#( yes i will force u all to listen to kpop bc some of the songs drive me insane )
merotm-a · 2 years
anyway yuuna playlist i remade bc the first one got so disorganized
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choerrypuffs · 3 years
no but what fr annoys me is when ppl go like “ur pressed over 3 songs ??” like uhm, if this was anyone other than bts you would be screaming as well. i stan nct and svt so much but if they released horrible english songs 3 times in a row, i’d be very annoyed. (tho ngl nct 127 regular in english >>> korean idk y)
when ppl say let them sing in whatever language, it’s annoying cus most people aren’t annoyed at the fact that they’re specifically speaking english but it’s the fact that the quality of the music has degraded along with it. aswell as the fact the english lyrics are sometimes cringey (but this may just be an issue just because we can understand english and not korean so we don’t really realise how cringey it may be normally but idk ).
i guess they’re trying to emulate the american pop sound ?? but find me a song that sounded like this and wasn’t released in 2015 🧍‍♀️ . it’s just like, what group are u marketing towards? cus this just sounds like the type of music you hear in the ads in the 2 seconds before you skip and it’s annoying. take me back before they had collab with halsey cus boy with luv was so bad imo (i love halsey but the song was trash lolol) but ON was good ? i just wish they kept to their roots instead of just trying to push themselves into the american market. because nobody listens to these types of songs.
but sometimes i just feel bad, like do they actually want to make music like this or are they forced to or ?? cus it seems like they just wanna make as much money before they leave to the military ngl but it’s their job so ngl i don’t care about that. but it’s the way they think this is going to grab the western public’s interest like NO ?? baby no it’s not. i just miss the older bts eras like not today, idol, bst, like i kind of?? stanned them because of those eras but i stopped around 2019 with boy with luv and ngl i don’t blame myself cus clearly it wasn’t getting better (except ON that was good). so neways to end this off , i keep reading ptd as ptsd so i think that’s all you need to know 🕳🤸‍♀️
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EXACTLY ????? like if i’m a fan of somebody and they keep releasing trash songs, i have the right to be upset ?? kpop stans act like you can’t be a fan while also disliking some of their songs. i started getting into bts when they released run/hyyh2 and i still stand by the fact that’s the best album they’ve ever released. skool luv affair and dark & wild are some of my favorites too. their music has changed drastically ever since love yourself, so you can’t blame people for not liking their new music?? and i’m not even trying to be the “back in my day” boomer but it’s true 😩
also remember when they were doing an interview and someone asked if they would do a song/album (i can’t remember which) in english and armys got pressed about the question ??? and then bts came out with dynamite 🗿 and you’re completely right, no one cares that they’re singing in english. it’s bc the lyrics and song itself are shit 🤧 there’s rarely ever a kpop song that translates well in english EXCEPT rv’s bad boy 🥰
I KNOW RIGHT??? if bts hadn’t released it, would their english songs even chart??? the fact that dynamite was nominated for a grammy is MINDBLOWING to me 😭😭😭 honestly boy in luv is one of their more tolerable songs 💀 yes!! ON was so beautiful 😪 i thought we were finally getting back on track but then i was disappointed again
honestly i think it’s bc bts themselves or bighit or both realized they can release anything they want and fans will eat it up so they’re just focusing on making as much money as possible 🤷‍♀️ i respect their hustle but it’s kind of surreal to listen to their old music making fun of and condemning capitalism and then seeing the transition to them becoming the epitome of capitalism
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leemarkies · 3 years
If u wanna write a thinkpiece on noise music i would be v interested tbh
ok buckle up 🤠
so in this essay i'm going to only focus on and compare nct and skz because they're the forerunners on noise music. full disclaimer: i ult both groups and love the (majority) of their music and i adore the members. this thinkpiece is only to give my most objective opinion on their artistry and music.
what constitutes noise music? and what elements of noise music make it "good music"? to me, noise music has clashing instrumentals, that separated would not sound cohesive at all, but when put together have at least some semblance of musicality. this definition excludes sticker and thunderous from the category of "noise music". ik this might be a controversial opinion, but sticker simply does not have enough instruments in the song to be considered noise. i can practically count on one hand how many instruments are used. yes the weird synth base and flute clash, but there is too much empty space (for back of letter word). i think sticker is definitely experimental, but i would not classify it as noise music. nct noise music includes (but is not limited to) songs like kick it, limitless, chain, mad dog, and to an extent, punch and simon says. i would not classify thunderous as noise music because there is not enough clashing instruments. sure, the song has brass fanfare, but at no point when i'm listening to it do i think it is itching my brain. don't get me wrong, it's a great song, but it is not similar to their other songs like miroh, side effects, god's menu, go live, or cheese. that's why i think trying to compare nct and skz by their newest releases is kind of dumb. however, you can definitely compare and contrast their previous songs
NCT 127
now i'm going to focus on nct 127. although nct dream has some songs that are defined as "noise music" (see: go and hot sauce) it is primarily nct 127's "brand". the main element nct has that turns their music from "bad bad music" to "good bad music" is their vocals. their songs often have small breaks from the clashing instruments to give the listener a relief, and during that break, they showcase what sm is known for (amazing, industry-standard vocals). not only does it break the monotony of the noisy instruments, but it also creates hype for when it resumes! limitless is a great example of this! please do yourself a favor and listen to the instrumental ver of the song on youtube. i get legit goosebumps every time the beat drops all over again. i do have two complaints. 1) there are times were their raps are lacking, and it really kinda almost breaks the whole vibe of the song because it makes me cringe a little. see lemonade as an example, even though i would not classify lemonade as noise music. 2) this is off topic but i kinda rip apart skz a little bit so i feel like i need to be balanced and fair but i literally hate sticker so much and the album, although has good songs, is bland and has little variety
