#'cause at least the people trying to kill her now weren't doing it because of her race
Katsuki Bakugou x Popular/MeanGirl!reader - oneshot about Katsuki loving his ruthless girlfriend!
Ok, the title is a little misleading, you're not that mean! you just do unto others what they do to you...and Katsuki loves it. As always, please let me know if you want more, and if you have any ideas for the future <3 calling this a songfic, because it's hugely based on Don't Touch! by Lil Mariko
warnings: lots of cursing, mentions of castration, and one chaotic good(?) reader
When you first arrived at UA, a late entry as you lived in the Americas prior, everyone loved you, and surprisingly that included Bakugou. Of course, it took him a long time to warm up all the way, but you started dating after a few months of getting to know each other. What could he say? You were pretty, smart, patient with him, and best of all, you didn't take crap. He learned that the first week of your arrival, when his attempt to bully you fell short. You actually took a liking to him, so he was spared most of the passive aggressive fate he saw you give some others. You were just nice to people who were nice to you, ergo most considered you sweet as candy while some considered you a total bitch.
You were hot and you knew it, and believe it or not it caused a lot of people to spread rumors about you. He'll never forget the first time he saw you in action, it was as satisfying as it was attractive. While walking to lunch, a pair of 2nd years were standing to the side whispering and pointing to you. one of them yelled out, "slut," while the other laughed. You, being the bad bitch that you are, turned around, smiled pleasantly, and put on your best innocent demeanor. "aw, I'm really sorry for getting your dick hard, maybe next time try and keep your eyes a little higher, yeah?" It. Was. Magnificent. The two were flabbergasted to say the least, and Katsuki himself was glad to finally see someone who didn't act like a saint all the time.
Long story short, you were his other half, and he had gotten used to your mocking, sarcastic way of handling assholes...until the day of the Sports Festival. You and Katsuki were were perusing the food stands, you dragging him around from place to place, him trailing behind like the grump he was. One stand actually caught his eye, a sign claiming to have the spiciest sauce in the city to compliment their renowned Takoyaki. You were standing with him, looking around while holding his hand, when out of the corner of your eye you saw someone point towards you. You didn't turn your head, not wanting them to know you noticed, but kept an ear out to see what they were saying.
"yeah, he's the one I was telling you about."
"that guy? No way he's with a girl like her."
"I know, right? He has to be keeping her with him, probably scaring her into staying."
Oh hell no. You weren't going to let this slide, it was one thing to talk about you, but a whole other thing to talk about your relationship. You whipped around, yanking a very confused Katsuki with you. Katsuki had heard the two talking, but was far too enamored with the spicy sauce to actually listen. "Hey," You yelled, using a voice Katsuki hadn't heard out of you before as you raised the hand holding Katsuki's into the air for all to see. "See this?! This means he loves me, so next time you go and make assumptions, why don't you keep your damn mouth shut?!" You step closer to the pair of stunned teens, wearing a look that could kill. Your voice was low and menacing now, making sure they understood every syllable. "Next time I hear you talk shit about my boyfriend, I'll take the Louis Vuitton's He bought me, hunt you down, and castrate you."
The two whimpered, stuttering out a response but unable to finish before running off with their tails between their legs. You watched them dash, one hand on your hip and the other in Katsuki's, before turning to him with that same bubbly smile you always had. "Alright, let's go get ice cream, I'm still hungry!" He had this unreadable expression on his face, and when you tried to pull him to the ice cream he stood stock still. "...What...?" You were fearing the worst.
Were you too much for him? Did he realize he wanted someone nicer, like Ururaka or Momo? This time, he did dragging of his own, yanking you in the opposite direction. He pulled you along without another word, looking left to right, before stopping next to an empty vending stand. "Katsuki, what are you doing," You asked, he was worrying you.
He looked around again, making sure no one was watching, before yanking into the stand with him.
He never answered you with words, but the way he made out with you for the remainder of the Festival break kind of spoke for him. Right then, when you were threatening those extras, was the moment he realized he loved you. Actually, no. He already knew he loved you, despite the fact he never said it (yet). Right then was the moment he knew he'd marry you. You wouldn't know that story from his perspective until he told it at your wedding.
hope you enjoyed, I had this story on my mind all last night and was just itching to write it! let me know if you want more of this!
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that-basic-simp · 2 months
Let Your Hair Down
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Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: N/A WC: 1.2k+ A/N: This was originally going to be the first one-shot I was going to upload since this was the first one I wrote.
"You should wear your hair down more often," I said.
"And what? Get you and I killed?"
"No, I meant when we're alone. When we don't have to worry about people coming after you."
"I'm still surprised you haven't gotten killed either. Or kidnapped and made to be a prostitute."
"That makes two of us," I said.
"You really should hide yourself better."
"Like you?"
"It throws people off. And also no one will ever know because they die. A dead man tells no tales."
"Funny, weren't I the one to figure out your secret?"
"Because you kept following me when I said not to."
"You really don't remember me?"
"I try not to remember Kohama all that much."
"Can't say that I don't blame you. Kohama didn't treat me right either."
"This world doesn't treat women right."
"That's why we're not women," I smiled at Mizu.
"You do a horrible job at disguising yourself, you know that right?"
"Come on, try to be at least uplifting once in a while, Mizu."
"I can't when I am constantly worrying about our backs out here. More specifically yours."
"Aww, did I warm my way into the cold samurai's heart."
"I'm not a samurai. They're honorable. I have no honor."
"Not yet you don't."
"You think seeking revenge is honorable? It's anything but, Y/N. I don't know why you even followed me to begin with."
"Because I saw something you can't see in yourself."
"That being?"
"A lost, broken soul that is trying to get back at the people who wronged you. Especially that white man who caused your birth."
"What gave it away?" Mizu asked sarcastically.
"I wasn't finished. But also someone who constantly views themself as a monster, an onryo."
"Join basically everyone I have ever met," she sighed.
"But I also see a person who just wants someone to see you for who you truly are, not what you are."
"And who am I, Y/N?"
"You're Mizu. Simple as that."
"And who exactly is Mizu?"
I let out a soft chuckle, "Seems you need to do some soul searching, Mizu. Currently you're out for revenge, so I don't think soul searching is your thing to worry about right now."
"Well, who is Mizu to you?" she asked, curious.
"A strong person who will go the distance to get whatever needs to get done. A driven soul that wants to get back at the people who wronged you, but don't really go after those of your past. Those who treated you poorly and called you horrendous things. Just after the guy who made you and your mother suffer. Someone who is in need of a kind and caring  soul," I smiled at Mizu, trying to find her true eye color, but with her tinted glasses, they weren't helping.
Closing her eyes, she reached up and removed her glasses. Slowly opening them, she tilted her head upwards. My eyes found hers. I have only seen her true eye color once in a while and it was when she glared at me over her glasses. So to finally see them in their fullest and at their most vulnerable, it reminded me of the calm waters on the peaceful beach. How clear and stark they were, piercing like the ice, cold, too. Harsh, like a winter storm was raging behind those eyes. A single tear slid from her right eye and dropped onto the floor we were sitting on.
"I'm a monster, Y/N. Simple as that. Someone who shouldn't even belong in this world."
"Yet you're still here."
"I'm here for a reason."
"Your body could have easily given up on you. But you're resilient and able to push yourself through struggles. Sure you're here to get revenge, but you being here," I reached over and grabbed her hand gently. "Is a gift."
She shook her head, "I'm not, Y/N."
"To me you are. That's all that matters. And to me, I don't see a monster."
"Then what do you see?"
"A beautiful woman or handsome man. Whichever you prefer, with the most alluring blue eyes I have ever seen. Bright like the sun lit sky, calm as the waters at a peaceful beach, and yet, harsh and cold like a winter storm."
Another tear slid down her face as she turned away, shaking her head, "I-I--"
"It's ok, Mizu."
She turned and faced me, "No one has told me that before. T-Thank you, Y/N."
"You're welcome. It's a shame people only see you for your physical features and not what you harbor on the inside. Aside from revenge," I chuckled.
A slight smile formed on her lips. It was very rare for her to smile for a long period of time. Actually, it was just rare for her to smile period. Rare to show any kind of emotion other than being serious and taking no bullshit. But for some reason, I was able to worm my way into her life and still stick around.
"Everything ok, Y/N?" she asked, a little worried.
"J-Just thinking," I said.
"Thinking about what exactly?"
"Nothing too serious. Not like I could plot to kill you. I could never raise a blade like you do. It's almost as if you learned everything on your own. All the different fighting skills and blended it together to kind of make your own."
"I guess you could look at that in a sense."
"You're amazing, Mizu. You know that, right?"
Looking into her eyes, they widened slightly and she blinked a few times. Her mouth opened and closed before some pink crawled underneath her eyes. Reaching over, I placed my hand on her left cheek, turning her head to face me.
"Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Because I will come back and prove them wrong."
The right corner of her mouth twitched slightly, as if she was going to smile but didn't. My eyes flickered between her eyes and her lips. Letting out a soft sigh, she reached up and removed the string that held her hair together. Her long, raven like hair fell down past her shoulders. It really complimented her blue eyes, making them stand out even more than they already do. I couldn't help myself now.
Leaning towards her, I lightly placed my lips against hers. A surprised sound came from her as she backed up slightly, causing me to pull back.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I should have asked. Fuck," I breathed out, some tears forming in my eyes now. "I-I read into it too much, didn't I, Mizu? Shit, I-I'm so so sorry, I-I didn't mean t--"
I was cut off by Mizu returning the gesture. Fluttering my eyes closed, I reached up with both of my hands and dug them into her silk like locks. Pulling away, she found my eyes and smiled. It was soft, genuine, and for the first time, full of love and admiration for someone.
"Don't be sorry," she whispered. "I should have done that first, but you beat me to it."
I giggled, "You know, I was right."
"About what?"
"That you look gorgeous with your hair down. Or handsome. Whichever one you prefer."
"I prefer yours," she smirked.
My eyes widened and blinked rapidly as blush crawled onto my cheeks.
"I--uhm--uhhh," my mind went blank.
She chuckled and pulled away, "Thank you, Y/N."
"Y-You're welcome, Mizu," I said once I gathered my thoughts.
Sitting beside her, I set my hand down. Looking down from the corner of her eye, Mizu placed her hand on top of mine. Smiling, I leaned against her shoulder, placing my head on hers. Hers rested against mine and both of our eyes closed, taking in one another as we fell asleep, getting some much needed rest.
