#(( and neither was ruki ))
renamami · 5 months
I feel like RuRei playing the sims together would be so interesting.
Ruki makes his family + Reiji and plays as usual (but uses every cheat possible). As he's about to plan his glitched My Wedding Stories wedding with Reiji he looks over and Reiji has trapped some rando in a 2x2 room with a firework
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
eventually, the painter broke down at last, it ended up with them, falling down to their knees and screaming..
"I DID IT! I... I killed them. I killed my own mother and father years ago! "
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The hiccuped, and held onto their own face, scratching it with their nails as they looked up at him, their dead blue eyes held a look of sheer insanity.
"Years ago... At a faithful night... I grabbed a knife, and first, killed both my own mother and father. They cried and screamed and apologized.... For not making me feel alive enough... For not loving me... For wanting to leave me... They screamed and screamed, tried to flee over and over again.. But I didn't let them."
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The hiccuped some more and looked back down, and their hand loosely grasped onto the vampires shirt.
"And then... I went on to kill all of my other younger siblings... Because they were loved. Because I was jealous of them. I was born sick... So nobody loved me, nobody played with me. All I had were pathetic servants and they did nothing to make that void in me fill up. So... I killed hem too. And then, I set the whole mansion ablaze, and left at once. I last remember falling to the filthy and wet soil beneath, covered in blood and knife in my hand... "
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"My true name --my true identity-- is Ellen Wright. A murderer and a monster with a body that is in a constant state of agony, and a soul that is condemned to the deepest pits of hell. "
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“So, that means… Your siblings who I just met… They’re all ghosts because they perished at your hand? Including your parents,” the Vampire reiterated, not because he found himself perplexed or mortified by the painter but rather because he didn’t expect this sudden shift of events. Raising his hand against their moistened cheek, Ruki swiped the stream of tears away even if they kept flowing like an endless waterfall from those darkened oceanic abysses, riddled with grief and torment from recalling apparitions of the past and now present. More so than their deceased family, it was the painter's lugubrious visage that prompted his worry. “Don’t cry… What happened in the past is not worth shedding tears for anymore. We mustn’t dwell on it any longer.”
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In their eyes he glimpsed remnants of his former self, especially when the painter spoke of servants who could not fill their void, yet he maintained a look of not sorrow but instead the most surprising sympathy given his vampiric nature. Drowning in a sea of their own jealousy, killing their own kin out of spite, not a hint of mercy spared for the soon-to-be soulless. Unashamedly, Ruki could relate to every bit of his beloved's story, further emphasizing those thoughts by drawing them close for a comforting embrace. Tears soaked the fabric along his shoulder as he stroked their hair gently calm the painter in his hold, every ounce of harbored love resurfacing.
"Everything that happened thus far… It’s all a part of you. And I accept whatever skeleton may lurk in your closet, not because I also experienced a regretful past, but because I love everything about you. You say no one loved you back then, which may have been true after all, but the person I know now… the person I hold in my arms, in this very moment... is incredibly dear to me. I care not for who you might’ve murdered before our fates intertwined. Ellen, correct? Ellen…” he repeated the name with a sincere smile, releasing the painter from the hug to gaze upon their face once more. “What a beautiful name for someone who paints only the most marvelous of masterpieces.”
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Without hesitation, both of his hands grasped Ellen's cheeks as Ruki leaned in for a much-needed, much-prolonged kiss. A kiss that showed his beloved he would offer them all the love their family failed and neglected to show so long ago. Mansuetude blooms with each union of their lips, arms encircled around the painter's waist as his frigid breath feathered their tear-ridden cheeks when he withdrew himself.
“If you are condemned to a life in Hell, then I shall follow you there, hand-in-hand. I’ve killed many pathetic mortals in my time, all to sate my thirst for blood no less, so there’s no way I could ever fault you for what you did to your family. Indeed, family has always been important to me, especially as far as my brothers are concerned, but if my real mother were to walk the earth again, then I’d do the same as you. After what that woman did to me, I’d exact my revenge on her for enduring a Hell on Earth. So, I won't ever allow you to be alone in that regard. If anything, I'm quite overjoyed to know that the person who provides a loving life for you to delight in is none other than me. Call it selfish, but all of you—from the dreadful past to the haunted present—belongs to me."
Eagerly, he took their trembling hands in his.
"Come what may, Ellen, I will face it all with you. Nothing can persuade me from ever leaving your side, not even the ghosts of your family. I love you wholeheartedly with all that I am, and while I'm a Vampire who may know nothing about granting others mercy, I promise from here forward that I shall protect you and your happiness. It doesn't matter who I must hurt in order to do so. With that said, cease your tears... and smile for me again. These hands of yours may be soiled with blood, but they are the same hands that have guided me and shown me love countless times. Thank you, Ellen... Thank you for proving to me that carving our own fate together is very much possible with someone as wondrous as you."
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dia-souls · 7 months
===Yui Komori as an Idol Reverse Harem Headcanons===
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Yui is known for her cuteness, she is really famous because of her aegyo as she doesn't look cringe while doing it.
Yui is one of the youngest idol in entertainment industry. She was 14 when she became a trainee and debuted at the age of 17.
Yui has a very shrill and gentle voice. Her vocals are good. She can hit high notes. She can also sing live.
Her dance is average. She is very good at doing gentle and elegant dances rather than fast and hip hop.
Yui has really soft and feminine beauty. Her visuals are compare to angel or doll because of her blonde hair, white skin and big eyes.
She doesn't dye her hair frequently but if she does, it's usually light colours like white, pink or highlights.
Her popularity shooted because of her performances in which she is dressed in a beautiful pink dress that matches her eyes and with a small crown adorning her hair. That performance caused her to get viral as people started comparing her to doll and her cute voice also caught attention of many people.
She has more fanboys (55%) than fangirls (45%).
Idol Yui works under Sakamaki cooperation whose head is Shu.
She has two manager Reiji and Ruki. Yui sometimes cries as both of them are strict and sometimes hard on her.
Ruki is incharge of taking care of her diet and her schedules. He is incharge of taking care of Yui and he makes sure she stays healthy and keeps her on ideal weight.
Reiji is incharge of handling her social sites and is responsible for tours recquirement, Yui's passwords etc are under Reiji. Reiji is usually the one who is keeping her socials update like posting picture, stories, captions, tik tok, etc.
There is unspoken rivalry between them, as they both compete on who is more responsible and who can handle all these things alone. They both secretly like Yui and are aware that opposite party also likes her.
Idol Yui is really famous among male idols and as well as other fans. Some male idols confessed that Yui is their ideal type.
Yui is also known for her kindness. As she always treats her fans kindly even rude and toxic ones whom disrespect her. She smiles at them gently instead of getting angry.
She through out her career never showed anger, she is also known for her calm nature.
She is considered to be wife-material that's why she is famous among Japanese men.