stray kids are the younger cousins of nct. they too focus on noise music, but they have their own twist on it. skz comparitively have better rappers. not saying mark and ty are bad by any means, but there are some nct members that also rap that ... should not and instead be vocals. but skz continuously show hard, impactful raps that nct usually lacks to some extent. this is both a good and bad thing for noise music, depending on your baseline opinion on noise music to begin with. if you generally don't like noise music, raps add even more clashing. if you do like noise music, rap can be used as an additional "instrumental" element. i think a great example would be cb's rap in miroh and god's menu. it hypes up the song either right before the beat drop or at the beginning respectively. nct doesn't really have that, they rely on vocals for the lead up. skz definitely have their own spin on noise music and i'm glad they do, variety is the spice of life. i only have three complaints. 1) they do not use their vocalists to the best of their abilities. sm and in have lower toned voices, yet they are consistently forced to sing notes in a very high register, which can understandably sound strained. to combat this, skz use han for the really high lines. 2) when they do have vocal breaks, they should really utilize lino more. part of the reason why nct's vocal breaks are so good is because they are such a contrast to the rest of the song. have you ever watched judges on cooking network? they often say "i wish you used a spalsh of lemon to lighten up this dish". well in this scenario, light, airy voices are the lemon and the noise music beats are the heavy cream. nct has light voices (dy, hc, jw, and to an extent tl). look at kick it. the very first vocal break is jw and hc and it really elevates the entire rest of the song. now skz really only has lino as a light voice (bc and han also too an extent) yet they very rarely use him, which is disappointing. 3) this is kind of off topic but i'm disappointed that their lastest album, literally termed "noeasy" which is a spin-off of the word "noisy" has only one noise music song. like i said before i do not classify thunderous as noisy, but cheese fits the description. don't get me wrong, noeasy is literally one of my favorite kpop albums now but it does kind of fall short of its given name.
conclusion: i really enjoy nct and skz's music. i think the introduction of the noise genre is a great illustration of why kpop is so unique. kpop is MEANT to be experimental. it is meant to be in your face. it is meant to be loud and colorful. it is meant for you to initially think "wow that's weird" because in the end, 9/10 you'll fall in love with it. i think nct and skz can both improve on different aspects and i think it's interesting to compare the two, but in the end, they both have their own takes on noise music
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animatedarchives · 4 years
i stumbled upon shoot me when it came out and i had my jaw to the ground when i was listening to it IT WAS SO GOOD + THEY WERE FROM JYP SO HOW DIDNT I KNOW ABOUT THEM SOONER???? even my brother found the song great and from then on i was on and off listening to just their popular tracks
i didnt become a huge myday until fall of last year lol i listened to sweet chaos and i was like yeah this is it they are kpop kings and now my ult forever;; WBU SOPHH WHATS UR MYDAY STORY??
(also can i have some mini kuroo headcanons from u that u think i might like😳😳 im trying to decide if kuroo is worth obsessing over lmao)
my day6 story
i actually used to hate kpop LMAO like I WAS ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO WERE LIKE “they all look the sAME they’re not even talented they can’t sing they just look good” uNTIL my friend was like ok you know what i know you like bands so let me introduce you to day6 and wOW I FELL IN LOVE i dont even remember the first song i listened to (bc she gave me a whole list) but it was probably letting go or i would (i’ve been a my day for a WHILE LOL) like back when they were releasing their every day6 monthly songs and i loved their harmonies and the chords and i realised wow maybe kpop really iS worth checking out HAHAHA and afterwards i started to love kpop i listened to bts, skz, twice and i became sUCH A JYP STAN i love all the jyp groups and ugh i only have day6 to thank i love these boys so much
mini kuroo hcs 
kuroo is not just book smart, he’s really emotionally intelligent too. that being said, he doesn’t exactly rely completely on feelings; he’s pretty logical and rational in his thinking. i think he will understand your struggles about life stuff and choosing classes/unis because (from what i know about reading people’s posts and some spoilers lol) he’s struggled with it before too. however, he would be able to give you a very logical and unbiased opinion about it to widen your perspective so that you make your own decision about what you want. he will not force you to do anything but will always want to make sure that you are doing the best thing for yourself. he will definitely roast and banter with you too and loves when you get feisty with him but he also knows when to be loving and endearing, always making sure you’re eating well and taking care of yourself
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riskeith · 3 years
omg hi. sorry i disappeared for a few days, been super busy with school. i missed you a lot. how have you been?
i haven’t had the need to eat any food since i got barbara and noelle on my team. if one of them can’t shield, the other comes in a clutch haha. *bows* thank you ladies for your service.
i’d pay hard earned money to see fanart with the boy scouts playing with guoba.. :( and YEAH. that would be so fitting? + it’s gonna be liyue themed which is super nice. do you know any predictions over which four stars will be in xiao’s banner? and who do /you/hope will be there?
last time i played three days ago unlocked dragonspine.. i even did albedo’s quest i can’t believe i defeat that evil place sjshdksk. meaning i got so some primogems and some intertwined fate. i’ve been itching to use some of the intertwined fates to get xiangling c rate up... should i?
october 20 is such a cute bday. you know how some dates just look nice? that’s one of them shskdhs. i want to say my birthday too but i feel like if anyone reads our messages they’ll know who i am... sorry. you’ll have to wait for that information until we privately talk some day. big promise. 🤍
ooh. you kind of wing it too, then! in some ways. if you’re not feeling it do you leave the fic for the day after or give up on it for a while? (so many question... shut up @ me) i’m the same as you! but i also write sometimes in the day time and i feel like that’s when i produce my best work. yesterday i was at a cafe studying and during a break i just started writing a fic and for some reason it just flowed so nicely? so yeah idk skdjdhsk. whenever it strikes i suppose.
