#'but dolly it isn't that deep' IT IS DEEP TO ME!!!! IT IS DEEP IF I WANNA MAKE IT DEEP
dollypopup · 14 days
I think a lot of people kind of miss the whole point of Polin.
There's conversation now about whether or not Penelope will accept Colin's proposal at the end of episode 4, and the cliffhanger being his infamous 'For God's sake, Penelope, will you marry me or not?' line from the books. And at first, there was all this buzz about how she'll say no and that's the cliffhanger because what if she picks someone else instead? What if he has to spend Part 2 convincing her?
In fairness to the fandom, that was dashed rather quickly. Firstly, we all know she won't say no to continue some semblance of a love triangle, because Debling is the personification of if flour was a spice, and he's not in part 2. Furthermore, it doesn't make much sense to have part 2 be Colin convincing her, when something much more pressing is hanging above them. Because the fandom caught on quickly as to the real conflict:
Does Penelope say yes to Colin, and continue hiding the fact that she's Lady Whistledown? Does she say no out of concern and part 2 is the unveiling? Or does she say no, and confesses?
And I think in our heart of hearts we already know: Penelope will say yes.
And in doing so, she will lie to him. Hide from him. And Lady Whistledown becomes the guillotine over their heads in part 2.
1: Penelope is on a narrative of self growth in Season 3. All leads are, but Penelope's narrative of growth is specifically to come out of the shadows. To be honest and open and brave in the light with nothing but herself and her own voice. And being those things? Yeah, not her strong suit as a character. It's the biggest pitfall she has, and it will not resolve halfway through. Penelope changes her outward appearance, and it still doesn't bring her full peace. Nicola herself has said that. She changes outwardly, but not inwardly, and that's where the real work has to be done. Lady Whistledown is proof that work has not been committed to. She is the manifestation of Penelope's fears of being herself aloud. A literal anonymous persona that can say what she feels she cannot aloud. Lady Whistledown is Penelope hiding, a wallflower in a masquerade mask. She's not going to be brave enough by Episode 4 to tell Colin. That's a whole season long arc. Furthermore
2: We would *all* say yes. All of us. We would all lie and hide in her circumstances. Here is the man she loves, who she has loved for years, coming to her and saying he wants her and cares for her and wants to marry her. She's not putting that in jeopardy. She says no to Debling (thank god, the man's an NPC in every definition of the word, Penelope deserves better) and so her options have narrowed, and really, she only *ever* wanted Colin. He has always been the ultimate desire of her heart. So she says yes to Colin. She wants to and she will. She wants *him*, and now she can have him. And in doing so, she fully solidifies herself as Marina's parallel. WHICH IS THE POINT.
2. a. sidequest: Marina is a vital part of Polin's story, but the fandom has missed that point. Instead of seeing what she as a character was meant to represent in their grand narrative, the fandom has instead demonized her. But in the same way Debling is a plot device to Polin's love story, so was Marina. Now, Marina at least got her own narrative, unlike Debling, who ONLY exists to be a plot point, but this is an analysis of Marina as a player in a narrative that isn't her own. I think Marina is a wonderful character, and I have a lot of sympathy for her, but the fandom saw her and villainized her. Which is SO not the point of her role in Polin's love story. The writers are all but slapping us in the face about that. EVERY character has sympathy for Marina. The narrative wants us to understand she was in difficult circumstances and did what she thought was best as a vulnerable young woman to survive. Which is the same, I imagine, it will do for Penelope in Season 3.
No, Marina's purpose in that particular narrative was to prove who Colin is as a suitor and a potential romantic match. That Colin is warm and open hearted, he is caring and empathetic, he is romantic, and most importantly, Colin is *forgiving*. When he says he would have married Marina regardless of her life altering and reputation ruining secret, that is to set him up for marrying Penelope regardless of her life altering and reputation ruining secret!!! That is the *whole* point!!!
And just like Marina, Penelope hides her truth from him, in fear of losing all that she has. I hope that kind of parallel FINALLY inspires some sympathy in our fandom for both these women, who, in Ruby Barker's wonderful words, are just players in a crappy game.
3: Even in being a sympathetic choice, it is still a cruelty she commits unto Colin. Because up until that point, they really don't owe each other much of anything. Yes, they have a friendship, and that comes with expectations, but in accepting a proposal, she owes him honesty. And she cannot give that to him. Colin lays all his cards down on the table for her to see, and she keeps her own hidden. Just like Shonda said, this becomes a relationship built on the foundation of a lie. It's the cracking open of that lie that finally allows them to be a fully realized couple. Colin loves a version of Penelope that isn't fully real, just like Penelope loved a version of Colin that wasn't fully real. An idealization of their selves. His temper, how he can sometimes say the wrong thing, his jealousy, his bitterness: she does not KNOW these things. But Whistledown unearths them. Just like he doesn't see *her* jealousy and bitterness, her temper, and how SHE can say and do the wrong thing. And, once more, *Whistledown unearths them*. They're not a happy perfect couple by the end of Part 1, because she lies to him. She accepts his proposal, and in doing so, she starts the clock. Tick Tock, how long does it take to tell him?
4: She doesn't tell him. I am fully of the mind that he has to find out on his own that she's LW. Perhaps Eloise sets a time limit for her, that she HAS to tell her brother (she's afraid, of course. what if he's mad? what if he doesn't want to marry her anymore?) (and what of him? what of Colin? does he not deserve to know?), or she'll tell him herself, but Penelope will likely try and then shrink back. She *wants* to tell him. I think that'll be the crux of Part 2. She wants to be honest with him, but she's afraid. So, like most of us when it comes to difficult circumstances, she'll hold off on it. And hold off on it.
Until he finds out on his own.
5: He'll find out on his own. And he will be *brutally betrayed by the news*. Not necessarily that she's LW, though that's a gut punch in and of itself, but more so that she kept it from him. That they've been intimate together, and bare with each other, and that she kept it from him. Keeping it from him as a friend is considerably different than keeping it from him as a lover and a fiance. They will be sharing a life together. A name, a home, and any punishments that befall her. The *Queen of England* is in her pursuit, she is, essentially, tying him to her in all events with the binding of marriage, and he sinks or swims with her. That's a pretty hefty thing to keep from a partner. And on top of it, he'll be hurt by the *lies*. That she could not confide in him. That he told her the truth, but she couldn't tell him the truth, and that will be painful. When it came to marrying Marina, it wasn't the pregnancy, the circumstance itself that he felt was a betrayal, but the lie. Same with Penelope: it isn't that she's Lady Whistledown, it's that she kept it from him. She also slagged him off plenty in it if rumours are anything to go by, and that (SPOILER) at the end of Episode 1, she trash talked him in the article right after they made amends, and is relatively horrified that she wrote it in anger and it was published after everything smoothed over. Even still, she has hurt him with that publication, too. It's a firestorm of things for him to be upset by.
6: And he still marries her. Here is a woman who has arguably hurt him the worst, done a greater harm and insult to him than anyone else, and he chooses to still marry her. Because he's angry, but he loves her. She betrays him and insults him and lies to him, but he loves her. She knew him, got close to him, let him speak to her of things that he would blush to speak to with anyone else (that line from S2 was WILD Colin, I see you, trusting boy), and she slags him off in her public article, and she pretends like she has nothing to hide, and she says yes to him even though she knows he doesn't like LW and that she'll have to tell him eventually, and what does Colin do? He forgives her. He forgives her and he asks her to stay and he loves her. He's jealous of her success, and he's upset that she lied to him, and he absolutely blows up. But after all that facade is stripped away, after all the lies and secrets are flayed aside and they are just Col and Pen, who are imperfect people with a hell of a devotion to each other, they know they're living a really beautiful love story. No pretenses, no pretend, just him, and just her, in the light, holding hands.
Because the whole point of Polin is being seen. Being seen and being accepted. Sometimes, you don't like what you see of a person. Penelope didn't like all she saw of Colin, and Colin won't like all he sees of Penelope, but they come to appreciate those parts of each other because in loving one another, they recognize that these imperfect, unsavory aspects of them make them who they are. And so they come out of it stronger.
So yes, Penelope says yes. Yes, Penelope lies to him. And yes, we'll have debates about it when Part 1 comes out, of 'she would never do that to him!!!' or 'well, she did it for xyz and oueyigohp;wfnd'
but in the end, I think it makes the most sense that she has to make this fuck up (and it is a fuck up, absolutely it is) so that they can grow from it. In the same way he had to fuck up so they can grow from it.
And that's the whole point.
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youronlydarlin · 4 months
Okay…maybe could you do something like Simon fucking you to the summoning by sleep token…literal baby making song??? 🥹
You are SO right about it being baby making music, because Simon fucks your guts so deep like he's trying to put something in there.
It's pitch black in the room. Utter darkness enveloping you both. You can't see anything, as if you're trapped in a neverending night. Relying solely on the goosebumps forming on your skin to know where he's touching.
Your lack of vision heightening your reflexes. And you twitch and tremble like a small defenseless bunny caught in the jaws of a metal trap.
His fingers easily cage around your neck, avoiding your windpipe but cutting off enough oxygen to make blood rush into your head and leave you panting like a dumb mutt. Successfully making you addicted to the feeling.
He easily pins your torso to the bed just like that. While your lower half doesn't even touch the sheets. No, it's wrapped around his toned waist, the position makes it so that he's towering over you. On his knees, and downwards angle he's fucking you in makes it feel like he's hitting deeper and deeper with each push inside.
Simon is a dirty, dirty, man. Having you practically screaming on his cock isn't enough. He wants you drunk on it. Like you won't survive without it.
Two speakers loudly play the song, and he's leaning down to whisper the lyrics into your ear.
"You've got my body, flesh and bone, yeah The sky above, the Earth below.."
And all of a sudden you're throwing your head back. Curling your toes and cumming your brains out. He laughs at you, to think that was all it took to ruin you. But, he has to admit, it ruined him too.
Cause fuck. Now you're throbbing so much and he's pulsing your walls actively milking him fir all he's worth.
The song continues on, and he fucks you through the chorus, then the instrumental. Until he's reaching his favorite part. But despite feeling like being in the brink of unconsciousness you could proudly say that it's your favorite too.
Heavy sounding beats blasts through the speaker as if they're begging to be let out. Simon mouths the lyrics and sings along, you silently mull over how the darkness prevents you from seeing it. But his hypnotic voice is quick to keep all the thoughts away that aren't about him.
"Oh, and my love
Did I mistake you for a sign from God?
Or are you really here to cut me off?
Or maybe just to turn me on
'Cause these days
I would be lying if I told you that
didn't wish that I could be your man
Or maybe make a good girl bad..."
Simon accentuates every word with heavy thrusts while he times the movement of his hips to the rhythm. Your eyes roll back. Subconsciously preparing yourself for the second of many more rounds to come.
a/n: I BEG OF YOU. LISTEN TO THE SONG. IT'S SO MUCH BETTER WHEN YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES. I actually had to listen to it for this, mainly because I only know it through, my love astarion. Thank you for this btw, love. Really inspired me. M' also sorry that I only got to post once. I took the time out of a busy day to hang out with my sister. I hope you liked this, hun!
Yours, truly,
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depressedraisin · 3 months
notes on "mr. snarl"
hello, hello, hello welcome to the mr. snarl is high camp discourse. i've been readin' and thinkin' and drivin' myself nuts over this, so i'll be blabberin' on for a good minute. bear with me.
before we dive into any discussion of camp, we ofcourse need to understand what camp is in the first place. camp as an idea is nearly impossible to neatly put down in a few words or a sentence. it has no definition as of such. camp is loud. camp is ostentatious. camp is exaggerated. camp is 'too much'. camp is gay. camp is ironic. camp is cheeky. drag is camp. marlene dietrich is camp. baroque art is camp. cher is camp. mommie dearest (1981) is camp. the rocky horror picture show (1975) is camp. dostoevsky is camp.
the girlies who get camp get it, those who don't, don't.
however we do have susan sontag's 1964 seminal essay 'notes on "camp"' from where most of our contemporary ideas and understanding of 'camp' comes from. in her essay, sontag noted 58 points on what camp is or might be. for our purposes in this post, we'll go by those. because it is the camp bible of course. and i am a pretentious bitch.
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now before we get to the meat of the matter, a quick detour to discuss the many faces of alex turner.
alex's personas have now come to as closely associated to his image as an artist and public figure as blonde wigs are with dolly parton, i suppose. it even has its own section in alex's wiki page. he is one those performers to whom the "eras" concept can truly and perfectly apply. he is a different man on stage with every new album, each 'era' is unique from the other and distinctly defined. a new 'era' for alex is not only a change of a haircut or a new pallette, it is a total revamping of his mannerisms and performance style and public image. be it mr. schwarz (the car era), mark (tbhc era) or oliver tate sr. (early sias era), each one of his personas is another way in which he represents the themes of that album. understanding a persona is integral to understanding the album.
and alex admits to as such. each Performer is a fractured reflection of his own self, and of the album.
but. but. i do not think that he has always made use of the Performer, or atleast, tried to make perceivable distinctions between them. in the first three-four years of his career- during WPSIATWIN and FWN, he presented as just Some Guy. just another normal bloke from sheffield. which, you could argue, was the persona that fit the context of those albums, but i would say that he was probably not putting that much thought into it at the time. it isn't until TAOTU that we see alex using his on-stage fashion to project a certain kind of image that ties in with the music he's playing. (do i think it's miles' handiwork? yes.). the lil suits and ties and beatles-mop cuts, y'know.
the first distinct Performer appears during the Humbug era. the soft-spoken, brooding, fawn-mannered poet who is probably hiding a bagful of secrets and hang-ups behind those layers of brown curls- let's call her him aly. then we have the bright-eyed, puppy-smiled, deep-voiced loverboy of the early SIAS era. i propose to call him oliver tate sr. (after the guy from submarine (2010) obviously). then mr. snarl- we'll get to him later. the loud and theatrical and slutty and deliciously gay EYCTE era persona. then the melancholic space poet mark of TBH&C and finally the suave auteur of The Car- mr. schwarz.
mr. snarl is the one who has garnered the most fascination and endured the most in popular imagination. dare i say, AM-era alex turner is a lowkey late 2010s pop culture icon. it is very easy to understand why- the quiff, the leather jackets, the perpetual sunglasses, the biker boots, the LA drawl tinging his sheffield accent, the devil-may-care wantoness. the girlies on tiktok and pinterest aren't obsessed with him for nothing.
so, what makes mr. snarl camp? what am i yapping on about?
let's get back to sontag.
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camp is artificial. camp is ironic. mr. snarl is too. he is a character. he is a mask. *cue the bourne identity and body paint*. 'artificial' does not imply fake or dishonest. we should be careful not to be quick in putting any value judgement onto this artificiality- the aritifice is a quality of camp. you can't appreciate camp, if you snigger at the artificial.
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2. camp is character. mr. snarl is a character if there ever was one. extremely defined, visually and behaviourally- you see a performance and can immediately recognise the moment mr. snarl is peeking through. he is also very intensely one thing- very intensely masculine, very intensely rockabilly, very intensely rock god. he is 'instant character' as sontag puts it, which is why perhaps he so immediately and so firmly gripped our collective imagination.
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3. camp is exaggerated. camp is style. do i even need to elaborate on this? Ben Beaumont-Thomas of The Guardian said it much better than i could- alex ironically "played with the role" of being a rockstar but simultaneously "can't help but be a real rock star." so, to put it in sontagian terms, he is not a rockstar but a "rock star"
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the 2014 brit awards speech is the peak of this ironic, exaggerated performance i think. (i'm still waiting for someone to do a drag performance based on it).
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4. but to me, what makes mr. snarl camp is his performance of gender. now let's get one thing clear- camp is not effeminate or queer behaviour. it is the "spirit of extravagance", so any kind of extravagant and ironic presentation of gender can be under the purview of camp.
this performance of gender is not the david bowie or marc bolan or brian molko kind, no. this performance of gender is much subtle, much more nuanced- he wasn't playing around with rigid definitions of gender or crossing gender lines. he wasn't trying to say something with it necessarily. i doubt even, if it was a purposeful thing that he was thinking of back then.
but mr. snarl is a performance of gender. it is a performance of masculinity. and the thing that makes it so very interesting is that it was a cis, straight man doing it.
[if y'all are interested, another interesting example is dolly parton + her persona + her performance of exaggerated femininity. for more on that i'll point you towards be kind rewind's video essay on her.]
mr. snarl was an image of a very certain kind of masculinity. 1950s, elvis presley, rockabilly, greasers, james dean- these are some of the pop culture touchstones that come to mind when we think of mr. snarl. he is also decidedly american. a "fictional character from america" as alex later put it. was this whole persona thing an effort to conquer america then? perhaps...but eh. there is no way i can conclusively say that. it certainly helped that cause. AM the album was very us-american in essence-- it drew from hiphop and r&b after all. the soundscape of the arctic monkeys was very much rooted in its northern british indie roots, and AM was the first one that was clearly not. and mr. snarl was just a visual reflection of that. [for more on how the arctic monkeys conquered the us]
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mr. snarl was a certain kind of masculine in a way alex turner personas haven't been previously or since. he has always presented as conventionally masculine. even the humbug persona- him being my girlfriend notwithstanding- is not much different from the aesthetics of say, ray davies or mick jagger or george harrison back in the 60s and 70s. the slightly effeminate dramaticism of eycte is not exactly gender-bending as such.
but mr. snarl was hypermasculine. masculinity has had an interesting place in his lyrics up until they- they are both critical ('brianstorm' 'a certain romance') and fascinated ('jeweller's hand' 'catapult') of more aggressive masculine characteristics. (he does use a lot of very sexual but not necessarily erotic language to describe said masculinity- but that's another can of worms.) mr. snarl was in a way, alex being those characters from those songs he was writing about. mr. snarl also very aggressively straight. straight with a capital s. his songs in AM still had the self-abasing and submissive undertones to the narrator that love songs from humbug and sias, but much toned down. he was out there shouting out his girlfriend on stage. and who can forget the "ladiessssssss!" moment. he had models hanging off him in photoshoots.
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you probably saw these photos and thought- "what the fuck?!" with a cackle. that is exactly what makes mr. snarl camp. the irony, the ridiculousness of it all.
5. i don't think alex was trying to be or do camp. camp is best when it is not intentional. i can even confidently wager alex would not take it as a compliment if i showed him this essay. a lot of very "serious" people look down upon camp as something lowbrow and tacky and unserious. but it isn't. i would go ahead and classify mr. snarl under naive camp- he is trying to be straightlaced and serious, but failing grandly, which makes it deliciously camp.
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so. mr. snarl was an exaggerated representation of masculinity. in a sense, mr. snarl was basically drag. alex turner being "Alex Turner".