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megabuild · 10 days
im sorry scott but bdubs would NOT want to terminate that child, he WANTS the child, etho on the other hand,
do you think bdubs is prolife
so bdubs is weird because hes a feminist #women but he is also lowkey minecraft catholic and has some weird traditional views so yes i think he was prolife outside of very serious cases he just doesnt talk about it because once he made some comment about life starting at conception and cleo laughed in his face, brutally, which is the number one way to make bdubs shut up about anything, so he keeps going about his life with these views but like now sort of buried deep and weird about it but it doesn't matter because like he's gay and so it's never going to be an issue for him or so he thinks until he gets boypreggers because xisuma fucked the code because everyone on the server was being too fucking gay and careful and the matchups meant no one was getting pregnant and he NEEDS a personal anecdote to cite in his next rant video on why we should listen to people who try to firebomb fertility clinics, so anyway yeah bdubs is boypreggers and frankly he probably would want to keep this if it weren't for the fact its ethos because etho is a freak, etho is not even human, etho would be the worst absent mother and wouldnt even be absent, she has like 3 robot kids but a real sentient thing with flesh is out of the question cause then she'll start putting her cigs out on it, but bdubs cant get an abortion because thats agaijst his morals so he builds a new arena that etho can kick his ass in and hopefully itll like kill the thing in him and he can feel guilty about that and go to confessional and develop a new type of ocd over it but at least nobody has to know because he can pretend it was an accjdent, unfortunately by virtue of building an arena with etho the server gets set on fire before he can finish it and when they migrate to the next season the code resets and his womb is made barren. ethubs continue like nothing ever happened and xisuma makes a rant video on kink at pride instead
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
still thinking about limited life one piece au. this is at least in part because i am now imagining bigb and pearl in the navy uniforms from one piece. i think pearl should also get the hat. also because i'm trying to imagine what bigb's various frog forms would look like.
ALSO i've realized i accidentally made a perfect setup for bigb and cleo to still have their Weird Thing going on: if bigb's a career naval officer and cleo's been on the grand line for a while it's not hard to say that they have a bit of an enemies/rivals situation going on and both blame each other for being The Absolute Worst Ever, with bigb being like 'she is literally a pirate' and cleo being like 'he is a horrible backstabbing marine'. i think maybe also once there was an Incident that forced them to work together, but bigb still tried to sell out cleo to the marines afterwards, and while he felt he had no choice (or he'd have been imprisoned or executed himself) cleo felt horrifically betrayed and they Both Still Have Emotions About That One. they come across each other and frequently have pitched battles that are very, VERY colored by the fact that they both know each other way too well at this point.
i also think that the worst part of all of it to both of them is that they do, in fact, still respect each other; cleo thinks bigb is a horrible backstabber but is reluctantly very impressed at the fact he gets so much done by sheer charisma and planning instead of by brute force and you'd have to pull her teeth to get her to admit it, but while she thinks he has no HONOR, she thinks he still has better morals than the average marine and seems to like, actually try to help people. meanwhile bigb thinks cleo is a brute of a pirate but reluctantly admits that cleo also reigns in the worst impulses of the surrounding crews and, compared to other pirates he's had to take down (or hell, most of the warlords of the sea that are supposedly on the navy's side), she's reasonable and unlikely to try to commit any actual atrocities, just to cause problems for fun. if she weren't a pirate and didn't seem to determined to kill him, he'd probably even like her!
like, look at that, isn't that just a delightful dynamic,
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You got any examples of stuff Glimmer has done that people demonize her for but let Catra get away with?
of course i do. someone else may have already made this post but if not, it needed to be made.
in the span of the series, glimmer made two major mistakes that catra also did. let's start with the worst one:
1. jeopardizing the safety of etheria:
glimmer used the black garnet to enhance the princesses' powers to save etheria. was she still at fault for being stubborn and reckless? absolutely. but her intentions were pure and she was really in a tight spot.
“I'm the queen who's going to save Etheria.”
i think we've all been in a situation where we were backed into a corner and had to resort to a bad decision. glimmer was misguided but she was trying to do the right thing.
“We both want to save the people we love.”
she still loved her friends and she cared about her people. of course, it's not an excuse for what she did. but you really can't blame her when she was forced into being a queen at such a young age, because of catra. i swear, people completely forget the fact that none of this would have happened if catra didn't open the portal.
not to mention, glimmer's reaction when she realizes that she was wrong:
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she immediately admits it. she doesn't try to justify herself, she doesn't shift the blame onto anyone else. glimmer may be stubborn, but she's humble enough to acknowledge her own mistakes. contrast that to catra's reaction to realizing that the portal was about to kill everyone:
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that's right. she doesn't care. first off, she was not forced into opening the portal. she wanted to do it to spite adora. sure, she was in a very emotional low at the time, because of the whole "shadow weaver choosing adora" thing. i get it. but her intentions weren't good, they weren't even neutral. she actively wanted to end the world, as long as adora died with it. her reaction to being told that adora was right was this:
“Adora is right. (laughs) Adora gets everything she wants. But not this time. This time, I am going to win. I don't care what it takes. We are opening that portal now.”
also, of course she shifts the blame to adora.
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instead of at least acknowledging that this was her choice, she refuses to take responsibility for it and instead guilt trips adora.
2. hurting adora
this is probably the reason why glimmer gets the most hate from the fandom. because, in a moment of grief and frustration, she says something hurtful:
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of course, it was wrong. it wasn't adora's fault that angella died. but glimmer's anger was understandable, it was just misdirected. she was going through a lot (reminder: because of catra) and she wasn't even given enough time to grieve. she had to put that aside to focus on being a queen. also, unlike catra, glimmer shows immediate guilt and regret after saying that.
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she immediately tries to apologize. no one needed to tell her that what she did was wrong, she realized it instantly. and again, i think this is something we all do. frustration and stress gets the best of us sometimes and causes us to say or do something we can't take back. what matters is if we acknowledge it immediately and try not to do it again.
which glimmer does. she tries to apologize to adora again, but adora is (reasonably) upset and hurt. glimmer is shown to be guilty throughout, and apologizes properly as soon as she is rescued from horde prime.
again, compare that with catra constantly mocking, belittling, insulting and guilt tripping adora.
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she's doing this on purpose. some of it can be chalked down to her being upset in a moment of distress, but most of it is catra deliberately saying anything that could and would break adora's self-esteem. she even prides herself in knowing adora well enough to know what to say in order to really get to her. if you want instances of catra hurting adora, there are going to be thousands across the series, and that's not counting all the physical abuse and attempted murder.
meanwhile, people still hate glimmer for one (1) thing she said out of frustration, and holds her accountable even after she apologized and never repeated it. the double standards are really double standarding.
not to mention, glimmer has to face the consequences of her actions. bow is allowed to stay mad at her and only forgives her after she starts crying, admits her mistake and says that she doesn't expect his forgiveness.
but catra? little catgirl got rescued and lashed out at adora immediately after. the bfs risked their lives to save her, but she never even thanks them. instead she crawls into the room afterwards acting all cute and sad, so all is forgiven. glimmer, who blamed adora for the death of her mom, is suddenly besties with the very person who killed said mom. bow gushes over how cute catra is, completely forgetting everything she did in the previous seasons.
it's so clear that not only do the fans hate glimmer, but even the show seems to. the writers seem to hate every character except catra. and honestly? their favoritism towards catra only ruined her character. she could have been a great villain or heck, she could have even gotten a good redemption arc. flawed characters don't mean shit if they are treated like victims instead of having actual character development.
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boyinthevoide · 27 days
this might be very obvious or like well known but one thing i think goes kind of unspoken about and i think is really interesting is how when eridan does his whole "fight sollux and kill fef and kanaya" thing, he does not initiate the fight. he doesnt show up with the intention of fighting, and he certainly doesnt show up wanting to kill two people.
(its under the cut because there's a LOT of images, i wanted to make sure as much stuff as possible was in context.)
first, kanaya, because it's short.
when kanaya tells eridan about her plan to restore the troll race, this is what he says:
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[Image IDs: two screenshots from returniabound, where eridan is angrily saying "if theres goin to be any sort a hope for our race as the prince of hope i demand to be involved so dont go anywhere without me got it".
End ID.]
firstly, this implies he isn't literally on his way out and stopping to get feferi. this also makes it very clear he didn't start out wanting to kill kanaya, because if he did, he wouldn't've gotten involved in her plan. obviously. she wouldn't be able to go through with it if she was dead.
then, feferi and sollux, because he talks to both of them at once.
the thing is, the way eridan and sollux's interactions work at least to me is that they're both just vaguely annoyed with each other, then when they interact they basically just provoke each other the whole time (i dont ship erisol it just doesnt fit to me). their interactions here follow this formula.
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[Image IDs: a conversation between eridan and sollux. it goes thusly:
sollux: "oh GOD it's him. [feferi] can you tell him to go away, i don't even have the energy for this."
eridan: "hey finless this doesnt concern those with mustard sludge slippin through their veins [...] so keep your mouth closed or ill slit you open over my next meal"
sollux: "w/e bro, not interested".
End ID.]
admittedly eridan isn't exactly fond of sollux, and he is threatening him, but eridan does just kind of talk like that. they're both just pretty hostile towards each other.
and to feferi, eridan says this:
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[Image ID: eridan saying "all i want to do is have a word with you" End ID]
this is just an honest statement. he has no reason to lie about this.
then, theres the actual thing that causes all the problems.
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[Image IDs: a conversation between eridan and feferi, that goes thusly:
eridan: [...] so im gonna ask you this one last time and give you the chance im about to go please come with me
feferi: Go with you? Eridan, you weren't really serious about going to find Jack, were you?
eridan: of course i was and we should do it together
feferi: Jack Noir is INSANELY powerful Eridan! Please, I don't want to see you doing anything foolish by trying to fight him.
eridan: fight him are you fuckin nuts [...] im goin to join him and youre gonna join me in joinin him too fef come on lets go [...] only thing left to do is serve him and hope he spares us and im extending the invitation to come with me cause even though you dont think so i really do care about you
End ID.]
then there's some more dialogue and feferi resolves herself and sollux to stopping eridan.
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[Image ID: feferi saying "That's it. This makes me sad, Eridan, but now we have to stop you. We can't let you find Jack and risk you leading him to us." End ID.]
eridan didn't want this to happen. he wanted feferi to agree and leave with him. he didn't not want to fight sollux but it doesn't seem to have been part of his original plan.
but here's the thing. eridan doesn't kill sollux.