Yuma is Yui's personal body guard. Yums was given to Yui by commapany( by Shu) , her boss actually to make sure she stays safe and her sasaeng don't bother her or hurt her.
Azusa is Yui's hairstylist and makeup artist whom secretly is Yui's biggest stanner. He did this job just because he could be closer to his favourite idol.
He fells in love with her again and again as she always treats him kindly and doesn't judge his slow way of speaking.
Azusa always blushes whenever he sees her getting dress for her performances.
Azusa as yui stanner has his own accounts online where he defend Yui from haters and fights with them he always wins as he knows Yui's secrets and all stuffs. He is famous because of his defending way and was called Yui's no. 1 fanboy by online community no one saw his face neither he will reveal.
He protects Yui from shadows.
Kou is Yui's choreographer whom uses this opportunity to touch her in the name of making her learn faster and better.
Yuma once confronted him and was ready to beat the hell out of him when he noticed his way of touching her then he scolded by Ruki saying that he is only teaching her and nothing else.
Yuma still punched him but that didn't stop Kou. He sometimes manapulate Yui into going out with him.
Shu watches this all from his office through cctv camera and threatened Kou to kick him out if he tried anything funny on Yui again. He makes sure that all male staff stays in line.
Shu also changed the male staff to female staff most of the female staff work around Yui. He makes sure of it only 4-5 males are around Yui but they don't stay around her too much.
Yui is surrounded by female staff so that Shu could be at ease knowing she won't be harrased but he literally rubbed his temples when he found out that a staff girl confessed her love to Yui. She was kicked out.
Yuma was the one who told such things to Shu as Yuma knows he has power over to control them Yuma observes all of the staff the moment he finds them creepy or weird he immediately informs Shu so he could take action.
The staff is kicked out if he/she had ill intention towards Yui. In this way Yuma and Shu protect her.
Shu once installed a camera in Yui's changing room to peep at her only to be caught by Ruki whom than throwed it in dustbin while crushing it.
Reiji and Ruki never found out that Shu was the one behind this vulgar incident.
Yuma upon hearing this, his protectiveness and possessiveness towards Yui shooted up.
Yui is also shipped with Yuma, Reiji and Ruki. Because her moments with them always gets viral.
One time one fanboy made Yui uncomfortable and Yuma immediately rescues her by twisting his arms and he recieved positive comments from fans.
Ruki sometimes covers Yui with his jacket and Reiji sometimes glares at them whenever they make her feel bad or uncomfy.
Yui cracking jokes with them these moments makes fans ship them romantically.
Yuma and Yui were also caught up in the dating scandal. Just to have Shu immediately releasing a statement denying them without Yuma and Yui's approval or consent.
He afterwards made sure that this is actually not true and it was not true in reality.
Yui is also shipped with male idols. Her most famous ship is with kino. (in meantime, I will explain the reason👀)
Yui also works as a MC her male partner is Carla whom grabs every chance to get shipped with her.
Carlayui is second famous ship after Kinoyui between idols.
Yui is also shipped with Shin because of their interactions in variety shows where they both were paired up in games .
Tsukinamis are also idols but under different agency they aren't in same agency as Yui.
They once collabed with Yui which results in countless edits of them being shipped.
Tsukinamis compared to Yui are more famous and their popularity served as a clout for Yui to gain fans.
Subaru is Yui's biggest simp. He is Yui's rich fanboy. He has all of Yui's merches and photocards. His room is filled with Yui's pictures whom he took personally.
Subaru also stalks Yui while wearing black jacket or hood over black pants he always wears caps with his white hair poking through them he also wears black mask.
Subaru was called out once on this because on his Instagram people noticed that his pictures are in the same place as Yui and with exact same pose.
Reiji sued him immediately upon noticing but Subaru being rich easily got out off this and continued.
Subaru also applied for body guard position only to be rejected as he couldn't beat Yuma's strength and physic.
He also goes in same gym as Yuma and tries to get Yui's info from him only to get rejected.
The triplets are her fans who go to every one of her concerts and have not lost any of her concerts. Laito had even made her sign a marriage contract. Yui signed it thinking it was funny.
He later gushed about it to Ayato and Kanato whom then do same as him making Yui sign it and claims her as their wife on twitter and Facebook.
Ruki and Reiji later sue them as Yui then started recieving hate behind that hate train was Subaru whom made a big issue of such small thing by different accounts as a result Yui started bawling on her next live and he felt hella bad.
Shu than announced hiatus for Yui, which broke the triplets and Subaru.
Tsukinamis later defending her on their live saying idol life is hard and she is young which in return made Yui hated more by Tsukinamis fangirls.
Reiji and Ruki rubbed their temples when they saw hate comments by jealous fangirls of Tsukinamis.
Triplets and Subaru started hashtags of #saveyuifromtsukinami #saveyui #boycotttsukinami #saveyuifromphedophiles #tsukinamisstayawayfromyui
Shu then started protecting Yui by going to Tsukinamis agency and making her go to hiatus again and increasing security as people started hated on her he also sued alot of jealous fangirls and releasing statements on taking strict action on their cyber bullying.
Plot twist: It turns later out that Yui is now dating idol Kino who is in same agency as Tsukinami. She hid it from everyone as she isn't allowed to according to contact of her agency, Shu immediately threatens her.
Subaru fainted on spot when he saw Yui and Kino sharing kisses and hugs while stalking her
Triplets being heartbroken and started hashtags (they have a big fan following) #breakupyui #yuidontneedkino #freeyui #freeyuifromtsukinamiandkino #boycottkino.
Yui then under pressure of her two managers breaks up but Kino still has feelings the sad edits of them are made to this day.
Tsukinamis Jaws drop on knowing the truth that the snake is in the same den as them.
Shin during variety shows purposely push Kino or go hard on him while smirking and making him lose games as revenge.
Yui is Carla's MC partner so he try his best to console her and his edits are increasing with Yui.
Shin tries to make sure Kino stay away from Yui by getting in between or blocking their eye contact.
Laito also write dirty fics about Yui on wattpad and tumblr with himself as self insert they are hella dirty and has huge fan following shipping the OC laito with Yui but Subaru came across it and made an issue about it again by sending hate comments and promoting it to be cancelled on his social pages, Ruki upon reading fics sued Laito (lol).
Yui was sexualized once for wearing maid and neko outfit which attracted alot of male fans.
Azusa decided to make sure she gets mostly covered outfits like her dresses are usually long dress and skirt that reaches her kness she is boycotted to wear tight and short shots.
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liannelara-dracula · 20 days
Based on the hcs about how they behave in school, the little beef between Ruki and Reiji got me thinking 🧐
Hcs about they finding out that they like the same girl, but in the end she doesn't really care too much about neither of they and just interacts with them because she's polite? (She doesn't know about this beef between them, neither knows that they both like her and just think they're being friendly or smth)
Like, a girl that is a model student and etc but is very oblivious to their feelings, and is very difficult to impress?
Hi love,
This is a really good idea. I like it, I think it will be fun. Thanks for the idea anon.