i do borrow my books sadly. i kind of have to because i don’t have anymore place to put my books (we live in a small apartment) and books are kind of expensive :( i don’t mind borrowing though because i don’t really reread books unless they’re super special so it’s fine. do you buy yours? I HAVE READ LEGEND. i read it waaaay back in grade school haha, it’s been ages ago. i’ve never seen anyone say it’s their favorite but i can see why you feel that way. it’s kind of underrated in the community for sure.
dude fuck... chongyun and xingqiu live in my mind rent free. i kid you not i just can’t stop thinking about those boys... please send me all the fanart you find i’ll literally give you my life for that <3
i just listened to the g-idle song and AAA? wtf? i used to really like them while i was into kpop and this is so nostalgic to me. i haven’t listened to kpop in literally years shdkdhdk. this song is great thank you for sending it, do you like g-idle? <3
WAIT ARE YOU MAKING A SECOND ACC? I WAS LITERALLY CONSIDERING DOING ONE IN ASIA FOR YOU... shdjdhdjshsjsj our minds. and yes i’m in american server... oh god. our co-op date can happen? 🥺 but if it’s too much work for you i’ve seriously actually considered doing one in asia for me i’m totally fine with starting all over so.. 🥺
god i’ve missed talking to you so much. once again i’m sorry for not being here, but hopefully after tomorrow’s exam school will be a bit more chill and i’ll be yours again.
hope you’ve been well babe. mwah!
hi!! that’s alright ahah, i assumed that was the case. i’ve been well!! and then not so well bc we weren’t talking 🤪 needless to say i’ve missed you a lot too <333
omggg QUEENS!!! i don’t have any healers but i don’t eat food either... LMFAO unless it’s a boss fight i’ll just keep going until i’m done with whatever it is then go heal at a statue fsdhfkdjs
!!! brb just gonna go get good at art so i can draw that for u 😩 i don’t have any predictions myself, but i’ve seen people say it’ll be ningguang + beidou + barbara possibly?? but of course, i would hope that xingqiu was there <3333 he can appear twice in a row come on mhy <3333 just think about that <333 and omggg i’d wish if chongyun came as well.. i really want to get him to c6 (but he was only two banners ago?) hbu do you have any thoughts on the matter~
AHAHAH good job im proud of you 😤😤 show that nasty place who’s boss!! if you want to, I don’t see why not! it’ll get you closer to pity as well so by the time venti is near, hopefully it won’t take you much to get him! lmk how it goes!!!! manifesting c6 xiangling for you 🔥
fhskdf thank you... is it weird to say i agree? FHDSKFHSDKFKJ like. 20/10 or 10/20... nice even multiples of ten numbers.. AHAHAH. no need to apologise at all!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍 share whatever you’re comfortable with whenever you’re comfortable <33
hm it depends. (i just reaslised i said this exact phrasing last time too lmfao) i think i usually give up on it for a while? but sometimes i try to force myself through it too, just to get over that section so i can hopefully move on to a better one wait sorry i misread your question LOL. i usually leave it for the day as opposed to give up on it for a while! if i’m actively working on something i’d prefer to continue working at it slowly, even if the progress is just me opening the doc and then exiting after 5 mins fhdskj. are you the same? (NO!!! DO NOT SHUT UP @ YOU i never get to talk about writing processes pls im enjoying this a lot)
nice!! the vibes when writing during the day are sometimes better as well, bc it’s still light and stuff you’re not sitting in the dark or with a light on.. lol. it’s more ~natural~ & omg legendary... i love that for you!! on that note, do you usually study at school/cafes/libraries? i pretty much can only study at home, i hate doing it anywhere else. 
ahh that’s fair :( and yeah i agree books can get so expensive? like the authors def deserve to be compensated for all their hard work but damn lmao. oh that’s a good point! i do buy books yeah, and i don’t even necessarily reread them i just like having them on the shelf fhdskfd (there are many i haven’t even read for the first time... oops.) what ages do grade school cover? sorry i have no idea what that means fhsjfkshsdkjs the different names for education levels will never not confuse me. !! yeah i really wish legend was more popular aaaaa
here are some recent arts i’ve bookmarked!! (rip i should find one more so every word is linked but cbs hfskdhfs) i’m also considering making a genshin twitter! idk why i’m so averse to following these amazing accs on my normal account lmaoo but i’m also thinking of posting pics from the 52485 photoshoots i do with chongyun..
oh nice!!! i’m really happy you liked it 🥰🥰🥰 and yeah i do like g-idle but i don’t stan them! that’s me with most groups tbh fshkfjsd but i do watch most of their MVs when they first come out~
FSHFKJSDHFKSD wait what if.. this but it’s us surprising each other in the other’s servers <33 and if i’m telling you the truth... i kinda despise the idea of playing in am*rica server FHSDKJFHSDKFHSDKKDSHFKSDHKKJ but we could compromise and both start again in europe?? ahah let me know what you think! if you’re happy to just do one in asia tho that’s fine as well~ 
me too!! and no worries for real, school comes first!! (even if it fkn sucks... @ school i hate you. i say, when i’m still on holidays FHDSKJFJS) aaaa good luck on your exam!!! i hope you smash it 💪💪 
also um “and i’ll be yours again”??!?!?!?!? be still my beating heart 😩😩😩😩 i shall be waiting for you wifey hehe
hope you’ve been taking care of yourself!! kisses, c.r.
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hobstagram · 5 years
album review
yes I'm on hiatus, yes I need to talk abt this album in depth bc I'm going fucking insane
Persona: this fucking song ok it pays homage to their old hip hop sound whilst still sounding like the ‘current bts’, namjoon’s flow is amazing and works really well with the beat of the song, which is also just... fun and bouncy.... the song just makes me wanna bounce in my chair. the beat is just rlly fun and good and the chorus is catchy and fun and just honestly one of my favourite songs on the album
Boy With Luv: I'm not gonna lie it’s better than what I expected but still.... manages to be the most Okay song on this album. like its not bad I can’t really pick out anything that I specifically don’t like it’s just that there’s also very little that I can pick out that I really like. but what I will say is... yoongi and namjoon’s raps!!! r so sexy!! the rap breaks up the rhythm of the song nicely and is a little unexpected (esp yoongi’s) also whilst I don't dislike halsey’s part she didn’t bring anything new/interesting to the song and I personally find her ad-libs rlly annoying esp her ‘I want it’ (and esp on the non-mv ver bc they’re on Every Chorus) but I do think her effort is commendable singing in a new language/learning a dance is hard and she did ok. the mv was also just generally cute and the dance seems like a lot of fun! 
