#( thanks for reading the rules !! )
strebcrarchives · 1 year
HALLO! I read your rules, so here’s a picture of my cat! His name is Kylo :)
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(( Thank you for reading!! Ahh what a chubby boy I wanna pet him, he looks like a pancake 😭😭😭😭❤️ ))
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I have added a quirky comment here for the last year and a half, however now… I have no words.
jk I have all these words 👇
I know it is very bitter sweet, but this is the end of Reconnecting. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me. I plan on making a behind the scenes video on my YT sometime soon. Feel free to send any asks you have I want to answer them all!
Please know I am not going to dissapear! I still plan on making content consistently, and my original comic RULE 5 is already underway, and if you’d like I’m certainly not against writing some exposition fics for Reconnecting 💜
Prev (3::8) / This is the End 💜
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Room for one please, I prefer Edin.
"So, you're looking for a room to stay? I'll need your name and age, sir." The large black and bronze naga requested."
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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This one is dedicated to @shirokokuro, who made a lifeguard AU fic to fill the void where there was none.
Read it here! It's great: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51598429
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
I wanna ask how does Ren keep us with all the study and still manage to keep tab on MC 😭 like left alone his natural intelligence. And also how does he smell like?
Have a nice day ❤️
(Unfortunately, I seem to check this tumblr every hour, your posts mean alot to me muah ❤️)
✦゜ANSWERED: Ren doesn't have much else to do with his free time, so he spends it all watching you! And I wouldn't really say he's blessed with intelligence — but rather — he's clever in a cunning way. Ren can't solve basic math equations without the use of a calculator (/silly), but he can think of 20 different ways to blackmail someone into doing his dirty work in under 14 seconds.
As for your second question, it's already described in the demo, but he smells like mint, fresh linen, and something that's "wholly" ren!
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neon-tigre95 · 18 days
some more emotionally unavailable sniper-dad coming right up
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hollowtones · 8 months
does the narrator have a canon design?
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daisywords · 3 months
Just submitted a piece to a publication for the first time ever 😍 can't wait to get my first rejection 😍
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slasherscream · 2 months
Any general Yandere!Dennis Rafkin headcanons? Like general relationship headcanons?
A/N: love that you specified you wanted some general yandere relationship hc's!!
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Depending on the environment you meet him in you'll either walk away from that first meeting thinking he's certifiable, or thinking he's a little high-strung, but sweet.
If you meet him in day to day life, such as at the grocery store or while picking up food, you'll think he's a little odd, but cute.
If you meet him because you both work for Cyrus you will think he is insane. There is no in-between.
Either way, you find him charming enough to interact with him on a continual basis. Why you choose to do so might vary. Do you pity him a little? Sense the loneliness that he hides beneath his snark? Do you just want to figure out what his damage is? Up to you. But you keep coming back for more.
Starting a relationship with him will be slow going. Hell, becoming his friend was like pulling teeth out the mouth of a tiger.
But there really isn't a person more worthy of waiting around for. While he may have done some things he's not proud of, Dennis is incredibly loyal. Saying he keeps his social circle small is an understatement. His social circle is actually almost nonexistent. 
Once you have a place in his life, even one of friendship, he’d be willing to die for you. 
He knows he’s strange. He knows that he might throw people off with his seemingly random mood swings, or outbursts. He knows the way he shivers at random, or goes blank faced in certain rooms can be scary. He’s grateful you stick around anyways.
He becomes a yandere as slowly as he lets you take up room in his life.  
Every step forward you make in the relationship makes him a little more obsessed with you. 
He does put you on a pedestal. Why shouldn’t he? You’re the best thing in his life. Where other people have abandoned him because of his gifts, or thought he was a freak, or nothing but a tool to use, you just see him. Dennis. Who could let that go after a lifetime of looking for it?
You’ll be dating for a few months before he starts integrating touch into the relationship. Like everything else, it’s slow going. He takes an extra dose of his medication to try and prevent himself from having a seizure. 
If you’ve had a particularly traumatic life/experiences, Dennis asks how sure you are of touching him. Because he’ll see it all. Even the most honest person lies to others or themselves, sometimes. It’s human nature. If you want to downplay something, or don’t want him to know it happened, Dennis won’t touch you. Not until you’re ready for him to know. 
