bowsnhearts · 6 months
*puts you in a maid dress*
Hm? Whats this? A gift?
Why thank you!
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soraviie · 1 year
they told you to go and you did.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader ━ navigation
━ about: heavy angst ━ pictures taken from Pinterest
━ c/w: mention of mental illness, implied emotional cheating, falling out of love, smoking
━ previously posted on soraviii
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NAMJOON: If you'd still talk, you'd ask him if "disappointment" is the right word. It's not pain. It's actually hard to describe what is this familiar pang, the stab that almost feels like a bruise made yesterday. It's not pain. It's the sad realization in your heart of hearts that this would happen eventually. It's a disappointment because once, just this once you allowed yourself to believe it'd be different. And you were wrong. Or rather you were right all along. He's just like that and you're you and the rest is a story that writes itself.
Picking yourself up is hard work, hence perhaps why they call it falling for someone. Falling is not a threat, people fall all day long but a fall from the last step of stairs no matter how scary is not lethal but falling in love, unlike a blunder through the dark, is getting up into a skyscraper and then placing all the trust that the other person will provide a mat big enough to cushion the fall. But he had pulled your safety net away. You'll rebuild yourself, from scratch if needed but some part of your trust in all people will forever be cracked. If a forever person becomes temporary...it's a bizarre, ungainly feeling that unevens your footing and makes for many, many quiet afternoons spend in the company of your lonesome, staring out through the windows and thinking was it always meant to end like this.
"You were supposed to be there," you breathed out, shaking. Out of anger, out of cold, who knows.
"And I said I'm sorry," he growls back, shoving the laying laundry into the washing machine.
"Sorry? "Sorry" is not going to cut it! For weeks - weeks! - I've asked you, I begged you to be there! It was one of the most important events in my life!"
"What do you want me to do here?" Namjoon asks, exasperated and the wrinkle between his eyebrows mars his features into someone...unrecognizable. A stranger almost. Since when have you had to beg to be heard?
"I don't know," you reply truthfully but slowly something in your gut begins to work. Why are you feeling like the villain? You shouldn't be.
You shouldn't be is the chief thought.
"Do you even care about me?"
The look in his eyes...you know, you just know, he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand this profound feeling of being tired. Being proven right that, in the end, you will always have this - begging to be heard and understood and it's tiring. It's draining the soul right in front of his eyes, ones which do not see the obvious.
"Do you even care about me?"
He scoffs.
"Take a walk so you clear your head and don't ask stupid questions."
In hindsight, a very small part of you is grateful. The comment was cruel and cut like the end of a sharpened knife but it gave you a leeway. It gave you the thought that if you had to go, you didn't have to come back.
And it's like a bit of fresh air after that. Dizzying, confusing, the feeling of being lost in a way never leaving but you're finding your legs so to speak. You didn't owe him anything, there is no legal law that would force you to explain. You walked right out. A walk to never return, a walk to self re-discovery. You eat what you like, you go where you like and when you feel like dying because there your lover is not on the other side of the bed, you turn around and pretend he was never there.
He was after all rarely there, to begin with.
Right or wrong, who cares, you could just leave and while you're alone, at least you don't have to beg. At least, you understand even if it's yourself.
YOONGI: Lillies, as Yoongi finds out, are not long-lived flowers. They fall most often in clumps of petals. Not elegant and refined like those in drawings but dropping almost half of themselves in one swift move. In one second, losing nearly all they had, remaining then barren and partly lifeless. He didn't know enough about flowers to know when exactly are they pronounced dead. But he'll be here. He'll be here because he's done nothing else but watch them shed, clump by clump.
"I told you," he'd said with a smile of all things. A cold, mirthless smile but still. "I told you it'd be hard, that you wouldn't be able to handle it."
"That's...that's not it all," you deny and maybe you hadn't been lying. All he knows is that the fear had gripped him so hard he couldn't even breathe then.
"No, it is what it is," he'd cut back sharply, decisive, leaving no room to argue because if you'd argue you'd do the same magic you'd done when he first fell in love, he'd listen and do everything exactly how you want it. He didn't want to listen at that moment, he'd just wanted to be angry.
"Then go, just go. Go back 'cause I know you want to."
Tears rose on your waterline and suddenly he felt like a bad guy which in turn, of course, made him more vicious.
"You're being cruel," you breathed faintly. "You're just being cruel."
He scoffed harshly.
"I'm just being honest. Face it, you can't handle being with me," a pause. Critical hit. Cruelty for cruelty's sake. "You can't handle much at all."
And if he had even a little bit of a brain left he'd see the change. The exact moment where you fell out of love with him and it happened just then.
You took a step back, breathed in exactly once, calmly, sombre even.
"Okay," is all you said and unbeknownst to him, that would end up as the last thing you'd say to him. "Okay" is what could kill love - a supposedly unkillable thing.
The flowers are what he brought to ask for forgiveness which would not be granted. There was no next time, no do over, no apology. You'd been long gone when he wisened up to his own words and now he has a vase of old Lillies, wilting on his desk. He reaches to straighten one of the last petals but in its frailty, it just falls. It falls down, down, down and lands on his desk. He puts his hand away. The clock ticks away.
"Okay," he mutters to himself and then sinks into silence.
JIN: "They're my parents," he says for the thousandth time, driving half-blind through the dark.
"So what?!" you exclaimed. "They don't get to say all those things about my family. About me!"
"And I already told you, I warned you that they...they would be like that! They're old! Different."
"That's not being different! That's being a dick."
His eyes glinted and you flinched. You'd never fought with Jin before. Not like this certainly. But whenever you thought of forgiving him, it all came back even clearer. How he just stood there, silent, staring at his plate like a small boy would when they called you a gold digger, your family nothing but mud-trodden scammers. The spoilt rotten apple of the bad seeds. And your lover, your boyfriend, your one true fairytale prince had bowed his head in compliance.
"Careful," he growls, hands tightening around the wheel. "Mind your tongue."
He could slap you and it'd be less bitter.
"Did your mother mind your tongue?" you asked sharply, suddenly yanked harshly forth as he drove a foot through the brakes.
"I'll give you this one last opportunity," he spits and it awakens a heinous part of yourself. Or rather it extends. It extends from the scenery of not even an hour into the past, when you'd sat by the dining table listening to one hurled insult after the next. His father had been "the others", his mother and now he himself. It's him vs you. And that's...
...that's just not someone you could ever touch without shuddering in hate.
"One last chance to stop throwing a fuss. To stop disrespecting my family and myself."
"I can't disrespect it," you open your mouth, weirdly proud. It's cathartic to hate at times. "It would imply I've held any this evening."
