#'yamato' doesn't exist anymore
seventeenlovesthree · 16 days
Hey I thought I would you ask you something about the Digidestined that makes me really wonder about their relationships.
Minus any shipping,
Which Digidestined do you think brings out each Digidestined the best of themselves? It could be as a friend or a love interest.
The show seems to imply that DNA digivolving/jogress means they are matched together well, but is this really the case?
I think an analysis like this would be helpful.
I would agree that the idea of "brings out the best in the other/makes the other better" is not applicable to every single Jogress combination - and sometimes, it applies more to one side than the other, but it also really depends on the time and place the characters are currently at. While there is a certain theme of complementation going on between all existing Jogress pairs ("one is having something the other lacks"), they also don't make each other "perfect".
Personally, I would also always distinguish that Jogress compatibility doesn't equal romantic compatibility - it CAN be a factor, but is not the main theme in my opinion. But let me look at all individual cases... May be a looooong post!
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Taichi: For him, it REALLY depends on what timeframe we want to look at, because it's incredibly context-reliant. To nobody's surprise, I gotta name the 3 characters that - aside from Hikari - have the greatest interpersonal impact on him: Sora, Koushirou and Yamato. Sora's influence makes Taichi softer and, as we know, makes him question his cowardice - she is indirectly responsible for activating his Crest for a reason after all and I still maintain that, despite the miscommunication that goes on between them throughout the series (OWG, Tri), him caring for her is pushing him to do his best. Yamato can be seen as complementary here, because, while Omegamon was never formed BECAUSE of their bond, Yamato still challenges his sense of courage, he makes him more contemplative and considerate in times of emergency (Dark Master's Arc, Tri, Kizuna). Yamato also pushes him to rethink his strategies, pushing him to be better - the problem is that they sometimes have to get physically violent for it to happen and that's not necessarily the healthiest approach. Koushirou is here for the simple fact that he enables Taichi to make the right decisions and even if Taichi still has a tendency to do things himself, he knows he can rely on Koushirou's strengths to do so (Adventure, OWG). Similarly to how he relies on Yamato, even though it has less of an emotionally visible impact. Long story short - he can be his most COURAGEOUS self when his heart, his gut and his head are in the right place. (Hikari can be mentioned here because she gets him to try to be responsible and protective thanks to their past experiences, but that should be self-explanatory.)
Yamato: Jyou and Taichi. Similarly to how Yamato has an emotional impact on Taichi, the same goes the other way round - I'm still ranking him after Jyou, just give me a moment to explain. First of all, both Jyou and Taichi used to have their rocky moments with Yamato, some involving punching, others shouting and accusations. You can argue that, as adults, a.) they have overcome most of their arguments and quarrels and b.) Taichi and Yamato seem to be much, much closer than Jyou and Yamato. I still maintain that, personality wise, Jyou is more emotionally compatible to deal with Yamato's temper. As said, most of Taichi's and Yamato's quarrels have been solved by now, Yamato doesn't perceive Taichi as a threat of his own sense of leadership and ability to be a brother anymore; he may still see him as a mirror displaying his own worst qualities whenever he's at his lowest point though. They have become good, close friends, that will always be capable of saving the world together, trusting in each other blindly; as mentioned here, I think that they are not necessarily able to save each other outside of that though. We may spin this into a direction that, Jyou is more compatible with Yamato romantically in my book; because he could look through Yamato's insecurities and, by being inspired by him, inspired Yamato in return as well - and activated Yamato's Crest after all. I know, I know, I may be biased and it's been a while since they've smiled at each other softly like they did in the Dark Master's Arc - but at least the stageplay validated me in how Yamato was eventually able to open up thanks to Jyou's encouragement. Long story short, both Jyou and Taichi tickled Yamato's sense of FRIENDSHIP in very particular ways - and this is remarkable, because Yamato is good at "finding people" (as in, doing investigations and knowing whom to contact), but not necessarily good at maintaining bonds. (Takeru may be mentioned, because he nurtured Yamato's protective attitude, but just like with the Yagami siblings, this can be seen as a given.)
Sora: Mimi and Taichi. I am a big fan of the idea that Sora and Mimi complement each other in the best possible ways - while Sora used to be the mom/big sister friend to take Mimi under her wing, protect and guide her, she encourages Mimi to bloom into a confident flower that got enabled to support Sora in all the ways she needed for once. Granted, Sora still struggles to accept Mimi's help, even as an adult, but the analogy of Mimi being the flower who softens the thorns in Sora's heart is just too beautiful to me. Speaking of hearts, if there is any other character that reaches hers in character-defining ways, it's Taichi. The same Taichi who, after saving her, vanished, caused her to look for him on her own while still protecting everyone in the back, just to end up reunited, with everyone having gotten stronger than before, helping her to realize that she indeed knows how to LOVE. As pointed out here, they are continuously on each other's minds, almost telepathically connected (as implied in the novels) - and similarly to Mimi, Taichi has a very strong impact on how Sora defines herself. Starting off as his football buddy and partner in crime, regardless of her gender, I still maintain that it particularly confused her when she got that hairclip from him, challenging her own identity problems and issues with femininity even more. And while I already said that there is an ongoing theme of miscommunication between them, up until Kizuna, the care and connection between them does not fully vanish. Mimi is the one who tells her to spread her wings freely (To Sora), Taichi is the one who tells her that her caring attitude is not a flaw (Tri) - she still has to embrace both of that first though and since she currently prefers to take a bit time for herself, we gotta wait and see if and when that might be the case...
Koushirou: Taichi and Mimi. I will try to keep this briefly, as you all may already be familiar with my stance on this anyway, but still: Without Taichi, Koushirou would not have gone to Summer Camp. Without Taichi relying on Koushirou's skills, enabling and encouraging him, the group would not have saved Sora, would not have been able to solve the card riddle and get back to the real world, would not have solved The Prophecy, would not have been able to find medicine for Hikari... You see where I am going with this. Koushirou, according to the novels, used to not think very highly of himself as a person who also didn't get along well with other people - and Taichi just naturally took him under his wing, invited him to camp, indirectly helped him to believe in his KNOWLEDGE and skills more and become more of a hands-on person, which naturally led to him become a guidance and eventually a mentor and teacher for his friends and especially the younger kids. Basically, he could open up and become more vocal due to his bond with Taichi (again, literal novel quote), being his best friend, right-hand-man and partner in crime, solving riddles and saving the world together. The other person who makes him get more vocal at times is Mimi - not only does she challenge him to question his own approaches by having a completely different priority system (positive!), but also makes him question his wardrobe (slightly less positive in my opinion and I still wish I could name Sora as honourable mention at this point, because fashion could have been a wonderful bonding and development theme for them, but they simply never got executed like that!). The fact that both Taichi and Mimi cause his polite attitude to fade at various points in the series is a clear indicator that they have an impact on him like nobody else - especially because he is very connected with a lot of people online and makes sure to keep everybody always up to date, but is not necessarily the most social butterfly outside of Chosen Children duty.
Mimi: Sora and Jyou. I'm not sure who deserves spot 1 and who gets spot 2 here, because both of them have such a vital influence on why Mimi is as confident in herself as she is. As already mentioned in Sora's part, Sora has been protecting and guiding Mimi ever since they have known one another and it's quite obvious that Mimi, despite not aspiring to be like Sora at all, still greatly admires her and all her qualities. When Mimi loses her way, she knows she can rely on Sora to pull her out of it - which is exactly why their bond, Sora's kindness and encouragement helped to make Mimi's Crest glow for the first time, making her admit her faults and wrong-doings. And Mimi, despite her outspoken, opinionated attitude, needs encouragement. Which is where Jyou comes into play - not only was he the one to accompany her on her pacifist path of self-discovery once, but he was also by her side when she needed to vent over her insecurities and self-esteem issues twice. Making her be her most SINCERE self. Which in both cases, was a mutual experience, as I will go into detail about down below. Long story short: Both Sora and Jyou are capable of making her open up in the most genuine way, she feels safe and loved by them in ways nobody else can. Because even if they (indirectly) scold her for things she does wrong - they still do so softly, signaling her that she is fine the way she is. (An honourable mention here goes out to Stageplay/Kizuna!Koushirou who inspires Mimi to try out "something with computers".)
Jyou: Mimi and Yamato. Due to the consistent trope between Jyou and Mimi, I am very inclined to put her before Yamato in this ranking, but in the end, the theme between them is very similar. As pointed out before, Jyou decides to join Mimi in the Dark Master's Arc, primarily to protect her - but through witnessing and admiring her for finding her way, he felt inspired by her AND Yamato to go search for his own path, approach and attitude towards basically everything. It's something that both of them trigger in him at various points; even when he ends up questioning his intentions and motivations again, Mimi's sincere way of opening up to him (Tri) is what brings him back on track himself as well, allowing him to be honest to her and to himself. Not only that, Yamato (stageplay) validates him in believing that it all comes down to choosing for yourself to stay on track. Yamato (Adventure) who had once left the group, leaving Jyou in particular with the wish to believe in himself and his qualities. It's just a wonderful theme that keeps coming up, that helps Jyou to develop such a strong aura of confidence, which in turn makes him the senpai others actually feel capable of opening up to freely and safely. Which is significant considering how busy (and/or absent) he is most of the time. He IS Mister RELIABLE for a reason, so his validation causing Yamato's Crest to glow and Mimi to be confident enough to reach Ultimate level does mean something...