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bteezxyewriter12 · 4 months
Pairing- Yeosang x Named Reader
Word count- 8k
Includes- ⭐based on the song Jolene by Dolly Parton
Lots of angst, blow job, deep throating, cock riding, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Yeosang Masterlist
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"Jolene", Yeosang murmurs in his sleep as he flips to his other side, my heart breaking, "You're so.....so pretty"
I wipe the tears from my eyes hastily, trying not to cry more as I sit up in bed, looking at him
But I fail
This is the fourth night in a row that Yeosang has dreamed about Jolene
He's dreamed about her before but not this many nights in a row
She's a new makeup artist that was hired two months ago
She's gorgeous with fiery auburn hair, perfect ivory skin and emerald green eyes
Tall but still shorter than Yeosang, model body
She's Irish and has a cute Irish accent as well as a dimple on each cheek when she smiles
And she's constantly smiling at Yeosang
I'm Yeosang's stylist so I'm always there when she's around him
I see her constantly flirting with him
And sometimes I catch him flirting back
I don't know if he's doing it purposely or absentmindedly and I'm too chicken shit to ask him
There's no way I could compare to her
I'm just normal- short, long dark brown hair, boring brown eyes, no dimples
My skin isn't as clear or smooth as hers
I'm Italian but I don't have a cute Italian accent
I have the rude, loud New York accent from where I grew up
I know most guys would choose her over me
I just hope Yeosang doesn't
I love him so much
We've been together for two and a half years, when he went after me after I was hired
He's just so sweet, loving, hot and adorable
He's perfect
And she has her eyes set on him
I'm trying to not be jealous but it's hard when he's talking about her in his sleep
I'm so scared I'm losing him and I don't know what to do
"Mmm Jolene. Green...eyes", he murmurs, "No...don't..So...pre...want....you"
Tears break over my waterline and I let out a sob I didn't mean to
Yeosang stirs while I clamp my hand over my mouth
I don't want him to wake up and see me crying again
I don't want to talk about it
"Kiss me", he mutters, "Want...kiss..you"
I keep my mouth closed but I can't help the tears, my body trembling as I cry
Yeosang's eyes open and he groggily moves his gaze to me
His eyes snap awake and he sits up immediately, moving hair from my face, "Jagi what's wrong?"
I just shake my head
I can't tell him
"Baby, what happened? Why are you crying?", he asks, pulling me immediately in his arms, holding me tightly
Which just makes me cry more
"Jagi, please baby. You're scaring me"
"Nnn...nightmare", I stammer, telling him the same thing I've told him for four nights
"The same one jagi?", he asks, running his fingers in my hair
I just nod
"I'm sorry baby. Can you tell me about the nightmare?", he asks
I shake my head
He asks the same thing every night and every night I stay quiet
He normally lets it go but I have a feeling he's not going to tonight
"Please baby?", he asks, confirming my suspicions, "You never had nightmares before and now you're having them every night. Maybe if you talk about it, it'll go away"
I wish that were true but it's not
"Please tell me jagi"
"You ..you're just gone", I whisper, telling him some semblance of my fears, "I don't know where you are but you're not there. I lost you"
He holds me tighter, pressing a kiss to my hair, "That's not going to happen baby. You'll never lose me jagi. I love you too much to be without you"
I cry harder at his words wanting so much to believe him
But how can I when he's dreaming of another girl?
When he flirts with another girl?
It's a constant battle in my head and it's so draining
"It's ok baby. I'm here ok", he says soothingly, "I'll always be here. I love you so much"
"I love you Yeosang", I sob
He just holds me, playing with my hair, giving me small kisses until I've calmed down and the crying has stopped
"Want to lay down jagi?", he asks
I nod
I'm exhausted but I'm worried I'm not going to fall asleep
That he will first and I'll have to hear him dream about her again
"I..I don't think I can sleep", I tell him
He smiles softly, "It's ok baby. I'll stay up with you. I won't fall asleep until after you do ok?"
"Ok", I whisper
He presses a soft kiss to my lips that I give back, then he pulls me with him as he lays down
His arm wraps around me, cuddling into me as I lay my head on his shoulder, his other hand pulling my leg up and over his, getting as close as we can, before wrapping his other arm around my
"I love you Jo", he says gently
"I love you Yeo"
I do
So much
So much so that even thinking about being without him makes me feel like I'm dying
He kisses me again, his hand running in my hair
I close my eyes and try to fall asleep in Yeosang's strong arms
"You ok baby?", Yeosang asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts
I look up at him, nodding as I fix his shirt for the photo shoot
"Just tired Yeo"
I did end up falling asleep in his arms but it wasn't a restful sleep
"I know baby", he says, tucking my hair behind my ear, "I felt you waking up and moving over and over"
Shit, I fucked up his sleep too
That's not what I wanted
"Sorry I messed up your sleep"
He lifts my face up to his, his eyes on mine, "It's ok baby. I don't care about that. I was worried about you. I thought you kept having nightmares"
I smile softly at his caring words
"No Yeo. Not nightmares. Just restless I guess"
He nods, "Well how about after the shoot we can go to your apartment and I'll cuddle you while we nap?"
"That sounds perfect baby", I smile wider
"It really does", he smiles, leaning down, kissing me
I kiss him back, my arms around his neck, his around my waist, pulling me closer to him
I fall into his kiss, feeling his soft lips move against mine, his tongue playing with mine, his hands on my body, his arms around me
I love him so much
I can't lose him
I can't
"Ahem", I hear near us
We pull away, turning out heads to see Jolene standing there, her arms crossed, looking annoyed
What the hell is her problem?
"Yes?", Yeosang asks, his eyebrow raising
"I know she's you're girlfriend and everything", Jolene starts, "But if you keep kissing her, I'm going to have to keep applying the lip product on you over and over. As it is, it's all over her mouth now"
Yeosang looks back at me, smirking as his thumb slowly slides over my lips
"It's ok", he says, "It'll come off. And you can give me the lip product. I'll put it back on whenever it gets smudged"
I smile at him as she scowls
"Whatever", she says, walking away
He shrugs, leaning down, his lips back against mine
When he's like this, loving, I can believe that he really loves me and she's nothing
I just wish I could believe it all the time, like it used to be
Pushing these thoughts away for now, I fall into his kiss
Two weeks later
Looking around the set, I don't see Yeosang anywhere
I know he went to get his makeup checked but he should be back by now
I head to the dressing rooms, wondering what's taking so long
Worrying because Jolene isn't here either
He still dreams of Jolene, still calls her name in his sleep
It hurts so much, I can't help but cry and he always wakes up when I'm crying
It's like he knows he's hurting me and wants to make me feel better
Or soothe his guilt
I don't know if he remembers his dreams when he wakes up but he doesn't say anything
He just holds me until I fall asleep again
I don't know how much more I can handle before I have a breakdown
I'm terrified to talk to him about it
I can't....I can't hear him say he doesn't love me anymore
That he wants her
I can't hear that
It'll break me completely
I look in all the dressing rooms but he's not there
I have one more to look in then I'm calling his cell again if he's not there
As I get closer, I hear him laughing
With Jolene
"Let me get this off you so I can redo you lips"
I get to the room, peering in, my heart dropping at what I see
Her leaning over Yeosang, her arms around her neck, her face right in front of his
About to kiss him
I gasp, putting my hand over my mouth, tears bursting from my eyes as I turn and run
I can't watch him kiss her
I can't
I rush into the bathroom, locking it
Leaning against the door, I drop my hand, trying to stay quiet as I cry hysterically
I can't get the image of them out of my head
Did he kiss her?
Would he even tell me?
I don't know
I don't know what to do
Maybe I should talk to Jolene?
Tell her to back off?
Or should I just break up with him so he could be with her?
I don't know if I have the strength to do that
I just don't know what to do
Yeosang POV
"Let me get this off you so I can redo you lips", Jolene says
Yeah ok
I just want her to finish so I can get to my jagi
This was supposed to be a quick check but she doesn't stop talking, cracking unfunny jokes and I have to pretend to laugh so I don't hurt her feelings
I'm about ready to just take the lip stick and do it myself so I can leave
She leans over me, her arms suddenly moving around my neck
What the fuck?
She leans her face close me, like she's gonna kiss me
I hear a small gasp and I try to turn my head but Jolene's arms lock my head in place
She tries to kiss me but I pull my head back and she misses
"What the fuck are you doing?", I snap, moving my hands and ripping her arms off me
I stand up so fast and she backs away
"What are you doing?", I demand
She gives me a smile, like that's supposed to make everything better
"Giving you a kiss"
"Are you fucking insane? I have a girlfriend!", I shout, so angry
What does she think?
I'd cheat on Joanne?
I'd never hurt her
"I'm sorry Yeosang. I wasn't thinking. I just...I really like you"
She can like me all she wants
I don't care
She needs to back off
"It was a mistake. It won't happen again. I'm sorry"
"Make sure it doesn't happen again", I growl, glaring at her, "I love Joanne. I'll never hurt her. So back off"
She nods, apologizing again
"Give me the lipstick. I'll do it myself", I snap
Or I'll get another makeup artist to do it
She holds out the tube and I snatch it away, putting it in my pocket as I turn and leave the dressing room
She has to be fucking kidding, trying to kiss me like that
What the fuck?
Walking back onto the set, I look for my jagi but she's not here
"Hey Woo", I call, going over to him, "Where's Jo?"
His eyebrow raises, "She was looking for you. She didn't find you?"
Suddenly I remember the gasp I heard when Jolene tried to kiss me
Oh shit
Did she see?
Did she think I?
Oh god, no
I immediately run back to the building, calling her name
I check the closest dressing room
"Jagi! Where are you?"
I check a few more rooms, panicking
A door a few feet down the hall opens with her walking out of it
The bathroom
She was in the bathroom
"Jagi!", I call, getting to her
"Oh hi Yeo", she says, avoiding eye contact
"I was looking for you jagi"
"Oh? I was....bathroom", she shrugs
"Jagi, look at me", I say softly, lifting her face up
Her eyes are red, like she was crying
"You're eyes baby", I say softly
"Rubbing them", she says immediately, "I got something in my eyes, dust or something and it hurt. I rubbed it hard but I couldn't get it out. Then I used water to get it out"
I know she's lying
She's not the kind of girl to get into a confrontation or argument
She wouldn't confront me about what she saw
"Jo, I..did you see-"
"I didn't see anything", she says, forcing a smile
Ok, now I know she saw
But I'm not gonna call her out on her excuses and embarrass her
I wouldn't do that
So instead I tell her
"Look jagi, I wanted to tell you something ok?"
Fear enters her eyes as she nods
Fear that doesn't need to be there
"Jolene, she was going to fix my makeup", I start, "And I don't know what the hell she was doing but she put her arms around my neck and tried to kiss me"
Tears well up in her eyes as she tries to fight them back
"Oh? Did...uh....did you kiss her?"
"What? No!", I exclaim, shocked she'd think I'd do that, "No Joanne. Never. I'd never do that baby. I moved my head away and told her to fuck off"
She just nods, looking like she doesn't believe me
"Joanne, I swear, I didn't kiss her", I tell her, looking in her eyes, "I wouldn't kiss anyone but you. I would never hurt you jagi. You're my one and only. I love you"
"I love you too Yeo", she says
"Do..do you believe me?", I ask
She nods, "Yea Yeo. I know you love me"
"And you know I'd never hurt you?"
She nods again, "I know Yeo"
I nod, pulling her into my arms, hugging her tightly
Her arms move around me, holding on tightly too
I hope she's not just trying to placate me
I want her to know she's my only one, she's my everything
I get this might have shaken her up and I'll do everything I can to show her she's my one and only
Shaking next to me wakes me up
I groggily open my eyes, soft sobs reaching my ears
I'm immediately alert, lifting my head and looking over at her next to me
Her back is to me but I see her arm moving by her face
She's crying again
Another nightmare
"Jagi", I call softly, moving closer to her
"I...I'm ok Yeo"
No she's not
"Another one jagi?"
She nods as I move my arms around her, turning her and pulling her against me
I look down at her, tears slowly sliding down her face
I wipe them away, kissing her cheek
"I'm here jagi", I tell her, laying next to her
I move my fingers in her hair, playing with it
She really likes that and it calms her
"Yeosang", she whimpers, her face burying in my neck, her hands buried in my tank top
"It's ok jagi", I whisper, kissing her forehead, "I have you baby. I'm here. I love you"
"I love you", she whispers
I hold her tightly, keeping her against me, my free hand still playing with her hair
"My baby", I whisper softly, "My jagi. My Jo. I love you. So much"
"Love you", she murmurs sleepily
A few minutes later, her breathing evens out and I know she's asleep again
Hopefully she'll sleep for the rest of the night
I'm worried
This has been happening more and more often lately
She's having nightmares every night and I don't know why
Everything is fine when we go to sleep but then I wake up to her crying
Maybe she should go to a doctor or something
Just to be sure everything is ok, health wise
I'll talk to her about it tomorrow
Cuddling into her, I close my eyes, holding the love of my life tightly
The next day
I'm looking for Joanne again
We just got a break from the shoot and she wasn't on set
I checked the bathroom first this time but she wasn't there
Maybe she went to a dressing room to nap
She was exhausted when we got up today
I don't blame her
Her sleep is broken when she wakes up and even though she goes back to sleep, it's disruptive
I check one dressing room but no, she's not there either
I start turning the corner in the hall when I stop, seeing her and Jolene standing in the hall
Her back is to me but Jolene can see me if she looks and I immediately move back behind the corner
"What do you want?", Jolene asks, annoyed
"I need to talk to you", Joanne says, "About Yeosang"
Is she...confronting Jolene about the almost kiss?
"I know you like Yeosang", she tells Jolene, "But please, don't take him from me"
Is she really worried about that?
Peering around the corner, I see Jolene just smirking at my jagi
And anger fills me
How can she stand there smirking in front of someone who's hurting?
"I....I can't compete with you", Joanne says, "I'm not as beautiful as you, I'm not anything compared to you. And I know Yeosang would choose you over me"
No I definitely wouldn't
I don't understand why she's feeling like this
I haven't done anything to give the impression that I want Jolene
Yes Jolene is pretty but I've seen hundreds of pretty girls and they don't compare to Joanne
Joanne's unbelievably beautiful, stunning
She is the only one I want
The only one I love
I told her that yesterday when I told her about Jolene trying to kiss me
"And how do you know that?", Jolene asks
"Because....", she says, hanging her head, "Because he dreams about you. He talks about you in his sleep. About how he wants you, how pretty you are, asks you to kiss him, talking about your eyes. And he always says your name"
Oh my god, I do that?
And suddenly I'm bombarded with images of waking up to her crying
She never had nightmares
She heard me talk about another girl while I was sleeping
She heard me call another girl's name
I understand why she's upset, I would be too but she doesn't know what the dreams are about
She's in them too
And when I say "pretty" or "kiss me" and "want you" I'm talking to her in my dream
Not Jolene
In the dream I'm telling Jolene to leave me alone and it's Joanne I'm telling she's pretty, that I want and to kiss me
Not Jolene
I think subconsciously I knew that Jolene had a thing for me
Since she never said anything before yesterday, I couldn't tell her to back off, that'd I'd never be with her
Maybe the dreams were a way of me telling her and getting those words I wanted to say out
But whatever the reason, I'd never want anyone but Joanne
She's my perfect girl, my everything, my world, my life
I honestly can't live without her
"I know you can easily take him but please...don't", she asks, "I love him"
Jolene snorts, "If I want Yeosang, I'll take him. You know why?"
Joanne shakes her head
"Because I can"
My mouth drops at how cruel Jolene is being
And I'm fucking fuming
First she tries to kiss me and now this
"But you can have anyone", Joanne says softly, "All the other guys are single. They're sweet and nice too"
"Right. And I could have them if I want", Jolene says, "But I think I'll take Yeosang"
The fuck she will
"Don't", Joanne says softly, and I know from how her voice wavers, she's crying, "Please don't. He's the only one for me. Please. He's my happiness. Don't take away my happiness"
"I'll do whatever the fuck I want to do", Jolene snarls, "And you are fucking pathetic for wanting someone who doesn't want you. For wanting to cling on to someone who'd rather be with me"
"I know", Joanne whispers, breaking my heart
She's not pathetic for being afraid that the person she loves is going to leave her
Anyone would feel that way
Even Jolene
Joanne just doesn't know that she doesn't have to worry about that
But I'll make sure she knows I'm hers and hers only
"You need to fuck off and don't come to me again about this", Jolene snaps, "I don't care about you or your feelings. And you can be sure that I will now definitely take Yeosang from you. Because I can"
What an evil bitch
I hear footsteps coming towards me and quickly move into the room that's next to me
Which happens to be a janitors closet
I wait until the footsteps fade to come out
I need to find Joanne
Talk to her, tell her that nothing she's scared of will ever come true
Then I need to confront Jolene and tell her to fuck off
"Jagi, where are you?", I text
I can't find her
She wasn't in the hallway when I came out of the janitors closet
I looked in this entire building and on the set but she's nowhere to be found
I asked the guys and the staff if they've seen her and they haven't
My only conclusion is that she left
"I went home Yeo. I'm not feeling too good. Stomach pain and nausea. I'll be ok though, just need some rest. Kira will help you with your clothes if you need it. I'll see you tomorrow"
No not tomorrow
I'm going over there right after the shoot
Explain everything and make sure she knows how much I love her
But right now I have something else I have to do
Walking into the dressing room, I make a beeline for Jolene
"Oh hi Yeo", she smiles as I get closer to her
I'm so fucking angry but I know I can't yell at her
I have to be calm
"You need to leave me alone", I growl the second I get to her
Her eyes widen in shock, "What do you mean?"
"I heard the conversation you had with Joanne. The threats you made to her. How you told her you're going to take me from her because you can. And I'm telling you that's never fucking happening"
"I-", she starts
"I love her", I cut her off, "More than anything in this world. I would never hurt her, never cheat on her, never leave her. She's the only one for me. I told you that yesterday"
Jolene's eyes narrow, "And yet, you dream of me"
"Wrong", I snap, "She's in the dreams too. And it's her I'm talking to when I call her pretty, when I say I want her and ask to be kissed. Not you. In the dreams I'm telling you to fuck off"
Her mouth drops slightly, "No... no you're not"
"Yes I am. I'm going to be abundantly clear. I do not want you", I say clearly, "I love Joanne with all my heart. She has all of me, forever. She's my perfect everything and she's the most beautiful girl in this universe. You do not compare to her in the slightest"
I can't stand the disbelief in her face
Like she can't imagine someone else being chosen over her
I don't know what kind of loser men she's used to who'll leave their girlfriends for her but that's not me
That will never be me
"You are going to stay away from me. You are not going to talk to me again. Don't even look in my direction. Understand?"