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[Image ID: sollux lies against a wall he's just been blasted against. there's blood trickling from his mouth and in a trail down the wall, and there is text on the right reading "KO'D." End ID]
he ko's him.
and that's important, because the move he uses is a very similar/more powerful version of the move he uses to kill feferi and kanaya.
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[Image IDs: three images of eridan using hope magic to laser someone. in the first he engulfs sollux with it, in the second and third he is blasting feferi and kanaya respectively with it. End ID]
i have no trouble believing he could have killed sollux, but he doesn't. he doesn't want or need to. maybe it's just energy conservation, or maybe...
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[Image ID: eridan saying "im not going to very well kill you am i that would be fuckin unconscionable what kind of friend would i be"]
...he just doesn't want to kill his friends?
because he only turns to killing after this set of panels:
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[Image IDs: three panels from homestuck
panel one: feferi stands over an unconscious sollux with a horrified expression. eridan lurks in the background.
panel two: feferi turns to eridan with a furious expression.
panel three: feferi lunges towards eridan with 2x3dent in hand and still looking furious.
End ID.]
maybe feferi didn't want to kill eridan. but lunging towards someone with a murderous look and a sharp object does tend to have that sort of implication. eridan for this whole time is literally just standing there. feferi is the one to escalate it to possible attempted murder.
he then kills kanaya, who only actually attacks after he destroys the matriorb. fair enough! he had no reason to do that! but at that point his ex-moirail/flushed crush had just tried to kill him and he'd killed her, so it's safe to assume his emotional state wasn't exactly stable at this point.
so as a recap/TLDR:
eridan didn't start out the conversation wanting to end up killing/maiming three people. he made a plan with kanaya that basically requires her to be alive, he has every ability to kill sollux in the duel and quite specifically doesn't, and the entire reason he's here in the first place is to protect feferi and keep her alive. he doesn't initiate the fight, and he doesn't escalate it to murder.
basically he would be correct to go "they started it"
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my-own-walker · 1 year
what difference does it make?
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summary: ghost bf tate and y/n find comfort in each other in this fucked up world. (y/n doesn't know he's dead yet. violet doesn't exist, obv). this story is based loosely on the song 'what difference does it make?' by the smiths. felt fitting.
warnings: tate langdon x fem!reader, heavy angst, mentions of sh, murder, and harm.
Tate's POV
The devil will find work for idle hands to do.
'I'm sorry I can't be who you need me to be. All I can do is be here,' I cried. Screwing my eyes shut and balling my fists, I began to sob.
I couldn't take it anymore. The women of this house. The things they required of me. I didn't want to be evil. I didn't want to do what I was doing. I was so confused. So lost.
I would be overcome by this feeling. This white-hot sensation would sear through my brain, stealing my vision and making my knees weak. The next thing I knew, I would be back where I started. Minutes, sometimes hours later. Tears in my eyes.
I stole and I lied, and why? Because you asked me to!
I would hear of the awful things I'd done through the voices around me. The other people that were trapped here would sing my praises for killing, murdering, stealing, whatever. Sometimes I would wake up from the fits in the middle of my horrible acts. Looking down and seeing pools of red and faces in agony. I didn't do this. I would think. But now I know it was me. It was all my fault.
Why me? Why do I have to ruin the lives of the people around me? I just want to be a good person. I'm only 17. A kid.
For we have been through hell and high tide / I can surely rely on you
She moved into the house. She was the only salvation I had. Her love for me proved to me that I wasn't a monster. I was more than just some pawn in this house's game. I wasn't on this Earth to simply cause harm.
I pretended to "accidentally" throw a ball through her window one day when her parents weren't home. She rushed over to the window and looked out at me, a look of shock and fright on her face. I looked up apologetically. My best puppy-dog-eyed performance.
'I'm sorry ma'am!' I quipped. My hand was resting above my eyes to shield the sun.
'Ma'am...?' she scoffed. 'Do I really look that old?' She rolled her eyes.
'Uh- no? You're just- I- I'm sorry. I'm Tate,' I replied looking down at my shoes. Bashful. Nice.
'Y/N.' she replied, crossing her arms sarcastically. 'You fucking broke my window.'
'I know...I-'
'This is a new house, my parents will kill me.'
'Oh my god, I had no idea,' I played dumb.
'Do you want your ball back at least?' she smirked, holding the perpetrator up demonstratively.
'Yes, please,' I said, thinking I blew it. That was the wrong 'in' I guessed. The wrong way to get her to love me.
'Then you'll have to come get it,' she smirked and walked away from the window.
Well, I'm still fond of you
From then on I was a regular fixture in her room. I helped her dad fix the window, just to show how nice of a guy I am.
She lived with her dad and stepmom. Her mother had died just a little less than a year ago, and the fat bastard was already remarried. Sick freak. I needed to protect her from him.
It was a car accident that took her. She tried merging off of the highway at the same time as another driver was trying to merge onto the highway. She side-swiped them and her car flipped. The driver's side was crushed.
'I could have been in the car with her that day,' Y/N later explained. 'She asked me to go get groceries with her and I said no, and then she died.'
My heart breaks for her, it really does.
She hurts herself, too. I watched her do it one time. She didn't know I was here. I cried as I watched her etch lines into her thighs, one at a time. She didn't wince, or cry. She just sat there, expressionless.
I tried to protect her from the people of the house. Its victims. She didn't deserve to be scared or feel the pain that they did. I kept them away from her.
Oh, my sacred one
It was three days after Y/N found her dad cheating on her stepmom. She was distant. I didn't feel like she'd want to see me. She made no attempts to contact me.
I was a sitting duck, unable to help her. In the days prior I watched her. Alone. Rotting in her room. Skipping school. Hurting herself. It was too much to bear.
On this particular day, though, I decided she needed me. As much as she was pushing me away she still needed me. And I needed her.
She didn't understand.
My conversation with Nora hadn't gone well. She was asking too much of me. Too much. And shortly after the feeling came again. I had another fit. I was overcome and powerless. The white-hot pain lit my brain on fire. And then I was standing alone in the basement again with blood on my hands. I began to sob. I needed Y/N.
I worshipped her. The softness of her cheeks. The way her hair cascaded and framed her face. The way she would cover her mouth when she smiled because she hated how it looked. The things she would wear. Her knit sweaters and black lace-up boots.
Everything she did was pure magic to me.
Her sense of humor. Her compassion. The way she feels things. So deeply. She feels with every ounce of her being. I wish I felt that, rather than utter fucking apathy all the time.
I gathered my courage and found myself in her room. She was asleep.
I made my way over to her bedside slowly, taking care not to wake her. I lowered myself onto the seat next to her and watched as the hair that covered her face moved with each breath she took. Her still form filled my stomach with butterflies and made my chest feel funny. She was so peaceful. For once, I didn't see pain on her face.
Tears sprang to my eyes yet again. How could a person be so perfect?
She must've sensed it because she stirred. Turning onto her back and stretching her arms out. Her eyes fluttered open, aimed at the ceiling. I could see it better, then. Her eyes. They were puffy and red. She'd been crying.
She turned her head slowly as she stretched again, inadvertently making herself face me. Her eyes widened, but she didn't jump. It was almost like she couldn't believe I was there.
'Tate?' she croaked.
'Hey, beautiful,' I replied, relieved that she wasn't immediately angry with my being there.
She cracked a small smile.
'I was worried about you so I came over. I hope I'm not bothering you...' I continued.
'No- no Tate not at all,' Y/N stammered, propping herself up slightly. 'I actually hoped you'd come. I didn't realize that after all this time I just...never got your number. I've been needing you but had no way to contact you. You've always just been...here, I don't know. I never thought to ask.' She laughed, sadly.
Shit. I thought. I need to figure that out somehow. Or come clean. Fuck.
'It's okay now, though. You're here. I haven't been able to cope at all,' she trailed off, looking out the window behind her headboard. 'What time is it even? I've been sleeping so much...'
'It doesn't matter,' I said, 'if you need rest, you should rest.'
'I'm so tired...'
'Me too, Y/N...me too,' I sighed. I didn't even realize I had started crying until Y/N shot up in her bed and crawled over to the edge to take my face in her hands. She wiped the tears from under my eyes with the pads of her thumbs. Then, she kissed my cheeks, kissing the rest of the tears away.
'Rough day, huh?' she asked.
'It's a goddamn filthy, fucked up world we live in, Y/N,' I managed. 'I've missed you.'
She motioned with her head for me to join her on the bed. She even turned up the covers slightly so I could crawl under, but I didn't. That would take too much time. I needed to be in her embrace immediately.
I laid on my side as she wrapped her arms around my chest. She laid her head atop mine softly and sighed.
'I'm so tired,' I uttered.
She simply stroked my hair.
'I love you, Tate,' she muttered after a while. Electricity shot through my body. I was for one, all-encompassing moment, alive again. She loved me. And I loved her.
Oh, I'm too tired / I'm so sick and tired / And I'm feeling very sick and ill today
Okay, that's all, I guess. My brain won't allow me to write more for some reason. Let me know what you'd like more of and I'll do it. This has been fun so far.
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inlove-and-dying · 2 years
Daryl Dixon x Suicidal!Reader
synopsis: Daryl comforts the reader who is suicidal after Glenn's death
warnings: gore, blood, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, death, i probably missed some
his body, lifeless, growing cold, lay sprawled out before you, and everything around you seemed insignificant. Glenn became your best friend after the world went down, and now he was gone. you couldn't hear anything, you couldn't see anything, you could only focus on him.
"how are we gonna get her out of here?" rick said, after multiple failed attempts to get your attention.
"I got 'er," said Daryl, picking you up. that woke you up. Glenn was your best friend, but Daryl was your boyfriend-you think. you weren't official.
at first you hadn't noticed it was Daryl. but once you did, you instantly relaxed, at least as much as you could considering you just watched your closest friend get brutally murdered.
"c'mon," he said. "let's get you home."
~timeskip: one week~
you thought about it once more. were you sure? your helds trembled and nearly caused you to drop your knife. how could you live without him? you should've thought about that before you became so close to him. god, you were stupid. the knife made contact with your skin and you started to slide it across your wrist, when-
"hey, y/n! Rick and I found a lot of shit on a run and we were wondering if-" you snapped your head over to to his direction, and there was hardly a moment of hesitation before he was running to you, ripping fabric off of his shirt and wrapping your bleeding wrist.
"I'm sorry," you said, voice struggling to come out through your tears.