His jaw makes an audible sound when it clamps shut. You'd hurt deep, you'd cut it where it hurts. Good, so had he.
"Get out," he hisses, clearly fighting hard to reign in his temper. "Get out of my car now!"
You do and afterwards, he speeds off, tires screeching against the cement road, fumes, in time, evaporating into the atmosphere. You touch the necklace, his gift, on your neck. Feels more like a chain now. You take it away, frown and allow yourself to think.
Gold diggers, scammers, evildoers and nothing but lowlier of the low they had said into your face. You remember your own mother's face, proud and happy, then tired after working long hours just to put food on the table. She'd be heartbroken about this, she'd cry.
And no one could ever make your mother cry. Guided by a sudden impulse you throw the necklace away and it glistens once under the streetlights.
Jin's car disappears over the horizon and despite lingering, you see no point in going after it. You could go home.
The thought fills you with comfort.
You could just go home.
Your mother picks up after one ring.
"Hey, I'm just letting you know, I'll sleep over, is that okay?"
Your mother's voice comes frazzled but she attempts to make it soothing. No, she should never meet those people. Those people who would hate her without a reason, who raised a son you fell in love with. Past tense.
"Of, course, it's okay," then, softly, cautious. "Did it go awry? What about your boyfriend?"
You glimpse over your shoulder. JIn is long gone. There's nothing but the dark so you turn and walk the opposite way.
"There's no boyfriend anymore," you reply, cooly but even so few, traitor tears rush into your eyes and it gets hard to breathe. "But I still got you."
"The porch lights will be on," after a moment she explains kindly and you nod. "I'll be waiting."
HOSEOK: "I just think...this will be the best of us."
That's really all you remember. At the time, the words fell distant like coming from another room. His damn present, a simple present you'd saved over the course of the summer was burning against your leg, distracting you, maybe saving you in a way. If you'd heard a flaw he had named as to why would you deserve to suddenly be broken up with, you didn't remember it. He'd been doing so well, being so good, practising and making history and you loved him so much you just wanted to make him smile. He'd been so stressed. So empty and removed. And when you heard his call, his tentative invitation to a restaurant you thought must be destiny, he must be thinking it too, you needed to be closer together. Reality... the reality was as always much different than you imagined in your head.
You'd sat politely, being really good, not quite listening due to the bracelet sitting in your pocket like a carcass, but you hadn't made a fuss. Should you have? Or did you do the right thing?
Whatever should or should not have happened will take place in the multiverse, in the infinitude of other more pleasant realities, this one was yours.
"You should cry," your friend suggests, with a frown of worry. But you can't hear her also. Flinging the pillows left and right, you try to find the damn thing. The receipt is nowhere. You couldn't have just flung it into the trash, right?
"Honestly, fuck this guy."
Right, fuck Hoseok. But when you remember him, you don't suddenly learn how to hate him. That was...that went against everything you knew.
"Just please go," he pleaded, you'd open your mouth to at least give him the bracelet. It was after all a present. Why had you been so hyper-focused about it? You can't remember that also.
"Just go. Don't make this any harder than it has to be."
But what it did have to be? What did you do? Or not do? What was so wrong with you that he kicked you away?
"He left you for his career," your friend scoffed. Her pride was your pride and vice versa but at the moment you couldn't even appreciate her indignance. The receipt was gone. You did not have it. And as such the bracelet, his bracelet, the one you worked so had to buy for your own money, could not be ridden of.
"Plain and simple. You were distracting him, whatever that means. What a prick."
You had not thought the same then and you didn't think it now. Coming to a stand you wonder how long will it take to unlearn someone. Hoseok must have learned it quite quickly. He'd not even spared you a glimpse as you stood there, with the bracelet in hand, suddenly turned into a parting gift not one of gratitude. If he saw it, he hadn't cared. And so you went, as he asked, clutching the bracelet in your palm. Hoseok must be a quick learner, you reckoned, leaving the bracelet to lay on your nightstand table.
JIMIN: "Already back?" a neighbour, a smarmy twenty-something who thinks he's just the thing because he has a couple of tattoos on his arm, asks. You light up the cigarette already put between your lips and scoff in his direction.
"Yeah. Now quit hanging around in the stairway, you look like a predator," with that you enter your apartment. It's disgusting to smoke indoors, that you admit, but right now it was time to think and smoking for some reason made your head clearer. Navigating through the dark, you stumbled out into the balcony, breathing out a sigh of relief. Flicking the ash into the makeshift ashtray you thought and thought and thought.
"When?! When will you be ready?!" he'd practically screamed. You hated when people raised their voice and he knew that but he still did it. A fact you wouldn't forgive anyone but this was...Jimin and he'd been the exception for a long time. Longer than he should have.
"I don't know! When we got together, I told you I'd be difficult! I'm...ill!" recalling how your lip had wobbled, you sneered to yourself. One cigarette down but you bought a new pack so there was plenty.
"Stop using that as an excuse!" he'd snarled, fists curling out of anger. You had thought then that if he truly wanted to marry you, he'd stay true to his word to be understanding. Of understanding that your mind did not always work the same way most people were used to, it did things, often ones you couldn't grasp full control of, like fear, fearing everything and most of all being yelled at for this very same fear.
"It's not an excuse!" you shrieked. "It's the answer! When someone has a cold, do you reprimand them for coughing? Why is this illness any different?!"
You were objectively hard to love if mental illness was easy it wouldn't be an illness. You required work, work done by yourself and by your partner and you had told him that, you'd told him fair and square, come clean with all that you were and Jimin had promised to love you all the same. He was, it seems, a beautiful kind of liar.
"You won't ever be ready," he'd continued, a hard scowl warping his features. "You know why? Because you hate yourself so much you can't even wrap your head around the idea of not self-sabotaging yourself for once."
And it was the truth. Objectively speaking. But you didn't mind the truth. It could be harsh and unapologetic but you could swallow it down, just not cruelty. Anything but cruelty. Coming from the one man on earth you thought could not be cruel. See what you meant by beautiful? Beautiful, convincing, angel of a liar.
"And I can't handle it anymore. I can't handle your..." he raised his hands out of frustration, letting the fists rise to his own chest and shake there before it happened.
"You're just too much. So just go away because you're just too much for me."
Pushing the bud of the cigarette against the glass jar, you put out the last light on the balcony. It's dark now and you sit, arms crossed, still thinking. You know what to do, you'd done it plenty of times before but...you just thought, you assumed, had the delusion that..he'd be the one, you know. That he'd be...different. But the nature of liars is to lie, you suppose.