When you do touch it’s small. A simple touch of the hands. Depending on the type of life you’ve lived he’ll either smile at you when he pulls away or he’ll cry. He didn’t think he was going to cry, but the tears start to fall before he’s even finished seeing the memories. 
He’s seen some truly awful things before, with his powers. But seeing you in any type of pain is different. It’s you. You can’t hug yet, but he holds your hand, and maybe you cry together. 
The more he touches you the less likely he is to have a seizure. It’s like exposure therapy. He’s never liked another person enough to bother trying to desensitize himself. No one’s stuck around long enough to even try. 
He’ll still get flashes of your life at random. Your first day of school when you kiss his cheek. The first time you went to a funeral when you hug him. The first time you got your heart broken, when you link your arm through his. Your first time eating your favorite food, when you sit in his lap. 
It warms him to be able to know you in a way no one else could ever know you. 
Once you start to touch he craves it. He’s gone a lifetime without being able to share the casual intimacy everyone else takes for granted. He likes to come up behind you and just hold you against himself, rocking you gently side to side. 
Dennis is always gentle with you. He’s seen too much violence to ever touch you unkindly. His kisses are gentle. The way he holds you is gentle. In a world of pain he wants to be good to you. He wants you to be good to each other.
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A/N: if you enjoyed this piece consider reblogging, leaving a reply, or a sweet anon! a writers fuel is engagement. xoxoxo
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 month
Bug there are new PPG comics in production rn!! And it used the original show's artstyle!! https://twitter.com/DynamiteComics/status/1782547456246636755?t=Wgp3xtQ2BbE1vlnOauu1XA&s=19
Huh, interesting…
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…I’m apprehensive and just a little scared about it but this has the potential to be really cool! Neat!
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merverelli · 25 days
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🌌🧙‍♂️ "greetings! you speak now with interdimensional space wizard, galatax, on behalf of contasure insurance!" 🌌🧙‍♂️
finished ultramechatron team go the other week! heres fanart of galatax because i love him!
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siyuri · 3 months
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These perfectly symmetrical beings with unique colours, smooth and perfect, better than many beads, they were just food to him? For humans or fish? © Underline the Blue by amazing  @not-poignant
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tosteur-gluteal · 6 months
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I'm still trying to figure out a design for him
It doesn't feel Slavic enough
And alsoooo it feels like something is missing - feel free to give suggestions!!
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moonyspetwolf · 17 hours
Okay so I’ve seen like 20 videos on tiktok of people saying they have no idea how exy is played so I’m gonna make a post about how I understand the rules. I’m not really an athlete but I know a bit about sports and I also coincidentally went to the same school that PSU is based on
(I haven’t read the books in like 5 years so if I’m wrong about something feel free to correct me)
First thing, exy is played inside, not outside. The game can’t work in an outdoor stadium and I’ll explain why in a minute. The stadium is like a combination basketball court and hockey rink. Wood flooring and plexiglass walls surrounding the court. There are two goals on each end.
Okay so the lineup. From what I remember there’s 4 positions you can play on an exy team: dealer, backliner, striker, and goalie.
Backliner is pretty straightforward just classic defense. They protect the goal and focus on the other team’s strikers. I think it’s similar to basketball where they’re assigned a mark (opposing striker) who they have to cover during the game. That doesn’t mean they’re not free to move or check other strikers either, but basically they try to stop the other team from scoring any goals. I’m not sure if it’s against the rules for them to make an attempt on a goal or not.
Strikers are similarly straightforward. They’re straight offense. Their job is to get as many goals as possible. They work against the opposing team’s backliner and shoot at the goal
The dealer is the most confusing position but I think they basically control possession of the ball, so I think their job is to get the ball from the other team and make sure it gets to their strikers. At the start of the game or after any breaks they’re the ones who deal the ball and try to pass to their teammates. Idk if they operate similar to backliners or not, like checking, tackling, etc.
The goalie is the same as any other sport- their job is to protect the goal. Goalies have special racket that are bigger and heavier than other players. They also wear special padding to protect them since they’re constantly getting exy balls chucked at them and often have to use parts of their body to block them.