"don't worry about that. I'm just glad i got here before you did some real damage." his voice was soothing, comforting. he spoke low and deep.
still, you were upset with yourself. how could you not have realized that he cared about you? that he would be upset if you were gone?
he finished wrapping your wrist and looked you in the eye. "why would you do this?"
the tears came back. "because Glenn is dead. Abraham's dead. we're now being controlled by the same guys who killed them. if one of us acts out, we could lose even more people. you're the only good thing I have left, and chances are I'm gonna lose you too. I can't live in a world without you, it's hard enough living without Glenn!" the tears came even harder now, as what you were thinking became even more real as you put them into words.
he paused, opened his mouth as if to say something, but instead closed it and engulfed you into a hug. "don' think like that. you know me, you know that nothin's gonna kill me. just please don't try anything like this again. please, I love you."
he had never told you that he loved you. you had dreamed of how he would say it, if he ever did, but you never thought it would happen with you in his arms after you attempted suicide.
moments passed before you said, "I love you too," and nuzzled your face into his chest. he kept one arm on your back while the other gently stroked your hair.
"I'm staying here tonight," he said after a while. "make sure you don't try that again."
you slowly nodded, and closed your eyes, content.
first time writing anything about the walking dead, ran out of ideas, played solitaire while thinking of what to write. hope y'all enjoyed!
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that-ari-blogger · 4 months
Collateral Damage (White Out)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is a series about trauma and recovery. I think it is important to understand the nuance of its depiction and exploration of the concept.
Specifically, because one of the main criticisms that I have seen of the series is that it ignores the wider effects of the character's pasts and actions. That it excuses the character's actions and the damage that they cause. I disagree with this premise.
I can see where the idea is coming from, but I don't think it is entirely correct. I don't think the series shies away from the effects that its characters behaviours have, and to that end, I present White Out as an example of what I mean.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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This episode explores trauma's effects on a personal level and on an environmental scale. Both Catra and the first ones' tech have gone through the ringer, and are taking that out on those around them.
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I think that the decision to focus this episode on Scorpia is important, because it allows that personal side of the issue to show. This may be a hot take, but Catra isn't a particularly nice person.
"We weren't sent here to chase rumors. Hordak wants tech. If your bots can't dig it out, then maybe I'll send you down there"
This line reveals the reason Catra is acting this way, but it also shows her threatening someone close to her. This isn't how friends should behave.
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And, throughout this entire episode, Catra is blunt and to the point. She is quick to anger, and impulsive. Take this exchange for example:
"Scorpia, good, you're here." "Yes, I am." "Entrapta brought all this junk from her lab. Help me find a space heater or something, since apparently, we live here now."
It's an instruction, not a request, and on a one off, this might be just rashness. But Catra phrases everything as is she is talking to subordinates, which neither of her companions are. Scorpia is of equal rank to her, technically, and Entrapta might be slightly higher.
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The audience can see why Catra is so scared, it was there when Hordack removed her ability to breathe as a stunt. But I would like you to imagine, briefly, if you didn't know that, if someone you knew told you they would throw you in a pit unless you did your job better. The only reason Catra is getting away with this behaviour is because Entrapta is entirely unintimidated by her.
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The audience perspective is actually spoken aloud by Scorpia.
"She's misunderstood! You of all people should know that! I mean, you grew up together..."
Scorpia is making excuses for Catra here, and I would argue that she is both right and wrong. Catra is misunderstood, but she's also doing real damage. She may be a sad kitten, but she is also the villain.
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I feel the need to make something clear here. A character being a bad person does not make them a bad character at all, or even reflect badly on the story as a whole. The fact that Catra is the villain of this story is important, because it explicitly frames her actions as undesirable. This is unquestionably a strength of the writing, not a flaw.
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"...I can't compete with that. No matter what I do, I can't seem to break down her walls. But you two, even when you're trying to kill each other, you can tell there's a real bond there. I just, I wish she would see me as being worth her time, too."
Scorpia's line continues, and I would like to quickly dwell on her motivation here. Scorpia is the friend who will always have Catra's back, the gal pal, the... roommate. Or at least she would be, if Catra gave her the time of day.
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Catra is routinely presented with ways to get out of her situation, and Scorpia is one way of that, offering her emotional stability. Sure, she may not be interested in her romantically, but the offer of friendship is there at the very least, and Catra refuses to take it up. Well, until the end of the episode, but we will get there in a moment.
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Enter Sea Hawk, who helps to ease the problem in the most Sea Hawk way possible. He listens, and he tells stories. The man is a bard, and while I don't find his struggle with "being cool" nearly as compelling as the rest of the episode, I think the way he uses that to empathise is fantastic.
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Because, Sea Hawk is kind of a role model for Scorpia here. They work out together that they need to care for themselves as well as others, but Sea Hawk also demonstrates actions that Scorpia applies later on in the series, that being his ability to understand. Scorpia at this point has just been listening, but Sea Hawk drives home how important it is to actually understand, but also the importance of having limits.
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As such, when Scorpia breaks the crystal, she disobeys Catra for her own good, and I think that her actions are why Catra is finally willing to open up herself, because Catra doesn't want power, she wants safety. Adora gave her that, not just through protecting her physically, but also by giving her some boundaries to comfortably sit inside, so that Catra had structure. Scorpia gives her that.
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"Hey, thanks for getting us out of there."
This is one of the only two times in the entire episode that the word "thank you" or anything approximating it is spoken. The other time being immediately after, with Scorpia thanking Catra for the blanket. Respect goes both ways, Catra needs to learn that.
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But, and I want to be absolutely clear about my premise here, the moral of the episode is that you need to have limits to protect yourself. Because Catra may be misunderstood, but that will cause Scorpia some genuine problems if she doesn't have the ability to say that enough is enough.
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This isn't just on Scorpia. The episode and the series explicitly frame Catra's actions as something that she needs to change herself, and that, while support groups are important for that, that has to come from within as well.
She-Ra doesn't romanticise the abuse Catra receives or gives off, it says "these are bad, and are getting in the way of her relationships".
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On the other side of the story, I don't think that the murder virus is a virus. I think it's very much intentional.
Hear me out, the first ones were at war, and the series goes on to discuss that they were maybe not the best of people. The cost of war is an important theme in the series as a whole, and I don't believe it is out of the question to suggest that the first ones might have set up a kill switch incase their enemy ever made it to Etheria.
The important thing to note is that, whatever happened to the crystal, intentional or not, it is having massively damaging effects on Etheria as a whole.
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Final Thoughts
I have seen a lot of discourse around the She-Ra fandom that seems to believe that Sea Hawk is annoying, and I will defend my boy to the end of my days. I am blind to all criticisms against this man, and will not hear any argument.
In seriousness, I think that when you see a take about a series that you disagree with, it is important to explain why you came to your conclusions. The purpose of analysis isn't to be all high and mighty, its to say "I like/dislike _, because..."
Discussion online has a habit of devolving into who can shout the loudest, and I think that is a shame, because it means that, specifically when talking about stories, a lot of nuance goes unspoken.
Next week, I am looking at Light Spinner, an episode that is one of my favourites, so stick around if that interests you.
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iamsherlocked1479 · 1 year
Hi, I love your blog firstly! ^^ Secondly…could I request a Sherlock x fem!reader where she’s a young and newly trained detective (maybe slight age gap if you’re comfortable!) who he secretly has a bit of a fancy for, but he’s absolutely awful to her because he doesn’t like the way she makes him feel. She gets shot during a case after following Sherlock when he told her not to, but doesn’t realise until after the fact when the suspect has been caught - her speech starts to slur, she goes all dizzy etc., but she doesn’t actually realise what’s happening to her until she sees the blood. Sherlock realises he’s made a grave mistake and miscalculated the entire case, and almost losing her makes him realise how much he cares. A million bonus points and a gold star for overprotective Mary and doctor-mode John <3
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Kiss me
Description: Sherlock doesn't understand that he has a crush on you and has no way to deal with it and then something happens to you. my attempt at fluff, not always my strong suit.
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: none
“Are you sure this is the right place?” You say stepping out of the cab following closely behind your mentor.
“Absolutely I have never been wrong as of yet.” Sherlock bragged as he pulled his scarf around 
“The bloody guardsman?” John chuckled from behind
“I wasn’t wrong, I just haven’t solved it yet, it's still an open case.” Sherlocked muttered he wasn’t one for admitting his defeat, yet again he wasn’t one to hire an apprentice. But he didn’t ever imagine being so intrigued with a person as he was with you, when he looked at someone he could tell you things even they didn’t know about themselves. But you? You were different, the only thing he could piece together is which perfume he preferred, the answer to that was your more expensive kind, the kind you only wore on special occasions. He thanked the day he bursted into lestrade's office and you were there waiting to be assigned your first case, luckily for you, John had just gotten married and Sherlock was. Well he didn’t like to say it, but he was lonely. And you were quite the catch, he just couldn’t understand his fascination with you. And now here the three of you where, searching an abandoned junkyard for a man suspected of killing three people over a two thousand year old vase. It sounded boring at first, but when you had so kindly pointed out that this man had repeatedly been seen with Jim Moriarty, he knew he had to be a part of the capture.
“Will you two stop bickering, we’ve been trying to catch this guy for two months.” you whisper 
“She’s right, shut up john.” Sherlock said, opening the door into the warehouse. The heavy metal door creaked as you stepped through closing behind you with a large bang. You walked down between the old shelves when suddenly something rattled causing an old bottle to smash to the floor ahead. The noise rattled the three of you, Sherlock pushing you to the wall with his finger to your lips shushing you. You gulped as his tall frame pressed against you, his finger trailed softly on your lips leaving you both locked onto each other's eyes. Your mouth grew dry as you stared into his blue gems shining in the dim light creeping through the old windows.
“It was just a bird.” John said, snapping you out of your staring contest. 
“Right.” Sherlock stepped ahead brushing his coat off.
“Y/n wait.” John tugged on your arm pulling you aside “you know he struggles to focus with you around him. We’ve been after this guy for a while, in the politest way, don’t distract him.” His tone was soft but his eyes were serious. You weren't denying you didn’t feel an attraction to Sherlock but  he was at least eight years older than you, plus it would be seen as unprofessional within the contract you had. surely it was just a crush. These things fade. Right?
“I won’t do anything I don’t need to.” You held your arms up 
“Good.” He said catching up with Sherlock who crouched behind a pile of old barrels.
“Look, that's him.” He said as you knelt beside him. You watched as the poorly dressed suspect paced up and down as he spoke nervously through the phone.