TAEHYUNG: It is sad and horrifying to realize that you're becoming one of those couples. Those couples that do not talk, that sit on the bed silently and sullenly, waiting for it to be over, couples who did not touch each other, who forgot each other's bodies, voices and minds. Those couples who you always looked on with pity, wondering to yourself why didn't they just break it off. What was the point?
But the point was that, of course, once upon a time you loved Taehyung and you think he loved you too. You almost saw him, the younger him, the one that charmed you with the promise of timeless romance only to let the very same time deteriorate it away. As you walked up to the cafe, you saw him there, laughing with a friend you did not know he had. They're both laughing in fact, clearly enjoying their time and you can't help but feel like a creep, like an onlooker peeking into the lives of a happy couple even if it's your boyfriend sitting there. He'd brought them flowers. You don't remember when was the last time he'd given your flowers. The promise was every Wednesday, the reality was sometimes after the first six months, anniversaries after two years, never after five.
He pulls the chair closer to the friend. You saw the other person's blush in the candlelight and then with even more horrifying realization, you grasp that you're the other person. The one brushed to the side when they're of no other use.
"Those are pretty flowers," you reckoned, mostly just to start a conversation. An ice breaker for a lover, strange isn't it?
"I guess," he offers a non-committal grunt.
"Should I meet you after work? We could go somewhere?" you almost sounded hopeful then. How naive.
"Don't bother," he says, not quite even looking at you, more so focused on the mirror to fix the tie the other other person was twirling between their fingers. "I'll be busy and late tonight. Just go home."
Standing on the street and passively watching your love slip away, you figure you'll do just that. You won't be one of those people, you thought, standing straighter and leaving the window side, you won't cry yourself to sleep, you won't find someone else's scent on his shirt, you won't have your heart any more broken. You'll just go home.
And Taehyung was not home anymore.
But it's okay, you tell yourself, stumbling unsteadily through the neon-lit streets, you'll find a new one. You'll be okay.
JUNGKOOK: You used to love his jokes, his confidence, his assuredness that you were meant to be. But after some time, you don't quite know when, it stopped being funny the way he brushed off your worries, always so assured that in the end, it'll work out. That no matter what you'll forgive him anything.
You stopped loving his jokes.
And you stopped loving his confidence.
And you stopped loving him.
You just wanted for him to listen but he was so smug, so assured that you wouldn't leave. You just wanted for him to listen just once.
But he never did.
"If I'm so horrible, then just leave," he tossed over his shoulder, tugging harshly on Bam's leash. "Just leave!"
But he did it first, slamming the door behind and dragging Bam with him.
Maybe it's selfish, really childish, quite unhealthy but in a way also victorious. You drag your clumsily arranged suitcase, stubborn. You miss him. But a him that's not even here. Can a person die while still living?
But even if it's selfish, childish and unhealthy, it becomes easier with the next step. You're just leaving, just going. You still miss him, you miss Bam and others, and all the funny toys on his shelves, and his kitchen towels and the laughter on Fridays and movies on Mondays but even more you miss yourself. The street is long and you wonder where you'll end up next, once upon a time, it brought you to Jungkook and now it'll take you away from him. You can find plenty of sadness about it but not enough regret to turn around. Whoever's fault it was, even if it truly was a fault, it doesn't matter now. It's over, it was good for a while and now it's over. You're free to go where you want and so is Jungkook and when enough time passes you know you'll wish him nothing but the best.
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
446 notes · View notes
goaways-stuff · 2 years
ABC's of Sex with Steven Grant
pairing: Steven Grant x gn! reader (mentions Marc and Jake x reader)
warnings: SMUT. LOTS OF IT. slight switch Steven and Reader, professor kink, hand kink, bondage, virgin! Steven, mentions of mental illness and DID, I believe there's some canon level violence, read at your own risk
Summary: A headcanon style fic about the diff aspects of sex with Steven Grant
A/N: I do not have DID myself, so of there is anything that I get wrong/ any harmful stereotypes please call me out. I have done research on DID and do my best to keep it both accurate to real life as well as the show. But I can still get things wrong, so don't hesitate to point anything out :) I also apologize for any writing mistakes
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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(what he's like after the deed)
Steven is the king of aftercare. He's littering wherever he can reach with kisses, praising you, thanking you. "Fuck, darling, that was amazing, you're amazing," He'd say. If the two of you are up for it, he'll draw a warm bath. You'd bathe each other off, trading compliments and "I love you's." He would get you a little snack and a drink if you wanted, brushing light kisses over any marks he made, a silent apology even though he knew you loved the marks. If neither of you felt like taking a bath, he'd eventually pull himself away from you and return with two warm washcloths as well as a dry one. He'd clean himself off, then you before drying the both of you. He'd leave once more to put the washcloths in the hamper and return for a final time with water for the both of you. He'd slip back in bed with you, holding you tight, as if he was scared you'd go. You returned his praises from earlier, and the two of you traded many "I love you's" before drifting off to sleep.
B=Body Part
(favorite of his and favorite of yours)
Before meeting you, Steven didn't really have a favorite body part. He didn't really have an accurate picture of himself. He knew what he looked like, but things were just off. After meeting you, he'd truly come to sometimes love his looks. Specifically, his hands. Mostly due to your fascination with them. You'd stare at them as he talked, always holding them or fidgeting with his fingers, and he always let you. He also loved how his hands looked roaming your body, squeezing you ass, or bringing you to pleasure inside you. Honorable mention of his curls. He loves when you play with them and put them up into funny hairstyle and pull at them with his head between your legs.
Steven doesn't think he could answer what his favorite body part of yours is. If he was asked, he'd probably go on a long ramble, saying different body parts and the things he liked about each of them. Nope, he definitely could never choose. He loved your tummy, whether it be chubby or skinny or ripped- it didn't matter to him. He loved your thighs, how they squeezed his head when he would give you head. He loved to lie on his back and use them as pillows while reading on his bed or on the couch. He loves your eyes and how they sparkle when you tell a joke or talk about something your passionate about. He loves your smile, and he loves that very often, he's the cause of that smile. You neck, shoulders, ass, hips, nose, hair- you were perfect in every way to him. He could never ever choose.
(where, how much, what he's like, etc)
Steven is the most vocal of the three when he cums. He moaning, grunting, whining. He's praising you for how good you make him feel, how perfect you are. He'll cum wherever you want him to. Inside, in your mouth, on your face, chest, thighs- wherever. He loves all of them. He cums a lot, like you had never seen a bigger load. He was a bit embarrassed at first, but when you swallowed it all down after sucking him off, he actually became quite proud of it.
D=Dirty Secret
(what was he hiding from you until you found out yourself?)