She nods
"You will never take me away from her", I snarl, "Because you can't"
Her eyes widen but I don't care
She can fuck right off
Turning from her, I head to the set to finish this photo shoot, then go to my baby and make sure she knows she's my one and only
I head to my door to answer it, hoping it's the food I ordered
I'm not in any mood to cook or even heat up something
I'm not that hungry but I haven't eaten in hours and I need to eat something or I'll pass out
It's a bad habit I have, not eating to the point of passing out
I just get so absorbed in what I'm doing I forget and it doesn't help that I don't eat much to begin with
Yeosang always made sure I ate regularly
And when he wasn't with me, he pleaded with me to remember to eat and calling me to remind me
Remembering Yeosang hurts
I just couldn't stay after that conversation with Jolene
I couldn't watch her flirt and take Yeosang from me
And I knew she'd try harder after that conversation because I pissed her off
After speaking with her I accepted I was going to lose him to her but that doesn't mean I have to watch it happen
I left, came home, cried for awhile, fell asleep, woke up, cried more in the shower, then just fell into numbness
I have the TV on but I can't concentrate on it
I ordered food then spent the next half an hour waiting for it and wondering what the fuck I'm gonna do for the rest of the night
I took a nap so I'm never going to sleep tonight
I have all the time in the world to think about Yeosang
My life is such a joy
Unlocking my door, I open it completely not expecting Yeosang to be standing there
I told him I was going to rest and see him tomorrow
He never answered me back so I just assumed he....I don't know, didn't care or got caught up in Jolene
"Uh hi", I say awkwardly
He just looks at me, stepping inside my apartment
As he closes the door, I wonder if this is it
If he's going to end things
If he is, I'm not going to cry
Jolene was right about one thing
I am pathetic for wanting someone who doesn't want me
So I refuse to cry
Not in front of h-
All thoughts empty my head when I feel his soft lips on mine, kissing me, his arms around me and holding me desperately to him
My arms go around his neck on their own, kissing him back
The kiss goes on, neither of us pulling away
In fact we just move closer until there's no space between us, both of us clinging onto each other
I kiss him with everything in me, trying to tell him how much I love him and hope he understands
Reluctantly, we pull away after a few minutes and I avoid his eyes
I can't stand to think this is a goodbye kiss and seeing that in his beautiful brown eyes
I can't
"Jo", he whispers, tilting my face up to him, my eyes meeting his
And I see nothing but love in them
"I love you so much"
I can't help the tears that well in my eyes
"I love you more than anything in this world jagi", he says softly, wiping the tears that break through, "You're my everything baby. No one compares to you"
I don't know what to say or why he's saying these things that I didn't know I desperately needed to hear
He takes my hand and leads me to the couch
He sits and pulls me in his lap, holding me tightly
"I heard baby", he says softly, "I heard you talking with Jolene"
Panic enters my body
Oh my god
He heard...god he must think I'm so pathetic...so jealous...such a loser
"Everything you said wasn't true baby", he continues, "She's not more beautiful than you. I would never choose her over you. She can't compete with you jagi, because you'd win every time"
Why is he saying this?
Because now he knows I know he dreams of her and he feels bad?
"You...you're just saying that because you feel guilty"
He shakes his head adamantly
"Jagi, when I first saw you", he says softly, "I...I just don't know what hit me. I just...I couldn't believe someone as stunning as you existed"
He has got to be joking
He's the stunning one, he's the idol
He's the sexy, hot, cute, adorable, beautiful, gorgeous and more words I can't even think, one
Not me
"I just...I saw you, I was blown away and I had to know you. And once I did I fell hard in love", he tells me, "I can't live without you Joanne. You're my light, my life, my everything. No one can ever take me away from you. You have me forever jagi, I swear"
I want to believe him so badly but he still dreams of her
Still talks about her in his sleep
"You dream-", I start but stop when he shakes his head
He can't deny that, I'm right next to him listening to him
"It's not what you think baby", he says and goes on to explain his dreams
I'm in them, it's me he's talking about, talking to
It's her he's telling to go away
"I'm sorry about what you heard jagi. I understand why you thought what you did. I'm sorry I hurt you. I never want you to cry because of me baby. Never"
I look in his eyes and I see sincerity and love in them
He's telling me the truth
"I told her to fuck off jagi", he continues, "I told her I don't want her, I'd never want her. I told her she doesn't compare to you. I told her she'd never have me, that I love you with all my heart. That you're my one and only. Then I told her to never speak to me again or even look at me"
"You...you did that?", I asked, shocked
"Of course jagi", he says, "No one hurts you without dealing with me. No man, women or child. Men get their ass kicked. Women get an earful and kids get a stern talking to. But no one hurts you. No one"
I smile softly, looking at my beautiful, protective boyfriend
"I love you Yeosang", I tell him, softly stroking his cheek, "You're my everything baby. Always"
He nods, leaning his forehead against mine, "Always"
Then his lips are on mine in a fiery kiss and I know I have my Yeosang forever
Yeosang POV
Holding her against me, I kiss her deeply, feeling her body against mine
I want to, need to, show her that's she's my everything
Breaking the kiss, I stand up with her, carrying her to her room
Once there, I sit on her bed, keeping her in my lap
Her hand softly touches my face as she looks in my eyes
"My baby", I whisper, "My beautiful jagi"
"My Yeosang", she whispers back, happiness running in my body
The first time she called me hers, I was ecstatic
"I am Jo. Yours. Always yours", I assure her
"I'm yours Yeo. Always", she whispers
Smiling, I pull her to me, her soft lips against mine
My hands move down her body slowly, getting to the hem of her shirt then slowly pulling it up
She separates from my lips for the second it takes to get the shirt off, then she's kissing me again, her hands undoing the buttons on my shirt
She opens my shirt, pushing it off my body, her arms around me, her small hands on my back, feeling so fucking good
She moves her lips off mine, pressing kisses to my jaw and dragging them down my neck, right into the spot she knows drives me crazy
"Jagi", I moan, loving the way her lips feel on my skin
"Yeo", she murmurs, "My Yeo"
I am hers
I will always be hers
No one could ever take me from her
No one
She's my everything and I'll do anything for her
As she gives me kiss after kiss on my neck, she gently pushes me down on the bed
Her hands runs down the sides of my body, lighting every nerve on fire
She undoes my belt and jeans, climbing off me to pull them off
Hovering over me, I watch her press a kiss to my chest, her lips feeling so fucking good
Her lips trail kisses down my body to my stomach, her tongue licking my skin before kissing me
"Baby", I whimper, "Feels so good"
She looks up at me, smirking as she goes lower, her fingers moving into the waistband of my boxers, pulling them down
Her tongue is immediately licking my length as soon as its out of the boxers, the feel of her soft wet tongue out of this world
She licks under my head, her tongue slowly swirling around, then licking my slit
"So yummy Yeo", she murmurs, her hand wrapping around my dick, jerking me up and down
"Mm baby", I whine, "Please"
As soon as I finish speaking, her mouth is around my head sucking softly, throwing my entire being into bliss
I love being in her warm wet mouth and she knows exactly how to give an amazing blow job
Her mouth increases its speed, sucking harder and faster until she's slurping on my head, her hand still moving on my length not in her mouth
I just watch her go at it in pleasure
"Mmmm baby", she murmurs, "Such a big cock"
She moves down more, sucking once then moving off again
"So hard for me"
I nod, whimpering as she takes me back in, deeper than before, sucking a few times before leaving again
"Making it so easy for me to deep throat you"
"Yes baby", I cry, "Please baby, do it. Wanna be in your throat"
God, I want it so bad
You'd think I was hard up but we have sex every single day
I just can't get enough of her
She smirks again, her mouth around me and I watch her slowly slide down my cock, her hand moving as she buries my entire length in her throat
She sucks immediately, throwing me into massive bliss, moans escaping from my mouth
Her hands grip my hips, choking on my cock as she sucks hard, tears pooling in her eyes
"Baby", I moan, my fingers in her hair, body shaking from how good it feels
Changing her movements, she bobs her head up and down, small ones at first, spit all over my dick
As she goes, her bobs get bigger, sliding up to my head then taking my shaft all the way back in her throat
I watch her, the way my cock moving in her mouth, the look on her face like she's just content to sucking on me all night is mesmerizing
And so fucking hot
Her throat is so tight and when she swallows it constricts around my cock, sending pleasure blasting up my spine
Each movement brings me closer, the tears falling from her eyes driving me insane
"Bbb..baby sss..stop", I groan, pulling her off, "I can't ..I want.."
"You want to cum inside me", she says as she sits up
I nod, "So much baby"
Her mouth is so good but I'd rather cum inside her cunt any fucking day
She takes off her pj pants and panties, climbing in my lap, her soaked pussy wetting me everywhere
Moving on my elbows, I watch her hold my cock up, her pussy taking my head in
"Fuck baby", I pant
She sinks down on my cock, her pretty pussy lips petaling open, her hole stretching beautifully
And inside, fuck, her cunt sucks on my cock as I slip in, latching on, throbbing softly, throwing me into absolute heaven
"Yeosang!", she cries, her head leaning back as she wiggles on my length, her hips rocking as she uses my cock to open her pussy up more
She bottoms me out, grinding on me, moaning for me as I do the same for her
"So good Yeo, fuck baby"
"Yeah jagi, fuck you're perfect", I groan, "Ride my dick baby. Please. Wanna see you bounce for me"
She slides up my cock, then drops back down, taking me all in, her pussy clenching around me hard
"Fuck!", I cry as she starts bouncing, leaning on my leg
"Yes Yeo, oh fuck yes. Baby, fuck", she whines, riding my cock perfectly, her tight little pussy splitting apart for me so fucking pleasurably
Her hole strains on my cock, leaving such a big pretty creamy mess that I can't tear my eyes away from
"Like watching baby?", she teases
She knows very well I love watching her cunt fuck my cock
I nod, mesmerized by the way her swollen lips hug my dick, the way her tiny clit pokes through, throbbing so much, her pussy completely coating my cock in her cream
"My pretty pussy", I murmur, "So pretty taking my cock"
"Mmm love taking your cock so deep inside", she moans, bouncing faster, fucking her spot on my head, "My baby's big fat cock wrecks my pussy so good"
I nod, practically drooling as I watch her, "Always wreck your pussy jagi. I'll always wreck your pussy"
"Mmm yeah Yeo"
My eyes move up her body, watching her boobs bounce, her face in utter pleasure
Pleasure I'm giving her
As I rake my eyes down her body, I stop at her stomach
At the sight I love to see whichever way I'm fucking her
The bulge in her stomach appearing and disappearing as she bounces up and down
I move my hand to her stomach, feeling my cock move inside her
Her hand moves over mine, pressing my hand into her skin, smirking down at me
"Baby loves feeling his dick inside me huh?"
I nod, hypnotized by her
By her smirk, by her words, by the pleasure on her face, by her movements
I'm so fucking in love it's insane
"I love feeling your cock inside me too baby", she whispers, her cunt throbbing on me hard
I was so busy watching her, I didn't realize she's that close
Sliding my hand down, I press my fingers into her clit, rubbing quickly as her bounces gets faster
"Yeosang", she moans, her pussy getting even wetter then it already is
"Cum on my cock you love so much jagi", I urge her, "Please, I want to feel it, wanna feel you, wanna see you"
"Yeosang, oh my god", she cries, slamming down on me, her body arching and shaking as she orgasms,
Bliss slams into me as her pussy chokes my cock and covers me in more cream
I watch her hole spasm around my length, the sight turning me on so much more
When she finishes, I pull her down on top of me, holding her against me, thrusting up into her tight pussy
"Yeosang", she cries, burying her face in my neck, pressing kisses against my skin
She tries to move but I move my hands to her ass holding her down on me, whispering, "Let me give it to you baby"
"Mmmm", she whines
"Please baby", I whimper, thrusting into her over and over, impaling her on my dick, her cunt flowing cream like a river, "You did such a good job sucking me off then fucking me jagi. Now I wanna fuck you"
I drive my length into her, making sure I hit her spot with every thrust, her loud moans fueling me to go faster
"I love you", I murmur, getting lost in the pleasure only she can give me, "I need you. I need to feel you against me baby"
"I love you Yeo", she moans, kissing my jaw, her hand holding the other side of my face softly
"I love you", I repeat, increasing my movements, pounding into her, feeling her pussy tighten around me
"Yeosang", she cries, her body shaking on top of me as she cums
My entire lower body gets soaked from her squirting, her pussy holding my cock in a death grip
"Jagi, jagi, Joanne fuck", I yell, slamming up into her, ecstacy tsunaming over me as hold her down on my shaft, shooting my cum inside her
Stars blast in my vision as we both cum, our bodies pressing as close as we can to each other's, the pleasure so goddamn good
As we finish, her body relaxes into me and I move my arms around her, pressing a kiss into her shoulder
She lifts her head, smiling as she runs her fingers in my sweaty hair, pushing it back off my forehead
She gives me a soft sweet kiss, then starts to move off me
"No, stay jagi", I whisper, tightening my arms around her, "I need to feel you against me"
"Still?", she smiles, looking at me lovingly
"Always baby", I tell her
She kisses me again, then lays back on top of me, her head on my shoulder, her face in my neck
Her skin is so soft against mine, so smooth and I need to feel her
I live for feeling her warm skin on mine
"I love feeling you too baby", she murmurs, kissing my neck
"I'm glad", I smile, running my fingers up and down her back, feeling her tremble against me
"Mmm so comfy Yeo", she murmurs, cuddling into me
"Sleepy jagi?", I chuckle
"Mmm yeah"
"You can sleep baby", I tell her
"Mmm but..but I ordered food..I don't know if it came. It could be sitting outside my apartment"
"Hmmm are you hungry?", I tease
"No", she yawns
"Do you wanna get up?", I ask, already knowing that answer
"No", she whines
"Then sleep baby. I have you ok?", I assure her, "If you wake up and you're hungry, I'll get you food ok?"
"Yeah", she agrees
"I love you Jo", I whisper, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Don't forget ok? No matter what, I'll never stop loving you, I'll never chose anyone over you"
"Promise?", she whispers
"I swear jagi", I say, wanting her to know she's my one
"I love you Yeosang. More than anything"
I smile, tilting her face up, kissing her
After, I cuddle her, closing my eyes, so glad she knows how much I love her
I wake up on top of Yeosang, his arms tightly wrapped around me, his body warm under me
Lifting my head, I watch my gorgeous boyfriend sleep
For the millionth time, I think of how lucky I am that he's mine
And especially after last night, with him making sure I know he loves me
As I look at him, I realize that we slept the entire night through
I didn't wake up
He didn't call Jolene's name
He slept with me in his arms all night
A smile bursts on my face and I can't help kissing his cheek softly
Just as that moment, his alarm on his phone goes off
"Ugh", he groans, reaching out and grabbing his phone
His eyes open, silencing the phone, tossing it back on the night stand
He yawns, his gaze turning to me
"Hi jagi", he says, a smile forming on his face
"Hi baby", I smile, running my fingers in his hair
His fingers move into my hair, pulling me down for a soft kiss
"Time to get up?", he asks when we pull away
"I guess. Another photo shoot today"
He sighs, "Yeah"
"Baby", I start, wanting to ask about his dreams
I hope he doesn't get mad
"Yeah jagi?"
"We...we slept through the night"
He takes in my words, realization entering his eyes
"Yeah we did", he smiles
"Uh...did you...dream-"
"No. She wasn't in my dreams. My dreams were all of you"
I hesitate, "You're...you're not just saying that-"
"I would never just say that jagi", he assures me, looking in my eyes, "I have never lied to you and I never will. My dreams were only of you"
I smile in relief, so glad
Hopefully this whole dreams including her will stop now
"I love you. Only you. Remember?", he asks
I nod, "I remember. And I love you"
He kisses me again, slowly, gently, full of love
And I just fall into his kiss
"Ready baby?", I ask, coming back into my room after using the bathroom
After being with each other again, we decided we were going to be late enough, so unfortunately we got up
He's sitting on the bed, starting at something in his hand
"Yeo?", I call
His hand closes as he looks up at me
"You uh ok?", I ask, getting nervous
"Yeah", he stands up
"Are you sure?"
He nods and there's nothing I can say
I don't want to push him, don't want him to get angry but I don't want anything to be wrong
After everything, I can't handle if anything is wrong
"So uh, you ..you wanna go? We're gonna be late"
"Yeah ok", he says
I swallow hard, then turn around, hoping he'll talk when he's ready
"Wait jagi", he says
I close my eyes, taking in a breath and turning around
And proceed to have a heart attack at the sight of Yeosang down on one knee
He holds his hand out, opening it, a ring against his palm
I gape, wondering if I'm dreaming
"Joanne, I love you more than anything in this world. You are my one Jo. I knew it from the second I laid eyes on you", he says softly, "I bought this a month ago and was waiting for the right time to ask you. But after yesterday, everything I heard, I stopped at the dorm before coming here and I put this in my pocket. I was going to ask you yesterday but after talking with you and being with you, I forgot. When I was switching my wallet and other stuff out of the pants I was wearing yesterday into these, I found it. And I realize this is the perfect time. Anytime where I'm with you is the perfect time"
I feel tears filling my eyes as love and joy fill my body
"There is no one I want by my side for the rest of my life but you", he says, his soft brown eyes gazing lovingly at me, "Joanne, will you marry me?"
"Yes Yeosang", I smile, "Of course yes"
He smiles, standing up, taking my hand and sliding the ring on my finger
"It's beautiful Yeo", I breathe, the gorgeous but simple band and diamond
I look up at him, smiling so widely, moving my arms around his neck, "I love you Yeo. So much. There's no one I'd rather have by my side for my whole life than you. You're my absolute everything Yeo"
"And you're mine", he whispers, then leans down, his lips against mine
I kiss him, pouring all my love into it and feeling all his love in his kiss
When the kiss ends, he leans his forehead against mine, both of us smiling like idiots
His phone goes off, startling both of us
He pulls it out, rolling his eyes as he silences it
"Hongjoong", he says
"Because we're super late now", I giggle
"But it was worth it right?", he teases
"So worth it", I agree, "Now kiss me again so we can go"
He smiles, his lips meeting mine in a kiss that promises forever
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tranquil-ivy · 1 month
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NSFW Under the Cut (Bubs is a nickname btw)
A/N: If you saw the first post of this, no you didn't.
Imagine Himbo!Chris as your manager
He's usually a strict manager, but he actually quite likes the newest hire Preppy! Reader. He even considers her a friend. Chris isn't the smartest guy around but what he lacks upstairs he makes up for in muscle. He's a massive guy, looks like a linebacker but hasn't touched a football since playing with his sister Claire in childhood. He's a little intimidating even if he doesn't mean to be.
You've been late to work twice this week because you slept late from studying too much the night before. Midterms are coming up and you're so stressed out everything feels like a thousand times harder to deal with. But, Chris has let you off the hook twice now and you know he's gonna say something today since it's your third time being late.
You walk through the front door, not seeing him in usually spot picking up the returns to put back in the system, maybe he's not in yet... Leon shoots you his usual dirty look behind the checkout but smirks afterwards. Watching you walk back towards the break room to clock in. Pushing the door open you see Chris leaning against the counter with his beefy arms crossed over his broad chest.