“Mr Moriarty please, I just need some more time. I promise I can get the package too, they just- they hired some private detective.” He paused, muffled yelling could be heard echoing down the hall “why does it matter.” He sighed “I don’t know, tall curly hair.” He tutted “yeah Sherlock holmes and john watson i believe. And I don't know who the other one is, just some police chick.” You furrowed your brow at his remark.
“I'm not with the police, you muttered.” This caused the man to look in your direction. “Shit” you whispered 
“Loom i gotta go, I promise you’ll receive it soon.” He hung up and pulled a gun from his coat pocket. “Who’s there?!” He shouted cautiously, walking towards you.
“Follow my lead.” Sherlock said, passing you his gun and looking towards a corridor leading to behind where the man was standing, before he got up slowly bringing his hands to his head. “Sherlock Holmes and this is my associate. Dr John Watson” 
“I know who you are.” The man said as he aimed the gun, switching between the two of them. You crept slowly down the corridor listening to the conversation.
“That was jim Moriarty on the phone, correct?” Sherlock asked, moving closer.
“What does it matter to you, I’ll be a dead man in the morning.” The man shakily said
“What did he want?” Sherlock asked, moving closer.
“The package.” He said
“What's the package?” John asked. The man's arm jolted the gun between them 
“Stop!” He yelled “don’t come any closer!” 
“Okay, okay. What if we could help.” John said
“What? No, we need the package.” Sherlock said 
“What if we can help the gentleman?” John proposed 
“Enough! I’ll shoot.” The man said, clicking the gun and aiming it at sherlock. You jumped from your hiding spot aiming the weapon at the man.
“Put the gun down.” You demanded, he turned to you and aimed 
“No I can’t, he’ll kill me!” The man cried
“We van work this out!” John shouted
“Where is moriarty?” Sherlock interrogated
“Put the gun down man, I’ll shoot!” The man cried again 
“Calm down” you said pointing your gun at him
“Enough with the demands!” The man winced as he pulled the trigger, you did the same and a loud bang rippled through the steel walls surrounding you. The man dropped to the floor and you rushed over kicking his gun away “it's too late.” He whimpered 
“Why?” You asked as you knelt beside him
“The reich-recih” he stuttered “The reichenbach fall.” It was all he managed to say before his head slumped to the floor.
“Y/n!” John said rushing towards you
“It’s okay i-i’m” you paused feeling the heat run through your abdomen before looking down and watching as red poured from you, blood covering your hands. “J-john help.” You said as your breath began to leave you. 
“Oh shit, it's okay, hold on.” He said laying you down and pushing on your abdomen. “Sherlock help me!” He shouted, he stood frozen besides you watching and the red lake grew larger. “Sherlock!” 
“Wha-what can i do.” He said kneeling down
“Scarf!” John held out his hand and Sherlock gave him his scarf to which he pressed down on you.
“Sh-sherlock.” You reached out your hand which he took gently squeezing it as your grip loosened and your vision blurred.
Then it was bright, you could hear the sounds of sirens and then the rattling of your bed being pushed through doors and then, you were asleep. 
Sherlock sat beside your bed for hours, he was perplexed, all he could do was blame himself. He should have never let his own fascination with you put you in so much danger, he shouldn’t have let his theory of spending more time with you being the way to give him the answers he desired the most. This was his fault, and all he could do was wait. Wait for them to say you would be okay, way for them to say he could hold you wait-
“Sherlock.” He heard your soft voice wash over the fears in his mind. He stepped over and squeezed your hand 
“Y/n its okay, I’m here, you’re safe now.” 
“What happened? Did we get him?” You winced as you sat up
“The case isn’t important, the only thing that matters is that you’re okay, the bullet missed anything vital.”
“The bullet?” You reached down, feeling the swollen mass of bandages wrapped tightly around your stomach.
“I’m sorry y/n this is all my fault.” Sherlock paused, his eyes becoming glassy with what you could only guess were tears. “I thought that if I could spend more time with you, then maybe I would get my answer.” 
“What answer?” You asked
“The answer, when I look at someone I could tell you more than what they know about themselves. It's why I’m so good at what I do, but with you all I get is how beautiful you are. I can’t concentrate when you are around. You are my distraction and when I watched what he did to you I froze. For a moment i believed everything i aimed to protect in this world could be lost, and that's all because i almost lost you i don’t understand i- 
You pushed your lips against his, his eyes widened as your lips locked before he sank into the kiss wrapping his arms gently around your neck trying not to put too much pressure on your wound. He pulled away, resting his brow on yours as you caught your breath.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” you smiled
“You should have done it sooner, i believe it provided me an answer.” he laughed
“I don’t think my superiors are going to be happy about this.” you sighed
“In my experience lestrade doesn’t like anything that happens without his knowledge.” Sherlock smiled
“And to my knowledge relationships weren’t your thing” John's voice appeared in the doorway, where his arms crossed and a slight look of disappointment. “Care to explain?”
A/N: really great request sorry its not amazing i tried to write fluff instead of smut for a change, i hope thats okay and really hope i get some more requets soon. Chapter 10 will be posted soo so stay tuned :)
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So, fun little fact of having everything destroyed by fire in a rental, by an appliance that you didn't use but was hardwired into the place by the owner of the place... it doesn't matter it wasn't your fault.
Just got told I now have to get everything out of the place as soon as possible to allow the owner to start fixing the place up again
For one, the place is fucking decimated (just like my life because it destroyed 90% of my things and, oh yes, murdered my beloved kitten who was my little duckling, my shadow, my daughter)
so how exactly is anyone going to fix it up given the windows blew out, the roof is annihilated (fire went straight up and across so fast it melted the smoke alarms off before they turned on), and the floor in at least one room is destroyed
the HEAT of it all, actually destroyed things deep inside wardrobes and thick chests of drawers, the structural integrity of the place feels akin to a prawn cracker. clothes in those items of furniture were annihilated.
I am truly grateful kitten passed in her sleep to smoke inhalation and wasn't burned, because the sheer scale of decimation around her was pretty severe but she shouldn't have been in that position at all
still trying to get hold of the damn report on the fire by the investigators, because the cause is clear but what triggered it isn't.
also found my cameras (security) in the kitchen had been turned to face nothing for at least a week prior. that's super weird because it was motion activated and tilted itself in the direction of motion, very confused about this... I didn't notice because the app notifications weren't pinging as motion triggered. ??????? It melted, but I have some stuff on the app, super confused about that whole thing.
turns out contents insurance would have allowed for specialist removalists to gut the place, but (surprise) couldn't get that given that there were no deadbolts on the place.
just being in there with masks on, and a respirator borrowed from family, after the fire was enough to have you hacking and eyes streaming. I am honestly concerned about safety of moving things without like full body coverage
whoever I can get to do it won't be cheap
also, rural area... so, that also absolutely is going to limit who and how much.
not that I am not exceptionally grateful in the generosity shown by people in my life. my workplace found and contracted a new unit , everyone brought furniture or items, or bought me kitchenware. I was able to live with family while everything was devastating, and they are continued support. I had a small bit of clothes and a metric fuckload of books at another family household, so it wasn't everything everything and I had help to arrange baby's cremation, return to work, etc.
i am better off than many, many others in this situation.
but it feels like it's now Over, and Dealt with. But I'm still angry that it happened, and I miss my little girl. Work is kind of being difficult at the moment because there were things that went by the wayside when I had to work remotely from another office, which is coming back to bite me.
Sometimes you just don't sleep because there's a lot going on in your head... and you're a bit late, and even if you are there hours after close of business to finish things in order to manage expectations, it doesn't count. you can't be late. they do little meetings about it threatening support plans or to sign you over to the mental health team, which is a great support for those who need it but I find them meddlesome and they treat people like they're made of glass. which is counterintuitive to getting people back on equal footing if you feel me.
There's so many shitty little things, and you feel ungrateful, because again... who else has this level of support and grace provided after a tragedy? Who has family just pay for things upfrnt with a 'pay it back overtime when you can, without killing yourself' response to trying to make a payment plan with them
who has a mattress and chairs and a little tv and a table and chairs provided, who had an entire office check their houses and sheds for furniture you could have? who else had people begging to know what you needed and bringing sheets and towels and bowls, cups, cutlery to make sure your new house wasn't empty? they even gave me a gift card from a whip round for those who didn't know how to help but wanted to give money to allow me to get what i needed when things weren't a nightmare
like, the generosity and aussie care has been amazing.
but im still sad, and angry and frustrated about all the other little things.because this still did happen, and my little girl is gone, and there are no answers or accountability for it at all.
and every time you think you can move forwards, some new issue or task arises. people mean well when they ask if you will get a new cat, if you are speaking to a professional... but sometimes that misses the mark in a way they didn't mean with their well-intentions.
Zarya will never be replaced, and she should never be. Talking to someone won't fix the fact that unfortunately life and being an adult means that you have to keep moving forwards even when you are tired and angry and frustrated, because bad things do happen all throughout your existence. its a sucktacular part of life.
and then you think, people are having a much worse time all over the world right this second. you have a house, you are inside in the cold, no one is mistreating you, you aren't living in fear that the next silence or whistling means death from above... people are having horrific times, and this is sad and awful but nowhere on that scale.
it's easy to get in your head about this stuff, but that's the worst thing you can do. we can't change the past, no matter how much you'd love five minutes with the TARDIS, we can only go forwards... and part of that is finding a new normal no matter how much it sucks that you didn't choose to forgo the previous status quo
have i listened to hazbon hotel's soundtrack so often i can sing the songs off by heart (also helluva boss) as a coping mechanism? sure. do i have so many half done craft items around it's almost disguting because hands and brain need to be Busy? also sure. am i also grumblingly doing work and household chores and bitching to family about mundane shit and visiting friends and their furbabies on occasion? also yeah.
Its so easy to lay down and just feel grief and nothingness. There is also nothing wrong with that, you get fucked up thoughts like 'Kitten chose me as her mum and i fucking killed her by trusting that unit was safe', and you can't let that get a hold of your brain or you just dissolve. There was no way to even consider this would happen, r that she would be less safe that day than any other day she'd lived there, etc.
Keeping moving is the key, not like running or anything. Meander along with life, until it feels like you can breathe... and when shitty little reminders like the one i was initially ranting about come up, there's no shame in some angry mental pacing and blustering as the emtions surge back through, as raw as the day it happened. You will keep going aggain soon, but its not a race.
Life sucks sometimes, and it's not okay... but that's okay.