He likes being in control sometimes. Steven spent his whole life being seen as a pushover, as someone people could walk all over, so when given the chance he will show you how much of a pushover he isn't. Don't get him wrong, he loves when you're more in control sometimes, but others he just wants to fuck you until you're crying his name. He wants to leave his marks on you. Who would ever guess that soft, ever so sweet Steven could be so dominant in bed?
(how much/ little does he have?)
You were Steven's first actually, he had been on some dates, but never anything past a makeout sesh. The first time was a bit awkward, but he was so eager to please you. He would ask what made you feel good, let you guide his hand, whatever he could do to learn. He caught on quickly, Steven was a fast learner after all.
F=Favorite Position
(self explanatory)
It's depends, if you're feeling more in control that day, he loves having you on top of him. Being able to see all of you, he loves being able to grab your ass and guide your hips down on him, unable to stop himself from bucking his hips up into yours. If he is feeling more in control, he'll go for the good ole missionary. He just feels so close to you that way, it makes him feel in control. He can pin your arms down and fuck you a proper way into next Sunday. He can reach down and pleasure you more with his hand. He loves how you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer. He also loves seeing your face when you cum. Truly, what gets him off is you getting off. He relishes in your pleasure.
(is he more goofy or serious in bed?)
Steven has definitely shared some more goofy moments with you in bed, much more than Marc and Jake ever have combined. He's a bit clumsy and has taken a few falls, gotten clothes stuck, and other moments that honestly embarrass him, but make you fall all the more in love with your favorite dork.
(does the carpet match the drapes?)
Since they all share the same body, it's the same for all of them, keep it trimmed and neat- only shaving for special occasions (anniversaries, birthdays, valentine's)
(what is his version of intamacy?)
Steven is the most intimate of the three. While Marc and Jake have come a long way, Steven has always had a deep intamacy with you. He's honest about things, wants to share all of what happened to him- tell you everything, and you do the same with him. He loves making love to you telling and showing you how much you mean to him. How much he loves and adores you. He loves hearing every little detail about your day, he'll read you to sleep, come up behind you while you're cooking and rant about how amazing you are. His intamacy extends much beyond the bedroom as it's something he's always longed for.
J=Jack Off
(how, when, where, why does he jack off, if he does?)
Before you, Steven was used to many lonely night with his hand. He would jack off sometimes to keep himself awake, imagining the touch of someone else there with him who loved him despite of what he thought at the time was his sleeping disorder. Now he has you, he doesn't need to jack off- at least by himself. Steven is a pretty big fan of mutual masterbation, but he can't ever keep his hands to himself for too long.
(what's he into?)
Steven had never really explored his kinks until he met you. He discovered his praise kink, he loved hearing how good he was doing and he returned the same to you. He loves having his hair pulled and sometimes even being tied up. When he's in control, he found out he's what's called a "soft dom." He uses your own pleasure to dominate you, he asks nicely for you to do things for him. He had to admit, he loved seeing you tied up as well, completely at his mercy. He would tell you how pretty you looker for him. He would pleasure you until tears were streaming down your face. "Doing so good for me, baby, so so good. I'm so lucky to have such a sweet little angel, yeah?" Honestly, out of the three of them, you were the best for Steven. To Marc and Jake, you were a big time brat. Smarting off to them, directly disobeying their orders in order to get punished. But with Steven, he just always asked so nicely, making you easily bend to his will. Marc and Jake were honestly a but jealous sometimes about how easily you obeyed Steven, but they also wouldn't trade your brattiness for the world.
(where's his favorite place to do it?)
Steven would do it nearly anywhere with you, but his favorite is just the plain old bed in his apartment. It's comfortable, easy to access, and he can fall asleep cuddling you after the deed in it. Though he has to admit, he loved fucking you spread out for him on his desk after you gave him head while he was stuck in a book for an ungodly amount of time.
(what gets him going?)
Seeing you in his clothes. He had no idea how much that would turn him on. It had been laundry day for you, and you were out of clothes. Lucky for you, Steven's had just come out of the dryer. They were warm and smelled fresh and you found yourself throwing a sweater on with only your last pair of clean underwear. When Steven came home, he swore he nearly creamed his pants at the sight of you. That night, not much sleep was acquired by either of you, and ever since then Steven is constantly letting you wear his clothes, almost to the point where you no longer wear yours.
(what are his limits?)
Steven could never actually hurt you. He knows that some pain feels good to you, and he's more than willing to do that, but anything to harm you is a no for him.
(is he a giver? a taker?)
Steven is a giver. 100%. He will stay down there as long as you let. Like you will literally have to pull him off of you. He loves feeling your thighs on either side of his head, bringing you pleasure with his mouth. He loves hearing you moan and feeling your body twist and squirm with pleasure. As much as he loves the sights and feelings of you giving him head, he loves giving it to you more.
(how fast, slow, rough, or gentle is he?)
He will go at whatever pace you ask him to. If it's one of those nights where you just need to feel each other abd be in each other's embrace, he'll take it slower, make sweet love to you, show you how much he loves you. Bit as soon as you ask him to go harder or faster, he's right there with you, fucking you into next Sunday.
(how's feel about them?)
He's not the biggest fan of them as he prefers to savor the moment and spend as long with you as the both of you can take it, he knows that sometimes a quickie is all either of you can take or have time for. A quickie before a mission also always boosts his confidence.
(is he willing to get a little risky during the frisky?)
He's willing to do nearly anything for you and that includes taking risks in bed. Though, if things don't go exactly how planned, He's profusely apologizing, even if it wasn't his fault. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, love Are you okay? Shit, I'm sorry. Lemme help you, yeah? You alright?" No matter how many times you tell him that you're okay and that it wasn't his fault he keeps checking in on you, and you can't help but feel so loved by your sweet boy.
(How long can he go for?)
It completely depends. The first time you had sex, he came in his pants while you dry humped him. He just couldn't help it, you felt so good and looked so hot, it just happened. But he can also stave off his own pleasure and release for quite awhile. He'll work you up and make you cum until you see starts with his mouth, with his hands before finally sinking into. He loves to edge the both of you, stopping when either of you get close until you're both begging for release.
(does he own any for himself? for you?)
He never had any until he met you. With you though, he loves using them to aid in pleasuring you. Whether it be vibrators, cock rings for you or himself, dildos, literally anything you want- he will get it for you.
(is he a tease?)
Steven is unfair without always knowing it. He talks with his hands and you can't help but watch as you remember how they feel inside you. He'll roll up his sleeves revealing his gorgeous forearms. Turn around and show off that gorgeous ass. He's such a turn on and most of the time he has no idea until you're literally jumping his bones about to lose your mind over how horny you are.