Takeru: Hikari (and Iori as honourable mention). You may or may not personally be pleased by the fact that Takeru and Hikari took the longest to conduct here. This can technically be seen as a negative, since it may imply that Takeru's bond with other characters doesn't go deep enough. Don't get me wrong, he DOES have bonds with QUITE a few other characters, he's looking up to Taichi a LOT, he loves to quarrel with Daisuke, he seems to know what is going on in Sora's and Koushirou's lives, his path from despising to trusting Ken is incredibly interesting, we already know that he and Yamato would die for each other and so on and so on... But you get the sense that he's not letting anybody really in too closely - which, as I observed before, applies to his brother as well. On the other hand, it also means what I already said in previous analysis posts: That he and Hikari are too glued together by the hip to let anybody else really come in between. There may have been times when one could have called it codependency, but considering all their parallels, everything they have seen and have gone through together, it can at least be assumed that they overcame some of their communicative barriers by the time of The Beginning. As much of a fun little time-killing exercise it may have been, he still spent his time practicing his fanfiction world-building skills with her and while the viewer cannot tell how much they have been talking about and processing their trauma, their brother complexes, etc., you simply cannot deny that they have consistently been there for each other. So one can only hope that he has stopped projecting his own overprotective brother tendencies onto her (ever since Tailmon called him out on them in 02), taking off the masks he has been showing a lot of people. Allowing himself to be the HOPE to her Light so to speak. I still want to give Iori a small honourable mention, because while I maintain that Iori "profits" more off of their relationship, I do believe that there was a time in 02 when he was also capable of making Takeru softer, offering him a bit of a mirror to himself.
Hikari: Takeru and Miyako. While the same issues apply to Hikari that have been mentioned with Takeru, her case is still a little bit different. Of course she had been hyperfocusing and depending on her brother for big chunks of the series and while she doesn't seem good at letting others in too closely either, her kindness still attracts people around her - including Takeru, who, as described, is both parallel and sidekick to her. You may already refer to them as trolls and partners in crime - and Hikari intended to stop depending on Takeru for protection as well, wanting to be equals ever since 02. Which, by the looks of it, may actually be the case, considering how they have been fighting rampaging Digimon side by side in Kizuna almost in sync. Again, she is acting as the LIGHT to his Hope. On the other hand, there is also Miyako, who, in contrast to Hikari, is loud and brash and tells the world when she doesn't like something - which is a skill Hikari basically longed to develop herself. So her admiring Miyako to at least some degree - while also being admired and encouraged by her in return - may have been a trigger that allowed her to grow more and more confident, balanced and equal to Miyako. As well as to Takeru too. And they may only grow further from here...
Daisuke: Ken. Daiken are probably THE prime example on how a Jogress combination gets the best out of each other. Simply because them working on their bond, their friendship, drags them away from toxic or dangerous habits (playing roles, hiding behind masks to impress others, bragging, catastrophizing, self-sabotage, etc.) and instead helps them to focus on what's really important. Daisuke gets naturally more comfortable, confident, downright happier and more enthusiastic thanks to Ken; his wish to BEFRIEND Ken basically makes him discover his own sense of COURAGE... There simply isn't a better example than this, because nobody else makes him get as honest as Ken does, as he basically plays a role towards everyone else (Hikari, Takeru, Taichi - and especially with the latter, it's a shame, because he used to look up to him, but finds his own style along the way, which never got that much focus...).
Ken: Daisuke. It's the reverse situation as described above, Ken is being enabled to overcome or at least deal with a lot of his self-esteem issues thanks to Daisuke's encouragement. The best thing is that, as soon as he opens up thanks to Daisuke, literally letting all of his KINDNESS shine through, he is capable of forming (potentially beautiful) bonds with several other Chosen Children and may have the greatest growth with the members of his core group (Iori, Takeru, Hikari and Miyako) than any other 02 kid. And in contrast to what I've said at the beginning of the post, Ken and Daisuke may or may not also be romantically compatible after all...
Miyako: Mimi and Hikari. While there are other characters who have an impact on her behaviour, I would argue that these two may have the biggest influence on how Miyako defines herself. Her identity and self-image are basically challenged by how she perceives these two; Mimi is oozing freedom, self-expression and brazenness when Miyako meets her for the first time, which are not only things that make her look up to her, but also things she would like to possess herself. Hikari is on the other end of the spectrum, she appears to be more reserved, collected, lady-like - and still possesses a drive, confidence and courage that Miyako admires. Her bond with both of them makes her more confident and also more SINCERE and LOVING, more aware of herself, her flaws and limitations, while also making her softer. (I would LOVE to add names like Sora and Koushirou here too, but they did not have screentime nor long-lasting "revelation" appeal to her. Sure, they both basically made her see that it's okay not to jump if you don't feel up for the task, but overall, they didn't have too much effect on her in comparison.)
Iori: Jyou and Takeru. Koushirou gets an honourable mention here, because he doesn't get nearly as much opportunity to see Iori at his lower points or have meaningful emotional moments as the other two do. Jyou and Takeru get way more opportunities to get to know and bond with him - we all know he still gets the shortest end of the stick in terms of screentime and relationship development, but it's still interesting to see how he loosens up, softens thanks to what he experiences with and observes through them. Takeru and him both have a lot of pent-up anger, but Iori learns that lashing out for revenge may not be the right path. Likewise, Jyou used to be a lot more tense and stiff on rules when he was younger - and is now teaching Iori that it's okay to take things easier, to be kinder with oneself. Plus, neither of them treats him like "a child/the youngest" and so he gets the best of both worlds, making him become more resilient through the gained KNOWLEDGE and letting him take on tasks to show his own RELIABILITY.
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danwhobrowses · 2 days
One Piece Chapter 1116 - Initial Thoughts
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The lore keeps coming, and more is still to come
Vegapunk has been dropping bombs while Egghead descends into fiery chaos, let's see what more he can tell us
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
A bento from Tsuru this time for Yamato, don't like that Ushimaru's still hovering around there, he got his shit slapped by Luffy sure but he profited from Orochi's rule
The world continues to question Vegapunk's revelations, how can such island-destroying weapons still exist? Who could live for 800 years to continue the war?
Who indeed, as we see more of Imu's room
They stand at a big portrait, she looks like Vivi but I'd bet on this being Nefetari D. Lily
Alabasta remains in mourning too, Igaram and Karoo continue to worry about Vivi being missing
Chaka and Pell attend Cobra's funeral
During this, Vegapunk reveals how he had sought a clean energy source, and that as a result he was able to create the Mother Flame
Wait, Lulusia was done by a fragment of it?? The WG stole it from Vegapunk?
The CP agents and Seraphim look in a bad way from the landing too
Edison and Stussy discuss what happened, surmising that another Gorosei is moving up to the Labophase
Edison can't help the Straw Hats anymore either, since the clouds can't reach them anymore
Stussy, to his surprise, requests that Kaku be freed - insisting that she won't let them target the crew, but doubt that's his priority
Edison apologizes for Stussy, noting that she identified the CP0 lot as her friends and was still chose Vegapunk over them
Kaku you better pull through after this, this is thrice now your life has been spared
Edison points out that her conflict is proof of her humanity, and encourages to live how she pleases
Back to Vegapunk, he explains how the Mother Flame's theft led to Lulusia
The Lulusia survivors with the Revolutionary Army have to sit and hear how their country was wiped out by an unprovoked assault
Elizabello cameo as he didn't even know that Lulusia was taken down, and asks to confirm it
The Mother Flame fragment was used to power an ancient weapon, all but hinting that the WG have Uranus as we expected
Vegapunk apologizes in the video, declaring himself an accessory to murder, while also pointing out that it has likely proven his theory
It seems many in the crowd don't hold Vegapunk accountable though
Momo however is again being very attentive, asking what that means for Pluton
Crocodile is also listening intently, given his desires for Pluton
And we pan over to Shirahoshi too, since she's also an Ancient Weapon
Vegapunk says that Joy Boy attempted to pass down the Ancient Weapons, which begets the question why? Why encourage the flooding of the world?
Sengoku is stress eating through this too
Vegapunk also points out that there are those who know about the Void Century
Akainu also seems intrigued - in his own angry way - about Vegapunk spilling the deets
As we already knew, Roger's crew know the secrets
The Navy however did not know, freaking out that pirates know
Of course, many of the public are also baffled that 'evil pirates' have been trusted with such information
York is having a freak out too, wondering how Vegapunk could've known that she stole the Mother Flame for the Gorosei
He's apparently a bad liar and actor, so she starts connecting the dots; his surprise at her betrayal, the preparation of the broadcast, the hiding of the snail
Wormy's back, and nah he's just up and eating the CP agents
York hits a brainwave though, the broadcast snail is in the Fabiostratum
The Iron Giant is guarding it!
Back at Sabaody, Vegapunk's broadcast muses why the Roger Pirates kept such information secret? Why fade into hiding?
Rayleigh meanwhile is drinking heavier than usual, accusing Vegapunk of telling the world too much
He doesn't want Vegapunk to take the thrill of knowing away
Oooof, another week break
Well what is that supposed to mean huh?
Lore-wise nothing was really dropped from Vegapunk that we didn't already know, aside that the weapon used on Lulusia was powered partially by the Mother Flame. But it still gives some questions.