Requests are open
Ruki & Reiji like the same Woman (hcs)
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They are both trying their damn hardest to gain your attention.
And they not only don’t get along but when you came into the picture, everything was a competition.
Of course, these two wouldn’t make it obvious like Ayato and Kino that they are trying to get your attention or that something is going on between them.
They are very discreet men and can come off a little dry.
Anyways, this all started when you walked into the library to pick out a book, causing them to both look up from their work since they heard a captivating feminine voice asking for the help of a librarian if they had a particular book. She had a delicate scent of perfume on her that only made her more attractive.
She had her half up and half down pinned by a bow in the back, her hairstyle and curled subtlety. She had such elegance and class when she walked and turned.
They were heavily entranced, though unlike Reiji, Ruki made the first move being the book expert that he is. He always had more luck than Reiji and today especially he was reading the same book this girl was asking about, it was his chance to talk to her and give it to her.
As she was aimlessly looking for the book to see if there was an extra copy she was too distracted to notice she had bumped into someone.
She put a hand over her lips as she mouthed an apology not expecting to have invaded someone’s space as she was looking.
“Pardon me, I hadn’t noticed you standing by. I am so sorry.” She’d apologize, almost enough to guilt trip a man with her sweet voice.
“No worries, you were looking for (b/n), right?”
“Oh yes, where did you find it?”
“I was reading it, but you can keep it. I’ve read it before, it’s a good book.”
She stared at him surprised, “But this book is so thick how can you manage to read it through again.”
“I’ve read almost everything on this shelf in my spare time, I’m Ruki.” He’d say
She smiled, “Y/n.”
Reiji is so jealous!
This automatically makes Reiji want to get involved and try to impress her next which he does so in chemistry class.
Reiji will be much more charismatic and it is incredibly compelling seeing he hardly uses this part of himself.
So you can imagine he'd catch the beaker she almost dropped swiftly or caught her in his arms.
I mostly see it that she trips and he catches her, causing them to exchange a fair amount of eye contact before thanking him.
If Ruki is in the same class it means he's going to have to do more than just recommending a book because Reiji got to have her in his arms first.
better get moving Ru
So everyday they get a chance to be around her they try to have her attention and try to win her over in some way and it is just a constant battle.
And both of them know it is competition even if they haven't said it.
Reiji would try to talk about it and bring it up at some point because he wants to be firm with Ruki about him wanting this woman and that he will not lose.
whereas, Ruki will act like he doesn't know what he's talking about.
"I see that you are fond of the student, just as I am." Reiji would say, adjusting his glasses.
Ruki would turn to look at him with a smirk, "I don't know what you mean?"
"Although you may play this off in a stoic manner, I know that Y/n is in your thoughts. Tell me, do you care for her as a woman?"
"Y/n, is just a girl, Reiji. Why are you worked up about a human?"
"Well then, if that's your answer what I will do shall not matter."
"Even if you plan on something, she and I have plans. "
“I suggest you back down.”
“I threat doesn’t stop me from pursuing.”
Features (some they may like)
Pretty dark hair
wide hips
glass skin
bratty attitude
pretty laugh
Elegant vocabulary
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If she is part of the chess club, he wants to have chess matches with her. But since Ruki is good at chess he will participate in matches w her.
In fact, they would play against in each other to see who would ask her out.
Literally, winner gets to ask her out.
If it’s just her and Reiji, he'd prefer that she loses so that she'll repeatedly compete against him since she is probably 2nd in line.
He also loves these matches with you because he locks eye contact with you and gets to talk to you as well.
He invites you to walk with him in the school yard to observe nature and fascinates you with knowledge about the flowers or science of things to which you had no idea about
He starts off with this small talk and soon moves on to deeper talks where you both exchange conversation about things which are more personal.
You flash a compelling smile and a laugh escapes your lips at something being discussed and Reiji, deep down finds himself in awe as this is the first time a woman was beautiful laughing without covering her mouth.
It is a delicate display of beauty which most hide which keeps him interested in pursuing you.
While he is stubborn and trying to convince himself he is merely amused, this is not the case as he is defiantly interested romantically.
Reiji, although he won’t deliberately show nor say it. He wants you all to himself, he doesn’t want you to spend your time with other men.
He’d like it if he were the only man you paid attention to the most.
Becomes frustrated if you speak of Ruki in high regard because he feels challenged.
Truly he's giving his all to have you.
And the more he finds that there is no progress the harder he is going to try.
Due to his high interest he finds many ways for you to be alone with you.
He will eventually get comfortable speaking to you, and even go as far as teasing you.
However, once he founds out the situation is completely one sided he is upset.
Reiji tells himself he simply can move on, but truthfully he doesn't want to.
He wants to change your mind.
If he can't he probably would distance himself gradually and slowly stop talking to you.
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In the library he likes to move the books that you’ve been looking for up high so that he can grab them for you.
He’ll leave foot notes at the bottom for you.
Some questions and messages being suggestive to you as well.
Sometimes she’d write back in them and exchange in the conversation.
Loves to also hand you the book so that your hands touch.
He loves to surprise you at your locker and chat with you to get Reiji jealous since Reiji doesn’t have the talent to just casually speak with you.
Won’t show what he is bothered/jealous when Reiji comes around.
Has invited you over for dinner at his place, which is definitely one up on Reiji. lol
He cooked for you there and got to talk to you for a long time.
Since he knows Nordic languages he'd teach you them.
If you needed help in cooking he'd offer to help you in cooking class to give you tips and to show you how to cut.
Mostly so that his hands are on yours and for him to whisper and say things to your ear.
Would say quotes to you from poems or books to keep you interested or questioning.
Would teach you how to dance and have fun in the middle of it by breaking the rules and dipping you instead.
leaves you messages in your locker about how you looked nice but you don't know they are from him.
Has the upper hand because he was once human and Reiji never was so its easier for him to keep a conversation.
While part of this is amusing to compete against Reiji to win over a woman's heart he is also interested in pursuing you.
Of course in terms of feelings once he comes to terms with himself and understands that you do not feel anything for either he is a little bummed out the game ended but mostly because you weren't interested.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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Interpreting the symbolism of The GazettE - part 2 - The Guitars
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When I 1st saw pic1 I thought - it's the Yin-Yang guitars! The way Aoi is holding his makes no sense otherwise. And when I got to read the interview translation from pic2, Kai pretty much confirmed it for me:
"Kai: Aoi is a very skillful musician, he absorbs everything around him, letting it go through himself and then gives it out, without pretence, with his own sound."
Indiscriminately absorbing all the feelings is the most textbook definition of Yin.
Yin is the feeling, the subjective, absorption, the darkness & the negative (and we will get to what negative means further in the article, spoiler - it's not "bad").