(how loud or quiet is he during the hanky panky?)
Steven is the loudest of the three, especially after learning how much his noises turn you on. You loves sucking him off and hearing his cries of pleasure. His whines of your name. You loved making him so desperate that he would finally lose some of his gentlemanliness and fuck you until you screamed his name. He will praise you with how good you feel. "Oh fuck, you feel so good, love. So good for me, yeah? So fuckin tight around me. Feel good for you?" You're nodding your head frantically as your words have just become swears, pleas, and Steven's name. "Look at you, look so good like this. Fucked dumb, huh?" Steven took notes from Jake and Marc on dirty talking.
(Random headcanon about him. Go!)
Steven has a major professor kink. You'll come up to his desk while he's in the middle of his studies of ancient Eygpt, asking him innocently to tell you what he's reading about. That will start one of his long rants. He's using his hands to talk and there's a sparkle in his eyes that's only there when he's talking about something he holds so dearly. It always starts off innocent, but his ramblings of his vast knowledge of Egypt just turn you on and at some point you're looking at him with hungry eyes. You move your hand to his thigh, rubbing it gently as you nod your head along to whatever he's saying, no longer able to actually pay attention. You breathing becomes more labored as you watch is hands, thinking about feeling them all of your body, inside you. When he finally stops for a breath, you take your chance. You look up at him with doe eyes. "Professor Grant, I just don't think I'm getting this part," You say, pointing at whatever book is on his desk. "Do you think we could go over it again?" After that, it's over for Steven. He has you bent over the desk, reading it out loud to him as he fucks you. He doesn't let you cum until you finish the chapter or whatever and makes you start over everytime you stop for an extended period of time or just fuck up a pronunciation of a god's name.
(what's going on down there?)
Steven is big and thick. Marc is Jewish, so he's most likely circumcised. His cock is a few shades darker than the rest of his tanned skin and the tip is almost purple-ish (especially when he's aroused)
(how horny is he?)
Steven is better at hiding it, but he is a horny bastard just like Marc and Jake. He's almost embarrassed every time he gets aroused, but he can't help it around you. All you have to do is walk into a room and he's staring at you in awe, as if you were the most beautiful piece of artwork in existence. And to him- you are. He just can't believe he got so lucky. He's just lil ol' Steven, and you- you're YOU. So yes, he will take you whenever and where ever you want it.
(how fast does he fall asleep after the deed?)
Even though it usually wears him slap out, he keeps himself awake for you. He's determined to make sure you're fully taken care of before he succumbs to sleep. Hell- he'll even wait for you to fall asleep before he finally does. This man is the master of keeping himself awake, no matter how tired he is. You of course, reassure him over and over that you're all good, that he needs his rest, but he's always doing just one last thing for you.
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jist6543 · 4 days
Ok @fleetway-super-sonic has gone too far now, I may have been a bit upset when you didn't accept my apology, but now you've officially crossed the line, ive told you that i was letting that character bullshit go, i sincerely appolozed to you, and this is how you treat me? By not letting me live it down and saying that my behavior is pathetic and laughable, with no qualms about it at all? I admitted my faults and tried to own up to them, the only reason why I responded like that was because of how satistic you were to me, For the love of God, for the hundredth time, I said that I was letting that character shit go, im not worried about that anymore, stop twisting the knife on me, your sick you know that, your are absolutely sick, you can't even accept a simple God Damn apology, even when i admitted I was wrong for countless times, telling me to grow up and making fun of me shows that you are no better then ssj-Blake. and corection, 1 they misinterpreted a friendly compliment to a drawing, and 2 they freaking told me to f off when I tried apologizing, before i even knew why I was blocked, the only reason I got pissed off at them was because they called me names, when I tried talking to them calmly and explained that i only said their picture of brandy was cute, and they even called me a dumbass despite that I'm autistic, and wrongfully scorned me and told me to get a life, if they're gonna be that way to me, then yeah im definitely not gonna respond nice either, before signing off. And another thing, you are clearly missing the point that the reason I waited a month was to give you some space before apologizing, but no, you can't even learn to forgive people and to say I was disrespectful to you is putting a slander tone to that statement, making fun of me when I tried apologizing to you is the complete definition of disrespect, I admitted my faults and realized I was wrong which is something you obviously feel doesn't apply to you, i mean hell, your practically bullying me right now, and that's not a very mature thing to do either, so apparently I'm not the only one who needs to grow up. you were very hasty in taking assumptions about me before, and you haven't changed at all, I still like your videos and all and I'll still give you support, despite the negativity you've given me, but again I left you alone for 1 whole month before coming back to apologize, you could at least be great full for that, and your absolutely right enough is enough, I've clearly had enough of your bullying, and will stand for it no longer, if you want me gone, FINE , and I have some great advice to you as well, LEARN TO FORGIVE PEOPLE! When I say I'm sorry, I mean it, when i admit that I made a mistake, and try to own up to it, you don't laugh at someone and make them feel more bad about themselves, your 32 years old for crying out loud, act like it, I'd expect you'd be more principled than that, I don't want to keep arguing about this any more than you do, unless you decide to admit your faults as well, and apologize for bullying me, then I'm definitely gonna talk to you anymore, I don't know why your complaining of someone bullying you when your doing the exact same thing, you should be ashamed, I'm not saying my behavior a month ago was any better, and yes I shouldn't have been so persistent on telling you to include those characters, but at least I admitted my mistake, appologized for it, and tried to own up to it, before you turned me away may I add? and again I'm sorry for getting on you about those characters, but seriously please stop making fun of me, so yeah ill leave you alone now, i know your probably just gonna laugh again, but I hope you can forgive me someday, even though I see that unlikely, so yeah if your gonna be an absolute stuck up, and think that you have the right to scoff people like that despite them sincerely appolozing to you, then yeah, good riddance, but i do wish you the best of luck on your story and hope to see it someday when its finished. I mean that too, but I do hope your additude heals.
You clearly have issues, with forgiveness, I was wrong to think you were any different than ssj-Blake, and I stand by what I said before, I was not gaslighting you when I said you were acting irrational, you were gaslighting me!
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kyvir · 7 years
Hello Tyy! Thoroughly enjoy your work on ff, so I have a request! I'd like a canonverse night change on the night Sasuke gave Naruto his message for Sakura and have him go home instead. If you'd be so kind as to write the reunion that'd be amazing! Thanks!
Thanks so much for the request! I love and enjoy your work as well, Blu.
I hope you enjoy Sasuke’s decision to drop by his home… If only for the night.
The Brief Reunion-
Rating: M
Though it may have been a clone, Sasuke found himself slightly bothered by having to meet Naruto. He’d been waiting a while and it annoyed him because he wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. It had been a while since they’d met and though he had to meet him now for some information, it was hard for him to do so.
