#( lily babbles )
siren-sashimi · 10 months
okay, i know I'm talking about self indulgent smut fanfiction here. The fic in question actually was really good but then the author mentioned NDAs being a thing in their employment contract with Vincent.
And... ah... he's French? Why would he operate under US labour laws???
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bonefall · 6 months
Elder Bones, what is your opinion on Brightflower supposedly being in the Dark Forest according to the 'magical warrior cats god' Su Susann? According to the Warriors Wiki, Su Susann put Brightflower in cat hell for hating Yellowfang once and supposedly not being sane after the truth was revealed about the death of her children. I quote, "On Vicky's Facebook, Su Susann wrote that Brightflower resides in the Dark Forest since she was filled with hate when she thought Yellowfang killed Mintkit and Marigoldkit, and was subsequently shocked and no longer sane when Brokenstar revealed the truth about the death of her kits." Seems pretty fucking messed up if you ask me.
HOT TAKE: I think it works okayish with the older "vibe" of the Dark Forest being the sort of place where your feelings put you. Like you lose a mortal part of yourself in death, and what lives on in the afterlife is your life's energy.
So it would be fucked up if, say, your kittens died and you blamed the wrong person, were consumed by it, and then in death were dedicated to that revenge in a sort of nightmarish Angry Ghost kind of state. But also, kinda neat. No wonder they take such good care of their elders, when their belief is that negativity at death can make you into an evil spirit.
And that's interesting with Ashfur in mind, too! Like it's not really something StarClan can control! If you feel like you were justified, if you didn't believe you had hate in your heart, you go where you think you should go. Tweak the line from Yellowfang to Ashfur, and have him decree, "My only crime was that I loved too much!" And you have GREAT setup for TBC.
It could unironically have made a really good way to drive conflict-- have heroes who believe they don't deserve Heaven, and villains who fully believe they do. Makes an interesting worldbuilding idea, at least.
BUT that said, that's probably a personal bias. I want the Dark Forest to be SOMETHING deeper and less simple than canon, where everyone who goes there is usually some flavor kind of murderous freakazoid (unless youre frecklewish, in which case, RIP but dont be The Nearest Woman next time, the Erins HATE those). I'm perfectly capable of seeing how fucked up it is that the two Authorial Damnations were basically just... sad women.
The other one was Lilywhisker, who was "bitter" because... she broke a leg. So the only two non-murderers who were actually sent to Hell under that feelings-first system were a Sad Mom and a Disabled Woman. If that system continued, you KNOW we'd end up seeing a billion girls damned to Hell while the boys are judged less harshly by the narrative, because the Erins are a LOT harder on women's feelings than men's.
In any case, it's not canon any longer so it doesn't invoke white-hot rage like some other statements. But it really was massively uncomfortable, considering their poor track record with both women AND mental illness.
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doodle17 · 2 months
Can we have a Cecil, Dmitry, Raz and Lili drawing of their family chemistry ? I just love them so much 🥹👉🏼👈🏼
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They still have their dynamic, but with kids in the mix it's even BETTER because they both have very different parenting styles
Also NO one with hair is safe, because Cecil is a hair puller
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asexualbookbird · 2 months
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I'm tired! So no gif! Slim month for reading, but I did some neat crafts and made great progress on Secret Knitting Project I. Kicked some ass at Project Sekai, started rewatching Leverage, life goes on.
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The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten ⭐⭐ - A strong start, but it quickly went downhill once we got to the court. It was boring, everyone sucks, and the magic is not as cool as it originally seemed to be.
Among Thieves by MJ Kuhn ⭐½ - I was SO hyped for this when it was released. It's been sitting on my shelf since because of who I am as a person, like an IMPOSTER. Took more than half the book just to get to the heist, and the heist wasn't even GOOD. Too many POVs, no one felt fleshed out enough, and the Secrets were just handed to the reader in the first third. It will no longer live on my shelf.
Mislaid in Parts Half Know by Seanan McGuire ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - not my favorite Wayward book, but still enjoyable. I thought it rehashed the ending of Antsy's last book a little too much, but it was nice to see more of her and go back to the Store. Also loved seeing Kade's Door and Cora's ending.
I have one (1) concrete book plan for April, and that's Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch. Consider me successfully bullied (friendly). I very much want to finish Secret Knitting Project I so I can move on to Secret Sewing Projects and Momther's Blanket I'm still waiting on a few audio holds too, so that will be fun for crafting purposes. Haven't been in the mood to do much art, but I have some fun ideas for paint! Let's go!