Mikrokosmos: i like this song! it’s gets a tad too repetitive for me by the end but the beat is rlly funky esp when u listen w good quality headphones u can hear a lot of nice little quirks of the synth that it’s harder to pick up w normal quality headphones/out loud. it’s the kinda song that needs ur full attention to be able to appreciate it. I like the chorus even tho it’s quite simple it’s effective at getting the feeling of the song across and the melodies r all so prettyalso the vmin (?) harmonies are so pretty!! the raps are nothing special but they fit the vibe of the song rlly well and add the perfect little change. but my favourite bit is at around 2:40 when the beat drops out and there’s this dreamy synth under the vocals..... that’s the SHIT but the build up afterwards is kinda meh... if they’d finished the song there it would’ve rlly been something special the last bit just doesn’t bring anything new to the song. I just like..... idk I rlly want to like this song!! I really really want to like this song a lot but it’s just an amazing first half that fizzles out by the end...... I still like it tho I would definitely recommend listening to this song w nice headphones!!
Make It Right: ok this song fucking sounds like an ed sheeran song I could fucking tell this song was ed was soon as I heard it. personally this is my least favourite song on the album but there’s still a lot of good things about it. I like the synth initially and hoseok’s singing!!!! (maybe the hoseok stan just jumped out) but generally this is probably the most forgettable song..... dare I even say aggressively mediocre...... the synth motif gets rlly old quite fast like by the end I just don't wanna hear it anymore!! it gets old waaay too fast bc it’s so simple n repetitive and nothing new happens in the song after the first chorus...... it’s just the same.... idk again not bad just quite...... boring....... there’s just no development at all. the vocals during the pre-chorus r also just so breathy although it feels like a creative choice..... I just don’t particularly like it (again personal preference) I feel like this song will b popular w the gp bc again it sounds like an ed sheeran song skdjfh (maybe it gave me flashbacks to when I was 11 ok don't @ me)
HOME: oh yes..... as soon as namjoon starts the song u know it’s gonna b sexy. I like jimin’s voice!! in this song!! like they don’t force him to strain and it sounds good!!! however the autotune kinda makes vocal line all sound like jimin which is just a bit...... weird....... but in general jimin’s parts rlly shine in this song!! all of rap line’s verses are really good!!! it’s just groovy!! ngl the part of this song that gets me the most is the lyrics. but I feel like the song ends weirdly.... it finishes w the bridge and so sounds like it should lead to something else..... it feels unfinished and also bc it’s a bridge it doesn’t musically resolve so furthering the kinda unfinished feel (general pet peeve tho pop artists just fucking resolve ur songs its not that hard!! resolve it!! ur not cool for not resolving at the end of ur song!!)
Jamais Vu: ugh jin starting it off...... big sexy...... ngl hoseok’s first verse is sexy as well and the synth piano is nice the way it goes minor all of a sudden big fuckin sexy but then u know whats the real fucker in this song when jungkook fucking KEY CHANGE all of a fucking sudden like I practically had a heart attack when I heard it for the first time i feel like it’s a perfect musical representation of what jamais vu feels like. just this kinda musical experimentation is what I'm fucking here for!! u used to get a lot of crazy key changes in like early 2010′s kpop but recently ppl r being v safe and western but like BAM this I just love it ok ksdjhfksdj it manages to be jarring but also fit perfectly with the rest of the song like I just love it. I LOVE hoseok’s 2nd verse as well the deep synth brass(??) sounds it’s just sexy ok like this song is sad sexy and I'm fucking here for it. ugh and he layering of hoseok’s sing/rap over the vocals at the end just..... so good. it doesn’t feel messy it’s clean and effective and again matching w theme of jamais vu and kinda gives it a conversational feel. jin and jungkook both sound so good and the song actually builds on previous musical ideas and doesn’t just repeat them over and over again blindly, it feels nice and more experimental (they still didn’t resolve the song but this time I feel like it fits w the idea of jamais vu) the more I listen to this song the more I love it, it might actually be my favourite
Dionysus: holy fuck yes this was by far my favourite song in the album on the first listen like it perfectly manages to fuse the old school hiphop sound bts used to have with rock and I fucking LOVE it like it starts off as a hiphop song and the rock elements enter completely flawlessly. it’s one of the few times I really really like the super over auto-tuned voice like it feels purposeful and it fits so well with the song. also just all of hoseok’s high-pitched nasal rap/ad-libs just fits so well!! yoongi’s rap allows the best to quiet down a little and build up again w out having to have a ‘beat drop’ neccesarily. this song gets me so much more hype than a lot of their other ‘hype’ songs!! the high note/scream as well.... just wow!! it feels like there’s a lot happening but it manages to still sound rlly cohesive and just!! how the fuck did they even think of this idea I'm just in AWE. also hoseok wrote this song like I'm so fucking proud ksjdhf
overall: I was rlly surprised by this album! like genuinely rlly surprised! they managed to create an album that spans so many genres from hiphop to pop to edm to rock, some of the songs on here (mainly jamais vu and dionysus) work both conceptually and just as music. there r some songs that I felt like could’ve been executed better (coughmikrokosmoscough) and had the potential to be really amazing. bts has started being a lot more experimental w their music recently in terms of incorporating elements of other genres into their songs but this album especially feels like they’re pushing the boundaries a lot more. it’s interesting and doesn’t always work but it rlly worked here! I think esp as they’re becoming so much more popular they can kinda afford to experiment more w their music and I'm excited for more stuff like this in the future! generally the album is rlly good, some songs I like less but none that I actively dislike and a lot of interesting music!!