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9tzuyu · 2 years
reality check
notes: quick vent fic while i work on other stuff sorry :c
warnings: heavily revolved around restrictive eating disorders, alludes to SA, but doesn’t go into detail, natasha not being very understanding (at first), starts in the middle of a fight bc i didn’t know how else to begin the story lol, semi-proofread.
mama!nat x daughter reader
no tags cause of the topic :c
. . .
“you know, i would’ve been grateful to have so much food around me when i was younger.” natasha scoffed.
“i just wish you would understand, or at least try to!” you cried out, tears streaming steadily down your face. “it’s not about food, mom. i-i don’t even know what it’s about, but trust me when i say that if i could choose to live without this disorder i would.”
you felt pathetic as you wiped your tears off your face. you’d been arguing with your mother for a good thirty minutes now, something that almost never happened before your issue became known.
“why can’t you just eat the food? tell me, why can’t you? why, y/n? it’s food-”
“i know it’s food!”
“then eat it!” natasha screamed back at you. “i get it, you need to feel in control of something. but why can’t you just control something else-”
“i didn’t choose to have an eating disorder. and it’s not about control, not anymore. i told you, i don’t know what it’s about.” you sighed, heart breaking with each response you gave your mother.
natasha rolled her eyes. “your life has been so easy, i made sure of that. you never once had to deal with any of the shit i did, so why are you doing this to me? how do you think i feel?”
you could help but laugh at your mother.
“how do i think you feel? how do you think i feel, mom? you’re not the one living with this, i am.” you wiped your eyes once more, ignoring the sting that had been caused from the repeated action.
“you preach so publicly about mental health and how important it is. people adore you for it. so why won’t you listen to your own child?”
your mother shook her head, "you should be grateful."
"i am grateful! i'm so grateful for everything you've done for me, so much so that it kills me to know that i can't just stop this. i feel so guilty for it and when you say these... awful things to me it makes me feel so stupid and worse than i already do." you sobbed, pushing yourself further away from your mother until your back hit the headboard of your bed.
"i wish i could think of it as just food. i wish i could eat without feeling so guilty i have to force myself to throw up. i wish that i didn't feel like the only way i'm ever truly good is if i'm empty. i wish i could tell you what happened, but i feel like everything i say and do disappoints you."
natasha took another look at you, one that really stuck with her. she didn't recognize you anymore, you weren't the daughter she'd raised since the tender age of five. you weren't the daughter she knew just a couple of months ago. it truly wasn't until you passed out at school and ended up in the hospital with your diagnosis when everything changed. she didn't know you anymore and it tore her apart.
the more she studied you, the more she noticed how beat down and exhausted you appeared. everything about you was dull and worn out to the point she wasn't sure how much of you was left.
"i'm sorry," natasha finally let out. "i don't understand. i don't think i ever will understand." you went to interrupt her, but she was quicker than you.
"i don't think i can because i've never struggled with an eating disorder, but what i can do is try. you are my child and i love you endlessly. i don't want anything bad to ever happen to you and i'm sorry i wasn't able to protect you from this. i don't want to fight anymore because i don't want to lose you."
your breath caught in the back of your throat as you listened to your mother.
"i want you to be able to come to me when you're struggling. i want to help you get better." she finished off, taking a step towards you before sitting on the edge of your bed.
"but you still think those things, mom. i don't want your help when i know the only thing going through your mind is how selfish and ungrateful i am," you croaked.
"what i said was ignorant and i know i can't take it back, but i'm willing to do whatever it is that i need to get you better."
"well first you have to know it's not about food. i can't 'just eat it' like you want me to. i can't just choose not to have an eating disorder anymore." you snapped uncontrollably.
"okay," natasha nodded. "i believe you."
"i do want to get better, i think. i'm not sure. i know i have a problem but i don't want to accept that i have a problem..." you trailed quietly. "i don't know how to live without it anymore, i can't remember who i was before this."
natasha tilted her head in confusion, "i thought you'd just been struggling for a few months?"
"it's been years, mom. it's a very secretive disorder, i did everything in my power to make sure you didn't know about it. pretty easy to do when you're gone half the time anyway." you shrugged.
"i'm sorry," she admitted.
there was a beat of silence before the two of you spoke again.
"what happened?"
"what do you mean?"
"earlier, you said you wished you could tell me what happened." she pointed out.
"oh." your heart dropped and natasha could see you visibly pale at the thought of having to say what it was.
"is it bad?"
"depends on your definition of bad."
"did someone hurt you?"
"yeah. but it was a long time ago, it doesn't matter now. i'm over it." you lied pathetically.
"it does matter and you're not over it." your mother stated calmly, desperate to keep her voice from cracking.
"i was 14, it was years ago. i don't want to talk about it."
"i can respect that, but you'll have to eventually. doesn't have to be with me, but it'll only get worse the longer you don't deal with it." everything in her was fighting to not demand you tell her the name of who did it. she knew that wouldn't help you, not when you still haven't even processed it.
she felt like a failure of a mother, but this was not about her. it was about you.
"where do you want to go from here?"
"i don't know."
natasha chewed on her bottom lip. "i've missed you."
"do you miss me or who you thought i was?" you questioned, bringing your knees into your chest.
she pondered for a second, "both i guess."
it was a fair answer.
"keeping it a secret from you was the hardest thing i ever had to do."
"so why did you?"
"i wasn't sure how to tell you, let alone when to tell you... and then seeing how you've reacted up until now i'm glad i didn't."
natasha would never tell you how much your words pierced her heart, but it was her own doing. she didn't have much room, if any, to feel sorry for herself.
"what i will say though, is that i miss being curled up into your side with our favorite snacks and desserts while we watched horror movies. i miss spending our mornings arguing over pancakes or waffles, not over if i would eat that day."
the redhead chuckled. "you know for someone who doesn't eat very much you sure have the energy to hold a fight."
"fear will do that to you."
"do you think you'll ever be yourself again?"
you hummed, “i think i’ll be a new version of my old self.”
“i like that answer. i think a lot of people feel like they will never be themselves again after traumatic events. i know i never felt like i could.” natasha spoke, her eyes meeting yours.
for the first time in awhile you didn’t feel like you were disappointing her.
“i used to think like that, but i don’t anymore because you don’t have to lose yourself completely. you don’t have to start over by completely erasing who you once were. i’d like to believe that i can still cherish those parts of me before they were tainted.”
natasha smiled for the first time that day. “you’re completely right.”
“before you get too happy i want you to remember that just because we’re having a good moment now doesn’t mean we won’t have more days like earlier.” you reminded her.
it hurt to see her face fall, but you were right.
your mother needed to remember that this wouldn’t be going away quickly or any time soon. but if she keeps her word and tries to do better than before, you knew there was a better chance at healing.
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Andy and Leyley Analysis
Both of Andrew and Ashley's "core" issues seem to stem from the conditional love their mother provided. Its clear from how she (and they) talk during the home invasion that while their mother wanted kids, she didn't really want to put in the work of *raising* them. Thus, she only really loved them when they weren't being a bother (which isn't love at all).
Andrew reacted to this by learning not to be a bother. He became passive.
Ashley reacted by acting out for attention, which pushed her mother and giving her abandonment issues. These then manifested in her constantly *testing* the people around her. Trying to make them leave both as a way to protect herself from harm (by pushing them away before she could form an attachment) and to reassure herself that they *wouldn't* leave. This, obviously, is not a healthy outlook and her coping methods for her issues only exacerbate said issues, but if that were all that were wrong she would be... not fine but a lot less worse than she is. Notably, however, by the time we first see her at about 5(?) years old, she is already displaying an extreme lack of empathy, a distinct cruel streak *and* that she can manipulate her brother via emotional abuse in the form of guilt and threats of self-harm. None of which seems to have *changed* over the course of her life.
Ashley is - at least so far - a relatively flat character. Who she is in the flashbacks is who she is in the present. Even the murder of Nina - the siblings first real crime - does not seem to have affected or changed her in anyway.
This is *very much* in contrast with Andrew. If Ashley's story is that of a flat character arc, then Andrew's story is a descent into darkness. Each flashback - as we move closer and closer to the present - Andrew is becoming *worse*. Doing more and more questionable things, all stemming - it appears - from Nina's death.
And here we get into a bunch of complicated stuff which is all inter-related so I may struggle to lay it out well. But the key point here is that this is when - in the eyes of both Andy and LeyLey - Andy becomes *as bad as her*. And this belief starts his descent into a worse and worse state of mind because he internalizes the idea that he is a bad person.
So I want to lay out the scene. The two kill Nina. Andrew's guilty, but he's also scared. He's scared of being found out. And he's scared of that because he - and Leyley, this will be important later - has internalized the idea - both from watching how his mother treats him and how she treats Leyley - that people who cause problems *are unworthy of love*. He knows, they both know, that if this gets out their mother won't protect them. She won't love them. Leyley says this explicitly
"It's you and me now! No one else will like you. You're a bad person Andy." It is at this moment that Andy internalizes the idea that he is a bad person, unworthy of love. That no one can ever know the real him (and so he can never form a real, meaningful connection) because anyone who knew the "real" him would see him for the monster he is and reject him. No one, that is, except for Leyley.
Again, she says this explicitly. "Andy I know you don't like me... But that doesn't matter anymore. Because from now on, no one will like you either. So let's always be friends okay?"
She is now his *only* support network (as he is hers) and she can use that to control him. Weirdly, this does not create a power imbalance between them, but rather normalizes their relationship. He is now as dependent on her as she is on him, they are *each others* only support network. She does try to push the balance of power between them in her favor by blackmailing him, but he correctly identifies that she is unwilling to lose her only "friend" and so they work out their blood oath.
So that is the story from Andrew's perspective. But what is the story from Leyley's? Well its largely the same, but with a few key differences. See, Leyley had *already* internalized the idea that she was a bad person. Long before Nina's death, Leyley's acting out had isolated her from first her mom, then her friends at school. Because she was a "bad person" and bad people don't deserve (or get) love. Presumably, she reacted to this by embracing it, and by latching onto the only person who didn't push her away (because she had learned to manipulate him) Andrew.
And so Nina's death, which to Andrew was a tragedy, was to Leyley a *miracle*. Because it brought him down to her level. Made him her *equal*. And in doing so it created the co-dependence which led to... well the rest of their problems.