"You're late again," he starts gruffly, pressing off the lower cabinets to meet you at the time clock, "I called Leon to see if you were in yet and he told me you were late again."
Of course he would, fucking rat...
"I'm sorry, I overslept again... Midterms are-"
"A killer, I know. But if Leon and Ashley can both be on time, so can you." He takes in a deep breath, he must be actually upset with the lack of his usual kindness. It's kinda cute how much he's trying to fight back his irritation.
"Look, I like you, I really do. And I don't want to have to write you up... So you're staying late today. Putting away the new inventory with me after everyone else leaves." You open your lips to protest, raising his hand he stops you.
"Inventory or write up?" You sigh, biting the inside of your cheek as his brows knit together, looking down at you. You actually liked this side of Chris?
"Inventory..." You mumble as he nods with a slight smirk.
"That's my girl."
His boss demeanor drops immediately, patting you on the middle of your lower back as he passes by, making a tingle fly up your spine.
"I'll be doing returns if you need me."
The day drags, 6pm rolling around eventually. Jill staying behind for a bit as she looks over at you from the front door.
"Inventory, all alone with the boss. Sounds like a recipe for disaster," she smirks, leaning closer to you as you roll your eyes, "he's pretty hot, I wouldn't blame you. An that's coming from a Lesbian... And his best friend."
"It's not like that, Jill. He's punishing me." Jill visibly bites her lip, her labret piercing touching her front teeth as she raises her eyebrows.
"You're really not good at deterring me, Bubs..." You groan, she chuckles pulling her coat on.
"It's not... He has a policy about..." You really have no idea what to say, why would she even put that idea in your head? It's not like Chris would show any interest in his employees. He hasn't before at least. Jill's his friend since childhood and gay. Ashley barely just turned 19. And Leon... Is Leon.
Why would you be any different?
"Bye Bubs, have fun with Chris, but not too much fun." She teased, pressing the door open as you wave goodbye. You walk over, locking the door and shutting the neon sign off. Grabbing your coffee from the checkout you down it, throwing it in the trash behind the counter before heading back to the storage room.
Reaching the storage room you step inside, finding Chris stacking smaller boxes of kids books on the dolly. He lifts his head, turning as he dusts his hands off. He smiles at you, sweetly like he usually does. His dopey smile making your stomach do a flip, thinking back to what Jill said.
"Hey," he gestures to the dolly before looking back at you again, "kid section needs to be restocked, thought it would too heavy for you."
That was sweet of him, not wanting you to strain yourself. But of course not, that be making him short a much needed employee. At least that's what you say to your brain to stop wandering.
"Thanks Boss." You give a fake salute before grabbing your dolly and heading out to the kids section. Pushing past the small colorful tables and animal chairs you pull out your box cutter from your skirt pocket and rip the box open. Starting to place books in the younger side of the shelves you hear the door to storage open. Out walking Chris carrying two huge boxes on his shoulders, not breaking a sweat or skin red in the slightest.
"God damn..." You catch yourself mumbling, you know Chris was jacked but Jesus Christ. Two huge boxes into the fantasy section? Those books were usually thicker than your college textbooks. How much does this guy lift?! You blink, eyes burning with the realization you were staring at him. He's none the wiser, back turned towards you as he reaches up pushing the books onto the top shelf.
You continue putting books away, finishing with the toddler stuff and throw the box to the side, starting on the next one. You glance back over at Chris as he tossed his first box to the side. Watching him kick the box over to the next shelf, twirl his box cutter before ripping the tape off and back to work.
You crane your neck over the shelf watching his shirt ride up on him. Seeing the waistband of his boxers over his sweatpants that somehow fit to his ass perfectly. Calvin Klein printed in white over the black band, you'll have to say a prayer later to him for the blessing of the sight you get to see. Chris turns to the side, stretching his arms above his head, shirt riding up again. Tilting your head your see the tips of his V-line, the trail of hair leading to his navel and the curves of his bottom abs. Sculpted to literal perfection...
He has to be doing this on purpose now, right? Cause honestly if it was he was getting your engine to purr with very little effort. Honestly, it's kind of embarrassing. Did what Jill said affect you that much?
Although, Chris is the type of guy to be hit on constantly and barely notice. Just thinking people are being nice to him.
His head quickly juts towards you, quickly looking away you make it look like you were working and not planning what you were going to rub one out to later...
"Need help?" His deep voice fills the space as you give a quick no, squeakier then you had intended it to be. He chuckles, going back to work as you try fighting the heat rising in your neck.
You almost just got caught ogling your boss. Thank God Chris isn't the most perceptive guy around when it came to social awareness or that might have ended with a pink slip. You quickly finish up the kids books as Chris finishes the fantasy section. He looks back to you as he collects the boxes and smiles.
"Head over to the adult section. I'll grab the boxes."
Adult section... Right, you completely forgot Chris had been talking about turning his old office into the adult section after he took a corner of the break room to work in. You nod, heading over quickly as he grabs the dolly and walks off. Walking inside you look at the tall shelves lining the walls and the few tables already lined with books. Looking down at the table you read off a few of the titles in your head, one catching your eye in particular.
How to please your man like a pornstar.
A blunt and to the point title. At least you know what you're getting before you open the cover.
"So this is the kinda crap you like to read?" Chris enters the room with a soft 'tsk. Pushing in the dolly with a few large boxes and the creaky old wooden step stool on top.
"No, just being nosy."
"Mmhm, nosy," he teases, pushing the cart to the shelves. "sure you aren't trying to pick something out for your boyfriend I'm not supposed to know about?"
"I don't have a boyfriend." Chris looks at you over his shoulder, giving you a look like he doesn't believe you.
"Girlfriend? Talking to anyone?" He questions, you shake your head. You both start tearing open boxes and putting away books on shelves. The silence taking over for a few minutes as you ponder his questions.
"You think people like me that much?" You smirk, looking back over at him as he laughs.
"Figured a girl like you would have at least someone sniffing around. I mean... You even get Leon to turn his head once in a while and he's as responsive as wet bread to women."
A girl like you. What exactly does that mean?
"Ew, no. He's the worst and the last person I want looking at me. Besides, that be against the rules." His face shifts, looking confused for a minute.
"Rules?" You scrunch your nose up.
"No dating coworkers?"
"Oh! Yeah, that. No, my Dad wrote those rules and I just haven't had the heart to change the employee handbook after him and Mom died. I'd have to run it by Claire and..." His voice trails off for a few seconds, you getting the jist of it. He turns back to putting books away quietly.
"Still a sore subject for her?"
"Yeah." You nod, understanding the meaning behind it.
"So, you don't care?"
"As long as you assholes don't beat the customers, wear what little uniform you have and show up on time I don't care. It's not my business. Just don't let it affect your job."
Good to know.
You two work in silence for a long while. Eventually Chris pops the step stool open. Moving to put the more "extreme" books on high shelves in case stupid kids wander in unattended. Don't want a child being scarred, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
"Bubs." You snap your attention to him holding the stool. He sets it down next to you.
"Yes, Sir?" He blinks with a smirk, huffing for a moment.
"Don't ever call me that again," you giggle with a nod, "you mind doing the top shelves? I have a feeling this stool would snap under me if I even breathed near it."
"So you want me to file the Workman Comp case?" You joke, Chris squinting his big brown eyes for a second.
"You'll be fine, I'll be here to spot you and hand you books."
You agree, reluctantly. Stepping up to the top rung Chris starts handing you the first set of books, staring at you intently. It felt a lot different than a mindful stare, almost like he was watching you purposefully. Shifting back and forth in place every few minutes. Bouncing his legs. You knew he got bored easily but you've never seen him this jittery.
Oddly enough it didn't take long for you both to get to the last shelf, checking your watch to see it's nearly 8pm by now. Rolling your neck you climb back up on the stool, stepping onto the top plank.
Looking down you gesture for a book, Chris shuffles, turning away quickly and grabbing some books from the box, handing them up to you. He turns away, still standing behind you, a tad bit closer than before. Pushing the last book onto the shelf you look back at him as he keeps moving around.
"Are you okay? You seem antsy." He looks back at you, tanned skin a dusty rose color, he looks like he's contemplating what to say. Grabbing the last set of books and hands them up to you before he speaks.
"I'm fine," he insists, "just hot in here."
He clears his throat, pulling at his v-neck near his rose tattoo on his neck. You turn back to the shelf, putting the books away, leaning for the last one. The book slips from your hand hitting the floor as the stool starts to tilt to the side and you try gripping the shelf to stop from falling. Arms wrap around you as the stool topples over, lifting you from the fall. Toned arms around your waist, big hands flat against your belly as his hand accidentally went under your button up and his head in the middle of your back.
"Jesus Christ Bubs. Gave me a damn heart attack." Slowly his arms lower you to the floor, weirdly hunching to put you down. You feel embarrassed, bending over to grab the book as he grabs the stool. Your head turns, eyes shifting as he stands up straight. Your eyes making contact with the massive imprint in his sweatpants. Your jaw drops, turning away immediately.
Oh, oh God he's hard... Did I do that!? Has he been like that the entire time??
You shift and try your hardest to reach to put the book of the shelf. Even standing on your top toes. Chris comes up behind you, putting a hand on your hip, taking the book from you and stands on his own toes to reach. Sliding the book into place with ease. You feel him brush your other hip with his own.
Couldn't he have just done that the entire time?
You give him an odd look as he steps back, folding the stool up, and holding it in front of himself. Oblivious to the fact you already saw his hard on.
"That should be everything..." He takes a few steps back, you nod, quickly stepping past him.
"I'm gonna go grab my purse and head out." You move to head towards the break room when he grabs your shoulder, stopping you.
"Let me walk you to your car, it's dark out. I don't want you putting yourself at risk. Just, let me use the bathroom first."
Damn him and his kind nature...
You nod, following him to the break room and grab your bag as he slips into the employee bathroom.
Walking out of the back you stop at the front door, turning the overhead lights out. The only lights on being the dimly lit sconces along the walls. You start thinking about... Knowing what's probably happening in that bathroom right now. Your thoughts start drifting to the thought of his hand down his pants, trying desperately to stay quiet and get himself get some relief before facing you again.
Then Jill's words drift into your mind again.
He's pretty hot, I wouldn't blame you.
She's not wrong... Chris is hot. And obviously he thinks you are too if you're the cause of his big problem. Should you even be thinking this way? He's your boss. It be unprofessional and possibly really awkward if anything happened... Well more than what already did.
"Ready?" You turn seeing Chris carrying his coat over his arm, walking through the store.
"Yeah." You both step out of the store, stopping to watch Chris lock up. He smiles at you as you start walking towards your car. Quickly, he steps around you, walking along the street side.
It's not odd for Chris to be this sweet but this feels like he's trying to impress you almost.
"Such a gentleman." You smirk, crossing under a streetlight. He smiles wide, bumping your arm with his.
"Maybe if you're good I'll lay my coat across a puddle and you can walk over it."
Is he flirting with me?
You scoff, shaking your head.
"If I'm good? I'm a model employee, thank you."
"Expect for being 20 minutes late three times this week... Be grateful I like having you around." You feel your cheeks heat up as you both stop at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change.
"Wow, you like having me around. What do you have a crush on me or something?" You joke, stepping off the sidewalk and into the double white lines. Chris staying on the curb for a few seconds before quickly catching up.
"What if I did?" He asks, turning his head to look at you as you two turn into the parking lot on the corner. Looking at him, his face is red. The look in his eyes says so much as you stop at the back of your car.
"Look," he stops, leaning against your bumper as you join him, "can I say something that we can... Both just look past if it gets awkward or weird?"
"As long as you're not about to tell me that you're stalking me or something." Chris shakes his head, smile faltering.
"I know I'm your boss and I shouldn't look at you like I do... But it's hard not to think you're really pretty and I want to take you out when I'm around you constantly. And if you don't feel that way we can pretend this never happened and I'll just walk away..."
He's even sweet when expecting rejection...
You just stare at him for a moment as he stands up quickly.
"Right. I'm sorry for saying anything." You reach out, grabbing his hand as you stand up.
"I'm not sure about my feelings but I know I'm attracted to you and you're really sweet. So, I wouldn't mind going on a date and seeing where this goes... I think I'd be a complete idiot for not at least trying with you." He sighs in relief, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles with a goofy smile.
"Tomorrow after work? A Movie and dinner?" He seems so eager, you snicker to yourself.
"Sounds great." You smile, moving in to give him a kiss on the cheek. His smile turns to a full blown grin, looking you up and down.
"Call me when you get home." He gives a fake salute as you turn back to unlock your car door. Looking back over your shoulder you see him exiting the parking lot to head back towards his apartment over the store. And as you climb in, pulling on the door to close it. You swear you hear a faint cheer of yes from the distance.
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cupidsdescendant · 1 year
what do you think scout dirty talks like teehee
How Scout would talk Dirty (NSFW)
Hehe anon you silly willy, just at the right time .. btw the "come to daddy" voice line will always be implanted into my brain and it will never leave
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-His favorite thing ever is degrading, being made fun of and undermined by the mercs all day, pushing everything onto you during sex riles him up so much
-He likes to egg you on, saying things like "You like that don't you?" "Do you like it when I do that, Y/N? Yeah??" as he grips his hands tightly until there are marks or pulling your hair. He likes hearing you forcibly say 'yes' and insuring his pain.
"Look at you! My god, you're my little doll aren't ya? Do you like being someone's- wait..- MY toy?"
-Let's see what happens when I pull your leg all the way up~" "Oh god, Baby you're really tight on me! You've been excited for me to come home, haven't ya? You like that?"
-He enjoys telling you what he's going to do or what is going on at the moment. "You look so cute when you're on you're laying on your back like this." or "I'm gonna touch you all over and you just gotta deal with that, baby."
-His favorite nicknames are Doll, Baby, Bunny, and Princess/Prince. He can't go a session without saying it twice or once.
-If you ever start crying or show any signs of being on the brink of an orgasm he'll give you a mocking voice and make fun of you until you cum. "Awww...why are you crying? Do you not like it when I get deep into you?" "I thought you could handle this, Princess. Does someone need some tissues?" he continues by laughing in your face
-He likes to play with your body, squeezing parts and telling you things he'd want to do. "Your thighs are adorable, Y/N. All I want to do is stroke my cock in the middle of them till I give out."
- His favorite is to squeeze your cheeks together until your mouth is pouty. "What a cute little mouth, it'll be a shame if someone got it dirty."
-He enjoys acting like he doesn't care sometimes. Seeing you with your hands on the ground, your ass up and you drooling and moaning out his name he likes to hum and play it off. It turns him on all the time to be in power
-"You're gonna hafta' give it your all, Dolly. If you want to get some satisfaction I suggest puttin that mouth to work."
-"Who told ya you should slack on the job, Princess? Get over here."
"That's all ya got? Nah we're going again and this time you better get me falling to my knees in ecstasy, now bend over."
-He isn't a BDSM guy but handcuffs and collars are his favorite. Of course, he'll have you bare naked standing up and he'll sit on the bed signaling towards you. "Come to Daddy."
-In the middle of your guys' session his lines shorten but his moans get longer, grunting more often. He purrs this evil-but-in-a-hot-way kind of giggle. He's sweaty violently but he still tries to keep his act up
-"Oh-...yeah-..gh...good, job...Y/N.." -"that's-...m-y good girl..."
"God I love you."
-Everything he says after the "I love you." Just becomes praise. He can't stay a stupid fuckboy for long, he needs to express how much he loves you!!
-"Oh, Y/N. Dolly-..Baby-....Baby-...I love you..."
"I'm your man, right? Hell ye-ah....."
"Holy shit- I'm inside the girl of my dreams! Haha~"
During his climax he repeats your name over again and just keeps saying "I love you" until his bursts. After, it's coupled with both of you screaming in euphoria.
-"Good job, Bunny. You gave me a workout!"
"Augh, you really gave me a good time...I love you so much, you're such a doll." At the end of a session, he gives you some joke one-liners and plays with your hair and kisses you until you both fall asleep
omg tysm again anon this was so much fun!! Maybe I'll do the rest of the mercs ;)?
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thecollectivefixation · 7 months
A deep dive into the MK1 cinematics (PT1?)
Hi, I'm a nerd and I like breaking apart scenes for small details and hidden meanings that adds to the overall story. For my first official post on The Collective Fixation blog, Mortal Kombat 1 is going to be topic subject today. I’ll be talking about random scenes in the game and trailer that I found really cool and some of the relationships between characters. (I actually blame my family for introducing me to MK1 the other month and I’ve literally not stopped thinking about it so lets get into it hehehe.)
Ok MK1 is definitely in my top three list of best looking cinematics in video games.
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This scene from the trailer was my favourite because it uses the lighting in the building as a medium for foreshadowing. Scorpion (Kuai Liang) being in the warm, bright lighting while Sub-Zero (Bi-Han) being in the cool, dark lighting. The light side referring to Liu Kang as he is first seen with light around him as he ascends down and Shang Tsung representing the dark side as he steps out of dark shadows revealing himself in the trailer. Foreshadowing the betrayal and the two sides of the story that occurs further on in the story.
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When Smoke first gets introduced he is seen under red light which can indicate danger or a sense of evil, paired with the dramatic shift in music from calming to almost a startling shift into a intense music. This convinces the audience to think that he is the antagonist in that current moment. The extreme close up on his face shows off his emotions, which is difficult to do since he has the mask on, so actors have to get creative with their facial expressions. We see this with the intense look Smoke has when surveying the area, indicated with his eyebrows and eyes. Also the camera pans left to show off more red light on his face. The camera is below his face making a low camera angle, low camera angles most commonly indicate a sense of power, strength and intimidation to the subject in frame.
(Side note: Live Laugh Love low camera angles, you see them so much in this game and I love itttttt)
The film codes (technical and symbolic) in the scenes between Johnny Cage and Kenshi Takahashi play an important part in the growth of their relationship. When Kenshi is revealed to the audience, the camera pans up from his feet to his sword to his face leaving in at a low camera angle. This increases dramatic tension by slowly revealing to the audience what Johnny sees. When taking in account of the music changing to a upbeat fighting kind of soundtrack the audience makes the conclusion of you guessed it danger, antagonist.
(Ofc cause he isn't the actual villain in the game but as the time he is lol)
(Side note: i love the way the game developers made it so the cameras seems hand held or on a dolly and not fixed in place, seems like we are in the game/story experiencing everything with the characters.)
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Not that important but I love how the light from the pool reflects off both Johnny and Kenshi, its all about the details.
Now lets talk about THE SLOW MO BETWEEN JOHNNY AND KENSHI. Gotta admit, it caught me off guard a little, because normally a slow mo is used to focus on a character’s emotional reaction to a person, place or event in that current moment. And after thinking long and hard, I have come up with a conclusion on why the directors made this decision.