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ohoshi · 3 years
yess the part where johnny bumped into taeyong was cool!! ty looks so cool while performing gosh 😌 i think ive watched that nct u class performance so many times by now, im still not over it for some reason hahaha
OMG I KNOW XIAOJUN BEING RELEVANT!! YES!! honestly im so glad that during nct 2020 a lot of the wayv members got to show their skills and how theyve improved (like xiaojun, hendery, yangyang) and i hope this keeps going (i feel like winwin esp couldve been showcased more? maybe it's hard with soo many members and i dont wanna be *that* fan...but he was the leader of the 90s love unit and had like 2 lines lol)
omg yes shotaro!! you never couldve known he debuted just 2 MONTHS AGO but i agree even in maw u can tell that the boy got moves! i feel so proud of him and hes so cute 😊 i agree, sign me up too for the idols who have such duality!! they were all so good (as expected)!!
WAIT LMAO SO SORRY i just fact checked myself and haikyuu actually has 4 seasons 😂 😅 there was like a 4 year gap between s3 and s4 so i think i felt like it was 2 seasons lmaoo. lately i have been more okay watching ongoing shows bc it gives me something to look forward to every week! but i usually do binge shows, which is why im a little sad that the uncanny counter is ongoing so i am forced to wait 😭 i must say though my binging skills are amazing...my one talent in life 🤣
her private life is another fake relationship kdrama (the main girl character is a fangirl and she runs a blog for her bias ahaha relatable??), and i think crash landing on you has some fake relationship things?? obviously it's not the main focus of the drama but crash landing is iconic u gotta watch, be prepared to cry tho if you get emotional watching these things like me 😭 because this is my first life was also good (i've heard some ppl get frustrated by the main guy character's lack of emotion though but i liked the writing and it's worth giving it a shot if you want!) i love the fake relationship and the enemies to lovers tropes, so if you come across any that are good pls let me know hehe
SVT yes that part in home where they choreographed like a house imagery with their hands was so cool!! the choreo is just so detailed (like i think there was a part that looked like they were opening a door bc it's "home"), i had heard svt is self produced and thats so amazing! theyre so talented and their performances are so good (the ones i've seen so far). i watched their mafia dance video for left and right and it was so FUNNY HAHAHAA they seem so chaotic i love it (also i love the mafia dances in general lol like nct dream did it for we go up). i'm going to try to learn svt's names (which i usually do by just watching crack videos about the group on youtube lmao) so stay tuned 👀 coming from nct, 13 members doesnt even seem like a lot to me anymore hahaha and i think im usually good with names so we'll see! i am also curious to see if i end up stanning dino :)) who are your svt biases??
haha yes i can understand xj/hn/lc without subtitles!! it's interesting because i think all 3 of them are from different places so their canto actually sounds a bit different from each other! but when i hear wayv speaking canto it feels so familiar bc i really only speak cantonese with my family, and it's such a weird but also good feeling and it makes me feel warm :) wayv is the unit that feels like ur close friends (whereas dreamies have best chemistry and i think i like 127’s music most? (but ofc i do actually like all the units songs hahah))
🥺yeah me too! i’m glad wayv members became more relevant thanks to nct 2020! honestly they are soooo good and they deserve all the attention! and winwin 💔 honestly i’m so happy he is in wayv now where he is being appreciated more! where he gets the lines and screentime! he deserves it 😤 of course you’re gonna be *that* fan! we’re all *that* fan 😤 the leader of the unit got 2 lines 😤 smh 😤
omg 4 year gap???? that’s a lot 😳 what for?? i guess the 4 year gap is the reason the show is still airing after all these years lmao when i saw gifs on my dash my reaction was wtf when did haikyuu become one piece what have i missed and then i googled and saw that the anime has 80+ episodes????? ABOUT VOLLEYBALL???? 😳 WILD
ohhh i see you have something to look forward to hmm that makes sense? maybe i should try it, especially since it’s most likely not as consuming as binge watching!! but yeah same, binge watching tv shows is one of my talents 😏
her private life is about a girl who runs a blog about her bias? there’s a whole kdrama about me? are you kidding me rn? never knew someone would be inspired by me or us for that matter? since we’re both just two little human beings running a blog about their biases<3 OMGGGG when am i gonna get the time to watch all of these drama 😭 hopefully really soon, but knowing how busy my college life can be (and esp rn) probs not 🤕 if i ever come across any drama that you haven’t watched already i will most likely recommend it to you!!!!
AHDGAGHFSDGH i love when idols play mafia game of any kind and i think that svt’s left and right is my favorite mafia dance ajfdshgadfshga they’re so chaotic and funny and omg vernon was so good tho?????? 😳 i was impressed bc i could never lie so well ahgdfags yeah it’s not that hard to remember all 13 of them especially because all of them are so different (i mean all of the members in all of the groups are always so different but ajdsgakja for whatever reason svt to me seemed the most uhhh versatile from the others?? like for example woozi is so smol it’s easy to remember him, and then seungkwan is the loud one, and then mingyu and jeonghan are pretty ones, joshua the charming one, sweet one, my biases are the best<3 etc but i mean THIS COULD BE JUST ME AJDGAJSH maybe i’m just too biased bc i love them so much sigh) anyways,,,,,, there’s a lot of ICONIC SVT CONTENT SO  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ welcome we have cookies, relax and enjoy yourself, the ride to being 500% whipped for svt begins right here, i recommend to you their pot and hammer game bc i love to watch when idols play it and svt? CHAOTIC AS ALWAYS! 