Notably, and I think the core reason why I view Leyley as “worse” than Andrew is that Leyley’s issue can’t be pointed to any singular tragic event. Andrew has the “excuse” of a tragic death, guilt and fear - not to mention Leyley’s manipulations - to explain away why he turns from timid boy with some issues to absolute monster. Leyley, as far as we can see, was always this way. And I can extrapolate outwards to see how this is a reaction to her mother’s lack of love, but it’s clear there was no singular event which drove her to act the way she did. She doesn’t have the excuse of singular tragedy, and so I find her less sympathetic (even if I like her as a character more). 
Related, I think it's worth talking about their relationship and blame. Because it's true, to an extent, that Andrew uses Leyley as an excuse for why he “has” to do awful things and deflects the blame onto her. But it's equally true that the Andrew we see after Nina’s death is not the same man who butchered a cultist for meat or murdered his parents. We see his descent through flashbacks and gameplay, watch as he crosses line after line and becomes worse and worse. And I think it's worth noting that Leyley is there every step of the way, pushing him further along. Working to isolate and abuse him so he has no-one to turn to but her. This is most clear in how she works to isolate him from his other female relationships (sending them death threats and threatening phone calls and making up emergencies so he cancels plans) but it is just as easily scene in her threat of blackmail.
And so why they are both bad people - especially at the time of game start - it's clear that Andrew is that way because of a combination of a so-so mom, a terrible tragedy and active abuse by someone close to him. And I find myself more sympathetic to someone whose spent their whole life living with an abuser, then I do with the abuser. Even if by game start they are equally abusive to each other.
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stormcrow513 · 1 year
Disposing Of Baneful Material
Ok couple things first one I'm coming off a cold and my heads still a bit fuzzy so if anything is incoherent opps my bad,
second use of general you ahead so if you're not doing what I'm talking about them this is not aimed at you,
I am not looking for an argument here,
I'm writing my own post cause I didn't want to possibly start shit with someone on another persons post,
Ok so some of y'all might know my mama is on Tumblr now @silverphantom72 she's slowly learning the ropes and slowly learning to follow people and such,
She came up to me yesterday morning, about this post that scared the crap outta her, the op was asking how people get rid of used magic material, all fine till ma got to where one person said they dump baneful material at the gas station,
Ma works at a gas station has worked at a few, understandably this freaked her out,
I couldn't really reassure her given the more thought I've given it the more it's freaked me out, let me break down my problems with this,
I'm not a love and light do no harm type, cause that's not possible that's not the world we live in, someone is always going to get hurt, but I prefer to be a sniper over a bomber, I try always to do the least harm, and putting baneful shit in a volatile area is not the least harm,
Most people likely don't get just how dangerous gas stations are so let me explain, and by dangerous I'm not only talking robberys,
People are awful at gas stations, their pissed off, and they are never paying attention to what their doing,
When COVID first started it became clear to my ma and her manager that the higher ups weren't going to put screens across the registers the way they did in the main store for those cashiers, so they asked for permission and then rigged up one themselves, and people went ballistic over it, 'whats that here for?!' they'd demand, and as soon as the word COVID left ma and here coworkers lips the person would spit on the covering and slam out the door yelling about how they hoped the workers there would catch COVID,
A man not long ago demanded ma give him free gas and she was like I literally cannot do that he started coming over the register at her til another costumer (big guy) yelled at him to knock it the fuck off, ma worried for weeks that he'd come back with a gun,
Or as she worries every day that someone will be pissed enough to follow her home,
Speaking of guns there was the time a shit ton of cops surrounded a murder suspect right on the street in front of her station and she hit the deck as they all took aim at this guy,
there was that time in her old gas station job where two guys got into a knife fight inside the station and she had to run out the side door,
The coworker who got hit by a truck (she lived and is mostly ok, last ma heard)
The amount of people who run over cones sectioning off a down pump then come running in to scream about the pump not working,
All the people who pull out with the pump still attached to their car
Gas stations are highly volatile spaces putting baneful magic scraps into that is in my opinion asking to kill someone,
Now onto the more mundane side,
Do you know who collects that trash from the trash cans, the cashiers themselves, and at least where my ma works they don't have gloves, they have to pull those bags out bare handed and trag them to the nearby dumpster,
Often ma has to push bulging trash down into the bag, or because people empty their whole car into these trash cans, beer bottles, full bottles of water, full Starbucks coffees, she often has to pull some of that trash into another bag because she can't lift it out because the bags are too heavy, (ma's almost 70 btw)
If I put something into a bag then put it in there that bag WILL get ripped open and then people like ma WILL be touching it with their bare hands, meaning any poisonous to the touch herbs? congrats you just poisoned someone, glass shards/ mirror fragments? just shredded someone's hands, a poppet with needles in it? now there in a persons hand,
When I brought this to ma's attention she gasped and told me lots of kids tend to squish the top of the trash down when it's bulging up so they can shove their trash on top, that lots of people do,
so throwing anything poisonous or slicey in the trash is very fucking likly to hurt someone.
I can't tell y'all what to do, but maybe think twice on what you're doing, just like how people have brought up don't put salt on the ground because you're killing the environment, I'm speaking up for gas station workers who, trust me, do not want to be there,
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
Rindou x fem!reader
Warnings: Mature themes, Mature language, kinda smut, Rindou!
Oh shit, you were running late you knew you should of taken the back roads, as the main roads were flooded with vehicles. Roppongi was usually a very busy place especially during the night, known for its clubs that were filled with some of the most beautifulest women in all of Tokyo.
"Why isn't this car moving!" You screamed hands hitting the steering wheel as the bright pink Lamborghini cut you off.
'Rich people and there stupid driving' you thought as you tried your best to manuaver your way out of traffic.
You had just got this job as being a driver for a very well known company in the shipping industry (or at least thats what they wrote on their help wanted ad) and you weren't about to lose it on your first errand, just as you were about to overtake a car another came claiming the spot you wanted your car to be in.
If adding insult to injury, you began hearing your phone ringing from the passengers seat. The vibrations causing the phone to slightly jump on the black leather of the massive SUV you drove. Without a moments hesitation you picked the phone up with one hand still on the steering wheel trying your best to get your way out of the sea of horrid drivers that were currently taking over the roads.
"Hello" you said abruptly, not even having time to look at the caller ID.
"Good evening Miss (L/N)"
"Evening Mr Hajime" you replied back voice now quieter and meaker hoping he wasn't about to fire you on the spot for you incompetence.
"You do know that I had stated for you to fetch us at 2:50 am and it is currently 2:55 am. You are aware of that right?"
"Yes Mr Hajime I am. I apologize for the not being there at the exact time, it's just traffic and the drivers tonight are not at its best" you said trying to make yourself sound more convincing.
You heard Mr Hajime take in deep breath as someone in the background spoke to him.
"Alright then, I expect you to be here soon and next time I would not like this to happen again" Koko said as he placed his finger on the red end call button.
"What she say?" Mikey asked as he leaned against a wall, eyes peering down at the concrete floor as bright colorful light from other clubs illuminated the area that the members of bonten stood at.
"She's on her way"
"A bit of a slacker I see" Ran commented, while Rindou stood still beside his brother waiting upon your arrival.
It wasn't everyday that Bonten were all seen together out in public, it was far to dangerous but tonight was different, tonight was a celebration; Rindou Haitani had been able to infiltrate and capture the password of an organization similar to their own bank information. Why was this to be celebrated, because it allowed Koko to transfer the money into an offshore account draining said organization of all the money they had and all that were to come into their possession.
'Cutting the source of at its roots' that's what Kakucho had said when Rindou wallaced into headquarters only two days prior with a grin plastered onto his face and a USB stick that held all the information they needed.
"Mahn, I hope that driver of yours arrives soon. I'm exhausted" Sanzu said as he pushed the hair from his face away.
A loud screech was heard, catching the attention of all the Bonten members as they starred at the black SUV that had come to a standstill infront of them.
"Speak of the devil" Ran said as he walked over to the vehicle.
Your heart began racing waiting for the moment Kokonoi Hajime would chew you out for being late. This was it you thought first and last day on the job. You closed your eyes as your heard the passenger door open, slightly peaking through your lashes.
'Oh God Koko with his purple mullet is gonna kill me. Wait purple mullet' your thoughts screamed out to yourself.
You opened your eyes to see that Koko was not sitting in your front seat rather some other man, who dressed just as formal as Koko.
You starred at the purple mulleted man and he starred back, a slight smirk appearing on his face that quickly disappeared as the passengers in the backseat began speaking up.
"Miss (L/N) you can drive now, we're all in" the voice of none other than Koko Hajime spoke.
You whipped your head to the back now facing the passengers seats noticing how full the vehicle was as you apologized to Koko for you late coming. Not even realizing how all eyes were now on you examining your face.
You began starting the car again, as you pulled away from where you had once stopped like a maniac.
"Cut the girl some slack" you heard a voice say from the back, causing you to peer in your rear view mirror to see who had made the comment.
"Yeah come on Koko, its her first day. Give the cutie a break" a man with a pink mullet a diamond shaped scars at either side of his mouth said in agreement.
"Right beautiful" the pink haired man said pushing his head in-between your seat and Rindous. You slightly turned to him with a smile, as his eyes devoured your physique.
"Fucking hell, body of a Goddess" the pink haired man shouted out as he fell back against his seat. His words causing your cheeks to burn.
"You're so lucky Rindou, you get to sit right next to her" a slightly upset Kakucho replied out.
"Oh come on Kaku, you wouldn't even know what to do with all this" the man named Rindou who resided in your front seat shouted back behind him to the man who had a scar that ran down his face.
And you would of paid no attention to his comment had he not shot you a wink, and now your tummy felt as if it had butterflies in them.
You drove to the different locations you were instructed to go to by Koko as each member reached their stop, leaving you with a remark.
"Sleep tight sugar tits" Sanzu said as he got out of the car.
Leaving you with only the two men with the purple hair in the car.
"My stop is next" the one with the shorter hair said.
"At the next right princess" Ran instructed.
You drove as he instructed and you were soon at the designated place which he called home.
"Home sweet home. Goodnight princess" Ran said as he shifted out of the SUV, but before he fully turned to walk away he quickly tapped on the passengers side window getting the attention of the guy named Rindou, causing him to click the button which allowed for the window to move down.
"Congratulations on the job Lil bro" he said with the sweetest smile plastered onto his face before walking away, leaving Rindous cheeks to slightly turn red.
Finally you were going to drop the last man off and you'd call it a night.
But as if some deity heard your thoughts of finally finishing off the night it had made the car ride extra long and quiet.
And the silence you hated.
"So urhm I'm guessing his your brother" you said casually, as you were not quite sure of his status in the Bonten business.