Why would Rayleigh be excited about the idea of a flooded planet? Was there more to the Ancient Weapons? If the sea levels rose 200m in the Void Century was Joy Boy behind it? A Sea of Pirates perhaps?
And what's with the Lily poster Imu? You wanted to murder Vivi and yet you have a portrait of her ancestor, an ancestor they criticized to Cobra, in your special little vivarium room?
Kaku and Stussy meanwhile look like they're planning an exit, though I still don't trust Lucci to try and go for the double tap. The question now however is if Kaku will take the out? I know we all want him to but we also wanted Kizaru to turn face and...yeah look where that got us?
Not many super surprising cameos this time, I guess Elizabello II is one, a fellow Grand Fleet Member and King would have stock in learning that a nation was wiped out by the WG. And we got to see Crocodile but no dialogue. Heck we didn't even see any Straw Hats this time! The question on my mind still though is this: why was video needed? What visual does Vegapunk still need to show?
The Iron Giant at least has a purpose now, being the front line for the broadcast snail, but that puts a target on his back, as does being a Roger Pirate now, Buggy's legacy will only grow given how they'll assume that he holds ancient knowledge XD
As usual though, more questions than answers.
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cursedalthoughts · 1 year
Priority Research 6 Predictions - Sakura Empire
I would love a Sakura Empire PR for PR6 but they don't have that many options :/ However, I am going to present the most likely to y'all. This is the last PR6 prediction post, to check the others you can see the #priority research tag because I posted them all with that tag.
As always: Do not treat any of the following choices as guaranteed. I would not bet money on any of these specific ones getting added as part of PR6 this year, it's just the ships I see as Very LikelyTM.
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Honestly, the most unlikely. She's a bigger Izumo, and in terms of gameplay she is just a bigger Izumo and nothing else.
Her reload time is atrocious at 38 seconds for kind of good 410mm guns, but Izumo is free and Hizen costed money.
And you can't even get Hizen anymore.
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A strange battlecruiser, Iwami may look a lot like Hizen and that's because they're based on the same pre-Yamato designs. However, Iwami has a total of 4 cannons less in exchange of slightly better accuracy and a reload that's 10 seconds faster than Hizen's.
She also has Shimakazo torpedoes - 2 launchers at the rear with 4 torps each, and they have 20km range with ludicrous damage. The problem is that it's the 20km Shima torpedoes, which can be outrun by some ships and can also be spotted from the Moon.
Iwami also has another gimmick: half-decent secondaries. Kii at Tier 8 has better secondaries, imho, but Iwami's can be fun.
She would be PR.
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I haven't read much on Daisen yet, but from her stats, she's a fast little battlecruiser with incredibly bad armor, mediocre secondaries, very good main guns and 8 torpedoes per side. Those torpedoes do 20k damage each and have a 10km range, meaning she's no joke.
I don't know if she is PR or DR material, but I think she fits as a PR. Besides, unlike Iwami, she's very different from Izumo; meaning she wouldn't step on Izumo that much - which is my main concern.
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The USS Georgia of the Yamato-class, Shikishima is the same hull as Yamato with somewhat better secondaries and six 510mm guns instead of 9 460mm guns. She's more accurate and reloads faster than Yamato, meaning that sticking Isoroku Yamamoto on this baby is very fun due to his buffs.
However, unlike Georgia, she would be a DR. A very powerful DR that would 'powercreep' (if you believe that thing exists in AL) most other UR BBs until Yamato comes out.
I imagine Shikishima being the weird one of the Yamato family. She would be a stealthy assassin, who kills her enemies from within the shadows. Mainly because that's how she is in the Tegarrian Lore (@tegarrianlore) lol.
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Honestly, Yoshino feels unlikely. She is, effectively, a bigger Azuma with 8 Shimakaze torpedoes per side. Her gimmick is that she has excellent 310mm HE shells but also has access to anti-camping 20km torpedoes.
However, if Yoshino gets added, she would be DR. Which makes me feel she's even more unlikely.
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I group these 2 together as equally likely because they are the new additions to the Japanese tech tree - the Tier 8 and Tier 9 light cruisers - and both suck.
I enjoy the freemium Tokachi at Tier 7, as she's a Furutaka with 127mm guns and that HE spamming is fun, but these other cruisers with bigger 155mm guns simply aren't worth it.
However, we know their performance in WoWs doesn't mean shit for Azur Lane. The best example imho is FdG, who is just plain old bad in WoWs but is a murderhouse in AL. I believe they could be fun, little HE spammers in AL that have massive torpedo-buffing abilities, to both themselves and the whole fleet.
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A unique (for Japan's standards) destroyer that has both good guns and good torpedoes. They normally excell only at guns (Kitakaze) or only at torpedoes (Shimakaze) - Hayate is good with both.
However, in AL she could be the DR gunboat equivalent to Shimakaze's excellent torpedo perfomance. The Death by Thousand Cuts of AL.
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As stated above, she is a Furutaka with destroyer guns. They reload incredibly slowly at 7 seconds between shots, but most of her turrets can spin 360º and do so incredibly quickly.
The problem is Tokachi is Tier 7. We have not gotten any Tier 7 or lower PR and I doubt Tokachi will be the first one.
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There is a saying within the WoWs community, "you can't say Ashitaka without saying shit".
She's bad. Attrociously bad. Absolute girlfailure.
A Tier 7 version of Amagi, she has worse guns, worse accuracy, worse shells, no armor, and worse health. With Kii being an option, and Amagi being researchable, there is genuinely no reason for Ashitaka to be in the game.
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ladyarjuna · 2 years
Mimi: Get informed of Kawaguchi's character development.
Harken Tower.
Standing at a solid 60m, and overlooking the river port, the tower’s Mongolian motifs and darkness at night make it stand out amongst the industrial skyline.
Inside is the “Room of Whispers”-- a much smaller model of the “Hall of Whispers”, that still stands in Haumea.
There, a good one to two dozen people would be in constant, rotating duty, each side of the group mind explaining the decisions of the group and helping everyone come to consensus.
That was years ago. When there were hundreds in the groupmind.
Now, there’s only six. Three to each ‘side’. They are still nascent and learning, but here is where they discuss integration candidates, problems involving the whole groupmind, and consider possibilities for wielding the unwieldy mass of the extended personal and temporal power they possess.
So, this “room of whispers”-- a single table, a minimalist setting, a pair of comfortable chairs, a triangular window to let the light of the sun in.
The master of this place is Monkhiin Harken, and it's easy to see why the locals might call it things other than 'Harken Tower', given its master. At a very average 154 cm, and herself and her 'posse' composed of incredible personal power, these are overshadowed in the typical mind by the fact that her bust is nearly as wide around as she is tall. STR 24, secret martial arts, and raw arcane power can cover a multitude of sins, but it doesn't change how you're viewed.
Opposite her, Nezu Mimi-- a literally mousy librarienne, with a wry sense of humor, in that she named herself that on her applications. A little bit taller than Monkhiin, her attempts at prim and proper existence are undercut by the fact that she seems to have absorbed every hot librarienne fantasy in the barrel at the same time. Like all librariennes, this is an irritation to her more often than it’s a fantasy.
And pouring the two of them tea, Okamoto Nara. Patterned after the ‘yamato nadeshiko’ archetype, through the twisted lens of a shut-in obsessed with creating the ‘perfect woman’ in terms of both sex appeal and personality appeal, her true identity has been lost to time, though Monkhiin is making inquiries. The rest of the people who were changed all agree on this point, however-- Okamoto was the first victim of what would eventually become the Osaka Deep Dungeon, and the first lady and household manager of Harken Tower.
Considering just how many people live and work here, it’s a tough job, but she seems to handle it with aplomb, even as she pours tea for Monkhiin and Mimi. Monkhiin did not ask her to be here, but regardless, says, "Thank you, Okamoto-san. I'm sure it shall be pleasant as always."
Okamoto nearly vibrates, blushing a little with the praise.
Mimi takes the cup indelicately and sips at it, her ears perking up briefly. "It's quite good." 
Monkhiin takes her time with it. “Indeed. Of course Okamoto-san would be able to produce such tea.”
Mimi takes another sip. “So Kerry’s birthday...”
“Ah. Yes. That was a weekday, so there wasn’t much time for a celebration, something quiet at home. That weekend she went out with the senshi and Pochaco. I haven’t heard much about it since, so I assume it was a good time.”
“I see. That’s good to hear. It’s not often we get a good celebration anymore. Everything’s way too busy.”
“Well, that’s what you sign up for with children, I suppose.” Monkhiin carefully ignores the increasing vibration of Okamoto as she continues. “You usually don’t show up for this session, Mimi. Is something the matter?”
“Kawaguchi’s been missing for days.”
“Mm. That’s trouble.”
“It is. He’s usually a magnet for trouble. It’s that damned complex of his, thinking he’s the hero.”
“To be fair, we thought that for a long time, too, didn’t we?”
“It’s true.”
“Still, he’s obsessed with us, so it’s probably better if I ask around...” Monkhiin closes her eyes, and... “I fear there’s a related matter.”
“What’s that?”
“Beacon’s been cut out again. I suspect she’s gone to another universe-- and a quick bit of speculation indicates that Kawaguchi likely isn’t far behind.”
“In the Darkness? That’ll kill him.”
“If he’s lucky.” Siiip. “But Beacon’s a smart girl, she should be able to get a message to us soon.”