To show the tension between Johnny and Kenshi. Kenshi at the beginning of the story does not like Johnny or his ideals, its shown between dialogue when talking about their reasons to becoming Earthrealm defenders and Kenshi disapproval. And is the base of why they interact in the first place, because Kenshi wants Sento and Johnny wont give it over. The slow mo focuses on kenshi’s facial expression of aggravation and intensity about his fight with Raiden and about Johnny’s bad sport man ship in the previous scene with Johnny vs Raiden when Johnny’s ego was talking was basically he talked down Raiden’s abilities. This contrasts Kenshi’s ideals of honour.
(side note again, I haven't done a full deep dive on their characters nor have I done a deep dive on a character so I may have gotten some stuff wrong but I haven't fully played the entire game yet I'm like halfway rn so yea)
Ok that’s all for now, I’ll maybe talk about more scenes once I fully play through the game. Feel free to share your options because I love talking about these kind of things.
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hiemaldesirae · 1 month
Arrax here, Vox/Lucifer Bestie AU with a small interruption of Alastor's and Lilith's very awful no good partnership (they hate each other, your honor.)
Alastor clutches his Vox doll close to himself, the scent of his muse wafting up from the beloved doll. "Are you fucking that midget, My Vox?" He snarls, gently petting the dolly's rabbit ears and watching them spark. "Hmm? Has he ensnared you? Taken you from me?"
"If that isn't half as pathetic as I thought it'd be," the Queen of Hell's voice cut in, and Alastor bolts up, eyes wide as he stares at his benefactor. "My Lady," he murmurs
"Save it," Lilith says, a large bottle of apple flavored vodka in her right hand. "It seems we both have a problem. Our beloveds are moving on...and neither of us like that option."
Alastor give a snort: "Well if you hadn't had us disappear for 7 fucking years--"
A deep rumbling growl leaves the Queen's chest, and her demon form flickers in, before she gives a yank on Alastor's soul. "It's not my fault your beloved is a slag who throws himself at anyone with a Mediocrim of power." She hisses, voice cold. "He'd probably have a go at Michael, of all the Angels in Heaven--"
A bellow of rage leaves Alastor and he flings himself at Lilith, managing grab some of her hair before the chain around his neck burns and slams him down. "At least Vox isn't 4 foot nothing, and remembers his daughter's birthday! Velvette has always gotten gifts and trips. Charlotte doesn't even know if Lucifer even remembers her birthdate!"
Lilith gives a gasp, and opens her mouth to reply before closing it. Then she opens it again. Then closes it. "I....I'll have to get back to you on that. I'm sure he remembers it. At least the month....but that's not what I'm here for. Vox has gotten to close to what's mine, and I obviously can kill him--it would make you too useless to Charlie. It would make Lucifer too useless again too, and that's not acceptable either..." *she growled, frowning.* "So I'm giving you a permanent power up--to help you get Vox away from My Luci no strings attached--well except one. You can't kill my husband." *she raised her hand up, a smirk on her face.
Not trusting her, but wanting more power to get his muse back, Alastor grabbed her hand taking the deal.
Lilith's smirk grew: "You kill my husband and I'll kill your Vox," she vowed, sealing the deal, as her power enveloped Alastor sinking into the deer demon, becoming his.
HAHAHA oh my god no this is so good. the idea of lilith and alastor being bitter enemies while their beloveds are besties is sooo fucking funny to me. thank you for this image arrax im grinning wildly
IM GONNA PISS MYFGSELF LAUGHIGNN ALASTORS SPEJAKING TO A DOLL.... dum b FUCK IMGNOAA CRY HAHAGWDH and the fucing vodka too. never let it be said that im disrespecting a woman but. oh mygod shes the original girlfailrue i fucking love her HAGAHWJD
also oh.... more power in return for making sure that luci and vox dont get involved with each other? and als only agreeing to make sure that he'll be powerful enough to force vox to stay with him... plus those final words from lilith... ominous as hell. what the fuck would she count as getting lucifer killed... idk if al wants to know frankly
god this was so good though. absolutely scrumptious meal thank you ive got no notes 10/10
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t-in-a-box · 7 months
Freddy Krueger X F!Reader - Detention
Freddy knows you like him and idk puts up a scenario of a school environment cuz he found out you'd enjoy it or smth xd
Warnings: Freddy being himself, rather forced confession, suggesting of smut (just a little hehe)
You found yourself on your seat in your classroom. The fact that you were all alone wasn't the only odd thing you noticed. For an unknown reason you had a schoolgirl uniform on. A white bottom-up t-shirt with a deep blue collar, a matching blue skirt with two white stripes on the hem, a red scarf tie, a pair of long white socks and shiny black shoes. The skirt was way too short and could barely reach your knees.
Suddenly you heard ear-splitting noise. You covered your ears and turned your head to see what made such awful sound. The chalkboard. A chalk wrote by itself to the board. The sentence made you shiver. It read: "Learning is fun WITH FREDDY!". So you were in a dream, like you had already assumed.
Your mind rushed as you tried to think a way to escape the burnt asshole before it was too late. You decided to leave the building as quickly as possible. You got up from your seat and headed to the door but managed only to take a few steps before the door opened.
There stood Freddy with a big grin on his thin lips. His clothes weren't the usual neither. He had a red and green striped sweater west, a white bottom-up shirt beneath that, dark brown pants that were surprisingly clean looking, leather boots, and a red and green bow tie. You gulped taking a step back. On the right side of his west he had a name tag that said: Mr. Krueger, the headmaster.
"Well, well. Ms. (L/n) isn't trying to leave the detention, is she?" Freddy's tone was rather teaseful and it was obvious that he enjoyed the situation.
"What is this shit? I just want to sleep," you said as another shiver went down your spine. Freddy lurked closer.
"Ah, ah. Mind your tone," he smirked. You glared him.
"What's with these costumes?" you asked, mainly to play time to plan an exit. This time he chuckled.
"I figured you'd like this sort of stuff," he answered, with an amused tone.
"Just what are you talking about? Why would I 'like this sort of stuff'?" you spoke, getting more annoyed of the male in front of you.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, sweet-cheeks. I did my re-search, and Dolly, you're an open book full of messy fantasies like this one," Freddy couldn't have looked more proud of himself. His words made you blush again.
"F-fair enough, but that doesn't mean I want anything to do with you," the escape plan was the last thing on your mind at that moment. You wanted desperately to know how much he knew. He took some steps towards you and was only a few feet apart.
"Ah, yes. I also found out another interesting thing about you. Tell me, what kind of person has feelings towards the man who kills her friends?" you mentally face-palmed. This really was your nightmare...
"Y-you're out of your mind..." you murmured, not being able to look at him in the eyes.
He took yet another step, closing the cap between you two. His hot breath brushed against your right ear as he whispered: "Am I?". His tone wasn't threatening, but rather serious, like he wanted you to admit it to him. 'Not going to happen!' you thought.
You huffed, changing the subject; "Where did you leave the glove?"
Freddy smirked again. If you wanted to play hard to get he was more than happy to play with you. "You'll be a good little girly and we won't need it, won't we?" he answered.
You shook your head. "Just like that," he grinned cockily, "Shall we begin the detention?"
"Whatever." you spoke. If you just keep him preoccupied long enough, you'll get to sleep and he won't try to kill you the whole night...
"Excellent! First up, you'll have to answer a few questions. A simple yes or no will do fine. And before we start, if your answer is wrong, a piece of clothing you're wearing disappears. Are you ready?"
What an absolute ass...
"Yeah, bring it on," you answered grumpily. It was true that you had feelings for him, for a reason you didn't even know yourself, but did he still have to be such dick?
"The first question goes; Are you a virgin?" his eyes flickered at excitement. Yup, he was a full-time dick.
"I'm not a virgin, Freddy," you rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but blush a little. Actually, you were one, but you didn't want to say it out loud to the bastard.
"It's Mr. Krueger to you, and your answer was... Wrong!"
The red tie you had disappeared. How on earth did he know these things? "Alright! I am! Asshole..." the last word you murmured quietly.
"I heard that. Say goodbye to your socks!" he laughed. The son of a bitch just laughed at you. Your socks were gone, and so were your shoes.
"The second question; Are you attracted to me?" he had such shit-eating grin on his face...
"I... Yes..." you mumbled.
"I can't hear you," his voice was full of enjoyment and self-satisfaction.
"Yes! Just quit clowning around and kiss me already!" you shouted before you realized and quickly covered your mouth with your hand.
"With pleasure, princess!" he answered taking your hand from your mouth, and pressing his burnt lips against yours. You huffed, kissing him back. He licked your lips before biting the lower one gently enough. Needless to say you were a blushing mess afterwards.
"Are you ready for the final question?" Freddy asked with a huge grin.
"Yeah.." you said, still being a little dumb-founded about what had just happened.
"Okay, here it goes; Should we take this further?" so that's why he was having such big grin about...
"N-no I think I'm fine..." you said as your face flushed again. Before you knew it, your shirt was gone.
"Gee, you really should quit lying. It's a nasty habit for a Sweetheart like yourself..."
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manderleyfire · 5 months
hey, ali! i feel your pain about the tbosas adaptation! i cried so much during the movie but not because i felt emotional, seeing MY book comes alive on screen but because we were robbbbbbbbbbed and shot 😞😞😞😞😞😞 anyways, what's your opinion on the music tho? fav/least fav song? (my is the oldtherebefore and least fav the 0livia r0drigo's one)
hey, lollis!
‘robbed and shot’, exactly. i couldn’t have said it better myself because unfortunately, that’s spot on 🥲
I LOVED THE MUSIC! a dystopian reflection of our reality through intentional use of folk/bluegrass music is something that resonates strongly with me. i mean, they knew how to strike the right chord in the hearts of book readers for sure! *the only other thing i wish was different about the music it's the variety of tempo and rhythm because as much as i LOVED the unified sound of LG's songs, i would prefer each song to have its own individual tune and ~aura)
my absolute favourite adaptation that they did was 'nothing you can take from me' (boot-stompin’ version); i am utterly in awe of the powerful passionate energy that they gave to this song?? also i loveeed the similarity of rhythm and tone between 'nothing you can take from me' and a traditional american folk song 'man of constant sorrow', i kinda feel it was a deliberate parallel which worked just great. (also i’m glad they added maude ivory’s 'keep on the sunny side'!)
my least favourite is perhaps 'the ballad of lucy gray baird'?.. and though i did enjoy rachel’s rendition (she copies a young dolly parton in such a warm-hearted respectful manner!), and the respect for traditional appalachian music, she sang it in a cheerful 'to hell with you!' manner which is less intense and intimate that i remember it from the book to be? to quote tbosas here: 'the haunting melody set the tone, and her words did the rest as she began to sing in a voice husky from smoke and sadness' – the movie version really failed to capture both the haunting tune (their version doesn't really tell the story musically because of a major key) and the lucy gray's vulnerability here for me. in the book she did what carrie fisher told us all to do: 'take your broken heart and turn it into art' while in the movie she isn't even angry at billy taupe?? like his betrayal (and her place in the games) is not a big deal? she's openly rebellious and sassy with out of place 'i need no man' attitude and that simply didn't work for me personally.
it took some time for 'pure as the driven snow' to grow on me (i expected it to be more of a waltz-like, similar to maiah wynne's cover), but i'm coming around to it. yet… i wish it was STAGED differently??? they had to combine certain scenes and songs in the film but it was such a SURREAL idea to meld PATDS with 'sell you for a song' setting? and it took away so much from that moment of love and connection and unconditional acceptance, where lucy gray is finally ready to be emotionally unshielded in front of her lover (maybe for the first time ever)?? it was a PIVOTAL snowbaird moment but they needed to blend two songs together because obviously PATDS can't be love confession in form of a song because it should be taken as an ominous warning instead (duh!). 'bitch you better not turn out to be a bad guy even tho i knew you were a villain all along' :??? and it could've worked in its own angst-y way, if there had been any development in snowbaird love story?? but since movie!they are full on survival the whole time (there's no canonical teetering on the edge of an actual fondness/love and survival instinct), PATDS makes no sense at all. so… i extremely frustrated by the use of PATDS on screen but at the same time i love the sound of the full version on the soundtrack album.
annnd i'm actually IN PAIN because they had the audacity to leave so many songs out?? especially given their ties to the original trilogy?? 'deep in the meadow' aka rue's song???? 'the valley song' aka the one peeta mentioned seeing katniss sing at school when they were children????  the festive 'crawling to you' ('that thing i love with') likely performed at finnick’s wedding?? idk maybe it's a musical nerd who is speaking in me but i wish they could have included more of the book songs at least on the album, if not in the actual movie (even tho i'm still sure, it would've been possible to present the whole complexity of this book AND its poetic side too, if they decided to split the film in two).
[the score album wasn't much to talk about but 'snow lands on top' piece tho… vivid, striking, remarkable]
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jaeyleo · 9 months
Your decisions allow buried memories to resurface. This is overwhelming for your character, and his mind suffers from the weight of it all.
cws: flashbacks, dehumanization, non human whumper, whumper is also caretaker, electric shock, force feeding, eye trauma, mentions of a seizure, sick whumpee, mentions of hypnosis. lmk if i should add more!
. . .
Screaming, screaming, screaming.
Chase's head feels like it could explode. Too many sounds, too many colors, too many voices and commands and knives and soft touches and- and-
Pseudo hushes him, raking fingers through the puppet's hair. "Pink, dolly, take a deep breath."
But Pink isn't there. Chase falls into the hands of his monster, and finds himself in a new place. Somewhere deep inside his head.
. . .
"Please, p- please!! I can't do it, please!"
"Shhh. It's just a pop quiz, Pink. You'll do just fine."
Chase's arms are chained behind him, with ankles cuffed to both legs of the chair. Hot tears pour down his cheeks, soaking into clothes that are already soaked with blood. He shivers, freezing in the cellar air, terrified of what he sees in front of him.
Just a few feet away, Pseudo holds a stun gun. He sits in a foldable chair, relaxed and comfortable in his position of power here. He owns Pink, and that's a wonderful feeling.
"Tell me your name," he says.
"Pink!" Chase doesn't hesitate in saying it. He may as well be saying please. "It's Pink, Pink, I'm P- Pink!"
"Good," Pseudo praises. "Now tell me your age."
"T- twenty seven..!"
"Mhm. And how about-" Pseudo covers his eyes with his free hand, "the color of my eyes?"
"Very good!"
Pseudo returns to his original position, with both hands placed leisurely on the stun gun.
"Now, last question, dolly. If you get it right, I'll put this away, hm?"
Chase nods, eager and afraid in the same shaking breath.
"What time is it?"
The puppet freezes. There are no clocks and no windows to tell the time in here. He wasn't told when they got down here, and he wouldn't know how much has passed. It all feels like an eternity of pain and blood.
He trembles, searching his mind for answers. What time was breakfast? How long did it take to clean the kitchen? When was lunch? How long did washing the sheets take? It isn't dinner time yet, is it??
"N- nn-" Chase begins to panic. His breath halts in his chest and he has to shake the terror off himself, like a puppy emerging from falling into a swimming pool.
"Can I have a h- hint??"
Pseudo sighhhhhss, lulling his head to the left, the right, the left, up straight again..
"Mmm.... it was about 4:30 when we came down here."
"A- and how long have we been down here??"
Pseudo chuckles at him, his stupid doll. "That's not a hint, dolly, that's just the answer."
A breath escapes the puppet's mouth. "R- right," he says, defeated. "Okay..."
Think, think, think.
He rocks back and forth, clawing at his mind to provide the answer. How long has it been? How long does it feel like? What time is it? What time is it? What time is it?????
"Um, u- um..."
"Come now, Pink. We don't have all evening."
A soft sob bubbles out from his neck. There's no way he's getting this right.
"Is- i- is it... i- is it um.... s- six- no, no, seven, is it seven?"
"Let's see.."
Pseudo pulls his phone out from his pocket, and flips it open.
He stares at the clock, and Chase stares at his monster. Pseudo lets the tension hang in the air, drinking in the sounds of his puppet's pounding heart.
"Is it seven??? I- hh??"
The monster shuts the phone with a click, and places it back inside his pocket.
"Six fifty- three."
He raises the gun, pointing at Chase's shoulder.
"N- no, no!! No!! I was so close, please!! Please Pseudo!! Plea--!"
Chase's words are cut short. He wails, tensing and then falling limp as the pain takes over his entire body.
. . .
"Open up."
Chase's mouth stays glued shut. Each hand curls a fist into his sweatpants, a desperate attempt at keeping them down. Any minute now, he swears, he's going to take that stupid spoon and shove it down Pseudo's throat.
In his reply, Chase only shakes his head.
"Oh, come now, don't be difficult. You haven't eaten since yesterday."
When he speaks, Chase keeps his teeth clamped together. "I'll eat if I can feed myself."
"Nooo, you'll eat if I tell you to. Now open up.."
He presents the spoon to Chase's mouth, gently tapping the food against his bottom lip. The puppet finally accepts, opens his jaw, and spits it in the monster's face.
For a moment, they only look at eachother. Chase knows what he did is bad. He knows he'll be punished, but he doesn't care. He's going to be hurt anyway, right?
Still, this hurt could've been avoided.
Pseudo's hand comes around to slap the toy hard across the face. It's enough to almost send him reeling out of the chair, gripping onto the table and stomping the floor as not to go flying to the ground. Before he can bring his own hands to cup the sting across his cheek, Pseudo grabs the collar of his shirt, and yanks him to the floor.
Chase yelps, losing his breath as Pseudo climbs on top to straddle him. He hunches over the doll like an animal, a feral spark running around inside his pupils. Chase feels so small beneath him, like a worm under a bird's claw, ready to be swallowed whole.
The spoon comes to meet Chase's lower eyelid, still hot from the food that was so rudely spat back out. Pseudo presses the spoon down, ever so slightly, and Chase feels his eye shift in its socket.
"Do you need to learn your table manners again, pet?"
The puppet's hands clamp around his monster's wrist. "Get off!!"
Pseudo does not relent. He presses the spoon down further, causing the puppet to start seeing double, triple, a black spot where his eye contacts the top of the socket.
"You should answer me, you know. I could do some terrible things to you."
He presses further, and Chase digs his nails into Pseudo's skin. He feels as though his eye could pop right out of his head.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!"
"That isn't an answer."
More pressure. More pain. Chase feels air in places he shouldn't.
"Ah! No!!! Nono I don't, I don't, I'm sorry!"
"You don't what, Pink? Show me you understand."
"I--!" Pink digs his nails deeper into his monster's wrist. "I don't-- I don't need to learn table manners, I'm sorry! Nh- please!"
"Good," Pseudo croons, and slowly, slowly, releases the pressure on his puppet's eye. He lets a few moments pass before reaching a hand to caress Pink's face, thumb stroking gentle across the cheekbone that was hit. The doll shrinks away, closing his eyes.
