway im tired of always being the ugliest person in any group im hanging out with. my cousins? check. my hometown friends? check.#my uni friends? my GOD check (how ARE they all so pretty and skinny??? insane).#god i wish i were dead. like fr fr. im not actively suicidal since i cant bring myself to *do* shit anyway. but i just wish i never existed
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puppyeared · 2 years
Man it would be so freaking cool if it turned out Caleb had some involvement with the portal door
#HEAR ME IUT HEAR ME OUT#think about it. Dana confirmed that Clawthornes specifically have a think for bird themed palismen#and flapjack is more or less confirmed to be Caleb’s palisman since belos yelled his name ANDDD the thing with the wittebros on that we#newspaper from season 2A right. so unless that was a one off the witch hunters would have had to know they had something to do with witches#since Caleb could only really make flapjack if they were in the boiling isles in ANOTHER REALM wouldn’t the witchunters only find out about#it if he came back and they saw it? and palistrom wood only exists on the isles#AND AND AND based on the nycc clip ppl pointed out that flapjack is kind of familiar with the abandoned house#cause he was pecking at the floor and shit and the other palismen were concerned. so if Caleb managed to get back to the human world maybe#he brought flapjack with him and that’s why he recognizes it#also I don’t think Philip was actually the one who built the portal door. maybe he just included it in his journal because he knew luz would#come along and find it by the time he was belos? and his portal is extremely different from the door because it’s like huge with angel wings#and shit while the door is just a normal ass door#also if you think about it the titan had a way of hiding things from him so maybe that would include the ingredients for the portal too#if he could tell belos would use it for something bad like bringing all the witch hunters to the isles to kill them#so then maybe if the titan figured Caleb was a cool guy he let him find the portal ingredients#which let him go between the realms? ALSO iirc eda found the door not too far from her house and it was half buried in dirt#my theory is maybe even though Caleb had the option of going back he wanted to stay with his wife in the isles and hid the door so Philip#wouldn’t find it or something. maybe he got tired of witch hunting like how he looked tired in the nycc clip#and he wanted to leave that behind. poor dude :o(#idk if this will make sense when the episodes come out but I really want that wittebro lore man#the owl house#toh#the owl house season 3#toh season 3#toh theory#yapping#the owl house theory#toh spoilers#the owl house spoilers
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targaryenfamilyorgy · 8 months
Im going to create a gith that laezel hates so much
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cheemken · 11 months
Have more villain Dia stuff bc I just remembered that one scene in the Guardians of Gahoole movie and it would low-key fit this au
Yeah so Hau was w Dia now, and yeah Diantha was teaching him abt Mega evolution stuff, and yknow just some soft mother son moments w Dia showing him around Kalos, wearing diguises bc ofc they are, and yeah, heading home they saw Hala, looking for Hau
And just bcmxnx Hala seeing them and he just fucking knows it's Hau, he approaches them, and tried to calmly ask abt Hau, and Dia just smiles at him telling him to follow her, she knows where her grandson is, so he follows them until they're near the Carnet Manor, somewhere secluded, somewhere people don't even know abt, and Dia just turns to him and goes "my, ever so persistent, aren't you? The drive of an Island Kahuna never fails to impress me."
"quiet. I'm here to take Hau back home with me."
"really? Hau, darling, do you wanna go with your grandfather?"
And Hau's just standing there, unsure what to do, and Diantha places a hand on his shoulder, "my boy, you know how it is," and she takes off her own Key Stone, handing it to him, "don't disappoint me now, darling. Let's see how much you improved."
And Hala was feeling confident yknow, his Crabominable's pokeball in hand, and Hau's reaching out for his own Decidueye maybe, and Hala knew he has the type advantage over his Decidueye, one Ice Hammer and that owl is as good as fainted. But.. Hau didn't call out Decidueye.
Hau calls out Alakazam, glaring at Hala, smth he never thought he could ever feel.
"Hau, enough of this. Let's go home."
But Hau just stood there, clutching the Key Stone tight, and breathes out, voice tight and it sounded more mature, unlike the Hau he knew.
"I am home.. I'm not going with you." Then he mega evolves his Alakazam, and Hala calls out his Crabominable, and the two clashed. And ofc, manga typical violence, Hau knocking out three of Hala's Mons w just Alakazam, and it shows how powerful both Mega Evolution is and Hau has become since he last saw him.
And Hau just beating Hala, got him to his knees and he's there looking down on him, the same look Diantha had when she and Leon battled. Snapping his fingers, his Alakazam teleported besides him, then Hau smiled at him, the same carefree smile that Hala always remembered he had. He calls Alakazam back to her pokeball, and he says, "it would be unfair to not let Decidueye have a lil fun too, don't you think?"
And before Hala could react, he heard Decidueye's screech from behind him, and his own Spirit Shackle aimed straight to his chest, killing him, falling down face first to Hau's feet, blood pooling beneath him. And god he looked at Hala's body and he felt nothing. He slowly kicked Hala's hands away, he really was dead, and he felt nothing.
Then he felt Diantha's arm around him, pulling him close to her, "very good, my darling," she whispered, and watched as her own Gengar drag Hala's cold dead body to the afterlife, or to whatever hell like dimension he's in. Looking at Hau, she gave him a smile, "truly befitting for the role of a true Champion."
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