OK MY SVT BIASES 🥺 ok first of all here’s a digression: usually when i get into a kpop group i have like 3 different positions, 1) love at first sight - which is the person who i’m attracted to right from the second?? like the first person i see and i’m like oh //they// kinda like the way you’re attracted to dino’s dancing and stuff; 2) first bias - which is the person i just pick for whatever reason //ok they’re gonna be my bias//; 3) the actual bias - after watching a lot of content and listening to the music and getting to know the group in general i then choose //THE BIAS// or rather the bias chooses me bc it’s out of my control i just love them whoever they are! and with svt 🥺 all of the 3 were one guy (the only other time this happened to me is w nct dream lmao) 🥺 and i love him so much! one and only: xu minghao! (aka the8) 🥰 he’s one of the lead dancers and 1/2 china line in svt and he can sing! he can rap! and boy can he dance 😭 i just 🥺 love him 🥺 my other svt bias (whom, tbh, i don’t love nearly as much as i love minghao but i still love him very much<3) is wen junhui! (aka jun) 🥰 he is the other lead dancer and 2/2 china line in svt (this is random: but i really love china line in kpop??? like idek why? i mean of course i don’t care about their nationality or whatever but i’ve just noticed that for whatever reason the ones i tend to love and bias are more often than not chinese) and i know i know you asked ‘hey cora who are your svt biases??’ and everything i was supposed to say was ‘hey santa it’s the8 and jun!’ but no i had to be EXTRA bc guess what? well I AM EXTRA!!! bc i got excited i really love them 😭 (esp minghao<3 lately he’s been my ultimate bias so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
OMG I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOU RN? you can understand them without titles? lucky!!!!!! but the fact that it feels familiar and it makes you feel warm<3 is so precious<3 so cute!! so wayv feels like home? 🥺 bc you only speak cantonese with your family? this is so 🥺 i’m not crying you’re crying 🥺 teach me something in cantonese?? like?? actually, first tell me is it too different from mandarin??? and then teach me something? how do i say i love you? or hi and bye lmao and thank you? yk the basics! and i mean of course that we all love all units songs i mean!! we’re here for all the mess those 23 boys give us but!! i think i’d be biased and pick nct dream’s music<3 but i love wayv and 127 so much as well 😭
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onlygotafewdollas · 5 years
You have great taste in music! I really like R&B-style songs too! My playlist is so long bc whenever I hear a kpop song I like, I just it to the playlist rather than my library. Pdx101 is the first (and only) survival type show I've seen, it was simultaneously great and awful, but I'm glad I watched it. Yeah, evil editing can be annoying and it's unnecessary, I'm more interested in watching the performances and seeing them put them together and having fun -carat anon 1/?
I've heard of Immortal Songs, but I haven't watched it, I've seen clips where svt was on it tho. Being indecisive is something I can honestly relate to. I'm sure you'll make the right decision regarding the carat bong tho. I like talking to you too, it's fun! We seem to have quite a bit in common. Also, nope I'm a ghost, I died twice, after both MV teasers, this comeback is gonna slap me with a ton of bricks. Oh I've heard of Vincent Blue I think! I saw him on Youtube, I think he did a cover of something that I really liked, I think Jimin Park was also in the video maybe. I'll definitely give it a listen! Lmao I could totally see Seokmin being like "let's walk!" and I'd be like, "seriously? do we have to?" but then he'd make some cute puppy dog face and I'd cave. Hmmm I'm not sure if Shua would've watched YOI, I haven't seen it either, I'd rather watch something like BNHA with him Okay Sims is so good! That was one of my favourite things to do with my friends when I was younger, playing Sims alone is fun, but with other people, it's a whole different experience. I feel like Wonwoo would enjoy it and find it really amusing. YES OMG THE SECOND TEASER, I'M EVEN LESS READY NOW. LIKE ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL ME? Oh that must've been really hard on you, I got into kpop around that time so tbh it felt weird to get into SHINee plus I don't really stan older gen groups. But I really like Key's solo debut! Honestly that whole album is so good. Omg I love Monsta X! I got to see them in concert last month, it was honestly the best experience I've ever had, they're unbelievable on stage. Who's your bias? Mine's Jooheon. I stan a lot of groups, and listen to a whole lot more, maybe I have a problem lmao, but svt are my ults. I love that you went with dog breeds, they all fit so well! You did a good job for such a difficult question haha. I had fun looking up pics of those dog breeds since I haven't heard of some of them. Is it safe to assume you prefer dogs over cats or are you an animal lover who loves all animals? What's your favourite animal outside of those? Oh Anne! My name spelt backwards is Anne J. I'll let you figure that out lmao. We're getting close to the reveal now? When is it supposed to be again? -carat anon 
1. Ahh thanks!! R&B just hits different LOL. I think it really allows for singers to show off their voices and technical talent. Def def def check out Vincent Blue tho! 
2. Same with the whole drama and evil editing thing. Honestly the only reason I started watching Under 19 was because I was really bored and was interested in how some of the boys would perform but it started to get kinda dramatic with guys leaving and getting kicked out and blah blah blah so I tend to stick with other kinds of entertainment shows.