Just such a paper arrives, appearing as if by magic, because, of course, it is.
Will be a few days longer than expected. Kawaguchi-chan is here. How she managed to follow me, not sure. She’s psionic. -- Beacon
Monkhiin stared at the carefully worded Message, and then slipped it over to Mimi, who choked on her tea.
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izzyizumi · 1 year
IzzyIzumi Watches Sonic Prime 1~2
(under the 'read more')
{Yes, I relate DigiAdvs}
Sonic, about Tails: "MY GENIUS Friend..."
Me: Yeah that doesn't (still / to this day w/these series and both these charas) sound like Koushiro.
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Tails, using a 'tail' to hold up drink Tails sips on while typing:
Me: Yeah, that's not exactly like how Koushiro acts in every single tech-involved scene where Koushiro's on Koushiro's own w Oolong
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Sonic: "So if this Genius hacker-slash-Loner thing doesn't work out--"
Me: Wow that doesn't sound relevant to Koushiro backstorys at all!!!
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Tails: "I WAS [rEDACTED for Spoiler]!!!!"
Me: DEFINITELY not heavily implied in Novel!Koushiro's backstory among some other Notable Koushiro Backstory[s] details.
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(Novel translations with credit to Onkei of Digital Scratch)
Tails, typing in multiple passwords and being denied at every turn in a ~Dramatic Moment~:
Me: That DEFINITELY didn't happen to Koushiro in Tri or Adventure at multiple points (looks at Mugendramon Arc)... it's almost like it's not a "plot point" or common "trope"---
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Tails, using semi-sarcastic-implied tone, only slightly more "forward" speech or quips/quotes at various points even with Knuckles:
"I'M one of the GOOD GUYS."
Me: Koushiro's J.P.N formal speech things, aside, that's DEFINITELY still not Koushiro-dynamics when Koushiro counters Taichi's or Yamato's back-and-forth with quips, and is definitely only something that ever existed in the U.S. dub version, Among Elsewhe--
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(I Can't Take The Canon!Koushiro-Discoursing Seriously Anymore You Guys)...
{This Is Not A "Bad Thing", But I Find It Interesting how one character is now overall heavily loved and another (ADOPTED CANONICALLY)'s J.P.N canon personlity still has to be actively defended to the fan base to this day...}
{all by Me} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
{This is a 'no re-blogs post' because it's mainly just my personal commentary for my page, but 'Likes' are OK}
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panharmonium · 2 years
[@dreamersscape​ I started a new thread because our old post was getting so long - link to the previous post is here, just to keep this conversation coherent!]
“raw love and affection” > That’s it exactly.  The perfect descriptor.  Untempered, unqualified, unconditional, unrestrained - Naruto’s love is just like his jutsu, a giant explosion that you can’t dodge or block, and the wielder is shouting and running straight at you the whole time he throws it right at your face XD  You just can’t escape him.  He’s gonna love you no matter who you are or what you’ve done or how fast you run away from him, which poor Sasuke has been figuring out for years (to his everlasting irritation, I’m sure).  Kakashi needs people like that – like Gai, actually, who’s a little bit similar in the sense that he’s determined to be Kakashi’s friend no matter how much Kakashi resists.  And I do love the fact that Naruto and Kakashi will be able to connect about Naruto’s parents now that the secret is out – it wasn’t possible before, and they’ve all been running a million miles an hour since Naruto found out, but eventually, once things calm down, it will such a good thing for both of them to complete that circuit.  That’s the way things are supposed to be – the connections between generations are supposed to be maintained and strengthened by the people left behind, like Iruka says in the early days of the show -   
When someone passes away, it’s the end.  His past and future, all the dreams he once had - they disappear along with him.  This is true even if he dies honorably in battle, as so many have...all the ties that bind him to the living are severed.  All but one, the most important of all: people.  Parents, siblings, friends, lovers - the people who were important to him.  And these people, the ones left behind, are joined together in a great circle by their shared memories of him.  A circle of friendship, trust, and sacrifice that grows larger and stronger as time passes. 
It’s so good that Naruto and Kakashi are soon going to be in a space where they will be able to re-forge the links that were disrupted by a malicious system that wasn’t serving either of them.
Well, I don’t want to build it up like the show makes A Big Deal out of it 
Oh, don’t worry.  I was already expecting it to be the tiniest crumb they could possibly give us.  But even crumbs will make me very happy, for these two! XD
But I think he might have doubts that Yamato would want/choose him as a source of help, given the circumstances of Yamato’s capture and torture?
THAT.  Yamato getting captured taking care of Kakashi’s kids would have been complicated enough to navigate enough on its own, but the fact that the person who orchestrated all of it was Obito makes it a truly labyrinthine mess.  The number of layers of guilt that Kakashi feels - not all of them rational or accurate, obviously, but in his mind they’re real - given all those things, of course he’s uncertain that Yamato would want his help.  Kakashi’s internal blame calculator right now is like -
GUILTY [was weak.  wanted companionship too much.  let you share my burdens.] GUILTY [took advantage of your loyalty] GUILTY [put you in harm’s way] GUILTY [abandoned you to die] GUILTY [created the person who hurt you (by being the reason obito ‘died,’ by failing to save rin)] GUILTY [still love the person who hurt you] GUILTY [still grieving for the person who hurt you]
It’s complicated enough just handling the “i put you in this position and then didn’t even come to save you” level of things, but adding in the “my personal hero/most sacred, precious source of inspiration is the one who did this to you” level makes it practically impossible to manage, especially when Kakashi is actively experiencing (natural and out of his control) feelings of grief for the person who caused Yamato’s entire ordeal.  Kakashi doesn’t condone or excuse anything Obito did - he fully understands that Obito caused unforgivable harm to untold numbers of people (himself included) - but he still feels things for him, and he can’t do anything about that, and even if he’s accepted that fact on a private level, I still don’t think he’s entirely comfortable feeling those things in the context of Yamato’s situation.  
It’s like what you said about him “wanting to be very careful not to ‘force’ his company on Yamato” - I think he feels like Yamato has every right to reassess or step back from their relationship, given everything that’s happened.  Kakashi may recognize on some level that he can’t control his own feelings about the Obito situation, but he also doesn’t think Yamato should have to be understanding of that.  Kakashi has never considered himself an appropriate recipient of anyone’s respect or devotion to begin with (“you should find someone more suitable”/“then drop the ‘senpai’”), but with Yamato, especially, I think Kakashi feels now that he’s lost whatever scrap of credibility/worthiness he ever had of being looked up to, and he would be very careful not to put Yamato in a position where Yamato feels pressure to accommodate or defer to Kakashi for any reason, whether it be because of the difference in their ranks or the potential lingering feelings of gratitude/debt that Yamato might still associate with the things Kakashi has done for him in the past.  (But of course, like you said, Yamato would probably interpret this as “reticence,” or deliberate distancing, and obviously that would heighten his pre-existing anxieties, which would just complicate things further.)
...it wouldn’t be about the name itself, it’d be Yamato trying to find a way to express that he doesn’t want Kakashi to keep seeing him as the “Tenzo” he’s always known...as his subordinate “Tenzo” that he has to “take care of”...
THIS.  I totally agree with you - I can definitely see Yamato getting frustrated at being (unintentionally) put into a box by Kakashi, because even though Kakashi absolutely does not mean it this way, the fact of the matter is that Kakashi taking on all of the responsibility/guilt/blame about this situation disregards the active choices and sacrifices Yamato made.  It’s almost...disrespectful.  Dismissive of Yamato’s agency.  And of course we as the audience know that it isn’t intended that way at all - Kakashi respects Yamato more than anyone in the world, and his reaction comes from a very real place where he legitimately feels that he’s been taking advantage of unearned/undeserved loyalty and devotion - but I absolutely can see Yamato getting snappy about being treated like what happened to him was the result of something Kakashi “made” him do, like all the work he’s been doing for the last year was just him following orders and not something he also had a personal stake in. 
The whole point of Yamato escaping the Foundation (and even the ANBU) was that he wouldn’t have to be anybody’s lapdog anymore.  It wasn’t about him trading one master for another.  He doesn’t follow Kakashi because he’s obligated to do so; he does it because he believes Kakashi is worthy of being followed.  It’s not that Yamato doesn’t feel a debt of gratitude to Kakashi; he does, and he probably always will, but Yamato also believes in the same mission as Kakashi, cares about the same children, wants to protect the same future.  Maybe, when he accepted that first substitute assignment from Tsunade, he did so in the spirit or following orders or doing Kakashi a favor, but at this point, Yamato is just as invested in the struggle as everyone else.  He cares about the kids just as much, and he’s just as committed to saving the world.  He ended up getting captured because he was willing to give his life for the cause, and he deserves to have that decision honored as the true sacrifice it is, instead of having it minimized as an artificial choice that he was compelled or deceived into making.  
I think, deep down, it’s hard for Kakashi to conceive of the idea that someone would choose to follow him for valid reasons.  He feels like everyone who loves and respects him does so because they’re laboring under a false impression of his goodness.  But for Yamato, hearing this is essentially tantamount to being told that he’s still someone else’s thrall.  Like he isn’t making his own informed decisions about who to follow or who to serve, like he’s still being led around by the nose by someone who can make him do anything they want, like someone else (however benevolent) still has him under their thumb.  I’m sure he knows Kakashi doesn’t mean it that way, but I also can imagine, in a moment of upset, that he would react poorly to being portrayed like that - at the implication, however unintentional, that he isn’t truly free.  