Naruto reminded him of home. Reminded him of his family. His wife and daughter, who he never got to see.Actually, he thought of them on a daily basis and that wasn’t the hard part, no he enjoyed thinking of them. But, when he thought of being so close to them, and yet so far away… it hurt.
Once Naruto finally showed up and called out to him, Sasuke turned to look at him.
“You’re late.”
Naruto annoying tried to explain himself and even took the time to complain a bit. Typical of him, but Sasuke wasn’t interested on wasting his time on such blabber.
“I don’t even know my way back home now, damn it!” He whined. “Where are we anyway?”
“Don’t ask me.” Sasuke muttered and then went to change the subject quickly. “So, where’s the scroll?”
Naruto seemed taken aback and somewhat annoyed by Sasuke’s eagerness, but he handed the scroll on over nonetheless.
Things weren’t looking good. It seemed that no matter how hard they tried to maintain peace, there was always something to worry about. Sasuke wanted to finish his mission, to get rid of these threats and know that his family, his home, was safe.
After discussing a bit of the scrolls contents with Naruto, Sasuke stood, feeling confident that this new information would help him a great deal. Though he’d never expected Danzo to have any information on Kaguya, he was happy to have any information he could. Pretty soon, this would all be over.
“I didn’t get it at all.” Naruto admitted. That didn’t surprise Sasuke, and this wasn’t Naruto’s mission, it was his.
“But with this,” Sasuke said as he got to his feet. “I should be able to get closer to the Time-Space where Kaguya existed.”
“Hey, you’re leaving already?” Naruto asked with disappointment. “What’s wrong with coming back to the village for a while?”
Sasuke turned to Naruto, his brows knitted together. Naruto knew his reasons for keeping a distance well enough, and he didn’t take too lightly to Naruto’s suggestion, even if he did mean no harm.
“Naruto…” He chided him before looking away, his mind going to his wife. She was a saint for putting up with him and all his baggage. “Give Sakura a message for me.”
Naruto frowned, feeling saddened by the way things were. He’d always regret things turning out this way for his friends. Neither of them deserved this. Neither of them could ever be completely happy, when they couldn’t ever even see each other.
“Tell her, I’m sorry for everything.” Sasuke told him, and then he was gone, leaving Naruto to mull over his thoughts alone and he couldn’t help feeling, that it wasn’t Sasuke who should be sorry at all.
Cursing under his breath, Sasuke leaned against a nearby tree, feeling more torn than he had in the longest time. Sending a message through Naruto, to his wife, was pathetic. He felt like shit. He knew Sakura understood. Knew that she missed him, but would always wait for him. She loved him that much, he knew it, but still, that’s not how he wanted things to be. He worried about her a lot, having to raise Sarada alone, without him every being around. Hell, his own kid didn’t even know him.
Meeting with Naruto truly hadn’t been good for him, because as much as he knew he shouldn’t do it, he was going back. He had to see her, to tell her himself, if only to know that she really did understand. Did she forgive him? Would she welcome him home with open arms, or send him packing, which in his eyes would be what he deserved. It was true that he was only trying to protect them, and Sakura knew that, but still, they were his only family and he was never there for them.
He almost turned around when he arrived at their home. It was late. He shouldn’t be doing this, he really shouldn’t… But, he had to.
Before he could stop himself, Sasuke walked inside and silently closed the door behind him. He took a moment to look around, taking in his home for the first time in years, though not much had changed.
It was quiet in the house and for a moment, he feared that Sakura may have been sleeping. He knew Sarada would be, having academy the next morning and all, but he hadn’t thought if Sakura would be or not. If she was, he’d wake her because he’d come this far. There would be no leaving until he saw her, spoke to her, and showed her just how much he truly missed her.
A loud crash and the sound of something breaking, followed by and even louder, “Shannaro!” told him that she was actually more than awake. The sound was enough to draw a smirk to his lips and he found that his feet had no intention of letting him stall any further. It would probably be hard to leave, in fact he was certain it would be, but he couldn’t stop himself.
He only hoped he was making the right decision.
Sasuke felt guilty for many things, but he refused to feel guilty for a leisure night and seeing his wife. Nobody was following him, though he was still taking a risk in coming here. He had to believe if he deserved nothing else, he deserved one night… and if he didn’t, Sakura did.
Their bedroom was where he found her. The door was wide open, so he could see her instantly. She was on her hands and knees, picking up several pieces of broken glass, that had once been a picture frame. She was biting her lip, looking quite conflicted and deep in thought. Sasuke wondered idly if Naruto had delivered his message, if that’s what had her so shaken.
Once each piece of broken glass was gathered into her grasp, she stood with a sigh, taking only one step before she noticed him in the doorway, watching her. Lips parting in surprise and green eyes widening considerably, she dropped the already shattered frame and once more it clashed to the floor, all around her feet.
Instantly, he was before her, gazing down at her adoringly. He’d missed her more than she’d ever know. More than he’d ever admit.
Overwhelmed with emotion, tears welled in her eyes and Sakura flung her arms around her husband. My, how she’d longed for this day, and not only her, but Sasuke as well.
It felt good to see her. To hear her voice. To feel her against him.
He wrapped his lone arm around her in return to her embrace, and rested his chin atop her head.
“I’ve missed you.” She grumbled into his chest, but he was still able to make out her words.
Sasuke said nothing in return, but when she leaned back to gaze at him, he released her to bring his hand to her face instead. His fingers ghosted over her cheek tenderly and as she met his eyes, she noted the pain that was there.
Usually, Sasuke wasn’t an easy person to read, even for her. But at that moment, she could see the confliction he felt, the concern, the guilt, and it only made her hold him tighter.
“How long do we have?” She asked, knowing by the look on his face alone that he wasn’t home for good.
That didn’t matter to her though. Just knowing that he’d come to see her, if only for a moment. For her, it was enough.
“Just the night.” He murmured quietly in answer, his hand now cupping her face as his thumb stroked her cheek affectionately.
Sakura nodded in understanding, but Sasuke frowned. His wife was strong, he knew it better than anyone and though he admired her greatly because of it, he resented himself for putting such a heavy burden on her. He’d been doing it his whole life. When would he ever be able to make her truly happy?
“You should have a nice meal while you’re here… Oh, and a shower! I’ll-”
“No.” Sasuke cut her off.
Food was the furthest thing from his mind and he’d stopped to bathe not long before meeting Naruto, but it warmed him to the depths of his soul to see how much she cared. She would always worry about him before herself and this annoyed him. He loved it, he adored her for it, but things should have been the other way around. He didn’t deserve her kindness, her love and affections.