3. I literally just saw the second teaser and I’m gonna have to agree with you on this one, I’m dead too. Don’t even know how I made it this far as a carat without actually dying from shock from how freaking amazing they are. Hit is gonna be such a frickin bop. DROP IT ALREADY YOU COWARDS
4. oh YUP Seokmin could ask me to do anything and I’d do it willingly, no questions asked. I’m also definitely the friend in my group that insists that we can walk no matter the distance so he wouldn’t even have to try that hard with the puppy face but let’s be real I’d fake being annoyed about it so he’d give me the puppy eyes LOL
4. Ooh yes BNHA!! Or maybe even like SNK, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Parade...or we could tackle having a Naruto marathon LOL. I was caught up with Naruto at one point but then I stopped watching it and now I’m totally lost again hahaha. I also started rewatching One Piece last summer and got to episode 400 something...maybe I’ll get back on that again,,,
5. Man my parents only let me play educational computer games when I was younger so the only experience I have with sims is watching other people play! I could see the appeal tho
6. Yea, Jonghyun’s death was something that really made me stop and think about how life can be so uncertain. It was really rough bc he was one of my biases and his funeral was on my birthday that year too and idk I kinda just didn’t really know how to continue being a fan of theirs after that. But like I said, I recently got back into them and just relish the fact that his voice has been immortalized through their older songs :’)
7. DAMN HOW Y’ALL BE AFFORDING KPOP CONCERT TICKETS?? I know someone that’s gonna be seeing Svt in Seoul for Ode To You and I’m over here with my broke ass tryna figure out how to save for if they ever come to the states sdlkfjsdjflsdkfjsldkf 
8. My bias is Hyungwon bc he’s like...a living meme. There’s that one gif of him sipping his starbucks and looking all shady and it makes me laugh bc I’ve totally done the same thing before and actually do it pretty frequently LMAO. But I also really like Shownu. Have you watched his mukbang series with M2??? That show got me through the last few weeks of college I swear to god, and especially the eps where Wonho was a guest star had me DEAD 
9. Yea I don’t like actively stan a lot of groups but listen to a bunch here and there so I get what you mean! I guess for a while I was really into SNSD but it never got to the point that I’d say I was a stan. Svt and SHINee will always be my true loves (though yea Monsta X is creeping up there too)
10. HAHA THANK U I picked dog breeds bc I was gonna do animals but I feel like that’d get boring bc like everyone says Jun and Woo are like cats, Hoshi calls himself a tiger and ppl think he’s a hamster, Mingyu is a puppy, etc. So I figured since I love dogs a lot and I also love svt a lot....why not combine the two lolol
11. I do love both dogs and cats (and all other animals) but if I had to only choose one to have as a pet I’d go with a dog for sure!! They’re just,,,so pure,,,precious BABIES. My favorite dog breed is probably the samoyed! I love that they have those cute smiles. Just thinking about it makes my heart melt :’) But other than dogs, I had a phase where I was SUPER into pandas. I think part of it was that I identified with having really bad dark circles and always being tired LOL. Lowkey I still am obsessed with them but you can’t pet pandas soooooooo...
12. So...Jenna? Unless I’m somehow a dumbass? LOL
We really do seem to have a lot in common, so I’m excited for the reveal! If I remember correctly, it’s on the day that Hit gets dropped heh 
But also with the whole carat bong thing,,,I heard they might not be selling V1 anymore???? So???? I might be forced to buy V2???? idk man idk 
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taesthetes · 7 years
hi~ vn army anon ♡ never apologize for long answers bc I do the same. and it's okay putting the text under the cut, looks more organized! i must admit german is quite a hard language, I'm lucky I could interact with it when I was a kid. and I do mix them up :)) I have 2 sisters and we constantly talk mixing all 4 langs together haha. I remember using all 4 in a sentence :)) also talking about langs, is your title supposed to mean "love forever" or smth like that? bc if that's what u mean it's–
–actually written as “yêu muôn đời” I haven’t rly thought about it before😄 (I saw your replies with this another vn army talking about writing vn w/o accents so I’m not sure if you knew it’s written like that) yes, our school is specialized in business but also has IT field separated. oh, that me with shows, binge watching! and I also get busy or don’t have time for it so I understand! I like some of their songs but idk them well. actually my first ever kpop group was bigbang and 2ne1–
–following up, I was like in 4th grade when I knew about kpop. but I only listened to some songs, wasn’t entirely into it only bts got me back into kpop which was just newly this year. but I also stan blackpink💓 who’s ur BP bias? asfsghdj please write more fics of cerise I loved it sm!! i’ll see where life will lead me to haha. I could design you some for ur fics (but right you haven’t seen my works yet so why even lol). as for now I can only think of yoongi so:)) yoongixreader would be nice~–
–"stuck in love" was great! the family was a mess haha. and oh yes, the parallels! I could relate to sam’s cynicism and her point of view tho. I didn’t have school today since it’s weekend so I stayed at home all day making some gifs posting to this blog I’ve been inactive for centuries haha. how was your weekend? hope you had an amazing one, cupcake! 💞
hello again, raindrop!! i hope your day is going well! ah yeah, i didn’t want to force anyone to scroll through my long answer on their dash, so i’m putting my answer under the cut!
i wish i was exposed to more languages as a kid- it would be wonderful to be able to understand more languages. omg all four languages in one sentence? wow :o and you have two sisters? i have an older sister :) my sister doesn’t really remember how to speak vietnamese as well as she used to anymore, so we speak english with each other.
and yeah, that’s what my title is supposed to mean! but tumblr is a butt and doesn’t acknowledge all the accents in the phrase, so the “ờ” doesn’t show up in the title when i wrote it and i had to just use a regular “o” without accents ): i’ve been meaning to change my title since it’s that for a while now.. any suggestions? :D
and oh wow, that’s amazing! does this mean that your classes are all business-oriented or are there still some general ed classes? aha yep, that’s also me with shows- i binge watch so many crime shows. what are your favorite shows to watch? i remember you saying you don’t keep up with american shows as much anymore, but what other shows do you like watching? :)
oooh, big bang and 2ne1 are nice!! i only listen to a couple of their title songs, but i know a lot of people who were introduced to kpop because they discovered those two groups first. and wow, fourth grade? i found out about kpop in my second / sophomore year of high school, and shinee was my first group!