"I want you to prove it, now, Pink. Otherwise..." the spoon draws a line, following the curve of Chase's eye socket. He speaks soft, higher pitched, like talking to a child. A puppy, a worm under his claw. "Do you understand?"
"Y- yes, Pseudo.."
Pseudo moves off, and Chase climbs back in his chair. He holds his eye and stinging cheek in his hand before Pseudo swats it away, reminding him table manners include no hands above the waist.
Pseudo sets himself down, too, and presents the food to Chase's mouth once more.
"Open up."
Chase opens his mouth. Food is placed inside, but he doesn't chew.
The puppet obeys, avoiding his monster's eyes throughout the rest of the meal.
. . .
The house is happy.
Chase cradles his daughter on the couch, running soft hands through waving blond hair. A cartoon drones on in the background, capturing the little girl's attention completely.
She giggles at the characters, and Chase's heart swells with love.
"They're silly," she comments, turning her head to her father. A wide smile takes her face over, with one missing tooth to top it off.
"Yeah, they are silly, aren't they?"
He smiles down at her, and plants a kiss on her forehead. A small hand reaches up to tap the end of his nose.
Chase smiles wider. He is so full of love he can barely stand it.
. . .
Somewhere in Denmark.
Somewhere far away. Somewhere, where old love and safety and sanity aren't a guarantee. Somewhere deep inside his head, Chase is pulled up, up into reality.
He feels like he's trapped underwater, and Pseudo is the one to drag him out. Up, up, up, through swamps and moss and dirt, through water that's thick as clotted blood. His eyes droop, his bones fall limp, Chase cannot breathe with the pressure in his chest. The water tastes of soap, and a sourness that makes his teeth chatter.
He wants to sink again, into memories good and bad. Wants to be anywhere but here. Anywhere, somewhere, somewhere deep inside his head.
Chase groans, a migraine holding him hostage. The lights are too bright, even behind closed eyelids. His blanket is so warm. Is he comfortable? Too tired to tell.
He opens his lazy eyes, seeing his small attic room surround him. He feels sick. Horrible. Tears wet his eyes but he doesn't remember why.
Beside him, Pseudo watches him rest. The puppet startles when he sees his monster, and he tries desperately to sit up. He can only claw the sheets.
Pseudo tilts his head as the puppet shoves himself into the wall. The blanket provides a shield of false protection, and he holds on as if life depends on it.
"You had some scary nightmares, huh?"
Chase only stares.
"Mh. Well, you slept for a while. You even had a seizure."
The puppet's brows furrow. "Really?" he croaks.
"Mhm. Does your head hurt?"
Chase nods. Pseudo reaches out his hand, slow and steady. Even so, the puppet shrinks away, closing his eyes as if expecting to be slapped or clawed or scratched.
But the monster is gentle, brushing away pink hair to feel the doll's forehead. The coolness of his hand is comforting. Chase can't help but relax a little in his touch.
"You still have a fever..." Pseudo runs his hand over the puppet's hair, petting softly. "... Are you hungry?"
"I don't wanna eat."
"It'll make you feel better."
"Will it?"
Pseudo gives a soft smile. He helps the doll sit up, gently hushing him as he whimpers and whines about his head swimming, his muscles hurting, ow, Pseudo, please-
"Shhhhh. It's okay, Pink.."
On the end table, a bowl of warm soup waits to be eaten. The monster takes a spoonful, blows, and presents it to Chase's hesitant mouth.
"Come now... eat. You'll feel better."
The puppet frowns, and accepts. Bite after bite, it feels warm and heavy in his stomach, warm and heavy and delicious. Pseudo was right. He does feel better.
They wash it down with cool water, and Chase breathes a sigh of relief at the taste. He may still feel sick and afraid, but he's not thirsty, not hungry, and not cold, and that's more than enough right now.
Pseudo pushes the empty dishes aside, and returns his hands to playing with Pink's hair. The puppet sinks into the feeling, sleepiness pulling down his weight. He feels comfortable. Sick, but comfortable.
"You've been anxious lately," Pseudo says gently. "You're trying to get back into a headspace that's not good for you."
Chase opens his eyes.
"I hate to see you suffer like that, Pink. It breaks my heart."
"I don't wanna be your toy.."
Pseudo sighs, stroking the doll's cheek with his thumb. Sweet thing.
"I need to run to the store again. I forgot my sugar."
"I- I can't, I don't wanna-"
"No, shhh. You're staying in bed."
Chase relaxes again, falling victim to the gentle touches of his monster.
"Can I trust you to rest?"
The puppet nods. He's too sick to get up anyway. Everything hurts, especially his head.
"Good doll.. I'll be back soon."
He plants one gentle kiss on Chase's forehead, and leaves him to rest alone.
. . .
As the minutes pass, the puppet finds himself unable to sleep. His head hurts, his body aches, oh, God, he feels horrible. He almost wishes Pseudo hypnotized him before he left.
While he lays there, Chase begins to wonder. He heard the door close, but no keys, and no starting car. It's no secret that Pseudo can travel long distances without transport, as part of his magic allows him to do so. Could he have left the car keys?
"No, no, don't think like that," Chase says allowed. He runs his hands over his face, and tries to get comfortable again. But the thought plagues him.
Did he leave the car keys?
Even if he won't escape, he could still check, right? Then at least he knows, and he can get some sleep. Yes, yes, he'll just check and see..
Chase drags himself up, groaning as a dizziness swirls the entire room around. A chill takes over him as well, and he reaches for the smaller blanket on the bed to wrap around his shoulders. God, he feels like shit.
Eventually he makes his way out of his room, leaning against walls and railings as not to go tumbling to the ground. Walking is a chore, and his feet ache with every step. Pins and needles climb up his legs like leeches, and he finds himself in pain with every. Single. Step.
Down the stairs, into the living room.
The car keys hang on the wall by door.
Chase freezes. He can only stare.
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fritextramole · 2 months
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a hidden gem, my own goldmine
part 1 of a Vanessa Abrams playlist - best heard in order
tracklist and quotes under the cut
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised ~ Gil Scott-Heron
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal The revolution will not get rid of the nubs The revolution will not make you look five pounds thinner Because the revolution will not be televised, brother
Chain Gang ~ Sam Cooke
Can't you hear them singing I'm going home one of these days
The Rebel Girl ~ Hazel Dickens
There are blue blood queens and princesses Who have charms made of diamonds and pearl But the only and thoroughbred lady Is the Rebel Girl
The Mesopotamians ~ They Might Be Giants
In Mesopotamia (No one's ever seen us) The kingdom where we secretly reign (And no one's ever heard of our band) The land where we invisibly rule As the Mesopotamians
Myriad Harbour ~ The New Pornographers
(Ah, who cares, you always end up in the city) Stranded at Bleecker and Broadway Looking for something to do
Which Side Are You On? ~ Work O’ The Weavers
Which side are you on, boys? Which side are you on?
Thus Always To Tyrants ~ The Oh Hellos
Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale Do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you Every tomb, every sea, spit the bones from your teeth Let the ransomed be free as the revel meets the day Let the valleys awake, let them rattle and shake
Twenty Five Miles ~ Edwin Starr
Now I'll be so glad to see my baby And hold her in my arms one more time, huh Now when I kiss her lips, I turn a back over flip And I forget about these feet of mine I got to keep on walking, hey
I really hope I don’t throw it away But you couldn’t imagine the way I feel And now I can’t see why You wouldn’t wanna be my baby I got all you need
Comin’ Down ~ Jackie Shane
What's wrong with me? I said it's a simple fact I don't believe you're ever comin' back
Even The Losers ~ Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Well, it was nearly summer we sat on your roof Yeah, we smoked cigarettes and we stared at the moon And I showed you stars you never could see Babe, it couldn't have been that easy to forget about me
Sylvias Mother ~ The Refreshments
Sylvia's mother says Sylvia's packin' She's gonna be leavin' today Sylvia's mother says Sylvia is marrying A fella down Galveston way
Hot & Heavy ~ Lucy Dacus
When I went away it was the only option Couldn't trust myself to proceed with caution The most that I could give to you is nothing at all The best that I could offer was to miss your calls
I Can’t Stand the Rain ~ Ann Peebles
I know you got some sweet memory But like the wind, ah, you ain't got nothing to say
Radio, Radio ~ Elvis Costello & The Attractions
They say you better listen to the voice of reason But they don't give you any choice 'cause they think that it's treason So you had better do as you are told You better listen to the radio I wanna bite the hand that feeds me
Stairway to Heaven ~ Led Zeppelin
There's a lady who's sure All that glitters is gold And she's buying a stairway to heaven When she gets there she knows If the stores are all closed With a word she can get what she came for
Solidarity Forever ~ Pete Seeger, The Song Swappers
We can break their haughty power, gain our freedom when we learn That the union makes us strong
American Idiot ~ Green Day
Welcome to a new kind of tension All across the alien nation Where everything isn't meant to be okay In television dreams of tomorrow
9 to 5 ~ Dolly Parton
There's a better life And you think about it, don't you? It's a rich man's game No matter what they call it And you spend your life Putting money in his wallet
Stop! In The Name Of Love ~ The Supremes
I watch you walk down the street Knowing your other love you'll meet But this time before you run to her Leaving me alone and hurt (Think it over) After I've been good to you
5AM ~ Amber Run
We run into a dark room And we spasm to the sounds Of a copy of Morrissey Or the blues of the Deep South
Val Kilmer ~ Bowling For Soup
So when you walk down that red carpet I hope you trip and fall I hope someone squirts you with a water gun A super soaker filled with pee
There’s A Ghost In My House ~ R. Dean Taylor
I can't hide (Ghost in my house) From the ghost of your love that's inside You're still such a part of me (Ghost in my house) Still so deep in the heart of me (Ghost in my house)
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smt4flynn · 6 months
little dollie, little loss
Note: This has implied/referenced dark topics, but none of it is explicit explored and depicted in the story! I was requested to write Astarion pre-Nautiloid interacting with either a spawn, or trying to get a catch for Cazador. I settled for this brief interaction because, for some reason, it got stuck in my head!
Even though this isn't Explicit, I still would rather minors DNI!
“You really should stop picking fights with Petras.” Astarion stiffens up when he hears a voice that isn’t Godey’s – a surprise, considering Cazador, but that ugly bastard always has such a strange soft spot for Dalyria that he cannot understand. He looks over to see her standing at the doorway, hovering almost uncertainly, before she huffs something out and puffs her hair out of her eyes. Even with them being ageless and their bodies not often showing signs of wear and tear, she looks tired, drained. She has rats in her hands and Astarion bears his teeth in a hiss.
“Really, Dal?” he drawls her name out, watching the way she twitches uncomfortably. She never likes at when he enunciates her name that way; it sounds too close to doll, Astarion is aware, which is what Cazador likes calling her before he whisks her away to hurt her in a way he doesn’t with some of the other spawn. “You’re bringing me rats? Do you think that is a peace offering?” he snaps out and she looks at him warily.
The room he is in isn’t the kennel; it is one of the many rooms unused by Cazador’s ‘guests’, the one where he will sometimes prison the spawn in while deciding what to do with them. This is Astarion’s; there are still documents of cases he worked on and scrolls of the many illicit deals he made with people most unsavoury. Blackmail that Cazador never uses, perhaps because, well, why would he need to? Dalyria looks around in the decrepit bedroom and tries not to linger on places where peeled flesh have long since fused with the ground, where blood dries and stains permanently. The smell does not help much. At the very least it isn’t feculent; it is hard to expend waste when your diet is entirely liquids that don’t go to your kidneys.
Her expression falls considerably. At least, Astarion thinks, it doesn’t have the stench of semen that Petras’ room has; Cazador likes his looks, personally, just like he does with Dalyria. He hears them, sometimes, when Cazador is being especially cruel. If Astarion has anything in his belly then surely he will retch recalling it. He looks at Dalyria’s strained wrists then back down to the rats.
“I convinced him,” she says with a shaky voice, “to not take punishment out on you this time. I found – I kept – I put him in a good mood.” starved and shaky, she makes her way over to Astarion and dumps the rats in front of him. They fall with an almost sloppy sound that makes her heave and him wince away. “Here are the rats he would have given me, alongside your share.” instead of leaving when he picks one of the putrid rats up, she settles down next to him, knees drawn up and gaze blank.
He takes a pointed sniff, the first since she comes in here, and fights back a gag. The stench emanating from her is horrid, especially now that she is so close to him, and her claws dig in deep into her knees. There are bruises that won’t fade, hidden a little under her dress, when Astarion peeks at her.
“Why did you fight with him?” she asks. “You know he...” neither of them continue that sentence; how Cazador looks at Petras is something Astarion pretends he doesn’t notice. It isn’t the same way he looks at Astarion, enraged and oh-so-gleeful at the idea of flaying him, but at least it doesn’t involve bodily fluids exchanged between them. Strangely, Cazador doesn’t find him desirable. Attractive, yes, attractive enough to twist his womanizing ways against him. Not enough to want him. “I was lucky this time, I don’t know if I can do this again.”
The laugh Astarion barks out burns his lips, melts his teeth, and Dalyria gives him a worn glare. “That bastard decided to take his anger out on me,” he spits out, “I only escalated it and finally gave him his due. Really, now, Dal,” and again is the flinch; it makes him hesitate for less than a moment. Only for less than that. “You know he showboats! He thinks himself more favoured than me because I lose my spine and have it crushed up while he gets to have himself ripped open!” she shushes him when he is about to start screaming; the walls have ears, who knows who will hear? And Astarion grits his teeth. “He had it coming. And I was not in a good way that day.”
“Cazador won’t favour you like he does Leon if you keep acting out like that,” she says, almost skittish, “and he won’t be giving me any supplies to help us – you, myself anytime soon, you know that.”
He looks at her. She stares back. “What a failure of a doctor you are.” he says blankly and Dalyria’s eyes flash with anger, only for it to melt away just as quickly. She looks hollowed. He sees himself reflected, though warbled, in the ruby of her eyes; he looks just the same. “Besides, Leon always does his best to brown nose to Cazador as much as he can. No one can match up to him. Not even you.”
The rat in his hand is heavy and disgusting. She seems to have cleaned it up as best she can before coming here, as though to spare him some indignity, and he can’t help the next roll of sharp laughter that escapes him. She doesn’t react; instead, she just watches quietly while he brings the rat up and sinks his teeth into it, drinking hungrily from it.
“I think,” she says, “I think out of everyone, Astarion, you’ll be the one to escape, and you’ll be the one to do better than all of us. But I don’t know when that’ll happen, not when Cazador seems to be getting so... so paranoid, now.”
He snorts. “What a delusional idealist you are, Dalyria.” and she looks down at the rabbits. Her stomach rumbles like his does, a vestigial, mocking memorabilia of mortality. He hoards the rats closer and Dalyria closes her eyes before she stands up.
Something drips down her legs. She is quick to grab something to wipe it off of the floor, off her thighs. He watches her scrub herself raw, like he has many times before. The rat in his mouth tastes like bile.
“I’m sorry, Astarion.” Dalyria says.
“Aren’t we all, Dal?” and she walks away. The wood does not creak beneath her feet. She turns to look at him.
She closes the door.
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dollysdeardiary · 1 month
April 17th, 2024
I have been hesitant to create my first entry here. I would think of what to write, and come up with nothing, or I simply did not feel productive enough to write. I sincerely apologize.
My name is Dolly Astor. I am eighteen years old, which is a good age to be. I enjoy the arts, all of them. Writing, acting, dancing, the like. It's my life's passion since I discovered the craft when I was just fourteen. I know, only four years. But the infectious love of the stage has already sunk its deep claws into my soul, and here I am. College-bound, off to some little town out of state to pursue my passions. I am pursuing a Bachelor's in Fine Arts in Musical Theatre, if you were ever curious. You can't tell, but I am elated by the idea of it all. In fact, I'm off to visit my dream college (the one who so graciously admitted me into their prestigious program) tomorrow afternoon. It's up North, which is just so exciting to me. I've lived in the South all my life, in small towns and big cities. The concept of living in some lovely Northern town makes me smile. Everyone tells me it will be cold and it will snow there, but that sounds more lovely to me than anything. Down here, there isn't much snow at all. Just bitter, miserable cold nipping at your nose and fingertips. Imagine thick blankets of snow! I've only seen them in pictures, I can't wait to see it in person.
Anyway, enough about snow. I also enjoy cooking for my family often. Maybe sometime I can leave one of my recipes here for one of you to use, if you'd like that. I prefer making filet mignon and soups, but I've experimented with other ideas. I also make charcuterie boards for guests we entertain at my parent's house. My mother makes them too, but she says I'm the only one who makes them look so pretty. It makes me happy she enjoys them.
I know this was such a long introduction, but I hope you'll stay with me as I take you all along with me on my journey to future stardom (I hope)! I wish to sing and dance and act on a beautiful Broadway stage someday. I hope you'll all cheer me on as I work hard.
Thank you for reading, my dear friend.
Dolly Astor
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daydreamindollie · 2 years
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CHPT. SUM ; you and taehyung start living in the capital within the palace and start adjusting to palace life with your studies keeping the both of you busy but can your determination to do well be enough or will things prove too hard for you to cope?
G. ; fluff ; very slight angst if you squint ; king!jungkook ; queenintraining!reader ; littlemaster!taehyung ; youngduke!taehyung ; reader is very studious ; taehyung's sacrifice ; reader's guilt ; jungkook being a good king ; jungkook also being a bad king ; ladies in waiting appearance ; hoseok gets promoted to butler ; new future queen in the queens palace ; taehyung isn't a prince ; surprise visits
LENGTH ; 7.7k
A/N ; goodness, it's been such a long time, i'm so sorry my lovely dollies, i never anticipated taking such an extended hiatus on this story - a lot of things happened and it can never be boiled down to one primary reason but what's important is that im back! i intend to finish this series that is and has been such a big reflection on my journey in writing. i hope you darlings, enjoy the read, i'm sorry for the long wait x
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Entering the royal palace was surreal. There was such a flurry of movement surrounding you, it was hard to process everything all at once. At the very least, Taehyung and Jungkook stayed by your side through it all, they were able to ground you through the hurricane of movement. 
“Call the royal tailor and seamstress to take the measurements of my lady and the little master  so that they can be fitted for new garments as soon as possible,” Jungkook ordered the staff as soon as you were settled into a room that could be considered the size of a small house, “also, prepare 2 baths and leave us be until the tailor and seamstress have arrived,”
“As you wish, your highness,” with that all the staff dispersed to set about their designated tasks. 
Finally, finally, you could breathe and hold your little brother close for comfort and a semblance of normalcy. 
“I hope you aren’t too overwhelmed,”  Jungkook sends you a look of sympathy, “I can understand how different this all must feel so please don’t hesitate to inform me whenever the two of you feel uncomfortable,”
“It’s okay, Hyung,” Taehyung speaks up in your lap, still cuddled up against you, “we’ll try our best, won’t we Noona?” he turns to gaze up at you with a smile that you reciprocate. 