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And Aoi says things like this: "Actually, I don’t think (*laughs*).  Nah, the truth is I feel." (It's from Guitar Book interview where he is with Uruha and yet again holding his guitar upside down)
The way they are styled - Aoi always in black, flowy outfits that merge with shadows and Uruha always light and flashy. Even when whole band is dressed in black, Uruha is wearing something white or uses a white guitar.
All of Aoi's guitars are black. The snake skin textured one always makes me think of Ouroboros, one of the oldest and most popular symbols of transformation and occult (hidden) knowledge.
Uruha's real name is 広揚 Kouyou. The 2nd kanji is literally Yang and the name translates to something like "immense sunlight"
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The rhythm and lead guitar correspond really well to Yin-Yang as well. Rhythm being the darkness that let's the stars (lead guitar) shine.
More from the Guitar Magazine (September 2015) interview translated by @mizmyerz :
"Kai: Uruha is a type of a musician who’s going by touch - he experiences an internal conflict, fixates on it and thus the new sound is born. Reita: I think they both work hard to improve oneself. It’s so interesting to observe how they become similar at one point and then go in reverse at another. Kai: To me, at the very beginning neither of them had his own unique sound, but they were able to find and express it thanks to one another. Ruki: Uruha is very meticulous, prone to theoretical thinking. Aoi is serious and more realistic. Reita: Uruha first thinks of an image and then develops a theory based on it. Aoi's reasoning is very realistic, he always, let me say it, hits the core."
But let's dig deeper and talk about DOGMA album.
From the Black B-Pass (2015) interview, once again translation by @mizmyerz (you can find both interviews on her blog and reblogged on mine):
"Uruha: First of all, even though we want to distance ourselves from visual kei, we don’t mind the visual scene itself. We’ve been pushed forward by visual kei, received the impulse, it was like a stencil, so it’s still very important to us, but the current visual scene seized to be attractive. Furthermore, several years ago we wanted to expand our presence within the genre, we aimed to grow and evolve, but at some point it started to limit us, to hold us back, that’s why now we’re moving in a different direction. Of course, it created a solid ground under our feet. Then again, you must bring in something unique to arouse interest. Because of that, when you can’t find a way out, you start looking inside yourself. In other words DOGMA became a turning point for us, since it feels like recently the band itself turned around and changed the course."
The bold part of the quote is best explained by Kenneth Grant in "Outer Gateways":
"There is another faculty of human consciousness, the intuitive or 'inseeing' faculty; one might almost describe it as the fourth dimensional faculty. It is a faculty that appears sometimes in the artist, the poet, the occultist, and in a certain kind of scientist, and it functions also, though rarely, in almost everybody. It is epitomized on the Tree of Life by the third sephira, Binah, the Sphere of Understanding. Not the understanding of empirical things, but that insight into the hidden side of things made possible by a sudden total identity of the mind with its substratum, pure consciousness, wherein all ideas are stored and which under stands, or stands under, the mechanism of mentation.
The faculty of understanding is incommunicable because it has its origin beyond the Abyss, where human laws of logic and ratiocination do not apply. Hence initiation is necessary before the faculty can be activated and utilised. But such initiation is always and can only be self-initiation; all other forms of initiation are false because necessarily inadequate. [..] The Supernals (Binah, Chokmah, Kether) cannot be contained below the Abyss where the laws of Subject/Objects relationship obtain. Initiation denotes a journey inwards and may only be undertaken by each traveller for and by himself. Initiation and intuition are virtually identical in the sense that the journey leads to absolute Subjectivity which is beyond all subject/objects relationships. [...] Those who achieve successfully this penetration of the veils of Binah are thereafter as it were branded with the most ancient and inscrutable hieroglyphics that remain forever undecipherable by those without the deepest Within of Being.
The Typhonian Way is the Negative Way, the descent from the Mother, i.e. the pre-solar source. Its way of attainment is by reflection, shadow, the negation."
DOGMA album starts with Nihil. Nihilism can mean the dissolution or negation of conventional beliefs, structures, or realities, often as a precursor to a deeper understanding or transformation of consciousness. It might involve the rejection of established moral or religious frameworks (heresy) in pursuit of a more profound spiritual truth.
The Dogma lyrics "I deny everything" always make me want to correct them to "I negate everything" and it's rather easy for me to do so because in my native language deny and negate is the same word. I looked up how it is in Japanese and it seems to also be the same - hitei suru.
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Yin is the Negative and since Aoi is the Yin guitar I've put the 3 DOGMA songs with Aoi guitar solos (and of course It's the songs that are utterly and completely devoted to the goddess) - Goddess, Wasteland and Ominous in a playlist and listened attentively. The 3 of them really felt like a unit, seamless. A menacing feeling building towards something. The solo at the end of Ominous is the culmination point. It expresses so much pain. Listening to it felt like my heart is being torn open. It almost felt like a physical pain. I snapped out of it and my mind immediately went to the 4 Noble Truths of Buddhism. Specifically Dukkha (suffering) and Samudaya (roots of suffering).
Then I looked at Ominous lyrics:
Sleep…Count me down…Again So I’ll close my eyes As I turn to face you My prayer shattered into ruins Is reflected in your eyes as you spread your wings to fly I see you whirling with nightmares Through a sky thick with darkness Don’t forget That the heart can’t die Don’t forget Really, dreams don’t always mean what they seem True…Dread Sleep…Count me down…Again This cycle of constant change is ominous I fall into the recurring darkness It steals away my formless future and whenever I step forward The sky darkens until I can no longer see I’m killing myself with loneliness and even my screams Won’t bring any rescue Sleep…Count me down…Again"
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For explanation of what the mentioned sleep means we are once again referring to K. Grant's "Outer Gateways":
"Ultimate subjectivity contains the seed of sangsar, as deep sleep contains the latency of thought (dream), which appears only when subjectivity objectivises; sleep then becomes dreaming. The final process is one of objectification, which causes the illusion of a waking state in which the thoughts or dream objects are experienced as 'real'. Total absence of objects (as in deep sleep) is thus the total presence of Subject, whose manifestation then appears phenomenally as Sangsar (the Universe). But this fact is lost sight of when Subject objectivises (i.e. dreams), or objectifies (awakens)."
And going back to Buddhism, to quote Thich Nhat Hanh in "The Heart of Buddha's Teaching" :
"Contemplation on interdependence is a deep looking into all dharmas in order to pierce through to their real nature, in order to see them as part of the great body of reality and in order to see that the great body of reality is indivisible. It cannot be cut into pieces with separate existences of their own.
The object of our mind can be a mountain, a rose, the full moon, or the person standing in front of us. We believe these things exist outside of us as separate entities, but these objects of our perceptions are us. This includes our feeling. When we hate someone, we also hate ourself. The object of our mindfulness is actually the whole cosmos. Mindfulness is mindfulness of the body, feelings, perceptions, any of the mental formations, and all of the seeds in our consciousness. The Four Establishments of Mindfulness contain everything in the cosmos. Everything in the cosmos is the object of our perception, and, as such, it does not exist only outside of us but within us."