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long-lost-mcguffin · 1 year
headcanon that Lily taught Cole how to mountain climb from a very young age and now every time he climbs, Cole imagines Lily nagging and correcting his form, pointing out grab-points, etc. post DOTD, Cole swears that he can hear her doing so, just barely above whipping wind and the music in his headphones
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syekick-powers · 3 months
i think probably the most surreal thing about hatsune miku specifically becoming kind of mainstream is that her fame is detached from her roots. i.e. a lot of people who are only hearing about miku via cultural osmosis don't actually know WHAT she is. i see people make a lot of comments about what miku is without ever actually being correct. "she's a robot" "she's a persona" "she's a hologram" for fucks sake she is a synthesizer. she is an app, a program. she is not AI. the voice samples used to make her voice were given with consent and you actually have to plug in the words and melody manually instead of just typing in a prompt and generating something. and one of the side effects of this particular semi-mainstream status is that miku kind of eats up all the popularity that could be going to other vocalsynths. like unless you've been in the vocaloid/vocalsynth community for a while, the likelihood that you're familiar with literally any other vocalsynth aside from MAYBE gumi is like astronomically low. and even if a vocaloid song with other vocalsynths manages to get popular in this landscape, it most likely gets covered by utaites/youtaites and other adjacent singers like vtubers over and over until the original version of the song gets completely buried. and it's just a tiny bit exhausting.
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almea · 1 year
Whats the importance of lilies??
The Japanese world for lilies is "yuri" and I'm pretty sure there are people on CRWBY who know that.
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boo-bookeys · 4 months
Have anyone else ever thought of or explored a dynamic with Lili and Milla?
Or Lili and Hollis?
Or Hollis and Milla?
Or Lili and Milla and Hollis?
Idk man. I just really love the pyromaniac girl and the groovy psychic lady and stressed girlboss woman.
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
LILY i just got to reading ccrt and i just wanted to let you know how much i love this fic!! you write so well and the way that sun and moon are characterized is so sweet, this is definitely one of my top favorite fics now i love it so so much :)
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spaghetticat3899 · 5 months
i really like ur splatoon characters, and i’m curious, do u have game tag mock-ups for any of them?
Game tag mock-ups? Like fake splash tags? Yes, just let me dig them up really quick from my photos.
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(Mochi, Slick, Hachikō) These were made before the others, which are random and made at various times. Not everyone has a splashtag at the moment, but maybe one day I’ll finish it up.
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(Roxanne, Javier, Gabriel, Lily) Some might be altered in the future, not sure.
If you mean character tags/refs, all oc stuff is tagged with “#oc tag” or “Splatoon oc”, or if you’re looking for specific ones, it’s “[name] oc”.
Hopefully I didn’t greatly misunderstand what you were requesting, lol.
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heymacy · 11 months
hi macy! for the wip word ask, my word is flower 🥰
hi mick! 🥰 "flower" doesn't (currently) appear in any of my WIPs so here's a drabble! 💐
Ian pushes the door open, enters the shop. It smells like roses and rain. “Pickup?” the man behind the counter asks and Ian nods. “Yeah, for Franny Gallagher.” It’s Franny’s homecoming. Her first one, freshman year. The man disappears to grab the boutonnière for her date. Ian looks around the store. Daisies. Peonies. Tulips. Lilies. Blue ones. Beautiful. He smiles. Thinks of Mickey. Walks over and runs his fingers over the petals. Mickey would like these, he thinks. Not thinks, knows. He picks one from the bunch, the biggest and most vibrant, and takes it to the counter to pay.
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newty · 1 month
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i made a bouquet of fake flowers based on aerith's basket w lilies, tulips, and frangipani! 🎀🌼💐
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doodle17 · 4 months
I love that despite Truman's height, Lili ends up shorter than Coach Oleander (if you want to know how I know that I was doing pixel measurements earlier...)
Just imagining he's always called her "lil lady" since she was actually little, and now, despite being in her late twenties, he still calls her that because she's STILL SHORTER THAN HIM IM LOSING IT
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vi-enti · 6 months
I knew something was off when I reblogged the bingo post from you yesterday, I never sent you a bingo! ♡
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feel free to murder me for seeing this, telling myself "oh yeah i'll do that in a minute!" and then not doing it for uh. almost a month
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aro-acethetic · 6 months
Could I request an aroace board with cats and cozy witchy vibes? I love your boards btw
thank you! I hope you like this board :]
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eyeballmouth · 8 months
Etrian Odyessy but Yuri is, unfortunately, something I want. Not only for the research I'm doing on "how video games utilize relationships in gameplay but also because EO has great dungeon crawling mechanics and I want more games to do it. But also because this one has anime furries and I am a weak weak person.
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