It’s like you said - Yamato doesn’t want Kakashi to keep thinking of him as a prisoner who needs to be rescued.  He doesn’t want to be limited to being a tool in someone else’s hands (especially not a tool for Kakashi’s continued self-flagellation), and he doesn’t want his friendship with Kakashi to be limited to what it was back when Yamato was an enslaved child.  He needs Kakashi to give him credit for his own decisions, which means he needs Kakashi to let go of the guilt and absorb the message ‘i have not been coerced into caring about you!’  Tenzo, in his capacity as Kakashi’s comrade, has never been confused about what kind of person Kakashi is.  He hasn’t been taken advantage of or manipulated into doing something he didn’t want to do.  He has never been a tool for Kakashi to use; he has always been Kakashi’s willing partner.  His loyalty to Kakashi is not unquestioning obedience or obligatory repayment of a debt; it’s justified respect, genuine admiration, and more-than-earned affection.  All Yamato did during the war was take the same risks that Kakashi himself has taken on Yamato’s behalf countless times, and if Kakashi can’t accept the fact that Yamato took those risks willingly - if Tenzo can only be “Tenzo, Kakashi’s charge” instead of “Tenzo, a true equal” - then maybe it’s time to leave that old identity behind entirely.
I do think they’ll eventually figure this all out and it will be okay.  But I 100% understand why we might see Yamato chafing at being addressed in a certain way prior to all these knots being untangled.
He doesn’t need to be “Yamato” to Kakashi, but he might be unconsciously seeking reassurance Kakashi still wants “Yamato” around.
Ohh, this...I’m... 😭😭😭
#naruto#pan watches naruto#a true equal#i know you said you weren't sure you were articulating your thoughts in a 'comprehensible' way#but i think you're hitting the nail exactly on the head#yamato's worst fear is that things are going to go back to the way they used to be#he'll go home and go back to the anbu#he'll put the mask back on and disappear#the kids will remember him vaguely#like a teacher they once had in high school#every few years he and kakashi will run into each other#and kakashi will be casually friendly#but that's all it will ever be: two acquaintances who don't really know each other anymore#because yamato is back to being 'tenzo' now; and kakashi has never tried to stay in touch with 'tenzo' before#'yamato' had something essential to offer#and now that the mission he was assigned is over#'yamato' doesn't exist anymore#'yamato' was just a code name.  it was a pretend identity.#this entire year with team 7 was a temporary assignment#and yamato knew that#but what he didn't know was how desperately he wouldn't want it to end#living outside the anbu was like a dream; and yamato doesn't want to wake up#we know that.  we SAW that.  canonically - what he wants most in the world is to stay right where he is#his tsukuyomi dream is to hear kakashi say 'this is where you truly belong'#and it makes sense that yamato isn't sure if 'tenzo' can achieve that#because kakashi always let 'tenzo' drift away before#and of course that had everything to do with kakashi's own personal issues and nothing to do with yamato#but how is yamato supposed to know that?#i just think...yamato is more afraid of going home than of anything that ever happened to him during the war#because nothing can possibly be worse that being that alone again
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mokutone · 2 years
Hi mokutone! I was wondering what your thoughts are on why Yamato insists on calling Kakashi senpai, even though Kakashi protests against the title. Thank you ^^
:O ! thank you for the question... this is gonna be another long one, so I'm gonna put it under a cut!
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I go back and forth on this a lot!
Right now I'm of the mind that it's honestly kind of just...a comforting thing to him? I have two reasons for this.
1) Even though they share the same rank now, Yamato continuing to call Kakashi his "senpai" (despite Kakashi's insistence that they're equals now, and that he's Not Yamato's senior anymore) is about acknowledging and affirming the friendship that they had before, back in anbu.
(Generally, I think this is a big reason why Kakashi calls Yamato Tenzō too, and why I think Yamato is only superficially bothered by Kakashi calling him that)
2) I also think he might just not know what to do with a relationship outside of military hierarchy. Unlike Kakashi, unlike essentially everyone else in the village, he was never brought up in any kind of civilian or domestic environment. Even though Kakashi was raised by a shinobi, he would've seen civilians interacting in his daily life, and would have a general sense of how they interact with each other.
Yamato hasn't really had that! I think he can handle going to grocery stores and restaurants, teaching students, carrying out an interview, and helping people when they ask directions. He might get a little bit lost at parties, but then, if it's a party with games or with drinking he might find it a little easier.
Basically, I think that if there is a purpose to the interaction, it's very easy to carry out.
The thing is, if somebody is your friend, not your superior, not your mission partner, not even your co-captain, just...somebody you keep around because you like them...what do you do with that?
Obviously there aren't goals to that kind of relationship, there's not purposes, you just like them. Hopefully, they just like you. Isn't that kind of terrifying? I think, for Yamato, recatagorizing Kakashi from ''senpai'' to ''friend on equal footing'' might be just about as nervewracking for him as recatagorizing somebody from ''friend'' to ''lover'' might be for most other people.
There's no structure at all, a friend is just an amorphous bond of affection and love and shared experience. There's not really a guidebook for how to proceed. He doesn't really have much experience with it either, although I think we see him testing his boundaries a little in the anime,
What is a friend? What's appropriate interaction to have with a friend? Is it okay to feel like you are not directly doing anything to benefit the friend, other than existing? (Yes. Literally. Yes).
I think, because all he has known is being a lab experiment, and then a shinobi, generally he organizes his social interactions around completing a goal. I think when he goes drinking, the goal is to drink. If Karaoke is available, then that is a new goal to accomplish which can take the pressure off the other one. Also, it's possible to get better at Karaoke, which is even better! A goal that one might see progress in! (Well, he might even get a good grade in going to the bar; something which is normal to want and possible to achieve!)
In a conversation, if he is asked a question, the goal is to answer that question, or alternatively, to get his conversation partner to answer a question of his—an exchange of information is an exchange of trust. (Yes, this is certainly socializing. Yes, this is fitting in. It does feel good, really. It does feel natural. )
To my understanding, a senpai is somebody who you look up to and intend to learn from, somebody who has come before you—this has a goal. This has a purpose. This defines their relationship in an easily operable way. It is not amorphous, it is simple and linear, there are few fuzzy edges to get lost in. This is just Kakashi, who is very skilled, and Yamato, who intends to learn from him.
The problem, as I'm sure you've noticed and as Kakashi points out, is that while this label gives their relationship form, it also limits their roles within it. Kakashi is on a pedestal, and Yamato, beneath him.
Kakashi states his mild discomfort with this, he doesn't see their relationship this way! Yamato disregards Kakashi's opinion! Surprisingly, Kakashi allows Yamato to disregard it easily; (I think he understands that Yamato kind of needs to continue calling him senpai right now.)
There comes a point where this becomes kind of silly, right?
Yamato doesn't look up to Kakashi blindly—in team Kakashi's first mission with Yamato as captain, he seriously and openly criticizes Kakashi's method of leadership, and begins undoing some of the self-destructive practices that Kakashi inadvertently taught the kids.
Yamato has the power to rebuild the entirety of Konoha, to single-handedly restrain the nine-tails, and unfortunately, while being used by the enemy, to sustain an entire army of woodclones.
Kakashi is not his direct superior anymore, they're co-captains.
Still, somehow, Yamato insists that he will not let himself define his relationship to Kakashi as that of equals. While he obviously respects and adores Kakashi, I have to think that this choice on his part is not actually about Kakashi at all.
After all, if this was really about Kakashi, then when Kakashi told him "we're equals, you don't need to call me senpai anymore," then surely Yamato would have listened, and not flat out ignored Kakashi's insistence.
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
The Truth is a Shard of Ice - Vergil x Reader
Pairing: Vergil x Reader
Summary: Vergil doesn't know if his demonic heritage allows him to actually feel love. You are scared of how much of yourself love would make you sacrifice - and if you'd be ready for it. Needless to say, you were quite a pair, talking it out on a rainy afternoon. The truth? A shard of ice.
Type: Angst. They are together, but that doesn't save them from the angst
Author's note: So, I was taking a look at my The Witcher books and one of the characters I identify most in my life is Yennefer. There is a chapter in one of the books called "A Shard of Ice", if I'm not wrong, and damn. It hit me like a freaking train. I could understand Yennefer on a soul level - and it has been like that ever since (I'm on the third book though, don't know if that's going to change).
So, here's my little humble homage to Geralt and Yennefer and this absurd wonder of a short story called "A Shard of Ice" that made me feel completely exposed. I hope you guys like it - I had a lot of fun writing it!
Also, the reader's point of view comes from a poem I wrote one night about how scary love is. I don't post my poems, but I do have quite a few lingering around about random subjects - do tell me if you'd be interested in reading them ^^
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It was a known story.
A powerful sorceress with an ice-cold heart who inflicts shards of ice in her victims – bewitching them, never letting go until the ice melts or consumes them into statues of eternal cold. The Ice Queen would never feel… But there are those who would argue her lonely existence would long for love.
What love could she have but one which, warm enough, would melt away and slip through someone’s fingers? Like a shard of ice, keeping her tightly around one’s hand would eventually be her demise – leaving nothing but sorrow and loneliness of a lost love.
It was a quiet, rainy day. You were sitting by your comfortable chair, reading one more of your books while a warm cup of tea rested by your side. Vergil sat in his own chair, right by your side, enjoying his own books.