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(From the DOGMA book)
The more I dig at The GazettE symbolism, the more I find, it's a boundless trove of riches. It's pretty common for metal bands to use symbols - some dabble in esotericism only a little, others are doing it for the aesthetic or just because everyone does it. For me, as someone who always looks and interprets everything, seeing such an elaborate and detailed esoteric creation is a huge pleasure. The fact that the 5 band members are the ones responsible for every single detail makes it even more impressive.
They are out there on Tool's level when it comes to combining mysticism and music (if you don't know Tool I recommend you listen to Lateralus). By the way I saw a pic of Kai's drum tech wearing a Tool t-shirt, it made me wonder if the GazettE themselves are influenced by them. Somehow I think they are.
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I found Kenneth Grant's works (the author I quoted twice earlier) through Tool's drummer's library on his website. And their vocalist uses a lot of Jungian alchemy terms in their lyrics. I wonder if the Japanese fans sort of see the GazettE like the westerners see Tool.
I did not write much about Uruha but let me leave you with these pictures of him being immense light.
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Link to part 1 of the analysis
Part 3
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seaoflove07 · 1 day
Love Planted a Rose 🌹
~ Dark ~
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• Artwork by The Drawables •
Full Art Cover and Story Description, Here.
OCXCanon. 🔪 Azusa & Christine’s Story. 🌹
Fan Fiction Written by Me.
Fandom: Diabolik Lovers.
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Christine and Yui as both were walking, they had a bit of conversation before they got to the Garden. Questions like, “How old are you? And, “Where are you from?” Both of them felt easygoing talking to each other.
- They arrive at the Sakamaki Garden -
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• Official by Rejet •
Yui: “We are here.”
Christine: “Wow! It's extremely beautiful.”
(The garden is breathtaking! So many beautiful flowers in so many different colors, the sound of the fountain, the statues. It looks straight up from Victorian Era paintings...)
Yui: “It really is beautiful.” She smiles.
Christine: “If I had lived here, I would have visited this garden every single day.”
Yui: “I come here every once in a while with Ayato-kun.”
Christine: “Yui… can I ask you a question?”
Yui: “Yes, of course. What would you like to know?
Christine: “How’s it been for you living with the Sakamaki brothers? They all seem like assholes and I can tell that they are very dangerous. Reiji was a big example.”
Yui: “When I first arrived here it was bad and I was very afraid to know that they were all vampires. They all wanted my blood, especially the triplets who were so forward. So out of spur of the moment, I told them to let me choose the person who can drink my blood.”
Christine: “So you end up choosing Ayato, right?”
(She’s blushing...)
Yui: “H-how you know?”
Christine: “Well… you did walk into the living room with him and you left with him before I left with Reiji. So it seems obvious that you picked Ayato. Why him?”
Yui: “Since I blurted that out so they can stop getting closer to me. I really wasn't sure who to even pick since I didn't know any of them personally. The reason I chose Ayato-kun, was because he was the first one I saw when I walked into the mansion. He was sleeping on the couch and when I touched his skin to wake him up. He was so cold that I thought he was dead.”
Christine: (I see. They all have cold skin because they are vampires. I felt the cold touch with Azusa, Ruki, and Reiji…)
Yui: “Christine-san, who did you pick from the Mukami brothers? Is it Ruki-kun?”
Christine: “Huh? I didn't choose any of them and I don't want to either.”
Yui: “Eh! So you don’t mind them all drinking your blood?”
Christine: !!! I-I do mind but they haven’t even tried to drink my blood. The only one who has sucked my blood is... Azusa. I just hope the other brothers will never try. Azusa is already acting weird as it is.”
Yui: “I see. I wonder in this case if Azusa-kun chose you instead, and that’s why the other brothers haven’t even tried.”
Christine: ... ...
Yui: “Christine-San? You seem sad... I’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t.”
Christine: “No you didn’t... But I do feel sad because… I don’t know what will become of me. Azusa has been violent, I fear for my life.”
Yui: “Ayato-kun was violent with me too in the beginning. Then over time, we fell in love with each other. It wasn't easy, but I’m happy being by his side.”
Christine: (How can anyone fall in love with a monster? I truly wanted to ask her this question but I decided not to. I have read many paranormal romance novels of human girls falling in love with the dreamy vampire. But in this case, neither the Mukami’s and Sakamaki’s are dreamy. They are dangerous and sadistic…)
“Even if you are in love with him please stay safe. I know you just met me but if you ever need advice or help or just need someone to talk to, I'll be here to listen.”
Yui: “Thank you, Christine-san. You are so kind.”
She smiled.
“I'll be fine and I’m looking forward to have our girl talk every Friday then. I will be here for you too if you ever want to talk about anything.”
Christine: “I'm glad to know that. Thank you. So should we start grabbing flowers? Can we pick any flowers that we want? Or does Reiji wants a specific flower?”
Yui: “We can choose any flowers we like.”
Christine: “Great. I will pick pink and red roses.”
Yui: “Then while you get the roses, I will get Tulips.”
Ayato: “Chichinashi! I found you!”
Surprising her from behind.
Yui: “Kya!”
Ayato: “Hahaha… Dummy, you should have expected I was coming to get you.”
He kissed Yui’s cheek and wrapped his arms around her.
“What the hell you are doing here in the garden anyway? Let's go do something more fun.”
Yui: “Reiji-san needs fresh flowers to put in the mansion vases.”
Ayato: “That damn four eyes should get the flowers himself!”
Yui: “Is part of Christine-san's task. I’m here to help her and show her around. I promise you once we are done we can do whatever you'd like.”
He smirks.
Ayato: “Then you will entertain me and I will give you all my attention when we go back to your room. Hehe… Look at that happy expression on your face.”
“Guess I have no choice, but to help you pick up these damn flowers so we can hurry up and leave.”
Christine: (They kinda look cute together…)
Yui: Smiling. “Thank you, Ayato-kun.”
“Christine-san, if you walk straight ahead a little further, you will see all the roses. While you grab some roses, Ayato-kun and I will get Tulips.”
Ayato: “And you better grab a bunch, Chihuahua. Because I want to get the hell out of here as soon as possible.”
Christine: “My name is Christine! Not Chihuahua.”
Ayato: “I will call you whatever I want! Come, Chichinashi.”
He takes her hand.
“Let’s go.”
Yui: “We will meet back here, Christine-san.”
She gave Christine an apologetic look and left with Ayato.
Christine: (Asshole! I wished I could have told him that. Anyways, I have to go get roses…)
While she was walking, Christine was admiring the beautiful summer night. The warmth and the scent of the flowers filled the air. The stars looked so shiny she couldn't help thinking about a little piece from John Keats's poem, Bright Star.
Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art-
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart.
Once she found the roses, she stopped in her tracks. Christine saw the white-haired vampire, holding and looking at a white rose.
She walks closer to him.
Christine: “Are white roses your favorite flower?”
Subaru: “Che, I thought I smelled you.”
