i43tv Β· 1 month
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do people still do sourcecalls on Tumblr anymore? lmao dhsjdhs
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i43tv Β· 29 days
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this blog has been up for for less than a week and I'm already sick of seeing syscourse, damn!
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i43tv Β· 29 days
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hi, entities in our phone!! how are we doing today!
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i43tv Β· 1 month
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fun fact about me(&): acting is one of my biggest passions! (to be specific, Rory enjoys acting the most.) I'm an active member of the theater club and I've participated in school plays. whenever we have to do a roleplaying activity in class, i put way too much effort into it!! lmao
as an alter, i really enjoy dressing us up. putting on makeup and working on our skincare. elaborate costumes cost a lot so i can't wear those a lot, but being in stage plays allows me to dress us up extra special. :]
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i43tv Β· 29 days
LATE REPLY BUF WE ARE GOODDD ^_^ !!! head hurts but. managing!
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my headache keeps coming back and leaving and come back and leaving and coming back and leaving and c
that headache should start paying rent if it's gonna stay in my head often!! (please laugh at my joke. /not serious)
but everything's gonna be okay as long as we keep managing. o7 i hope you feel a lil bit better now!
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i43tv Β· 30 days
HI HRU ^_^
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hi hello!! I'm alright! i was sent home from school early so i went to the park and the market. it was fun! i bought food and other stuff. hru? :]
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i43tv Β· 1 month
for the ask game um!!! I already forgot half thw emojis wait. I'll get back to yoy...
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okay i will be waiting!
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i43tv Β· 1 month
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it's so fun when you're listening to an artist that most or all fronters love! I'm listening to doja cat and I'm imagining rapping her songs with glimmer and charm! <3
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i43tv Β· 1 month
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summer break is approaching fast and i dont wanna stay at our parents' house augh,,..
I'll try to convince them to let us stay at our auntys' house for the summer. if they say no, (and, confession, i feel like they'll say no), idk what we're gonna do. :(
if that happens, we'll be fine. we always turn out fine.
but i really hope we could stay at our aunts' house. i miss baking with them.
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i43tv Β· 1 month
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i love interchanging with i/me and we/us but we always fuss over when to specifically use them
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i43tv Β· 1 month
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uhhhmmm. we "fell asleep" (or i guess, blacked out,) this morning at school and woke up after lunch break. it turns out that we weren't actually asleep because we were still taking notes and moving around and walking. the notes were neat and okayish. no one thought we acted strange. i have no idea who the hell did that but thank you anyway.
if we had a dollar for every time this happened we'd be rich enough to afford consistent professional help. I'm not complaining though, i just wish it was less disorienting.
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i43tv Β· 1 month
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hi! I'm Stella, one of the hosts, and I'm gonna be writing some appreciation messages for some of our headmates here :) particularly the ones i have a closer bond with! this is a little sappy but i love these wonderful idiots! /teasing
i will put my messages below the cut.
embrace system positivity! embrace positive interactions between alters/headmates! embrace loving your headmates like family!
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πŸŽ€ β€” shoutout to glimmer, our caretaker who β€œstays hungry, devours, puts in the work, puts in the hours, and takes what's ours. /joke reference.” (her words, not mine.) she's so strong and brave and she did so well today trying to help us cope with a breakdown. <3
πŸͺ΄ β€” shoutout to charm, the silliest gatekeeper. they're a bit more laidback than your usual gatekeeper, but they always work efficiently and always know what to do. sometimes mess-ups happen with fauns workβ€”trying to block memories/thoughts, move memories between alters, and switches, but we know faun tries fauns best everyday.
βœ’οΈ β€” shoutout to Lockley, our perpetually tired (/affectionate) and wise protector. other than being our protector, he helps with our academics and our headmates' personal projects. though she used to distance herself from us before, she's become like a brother to a lot of us. they're reliable and they're not afraid of confrontation.
πŸ’ β€” shoutout to Rory, our hyper, flaming ball of energy acting as our main host. che's so brave for waking up and trying to live everyday, maintaining cher positivity when che's able to, and allowing us to take over when things get too much (though sometimes che's a bit stubborn. /lighthearted). hyr willingness to cooperate and communicate with us has been so helpful for everyone. i adore hyr creative mind and hyr cheerfulness.
there's a few more shoutouts I'd love to give, but this post is getting long and we have to leave the house in a bit! so quick shoutouts instead toooo..... Layla, remiel, Juliette, and Sara! as well as the rest of our headmates. <3
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i43tv Β· 29 days
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ive been using the word caretaker (in the context of system roles) wrong this whole time LMAO ??
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i43tv Β· 1 month
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i43tv Β· 1 month
hey how are you guys ^_^
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hi hii!!! things aren't going spectacularly, but it's going. the weekend felt so long and so short at the same time, and we aren't so willing to go to school tomorrow.
and how are you doing?
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