You didn’t have to exchange words – but there was a subject that lingered between you since weeks before, when Dante carelessly asked Vergil a very simple question: “why don’t you ever tell y/n ‘I love you’?”
Oh, if you didn’t know the deepest circle of Hell was made of the harshest cold, you would’ve never compared it to the way Vergil’s silver eyes glared his brother that day.
But you had to be honest with yourself: you were curious about his answer… And scared.
“That is none of your foolish business, Dante.” Vergil’s words could burn and cut, sharp as Yamato, and giving a definite ending to that subject.
Part of you wanted to hear those words from Vergil, feeling a strange kind of disappointment – for it came along with a weird relief washing on your shoulders: you didn’t know if you wanted to hear it. And even if you did want to hear it… What would be your answer?
“I take it you didn’t like my answer that day.” Vergil muttered silently, his eyes still skimming through the pages of his book.
You didn’t move. Of all words you could have expected him to say, that subject certainly wasn’t expected. It wasn’t something you were fond of talking about – the same blockage he had with the word “love” extended to you, and both tacitly decided it would be better to leave that to rest in silence rather than talk it out.
Damn Dante and his big mouth.
“Hmmm…” You finally took your eyes from your pages, Vergil still not looking at you. But you knew his focus wasn’t on his pages right in front of him. “I didn’t but I did. That is the best explanation I have for my feelings that day.”
“Hmmm…” Vergil took a deep breath, finally putting his book aside – still not looking at you. That made you take the chance to rest your calves on his lap, turning your eyes back to your book – even if you couldn’t concentrate on the pages anymore. Vergil rested his hands carefully on your naked skin, observing the patterns he created with his palms and fingers. “I think I understand what you mean.”
Your heart dropped in your chest. That was one of the things you were afraid to hear – that Vergil had the same kind of insecurity towards his love that you had for yours. Resting the book on your lap, you closed your eyes and took your time to take a deep breath. Vergil’s careful silver glare followed your expression, understanding your fear.
“I don’t think our anxieties stem from the same reasons.” He said carefully, slowly choosing his words while you opened your eyes to glare at those silvery pieces of ice. “I carry my father’s heritage. And demons are known for being unable to love.”
“But Sparda did love. Didn’t he?” Your comeback was quick and witty, as Vergil would expect from you. That made a slight smile color the corner of his lips, although his eyes carried a void of sorrow.
“I never asked him. The legend says he did – that the demon Sparda was able to feel endless love for the human Eva, having the twins Vergil and Dante as proof of their love.” Vergil’s tone was grandiose, as he was telling you one of the tales of old instead of talking about his own life. He rested his head on his chair, losing a bit of that grandiosity right after – his eyes lost in a place unknown. “But demons are keen to reproduce in order to have powerful spawns. It is their basic instinct. My father… Seemed to love my mother. The way he looked at her… The way he held her in his arms… To me, that was always love.”
It was the first time Vergil spoke so openly about his past and his family. He wasn’t one to speak about his feelings nor to talk about what had happened when he was a child – you were accessing a part of his heart he never showed and, even if you were scared, you were thankful for it.
“What makes you doubt, then?” You asked back, making his lost eyes focus once again on you. Vergil took a few seconds to speak once more.
“As I grew up, I researched demons. I know all about every species. And to them, love is nothing more than a means to an end: a basic instinct to reproduce, not an honorable feeling that stems from the heart. That is purely human.” Vergil kept looking at you, now his eyes getting lost in your form. He would never know he admired you the same way Sparda once admired Eva. “This… Feeling… I have inside of me. I don’t know if I can really feel it…”
“Or if it’s just a natural demonic instinct.” You completed his phrase, making Vergil smile slightly and agree with a slow nod. His eyes still carried that tortured sorrow.
“I don’t think your fear stems from that.” Vergil kept looking at you. A part of him was afraid you’d run away now that he admitted one of the things he never wanted to say out loud – but another part wanted to yell for you to leave so you could have a chance of a happier life by the side of someone who could give back what you were giving him.
Feelings were extremely complicated and contradictory.
“No, it doesn’t… I don’t have a demonic heritage of my own.” You smiled with no humor on your soul, making Vergil copy your reaction at your attempt of humor. You considered not opening your heart – talking about one’s fears is always a very daunting experience – but Vergil had already taken that step. There was no going back now. “It comes from my own feelings, I think… I do care deeply about you, in a way that… Scares me. You know how much I protect my own independence.”
“Not letting yourself tame is one of the things that attracted me the most.” Vergil agreed with a quiet comment, recognizing what you were talking about. You weren’t a human to be kept in a leash: smothering you with too much protection would kill you.
“Yes… But I would let myself tame for you.” That phrase dropped between the two of you like a heavy piece of lead that seemed it could never be lifted. Vergil’s heart raced in his chest, his hands halting on your legs. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him – your eyes closed as you rested your back on your chair, figuring out how to put that into words. “Doesn’t a shard of ice melt and slips through your fingers if you hold it too tight? Is this feeling real? Is it just a fleeting passion I cannot correspond? Or when the time comes that my soul realizes I’d let it be tamed by you…”
“You would run far away, leaving nothing but a frozen heart behind.” It was Vergil’s turn to complete your words. You nodded slowly, finally looking back at him.
“Is there something scarier than love…?” You dared to ask, leaving nothing but silence between the both of you. “What is the truth…?”
You were quite a pair. Vergil didn’t know if he was truly able to feel love – if his feelings were real or just an instinct from his demonic part in order to guarantee the survival of his bloodline. You loved him enough to sacrifice your independence, but, if your feelings were true, you didn’t know if you wouldn’t run away – a lonely, self-sufficient heart, who didn’t trust anyone but yourself, scared to finally let some vulnerability make it warm again.
None of you had answers for that. Feelings weren’t that simple – as Vergil realized, they were complicated and even contradictory most of times. That was a conversation you couldn’t bring to an end that day, and it was something both of you had to work on several days to come… Maybe even years – if it lasted that long.
For the moment, though, you just wished to be together. Those fears could wait… At least for a while.
“The truth…” Vergil’s voice finally echoed between you two. “Is a shard of ice.”
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shihalyfie · 2 years
Ok, so... I was talking about this on private with a friend to reply this ask here, so we ended up discussing a bit about something else in the process, about this particular idea the fandom tends to turn into a popular thing. Because well, people loves corrupted versions of the heroes.
What would've been the corrupted arcs of the Adv-02 kids? (just asking y'know, i love to hear your thoughts~~)
Well, the definition of a "corruption arc" is pretty broad, isn't it? So basically we're asking what might turn the kids to evil, right? I suppose that would mean playing to their vices and amplifying them, which means:
Taichi: Playing to his ego, getting him to take others around him too lightly and foolishly/selfishly prioritize himself instead. Playing to the same savior complex that led to the SkullGreymon incident. Basically allowing him to foster a sense of entitlement. We both agree this is probably the scariest one.
Yamato: His sense of personal loyalties and priorities outranks his sense of "theoretical" morality, and he'd be the kind of person who would say the world doesn't matter compared to his loved ones.
Sora: Deterioration of understanding what's the right thing to do, doing haphazard things because she doesn't really have any idea what's right anymore. Wouldn't really be an antagonist with a focused goal, and possibly more of a wild card.
Koushirou: Get him absorbed in science for the sake of science; foster his curiosity to understand better into ignoring the means it takes to get that information.
Mimi: Has too much sympathy for those who really shouldn't be sympathized with and ends up helping them even when they're actively causing more harm than good.
Jou: Gets too caught up in enforcing laws and rules that he ends up forcing uncomfortable restrictions and fear on everyone for the sake of "protecting" them (see SlashAngemon in Xros Wars).
Takeru: Selfishly takes out his anger and wrath on anyone who hits one of his personal beefs or embodies things that get too close to his sensitive emotional issues, without much rationality behind it.
Hikari: Convinces herself that her actions are going to "save" everyone, regardless of how practical or ethical those actions actually are.
Daisuke: Not the kind of person who'd be a good leader, but an unfortunately terrifying kind of accomplice who might do some really dirty/pragmatic things if a sufficiently charismatic antagonist recruited him to their cause convincing him they're doing the right thing.
Miyako: Does everything for her own hedonistic pleasure.
Iori: Similar to Jou, but instead of doing it for their "protection", does it out of a misguided sense of justice and a desire to "punish" anyone who does wrong in his mind.
Ken: ...Can I skip? Not to say that I couldn't theoretically come up with something that's distinct from or works on top of his existing fall into the Kaiser persona, but that just makes me so emotionally distressed that I don't think I really want to go there right now. Sorry.
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vetrenar · 2 years
Hm... Who did know that writing hurt-comfort can be so soothing? 😂 Certainly not me. But it is, and with this discovery, it probably will be appropriate to honor my favorite characters with a minute of silence. Because a lot of hardships are waiting for them in the future...
Ok, I'm joking. Almost.
This is technically an additional chapter for this almost-fic (I will probably polish and expand it a little before posting it on the Archive somewhere in theoretical future, so it would look like a normal fic). Just a little snapshot of certain character's POV. It's something I wanted to write for a while now, and, considering details the last chapter of "Visions of V" brought, it's finally the time!
Let's go! ...Or, at least, for a certain someone, crawl.
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A dark, ragged figure stumbles through the streets of Fortuna.