He turns around to face her.
Christine: (He looks upset…)
Subaru: “I hate them!”
He crushed the rose petals with his palms, throwing them to the ground.
“Now get the hell out of here!”
Christine: “I can't. I need to grab roses for the mansion. It’s part of my task.”
Subaru: “I don't care about your stupid task, now leave!”
Christine: “Fine! I'll go grab other flowers then.”
She started walking away.
Subaru: “Wait!”
She stops and turns around, looking at him.
Christine: … …
Subaru: “What’s your favorite flower?”
Christine: (His face is bright red and one of his hands is shaking. Is like he's trying to control his temper…)
“Pink and Red Roses are my favorite.”
Subaru: “Che, not surprised. You smell like a rose.”
He walks closer to her.
Laito: “Fufu~ I see the little kid has a crush on you, Bitch-chan. Nfu~”
Christine Flinch at the sight of Laito.
Laito: “Nfu~ Isn't she pretty?”
- Laito suddenly embraces Christine from behind -
Christine: “Eww, Let go of me!”
He smells her neck.
Laito: “Haah... you do smell like a lovely rose. Nfu~ I wonder what your blood tastes like.”
He licks her neck.
Christine: “Eww! Please stop!”
Laito: “Nfu~ Subaru, let’s have a sip of her blood and have a little fun together with her.”
Subaru: “Fuck no! You’re just a disgustin’ pervert.”
Laito: “Look at you getting all irritated. This is exactly why I can’t deal with kids. Suit yourself. I will take the first bite then.”
Laito leans closer to her neck and opens his mouth wide.
Ruki: “Laito!! You better let Livestock go right this instant.”
Laito: “Geez! You just had to appear when the good part was about to start.”
He let her go.
Ruki: “Livestock, let's go!”
He pulls her arm.
“I’m done with this night.”
- In the limousine -
Ruki: “You are so troublesome! I feel like I'm babysitting!”
Christine: “It is not my fault!”
Ruki: “Hmph, I told you to be careful and not get yourself into trouble, and yet again, you do the opposite. You are a blonde airhead!”
Christine: “I am not an airhead!! I graduated with excellent grades and I am a Teacher just so you know.”
Ruki: “You teach really young brats that most of them don't know how to read yet. I don't see anything to be proud of.”
Christine: !!!
(This asshole!!!…)
But she held her tongue, she didn't want the same situation that happened with Reiji repeating.
“I love working with children and teaching them the foundational knowledge. Helping them practice problem-solving, pre-academic, and social skills. There is so much more to being a Pre-K Teacher, and I wish we were appreciated more.”
Ruki: “Hmph. I see you are that simple-minded, Livestock.”
Christine: … “How did you know I was a Pre-K Teacher? I've never told you or any of your brothers.”
Ruki: “I know everything about you, Livestock. Once they told me we were having a young woman in our manor for the summer. I had my familiars get every information about you. I know where you live, I know who are your family, friends, and boyfriend. I also know where you work, and I know the car you drive. All the important details about you, I know… So running away would be pointless… and even if you do, my brothers and I would find you in seconds.”
Christine: !!!!
(Chills run down her spine!…)
“I don't have a boyfriend, anymore…”
“So this job was a setup. I knew this was too good to be true. It was all bullshit! And you guys were already spying on me!”
Ruki: “You better watch your mouth! Next time I will punish you for raising your voice at me. Am I clear, Livestock?”
Christine nods.
Ruki: “My brothers have nothing to do with this. I am the one who is in charge of you. My brothers only knew a woman was gonna live with us for the summer, that’s it. They will only help me if I ask them to.”
“So you see Livestock, if you dare escape from us. We will kill your family as punishment.”
- She starts to panic -
Christine: “Please!… I don't know what Karlheinz wants with me, but I beg you! Please don't hurt my family! I promise I won't run away!”
Tears start running down her cheeks.
Ruki: “Well if you are a good woman and don't do anything foolish. I assure you. Your family will be safe. We are back to the manor, this discussion is over.”
As Christine watched Ruki getting out of the limousine, her hands began to shake.
Christine: (Why is this happening!? From what I know, my family and I don't have any enemies. Was she sent here like Yui to be one of the brother's bride?…)
Just thinking about it is making her anxiety way worse.
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🎶In the still of the night
I held you
Held you tight
'Cause I love
Love you so
Promise I'll never
Let you go
In the still of the night🎶
As I was walking in the hallway.
I hear music playing.
A 50s song.
I remember this song.
In the Still of the Night by The Five Stains.
My Mom and Dad used to play this song when I was younger.
She followed where the song was coming from…
Christine opens the door and to her surprise, she sees Azusa dancing with a woman.
She Flinch!
Christine: (That woman! Is me…)
I’m looking at myself dancing with Azusa.
We both look in love.
The way Azusa is holding me.
The way I have my arms wrapped around him.
Holding him tight.
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• Artwork by MonMonartz •
Azusa: “My treasure… is a beautiful Rose… keep me safe… keep me alive… in your heart… my precious rose.”
Christine: (My heart is racing! Hearing him speak those words to me. Suddenly, I feel dizzy and my vision is blurry…)
Christine opens her eyes and sees that she's in her room and she sits up.
(It was a dream. How drastically different this one was, compared to the ones I had back home...)
She hugs herself with a sad expression.
It was a nice dream,
but it wasn't real,
It will never be real.
My heart is broken
Shattered by Mark
I don't trust any man
to put stitches on it.
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• By Me on Picrew •
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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yuriko-mukami · 2 months
Story So Far...
Since Her Calamity: Dark will be published this year, here is a little recap for His Possession.
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Note: His Possession has Sakamaki Shu's More, Blood route in the background. Since this isn't relevant to Yuriko, she doesn't witness many events of the said route. She becomes more aware of the occurrences after Yuma brings Yui to the Mukami mansion. While Yuriko's story follows some canon events, not everything will happen in the same way as in the games. There is a story reason for that but I let every reader figure that one out on their own.
🩵 After Yuriko's mother, Hisoka, goes mysteriously missing, Yuriko struggles at high school and bullying doesn't make the matter any better. This leads her to skip the classes and fail the third year. Her father, Keisuke, doesn't realize this until it is too late due to being busy figuring out family matters he never bothered to tell Yuriko about.
🩵 When Yuriko has already failed her last year of high school, Keisuke moves to Kaminashi City with his daughter and gets her into the night school there. He has no clue which kind of students the school happens to have.
🩵 Yuriko wants to be a good daughter and try her best with school but soon, she finds herself caught in the web of supernatural creatures when two Vampires take an interest in her blood, she bumps into a Founder by accident and becomes best friends with a zombie.
🩵 Mukami Ruki doesn't leave Yuriko alone, and after he has bitten the girl several times, taking her blood, Yuriko's family secret surfaces. Her parents have never told her that her mother is actually a Kitsune from the Demon World. Instead, they have sealed Yuriko's fox side with blood magic that should have lasted for the rest of her life. Yet, they didn't expect her to run into Vampires...