She’d always been far too good to him.
“Is everything okay?” She asked worriedly then. “You’re not injured, are you? You should rest-”
Sasuke cut her off once more, though this time by sealing her lips in a kiss. Astounded by the abrupt kiss and even more-so by how quickly it ended, Sakura gaped at her husband with pinkening cheeks.
Sasuke smirked at this and casually ran his thumb across her bottom lip, his eyes softening.
He really had missed her.
“Uh… Um…” Sakura averted her eyes nervously, having never anticipated this happening to her tonight. For a moment, she felt as if she must have been dreaming. But then, this was far too real and too amazing to be a dream.
“Thank you, Sakura.” Sasuke told her meaningfully. When it came to her and all she’d done for him, and continued to do, he’d always be thankful. No words could express his gratitude. She looked back to him timidly, her heart pounding.
“I mean it.”
“Sasuke-kun,” She whispered, gripping her hands into his cloak. “You don’t have to thank me. Ever.”
Fingers slipping into her hair, Sasuke tugged gently, forcing her head back at the same time he leaned down and kissed her again, this time much more passionately. Sakura kissed him back desperately, holding onto him for dear life.
Things were heating up and moving rather quickly. Before either of them knew it, they’d shed all their clothes and ended up on the bed together, an eager Sasuke on top of an equally eager Sakura.
“Sasuke-kun!” Sakura gasped as he pressed himself against her, his long and thick member prodding against her entrance before he filled her completely and so suddenly that she lost all her breath.
It hadn’t taken long (seconds really), for her to be more than ready to accommodate him, but it had been so long that she nearly forgot how it felt.Sasuke had almost forgotten himself, or rather, he remembered well enough, he just missed it; and nothing compared to pleasing his wife because it was so… pleasurable.
He moved slowly, enjoying the feel of her as he held himself up with his only arm and trailed hot, wet kisses from her lips, down her throat and to her breasts. His tongue laved at her skin, and the longer his stuck to one spot, the more forceful his mouth became. He nipped at her skin and suckled it too, leaving marks behind that she could heal, or enjoy until they vanished on their own. Honestly, he hoped she’d leave them.
When they were together like this, nothing else existed and Sasuke found himself more vehement and affectionate in those moments than he usually ever would. Sakura moaned loudly, her hands digging into his raven locks as he had his way with her body. Though it was the first time in such a long time, he reminded her easily of just how strongly he could make her body react to him.
Sasuke was close, so close he’d had to stop completely for a moment to collect himself and remember just who he was here to please. Himself, yes, he wanted to please himself but he wouldn’t forget about his wife. She was building towards her own orgasm, and though he was prepared to stop moving for a bit and tease her body until it begged for release, as he laid still, most of his weight rest on her body and his length throbbed inside her, he felt her body convulse.
Eyes rolling in the back of her head, Sakura groaned loudly and Sasuke kissed her hard to keep her quiet. The last thing he needed was Sarada waking up and coming to find out what her mother was moaning and groaning about in the middle of the night.
It wasn’t easy though, even keeping himself quiet as he moved again, thrusting himself inside her only a few more times before they both fell apart together. Sakura’s entire body trembled with aftershocks of her orgasm and Sasuke laid on top of her, completely breathless and at a loss.
How he’d ever gone so long without her, he’d never know.
“It’s been so long… and yet… with you being here now, it almost feels as if you’ve never been gone.”
Sasuke sighed and turned his face to kiss Sakura’s forehead. They’d gotten more comfortable in bed and were now under the covers, laying together. Sakura was halfway on top of him, much like he remembered her being when they’d used to sleep together. He hated to have to leave her at all, but he was thankful for what time he could have. He made himself believe that Sakura was looking at it the same way.
“I really am sorry, Sakura.” He wanted her to know that, to understand how sorry he was, but no words would ever be enough to explain his feelings, and he wasn’t good with words anyway. Luckily, that was something else she seemed to understand.
“Don’t say that.” She tipped her head back a bit to glare at him. “You know you’re only gone for good reason.”
“I know.” He muttered. He did know, but that still didn’t make it any easier.Sakura frowned but snuggled up to him again. Oh, it was heaven. She wished they could have this moment forever. “I’m the one who is sorry. You shouldn’t have to bear this burden alone.”
“I’m the only one who can.”
Rolling her eyes at this, Sakura found herself smiling in reminiscence. “You never change, do you?”
“Hn. Neither do you…” He smirked. “Annoying.”
She giggled then. How she wished he was around every day to call her annoying. “I miss you, so much.”
“I know. In time though, I’ll be home. For good.”
“Sarada asks about you. She looks just like you, you know…”
Sasuke flinched then. Though he was sure Sakura was doing an outstanding job of raising their daughter, with love and care enough to drown the child, he still feared her turning to hatred because of him and the last thing he wanted was for her to ever end up like him.
“She’ll never forgive me.” He muttered, more to himself than to Sakura and that was when she sat up in bed and really glared at him.
“Don’t say that!” She scolded him, pointed her finger into his chest. “Sarada loves you very much, even if she can’t see you right now. She’s a very kind child and once she can show you, you’ll see for yourself. She will always love you, just as I have.”
If there was one thing he truly hated, it was getting in his feelings. That was way out of his comfort zone, though he supposed with Sakura… it wasn’t the first time… she’d love him anyway, “I can only imagine how much she’d grown.”
“Oh, so much. She’s brilliant, and beautiful.” Sakura grinning broadly, it was easy to see how proud she was. Sasuke was proud too. He wished Sarada would know that.
“Of course she is.” He sighed and pulled her down, back against his chest before wrapping his arm snuggly around her.
Sakura rested her head on her husband’s chest and yawned. She was tired but she never wanted to sleep with Sasuke here. She only had so much time before he’d be gone again and there’d be no telling when she’d see him again.
“Sleep,” He told her with a yawn of his own. “I’ll wake you before I go, I’ll take a short nap as well.”
“Okay, Sasuke-kun… I love you.”
“I love you too, Sakura.”
Loved her, respected her, cherished her. He felt certain that she’d never be able to grasp how much she truly meant to him and her knew, he didn’t deserve her, but he was damned glad he had her.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave.” Sakura pouted and Sasuke knew she was really struggling to keep it together.
He knew it’d be hard to leave, for the both of them. “I know. I’ll be back though.”Sakura nodded. “I know… you always come home.”
Leaning down, Sasuke kissed her hard, savoring the feel of her lips against his. She was blushing scarlet by the time he pulled away. “Take care of yourself, and Sarada. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”
“Easier said than done.” She scoffed. She’d always worry about him. Taking care of herself and Sarada was just second nature to her.