(Side note: if exy balls are anything like lacrosse balls they seriously hurt to get hit with. They’re dense and heavy, when they work up enough speed it feels like getting hit by a slightly bouncy cannon ball)
From what I can remember, at any given time there are two backliners, two strikers, one dealer, and one goalie on the court for each team. Players are subbed in and out as needed (I might be remembering the numbers wrong, maybe they have 3 backliners at a time idk)
Exy is a high contact sport similar to lacrosse, so players are free to use physical force against each other. They can check, tackle, and basically do whatever it takes to get the ball. Just like in hockey, players often get into fights. Excessive use of violence can get them flagged by referees, but it’s by no means a gentle sport. Players go into it with the expectation of getting thrown around and bruised.
Players wear padding and helmets to protect themselves, but bruises, sprains, concussions, and broken bones aren’t uncommon within the sport.
There are some basic rules for how the game is played. Exy is kinda like lacrosse in that players pass the ball back and forth with their raquets. I don’t know a lot about all the rules of lacrosse but I know exy has a rule about possession that’s similar to basketball. In basketball a player has to dribble the ball while they’re moving, if they hold it in their hands without dribbling for too many steps it’s called traveling and it’s a foul. Exy is the same, a player can only be in possession of the ball for 10 (?) steps before they have to pass it. If they carry it farther than that it’s traveling (idk if there’s a special term for it in exy speak). There are ways for players to get around this. They can either pass the ball to a teammate after they’ve taken their 10 steps OR they can rebound it off a wall, catch it in their racquet, and keep moving. This is the reason exy has to be played inside and not outside, so that the players can use the walls. If it’s played outside they can’t rebound the ball and they have to rely strictly on passing back and forth, which isn’t always possible especially if a player is being heavily guarded. I’m not positive if this possession rule applies to all players or only strikers, but it would make sense for it to be all players.
I can’t remember if the books say anything about who is allowed to shoot at the goal. Obviously strikers can but I can’t remember if there are any rules saying backliners, dealers, and goalies can’t score points
The game is played in 2 halves, a total of 4 quarters. I’m not sure if the book ever says how long each quarter is but it’s probably safe to assume each is 15 minutes, so a total of 1 hour playing time. However with timeouts, breaks, penalty time and other interruptions games usually last far longer.
The foxes are a unique team because they’re much smaller than pretty much any other team in the league. They only have 9 players by the end of the year, so they can’t sub players in and out as easily. Most teams have upwards of 18 people so the players are usually on court for a much shorter time and have more time to rest between playing time. In the foxes vs. Trojans game, USC decided to play with the same size roster as the foxes meaning they rarely got to sub out players, which is why they were so exhausted by the end. Throwing yourself around a huge court at top speed for an hour is tiring.
That’s all I can think of at the moment, I’m not an expert and it’s been a while since I’ve read the books but I think exy is a pretty cool sport :)
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epersonae · 10 days
I wrote this originally as a reblog of something else, but after letting it sit in drafts for a while realized it needed to be its own thing. (but do go read that post, it was what got me thinking in this specific direction) I have not edited it much, other than to remove some intro about the kind of shitty day(s) I was having in my non-online life that were part of why I wrote something and then sat on it.
I have been thinking about
Don't like, don't read
(I saw this with rainbow text, and I asked how the fuck to do that, and frankly I don't have that level of patience, so just imagine it rainbow I guess)
Sure? We're all just here to have a good time or whatever, and Just Like Stuff, and it's exhausting being a hater (but also [stares at people I know who I've seen say all that and who are also ABSOLUTELY haters in private])
But I want something more nuanced than that. I mean that as both:
a writer of things I know other people have taken issue with (including, I remembered today, something that I heard secondhand about, in addition to the vagueblogging I've mentioned in an earlier post about my older fic)
and a reader/art appreciator who has some issues with things I've tried to read and art I've seen.
I don't what it is or how it works or how to get from here to there. I don't even really know how to do this with people I'm close to! (with the exception of having been a thoroughly obnoxious beta constantly saying "make me believe this could even happen", or pointing out conflicts with canon or whatever) I tend to silently nope out and then change my opinion of the person without ever telling them, because yeah, I'm horrifically conflict averse.
Which is why this might sit in my drafts for a long time.
And then, outside of friendships, and Difficult Conversations or whatever
I don't like pile-ons. I don't like a couple of people trying to articulate what bugs them about a piece of writing, and maybe being awkward or clumsy about it, and immediately getting drowned out by "you're being mean to my friends". (and I say that as someone who has had friends' writing receive this sort of critique! Multiple friends!) Maybe the immediate answer is, yes, the back button, but it has to be possible to dissect what's bothering you about a piece of writing (or a trope, or a ship) without it being negativity or an attack.