🩵 After figuring out the truth, Yuriko hears from her father how he has never seen her as his daughter. It is revealed that he wants to give Yuriko to the Kitsune and trade her for her kidnapped big brother, Yuuto, whom she hasn't ever met. Of course, Ruki can't allow his livestock to be given away, so he takes Yuriko from her father and promises to help her get Yuuto from the Kitsune.
🩵 While the couple tries to find a way to save Yuuto, Keisuke contacts the vampire hunters to get rid of Ruki. Yuriko searches for help from the Founder, Tsukinami Shin, she has connected with earlier and eventually learns that the Kitsune have some kind of bond with the First Bloods.
🩵 The rescue mission doesn't go without trouble because the vampire hunters come after Ruki. But with help from Shin, Ruki is saved and Yuriko is able to bring Yuuto back to the Human World.
🩵 Unfortunately, Yuriko also learns that Hisoka has been executed by her relatives because she married Keisuke instead of another Kitsune in the past.
🩵 Neither Yuriko nor Yuuto wants to stay with their father after everything they have been through. Keisuke is left alone while Yuuto gets his own place to live and Yuriko stays with the Mukamis.
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Her Calamity: Dark will happen between More, Blood and Dark Fate on the summer vacation.
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did the diabolik lovers characters see barbenheimer in theatre 
only oppenheimer: reiji, shin 
only barbie: laito (he thinks he’s a feminist), kanato, yui, ayato (he only went cuz yui went), subaru (got dragged with kou)
both: ruki, yuma, kou, azusa (the mukami’s all went together), kino (did it for the memes)
neither: shu (couldn’t be bothered), carla (doesn’t know what a theatre is)
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otakween · 2 months
Regarding Ruki's dad, he's not dead and calling him a deadbeat's a bit erroneous. Under Japanese civil law, joint-custody and formal visitation aren't really a thing--children are awarded to one divorcing parent or the other on full-custody, and if there are multiple children they'll usually divide them up between the parents unless one is unfit (this is why Yamato and Takeru in Adventure live apart from one another, each living with one of their parents and almost never seeing the other one). When Ruki's parents divorced, her mom clearly got full custody. Ruki might be able to see her dad if she wants, but she would have to talk to her mom and her mom would then have to contact her ex-husband and arrange it, easy to imagine neither of them is super comfortable with the idea.
Damn, wtf. I had no idea Japan was so different regarding divorce! I had to fact-check, but it's totally true: https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Society/Japan-edges-toward-allowing-joint-custody-for-divorced-parents#:~:text=Japan%20remains%20the%20only%20Group,related%20law%20in%2077%20years
This article explains some of the reasoning for why joint custody could be a bad thing, but to not offer it at all seems crazy to me. There are plenty of amicable divorces out there where both parents still love their kids :(
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Fights with Ruki
So time for part 2 now I am free from the hell that is examination. Ruki fights I feel are a high risk situation pre-relationship especially with the Mukami's high level aggression. Like the Sakamakis are dangerous but they are less likely to just kill you over an argument same as they don't drink from Yui the same way the Mukamis did.
I am also taking a more gender neutral approach, any feedback on how to improve.
Ruki is quite similar to Reiji in the matter of neither will admit their wrong unless they have grown a shit tonne.
"Stop being hysterical."
"It isn't hysterical to be unhappy the guy who is meant to be your boyfriend calls you livestock in front of your classmates."
He freezes, turning to look at the back of your head. You were unpacking your textbooks and notepad at your desk in his study, covered in all manner of trinkets and sheets compared to his more practical array. You were clearly tense, you were distant from the moment he had made that comment. You had bristled, heeding his call but not accepting his extended hand, simply brushing past and taking your seat in the car home.
"And what is that supposed to mean? 'Meant to be' you should know you are mine alone," he narrowed his eyes stalking closer. You had sat by this point turned to some random page or other and beginning to take notes.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"About what."
"About how you embarrassed me, degraded me, and treated me in front of people who are already horrible enough to be around. No I don't want to talk about it the same way you never do." Well that was news to him seemingly, pulling back in exasperation before putting his hand over your text and moving into your eye line.
"What on earth is going on in your little mind, you can't just keep things from me-"
"That exactly that, 'little mind' you constantly belittle me it is bad enough in private and then you do it in public," you were avoiding eye contact your head in your hands. It was evident this had been building for some time, this outburst wasn't new. Taking a deep breath he re-positioned, sliding your chair out with his foot he moved closer. Gently taking your hands away and holding them.
"You need to tell me these things, be honest with me, I don't enjoy watching you squirm unless it is in anticipation of my fangs." It was then you finally looked up, fear filled your eyes.
"You've never been exactly happy to hear when you do something I don't like," He stayed silent, beckoning you to continue. "You say and do things that make me feel like you just see me as a pet. That's not love Ruki."
"What stupid ideas you fill your head with, of course I view you as more important now than in the past," He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back.
"I hardly think it's stupid. I get targeted enough, and you don't get that. I will never be good enough for them and I wouldn't even care if you didn't outright tell them you see me as livestock!" You stood a finger pressed imposingly against his chest. Eyes searching his for something. He paused for a moment before pulling you closer.
"Maybe I should call you that less than, but it would be easier for you to tell me names and I handle the situation." You laughed at that, finally letting him relax. He grinned moving his hand into your hair and approaching your neck.
"Although I've yet to hear you complain about what I call you in private..."
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yuikomorii · 1 year
As a fellow Ruki stan I'd love to know how you'd rank his routes 🌸
// Sure thing! ^^
1. More Blood
You probably didn't see this coming, but I really enjoyed his MB route! I'm aware of how hated it is because of the cat scene, and while I disagree with Ruki's actions, they didn't ruin him for me. I just love how SASSY Ruki can be, even if some of his roasts are really mean, but I'm sure they're just there to make the audience laugh. I think the funniest one was when he told Yui "Today we will go home on foot. Why? Because a person such as yourself who doesn’t know how to stop when eating is very prone to put on some pounds after all.” He's so savage, and I love it, but I wouldn't want to deal with such a person in real life, lol. Aside from that, his last Ecstasy chapter was the first to make me cry, and his Vampire Ending was stunning, especially the kissing cg!
2. Chaos Lineage
Another unpopular choice because I've seen a lot of people complain about it being boring and lacking significant romantic interactions due to including his brothers too much, and while I can't say his route was very good, I still really like it! I'm glad Ruki was less obsessed with Karl there, and he seemed more relaxed and genuine overall. He even pouted at one point, which was so cuuute! I love the Mukamis, so I'm always up for family moments, and the romance was adequate, neither exaggerated nor non-existent.