She hugged him tight, wishing she never had to let him go but she did, and she didn’t want to make it any harder on him. So, after a moment, she pulled away, forcing herself to let go. It wouldn’t be forever. It would be time for Sarada to get up soon and she knew he’d want to be long gone before daybreak.
“But don’t worry, we’ll be fine too, as long as you are. We’ll be here waiting for your return.”
Sasuke nodded, knowing that they would be. He hoped to be back sooner, rather than later. After coming home, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could stay away. Years was something he wasn’t willing to waste. He’d already wasted too many. This mission was important, his family’s safety was of the upmost importance, but he wanted to be home with them. He couldn’t though, as long as he was putting them at risk to his enemies.
“Thank you, Sakura. For everything.” He gave her a soft smile, tapped her forehead and then he vanished in a puff of smoke, as if he’d never been there at all. It wasn’t easy for either of them, but he had to go.
He had to go, but he had so much to look forward to when he finally would be able to come home. He couldn’t wait, and with that to think about, he found himself in a much better mood as he headed towards his next destination. Soon, his travels would be over.
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sae-you-sae-me · 7 years
Hello! I saw that you'd opened requests! Can I ask for hc about RFA, V and Saeran didn't see MC for few weeks, because was abroad or went to another town and MC couldn't go with him or her. And today he or she is coming back. Thanks for your great blog!
Such a cute idea! Hope you like these~
Zen was filming his latest movie and they needed him abroad for a few weeks
You couldn’t come because of your own work obligations
You get a call on the week he’s supposed to return
He says his work is delayed for another two weeks
You try to sound as supportive as possible, but honestly you’re disappointed
You’ve been super lonely
A few days later, you return to your apartment and there’s a path of rose petals on the
You slowly follow it and notice there’s also a few candles and dim lighting
Zen is waiting in the dining room where he has take out nicely plated he didn’t have time to cook
You just drop your bags and hug him with a small squeal
He picks you up and spins you around
When he puts you down, he explains that he lied about the extended work to surprise you
You’re too happy to see him to scold him for lying
You guys eat together while he shares some stories from his trip
As the evening comes to a close, you two just cuddle up on the couch and make out make up for lost time
He had to attend a family reunion in Japan
You couldn’t join him, so you had to bear the few weeks alone with occasional spotty video call sessions
Finally the day comes where he’s returning
You spend several hours making a large Welcome Home sign with drawings of some of his favorite things all over it
When he walks out from the gate in the airport, he looks really tired but lights up as soon as he sees you
He tries to do that cheesy airport run, but then he just realizes he really missed you and gives you a kiss as soon as he sees you
You take him back to his place so he can drop of his things
But you’re in for a surprise when he brings out all the stuff he got you
He’s so excited to give you a bunch of little gifts, and he tries to explain some of them...but others he’s just like…
“Oh! And I got you this because it reminded me of...of...actually, I don’t know why I got this. It was cute.”
He’s still talking even as you two are laying down on the bed
After a while, he grows silent and just grabs your arm and pulls you into his chest and presses a kiss to the top of your head
You two stay there for awhile until you hear his soft snores
She’s abroad meeting with partners and sponsors for the cafe
She was supposed to be gone for about two weeks
Since everything went smoothly, she got to come back early
But she didn’t tell you…
She got in early as usual and hid in the closet
She waits until you come in and start setting things up
She texts you and tells you to check in the closet to see inventory or something
You sigh and obey instructions
That’s when she pops out with open arms
Only...you were holding a bag of flour
Which you threw right in her face
“Jaehee! I’m so sorry!”
She spits out a mouthful flour out of her mouth
You think she’s mad but she just starts laughing like crazy
There was a mini flour fight before you two hurried home to clean up before customers arrived
He went on business trip pretty often, but this one happened to be nearly a month long
You were supposed to join him
But you got very sick near the last minute and ended up staying home while he went
It was a rough time for you since he was barely on any phone calls with you
It was only to ask how you were doing and check up on you but that was it
Two weeks go by and you’re feeling better but the house isn’t the same without him
You wake up groggy and go to the kitchen
He asks you, “Chocolate or Strawberry?”
You shrug and say, “Chocolate,” before sitting down on the small island staring at him in his apron
Then it hits you
“Jumin! You’re home?!”
You’re mildly confused but it doesn’t stop you from tackling him in a hug
He’s laughing that his little trick worked but also asking questions about your health
He spends the entire day with you, showing you blurry pictures from his time away
He had gotten this one freelance hacking job abroad
It paid really well, but the only downside was that it was approximately three weeks and there could be absolutely no communication
You still encouraged him to take it, convincing him you and Saeran could handle yourselves
You end up with a really bad flu about a week later, so half the time that passes is in a drugged delirium from all the meds
Still, you liked to leave your room occasionally to check up on Saeran
He’s sitting in the computer room playing some games, so you just casually start a conversation, but he wasn’t responding
Then Saeran...another Saeran? Walks into the room and you swear you took the wrong meds
But when Saeran starts yelling and brawling with the “imposter” you realize your mistake
“Saeyoung!” you cry happily, running to give him a hug
“Uh...actually, that’s Saeran….”
Oops. You quickly amend your mistake
He forgives your mix up, considering your illness, but right away he activates his mothering mode to get you better
His therapist had suggested some retreat abroad to help him through some things
He didn’t really want to go at first, but you thought it might be good for him to explore a little, since it was only about a week long
But once he was there, he was constantly video chatting you in the evenings
Even if you two weren’t talking, he would call and just have you there
When you pick him up at the airport, he drops his bags in the car and pulls you into the biggest hug
It’s odd since he doesn’t usually initiate affection, but he’s holding you so tightly
When you two finally get home, he’s clingier than usual
He’s just sharing everything he saw and what he did and showing some pictures
He’s so tired by the end of the day, but he’s just laying with his head on your lap and still talking
Until finally, he drifts off mid-sentence, and you can’t help but find it to be the cutest thing
He got a big opportunity for a photoshoot abroad
You encouraged him to take it, as he was slowly building up his work after regaining his sight
You two still managed to talk occasionally, but your schedules barely matched
Because his project was indefinite, neither of you knew exactly when he was coming back
One of those rare moments where you could text each other, you asked how his work was coming along
He replied that he just took what might’ve been his favorite picture in the past few weeks
When you ask him to send it to you, you realize it’s a picture of you...on the couch you were sitting on right then
You jump up and run to the open door where he was waiting
You throw your arms around him, your legs wrapping around his torso as he spun you around
He had already made dinner reservations so you two could spend the evening catching up 
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