Every step staggers. His body, covered with a dirty cloak, shakes with every pathetic movement.
Stepping hurts. Moving hurts. Breathing hurts. Existing hurts.
He doesn’t remember much. His mind is overwhelmed by a whirlwind of fever, pain and distorted memories. He is hardly aware of his surroundings. The only thing he can clearly feel - the only call he can heed - is a beacon of bright blue aura somewhere on the edge of his consciousness.
He doesn't give much thought to why she is here or where is "here" is. It's irrelevant. He only knows that Yamato is nearby and that she belongs to him. She should return to him, and then-
A fit of cough interrupts his uneven train of thought and he halts on his path, waiting for the fit to pass. It doesn't. It wretches his body, and it seems like it's going to continue until there is no air anymore and no breath and no blood and everything of him crumbles into dirt.
But it isn't the time yet. With an unimaginable effort, almost ceasing to breathe entirely, he manages to stops the fit by sheer willpower alone, and, with the newly-acquired illusion of control over his shell of body, continues on his way.
He's dying. This knowledge was imprinted in his mind, cold and unshakable as the simplest of truths. The fragile, corrupted body that emerged from the darkness in which his soul was immersed will not last long. And ... he does not oppose it. Not really. For the infinite time, his world was made up of pain, darkness and nightmares; he doesn't object to leaving it all behind.
Somewhere, in the deepest corner of his unraveled mind, an untainted piece remains. It's as blurry and fragmented as the rest of his memories, but instead of cold and dark, this corner is filled with sunlight and warmth. His father's laughter sounds like a thunder’s ramble there, and the touch of his mother's gentle hand is felt, gently removing the fallen strands from his forehead. The sun's rays falling on the veranda; the rustle of book pages fluttering in the wind; a melodic duet of piano and violin; an annoying, obnoxious loud voice that just can't let him read calmly - and constantly drags, drags, drags him to the another “Great adventure”, and the only way to push some thoughts into this stone head of his is to hammer them into it literally, and therefore they fight more often than they talk, and it becomes a new language for them, which gradually replaces the first one.
Everything else has long since disappeared into the darkness. But this last, stubborn piece remains. It changes over time - both of them change. Where there was a loose cotton T-shirt, there is now a heavy leather cloak of an abhorring scarlet color. A child's wooden sword is replaced by a heavy broadsword, and a pair of pistols, and a rocket launcher, and Heaven knows what kind of nonsense the idiot manages to use instead of a real weapon. The attacks they exchange lose their childlike innocence and become sharper, angrier, filled with murderous intent. A loud, obnoxious voice makes sarcastic jokes instead of an excited chatter. The idiotic joyful smile loses its sincerity, transforms into a mask, under the external carelessness of which years of suffering and pain are swirling.
But their language - the language of combat, the language of weapons - remains, and like a blue-red lightning sweeps through the darkness, linking the delusional fog of the present with the warm light of the past. This is the last pillar holding his world. A lifeline that keeps his decrepit body from falling apart. An instinct that engulfed his whole being, forcing him to take one staggering step after another.
He is not afraid of death. But he longs for one more time to plunge into this vortex of blows and parries, which feels like a coming home. He wants to taste the smug superiority of the victory and see the offended and stupid face of the idiot when he realizes that his older brother is still one step ahead of him. And he will say, as he has said many times before:
"I won, Dante."
-and then, perhaps, he will be able to feel the echo of that place filled with light and warmth.
Logically, he realizes that this is nonsense. Their fights have long crossed the line of a friendly skirmish. In their battle, when it takes place, there will be no place for brotherly bragging, and warmth, and a friendly handshake at the end; only death, cold and final. But the delirious consciousness does not care about clarity of real circumstances. His whole existence is reduced to a single impulse:
He... he wants to fight. He must fight.
But his body is barely able to take even a few steps at a time. He has to fight for every next breath, let alone the possibility of shedding someone else's blood.
Blood. There are two kinds of blood flowing in his veins: human and demonic. Father's blood and Mother's blood.
His Father's blood gave him power; it healed him from terrible wounds and allowed him to endure many months, years without food and water; even now supports his fragile body, not letting it fall apart.
Mother's blood, on the other hand... Was there a moment when it did him any good? No, from the very beginning, this blood has never helped him. Even now, it does not allow his body to regenerate, impeding the power of demonic blood with the weakness. It was unable to endure the darkness and allowed his mind to break, filled him with nightmares and doubts, weakened him, depriving him of the ability to think and perceive clearly.
This weak, useless, desecrating blood... He had to find a way to get rid of it. Cut it out of him, like a surgeon with a sharp scalpel excises a malignant tumor so that the whole body continues to live.
Cut off human from the demon. There is hardly a surgeon capable of performing such an operation. But fortunately, he knows a blade that is sharper than any scalpel.
He would get rid of his weak, useless part, and be able to regenerate and recover, and then he and Dante would fight one last time, and everything will become right-
The world around is bright to the point of pain in the eyes, to the point of blindness. But among this cruel brightness stands out an inviting, reassuringly cool blue aura.
She's very close now. He feels her near, hears her thin voice in the air. In front of him is a dark mass - building. The door - gate? - is open. He notices movement inside. A person. Alone. But their insignificant presence is immediately thrown aside, because she is here and she is the only thing that matters.
But something is wrong. She's here, but she is... not here? This thought makes him stop and his attention returns to the person inside.
Dark blue leather jacket. White hair. Blue eyes.
The man doesn't move. He looks at him and his face is distorted with shock and something else that he can't distinguish and doesn't care to.
"You're alive." - And his voice is overflowing with emotion, and almost breaks. But it doesn't matter, because the next second the man turns to him, and he sees the arm covered with blue scales and burning with a bright light, and at another time he would have stopped trying to figure out what kind of power it is, but now it doesn't matter, because he feels it, and rushes forward, grabs and pulls.
Except, he barely manages to touch the demonic arm when the man impossibly quickly wriggles out of his grip, and only a couple of broken scales remain in his fingers. And then, before he has time to reassess the situation and attack again, something crashes into him and throws him against the wall, scattering pieces of metal around. The blow deprives his frail body of breath completely; he loses awareness for a split second, and then he sees a mixture of white, and brown, and gold in front of him, and something sharp touches his neck, and he is too weak to resist. Then there is a shout, desperate and piercing his mind that struggles to stay on the surface.
A man's voice, sharp and distinct, but clearly puzzled:
"Nero? This demon attacked you. We have to destroy it."
"He doesn’t... he’s not... Fuck, Credo! Just don't touch him!"
The blade at his neck hesitates but doesn’t not retract.
"Does it have something to do with...?"
"Yes! And now listen to me and step away from him!"
An appropriate warning, because he had already regained consciousness sufficiently and gathered enough strength to tear the blade’s owner apart. But before he can jump to his feet and attack, something inside his body cracks, and the air leaves his chest again, and another coughing fit twists him, and suddenly the ground is in front of his face, and his vision is covered with black dots, and he can't breathe-
And then someone turn him on his side. Something strokes his forehead, and this touch seems foreign and unreal and wrong, because it does not bring pain with it.
"Vergil? Hey, can you hear me?" A hand takes him by the shoulder and shakes him lightly. He looks up wearily and blinks, trying to clear his blurry vision.
White hair. Blue eyes. A young face incredibly reminiscent of his own, as it was preserved in his fragmentary memories.
No. Not Dante. The stranger who somehow knows his name, the one with blue coat and the demonic arm that continues to glow with a bright, inviting light.
His own voice hurts his ears. It's cracked and dry and breaks, just like the rest of his body. And it's quiet, barely audible to himself.
But the odd stranger clearly hears him, because he looks at his arm and shakes his head with a sad laugh.
"Sorry, old man. Can't give her to you yet."
Yet. So he’s planning to return her later? But why, and why he has her? These questions make his head spin. They should not matter: all he needs is to reclaim what is his, and then finally get rid of his weakness. But his pathetic body doesn't even have the strength to get up. All he is capable of is lying on the ground, and looking at a strange (un)familiar stranger, and - hating and despising himself for the weakness - trying to make him understand.
"I need her."
Something shifts in the stranger's expression, and for a moment his face becomes open and almost helpless. But this moment goes away as quickly as it appears.
"Yeah, I know. And I will return her to you. Promise. Just... not now, ok? You know..." - a smirk slips into his voice - "It doesn't look like you'll even be able to lift her."
The tired mind freezes for a second from the insult, and somewhere in its corner the offended "insolent brat" echoes. Because who is this child to decide what he is capable of and what he is not? Even if he is right and the humiliation of this fact weigh down his body more than any corruption can.
"You know what? Why don't you put your feet up for a while? We will decide what to do when you're more lucid."
"Shut up, Credo. I’ve already said that I’ll explain everything later."
Rest? Even the very thought of it sounds ridiculous. Just recently, he knew for sure that if he allowed himself to give in, he would never open his eyes again.
But... now, when he lies crushed by his own weakness on the garage floor, surrounded by the smells of engine oil and metal and paint, this feeling gradually fades away. Somehow he knows that he will wake up though he doesn’t know how to feel about it. He sees a patch of sunlight on the ground in front of him, and the cold that bound his chest slowly recedes, dissolving into warmth, and something again brushes his forehead in this strange, non-painful touch.
"Guess you’re really a piece of work, huh? This craquelure on your skin is worse than on your family portrait. Damn old man. Why is nothing ever easy with you?"