ahhh, but i’m glad bts brought you back to kpop! akjsdfhlaksj omg yes, blackpink is the best!! gosh, i basically stan all the girls, but my absolute favorite is jisoo!!! 💕💞💗💖💘💝💟 who’s your favorite in blackpink? ajkdfhas thank you!! i actually have a lot of college au wips with embarrassing scenes, like cerise, that i really need to finish 😅 i have so many college au ones because they’re all based on my own weird, embarrassing experiences ahaha and omg i would be so honored if you design gfx for my fics like iaudyfiasuhflas 😱😳 i can’t believe you would even think about making some inspired by my fics– this is so unreal alkfhaslkfdadlksjf i need to take a moment to stop screeching and grinning like a complete dork
and yess, a yoongi x reader fic would be great!!! yeah, that family was pretty messy, and i agree! i completely relate to sam’s perspective and lifestyle. omg gif making- sounds like fun!! i hope you had fun! and my weekend is good! it’s my last weekend before i have to move back into my dorm suite and go to school ): i’m mostly binge watching criminal minds, sleeping all day, and baking jam filled cookies. i hope you have a lovely day, raindrop!! 💙
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hyucksbf · 7 years
le questions tag
and here’s the second tag thingy i gotta get done, here we go !! i was tagged by @moonyutae and then @makkeuga so i’ll answer twice as many questions rip me
rules: answer the questions the tagger set for you, then make 11 new ones for the people you tag!
@moonyutae‘s questions:
1. who is your favorite disney character?
MOANAAAA !!! i’m sure i have other faves but moana is my fave rn
2. ice cream or ice cream cake?
ice creammm
3. do you have any stuffed animals? if yes, do you have special names for them?
i only really have two,,,,, my parents made me get rid of a lot of them,,, buT one i’ve had since a was a toddler basically n its this black lab webkinz dog called blacky shine (lmao i was v creative as a kid) n then this big soft teddy bear that i sleep w every night bc its soooo soffffttt omfg i am not 5 year old boy trust me
4. if you could make an nct unit, which members would be in your unit?
shhhhh you didn’t hear this from me but i’m making this tag that’ll be for nct stans where u get to create ur own unit so i shall remain unanswered on this for now aHA
5. what is your harry potter house?
hufflepuff i believe??
6. which is cuter: a panda or penguin?
pandaaa omg
7. when did you get into nct? your bias and bias wrecker?
when the seventh sense came out i was Shookt so i mean yea- n if it wasn’t obvious already i lov donghyuck w all my heart so he is my bias + johnny loves to play w me so :::)
8. what was your opinion on johnny’s parrot impression? do you hate it or love it?
i mean,,, you do you boo
9. which is your favorite nct life season?
the dreamies’ one ngl
10. an nct song you’d recommend to someone?
i force my friends to listen to t7s on a daily basis so i mean
11. which is more iconic: doyoung’s “trust in the gothic font!” or ten’s “where’s my hair?!”
wHEre’S mY HaIR ????!???!
n now @makkeuga‘s questions:
1. what’s your biggest guilty pleasure?
i can’t,,,,, think of any ?? i don’t really feel guilty when i do anything wowie
2. what’s your zodiac sign and do you relate to horoscopes?
i’m a leo hEck yea m8 !! n i don’t really read horoscopes that much, more like i read stuff like “the signs as” n that kind of stuff lmaooo
3. do you have a favorite outfit or clothing? why do you like it and what is it like?
i have this one black shirt + it has long sleeves so i can do sweater paws bc heck yea sweater paws and it’s really loose fitted so its v comfy and its airy bc its very open necked (idk what u call it but thats all i can think of lmaooo) so like im never hot when i’m wearing it n it also somehow makes my shoulders look broader than they actually are which is Nice bc i have v narrow shoulders and im highkey self conscious about it ::) but yea thats my fave shirt n usually my fave outfit would consist of that + either jeans or shorts depending on weather w my vans sneakers n then a snapback or beanie bc i lov hats yes wow this got long
4. any allergies?
i’m allergic to poison ivy,,, ik basically everyone is but if i even breathe that shit in i’ll start getting itchy n then if i actually touch it i’ll get big ass hives and its really annoying :///
5. do you have a favorite youtuber or a fave youtube channel in general?
either luneim or exosexo i love them memes channels
6. ever purchased a physical kpop album?
unfortunately no :::(
7. describe the apartment of your dreams
it’d be in the suburbs of a city but close enough to the city that it seems like ur in the city and it wouldn’t be that big but it’d be cute and have soft colors and good neighbors that won’t mind me practicing all the time,,,, preferably close to restaurants or a park or other places i can go and meet my friends or be social in general + also near a symphony hall or smth like that so i can go see concerts often !!! 
8. do you do skincare?
i really should but i don’t really have that much acne ??? the only real place i have acne is on my back n like no one ever sees my back anyways so whats the point lmao
9. who is your ultimate bias and why do you stan them?
my ub is wonho atm (though he better watch out bc um Donghyuck) but i stan him bc he has such a good attitude and is always real positive and hes so,, soft,,,, aahsjj and he never leaves out fanboys and he always treats boys and girls equally and he just has the Right Mindset if you know what i mean??? plus hes just so cute and hjajhkl theres so much about him that i love that i can’t think of rn but yea i lov him
10. do you believe in afterlife?
not really ?? i kinda just believe that after you die it just goes back to being like the way it was before you born like nothing really happens,,
11. what is your favorite clothing brand?
i don’t really have one rip i just wear whatever looks good on me lmao
and now for my questions!
1. what is your favorite picture of your bias?
2. if you suddenly had the money to go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
3. what is/ was your favorite school subject and why?
4. would you change your name if you could? if you would, what are some names you have in mind?
5. which animal is your spirit animal?
6. do you believe in the aliens?
7. would you go to space if you could?
8. tell me how you relate to your bias!
9. what languages are you fluent in besides english? are you learning any languages?
10. what is your earliest memory?
11. tell me what you like about your best friend!
and now to be tagged: @softptg @featureless-spy @iwriteblogpostsnotsongs @omgnille1010 @haechance @marksvocals @kingrenjun
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