"Yeah he is, his my older brother" he said with a stoic tone.
"Are the both of you members of Bonten?"
"Yes, we're executives, just as Koko, Takeomi and Mochizuki"
'SHIT' your thoughts screamed at you. You were addressing an executive as if he was just an ordinary person, you should've known that all those guys that Koko was with was probably important people in Bonten.
"I'm so-sorry Sir for not ad-adressing you correctly" you stuttered out, now nervous at the thought that another executive was talking to you.
"Well I would tell you not to call me Sir but the way it sounds coming from those lips of yours sounds divine"
'Is he flirting with me again, after I just fucked up' you thought as your face hid your thoughts as a smile was given at Rindous comment.
"Oh well, then Thank you Sir"
"Here's my stop angel. Why don't you come up, you must be exhausted from all that driving"
And you would of rejected had he not placed his hand on your thigh gently rubbing circling into it.
"I guess I wouldn't mind" you said unbuclking your belt as both you and Rindou got out of the vehicle.
Rindou lived in one of the most expensive hotels in all of Japan and on the top floor penthouse no less.
"Don't mind the mess" he said as he walked over to the floor to ceiling cupboards grabbing a bottle of champagne and two crystal glasses.
He placed the glasses on the table and popped the bottle open, causing some of the golden liquid to shoot out onto the floor.
"You really didn't have to open that. It must be expensive" you said softly.
"Well if you have nice things it's best to use it if you can, wouldn't you agree"
"Yes but-"
"No buts, I thought you were nice" Rindou said as he handed you a glasses plopping himself down on the couch next to you.
"So what did you brother Congratulate you on?" You asked trying to change the topic.
"A business success you could say against our competitors"
"Oh. So was tonight like you guys celebration?"
"Yes it was" Rindou said as he placed his glass on the wooden oak table.
"Everyone had congratulated me, but you"
"Oh, I'm sorry Sir. Congratulations on your success"
The moment your congratulations left your lips your felt a pair connect with yours.
Your eyes wide open as you felt Rindou move his soft lips against yours eventually you followed his lead as you leaned in mimicking his movements.
You felt the tip of his tongue nudge against your puffy kissed lips and instinctively opened your mouth allowing him to enter your mouth as the two of you collided.
The feeling of his warm wet muscle sliding in and out of your mouth was hypnotic.
Rindou hands were at your waist pulling you closing trying to take as much of you in as he kissed you. His hands began moving lower and lower, till it was at the hem of you black dress.
Bunching it up as his hands moved towards your in thighs.
"Sir wait" you moaned out against his lips.
"Can't wait Angel need to feel this" he said as his hand were now infront of you cloth cunt.
He began massaging over you damp panties as he kissed you feverishly, causing moans to slip out of your mouth.
You could feel the cool metal rings he wore threw your panties as he began circling your clit with his index finger and slightly shoving his ring finger into your cunt threw the fabric.
"You like this?" He asked and he didn't need an answer to know if it was a yes, ad your body practically screamed out for him.
The feeling of his thick finger being shoved into your tight sickened hole was driving you to the edge even if it was still covered by the fabric of your panties.
"Mmm I could eat you up like this forever" he said as he licked your lips.
You grabbed his neck as you began moving your hips back and forth like a madman trying to release yourself onto his hand.
The pressure was building until finally it stopped.
Rindou had pulled away, tongues no loner intertwined and fingers no longer proding at your core.
"That's how you give a congratulations, Angel. Now why don't you show me a proper congratulations in my room"
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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sukibenders · 5 months
(1) I hate that they gave laena the 'consolation prize' treatment to prop up daemyra. I obviously think laena deserved much better than daemon but at least in the book she seemed happy and loved, and the way her character was described sounded like someone who would've loved the life they had in the show (except for the part where she couldn't see her family as much as she wanted). Not that i like laena being reduced to daemon's love interest (or simply to what she meant in his life) but the show was never gonna give her more than that with the way they rushed through things so they could've at least focused on them and not on 'how can we use this character and marriage to highlight even more that daemon wanted rhaenyra and would only ever be happy with her'. They made laena unhappy and unloved to show that daemon was depressed cause he couldn't be with rhaenyra.
In the context of the show they could've made daemon and laena marry and leave to see the world and be happy away from the place, people and customs that made them unhappy or chained them down. Laena would've loved that i'm sure, and they still could've made time to visit her family at driftmark. Laena could've been a woman daemon didn't expect to fall for but did, a love that filled his heart and life despite the way he missed rhaenyra; their time together and the family they formed could've been idyllic while it lasted. It could've been an oasis in the desert for daemon and a truly happy (short) time for laena, before tragedy fell on them in such a horrible way.
Yes to everything you said! Now, keep in mind that while haven't read the books themselves I still know things about them from like.....Google search and just learning from people who've read it. Now, for how easy it was for me, it makes no sense as to why Condal and Sarah whoever and the rest of the creating team for the show couldn't do the same because it seems like they either 1.) had no idea the difference between show and book Laena (which is bs) or 2.) simply didn't care and really wanted to center Daemyra (which seems more likely for how much they focus on the two together). But back to your point. I personally don't like Daemon that much either, really only care about him for his proximity to, mostly, Laena and their children, but from what I've seen, him and Laena were relatively happy and he did love her. Like aside from him killing her betrothed, if he didn't then knowing who this character is there would have been signs that their marriage held difficulty (I do believe the same couldn't be said for Daemyra in the end but that could be a factor of the war) but there weren't. Because, unlike what the show presents, he genuinely loved not only her but his daughters as he brought them to court and King's Landing multiple times.
In context of the show, to add more backstory behind their relationship: you could had Laena growing into herself as a woman, having contrast when we last saw her in prior episode, and have her know her worth (better than her parents trying to give her off to the king). She rides the largest and influential dragons in the world (I would have added a scene of her claiming Vhagar personally but Condal saw it as "unimportant" which was stupid) and comes from one of the richest houses in Westeros. With that in mind we could see her actively seeking Daemon out, like in the show during the wedding, because she knows that she wants him and she will make him notice her. Regardless of what any toxic Daemyra stan says, Daemon not only noticed her but was enthralled as well because he followed her to the dance floor and hardly took his eyes off of her when they were together. We could of had a scene of him explaining his travels and how he isn't burdened by the society around them (foreshadowing their future) and then, when the fighting starts, have him protect her from harm. Their marriage, to even hone in more that he loved her and didn't view her as a replacement for Rhaenyra, show him seek her out this time but, surprise, she turns him down because she views him as still wanting Rhaenyra. It isn't until he kills Bravos (which good for her because I would have added that too) and goes to her father for her hand that she (and the audience) truly realizes that he wants her. They get married and there's actual love there between them because Daemon, keeping good on his word, builds a life for her that isn't weighed down by their society around them and provides her a freedom that she definitely wouldn't of had with Bravos or Viserys. We could see them bonding and enjoying one another's company during their travels (have Laena send letters to Laenor about the new places they have been) and she ends up pregnant with the twins or (because in show I think Baela is older) becomes pregnant with Baela and then Rhaena later on (which could have been a difficult pregnancy that could also explain why it took them a while to try again) early into their marriage because they were just so involved with one another. When Laena nears her end they could had her beg Daemon to take her to Vhagar, for one last ride, have him carry her with the girls behind him, have them hold Laena, their mother, one last time and watch as Vhagar flies overhead with her one last time (this could even add to their story more such as Baela wanting to build her relationship with Moondancer more as to be similar to that of Laena and Vhagar to Rhaena desperately wanting a dragon to feel what her mother felt). We could had this instead of that brutal death scene because, Sarah, I have choice words with her because even the actress for older Laena asked why that plot was added. We all know why it was added because, whether intentional or not, it feels more likely used to prop Rhaenyra's death as more badass as, already, I'm seeing takes of how her dying by dragon fire was a dragon riders death---even though, in the books I think, and actual dragon riders death was being able to ride your dragon one last time and then, by that context, doesn't that mean many of the Targaryen enemies died a dragon riders death as well....?
All of this could have fit in the show (maybe even more with a few more episodes----which still surprises me how many there are because of its predecessor GOT *reminiscing when shows had more episodes*) but if not, then some scenes within the existing episodes could have been cropped or scrapped altogether (especially certain scenes like Aegon jerking off or the disgusting foot scene). It wasn't hard for the HOTD creators to add this, especially into the context of the show (or maybe Condal just doesn't have vision) as what I presented was very simple. But instead, there was a very obvious centering of Daemyra from Laena feeling like a second choice to Daemon not wanting to return home (wonder why) and as a result keeps Laena and the girls from returning home too and so on and so forth. Like they couldn't even let this man shed a tear at his wife's funeral (he laughs instead) and then have him sleep with his niece (who thought that was a good idea) and ignore his daughters for his niece's children even though they were bruised.
These choices do a lot of damage not just from a plot standpoint with Daemon, but the implications. Firstly, there is, to me personally, very little good shown for Daemon that would make me see him as a morally grey character. Like even with Rhaenyra little is shown (why was his ass sitting in a chair while his pregnant wife is standing?) it doesn't read that much like a man who deeply cares for his family. If they had shown him actively in love with Laena and caring for their little family (like they do in the books), then I would have changed my mind, but they didn't. They couldn't even have him say that he loved her when Rhaenyra ask (don't get me started on her saying to him "you abandoned me" but doesn't add Laena in the context as well considering in the books they were friends, could have been another way to add details from the books subtly). Even his relationship with Rhaenyra's kids seems surface level. I actually like book Daemon more than show, and it's because of the things I listed. Instead, in the show, he just, personally, seems like a grooming piece of shit husband (like his brother).
Now on to the implications. When the Velaryons were confirmed to be black in the show, I was excited because I heard great things about the house and characters itself and was like "yeah, black people in fantasy especially on dragons", even forgetting the negative experiences I had as a black audience viewer from GOT and their treatment of poc characters. But I should have known. From the costume design to the wigs, it was already a sign. Seeing more scenes with the white characters than Laena and Laenor, who were crucial to the story and have them put into tropes instead was disheartening. For Laena, it's the disposable black girlfriend (or wife in this case) who can't measure up to Rhaenyra, Daemon's one true love, and can't even have her story be told how it deserves. For Laenor it could be the absent father trope because we see more scenes with Rhaenyra spending time with the children than him, barely see them grieve his "death" before they move on and he is never mentioned again. I won't get into Baela and Rhaena here too much yet until I see how s2 plays out, but already have issues with their character plot in the show and have little hope for the future for them if I'm being honest.
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