Yamato sings close to him, and her song is light and soothing, like a lullaby that Mother sang when she stroked his hair in the past, in that warm and cozy place. And he hears in her voice joy, and relief, and promise, and some secret that she can't wait to tell. But all this remains for later, because now he dissolves into her singing and lets its waves carry him away.
"Yeah, right. Yes to napping, no to killing and ripping arms off. Take a little time out, because I really need some time to strategize-"
For the first time in forever, Vergil falls asleep.
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eirikrjs · 2 years
IV's Astaroth exists. I didn't remember him. Looking at it now I think I pretty like he, or maybe the rest of the IV is so bad overall that I'm accepting anything minimally ok. I can't say anymore.
Sure does.
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It's a Kyouma Aki design, who also did Yamato Takeru, Kenji, and Kuebiko. I never thought his art from the artbook had ever been scanned due to its absence on the wiki, but no, Primaeros did it many years ago. Very obvious differences between Aki's submitted art (the Primaeros scan on the right) and the finished version seen in the game, left.
I'd describe the design as Minotaur's ugly, unpopular brother. It's trying to do the same "two in one" tokusatsu shtick as Minotaur by integrating Astaroth's body and snake into a single "costume" but is far less successful because it's too complicated and thus not as memorable. It just doesn't read as an SMT design.
SMT4 Astaroth is almost completely forgotten due to him only appearing and becoming available through a NG+ quest involving Ishtar and anything extant that could pass for a Babylonian goddess... meaning Mother Harlot and Asherah, so things that only pass in the Walkerian sense. Dreadful turn of phrase.
Still, I'd say the design is best left forgotten.
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What if Kakashi's peers met Team Ro by accident while they were having a team dinner (since it's before they even meet Tenzo let's say by this time Itachi hasn't joined yet) all of them are very excited to surprise Kakashi since he was on leave for a while due to injury and they get to make him relax and throw him a dinner get together just like old times- but the moment Kakashi let's them inside and they see a bunch of strangers some they haven't even seen around Konoha and most of them think '?? wait he had other friends??'
they would be very nice of course but i just think the idea of them meeting Kakashi's friends who they've never seen or even heard of before (Konoha's a pretty big village but i feel like as ninja's they get shuffled a lot so everyone's at least heard of everyone there so it's surprising to meet someone whose virtually no one, it later makes sense tho when Kakashi references that their his new co-workers) it'd be really nice and make sense even if it's only Tenzo they meet but other members of Team Ro that Kakashi actually eventually got close to would be nice, just gotta make them up in my head i guess T.T
Tenzo's just sitting there in the middle of the room wide eyed and ready to run for it. He's not used to crowds of people so it's understandable that he might just book it, and Kakashi wouldn't blame him honestly.
He adores his friends but sometimes he would love to run away from them too. that would be rude though.
But Tenzo just takes a moment to collect himself, puts on one of the many masks he has learned to wear, and greets them. Everyone is a little iffy about the stranger in Kakashi's house, but they're not going to be rude to him.
Kakashi has a friend. Someone he hangs out with that doesn't seem to need to remind him that they exist and might require his attention once in a while. that's a good thing.
Gai is naturally the first to go in and greet Tenzo. His eternal rival has a new friend and he must greet them and get to know them. This is of course not the best course of action, but tenzo knows Kakashi will step in and pull Gai's attention away if it gets to be too much for him.
Meanwhile the others just sort of poke in to check on Tenzo once in a while and learn something about him, but mostly just do their regular thing of cooking some food in Kakashi's kitchen and hanging around making sure Kakashi actually see's them (it's not that he doesn't want to see them, he's just a busy boy and they understand this so they take it into their own hands to see him)
Also, does anyone think Tenzo would meet Asuma, realize this is the Hokage's son, and be the first person in YEARS to start using honorary for him (Konohamaru is 'honorary Grandson' so surely they call Asuma something.) poor Asuma just doesn't know how to take it anymore because most people just call him by name
Oh, also imagine Yamato making quick friends with Kurenai. She’s the sweetest to him, very understanding if his desire to stay back and not interact as much as the others, and she comes out with offerings if food he has never tried. It’s understandable why she quickly becomes his second favorite person.
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koukennin · 5 years
"I'm tired." It was a simple admittance, but for whatever reason it had taken this long for Yamato to get those simple words out. "He's exhausting me and he can't see that." Yamato had only recently begun to see it himself. "But I guess it doesn't matter whether he sees it or not." A pause, "I owe him my life, I have no right to expect anymore than what he's already given me."
Random ask. I Always accepting. I @foundsweets ( YAMATO )
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      ✖ II — Listening, silently, Itachi watched how Yamato indeed looked beyond exhausted, something that usually didn’t grace the elder man’s features, something he hadn’t seen even in the other’s youth - in his youth, where they had spend days together on missions. It looked as if the other was mentally tired and drained, it almost reminded the stoic male of the single night where he had allowed himself to let go of his mask to just sit up against a wall and stare at nothing. A time, where sickness had eaten at him and made every breath as painful as inhaling poison.
Itachi knew that Kakashi wasn’t the most thoughtful person when it came to the individuals around him, well, at least not in the kind of way that most people were. It wasn’t that the man didn’t care, he was just oblivious about certain things, as if he was disconnected in ways that made him seem lazy, bored, uncaring. Itachi knew better, had observed the man for months and knew you needed to go straight to the source most of the time.
However, despite all of his observation, despite knowing some of the man’s negative traits and positive, he didn’t point fingers, didn’t say it was Kakashi’s fault only, that Yamato was tired, he was not such kind of person.
Something that made fair lips part was the sudden statement that left Yamato, that made it very much sound like the elder saw his life as something less important than that of Kakashi’s, a thing that didn’t at all settle well within the Uchiha’s chest.
                                    ❝ It does matter,  Yamato-san,  ❞
Itachi began, firmly, making it clear that there was no question about it before he continued on, desiring to make it very obvious that this was not a matter that should be forced under a rock,
❝   your life is not less important due to him having saved you. Kakashi-senpai wouldn’t think so either. You have the right to live. Life without any rights makes a life none-existent. Life shouldn’t be taken lightly, therefore, you should live as you please, whether you owe it to someone or not.  ❞
Silence followed the words as obsidian hues lower due to memories of his past surfacing, due to memories of Shisui’s smile, Shisui’s warmth and all the things that he didn’t say when he had the chance.
❝   He might not see it like you desire him to.. but one day, he might not be here anymore, so it’s best if you tell him, and if, he then doesn’t listen, doesn’t get it, that is at least off your shoulders.  ❞
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tomorrows2top · 6 years
taisuke , make sure black koromon doesn't evolove black wargreymon , because emotion will come up for your dad and other digidestined
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Daichi: Y-you know… If we reveal things from the future we might change the events…!! I mean, even we being here interacting with the past means we’re already changing the history and…
Daisuke: Kid, you have a Chibimon with a ring on the neck and the mini-Taichi has a black Koromon, You also have our faces, what’s with you two?! WHO ARE YOU TWO?!Daichi: … Taichi: Dai, you’re being too grumpy. Grumpier than Yamato. Now now, calm down.
Taisuke: A-ah, we can’t reveal things of the f-future…!! Blacky is–B. Koromon: I TOLD YOU TO NOT CALL ME LIKE THAT!!Ulforce: Daichi, I think it’s time to tell’em the truth.Daichi: And end up making our world disappear??!Daisuke: Hold on, if you tell somethin’ about your future, it will be destroyed?!Daichi: Technically, yes.Taichi: Maybe those kids are… Children who’re trying to be like us?Daisuke: Hm… maybe?Daichi: T-THAT’S IT! You caught us, we’re very fans of yourselves in the future that we decided to look like you!Taisuke: And Blacky–B.Koromon: DON’T CALL ME LIKE THAT!!Daisuke: That’s a very angry Koromon… Hm… Does it evolve to War Greymon?Taisuke: Y-Yeah…Taichi: You can call him by Draki. Dra from Dramon and Ki from Killers. It’s the weapon War Greymons wield.Taisuke: Ooh, that’s cool! How about Draki, buddy?B.Koromon: That’s better. As expected from my oponent.Taichi: Eh, we’re not your enemies!!
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adventure-hearts · 6 years
I know that we didn't get to see a lot of Jun but I actually think that she got "some" sort of development (I love her). We can see her annoyed after Yamato's concert, with the broken ticket, but later that day she's already moved on and she doesn't seem to be jealous or angry anymore (this is my interpretation of course). Then we see something more about her in a cd drama and, if we take tro's additional info, we can see that she's a pretty good friend of Sora and I think that's awesome.
Jun probably has more screen time in 02 than Sora, Jou, or Mimi so we can’t complain!
I agree with you, and I think I’ve talked about it before. When I say ‘development’ I mean that Jun doesn’t have a very complex personality or is given much depth – which, to be fair, isn’t the point of the character to begin with. She exists to provide comic relief, and the character works great.
However, the writers do treat her with respect and 02 brilliantly avoids the trope of ‘the scorned woman’ by having her move on from Yamato at the end without moping or being angry… she just finds an ‘update’ in Shuu, which is kind of a happy ending and also incredibly true to the character! (And if the extra materials are to be believed, she not only stays a fan of Yamato’s, but she and Sora end up going to gigs together, which sounds really fun.)
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