3. Dark Fate
Would have given it a higher rating if Ruki hadn't been such a jerk in the first half, and what bothered me the most was how he treated his brothers. Kou had very good reasons to be mad at him, and it's already becoming frustrating because they're supposed to be best bros, yet Ruki and Kou always find a way to fight. What did I love about it? He got down on his knees and apologized to Yui for saying such horrible things. I was moved to tears by the scene in which he cried for her because I had not expected Ruki to do such a thing. Furthermore, his Vampire Ending is probably my favorite of all games; it's simply the best possible outcome for him and Yui.
4. Lunatic Parade
I don't remember much about LP, but his route was fun, and I think he was more flirty than usual there, which is a plus! Well, everyone had great LP routes in my opinion because that game was truly lighthearted!
5. Lost Eden
He was ideal in the first half of the route, but the second half irritated me greatly. Maybe I have high expectations, but are you really going to tell me that in the previous game, a "dummy" character only heard ONE thing about Karlheinz yet immediately connected all the dots about all his victims, realizing that he's truly the root of all evil because he was using everyone for his selfish desires and then… there's Ruki who 1) was told by Christa that Karl was Trismegiste aka the person who ruined his life, 2) went to Romania to read about the Revolution, where Trismegiste was mentioned, 3) had his ghoul-father tell him that Karl is Trismegiste and that he slaughtered a bunch of people to make ghouls out of them only to have Ruki say this "I'm sure Karlheinz-sama regretted his actions, that's why he gave our lives back". If he had regretted, he would have rewinded time long ago. I'm aware that different writers exist, but they should be more careful when writing these parallels because it can cast their own characters in a negative light, since one reaction will always be better than the other. Still really liked the lore and the fact Rejet learnt something about Romanian history.
6. Vandead Carnival
I enjoy VC as a game, but Ruki was a little too stiff for my liking. It wasn't bad, but I felt like Ruki was babysitting Yui for almost the entire route. :”)
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dia-souls · 11 days
Hi im so sorry if it doesn’t make sense cause english is not my first language but can i have Ruki Mukami reaction to his daughter and her mom arguing Ruki divorced his wife because she had a problem with alcohol and he worried that this would affect their daughter so he divorced her but he only gets to see his daughter on the weekends but one day he’s supposed to be picking their daughter up he sees his daughter yelling at her mom like shes begging her mom to stop drinking like she said that this was here seventh bottle today and yells at her saying Why am i acting like your therapist? By the way their daughter is like 4 years old. By the way i don’t mind if you don’t feel comfortable writing this and im sorry if its to long
-No it's not long neither it is uncomfortable dw💞
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"Wow! You really have ruined our family to think you will become like this after so much love I gave you...."
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"This behaviour is unacceptable you will be punished for this livestock you will be punished for everything for breaking our family and now you are going after our daughter no it's my daughter I have decided that this is last time you will be seeing us."
Ruki immediately scooped his daughter up in his arms and moved towards door he want his children to have a normal child hood something he was deprived off he turned a bit looking at his ex-lover the woman he loved the women whom he gave his heart to and entrusted her with his daughter. He never wanted to seperate his daughter from his mother as he knows how it feels for your mother to neglect you. To this day he sincerely hoped that his lover will became like she was in past and still now he doesn't want to deprive his daughter from seeing mother's love.
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"If you want to see your daughter again than convince me livestock that you will be a good mother.... You are the only one who can make things right. You are better than this....This is my last advice to you don't get the wrong idea I will never let you ruin my daughter even if I have feelings for you for me my daughter value more than my love for you change yourself and prove me... than you will see our daughter again. "
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diabolik-land · 2 years
You found your s/o trying your clothes on. For Reiji, Ruki, Carla, Laito, Shuu, Karlheinz, Kanato and Richter. Thank you in advance and I love your blog!
(( I'm so sorry but I don't do the Tsukinami's...😅But..thank you so muchhhhhhhh!!!!!! ❤❤❤))
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"Hmmm..? Why are you wearing my clothes, slut? Hehe...are you doing this to tease me?"
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"What!? Why are you wearing my shirt!? I was planning on wearing that after I took a shower! Give it back."
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"Huh!? Hey! Take my shirt off! Teddy doesn't like it on you and neither do i!"
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"Little-bitch...you look so...hot wearing my clothes. Nfu. But don't you think that you would look better without any clothes on?"
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"Livestock? What is this behavior? You should wear your clothes only. My sweater is too big for you anyway."
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"Haha..! What are you wearing my love? My shirt?It looks too big but it still look so cute on you!"
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"My...why are you wearing my shirt my beloved?
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manofmanymons · 4 months
I hunger for more data
ive been told xros wars has a rival by the name of kiriha but idk if he is a Sad Boi and didn't want to make assumptions
Neither Kiyo nor Ruli has Sad Boi vibes but I wanted the poll to have the same number of options as the last one aldj
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kou Maniac [07]
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ー The scene starts in the open fields of Rotigenberg
Yui: ( ーー Standing over there, is that...? )
Kou: ...
Yui: ( Oh no. Seems like he didn’t notice me. )
( He seems to be in a lot of distress... )
→ Run up to him (❦)
Yui: ( There might not be anything I can do for him but... )
( I can’t leave him to suffer on his own right now. )
→ Observe him for a while 
Yui: ( Perhaps it’d be better to observe him from afar for a bit... )
( I can’t stand to watch after all. I can’t turn a blind eye to him right now. )
Yui: ーー Kou-kun!!
ー Yui runs up to him
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“I love you...I guess that kind of sounds like a lie right now, doesn’t it? But I truly treasure you. Please believe me when I say that.”
“If possible, I’d love to be together forever. But...”
Kou: Yui...
...I knew this would happen.
But...I chose to live my life alongside you regardless. I made that decision. 
Yui: ...Me too...
Kou: ...Then, have you found your resolve?
Yui: Resolve...
Kou: You heard what Azusa-kun said, right?
If you choose me, it might affect not only the Demon World, but the human world as well. 
It’s also very well possible that if you were to choose someone with power instead, things would calm down without much turmoil. 
Are you prepared to throw that chance away, just to continue being with me...? 
Yui: ...Ugh...
( I... )
...Are you?
Kou: ...I...
...I’m sorry. I can’t make that choice...
When I realize that by choosing you...I might not just lose Eden...But Ruki-kun, Yuma-kun, Azusa-kun...and everything else in this world as well.
I just can’t do that...I’m sorry...I’m so sorry, Yui...
Yui: ...I see.
Kou: To me Eden is my homeland...and the other guys are my family.
That’s why...Uu...I can’t choose...
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: ...It’s okay. That’s perfectly fine, Kou-kun.
I mean...Neither can I. 
As I press my lips against his cheek to stop the tears rolling down his skin,
I notice that I too have begun to cry,
before we begin to kiss each other over and over.
It is no crime that he cannot choose. 
It is an incredibly hard and painful choice to make after all. 
However...That is exactly why,
I will have to make my resolve (覚悟) instead. 
I must prioritize what is best, as that is the only thing I can do.
Out of love for him. 
ーー Because I want to protect (守りたい) him.
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