Here, I'll go first, because these are two things in OFMD fic that bug me endlessly, that writers I like have written, and I think they exhibit a subversion of the source material that is counter to the actual themes of the show.
Note: since I wrote all of this, I have written a little bit about my sort of complicated feelings about a fic that imho is an original novel in a trenchcoat, a sort of fic lacroix despite being very good. these examples are in the same vein as that.
Inevitable fucking disclaimer: I don't think people are wrong or bad for doing these things, I'm not going to try to make anybody stop, I practice don't like don't read (and I have some exceptions that I've enjoyed despite it being something I don't like generally)
Enemies to lovers: the whole point of Ed and Stede is that they click perfectly and immediately. They like each other! From the very first minute it's friendship and mutual admiration and delight and attraction. Enemies to lovers is a cliche that belongs to a different story entirely. I wish people would think more before jumping to that trope. (I've had an AU in my head for months that I absolutely cannot write until I solve this problem from the AU's source material) It's an interesting question to me, actually, why it seems to be so easy to write characters who don't like each other and then somehow fall in love, when the source material shows them liking each other SO MUCH right away.
Younger than middle aged: again, the whole point is that they are changing their lives, that their midlife crises brings them to the point where they can find love. I think it's a djenks Themes and Motifs thing, to have a story about getting to this point in your life and really looking at it and going "am I where I need to be?" Also it's incredibly unique and special to me after the last few years of my own rolling midlife crisis. (petty thought that I have sometimes: it is a failure of imagination about or knowledge of actual middle-aged people) Tbh, this goes double for age difference, I will nope out of that even faster than both of them being young.
And I think there's something about being able to not like something and still not be a dick about it, to know enough about what you do like to look at something and say "this doesn't work for me and here's why", to engage thoughtfully and critically (and yeah occasionally in public) while still having respect for the other person.
I am thinking also of @emi--rose and @frommybookbook and music, and their efforts to find kpop and Taylor Swift, respectively, that I might enjoy, because I don't like most of either, and I think this thing we've been doing is helping all three of us understand more about what we all do and don't like.
[pausing to think]
It occurs to me, also, that I spent a lot of time griping while editing for the benefit of all the broken hearts, about having to go back and do a lot of set up/rewriting to make some of what happens in that read plausibly. And I was soooooo bitchy about it and also that critique was all correct and it made the story stronger even aside from making it more "canonical", whatever the fuck that means in that particular setting.
And that was in the particular creative intimacy setting of working with a beta, which is different, admittedly, from random critique on the open internet.
But then I spent a while, back in the day, immersed in the TAZ questions of "is Lucretia a lesbian?" and "can Magnus ever love again?" and I wrote my rarepair (and associated polycule shipping) very much from my id, and a certain amount of "you can't tell me that didn't happen" that was based on overidentification and personal experience, but there were definitely people who were pretty publicly "ew" about it, and I had to think through my position, and both decide what felt true about and also decide to write from my weird heart, but not blindly.
Idk, I've written all of this and I'm just landing on
I think introspection is nice.
I think it's good to do, I think it's worth thinking about what you like and don't like, and maybe where that comes from, and not in a puriteen way but with sincerity and curiosity. I would like to support and encourage that spirit of artistic introspection.
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a2zillustration · 3 months
I just read the most recent comic, and I blitzed over here.
Is this secret other thing about how when going to the Feywild and back, you need to pass a wisdom check to see if you remember the trip? (You don't have to confirm or deny this, I just wanted to share my theory)
Also augh their faces in this one were such a gut punch! Incredible work once again! That little bit of mouth squiggle in the last panel make it look like they're in the beginning stages of 'trying not to cry, but that was almost a big upheaval for me'
Thank you for sharing!
quickly jotting that down in a little notebook and shoving it in my back pocket hoping you didn't see anything-
I love this theory, especially because I didn't know it was a thing!
Unfortunately, it's not that entrenched in actual Feywild lore. When they were younger, Croissant traded a memory to a hag in exchange for something. They assumed (and were assured) it wouldn't be anything too significant, but it ended up being the entire memory and concept of their childhood best friend. I keep waffling on whether or not I'll draw this, but if I decide not to, I'm sure I'll elaborate on it later.
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