“Of course we will,” you lean down to nuzzle your nose against your little brothers before turning your full attention to Jungkook, “anything to be able to stay by your side, Jungkook,”
The smile that spreads across his lips has your heart stuttering in your chest. You hold such a deep love for him but having his handsome face smile so sweetly at you is dangerous, and so is the knowledge that he helped bring the war to an end and has done so many good things for the people of the kingdom since his reign as King. 
How did you ever get so lucky? 
If only you knew how much deeper in love Jungkook was with you. If he needed to start a war again and become known as a terrible tyrant of a king or need to sacrifice all the luxury and privilege he grew up with, he’d do so in a heartbeat if it meant being your love for forever and always. He was willing to do exactly that if his father hadn’t allowed him that week of freedom and accepted you as his future queen.
“How very lucky I am to have you both in my life,” Jungkook kneels down before you, takes your hand and touches his lips to your knuckles in a soft kiss. 
“We’re lucky to have you too, Hyung!” Taehyung cheers and jumps on him with a shout of happiness. 
“Taehyung!” you gasp as they go tumbling down but refrain from scolding either one when they burst into fits of giggles, instead you sigh and lean back with a content smile. Once they’ve collected themselves, Jungkook stands with Taehyung held up with one arm as he pulls you close with his spare hand.
“I deeply apologise for having to delay our wedding, my love,” Jungkook, crestfallen, hums softly as he kisses your temple in apology.
“It’s alright,” you bashfully reassure and move to press a gentle kiss onto his cheek, “I’ve waited 5 years already, I can be patient,”
Jungkook smiles and squeezes both you and Taehyung close, “I couldn’t have said it better myself. All of that time is worth finally having you at arm's reach like this,” he nestles his face into your hair and smiles at your sweet, floral scent, “it won’t be too long now…” 
“I just hope-”
“None of that. I can’t have you doubting yourself when I know for sure that you’ll make an excellent queen, right Tae?” he holds your face as he stares at you lovingly. 
“Yeah! Hyung’s right, Noona!”
“Really?” you timidly ask. 
“Are you doubting the judgement of your King?” he teases as you laugh. 
“And what if I am?~”
Jungkook hums thoughtfully for a moment before a proud grin overtakes his once pensive features, “Only someone worthy of being the future queen would dare challenge their King in this way,” Taehyung laughs at Jungkook’s playful mocking but you could only pout.  
“Stopppp!” you whine but Jungkook laughs and seizes your lips in a loving kiss. 
“Believe in yourself the way you believed in me when I was at my lowest,” you smile as your heart softens from his heartfelt words, “and if you aren’t there yet, I'll support you as best as I can until you reach that point,”
“Thank you, Jungkook,”
Not long after being bathed then measured and fitted for noble attire, you and Taehyung were met with a shocking discovery in the absence of Jungkook and the presence of his newly assigned Butler. 
“This is…where?”
“This is the Queen’s palace, my lady, also known as the Diamond Palace,” the recently assigned butler, Hoseok, informs you. He had been so accommodating with helping to assign you ladies-in-waiting and tutors as well as a nanny, tutors and instructors for Taehyung to see after the week period set aside for you and your little brother to settle into palace life, a week that you were in the middle of currently, “would you like to know more?”
“Yes please, Hoseok,” you nod as Taehyung indulges in the many cakes and cookies laid out on the table before him with the occasional sip of his milk and honey. Nevertheless, he makes it a point to be turned towards the red-headed butler, ears perked and openly listening. Hoseok smiles at this, happy that the little master has such good manners, manners befitting a noble but displaying such better than most do. 
“The Queen’s palace is separate from the main palace where court officials and members of the King’s personal and public council often visit and hold meetings. The main purpose of the Queen’s palace is to train future Queens and therefore holds a mark of every queen that once resided in it. In fact, the previous queen, his highness’ belated mother, designed and helped cultivate the North and south gardens herself,” your mouth drops as the realisation of how importance your current residence dawns on you, “there are two more separate palaces called the Sapphire and Morganite palace also known as the Prince and Princess Palace respectively. They are where the prince and princesses of the kingdom should reside,” at his explanation, you turn to Taehyung, who looks at you with his own questioning gaze. Sensing the query in the air, Hoseok continues, “the Prince and Princess Palace are reserved for yours and his highness’ future children, my lady, as the young master, Taehyung, is politically not a prince but instead a young Duke. This is because he has relations with a member of the royal family through marriage, as soon as you are wed to his majesty, young master Taehyung’s dukedom will be announced soon after. His highness, the King, has been signing the documentations and making the proper preparations for this so please don’t worry, my lady,”
“Oh my…”
“What’s a Duke, Noona?”
“It’s nothing for you to worry about, you’re still too young Tae,” you assure as you bite your lip and give Hoseok a look that he immediately bows to, expressing his cooperation. Taehyung will not be told the full implications of this until he is much older, you want him to continue living as a child for as long as possible. 
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Taehyung loved exploring the palace grounds and, although the palace staff adored him, he’s been keeping them on their toes. You were, at first, worried that a fair majority would antagonise you and your little brother for your humble background, however, they were nothing but friendly and welcoming to you both. Rumours between the palace maids made it clear to you that it’s all because of Jungkook emphasising that you were the reason for his change in demeanour prior to your arrival. 
“I heard that he begged his highness, the previous king, to let him go and do whatever he wanted for a week, and the condition was that he would leave after completing an entire week’s worth of work,” one palace maid gossiped behind a tall, marble pillar. 
“And then?”
“Now, I only heard this from a few people that work closely with the King but apparently, he also created a separate list of important things to do,”
“What else did he need to do? How could he even have the time to do more atop double the amount of work he already had to complete?”
“It was to spread the word that his highness was only able to become who he is today because  of the future queen,”
“The commoner girl he brought back claiming is going to become his queen?”
“Yes yes!”
“Oh my goodness! She must be really special to be able to make him change so much, then!”
“We must treat her well for bettering his highness, I remember when he used to be so irrational and rude, now it’s almost unbelievable that he used to be that way,”
You couldn’t bring yourself to listen any further with your mind racing and unable to process any more of their conversation. Jungkook had assured you that your existence and identity were completely secret and that all of the palace staff were sworn in to secrecy but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t gossip about you within palace walls. At least, you were fairly well accepted by the palace staff. 
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“My lady is so beautiful, I just adore dressing her up,” Rosé, one of your four ladies in waiting, sighs dreamily as she tidies up your dress for the day. It would be your first time wearing a hand tailored dress as you had been wearing made-to-wear dresses up until this point. It was a flowy dress made of light material as per your request, and simply designed for your comfort and carefree movement. Elegant and enchanting, it was the perfect first dress. 
“That is a given, she will soon be the queen afterall,” Jisoo turns up her nose at the statement, as if to express how proud she is to be working for the future monarch.
“Which necklace would you like to wear today, my lady?” Lisa asks, as she sets down an assortment of necklaces upon your vanity. 
“Would you like to accompany them with earrings,” Jennie asks, gesturing to the tray of earrings on her cart, “or a bracelet?” she gestures to the lower half of the cart with an array of beautiful bracelets. 
“Maybe you’d like a headpiece?” jisoo comments stepping up beside you after finishing up with your hair. 
You take a moment to ponder, still flustered over being served in such an extravagant way and with incredibly kind and beautiful ladies in waiting, “Umm…I don’t believe I have the appropriate understanding of jewellery accompaniment yet so…is it alright if you make the decisions for me in the meantime?” you timidly look up at your ladies in waiting from your seat at the vanity, shy from their awed and quickly-turned adoring gazes. 
“Of course, my lady!” Lisa cheers. 
“We’d be more than happy to help you but please, once you feel like choosing what to wear, notify us right away,” Jisoo smiles softly. 
“It would mean more to us than anything in the world to properly honour our lady’s wishes,” Rosé pipes up as Jennie fervently nods in agreement beside her. 
“Thank you,” you smile, “you’ve all done a fantastic job,” 
“It’s all because our lady is already so beautiful,” Jennie compliments as they all bow at your gratitude.  
“Noona! Are you finished dressing up? Can I come in?” Taehyung’s excited voice calls through your door. You had heard his loud foot-falls approaching your bedroom and had quickly anticipated his company. 
“Yes, you may come in, Tae,” you call back, beginning to stand from your vanity, fully dressed as Lisa pulls open the door for Taehyung to step in and gasp at your appearance. 
“Wow! Noona! I always thought you were pretty but now you’re even prettier! You’re the prettiest person in the whole world!” he grins, running up to you with his arms wide open to which you bend down and meet him in an embrace. 
“Thank you Tae, you look very handsome in your new attire too, very dashing,” Taehyung was dressed in black fitted trousers and a white button up with embroidered embellishments at the cuffs and collar. Around his neck and fitted through his collar hung a simple gold chain connected to a black cape with the same golden embellishments as seen on his shirt. And, for once, his hair was a neat mess of bouncy curls rather than a messy nest for birds to lay their eggs in.  
“Thank you Noona!” you giggle when he steps back and strikes a manly pose for you, his face proud and happy. Lisa, Rosé, Jennie and JIsoo look on at your interaction with Taehyung, all smiling in content at serving under such a kind-hearted and loving person.  
“We were so right to take on this job,” Lisa whispers to Jisoo, who nods. 
“Forget being a noble lady,” Jisoo states spitefully.
“It’s too boring,” Rosé agrees.
“At least we can dress up and serve someone nice instead of those other noble snobs,” Jennie grins. All four were noble ladies themselves who volunteered to serve as ladies in waiting, others had volunteered for the job too but only they were chosen. 
Typically a Queen has eight ladies in waiting but you had expressed your need for only half if not one to serve under you, which peaked their interest. From the noble ladies they were always surrounded by at sourires, balls and galas, many bragged about taking advantage of the opportunity for power when given the chance to be queen, so confident in their noble blood. 
As soon as the once despised prince turned his image around and became an admirable king, who needed to marry, many noble ladies and their fathers rushed for the chance to curry favour with noble officials and members of the council to be picked as a queen candidate but were all rejected. None were given an explanation but being selected to be ladies in waiting was a new development when the four originally volunteered to become palace maids as was custom for noble ladies and gentlemen who wanted to gain connections for greater power and business or to escape noble obligations as a main perk of becoming palace maids meant arranged marriages becoming null.
You are a breath of fresh air from most noble ladies out there seeking to become queen. The four can’t wait for your debut into noble society as the new queen. They can’t wait to see all other noble ladies’ jaws drop at the sight of you because, not only were you incredibly beautiful but you were such a warm and kind person, of course you’ll only become even more beautiful in others’ eyes from that. For now they will stay patient and support you in every which way they can as your devoted ladies in waiting.    
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“Postponing the ceremony?” The retired king exclaimed in bewilderment. It was unheard of. He should be used to his son’s unexpected ways after having tripped up his expectations over and over again but this was too much, “You understand what that entails, don’t you?”
“Father there is no need to fret, despite the war still being fresh, Seoul is at its most peaceful right now, everyone is striving to achieve normalcy once again and our newly established borders are being guarded far more stringently than ever before...” silence. Jungkook knows his father is contemplating his decision, all he needs is one more push, “and besides, didn’t you crown me because you were confident in my capabilities as King?”
It took another momentary beat of silence before Jungkook’s father huffed a chuckle and leaned back in his deep chair. His son was right in all aspects, hence his secondary contemplation on ending the monitoring of his son’s royal duties. Jungkook had proven himself worthy enough in the war, resulting in his crowning - he should finally let his son be to do as he so wishes.
“Very well, I trust you...” the father and son smiled in mutual respect and understanding of each other, “now get out of my chambers, this old man doesn’t want the King visiting him any more from now on, unless it’s to visit as his son,” as a wide grin stretched across Jungkook’s face, his father gave him one more word of advice, “now go and inform your future queen of this new establishment. This very much involves her too so she should be well-informed of this substantial decision,”
“Right away, father,” and with a quick look of acknowledgement, Jungkook left his father’s chambers and sought after you. Referring to the time, he’s pretty sure you’ll be alone in the library practising your reading with Taehyung. 
Just as you had told him that morning, he found you in the Royal Library, books piled up around you as Taehyung’s footsteps echo in the background, climbing ladders and exploring long book-filled corridors, his awes of wonder and interest fostering an amiable environment in the usually stiff and sombre room of knowledge that was Royal Palace Library. 
“Jungkook,” you smile at the sight of the man you love so much, looking up to instantly lock eyes with him as he enters through the large oak doors. He was as handsome as ever despite his more casual attire of dress pants, shoes, a silk sash wrapped tightly around his slim waist and a white shirt, long sleeves rolled up to his forearms and with a v-neck so deep it had to be loosely laced up with a thick thread.
“I see that you are hard at work,” he praises, eliciting a flustered expression. Your tutoring had just begun and you were only just catching your bearings with the boat-load of information being pushed onto you.  
“I-It’s still hard for me to read passages out loud without breaking up here and there; I’m better at reading in my head,”
“That’s alright, I believe in you,” Jungkook had finally reached your side and leaned down to press a kiss on your temple. He then pulls away to lean against your work table with his hands bracing himself against the edge of the table, accentuating his veins and muscles. If his kiss didn’t distract you so much, his toned arms would have. 
“Thank you,” you sigh dreamily at the gentle touch of his lips but quickly shake yourself out of your daze, shouldn’t he have a lot of things to do right now? You wouldn’t want to stall him in his work. 
Seeing the panic in your eyes, Jungkook quickly reassures you, “It’s alright, I’m on a break and I also have something very important to tell you,”
“What is it?” Jungkook waits until you’ve bookmarked your place and set your book aside before taking your hand in his leaning forward ever so slightly in order to do so. He allows himself a moment to admire your beautiful hand, tracing his thumb over your supple skin and without a single thought, he brings your knuckles to his lips for a kiss, noting a soft but lingering floral scent - kissing your hand has become such an addictive habit of his, he loves kissing your sweet skin. No matter what, you always smell like the flowers you used to take care of. 
“Were you in the garden earlier?” Despite his soft tone, you avoid his eyes when answering as if being accused of a criminal act. 
“The flowers were just so lovely, I couldn’t help myself,”
Jungkook laughs and kisses you, his hand on your cheek deepening the intimate embrace. He really can’t seem to keep his lips off you whenever you’re together, you’ve found, though you’re not going to complain, “I’m glad you enjoy it there as much as I do,”
“Well...what did you want to tell me?” you ask to distract yourself from getting all the more sheepish.
“It’s about a very important ceremony that I’m choosing to postpone,” this makes you tilt your head in confusion. In your journey to becoming the future queen, you’ve had to read many books on the history and noble culture of the kingdom, which includes the many ceremonies that were held for certain events. You wanted to enquire further but didn’t know if you should or not. Your curious look, however, did all the talking for you, “I’ve decided to postpone the Knight Oath ceremony,”
“Wh-what?” That's definitely a ceremony you’ve read about, especially because it’s one of the most important few.
“You’ve learned about that ceremony already?”
“Yes, o-of course, it’s very important for the safety of the royal family, after all,” you emphasise. 
“You’re so smart,” he praises, ignoring your look of concern. 
“Jungkook, this is serious,”
“I know I know but tell me how much you’ve learned,” he winks at you, leaning back to look down at and crosses his arms as if he were a tutor quizzing you, “let me know how much you’ve learned so far, my beautiful rose~” his sweet voice drawls seductively at the nickname and has your heart racing in seconds. How does he expect you to answer his question when he’s being so flirty?! “Go on...”
First, you clear your throat, look away and take a deep breath…now, you think you can answer him, “To start with, there are two current knight factions even though there used to be more.” For a moment, you glance at Jungkook and gain confidence from his approving nod before continuing more positively, “One serves only the current King and is composed of very specialised knights with a high level of skill. The second faction is greater in number so, although some are very skilled, most are average at best. Their sole purpose is to serve the people of the Kingdom and those higher up, dispatch squadrons for expeditions to the border or to patrol a highly dangerous area. Umm…” you pause for thought, not knowing what to say next. 
“Because their numbers are so large, naturally, there are different rankings, no?” Jungkook continues, making you nod along as you begin to remember what to say next. 
“Yes yes! Umm, there’s Rank C for those that are still learning the ropes and are undergoing training. Rank B is for the knights who have graduated from C and are given more responsibilities as well as trust in caring for the people and maintaining peace throughout the kingdom. Rank A is for the elites, the heads of the squadrons spread out across the kingdom, they manage funds, assignments and reports that need to be looked over by the King on a monthly and yearly basis,”
“And how do knights acquire an A ranking?”
“Don’t they have to go through a test of some sort?” you ponder. 
“Yes, and?”
“After passing the test, they undergo special training that typically lasts half to almost a full year,” you’re back in the flow again and continue without much more prompting, “when they achieve their rank A medal, they gain a lot of authority and respect, this allows them the ability to access certain places within the Palace, such as the inner palace if they so wish. That is, apart from a few restrictive hours, of course. The Kings faction is overlooked by Sir Min Yoongi whereas the Kingdom’s knight faction is managed by Sir Kim Namjoon,”
“That is correct. Both are capable of managing either faction, however, Commander Kim is adamant at serving the people, if not, he would have very easily qualified as the King’s personal aide. Commander Min just took on the faction that was left. He seems to regret it though,” Jungkook chuckles, “he’s always complaining about how the knights aren’t good enough when it’s him that exceeds all qualifications and so do his standards,” you both giggle at the thought, “Doesn’t each faction have a symbol, love?”
“Oh, yes! The King’s faction is symbolised by a Lion whilst the Kingdom’s faction is symbolised by a Wolf.”
“Now...about that ceremony,”
You gain a look of worry, “that’s right, why are you postponing it? And for how long? The ceremony happens when a new King takes the throne and a new faction of specialised Knights are selected by him to swear their oath of loyalty,”
“Very good,”
It was tradition for when a new King takes over the throne, the knights that can qualify as Rank A can choose to partake in another test, where they compete against one another in front of the new King and, from that, the new King chooses his new faction of knights. The faction that has sworn their oath of loyalty to the old King cannot swear a new oath as only one oath can be made in a Knight’s life and that same oath will continue to be served until the end of their days. It may sound miserable but it’s all about a knight’s honour and none are happier than fulfilling their sworn oath. This is why it’s so important that the Knight's Oath ceremony is held or else it leaves the King vulnerable to assassination attempts. That alone, makes your heart stutter to an almost complete stop. 
“Why would you dare put yourself in such danger, Jungkook?” your mind wanders to the recent war and its repercussions on his safety for being the one to win and end it.
“I’ll be fine, it’s you that I’m worried about, my love,” Jungkook lets his worries show through with the furrowing of his brows as he moves to sit beside you once again, “I accept you as my Queen but many nobles who want their daughters to marry me and become royalty will have differing opinions. Instead, I plan on secretly creating a new faction of knights, they are to serve only you,”
You couldn’t believe your ears, “Me?...”
“Yes. The preparations for the ceremony will take some time after I have fully announced my decision so we have some waiting to do. I also play for their symbol be that of an Iris,”
“Why an Iris?”
“It was a flower that my mum associated with my Dad but my father and I both agreed that it always purely encompassed her, the perfect queen. It represents faith, wisdom, hope and valour, just like you. You had faith in me when no one else did, you enriched me with the wisdom and kindness I could never seem to obtain despite my privilege of being born a prince, you gave me hope for a better future and you are far more valourous than I could ever be; taking on this Queen training for when I took you away from where you grew up, I can’t imagine how fearful and anxious you must be but I want to tell you that you are doing amazing, so so amazing, my love,” you don’t know why but you began to tear up. It hadn’t been but a few weeks and, despite all Jungkook’s efforts to make you comfortable, it didn’t take away how hard this all was on you. It was stressful and so overwhelming. At least, you had Jungkook and Taehyung by your side, without them, you would have fallen apart already. 
“Thank you...” you whispered.
Jungkook leans forward enough for your noses to touch and holds your face in both of his hands, it’s so intimate and loving as he whispers only for you to hear, “anything for my Queen...”
And he meant every word. It was all too quick of a transition and demanded too much of a person to speed through queen training without the knowledge of being a noble but Jungkook was at a bind, he may be the King but the uncertainty of his people and worries of his council were a heavy weight he couldn’t ignore nor sweep aside so easily. As a result, there was a lot of pressure on you to do well, quickly and Jungkook always felt guilty for putting you in such a difficult place, however, it made him strive towards doing his job as King better. In a sense you were each others’ motivation to achieve good things, all with the same goal; to be able to stand proudly at each other’s side. 
Jungkook believes only a true and valiant king is worthy of your love. Likewise, you believe that only a grand and illustrious queen is worthy of him.  
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Many times, Jungkook reassured you that you could take your time learning all these new things. Being introduced to the world of nobility and being forced to undergo such a strict and rigorous studying regime that noble ladies usually begin at the age of eight, was a heavy burden. You weren’t going to be convinced otherwise, however, Jungkook was an amazing King so you had to become just as amazing in order to competently stand beside him on the throne. It was a big responsibility that you decided to take on and you were going to follow it through to the very end; if your parents had ever taught you anything it was to follow your heart and finish what you started with everything you’ve got so that you don’t live with any regrets moving forward. 
“My lady, it’s best for you to sleep now so that you may be able to rise with the birds tomorrow,” Jennie speaks up with a look of worry etched across her sweet face, she, along with the rest of your ladies in waiting - Lisa, Jisoo and Rosé - were stood a few steps away from your writing desk as you burn candle after candle reading and revising the passages in your assigned books for the week, each of them worried for your wellbeing but all had pride swell deep within their chests at your studious and determined manner. You hadn’t begun official queen training yet as you had to get accustomed to the basics first, however, you were treating your current studies as if they were the real thing and they couldn’t be any more proud or happy for you. 
“Oh…” you look up to gaze at the clock, “I apologise ladies, you may head on to bed now, you must be very tired,” standing up, you stretch your tired arms and turn to face them. You watch as they exchange looks of apprehension and smile warmly at their fretting, “don’t worry, I promise that I will also head off to bed, thank you for your concern,” at your reassurance, they smile and bow simultaneously before setting out to help you prepare for bed. As soon as you were tucked under the covers, you were out like a light and in a deep slumber, leaving the ladies to quietly tiptoe out of your room by themselves. 
Not long after your chamber doors were shut and your ladies in waiting had made it into their own rooms for the night, Jungkook finally made it to your door. He had more to do today than anticipated and had made it over later than usual. It had become a ritual for him to sleep in your room, at your palace for the night even though it was heavily looked down upon by noble society and his council, nevertheless, he didn’t care; he had five long years to make up for, after all. 
“(Y/N), my love are you still awake?” Jungkook gently knocks and waits but receives no response. Nonetheless, he sneaks in anyway and sighs softly at your slumbering figure, he takes a moment to observe your busy desk of books and papers and pens. You’re working so hard, it’s inspiring and very cute but…he steps up to stand beside you and looks down at the restless expression on your face. Despite being asleep, you were still somewhat wakeful. Something needed to be done and…Jungkook just might know what to do. Thankfully, he anticipated the circumstance and started preparing sooner rather than later. 
Approaching your third month of tutelage means gradually advancing into your official Queen studies, you deserve a break after all that rigorous cramming on the basics. Your tutors predicted 6 months of studies to be sufficient for your general knowledge but you were already proving them wrong with your erudite manner and speed through content across various subjects. You prove to be much more promising than anticipated and they were excited to have such an enthusiastic student to nurture with their knowledge. Each tutor was a master of their craft so they all appreciated your enthusiasm to learn. 
Despite this great news, Jungkook worries for your wellbeing. Progressing so swiftly but thoroughly through content mustn’t be good for your mind.
Taking off his shoes and shirt, Jungkook nestles into the sheets beside you and pulls you close. He tucks your nose into his collar and smiles as he feels you cuddle in closer and sigh contentedly from his warmth. So cute…you’re so very cute and he wants to kiss you so badly but you’re tired and need a good amount of rest before your busy day begins again in the morning. Jungkook settles for kissing your forehead with a feather’s touch before slipping into a dreamless sleep himself. 
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A tender caress; a familiar scent; a sweet warmth and a weighted comfort. It isn’t the golden embellishments, meticulously polished surfaces or the opulent furnishings that made you feel lavish; all the riches in the world could never measure up to the precious feeling it brought you to wake up in the arms of your love. Despite him sleeping over in your chambers regularly, it never took away that loving feeling you feel every time you wake up to him beside you. 
Bathing peacefully beneath the warm touch of golden sunbeams, the king slumbers on before you. He is reduced to a vulnerable, soft cub, coddled by your embrace and layers of cotton sheets. There isn’t a singular line of burden to trace along his brows nor is there evident anxiety tensing up his muscular, naked shoulders. It’s an image you will treasure for the rest of your years. Rather than the oppressing responsibilities weighing on his back and taxing his health, you wish that he forever slumbers in serenity.
And yet… selfish greed swells up from a bottomless pit of ravenous emotions housed deep in your heart. Unsatisfied and aggravated, clawing out for a modicum relief.
‘Wake up,’ the cavernous depths of your mind beg greedily, ‘look at me,’ you crave being ensnared by his beautiful brown eyes. Eyes that hold the comfort of the world to you, eyes that have the ability to strike a thrilling excitement but also affectionate ease deep in your heart.  You almost claw at his bare and chiselled chest from the crippling desperation of your want- your need to drown in his amorous gaze. Gone was your exhaustion from the previous day as it is swamped by your burning desires. 
As if hearing your silent plea, it isn’t long before you’re greeted by the sweet, chocolate pools you adore so much. The instant they connect with your loving stare and register the velvet threading of your dexterous fingers through his unkempt mop of hair, they scrunch up into an adorable smile.
“Good morning,” you whisper with all the love you could muster and kiss his slightly chapped lips. Still sluggish with sleep, his doe eyes disappear once more with an endearing scrunch before he dives to bury his face into your collarbone, pushing you onto your back and eliciting a giggle from your plush lips.
“Mmmm~” he moans roughly into your exposed skin, laying half of himself on top of you, unable to hold himself up out of pure laziness and his want to always be touching, “I love that sound…” he whispers the sentiment into the delicate space between your collarbones before placing a tender kiss onto your sweet skin as if to seal the loving words into your softness.
“What sound?” Does he mean your voice?
“You’re cute giggles,” the statement makes him giggle with you once more, both of your hearts sprouting wings of flight and making your chest feel weightless, “I love waking up to you,” he whispers, somewhat, belligerent.
“Jungkook…” you warn gently but with a hint of humour; you share the feeling but the rule was to not sleep in the same room until you were finally married, all in a pointless effort to prevent rumours amongst the serving royal staff.
“They can’t keep me away,” he continues to pepper kisses up and down the sensitive column of your neck, sometimes daring to dive lower and lower until his lips brush the forbidden line tracing the plush cushiness of your chest, modestly clothed by the trimmings of your flowy nightgown, “never…not from you,” staring down at him with your skin ablaze at the erotic snarl in his words, your eyes widen at the heated gaze he’s already trapping you under, his strong hands on your waist pulling you into his figure and locking you there, eating you up mercilessly with his eyes. If it wasn’t with his stare, it would be with his abundance of kisses, like a hard candy melting onto your tongue, Jungkook wants to melt and consume you with his lips, “I Am The King!” his hold on you begins to shake and his strong figure crumbles, “And yet! They demand I stay away when I can finally have you all to myself and away from all those devious lessons and evil paperwork,” he laments and shudders at the mention of the greatest evil keeping you two apart, endless paperwork and your lessons.
“There there~…” you coo softly, assuring him the way you would your little brother, “you know it’s only a precaution,” he grumbles childishly at your statement, burying his face into your neck once more, as if shielding himself from the reality he doesn’t want to face, “and besides…” he looks up and you both grin cheekily, “no one’s said anything about you sneaking into my bed to sleep so far,”       
“The staff already adore you,” Jungkook muses, “I knew you’d make a brilliant queen,”
“I’m not a queen yet,”
“But you will undoubtedly be a phenomenal one, and you'll be all mine,” Jungkook moves up and tucks your face into his firm chest, one arm circling your shoulder to press you close as his other hand gently holds the back of your head, it’s an intimate cradle that has you sighing in content, “not two months into your general studies and you’ve learned all the basics already, that's such fast progress,” your heart sings at the praise and you have to bite your lip to humble your beaming smile. It doesn’t work half as effectively as when you resort to pressing your face into Jungkook’s chest, however, “you’re so smart, you're so amazing...you're so perfect,”
There’s nothing for you to say; you know Jungkook knows how grateful you are for him and words aren’t enough to express it. Instead, you lean down and initiate a kiss, opaque with love and fathomless with gratitude. To think you were so blessed after having experienced paralysing tragedies so early on in your life.
You are grateful to Jungkook for many things but the most you are grateful for is his unconditional love.
Soon enough, Jungkook had to leave for his royal duties that morning and your ladies in waiting pretended not to see anything. Once he was gone, they entered your room and got you dressed for your morning lessons, leading you to now, where you are revising the material outside under the afternoon sun with Taehyung playing around in the garden. Some staff stood by to assist where they were needed and kept a close eye on your little brother, especially if he got close to the pond. 
“Would you like some more tea, my lady?” Jisoo asks upon seeing your empty cup.
“Yes please,” she nods and refills your cup beside, “thank you, Jisoo,” she bows gently and steps back to stand with the others. You sip the tea for a small break and turn to look at Taehyung crouched down beside a bed of flowers as Hoseok stood beside him. Listening closely, you were able to pick up their conversation.
“You seem more lethargic than usual, young master,” Hoseok pipes up, “whatever is the matter?”
“What does leather-gic mean, Hoseok?” 
“Lethargic means tired, young master,” the red head explains, “now, what’s wrong so that we may fix it?”
“Oh…” Taehyung registers the explanation and sighs at being acknowledged as acting differently. He didn’t want to arouse any suspicion or concern over his well being because that would make you worry and you were already really stressed over your studies, he is undergoing his own studies as well but he can tell that his isn’t as intense as yours; you always have books and papers and notes piled up around you, it’s never ending and very unlike how you only used to be surrounded by flowers at the shop. Maybe that’s why you try to study in the garden as much as possible since the scenery and affluent arrangement of flora is somewhat familiar to you, Taehyung feels the same way, “it’s okay Hoseok-hyung, I’m alright,” Taehyung grins in an attempt to reassure the butler but quickly turns back to take a close look at the flowers before him, hoping that the red-head doesn’t see the falter in his smile. 
In the beginning, getting to explore the palace, running around freely in such a pretty and expansive garden and getting to eat a lot of yummy foods was a lot of fun but all those things didn’t take away the strange, upsetting feeling festering inside Taehyung of having to get used to a new environment, a new routine and new people surrounding him. Everyone was always nice but that was only because they had to serve him; he doesn’t have a singular true friend. 
“Now we both know that’s not true, young master…” Hoseok points out but is only met with silence. Taehyung refuses to say another word or turn to look up at the butler, he knows he’s being rude but being forced to face what he was desperately trying to suppress made familiar faces flash in his mind and an aching feeling overwhelms his chest. He misses them so much. It’s so lonely without them around, even though he has his noona beside him. As his eyes begin to water, Hoseok surprises him with a seemingly innocuous comment, “though, I’m sure you won’t feel so saddened for long, his highness has prepared something very special for you and his lady,” Taehyung finally looks up at the red-head but upon doing so is tackled to the ground. 
“You’re it, Tae!” as quickly as the voice of his very best friend rings in his ears, Jimin is just as quickly bolting away, leaving Taehyung to lean up on his elbows from his fall, “Are you gonna catch me or not?!” 
“Jimin!” Taehyung laughs with a wide grin, his tears of loneliness instantly being blinked away and replaced by tears of immense joy and relief. His best friend was here! 
“Come on already Tae!” Jimin stops running away to address his friend, hands on his hips with his feet wide apart, “You’re already bad at hide and seek, you can’t be bad at tag too!” 
“Oh yeah?! Watch!” Taehyung leaps onto his feet and twice the amount of laughter fills the air of the lush and sparkling garden. 
Staring in awe at the scene, your heart aches in happiness for your brother. So distracted by your studies and lessons, you must have neglected his own mental wellbeing. He must have been so lonely and sad and scared. What a relief it is to have Jimin visit him so suddenly and with such a bright smile too. You don’t know if you should be happy for your little brother or beg on your knees with apologies spilling from your lips because you were being such a horrible older sister. Swamped with emotions, you didn’t register the steady steps approaching you with the turning of wheels accompanying them. 
“I know what you’re thinking with that watery look in your eyes and I’m here to tell you to stop that right now!” a familiar, scolding voice speaks up beside you and you turn to see Jin dressed in a chef uniform, “You’re a great older sister to Taehyung and that’s why he didn’t want you to worry about him, now…” he turns to pick up a tray from the push cart beside him and offers it to you as you continue to stare in shock at his figure, “I’ve baked all your favourites so eat up!” he’s grinning from ear to ear at you and your own eyes water even more. Wordlessly, you take one of your favourite desserts from his offered tray and bite into it as your tears finally spill over to trail down your cheeks. 
“They’re as yummy as always,” you muse in between shy hiccups, trying your best to hold back your tears of joy and relief. Smiling warmly at you, Jin leans down and pulls you into a long, tight embrace. You savour his warmth and familiar scent of bread and sweet treats. Not only did you neglect Taehyung’s loneliness but your own too. How could you become a good queen from this, you almost laugh at yourself as you happily give Jin a squeeze of comfort. He’s really here! You’re so grateful but how…
Catching a glimpse over his broad shoulder, your blurred vision picks up Jungkook’s figure beside a garden statue. Blinking, your vision clears up and you watch Jungkook smiling at the scene before him. This must be his doing…
You give Jin another squeeze and mouth the words ‘thank you’ over his shoulder at Jungkook, who simply bows. 
On his lips, he mouths back, ‘Anything for my Queen’.
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TAGLIST : @krystle1990 ; @jungkookieyoongs ; @laabellaavitaa21 ; @jeonseagurl ; @minifruity ; @whalerus ; @vanilla-smash ; @kimsdope ; @jungshookmeup ; @satisfied18 ; @justraintan ; @prdshobi ; @janjaiii ; @lovinggalaxies ; @aijoukook ; @blxxmpetals ; @babyrosieareroses ; @outrofenty ; @jjeykayy ; @lovelytaes-blog ; @soleil-lei ; @kookcobain ; @headintheclouddd ; @sugaslittlekookies ; @meiouseiiii ; @reallysparklychaos ; @galaxyflab ; @xmagicxshopx ; @sea-nevermind-enthusiast ; @jeonseagurl ; @minifruity ; @aijoukook ; @jeonstudios ; @purplewinterluv
i'm sorry i didn't include the taglist sooner, dolls! i also apologise for those that i couldn't tag
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invisibleraven · 11 months
Fluff dialogue prompt 1, sweet tarts
"Reginald you are just exhausting."
Reggie heard that phrase more times than he could even count throughout his life. From his mom when he wanted to tell her about his day. From teachers when he got hyper fixated on certain facts or books. Friends who didn't care about the interesting bug or flower he found. Partners who didn't care about all the Star Wars trivia he knew.
So Reggie retreated, became quiet, determined to not be exhausting, to keep those few people important to him close. Sure his friends were his band mates and they were happy to discuss music the whole day long. Well, not Luke when it came to country, but Julie liked Dolly and Shania well enough, so that was fine.
He still has fears about his friends getting tired of him though. Finding a bassist who's better, who cracks less jokes, who isn't Reggie.
His therapist tells him that the people in his past didn't deserve him, and that no one in their right mind would ever tire of him, but he kinda pays Dr. Butler to say that kind of stuff, so it's a but of a harder pill to swallow.
So when he starts dating Carrie, that fear rears up once more. Carrie is the daughter of a literal millionaire musician. She's met celebrities and influencers the world over. She has signed copies of albums from artists Reggie would give his eye teeth to own. Her house is a mansion with honest to goodness servants.
Reggie isn't sure what he can offer her compared to all that given he's a decent bassist for an up and coming band with a high school diploma and an okay eye for photos in his back pocket.
But Carrie is kind of into him? Like she laughs at his corny jokes, sits through his terrible sci-fi movies with rapt attention, and is delighted when he shares random trivia with her. Especially when they're just watching Jeopardy and he sweeps the game time after time.
"You should go on there for real," she says one evening as he gets the Daily Double when none of the contestants do. "You could probably win enough to pay for five demos and Luke would love you forever."
"Nah, I couldn't stand the pressure," Reggie replies. "Plus I'd rather watch it here with you. Unless... are you tired of watching it? Or of me answering all the questions?"
"What? No!" Carrie replies adamantly. "Baby I love how smart you are and how you know all this weird, cool stuff. I love that you make me laugh and treat me like a regular person, not like I can do things for you because of who I am. I can be myself around you, which is something so rare and special to me." She cuddles into him then, pressing a tender kiss to the underside of his jaw. "I love how you love me, so sweet and tender and like I'm precious. Believe me, I will never be tired of you.”
Reggie tilts her head up at that, seeing the vulnerability in her eyes and he dives in to kiss her, a deep passionate kiss that makes his head spin, but with the underlying sweetness she had just praised him for.
They break apart eventually, foreheads resting against one another as their noses nuzzled. "I don't think I could ever get tired of you either," Reggie whispered.
"Good," Carrie said. "Because you're never getting rid of me." Then she let out a small yawn. "I am tired though. Take me to bed?"
Reggie grinned and whooped as he gathered her into a bridal carry, bouncing them off to his room, Carrie's laughter echoing through the hallways as he did.
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